MXPA98003023A - A fuel filter that has enhanced communication with a contaminated container - Google Patents

A fuel filter that has enhanced communication with a contaminated container


Publication number
MXPA98003023A MXPA/A/1998/003023A MX9803023A MXPA98003023A MX PA98003023 A MXPA98003023 A MX PA98003023A MX 9803023 A MX9803023 A MX 9803023A MX PA98003023 A MXPA98003023 A MX PA98003023A
Prior art keywords
support plate
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Spanish (es)
G Albers David Jr
Original Assignee
Purolator Products Company
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Application filed by Purolator Products Company filed Critical Purolator Products Company
Publication of MXPA98003023A publication Critical patent/MXPA98003023A/en



The present invention relates to a combustion filter comprising: a body having a combustion inlet and a fuel outlet, a housing connected at its upper end to the body and having a lower end with an opening therethrough; container of contaminants held at the lower end of the housing, a filter element retained inside the housing on the container of contaminants, the filter element has a lower end and a passage inside in communication with the fuel outlet, the filter element has an exterior that is in communication with the fuel inlet, and a support plate including a top surface positioned within a lower end portion of the housing on the container of contaminants, the upper surface of the support plate has a spiral vertical flange, the flange vertical defines a support surface, the lower end of the element filters While resting on the supporting surface of the vertical flange, a spiral fluid passage is formed between the adjacent portions of the flange and the lower end of the filter element providing communication between the housing and the contaminant container.


A FUEL FILTER THAT HAS ENHANCED COMMUNICATION WITH A CONTAMINANT CONTAINER TECHNICAL FIELD This invention relates to a fuel filter having a contaminant container of the type that is commonly employed as a part of the fuel system of an internal combustion engine. "Fuel", as used herein, refers to a liquid fuel such as gasoline or other liquid fuels. When fuel is stored in a container, particularly a metal fuel tank where the temperature of the tank can easily change, it is common for water to accumulate in the fuel as a consequence of condensation. Water is immiscible with most fuels, including gasoline and diesel, and is a serious pollutant. Water can freeze in the fuel line and block the flow of fuel. In addition, the water causes corrosion of the metal parts of the fuel system.
For these reasons, it is desirable to remove water and other non-immiscible fuel contaminants. For this purpose, others have in the past provided fuel filters that have a contaminant collection vessel positioned at the bottom of the fuel filter housing in which water and other non-immiscible contaminants can be collected. As a specific example of a fuel filter of this type, reference may be made to U.S. Patent 4,740,299 entitled "Fuel Assembly Wi th Threaded Col l ec ti on Bowl". This patent describes a fuel filter having a fuel inlet and an outlet and a housing in which a filter element is removably positioned. Under the shelter is a collection bowl. A collector ring is placed inside the housing and the fuel element rests on the collector ring. The collector ring has a tubular portion that extends downwards with external threads that receive in a threaded form the collection bowl. To provide the flow passages from the interior of the filter housing to the collection bowl, the collection ring is provided with radially extending ribs. Therefore, water or other contaminants that flow into the interior of the filter housing and the exterior of the filter element can pass through gravity downward and flow between the vertical ribs of the collector ring within the collection bowl. The filter assembly as disclosed in this patent presents a potential problem in that the turbulence of fuel flow through the filter is essentially communicated between the interior of the filter housing and the collection bowl by the short open passages between the ribs. vertical on the 'collector ring. It is an object of the present invention to provide a fuel filter having improved communication with a contaminant container so that any turbulence of the fuel flow within the filter housing is isolated from the interior of the contaminant container. The references cited in U.S. Patents 4,740,299 provide additional background information as the prior art related to the present invention.
DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION A fuel filter that has improved communication with a recent pollutant has a body with a fuel inlet port and a fuel outlet port. Attached to the body is a housing with a cylindrical peripheral wall. A filter element is placed inside the housing, the filter element serves to separate the housing in a central fuel chamber and a peripheral fuel chamber. The peripheral fuel chamber is positioned between the outside of the filter element and the gasket. The filter element is positioned intermediate the fuel inlet and fuel outlet ports to thereby place the filter element in the fuel flow path. A support plate is placed inside the bottom of the housing. Secured externally to the filter housing and below is a contaminant container. The contaminant container can be transparent so that the collected contaminant can be observed visually.
A spiral projection is formed on the upper surface of the support plate. The support surface of the filter element rests on the spiral projection. A flow channel is provided by the spiral projection. The flow channel communicates the peripheral fuel chamber within the housing with the contaminant container. The fuel that has a contaminant, such as water, in it first enters the peripheral fuel chamber where the water, by gravity, can be separated. The water collected in the lower portion of the filter housing flows through the spiral contaminant channel into the collection container. The spiral contaminant channel serves to substantially isolate the interior of the contaminant container from any turbulence that occurs within the filter housing. That is, there are no short direct passages between the interior of the housing and the container of contaminant. Instead, the spiral projection provided on the support plate in the present invention provides a long spiral passage communicating to the interior of the first housing, with the recent contaminant allowing the flow of the contaminant through it but resisting. the communication of the turbulence between the inside of the filter housing and the contaminant container.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The characteristics of the invention and its technical advantages can be seen from the following description of the preferred embodiments together with the appended claims and schematic drawings, in which: Figure 1 is a "cross-sectional elevation view of a filter fuel having improved communication with a container of contaminant, Figure 2 is an isometric view of the support plate used in the fuel filter of Figure 1, - Figure 3 is a top plan view of the support plate and Figure 4 is a cross-sectional elevation view of the support plate as taken along line 4-4 of Figure 3.
DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED MODALITIES Figure 1 is a cross-sectional illustration of a preferred embodiment of the invention wherein the fuel filter having improved communication with a contaminant container is generally indicated by the number 10. The fuel filter is adapted to mount to a body 12 which it has a fuel inlet 14 and a fuel outlet 16. A centrally threaded passage 18 receives a tubular coupling 20. Threatably attached to the tubular coupling 20 is a filter housing generally indicated 22. The filter housing 22 includes a top plate having a threaded central opening 26 which threadably receives the tubular coupling 20. Thus, the tubular coupling 20 provides means for the attachment of the filter housing 22. The upper plate 24 includes provisions of a circumferential seal 28 which engages the surface bottom 30 of the body 12. The housing 22 includes a tubular wall 32 having an end In the filter housing 22, a filter element 36 having a perforated central tube 38 is received. The filter element 36 has an upper end plate 40 with a tubular opening that receives the seal 42 that sealingly engages the outer surface of the tubular coupling 20. The filter element 36 further has a lower end plate 44 which closes the lower end of the central tube 38. Surrounding the central tube 38 are the filter media having an external surface 46. The annular space between the outer surface 46 of the filter element 36 and the interior of the tubular housing wall 22 provides a peripheral fuel chamber 48. The openings 50 in the upper plate 24 provide communication between the fuel inlet 14 and the peripheral fuel chamber 48 so that fuel entering the fuel filter flows into the interior of the housing 22 to encircle the outer surface 46 of the filter element 36. The fuel is filtered as it migrates through the filter element 36 within the inside the perforated central tube 38. The interior of the perforated central tube provides a central fuel chamber 52. The fuel outlet 16 is in communication with the central fuel chamber 52 through the tubular coupling 20. Partially positioned inside the fuel housing. filter 22, at the lower end thereof, is a support plate generally indicated by the number 54 which is observed in detail in Figures 2, 3 and 4. The support plate 54 has an integral radially extending flange portion 56. which provides an upper surface 58 and a lower surface 60. The support plate 54 further has an integral downwardly extending tubular portion 62 having an outer circumferential surface with ro &64. The lower flange surface of the support plate 60 engages the interior of the folded inward lower end 34 of the housing 22 so that the support plate 54 is thereby secured to the housing 22. Threadedly attached to the portion tubular support plate 62 is a contaminant container 66 (see Figure 1) having an integral radially extending flange portion 68 with an upper flange surface 70. The upper interior of the contaminant container 66 is provided with the internal threads 72. which threadably couple the threads 64 of the tubular portion of support plate 62. A circumferential groove 74 is formed in the upper surface of the contaminant container 70. The groove 74 is adaptable to receive a 0-shaped ring (not shown). ) so that the upper end of the contaminant container 66 is sealed in a sealed manner to the lower end 34 of the filter housing 22. In this way, the interior 76 of the contaminant container 66 is in close communication with the interior of the housing 22 and specifically, in communication with the peripheral fuel chamber 48 within the housing. * Integrally formed on the upper surface 58 of the flange portion of support plate 56 (see Figures 2, 3 and 4) is a vertical spiral projection 78. As shown in Figures 2 and 3, the spiral projection 78 starts on the upper surface 58 adjacent the outer periphery of the support plate flange portion 56 and its spiral shape is to terminate adjacent a tubular opening 80 in the support plate 54. The vertical spiral flange 78 provides a spiral fuel passage 82 communicating the interior of the contaminant container with the peripheral fuel chamber 48 of the housing 22. When the fuel enters the inlet 14 and flows into the peripheral fuel chamber 48 to encircle the fuel element 36 , any water pollutant or other immiscible that is heavier than the fuel, including, dirt, sand, rust, etc., will be deposited by gravity to the extr The bottom end of the housing and flows through the spiral passage 82 into the contaminant container 66. The lower end plate of the fuel filter 44 resting on the vertical projection 78 forms the upper limit of the passage 82. The provision of a passage spiral 82 that communicates the interior of the filter housing with the interior of the container of contaminant 66 has the important advantage that it insulates the interior of the container of contaminant 66 from the turbulence of the fuel tube within the filter housing 22. That is, the long spiral passage 82 provides the contaminant free flow from the housing 22 within the contaminant container 66 although it protects the contaminant container 66 from any turbulence of the fuel within the housing 22 that would otherwise tend to recombine the fuel with the contaminant that has been separated and has passed into the container of contaminant 66. The claims The terms and the specification describe the invention presented, and the terms used in the claims take their meaning from the use of those terms in the specification. The same terms used in the prior art may be in a broader meaning than the specific employee in the present. Whenever there is a question between the broader definition of such terms used in the prior art and the more specific use of the terms herein, the more specific meaning is meant to be understood. While the invention has been described with a certain degree of particularity, it is stated that many changes can be made in the details of construction and arrangement of the components without departing from the spirit and scope of the description. It is understood that the invention is not limited to the embodiments set forth herein for purposes of exemplification, but will be limited only by the scope of the appended claims, including the full scope of equivalence for which each element thereof. is authorized.

Claims (11)

1. A fuel filter comprising: a body having a fuel inlet and a fuel outlet; a housing connected from its upper end to the body and having a bottom with an opening thereof; a filter element retained within the housing, the filter element having a lower end and an inner passage in communication with the fuel outlet of the body, the exterior of the filter element being in communication with the body fuel inlet , a support plate placed inside a lower end portion of the housing on which the lower end of the filter rests, and a container of contaminant supported towards the bottom of the housing, the support plate having at least one passage of spiral fluid that provides communication between the housing and the contaminant container.
2. A filter according to claim 1, characterized in that the support plate has an internal upper surface having a spiral vertical projection, the lower end of the filter element resting on the vertical projection, the space between the adjacent portions of the outgoing that form the spiral passage.
3. A fuel filter according to claim 1, characterized in that the plate of. The support has an integral tubular portion extending downwardly through the lower housing opening and having external threads therein, and wherein the contaminant container is threadably connected to the tubular portion of the support plate.
4. A fuel filter according to the. claim 1, characterized in that the support plate has a radially extending flange portion having an upper surface and an integral tubular portion extending down through the lower housing opening, the spiral fluid passage is provided on the upper surface of the flange portion, the tubular portion having external threads thereon, the contaminant container that is threadably attached to the tubular portion of the support plate.
5. A fuel filter according to claim 4, characterized in that the support plate flange portion has a lower surface and wherein the contaminant container has an upper circumferential edge and wherein the bottom of the housing includes a portion extending radially inwardly surrounding the lower opening, the radially extending portion of the housing is trapped between the lower surface of the flange of the support plate and the upper circumferential edge of the contaminant container.
6. A fuel filter comprising: a housing having a cylindrical peripheral wall and first and second fuel ports defining a fuel flow path; a filter element, positioned within the housing and separating a central fuel chamber from a peripheral fuel chamber, the peripheral fuel chamber which is positioned between the filter element and the packing, the filter element which is placed intermediate to the first and second fuel ports in said fuel flow path, - at least one spiral projection forming at least one spiral contaminant channel in fluid communication with and operable to allow the contaminant to exit from the chamber peripheral fuel; and a container of contaminant connected to the housing and in communication with the spiral contaminant channel.
7. A fuel filter according to claim 6, characterized in that a support plate interposed between the housing and the contaminant container, the spiral projection that is formed as a part of the support plate.
8. A fuel filter according to claim 7, characterized in that the filter element has a lower end that rests on the spiral projection, the space between the adjacent portions of the projection, forming the spiral passage.
9. A fuel filter according to claim 7, characterized in that the support plate has an integrated tubular portion extending downwardly through the lower housing opening and having external threads therein, and wherein the container The contaminant is threadedly attached to the tubular portion of the support plate.
10. A fuel filter according to claim 7, characterized in that the support plate has a radially extending flange portion having an upper surface and an integral tubular portion extending down through the lower housing opening, the spiral fluid passage that is provided in the upper flange portion surface, the tubular portion having external threads thereon, the contaminant container that is threadedly attached to the tubular portion of the support plate.
11. A fuel filter according to claim 10, characterized in that the support plate flange portion has a lower surface and wherein the contaminant container has an upper circumferential edge and wherein the bottom of the housing includes a portion extending radially inwardly surrounding the lower opening, the radially extending portion of the housing being trapped between the lower surface of the support plate flange and the upper circumferential edge of the contaminant container. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION A fuel filter having improved communication with a contaminant container (66) employs a body (12), with a fuel inlet (14) and a fuel outlet (16) having a housing (22), connected in its upper end to the body (12), the housing (22) having a lower opening therethrough. A filter element (36) is retained within the housing (22), the filter element (36) having a lower end (44). An interior passage is provided in the filter element (36) in communication * with the fuel outlet of the body (16), the exterior of the filter element (36) which is in communication with the body fuel inlet (14) . A support plate (54) is positioned within the lower end portion of the housing (22) on which the lower end of the filter (44) rests. A contaminant container (66) is supported towards the bottom of the housing. The support plate (54) has a spiral fluid passage (82) that provides communication between the interior of the housing (22) and the contaminant container (66), the passage (82) allows the liquid contaminant, such as water, flow from inside the housing (22) into the contaminant container (66). The spiral fluid passage (82) serves to substantially isolate the interior (76) of the contaminant container (66) from turbulence within the housing (22).
MXPA/A/1998/003023A 1995-10-18 1998-04-17 A fuel filter that has enhanced communication with a contaminated container MXPA98003023A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US08/544,800 1995-10-18

Publications (1)

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MXPA98003023A true MXPA98003023A (en) 1998-11-12



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