MXPA00006152A - Apparatus and method arranged to provide controllable water treatment customized to the conditions of water supplied to a beverage dispenser - Google Patents

Apparatus and method arranged to provide controllable water treatment customized to the conditions of water supplied to a beverage dispenser


Publication number
MXPA00006152A MXPA/A/2000/006152A MXPA00006152A MXPA00006152A MX PA00006152 A MXPA00006152 A MX PA00006152A MX PA00006152 A MXPA00006152 A MX PA00006152A MX PA00006152 A MXPA00006152 A MX PA00006152A
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water treatment
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Spanish (es)
George J Jarocki
Paul S Sudolcan
Original Assignee
The Cocacola Company
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Application filed by The Cocacola Company filed Critical The Cocacola Company
Publication of MXPA00006152A publication Critical patent/MXPA00006152A/en



A modular water treatment apparatus (62) is provided for soft drink postmix dispensers. The apparatus includes a basic filter unit (80) and additional modules selected from booster pump (86), UV treatment (84), and ion exchange modules (82) as needed to match situs water problems determined water testing. A control module (79) has microcontroller based circuitry which provides apparatus monitoring and control. Disabling and warning alarms are generated for predetermined apparatus conditions on a pripority basis. A hand-held controller can be coupled to the control module to provide an operator interface for entry and readout of data on the basis of key entries.


APPARATUS AND METHOD AVAILABLE TO PROVIDE TREATMENT OF CONTROLLED WATER ADJUSTED TO MEASURE TO THE CONDITIONS OF THE WATER SUPPLIED TO A DRINKER OF BEVERAGES BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION The present invention relates to an apparatus for treating water used in carbonated and other spouts for purifying water as it is processed in these dispensers. In the post-mixing or carbonated drinks dispensers, the water is treated, carbonated and mixed with syrup to produce the carbonated beverage that is supplied to customers or users. In the production of carbonated beverages in a packaging plant, a complete water treatment purifies the water according to the quality of the water supplied to the plant. This water treatment typically reduces hardness, ensures sterility and removes suspended solids, dissolved organic matter and possibly other materials such as sodium and nitrates. The post-mixed (carbonated) beverage supply systems employ a water treatment apparatus that operates on a small scale compared to the complex and large-scale water treatment that is provided at the packing plant level. However, the U.S. patent. No. 4,844,796, titled FULL WATER TREATMENT APPARATUS FOR USE IN SOFT DRINK DISPENSING SYSTEM (COMPLETE WATER TREATMENT DEVICE FOR USE IN CARBONATED BEVERAGE SUPPLY SYSTEM) granted to George Plester on July 4, 1989, and granted to the present assignee , discloses a relatively simple and economical water treatment apparatus however effective for use in post-mixed beverage dispensers. The quality of the water received from a general water supply usually meets the local purification needs, but the quality varies from site to site. In this manner, additional water treatment required at the site of each post-mixing beverage dispenser may vary according to the local water supply. In particular, the quality of local drinking water in many parts of the world may require in situ treatment for excessive turbidity (suspended particles), microbiological or chemical problems, or undesirable flavors and odors. As a result, the water treatment apparatus for post-mixed beverage dispensers has typically been designed inefficiently on a one-for-one basis according to the needs of on-site water treatment. In addition, these prior art designs have often resulted in appliances lacking a correspondence of treatment units to water problems at the installation site. In other words, intuitive calculation has often been employed to create designs for prior art water treatment apparatuses to be installed at a particular site. In addition, even when acceptable adjustments have been made to installed treatment units and on-site water problems, the operators often do not know or plan adequately in advance when the installed filters are exhausted. In these cases, the lack of water has caused burning of the carbonation pump. Furthermore, if there are problems in the water supplied to a prior art water treatment apparatus installed to change after installation, a new design or a new or modified water treatment apparatus has been required to adjust to the changed problems. in the water supply. Again, the new or modified device will typically involve some intuitive design calculation. In any case, it will be incurred. Excessive cost and new water treatment requirements may or may not be met. Accordingly, for economy in manufacturing and distribution, a post-mixing water treatment apparatus needs to be structured in such a way that it can be easily and inexpensively adjusted for water treatment requirements at the installation site. installation time, as well as subsequent during the useful life of the appliance if the water treatment requirements on the site change. In addition, the post-mixing water treatment apparatus requires maintenance to ensure the effectiveness of the water treatment continues as the use occurs over time. Maintenance has typically been provided by scheduling replacement of treated cartridges and in some cases, in response to automatic end-of-life-cartridge-induction indications. In this way, there has also been a need for better verification and control in real time in the water treatment apparatus supplier to allow better maintenance by the owner / user and better efficiency in water treatment. COMPENDIUM OF THE INVENTION The present invention is directed to water treatment devices that are modularly structured, to facilitate adjustment to the economic extent of the apparatus for local use and that is provided with verification and control capability allowing better maintenance of the apparatus and a more effective water treatment in post-mixed carbonated beverage dispensers and in other applications. According to the invention, the water treatment apparatus comprises a module arrangement that can be configured in a variable manner, by varying the selected modules for inclusion in a water treatment configuration for a particular site, wherein the water supply Site water has been approved to identify water problems. The modules include a basic filter module and other water treatment modules that, when connected together, provide a complete water treatment. The modular arrangement is configured in an original configuration, for the particular site, to include the basic filter module and any, all or none of the remaining water treatment modules connected together according to the water treatment required at least for couple or adjust the identified water problems. A booster pump module preferably operates to reinforce the inlet water pressure if low water pressure is determined as a water problem. A preferential verification and control system interconnects with the water treatment apparatus and responds to detected system parameters to provide data readings, generate alarms and apply control actions to the apparatus. The objects of the invention are still further fulfilled by an apparatus having a flow path for water that is treated with the apparatus comprising a booster pump, a basic filter and an ion exchange chamber connected in the flow path. A pressure detector and a flow detector are also coupled to the flow path. A verification and control system responds to an output from the pressure detector to provide on / off cycling (ON / OFF) of the booster pump for the control of outlet water pressure. The verification and control system also responds to an output from the flow detector to determine total flow over time. The verification and control system also generates at least one basic filter replacement alarm when a fixed point of low water pressure is detected and an ion exchange resin replacement alarm when a total fixed point water flow is reached. The objects of the invention are still further fulfilled by a method for assembling the water treatment apparatus for treating the water supplied to a particular site. The steps of the method include testing the site water to determine site problems and determining an arrangement of water treatment modules that can be variably configured by varying the modules selected for inclusion in a water treatment configuration for the particular site . The modules include a basic filter module and other water treatment modules that, when connected together, provide full water treatment. The arrangement is configured in an original manner for the particular site, to include the basic filter module and any, all or none of the remaining water treatment modules connected together to adjust or couple the identified water problems of the test stage of the water. Additional scope of application of the present invention will be apparent from the detailed description given below. However, it will be understood that the detailed description and specific examples, while indicating preferred embodiments of the invention, are given by way of illustration only, since various changes and modifications within the spirit and scope of the invention will be apparent to those persons. with skill in the specialty from this detailed description. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS The accompanying drawings illustrate a preferred embodiment of the invention and are incorporated and constitute a part of the specification. The drawings and description in the specification provide an explanation of the objects, advantages and principles of the invention. In the drawings: Figure 1 is a block diagram depicting a post-mixed beverage spout system, including a spout and a water treatment apparatus that are structured and operated in accordance with the principles of the invention: Figure 2 is a schematic diagram illustrating a preferred modular arrangement of the water treatment apparatus of Figure 1; Figure 3 shows a block diagram representing the modular organization of the water treatment apparatus of Figures 1 and 2; Figures 4A-4I are schematic perspective diagrams of various modular configurations wherein the modular water treatment apparatus can be incorporated as is titled in these Figures; Figures 5A-5I are schematic diagrams representing various circuits located in the control box of the water treatment apparatus of the Figures 1 and 2 and are provided for verification and control of this apparatus; Figure 5J is a logic flow diagram for a microcontroller that is employed in the water treatment apparatus of Figures 1 and 2; Figure 6A is a top plan view of a portable or manual controller that provides a control interface between an operator and control circuits in the control box; Figure 6B schematically illustrates preferred circuits employed in the portable controller; Figure 6C is a functional block diagram representing programmed logic processes that are performed by a microprocessor in the portable controller of Figure 6A; Figure 7A is a plan view of an ultraviolet (UV) detector that allows verification of a UV module included in the water treatment apparatus organized in modular form of the invention; Figure 7B illustrates a longitudinal section taken on the reference line shown in Figure 7A; and Figure 7C is an assembly diagram of the UV detector of Figure 7A. DESCRIPTION OF PREFERRED MODALITIES A modular water treatment apparatus of the invention solves economically, efficiently and reliably problems commonly found in drinking water in many parts of the world including: excessive turbidity, microbiological, chemical products and the presence of flavors and odors undesirable. These water problems make local drinking water unsuitable or undesirable for supplying post-mixing of carbonated beverages, and in many cases, also for supplying drinking water and coffee, tea and other water-based beverages. The post-mixed turnover is adversely affected by these water problems unless properly resolved. The modular nature of the water treatment apparatus of the invention facilitates combining treatment units to structure a specific water treatment apparatus that solves particular water problems. In applying the invention, these problems were identified by analyzing the supply water at a site where the specific water treatment apparatus is to be installed. Since each type of treatment module is known to be effective in fulfilling its intended purpose, any combination of the modules also results in an effective water treatment system. With the use of the invention in post-mixing operations of carbonated beverages, packagers do not need to worry about the selection of water treatment components, verification of performance claims of the components and resorting to suppliers to determine how to configure a system of water treatment.
WATER TREATMENT APPARATUS FOR POST-MIXING OF CARBONATED BEVERAGES A system 60 illustrated in Figure 1, is located at a specific site and delivers carbonated beverages after mixing with treated water to meet or exceed the post-mixing standards according to the invention. A general water supply 64, located on the site, supplies water to the water treatment apparatus 62 of the system 60. After treatment, the water circulates to a carbonated beverage dispenser 66 where it is treated by a carbonator 68 and mixed with water. syrup from a supply of syrup 70 for discharge as indicated by the reference character 72. The water treatment apparatus 62 includes a control unit 74 which performs various verification, alarm and control functions in the operation of the apparatus 62. A The portable controller 76 preferably provides an interface for configuration by the operator and control of the apparatus 62. The water treatment apparatus 62 is preferably arranged modularly as illustrated in Figure 3. In its preferred modular organization, the apparatus 62 has modules of treatment include a basic filter module 80, an ion exchange module 82 and a UV module 84. The apparatus 62 further includes a metal module. control module (corresponding to the control unit 74 of Figure 1) and a pump module 86. The treatment and pump modules may be incorporated by commercially available units. The water treatment apparatus 62 is modularly configured to provide a specific apparatus that solves the determined water problems that exist at the site where the specific apparatus is to be installed. In this way, the apparatus 62 can easily be tailored to provide water treatment in a wide range of locations. With the preferred modular arrangement, the installer can tailor the water treatment apparatus 62 by making a selection of at least the following modular configurations (each including the control module): a. base filter with or without water pressure booster pumps that has a bypass: b. UV systems and base filter with or without a water pressure booster pump that have a bypass; c. ion exchange system and base filter with or without water pressure pump that has a bypass; d. ion exchange system, base filter and UV system with or without water pressure pump that has a bypass; and. any of a. a d. with a bladder tank and a pump without bypass in the place of the bypass pump. In addition, the owner or operator of a water treatment apparatus installed and adjusted to measure 62 can easily reconfigure the installed apparatus to adjust to a changed set of water problems. For example, a pump with a bypass can be added to a device originally installed without this pump in order to solve water pressure deficiencies that suffice. As another example, an ion exchanger can be easily added to an appliance if it was not originally supplied and if new water problems require the use of an ion exchanger. The preferred modular arrangement of the invention is structured to accept only the specified modules, however it meets a wide range of water treatment needs to adjust the measurement to many, if not most, locations. However, in applying the invention, other modular arrangements of the water treatment units and other operational units may be incorporated in accordance with the modularity aspects of the invention. For example, a reverse osmosis module may be included with some or all of the preferred apparatus modules in another modular arrangement to provide another water treatment capability to custom fit the water treatment apparatus. As another example, additional developed water treatment modules can be included in a modular design of the invention to provide the processing capabilities of these modules to adjust the configuration of the water treatment apparatus to the water problems encountered in the location where the device is to be installed. The preferred physical arrangement for a complete configuration of the modular apparatus 62 is illustrated in Figure 2. Appendix B presents a list of elements for complete configuration with corresponding reference characters. A back plate 24 is sized and arranged to support elements in the water treatment apparatus 62. An ON / OFF valve 47 controls the feed water supply to a booster pump 43 having a controllable bypass. by flow and mounted on the back plate 24. Pressurized water circulates from the pump 43 to a basic filter 90 mounted on the back plate 24 and comprises a sediment filter 92 with a first preferred 5 micron filter, and a micro-filter of carbon 94 with a preferred 0.5 micron carbon block or a pre-coated carbon filter. The first filter protects the micro-filter against premature plugging by removing most of the larger particles. Water flows from the basic filter 90 to an ion exchange chamber 41. In general, the ion exchange chambers are relatively heavy, and the chamber 41 is therefore preferably not mounted to the back plate 24, by the the opposite is placed on a floor or other flat surface for vertical support under the back plate 24. Flexible lines preferably form the water flow connections to and from the ion exchange chamber 41. In general, quick release and actuation connectors are used to make the necessary line connections and modules on the water flow path in the apparatus 62. Water circulates from the ion exchange chamber 41 to a UV chamber 42, mounted on the back plate 42, for final treatment before output to carbonator 68 (Figure 1) at the spout 66. A low cost UV intensity detector 93 is provided in the UV chamber 42 to generate UV intensity signals for p verification and control cases. In addition, a flowmeter 44 is coupled to the outlet water flow, to generate flow signals for verification and control purposes.
A control box 45 is mounted on the back plate 24 to house verification and control circuits for the water treatment apparatus 62. Necessary electrical connections (not shown in Figure 2) are made from the control box 45 to various detectors or electrically operated elements of the water treatment apparatus 62. A pilot pressure line 22 is connected from the outlet flow path to the control box 45., to allow output pressure signals to be developed for verification and control purposes. In general, the water treatment apparatus 62 can be placed in a concealed location with the back plate 24 mounted on a vertical wall or the like. In this case, connecting lines are routed to the dispenser 66 over a distance that preferably does not exceed approximately 9.14 m (thirty feet) for the preferred embodiments described herein. Alternatively, the water treatment apparatus 62 may be located under a counter in which the s66 dispenser is located in a fast food restaurant or the like. In this case, the interconnection lines would be very short. The basic filter module 90 (or 80, Figure 3) is preferably mounted on the back plate 24 in all post-mixing applications of carbonated beverages of the invention, as well as other applications such as drinking water and other beverage applications. . This basic filter module includes a first filter 39 (Figure 4A) and a carbon block filter 40 (Figure 4A) and acts as a barrier to 0.5 miera particles in size and larger, reduces turbidity to 0.5 NTU or less, and removes cysts washed away by water of interest such as Giarda Lamblia and Cryptosporidium, The carbon block filter 40, performs most of the filtration services that also includes reducing excess chlorine concentration, eliminating undesirable flavors and odors and removing some organic materials The filter 39 removes large particles in this manner extending or prolonging the service life of the filter 40. The filters 39 and 40 are preferably provided with a special assembly (not specifically shown) that limits replacement to units that meet the treatment standards set for the apparatus 62. In a basic filtration system without water pressure boost (Figure 4A), the water treatment apparatus 62 includes the basic filter 90, the on / off inlet valve (ON / OFF) 46 , water pressure detector including a pressure detector with the pilot pressure line 22, the flowmeter 44, an outlet purge valve 91 and the control box 45 with its control circuits contained for the pressure detector and the totalizer flow. In a basic water filtration system with water pressure boost (Figure 4B), the apparatus 62 further includes the pressure booster pump 43 (with bypass). The control box 45 includes control circuits for the pump 43. Necessary electrical and water flow connections are made to the pump 43. The pump plugs directly into the control box 45. The back plate 24 is dimensioned to provide common support for the basic filter module 90 and other modules that configure the water treatment system to fit the measurement applications In the preferred embodiment, the UV module 84 (or 42) and the ion exchange module 82 (or 41) and the water treatment modules that can be combined with the basic filter module 80 (or 90) to form different configurations for different custom-fit applications, with the UV module 84 mounted on the back plate 24. The booster pump 43 is another module mounted on the back plate 24 when chosen included in a custom-tailored configuration. In other applications of the invention with different modular arrangements, the combined modules are determined based on the processing / processing capabilities of the respective modules. The pressure booster pump 43 is incorporated in particular applications, where it is required as determined by water pressure measurements. The pump 43 is electrically connected to the control box 45 which contains pump displacement circuits. In addition, two water lines connect the pump 43 to the basic filter 90. In general, the inlet water pressure plays an important role in the service life of the basic filters. Inlet water pressure over 3.16 kg / cm2 gauge (45 psig) (in circulation) is preferred. When a booster pump is included in the apparatus 62, the user operates the manual controller to determine low and high pressure set points. A UV water treatment system without pressure reinforcement is created by combining the UV module 42 with the basic filter system (Figure 4G). The UV module 42 is installed in the back plate 24, and a UV control board is installed in the control box 45. The UV module 42 includes the UV intensity detector 93 to verify the effectiveness of UV treatment. Water pressure booster can also be provided (Figure 4H), as in the case of the basic water filtration system. In general, the UV water treatment system solves all known bacteriological concerns in post-mixing water. Fine filtration removes cysts of Giardia Lamblia and Cryptosporidium, and UV radiation deactivates bacteria and viruses. This system also provides the described water treatment effects for the carbon block filter 40. An ion exchange water treatment system combines the basic filtration system with the ion exchange module 41. The booster pump of Water pressure 43 is also included when there are conditions of low water pressure at the site for which it conforms to the measurement of the system. In addition, the UV module 42 is excluded only if the incoming water satisfies the microbiological criteria on a continuous basis and there is no danger of an excessive accumulation of bacteria in the system. Perspective views of the different ion exchange systems are illustrated in Figures 4C-4F. The ion exchange system reduces excessive alkalinity and hardness and removes chemicals from the water to improve the taste of carbonated beverages or other system products. Some chemicals can create unpleasant taste problems, such as a bitter or salty taste, or they can neutralize flavors causing an unpleasant taste in beverages. The resin used in the ion exchange module 41 can be selected to solve these unpleasant taste problems, on the basis of which one or more chemicals is or is causing the problem at the site for which the system is tailored. . The resin reduces the concentration of chemicals that causes the problem or problems. The user feeds results of a chemical analysis of water, when controlling manually to determine an approximate water treatment capacity of the selected resin. The expected resin capacity is then calculated under a computer program control and displayed on the manual controller. At the same time, an alarm setpoint is generated, so that an alarm occurs when the resin has reached the end of its expected service period. During operation, the user can also operate the manual controller to read the volume of water passing through the system as an indication of the remaining resin life before regeneration is required.
The ion exchange system also provides the described water treatment effects for the basic filtration system and the water treatment effects described for the UV module 42 if included. Figure 41 illustrates a basic system configuration where a pump 43B, without a shunt, is combined with a bladder 48 (storage tank) instead of the booster pump 43 (with shunt) of the configuration of Figure 4B. It develops the required water pressure in the bladder 48 by compressed air. The same replacement can be made in each of the other configurations illustrated in Figures 4E, 4F and 4H to provide possible additional configurations of the apparatus 62. In determining how to tailor the water treatment apparatus 62, the provider or owner verifies water pressure and obtain water tests from the 64-place water supply to assess the water problems to be solved. The water test preferably includes microbiological and chemical analyzes. In the preferred post-mixing mode of carbonated beverages, water problems are identified by comparing the water test results with standards applicable to post-mixing water. A table presented in Appendix A provides some examples of system configurations for various water conditions or problems. If the water pressure is below a threshold condition (ie less than 3.16 kg / cm2 gauge (45 psig) at a rate of 6.43 liters (1.7 gallons) / minute in the preferred embodiment), a booster pump should be included in the configuration adjusted to the measure. VERIFICATION AND CONTROL In general, the verification system generates an alarm for water pressure below a programmable value, warns an operator to change the filters based on service life of six months, and serves as a control circuit and displacement for the water booster pump when included in the apparatus 62. In addition, the user can adjust or read a number of system parameters, preferably through the hand controller, including current water pressure, total water flow , measured from a filter replacement date, and the time since the last filter change. In the last preferred embodiment, the lifetime of the UV lamp, and the UV lamp intensity are verified when the UV module is included in the apparatus 62. The system activates an alarm if the UV lamp has been in service by the UV lamp. more than a year or if the UV intensity falls below 30,000 microwatts. sec / cm2. In the preferred embodiment, three detectors verify the water treatment processes as a basis for verification and control of the system. The control box 45 includes a main controller that processes the feedback signals of the detectors to activate visual and / or audible alarms when faults occur or maintenance is required. A portable controller 100 (Figure 6A) operates as an operator interface. The controller 100 is directly connected to the control box 45 and has circuits that include a microcontroller to process operator power commands, to generate readings of process data from the control box 45 and to adjust various process parameters in the box 45. If desired, a remote radio link (not shown) can be used instead of the direct connection, to couple the portable controller 100 with the control box 45. The control box 45 performs a number of control functions, status and adjustment of prescribed values, all of which can Access to view or reset by the manual driver. On the front of the control box 45, three LED lamp indicators show the operating condition of the system. A green lamp indicates that the system operates normally. A yellow flash every five seconds and a short tone it sounds about once every minute when a warning condition has occurred in the system. The system flashes a red lamp and a short duration tone is sounded every five seconds when a deactivation condition has occurred in the system. The preference system processes all alarms and warnings on a priority basis in such a way that only the highest priority active alarm is displayed. If more than one alarm is active and the priority alarm is released, the next higher priority alarm is indicated. Preferably, any deactivation alarm interrupts the energy to the booster pump (if included) and a carbonation pump motor located in the spout. Appendix C provides a table of suggested priorities for the alarm system. In this case, a conventional pressure transducer 51 (Figure 2) is placed in the control box 74 to generate an electrical signal indicative of the outlet water pressure detected in the pilot line 22. In other applications of the invention, the pressure transducer may be coupled to or located near the flowmeter 44 at the outlet line. The pressure feedback signals are processed to indicate an alarm that requires filter changes, when the water pressure reaches a lower limit of .562 kg / cm2 gauge (8 psig) to generate ON / OFF control signals (ON / OFF). OFF) for the pressure booster pump 43. The flowmeter 44 is provided primarily to allow the total water flow to be detected as a monitor for the ion exchange chamber 41. A prescribed value of total water volume is supplied as a programmable alarm during the configuration of the system based on the resin selected for use in the ion exchange chamber 41. A total volume of water is also accessible for use in estimating beverage sales when the user / owner of the apparatus 62 is of a restaurant or another merchant, and when estimating results of chemical analysis of water (quantity of undesirable chemical products present such as those that provoke can excessive alkalinity or hardness). The low cost UV intensity detector 93 continuously checks the effectiveness of the UV treatment if the UV camera 42 is included in the apparatus 62. Audible and visual alarms are activated by the main control box microprocessor when the UV intensity falls. Below a lower limit or lamp burn occurs. The UV intensity detector 93 is preferably located outside a tubular water flow path in the UV chamber 42, such that UV radiation passes through the water from a centrally located lamp before it is measured. . As illustrated in Figures 7A-7C, the UV detector 93 has a housing 7A which is held in the UV chamber 42 by a nut HA. The housing 7A is preferably formed from plastic while other structural parts are preferably formed of stainless steel. This provision significantly reduces manufacturing costs, substantially without affecting performance quality. Within the housing 7A, a UV diode 13A is held to receive UV radiation through an opening 14A. The diode 13A detects the intensity of the UV radiation and transmits an electrical signal through its terminals to electrical connectors to the control box 45. Figure 7C illustrates the manner in which all the detector parts are assembled to form a complete unit. CONTROL BOX Circuits shown in Figures 5A-5I operate in the control box 45 to check and control the water treatment apparatus 62. A water supply system receives power through a connector 122. The voltage of supply is applied directly to a UV ballast line through connector 124 and to a transformer 126 for downconversion. A protective surge protector 128 suppresses any overvoltages at a 12V output from a secondary of transformer 126. A bridge rectifier 130 rectifies the AC voltage to provide a DC output 12V 132, for use in energizing certain circuits in the control box 45. The rectifier output also applies to a voltage regulator 134, which together with capacitor circuits and associated diodes generate a VDC signal of 5V DC at terminal 136, for use in energizing digital circuits in control box 45. Another bridge rectifier 138 rectifies the voltage CA source to generate a DC voltage to energize the booster pump 43 through a connector 140. A relay 142 operates as an on / off switch (ON / OFF) for the operation of the pump 43, and is controlled by a pump-boost signal of microcontroller 144, amplified by an amplifier circuit 146. Subsequent text here, presents more detail in the control of boost pump. Circuits shown in Figure 5B provide on / off control (ON / OFF) of the carbonator pump. A microcontroller signal 150 is amplified by an amplifier circuit 151 to operate an ON / OFF relay 152. Connection wires 154 and 156 extend to the dispenser where connections are made to a carbonator pump motor 158 through a power supply 160. When the relay 152 is switched to ON (ON), the motor 158 is placed in operation, and the current flow of the motor energizes the primary winding of a down-conversion transformer of feedback 162. A sidactor 164 suppresses voltage sags at the output from the secondary of the transformer before rectification by a bridge rectifier 166. The output of the rectifier is applied to an operational amplifier 165, with supply voltage regulation that is provided by diode and capacitor circuits. 168. A digital output signal 170 operates as a microcontroller feed that confirms the energization of the carbonat pump designer In Figure 5C, a circuit 180 receives a low voltage anode / cathode feedback signal through a connector 181 from the UV detector 93 and processes this signal for powering the microcontroller. The UV detector signal is amplified by a first stage differential amplifier circuit 182, then by a second stage operational amplifier circuit 184 and by a third stage operational amplifier circuit 186. An analog UV detector feedback signal 188 is sends output to a voltage level such as 3 or 4 volts for power to microcontroller. An alarm circuit 180 (FIG. 5E) responds to the microcontroller warning signal 182 (green) or microcontroller alarm signal 184 (red), to energize the green indicator lamp of control box 186 or the red indicator lamp 188. If both alarm signals are generated at the same time, both lamps 186 and 188 are energized and since the lamps are mounted side by side, the yellow light is projected to a viewer. Switches / respective semiconductor amplifier 190 and 192, when operated by the signal 182 or 184, energize the indicator lamps 186 and 188 from the voltage source VCC. The cyclic generation of the alarm signals 182 and / or 184 causes flash of the lamp. As indicated previously, a normal system operation causes only the green lamp to turn on. A warning alarm generated causes both green and red lamps to light, thus generating yellow light. A generated deactivation alarm only causes the red lamp to light up. The priority table in Appendix C provides a classification of the various suggested alarm conditions. A sound alarm circuit 194 (FIG. 5F) employs a solid state circuit / amplifier 196 to energize a speaker 97 from the DC voltage source of 12 V when a sound alarm signal is received from the microcontroller 198. The horn 197 emits a buzzing sound when energized. A pressure feedback processing circuit 200 is illustrated in Figure 5G. A feedback water pressure signal is received through a power connector 202 from a pressure transducer 204 located on a control board in the control box 45. A differential amplifier circuit 206 amplifies the pressure signal to produce a microcontroller power signal 208. A microcontroller reset circuit 220 (Fig. 5H) generates a binary LO reset signal 222 for the support microcontroller 254 (Fig. 5D) or a binary Hl reset signal 224 for the main microcontroller 252 if the value of the voltage source VCC falls below its lower threshold value. A conventional semiconductor voltage detector chip circuit 226 responds to the VCC power 228 to generate an output at the voltage level VCC, if the voltage level VCC is above the threshold value. If the voltage level VCC drops below the threshold value, the detector circuit 226 outputs a potential at ground level. The RESET-LO signal then degenerates, and a semiconductor switch 224 is operated to output the HI-RESET. If the VCC voltage level returns to a value above the threshold, the reset signals are terminated, thus allowing the microcontrollers to resume operation. The microcontrollers respond to reset signals as described more fully below. A plug connector 240 (Figure 51) is provided to interconnect the portable controller 100 with the circuits in the control box 45. The pin 2 supplies power to the controller 100 while the pins 4 and 5 respectively provide TXD data transmission and reception RXD data to and from the manual controller 100. A microcontroller system 250 (Figure 5D) receives feedback signals and operates under program control to generate control commands and to generate system alarms. Preferably, the system operates on a shared basis of computational load, and thus includes a main controller 252 and a support microcontroller 254 which pre-prses feedback signals for application to the main microcontroller 252, primarily through a data pipeline 8. bits, 256. The flowmeter 44 (Figure 2) is connected to an amplifier 258 that generates an analog water flow signal 260 for feeding to the support microcontroller 254 through the feed pin 1. The UV and pressure detector signals of analog water 208 and 188 are fed to the support microcontroller 254 through respective pins 17 and 18. An internal analog-to-digital converter system converts the analog signals 188, 208 and 260 into digital signals for computer prsing. A resonator clock 262 generates a clock signal which is coupled to supply pins 15 and 16 of the support microcontroller 254 to control its cyclic operation. Typically, the microcontroller 254 receives power from the VCC source through the pin 3. If the source voltage VCC becomes too low, the signal RESET-LO 222 (a binary signal of low or zero) is applied to the power pin 4 of the 254 microcontroller. A reset operation then occurs, and the reset is maintained until the trigger condition is corrected. After correction, the microcontroller is reinitialized to a state where a command of the main microcontroller 252 waits. In operation, the support microcontroller 254 converts the analog feedback and UV pressure signals into digital values that are maintained until requested by the main controller 252. The signal of the supply flow meter 260 is a pulse train having a pulse frequency that depends on the flow rate of water through the water treatment apparatus 62. The microcontroller 254 tracks the units of water flow preferably units of 37.85 liters (10 gallons) and transmits each of the signals 264 for each water unit directly to an interruption feed on the pin 13 of the main microcontroller 252. The support microcontroller 254 sends the output of data on the data bus 256 to the power pins 39 to 32 of the main microcontroller 252. A block 257 represents a conventional commissioning resistor package for the data duct 256. In the main microcontroller 252, the carbonator pump ignition signal 170 is applied to the feed pin 28, and the pins 11 and 10 are employed respectively to transmit and receive data to and from the portable controller via the connector 240. If the ignition signal of the carbonator pump 170 is not present during the installation, the water treatment apparatus 62 is deactivated from the beginning until the necessary connections are established to energize the carbonator motor and in this way generate this pump feedback signal. The signal RESET-HI 224 is generated as "1" or high binary signal as previously described and when it is generated, the power pin 9 of the main microcontroller 252 is applied. The main microcontroller 252 then reinitializes, maintains and reinitializes in a way similar to that described for the support microcontroller 254. When reinitialized, prs data in current are lost, but all important data, including at least user adjustment parameters, required to restart, are automatically saved in an external non-volatile memory 268. When restarting, the. stored data is retrieved by the main microcontroller 252. A crystal clock 266 is coupled to power pins 18 and 19 to control the cyclic operation of the main microcontroller 252. In turn, the microcontroller 252 generates a clock signal on the power pin. output 6 which is connected to the external memory 268 and to the external elapsed time counter 270, for synchronizing the external units with the main microcontroller 252. The elapsed time counter 270 counts continuously seconds after it has been initialized by the main microcontroller 252. The microcontroller communicates in series with the counter by a serial line (counter pin) ) and clock line (counter pin 5) and a reset line (counter pin 2). When an event occurs (filter installation, UV lamp installation, or ion chamber installation), the main microcontroller reads the second counter-current account 270 and stores the calculated day (seconds divided by 86,400) in the non-volatile memory . The microcontroller also saves the start date when the system was installed. The microcontroller reads the time counter 270 at regular intervals and calculates the current day (seconds divided by 86,400). Then compare this current date with all the boot days recorded as read from the non-volatile memory to determine the time elapsed since each item was installed or reinitialized. The main microcontroller then compares these elapsed times with their appropriate periods and, if any have exceeded their tolerated periods, the appropriate alarm is initiated. The main microcontroller 252 operates under stored program control to process various feeds and generates control signals and output alarms. Specifically, the output signals include the horn and lamp alarm signals 182, 184 and 198 and pump control signals 144 and 170. PROGRAMMED COMPUTER OPERATION When the microcontroller is first energized, the initialization is performed as indicated in functional block 280 (Figure 5J). Various data values are read from the memory, such as device configuration, UV threshold, etc., and various commands are executed as indicated in block 280. Program loop 282 is then supplied for cyclic execution of the procedures there included. In block 284, the water flow rate is calculated from the number of water flow units per minute or other unit of time, and is maintained for read commands from portable controller 100. As previously indicated, the signal of feed flow 260 comprises successive pulses or ticks representing successive measured units of outflow water flow, and in this embodiment, these measured units combine to form a unit representation of 37.85 liters (10 gallons) of flow. Block 285 generates a main controller interrupt, as indicated by dotted line 282, for each new course of flow meter. In block 286, a new 37.85-liter (10-gallon) account is written for addition to a new total flow account stored in non-volatile RAM, if the system has counted a new 37.85-liter unit (10 gallons). If a deactivation alarm is activated, commands are issued to shut down the booster and carbonator pumps as indicated in block 288, just in case the external circuitry has not already done so. If these pumps are switched off, end-of-interval alarms are verified as indicated by block 290. End-of-range alarms are verified by reading the elapsed time for each end-of-interval alarm of the elapsed time controller 270.
As illustrated in block 292, the status of the carbonator is checked by checking the status of the feedback signal 170. During installation of the apparatus, a warning alarm is generated until the feedback signal indicates that the carbonator pump is on. (ON) as previously described. As indicated by block 294, the state of the UV lamp is checked for the UV intensity feedback feed. If the UV intensity is low, an alarm is generated. The value of water pressure feedback? is verified, as indicated by block 292, to determine whether a low pressure alarm will be generated and provide active control of water pressure by providing on / off cycling control (ON / OFF) of the booster pump 43. When demand for water output to the carbonator pump occurs, the water treatment apparatus 62 sends water to the spout, and the flows of the booster pump and pump The carbonator is normally equilibrated by controlled bypass water flow 297 (Figure 5K), from the outlet of the booster pump to the feed of the booster pump. A mechanically controlled valve 299 responds to an outlet pressure from the booster pump 43. The water flow of the system in this way is balanced even when the booster pump has greater flow capacity than that of the carbonator pump. At the same time, the bypass flow restricts the accumulation of water pressure during the ON time of the booster pump. The main microcontroller 252 executes on / off cycling control (ON / OFF) of the booster pump 43 according to determinations made in block 296. If the water pressure is below a prescribed low stored value, such As 3,515 kg / cm2 (50 psig), the booster pump turns on. The booster pump remains on until the water pressure value reaches a high stored stored value. The booster pump then shuts off. During the firing time of the booster pump, some water pressure regulation occurs as a result of the bypass flow as described above. In block 298 of program loop 282, the end of ion exchange interval is determined from the elapsed time counter 270 if the ion exchange chamber 41 is included in the water treatment apparatus 62. When the service life expected resin is reached, an alarm is generated.
Next, in block 300, an alarm state machine is serviced. In other words, alarms generated as a result of a program loop operation are recorded in a stored alarm priority table that corresponds to the table shown in Appendix C. At any time, one or more warning or deactivation alarms may exist . If multiple alarms coexist, it is preferred that only the highest priority alarm be displayed. When an alarm is displayed, the next alarm in lower priority is displayed. The priority status of the alarms goes down through the registered deactivation alarms and then through the registered warning alarms. The entire alarm priority table is also accessible by commands from the manual controller 100 to provide a reading of the status of any of the conditions that can be set in alarm. Finally, block 302 provides command service from portable controller 100. In this way, prescribed parameter values can be set by RXD data from manual controller 100, or data can be read from main microcontroller 252 and transmitted to portable controller 100 as TXD data.
More detail is presented in this control interface in the next section. MANUAL CONTROLLER. Hand controller 100 (Figure 6A) provides a control interface that allows a user to perform various operations including system start-up and replacement procedures, system state verification, expected ionic resin lifetime calculations, and adjust threshold values for alarms The unit 100 is connected to the connector located on one side of the control box 45, and after the connection is made, the manual equipment exhibits one of the higher level menus called STATUS. This indicates that the manual controller 100 is ready to use. The manual controller 100 has two operating modes, the menu system and the editing mode. In the menu mode, the portable unit 100 is used to move from one menu to another, and in the edit mode, some parameters and threshold values of the system can be fed and / or changed. When the manual unit 100 is first plugged in, it is always in the menu mode. Buttons and their functions are as follows.- Menu Mode Button Function Menu 101 Scrolls the page through the current menu level. Reset 102 Goes back to the previous menu without executing any instructions. Return 103 Select a sub-menu to access. Edit mode Arrow up Increase the selected digit (flashing) by one or choose the yes or no option. Down arrow Decreases the selected digit (blinks) by one or chooses option no. Left arrow Moves the cursor to edit the digit to the left of the current position. Right arrow - Moves the cursor to edit the digit to the right of the current position. Setting 104 - Saves the new value Re-setting 102 Exiting the edit digit command without making any changes.
The menu structures and selections available for each of the main menus (STATUS, NEW AND ADJUSTMENTS) are presented in the following tables: CONDITION NEW ADJUSTMENT Warnings? New sys? CB days? (Warngs?) Alarms? New Cig? SD days? UV CIG Time? PSI ALM? (T) (amp?) CIG BP? PSI WRN? T CBf? CIG IE? [BP ON? ] T SDf? [New lid] [BP OFF? ] [Ex Ex T?] C = unit [OFF NFR? ] T System? Alka 260 [UV Snsr? ] Gallons Hardness 206 (x 3.785 1) Chlo 060 G CBf? SOLf 100 G SDf? NITR 010 G system? Temp 080 W flow? Flow 1.7 W press? RSl 0.5 [detector of DERIVA 000 UV?] See F / W C = calculated [New lamp? ] New CBf? New SDf [New Ion?] [] Denotes the original menu depending on the configuration settings of the unit. In the STATUS menu, all the warnings, alarms and operating states of the system can be easily accessed and viewed. In addition, the software version used in the system is also accessible for reference. Some of the sub-menus are only available if the particular treatment module is present. For example, the "T IonEx" selection under the "Time" sub-menu, and the "G IonEx" under the "Gallons" sub-menu, are only present if the system is equipped with the ion exchange stage. The "Warnings" sub-menu shows the current status of system warnings. As described above, all warnings lock into a priority system, so that only the highest priority is displayed. The warning format is: U UV lamp detector P low water pressure C finishes the carbon block filter time S finishes the sediment filter time (accurate) I 90% depleted ion exchange N No carbonator pump installed B time of the booster pump depleted The sub-menu "alarms?" shows the current status of the deactivation alarms. As described above, all alarms work in a priority system, such that only the highest priority is displayed. The format of the alarms is: U WP lamp detector alarm Low water pressure C ends the carbon block filter time S ends the sediment filter time I ion exchange 100% depleted B booster pump turned off after four warning alarms B time of the booster pump exhausted The sub-menu "time" shows the time in service from a new installation or replacement for the following parts of the system: Lamp W (sub-menu selection "TL MP", carbon block filter ("T CBf? selection" (first filter) selection "T SDf?", ion exchange (selection "T Ion") Ex "), and the entire system from the installation arrow ("T System" selection.) The "gallons" sub-menu displays the volume of water (in gallons (x 3,785 liters)) that passes through the carbon block filter ("G CBf?), first filter (" G SDf?) Ion exchange ("G Ion Ex?") And the system ("G System?") Since the last new installation or reinitialization The sub-menus "W flow" (flow W), "W pressure? "(W Press)," UV Detector "(UV Snsr) and" F / W BR ", show current flow expense, water pressure, W detector value, and software version (software) respectively. The software versions can be the original software or a subsequent update. The new menu is used during initial system installation, when depleted components are replaced, some of the warning and deactivation alarms are reset, new treatment modules are added, and chemical analysis results are fed into the system to calculate a useful life of approximate service of the ion exchange module. The sub menu "new Sys?" (New system), when a new system is installed for the first time. It adjusts all the predefined values for the system parameters and adjusts the system configuration as a whole system (Consider that all modules, including the booster pump, are installed). If the system that is installed is not a complete system, the following sub-menu, called "new CFg?" it must be used to indicate to the control box 45 what the configuration of the system is. The sub-menu "new CFg?" It is only used when the system that is installed is not in the full configuration, or when treatment modules are added or removed in an existing installation. Under this sub-menu, the module W? (selection "CFg UV?"), booster pump (selection "CFg VP?") and ion exchange (selection "CfG I?") can be added or removed. For example, to remove WQ module, "CFgG UV?" the return button is selected and pressed. The display then shows "UV = YES" ("UV = YES"). The down arrow is pressed to change the display to "UV = NO" and the setting button is used to save the new setting. After pressing the adjust button, the unit emits a short tone to confirm the change. The "new cap" sub-menu is only used to feed water parameters to the expected life of the ion exchange resin computer. These parameters are alkalinity, hardness, chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, water temperature (degrees F), water flow rate (gallons per minute (3,785 liters per minute)), resin volume and derivation factor. The predefined values for this sub menu are: "Alca 246" - alkalinity 247 PM (parts per million).
"Hard 204" - hardness 204 ppm Chlo 070 chlorides 60 ppm Sulf 100 sulphate 7 PM Nitro 010 nitrate 10 ppm Temperature 080 (water temperature 80 ° F (26.7 ° C) Flow 1.7 water flow 1.7 gallons / minute (.11 liter / minute) Resi 0.5"volume of the ion exchange resin 0.5 cubic feet (.014 cubic meters)" BIPA 000"0% bypass through the tank ion exchange "C = 000630" calculated resin capacity of 630 gallons (2,384.6 liters) before regeneration is required The new sub-menu power values "new cap", the arrow and adjustment buttons are used in the previously described way. After all the new values for the ion exchange module are stored, the new resin capacity is calculated. The capacity selection "C = ... 1 shows the new value.To save this value, the adjustment button is pressed.After saving, the newly calculated capacity becomes a setpoint for the ion exchange alarms.
The "new LMP" sub-menu is only displayed if the treatment system includes the W module. This sub-menu is accessed each time a new W-lamp is installed.
Return button, can be pressed when the sub-menu is displayed in the display. The screen then reads "RU SURE" (it is safe) and the adjustment button is pressed to confirm that a new lamp W has been installed in the system. The sub-menus "New CBf?" "New SDf?" and "New Ion?" they work in a way similar to that of the "New Lmp?" sub-menu. "New CBf?" and "New SDf?" they inform the system of carbon block changes and first filter and they are always available. "New Ion?" indicates that the ion exchange resin tank has been replaced and is only used when the system has the ion exchange module included in the system configuration. The setting menu allows changing the predefined system threshold settings to deactivate alarms and warnings. Up to 7 sub-menus are available depending on the configuration of the treatment system. The "CV days" and CD days "sub-menus give access to the service period settings for the carbon block and pre-filter elements, respectively The pre-defined value is 183 days for each type of filter. If a change is desired, the period must be set to less than the predefined value.The sub-menus "PSI ALM?" And "PSI WRN?" Allow the pressure settings to be changed for the disable and low warning alarms. Water pressure The predefined values are .703 and .406 kg / cm2 gauge (10 and 20 psig) (both in circulation) for deactivation and warning alarms, respectively. These values will not have to be changed without the benefit of consulting with the factory. The sub-menus "BP ON?" And BP OFF? "Give access to the on / off settings of the booster pump, predefined values are 3.515 and 4.57 kg / cm2 gauge. (50 and 65 psig) for the on and off conditions respectively. The sub-menu "UV SNSR?" set a value for the low lamp intensity alarm W. The preset value is 83 and should not be changed without consulting the factory. Circuit 105 (Figure 6B) in the controller unit 100 performs the described controller functions. The buttons described operate corresponding on / off switches (ON / OFF) as illustrated in the upper left hand corner of Figure 6B. These switches are connected as feeds to a microcontroller 106. Power is supplied to the circuits 105 from the source VCC, when a male connector 107 is plugged into the control box connector 240 (Figure 51). A crystal oscillator 108 is coupled to a supply of the micro controller 106 to control its cyclic operation. TXD and RXD connections are made with the main control box micro controller via the connector 107 for data exchange as previously described. A circuit 111 operates an LED display 112 in the portable unit 100. The microcontroller 106 operates under program control to output the clock and SD data signals that generate displays through the LED display circuit 111. A reset signal 115 generates a merchandiser when a reboot occurs. A ROM 116 stores program instructions that control the operation of the microcontroller 106 through an address data duct 117. A latching memory 118 is coupled to the duct 117 to allow multiplexing of operation data and address data in the duct 117. The microcontroller 106 generally operates as * indicated by the functional block diagram 330 of Figure 6C. This high-level diagram represents the general form in which the microcontroller 106 responds to button inputs with execution and instructions of the RAM of the program 116. The current data entry or current menu or reading of current data of the main controller 262 or any data writing to the main controller is displayed as indicated by block 332. The next pressing of the edit key or the return key is expected as indicated by block 334. If a key entry requests to edit data from entry, editing is performed, as indicated by block 336, and the edited value is displayed in block 332. The next key oppression is then expected in block 334. If the entry key is pressed to send a request for data or parameter command or device message installed to the control box 45, the message is formed and sent to the control box 45 as indicated by the block 330. Then a confirmation acknowledgment message or data of the control box 45 and when received, a corresponding display is generated in block 332 before a return to the key oppression hold state of block 334. is made. Appendix D provides a list of preferred commands, all of which can be sent from the portable controller 100 to the main micro controller 252 in the control box 45. Appendix A Appendix B List of reference characters Appendix C Appendix D System communication commands with the portable unit GET CAPACITY Get ion exchange capacity in gallons (by 3.785 liters) SET CAPACITY Set ion exchange capacity in gallons (by 3.785 liters) NEW_IONS Install a new ion exchange unit NEW_LAMP Install a new UV bulb NEW_CB_FILTER Install a new carbon filter NEW_SD_FI TER Install a new sediment filter GET__TIME_LAMP Get installation time for W lamps GET_TIME_CB_FILTER Get installation time for carbon filter GET_TIME_SD_FILTER Get installation time for sediment filter GET_TIME_ION_EXCH Get installation time for ion exchange unit GET TIME SYSTEM Get the current system time GET-GALS CB-FILTER Get gallons of installation for carbon filter GET GALS SD FILTER Get installation gallons for sediment filter GET GALS ION EXCH Get installation gallons for ion exchange unit GET_GALS_SYSTEM Get current system gallons GET_WATER_FLOW__RATE Get current water flow expense GET_WATER_PRESSURE Get GET CARBONATOR-STATE water pressure Get the ON / OFF status of the GET UV SENSOR VALUÉ carbonator pump Get the current W detector reading SET CONFIG Adjust configuration of installed options GET_CONFIG Get settings of installed options GET_ALARMS Get alarm status SET_BP_ON Get booster pump ignition pressure SET BP OFF Get booster pump disconnect pressure GET UV ALARM Get alarm threshold setting W current GET VERSION Version of programs in single circuits ectura (firmware) SET UV ALARM Set threshold settings for current alarm W GET PSI WARNING Get pressure warning alarm threshold SET PSI WARNING Set pressure warning alarm threshold GET PSI ALARM Get current pressure alarm threshold SET PSI ALARM Adjusts current pressure alarm threshold INSTALL RESET Invokes the new system initialization routine GET CB PERIOD Get the current carbon filter days period GET SD PERIOD Get the current sediment filter days period SET CB PERIOD Set the current carbon filter day period SET SD PERIOD Set the current sediment filter days period GET BP ON Read booster pump ignition pressure GET BP OFF Read disconnect pressure from booster pump * Options for configuration are: UV lamp, ion exchange and booster pump. Having thus described the invention, it will be apparent that it can be varied in many ways. These variations should not be considered as a separation of the spirit and scope of the invention and all these modifications that would be evident to a person skilled in the art are considered to be included within the scope of the following claims.

Claims (39)

  1. CLAIMS 1.- An apparatus for water treatment, to treat water supplied to a particular site, where the apparatus will be located and test to identify water problems, the apparatus is characterized in that it comprises a module arrangement that can be configured in variably varying the modules selected for inclusion in a water treatment configuration for the particular site, the modules include a basic filter module and other water treatment modules, which when connected together provide complete water treatment, - and the arrangement is configured to an initial configuration, for the particular site to include the basic filter module and any, all or none of the remaining water treatment modules connected together in accordance with the required water treatment, at least for match the water problems identified from the water test results.
  2. 2. - Method for assembling an apparatus for water treatment, to treat the water supplied to a particular site, the steps of the method are characterized because they include: testing the water of the site to determine the water problems of the site, - determine a mounting of water treatment modules that can be configured in a variable manner by varying the selected modules for inclusion in a water treatment configuration for the particular site; the modules include a basic filter module and other water treatment modules that, when connected together provide complete water treatment; and configuring the arrangement to an original configuration, for the particular site, to include the basic filter module and any, all or none of the remaining water treatment modules connected together to correspond or adjust to the identified water problems of the Water test stage.
  3. 3. - An apparatus for treating water having a flow path for water to be treated, the apparatus is characterized in that it comprises: a booster pump connected to the flow path; a basic filter module connected in the flow path; a pressure detector coupled to the flow path; a flow detector coupled to the flow path; an ion exchange chamber connected to the flow path, and a verification and control system that responds to a pressure detector output, to provide on / off cycling control (ON / OFF) of the booster pump for control of outlet water pressure; the verification and control system also responds to an output of the flow detector to determine the total flow over time; the verification and control system generates at least one basic filter replacement alarm when a prescribed value of low water pressure and an ion exchange resin replacement alarm is detected when a prescribed total water flow value is reached.
  4. 4. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the module further includes a forcing pump module that is connected in the structured configuration, at least when the water pressure test indicates a problem of low water pressure.
  5. 5. - The apparatus according to claim 1, whe the modules further include a structured control module with control and verification circuits, to control and / or verify at least those other modules included in the structural configuration.
  6. 6. - The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the water treatment modules include a treatment module W which is included in the structured configuration at least when the on-site water test indicates bacteria or virus problems.
  7. 7. - The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the water treatment modules include an ion exchange module that is included in the structured configuration at least when the on-site water test indicates alkalinity problems, hardness and / or dissolved chemical products.
  8. 8. - The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the water treatment modules include a treatment module W and an ion exchange module that both include in the structured configuration at least when required to correspond to the problems of water treatment identified from the water test results.
  9. 9. - The apparatus according to claim 8, characterized in that the modules also include a reinforcing pump module that is connected in the structured configuration at least when the site water pressure test indicates a problem of low water pressure .
  10. 10. The apparatus according to claim 2, characterized in that the booster pump includes a flow bypass that is operated to regulate the pump output flow.
  11. 11. - The apparatus according to claim 10, characterized in that the modules also include a structured control module with control and verification circuits, to control and / or verify at least those other modules included in the structured configuration; and the circuits respond to a water outlet pressure detector and include means for controlling an ON / OFF cycle of the boost pump.
  12. 12. - The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the control and verification circuits include means for counting the elapsed time of the installation of the basic filter module and for generating an alarm when an expected life of the module is reached. basic filter.
  13. 13. - The apparatus according to claim 10, characterized in that the basic filter module comprises a first filter and a micro filter, the counting means count the time elapsed since the installation for the first filter and the micro filter, and The control and verification circuits generate an alarm when the expected life of the first filter or an expected life of the micro filter are reached.
  14. 14. The apparatus according to claim 6, characterized in that the control and verification circuits include means for counting the elapsed time of the installation of the module W and for generating an alarm when a stored lamp life W is reached. .
  15. 15. The apparatus according to claim 7, characterized in that the resin included in the ion exchange module is chosen according to the water test results.
  16. 16. The apparatus according to claim 15, characterized in that the control and verification circuits include means for counting the elapsed time of the installation of the ion exchange module or a replacement of the ion exchange resin and for generating an alarm, when a stored expected resin life is reached.
  17. 17. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that after the use of the apparatus, a modified structured configuration includes the basic filter module and a first combination of other water treatment modules different in number and / or capacity of water treatment. a second combination of other water treatment modules included in the original structured configuration as regulated at least to adjust to new water problems detected from new water tests, when any of the combinations may include zero or one or more modules.
  18. 18. - The apparatus according to claim 8, characterized in that the control and verification circuits include means for counting the elapsed time of the installation of the module W of the installation of the ion exchange module or replacement of the ion exchange resin and to generate an alarm when a stored expected life of the W module or the resin of the ion exchange module is reached.
  19. 19. - The apparatus according to claim 18, characterized in that the counting means also count the time elapsed since the installation of a first basic filter module filter and the installation of a basic filter module micro filter and generate an alarm when an expected stored life of the first filter or micro filter is reached.
  20. 20. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that a rear mounting plate is provided for the apparatus, and the basic filter module and at least one other water treatment module is secured or secured to the back plate.
  21. 21. The apparatus according to claim 20, characterized in that the reinforcing pump module and a module W are also fastened to the back plate, with all the included modules that are coupled together to form a path for water flow. in series through the apparatus for water treatment at an outlet.
  22. 22. The apparatus according to claim 21, characterized in that a reinforcement pump module and a control box module are fastened to the back plate, the reinforcement pump is connected in the water flow path in series, and the control box is electrically connected to electrical detectors associated with the water treatment apparatus, and at least the booster pump.
  23. 23. - The apparatus according to claim 20, characterized in that an ion exchange module is connected in the serial water treatment path and placed for vertical support on a surface below the mounting plate.
  24. 24. - The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the apparatus includes a flow detector that generates a signal representative of the flow of water through the water treatment apparatus, and control and verification circuits that respond to the detector of flow to calculate frontal water flow over time and generate an alarm for, or exchange module replacement, when an expected stored life value of the total water flow is reached.
  25. 25. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the apparatus includes a water pressure detector that generates a signal representative of the outlet water pressure from the water treatment apparatus, and control and verification circuits respond to the water pressure signal to generate an alarm for basic filter replacement when a stored low pressure value is reached.
  26. 26. A post-mixing jet system for carbonated beverages, comprising: a dispenser having a carbonation pump for producing carbonated water for mixing with syrup; and a water treatment apparatus according to claim 1, having its water outlet coupled to the carbonator pump.
  27. 27. A post-mixing jet system for carbonated beverages, comprising: a dispenser having a carbonation pump for producing carbonated water for mixing with syrup; and a water treatment apparatus according to claim 5, having its water outlet coupled to the carbonatation pump, and verification and control circuits, to control the booster pump to regulate the outlet water pressure from the apparatus .
  28. 28. - A post-mixing jet system for carbonated beverages, comprising: a dispenser having a carbonation pump for producing carbonated water for mixing with syrup; and a water treatment apparatus according to claim 1, having its water outlet coupled to the carbonation pump; the basic filter module includes a first filter and a micro filter; the other water treatment modules include a treatment module W and an ion exchange module; the modules further include a booster pump module and a control box module; the structured configuration includes the control box module and includes the control pump module if the on-site water test indicates a problem of low water pressure; the structured configuration further includes the treatment module W if the in situ water test indicates a bacteria or virus problem; structured configuration also includes the ion exchange module if the test site indicates water problems alkalinity, hardness and / or dissolved chemicals; and the control box module having control circuitry and coupled to the modules include water treatment verification, and the booster pump module, if included, to provide verification and / or control of the included modules.
  29. 29. - The dispensing system according to claim 27, characterized in that a flow detector and a pressure detector are coupled to the outlet water flow from the water treatment apparatus, and an intensity detector of W is coupled to the UV module if it is included in the water treatment apparatus; the verification and control circuits respond to the pressure detector to control the booster pump if they are included; and to generate an end-of-life alarm for the first filter or micro filter if low water pressure is detected or if the time elapsed from the installation of the filter reaches the expected life; The verification and control circuits also respond to the flow detector, if the ion exchange module is included, to generate an alarm if the total water flow from the installation of the ion exchange module or the replacement resin in the module indicate that the expected service life has been reached, based on the water treatment capacity, or whether the elapsed time of the ion exchange module or the resin installation reaches the expected resin lifetime; and the verification and control circuits also respond to the intensity detector W, if the module is included. treatment W, to generate an alarm indicating the end of life of the bulb of W, if the intensity detector W indicates that the intensity W is too low for a effective water treatment, or if the elapsed time of bulb installation W reaches bulb life expected
  30. 30. The dispensing system according to claim 28, characterized in that the reinforcing pump has a flow capacity greater than that of the carbonation pump, with a controllable bypass flow by pressure that balances the flows of the booster pump and the carbonator pump; the verification and control circuits regulate the booster pump in response to the pressure detector to control the pressure of the outlet water from the apparatus.
  31. 31. The method according to claim 2, characterized in that the reinforcing pump module, a treatment module W, an ion exchange module and a control box are included in the determined arrangement; the booster pump is included in the configured arrangement if low water pressure is determined as a water problem, - the treatment module W is included in the configured arrangement if the identified water problems include bacteria or viruses, the exchange module of ions is included in the configured arrangement if the identified water problems include alkalinity, hardness and / or dissolved chemicals; and the control box is included in the configured arrangement and has control and verification circuits to provide verification of the state of the apparatus and boost pump control if the boost pump module is included.
  32. 32. The method according to claim 31, characterized in that it also includes the stage of detecting the water outlet pressure of the apparatus and the water outlet flow, the stage of detecting the intensity W if the treatment module W is included, and the step of processing detected values of the water pressure, water flow and, if included, the intensity W in the verification and control circuits to perform state and control determinations.
  33. 33. - Method for operating a post-mixing spout system, the steps of the method are characterized in that they comprise: operating a spout having a carbonation pump to produce carbonated water to mix with syrups; the carbonatadora pump has less flow capacity than that of the booster pump of the water treatment apparatus; operating an assembled water treatment apparatus according to the method of claim 30; operate the verification and control circuits to provide on / off control for the carbonation pump; and operating the verification and control circuits to provide on / off control of the booster pump, if included and to control the bypass flow through the bypass flow path of the controllable booster pump.
  34. 34. The apparatus according to claim 3, characterized in that the verification and control system includes a first microcontroller system for storing control and process data, to process feedback data from the detectors, to create ignition control commands / off to the booster pump and to track the time elapsed since the installation of the ion chamber and filter; and the first micro controller system stores an alarm table classified as deactivation or warning for display and / or reading.
  35. 35.- The apparatus according to claim 34, characterized in that the alarms are listed in the table according to the predetermined priorities to facilitate release of the activated alarms.
  36. 36. The apparatus according to claim 35, characterized in that the first microcontroller system operates an external display circuit to present only the highest priority alarm and display the lower priority alarms in descending priority order as alarms are released successive The apparatus according to claim 34, characterized in that an operator interface controller includes a second microcontroller system for transmitting command messages to the first microcontroller system and for receiving data messages from the first microcontroller; the first and second microcontroller systems are articulated or connected to allow communication of the messages; switching means for supplying the operator with data read requests, data write requests and device parameter entry commands, and a display circuit operated by the second micro controller system for displaying data and menu selections. 38.- The apparatus according to claim 37, characterized in that the operator interface controller is a manual or portable unit that has a connector for coupling with another connector connected to the first micro controller system and mounted in a control box that it houses the verification and control circuits including the first micro controller system.
    39. - The apparatus according to claim 38, characterized in that the portable unit is provided with an LED display panel and a plurality of key switches on its front; the key switches include at least menu and sub-menu selection switches, cursor and display control switches, and UP / DOWN control switches, for selected display digits.
MXPA/A/2000/006152A 1997-12-23 2000-06-21 Apparatus and method arranged to provide controllable water treatment customized to the conditions of water supplied to a beverage dispenser MXPA00006152A (en)

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US08997590 1997-12-23

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MXPA00006152A true MXPA00006152A (en) 2001-07-03



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