MXPA00005248A - Acoustic resonator power delivery - Google Patents

Acoustic resonator power delivery


Publication number
MXPA00005248A MXPA/A/2000/005248A MXPA00005248A MXPA00005248A MX PA00005248 A MXPA00005248 A MX PA00005248A MX PA00005248 A MXPA00005248 A MX PA00005248A MX PA00005248 A MXPA00005248 A MX PA00005248A
Prior art keywords
unit according
vibration unit
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Spanish (es)
Christopher C Lawrenson
Doren Thomas W Van
F Joseph Keith
Timothy S Lucas
Original Assignee
Macrosonix Corp
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Macrosonix Corp filed Critical Macrosonix Corp
Publication of MXPA00005248A publication Critical patent/MXPA00005248A/en



A vibrational acoustic unit comprises a dynamic force motor (28), a power take-off spring (34) having one end attached to the dynamic force motor (28) and the other end attached to a fluid filled acoustic resonator (38). The motor (28) oscillates the entire acoustic resonator (38) so as to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator (38). A method of delivering power to an acoustic resonator (38) comprises resiliently connecting a motor (28) to the resonator (38), and driving the motor (28) to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator (38) so as to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator (38).


SUPPLY OF ACOUSTIC RESONATOR POWER BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Field of the Invention This invention relates to power supply systems for the transduction of mechanical energy into acoustic energy through the oscillation of an entire resonator to excite a resonant mode, having applications in any form of resonator. acoustic.
Description of Related Art There are a number of different ways to supply energy to an acoustic wave at rest, which are known in the field of acoustics. The entire impulse resonator method, as described in U.S. Patent Nos. 5,319,938 and 5,515,684, depends on the vibration of the entire resonator back and forth, in order to utilize the internal surface area of the resonator. resonator as the energy supply surface. This approach requires an engine that provides a dynamic force to create the oscillation of the resonator. As shown in the Patents of the United States of North America Nos. 5,319,938; 5,231,337 and 5,515,684, incorporated herein by reference, the motors used for the entire pulse of the resonator, typically comprise two motor components in motion. Figure 1 illustrates a prior art device, wherein the motor component 4 is rigidly connected to the fluid-filled acoustic resonator 2, and the motor component 6 is elastically mounted to the motor component 4 by a spring 8. When generates a dynamic force between these two components of the motor, they move dynamically in reactive opposition to each other, causing in this way that the entire resonator oscillates, in such a way that energy is supplied to the fluid. The heavier motor component 6 can be elastically connected to ground. Figure 2 shows an element diagram composed of the prior art device of Figure 1. The fluid inside the resonator is modeled as the spring 14 and the mass 12. Associated with each spring is a shock absorber. Because the mass of the motor 4a and the mass of the resonator 2a are rigidly connected, they comprise a single moving mass of the system. Energy is supplied to the wave at rest according to 1 / (2?) Fasen ?, where? = 2trf, where f is the pulse frequency, F is the magnitude of the force exerted on the face 10 of the motor mass 4a, A is the magnitude of the acceleration of the motor mass 4a and the mass of the resonator 2a, and ? is the phase angle (time) between F and A. The motor must supply not only the force necessary to supply power to the acoustic load, but also to directly oscillate the mass of the motor 4a and the mass of the resonator 2a backwards and towards ahead. The force required to oscillate the masses 2a and 4a is not supplied to the acoustic load. However, the generation of this mass drive force results in energy losses due to the transduction efficiency of the motor, and therefore, reduces the overall efficiency of the power supply system. An additional source of inefficiency in the prior art system shown in Figures 1 and 2, is its limited control of the energy factor sin? . Yes? = 90 °, then the energy factor sin? = 1. Yes? assumes values progressively smaller or greater than 90 °, then the required motor force is increased, thus minimizing the energy efficiency of the power supply system. The adjustment of the mass of the resonator 2a and the mass of the motor 4a, can help to fine tune the energy factor towards the unit, but the requirements of structural rigidity and pressure evaluation for the resonator, as well as the design requirements for the motor , will limit the degree of freedom to make these adjustments. It is well known in the technique of vibration motors, that the adjustment of the stiffness of the spring 8a of Figure 2, in order to fine-tune the mechanical resonance close to the acoustic resonance, will reduce the required force of the motor for a given power supply. However, this can result in highly amplified displacements between moving components that generate excessive noise and higher spring stresses. A control is generally required to maintain the pulse frequency ensured at the acoustic resonance, because the sound velocity changes due to heating and other effects that will cause the acoustic resonant frequency to be dragged during the operation. If the mechanical resonance frequency is tuned close to the acoustic resonance, then severe control problems can occur, due to the resonance repulsion phenomenon, if the dragging of the resonant frequency leads the two resonant peaks too close together.
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION It is an object of the present invention to provide a power extraction spring (PTO) between a dynamic force motor and a resonant acoustic load which, for a given acoustic power supply, reduces the required force of the motor, reduce the requirement of the size of the motor, allows to have a greater control of the mechanical power factor, reduce the losses by dissipation of energy of the motor due to the lower forces required, improving in this way the efficiency of the system, it allows to tune all the relative displacements and the phases of all the oscillating mass components, and allow to have a greater design flexibility on the global topology of the engine. These and other objects and advantages of the invention will become clearer from the accompanying drawings and specifications, where like reference numerals refer to equal parts through them. The invention can be characterized as an acoustic vibration unit comprising a dynamic force motor, a power extraction spring having one end attached to the dynamic force motor, and the other end attached to an acoustic resonator filled with fluid, in where all the acoustic resonator is oscillated to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator. The invention can also be characterized as a method for supplying power to an acoustic resonator, which comprises the steps of connecting in an elastic and exclusive manner, a motor to the resonator, and driving the motor to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator, in order to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator. The invention can further be characterized as a method for driving an acoustic resonator, which comprises the steps of connecting a motor to the resonator, using an elastic connection, and driving the motor to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator, in order to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator, the motor exciting the resonant mode through the elastic connection.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Figure 1 illustrates an acoustic power supply device of the prior art. Figure 2 is an element diagram composed of the prior art device of Figure 1. Figure 3 illustrates one embodiment of the present invention, which has a two mass dynamic force motor. Figure 4 is an element diagram composed of the embodiment of Figure 3. Figure 5 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention, which has a two-mass dynamic motor, which includes a variable reluctance motor of flat lamination. Figure 6 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention, which has a two-mass dynamic motor, which includes a variable reluctance motor of rolled tape lamination. Figure 7 illustrates an alternative magnetic structure for a dynamic two-mass variable reluctance motor. Figure 8 illustrates one embodiment of the present invention, which has a bending motor of a single mass, which could include a piezoelectric element or a magnetostrictive element.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS Figure 3 illustrates an embodiment of the present invention, wherein a power withdrawal spring (PTO) 20 has been added to the prior art device of Figure 1, between the mass of the moving motor 18 and the resonator 22. In the operation, a dynamic force of frequency f is created between the mass of the motor 14 and the mass of the motor 18, which causes the masses of the motor 14 and 18 to oscillate at the frequency f in opposition reactive a to the other. The periodic displacement of the mass of the motor 18 causes a dynamic force to be transmitted through the spring 20 to the resonator 22, which in turn causes a periodic displacement of the resonator 22 at the frequency f. If the frequency f is equal to a resting wave mode frequency of the resonator, which can be excited by the movement of the resonator, then the periodic displacement of the resonator 22 will transfer energy to this mode. Figure 4 provides an element diagram composed of the embodiment of Figure 3, which comprises the mass of the motor 14a, the mass of the motor 18a, the spring of the motor 16a, the spring PTO 20a, the mass of the resonator 22a, the spring of fluid 24, and the mass of fluid 26. When a mode of the resonator 22 is being driven, the phases between the displacements of all the masses 14a, 18a, 22a and 26 are determined by the respective mass values, and by the values respective stiffness and damping of the motor spring 16a, the PTO spring 20a, the fluid spring 24. The stiffness adjustment of the PTO spring 20a of Figure 4 provides a means for tuning the mechanical power factor seen by the motor ( represented by the masses 14a and 18a), as it supplies power to the resonator, thereby reducing the motor force required for a given power supply to the load. The PTO spring 20a also prevents the rigid coupling of the mass of the resonator 22a with the mass of the motor 18a, thereby making possible designs that reduce the motor force required for a given power supply to the load. The reduction of the required force of the motor results in the reduction of the energy losses resulting from the transduction efficiency of the motor, and therefore, improves the overall efficiency of the power supply system. The reduction of the required force of the motor also reduces the required size of the motor, thereby reducing the amount of motor materials required for a given power supply to the load. The PTO spring 20a of Figure 4 allows power factors approaching the unit to be reached without having to tune to any of the mechanical resonances, associated with the springs 16a and 20a, close to the driven acoustic resonance. As a result, displacements of the components are minimized, noise is reduced, and excessive stresses of the spring are eliminated. The provision of high power factors, without the risk of crossing acoustic and mechanical resonance frequencies, eliminates the severe control problems that arise due to resonance repulsion phenomena. The rigidity of each mechanical spring can be selected in such a way that: (i) the mechanical resonance frequency where the motor spring 20a sees its maximum displacement is above the acoustic resonance frequency, (ii) the mechanical resonance frequency wherein the spring 16a sees its maximum displacement, is below the acoustic resonance frequency. This design provides two preferred operating characteristics. First, the heating of the fluid can cause the frequency of the acoustic resonance to increase during the operation, and this design ensures that the frequency of the acoustic resonance does not cross the frequency of the mechanical resonance associated with the maximum displacement of the spring 16a. Second, with the understanding that the mechanical resonance frequency associated with the maximum displacement of the spring 20a is sufficiently above the acoustic resonance frequency, such that the two resonances never overlap during the operation, then some benefit may be derived . As the frequency of acoustic resonance increases, accelerations can also be made to increase the transfer of more power to the load for the same motor force. The proper selection of the mass of the components and the stiffness of the spring will also cause the power factor measured in the air gap to improve as the frequency of the acoustic resonance increases. In general, the addition of the PTO spring 20a allows for greater flexibility in the design of the system, because the properties of each mechanical element are more independent. The PTO spring 20a allows to tune all the relative displacement of the components, the relative displacement phases, and the masses of the components. The power supply unit must be mounted elastically to ground, because each component of the system oscillates. For a given design, the specific acceleration of the masses depends on the mass of each component and the stiffness and damping of each spring. The mass with the lowest acceleration provides a good point for elastic mounting to ground. Figure 5 shows a cross-sectional view of a variable reluctance motor used as a two-mass dynamic force motor in accordance with the present invention. The variable reluctance motor consists of a first motor mass 28 formed by a pile of flat laminations "E" rigidly joined together, such that the stack forms a single unit, a second mass of the motor 30 formed by a stack of flat laminations "I" rigidly joined together, such that the stack forms a single unit, a conductive coil 32 wound around the central leg of the rolling stack E, leaf springs 34, with levels 34a and 34b, which elastically connect the first and second masses of the motor 28 and 30 to each other by the carriages 35 and 37, and a leaf spring PTO 36, which elastically connects the second mass of the motor 30 with the resonator 38. The second mass of the motor 30 it is rigidly connected to the carriage 35, and the first mass of the motor 28 is rigidly connected to the carriage 37. The carriages 35 and 37 slide back and forth one in relation to the other. Engine laminations can be constructed of silicon steel laminations, which are commonly used in transformers. The mass of the car 35 can be considered as part of the second moving mass, and the mass of the car 37 can be considered as part of the first moving mass. The space between the three legs of the laminations E and the laminations I comprises an air gap 40. The two levels of leaf springs 34, the levels 34a and 34b, allow the more flat relative movement of the second mass of the motor 30 and the first mass of the motor 28, to maintain the instantaneous air gap 40 in any uniform part. One-level springs or any other spring topology, which provide a more flat movement of the components, could also be used. In operation, when an alternating current is established in coil 32, a time-varying magnetic flux is created inside the air gap 40, which is accompanied by a static attractive force and a variable attractive force in time between the two. first and second masses of the motor 28 and 30. The masses of the motor 28 and 30 respond to this variable force in time oscillating in reactive opposition to one another. The leaf springs 34 provide a force to prevent the attractive force from directing the masses of the motor 28 and 30 to meet, while still being allowed to oscillate. The periodic oscillation of the mass of the motor 30 applies a dynamic force through the spring PTO 36 to the resonator 38, thereby causing the resonator 38 to oscillate along its cylindrical axis. If the oscillation frequency of the resonator 38 is equal to one of the frequencies of the standing wave mode, which can be excited by the movement of the resonator, then the periodic displacement of the resonator 22 will transfer energy to that mode. Variable reluctance motors provide high energy efficiency when small displacements and large forces are required, which is usually the case for acoustic resonators. Figure 6 shows a variable reluctance motor used as a two-mass dynamic force motor in accordance with the present invention, which reduces the portion of total magnetic losses caused by the magnetic flux not oriented to the grain. The variable reluctance motor consists of a first motor mass 40 formed by laminations of rolled tape, and joined together to form a single unit, a second motor mass 42 formed by laminations of rolled tape and joined together to form a single unit, a conductive coil 44 wound around the central leg of the first mass of motor, leaf springs 46 that elastically connect the first and second masses of the motor 40 and 42 together by means of the carriages 47 and 49, and a leaf spring PTO 48, which elastically connects the second mass of the motor 42 with the resonator 50. The mass of the carriage 47 can be considered part of the second moving mass, and the mass of the carriage 49 can be considered as part of the first moving mass. In operation, the motor of Figure 6 operates in the same manner as the motor of Figure 5. Figure 7 illustrates an alternative magnetic structure for a variable reluctance motor having the first motor mass 52 formed of two laminations of rolled tape, and a second motor mass 54 formed from a single rolled tape lamination. Although the second mass of the motor 54 does not prevent cross-grain field orientation, it does provide a simple and very rigid structure having the ends 56 and 58, which provide convenient connection points for the springs, carriages, or other hardware. Many combinations of flat rolled and stacked ribbon rolling components can be made based on the given design requirements, and will be suggested by themselves to those skilled in the art. The PTO spring of the present invention can be used in combination with any type of dynamic force motor. It is possible to think that all the motors provide a dynamic force to a member, causing some movement in that member, although small. Accordingly, all engines, including all engines described herein, are dynamic-force motors. Figure 8 describes another type of dynamic force motor. Figure 8 illustrates one embodiment of the present invention, having a PTO spring 64 with one end connected to a dynamic bending force motor 60, and the other end connected to a resonator 66. The reaction mass 62 is preferably connected rigidly to the dynamic bending motor 60 at one end 61 thereof. The reaction mass 62 can also be elastically connected to the dynamic bending motor 60 at the end 61, and in this case, it is preferred that the elastic connection be relatively rigid compared to the constant or stiffness of the PTO spring 64. The dynamic motor of flexure 60 can be a piezoelectric element, a magnetostrictive element, or any other element that provides a dynamic force by periodic selection or changes in its overall dimensions. In operation, the motor 60 of Figure 8 suffers a periodic change in its dimension, thereby creating a dynamic force of a frequency f, which is communicated to the resonator 66 through the PTO spring 64. In the embodiments where the Dynamic force motor 60 has a small mass in relation to that of the reaction mass 62, the force of the motor 60 is effectively transferred to the resonator 66, by virtue of the reaction mass 62 and the PTO spring 64, which cause the displacement newspaper of the resonator 66 at the frequency f. The reaction mass 62 prevents excessive accelerations of the end of the reaction mass 61 of the motor 60, and maximizes the force of the motor 60 applied to the PTO spring 64. If the frequency f equals the frequency of the resting wave mode of the resonator, which can be excited by the movement of the resonator, then the periodic displacement of the resonator 66 will transfer energy to that mode. The embodiment of Figure 8 can be operated without the PTO spring 64, rigidly connecting the motor 60 to the resonator 66. However, this will eliminate the advantages described above. It can be seen that the embodiments of the invention use the PTO spring as the exclusive mechanism for coupling the active force components of the motor to the resonator. Therefore, the moving elements of the motor that are effective to cause the oscillation of the resonator, are isolated from the resonator, by means of the elastic coupling mechanism, that is, the PTO spring. In contrast, the prior art devices couple the motor to the resonator by a rigid connection, and do not use a PTO spring as the primary force path from the motor to the resonator. Although the foregoing description contains many embodiments of the invention, these should not be construed as limitations on the scope of the invention, but rather as an exemplification of its preferred embodiments. Those skilled in the art will think of other embodiments that are within the scope of the present invention. For example, any motor that generates a dynamic force, such as non-concentric rotary motors, electrodynamic motors, and electromagnetic motors, can be employed. Variable reluctance motors do not need to use only laminations, but can be formed from compressed materials that have multidirectional grain properties, to avoid magnetic off-axis grain losses. The springs may comprise any type of spring that accommodates a particular design, such as coil springs, leaf springs, bellville springs, magnetic springs, gas springs, or other devices that provide an elastic coupling. The fluids within the resonators of the present invention may be liquids or gases. Any type of acoustic resonator can be used, including cylindrical resonators or resonators of Macrosonic Resonant Synthesis (RMS) of any shape, as described, for example, in the Patents of the United States of North America Numbers 5,515,684; 5,319,938, and 5,174,130, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. Furthermore, it should be appreciated that an excited resonance mode of the resonator can generally occur anywhere on the resonance response curve, as, for example, in total or near total power, at the points of average power, at the points of power of a quarter, or similar. Accordingly, a resonant mode over a frequency range can be excited. The scope of the present invention is not limited to the particular applications of the acoustic resonator to which power is supplied. For example, the present invention can be applied to acoustic resonators for oil-free acoustic compressors and pumps for air compression, refrigeration, comfort air conditioning, hazardous fluids, ultra-pure fluids, natural gas, and commercial gases; acoustic resonators for process control; acoustic resonators used as process reactors for the chemical and pharmaceutical industries; acoustic resonators for gas separation, including pressure swing adsorption; and acoustic resonators for agglomeration, levitation, mixing, and spraying, to name a few. These applications may or may not include RMS resonators. Although omitted for clarity, these applications of the invention may use inlet / outlet valves and heat exchange apparatus, as shown in Figure 13 of Patent Number 5,319,938, and in Figure 16 of Patent Number 5,515,684. In accordance with the foregoing, the scope of the invention must be determined, not by the illustrated modes, but by the appended claims and their equivalents.

Claims (21)

1. An acoustic unit of vibration, which comprises: an engine that has engine components, a power extraction spring that has one end attached to at least one of the components of the engine, and the other end attached to the acoustic resonator filled with fluid , and where the components of the motor to the resonator are not rigidly joined, wherein the entire acoustic resonator is oscillated to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 1, wherein the motor comprises a first moving mass and a second moving mass, between which an alternating force is exerted, a motor spring having an end attached to the first mass in motion, and having its other end secured to the second moving mass, and the power extraction spring having the first end attached to the second moving mass. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 2, wherein the stiffness of the power extraction spring provides a resonance between the resonator and the second moving mass, whose frequency is greater than the frequency in excited resonance mode of the resonator. acoustic resonator. 4. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 3, wherein the stiffness of the motor spring provides a resonance between the first and second masses in motion, whose frequency is less than the excited resonance frequency of the acoustic resonator. 5. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 2, wherein the stiffness of the motor spring provides a resonance between the first and second masses in motion, whose frequency is less than the excited resonance frequency of the acoustic resonator. 6. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 2, wherein the first and second moving masses comprise a variable reluctance motor. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 6, wherein the first moving mass comprises a stack of E-shaped laminations, and the second moving mass comprises a stack of I-shaped laminations. acoustic vibration unit according to claim 6, wherein the first moving mass comprises laminated tape laminations, and the second moving mass comprises laminated tape laminations. 9. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 1, wherein the motor comprises a non-concentric rotary motor. 10. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 1, wherein the motor comprises a piezoelectric motor. 11. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 1, wherein the motor comprises a magnetostrictive motor. 1
2. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 2, wherein the first and second moving masses comprise an electrodynamic motor. 1
3. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 2, wherein the first and second masses in motion comprise an electromagnetic motor. 1
4. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 1, wherein the acoustic resonator filled with fluid comprises a process reactor. 1
5. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 1, wherein the acoustic resonator filled with fluid comprises a chamber for the oscillatory pressure adsorption. 1
6. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 1, wherein the acoustic resonator filled with fluid comprises a chamber for an acoustic compressor. 1
7. An acoustic vibration unit according to claim 1, wherein the acoustic resonator filled with fluid comprises an RMS resonator. 1
8. A method for driving an acoustic resonator, which comprises the steps of: connecting an engine to the resonator exclusively using an elastic connection, in such a way that the motor does not connect rigidly to the resonator, and drive the motor to oscillate everything, the acoustic resonator, in order to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator, this motor exciting the resonant mode through the elastic connection . 1
9. A method for driving an acoustic resonator, which comprises the steps of: connecting an engine to the resonator exclusively using an elastic connection, such that the motor is not mechanically connected otherwise to oscillate the resonator, and driving the motor to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator, in order to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator, this motor exciting the resonant mode exclusively through the elastic connection. 20. A method for supplying power to an acoustic resonator, which comprises the steps of: connecting an engine to the resonator using a power extraction spring as the sole mechanism for coupling the movement of the motor with the resonator, and driving the motor for oscillating the entire resonator, acoustically, in order to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator, the motor not being mechanically connected otherwise to move the resonator. 21. A method for supplying power to an acoustic resonator, which comprises the steps of: connecting in an elastic and exclusive manner a motor to the resonator, and driving the motor to oscillate the entire acoustic resonator, in order to excite a resonant mode of the acoustic resonator, not mechanically connecting the motor in another way to drive the resonator.
MXPA/A/2000/005248A 1997-11-26 2000-05-26 Acoustic resonator power delivery MXPA00005248A (en)

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US08979931 1997-11-26

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