MXPA01003801A - Deep conversion combining the demetallization and the conversion of crudes, residues or heavy oils into light liquids with pure or impure oxygenated compounds - Google Patents

Deep conversion combining the demetallization and the conversion of crudes, residues or heavy oils into light liquids with pure or impure oxygenated compounds


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MXPA01003801A MXPA/A/2001/003801A MXPA01003801A MXPA01003801A MX PA01003801 A MXPA01003801 A MX PA01003801A MX PA01003801 A MXPA01003801 A MX PA01003801A MX PA01003801 A MXPA01003801 A MX PA01003801A
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Pierre Jorgensen
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Lanisco Holdings Limited
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Application filed by Lanisco Holdings Limited filed Critical Lanisco Holdings Limited
Publication of MXPA01003801A publication Critical patent/MXPA01003801A/en



A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons that are solid or have a high boiling temperature and may be laden with metals, sulfur or sediments, into liquids (gasolines, gas oil, fuels) with the help of a jet of gas properly superheated between 600 and 800°C. The process comprises preheating a feed (5) in a heater (8) to a temperature below the selected temperature of a reactor (10). This feed is injected by injectors (4) into the empty reactor (10) (i.e., without catalyst.) The feed is treated with a jet of gas or superheated steam from superheater (2) to activate the feed. The activated products in the feed are allowed to stabilize at the selected temperature and at a selected pressure in the reactor and are then run through a series of extractors (13) to separate heavy and light hydrocarbons and to demetallize the feed. Useful products appearing in the form of water/hydrocarbon emulsions are generally demulsified in emulsion breaker (16) to form water laden with different impurities. The light phase containing the final hydrocarbons is heated in heater (98) and is separated into cuts of conventional products, according to the demand for refining by an extractor (18) similar to (13).


DEEP CONVERSION THAT COMBINES THE DEMETALIZATION AND CONVERSION OF RAW PETROLEUM, RESIDUES OR GASOIL IN LIGHT LIQUIDS WITH COMPOUNDS PURE OR IMPURE OXYGENATES BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates generally to the conversion of hydrocarbons and more particularly to the conversion of heavy hydrocarbons loaded with impurities into light hydrocarbons which can be separated into cuts of conventional products. 2. Description of the prior art It is widely known that all refining processes leave heavy residues that are minimally meltable or solid, which find few users and little market. It is also widely known that all oil perforations frequently find deposits containing crude which are characterized by a very high density and a very high viscosity, thus making it difficult to transport such. These crudes are also characterized by a high content of metals such as Nickel and Vanadium, sediments and refining wastes, sulfur, salt, to mention only the main impurities, which constitute contaminants for any type of catalyst. Also, without taking into account what is done, it is impossible to completely avoid the deposits of these components on anything that comes in contact with these crudes. In this way, it is understood that if any catalyst is used, all its surface and all its pores are covered quickly and the catalyst is completely inactivated: thus occupying only space in the reactor, even risking to the obstruction of the same if the grains are accumulate in the catalyst by the cement constituted by the sediments, nickel, vanadium, asphalts, carbon produced, etc. We know processes such as the FCC, which try to adjust the carbon deposits by burning them in a regenerator, but this requires a complex circulation of the catalyst between the reactor and the regenerator. In addition, the circulation of said catalyst creates delicate problems of erosion, through both the actual wear of the material itself, which is sometimes punctured, and the catalyst, which, once used, produces dangerous dusts for any human being. , that no filter is capable of stopping them, no matter how big and advanced it is. After all the constraints found and the commitments to be made, this type of unit can only treat vacuum distillates (VSD), that is, by eliminating the vacuum residue feed (RSV) in which metals are concentrated , sediments, etc. In addition, the regenerator that burns the formed coke imposes a minimum temperature of the order of 700 ° C so that combustion can occur. The catalyst that leaves the regenerator, sent to the reactor at this excessive temperature, leads to an abundant production of gaseous products, as well as to highly heavy, aromatic products that lose a significant amount of hydrogen during the first contact with the catalyst. It was too hot. In addition, it is impossible to change the distribution spectrum of liquid conversion products, which, in addition, is accompanied by a significant amount of gas C1 C2 and LPG C3, C4. The FCC only redistributes the distribution of carbon and hydrogen in the molecules: it shows hydrogen in the high molecular weight molecules (high boiling temperature) to create light molecules, but the C4, C3, C2 and, in particular, C1 (CH4) ) take a large portion of the hydrogen. There is even a discharge of pure hydrogen. As a result, the heavy cuts known as HCO are poor in hydrogen and can not be recycled for a new conversion. Therefore, conservation during the conversion of a good proportion of Hydrogen / Carbon is vital. The purpose of hydrocatalysis is precisely to increase the H / C ratio by adding hydrogen to the feed in an efficient manner. This process that consumes hydrogen requires the use of a hydrogen production unit that uses a lot of energy and matter that contains gaseous hydrocarbon (usually with a CO2 discharge if CnH (2n + 2)) is used as the starting point. In addition, hydrogen becomes more reactive only at pressures greater than 100 bar; this imposes a construction with very high thicknesses. The conjunction of the presence of hydrogen at temperatures of the order of 450 ° C under 150 bars, in order to illustrate the ideas, presents delicate problems of realization and technology, in particular with regard to the nature of special alloy steels which are appropriate for these applications. In addition, the conversion products saturated with hydrogen are highly paraffinic and, therefore, give gasolines with a low octane number. Therefore, it is necessary to use a catalytic reformer that removes hydrogen in order to increase the octane number. It seems paradoxical in these operations to begin by adding hydrogen to the products with great difficulty and then being forced to remove it. Therefore, it is easy to understand why it is important to avoid useless operations in all these operations with respect to hydrogen content. Some research efforts were carried out to try to create an active hydrogen, designated as H., in order to incorporate it into low hydrogen feeds. The creation of said H. requires a large amount of energy that is returned at the time of the final reaction and "explodes" the hydrocarbon molecules in question, possibly releasing the carbon. Consequently, instead of incorporating hydrogen into the feed, unsaturated gases are created (usually 20 to 40% of the feed) by the total rejection of hydrogen. Another research work was carried out regarding the use of superheated hydrogen at 1 100-1200 ° C at 40 bar, with thermofusion times of 60 seconds to hydrolyze oil and diesel waste, such as those of B. SCHÜTZE and H. HOFMAN reported in Erdol und Kohle-Erdgas-Petrochemie vereinigt mit Brennstoff-Chemie 1983, 36 No. 10,457-461. The results obtained always involve high proportions of gas (12 to 27%) and a large amount of coke. From a thermodynamic point of view, these two approaches are inefficient, as confirmed by all the practical results obtained (production of excess gas and coke). It is widely known that the molecules that make up the vacuum residue can be thermally "agitated" with a VISCOSITY ROTTOR (or Visser) in order to "break" the viscosity. These create a small additional production of food that is usually converted with the FCC. We then have a residual visor that is generally referred to as an instantaneous vaporizer residue (RVR), which can only be used as a heavy industrial fuel if light products such as gas oil or LCO (FCC diesel) are added to it in order to achieve a normal viscosity. These examples illustrate the complexity of refining operations with overlapping treatments and retreats. The physical state of matter (liquid, solid or gaseous) must receive a large amount of attention under normal temperature conditions near 20 ° C and pressure close to 1 atmosphere. We also know that the COQUIZERS that treat the waste to release the liquids, although they reject solid carbon, will have the same applications as coal (also with the same difficulties). We also know the improvement attempts carried out with the FLEXICOQUIZADOR, which really consists in gasifying the produced coke. Gasification requires an installation as large as that required by the coke. Saturate the refinery with a fatal fuel gas that must be exported or used for purposes other than those strictly required for refining operations (that is, to produce electrical energy). We also know the attempt to hydroconvert the RsV, known as the HYCON PROCESS, which consumes approximately 2.3% hydrogen. 41% must be passed through the FCC, with all the consequences mentioned in relation to it, in particular with respect to the direct leakage of H2 and the loss of hydrogen contained in gases such as CH4 and C2H6. These two processes are too complex and finally also difficult to implement in an efficient refining scheme. FW and UOP indicated on October 27, 1997 that they implemented a catalytic process called ACUACONVERSION PROCESS in collaboration with UNION CARBIDE, for the catalyst. In practice, general problems that are specific to catalysts remain intact. ELF ANTAR also claimed the preparation of an Aquazole containing 10 and 20% water, stable only from 15 days to a month.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION One or more of the problems outlined above can be solved by the embodiments of the present invention. Referring to Figure 1, one embodiment comprises a process for the conversion into liquids (gasolines, gas oil, fuels) of hydrocarbons that are solid or have a high boiling temperature, charged with metals, sulfur, sediments, with the help of water or oxygenated gas suitably superheated between 600 and 800 ° C. The process comprises preheating a feed 5 in a heater 8 at a temperature below the selected temperature of a reactor 10. This feed is injected by the injectors 4 into the empty reactor (ie, without catalyst). The supply is treated with a gas jet or superheated current from the superheater 2 to activate the supply. The products activated in the feed are allowed to stabilize at the selected temperature and at a selected pressure in the reactor and are then passed through a series of extractors 1 3 to separate heavy and light hydrocarbons and to demetallize the feed. Useful products that appear in the form of water / hydrocarbon emulsions are generally demulsified in the emulsion switch 16 to form water charged with different impurities. The light phase containing the final hydrocarbons is heated in the heater 96 and separated in conventional product cuts, according to the refining demand, by an extractor 18 similar to 13.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Other objects and advantages of the invention will become apparent upon reading the following detailed description and after reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: Figure 1 is an illustration of the outline of the process of a unit of agreement to one modality of our process for steam conversion of hydrocarbon-containing products. Figure 2 is an illustration of an extractor / separator employed in one embodiment. Figure 3 is an illustration of a reactor used in one embodiment. Figure 4 is an illustration of the process diagram of a unit according to our process for steam conversion of hydrocarbon-containing products, in a non-arid country. Figure 5 is an illustration of the same scheme implemented in a desert area scarce in water resources. Figure 6 is an illustration of the same scheme implemented in order to convert excess gases, from a drilling cavity or a refinery, into liquids. Figure 7 is an illustration of an industrial pilot to convert distillates and heavy oils into light distillates, where the pilot works at a total supply speed of 5 kg / h or 2 kg / h of atmospheric waste or 1.5 kg / h of vacuum waste. Figure 8 is an illustration of a process scheme in another mode. Figure 9 is an illustration of a process scheme in another mode. Figure 10 is an illustration of an industrial pilot in another embodiment.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED MODALITIES Different modalities can be characterized by the different characteristics described below, which can be considered separately or together, this list being given for information purposes, without being completely inclusive. (1) Feeds are taken as they appear. At the refinery, our process, which we will refer to as CPJ, can indiscriminately accept crude oil, atmospheric waste (Rat), vacuum residue (RsV) or heavy distillates. (2) The process never uses any vacuum process that requires large distillation columns that must also separate the compressive strength from atmospheric pressure. (3) The introduced feed is treated with gases or vapors that act as energy vectors. * If the process is carried out in a refinery, the steam is preferably water vapor. * If the process is carried out in a desert or arid area, the gases are preferably N2 + CO2 (that is, they are taken directly of the exhalations that come out of the ovens). * Any combination is possible and has been examined. For example: in a refinery that has a hydrogen unit, the rejected CO2 can be used by a Benffield hydrogen decarbonation unit; - a mixture of CO2 gases + H2O (steam) can be used; a mixture of CO2 + xH2 leaving the Benffield hydrogen production unit before decarbonation can be used, a mixture that provides some benefits for the octane number of the gasolines produced; CO2 + xH2 or CO2 + H2 + H2O are appropriate. The most favorable gases or vapors will contain oxygen and / or hydrogen. These compounds can be joined or mixed, such as, for example: X-OH, H2OC, COZ, CO2 + H2, CO + H2O < = > CO2 + H2O, CO + 2H2 < = > -CH2- + H2O or still CO2 + H2 resulting from a Bensfield unit after conversion by displacement and before decarbonation in a hydrogen production unit. Pure N2 is acceptable but not very beneficial. It can only be selected accompanied by CO2, which originates preferentially in the combustion exhalations. The direct introduction of O2 requires special injection precautions. For example, it is possible to inject 2CH4 + O2 = > 2CO + 4H2 + Heat with a pre-injector. (In this case, no pure O2 is required.) Air (O2 + 4N2) is sufficient). It can be considered that this alternative reabsorbs the excess light gases (C1, C2) into primary chemical energy, partially recovering the matter in a special extractor at 200 ° C-220 ° C, 20-30 bar. This shows another aspect of the extreme flexibility of the CPJ process. Sulfur does not hinder the process and may even be beneficial (except with respect to corrosion resistance). (4) The gases are heated, preheated or prepared in conventional ovens. (5) The fresh feed and any recycled component is adequately preheated in a conventional oven or by batteries of classic heat exchangers. (6) The feed is injected into the reactor by means of an injector that creates an intimate contact between the preheated feed and a jet of gases, during expansion, suitably preheated (or superheated in the case of pure steam). This injector also tries to create a jet of matter and free gas that does not come into contact with any wall of material, in order to facilitate the start of the reactions. The energy supply determined by the temperature, the speed of the flow and the speed of expansion in the injector, releases a useful amount of mechanical energy that provides the supply of the energy that is necessary and barely enough to start the reactions without releasing the hydrogen peripheral of the molecules and without creating an energy such that the molecule can break into very small fragments, as can occur in a FCC. (7) The thermodiffusion reactor is an empty container. No catalyst was used. This reactor allows the reactions to be initiated by the injector to achieve equilibrium. The pressure reduces the volume needed and increases the speed of the process to achieve balance. The absence of any matter in the reactor has the advantage of not having any stagnation points for the reactants, leading to a thermoforming time that is too long and, consequently, causes carbon deposits. (8) The products, steam and gas are then expanded to a pressure close to atmospheric pressure, after leaving the pyrolysis reactor. If 2CH4 + O2 or 2CO + 4H2 was introduced for the purpose of recovering a carbon of gaseous origin, the output of the thermodifusion reactor is cooled to 200 ° -220 ° C without breaking the pressure, which makes it possible, as a secondary capacity , establish the equilibrium of the reactions for the addition of CO + H2, giving -CH2-, which is attached to the matter contained in the H2O / hydrocarbon emulsion that is used in this case. CO + H2 can also provide a functional block: -C: Ó. H "H which is added by itself to unsaturated bonds to give aldehydes, the simplest example being: H2C: CH2 + CO-H2 ===> 3HC-CH2-C: OH All these reactions contribute to the creation of liquids and the elimination or blocking of the creation of gas The products are then expanded to atmospheric pressure. (9) In all cases, they are adequately cooled and separated by a series of special devices that provide separation of liquid phases. Weighing of light gas phases at temperatures appropriately selected according to the physical characteristics of the products. (10) Heavy products that do not meet the selected standard are recycled with fresh food. (1 1) Light products that meet the normal selected are removed. In the presence of steam, they appear in the form of very stable water / hydrocarbon emulsions that can easily break. (12) Rupture of heavy molecules occurs in a controlled manner in all these processes. Approximately, it is possible to say that the weight of the molecules is divided by 2 after each step in the injector, with a conversion speed of (1 -1 / e = 0.63). Therefore, this process hardly changes the H / C ratio of the products. (13) The control of the rupture of the molecules makes it possible to avoid the production of gases by never implementing the energy required for their formation and by selecting the conditions for the equilibrium of the molecules in the reactor that do not favor the appearance of such gases. (14) The useful products can be either: hydrated and composed by the emulsion mentioned in 11; or anhydrous and obtained by dehydration with extraction. None of the processes mentioned above is critical in itself and can be compensated for by others to the detriment of reduced emissions, conversion rates, increased energy consumption or increased production of solid carbon. According to another series of characteristics of a modality, a great amount of attention is given to the constraints of the matter during the treatment. Although these are only a very approximate and imperfect attempt at explanation, it is possible to imagine that heat, in its thermal aspect, is stored in the form of mechanical vibrations of the molecules. The vibrations generate mechanical constraints that, due to the inertia related to the mass, are the highest in the middle part of the molecule, if the vibrations are moderate. These constraints then lead to a break in the middle part of the molecule. The more the molecule is heated (or more generally, the more energy of any kind it stores), the more it will vibrate. In this aspect, it will vibrate according to harmonic modes with several vibration and sinus antinodes such as those that can be observed in a piano string or the halyard of a flag that flutters with strong winds or also on a long waving rod. Since the breasts of vibration are the basis of maximum constraints, the molecule will break in these points, a third, a quarter, etc. of its length. This explains that if the molecule is overheated (if too much energy is transmitted to it), it will break into very small fragments, stopping at CH4 and even carbon C. With this brief explanation, it is also possible to understand that as increases the length of the molecule (thus becoming heavier and with greater mass), will have more elements of vibration and the central elements that hold together the lateral elements that are agitated will be subject to greater constraints to sustain said lateral elements. When the constraints are too large, the molecules are broken. This example makes it possible to explain that the heavier the molecule becomes, the less able it is to withstand the heat without pyrolysis.
To illustrate the concept, CH4 can not withstand temperatures higher than 700 ° C and heavy debris can not withstand temperatures above 430 ° C. With respect to the selection of the devices, these constraints are also reflected by the maximum acceptable heat fluxes, expressed in kcal / hour / square meter or also by the acceptable temperature differences between the hot wall and the cold fluid. The critical values depend on the products considered characterized by their physical state (liquid, solid, vapor) under operating conditions. Therefore, it is very important to obtain a practical knowledge of what can happen with the treated products. The following example will explain the poles with molecules as simple as common, such as C10H8, constituted by two aromatic nuclei. Note that each cycle of 6 aromatic carbons A, A for the cycle .. for the double bonds in each nucleus. TO:? indicates here that two carbons are joined Á. If Á: Á is overheated, it loses hydrogen and becomes highly reactive, producing: Á: Á ÁAA: Á A: A C10HS + C10H8 - > C20H12 + 2H2 tf = 80aC tf = 278 ° C Tea = 218 ° C Tea = 350 (sublime) d = 0.963 = 1.36 n = 1.60 (liq) n = 1.88 We go from a solid / liquid to a very hard solid. (By the same characteristic feature, it is necessary to observe that molecules with 20 carbons constitute the products that are generally referred to as diesel or light domestic fuel). Another characteristic of the modality consists, therefore, in preventing such situations from appearing. It was observed that the recently broken chains were naturally very reactive at right angles to the break, and that the polar molecule H H (water) readily attached itself to said breaks, such as OCO (carbon dioxide). Another characteristic of a modality consists of the introduction of oxygen in the conversion process. In order to better understand the oneness and highly inventive nature of our process, we will try to provide an explanation of what should be done and what should be avoided. For this purpose, we will select again an example of the C20 family: C2QH14Ó2 Tf = 300 ° C T? B = Sub Ho, A: Á-Á: Á.oH C20H14 Tf = 188 ° C Tcb = 452Sub ?: Á-A: A C20H I4Ó Tf = Sl aC Téb-264-'15mm A.Á-8-A.A Replacing hydrogen with a side OH is not good (the melting temperature goes from 188 ° C to 300 ° C). If O removes a C-C bond, a beneficial effect is obtained (the melting temperature ranges from 188 ° C to 81 ° C). We will now consider the case where the molecule C20H14 is weakened by an appropriate temperature that causes its vibration and we send a molecule H H (H2O) to the central union: 4 - «- H20 -i > CI0H7SH f C10H8 HH Ó Á: A - Á; Á Á; á - oH - * - A; A Tf = I88 ° C Tf = 123 ° C Tf = socc Tea = 452sub Tea = 295 ° C Tea ~ 218 ° C d = i.30 dI.Ol d = 0.963 p = 1.76 n = 1.62 p = 1.60 liq The presence of water is highly beneficial in the products formed. Let's reconsider the highly compact molecule C2oH12, held by 2H2O; we have: HH O A _ Á .. .. - = > A: Á-óH + A: A-dH A - A or H '? Tf = 278 ° C Tf = 1230C Tf = 123 ° C Tea = 350Sub Tcb = 295 ° C Tea = 295cC d = 1.36 = 1.01 d = 1.0l n-1.88 n = 1.62 n = 1.62 This example clearly shows all the benefits that can be obtained from steam.
Through thermodynamic considerations, it is also possible to determine that the solids-free carbon that can be formed is oxidized to 600-700 ° C, according to the following reactions: CO2 + Cs - > 2C0 AS = 42.14 AH = 41.23 Teq = - 705 ° C H2O + Cs -i CO + H2 AS = 33.04 AH + 31.40 Teq- 677 ° C where AS is the variation of entropy, AH the enthalpy and Teq the equilibrium temperature under a pressure of 1 barium. We have another possible explanation for the beneficial effect of H2O and CO2, which, when correctly implemented in the injector, tend to eliminate the solid carbon that can be formed inadvertently. As can be observed in these examples, the measurement of the physical characteristics and, in particular, the refractive index, makes it possible to follow the direction of the evolution of the conversion products and direct said conversion. It will be easier to understand the purpose of a modality that consists of the operation under conditions that avoid hydrogen losses, since this loss of hydrogen creates unsaturated components that are released to nuclei of low melting capacity. If we consider the straight chain described below, when it is heated to an elevated temperature, it begins to lose hydrogen according to the following scheme: H "H H..II H..H C c CH Tf Tea S °? HP / \ / \ / - 5 &9 92.83 -39.96 11. H "H H" H C c CM Tf Tcb Sc AHP II \ / \ 1 f -139 63 91.93 -9.96 H.C C c? I? I H? Then, the unsaturated chain bends and closes: AS AH Tcq.9 I < K < 66S0O -20.65 -19.44 H., H H, C - CU / \ n Tf Tcb S °? HP H, C C.H +6.5 81 71.18 -29.4 H '\ / H.C - CH H' H ' The melting temperature ranges from -95 ° C to + 6 ° C with only 6 carbons. We realize that, on the one hand, we should never approach these temperatures of the order of 650 ° C and, on the other hand, the energy required in this case should not have been supplied; the thermodynamic values indicated above provide orders of magnitude. In addition, it is observed that when the dehydrogenation process begins, the reaction is executed because the cyclization releases energy. Here is what would happen if there were a more violent supply of energy: H "H H I C C CE Tf T? B S ° AIIP / V / \ -95 69 92.83 -39.96 H.C c C H? H "H H" H AS AH Teq = 10f.6 ° K (793cC) 120. 78 128.74 4H2 - S ° »4x32.21 C.H H, // C - C:: C - C Tf T¿b AKP //? -88 85 S4.77 8S.7S H, C? The highly dehydrogenated chain closes: AS? H Tcq-3381 ° K -20.4 -68.98 H. C - C \ Tf léb Sü? HP H, C C, H 80 64.34 19.8 // C - C FG? EXTRACTING A H2 FROM A STRAIGHT CHAIN: Creates approximately: &S / H "= +30.19 and requires approximately: &H / H2 = +32.18 Closing a cycle releases energy (and reduces &S by approximately 20.5). of the initial conditioning of the appropriate products thanks to our injector, one modality makes it possible to initiate and activate the reactions while complying with the preceding rules and orders of magnitude that should not be exceeded.We will now present another benefit of the presence of H2O that behaves a little as a blocker of cyclization reactions Heavy crudes contain very few simple and straight molecules, they contain numerous complex polyaromatic molecules that are more or less bound together, as can be seen in the next molecule that easily condenses and goes from one molecule to another. up to 3 cores, according to the following scheme: A-C: C-A - > H2 +? Á 9.1 / 3. 9Só? K 119.0 / «-46.8 32.21 / 00 06.7 / 55.5 S.VC II. c = c \ TfTéb S ° AHf * d n. H, C C.H 1243071: 9.0 * 465 0.9701.6264 and ^ > , < c-c H. / 'H H. -H c.-c c- c H. /? ? H2- H. / \? C-C C-C. C- C / W // V \ // \ H.C C.H n ^ C - C C, H% '\ / c-c c - c c - c fr? ? H *? TfTéh S °? Hf d p 1 1 ÜO 9Ó.7 55.5 US 1.67 For the same characteristic feature, it is observed that the creation of a third central core significantly increases the density of this molecule.
With H2O vapor it is possible to operate through stages in order to break down this 14-carbon molecule and even show how to reabsorb a light molecule of 3 carbons that would otherwise produce gases. 1st Stage: Weakening of the unsaturated central union: AS / AH ? > -CH-CH- < A - H20 ~ > Á > -CHóH-C H2- < ? -29.96 * - 1 .50 Tf-l2 Teb- "307T INiS Tcb-PO'15 2nd Stage: Central pyrolysis of the molecule: Á > -CHóH-CH2- < ? - > ? > -CHÓ * H3C- A -26.27 '-39.31 Tf = -26T? B = 178 Tf - 94Tch = 110 3rd Stage: Fusion and rejection of H2O (sure happens) Á > -CHÓ • C3H8 - »V-C2-CH.CH2 - ÍI2C -204, -14.36 Tf- 33 T¿b-190 ° 4th Stage: Unsaturated branching cyclization (natural) A > -C2-CH-CH2 - »?: Cyc6Csat - '. 5.44 .'- 19.90 Ti - 3 léb-1 5 A > -CHCH- < Á -C3H & - »ACydsat • Á > -CH3 -21.17 / -7.45 1111 II 1111 l, ... Ill-I "< 'Mil,' V \ V Tf l 24 Tea 307" C Tf Al Teb = I95 Tfr = -94 Tea ~ l 10 FOL Gas Oil Light Gasoline It is possible to observe that the intermediate stages of the reaction are executed with moderate energy levels and that the complete reaction occurs as the water implemented at the beginning is recovered at the end (similar to the action of a catalyst). It is also appropriate to note that, being one of our interests and a feature of our process, the initial melting temperature of 127 ° C after the first stage decreased to -26 ° C, then to -33 ° C; by the fourth stage, the temperature was -43 ° C and finally, by the fifth stage, products with a melting temperature of -94 ° C were obtained. In this way, there is a continuous decrease in this melting temperature during the intermediate stages of the total reaction. The experiment showed that there was a very small production of gas and carbon and that it was possibly to completely convert the products such as those referred to as a vacuum residue or asphalt into liquid hydrocarbons. Consider now the case of straight chains (with 14 unsaturated carbons for this example): Without H2O we have: AS AH Cé14 - > C7H16 + C2Ó7H12 36.04 / 19.57 Pyrolysis in the presence of H2O seems to occur according to the following scheme: AS AH C14 (CI4-H28) - »Oc7-H13). '(C7-H15) 43.71 /59.98 .GÍ7-H13 UI2D - »Cc7H13dH > H 1.91 / 37.89 .C7H15 + H - > C7H1 -30.72 -'- 87.3 Cc7Hl ..óH -_ > C2é? -il I2 • H20 21. μ; 9.0 Which gives in total: Cé14 - > C7H 16 + C2é7H 12 36.04 / 19.57 It is observed that, in these operations, it was necessary first: to open a C-C bond that required approximately 40 to 60 kcal (activation); and finally, supply approximately 20 kcal / cut (specific net energy). Remember that the extraction of a H2 requires approximately: &H / H2 = + 32kcal and that if this is done, poor results are obtained. Therefore, it was necessary to find a set of devices that made it possible to comply as much as possible with the different specifications listed above, which was achieved through the adequate preheating of the feed, followed by the activation resulting from an expansion in the injector, in which if the products to be converted could have, in terms of temperature equivalence, a very short stay in a range where they are unstable, while the rupture consumes the energy that returns the reactants to the stable and desired range of the reactor where they then achieve thermodynamic equilibrium ( a cook would say: to allow them to "season" properly). These reactions and their mechanisms are provided here only in an attempt to explain why we obtain unexpected conversion results with our process. The in-depth analysis of the results of our tests make us think of defining how a given diet could be treated and also in what were the problems linked to the structure of the complex matter constituted by these heavy products; all of which above provide only a guideline for the necessary adjustments. Clearly we take advantage of all these experiments in order to constitute a database of thermodynamic and physical property data, of which an extract is provided below for information purposes, for families of 1 and 10 carbons per molecule: Physical Properties and Thermodynamic Family (i) NombrßTfC Tcb ° C Sc Alfí "d n T ° P Ve zc CH4 -186 990.290 CO -199 -191.047.30- ..! 33.034.593 0.294 H2CO -92 -21.0 52.26-28.000. 815.gas..410.067.CI12 0.223 H3C6H-97.I 64.7 57.00 -4S.05 0.812 1.32X8513.2 73.5118 0.220 HCÓoH ^ 8.3 100.7 59.40-90.50 1.220 1.3714581.0 71.811? 0.176 Physical and Thermodynamic Properties Family (10) Pj-Msp __ Units ° C ° C calm Kcal'ir. -á 20CC - > "K bar ce m gm Names Tf Teb S * A? ÍP d n- 1. Te Pe Ve PM zc = 0.Str C10H8 pl4S0 218 80.5 36.! 0.963.5S9874840.041 128.269 Á: Á C10H12 598 -36207 < 83.2 4.2 0.970.54.4 < 7I733.0478 > 132.258 ÁCy6 C10H14 nl89 _.200 < S4.S -I!.? > 0.934.52Ó0 < 70730.6500 > 134.2642? -6H CIOHIS do-43195 S7.I -43.60.897.481068725.8543138.2492Cv6 CI0H18 t! 74 -36 '74125.3 9.S50.766.426562325.8587138.297 aC10 C10H20 d66-66171 129.2-29.30.7 1.421561625.0592140.292CE C10H22 20 - 301 4130.2 -59.70.730.410251 20.8602142.246 nClO C10H20Ó 1II8 -5208 J? 77 -78.90.830.42S763624.4605156.273 Aid. C10H21ÓH d57 +7229142.1 -96.40.830.4 ^ 7266729.8619158.337 ale C10H19OSH d4232270 l¿2.3 -143.0.88642SS 7.729.4644172.322 A I.-Í -. { ph Observe the ranges: Oxygenates / Alkanes / Alkenes / Alkynes / Cycle / Aromatics The abbreviations are: Tf: Melting temperature Teb: Boiling temperature S °: Entropy standard AHF °: enthalpy of standard formation d: Density n: refractive index Te : Critical temperature Pe: Critical pressure See: Critical volume zc: Compressibility factor Str: Structure, abbreviated: Á aromatic nucleus, Cy saturated cycle Á acetylenic, é ethylenic, n paraffinic normal Ó double bonding oxygen, 6H OH functional group These data they help to monitor, know or predict the state of the matter under the different conditions of their treatment, as well as the possible thermodynamic equilibria. These data also allow us to predict the chemical irreversibilities that are responsible for carbon production and hydrogen rejection, in particular. In conclusion, we will describe a guide that will help us enormously in the analysis of these problems, as seen in a new light, from a mechanical point of view. Consider a C6 isoC4 cycle. First, the molecule must be turned to transform it from the free and natural spent state to the bent state that requires energy. If we then peel off each end of the folded branch isoC4, near the core cycle C6, also by removing the corresponding hydrogen, we establish two new carbon-carbon bonds. The molecule thus formed with 10 carbons is a true structure that has the surprising physical properties indicated below: C10H16a742 Tf = 268 Teb = Sublime Density = 1.070 n = 1.5680 C10H20c686 Tf = -94 Teb = 171 Density = 0.795 n = 1.4386 The references given are: Manual of Chemistry and Physics H..H.C-H / C-H • ». H * 'C-H 0 H -« C-H 0 H 0 Mole 9 H. H C' H CH • H / C M CycloC6 > -C-C H K H '* CH H- C H H *. * Represented in the. * exhausted state H-C-H H -C-H C / N W H C10H20c686 Tf = -94 Teb = 171 Density = 0.795 n = 1.4386 H Molecule K, .H C II CM * c *,. ' H, •: ° C -H < CycloCó > -C-C, KI * * * m "• \ *: * ° C-II CH II- C '~~ ° H" H * ..: * ° H H ^ epresented in e * * ° \ > Double state •: H-C-H ".C-H 4 * s or •: * C-H • * or II -C-H • * C-K C II H H H C10H16 a742 Tf = 268 Teb = Sublime Density = 1.070 n = 1.5680 H C H Molecule Ref. A742 with: -: s C-H 4 C-H H = = m ¡ti \ * * CC -H and H- C 4 Cycles with 6 Carbon * *: * c 11 * * 0 *; II - C - "- -C -H *" or a *: * C-H H _ C c "^ * or ß ° ° C - H • ~ Observe the structure of" STRUCTURE "CH Note that these structure molecules (particularly if they are aromatic) become true" series assemblies "or" sandwiches " 'of metals and organometals, which we will describe below. CONTROL OF GAS APPEARANCE. CARBON OR SOLID CARBON RESIDUES One of the amazing features of our process is that it makes it possible to convert asphalt without generating significant amounts of carbon or gas. We will try to explain why this result can be obtained, based on the knowledge we have acquired while trying to interpret our observations. With appropriate means (mechanical, thermal, electrical or chemical, etc.), it is always possible to transfer an energy, which we will refer to as AH (enthalpy variation), according to the terms generally used in thermodynamics. Our experience in monitoring the state of matter leads us to adopt, on a continuous basis, a key variation for that state that can be summarized by AS, the entropy variation. In fact, when referring to the tables that we have already presented, it is possible to observe the existence of very strong correlations between SXL and the physical fusion and boiling parameters and, more generally, the parameters pertaining to the change of state or organization of matter . In order to explain the ideas, we will select an unsaturated molecule containing 14 carbons.
ENTRY < - EMISSIONS- > AS AH Teq ° C Liquid GAS Cé14H28 Cé7H14 + Cé7H 14 36.06 19.18 269 ° --V --- Tf = - 13 Tea = 251 ° Tf = -1 19 Tea = 94 ° Liq. Liq d = 0.771 n = 1 .4335 d = 0.697 n = 1 .400 Cé14H28 Cé12H24 + Cé2H4 33.83 22.33 387 ° --V - Tf = -35 Tea = 213 ° Gas d = 0.755 n = 1 .430 Cé14H28 C313H24 + CH4 36.39 26.54 456 ° --V-- Tf = -5 ° Tea = 234 Gas d = 0.784 n = 1 .437 Cé14H28 C314H26 + H2 27.41 39.50 1168 ° v - v - Tf = -0 ° Tea = 252 Gas d = 0.789 n = 1439 Cé14H28 Ca7H 12 + C67H 14 + H2 63.48 64.02 720 ° - V-- - v-- Tf = -81 ° Liq Gas Teb = 93.8 ° This table shows that, as the level of applied energy increases, so does the number of broken molecules, as well as the number of fragments generated, which means that the greater the created disorder (which increases the AS ), the greater the amount of CH4 generated and the greater the amount of hydrogen rejected. In addition, the AH / AS ratio gives the Tee temperature, at which the reactants reach a natural equilibrium under a pressure of 1 barium. If only liquids are desired, the entire process occurs as if it were limited to 20 kcal / molecule, as previously indicated anywhere. (For the same characteristic feature, this also explains why an FCC with its catalyst regenerated at more than 700 ° C will reject hydrogen and CH4 In fact, no catalyst can change this state, it can only favor the intermediate stages and their speed, allowing the reagents to achieve thermodynamic equilibrium depending on the temperature of the reactor). Another feature of one embodiment is that it makes it possible to control the rate of conversion to liquid without creating excessive amounts of light gas such as methane or ethane. We will try to provide an explanation that came to us during the different tests that we carried out, in relation to chemical irreversibilities (which, it seems, is not mentioned frequently). One of the characteristics of our process is basically the fact that it divides the molecules in two and starts again in order to remain the director of the process. Some people may think that, in order to speed up the process, the solution simply implements more energy, which would actually generate a greater number of light molecules, as indicated in the preceding table, including a large amount of gas, assuming that after it would always be possible to polymerize it in order to return to liquids. However, it would be impossible to carry out this operation in an adequate manner due to chemical irreversibilities (which no catalyst would be able to overcome). In order to present the ideas, suppose that we are considering the generation of methane, ethane, etc. fluids. In this case, our intent would be to carry out reactions such as: A) CH4 - CH4 ^ = ?? = t C2H6 * K2? S - 1.95? H-H5.54 Tcq- -7569CK B. C2K6 - C2H6 =? '.' = > C4HI0 - H2? S - 3.3S AH-tt0.33 Tc? - -3056: K C) C4H '; 0 - C4H10 ^? - CSHtí * H1? S -0.54? H - *! 0.4S? Cq -lS40OnK THESE REACTIONS ARE IRREVERSIBLE since Teq NEGATIVA DOES NOT EXIST. It will never be possible to carry out the follow-up reactions in a reversible manner: lA) (B) (C) di = '»r H? - Cn2 -, > H2 - Cn4 * »> H2 + Cpi Tcb] P "K 184 ° K 2 2'K.« 399CK Normal state GAS GAS GAS 298> LIQUID (1) It is necessary to accept the inevitable creation of CH4 in this process, summed up by the total reaction C: C) C H10 - C4U I0 = 7H.6 * CH4 AS-l.53 AH - 2.48 Teq-.620a! Í or Cp "~ = > Cn7 and C? .l Kcq? 600 £ C)« l .93 (This reaction is possible because Teq is positive) (2) if thermodynamic reversibility is violated with energy: according to reaction C ": hydrogen must be rejected C) C4 __. 0 * C4H10 - > C8HIS »H2? S - 0 54 AH = * l0.48 I 'q - í94 C = (This reaction is possible because Teq is negative) C'7 Even the transition through the synthesis gas, which starts with the following reaction: CH4 4- 1/2 02 = > CO + 2H2 AS ^ -42.7 AH = -8.52, (reaction that may be explosive) is irreversible and will lead to a very low total efficiency in liquefaction by methanol or Fischer-Tropsch. C "can be carried out only with side reactions that produce C2H2, in particular.
PRACTICAL CONCLUSION: first of all, the generation of gases must be avoided, which is precisely what our process does. CARBON DEPOSITS Our experience in the control of the appearance of coke leads us to suppose that there are two main sources: massive deposits through polyaromatic nuclei; and pulverulent carbon through the gases. It is quite easy to visualize that if the material is polymerized in numerous contiguous aromatic nuclei, since the carbons are directly linked to each other and comprise few or no hydrogen bonds as previously observed, the melting temperature increases with the number of nuclei and the reduction of the H / C ratio (C10H8 Tf = 80 ° c, C220H 12 Tf = 278 ° C, etc.); we are increasingly approaching a solid coal. This can also be examined, for information purposes, with our method for the study of chemical irreversibilities. In order to present the ideas, let's take some benzene and try to pyrolize it. A fusion of molecules is observed, accompanied once again by a rejection of H2, according to the following reaction: [1] Á + Á === > A > - < Á + H2 -1 .17 3.46 This reaction is irreversible since Teq can not be negative. The following fatal side reaction should be added: [2] A === > 6Cgas + 3H2 +259.4 +1010 To obtain as = 0.0, it is necessary to take 1.17 / 259 of the reaction (2), or: [3] 0.0045 A === > 0,00045 6Cgas + 0.013H2 +1 .17 +4.55 Resulting in the overall reaction: [1] A - Á -t-n A > - < A 4 H2 -1.17 + 3.4Ó + [3j D.OC D Á - > 0.0045 Cgas -r O.OI3H2 + I.P -4.55 2. 0045 A > ? > - A H-l1Ol.H2 O, 0? 4 (6Cga5) O.flO t8.01 and the return of 6Cgas in Cso Coque 0.0046Cgas = -? J / JWCo ue -1.16 -4.55 2. 0045? - - - > ? > - Á *: 01.112 -ü.004.CoqUT 1-16 * 3.4? The experimental data of 750 ° C with 50% conversion in 40 s confirm the projected values found above and thus reinforce our belief regarding what we should avoid. The notion of irreversibility provides a good projection of the coke production considered as the hardest secondary reaction. The second way of appearance of dusty carbon deposits is the acetylene way, of which some of the data are indicated below for information purposes for 4CH4 clutch. (21. 4CH4 = - = 2 C2H6 - 2K2 AS - -. 4 A: I - S -WS (22. 4C1I4 = -> C2H4 + 2H2 - 2CH4 AS ^ -27.89 AH "M8. < _6: 472EC (23J 4CH4 - -> C2H7. - 3H2 - 2CH4 AS- 55.65? H-89.95 I343 ° C Í24. 4CH4 - Csol + 8H2? S- 85.2? H- + 71.4 565 ° C . { 25) 4CH4 - > 4Cgas - 8H2 AS = 230.76 AH = 793. 6 3! 64 ° C Note. TídcC. sublimated in 3379 THERMAL DECOMPOSITION OF CH4: The reaction (24) indicates that, above 565 ° C, CH4 decomposes with little kinetics, (approximately 1 hour towards 800 ° C), since it is necessary to go through the gaseous state summarized by the reaction (25). Therefore, the filiation that causes the appearance of dusty carbon appears to be: CH4 === > C2H4 === > C2H2 === > Csol Dusty C6H6 === > Polymerization cSol Massive In any case and in practice: (1) In all cases, the creation of saturated light gases should be avoided. (2) The appearance of a free hydrogen is a bad signal. (3) The creation of unsaturated light gases and hydrogen is an alarm. (4) The creation of acetylene is a serious alarm. (5) The monitoring of the aromatization through the refractive index is very useful in order to determine if the processes are executed correctly.
EMULSIONS One of the characteristics of our process is that it uses oxygenated intermediates that, when converted to steam, naturally produce stable water / hydrocarbon emulsions. It has been known for quite some time that the combustion of difficult fuels is greatly improved by the addition of 5 to 10% water. This addition, during the early stages of combustion, provides pyrolysis of the heavy molecules while preventing their polymerization in polyaromatics, which would produce nodules of soot or dusty carbon. On August 5, 1997, ELF presented to the press a product called Aquazole, which contains 10 to 20% water, indicating that the main problem was to ensure the stability of the mixture. Currently, this stability can only be guaranteed from 15 days to a month, despite resorting to a special mixing procedure and, in particular, thanks to special additives. The interest presented directly by the intermediate emulsions produced by our process is understood, since these emulsions can become the main objective of these applications. We have emulsions that are already 8 years old and are still stable: this shows that we control the difficulties encountered by ELF. These benefits can be explained by the internal molecular bonds that, in the anhydrous state, would not saturate and remain partially bound to water. It would also be possible to advance all the oxygenated intermediates that we previously presented in the control of the pyrolysis operations to 440-600x, which has a favorable balance towards 200 ° -220 ° C, the operating temperature of our extractor. In any case: (1) We obtain stable water / hydrocarbon emulsions whose water content can be determined simply by establishing, in our conversions, the proportion of H2O (X) in the gases used in our conversion, X being preferably CO2 + Y; And it can be any gas of N2, H2, etc. This means that dry smoke (taken before 200 ° C under 1 barium) resulting from combustion is appropriate. (2) The products formed (gasolines, especially kerosene) contain bound water. (3) Limited to using only steam for reasons of simplicity and ease of implementation, our process makes it possible to obtain, depending on the selected fixations, oxygenated and hydrated products; or basically anhydrous products. In fact, useful containers appear when steam is used in the form of emulsions that produce: a light emulsion referred to as "clear": d = 0.89 to 0.92 a heavier "mayonnaise" emulsion: d = 0.93 to 0.96 which is they clearly separate from an excess of process water d = 1.0 (if this excess exists, which is not the case in the example below). The "mayonnaise" (from which 8-year-old samples have not been moved) is easily broken by different mechanical means such as forced passage through a series of cross-linked pieces of cloth (an operation referred to as extrusion). The dry sand breaks the emulsion immediately; there are additional mechanical possibilities such as spheres that rotate in the emulsion, etc. Below is an example of the evaluation of the characteristics of these emulsions, with annotations: P: Weight in g V: Volume in Cm3 Dp / V: Density = Weight / Volume: Density (read by densitometer) dn: Deviation read by refractometer that indicates the refractive index n.
MAYONESA Ptotal Ptara Net Weight Dp / V da dn n Mayonnaise 1700.0 698.31-1001.69 0.9656 3.5 1.50625 -Extruded water 1 163.8 444.13- 719.67 HC Extruded 282.02 13.0 1 .50099 HC Direct 731.36- 31 1.412- 419.95 0.8916 0.902 13.3 1.50310 Total HC 701.97 Proportion of WATER / Total HC 71 9.67 / 701 .97 = 1 .02 With the selected operating conditions, which will be described anywhere, the useful products did not contain any free water (aqueous phase d = 1.0). The distillation of the direct and extruded clear phase gave the following results: DISTILLATION 1 SUMMARY WITHOUT SAND and without stirring Recipes Volumes Weight Cut Ptot Ptar Pg Vt V water V HC HC sec Dp / V dn N PI-115 74 95 73 01 1 94 2 4 0 9 1 5 1 04 0693 82 144963 Regurgitation 93 11 75 02 18 09 20 2 3 0 17 2 1509 0877 123 1 9360 200-250 84 43 78 06 6 37 8 2 8 2 637 0777 95 1 46368 250-300 91 86 76 73 15 13 17 4 4 0 13 4 11 13 0830 11 3 1 8297 300-360 115 28 77 01 38 27 43 8 43 8 3827 0874 12 4 1 «9« ß 360 + 8915 7544 1396 155 155 1396 0901 193 156567 9376 79 8586 DISTILLATION 2 SUMMARY IN ARENA and without agitation Flask: 202.78 Flask + Support: 214.21 Flask + Support + Feeding. 309.95 g Food - 95.74 g Sand 300 μ: 610.34 g to cover the liquids (total clutched weight) Recipes Volúm < Weight Cut Ptot Ptar Pg Vt Vagua V HC HC sec Dp / V dn N Pt- 120 7250 7006 244 325 09 225 154 0684 65 143112 120 728 7250 03 03 03 120- 200 801 7699 418 56 56 418 0746 82 144963 200- 250 8544 7806 738 91 10 81 638 0790 95 146368 250- 300 9514 7287 2227 261 261 2227 0853112 148191 300- 360 11905 7299 4606 530 530 4606 0869 126 149677 Total > 8263 82 8043 Residue 9574 -8263 = 0901 190 1311 The abundant regurgitation in the first case, accompanied by a significant amount of water violently released, shows that there is a union of water with moderate chemical forces. During the distillation of liquids submerged under the sand, there is a "depolymerization" softener and a smaller water release. In any case, this shows that: (1) The 262 g of "mayonnaise" hydrocarbons are capable of binding with the 719 g of extruded water, or 2.5 times their weight in water; and (2) The "clear and extruded" hydrocarbons already contain, in this case, 3 to 9% bound H2O. Accordingly, it can be seen that our process can naturally provide oxygenated compounds or stable water / hydrocarbon emulsions. We verified that the water in the exit process did not contain any alcohol or other carbon compound, by processing its distillation, summarized below: WATER ANALYSIS PROCESS THROUGH DISTILLATION with 15 Trays Feeding 100cc 97.81 g Traffic starts at 99 ° C distills between 100 ° C and 101 ° C in clear water containing a small milky flocculent mist Residue 225.93 - 224.89 = 1.04 g Dark brown Not combustible With small black nodules It is also observed that water extracts different elements from the treated feed. This water has an acidic pH which indicates that it has absorbed SH2 or any other acidic elements from the feed. All this constitutes an accumulation of favorable elements attracted by our process, which implements steam from which the extraction activity increases with the injection temperature and the successive cleaning operations in the extraction zone. CONTROL OF OXYGENATION OR HYDRATION OF PRODUCTS Other characteristics of the present system may include: controlling the hydration of the emulsions or avoiding the same; and control the oxygenation of the products or avoid it. We will indicate how these results can be obtained with our device. It should be noted that thanks to our extractor, we can select the standard of useful products and recycle. those who are outside. Therefore, consider the case of the standard (target selected) of oxygenated gasoline or gas oil and the hydrated emulsion without free water. It is clear that it is necessary to avoid sending too much process water to treat food, although a sufficient amount must be sent. It was found that a good proportion of water / feed (atmospheric waste treated) was of the order of 1 by weight. (Which was found in the evaluation of the results presented above). If the objective is to move towards oxygenated compounds, it is clear that if said compounds are not oxygenated, they are considered outside, especially if the objective is to produce gasoline or gasoil type automotive cuts. Therefore, we had the idea, which is characteristic of one modality, of carrying out a first conversion of the atmospheric residue into PI-360 distillates, with our extractor-contactor-decanter set at approximately 200 ° C and then re-pass all this refining waste (200-) in its current state, through our equipment. In fact, during this recycling, the equivalences of heavy but atmospheric distillates became lighter gasoil, gasoline-type products. The steam that provides these operations is also sufficiently reactive to create the chemical additions that are shown in the distillation of the products (direct distillation or distillation under sand). Now consider the inverse standard, for example, to comply with the refining specification of an existing site, which requires standard products not hydrated (referred to as dry). Therefore, our process will avoid recycling the anhydrous products formed (200-), which would tend to hydrate them and create oxygenated compounds. In this case, we will operate by recycling only the extracts (200+) with the fresh feed consisting of waste or any other feed to be converted (200 is a value that can vary depending on the desired recycling). In order to properly understand this, let us take a vacuum residue that will not produce any atmospheric distillation during the first generation. It is appropriate to observe that a very strict scheme is constituted by the following relation: RsV === >; DsV DsV === > Rat A conversion test of total (main) RsV giving a DsV (first generation), followed by a Rat (second generation) is detailed below. With this type of recycling and the selected fixations, you are under control. CONVERSION with RECYCLING EXTINCTION: Final Conversion during the Flow total exhaustion of resources Useful Global Reference) - (4) Summary Cut Atm Weight. Dp / v% in Weight &% Weight tlp n Hl - l iO - 1.70 0.6872 3.49 3.49 6.5 1.4311 150-200 3.89 0.7720 7.9S: 1.46 7.7 1.44420 200-250 = 8 07 0.5200 16.55 2S.OI 8.2 1.44963 250-300 = 24.96 0.8692 51.19 79.20 9.ñ 1.46691 300-320 = 5 44 0.86S5 ti 16 90.36 11.5 1.4R511 Residue - 4.70 9.63 100% Total: * 48.76 (Losses: 1 -24) The minutes of the distillation of the conversion products contained in the clear and extruded phase (see table I) show that there is no measurable release of water. The. Releases of white vapors or emission at 80 ° C, 130 ° C, 150 ° C, 250 ° C, 290 ° C, clearly show the key points of water release that were easily found in the treatment that was proposed in the achievement of oxygenated and hydration products; but here they are quantitatively insignificant. Your total can be assessed by excess when you establish that they are, at most, equal to the observed losses or 3.8% for the explanation of the ideas. (It should be noted that the transfer of samples from the receiving cylinder to the appropriate cylinder in order to take a more accurate measurement of volume and weight to obtain density Dp / v, is carried out with losses of 0.3 g highly light liquids, reaching 0.75. g for atmospheric cutting 300+ and 2.15 g for atmospheric residues, due to flow problems associated with the increase in viscosity and surface tensions This gives an idea of the effect of linking the products on the walls, which increases with the density and the refractive index).
Finally, for information purposes, with respect to these tests, it should be noted that the main characteristics of the vacuum residue were: density 1.01, refractive index 1.594, solid state. REACTORS-EXTRACTORS AND PRODUCT DISTILLING DEVICES Our reports on the distillation of conversion products mention the "Regurgitation of products, release of released water, emission, etc., which, if it occurs in a classic distillation unit, will originate the" puffing "of all the distillation trays and their packaging According to a new characteristic of a modality, we imagined a device that was not only capable of carrying out said distillation work without the above-mentioned problems, but also operated as a true reactor-extractor type mixer-decanter Referring to figure 2, the principle is as follows: properly pre-heated or cooled products are sent to a double-frame cylinder containing saturation water with steam, which sets the temperature of said frame simply by setting the chamber pressure, steam is produced when heat is released; the steam is consumed when the heat is absorbed; the presence of saturation water provides significant heat transfers with the internal reactor-extractor container. In this double vertical shell that is quasi-isothermal at the temperature defined above by the temperature of the saturation water, we install a pipe or series of vertical pipes, which rise, in order to explain the ideas, up to half the height of the double shell. Therefore, the upper section is empty. That acts as a deflector-decanter when selecting a low rate of descent of light products or gases, allowing heavy or liquid products in the form of dew or rain to fall back to the bottom. For this purpose, the descending velocity of heavy or liquid products only needs to be greater than the lifting speed of the lighter products. In addition, this space acts as a release from any sudden irruption of water or violent release that could not be adequately controlled. Since it is empty (no package in this area), there is no material risk. Heavy or liquid products remain at the bottom of the carapace, between the carapace and the vertical pipes. When the entire space is filled between the carapace and the pipes, the heavy products flow into the vertical pipes and are collected in their lower outlet. Therefore, this extraction is automatic and natural. The products, liquids or inlet gases are injected into the bottom of the double shell in the heavy or liquid phase at a very moderate speed. Consequently, they are dispersed in the heavy phase, mixing with it under local conditions of temperature and pressure; mass transfers thus occur through the surfaces in contact and are governed by differences in concentration in relation to the equilibrium of the heavy, static phase and the dispersed phase of entry. These equilibria are defined both by the physical separation of the phases in the presence of one another, and by the legal chemical equilibria under existing local conditions. The input products enrich the heavy phase and drain off the heavy compounds transferred. With the light compounds that can be created, they reappear in the light phase that fills the upper part of the carapace, where they decant, separating from the liquid portions or heavy sprays that fall back to the bottom. This device is specifically beneficial because it is capable of carrying out the equivalent of a distillation while operating as if it were in a liquid-liquid extraction for oils or asphalts, or a chemical reactor. In fact, aromatic products such as furfural have widely known extraction powders for the extraction of aromatic products in the preparation of lubricants. In any case, it allows us to separate the effluents that leave the reactor at our convenience, in a safe and risk-free manner. When several of these devices are arranged in series, a series of separations are carried out that perfectly define the nature of the products extracted by the pipes, as the refining products are sent to the next device for the definition of another extract. It should be noted that, with the operating conditions used, the separation of atmospheric distillates from the atmospheric residue is carried out at 200 ° C under 1 barium, while in the classical distillation column it would be carried out at 360 ° C. The configuration provided is for information purposes only and should not be limited to it, since it could be carried out with numerous variations. For example, for our pilot of 2 kg / h, since the heat losses were very high, we adopted the electric heating of the extractors, where the temperature was regulated by the intensity of the heater for a given speed and a given power. The same system allowed us to carry out the extractions of the process and the associated atmospheric distillations of our finished products in order to treat quantities of up to 50 kg. This technological device can thus fulfill several purposes, in particular, chemical conversions. We will explain your application to gas-to-liquids mixing conversions. We have just observed that our emulsions were stable and that clear products could be oxygenated or hydrated, and that they were also related to the temperature (and operating pressure) of the key reactor-extractor separation that separates the useful products from the "normal" "for recycling. This unexpected effect motivated us to look for an explanation that could help us to size the equipment and to set the operating conditions while minimizing the practical experimentation. STEAM ACTION ON DOUBLE UNSATURATED LINKS Consider a chain that contains a carbon-carbon double bond annotated CeC. In the presence of vapor, the following reaction may occur: O. - H20 - "A: Cohol? S AH Teq H H H, F, 0 M K..O HJJ -32.; S 4dS: K R R 'R R' Examples? S AH Tcq C2H4 + H20 • JloII -29.96 - -10.9 90 ° C C18H36 i- H20 - 5. £ 18 -32.15.- -15.03 I94 »C It is especially important to note that, under these conditions, it is possible to convert ethylene to alcohol, which explains why we can limit the production of gases. It is also observed that heavy alcohols are formed naturally under the operating conditions of the reactor-extractor, which operates specifically at the temperature which is favorable to achieve this type of conversion. In this way, it is easier to understand why our emulsions are stable and why our process can produce oxygenated compounds. In fact, with respect to the stability of emulsions, heavy alcohols behave as third party solvents between water and hydrocarbons, since alcohols are miscible with water through their 5H function or with hydrocarbons through the skeleton of basic hydrocarbon. When we consider the fact that the bonding forces involved in the emulsion are weak because of their origin is more physical than chemical, it is easy to understand that the emulsion can easily be "broken" by the simple mechanical means we have discovered.
METALS WITH INORGANIC DEPOSITS / COMPLEX EMULSIONS The vacuum residue that we converted contained the impurities summarized in the following table, which also indicates their distribution. FRACTIONING of RSV, Kuwait by EXTRACTION C3-C5 POSITION * DAO C3 * ExC4 * Ex C5: * Asp CS '"RsV *% INCREASE RsV * 1U.7 * .-. 3.7 - Í0.4 - 17.5 - ll! 0% RsV • Density 20 C * 0.896 • 1.000" 1,047 * 1,067 * 1,010 Rcfrac. 11 20"C" 1,510 * 1,592 * 1,624 * 1,641 * 1,59415 • rrc • 50 * 60"100 • 146 '+ 4I = C Sediments * * * 0.096 Pds' Res. Caro. i-iRsV * 0.62 * 2.96 * 8.09 * 8.23 • 19.9 Sulfur% RsV * 0.5J * t.62 * 1.62 * 1.23 * 5.0 Nickel ppmRsV "0.2 * 10.2 * 34.4 * 17 2 42 Vanadium? r > p.RsV "IX - 32.3 * 47.2 • 55.5 136 N'aC.'l% Wt. * * • 0.0003- 0.0107 O.OI I C VISC. s: 10 T • * * * 1407 Cs.
H C - ..64 *! .3Í * 1.22 - 1.1S H / C .33 * The combustion of heavy fuels gives incinerations that typically have the following relative composition (outside SO4): Si02: 32, Fe2O3: 25, Na: 16, Va: 14, Ni: 6, Al: 6 Our feeds to be converted contain Vanadium , Nickel, Sodium, Iron, Aluminum, Sulfur, etc. , which should be taken into account at least in the conversion and should preferably be eliminated. We observe that one of the first negative effects of the metals was the generation of solid compounds due to the formation of eutectic between 520x and 600 ° C, such as: SiO2 + Na2O, V2O5 + Na2O, V2O5 + NIO2, the most fusible acting as fluidizing agents of the less fusible that follows. It appears that the free compounds such as those indicated below are evacuated by the reactor effluents in the solid state. Compounds Tf Teb D n SiO2 1 700 2230 2.32 1 .4840 SiS2 > 1090 2.020 In any case, if the operation is carried out with a reactor at a temperature that is too high, deposits are observed containing the eutectic that formed, which will be deposited on the walls of the reactor. Therefore, this limitation has nothing to do with the chemistry of the conversion; it only relates to the nature of the impurities in the diet. In fact, it is not the presence of such impurities that constitutes an impediment; it is its accumulation in the reactor or the operating extractor that would tend to obstruct it, thus blocking any possible operation as long as they are not eliminated. In this way, we have a new characteristic of a modality, which limits the operating temperature of the reactor depending on the content of impurities, in the case of the vacuum residue below 500 ° C. The SiO2 is slightly extracted by dry steam of H2O (see table below).
Solubility YES02 / H2O 5.021120 ppm P H20 l? Q "sat. H20 steam sat. Dry steam H20 Teir.p. aim Concern S1Ü? 20 ppm $ 1 ¡> at 400 'C 500 * C COOT : oo ° c l í00 002 0.2 0.5 09 !) 15 1000 0.2 1.5 5.0 100 235 30 -.300 1.1 4.5 11.0 40.0 Oxides such as V2O5 of a yellowish red color or V2O3 of a darker color, have a significant solubility in water, which contributes to its extraction in our extractor. Vanadium-Sodium compounds such as NaVO4 or Na3VO4 are also soluble in water; The same is true for yellow NOSSO4 or green NiCL3 and FeCL2. By extracting the different oxides, the water finds the formation of the aforementioned eutectics and also reduces the speed of its deposits in the reactor. The presence of water and the oxygenation of the hydrocarbons in our reactor contribute to the formation of compounds such as: C6H5SO3 > 2Fe, 3H2O (coffee) or C6H5SO3 > 2Ni, 6H20 or C2H3? Or > 2Ni (green), which also has a partial but significant solubility in water. All these explain the color of the water collected after the separation of water / hydrocarbons, as well as the appearance of flocs of a density greater than that of water. After avoiding deposits due to metals in the reactor, it was observed that they were concentrated in the heavy polyaromatic hydrocarbons that tended to form "structures", as clearly shown by the analysis of the residue under vacuum. The following table describes a few compounds of Si and Fe leaving basically in DsV and RsV. Compounds PM Tf Teb d n H5C2) 3, Si, C6H5 192 149 230 1.5617 H2CéCH, Si, (? C6H5) 3 334 210 / 7mmHg 1.130 C6H50 > 4, Si 400 47 417 / 7mmHg C6H5) 2, Si, (C6H4C6H5) 2 488 170 570 1,140 1,100 C6H5 > 3, Si, C6H4C6H5 412 174 580 C6H5 > - < C6H4 > ) 4, Si 640 283 600 H3C) 3, S¡, C5H4 > 2, Fe 330 16 88 / 0.06 1 .5454 H3C) 3, Si, C5H4 > FeC5H5 258 23 65 / 0.5 1.5696 This property is exploited in this way to extract them in point 13.4 of our process, which is another characteristic of a modality. We also observed that even the light components that can be formed remain basically bonded to silica or free carbon to form liquids with a boiling point PI-150 ° C, as indicated in the table below: Compound Tf Teb D n H3C) 4, C -17 +9 0.613 1 .3476 H3C) 4, Yes +26 0.652 H3CCH2) 4, C -33 146 0.754 1 .4206 H3CCH2) 4, Yes. > . . 152 0.762 1.4246 TETRAETILOPLOMO FOR GASOLINE (for information purposes, we point out the remarkable physical properties of tetraethylpylome). There are some additional organometallic compounds of iron: Compound PM Tf ° C Teb N Color C4H6Fe (CO) 3 193 19 Yellow C6H4SFe (CO) 2 220 51 I went up. Red C5H9C5H4) FeC5H5 254 16 ... Ignition H3COC5H4) FeC5H5 228 85 87 Red Liq. H3CC02C5H4) 2, Fe 302 1 14 C6H5C5H5 > FeC5H5 236 1 10 0HCC5H4 > FeC5H5 214 121 Red H? OCH2C5H4 > 2Fe 302 140 Gold C6H5C5H4 > 2, Fe 338 1 54 Copper Red H6C4H4C5H4 > FeC5H5 278 165 Yellow Fluorescent Green Yellow Gold C6H5 > 2, C5H3 > 2, Fe 490 220 ... Red / Yellow They are normally liquid and are extracted according to our processes, at 100 or 200 ° C. All these explanations are provided only for information purposes, in order to have an idea of the phenomenon observed. It was also observed that highly polyaromatic molecules that could form structures, which would result in a very high refractive index, had a strong solvent powder capable of extracting unwanted molecules. This explains our technique, which consists of maintaining in 13.4 a strong static liquid phase from which activity increases by temperature; this phase also results from the components of the vacuum residue. COMMENTS REGARDING THE FINAL STABILIZATION OF FORMED PRODUCTS There is always a product residue at low boiling point in the useful products such as: Compound PM Tf Teb d n color H3CÓC5H4) FeC5H5 228 85 87 ... ... H3CCO2C5H4) 2, Fe 302 ... 1 14 Red The alcohols are added to these compounds, reacting according to the following scheme: -CeC- + H2O <; - > Alcohol AS = -32 AH = -1 5 Teq 200 ° C As a result, the final separation can not be a simple distillation due to the phase changes of solid-dissolved / gas or when dehydration follows. In fact, what the refiners refer to as "water intrusion", destroys the packages of a classic distillation unit. In our reference distillations, we observe these effects at the temperatures mentioned above, in the form of violent regurgitations, sudden dehydrations, emissions that accompany the release of vapors, etc. That is the reason for adopting our device to carry out this final stabilization operation with total security. This device allowed us to separate all our products, or approximately one hundred kg. , without finding any problem. DESCRIPTION AND PERFORMANCE OF THE INJECTION ASSOCIATED WITH THE REACTORS It was previously indicated that the role of the injector was to transfer the maximum usable energy contained in the vapors or gases, the feed to be converted, on the one hand and, on the other hand, to create a contact close between the steam and the feed, preferably, without any material contact with the metal walls. These results were obtained as follows: The feed that is in fact a heavy phase in relation to gases or vapors, is divided into pairs of mechanically injected jets, is accommodated in lateral paths in opposite directions, is arranged according to Figure 3 , blowing from the top towards the bottom and being on the axis of the injector. By mutual deviation, they then flow axially at a moderate speed, without any material contact. The purpose of the mechanical spray is to create fine droplets, preferably a certain dew, which thus develops a maximum surface area of the hydrocarbon-containing feed. The spray can be supported by approximately 5% of the superheated HP vapor, which contributes to the nebulization of the feed (as is well known in the heads of the injector or burner and furnace burners). In this flow, the jet of steam or gas is placed during the expansion, basically transforming its energy into kinetic energy to the greatest possible degree, with great speed, therefore. By injecting the jet of steam at high speed in the spray stream of the feed, the mechanical shearing of said jet is obtained, with the transfer of energy that contributes to the activation of the reactions, carrying out all these operations at very high speeds , without contact with the material walls and practically at the desired temperature of the reactor. The calculation of obturators and nozzles is carried out easily, according to techniques that are specific for steam turbines or hydraulic turbines, taking into account the polyphase state of the feed. DISPOSITION OF THE INJECTORS IN THE REACTOR TO FACILITATE ITS MECHANICAL CLEANING The reactor empties. Most of the solid carbon formed is removed by the effluents leaving the reactor, which is a great benefit of our process. However, a small portion is deposited on the walls and tends to accumulate. Accordingly, these carbonaceous deposits or metal oxide compounds contained in the feed must be disposed of at appropriate intervals. The presence of non-combustible oxides requires the use of mechanical means such as cleaning, cleaning by sand spraying or other means. For this purpose, it is necessary to open the reactor while any internal part or edge in projection. Accordingly, the injectors are disposed at the sides, opposite each other, on the outside of the reactor, in pairs, so that the reactor, once opened, can keep its walls completely free. By placing the upper part of the reactor, followed by the lower part, the unprotected ring of the reactor remains, which can be easily cleaned by any mechanical means. This device is particularly beneficial, especially in comparison with the problems presented by reactors that fit with packages (Vismodor Thermodifusor) or filled with catalysts with or without circulation. INJECTOR AND THERMODIFUSION DEPOSIT A critical problem is to know how to define the conditions for the injection of products in order to facilitate the appropriate initiation of the useful reactions and to define the required conditions in order to achieve the equilibrium of the stable products leaving the deposit of thermodifusion. This practical definition, which is a unique concept of a modality, consists mainly of defining the key parameters that direct this process in a practical way. We will describe an example where the vacuum residue is treated with the purpose of obtaining a kerosene production of light gaseous oil. Let's consider the residue first, vacuum. Its density and refractive index provide us with valuable information regarding its structure, thanks to our technical-scientific knowledge. An extraction of asphalts in C3, C4.C5 specifies this structure in terms of molecules to be treated. Preferably we will take a global sample and carry out a thermal stability test (or conversion by thermal pyrolysis) that is moderate and easy to carry out. If RsV is the amount of residue involved and operates at temperature T, we observe that RsV disappears, forming other products according to the following relationship: -t / Ts d (RsV) / dt = RsV and Ts being a unit of time For example, for the residue for which all the results of the conversion are given below, we find: Temperature T ° C: 430 460 490 Ts seconds: 700 140 40 Our experience leads us to think that this reaction speed was related to the imbalance between the composition of the products and that would exist if things were oriented to develop without any time restriction. If RsVeq is the remainder that would remain in equilibrium with all the products generated, we would obtain: d (RdV) / dt = Is (RsVeq-RsV) = To Existing a specific unit of time for each product. In addition, the conditions of mechanical rupture of the molecules that we have already explained in detail, are related to the interatomic cohesive forces of the component molecules and to the fact that the matter in question exceeds the maximum acceptable deformation. This results in an effort E equal to: E = force x deformation. We believe that there is a general relationship between Ts and the temperature T, with universal constant R of perfect gases, in the form of: -T (R / E) Ts = To e In this way, we have a simple means of evaluating the E value , which signa to our waste vacuum. In fact, according to our hypothesis and considering two pairs of temperature measurements Ts (1), T1; Ts (2), T2, we obtain: E = R (T-T2) with: £ Logarithm Neper £ (Ts (1) / Ts (2) In our case, with t1 = 430 ° C, Ts (1) = 700s , T2 = 490 ° C, Ts (2) = 40s, we find that the value of E is about 42 kcal / mol.This means that if we are able to clutch this energy, nothing will happen instantaneously in the reactor (also means that much more energy is transferred to the molecule, this molecule will be broken).
We will now examine the preheating of the feed and the temperature of the reactor. Having provided an effort of 42 kcal / mol without converting it into heat, the average molecule of RsV breaks down into 2 fragments only due to lack of energy. First of all, it is necessary to prevent the two fragments produced from coming together again immediately. Again, this is the role of the injector, which inserts gaseous molecules during expansion between the formed fragments. This insertion is facilitated by the fact that the H2O vapor or CO2 gas can chemically react with the broken ends of the molecules. According to one modality, in order to achieve this with almost total certainty, it is necessary to have the same number of gaseous molecules as carbon pairs, in order to create this situation. If steam is the only element used, the ratio between water (18 g / mol) and hydrocarbons (Chx 1 3 14) will ideally be in the order of 18 / (2x1 3) by weight, or approximately 0.7. Since the rsV molecules are fragmented, it is necessary to place them in a stable thermodynamic equilibrium. For this purpose, a period of time Ts is required, which basically depends on the temperature. Based on experimental data Ts, it would be preferable to adopt the highest possible temperature in order to reduce the duration of operations, but we find that this can not be done without incurring risks. In this way, of 460 ° C we have: Ce14H28 - > CA13H24 + CH4 565 ° C: CH4 - > 4CSol + 8H2 The polyaromatic polymerizes towards the massive carbon. Thanks to the reagents used, basically steam, these secondary reactions can be blocked partially but never completely. The final choice thus becomes a commitment basically based on the accepted solid carbon. In practice, it is insignificant at 440 ° C. At 520 ° C, its accumulation in the reactor requires frequent cleaning for disposal; otherwise, it can become an impediment if nothing is done, possibly filling the reactor completely. A temperature of 460-470 ° C is adopted, which gives good results. It was observed that the pressure had a very beneficial effect on the speed of the reaction. Very important at the beginning, going from 1 to 20 or 30b, this effect therefore subsidizes the rise to 1 50b and the decrease above 200 bar. That is the reason why we adopted pressures of 20 or 30 bar, which allowed us to divide approximately 2 times Ts that we would have to 1 barium. Therefore, at 470 ° C, we should have approximately 25 seconds to achieve equilibrium in the reactor. With respect to the control of reactions, our goal is to break a molecule in two during each step. This requires a net value of 20 kcal / mol, as previously indicated. If we supply 40 kcal / mol for activation, it is enough to start from a pre-heated feed below 470 ° C to obtain the desired result. In fact, starting from this temperature which is slightly lower than the desired temperature of the thermodifusion tank, when activation energy is added, the molecule would have a thermal temperature that is higher than it would have in its normal state, but it breaks down after absorb 20 kcal / mol, leaving it finally at the desired temperature for the remaining operations, necessary to achieve equilibrium. Once this is well understood, taking into account the previously defined flow velocity of the steam (or gas) that is necessary to effectively close the broken ends, it is possible to deduce the value of the enthalpy of the steam that is sent to the injector . In order to achieve 470 ° C in the thermodifusion tank, taking into account the recirculations and the different energy transfer values achieved, it is necessary to consider steam superheating temperatures of the order of 600-650 ° C for the RsV. Once the energy balance is achieved and the recirculation of matter is completed, it would be beneficial to adopt a vapor pressure of the order of 60b, superheated to 600 ° C. Our injection nozzle then adiabatically releases steam from 60 bar to 30 bar at 470 ° C and places 60 kcal / kg mechanically available as kinetic energy in the steam jet of the order of 700 m / s. In this way, we obtain a vapor at the desired reactor temperature. At this temperature, there is absolutely no risk of "roasting" the hydrocarbons, which receive the usable energy as kinetic energy, which will "shear" the hydrocarbons mechanically. Typically, the preheat will be about 20 ° C or 25 ° C less than the temperature of the thermodifusion tank, or about 445-450 ° C. This is particularly beneficial for the operation of the preheating furnace and avoids any coking problem. In fact, we know that the furnace of the switch must heat the same type of waste to 460 ° C and that the coking risk appears above this temperature. With these operating conditions, we never find any coke in our oven. In any case, once the steam flow rate and the unit of operation of the unit are set, the steam superheat and the preheat of the feed are adjusted to achieve the thermal balance defined by the temperature of the thermodifusion tank. In practice, the preheating of the feed is set to 20 or 25 ° C below the temperature at the reactor outlet, the flow rate of the heating fuel of the steam furnace is adjusted by the temperature of the reactor outlet . The example we provide below for the vacuum residue can be generalized without taking account of the feed. The main key parameter is the temperature of the reactor, which increases when the products are lighter. For example, with very heavy vacuum distillates, we will have temperatures on the order of 500 ° C, which will increase to 520 ° C for light vacuum distillates or very heavy atmospheric gas oils. EXAMPLES OF APPLICATIONS Figure 4 represents the process diagram of a unit according to our process for steam conversion of products containing hydrocarbons, in a non-arid country.
Figure 5 represents the same scheme implemented in a desert area poor in water resources. Figure 6 represents the same scheme implemented in order to convert excess gases from a drilling cavity or a refinery into liquids. Figure 7 represents an industrial pilot operating at a total supply speed of 5 kg / h or 2 kg / h of atmospheric residue or 1.5 kg / h of residue under vacuum. This pilot also converts heavy distillates into oils and light distillates. VAPOR CONVERSION In this version, see figure 4, the water is introduced in [0] by means of the pump [1], in a single pipe oven [2] heated by the burner [3]; the superheated steam is sent to the injector [4]. The fresh feed [5] that is stored in the tank [6], which receives the recirculation [14] in which it is mixed, is pumped by the pump [17], which sends it to the furnace [8], the which preheats everything and sends it to the input of the injector [4]. The injector [4], which operates as previously described, injects everything into the reactor [10]. Under the control of the pressure measurement [20], the valve [12] discharges the effluents from the reactor when released in the extractor system [13], operating at a pressure similar to atmospheric pressure. This extractor system, which has been described anywhere, comprises a series of extractions. { 1 3.1 to 1 3.5} , which are set from the ambient temperature to 360 ° C. [1 3.1] is found at local ambient temperature, [1 3.2] is set to 100 ° C, [13.3] is used to separate useful products (usually atmospheric distillates) from atmospheric residues that were not completely converted. The output [1 3.4] can also serve this purpose and, in all cases, fractionate the final separation of [13.3]. The outlet [13.5] extracts the heavier products that are heavily loaded with polyaromatics and solid carbon precursor metals. A portion [13.52] is extracted in order to avoid its accumulation in the equipment, and is used to constitute heavy fuels as long as they are acceptable in this fuel, while the remaining portion [13.51] is recycled in [14], in preparation of a new conversion. The useful products [13.2] and [13.1] appear in the form of highly stable emulsions. Normally they are joined (but could be separated if light products are desired) and are sent to the system [1 5], which mechanically breaks the emulsions. These broken emulsions are sent to a classical decanter that separates Hydrocarbons [16.1] from water [16.2] and the heavier phases (mud and sediments) are extracted [16.3]. The hydrocarbon fractions [16.1] are sent to the extractor [18], which separates the hydrocarbons that can be oxygenated or hydrated. (A classical distillation would run the risk of a "water intrusion" hazard) Normal emissions are [18.1] P1 -100 [18.2] 150-200 [18.3] 200-250 [18.4] 250-300 [18.5] 300-350 [18.6] 350+ (Atmospheric Residue) Cut-off points can be changed by changing the temperature of the extractors, as explained anywhere. Heavy fuels are constituted by the output products [18.6] (atmospheric waste) and the extracts [13.52]. The carbonaceous waste (loaded with metals) [15] is used as fuel to preferentially feed the burner [9] of the furnace [8] and the non-condensable gases are sent as primary fuel to the different burners of the furnace, taking the rest of the fuel heavy. Finally, the small amount of non-condensable gas and the small carbonaceous deposits produced by the self-consumption of the unit are re-absorbed in this way, which leaves the maximum quantity of liquid products demanded by the users. In principle, this equipment does not present any danger. All the prevailing reactions are endothermic, therefore stable. The presence of water vapor from the process makes it possible to reduce any potential fire risk. Small gas production does not give rise to any significant degassing, in the case of any accident. Maintenance (amount of material retained in the reactors) is relatively modest, which provides quick starts and cuts to the unit. The unit automatically stabilizes and self-regulates according to the operation technique adopted, in particular, the extractors that operate through the natural flow of the extracts. All of these qualities provide extreme ease of operation and driving (especially compared to the units it can replace, such as an FCC with its catalyst circulation problems between the RINSE reactor and its air supply regenerator under a pressure of about 3 barios, with its hydrocyclone problems in order to eliminate fine particles of the catalyst, etc.) INSTALLATION FOR ARID AREAS If there is no available water, its absence can be easily compensated through the use of hot gases emitted from a simple combustion. which involves CO2 + H20 + N2. In this case, the furnace [2] of figure 4 is replaced by the furnace [68] of figure 5. This furnace receives the liquid (or gaseous) fuel [61], which is pumped or compressed by [60] , it is sent to the burner [64], which also receives [63] compressed by the compressor [62] and is then sent as a fuel to the burner [64]. The temperature of the gases produced (exhalations) is adjusted to the required value by passing more or less the convection zone that cools these gases mixed with the gas that leaves the radiation at 900 ° C, if it is properly thermally charged. In fact, the speed of the fuel flow is set according to the amount of gas desired. An oxygen meter sets the oxidizer-air necessary to avoid any excess, while the pre-set temperature [54] of the gases to be supplied controls the bypass valve [67] that regulates said temperature. In this version, the amount of water implemented is reduced compared to the case of figure 4, which operates completely with steam. The devices [15] and [16] are reduced but, in turn, it is necessary to provide an air compressor that is more complex and less economical in terms of energy consumed than a pump supplying a water furnace. The rest of the equipment remains identical to the previous one. This application is very simple and very safe. It requires the constant monitoring of combustion in furnaces (flame detector) to avoid any uncontrolled combustion, untimely, in the event that the flame is emitted, which could cause the reactor to melt. (Note that the reactor can be decoked from time to time by controlled combustion of air from carbonaceous deposits, since solid deposits would be easily removed by patting or sandblasting). RESTORATION OF LIGHT GASES IN THE REFINERY OR IN AN OILY FIELD OR TO MAXIMIZE THE PRODUCTION OF GASOLINES This case is illustrated in Figure 6. As we previously saw, the process goes through phases of Oxygenation and Hydration that are favorable towards 200 ° C in the extractor. Instead of inserting H2O in the unsaturated bonds of the conversion products, it is possible to insert, under the same conditions, -CH2- which results from the initial reaction at elevated temperature: 2 CH4 + O2 === >; 2 CO + 4H2 which, at 200 ° C, produces at a low temperature: 2CO + 4H2 === > 2 -CH2 + 2H20 Since the nature of the gas is less important at higher temperatures than the energy it contains, this mixture is appropriate for the projected conversions of heavy products and, as previously mentioned, its unsaturated skeletons provide a good basis for the clamping of the -CH2- which is favorably formed towards 200 ° C, under a pressure of 20 to 30 bar, in reactors that already contain hydrocarbons. A device of this type is illustrated in FIG. 6. From a schematic point of view, the generation of the gases is the same as in the case of FIG. 5. Only the regulation of the combustion changes. The oxygen meter is adjusted with a device to measure CO2 which finally regulates the oxygen (or air) fed to the burner. The equipment remains identical to the previous ones and the only difference is the output of the reactor [10]. The effluents leaving the reactor do not expand and are maintained under a pressure of the order of 25 bar. They are cooled by a permutator [82], after which they go through an extractor [84] which operates in the same way as [23] and [24]. [84] is under optimal conditions of temperature and pressure to carry out the useful reactions and will be dimensioned according to the above. By regulating the pressure [74], the valve [85] is operated, the reactor is discharged [84], partially returned to the initial process [13] here in [83] at atmospheric pressure and is provided with the outputs [13.3] , [13.2] and [1 3. 1], which are operated as previously provided in the case of figure 4.
The partial autothermal oxidation of gases requires continuous monitoring of this combustion, as well as a rapid means of degassing in the event of an incident (hydraulic protection and significant flame to handle any contingency). Our experience in this field leads us to think that this technique will be reserved for large units where all the safety measures and precautions required can be taken efficiently and completely. In the specific case of gasoline, more advanced gas or fuel oxidation may be adopted in order to obtain C02 + mixtures. H20 (total oxidation) or CO2 + H20 + CO + H2 (partial oxidation) which are favorable in order to improve the conversion rate in light products and gasoline octane number. In this case, the safety requirement of the facilities is again total, with the normal refining techniques. These three variations illustrate the flexibility of the possible adaptation of our process and the equipment it implements, depending on the needs that must be met and the restrictions imposed. EXAMPLES OF RESULTS OBTAINED WITH OUR INDUSTRIAL PILOT Our pilot, of which an illustration is provided in figure 7, makes it possible to carry out all the operations we have considered. For reasons of space and cost, the operations [15] and [16] for the separation and extrusion of hydrocarbons from the emulsions were not carried out on a continuous basis, but rather as a re-treatment at the end of an execution controlled according to the process scheme in figure 8. Similarly, the stabilization (some type of reactive distillation) that gives final products was carried out as a re-treatment and on a continuous basis in our team according to the Figure 9. In this case, the reactor (atmospheric pressure) constitutes only a transfer line between the furnace [8] and the extractor [13], which replaces all [18] of a fully in-line equipment. according to figures 4, 5 and 6. The pilot comprises a collector that provides the charge of the gases of H2, CO2, N2, air or CH4. The pilot is illustrated in Figure 1 0 in the simplest form and close to the industrial applications. It only converts the feeds with steam. [2] is the single pipe furnace for water. [1] is your load pump that collects from a tank from which the level is measured in order to determine the water injected. [3] is the single pipe furnace that heats the feed injected by the pump [7]. [6] is the fresh feed and the recirculation tank (which must be carefully monitored in order to keep the liquid products so that they can be pumped). This tank is measured with bubbles, which provide the weight of the treated feed. [4] is the injector that we described and defined previously. [10] is the reactor sized according to the method described in the patent. [12] is the reactor discharge valve that regulates its pressure. [1 3] is a set of extractors as we define them. Its temperature is set as needed from one extractor to another. [28] is an Exit GAS Positive Displacement Meter placed behind a "devesiculator". [39] is another condensate collector. [13.1 to 13.5] are the discharge outputs of the extract. Temperatures are measured by mercury thermometers placed in deep cavities. The pressures are measured by conventional pressure gauges. Treatment and measurement of formed conversion products Exit gases: Exhaust gases [13], after "de-shining" and cooling to room temperature, go to a precision positive displacement meter followed by a gas sampling system 1 1 .2 liter flexible vesicles (previously emptied by a paddle pump that creates a very good vacuum). The density of the gas can be determined by simply weighting the gallbladder (taking the tare into account), which, based on the volume of gases produced, directly indicates the mass of the exhaust gases. The composition of the sampled gases is obtained by any appropriate technique. In our case, since there are several large capacity vesicles, the gases can be extracted, cooled by liquefying them with liquid nitrogen and distilled naturally during their re-heating. If hydrogen were released in our reactions, it would be easy to find because it would not be trapped by liquid nitrogen and would give permanent gases with a molecular weight of 2. This industrial procedure provides an unquestionable quantitative analysis of the exhaust gases.
From a practical point of view, the flow of gas makes it possible to verify the proper establishment of the openg energy conditions of the injector and the reactor that follows it, since we know that the production of gases containing hydrocarbons must be minimal (objective: null). Therefore, the gases consist mainly of SH2, CO2 and CO, which can be easily provided by simple means. Liquid products formed: These products appear after a very short decantation, in the form of a light mobile phase referred to as "Clara", a stable emulsion referred to as "Mayonnaise" and a water-free phase that sometimes covers the sediments or the flocculent refined waste referred to as "floccules". The proportion of these different phases or emulsions varies according to the food and the openg conditions. The emulsion phase often prevails and may even be the only phase present. In all cases, the emulsion is extruded through previously described media, producing a "clear" phase (resulting from mayonnaise) and "dirty" water (colored and acidic). The direct light phase and the clear phase of mayonnaise constitute the output products in [16.1 1], which contains the useful conversion products (which can be hydd or oxygenated as previously indicated). These products are then sepad on a continuous basis, according to the process scheme of Figure 9. They are heated in the furnace [8] to 360x under about 1 barium, after which they go towards [10], which acts as transfer line to finally produce: [13.5 - 18.5], atmospheric waste; [13.4 - 18.4], the cut 300-360; [13.3 -18.3], the cut 200-300; [13.2 - 18.2], the cut 100-200; [13.1 - 18.1]; PI-100 cut. The cutting points can be changed by changing the tempere of the extractors. We intentionally limited the cuts to 5 because they were sufficient in the first conversion phase of Figure 7. Thus we obtain significant quantities of products on which evaluations and measurements can be carried out. The detailed characteristics of the products formed are obtained through classical distillation, without agitation or packing, in order to observe the phenomenon of dehydon of these products, which can release water. The refractive index and the density measurements inform us about the structure of the products formed and, consequently, about the good execution of the conversion. It is especially important for the recirculation, ensuring not to polymerize any polyaromatic that would degene into massive coke. EXAMPLES OF RESULTS OBTAINED 1 CONVERSION OF RESIDUE TO VACUUM. RsV RsV power. d = 1.01 SOLID n = 1.594 [5] power 00.0 is? idßfá [15] Csol .0 combustibl [41] Cgas 4.0 2 fuel gas2% [16.3] 4.0 + Miscellaneous: [13.52] Purges 3.5 \ FUEL [18.5] 8.5 ^ Weighs or 2% 18. 1 to 18.4 Dat: 77.0 0.839 Amos. DISTILLATES CONVERSION At. Cut Weso D v 2.57 0.687 1.43112 [-16-1] PI-150 [-18.2] 150-200 3.77 0.772 1.45504 200-250 4.61 0.825 1.46368 -18.3] 250-300 46.68 0.8536 1.47443 [- ß.-q 300-360 13.37 0.8535 1.48936 Dp / v is the density of the Weight / Volume quotient, da is the same density taken in a densitometer. s of this conversion are listed below Natural Process Reference d: density n: refraction Natural H20 1.00 [0] Power supply: P] Power supply RsV 1.01 1.594 SOLID [13.1 - 13.2] [501 [16.1] Du / P da n [16.2] Clear 0.893 0.906 1.51671 Mayonnaise 0.925 0.977 0.933 Clear Extruded 1.51567 1-5'1252 116. 1: CLUO + Exempt Claio e [13.1-13.2]% in the coi te% Weight Dp.V CONVERSION Even. Coite II 18.1] PI-150 3.03 0.687 1.43112 18.2] 150-200 4.44 0.772 1.45504 18.3] 200-250 5.43 0.825 1.46368 18.4] 250-300 55.00 0.8536 1.47443 18.5] 300-360 22.82 0.8535 1.48936 Atin. Reskluo: 9.28 RECIRCULATE N: MAIN FLOW at coite [13.3] 200 ° C DsV Coite * '• pμ200 e ?? P s ^ Dp.V 0.831 1.50099 200-250 29.21 0.903 1.50835 250-330 52.18 0.932 1.51879 RsV.3 10.37 1.595 in the coite VERY LOW FLOW: RFCIR I II ACI N + PURFíA Coite ",, in weigh,, . 1 13.4] 360 ° C DsV D |) V PI-195 No.? "195-250 8.63 0.859 1.49888 250-300 43.33 ° -904 1.53737 RsV.4 48.04 1.625 [13.5] 470 ° C NOTHING It is noted that the cut [13.4] contains a portion of RsV and (250-300) DsV that extracted metals and polyaromatics. A portion thereof is removed to purge the reactor. The 3.5% adopted gave us good results.
, ATMOSPHERIC RESIDUE CONVERSIONS 470"C & 1.0 in I a al i rmeptation Total Acmas. Dist .: 116.1 i: Clear + Extruded clear of 115.1-13.2] K in feed CONVERSION Atm. Cut% Weight DfW D [-I Pl -150 2.7 0é9 i. * 32 [-18.2J I50.20Q 1U.6 0.7"? 1,452 [-18.3] 200-250 1? .0 0.B2 1,462 1 -1H-41 250- 300 33.1 Q.S6 1,484 300-3 15.5 0.8 ft 1.49? Atm ResiduoQ.Sfl 250-330 49 45 C.923 1 .530 RsV 3 15.46 1.599 VERY LOW FLOW: RECIRCULATION + PURGE n Cut [13.41 360 ° C ~ DsV% Cut Dp- vn Pl -195 in Weight 0.0 195-250 10.5 1.509 250- 325 39.S 0.934 1.530 RsV 4 4S.C4 1.00 1.630 [13.5] 470 ° C NOTHING It is clearly observed that heavy metals and polyaromatics are concentrated in the RsV of the extract [1 3.4], which is why a portion of this extract is purged. The recirculation decreases compared to the case where only RsV is treated, the capacity of the treatment is its nominal value of 2 kg / h of atmospheric waste. PRODUCTION OF OXYGENATED COMPOUNDS OR HYDRATED EMULSION When carrying out a first execution of conversion to Atmospheric Residue, the direct clear products + the emulsions are obtained. It was thought to pass them again through our pilot in order to oxygenate or hydrate them during this new conversion. The distillation under the sand of the direct and extruded clear phase after this second conversion gave the following results: Recipes: Density in Refractive Index Weight Section v, t Steam V.HC HC, dry Dp / V n PI-120 3.25 0.9 2.25 1, 54 0.684 1, 431 12 120 0.3 0.3 -.- -.- 120-200 5.6 -.- 5.6 4, 1 8 0.746 1, 44963, 200-250 9, 1 1, 0 8, 1 6,38 0,790 1, 46368 250-300 26, 1 -.- 26, 1 22.27 0.853 1, 481 91 300-360 53.0 ... 53.0 46.06 0.869 1, 49677 H2O = 2.2 g for: 80.43 g of HC Dry The distillation without sand of the same feed produced: H2O = 7.9 g for: 85.86 g of HC Dry This clearly shows that hydrated and oxygenated products were formed, which depolymerize in the first place at similar temperatures between 120 and 250 ° C to 1 barium.
In addition, it is well known that water binds to ethylenic bonds according to reactions of the following type: -CeC- • H20 - > icohol AS AH Tcq H H H. II. 0 Jl H "0 H., H -32 -15 468 = C: C - C (200 * 0 R 'R R' Example ?: AS I Tcq C2H4 m - > K3C-CIÍÓK - ??% M0.9 9C5C C I8H36"20 - > Alcohol at * -32.15 -15.03 WK The equilibrium temperature of these reactions is achieved specifically at 1 b towards 200 ° C for heavy alcohols and 1 200 ° C for light alcohols. The experience clearly shows that we have hydrated and oxygenated hydrocarbons, which is confirmed by the temperatures of chemical equilibrium of the water with the corresponding alcohols. The presence of hydrated and oxygenated products is favorable for the quality of the products formed, in particular gasolines. This oxygenation or hydration is also favorable for combustion in both ovens and diesel engines. Furthermore, due to their polar characteristics by the OH function, these products act as third party solvents between the water and the hydrocarbon skeleton of the hydrocarbons, thus making it possible to obtain emulsions that are highly stable over time (Our samples of more than 8 years have not moved). CONVERSION OF THE LAST DISTILLED HEAVY VACUUM referenced as 80, Kuwait Oil Plan BP Dunkerque Reactor 500 ° C These controlled operating conditions were selected in order to verify the increase in productivity and test the control of the speed of deposits in the reactor. In addition, the techniques for liquid-liquid furfural extraction of the feed and effluents allow us to analyze the structure of the products formed and confirm our operation and dimension practices for the units designed according to our SO Food process. K 100 0 d- OR 936 .SOl.lD p = l 530 To the Atrros _J? S :. "7 8 in power f .6 11 Clear + Extruded light from \ \ \ \ 13 2] u'n in power C OX \ ERSION Ap? Cut ° ° 00 PPeessoo Dp'V, - ÍS 1, PI -l Ml 1 100 1199 0 692 1 429 [-IS 21 l _? C-203 1 1"" 3366 0 746 1 441 [20C-25 '") I" 26 0 7S6 1 -4-6 * -1S 3] 2 ^ - ^) 0 17 50 0 S41 1 KS [-IS 4 '300-360 15.43 O.S78 1 509 [18 5! • Vtm Residue - 1 23 .51 Feeding 80. K 100 0 d- 0 936 SOUDOn- = l 530 Extractive separation with Furfural Cut P AR P A A-N N-Ii * D ^! O ^ S 1.038: 0 943 0 366 * p 1 610 1 $ 1 529 1 S9-% Weight 1 1 21 11 • 46 * REC1RCULATION: MAIN FLOW dn [13.3] 200 ° C 0.972 1 .568 VERY LOW FLOW: RECIRCULATION + PURGA dn [13.4], 360 ° C 1, 02 1 .591 A few polyaromatics: non-extracted [13.5] 470 ° C (returned in [1 3.4]) It is clearly observed that heavy and polyaromatic metals are concentrated in the extract [13.4], which is the reason for purging a portion of this extract. The conversion is carried out with a low recirculation, thanks to the operating conditions adopted, in particular a reactor towards 500 ° C. Note that there is a very significant production of gasoline (27.55% by weight PI-200 ° C, which compares very favorably with FCC gasoline). CONVERSION WITH MISCELLANEOUS GAS MIXTURES AND EFFECT OF THE NATURE OF FOOD TEMPERATURE REACTOR In order to be able to operate in arid areas where water is scarce or in order to improve the quality of gasoline, we study the alternative offered by our process, which consists of operating with miscellaneous permanent gases or mixtures that are easy to produce , such as oven exhalations, for example. Some units, such as the decarbonation unit of the BENFIEL unit in a hydrogen production complex, reject large quantities of CO2 that we can consider using eventually. Another of our concerns was to verify our knowledge and experience in the work with light Diesel distillate or heavy atmospheric diesel in order to obtain lighter Gasoils and Gasolines or, in other words, in order to satisfy the unbalanced market for these products. In fact, our unit makes it possible to favor the production of diesel or gasoline as desired, which can not be achieved by existing conversion units that have a fixed distribution of the products they generate. Therefore, we selected an ELF brand ENGINE FUEL as the feed to be converted, which is popular and easy to find in all hypermarkets and has a density of 0.885 and an index n = 1.488 (average values). We know that CO2 was a good candidate for conversions; that CO2 + H2O had potential benefits; that CO2 + H2 could be beneficial but H2 risked being scarcely reactive and would participate in the reactions only through their physical attributes; that N2 could be adequate but, when used alone, it would not protect against coking. All these combinations were explored. We were able to verify that it was very practical to adopt a reactor temperature of 520-530 ° C. Without recycling, the conversions observed were the following: 6 CONVERSION OF OIL TO CO2 PURE YES N RECIRCULATION [5] Feeding.Oil 100.00 d = 0.885 n = 1 .488 [16.11] CONVERSION Cut% in Weight Dp / vn PI-150 6.74 0.700 1.432 150-200 8.62 0.750 1.448 200-250 8.99 0.807, 1.464 250-300 9.35 0.824 1.476 300-360 9.49 0.836 1.487 Total Atm. Distilled 43.10 I Prop. 3.11 0.860 [13.3] 52.78 l 0.878 [13.4] 0.91 0.861 [13.5] I 7 C COONNVVEERRSSIIONONN DDEE AACC EEIITTEE AA < C COO 22 ++ H H22 SSIINN RREEIC CIIRRCCUULLAACTIIOONN [5] A Alliimmeennttaacciióonn :: AAcceeiittee 1 1'0 oo0..o0o0 o 0..e8 ¡8855 11..448888 CONVERSION Cut% in Weight Dp / v n PI-150 8.53 0.727 1.433 150-200 8.93 0.760 1.447 200-250 11.56 0.798. '1. 250-300 8.34 0.816 1.474 300-360 7.70 0.832 1.487 45.06 Prop. 1.74 0.848 [13.3] I 52.63 0.880 [13.4]] 0.91 0.915 [13.5] I 8 CONVERSION OF OIL TO CO2 + H2O WITHOUT RECIRCULATION [5] FeedOil 100.00 0.885 1 .488 CONVERSION Cut% in Weight Dp / vn 1-1 50 3.91 0.762 1 .441 150-200 7.54 0.732 1 .450 200-250 10.14 0.789 1 .464 250-300 9.58 0.812 1 .475 300-360 14.56 1 .828 1 .484 45.73 Prop. 13.67 0.848 [13.3] 38.30 0.880 [1 3.4] 1 .40 0.686 [1 3.5] 0.9 0.885 H2O tends to decrease the appearance of light fractions, as expected. There are two significant differences that separate the performance of these gas mixtures. From the point of view of octane rating, the classification is done in ascending order of CO2, CO2 + H2O, CO2 + H2, without any main distinction. Care must be taken to avoid excess gas flow of CO2 + H2O, which would reduce conversions as pure losses. 9 CONVERSION OF OIL TO CO2 + H2O WITH RECIRCULATION r] Allnient.icl? N: ENGINE OIL 1 0.ÜÜ d- t) .886 p-1.49148 [15J Csol 0.5 solid fuel 0.5% [41] Ceas: 3.2 fuel « i. 1.6% [16.3] • Miscellanea S. 0.0 [13.52] Pwg »0.5 OMBUSTIBLE: i8.5i 6.3 HEAVY 6.8% [18.1 - 15.4] Dai: 8 < ? 5 Altn-DISTILLATES CONVERSION 'Atm. Coite or .-. VVt. Dp / V r. r -ís i; PI -! S0 16.79 0.721 Í.427 i -: s.2j 150-200 13.24 0.763 1.445 [2G -25D l ?. 3 Ü.B; i: .462 -18.3] 2Í0-3OC 18.24 0.831 i.478 í -1S. J .100-360 21.80 0.86S 1.489 (13.31 0.882 1.507 [13.4 | 0.897 1.511 [13.5? This oil is converted to 30% of PI-200 gasolines. These different examples show that very different feeds can be converted in a very safe way and with excellent results. (Tests with pure N2 showed that there was a significant tendency to coke). 10 DEPOSITS IN THE REACTOR We selected the ELF Motor Oils as test feeds in examples 6, 7, 8 and 9, thinking in particular that we would only be limited by the chemical considerations for a conversion analysis in light cuts. Essentially we carry out the conversions with permanent gases, in particular the CO2 and hydrogen supplied by commercially available Air Liquide and Demineralized Water, with an oven temperature of 530 ° C.
We started by providing the deposits by controlled combustion according to the technique that is specific to hydrocarbons, while closely monitoring the combustion front. Unexplained problems remained with respect to local losses of power in the reactor. Therefore, we decided, after a long controlled execution: (1) to carry out a careful combustion; and (2) open the reactor and its injector. The injector was clean. We then extracted deposit scales from the reactor, through a well-known tapping technique and a gray powder by shaping with a deep-hole drill. Neither scales nor dust were combustible. 151.22 g of solids were collected for a feed of 62300 g, which gave a solid deposit / feed ratio of 0.24%. The origin of these deposits can only be the treated oil and they only appear as an accumulation. (In our waste conversion tests, we adopted the mechanical cleaning technique to extract carbonaceous and solid waste from the reactor, which is a more difficult but more accurate operation that indicates the weighted amount of deposits formed. practical purposes). 1 1 DEMETALIZATION THROUGH WASTE OR FOOD EXTRACTION These are the properties of an RsV Kuwait that we use as the reference feed in our conversions.
A fractionation by extraction with Propane C3, Butane C4 and Pentane C5 makes it possible to separate the components of this residue under vacuum according to their nature, ranging from DAO (for deasphalted oils) to very hard asphalts (Asp C5) FRACTIONING OF rsV BY EXTRACTION C3-C5 6/1 FRACIOHAMIENTG OF RsV BY EXTRACTION C3 ¡6/1 V POSITION * DAÜ C1! * ExCi Ex C5 Asp C5% iVALIHENTAaON ß ^ 7 * 30.4 17.5! 103% RsV Density 20 * or * 1.000 1.047 1.067 1 1.010 Index Refi active 0 ° C '1.519 * 1.592 -' 1.624 1.641. "1.59415 TGG« 50 • 60 100 146: IT Sediments •: o. (»% P s Res. Ca:. % RsV '0.62 2.96 S.09 R.7} ! 19.9 Azufie tsV * 0.53 1.62 1.62 1.23! 5.0 Nickel in sV • 0-2 10.2 14.4 17.2 '42 Vanadium.? Mtis \' * 1.0 32.3 47.2 55.5! 136 NaC t. * 0.O00 0.0IC7 '0.0110 VISC Cst 1Ü0T * *! 1402 Cst H / C • 1 M - .35 1.22 1.1S! H / C - 133 It was observed that the metals (Nickel, Vanadium) were concentrated in the most polyaromatic products with a high refractive index n and with the highest density. The same applies to salts and sulfur. These components constitute an impediment because they are poisons for any subsequent catalytic refining treatment that can be carried out. Polyaromatics containing these components are coking precursors and, when mixed, increase the viscosity of the products to the point where they can no longer be pumped, thus greatly reducing the quality of the fuels used for fuel applications. Due to all these reactions, it would be necessary to extract them separately. The conversion of this residue to the vacuum (RsV) described in Example No.1 gave us the following summary of the extraction [13.4]: VERY LOW FLOW: RECIRCULATION + PURGE \ * n Cutting 113.41 M DsV cut S in Weight:. H-M Nothing 395-250 863 0.859 L.49S8S 250-300 43.33 .90 ¿1.537.37 «sV 45.01 1.625 When referring to the refractive densities and index, it is observed that the extract [13.4] consists practically and exclusively of EXC4, EXC5 and AspC5. However, the analysis of the extract [13.3] shows that it practically does not contain components loaded with Metals, Salts, Sulfur, etc. , since its heaviest fraction is a DAO and 10% of RV.3 is equivalent to EXC3.
RECIRCULATION: MAIN FLOW in the Cut, "I3 3) 200T DsV Cut", in Weight Dp'v p Pl -200 8.24 0.831 1 50CW.) 0-2ü0 29 21 0.9G * 1 50835 250-330 52 (8 0.932 1.51879 RsV? JO 37: .5!> 5 i The extractor.}.? .5 works as a safety device.) At 360 ° C and at atmospheric pressure, the EXTRACTOR [13.4] demetallizes the feed in an efficient manner and controlled by the concentration of Metals, Salts and Sulfur in a very definite extract [13.4] that constitutes a new characteristic of a modality. CONTENT OF METALS AND OTHER CRUDE AND WASTE IMPURITIES When fractioning a typical vacuum residue through well-known refining techniques with propane C3, butane C4, pentane C5, the following extracts and refining residues are obtained: POSITION * DA0G * ExC4 * E C5 'As CS' "" RsV *% foVUimeiitaci? Ii * IS * 517 * 30 _ * YI * 100% RsV * Sediment • * "• * *" • Q, Q96noPd = * Sulfur% RsV '0.53 * 1.62 • Í.62 * 1.23 * 5.0% P? * Niquel ppm sV * 0.2 * 10.2 • 14.4 * 17.2 * 42 * Vanadium jpmRsV .O * 323 '47 .2 * 55.5 *] 36 * Na l% Wt. ~~ * - * ^ '* O.Í) C03 * Q.Q1Q7 'P.Q110 • WC * ..64"1.35 - ^ 1.22 * 1.18 * ilC-1.33« DAO is the product called deasphalted oil; ExC4 is the extract with C4; ExC5 is the extract with C5 and Asp'C5 is the corresponding residual asphalt obtained. The metals, NaCl and sulfur are concentrated in highly aromatic heavy molecules with a low hydrogen content. After combustion, these residues gave incinerations that have a typical relative composition, as indicated below: Incinerations: SiO2: 32 Fe2O3: 25 Na: 16 Va: 14 Nl: 6 Al: 6 In addition, we know that the eutectic (Glass) appear at 550 ° -600 ° C: Silica + Soda === > Classic Glass (Silicate) Silica + V2O5 === > Vanadium Glass Silica + Nickel === > Glass Nickel Silica + linings === > Glass with Iron, Ni, etc. Accordingly, it is observed that any catalyst is fatally "overloaded with glass" by the metals. Since our thermoforming reactor is empty, it can withstand long runs without rapid deposits on its walls, as was also observed, for other considerations, that should operate in this case at 460-480 ° C. Therefore, metals are carried and extracted by the heavier liquid products. Converted engine oils require a reactor at 500-520 ° C. It was actually observed that there were few deposits without fuel in the walls of the thermodifusion reactor. This leads to generalize the technique of mechanical cleaning of the extraction of carbonaceous waste accompanied by metallic deposits, preferably by burning (which leaves metal deposits and incinerations on the walls). Also, since the thermodiffusion reactor is empty, no problems were found in the conduction of this mechanical cleaning and in scaling the operation. Sulfur does not present any problem. Although the present invention has been described in relation to particular embodiments, it will be understood that the embodiments are illustrative and that the scope of the invention is not limited to these modalities. Many variations, modifications, additions and improvements to the modalities are described as possible. These variations, modifications, additions and improvements may fall within the scope of the invention as detailed within the following claims.

Claims (21)

  1. CLAIMS 1. A process for the conversion of hydrocarbons, characterized in that it contains heavy residues or distillates that can be loaded with impurities in light products that can be distilled, the process comprises: preheating a hydrocarbon charge at a first temperature; treat the charge with a jet having a first amount of energy, activating the charge by transferring at least a portion of the first quantity of energy to the charge in which at least a portion of the charge molecules is divided into more molecules light; stabilizing the charge at a second temperature in a reactor, wherein the reactor is operated at a first pressure; expand the load to a second pressure and pass the load through a series of extractors, at least one of the extractors being configured to demetalize the load, at least one of the extractors being configured to produce water / hydrocarbon emulsions. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that it also comprises the breaking of the emulsions to obtain resulting hydrocarbons and distillation of the resulting hydrocarbons. 3. The process according to claim 2, characterized in that the rupture of the emulsions comprises the extrusion of the emulsions followed by the decantation of one or more resulting hydrocarbon phases, wherein the extrusion is selected from the group consisting of: the emulsions through one or more selections; empty dry sand on the emulsions and turn steel spheres in the emulsions. 4. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the preheating and treatment of the charge are carried out in an injector that injects the charge and the jet into a non-catalytic reactor. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the jet comprises superheated steam. The process according to claim 5, characterized in that the superheated steam expands in an adiabatic manner in such a way that the first portion of the first amount of energy is transferred mechanically and where, after the superheated steam is expanded, the steam is at the second temperature. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the jet comprises one or more gases selected from the group consisting of: H20; CO2; CO; H2 and N2. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the energy of the jet is supplied by a conventional thermal oven. 9. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the energy of the jet is supplied by combustion of hydrocarbons under pressure and is exposed to air. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the filler is a finely pulverized solid. eleven . The process according to claim 9, characterized in that the charge is injected by the use of at least one pair of convergent streams and where the jet is directed to the convergent streams and where the jet causes the transfer of kinetic energy to the charge, thus causing the shearing of the cargo molecules. 12. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the first pressure is selected to minimize a thermoforming time and a reactor volume. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that substantially all the molecules of the charge are broken into two parts. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the stabilization of the charge comprises the reaction of at least one oxygenate with the recently broken molecules of the charge, wherein the at least one oxygenate is selected from the group consisting of H2O and CO2. The process according to claim 1 3, characterized in that the proportion of oxygenated compound to carbon in the filler is at least 0.7. 16. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the passage of the load through one of the series of extractors comprises the mixing of the load with a heavy phase, the transportation of the cargo towards a stabilization chamber and the decantation of the liquid products of the cargo. 7. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the second pressure is atmospheric pressure and the first pressure is greater than the atmospheric pressure. 18. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the at least one extractor configured to produce water / hydrocarbon emulsions is configured to operate at 200 ° C. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the at least one extractor configured to demetalize the load is configured to operate at 360 ° C. The process according to claim 1, characterized in that the series of extractors comprises at least one first extractor operated at a first temperature, followed by a second extractor operated at a second temperature, followed by a third extractor operated at a third temperature, in where the first temperature is greater than the second temperature and the second temperature is greater than the third temperature and where the first extractor is configured to convert vacuum residues into vacuum distillates, the second extractor is configured to convert vacuum distillates to waste atmospheric and where the third reactor is configured to convert heavy hydrocarbons into light hydrocarbons. twenty-one . A device for carrying out the process according to any of claims 1 to 20, characterized in that it comprises: a hollow reactor body; one or more inputs configured to introduce a hydrocarbon feed into said reactor; a nozzle for injecting a jet at high speed in said reactor to shear the molecules of said hydrocarbon feed; one or more outlets configured to allow said hydrocarbon feed to leave said reactor body; and one or more extractors coupled to said one or more outlets and configured to demetalize said hydrocarbon feed and produce water / hydrocarbon emulsions.
MXPA/A/2001/003801A 1998-10-16 2001-04-16 Deep conversion combining the demetallization and the conversion of crudes, residues or heavy oils into light liquids with pure or impure oxygenated compounds MXPA01003801A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
FR98/12983 1998-10-16
US09/405,934 1999-09-27

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MXPA01003801A true MXPA01003801A (en) 2002-06-05



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