MXPA98005103A - Lighting system embutido for sala lim - Google Patents

Lighting system embutido for sala lim


Publication number
MXPA98005103A MXPA/A/1998/005103A MX9805103A MXPA98005103A MX PA98005103 A MXPA98005103 A MX PA98005103A MX 9805103 A MX9805103 A MX 9805103A MX PA98005103 A MXPA98005103 A MX PA98005103A
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Starr Jerry
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Envirco Corporation
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Application filed by Envirco Corporation filed Critical Envirco Corporation
Publication of MXPA98005103A publication Critical patent/MXPA98005103A/en



A recessed lighting system for clean room environments comprising a modular roof design, includes a light well housing, filter packs on and adjacent to the light well housing, and an insulating device for sealing the various light housing. Well of light and filter packs, when using said design flows filtered air uniformly downwards, through the whole area of the roof, without creating dead air channels under the wells of the


LIGHTING SYSTEM EMBEDDED FOR CLEAN ROOM This application claims the benefit of the provisional US patent application serial number SO / 009 »163» of Jerry Starr »filed on December 22, 1995.
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to improvements in the flow of air in a clean room by providing a constant downward flow of air through the entire area of a single-room ceiling. More specifically, the present invention relates to an inlay lighting system for a clean room "wherein filtered air is supplied through the entire area of a clean room ceiling. The present invention also provides a unique method for installing and securing the filter banks in place within the roof system. Recent designs in clean room environments have begun to incorporate lighting systems embedded in clean room ceilings. Traditionally, outstanding lighting systems were used in cleanroom designs. However, these outstanding lighting systems created several problems in the operation of the clean room. First. the outstanding systems prevented the easy reconfiguration of the equipment and the layout of the clean room, thus inhibiting the configuration flexibility of the clean room. Second, the protruding systems interfered with the downward flow of filtered air over the entire roof area of the clean room. Consequently, embedded lighting systems were developed to help both the design flexibility of the clean room and the minimization of air turbulence. In general »clean rooms use many aspects to improve the air quality of their environment. Very applicable to the present invention is the constant downward flow of filtered air through the cleanroom to a raised floor assembly. Typically, air is drawn into a large chamber or brakes on top of filter groups in modular fabricated assemblies on the roof of a clean room. Then the air is pushed through the filters that remove the particulate material from the air. Then the air flows down through the clean room and into the trellis and raised floor assembly. The air in the clean room is recirculated in that way approximately every 5 to 10 seconds. Clean rooms are vital components in many manufacturing processes. For example, a cleanroom environment is needed for semiconductor wafer processing techniques "in order to minimize wafer contamination. As the size of the critical dimensions of the semiconductor circuits decreases, it will be necessary that the air purity requirements in cleanroom environments become even more rigid. A source of impurities in today's clean room environments is the dead air channels that occur under lighting fixtures and ceiling grid supports. These areas do not move the air down through the clean room, but rather create turbulence "that can cause impurities to move to other areas of the clean room, where they can impede optimal processing conditions. Most roof systems in clean rooms do not include a way to prevent these dead air channels. Therefore, a system must be developed to reduce or eliminate dead air channels in clean room environments. An alternative currently used places a screen with beveled edges underneath the ceiling filters. The bevelled edges of the screen help to blow filtered air through the space that lies below the light wells. Another alternative currently used includes holes in the sides of the walls that comprise the light well, thus allowing some air to flow through the light well. These two current systems allow some air flow under the light wells. Nevertheless, these alternatives do not provide a dedicated source of filtered air for the light wells, thus allowing continuous laminar "descending" air flow through the entire area of a clean room ceiling. Therefore, it would be convenient to develop a system that would allow filtered air to flow down through the light well itself. Another problem in the prior art concerns the methods used in joining modular members of a roof system. Most systems require adjacent modular members to be placed first within a mutual sealing relationship, for example, by lifting an adjacent member to a position adjacent to its complementary member. Then, most systems require the user to use some type of mechanical adapter, such as a clamp to secure the modules in position. Alternately, some system adhesively connects the filters within plenum assemblies. However, given the potential size of modular units, these methods are annoying. Therefore, it would be convenient to develop a system which, by lifting an adjacent member to its position, will automatically be secured in place without the need for a second step.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The objects of the present invention are directed to the problems described above. More particularly, the apparatus and methods of the present invention have a recessed lighting system that allows the flow of descending, filtered air through the entire area of a clean room ceiling. Therefore, the filtered air will pass through the lighting wells themselves, in a continuous downward flow. The continuous descending air flow will be maintained between the floodlights »thereby creating filtered air flow through the entire roof area of the clean room. The present invention also provides a unique method for connecting modular units of a roof system using a supporting structure to secure the units together. The present invention includes a lighting fixture comprising a housing having a lower opening and an upper opening and comprising a plurality of walls. The lower opening may be configured to receive a plate-like member, located in the lower opening, and in the upper opening may be configured to receive an air filter. A first primary senator member may be positioned along at least one of the plurality of walls adapted to be coupled together with a first sealing member complementary to a proximal wall, to form therewith a seal "and a second primary sealing member may being positioned along at least one of the plurality of walls and above the first sealing member, adapted to mate with a second complementary sealing member associated with the air filter to form a seal therebetween. The present invention also includes a modular lighting fixture for clean rooms comprising a housing having first and second openings comprising a plurality of walls having a first and a second portion. The first opening may be configured to receive a plate-like member "located in the first opening" and the second opening may be configured to receive an air filter. A first primary sealing member can be positioned along the first portion of at least one of the plurality of walls adapted to couple mutually with a first modular member, adjacent to at least one of the plurality of walls »to form therewith a seal, and a second primary senator member may be located along the second portion of at least one of the plurality of walls adapted to couple mutually with a second modular member adjacent to at least one of the plurality of walls "for effect a seal between them. The present invention also includes a modular seal system comprising a housing with walls having a lower opening and an upper opening, the lower opening being configured to support an air permeable membrane; the upper opening is configured to receive a first filter of air »a first sealing member located along each wall of the housing, adapted to mutually couple with a proximal wall to effect between them a seal» and a second sealing member located along each wall and on top of the first sealing member » adapted to mate with the first air filter to form between them a seal »a housing with walls» next »enclosing a second air filter» and is adapted to seal the housing with walls »so that the housings» remain substantially vertical "and a frame adapted to surround the housing with walls and the housing with walls next »and to connect the accommodation sideways» thus creating a modular unit. Accordingly »it is an object of the present invention to provide filtered air flow down» on a light well structure. It is another object of the present invention to provide modular components to a recessed lighting system which is easily installed and easily removed by means of an insulating assembly. Still another object of the present invention is to provide a method of installation and the mination of modular components in a recessed lighting system »using ur. insurance assembly.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 is a bottom view of a »modular» sausage lighting system according to the present invention. Figure 2 is a sectional view of a light well and adjacent fillets according to the present invention.
Figure 3 is a side sectional view of an alternative embodiment of a light well and adjacent filters. Figure 4 is a side sectional view of the perimeter of a modular, embedded lighting system adjacent to a filter. Figure 5 is a side sectional view of the perimeter of a modular inlay lighting system illustrating in detail the end of the light well. Figure 6 is a side sectional view at the junction of two "modular" recessed lighting assemblies according to the present invention. Figure 7 is a side sectional view of a »modular» recessed lighting system used in conjunction with a ceiling grid system. Figure 8 is a side sectional view of a deformed structural panel configuration "used in conjunction with a full construction" including a modular inlay lighting system. Figure 9 is a side sectional view of a "modular" embossed lighting system of the present invention "in conjunction with a complete air supply module.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION Figure 1 is a bottom view of a modular recessed ceiling system »according to the present invention. As shown in Figure 1, the roof module 1 includes a plurality of filter units 34 and light well covers 50 through which uniformly filtered air flows downward into the floor of the clean room. Interspersed between the filter units 34 are a plurality of recessed light wells * which are covered by the well covers 50 of l z. Light well covers 50 for example can be made of perforated polycarbonate material such as perforated lexan, which allows filtered air to pass through them. However, any known substantially transparent perforated material can be used. Above the caps 50 there are light sources 15 which are not shown in Figure 1. Above the light sources 15 are the filter units 22 'not shown in Figure 1' through which filtered air flows uniformly towards down, towards the floor of the clean room. The system is supported by a perimeter frame structure 70 »which is located around the perimeter of the filter and lighting units. Those who are experts in the field will notice that different combinations of filters and light wells can be contemplated. For example »a modular system according to the IO present invention can include light wells at both ends of the module »as shown in figure 1. Alternatively» an end or no end of the module can include a light well. Additionally, adjacent light wells can be placed between them »without an intermediate filter unit. Additionally »several adjacent filter units can be placed» without an intermediate light unit. It is also possible to provide penetrations for sprinkler systems »by providing special size filters and blank panels of special size. These and other combinations are contemplated by the present invention. A preferred embodiment of the embossed lighting system according to the present invention is shown in section in Fig. 2. The embossed lighting system includes a light focus extrusion 10 an upper filter frame 20 a filter extrusion 30 bottom, supporting members 40 and a light well cap 50. All the extrusions and the filter frame, for example, can be made of aluminum. The light well extrusion 10 encloses the light source 15. The light source 15 can be, for example, a T8 fluorescent lamp. The inner filter extrusion 30 is coupled to the light well extrusion 10 by means of the sealing members 14 on each side of the light well extrusion 10. The upper filter frame 20 cooperates with and seals in the light well extrusion 10, by means of the sealing members 23 on each side of the filter frame 20. Both sealing members 14 and sealing members 23 may be »for example» Sharp edge tabs. However, "any known sealing mechanism" such as a clamp can be used. In an exemplary embodiment, the sides of the light focus extrusion O may be slotted with openings. These openings allow filtered air to pass from the upper filter frame 20 through the gap lß that is present between the light well extrusion and the adjacent extrusions. This filtered air passes through the gap 16 and flows in a downward direction through the living room. The upper filter frame 20 burns a filter 22. In a preferred mode, the filter 22, for example, can be a HEPA filter or a ULPA filter. Specifically, the filter can vary in size from approximately 40 to 100 mm, for example, and preferably it can be a 70 mm filter package without separators (string separator). However, the filter frame 20 may include another method for cleaning air »such as an advanced filter medium» for example »a filter constructed of Gote-Tex material. Also the upper filter frame 20 is rigid and is sealed by encapsulating the filter pack 22 within the filter frame 20. The upper filter frame 20 can be constructed, for example, of a pressed aluminum shape. The filter pack 22 can be encapsulated within the perimeter of the filter frame 20, using a polyurethane material and, preferably, a catalyzed polyurethane. Additionally, the light well extrusion includes a sealing member 11 that may be filled with a senator compound. The makeup compound may be, for example, a gel sealant compound, such as a silicone gel. The sealing member 11, for example, can be a gutter "even when any known senator mechanism, such as a clamp, can be used. This gutter 11 allows the upper filter frame 20 to be engaged with the light stop extrusion 10 in the sharp edge flange 23. The coupling of the sharp edge flange 23 and the gutter 11 automatically locates the filter frame 20 »so that it is sealed in place on top of the extrusion 10 of the light well. In a preferred embodiment, the sharp edge flange 23 can be aligned vertically with the base of the 11. A sealing compound is not necessary to seal the light well extrusion 10 to the filter frame 20 and the present invention can use any known sealing mechanism »such as urt packing sealing system» to properly perform the sealing function. To install the filtering frame 20 in its position on top of the light well extrusion 10, it rises above the aperture on the light well extrusion 10. The filter frame 20 is then lowered until the sharpened edge tabs 23 engage within the gutters 11 »thereby locking the upper filter frame 20 in the proper position. In an alternative embodiment that is not shown, the upper part of the filter frame 20 may also include an adapter. This adapter would be used to insert a full on filter 22 »in case a motorized filter module or a terminal filter is desired. Figure 2 also shows the junction of the lower filter extrusion 30 to the light well extrusion. The lower filter extrusion 30 encloses a filter 34. In a preferred embodiment »the filter 34» for example »can be a HEPA filter or a ULPA filter. Specifically »the filter can vary in size from approximately 40 to 100 mm» for example »and preferably it can be a 70 mm filter package» without separators (string separator). However, the filter extrusion 30 may include another method to clean air such as the advanced filter media., for example »a filter constructed of Gore-Tex material. The filter extrusion 30 may preferably, along the upper portion and the lower portion, include a track 36 for a corner reinforcement angle. Corner reinforcement angles 38 are used to form a filter extrusion that is rigid and sealed by encapsulating the filter package 34 within the filter extrusion 30. The filter 34 can be encapsulated within the perimeter of the filter extrusion 30, using a polyurethane material, preferably a catalyzed polyurethane. The corner reinforcement angles 38 are serrated, and are corner angles that adjust for interference. The corners of the filter extrusion 30 are grooved and brought to join the tip of their respective tracks with the corner reinforcement angles 38. The bottom of the filter pack 34, encapsulated within the lower filter extrusion 30 may be covered by a filter guard and a diffuser. For example »The bottom of the filter pack 34 can be a screen that is placed across the entire area of the filter pack. Alternatively, a screen can be integrally connected to the bottom of the filter pack 34. In an alternative mode, the upper part of the filter extrusion 30 can also include an adapter. This adapter would be used to insert a plenum over the embossed lighting system of the present invention, in case a motorized filter module or a terminal filter is desired. Further »the inner filter extrusion 30 includes a fixing seal member 32 which may be filled with a sealing compound, eg, a gel sealing compound» such as silicone. The sealing member 32 can be, for example, a gutter. Those who are experts in the field will notice that this is transposed from the typical system "where the light well extrusion supports a gutter. This gutter 32 allows the lower filter extrusion 30 to be coupled with the light well extrusion »» on the sharp edge flange 14 The engagement of the sharp edge flange 14 and the 32 automatically locates the filter extrusion 30 » so that the light well is sealed in its place adjacent to the extrusion. In a preferred embodiment, the sharp edge flange 14 may be vertically aligned with the base of the gutter 32. However, a sealing compound is not necessary to seal the light well extrusion 10 to the filter extrusion 30 and the present invention can use a packaging sealing system to perform properly the sealing function. The lower filter extrusion 30 is supported by supporting members 40. These supporting members 40 'for example' can be staples 'however, any known supporting mechanism' such as a pin can be used. Staples 40 can be constructed, for example, of spring steel, tempered stainless steel, or beril or. The staples 40 are inserted into an extruded groove in the outer portion of the light well extrusion 10 under the gutter 32 of the filter extrusion 30. The staples hammered into place in the slots of the light well extrusion. In a preferred embodiment, 4 staples will be used to support a filter extrusion 30. The length of the staples may vary taking into consideration the various filter sizes and their respective weights. To install the lower filter extrusion 30 in its adjacent position in the light well extrusion 10, it rises to the opening adjacent the extrusion 10 of the light well. The filter extrusion 30 is then raised until the staples 40 are locked in place below the gutters 30. At that point the sharp edge tabs 14 will engage with the gutters 32 and the lower filter extrusion 30 will be locked in place. proper position. To remove the extrusion 30 from the lower filter from its position adjacent to the light focus extrusion 10, a small tool can be used. First, one side of the filter extrusion 30 can be slightly raised. Then you push up the tool »which can be thin and fork-shaped, on each staple 40, until it is uncoupled from below the gutter 30. When all the staples are uncoupled, the filter extrusion 30 can be easily removed from the light well extrusion 10. The same steps are applied when it is desired to remove or install an inner filter extrusion 30 adjacent to the perimeter frame extrusion 70. After the subunits of the module system 1 have been connected, the light sources 15 can be installed in the light well extrusions 10 as is known to those skilled in the art. After the light sources 15 »have been installed, the covers can be inserted into the light well covers 50 in their» position under the light sources. The light well covers 50 may be made "as discussed above" of perforated lexan. The caps 50 form a pressure that helps to uniform the flow of air beneath the light tube 15 and impart a downward directional flow to the same. An alternative embodiment of a sausage lighting system according to the present invention is shown in section in Figure 3. The inner filter extrusion 30 may be attached to the light well extrusion module 10. by means of flange flanges 14 on each side of the light well extrusion 10. The upper filter extrusion 21 can be attached to the light well extrusion module 10 by means of the sharp edge tabs 12 on each side of the light well extrusion 10. As discussed above »in an exemplary embodiment» the sides of the light well extrusion 10 may be slotted with openings. These openings allow filtered air to pass from the upper filter extrusion 21 through the gap 16 that is present between the light well extrusion 10 and the adjacent extrusions. This filtered air passes through the gap 16 and flows in a downward direction through the clean room. The upper filter extrusion 21 encloses a filter 22. As discussed above, the filter 22, for example, can be a HEPA or ULPA filter. The filter extrusion 21 may preferably include along the upper portion and the lower portion a track 36 for a corner reinforcement angle. Corner reinforcement angles 28 are used to form a filter extrusion that is rigid and sealed when the filter pack 22 is encapsulated within the filter extrusion 21. The corner reinforcement angles 28 are serrated corner angles »that adjust by i terference. The corners of the filter extrusion 21 are hammered and forced to meet the corner reinforcement angles 28. In addition, the upper filter extrusion 21 is rigid and is sealed by encapsulating the filter pack 22 within the filter extrusion 21. The filter 22 may be encapsulated within the perimeter of the extrusion of the filter 21 using a polyurethane material and , preferably, a catalyzed polyurethane. Additionally, the upper filter extrusion 21 includes a gutter 18 that can be filled with a sealing compound. the sealing compound, for example, can be a compound sel! gel, such as silicone gel. Those who are experts in the subject will notice that this configuration deviates from the typical system "where the light well extrusion contains the gutter. This gutter 18 allows the upper filter extrusion 21 to cooperate with the light well extrusion 10 in the sharp edge flange 12. That the coupling of the sharp edge flange 12 and the gutter 18 automatically locates the filter extrusion 21, so that it remains sealed in place on top of the light well extrusion 10. It is preferred that the sharp edge flange 12 be vertically aligned with the base of the gutter 18. However, a sealing compound is not necessary to seal the light well extrusion 10 to the filter extrusion 21, and the present invention can use any known senator mechanism, such as a packing sealing system, to adequately perform the sealing function. The filter extrusion 21 is supported by support members 40. As discussed above, these support members may be »for example, staples made of spring steel, stainless steel, beryllium» or the like. The staples 40 are inserted into a slot provided in the interior portion of the light well extrusion 10, below the gutter 18 of the filter extrusion 21. It is preferred to use 4 staples to support the filter extrusion 21. The staples can be of variable length, taking into consideration the various filter sizes and their respective weights. The staples are hammered into place in the 1uz well extrusion slots 10. To install the filter extrusion 21 in position on top of the light well extrusion 10, it is raised to the opening within the light well extrusion 10. The filter extrusion 21 is then raised until the staples 40 are locked in place under the gutters 18. At that point, the sharpened edge tabs 12 will be coupled with the gutters 18 and the upper filter extrusion 21 will lock in place. your proper position. After the subunits of the module system 1 have been connected, the light sources 15 can be installed within the light well extrusions 10 as is known to those skilled in the art. After the light sources 15 have been installed, the light well covers 50 can be pushed in at their position under the light sources. As discussed above, a small tool can be used to remove the filter extrusion 21 from its position on top of the light well extrusion 10. First, one side of the filter extrusion 21 can be lifted slightly. The tool is then pushed up, in turn, on each staple 40, until it is dislodged from below the gutter 18. When the total staple of the staples has been decoupled, in this way, the filter extrusion 21 can be removed from the stapler. the light well extrusion 10. Figure 4 shows the extrusion 70 of the perimeter frame, which forms the support for the entire perimeter of the module system of the present invention. The perimeter frame extrusion 70 includes a corner reinforcement angle 72 »a sharp edge flange 74 and two screw thread protrusions 76, which are used for module connection. The corner reinforcement angle 72 is assembled in the same manner as the corner reinforcement angle 38 of the inner filter extrusion 30, discussed further back. However, to further strengthen the perimeter of the module unit 1, the corner joints of the frame 70 are welded after they have been forced together. The extrusion of the perimeter frame may be adjacent to a filter extrusion 30, as shown in Figure 4. As discussed above, this filter extrusion 30 is sealed in place by placing the edge flange 74 aft of the filter. extrusion of the perimeter frame in the gutter 32 and locking the gutter 32 in place with the staples 40. As shown in Fig. 4, a skirt extrusion 80 can be attached to the outer side of the perimeter frame extrusion 70. This skirt extrusion 80 forms a lid for the perimeter frame 70. Additionally, the upper portion of the skirt extrusion 80 provides a flange for attaching a plenum to the top of the module. The skirt extrusion 80 includes two flared tracks 82, which are sized to receive the screws 84, which are used to connect the skirt extrusion 80 to the frame extrusion 70. Additionally, the surface 88 of the skirt extrusion SO that is between the flared tracks 82, may be flared to allow a snap-fit cover 86 to be inserted to hide the screws 84. This snap-fit cover 86, so thus, it forms a continuous finish appearance around the perimeter of the modular unit 1. Figure 5 shows an alternative modality, in which the perimeter frame extrusion 70 may be adjacent to the light well extrusion 10. In this mode, a channel 15 is manufactured at the ends of the light well extrusion 10. The channel 15 can be made, for example, of aluminum. This channel 15 is manufactured above the point at which the sharp edge flange 74 of the frame extrusion 70 and the light well extrusion 10 are joined at the end of the light well extrusion 10. The combination of channel 15 »light well extrusion 10 and sharp edge flange 74» thus »forms» a closed track comprising the gutter 75. The gutter 75 n can be filled with a sealing compound »for example» a compound gel senator »such as silicone gel. The lower portion of the upper filter frame 20 engages with this gutter to form a seal between the light well extrusion 10 and the perimeter frame extrusion 70. As also shown in Fig. 5, the connection of the light well extrusion 10 and the frame extrusion 70 is further reinforced by fastening a screw 84 to the light well extrusion 10 through the threaded protrusion 7S. An alternative embodiment is shown in FIG. 6. FIG. 6 shows a modular system in which two module units 1 are joined to each other in their respective skirt extrusions 80. The two modules are joined by means of link post bolts 92 which are coupled via flared tracks 82. To reinforce the joint of the modules, a reinforcing bar 94 can be placed between the skirt extrusions 80, which are to be joined. This reinforcing bar 94, for example, can be made of steel material. The bar 94 can extend the entire length of the module. In addition, Figure 6 shows a lower flange 89 of a plenum that is attached to the flange at the top of the skirt extrusion 80. The lower flange 89 can be made of any suitable material, for example, of aluminum. The lower peripheral flange 89 can be joined by fastening several screws through the lower perimeter flanges 89 'and the skirt extrusion TO. Figure 7 shows the connection of the modular system 1 of the present invention and a roof grid frame 90. The roof grid frame 90 performs the same function as the frame extrusion 70. The ceiling grid frame 90 is used in installations that require complete roof areas with various filter configurations. Currently most of these systems are built using a grid roof system with T bars. A plurality of ceiling grille locker 90s can be joined together using a suspension bracket 98 and an interlocking key extruder 97. The suspension bracket 98 is supported by a bar 99 extending from the ceiling. A captive nut 95 is used to secure the bar 99 to the suspension bracket 98. The roof grid frame 90 connects to a filter extrusion 30 by means of the sharp edge flange 94. The sharp edge flange 94 of the roof grid frame 90 is positioned within the gutter 32 of the filter extrusion 30, as discussed above in more detail with respect to FIG. 2. Staples 40 are used to lock in place the gutter 32 »thereby sealing the module to the roof grid frame 90. As indicated by the dashed lines, the filter extrusion 30 may also include an adapter 37 which is used to engage a lower perimeter flange 89 of a plenum 89. The adapter 37 may be attached to the filter extrusion 30 by means of of several screws, for example, or can be an extruded part of the filter extrusion 30. After the extrusion of the filter 30 and the adjacent adapter 37 are located around the lower perimeter flange 89 of the plenum, it is fixed in place the unit by means of the upper curling flange 37. Figure 8 shows a side sectional view taken along the width or length of the roof module 1., according to the present invention. The deformed panels 100 form the perimeters of the various roof modules, adding strength due to deformation. The purpose of the deformed panels 100 is to ensure the structural integrity of the roof modules 1. these panels 100 evenly distribute the weight of the various extrusions, thereby increasing the structural integrity of the modular system. The deformation pattern of the panels 100 is designed to make the side walls and the top panels of any plenums rigid, so that it is not necessary to use sub-frames. The plenums are an envelope within the deformed panels 100 and form a lattice beam effect, within the panels 100. These panels provide resistance to the sides and upper panels that are necessary to support the weight of the service personnel. Figure 9 shows a cross-sectional view taken along the width of the roof module 1 according to the present invention, as used in conjunction with an integrated air supply system. In turn, the present invention does not need to be combined with an integrated system, and can be connected to a roof rack-frame as shown in Figure 7. With reference again to Figure 9, on top of the roof module 1, there is a deflector 63 and a plug fan 65, included in the plenum module. The roof module 1 is connected in the skirt extrusion 80 to the plenum support 89 of the plenum module. The baffle 63 and the plug fan 65 provide the appropriate volume of air to the filters of the present invention. The air velocity can be selected to obtain the desired air flow, as may be required to meet the general standards. The plug fan 65 creates an air flow in a generally horizontal direction, which the baffle 63 distributes uniformly in a downward manner to the filters of the present invention. More specific information regarding the operation and construction of urt roof module including a baffle and a plug fan, can be found in U.S. Patent No. 4,560,395, which is incorporated herein by this reference. .6 Other modifications and alternative modalities of this invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art, in view of this description. Accordingly, the description should be considered as illustrative only and is intended to teach those skilled in the art how to put the invention into practice. It should be understood that the forms of the invention shown and described herein should be considered as the currently preferred embodiments. Different changes can be made in the form of the size and disposition of the parties. For example, the elements or materials illustrated and described herein can be substituted by other equivalents, and certain aspects of the invention can be used independently of the use of other aspects, as would be evident to one skilled in the art, after obtain the benefit of this description of the invention.

Claims (25)

  1. l.-A lighting fixture, characterized in that it comprises: a housing having a lower opening and an upper opening; the housing comprises a plurality of walls; the lower opening is configured to receive a plate-like member, located in the lower opening; the upper opening is configured to receive an air filter; a first primary sealing member, located along at least one of plurality of walls and above the lower opening, adapted to engage a first complementary upper member of a proximal wall, to effect a seal therebetween, so that the the lower opening and the proximal wall are substantially flush at the lowest point of the housing and the proximal wall; and a second primary sealing member, located along at least one of the plurality of walls and above the first sealing member, adapted to be coupled with a second complementary sealing member, associated with the air filter "to effect a seal therebetween. .
  2. 2. A lighting fixture according to claim 1, further characterized in that the housing comprises clogged aluminum.
  3. 3. A lighting fixture in accordance with re-indication 1, further characterized in that the plate-like member comprises air-permeable polycarbonate.
  4. 4. A lighting accessory according to claim 1, further characterized in that the plate-like member comprises perforated lexan.
  5. 5. A lighting fixture according to claim 1, further characterized in that the first primary seal member comprises a sharp edge flange.
  6. 6. A lighting fixture according to claim 1 »further characterized in that the first complementary senator member comprises a gutter.
  7. 7. A lighting fixture according to claim S »further characterized in that the gutter contains a sealing compound.
  8. 8. A lighting fixture according to claim 7 »further characterized in that the sealing compound comprises a gel.
  9. 9. A lighting fixture according to claim 1 »further characterized in that the second primary sealing member comprises a sharp edge flange.
  10. 10. A lighting fixture according to claim 1. further characterized in that the second complementary sealing member comprises a gutter.
  11. 11. A lighting fixture according to claim 1. further characterized in that the air filter comprises a filter pack.
  12. 12. A lighting fixture according to claim 1 »further characterized in that the air filter comprises a HEPA filter.
  13. 13. A lighting fixture according to claim 1 »further characterized in that the housing is rectangular.
  14. 14. A modular lighting fixture for clean rooms "characterized in that it comprises: a housing having first and second openings, the housing comprising a plurality of walls, each of which has first and second portions; the first opening is configured to receive a plate-like member »located in the first opening» the second opening is configured to receive an air filter »a first primary sealing member located along the first portion of at least one of the plurality of walls »and above the first opening» adapted to be coupled with a first modular member adjacent to at least one of the plurality of walls, to effect a seal between them, so that the first opening and the first modular member are placed in a lower vertical point of said attachment; and a second primary sealing member »located along the second portion of at least one of the plurality of walls, adapted to be coupled to a second modular member, adjacent to at least one of the plurality of walls, to effect a seal between them.
  15. 15. A module luminaire additive according to claim 14, further characterized in that the primary sen- sor members comprise tabs with a sharp edge.
  16. 16. A modular lighting fixture according to claim 14, further characterized in that the first and second primary sealing members are respectively coupled with a first and second complementary sealing member.
  17. 17. A modular lighting fixture according to claim 16, further characterized in that the complementary sen- sor members comprise gutters.
  18. 18. A modular roof system for clean rooms, characterized in that it comprises: a housing with walls having an upper opening and a lower opening; the lower opening is configured to receive a plate-like membrane, located in the lower opening "a lighting fixture located within the wall housing" between the lower opening and the upper opening; the upper opening is configured to receive an air filter; and a primary sealing member located along at least a portion of the housing with walls »and above the lower opening adapted to be coupled» with a complementary sealing member or a modular member »adjacent to the housing with walls» to effect a seal between them »so that said housing with walls and the modular member are horizontally level at the lowest point of the modular roof system.
  19. 19. A modular roof system according to claim 18 »further characterized in that the primary sealing member comprises a sharp edge flange.
  20. 20. A modular roof system according to claim 18 »further characterized in that the complementary sealing member comprises a gutter.
  21. 21.-A modular lighting fixture for inserting it into a clean room ceiling »characterized in that it comprises: a first modular member having a top opening and a bottom opening; the first modular member comprises a plurality of walls »each of the walls has an upper portion and a lower portion; the lower opening is adapted to receive an air permeated membrane »located in the lower opening; the upper opening is adapted to receive an air filter; a first sealing member located along the lower portion of at least one of the plurality of walls and above the lower opening, adapted to be coupled with an adjacent modular filter of a second modular member, in sealing relationship, so that the lower opening and the second modular member are also located at the lowest vertical point of the clean room ceiling; a second sealing member located along at least one of the plurality of walls and above the first sealing member, adapted to be coupled with the air filter with sealing relation "and at least one supporting member extending from at least one of the plurality of walls »adapted to be coupled with the adjacent modular filter in such a position» that the lower part of the first modular member is substantially flush with the lower part of the second modular member.
  22. 22. A modular lighting fixture according to claim 21 »further characterized in that it additionally comprises a track located along at least one of the plurality of walls» and inclined towards the adjacent modular filter.
  23. 23. A modular lighting fixture according to claim 22 »further characterized in that it comprises at least one supporting member located within the track.
  24. 24. A modular chest system "characterized in that it comprises: a housing with walls having a lower opening and an upper opening; the lower opening is configured to support an air permeable membrane »the upper opening is configured to receive a first air filter» a first sealing member located along each wall of the housing and above the lower opening »adapted to be coupled with a housing with walls close to make a seal between them »and a second sealing member located along each of said walls and above the first sealing member» adapted to be coupled with the first air filter to effect a seal between them » the adjacent wall housing encloses a second air filter and is adapted to be sealed to the housing with walls »so that the housings are substantially horizontally level» at the lowest vertical point of the modular roof system; and a frame adapted to enclose the housing with walls and the housing with walls close to it and to couple said housing respectively "thereby creating a modular unit.
  25. 25. A modular roof system according to the indication 24 »further characterized in that the modular roof system comprises a plurality of housing with walls and a plurality of housing with close walls.
MXPA/A/1998/005103A 1995-12-22 1998-06-22 Lighting system embutido for sala lim MXPA98005103A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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US009163 1993-01-26

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MXPA98005103A true MXPA98005103A (en) 1999-07-06



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