MXPA97004317A - Perfumed solid composition compa - Google Patents

Perfumed solid composition compa


Publication number
MXPA97004317A MXPA/A/1997/004317A MX9704317A MXPA97004317A MX PA97004317 A MXPA97004317 A MX PA97004317A MX 9704317 A MX9704317 A MX 9704317A MX PA97004317 A MXPA97004317 A MX PA97004317A
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MX9704317A (en
Chaparro Yadira
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Firmenich Sa
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Application filed by Firmenich Sa filed Critical Firmenich Sa
Publication of MX9704317A publication Critical patent/MX9704317A/en
Publication of MXPA97004317A publication Critical patent/MXPA97004317A/en



Compact perfumed compositions containing a perfumed base mixed to a powder carrier and a binding agent, as well as their preparation processes are described. It also describes the use of such a composition for the preparation of perfumed articles intended to perfume the ambient air, premises or enclosures enclosed


SOLID PERFUMED COMPACT COMPOSITION DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed towards the permermer. It is more particularly concerned with a compact perfumed composition for the preparation of perfumed articles intended to perfume the environment, premises or enclosures. Fragrances, perfumes and perfumed compositions are typically presented in the form of oils or volatile solutions. Said compositions may present some drawbacks due to the use of liquid. In fact, when the fragrances are released by means of vaporizers or aerosols, for example, a considerable loss of the essential components has been observed at the time of use. dispersion and evaporation, perfumed articles in the form of gels have allowed to reduce the losses due to evaporation -of the essential components but their often unsightly aspects and their fatty textures have contributed to the *. fact that new commercial materials have been considered more attractive as base-perfuming vehicles or perfumes. Also materials as varied as paper, synthetic resins, films REF: 24952 Synthetic, plastic films, plastic or even plaster are considered as suitable supports that can be used for the incorporation of perfume. Powdered supports, such as, for example, magnesium oxide, magnesium carbonate, magnesium silicate, starch powder or even plastic powder, have been considered to be particularly effective perfumed compositions or perfume compositions. Indeed, the use of powder as a permeation support has been suggested in the past, notably in the international application O / 95/15146. This application discloses perfumed compositions comprising a suspension in water of a perfuming base mixed with a powder carrier. According to the inventors of the aforementioned solution, the perfuming base, or perfume, is pre-mixed with the powder carrier, preferably a powder carrier, preferably a carrier containing a magnesium carbonate powder, in the form so as to obtain the said composition in the form of a suspension in water, and thus to produce aqueous perfumed compositions. Thus, a perfumed composition, or perfume, absorbed on a support has been described in the literature within the frame of aqueous perfumed compositions, without mention of possible inte- gressive properties within the fragrance compositions table. compact We have discovered, as described by the present invention, that a powder carrier which constitutes a perfuming base vehicle or particularly effective perfume can be used advantageously for the preparation of a compact solid perfumed composition which can have a high percentage of perfume and A Wide Variety of Colors The present invention discloses a compact fragranced composition containing a powder base support perfuming and a binding agent, also concerns the use of a composition according to the invention for the preparation of articles perfumed where the perfume not only provides a pleasant smell, but also has a persistent and lasting perfume power. We have indeed discovered that a compact perfumed composition according to the invention has particularly effective and long-lasting odoriferous properties. We have found, for example, that the duration of the perfuming power of a compact deodorizer of the ambient air or air freshener constituted by a composition made in accordance with the present invention is twice as long as that of ambient air deodorizers or air fresheners. currently in the consumption market such as gels, diffusive membranes or even perfumed plasters. The essential components Ciales of the perfuming base, or perfume, absorbed by the powder support, compacted after the action of the binder, are released more progressively, and thus allow a prolonged, uniform and tenacious diffusion of the fragrances, by means of these properties. Accordingly, a perfumed composition according to the present invention can find a varied use in domains such as perfuming ambient air, premises or enclosures. Additionally, its simple and efficient processing does not require the start-up of expensive procedures or complex devices. On the other hand, it is convenient to note that a perfumed composition according to the invention can provide the perfumed articles to which it is incorporated, an excellent visual presentation. This has the advantage of being able to be colored and consequently to provide articles to which it is incorporated, a particularly attractive aesthetic appearance. Produced under various forms, a perfumed item that <"Containing a composition according to the present invention may have a functional or decorative aspect. -In fact, you can for example make ornamen tal objects for interior decoration. It is considered that a perfumed composition according to the invention having the particularity to be compact and to be able to contain a high percentage of perfumes can be prepared following a procedure in three stages. Indeed, the method of preparing a perfumed composition defined according to the invention is characterized in that J a) the perfumed base, or perfume is mixed to the powder carrier, b) a binder is added, and optionally a dye, to the mixture obtained in a), c) The mixture thus obtained is compressed to form the desired composition. The term perfuming base is understood to mean any perfuming ingredient or mixture of perfuming ingredients -currently used in perfumery. It is mainly synthetic substances that can be chosen from various chemical classes, which include, for example, esters, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones, acetals, nitriles, terpene hydrocarbons, heterozoic acid or sulfur compounds. . It is also treated with essential oils of natural origin. These substances - both in the isolated state and in solution or suspension in their usual diluents, solvents or ingredients. The choice of these ingredients will depend on the olfactory note sought, as well as taking into account the taste of the creative perfumor. The A person of the average profession, due to his general knowledge, he can select the one or the ingredients that are best suited for an application in perfumery. , According to the preferred embodiment, magnesium carbonate will be used as the powder carrier of the perfuming base. This embodiment is particularly advantageous for a high quantity of perfume, of at least 20% by weight of the perfumed composting composition, of the fact that the magnesium carbonate has the ability to absorb the liquid in a 1: 1 ratio and thereby ensure an effective support. According to the invention, the perfumed composition can contain up to 40% by weight of perf orable base. On the other hand, for small amounts of ba is perfumed, the magnesium carbonate can be replaced by bentonite, zeolites or silica oxide powders such as CAB-0-SIL ^, aerosil ^ ("origin, for example, Degussa AG , Germany), or even mixtures of the two or more of these powders We have in mind that these powders can also ensure that they are suitable perfuming base solids, and in particular for small amounts of liquid. mixture of the perfumed base and the powder carrier, an agglomerating agent is added tea, for example in the form of an aqueous solution. In accordance with the invention, a sodium silicate solution will be used as a binder-agent, and a dye may optionally be added to the solution in this state. According to the invention, the mixture formed by the perfuming base and the powder carrier can contain sodium sulfate. In effect, it ensures that the sulfa; The amount of sodium in a crystallized form absorbs water, which normally contains sodium silicate, and thus is the case of the free water present in the composition. Due to the ability to absorb water, the composition becomes drier and firmer. In addition, sodium sulfate confers to the solvent, when it is present in the composition according to the invention, a partiscular brilliance. The mixture thus formed by the absorbed perfume - on the powder support and the sodium sulphate, is hydrated and agglomerated immediately after the addition of a solution of sodium silicate, solution where a solder will have previously been dissolved. The resultant binder is squeezed to form the scented compasta sown. According to a preferred mode of ejection of the invention, the relative concentration of the perfume present in the composition can be equal to that of the powder sopor-te in order to obtain a homogeneous paste, - mainly when the support consists of magnesium carbonate. Of this fact, the amount of sodium sulfate when present will depend on the amount of perfume and magnesium carbonate present in the scented composition compasta. It is convenient to note, on the other hand, that, for a large amount of magnesium carbonate present "in a composition according to the invention, sodium sulphate can be replaced by sodium carbonate, sodium tripolyphosphate, CAB-0" SIL 5 /, Bentonite, zeolites or any other absorbent In accordance with a typical embodiment of the invention, the perfumed perfumed suspension can be prepared as follows: in a Lo-dige type mixer, the perfumed base is absorbed on magnesium carbonate, then the mixture thus formed is dispersed in sodium sulfate In a separate vessel, the dye and the sodium silicate are diluted in water.This mixture is added, for example, by spray to the previously formed mixture. , keeping the whole moving - inside the Lodige type mixer, compressed later to form the desired composition - it is convenient to note that the procedure of preparation of the according to the invention can be made in different types of mixers such as the Patterson ^ -Kellay Sig-Zag J, the Q'Brien-type agglomerator, the Lodige type mixer, and that the compression is carried out, for example, with the help of a "die Box" compactor. A compact perfumed composition according to the present invention thus its preparation process finds a particularly appropriate application in the domain of environmental deodorants or air fresheners. In this case, ambient deodorizers or air fresheners that are offered to the consumer are presented in different forms and in different materials. However, no compassionate deodorant of the environmental product manufactured according to the invention has been mentioned to date. This state of affairs - is even more surprising because such a deodorant is considered effective and does not need the implementation of expensive procedures. An environmental freshener or deodorant according to the invention will contain a cora position as previously defined, it will be agglomerated and compressed according to the desired shape of the final product. This type of environmental deodorant has an excellent optical presentation of chosen color and shape and its perfuming action is twice as long as those of deodorants sonosides. Ad- ditionally, exposed to the air, it shows its form and its di- sions. Other possible applications for the compositions according to the invention are for example insecticides or sanitizing articles of the ambient air. Consequently t compositions will be maintained as ad > - Juvenians sustansias are insecticidal or healing action. The invention will be described in more detail with the help of the following examples.
Example 1 ' Sompactat perfumed composition A sompacta perfumed composition was prepared by mixing the following ingredients: Ingredients Parts by weight A. Magnesium carbonate 4.0 Perfume 1) 4.0 B. Sodium sulphate 80.0 c. Sodium silicate 7.2 Water 4.8 Colorant 2) q.s.
Total 100, 0 1) Citrón 38.481: origin: Firmenich S .A. , Geneva, Switzerland . 2) viscofilblau Blt5: origin: Sandoz, Basle, Switzerland In a mixer of the type: Lodige, part A is formed after the perfume has been fully absorbed onto the magnesium carbonate. This part A is then dispersed in sodium sulphate. To the mixture thus formed, an aqueous solution of sodium silicate containing a Cparte C dye is added by sprinkling? and the formed agiomer is compressed in accordance with usual ts.
Example 2 Composition scented coit antler A sompasta perfumed composition was prepared - it is the help of the following ingredients: Ingredients Parts by weight A. Magneal carbonate 20.0 Perfume 20.0 B. Sodium sulfate 50.0 C Sodium silisate 8.7 Water 1.3 Colorant q.s.
Total 100.0 1) Terrainator 109.365B »origin: Firmenlch S.A., Geneva, Switzerland. 2} Sanogranviolet BL: origin: Sandoz, Basle, Switzerland.
The composition described above was obtained according to the presentation procedure mentioned in Example 1.
Example 3 Ambient deodorant or a somp * -actor An ambient deodorant or ambientador compasto are prepared with the help of the following ingredients: Ingredients "Parts by weight A, Magnesium Carbonate 10, P O Perfume 4,, or B, Sodium Sulfate 4,, or C, Sodium Silisate 7,, 2 Water 4,, 8 Colorant q, s.
Total 100.0 1) Citrón 38.481: origin Firmenish S.A., Geneva, Switzerland. '2) Vissofilblau Bl-5: origin: Sandoz, Bale, Switzerland. The perfuming power of ambient air deodorant ambledor sompacto is revealed to be more tenacious than that of environmental deodorants currently comerslallza ^ two.
It should be noted that they are relasión to this date, the best method conosido by the applicant to carry out the practice invention, is the slaro result of the present rupture of the invention, Having dessrito the above invention, is claimed somo Property is contained in the following:

Claims (2)

1. - A scented sompasso position, characterized in that it contains a powder base support perfumer and a binding agent, 2.- The scented composition sompacta according to the claim 1, characterized in that the said powder support is constituted by carbonate of magnesium, 3 - The composition perfumed co pasta according to the claim 1, characterized in that the said powder carrier is constituted by bentonite, zeolites or powders of silica oxide, or mixtures of the two or more of these powders. 4 - Sompasta perfumed somposision according to claim 1, sarasterized because the binding agent is sodium silisate. 5. The compact perfumed composition according to claim 2 or 3, characterized in that sodium sulphate is also added. 6, - A process for the preparation of a perfumed sompasta composition, characterized in that: a) the perfuming base, or perfume, is ezsla are the powder support? b) a binder agent, and optionally a solder, is added to the mixture obtained in a); s) the mixture thus obtained is squeezed to form the desired deposition. 7.- The use of a perfumed composition sompasta de asuerdo are the reivindisasión 1 for the pre-paración of perfumed articles destined to the diffusion of perfnsant, sanitizing, and insecticide substances. 8. The perfumed article resulting from the use of agreement is the reivindisasión 7. 9.- A deodorant sompasto of ambient air, or air freshener that are a perfumed soma de-asuerdo are one of the reivindisasiones 1 to 5,
MXPA/A/1997/004317A 1996-06-11 1997-06-11 Perfumed solid composition compa MXPA97004317A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CH146196 1996-06-11
CH19961461/96 1996-06-11

Publications (2)

Publication Number Publication Date
MX9704317A MX9704317A (en) 1998-12-31
MXPA97004317A true MXPA97004317A (en) 1999-02-01



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