MXPA98008727A - Regulatory compound of non-nutrient fixing indices in sue - Google Patents

Regulatory compound of non-nutrient fixing indices in sue


Publication number
MXPA98008727A MXPA/A/1998/008727A MX9808727A MXPA98008727A MX PA98008727 A MXPA98008727 A MX PA98008727A MX 9808727 A MX9808727 A MX 9808727A MX PA98008727 A MXPA98008727 A MX PA98008727A
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Villamar Delgado Rafael
Original Assignee
Villamar Delgado Rafael
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Application filed by Villamar Delgado Rafael filed Critical Villamar Delgado Rafael
Publication of MXPA98008727A publication Critical patent/MXPA98008727A/en



The present invention refers to a chemical composition of organic and inorganic elements, designed to prevent the conversion of nutrients from fertilizers to insoluble salts when applied to soils containing elements that trigger these types of reactions. This phenomenon called fixation, is the reciprocal of the solubility, so the object of this invention is to obtain a product that by its composition modifies its chemical behavior, but without detracting from its nutritional value, behavior that not only avoids the reaction with the trigger elements, but permanently maintains its solubility that is responsible for the provision of nutrients in the form and the right place for plants. This product also contributes to the improvement of the soil by increasing its permeability and water storage capacity, by imparting to the latter the quality of the surfactanc


COMPOUND REGULATOR OF THE INDEXES OF FIXING NUTRIENTS IN THE SOILS DESCRIPTION FIELD OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a compound designed to regulate fixation indexes that, for various reasons, negatively affect the chemical nutrients used in soils by becoming insoluble compounds, and more particularly, the present invention refers to maintain the solubility of them in a permanent, in such a way that it allows them, on the one hand, to flow to the deepest of the strata, reaching the location of the deepest roots of the plants, while on the other hand, keeping them always available in an assimilable manner to be absorbed and taken advantage of. directly by them.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The fixation of nutrients is a mechanism created by nature with the purpose of accumulating them in order to ensure the sustainability of the plant life of the planet, whose individuals are adapted to take these nutrients very slowly. of the accumulations formed by reason of their fixation as more or less insoluble compounds. However, the intensive cultivation of modern agriculture demands nutrients that can be assimilated immediately, thus influencing the molecular formation of plant tissues, obtaining as a result greater leaf surface, better flowering indexes, greater quantity and fruit quality and consequently higher yield per hectare cultivated.
It is here that the calculations of farmers and chemists have failed since the invention of fertilizers and their systematic use, since they have clashed with the fixation mechanisms of Nature, which convert their soluble nutrients into insoluble compounds with the mere contact of the soils that were intended to benefit. On the other hand, the location of fertilization also plays a very important role, because the fixation mechanisms only allow a remnant of the nutrients to improve the soils with which they come into contact, as is logical, the area benefited it is only the closest to the surface or the one that is within reach of the plowshare, since they can not go deeper because the fixing mechanisms already mentioned inhibit the solubility of nutrients. It has been known for a long time that phosphorus compounds are fixed in the soil as insoluble phosphates due to the presence of iron, alkalis and alkaline earth metals, as well as the catalytic effect of a low or high pH, which is the cause of the poor use of well-designed formulas for soil treatment alkaline or calcareous, which are inhibited by the effect of the fixation of insoluble phosphates. Phosphorus is one of the main nutrients for the development of agriculture, besides being an ideal and cheap homogenizer for fertilizer mixtures, however, it is the most susceptible to fixation; this has provoked in many scholars the intense search for an economic solution to the problem, which more particularly has been located as a problem of inhibition of solubility. The inhibiting action of the solubility of nutrients by the phenomenon of fixation, clearly prevents the flow of nutrient fluids to the mechanisms of absorption and assimilation of plants, thus delaying their full and immediate use, thus agreeing to uncertain or random results of fertilization.
For this reason, the study of the permanent solubility in fertilizer compounds has been of capital importance for a long time, since the finding of an efficient and economic method, would give more certainty to the Cost / Benefit studies in the use of fertilizers in agriculture, and not only this, but possibly open to cultivation some lands prevented from this activity because they are refractory to the use of nutrients due to their degree of alkalinity or their high content of minerals that activate their fixation making them insoluble. On the other hand, if it is possible to impart greater solubility to phosphates, these would develop one of their capital qualities, which is that of soil improver, since it is well known that due to their molecular form similar to that of water, molecules of the phosphates are stuck between the water molecules changing nature, giving them a surfactant effect which in turn increases the thixotropy to the clays of the soils, that is, it imparts fluid movement when they are in contact with the water irrigation, increasing circulation and water retention in the deep strata, this is very favorable when it comes to the use of nutrients by fruit trees or timber trees. For these reasons and in view of the poor success of the prior art attempts, it is an object of the present invention to provide an effective composition for promoting the permanent solubility of agricultural nutrients. Another object of the present invention is to provide a composition that avoid the fixation of phosphates in soils. Another object of this invention is to provide a composition that helps make other nutrients other than phosphorus more assimilable. Another object of this invention is to provide a compound that improves the permeability indices of the deep strata of soils. Another object of the present invention is also to provide a compound capable of increasing the degree of availability of nutrients.
Still another object of the present invention is to provide a chemical that forms an organic compound with phosphorus, which is assimilable and not detrimental to plant life, and whose behavior is compatible with the foregoing objects of this invention.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a composition for preventing the binding of Phosphorus and other nutrients as insoluble compounds, when applied as fertilizing agents to soils, comprising a sufficient amount of phosphoric acid or its salts or bases derived, diluted in a proportion between 5 and 60% by weight of said chemical products; from 5 to 150,000 ppm of the total weight of the organic chemical composition and from 40 to 95% by weight of the total composition of distilled water. The composition of the present invention provides the advantage of making available to the fertilizer manufacturer and the farmer, a product that modifies the chemical reactions of the phosphorus before the elements of the ground that trigger the fixation, such as iron, aluminum and alkaline earth metals, and their catalysts such as low or high pH, etc. The product thus formed and which in the following we will call soluble Organophosphates, can be used as a source of immediate availability of nutrients due to its high degree of solubility, in addition, it can be used without limitations as a homogenizing base of very different formulas of fertilizers, since by acting differently, organophosphates can be combined with chemical compounds containing iron, aluminum or alkaline earth, as well as acidic or basic compositions. Another major advantage of the compound is to bring nutrients to previously difficult to reach locations such as the roots of large fruit or timber trees, since the product its solubility is capable of permeating the soil layers of greater depth.
In addition, these organophosphates do not lose their molecular affinity with water, which allows their molecules to fit almost perfectly with water, "slide" on them giving them surfactance, a quality that in turn reinforces the solubility. These two qualities together impart thixotropy to the clays component of the soils, that is to say movement of fluid when they are saturated with humidity, improving therefore the permeability of the soils, and a greater retention of the humidity. On the other hand, in addition to solving these two availabilities, "Chemical Availability" and Positional Availability ", this increase in penetration in the use of this organophosphate compound, also ensures a lower possibility of nutrients are dragged by erosion of the surface part of the soil. As can be analyzed, obtaining organophosphates has been feasible due to technological progress, which in turn has reduced the prices of organic products necessary for the composition, making it economically viable, however, the true potential of this compound is found in the possible use of materials cheap organic from industrial waste or waste recovery.
C) DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to a chemical composition for regulating solubility indexes, prepared by combining the phosphorus derivatives with organic compounds compatible with agricultural use, obtaining, as a consequence, products that do not generate insoluble salts in the presence of iron, aluminum or alkaline earth metals, or acidic or alkaline pHs in the fertilized soils. In addition, the organophosphate composition maintains its high solubility, allowing, with the same, the availability of both chemical and positional nutrients, obtaining also a deeper penetration of them, modifying the permeability of the earth, which in turn increases the water retention indexes by the deep strata, avoiding at the same time the loss of nutrients by surface erosion. The amount of water present in the composition varies from 40 to 95% by weight of the total mixture. Another element of the composition is phosphoric acid or its derivatives, which may be salts or bases compatible with agricultural use, diluted in water, in a proportion between 5 and 60% of the weight of the composition, to which are added organic compounds to form organophosphates, such as phosphoric esters, etc., said organic compounds that could be alcohols, amines, glucose, etc., of composition Or compatible with both phosphorus and agriculture, will be present in the composition in a proportion ranging from 5 to 150,000 parts per million, preferably from 1,000 to 10,000 parts per million, and most preferably from 2,000 to 6,000 parts per million. in total weight of the composition. As for the proportions of the components of the composition above indicated, these can vary according to the specific cases of treatment, as well as being added with very different nutrients. You can also vary the organic elements of the composition, such as alcohols, amines, glucose, etc. to form the organophosphate that best suits the particular conditions of the soil. So you can see the components of the composition of this The invention is essentially formed of an aqueous solution of phosphoric acid, salts or phosphorus bases, a soluble organic compound and water. This form of composition ensures the immediate availability of organophosphites in fertilized soils, preserving their solubility despite the presence of soil mineral elements that trigger the fixation, or their various pHs, allowing plants unlimited assimilation.
In short, the principle on which the composition of the present invention is based is that of maintaining the solubility of nutrients whose purpose is that of availability; chemical availability that is to say in an assimilable and compatible way with the needs of the plants and positional or location availability, that is, to get the nutrients to the deepest roots of the trees or plants to be absorbed.
METHOD FOR DEVELOPING THE COMPOSITION The method for making the organophosphate composition regulating the binding and solubility of the nutrients of the present invention comprises the steps of: - emptying from 40 to 95% by weight of water in a homogenization tank; C 10 - add the phosphoric acid or the phosphorus salts or bases as appropriate, in an amount sufficient to dilute between 5 and 60% by weight of said compounds. - mechanically stir the mixture at a speed of 60 revolutions per minute, for 10 or 15 minutes, or until the soluble solid compounds have been diluted perfectly. 15 - adding from 5 to 150,000 ppm by weight of the mixture of the selected organic compound to form the organophosphate more compatible with the final use of the compound, said selection can be made between the following organic compounds: - Alcohols - Amines 20 - Polysaccharides - Organic compounds residuals - Continue the agitation for another 20 minutes or until achieving a complete homogenization of the compound.
The main function of the resulting composition is to preserve the solubility of nutrients derived from phosphorus, avoiding the problem of fixation, despite the presence in fertilized soils of elements that trigger this phenomenon, such as: iron, aluminum and alkaline earthquakes, with the advantageous result that this solution also provides a system of chemical immediate disposal of nutrients, as well as a system of positional or location, that is to say they put the nutrient in the place where the deepest roots can absorb, both systems are derived from the solubility of the organophosphate compound. Another function of this composition, is that by remaining organophosphate soluble and mixed with irrigation water, the molecules of the same by their similarity with water molecules, slip on them and deform without destroying them, imparting them surfactance; Activated water that in turn will impart thixotropy to the clays of the soil, causing its movement and permeability of the deep layers, promoting the conservation of moisture by not being exposed to evaporation. The concentration of the composition of the present invention can be varied or added with other nutrients, to take advantage of its solubility as a vehicle for to get them to the plants that require them.
O FIELD TESTING. The composition of the present invention was applied in five samples of ensalle consistent in columns of 1.20 meters. long x 0 .05mts. in diameter, acrylic transparent, with filter in the lower part of polyurethane foam, containing samples of soils prepared with very high iron, aluminum and alkaline earth contents in different pHs; this application was made in aqueous solution of 1/10, and subsequent rinses every 24 hours of distilled water, obtaining at the end of 10 days, stoichiometrically, almost all of the organophosphate applied, demonstrating that it had retained its solubility.
In addition to this test, serrano pepper seeds were sown from the same fruit in 48 pots containing soil from a homogenized batch, of which 24 were irrigated with water without any addition. The remaining 24 pots were irrigated with water added with organophosphates in a proportion of 100ppm, being watered daily. At 50 days of cultivation, the differences were evident, the leaves of the plants watered with simple water, measured on average 2.7 cmts. long, while those irrigated with nutrients had leaves with an average length of 6.9 cm .; the flowering average was 29 flowers per plant, for those irrigated with simple water, while those irrigated with nutrients had an average of 54 flowers per plant, as for the fruits, these had for plants irrigated with simple water 3.3 cmts. long, and an average weight of 4.2 grams, while those irrigated with the compound averaged 6.2 cm. long and an average weight of 6.6 grams. Regarding the number of fruits, the plants irrigated with simple water had 9 fruits on average, that is to say, 31% of fruits with respect to the number of flowers, while those irrigated with the nutrient had an average of 38 fruits per plant, that is 70.37% of fruits with respect to the number of flowers. On the other hand, other factors of equal importance, such as the size of the plants, the thickness of the stems, etc., were also higher in the plants irrigated with the nutrient. All these parameters examined, make evident the molecular differentiation and the development optimum of the treated plants, something more than what can be expected from the addition of a fertilizer. Even though certain embodiments of the invention have been illustrated and described, it should be emphasized that numerous modifications thereof are possible. The present invention, therefore, should not be considered as restricted except for what is required the prior art and the spirit of the appended claims.

Claims (7)

  1. CLAIMS - 1. A composition to maintain the solubility of the nutrients used in soils, characterized by avoiding the phenomenon of fixation, through the modification of the chemical behavior of the same before elements such as iron, aluminum, alkaline earth and certain pHs. , characterized in that it comprises a sufficient amount of phosphoric acid, its salts or its bases, as required, so that it is diluted between 5 and 60% by weight of the composition, of any of said compounds, from 5 to 150,000 ppm in total weight of the composition of an organic chemical compound
  2. Or 10 compatible with phosphorus and with the composition of the soil that is to be fertilized; and from 40 to 95% by weight of the total composition of distilled or demineralized water. 2. Composition for regulating the fixation indexes of the nutrients used in soils, according to claim 1, further characterized in that said compound is an organophosphate, that is, the product of the mixture of a derivative 15 Phosphorus chemical and an organic chemical compound.
  3. 3. The composition for the regulation of the nutrient binding rates in soils in accordance with claim 1, is further characterized in that the organic chemical is either an alcohol, polysaccharide, amine, etc. convenient to the specific case, being present in an amount of 5 to 150,000 ppm, preferably of 1000 20 to 10,000 ppm and preferably from 2000 to 6000 parts per million by total weight of the composition.
  4. 4. The composition for the regulation of the nutrient binding rates and in particular those of the phosphates, according to claims 2 and 3, do not lose, under any of the combinations with the organic products, their affinity quality Molecular with water, which gives water / organophosphate dilutions a certain degree of surfactance, which increases the thixotropy of the clays of the fertilized soils
  5. 5. - According to claims 2,3 and 4, the solubility and thixotropy observed in the composition, increase the chemical availability of nutrients for plants, as well as their availability of location, which gives the plant an immediacy of access to the soluble nutrients in order to be closer to the roots. This also makes possible the softening of the dry and hard strata making them more permeable, at the same time that they are impregnated with moisture, which is more permanent because it is deeper and not exposed to evaporation.
  6. 6. The composition for regulating the fixation indexes according to claim 1, further characterized in that said composition can be 10 formulated in liquid form of immediate homogenization in the irrigation water.
  7. 7. Method for preparing a composition for regulating the indexes of fixation of nutrients in the soil, the method being characterized by the steps of: - Emptying from 40 to 95% by weight of water in a homogenization tank; - Add the phosphoric acid or the phosphorus salts or bases as the case may be in a Sufficient amount to dilute between 5 and 60% by weight of the chosen compound. - Shake mechanically for 10 to 15 minutes or until the solid compounds have completely dissolved if necessary. - Add from 5 to 150,000 parts per million of the organic compound most compatible with phosphorus and the specific case of application. 20 - Continue stirring for another 20 minutes in order to homogenize the mixture. - The organic components that can be used to produce the compounds object of the present invention can be the following: - alcohols 25-amines - polysaccharides
MXPA/A/1998/008727A 1998-10-19 Regulatory compound of non-nutrient fixing indices in sue MXPA98008727A (en)

Publications (1)

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MXPA98008727A true MXPA98008727A (en) 2000-09-04



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