JP4988949B1 - Drop-off double gaff for big game, large-scale fish catching system using the same gaff, and complete fishing kite fishing method using the same system - Google Patents

Drop-off double gaff for big game, large-scale fish catching system using the same gaff, and complete fishing kite fishing method using the same system Download PDF


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An object of the present invention is to provide a loop body that has a structure that is optimal for hooking and taking in large and large fishes, and that winds a roll that serves as a guide to deliver the gaff to the mouth. By passing it from the bottom of the butt and bringing it over the reels, it is possible to pass the gaff and drop it into the line, so that you can get big fish from the high ground alone. Enable to capture.
A large-capturing system includes two or more hooks at one end of a shaft, a ring at the other end, and a large drop-in double gaff for the large portion in which the entire angular width of the hook is less than 180 °. An annular connector, a flexible connector for connecting the double guff and the connector, one end of which is hung on the connector, and the other end is free and hung on the connector. And a rope having one end hung on the connector.
[Selection] Figure 5


The present invention is, big game for off-inclusive double Gyafu performed using a rope instead of a handle, large fish capture system using the same Gyafu, and to fully put Saozuri method using the same system.

魚はハリスや仕掛けが大きくなると食いが悪くなる為、釣り人は予想される魚種やそのサイズに合わせて、必要以上に大きくならないように注意しながら、それらを使用する傾向にある。従って魚を掛けて竿下まで寄せたあと、それを取り込むには、また別の対策を講じる必要がある。この為に使用するのがタモ(柄の先端に円環状の網がついた物)やギャフである。通常のギャフは柄が付いていてその先端にフックが付いており、そのフックを魚体に打ち込み取り込む。此処でタモはその構造上大型魚には適さない(強度的に無理)ので、大型魚の取り込みにはギャフが使われる事が多い。船釣りの場合は水面から船縁までの距離が1.5mから2mと短いので取り込みが問題になる事は殆ど無い。   Since fish eat badly when Harris and the device become large, anglers tend to use them with caution not to grow more than necessary according to the expected fish species and their size. Therefore, after catching the fish and bringing it to the armpit, it is necessary to take another measure to capture it. For this purpose, tammo (thing with a circular net at the end of the handle) and gaff are used. A normal gaff has a handle and a hook attached to the tip of the gaff. Here, tamo is not suitable for large fish due to its structure (strength is impossible), so gaff is often used to capture large fish. In the case of boat fishing, the distance from the water surface to the rim of the ship is as short as 1.5 to 2 m, so there is almost no problem of taking in.

問題に為るのは船釣り以外の場合、すなわち、堤防釣り及び磯釣りに於いてである。船釣りに満足できない釣り人も多くいて、その人たちが堤防や磯(岩場)から大物を狙う場合に工夫が必要になる。此処で留意すべきは、船からだと近場でも大物が簡単に釣れることがあるが、磯や堤防からギャフを必要とする大物を、期待を持って狙える場所というのは、多くが外洋や南海の波の荒い離島などの堤防や磯であるという点である。それらの堤防はしばしば長さ数百メートル、幅(外側と内側との間の厚み)50−60メートル、水面からの高さは平均潮位で8−10メートルもある。10メートルだとすると、干潮時のそれは11−12メートルである。又磯はしばしば足元から切れ落ち、絶壁。そのようは所であればある程、水深が有り、潮通しもよく、大物が期待できるから釣り人は好んでその様な場所に行くことになる。前記堤防の高さが8−10メートルとした場合、寄せた魚と釣り人との距離は約10−13メートルとなる。これをギャフか何か他の方法(例えば落としダモ・・・特大の自作円形網を予め取り込み予想水中に設置し、其処に魚を誘導しロープで引き上げ)で取り込まなければならない。   The problem arises in cases other than boat fishing, ie in dyke fishing and carp fishing. There are many anglers who are not satisfied with boat fishing, and it is necessary to devise them when they are aiming for big things from a dike or a rock (rocky place). It should be noted here that if you are from a ship, you can easily catch big fish even in the vicinity. It is the point that it is a dike and a coral of a remote island with rough waves. These dikes are often hundreds of meters long, 50-60 meters wide (thickness between the outside and inside), and 8-10 meters above sea level at an average tide level. If it is 10 meters, it is 11-12 meters at low tide. In addition, coral often cuts off from its feet and is a precipice. The more such places, the deeper the water, the better the tides, and the big fishers can expect, so the angler prefers to go to such places. If the height of the dike is 8-10 meters, the distance between the fish and the fisherman will be about 10-13 meters. This must be taken in by a gaff or some other method (for example, dropping duck ... an oversized self-made circular net is preloaded and placed in the expected water, and the fish is guided and pulled up by a rope).

上記項において、基本的な高さ、距離について述べたが、以下に従来法の個々のやり方、道具や使い勝手、危険性について詳しく述べる。   In the above section, the basic height and distance were described, but in the following, the individual methods, tools, usability, and danger of the conventional method will be described in detail.

「柄付きギャフ」について。このギャフは強度的には其れなりにあるが最長で柄の長さは2メートル前後である。継ぎ部で強度が著しく低下するので継ぎ部一箇所、すなわち、振り出し(入れ子式)二本継ぎが事実上の限界となり、携行性からして、柄の長さ2メートル前後、全長2.5メートル未満が実質上の限界となる。堤防に於いては前記高さの関係から全く使えない。20キロ以上の魚でも取り込めることを前提としているのがギャフであるから、2メートル前後であっても重さも結構ある。次に磯ではどうか。それは地形による。磯は地磯(車から徒歩でいける磯)と沖磯(瀬渡し船で渡る磯)とがある。地磯は沖に突き出た突端の様な所が多く、荒波に削られて地形が概して険しく、波うち際2メートルまで近づけない事のほうが多い。従ってこのギャフは使えない事の方が多い。次に沖磯について。瀬渡し船は舳先(ホースヘッド)を瀬に押し付けて釣り人を渡す。外洋の瀬の周りは水面から高さ5−6メートルは波に削られて多くが垂直または其れに近い急斜面であるが、舳先の高さは2−2.5メートルであるから、瀬渡し船は釣り人が乗り渡り易い足場が舳先の高さと略一致する場所を予め見つけておいてそこに釣り人を渡している。すなわち、水面まで2−2.5メートルの所まで降りていけるという事である。瀬に渡った釣り人は荷物を安全な高場まで運び、水面から5−6メートル上の足場の比較的良い場所で釣りを行うことになる。大物釣りは青物(主としてヒラマサ)狙いと巨魚(底物・・アラ、モロコ、クエ、及び回遊魚・・ヒラアジ、磯マグロ、等)狙いが考えられる。青物の場合(主として昼釣り)はやりとりの後、船着場(瀬付け場)の近くに降りてタモで掬うことになるので特に何も問題ない。問題なのは巨魚釣りの場合(主として夜釣り)である。此処で留意すべきは水位の変動(満潮時と干潮時の水位差)が2−3メートルあり(これも大潮と小潮とでは異なる)、又沖では波が無い状態でも、外洋では波打ち際で1.5−2メートルの波が常に上下しているのは当たり前の状態だという点である。巨魚がヒットした場合、釣り人が二人(A,B)いれば危険は過度とまではいえない。Aが竿を煽ってBが道糸を掴み、Bが道糸をコントロールすれば(磯からの夜釣り、大物狙いの場合、アラ(クエ)狙いでの釣行も多く、その場合、アラは根魚で掛かったら根に潜るため、根ずれにも強く太さ十分な編み糸・・・シーハンター80号、強度150k、など・・・が使われることが多い)、Aは竿から手を離して、ギャフを掴み(この状態で片手が空いている)降りていって、波の状態、魚の動きに合わせて、両手でギャフを打ち込み、その後二人で引き上げる。しかし一人の場合だとどうなるか。必ず道糸を片方の手で掴まなければならないし(掴む事自体が一人だと困難だが、アラ狙いだと竿も道糸も強い)、もう一方の手は重いギャフを掴んでいる(すなわち両手が塞がっている)。魚は大きく、水面の上下動と魚の大暴れで大きく振られる。その状態で魚との距離を2メートルまで詰めて、タイミングをみて、片手の道糸をはなし、両手でギャフを打ち込む。しかし運悪くこの時少し大きい波が来たとすれば、釣り人は魚どころか自らの身を波に攫われることになる。危険極まりない行為と言える。大型魚狙いはしばしば夜に行われる。昼間だと数十メートル先に大波がきているのが目に入るとしても、夜だとヘッドランプの明かりで可視範囲は10−20メートルしかなく何も見えない所から突然大波がドンと来ることになる(波の高さにはムラがある)。すなわち、魚まで2メートルの所まで近づかなければならない以上、沖磯の場合で、複数の人数で行うグループ釣行であっても、このギャフには危険が存在する。(図24、図25参照) About "Gaff with Pattern". Although this gaff is in strength, it is the longest and the length of the handle is around 2 meters. Since the strength is significantly reduced at the joint part, one joint part, that is, a swing-out (nested type) double joint is a practical limit, and from the viewpoint of portability, the handle length is around 2 meters and the overall length is 2.5 meters. Less than is a practical limit. On the embankment, it cannot be used at all because of the height. Gaffs are supposed to be able to capture fish of 20 kg or more, so they are quite heavy even if they are around 2 meters. Next, how about a candy? It depends on the terrain. There are two types of ridges: a ridge (a shore that can be reached on foot from a car) and an offshore shore (a shore that passes by a settling boat). There are many places such as the tip that protruded off the coast, the terrain is generally steep due to rough waves, and it is often not close to 2 meters near the waves. Therefore, there are many cases where this gaff cannot be used. Next about Okinawa. The settling boat passes the angler by pressing the tip (hose head) against the set. Around the open ocean, 5-6 meters above the surface of the water is cut by waves and most are vertical or near steep slopes, but the tip of the tip is 2-2.5 meters. Finds in advance a place where the scaffolding that is easy for the angler to get on substantially matches the height of the tip of the angler, and passes the angler there. In other words, you can get down to 2-2.5 meters to the surface of the water. The angler who crosses the river will carry his baggage to a safe high ground and will fish at a relatively good place on the foothold 5-6 meters above the surface of the water. For big fishing, it is possible to target blue fish (mainly kingfish) and giant fish (bottoms, ara, moroko, cued, and migratory fish, flounder, tuna, etc.). In the case of green things (mainly daytime fishing), there is no particular problem because after exchanging, you will get close to the boat landing (settling ground) and crawl with Tamo. The problem is in the case of giant fishing (mainly night fishing). It should be noted here that the fluctuation of the water level (the difference in water level between high tide and low tide) is 2-3 meters (this is also different between high tide and low tide), and even when there is no wave offshore, it is 1 at the shoreline in the open ocean. The fact that the 5-2 meter wave is constantly moving up and down is a natural condition. When a giant fish hits, if there are two anglers (A, B), the danger is not excessive. If A hits a kite, B grabs the line, and B controls the line (when fishing at night from a kite, aiming for a big game, there are many fishing lines aimed at ara (kue). Since it will dive into the root when hung with root fish, knitting yarn that is strong against root slip and thick enough is often used. Seahunter 80, strength 150k, etc.) Release it, grab the gaff (with one hand open in this state), hit the gaff with both hands according to the state of the waves and the movement of the fish, then pull up with two people. But what happens if you are alone? You must always grab the road thread with one hand (it is difficult if you are alone, but if you aim at Ara, both the heel and the thread are strong), the other hand is holding a heavy gaff (ie both hands) Is blocked). The fish is large and shakes greatly due to vertical movement of the water surface and the fish rampage. In that state, close the distance to the fish up to 2 meters, see the timing, break the thread of one hand, and drive the gaff with both hands. But unfortunately, if a little big wave comes at this time, the angler will be beaten by himself rather than a fish. It can be said that it is an act with no danger. Large fish are often aimed at night. Even if you can see that a large wave is coming tens of meters in the daytime, suddenly a big wave comes from the place where the visible range is only 10-20 meters and nothing can be seen at night. (Wave height is uneven). In other words, as long as it is necessary to approach the fish up to 2 meters away, there is a danger in this guff even in group fishing with a number of people in the case of offshore. (See FIGS. 24 and 25)

「フライングギャフ」について。この方式は柄の代用品として、主としてタモの柄を利用して、魚体にギャフをひっかけて、引っ掛けた後は、タモの柄から、ギャフを切り離し(フライングとよんでいる)て、ギャフに予め作り付けしてあるリングに結んだロープを引っ張って、上げるもので実用性が高く広く利用されている。これは柄が構造上大荷重に耐えるのは無理なので、その弱点を補うもので実用性が高い。この場合について述べると、実際問題として、タモの柄は6メートルぐらいまでしかない。何故そうなのかというと強度や操作性からしてそのあたりが限界だということである。しかも魚体にギャフを打ち込まなければならない訳であるからクロ(メジナ)用のヘナヘナ柄ではだめで、少なくとも青物用のしっかりした柄でなければならない。しかも先端に軽いタモ枠(アルミ)ではなく一定の重さのステンレスのギャフを取り付け、そのギャフからは引き上げ用の太いロープが少なくとも柄の長さ出ている訳であるから、重みがある。釣り人は片手で竿を立てているわけで、残りの片手でこの6メートルタモ柄ギャフを操作してフッキングさせる事は不可能である。必ずもう一人の人間が必要でこの人が両手でギャフを操作し、フッキングさせなければ、フィニッシュできない。長さ的には沖磯では何も問題ない。地磯でこれが使えるかどうかは地形による。堤防においては前記した通り(8−10m)であるから高さが足りず全く使えない。仮に高さが5mだとしても、6mタモ柄ギャフでフッキングさせるのはかなり厳しい。魚が竿下に居るといっても岸から1−3mの所で暴れているのであって、足から魚までの距離は6−7mある。両手でギャフを持ったギャフ専任者が、しゃがんだ状態で高い波が来たのを利用し、かつ魚が手前に寄ったのを見計らって、フッキングできるかどうかといったところである。釣り人自身がそれをやることは前記したとおり、不可能である。(図26、図27、図28参照) About "Flying Gaff". As a substitute for the handle, this method mainly uses the tamo handle, hooks the gaff on the fish body, and after hooking it, separates the gaff from the tamo handle (called flying) and builds in the gaff beforehand. Pulling a rope tied to a certain ring and raising it is highly practical and widely used. Since it is impossible for the handle to withstand a heavy load due to its structure, it compensates for its weakness and is highly practical. In this case, as a matter of fact, the tamo handle is only about 6 meters. The reason is that this is the limit in terms of strength and operability. Moreover, since the gaff must be driven into the fish body, a henna henna pattern for black (medina) is not good, and it must be a solid pattern for at least a blue object. In addition, a stainless steel gaff with a certain weight is attached to the tip instead of a light tamo frame (aluminum), and a thick rope for lifting is at least the length of the handle from the gaff, so there is a weight. The angler is holding a kite with one hand, and it is impossible to hook the 6 meter tamo print gaff with the other hand. There must be another person, and if this person operates the gaff with both hands and does not hook it, it cannot finish. In terms of length, there is no problem at offshore. Whether this can be used on the ground depends on the terrain. On the embankment, as mentioned above (8-10m), it is not high enough to be used at all. Even if the height is 5m, it is quite difficult to hook with a 6m Tamo pattern gaff. Even if the fish is in the Majesty, it is rampaging 1-3 meters from the shore, and the distance from the feet to the fish is 6-7 meters. A full-time gaff with a gaff in both hands can use the high waves coming in the squatting state and see if the fish has come to the front to see if it can be hooked. As mentioned above, it is impossible for the angler himself to do it. (See FIGS. 26, 27, and 28)

「イカリ型ギャフ(仮称)」について。このギャフは一般的には知られていないが一部地域で地元の釣り人が自作し、使っており、又島を訪れた釣り人もその次から同様の物を自作してきて使ったりしているので公知技術として此処に記述し、説明する。前記2点(柄付きギャフとフライングギャフ)は柄若しくはその代用物(タモの柄)を操作して、其れにより先端についているギャフを魚体に打ち込むのであるから、機能的にも構造的にも、本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフ(=ロープギャフ・・・ロープを操作して行うギャフ)とは、何の関係もない。問題点や危険性、使用限界を明らかにする為に上記したにすぎない。このイカリ型ギャフ(仮称)が唯一、本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフ(ロープギャフ)に類する物である。このイカリ型ギャフの基本的な構造は、中心軸の周りの略円周上に3本ないし4本のフックを軸と略平行に等間隔に立て、反対側(針先を上向きにした場合の軸の上側)にリングをつけたもので、このリングにロープを直接結びつける。平均的な大きさとしては間口(フトコロ・・・フック先と軸との間隔)が約14−5cmで直径約30cm、長さ約30−35cm、軸径約10−12mmで、重さは、約1.5kg位はある。カエシも無く焼きも入っていない。使い方としては魚を竿下に寄せた後、このイカリ型ギャフをドボーンと魚の沖側に投げ込み、着水点と魚との方向関係から(前記の通り魚と釣り人との距離は12−3メートルある)、ギャフが魚に引っ掛かるよう、ギャフ投入者自身が横方向に移動しながら、ギャフを魚に一致させ、フッキングさせるという使い方である。このやり方は有効で安全性も高い。このギャフの問題点(不備・・・不完全な所)について述べると次の通りである。1)魚の沖側に投げ込むが魚も暴れて動いており、うまくタッチしても、フッキングしないで、乗り越えてしまった場合にはもう一回上げて、投げなおしをしなければならず、結局一回のキャスティングではうまくゆかず、2−3回やり直しになることが多い。2)この時釣り人は通常竿を立てている訳であるから、片手は少なくとも塞がっており、残りの片手で上記動作を行うことは不可能である。何故ならばギャフ投入者は片手(此処では仮に左手とする)でロープ端側を握り、もう一方の手(右手)でギャフを投げ込み(投げ込んだギャフは沈んでいく)、ギャフが沈まない様にロープを操作しながら、ギャフが魚に一致するよう、自分の立ち位置を変えながら、フッキングさせなければならない。すなわち、魚を掛けた本人以外にもう一人の人間が必ず必要である。3)堤防では問題なく使えるこのイカリ型ギャフであるが、磯ではどうであろうか? 磯が堤防と同じように垂直に切り立っていれば同じように使える可能性もある。しかし、若し45度位の傾斜で前下がりになっているような地形だとしたら(45度ぐらいだが危険で下には下れないような場所はいくらでもある)、どうであろうか?投げ下ろしは下方向に急角度で投げる事は容易だが、斜め下遠方に投げる事は難しい。また其れが出来たとして、魚は岸から1−3メートルの所に居る訳で、そのすぐ下は岩であり、岩表面の出っ張りや割れ目に何本もあるフックが引っ掛かって、一発で根掛かりし、外す事も出来なくなるであろう。すなわち、磯ではこのギャフは使えない。4)間口が前記したように14−5cmもあり、その結果、大きさ、形状、重量とも、著しいものとなり、携行性が著しく劣る。では、何故、間口が14−5cmもあるのかというと、其れ位ないと,魚が引っ掛かりにくいからである。その引っ掛かりにくさは、魚とギャフとのコンタクトの不確実性からきている。(図29、図30参照)   About "Ikari type gaff (tentative name)". Although this gaff is not generally known, local fishermen make and use it in some areas, and anglers who visit the island also make and use similar things after that. Therefore, it is described here as a known technique and explained. The above two points (patterned gaff and flying gaff) operate the handle or its substitute (Tamo handle), thereby driving the gaff attached to the tip into the fish body, both functionally and structurally There is nothing to do with the drop-in double gaff (= rope guff... Gaff performed by manipulating the rope) of the present invention. It is only described above to clarify problems, dangers, and limits of use. This Ikari-type gaff (tentative name) is the only one similar to the drop-in double gaff (rope guff) for large items of the present invention. The basic structure of this Ikari-type gaff is that three or four hooks are placed at approximately equal intervals on the circumference around the central axis, and the opposite side (when the tip is pointed upward) A ring is attached to the upper side of the shaft, and the rope is tied directly to this ring. As for the average size, the frontage (the distance between the hook tip and the shaft) is about 14-5 cm, the diameter is about 30 cm, the length is about 30-35 cm, the shaft diameter is about 10-12 mm, and the weight is There are about 1.5kg. No shrimp and no grilling. As for usage, after bringing the fish to the Majesty, this Ikari type gaff is thrown off the coast of the bone and the fish, and from the directional relationship between the landing point and the fish (as described above, the distance between the fish and the angler is 12-3 This is a way to make the gaff match the fish and hook it while the gaff thrower moves in the horizontal direction so that the gaff is caught by the fish. This method is effective and safe. The problems with this gaff (deficiencies: imperfect) are as follows. 1) Throw it to the offshore side of the fish, but the fish is also moving wildly. Even if you touch it well, if you get over without hooking, you have to lift it again and rethrow it. Casting once does not go well and often requires 2-3 attempts. 2) At this time, the angler usually stands a rod, so at least one hand is closed, and the above operation cannot be performed with the remaining one hand. Because the gaff thrower holds the end of the rope with one hand (the left hand is assumed here), throws the gaff with the other hand (right hand) (the thrown gaff sinks), so that the gaff does not sink While manipulating the rope, you have to hook while changing your standing position so that the gaff matches the fish. In other words, there must be another person other than the person who hung the fish. 3) This Ikari-type gaff that can be used without any problem on the dike. There is a possibility that it can be used in the same way as long as the ridge stands vertically like a dike. But what if it is a terrain that is sloping down at a 45 degree angle (it is 45 degrees but there are many places that are dangerous and cannot fall down)? Throwing down is easy to throw down at a steep angle, but throwing diagonally downward is difficult. Also, as it was made, the fish is 1 to 3 meters from the shore, just below it is a rock, and there are several hooks caught on the protrusions and cracks on the rock surface. You will not be able to remove it. In other words, this gaff cannot be used in a bag. 4) The frontage is 14-5 cm as described above. As a result, the size, shape and weight are remarkable, and the portability is remarkably inferior. Then, the reason why the frontage is 14-5cm is that if it is not so, the fish will not catch easily. The difficulty of catching comes from the uncertainty of contact between fish and gaff. (See FIGS. 29 and 30)

As described above, with respect to the use of the gaff, the details of the publicly known and prior art three guffs, the “patterned gaff”, the “flying gaff”, and the “squid type gaff (tentative name)” have been described. From the conclusion, it is appropriate to use "flying guff" for carp fishing, but the limit of use is 4-5m in height, and even in this case, it is practically impossible to use it unless there is at least two people. In addition, only “Ikari-type gaff” can be used for dike fishing, and even in this case, it cannot be used unless there is at least two people. Also in this case, there is a problem (uncertainty) that one-shot hooking cannot be performed.
As a result of the IPDL search, it was found that there are the following five materials related to rope gaff. Public Utility Model Gazette (U) Sho 61-72177, Public Utility Model Gazette (U) Sho 61-186372, Public Utility Model Gazette (U) Sho 61-204482, Utility Model Gazette (Y2) Kohei 7-111587, Published Patent Japanese Laid-Open Patent Publication No. 2004-135581. Among them, the public utility model publication (U) Sho 61-186372 and the public utility model publication (U) Sho 61-204482 are the same inventors and are basically based on the same concept. I don't know directly about these five points, but I will discuss these issues below based on the materials because of the sensitivity as an angler.

Regarding “Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-72177”. This gaff is a rope gaff performed using a rope, and is similar to the drop-in double gaff for a big game of the present invention. The point is that it is dropped along the line, but the concept is otherwise different (the present invention will be described in detail later). It seems that this gaff can be used in practice. From the slit (cut) in the code 2 of Fig. 1 (thread threader, de facto ring), thread the thread through this "thread threader, ring", drop it to the fish, and operate with the rope A gaff, and the fish will actually be raised. The problems of this gaff are as follows. The fact that there is only one hook is a minor point (it is worse than the two hooks), there is a concern that the lower ring may interfere with the fish, and the portability is also poor. However, the biggest problem is that when the fish is brought into tension and the line is under tension, the angler himself can grab his own road line. It ’s always hard when you ’re doing it, and it ’s very difficult. In other words, if it is a soft kite, loosen the drag a little, and if you tilt the kite backwards, it will drop in front of you, so you can easily grab it. However, if it is a hard kite, even if the kite is tilted back, the kite will not bend into the shape of a “tsu”, so there will be no road thread to reach it (5-5.4m with a stone coffin, 4.8m at Araque Pass. If you free the drag, you can grab the road, but you can't do it because the fish rush. Making the line free in this phase is what the angler does not want to do most, that is, cannot. If you do that, the fish will rush into it and cause root slipping (obstructions on the seabed ... the line rubs against rock protrusions and tetra, so the line breaks) or the fish roots (between rock cracks and tetra The possibility of entering the gap and not coming out (at this time the line is in contact with the corner, so it will break if pulled) increases significantly. Also, you can't defeat the heel, slide your hand, and change your hand until it reaches one hand on the thread (you can make the drag free, but that's the same as above). This is because the carp cannot be folded easily if it is gripped around the reel sheet, but if the fish rushes by grasping about 1.5m (the distance between both hands) from the tip, the carp usually breaks easily. . Here we are fishing big fish that need a gaff. There is enough power to rush. Also, bring the butt to the corner (sea side), position the tip side to the near side (land side) (that is, position the heel diagonally with respect to the body), If you try to grab a line with a part that can't be broken, it won't work. Because, in that case, the angler must stand on the near side (a little away from the corner), the fish is rampant just below the corner, and if the line rubs the corner, it can be cut in one shot It is.
For the reasons described above, the angler himself cannot set this gaff on his own line, but it cannot be done with a fish on it, and another person is required to do it. As a way of doing this, the angler lowers his standing position back and lays the kite toward the gaff person, while maintaining the tension of the kite and the tension control of the line by dragging on the angler side. Take the thread (rather than grab it, wrap one line like a ring and wrap the line so that the line does not sway), and the gaff hanger hangs the slit of the gaff guide gripped with the other hand on the line Pass the line inward. As a result, it becomes possible to drop the gaff for the first time. Or conversely, this person must have a habit and do the above-mentioned operation by himself.

「公開実用新案公報(U)昭61−186372と公開実用新案公報(U)昭61−204482」に関して。この二つの出願は同一考案者によってなされており、同じ考え方による物である。まず、「昭61−186372」に関して。6ページ目に「このギャフは釣竿などに予めロープ10によって支承させておき、釣針14を付けた釣糸15を、そのギャフの2つのリング状体2,3(1,2の間違い?)に貫通させておき、この釣糸15の水面下の長さを竿先の穂先を上げ下げして調整する。なお、このときギャフはこのときは必要ないので十分に上方に引き上げておく」とある(3ページ目にも同様の記述)。フック(抜け止め部材13)によるライン切れの危険の指摘の前に上記文章に直面し、驚いた。釣りというのは竿の操作によってライン、仕掛けを動かし、行うものである。この文章は竿先と鈎との間に前もってこのかご型ギャフ(仮称)を介在させておく、と言って入る訳であるから、これでは釣りがやれない。実使用不能と推測される。浮き釣り100%不能(浮きは動く)、硬くてえさ持ちのいい大型餌を使った底釣り(重い錘を使って餌を固定させておく釣法)でも100%不能(仕掛けを投げられないし、又実釣では大物一匹に対してウツボ数百匹食いついてくる有様・・・海では・・・、こんな物が有ったら邪魔でしょうがない)と思われる。次に「昭61−204482」に関して。2ページ目に「そこで、本考案者は、このような欠点を解決するものとして、既に第1図及び第2図に示す如く魚釣り用のギャフを提供した」とある。そこでよく見ると、この第1図と「昭61−186372」の第1図とは、同じ案件を言っているはずなのに、形は基本的に同じだがフック(抜け止め部材、13)の数が違っている。「昭61−186372」では二本(本文中でも一対と記されている、5ページ目)描かれていたが、本図では四本(二対)描かれており、本文中には「適数」と書かれている(3ページ目)。また本文の説明も大きく違っている。「昭61−186372」では、前記したように「釣針14を付けた釣糸15を、そのギャフの2つのリング状体2,3(1,2の間違い?)に貫通させておき、」となっていたのに(6ページ目)、この「昭61−204482」では「リング状体(1)(2)の鈎部(5)(6)より鈎棒(7)を引き抜いてリング状体(1)(2)を開口しておき、魚がかかった時又は魚を近くに引き寄せた時に、釣竿又は釣糸にリング状体(1)(2)の開口よりはめ込み鈎部(5)(6)に鈎捧(7)を嵌合して取り付け、」となっている(4ページ目)。これで、論理的には一応釣りがやれる道具になった(しかしながら、「上記動作を片手操作でやれるのか?」という疑問が生じる、・・・片手は竿を支えている訳であるから、もう一方の手しか空いていない・・・、図を見る限り、片手ではできそうにない、又竿から落とすとなると、ラインガイド・・・のべ竿は別にして・・・に抜け止め部材13及びリング状体1,2が引っ掛かる)。要するに前回、自分で出した出願に関して、言及という形を取りながら、前回の内容をそのまま書かずに、まずかった点、理屈が通らない点を、勝手に書き換えてしまっている。そしてこの「昭61−204482」の本題であるが、書き換えた内容に改良を加えた物として、複数個のリング状体を設け、そのうちの少なくとも2つにフック(抜け止め部材、13)を配置した内容となっている(第3図において三個のリング状体のうち二個に計八個のフック・・・抜け止め部材13が描かれている)。<結論>このかご型ギャフは実使用不能と推断せざるを得ない。理由は以下の通りである。魚はこういう物が目の前に下りてきたら、自分から頭を突っ込むとは考えられず、必死になって前後左右に暴れる。そうすれば、かごは目の前で止まったままで、かごの内側に立っている多数のフック13(自ら「先鋭状の抜け止め部材」と記している・・・5ページ目)がラインを横に擦り、ラインは簡単に切れる。故に実使用不能である。   Regarding “Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-186372 and Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-204482”. These two applications are filed by the same creator and are based on the same concept. First, regarding “Sho 61-186372”. Page 6 “This gaff is supported on a fishing rod by a rope 10 in advance, and a fishing line 15 with a fishhook 14 is passed through the two ring-like bodies 2 and 3 of the gaff (a mistake of 1 and 2?). Let's adjust the underwater length of the fishing line 15 by raising and lowering the tip of the tip of the hook. At this time, the gaff is not necessary at this time, so pull it up sufficiently. ”(Page 3 Same description for eyes). I was surprised to face the above sentence before pointing out the danger of line breakage due to the hook (prevention member 13). Fishing is done by moving the line and the device by operating the rod. This sentence is entered by saying that this cage type gaff (provisional name) is inserted between the tip and the tip in advance, so this does not allow fishing. Presumed to be unusable. Floating fishing 100% impossible (floating moves), 100% impossible even with bottom fishing (fishing method that uses a heavy weight to fix the bait) with large, heavy bait In actual fishing, it seems that hundreds of moray eels are caught by one big fish ... in the sea ... If there is such a thing, it will not get in the way). Next, “Sho 61-204482”. On the second page, “the present inventor has already provided a fishing guff as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 as a solution to such a drawback”. If you look closely there, this figure 1 and figure 1 of "Sho 61-186372" should be saying the same case, but the shape is basically the same, but the number of hooks (prevention member 13) is the same. Are different. In “Sho 61-186372”, two (drawn as a pair in the text, page 5) are drawn, but in this figure, four (two pairs) are drawn. "(Page 3). The explanation of the text is also very different. In “Sho 61-186372”, as described above, “the fishing line 15 with the fishhook 14 passed through the two ring-like bodies 2 and 3 of the gaff (a mistake of 1 and 2?)” However, in this "Sho 61-204482", the ring-shaped body (7) was pulled out from the flanges (5) and (6) of the ring-shaped bodies (1) and (2). 1) Open (2), and when the fish is caught or when the fish is drawn close, it is inserted into the fishing rod or fishing line from the opening of the ring-shaped body (1) (2) (5) (6)鈎 (7) is fitted and attached, ”(page 4). This makes it a logical tool for fishing (but the question is, "Can you do the above movements with one hand?") Only one hand is empty ... As far as the figure is concerned, it is unlikely that it can be done with one hand, and when it is dropped from the bag, the line guide ... And the ring-shaped bodies 1 and 2 are caught). In short, with regard to the application that I filed myself last time, I took the form of a reference, but without rewriting the previous contents as they were, I rewritten the points that were bad and unreasonable. This is the main theme of “Sho 61-204482”. As a modification of the rewritten content, a plurality of ring-shaped bodies are provided, and hooks (retaining members 13) are arranged on at least two of them. (In FIG. 3, a total of eight hooks..., Retaining members 13 are drawn on two of the three ring-shaped bodies). <Conclusion> This cage-type gaff must be assumed to be unusable. The reason is as follows. When this kind of fish comes down in front of you, you can't think of squeezing your head, and you become desperate and rampage back and forth. Then, the car stays in front of you, and a large number of hooks 13 standing on the inside of the car (self-labeled as “a sharp retaining member” on page 5) cross the line. The line is easily cut. Therefore, it cannot be actually used.

Regarding “Utility Model Gazette (Y2) No. 7-11587” and “Practical Registration 2091605”. In this device, the gaff (three needles-12) is dropped along the road line by passing (hanging) the slide member over the road line. (On the other hand, in the big double drop gaff of the present invention, the winding body is wound around the heel with the hand thread at the hand holding the heel, or a loop body that substantially replaces the winding body is passed from the heel to the heel. Bring it to the front of the reel and drop it along the road and along the road ... details later. It's not clear how many fish this design is intended for (I don't know the size), but the impression that I felt from reading this application as a whole is that the word “big” is used, The inventor is presumed to be a big game in normal fishing. This is because the expression “Kamitsubushi” (middle row on the right side of the third page) and the expression “When using a so-called branch burr with a plurality of tips attached to the tip at regular intervals” (middle row on the left side of the fourth page) appear. come. Such things are not usually used for big fishing. A beetle is a typical prop such as small fishing (Kromegina fishing). (In contrast, the big double drop gaff of the present invention clearly targets big fish ... including blue food ... and giant fish ... target 3 kills 100 km)
The problems of this device (7-111587) will be specifically discussed below. This idea is based on the method of dropping the gaff through the guide (in this case, the slide member 13) (although the shape is different) in "Public Utility Model (U) Sho 61-72177" (detailed in paragraph 0009). It is a close idea. In paragraph (0009), in the situation where a decent fish was hung, he explained in detail that the angler with a rod could not grab his own line. The same is true for fishing in this device (7-111587). In this device, “FIG. 5” is “an explanatory diagram showing a situation where the fishing auxiliary equipment according to the embodiment is attached” (page 5). In this figure, the angler holds the middle of the rod with one hand, the “slide member 13” with the other hand, and “uses the spring property from the side surface 13c” (on the left column on the third page). The figure is drawn. However, in actual fishing, the posture shown in this figure is usually not possible. In this figure, a cocoon is drawn about 1.8 times as long as a doll (human), but it is actually very different. The basic size of the kite is from 5m to 5.4m (usually a kite is used on the embankment), but if you are fishing in need of a gaff, you will find a Hisamasa kite (equivalent to kite No. 5) or a stone kite It is most natural to think that you are using firewood, which is usually 5m to 5.4m. If the human height is 168cm and the heel length is 5.3m, the heel is about 3.1 times the height, which is very different from the image in the figure. In order to strengthen both hips (that is, the rigidity of the fish against the fish), the bat side (buttock side) is strong and hard, but on the other hand, the tip side (tip side) is thin and soft to take a hit. (Also, if it is not soft, the device cannot be thrown long.) Since the distance between both hands is about 1.5 m, it is unavoidable to grab about 1.5 m from the tip with one hand, which is the same as that described in paragraph (0009) “Sho 61-72177”. In the opposite direction, position the buttock on the bank side, bring the tip side to the near side, and position the tip on the diagonally rear side (opposite to the water surface) with respect to the body. If you hold the middle of a certain bag and try to grab the thread, it will not work. This is because the fish are moving violently underneath, and if the line rubs the corner of the dike end, the line is cut (same as described in paragraph 0009). In other words, the act of grabbing the thread as intended in “FIG. 5” in the present invention is actually very risky. Only if it has a clear advantage. If you don't do that, there's a good chance that something will break (breaking, line breaks, balashi). The angler tries to fish with the tools and line size (balanced) that matches (balanced) the fish type and expected size as much as possible. The angler has the most stable position when he puts his butt on the abdomen with a manta belt, stands up and activates the drag function of the reel. A person can control the fish with the initiative. If an angler puts a point about 1.5m on the tip and puts something on the road line, it clearly means that the initiative will be completely lost. Meanwhile, the fish will not stay still. Therefore, there is a high possibility that something described above (breakage, line break, and rash) will occur. When a decent fish is caught, the angler can't grab his own path. Neither physically nor risky. As for the actual fishing simulation, we used a Japanese cypress salmon and Nylon Harris No.12, but the angler managed to bring the 5 kilogram hiramasa to his majesty. Yes, there is a question of how to deal with the situation of "Someone do something early". At this time, the angler can't grasp the tip of 1.5m.
However, the following cases are different. The angler is doing lure (casting) instead of normal fishing (fishing with bait). The lure casting rod is about 3 meters, so the angler will be able to grab and touch the line unless the opponent is particularly big.
As a conclusion, in the method of the present invention, the angler himself sets this gaff on his own road line as in “Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-72177” described in section (0009). Can't be done with a decent fish on it, and another person is needed to get it done. As a way of doing this, the angler lowers his standing position back and lays the kite toward the gaff person, while maintaining the tension of the kite and the tension control of the line by dragging on the angler side. Take the thread (rather than grasp it, wrap one line like a ring and wrap the line so that the line does not run out), and the gaff hanger cuts the side 13c of the gaff slide member 13 grabbed by the other hand It is necessary to pass the thread through the slide member 13 or to have this person hold the rod and perform the operation that the angler himself has just described. Therefore, two people are required.
The basic problems of the present invention are as described above, but the incidental problems of the present invention are described below. It is a hook (needle) problem. As for the hook, there is only “three burrs 12 that are configured to be evenly oriented in three directions so that the tip side is at an angle of 120 °” (on the left column on the third page). Although it is unknown, there is also a description that “the storage tool 30 storing the auxiliary tool 10 can always be carried by passing the belt hole 35 through the waist belt” (upper right column on page 4). There is a speculation that we are not thinking of a big fish, but we must point out the problem of the hook shape. Here, the shape of the tension (12) in FIG. 8 becomes a serious problem depending on the size of the fish. These three burr are basically similar to the “Ikari type gaff” described in detail in the section (0007) “About the Ikari type gaff (provisional name)”. Different. As described above, the “squid type gaff” has a hook direction substantially parallel to the axis and is very large and clearly targets a giant fish. Although there is no specific description about the size of the three burr of this device, it seems that it is not so large when estimated from the above sentences. However, its shape is as clearly depicted in FIG. In other words, the tip is facing outward. As long as the three burr tips arranged at intervals of 120 degrees are facing outward, it is natural that “hang-hooking” is good. It will certainly take almost one shot as described in the application. However, the goodness of the hook also means the goodness of catching the obstacles on the rocks or embankments of the remaining two hooks that are not stretched during the pulling up after catching the fish. You can't use this gaff almost 100%. How about in the dike? If the fish is as small as 2-3 or 3-4 km, it will not be a problem. It does n’t matter. But the bigger the fish, the bigger the problem. Depending on the posture of the fish, the weight of the fish may push the hook tip that is not stretched against the surface of the levee, and the needle tip will rise while scrubbing the surface. In addition to shellfish and other deposits on the levee surface, the surface itself is not flat. The embankment (caisson) is not a single piece of concrete, but because of its construction method, large tofu-shaped concrete blocks are arranged horizontally, stacked in the height direction, and extended in the length direction. As a building block, there are steps and partial overhangs between individual blocks. These are all obstacles. Therefore, this tip angle is not suitable for large fish. (See FIGS. 31 and 32)

Regarding “Publication Patent Publication (A) JP 2004-135581 A” “Patent 3738905”. This invention also has a guide (main body frame part 2) on the road thread, as in “Public Utility Model Gazette (U) Sho 61-72177”, “Utility Model Gazette (Y2) Reality 7-111587” and “Utility Registration 2091605”. It is a way to pass along the road through the side. "(Purpose of the invention) This invention is useful for catching relatively large fish such as horse mackerel, mackerel, yellowtail, red sea bream, squid, octopus, etc. Although it is “related to ingredients” (page 3), although it is a “relatively large fish”, its structure does not seem to have been conceived for so-called big fish and giant fish. This invention seems to have been conceived mainly for taking in octopus clinging to rocks on the seabed (page 4, paragraphs 0004, 0005), and is said to be usable for large fish. The fish listed above is the only fish that can grow to more than 3 kilos in actual fishing. (Only the “Buri” and “breakwater” portions overlap the application of the large drop-in double gaff of the present invention). This fish catching aid will be discussed below. Problems with this fish catching aid are as follows: “Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-72177”, “Utility Model Gazette (Y2) Actual Fair 7-111587”, “Utility Registration 2091605” "If you use a spear from the embankment and confront a fish of a decent size (more than 5 kilos), you will not be able to grab your own path and you will not be able to set it yourself." Since this has been described in detail in the above two points, repeated description is omitted here. Even if the thread is grabbed well, if the thread is grabbed, the fish is rampant, and an instantaneous surge tension is generated in the line, which significantly increases the risk of the line breaking. Also, if you are doing something like this on a high dike, there is a risk that several hooks will get caught on your limbs before you catch them. For these reasons, this fish catching aid is not suitable for taking in large fish.

以上述べた様に、このガイド道糸通し方式(仮称、・・・「公開実用新案公報(U)昭61−72177」、「実用新案公報(Y2)実公平7−11587」「実用登録2091605」、及び「公開特許公報(A)特開2004−135581」「特許3738905」が此れに該当)には重大な欠点がある。釣り人はまともな魚と対峙した状況に於いては、自分で自分の道糸を事実上掴めないのである(短竿使用のルアーの場合を除いて)。従って誰か他の人間にギャフの道糸へのセットをやってもらうか、逆に竿を誰かに持ってもらって、自分でセットしなければならない。誰もいなくて、自分だけで其れをやるとなると、竿先1.5メートル付近を掴まざるを得ず、それは大変リスク(竿折れ、ラインブレイク、バラシ)の大きいもので、釣り人は魚取り込みに於けるイニシアチブを完全に失う。釣り人が魚とのファイトに於いて、最も優位にある体勢とはいうのは、竿尻を、マンタベルトをした腹部にあて、左手で竿を支え、右手をリールのハンドルに掛け(この時リールのドラッグは既に最適に調整されている)、両足を少し開いて、腰を少し落した姿勢である。この体勢時には、竿の弾力が効き、且つリールのドラッグが最適に作動し、ラインに高いサージテンションが発生せず、釣り人は完全にイニシアチブを維持している。先行技術は、この体勢をキープしながら、ギャフを自分で取り付けるという事が出来なかったのである。(後で詳述するが、本発明の取り込みシステムは、工夫をこらす事により、出来るだけこの体勢を保持しながら、単独で竿に巻き体を巻く事を可能にし、其れにより、ライン伝いにギャフを落すことを可能にしたものである)(図31、図32参照)   As described above, this guide road threading system (provisional name, ... "Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-72177", "Utility Model Publication (Y2) Actual Fair 7-111587", "Utility Registration 2091605" And “Publication Patent Publication (A) Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2004-135581” and “Patent 3738905” correspond to these). In situations where a fisherman is confronted with a decent fish, he / she is virtually unable to grab his own path (except in the case of short lures). Therefore, you have to have someone else set up the gaff road, or have someone else take the kite and set it yourself. If there is no one and you do it yourself, you will have to grab around the tip of 1.5 meters, which is very risky (broken, line break, balashi) and the angler will fish Completely lose ingestion initiatives. The best position for fishermen to fight with fish is that the buttock is placed on the abdomen with a mantabel, the heel is supported by the left hand, and the right hand is hung on the reel handle (at this time) The reel drag has already been optimally adjusted), with the legs slightly open and the hips slightly lowered. In this position, the elasticity of the rod is effective, the drag of the reel operates optimally, high surge tension does not occur on the line, and the angler maintains the initiative completely. The prior art was unable to attach the gaff by itself while keeping this position. (As will be described in detail later, the capture system of the present invention makes it possible to wind the wound body by itself while keeping this position as much as possible by devising the device. It is possible to drop the gaff) (see FIGS. 31 and 32)

此処で、ギャフとは直接関係ないが、前記(0003)項で触れた「落としダモ」について、詳しく述べたい。これは上記した様に、特大の自作円形網(要するにタモから柄を取り外したような物)を予め取り込み予想水中に設置し、其処に魚を誘導しロープで引き上げる物である。まず輪を作るのであるが、輪に硬性を持たせる為に、ワイヤーを通したチュープなどを使ったりして作る。この輪の120度間隔三箇所に補助ロープをつけ、この他端を一箇所で集結させ、この集結部にメインロープを取り付け、又前記集結部の近く辺りにブイ(浮き)などを取り付けて、予め、水中に輪が沈むように設置しておき、魚を此処に誘導する。大きさは輪の直径が、巨魚用で1.5−2m、網の深さ2mぐらいある。又青物(ヒラマサ)狙いでも、通常3−8K位を狙うので、直径1mぐらいはないと、役に立たない。この落としダモは実際に使われていて、有効である。此処で実釣であるが、竿を持っている釣り人自身が巨魚用落としダモを、片手で操作することは完全不可能、又青物用においても(魚が小さかったら別だが)、かなり厳しく、事実上無理である。釣り人は暴れている魚を、設置ダモ上に、自分の立ち位置を変えながら、誘導し、タモ係は、潮(水)の抵抗を受けて重い設置ダモを、魚の動きに合わせて、ロープで引き上げる。拠って二人以上の人間が必ず、必要になる。又携行性が著しく劣る。(図33参照)   Here, I would like to elaborate on the “drop duck” mentioned in the paragraph (0003), though it is not directly related to Gaff. As mentioned above, this is a thing that takes an extra large self-made circular net (in short, a thing from which a handle has been removed) in advance and installs it in the expected water, guides the fish there, and pulls it up with a rope. First of all, a ring is made, but in order to make the ring hard, it is made by using a tube through a wire. Attach an auxiliary rope to three 120 degree intervals on this ring, gather this other end in one place, attach a main rope to this gathering part, and attach a buoy (floating) etc. near the gathering part, It is set up beforehand so that the ring sinks in the water, and the fish is guided here. The size of the ring is 1.5-2m for giant fish and the depth of the net is 2m. Also, even when aiming at a blue object (Hiramasa), it usually aims at 3-8K, so if it is not about 1m in diameter, it will not be useful. This drop duck is actually used and effective. Although it is actual fishing here, it is impossible for the angler who owns a rod to operate the giant fish drop duck with one hand, and even for the blue one (except if the fish is small), it is quite severe It is virtually impossible. The angler guides the raging fish while changing his standing position on the installation duck, and the tammo clerk takes the heavy installation damo in response to the tide (water) and adjusts the rope to the movement of the fish. Raise with. Therefore, two or more people are always necessary. Also, the portability is extremely inferior. (See Figure 33)

又此処で、ギャフとは直接関係ないが、前記(0005)項で触れた,通常のタモを使った青物(主としてヒラマサ)釣りについて述べる。(0005)項では「青物の場合(主として昼釣り)はやりとりの後、船着場(瀬付け場)の近くに降りてタモで掬うことになるので特に何も問題ない」と書いたが、「何も問題がない」というのは、そういう使い方をするのに何も支障が無いという意味であって、そうすれば簡単に青物(ヒラマサ)がタモ入れできると言っている意味ではない。タモの柄はグラス製(安価だが重い)とカーボン製(軽いが高価)が有るが、ヒラマサはクロ(メジナ)などと違って大きく重い訳であるから、ヘナヘナの柄ではダメで、ヒラマサが掬えるだけの強度を持っていなければならない。加えて先端のタモ枠(円形環状部)も大きくなければならず、その大きい枠が先端に付くわけであるから、カーボン製であっても、6mあれば十分に重い。加えて先端の大きいタモ(網)が上下する水面で潮(水)の抵抗を受けるのであるから、さらに重く、釣り人自身が片手で竿を持ち、片手でタモ入れする事は極めて難しい。さらに言えば、釣り人はリールのドラッグを調整して、やり取りをした結果、魚を竿下まで寄せられたはずである。ドラッグというのは、一定の力以上の引力が働いた場合、ラインが自動的に引き出されて、其れによって、ライン切れや、のされ(竿が引き倒される事)或いは竿折れ等を防止するリール内の機構であり、その設定は釣り人が調整できる。目の前にタモが出されれば魚は再び突進し、ラインは引き出される。ドラッグを締めればラインは出ないが、切れるから其れは出来ない。ラインが出てしまえば、竿先と魚との距離がありすぎるから、竿を立てても、魚は傍に寄らない。再びリールを巻かなければならない。左手で竿を持ち、右手でタモ柄を持っていると、リールを巻けない。リールを巻くには手がもう一本、合計三本必要となる。実際には上記した様に6mの青物用タモを片手で操作する事は無理で両手が必要であり、拠って、中大型青物(ヒラマサ)の取り込みには、竿を握っている釣り人とは別に、タモ掬い専任者が必ず必要になる。但し(小型2−3k)でタモ長さ4mぐらいまでで済む場合はこの限りではない。又中大型青物が期待できるような外洋の堤防の高さは前記したとおり(8−10m)であるからこのタモは堤防では使えない。(図34参照)   Here, we will describe the fishing of blue (mainly hiramasa) fish using ordinary tammo mentioned in the above (0005), which is not directly related to Gaff. In paragraph (0005), he wrote, “In the case of green goods (mainly day fishing), there will be no problem as we will get close to the boat landing (Setsuke) after landing, and crawl with Tamo.” "No problem" means that there is no problem in using it, and it does not mean that you can easily put a tuna into a green thing. Tamo patterns are made of glass (cheap but heavy) and carbon (light but expensive), but hiramasa is large and heavy, unlike black (medina), etc. It must have enough strength. In addition, the tamo frame (circular annular portion) at the tip must be large, and the large frame is attached to the tip. Therefore, even if it is made of carbon, 6 m is sufficiently heavy. In addition, because the big tip of the tamo (net) is subject to the resistance of the tide (water) at the surface of the water that rises and falls, it is heavier and it is extremely difficult for the angler himself to hold the rod with one hand and put the tamo with one hand. Furthermore, the fisherman should have been able to bring the fish to his Majesty as a result of adjusting and dragging the reels. Dragging means that when an attractive force exceeding a certain level of force is applied, the line is automatically drawn, thereby preventing the line from being cut, broken (being pulled down) or broken. It is a mechanism in the reel, and its setting can be adjusted by the angler. If a tamo is put out in front of you, the fish will rush again and the line will be drawn. If you drag, the line won't come out, but it won't be possible because it's cut. If the line comes out, there is too much distance between the tip and the fish. You have to roll the reel again. If you have a bag with your left hand and a tamo pattern with your right hand, you can't wind the reel. In order to wind the reel, you need another hand, a total of three. In fact, as mentioned above, it is impossible to operate a 6m green tamo with one hand, and both hands are necessary. Aside from that, you need a full-time staff. However, this does not apply to the case of (small 2-3k) with a tamo length of about 4m. Moreover, since the height of the open ocean dike that can be expected to be medium and large-sized green products is (8-10 m) as described above, this tamo cannot be used on the dike. (See Figure 34)

Here, I will explain the “current situation of the giant fish fight”. For convenience, fishing from 3 to 100 kilometers, realistically from 3 to 4 to 10 kilometers of blue (mainly hiramasa) fishing, and 20 to 60 to 70 kilometers The explanation will be divided into three types: fishing (fishfish, shark tuna) fishing (carp and dike) and bottom (ara, que) fishing (mainly carp) from 10 to 30-40 km. So far, I have not mentioned the fight style on the way, and I have talked on the premise that it is in the “stable position” (standing state) in the final capture phase. In reality, there are fights and captures that don't fit. Here, it is as follows when divided into two phases of midway fight and final capture. The blue fish that does not correspond to the giant fish is in a standing state due to its size, both fighting and final capture. Large migratory fish, which are giant fish, differ slightly between the embankment and the coral. Since the act of drilling holes with a drill and forcing bolts is prohibited (basket holders are basically fixed with bolts and nuts), they do not use anchor holders and are relatively soft compared to ARA Using a strong type of sarcophagus, the style of winding a large amount of yarn around a large double-axis reel, running it, getting tired, and taking it in is becoming mainstream. In this case, the intermediate fight is a hand-held fight (an buttock fight ... a crotch butt is sandwiched between the crotch + harness ... an arm strength loss is prevented), and the capture is in a standing state. When doing strong fighting on the levee (Takeshi ・ ・ Que 竿 ・ ・ Pillow full load receiver = Placement fishing method) Because it cannot be used), some ingenuity is required. In the case of carp, use ara and hoe carp, and set up a carp holder like the big fish (ara, quee) fishing. The heel receiver is an integrated type (the heel receiver is basically located at the rear to prevent the butt from rising up ... the butt butt receiver ... and the part at the front to support the heel from the bottom up ... There are two types, one that consists of a front receiving part, in which both are integrated (typical example: leaf spring method), and the other that separates both (separate method). During the fight, take the full load with the heel receiver (called the heel fight), raise the heel and put your shoulders in your partner, ... face the angler in front of the heel and drop your waist, (Sometimes you will receive a load ...), but the way you take it is different. When removing the heel from the butt (rotary piton) and shifting to the standing state (with the above "stable posture", do not hit the belly, hold it down with one hand and support it upward with the other hand.・ ・ Moment and torque are too high to apply to the belly, and human pain is too strong to be controlled in reverse. There is a case where it does not remove the heel from the butt but also proceeds to the next step as it is. In the case of a kite, the next step is to tilt the kite, grab a thread (or to be precise, to pick it up) from a partner, and either of the two will grab the flying gaff and drive. In the case of an embankment, the partner will throw down the Ikari-type gaff while controlling the fish in the state where the ridge is raised. In any case, if two people do not work together, there is nothing you can do and you can't do. In big fish, big fish fishing, the fight itself is overwhelmingly disadvantageous, but even if it can be done, in the final phase, in the last phase (in the case of the standing cage, it is 竿 竿 + giant fish) It is fatal that you can't grab a line or gaff by yourself. In both cases of dyke and sea bream (large migratory fish from the dyke; final capture → standing center, stone wall ... Large migratory fish and ara from the end; if you use the ara salmon, the final capture → standing, but with both hands or fixed to the buttocks) I can not.
In the case of a rigid fight (Ara, kue 竿 + kite catch = place fishing method) In that case, you must make a kite. Otherwise, the transition to the next operation, i.e., gaffing cannot be performed. If there are two people, this series of operations is possible. But if you do this alone, it's virtually impossible rather than very difficult. It is natural that goji (= ara, kue) is used to say that you are going to put a couch. The basic dimension of the gouge is 4.8m. Tsuyoshi is stiff and does not bend from the trunk (= hand, where you are holding the kite). The following can be said to be logical, assuming that the fish has gone underneath the coral. Assuming that the heel is bent and the distance from the heel to the tip of the heel in a plan view is 4 m, assuming that the place where the heel is held is 1 m from the heel, the angler will cause the heel alone here, To treat the fish, the fisherman must exert a force of at least 4 times the pull of the fish (with the arm exhausted after the fight). Moreover, if you take both hands completely, you will not be able to perform other actions (winding the reels and finally gaffing). If the fish is a few kilometers, it is possible. However, if a fish is 20k to 40k, it is not realistic. In other words, being rigid is advantageous in that it stops the fish from running by using the saddle catcher, but it is disadvantageous for the angler in the capture stage. This is because a high moment = torque is generated by gouge + giant fish. In addition to that, as described above, there is a difficulty in gripping the path alone. If there are two people, these two problems can be solved by working together, but if you do this alone, it is extremely difficult, and you can't help saying that it's virtually impossible. Although it is difficult to fight big fish, fight with giant fish, and take up in general, the main thing that makes it extremely difficult is the difficulty of gaffing alone. For the above reasons, in the end, I couldn't go fishing for big fish and big fish. (As will be described in detail later, the full-place kite fishing method of the present invention makes it possible to capture a giant fish completely and to treat a large outer road)

最後に、「抜き上げ」に付いて触れる。「抜き上げ」とは釣り人が道糸を直接掴んで手に巻きつけるなどして、引っ張り上げる事である。狙っている魚の予想サイズに合わせて、道具や仕掛けを準備している訳であるが、それを大幅に下回る魚が食ってきた場合に、この「抜き上げ」が可能になる。此処で、極端な例を考えてみれば、例えば、アラ竿の中でも特に硬い、重量2k以上の竿を使い、それに道糸がシーハンター80号(強度150k)を巻いていた様な場合で4−5kの魚が食って来て、竿下に寄せた場合の引き上げは、これだけ道糸が太ければ、ドラッグを緩めて、多少走られて、根に擦られたとしても、道糸は簡単には切れない訳で、道糸を掴めて、又糸の摩擦も大きいので、皮手袋をした手を巻きつけて、4−5Kを10メートル上まで引っ張り上げるのは容易にできる。シーハンター80号だと、10k前後まで、抜き上げは容易である。人気のPE(ナイロンの2.5−3倍の強度)ライン30号(強度100k)だと滑るので10k位だときつい(手が痛い)だろう。此処で何が言いたいのかというと、捕獲を完了する事がそのままでは困難な状況において何か工夫を凝らすことにより目的を達成する事を「取り込み」と普通いうのであって、抜き上げが可能な状況でそれを行ったとして、それは此処で論ずる「取り込み」の範疇には入らない。石鯛釣りをしていて、石鯛仕掛けに20cmのアラカブが食いついてきて、クーラーに仕舞ったとしても「アラカブを取り込んだ」とは言わない。実釣シミュレーションとしてはナイロンハリス10−14号ぐらいで釣りをやっていて、竿下まで寄せた3−8キロのヒラマサをどうやって8メートル上の堤防まで上げようかいう事、或いはそれ以上の事が問題なのである。   Finally, touch on “pick up”. “Pulling up” means that the angler pulls the road thread directly and wraps it around the hand. Tools and devices are prepared according to the expected size of the target fish, but this “pick-up” becomes possible when a fish that greatly falls below that is eaten. Here, if an extreme example is considered, for example, a case in which a heel having a weight of 2k or more is used and a road thread is wound around a sea hunter No. 80 (strength 150k) is used. -When a 5k fish eats and brings it to the armpit, if it is so thick, the drag is loosened, even if it is run a little and rubbed against the root, it is easy Because it does not break, it is easy to grab the hand thread and wrap the hand with leather gloves and pull 4-5K up to 10 meters above. Sea Hunter 80 is easy to pull up to around 10k. The popular PE (2.5-3 times stronger than nylon) line No. 30 (strength 100k) is slippery, so it's probably about 10k (hand hurts). What I want to say here is that “capturing” is what is usually called “capturing” to achieve the objective by making some effort in situations where it is difficult to complete the capture as it is, and it can be pulled out If you do it in the context, it doesn't fall into the “incorporation” category discussed here. Even if you are fishing for sarcophagus and a 20cm aracab is caught in a sarcophagus, and you end up in a cooler, you do not say "I took aracab." As an actual fishing simulation, we are fishing with nylon Harris No. 10-14, and how to raise 3-8 km of Hiramasa up to the Majesty to the dike above 8 meters, or more It is a problem.

以上により、先行技術、公知技術の説明は完了とする。結論として言えることは、「5−6k以上の魚を、5mを超える高場から単独で取り込むことは、短竿使用のルアーの場合を除いて、事実上出来ない」という事である(二人の人間がいればこれらの技術のうちその状況に適したものを使用すれば可能な事ではあるが)。仮にたまたま其れが出来たとしても、其れはただ単に幸運だっただけで、まぐれにすぎない。そして、そのまぐれが起こる確率は、魚が大きくなればなるほど、限りなくゼロに近づく。釣り具の進歩は著しい。軽くて強い材質の竿やタモ、高機能なリール、等。それらには科学技術の粋が尽くされている。それらを以ってしても、この単純な課題は解決されていない。   Thus, the description of the prior art and the known technique is completed. The conclusion is that “It is virtually impossible to take a fish of 5-6k or more alone from a high field exceeding 5m, except in the case of a lure using a short rod”. If you have the right people, you can use those technologies that are appropriate for your situation.) If it happens, it's just a fortune, just a fool. And the probability that the fluke will occur is closer to zero as the fish grows larger. The progress of fishing gear is remarkable. Light and strong materials such as kites and tammo, high-performance reels, etc. They have the best of science and technology. Even with them, this simple problem has not been solved.

公開実用新案公報(U) 昭61−72177Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-72177 公開実用新案公報(U) 昭61−186372Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-186372 公開実用新案公報(U) 昭61−204482Public Utility Model Publication (U) Sho 61-204482 実用新案公報(Y2) 実公平7−11587、 実用登録2091605Utility Model Gazette (Y2) No. 7-11587, Utility Registration 2091605 公開特許公報(A) 特開2004−135581、 特許3738905Published Patent Publication (A) JP 2004-135581 A, JP 3738905 A

「背景技術」(0002)から(0018)において詳しく述べた様に、短竿使用のルアーの場合を除いて、竿下まで寄せた大物、巨魚を、釣り人が十分に離れた高く安全な場所から、誰の手助けも無く単独で、容易に、確実性高く、且つ安全に、実質的に捕獲(本発明ではギャフ掛けによって其れを行う)し、且つ、足元まで上げる事は、先行技術、公知技術では如何なる技法によっても、事実上成し遂げられていない。本発明の目的はそれを成し遂げられる技術を提供する事であり、又堤防、磯の区別無く、地形に関係無く幅広い使用範囲に適用できる技術を提供する事である。具体的には「5−6k以上の魚を、5メートルを超える高場から釣り人が単独で取り込む」という課題を先行技術、公知技術は、短竿使用のルアーの場合を除いて、事実上解決していない。本発明は「約3キロから約40キロの魚を、5メートルを超える高場(上限は実用上制限無し)から釣り人が単独で掛け、単独で足元まで上げ、取り込む」ことを、如何なるタイプの竿であっても、可能にする。本発明を以ってすれば、十分に離れた高く安全な場所から(高さ5メートルを大きく超える場所であっても、実用上高さ制限無しに)、相手(魚)側にギャフを送りつけ、届け、フッキングさせ、約3キロから約40キロまでの魚を足元まで上げることが、完全単独で、高い成功率でできる(この事は何回もの実釣により確認済み、また40キロという数値は目安でコンクリート又は岩表面の状態、摩擦抵抗による)。又人間が二人居れば約70−80キロを上げることが可能であり(この事も確認済み、この場合も70−80キロという数字は目安でコンクリート又は岩表面の状態、摩擦抵抗による)、さらに言えば、本発明を応用すれば、少しシステムが複雑になるが、平均的体力の釣り人が単独で約70−80キロの魚を掛け、10メートル上の堤防上まで完全単独で上げることが可能であろうと推論でき、さらに100キロの魚に対しても可能性を残す。一人でやれるのと、二人居なければやれないのとではえらい違いである。二人居なければやれない方式というのは、一人しか居なかったら、貴重な大物が掛かったとしても、どうしようも無いことである。本発明の目的とする所は、単独での、高場からの大物、巨魚の取り込みである。一言でいえば、本発明を以ってすれば、一人で高場から大物を掛け、且つ上げる事ができます、という事なのである。先行技術では其れが出来なかったのである。   As described in detail in “Background Art” (0002) to (0018), except for the case of lures using short rods, the fishermen have separated the big fish and giant fish that have come close to the armpits. From the place alone, without any help, it is easy, reliable and safe to capture (in the present invention, it is done by guffing) and raise it to the foot. In the known art, it has not been practically achieved by any technique. An object of the present invention is to provide a technique that can achieve this, and to provide a technique that can be applied to a wide range of use regardless of the topography, without distinguishing between dykes and dredging. Specifically, the prior art and publicly known technology, in which the angler alone takes in fish of 5-6k or more from a high field exceeding 5 meters, is effective except in the case of lures using short rods. It has not been solved. Any type of the present invention means that an angler hangs a fish of about 3 to 40 km from a high field exceeding 5 meters (the upper limit is practically unrestricted) and raises it to his / her feet. Even if it's a trap, make it possible. According to the present invention, the gaff is sent to the opponent (fish) side from a sufficiently safe place that is sufficiently far away (even if it is much higher than 5 meters, there is no practical height restriction). Attaching, delivering, and hooking, and raising a fish from about 3 to 40 kg to the feet can be done by itself, with a high success rate (this has been confirmed by many actual fishing, and 40 km) (The figures are approximate, depending on the condition of the concrete or rock surface and frictional resistance). Also, if there are two people, it is possible to increase about 70-80 km (this has also been confirmed, in this case also the number 70-80 km is a rough indication of the concrete or rock surface condition, friction resistance) Furthermore, if the present invention is applied, the system becomes a little complicated, but the average strength fisherman can hang about 70-80 kg of fish alone and raise it up to 10 meters above the dike. Can be inferred that it will be possible, and even for 100 kilos fish. It's a big difference between being able to do it alone and not having it. The method that can only be done with two people is that if there is only one person, there is nothing to do with it, even if it is a valuable big game. The object of the present invention is the uptake of large fish and giant fish from a high field alone. In short, with the present invention, it is possible to hang a big game from a high place and raise it alone. That was not possible with the prior art.

Big for dropping inclusive double Gyafu of the present invention is provided with the two at one end of the uniaxial hook and the other end to comprise a ring state, and are angular width is less than 180 ° between the two hooks, the two this hook has a其s back to near the tip, and the needle point of the two hooks, even in a front view even in its plan view, it is facing inwardly relative to the axis Rukoto It is characterized by.

The large-size taking-in system of the present invention is a system for taking in large-size items using the large-sized drop-in double gaff described in the above (0021), and the large-size drop-in double gaff and an annular ring with a drop-off preventing function A connector, a flexible connecting body for connecting the large drop-in double gaff and the annular connector, one end of which is hung on the annular connector, and the other end is free. A flexible winding body that can be hung on the annular connector and a rope having one end hung on the annular connector.

The simplified large-size capturing system according to the present invention is a system for simplifying the system to improve mobility and dealing with fish such as blue foods that are particularly fast-moving. A gaff, a flexible loop body that is connected to one end of the guff and has a dimension that can be passed over the reel, and is connected to the loop body via an annular connector with a drop-off prevention function or not. And connected ropes.

The giant fish taking-in system of the present invention is a system for taking in giant fish using the large-sized drop double gaff described in the above (0021), and has the above-mentioned big drop-in double gaff and a drop-off preventing function. An annular connector, a flexible connecting body for connecting the large object drop double gaff and the annular connector, one end of which is hung on the annular connector, and the other end is free. A flexible winding body that can be hung on the annular coupling member, a load reduction body that is hung on the annular coupling member, and a rope that is passed through the load reduction body. (It is the best match system for the fully placed carp fishing method).

本発明の完全置き竿釣法は、軸部の反対側にU字型プーシャー部とフック型のプーラー部とを一体成形した構造をなし、前記軸部をタモの柄に取り付けたプッシャー兼プーラー前記(0024)項記載の巨魚取り込みシステムを使用する事により大物、巨魚の取り込みが単独でも可能となる置き竿釣法であり、大物、巨魚の取り込み及び大型外道の際道糸先端でのラインカット処理を、竿を竿受けに置いたまま一切起こす事無く実行するプロセスを含むThe full stand kite fishing method of the present invention has a structure in which a U-shaped pusher part and a hook-type puller part are integrally formed on the opposite side of the shaft part, and the pusher and puller in which the shaft part is attached to the handle of the tamo the (0024) is Saozuri method every big, uptake巨魚also made possible solely by using the巨魚capture system according to claim, big, Michiito tip during uptake and large Gedo of巨魚Including the process of executing the line cut processing in, without waking it up while leaving the bag in the bag.

The dropped double gaff of the present invention has been made special in order to optimize the structure of the gaff for taking in large and big fish. Thereby, 1) First, it is possible to reduce the problem of the remaining hook that is not hooked to the obstacle on the way of being pulled up. 2) Secondly, the pulling force of the rope can be used as a force to bite the hook into the fish without loss. In addition, it uses a unique way of using the rope up and down and swinging the gaff using the mouth as a rocking fulcrum and hooking it. As a result, 3) Thirdly, efficient hooking was enabled while the number of hooks was effectively reduced to two. It will also contribute to the reduction of catch. In addition, the take-in system of the present invention does not attach the guide (winding body) to the thread, but wraps it around the heel with the hand holding the heel, or loops it in advance from the heel and puts it in front of the reel. I was able to bring it. 4) Fourthly, while maintaining the stable posture of the angler, it was possible to attach the gaff alone (by yourself), to spread, and to drop along the line. As a result, 5) Fifth, the risk of troubles such as breakage, line breaks, and breakage was greatly reduced. In addition, the capturing system of the present invention incorporates functional instruments such as a load reducing body (pulley) and a stopper (Yumar, chest sender) that have not been used in conventional fishing. Therefore, 6) Sixth, the load during pulling can be halved by using a pulley. This means that it is possible to raise up to about 40 km of fish by itself (actually due to surface condition and frictional resistance), which is about 100% of blue objects, about 98% of ara and about 80% of migratory fish in actual fishing. %. 7) Seventh, the additional use of Yumar or Chest Sender improves the stability during lifting and reduces anxiety. Furthermore, the present invention has developed a pusher and puller. 8) Eighth, by using it in combination with a drop double gaff, it is possible to use the full fishing rod fishing method. By using this method, the fisherman can completely fight and capture a giant fish. Can be completed with an advantage. 9) Ninth, the line cutting on a large outer road is made easier. In summary, the following can be said as a conclusion.
Except for the case where the prior art is a lure using a short rod, it was virtually impossible until now. “Everyone can help a large fish brought to the Majesty from a high and safe place where the angler is far enough away. The technology according to the present invention has made it possible to easily, reliably, and safely, substantially capture (in the present invention, do it by gaffing) and raise it to the feet " . This technology can be applied to a wide range of use regardless of terrain, regardless of whether it is a dike or a pier. Specifically, except for the case where the prior art is a lure using a short rod, the fisherman alone has not been able to solve until now, “fish of 5-6k or more from a high place exceeding 5 meters alone. The present invention can solve the problem of “capturing”. The present invention refers to any type of fisherman who hangs a fish of about 3 to 40 kilometers from a high field exceeding 5 meters (with no practical upper limit) and raises it to his / her feet. Make it possible even if it is a trap. According to the present invention, a gaff is sent to the opponent (fish) side from a sufficiently safe place that is far enough away (even if it is much higher than 5 meters, without height restriction) Deliver, hook and raise fish from about 3kg to about 40km to their feet, completely alone, with a high success rate (the number of 40km is a guideline, depending on surface condition, frictional resistance, two people If there is, about 70-80 km is possible). For the above reasons, it is possible to facilitate the uptake of blue objects alone from the high field, to enable the uptake of large fish and giant fish alone, and to facilitate the line-cut process on large outer roads. I was able to go alone for big fish, big fish fishing that couldn't go without two people.

図1は本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフの平面図である。FIG. 1 is a plan view of a drop-in double gaff for a big game according to the present invention. 図2は本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフの正面図であるFIG. 2 is a front view of the drop-in double gaff for a big game according to the present invention. 図3は本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフの側面図である。FIG. 3 is a side view of the drop-in double gaff for a big game according to the present invention. 図4は本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフの斜視図である。FIG. 4 is a perspective view of the drop-in double gaff for a big object of the present invention. 図5は本発明の大物取り込みシステムを示した説明図である(ラッピングワイヤー両端の両ループ共閉じた状態を示す)。FIG. 5 is an explanatory view showing the large-capture system of the present invention (showing a state where both loops at both ends of the wrapping wire are closed). 図6は本発明の大物取り込みシステムにおける、ラッピングワイヤー巻き付けのキーポイントを示した説明図である。FIG. 6 is an explanatory diagram showing key points for wrapping a wrapping wire in the large object capturing system of the present invention. 図7は本発明の大物取り込みシステムの竿へ巻き付けが完了した状態を示した説明図である。FIG. 7 is an explanatory view showing a state in which the winding of the big object taking-in system of the present invention is completed. 図8は本発明の大物取り込みシステムのラッピングワイヤー事前ループ方式の竿尻通過前の状態を示した説明図である。FIG. 8 is an explanatory view showing a state before passing through the butt of the wrapping wire pre-loop system of the large object taking-in system of the present invention. 図9は本発明の大物取り込みシステムのラッピングワイヤー事前ループ方式の竿尻通過後の状態を示した説明図である。FIG. 9 is an explanatory view showing a state after passing through the butt of the wrapping wire pre-loop system of the large-capture system of the present invention. 図10は本発明の大物取り込みシステムのフッキングのメカニズムを示した説明図である。FIG. 10 is an explanatory view showing a hooking mechanism of the large-capture system of the present invention. 図11は本発明の大物取り込みシステムのフッキングにおける引抜のメカニズムを示した説明図である。FIG. 11 is an explanatory view showing a pulling mechanism in hooking of the large-capture system of the present invention. 図12は本発明の簡易型大物取り込みシステムの基本タイプを示した説明図である。FIG. 12 is an explanatory view showing a basic type of the simplified large-size capturing system of the present invention. 図13は本発明の簡易型大物取り込みシステムの第一の変形タイプを示した説明図である。FIG. 13 is an explanatory view showing a first modified type of the simplified large-capture system of the present invention. 図14は本発明の簡易型大物取り込みシステムの第二の変形タイプを示した説明図である。FIG. 14 is an explanatory view showing a second modified type of the simplified large-capture system of the present invention. 図15は本発明の巨魚取り込みシステムを示した説明図である(ラッピングワイヤー両端の両ループ共閉じた状態を示す)。FIG. 15 is an explanatory view showing the giant fish capturing system of the present invention (showing a state where both loops at both ends of the wrapping wire are closed). 図16は本発明の完全置き竿釣法に適用された巨魚取り込みシステム、基本モデルの全体の使用状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 16 is an explanatory view showing the entire use situation of the giant fish taking-in system and the basic model applied to the full-place kite fishing method of the present invention. 図17は本発明のプッシャー兼プーラー示した説明図である。FIG. 17 is an explanatory view showing the pusher and puller of the present invention. 図18は本発明の完全置き竿釣法における、プッシャー兼プーラーのプッシャー部の使用状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 18 is an explanatory view showing the use state of the pusher portion of the pusher and puller in the full-place kite fishing method of the present invention. 図19は本発明の完全置き竿釣法における、プッシャー兼プーラーのプーラー部の使用状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 19 is an explanatory view showing the use state of the puller portion of the pusher / pooler in the full-place kite fishing method of the present invention. 図20は本発明の完全置き竿釣法に適用された巨魚取り込みシステム、途中休み可能モデルでの魚引き上げのキーポイントを示した説明図である。FIG. 20 is an explanatory view showing key points for raising a fish in a huge fish capturing system applied to the full-place kite fishing method of the present invention and a model capable of resting on the way. 図21は本発明の完全置き竿釣法に適用された巨魚取り込みシステム、休み休みモデルでの魚引き上げのキーポイントを示した説明図である。FIG. 21 is an explanatory view showing key points for raising a fish in a giant fish taking-in system and a resting rest model applied to the full-place kite fishing method of the present invention. 図22は本発明の完全置き竿釣法に適用された巨魚取り込みシステム、休み休み変形モデルでの魚引き上げのキーポイントを示した説明図である。FIG. 22 is an explanatory view showing key points for raising a fish in the giant fish taking-in system applied to the full-place kite fishing method of the present invention. 図23は本発明の完全置き竿釣法に適用された、巨魚取り込みシステムを応用した超巨魚チャレンジモデルでの魚引き上げのキーポイントを示した説明図である。FIG. 23 is an explanatory view showing key points for raising a fish in the super giant fish challenge model applied to the giant fish take-in system applied to the full-place fishing method of the present invention. 図24は従来法の柄付きギャフを示した説明図である。FIG. 24 is an explanatory view showing a conventional gaff with a handle. 図25は従来法の柄付きギャフを使った取り込み状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 25 is an explanatory view showing a capturing situation using a conventional gaff with a handle. 図26は従来法のフライングギャフを示した説明図である。FIG. 26 is an explanatory view showing a conventional flying gaff. 図27は従来法のフライングギャフを使った取り込み状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 27 is an explanatory view showing a capturing situation using a conventional flying gaff. 図28は従来法のフライングギャフを切り離した状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 28 is an explanatory view showing a situation where a conventional flying gaff is cut off. 図29は従来法のイカリ型ギャフ(仮称)を示した説明図である。FIG. 29 is an explanatory view showing a conventional Ikari type gaff (tentative name). 図30は従来法のイカリ型ギャフ(仮称)を使った取り込み状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 30 is an explanatory view showing a capturing situation using a conventional Ikari type gaff (tentative name). 図31は従来法のガイド道糸通し方式(仮称)を単独で使った場合のリスキーな状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 31 is an explanatory diagram showing a risky situation when a conventional guide-way threading method (tentative name) is used alone. 図32は従来法のガイド道糸通し方式(仮称)のリスクを回避する為の現実的な使用状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 32 is an explanatory view showing a practical use situation for avoiding the risk of the conventional guide way threading method (tentative name). 図33は従来法の落としダモの使用状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 33 is an explanatory diagram showing the usage situation of the conventional method. 図34は従来法のタモの使用状況を示した説明図である。FIG. 34 is an explanatory diagram showing the usage status of a conventional tamo.

先行技術が解決できなかった、0020項に於いて結論付けた課題を解決する事が本発明の目的である。下記の四点の工夫を凝らす事により、「竿下まで寄せた大物、巨魚を、釣り人が十分に離れた高く安全な場所から、誰の手助けも無く単独で、容易に、確実性高く、且つ安全に、実質的に捕獲し、且つ、足元まで上げる」という目的を、操作性及び携行性に優れる構成で実現した。1)まず、第一の工夫はギャフの構造を大物、巨魚の取り込みに最適化する為、従来にない特別なものにした事である。2)第二の工夫はガイド(本発明に於ける巻き体)を、道糸に取り付けるのではなく、竿を握った手元で、道糸ごと竿に巻きつけるか、予めループにしておいて、竿尻から通して、リール前に持ってこられる様にした事である。3)第三の工夫は、従来釣りでは使用される事の無かった負荷軽減体やストッパーといった機能器具をシステムに組み込むことにより、単独での巨魚対応(概略40キロまで・・・実際は堤防や岩場の表面状態、摩擦抵抗による、応用編は含まず)を可能にした事である。4)第四の工夫は、プッシャー兼プーラーを開発し、本発明のダブルギャフとの併用により、完全置き竿釣法を可能にした事である。以下の実施例に於いて、図を参照しながら、この四点の工夫に関して詳しく述べる。   It is an object of the present invention to solve the problem concluded in paragraph 0020, which the prior art could not solve. By elaborating on the following four points, it is easy and reliable, with no help from anyone, from the high and safe places where the fishermen are far enough away from the safe place. The objective of "capturing safely and substantially, and raising it to the feet" has been realized with a configuration excellent in operability and portability. 1) First, in order to optimize the structure of the gaff for taking in big and big fish, the first idea is to make it special in the past. 2) The second idea is not to attach the guide (winding body in the present invention) to the thread, but to wrap the thread along the thread with the hand holding the collar, or to make a loop in advance. It was made to pass through the butt and brought to the front of the reel. 3) The third ingenuity is to support large fishes alone (up to approximately 40 km ... in fact, embankments and the like) by incorporating into the system functional equipment such as load reducers and stoppers that were not used in conventional fishing. (It does not include the application section due to the surface condition of the rocky place and frictional resistance). 4) The fourth contrivance is that a pusher and puller has been developed and combined with the double gaff of the present invention, it has been possible to make a full-pile carp fishing method. In the following embodiments, these four points will be described in detail with reference to the drawings.

本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフの一実施例を示す、図1(平面図)、図2(正面図)、図3(側面図)、及び図4(斜視図)を参照しながら、まず、第一の工夫である「ギャフの構造の工夫」に関して述べる。本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1は、約3キロから約100キロまでの魚を対象としている(小型化すれば、其れより小さい魚も可能)が、その最適使用範囲を約5キロから約70キロと仮定している。このうち単独での実取り込み限界が概略40キロ(実際は表面状態、摩擦抵抗による、応用編は含まず)、二人での実取り込み限界が概略70−80キロである(実際は表面状態、摩擦抵抗による)。すなわち、大型魚を対象として開発した物であるが、10キロ以下の青物の取り込みでも、タモなどでやるよりは、これでやった方が簡単で確実ですよ、しかも独りでやれますよ、という考え方である。其れを現実の物とする為、幾つかの工夫がなされている。本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1は、軸11の一端に二本又はそれ以上のフック12を備え、他端にリング13を備え、前記二本又はそれ以上のフック12の全体の角度幅が180°未満である事を構造上の特徴としているが、その最適モデルにおいては、フック12は二本であり(二本で十分、それ以上は不要)、しかも二本の間隔は50度から55度である(図3、50°表示)。従って、ここではその最適モデルを前提として、説明を進める。此処で、フックの数は二本より三本のほうが、そして三本より四本の方が当然の事として、掛かりがよく、且つフックの間隔は50度から55度でなくて、なるだけ離れていた方が、掛かりがよく、即ち、軸の周りの円周上に3本から4本のフックが均等間隔で配置された方が、最も掛かりがよく、しかもフックの先端が外側を向いていれば、尚掛かりがよいと言える。本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1は、ここに書いた事の全てに関して、その逆をいくものである(その必要がない)。又、間口(フック12の針先と軸11との間隔、フトコロ)が、大きいほど掛かりがよいと言えるが、本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1はその対象魚の大きさを考えれば、それほど大きくはない(その必要がない)。まず、フック12の数とその相対角度に関して説明する。フックの数が多いほど、そしてその相対角度が離れているほど掛かりがよい。しかし、フックの数が多くしかも離れていれば、魚体にフッキングするフックは一つで、他のフックは魚体から離れた位置で大きく突き出ている事になる。これは魚体を引き上げる途中に於ける岩や堤防の表面の障害物に引っ掛かることになる。本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1は、フック12を二本にし、しかもその間隔を50度から55度としたので(図3、50°表示)、うまくすれば二本同時に魚体に掛かることもあり、二本掛からない場合でも、残りの一本のフック12は魚体表面近くにあまり突き出ないで位置する事になるので、障害物に引っ掛かりにくい。そして次に、本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1の最大の特徴であるフック12の先端(針先)の軸11に対する角度について説明する。通常ギャフというのは、フック12の先端(針先)が略例外なく軸11に対して、外側を向いている(平行なのは知る範囲で前記「イカリ型ギャフ」しかない)。内側を向いているギャフというのは見た事がない。其れは当然の事として、魚を引っ掛けやすくするために、フックの先端(針先)を外側に向けているのである。一本フックの場合は、魚体の外に出ているフックは何もない訳だから、それで取りあえずの問題はないが、二本フック以上だと、魚に掛けやすい針先というのは、魚体にフッキングしていない残りのフックの引き上げ途中に於ける表面の障害物への引っ掛かりやすさも同時に意味する。それを避ける為、本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1のフック12の先端(針先)は軸11に対して、内側に向けている。具体的には平面視(図1)及び正面視(図2)の何れにおいても二本のフック12の針先は、その外接線(A,B,C)の延長線(A´,B´,C´)が他端に於けるリング13の、接続体の掛け部の位置に略来るように、内側に曲げてある。内側に曲がることにより、上記引っ掛かりの問題を軽減するとともに以下に説明する力学上の利点をも持つ事になる。此処で、フッキングのプロセスを細かく見てみると次の様になる。針先がわずかに引っ掛かった(カエシ14が魚体に入るか入らない程度の)第一段階と、魚体がカエシ14を大きく超え、針湾曲部中央までグサリと刺さった第二段階である。通常の柄付きギャフは、カエシがない場合も多いが、この第一段階と第二段階とを、柄を操作する事により、略同時に行う。本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1はロープギャフ(ロープで操作するギャフ)であるから、これとは大きく異なる。打ち込めないのである。本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1は、「別体の巻き体を、道糸ごと実質的に竿に巻き、竿伝い、ライン伝いに落とし込み、魚の口元に到達させた後、別体のロープを上下動させることと魚自体の暴れによって、口に掛かっている鈎に繋がっているライン上の口元に近い箇所を揺動支点として、ギャフ1を魚体周りに振ってやり、其れによって、魚体にフッキングさせる」ことを、使用上の特徴としている。此処で言うフッキングとは正確には上記プロセスの第一段階を指している。実釣では、ギャフ1を口元に到達させた後、ロープを片手(通常右手)で持って、肘を支点に、鯛のテンヤ釣りをする要領(ダンベルを上下するようなやり方・・・本ダブルギャフ1は最適モデルで300グラム程度)で、手先を上下させていると(見て操作するのではなく・・・夜だと見ても見えない・・・又、ロープだからコントロールも出来ない)、程無くズシリと重みが掛かる。これは針先がフッキングした証拠だから(第一段階)、そしたら力一杯ロープを引っ張り上げてやると、ガシリとギャフ1が食い込み第二段階に到る。この時、ロープの方向と針先の方向が略一致しているから、ロープを引く力がロス無く針先に魚体を引き抜く力として伝わるのである。上記した力学上の利点を持つ事になる。すなわち、柄つきギャフの様に打ち込むのではなく、引き抜く訳である。尚、補足説明として、ギャフ1が口元に到達したかどうかを目視確認する必要もない。ギャフ1及びその他部材は適度の重みがあるから、ロープにその重みがある状態とハリスにその重みが移った状態とは、感覚的に明らかに違いがあり、見なくても識別できる(夜だとヘッドランプの明かりでは、10メートル以上離れていると細かいことまでよく見えない)。尚此処で、二本のフック12の角度が50度から55度でしかも針先が内側を向いていて、実際にフッキングするのかという疑問を抱く必要は全くない。簡単に、容易に、比較的短時間(ここのところはムラがあるが、通常10秒から20秒程、長くても一分以内)に、確実にフッキングする(この事は多くの実釣によって、確認済み)。故にフック間隔を56度以上に広げる必要もないし、針先を外側に向ける必要もないし、又間口(フトコロ)を、巨魚狙いだからといって特別大きくする必要もないので、携行性にも優れる。 Referring to FIG. 1 (plan view), FIG. 2 (front view), FIG. 3 (side view), and FIG. 4 (perspective view), showing one embodiment of a large drop double gaff of the present invention. The first idea, “Ingenuity of Gaff Structure” will be described. The large drop-in double gaff 1 of the present invention is intended for fish of about 3 to 100 km (if smaller, smaller fish are also possible), but its optimum use range is from about 5 km Assuming about 70 km. Of these, the actual uptake limit alone is approximately 40 km (actually surface condition, frictional resistance, not including the application), and the actual uptake limit of two people is approximately 70-80 km (actually surface condition, frictional resistance). by). In other words, it was developed for large fish, but it is easier and more reliable to do it than to do it with tamo etc. It is a way of thinking. In order to make it a real thing, some ideas are made. The large drop double gaff 1 of the present invention is provided with two or more hooks 12 at one end of a shaft 11 and a ring 13 at the other end. The overall angular width of the two or more hooks 12 is Although it is a structural feature that it is less than 180 °, in the optimum model, there are two hooks 12 (two are sufficient, no more is required), and the distance between the two is 50 degrees to 55 degrees. Degrees (FIG. 3, 50 ° display). Therefore, the description will proceed on the premise of the optimal model. Here, the number of hooks is three more than two, and four is better than three, as a matter of course, and the hook spacing is not 50 to 55 degrees, but as far apart as possible The hook is better, that is, the hook is best when three to four hooks are arranged at equal intervals on the circumference around the shaft, and the tip of the hook faces outward. If so, it can be said that it is still good. The big game drop double gaff 1 of the present invention is the reverse of all that is written here (it is not necessary). Moreover, it can be said that the larger the frontage (the distance between the needle tip of the hook 12 and the shaft 11), the better the engagement, but the large drop double gaff 1 of the present invention is so large considering the size of the target fish. There is no (it is not necessary). First, the number of hooks 12 and their relative angles will be described. The greater the number of hooks and the greater the relative angle between them, the better. However, if the number of hooks is large and separated, one hook is hooked to the fish body, and the other hooks protrude greatly at positions away from the fish body. This will be caught by obstacles on the surface of rocks and embankments in the middle of raising the fish. The large double drop gaff 1 of the present invention has two hooks 12 and an interval of 50 to 55 degrees (shown in FIG. 3, 50 °). Even if two hooks are not hooked, the remaining one hook 12 is positioned so as not to protrude so close to the fish body surface, so that it is not easily caught by an obstacle. Next, the angle with respect to the shaft 11 of the tip (needle tip) of the hook 12 that is the greatest feature of the drop-off double gaff 1 for large items of the present invention will be described. The normal gaff is that the tip (needle tip) of the hook 12 faces the shaft 11 with almost no exception (the only thing known to be parallel is the “Ikari type gaff” as far as it is known). I have never seen a gaff facing inward. As a matter of course, the tip (needle tip) of the hook is directed outward to make it easier to catch the fish. In the case of a single hook, there are no hooks outside the fish body, so there is no problem for the time being, but if there are more than two hooks, the needle tip that is easy to hook on the fish is hooked on the fish body It also means the ease of catching on the surface obstacles during the lifting of the remaining hooks. In order to avoid this, the tip (needle tip) of the hook 12 of the drop-off double gaff 1 for large items of the present invention is directed inward with respect to the shaft 11. Specifically, in both the plan view (FIG. 1) and the front view (FIG. 2), the needle tips of the two hooks 12 are extended lines (A ′, B ′) of the outer tangent lines (A, B, C). , C ′) is bent inward so as to be approximately at the position of the hook of the connecting body of the ring 13 at the other end. By bending inward, the above-mentioned problem of catching is reduced and the mechanical advantage described below is also obtained. Here is a detailed look at the hooking process. The first stage in which the needle tip is slightly caught (so that the bonnet 14 enters or does not enter the fish body), and the second stage in which the fish body greatly exceeds the burdock 14 and pierces to the center of the needle bending portion. A normal gaff with a handle often does not have a bite, but the first stage and the second stage are performed substantially simultaneously by operating the handle. The drop-in double gaff 1 for a big game according to the present invention is a rope gaff (a gaff operated by a rope), and thus is greatly different. I can't drive it. The drop-off double gaff 1 for a big game according to the present invention is as follows: “A separate winding body is wound substantially on a kite together with a road line, and then it is dropped on a line, and reaches the mouth of the fish. Shake the gaff 1 around the fish body around the fish on the line that is close to the mouth of the line that is connected to the mouth of the fish. “Hooking” is a feature in use. Hooking here refers to the first stage of the process. In actual fishing, after reaching Guff 1 to the mouth, holding the rope with one hand (usually the right hand), using the elbow as a fulcrum, the point of fishing the tenya of the carp (how to move the dumbbell up and down ... this double (Guff 1 is an optimal model of about 300 grams), and when you move your hand up and down (not seeing and manipulating ... even at night ... you can't see it because it's a rope, and you can't control it) Soon, it will take a lot of weight. This is evidence that the needle tip has been hooked (first stage), and then pulling up the rope as much as possible will cause the gash and gaff 1 to bite into the second stage. At this time, since the direction of the rope and the direction of the needle tip substantially coincide with each other, the force for pulling the rope is transmitted as the force for pulling the fish body to the needle tip without loss. It will have the dynamic advantages described above. In other words, it is not like a gaff with a handle, but is pulled out. As a supplementary explanation, it is not necessary to visually check whether the gaff 1 has reached the mouth. Gaff 1 and other members have moderate weights, so there is a clear difference between the weight of the rope and the weight of Harris. With the headlamps, it is difficult to see details even if they are more than 10 meters away). Here, there is no need to question whether the hooks are actually hooked when the angle between the two hooks 12 is 50 to 55 degrees and the needle points are inward. Simple, easy, and reliable hooking (this is uneven here, but usually 10 to 20 seconds, within a minute at most) ,Verified). Therefore, it is not necessary to widen the hook interval to 56 degrees or more, there is no need to point the needle point outward, and it is not necessary to make the front end (Futokoro) specially large just because it aims at a giant fish, so it is excellent in portability.

次に、図5、図12、図13、図14、図15を参照しながら、第二の工夫である「ガイド(本発明に於ける巻き体4、図12、図13、図14ではループ体7、7Va、7Vbが同役目を果たす)の取り付け方法の工夫」に関して述べる。先行技術のガイド道糸通し方式(仮称、先述済み、0013項)が成し得なかった、安定した体勢(竿尻を、マンタベルトをした腹部にあて、左手で竿を支え、右手をリールのハンドルに掛け、両足を少し開いて、腰を少し落した姿勢)を維持しながら、釣り人自身が、ガイド、即ち、其れに繋がるギャフを、自分で取り付けると言う行為を、本発明は事実上、可能にした。本発明の取り込みシステムは、工夫をこらす事により、出来るだけこの体勢を保持しながら、単独で竿に巻き体4を巻く事を可能にし、其れにより、ライン伝いにギャフを落すことを可能にしたものである。本発明の取り込みシステムには、基本的に三つある。「大物取り込みシステム」、「簡易型大物取り込みシステム」、そして「巨魚取り込みシステム」である(図5は大物取り込みシステムを示した説明図であり、図12、図13、図14は簡易型大物取り込みシステムを示した説明図であり、図15は巨魚取り込みシステムを示した説明図である)。この三システムのうち、「大物取り込みシステム」に関して、以下に詳細を説明する。 Next, referring to FIGS. 5, 12, 13, 14, and 15, the second idea is “guide (winding body 4 in the present invention, loops in FIGS. 12, 13, and 14. A description will be given of “devise of attachment method of bodies 7, 7Va, 7Vb fulfilling the same role”. A stable posture (the buttock is placed on the abdomen with a mantabel, the left hand is supported by the left hand, and the right hand is placed on the reel. The present invention is the fact that the angler himself attaches the guide, that is, the gaff connected to it, while maintaining the posture of hanging the handlebars, slightly opening both feet and slightly lowering the waist. I made it possible. The capture system of the present invention makes it possible to wind the wound body 4 alone on the bag while keeping this position as much as possible by devising the device, thereby enabling the gaff to be dropped along the line. It is a thing. There are basically three capture systems of the present invention. “Large-size capture system”, “Simple-type large-size capture system”, and “Giant-fish capture system” (FIG. 5 is an explanatory diagram showing the large-size capture system, and FIGS. FIG. 15 is an explanatory diagram showing a capture system, and FIG. 15 is an explanatory diagram showing a giant fish capture system). Of these three systems, the “large-capture system” will be described in detail below.

図5、図10、図11を参照しながら、「大物取り込みシステム」に関して詳細を述べる。この「大物取り込みシステム」は、本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフ1と、円環状連結具2と、前記大物用落し込みダブルギャフ1と前記円環状連結具2とを接続する、柔軟性を有する接続体3aと、その一端41は前記円環状連結具2に掛けられ、その他端42はフリーとなっていて前記円環状連結具2に掛けることが可能な巻き体4(図5は両端とも連結具2に掛けられ、閉じた状態を示す)と、その一端5a1を前記円環状連結具2に掛けられたロープ5aとを含んで構成される。本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフ1は、既に、0030項に於いて詳しく説明した。次に、「円環状連結具2」に関して、詳しく説明する。円環状連結具2は、セーフティ機能(脱落防止機能)付き円環状連結具2を使用する。より具体的には「安全環付きカラビナ2」を使用する。カラビナ2(標準長さ約11cm、軸径約11ф)の詳しい説明を行うと、基本的な形状(構造)は略D型(略台形状)をしており(O型もある)、向き合った平行な二辺の長辺のうち、短い方の辺が開閉部(ゲート)21となっており、その一端側22は固定ピン23によって本体側と接続されており、その他端側(開口側)24が相手側の本体に対して、内側に開閉自在となっているが、ピン23側の開閉部(ゲート)21の内部にバネが組み込まれており、開口側24は常に本体側(外側)に一定の力で押し付けられている。つまり、一定の力で開口側24を内側に押した時のみ、ピン23を支点として、内側に開く。通常は、カラビナ2内部にセットされた道具は、外側に対しては力が掛かるが、内側に対しては、力が掛からないから、外れることはない。しかし、一定の条件が揃ったときなどは、其れが簡単におこり得る。例えば、ロープにキンクが発生しているような時、中に入っているロープを引っ張っただけなのに、キンクが開口部を内側に押してしまい、内に入っていたはずのロープがカラビナの外に出てしまった、といった事が簡単におこり得る。大暴れしている魚の口元に送り込むわけであるから、何が起こるか全く予測が付かない。重要な道具を全て、カラビナの中に入れている訳であるから、何が有っても、道具が外れる事があってはならない。此れを現実の物にするのが「安全環付きカラビナ2」の使用である。この安全環付きカラビナ2の仕組みは、次の通りである。前記開閉部(ゲート)21の途中に環(安全環)25がセットされており、此の環25は内側に雌ねじが切ってあり、又ゲート21には雄ねじが切ってあり、組み合わされている。即ち、ピン23側を手元として見た場合、左に環25を回せば環25は後退し(開口側24:開口自在)、又逆に右に回せば前進し、相手側本体部を噛む(開口側24:開口不能=ロック)。此れにより、この円環状連結具(安全環付きカラビナ)2にセットされている各種道具は、魚が如何に暴れようとも、脱落防止される。通常のカラビナは大物釣りに使用されているが、「安全環付きカラビナ」が釣りに使用されることは無い(その必要がなかった、又その存在自体が釣り人には知られていない、両カラビナとも山用品であるが、特に安全環付きカラビナは、山では主として安全の確実性が求められるボディ周りに使用される物である)。この安全環付きカラビナ2の利用は本「大物取り込みシステム」に於ける、重要なポイントの一つである。次に、「柔軟性を有する接続体3a」に関して詳しく説明する。この柔軟性を有する接続体3aは、柔らかい繊維系素材により、これを製作する。具体的にはナイロンシュリンゲ3aを使用する(補足説明として、「シュリンゲ」は主として山用語・・・語源ドイツ語Schlinge、英語だとSling・・・で広く使用されており、補助ロープ又はテープを短く切って通常輪状にして、荷重を支える為に使われる事が多く、太くて長いメインロープに対比する用語であり、此処で補助ロープとするよりも、シュリンゲとした方が、概念が明確になる)。このナイロンシュリンゲの一端3a1を本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1の他端に設けてあるリング13にプーリン結び3a3等を利用して遊動可能に接続し(振れをよくする為)、又その他端3a2はループにして、前記安全環付きカラビナ2に掛ける。シュリンゲ3a(太さ5ф〜6ф)に柔らかい繊維系素材(ナイロン)を使用するのには十分な理由がある。本発明の大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1は、巻き体4を、道糸ごと実質的に竿に巻き、竿伝い、ライン伝いに落とし込み、魚の口元に到達させた後、ロープ5aを上下動させることと魚自体の暴れを利用して、口に掛かっている鈎に繋がっているライン130−1上の口元に近い箇所を揺動支点として、ギャフ1を魚体周りに振ってやり、其れによって、魚体にフッキングさせることを使用上の特徴としている(図10、図11参照)。ギャフ1自身が適度の重さを有していることと、このシュリンゲ3aが適度な太さと適度な柔らかさ(=適度な硬さ)を有している事は、ギャフ1の過度の跳ね上がりを抑えつつ、魚体周りでよく振れ、結果として鰓下から魚体中央までの間にギャフ1がフッキングする、という目的を達するのに有効である。次に、「巻き体4」に付いて詳しく説明する。巻き体4は線状体により製作し、具体的には、全体としての適度な柔らかさと部分的な硬さとを有するステンレスワイヤー4の両端41、42を折り返して、スリーブ43、44止めにして、両端にループを作った、ラッピングワイヤー4により完成する。このラッピングワイヤー4の発想は、前記安全環付きカラビナ2の使用と共に、本「大物取り込みシステム」の核心をなす物である。大型用竿(例えばアラ・・・クエ竿)は直径3cm以上あり、又大型リール(代表的な物ペン、セネター9/0やダイワ、シーライン900)をセットした場合の、リール上側での竿下から糸上までの寸法は14−5cmもある。先行技術は此処にガイドを通す事が出来なかった訳である。それだけの開口寸法を有するガイドを用意できなかったのである。その結果、釣り人が単独で「安定した体勢で、ガイド、即ち、それに繋がったギャフを取り付ける」という事が出来なかった訳である。本発明は、線条体を用いて、ラッピングワイヤー(巻き体)4を完成させ、竿に巻きつけて、取り付け容易で脱落防止機能付きの前記安全環付きカラビナ(円環状連結具)2に掛ける事により、この問題を解決した。ラッピングワイヤー4の一端側のループ41を前もって安全環付きカラビナ2に掛けて置き、取り込み時に、前記「安定した体勢」を維持しながら、竿に巻きつけ、他端側のループ42を前記安全環付きカラビナ2に掛けることは、容易に単独でできる。「安定した体勢」とは、「釣り人がマンタベルトをした腹部に竿尻をあて、竿を立て、リールのドラッグ機能を有効に作動させている姿勢」である。この姿勢の時、釣り人は、魚に対して優位性を保て、釣り人がイニシアチブを持って魚をコントロールする事ができるのである。このコントロールを維持しながら、釣り人が自分でギャフ1を取り付けられる、という事が本発明の最大の利点であり、先行技術がなし得なかったことである。両端にループ41,42を備えたこのラッピングワイヤー4の寸法は、最適モデルで、全長約62cmで軸径約2mmであり、円形(リング)にした場合の直径は約20cm弱である。基本的な使い方は、前記した様に一端のループ41を前以って前記安全環付きカラビナ2にセットしておき、取り込み時に、ラッピングワイヤー4を竿に巻いて、他端のループ42を前記カラビナ2にセットする事を基本とするが(数秒でやれる簡単なこの手順は本発明が単独で、且つ安定した体勢を維持して、やれることを証明する上で、重要な事であるので、以下に詳しく説明する)、カラビナ2の操作に慣れていなくて、不安を感じる人は、前以って、他端のループ42も前記カラビナ2にセットしておき、其れによって、ラッピングワイヤー4のループ(リング)を完成させておき(図5が正にその状態を表す)、取り込み時に、このループ(=ラッピングワイヤー4)を竿尻から通して、リールを越えて、その前に持ってくることも出来る。此れだとさらに簡単である。そうする事も出来るように、前記した様な十分なサイズにしてある。最後にロープ5aについて説明すると、一端をループ5a1にして、前記安全環付きカラビナ(円環状連結具) 2に掛けてあり、又他端もループにして、ハーケン等の支点(正確に言えば、ハーケンに掛けられた別のシュリンゲに掛けられた別のカラビナ)に掛けておくのがベストである(堤防の上でもハーケンは打てる)。材質はナイロン又はポリプロピレンの編みロープ5aで、最適モデルで、太さ8ф−10фで、長さ約15m−17mである(長さも太さもいくらでも可能である)。次に、本発明の単独可能の論拠となる、ギャフ1取り付けの全ムーブを以下に詳述する。 With reference to FIGS. 5, 10, and 11, the details regarding the “large-capture system” will be described. This “large-size taking-in system” has the flexibility to connect the large-size drop double gaff 1, the annular connector 2, and the large-size drop double gaff 1 and the annular connector 2 of the present invention. The connecting body 3a and one end 41 of the connecting body 3a are hung on the annular connector 2, and the other end 42 is free so that it can be hung on the annular connector 2 (FIG. 5 shows both ends). And a closed state), and one end 5a1 of the rope 5a is hung on the annular connector 2. The drop-in double gaff 1 for large objects according to the present invention has already been described in detail in section 0030. Next, the “annular connector 2” will be described in detail. The annular connector 2 uses an annular connector 2 with a safety function (a drop-off prevention function). More specifically, “Carabiner 2 with safety ring” is used. Carabiner 2 (standard length of about 11cm, shaft diameter of about 11ф) will be described in detail, the basic shape (structure) is substantially D-shaped (substantially trapezoidal) (also O-shaped), facing each other The shorter side of the two parallel long sides is an opening / closing portion (gate) 21, one end side 22 of which is connected to the main body side by a fixing pin 23, and the other end side (opening side). 24 is openable and closable inward with respect to the main body on the other side, but a spring is incorporated in the open / close portion (gate) 21 on the pin 23 side, and the opening side 24 is always on the main body side (outside). Is pressed with a certain force. That is, only when the opening side 24 is pushed inward with a constant force, the pin 23 is used as a fulcrum to open inward. Normally, a tool set in the carabiner 2 is applied with force to the outside, but does not come off because no force is applied to the inside. However, when certain conditions are met, it can happen easily. For example, when a kink appears on the rope, the kink just pushed the rope inside, but the kink pushed the opening inward, and the rope that should have been inside got out of the carabiner. It can easily happen. Because it is sent to the mouth of a rampaged fish, there is no way of predicting what will happen. All important tools are put in the carabiner, so no matter what happens, the tools must not come off. It is the use of "Carabiner 2 with safety ring" that makes this a real thing. The mechanism of the carabiner 2 with the safety ring is as follows. A ring (safety ring) 25 is set in the middle of the opening / closing part (gate) 21. The ring 25 is internally threaded, and the gate 21 is externally threaded and combined. . That is, when the pin 23 side is viewed, the ring 25 is retracted if the ring 25 is turned to the left (opening side 24: freely openable), and conversely, if the ring 25 is turned to the right, the ring 25 is advanced to bite the counterpart body part ( Open side 24: Unopenable = lock). As a result, the various tools set in the annular connector (carabiner with safety ring) 2 are prevented from falling off no matter how the fish is exposed. Ordinary carabiner is used for big fishing, but "carabiner with safety ring" is not used for fishing (it was not necessary, and its existence itself is unknown to anglers, A carabiner is a mountain item, but a carabiner with a safety ring is a thing used around the body, which requires certainty of safety mainly in the mountain). The use of the carabiner 2 with the safety ring is one of the important points in this “large-capture system”. Next, the “flexible connector 3a” will be described in detail. The connector 3a having flexibility is made of a soft fiber material. Specifically, nylon shringer 3a is used (as a supplementary explanation, “shringe” is widely used mainly in mountain terms: etymology German Schlinge, and in English, Sling ... It is often used to support a load by cutting it into a normal ring shape, and is a term that contrasts with a thick and long main rope. ). One end 3a1 of this nylon shrinkage is connected to the ring 13 provided at the other end of the large drop double gaff 1 of the present invention so as to be freely movable using the pulley connection 3a3 or the like (to improve the swing), and the other end. 3a2 is looped and hung on the carabiner 2 with the safety ring. There is a good reason to use a soft fibrous material (nylon) for the schlinge 3a (thickness 5 to 6 ф). The drop-off double gaff 1 for a big game of the present invention is to wind up the wound body 4 together with the road line substantially on the kite, travel along the kite, drop it over the line, reach the mouth of the fish, and then move the rope 5a up and down. By using the rampage of the fish itself, the gaff 1 is shaken around the fish body with the position near the mouth on the line 130-1 connected to the ridge hanging on the mouth as a rocking fulcrum. It is a feature in use to make it hooked (see FIGS. 10 and 11). The fact that the gaff 1 itself has an appropriate weight and that the shrinkage 3a has an appropriate thickness and an appropriate softness (= appropriate hardness) will cause the gaff 1 to jump excessively. This is effective for achieving the purpose of swinging well around the fish body while suppressing, and as a result, the guff 1 hooks between the armpit and the fish body. Next, the “roll 4” will be described in detail. The wound body 4 is manufactured by a linear body. Specifically, the both ends 41 and 42 of the stainless wire 4 having moderate softness and partial hardness as a whole are folded back to form sleeves 43 and 44, Completed by wrapping wire 4 with loops at both ends. The idea of the wrapping wire 4 is the core of the “large-capture system” together with the use of the carabiner 2 with the safety ring. A large bowl (for example, Arra ... kue bowl) has a diameter of 3 cm or more, and a bowl on the upper side of a reel when a large reel (typical object pen, Senator 9/0, Daiwa, Sealine 900) is set. The dimension from the bottom to the top of the yarn is 14-5 cm. The prior art was unable to pass the guide here. A guide having such an opening size could not be prepared. As a result, the angler alone could not “attach a guide, that is, a gaff connected to it, in a stable posture”. In the present invention, a wrapping wire (winding body) 4 is completed using a striated body, wound around a bag, and hung on the carabiner (annular connector) 2 with a safety ring that is easy to attach and has a function of preventing dropping. This solved the problem. A loop 41 on one end side of the wrapping wire 4 is placed in advance on the carabiner 2 with a safety ring, and at the time of taking-in, while maintaining the “stable posture”, the loop 42 on the other end side is wound on the safety ring. It is easy to hang on the attached carabiner 2 alone. The “stable posture” is “an attitude in which the angler puts a butt on the abdomen wearing a manta belt, puts a heel on, and operates the reel drag function effectively”. When in this position, the angler has the advantage over the fish, and the angler can take control of the fish with the initiative. It is the greatest advantage of the present invention that the angler can attach the guff 1 by himself while maintaining this control, and the prior art cannot be achieved. The dimensions of the wrapping wire 4 provided with loops 41 and 42 at both ends are an optimum model, the overall length is about 62 cm, the shaft diameter is about 2 mm, and the diameter in the case of a circle (ring) is about 20 cm or less. As described above, as described above, the loop 41 at one end is set in the carabiner 2 with the safety ring in advance, and the wrapping wire 4 is wound around the bag at the time of taking in, and the loop 42 at the other end is Although it is based on setting to the carabiner 2 (since this simple procedure that can be done in a few seconds is important in demonstrating that the present invention can be performed independently and maintaining a stable posture, A person who is unfamiliar with the operation of the carabiner 2 and feels uneasy will set the loop 42 at the other end in the carabiner 2 in advance, and thereby the wrapping wire 4 The loop (ring) of Fig. 5 is completed (Fig. 5 shows the state), and at the time of loading, this loop (= wrapping wire 4) is passed from the buttock, passed over the reel, and held in front of it. Picking Can. This is even easier. To be able to do so, it has a sufficient size as described above. Finally, the rope 5a will be described. One end of the loop 5a1 is hung on the carabiner (annular connector) 2 with a safety ring, and the other end is also a loop. It is best to hang it on another carabiner hung on another Shringe hung on Harken (Haken can also be hit on the embankment). The material is nylon or polypropylene braided rope 5a, which is an optimal model, having a thickness of 8 ф-10 、 and a length of about 15 m to 17 m (any length and thickness are possible). Next, the entire movement of the gaff 1 attachment, which is the sole reason for the present invention, will be described in detail below.

With reference to FIG. 5, FIG. 6, FIG. 7, FIG. 8, and FIG. First, as a preliminary preparation, the loop 5a1 at one end of the rope, the loop 3a2 at the other end of the connection body (Shringe) 3a, and the loop 41 at one end of the wrapping wire 4 are arranged in this order on the carabiner 2 with the safety ring. Only the loop 41 at one end of the wrapping wire 4 is hung from the opening / closing part (gate) 21 and moved to the fixing pin 23 side over the safety ring 25. Accordingly, when the fixing pin 23 is on the front side and the gate 21 is on the upper side, the loop 5a1 of the rope 5a, the loop 3a2 of the shringer 3a, and the fixing pin 23 side (front side) of the gate 21 from the front side. The loop 41 of the wrapping wire 4 is positioned in order (the loop 41 of the wrapping wire 4 can be passed over the safety ring 25 by hand, but the space is adjusted to the extent that it will be caught by the safety ring 25 when released. The position of the sleeve 43 is adjusted). As described above, the other end of the rope 5a is hung on a fulcrum (a carabiner hung on a harken via a shringe, not shown). In addition, the rope 5a is placed so that the harken side is positioned below and the gaff 1 side is positioned upward so that kinks do not occur and are sufficiently handled and stretched and are not twisted. The safety ring 25 is not completely retracted but adjusted slightly before the lock. The gaff set is placed with care so that it can be easily taken (that is, only the loop 42 at the other end of the wrapping wire 4 is removed from the state shown in FIG. 5). . Up to this point, preparation is in advance and fishing is started from here. A fish was hung, passed through the fight, and brought the fish to his Majesty. At this time, the angler usually has the above-mentioned “stable posture”, that is, “put the butt 110-1 on the abdomen with the manta belt 140, hold the heel 110 with the left hand, and the right hand to the handle 120-1 of the reel 120. Hang, both legs slightly open, hips slightly lowered ”(drag is functioning effectively at this time). This is the start of “All Moves with Gaff 1”. 1) First, while maintaining the basic posture, lower the hips slightly, release the right hand from the reel handle, and hang the finger of the right hand on the carabiner 2 with the safety ring that forms the gaff set. 2) Next, the index finger of the left hand holding the heel 110 is opened, and the carabiner 2 is transferred from the right finger to the left index finger. At this time, the loops 3a2 and 5a1 have weights, so they are close to the corner of the carabiner 2 tip side except for the loop 41 at one end of the wrapping wire 4, and the carabiner 2 has the tip side facing downward. 3) Hold the heel 110 together with the left index finger. That is, the other four fingers of the left hand directly grip the heel 110, and the left index finger grips the heel 110 with the carabiner 2 in between. 4) Next, with the right hand, the other side (= the other end side 42) is grasped and the wrapping wire 4 hanging is grabbed and thrown down to the opposite side over the hook 110 and the road string 130. 5) Then, since the wire 4 has a weight and is moderately soft, the free side (= the other end side 42) hangs down beyond the heel 110. 6) Extend the right hand from the underside of the heel 110 and grab the free loop 42. At this time, return the palm (so that the palm faces the front side, not the abdomen side, front side, ...), and sleep with the little finger and ring finger under the sleep 44 of the wire 4 (in this posture, the loop 42 is The sleeve 44 is positioned on the upper side. From the expression, the upper side of the sleep 44 is grasped, and the loop 42 is picked with the thumb and forefinger. 7) When the picked loop 42 is faced upward and the wire 4 is pressed against the opening of the gate 21, the wire 4 has an appropriate hardness, so that the opening opens against the spring (FIG. 6). The loop 42 fits inside the carabiner 2 together with a crackle sound. 8) With the right hand, turn the safety ring 25 to the right (left in the case of FIG. 6) to lock the opening. This completes the attachment of the gaff set to the heel 110 (the state of FIG. 7). Thus, the attachment was completed while substantially maintaining a “stable posture”. All you have to do is tilt the heel 110 and drop it.
The above move is actually a simple one that takes only a few seconds. However, as a variation (V) of this method, those who are unfamiliar with the operation of the carabiner 2 and feel uneasy can use the other end in advance. The loop 42 is also set on the carabiner 2, thereby completing the loop (ring) of the wrapping wire 4 itself (state shown in FIG. 5). Can be passed over the reel 120 and in front of it. This is quite easy. In this case, the loops 41 and 42 at both ends of the wrapping wire 4 are put in the carabiner 2 with the safety ring, the ring 25 is advanced, the opening is locked (the state of FIG. 5), and the foot is easy to take. To put in. This is the preparation. The wrapping wire 4 forms a large loop. The move in this case is as follows. V1) From “stable posture”, lower the waist, scoop the loop (= wrapping wire 4) with the right hand, and hang it on the right wrist as it is. At this time, the buttock 110-1 is located on the mantabelt 140 at the lower part of the abdomen and exerts a force to repel the abdomen back up (the upper body leans forward), and the left hand supports the heel 110 from below on the reel 120 upper side. In this state, the loop 4 cannot be hung on the butt 110-1. V2) So, with your left hand as it is, grab the vicinity of the buttock 110-1 with the right hand (loop 4 on the wrist) (the state shown in FIG. 8), push it down, and shift the buttock 110-1 to the right. 110-1 is detached from the manta belt 140. V3) When the buttock 110-1 is pulled out slightly forward and the wrist is twisted so that the axis of the heel 110 and the axis of the arm substantially coincide with each other in plan view, the loop 4 passes through the buttock 110-1 ( FIG. 9). V4) Therefore, the hip butt 110-1 is returned to the manta belt 140 again. This is where Loop 4 passes over the heel 110 (actually on the right wrist). V5) As it is, the loop 4 hung on the right wrist is advanced, exceeds the reel 120, and is put out in front of it. Thus, the gaff attachment is completed (state shown in FIG. 7). This is simple.

次に、図5、図7,図10、図11を参照しながら、「大物取り込みシステムに於けるギャフ1の落とし込み、及びギャフ掛け」に関して述べる。以下に、ギャフセットの竿への取り付け完了後の落とし込み及びギャフ掛けについて詳述する。此処で道具(竿及びりール)はヒラマサ竿+大型スピニングリールの組み合わせ(青物狙い)と石鯛竿又はクエ竿+大型両軸リールの組み合わせ(大型回遊魚、底物・・・アラ、クエ・・・狙い)が考えられるが、青物狙いは「簡易型大物取り込みシステム」がベストマッチであるので、そちらで述べる(スピニングリール方式と両軸リール方式とでは手順が若干異なる)。「大物取り込みシステム」は7−8キロから23―24キロ(単独の場合、二人だとその倍)の魚を対象と考えたシステムであるので、石鯛竿又はクエ竿+大型両軸リールの組み合わせで、大型回遊魚(ヒラアジ、磯マグロ等)や底物(アラ、クエ)を狙っているものとして、話を進める。この場合の手順は以下の通りである(此処では途中のファイト方式には言及しない、最終取り込み局面に於いて、前記「安定した体勢」・・・スタンディング状態・・・になっている事が前提である、・・・実際にはそれを超えた状況、方式が存在する、此れについては、後の「巨魚取り込みシステム」で言及する)。前記0033項に於いて、リール120前の竿110に道糸130ごと、ラッピングワイヤー4が巻かれたステップになった(図7の状態)。次に竿110を傾けて落す訳であるが、両軸リール120は竿110の上側に付いており、竿110上にはラインガイドが、立っている訳で、此れが落す際の障害になるので、まず、竿110及びリール120を180度回転させ、リール120を下側に向ける。次に、石鯛竿又はクエ竿は、ラバーグリップが長めに巻かれているので、その先まで、片手でラッピングワイヤー4をスライドさせる。次に、立てていた竿先を前に倒さなければならない。この時が、本システムに於いて、唯一緊張する時である(竿110の張りが少なくとも弱くなる訳であるから)。この時のやり方は大変重要である。下側に向けた事によって、リール120のハンドル120−1は左側にきているので、左手をハンドル120−1に掛け、巻き方向に力を加え、回しながら(上側・・・正常時・・・だと右側面視、時計廻り、下側だと、左側面視、時計廻り、即ち逆)、竿先を下げる。此れで、弛みが生じてバレが発生するということはない。堤防で高さ8メートルだとすると、腰位置1メートルで計9メートル、竿先を3メートル下に下げるとしても(実際には3メートルも下げなくても、ギャフは重みがあるので落ちる)、魚との高度差は6メートルあり、5メートルの磯でやっていたとしても高度差は3メートルあるから、慣れれば、不安を感じることもない。ワイヤー4が竿先を通過したら(通常3−4秒で通過)、再び竿先を立てる。此れで、ギャフ1は自動的に魚の口元に到達する。ギャフ1を口元に到達させた後、ロープ5aを片手(通常右手)で持って、肘を支点に、鯛のテンヤ釣りをする要領(ダンベルを上下するようなやり方・・・本ダブルギャフ1は最適モデルで300グラム程度)で、手先を上下させる(図10の状態)。ギャフ1の重みがロープ5aに掛かっている状態とライン(=ハリス130−1)に掛かっている状態とは、重みが異なるから、目視確認しなくても、感覚的に、ギャフ1の状況が識別できる。ロープ5aだからコントロールは出来ないが、程無くズシリと重みが掛かる。これは針先がフッキングした証拠だから、そしたら力一杯ロープ5aを引っ張り上げてやると、ガシリとギャフ1が食い込み、引き上げOKとなる(図11の状態)。後は引き上げるだけである。この引き上げ時に、本発明の第一の工夫(二本フックの間隔を鋭角・・・50度から55度・・・とした事と、針先を正面視及び平面視のいずれに於いても軸線に対して内側に向けた事、0030項に詳述)が効果を発揮して、魚が比較的にスムーズに上がってくる事になる。 Next, with reference to FIGS. 5, 7, 10, and 11, “dropping and gaffing of the gaff 1 in the large-capture system” will be described. In the following, the dropping and gaffing after completion of the attachment of the gaff set to the bag will be described in detail. Here, the tools (竿 and Riel) are a combination of hiramasa + large spinning reel (aim for blue objects) and a combination of sarcophagus or hoe 竿 + large double-axis reel (large migratory fish, bottoms ... (Aim) is possible, but as for the aim of blue objects, the “simple large object capture system” is the best match, so we will describe it here (the procedure is slightly different between the spinning reel method and the biaxial reel method). The “Large-Capture System” is a system that targets 7-8 kg to 23-24 kg (double the size of a single person) The story will proceed as a combination, aiming at large migratory fish (sea bream, salmon tuna, etc.) and bottoms (ara, kue). The procedure in this case is as follows (here, it is assumed that the “stable posture” is in the standing state in the final capture phase, which does not refer to the fight method in the middle) There are actually situations and methods beyond that, which will be referred to later in the “Big Fish Capture System”). In the above item 0033, the step is such that the wrapping wire 4 is wound around the hook 110 in front of the reel 120 together with the road thread 130 (state of FIG. 7). Next, the heel 110 is tilted and dropped, but the double-axis reel 120 is attached to the upper side of the heel 110, and the line guide stands on the heel 110, which is an obstacle when dropping. Therefore, first, the cage 110 and the reel 120 are rotated 180 degrees, and the reel 120 is directed downward. Next, since the rubber grip has a long rubber grip, the wrapping wire 4 is slid with one hand to the tip. Next, you must defeat the tip of the heel that was standing. This is the only time in the system that is tense (because the heel 110 is at least weakened). The way at this time is very important. Since the handle 120-1 of the reel 120 is on the left side by facing downward, the left hand is put on the handle 120-1, and a force is applied in the winding direction while turning (upper side: normal time.・ If it is right side view, clockwise, if it is below, left side view, clockwise, ie, reverse), lower the tip. Here, there is no slack and no barre. If the height is 8 meters on the embankment, even if the hip position is 1 meter and the tip of the tip is lowered 3 meters (actually, even if it is not lowered 3 meters, the gaff falls because it has weight), The difference in altitude is 6 meters, and even if you use a 5 meter ridge, the difference in altitude is 3 meters. When the wire 4 passes the tip (usually passes in 3-4 seconds), the tip is raised again. Here, the gaff 1 automatically reaches the mouth of the fish. After reaching the mouth of the gaff 1, hold the rope 5a with one hand (usually the right hand) and use the elbow as a fulcrum to perform fishing on the tena of the carp The hand is moved up and down with the optimum model (about 300 grams) (state shown in FIG. 10). Since the weight of the gaff 1 is applied to the rope 5a and the state applied to the line (= Harris 130-1) are different from each other, the situation of the gaff 1 is sensuously determined without visual confirmation. Can be identified. Since it is rope 5a, it cannot be controlled, but it will take a lot of weight soon. Since this is evidence that the needle tip has been hooked, if the rope 5a is pulled up as much as possible, the gash and the gaff 1 will bite in and will be lifted up (state of FIG. 11). Then just pull it up. At the time of this pulling up, the first device of the present invention (the interval between the two hooks is set to an acute angle ... 50 degrees to 55 degrees, and the needle tip is an axis line in both the front view and the plan view). Inward, the details are described in item 0030), and the fish rises relatively smoothly.

With reference to FIG. 12, the “simple large object capturing system” will be described. This “simple large-size taking-in system” is a function of a large-size drop-in double gaff 1 of the present invention and one end side 71 of the big-size drop-down double gaff 1 that is substantially wound as a guide. Is a system that includes the flexible loop body 7 and the rope 5b hung on the loop body, and simplifies the “large-capture system” described in the item 0032 to improve mobility. Especially, it is a system for dealing with blue objects such as Hiramasa which is moving rapidly. The loop body 7 is a loop formed by tying both ends of 5 to 6 nylon nylon shrimp with a Fischerman knot 73 or the like, and the length is adjusted to the size of the target fish. Assuming that 5 to 10 kg of flatfish is aimed, the length from one end 71 to the other end 72 in the stretched state is suitably 34-5 cm. When one end 71 is passed through the ring 13 of the double gaff 1 and the other end 72 is submerged in the one end 71 and pulled, a loop 7 having a length of about 30 cm is formed (although the length is not limited, The length is limited, i.e., the minimum length that can be passed over a large spinning reel or medium-sized dual-axis reel used for green products is required). At this time, the one end side 71 passes through the ring 13 from the back side (rear side) when the line connecting the tips of the two hooks 12 is the front. Further, the knot of the Fisherman knot 73 is not positioned at the true other end, and when the shringer 7 is viewed from the back side, it is positioned slightly lower left from the true other end. Also, one end of the rope 5b is connected to the loop body (Shringe) 7, but without being fixed, the loop 5b1 is formed by using the Pullin knot 5b2 or the like so that the loop body (Shringe) 7 can move freely. In this case, the other end of the rope 5b is looped and a carabiner is hung (the hiramasa is fast moving, the angler also moves up, and is not usually fixed to a harken, etc. May be) It may be hung on a life jacket or manta belt string, but in that case, after installing the gaff 1, be sure to remove the butt hand ring near the buttock (with a sarcophagus, no hiramasa heels, etc.) before dropping.・ For Hiramasa cocoons, it is best to create a small loop near the buttock with a thin string, or it is dangerous if it is not transferred to the fingers that support the heel (if it fails otherwise, it will be There is a possibility that the body will be pulled by the fish and the balance may be lost ... It is assumed that the gafflop 5b and the body are never connected). The rope 5b is a braided rope made of nylon or polypropylene, and is an optimum model, having a thickness of 6 ф and a length of about 15 m (any length and thickness are possible). FIG. 12, which uses a soft, fiber-based material (nylon schlinge) for the loop body 7, is a basic type of a simple large-size taking-in system.
The movement of the attachment is already the same as “Variation V” after the section 0033 “All movements of attachment of the gaff in the large-capture system” because the loop 7 has already been made. 1) From the “stable posture”, lower back, scoop the loop 7 with the right hand, and hang it on the right wrist as it is (Shringe ... Loop 7 puts the wrist from the back side, so two hooks Facing the front side, ie the fish side). At this time, the buttock is located on the mantabelt at the lower part of the abdomen, and the force that repels the abdomen back up is working (the upper body leans forward), and the left hand supports the heel from below on the reel. 7 cannot be hung on the butt. 2) With the left hand as it is, grasp the vicinity of the buttock with the right hand (loop 7 on the wrist) (force to push down), shift the buttock to the right, and twist the wrist so that the axes are substantially aligned in plan view. When raised, the loop 7 passes through the buttock and is located on the heel. 3) Then, return the butt to Mantabel again. This is where Loop 7 passes over the heel (actually on the right wrist). 4) As it is, advance the loop 7 hung on the right wrist, go over the reel and put it in front of it. This completes the installation. The following is a drop. In the case of Hiramasa, both reels and large spinning reels can be considered, but spinning is generally more common. In the case of both shafts, there is an action to turn the heel and reel over, which is described in detail in section 0034 “Dropping and gaffing in a large-capture system”. Because there is, explanation here is omitted. Proceed with the story as if spinning. 5) Here, if the carabiner (not shown) of the other end of the rope 5b is hung around the body, if it is a tail ring (in the case of a sarcophagus) or in the case of a flatfish, put a carabiner on the left finger Always move (dangerous if not done before gaffing). 6) Since the line guide faces downward when it is a spinning reel, there is no obstacle to dropping the gaff 1, so the gaff 1 is dropped as it is with the tip down. As a matter of course, lower the tip while winding the reel handle. Since all subsequent moves are exactly the same as those described in detail in section 0034 “Dropping and Gaffing of Gaffs in a Big-Capture System”, description thereof is omitted here.

図13を参照しながら、「簡易型大物取り込みシステム」の第一の変形タイプ(Va)に付いて述べる。図12はループ体7に軟性、繊維系素材(ナイロンシュリンゲ)を使用していた。此れに対して、本図13はループ体7Vaに硬性、金属性素材(ステンレスワイヤー)を使用したシステムであり、その両端をギャフ1のリング13に巻いてスリーブ止めにして作成する。簡易型大物取り込みシステムは動きの激しい青物(主としてヒラマサ)をターゲットとして、システムを簡易化して機動性を高めた物である。青物釣りでは遠投カゴを浮きの下に使用することが多く(若しくは一体型)、此のカゴ(ナイロンカゴとステンレスカゴの2タイプ有り)がループ体の通過の際の障害になり得る。ナイロンカゴの場合は柔らかいからあまり問題にならない。問題になり得るのはステンレスカゴの場合である。途中の障害を通過するにはループ体がなるだけ円形を維持していたほうが(即ち硬い方が)有利である。又ギャフをよく振らせて効率的にフッキングさせるには柔らかい方が有利である。ナイロンシュリンゲはその硬さ、すなわち円形の程度を調整できないのに対して、ステンレスワイヤーはその硬さ、即ち、太さを用途、用法に合わせて、両方の機能を持ちうるように適切に選択し、調整する事が可能である。簡易型大物取り込みシステムに於けるループ体7Vaは、大物取り込みシステム、巨魚取り込みシステムに於ける接続体3a、3cの機能と巻き体4の機能とを同時に果たさなければならない。即ち、1)ガイドとしての機能(途中の障害物を乗り越えていく機能)、2)揺動支点からのギャフの位置を魚のフッキングを狙った適度な個所に位置させる機能、3)ギャフを良く振らせて(動かして)効率的にフッキングさせる機能、そして、4)フッキング後の荷重受け体としての機能である。硬いワイヤーを使えばカゴの通過は有利だが、振れ(=フッキングの良さ)は悪くなる。ワイヤーはその軸心に対する捻じり方向への動きが殆どできないので、その両端のループ7Va1,7Va2は大き目に作り、其れにより動き代を大きく取り、又ロープ5bVaの連結には図示の通り、大きな内部スペース(即ち大きな動き代)を有する円環状連結具(安全環付きカラビナ)2を使った方が振れの点で有利であるが、点線で描写したようにロープ5bVaを、プーリン結び等で遊動状態にして、ループ体7Vaに直接連結することも可能である。又振れ改善の為にはリング13にシャックルをセットしてスイベルを連結した上で、このスイベルにループ体7Vaの両端ループ7Va1、7Va2を連結してもよいし(図示略)、又このループ体7Vaを金属固定形リングとして、リング13から離れて別置きにし、両者間を軟性、繊維系素材で連結してもよい(図示略)。使い方としては図12の場合と同じで、背側から此のループ体7Vaに手首を通して、マンタベルトから外した竿尻を通過させる。カラビナ2は重みがあるので、リング13側に寄っており、図8、図9と同様(類似)の形となる。後は上記0035項と同じであるので説明は省略する。 With reference to FIG. 13, the first variation type (Va) of the “simple large-size capturing system” will be described. In FIG. 12, the loop body 7 is made of a soft, fiber-based material (nylon shrinking). On the other hand, FIG. 13 shows a system in which a hard metal material (stainless wire) is used for the loop body 7Va. The simplified large-capture system is a product that simplifies the system and enhances mobility by targeting blue objects (mainly Hiramasa) that move rapidly. In green fishing, a long throwing basket is often used under floating (or integrated type), and this basket (with two types of nylon basket and stainless steel basket) can be an obstacle when passing the loop body. In the case of a nylon basket, it is not a problem because it is soft. It can be a problem with stainless steel baskets. In order to pass obstacles on the way, it is advantageous that the loop body is kept as circular as possible (that is, it is hard). In addition, the softer is more advantageous for efficient hooking by shaking the gaff well. Nylon Shringe cannot adjust its hardness, that is, the degree of circularity, while stainless steel wire is appropriately selected so that it can have both functions according to its use, usage, and thickness. It is possible to adjust. The loop body 7Va in the simple large-capture system must simultaneously fulfill the functions of the connecting bodies 3a and 3c and the roll 4 in the large-capture system and the giant fish capture system. That is, 1) a function as a guide (a function to get over obstacles in the middle), 2) a function to position the gaff from the rocking fulcrum at an appropriate position aiming at fish hooking, and 3) shake the gaff well. A function that allows them to be hooked (moved) efficiently, and 4) a function as a load receiver after hooking. If a hard wire is used, passing the basket is advantageous, but swinging (= good hooking) is worsened. Since the wire can hardly move in the torsional direction with respect to its axis, the loops 7Va1 and 7Va2 at both ends thereof are made large, thereby allowing a large movement allowance. It is more advantageous in terms of swinging to use an annular connector (a carabiner with a safety ring) 2 having an internal space (that is, a large movement allowance), but as shown by the dotted line, the rope 5bVa is loosened by a pulley connection or the like. It is also possible to connect directly to the loop body 7Va. In order to improve the swing, a shackle is set on the ring 13 and a swivel is connected, and then the loops 7Va1 and 7Va2 of both ends of the loop body 7Va may be connected to the swivel (not shown). 7Va may be a metal-fixed ring that is separated from the ring 13 and connected with a soft, fibrous material (not shown). The usage is the same as in the case of FIG. 12, from the back side to the loop body 7Va through the wrist and the buttocks removed from the manta belt. Since the carabiner 2 has a weight, it is close to the ring 13 side, and has the same shape (similarity) as in FIGS. The rest is the same as item 0035 above, and a description thereof will be omitted.

図14を参照しながら、「簡易型大物取り込みシステム」の第二の変形タイプ(Vb)に付いて述べる。此処でも同様にループ体7Vbとしてワイヤーを使用する。此処では、両端のループ7Vb1、7Vb2は円環状連結具(安全環付きカラビナ)2の側に位置させ、ギャフのリング13を此のループ体7Vbに通す。この場合、ギャフは良く動く。此のループ体7Vbに背側から手首を入れればギャフ1は重みがあるのでカラビナ2側に寄り、竿尻をマンタベルトから外して通過させる。図8、図9と同様(類似)の形となる。後は図12及び図13の場合と同じである。 With reference to FIG. 14, the second variation type (Vb) of the “simple large-size capturing system” will be described. In this case as well, a wire is used as the loop body 7Vb. Here, the loops 7Vb1 and 7Vb2 at both ends are positioned on the side of the annular connector (carabiner with safety ring) 2, and the gaff ring 13 is passed through the loop body 7Vb. In this case, the gaff moves well. If the wrist is inserted into the loop body 7Vb from the back side, the gaff 1 has a weight, so the gaff 1 is moved to the carabiner 2 side and the hips are removed from the manta belt and passed therethrough. The shape is similar to (similar to) FIGS. The subsequent steps are the same as those in FIGS.

次に、図15を参照しながら、「巨魚取り込みシステム」に関して詳細を述べ、第三の工夫の内の負荷軽減体の使用について、説明する。「巨魚取り込みシステム」は本発明の大物用落し込みダブルギャフ1と、円環状連結具2と、前記大物用落し込みダブルギャフ1と前記円環状連結具2とを接続する、柔軟性を有する接続体3cと、その一端41は前記円環状連結具2に掛けられ、その他端42はフリーとなっていて前記円環状連結具2に掛けることが可能な巻き体4(図15は両端とも連結具2に掛けられ、閉じた状態を示す)と、前記円環状連結具2に掛けられた負荷軽減体6と、前記負荷軽減体6に通されたロープ5cとを含んで構成される。円環状連結具(安全環付きカラビナ)2は0032項、大物取り込みシステムで述べた物と同じ物である。柔軟性を有する接続体3c(シュリンゲ)も基本的には同じ物であるが、此処では、フィッシャーマン結び3c3等で、両端を結んでループにしたシュリンゲ3cを使用する。一端側3c1をダブルギャフ1のリング13に掛け、他端側3c2を安全環付きカラビナ2に掛ける。巻き体4も0032項、大物取り込みシステムで述べたのと同じラッピングワイヤー4である。此処では負荷軽減体6が新たに加わった。負荷軽減体6は具体的には滑車6を使用する。滑車6を動滑車として作動させ、負荷を半減させるものである。これは、単独で約40キロまでの魚を上げられる事を意味し(実際は表面状態、摩擦抵抗による)、これは実釣において、アラの約98%、回遊魚の約80%、をカバーするものであり、これは概ね、単独での巨魚引き上げを可能にするものである。滑車6の上部に付いているリング61を、前記安全環付きカラビナ2に掛ける。この滑車6にロープ5cを通し、滑車6がロープ5cの真ん中に位置するようにする。両端は夫々ループにして、リス(細い割れ目、隙間)に打たれたハーケン等の支点に掛けられたシュリンゲにセットされたカラビナに掛けておく(図示略)。材質はナイロン又はポリプロピレンの編みロープ5cで、最適モデルで、太さ8ф−10фで、長さ約30mである(長さも太さもいくらでも可能である)。滑車6で二つ折りにして、ダブルで使うので、最適モデルの場合で、高さ15m、実高距約14メートルまで使える。安全環付きカラビナ2内の位置は、手前側から、滑車6、シュリンゲ3c、そしてゲートの固定ピン側にラッピングワイヤー4の一端のループ41(他端42はフリー)となる(図15は両端とも閉じた状態を示している)。此処ではロープ5cの扱い、事前準備が特に大事で、キンクが起きない様、十分に扱いて伸ばした上で、又縺れない様にハーケン側が下に位置し、ギャフ1側が上に位置するように配慮して置く。ロープ5cは、撚りロープは特にキンクしやすいので、滑車6使用の本「巨魚取り込みシステム」では、編みロープ5cである事が不可欠であるが、編みロープであっても、キンクする。ロープは通常ループ(輪)にして、持ち運ぶ。このループにする時一回巻くごとに、一回捻ってしまっているのである(捻るつもりが無くともそうなる)。そのまま、両端を持って引き伸ばせば、ロープ内に多数の捩れが存在する事になる。一端側から扱いて他端まで、伸ばし、今度は他端側から一端側まで扱いて伸ばし、この作業を2−3回繰り返す。滑車6をロープ5c中央に持ってきた後、今度は滑車6側(ロープ中央側)から、両端側に二本一緒に扱いて伸ばす。その上で両端部をループにして、前記ハーケン側のカラビナに掛ける。此れで、キンクは完全にとれた。ロープ5cをダブル状態で、縺れない様にハーケン側が下に位置し、ギャフ1側が上に位置するように配慮して置く。此れにより、事前準備が完了した。この後のラッピングワイヤー4の取り付け、落とし込みのムーブは、スタンディング(前記安定した姿勢)からの取り込みであれば、0033−0034項に述べた大物取り込みシステムの其れと、基本的に同じである(滑車6が加わってロープ5cがダブルになっただけである)ので、単独で其れが可能なことは既に説明されている。しかし、此れは巨魚取り込みシステムであり、巨魚をターゲットにした物である。0016項の「巨魚ファイトの現状」に付いて、で述べたように、最終局面において単純にスタンディングになっているとは限らない。本発明の目的とするところは0020項に於いて述べたように、単独での、高場からの大物、巨魚の取り込みである。取り込みはその前のファイトと密接に関連したものになる。以後、中硬竿(石鯛竿クラス)+尻餅ファイト→スタンディング取り込み(竿先下げてのギャフ落し込み)ではなく、剛力ファイト(アラ竿+竿受け全負荷受け)→置き竿取り込みへの本巨魚取り込みシステムの適用について話を進める。 Next, with reference to FIG. 15, details regarding the “big fish capturing system” will be described, and the use of the load reducing body in the third device will be described. The “big fish taking-in system” has flexibility to connect the drop-in double gaff 1 for large objects, the annular connector 2, and the drop-in double gaff 1 for large objects and the annular connector 2 of the present invention. The connecting body 3c and its one end 41 are hung on the annular connector 2, and the other end 42 is free and can be hung on the annular connector 2 (FIG. 15 is connected to both ends). And a load reducing body 6 hung on the annular connector 2 and a rope 5c passed through the load reducing body 6. Annular coupler (carabiner with safety ring) 2 is the same as described in item 0032, large-capture system. The flexible connecting body 3c (Shringe) is basically the same, but here, the Shringe 3c is used in which both ends are connected to form a loop, such as a Fisherman knot 3c3. One end side 3c1 is hung on the ring 13 of the double gaff 1, and the other end side 3c2 is hung on the carabiner 2 with a safety ring. The wound body 4 is the same wrapping wire 4 as described in the section 0032, the large-capture system. Here, the load reducing body 6 is newly added. Specifically, the load reducing body 6 uses a pulley 6. The pulley 6 is operated as a moving pulley, and the load is halved. This means that it is possible to raise fish up to about 40 km alone (actually due to surface conditions and frictional resistance), which covers about 98% of ara and about 80% of migratory fish in actual fishing. In general, this is what enables a giant fish to be pulled up alone. A ring 61 attached to the top of the pulley 6 is hung on the carabiner 2 with the safety ring. The rope 5c is passed through the pulley 6 so that the pulley 6 is positioned in the middle of the rope 5c. Each end is looped and hung on a carabiner set on a shringer hung on a fulcrum such as a harken hit by a squirrel (thin crack, gap) (not shown). The material is nylon or polypropylene braided rope 5c, which is an optimal model, with a thickness of 8 ф-10 、 and a length of about 30 m (any length and thickness are possible). The pulley 6 is folded in half and used in double, so in the case of the optimal model, it can be used up to a height of 15m and an actual high distance of about 14 meters. The position in the carabiner 2 with the safety ring is from the front side to the pulley 6, the slinge 3 c, and the loop 41 at one end of the wrapping wire 4 (the other end 42 is free) from the fixed pin side of the gate (FIG. 15 shows both ends). Closed). Here, handling of the rope 5c and pre-preparation are particularly important, so that the kink does not occur, it is fully handled and stretched, and the Harken side is positioned below and the Gaff 1 side is positioned so that it does not twist. Put it in consideration. Since the rope 5c is particularly easy to kink a twisted rope, it is indispensable that the rope 5c is the knitted rope 5c in the present “big fish capturing system” using the pulley 6; The rope is usually carried in a loop. Every time you make this loop, you twist it once (even if you don't intend to twist it). If it is stretched with both ends as it is, there will be many twists in the rope. Handle from one end and extend to the other end, then handle and extend from the other end to one end, and repeat this operation 2-3 times. After bringing the pulley 6 to the center of the rope 5c, this time, from the pulley 6 side (the rope center side), the two are handled and extended to both ends. Then, both ends are looped and hung on the Harken side carabiner. Here, the kink was completely removed. The rope 5c is placed in a double state so that the Harken side is located below and the gaff 1 side is located above so as not to twist. This completes the preparations. The subsequent movement of attaching and dropping the wrapping wire 4 is basically the same as that of the large-size taking-in system described in the paragraph 0033-0034 as long as it is taken in from the standing (the stable posture). Since the pulley 6 is added and the rope 5c is doubled), it is already explained that this is possible. However, this is a giant fish uptake system that targets the giant fish. As described in “Current Status of Giant Fish Fight” in Item 0016, it is not always the case that the final stage is simply standing. The object of the present invention, as described in the section 0020, is to take in large fish and giant fish from a high field alone. Capture is closely related to the previous fight. After this, instead of medium hard 竿 (Ishibuchi class) + butt 餅 fight → standing capture (dropping the gaff down the heel), rigid fight (ara (+ 竿 receiving full load) → this giant fish to place arsenal capture Talk about the application of capture systems.

With reference to FIG. 15, FIG. 16 and FIG. 20 (partial reference), the overall usage status of the “big fish capturing system” will be described. FIG. 16 is an explanatory view showing the entire use situation of the giant fish taking-in system applied to the full-place kite fishing method (detailed later) of the present invention, which is a basic model (the simplest use model). In addition to this basic model, there are three variations (a model that can be rested on the way, a resting rest model, a resting rest deformation model), and a super giant fish challenge model as its application version. These will be described in detail later. Here, the basic model will be described in detail. FIG. 20 is an explanatory diagram showing key points for raising a fish in a model capable of resting on the way of the giant fish taking-in system. The model capable of resting on the way (FIG. 20) is based on the basic model (FIG. 16), Yumar 170 and Schlinge 150d. Therefore, what is obtained by removing 170 and 150d from FIG. 20 can be seen as a detailed view of the upper side (foot side) of FIG. 16 (lower side, fish side = gaff set, FIG. All models except the giant fish challenge model are the same, and the super giant fish challenge model changes the pulley from one car to two cars and the rope becomes quadruple). First, the angler is taking self-belay (self-assurance = fixing his / her body so that he / she will not fall) in case of safety in order to ensure safety. A shrimp is wound around the waist (= waist string), carabiner A, 10a is hung on this, and a shrimp 160a extends from the carabiner 10a, which is connected to carabiners B, 10b. From the carabiner B, 10b, the shrinkage 160b and 160c are extended, 160b is hung on the harken A, 9a struck by the squirrel (thin crack, joint) B, 160c is applied to the harken B, 9b struck by the squirrel C It is hung. Harkens 9a and 9b serve as backups for each other. Also, the shringe 160a is pre-adjusted to a length that does not exceed the embankment angle even if the angler falls. As described above, double safety measures are taken for the body. Next, regarding the tool and fish load line, a shrimp is wound around the butt 110-2, and this is hung on the sword A Harken D struck by the squirrel A, and the carabiners D and 10d hung on the 9d. The carabiner 10d is hooked with one end of a shrimp 150a, and the other end is hung with a carabiner C, 10c. It has been. The lengths of the shringes 150a and 150b are adjusted so as not to loosen. That is, Harken 9c serves as a backup for 9d. The carabiner 10d is hung with a shrimp 150c, which is hung with carabiners E and 10e, and the carabiner 10e is hung with loops 5c1 and 5c2 at both ends of the rope 5c. That is, the rope 5c forms a huge loop with the gaff set (FIG. 15) attached to the middle via the pulley 6, and the gaff set is in a state of being hooked on the line by the wrapping wire 4. Also, the carabiner 10e is hung with a shrimp 150e, which is hung on a carabiner F, 10f hung on a harken E, 9e hit on a squirrel A. The carabiner F, 10f is used to fix the front receiver (pillow) 180a with a shrimp together with the Harken F struck by the squirrel A and the carabiner G, 10g hung on the 9f.
Here, a supplementary explanation of Harken is that the basic principle is "Harken do not line up and hit the same squirrel" (both hits are both sweet and ineffective). For natural rocks, squirrels are numerous except for certain rocks (eg, granite ... slabs, monoliths are easy to develop, resulting in few squirrels), so struggling to hit Harken In addition, fixing methods other than Harken are possible, so there is usually no problem. Here, squirrel A is struck three times with Harken 9d, 9e, 9f, which is a problem, but it can't be helped. In an embankment that is an artificial structure, it is forbidden to drill a hole with a drill and hit a bolt (some people do it), and use a slag If you do a hard fight (and alone), you have to do it with Harken, and the place where Harken can hit is only the block-to-block joint (squirrel), and Harken is the butt 110-2 Since one is required for fixing and two are required for fixing the front (pillow) 180a, three are required, and only three harkens can be hit on one squirrel. In this case (FIG. 20), it is Harken D, 9d that has the highest risk of exiting. Harken is weak in strength against the force in the direction opposite to the direction in which it was struck, and in this case, when fish is applied, it repels the butt 110-2 according to the principle of the lion, so Harken D, 9d There is plenty of danger to escape (especially with the first blow). When a fish is caught, a force pushing downward is mainly applied to the front receiver (pillow) 180a, and a part of the force is applied to the front side. This acts as a force that pulls forward the Harken 9e, and the strength of the Harken 9e in this case is not sufficient. When the fish runs sideways, a force transverse to the axis acts on the harken 9e and harken 9f, but the harken is relatively resistant to a force perpendicular to its own axis. Since it has strength, it can be said that it is relatively effective. With these things in mind, it is necessary to drive these three halkens. That is, Harken D and 9d should be most effective, and the final driving should be performed to 9d while increasing the number of three. It can be determined by the sound whether Harken is working or not. If it works, it makes a high metal sound, and if it doesn't work, it makes a dull sound. Then, Harken C and 9c serving as a backup for Harken 9d are struck by another squirrel D and are unrelated to the three Harkens, and there is a distance to them (Fig. 16 shows the dike angle). I wrote in the image that the distance between the line of squirrel B and squirrel D is not so much, but actually there are more, 10m or more, ... the block is very large), Harken D, 9d When the load is applied to the harkens C and 9c (the shringe 150a is stretched tightly without slack), the direction of the load is the lateral direction, and the harken is against the load perpendicular to the axis. Since there is proof strength, the risk that this Harken C, 9c will come off is very low if it is effective at the time of driving (= high metallic sound). In the unlikely event that it is missing, it is connected to the carabiner 10f via the shringer 150e, and it is also connected to the carabiner 10g via the shringer. The tool will not fall unless all the Harkens 9c-9f are removed. With full understanding of the above characteristics, the angler should not adjust the drag of the reel in the rod set state, adjust it properly, and after the fish hits, usually (if it is a right-handed person) With your right foot, step on your hips and apply about two-thirds of your weight to the right foot, tighten the drag with your right hand with leather gloves, keep the brakes applied, and stop running. While pulling the thread with the left hand, wind the reel with the right hand and close the distance from the fish (At this time, the full load is received by the front (pillow) 180a. By the above fighting, the fish has approached the armpit.
If the gaff 1 is dropped by wrapping the wrapping wire 4 of the giant fish take-in system (FIG. 15) around the front side of this cradle (pillow) 180a, the fish pulling shown in FIG. Although it will be in a state, the buttock 110-2 is being fixed to the carabiner D and 10d via the schlinge, and the heel point has faced the upper side. Unlike the drop from standing, the issue is how to drop Gaff 1 here. You can drop the gaff 1 by removing the shrimp from the carabiner D, 10d and tilting the spear, but the strong power of the big and big fish jumps up and works on the spear 110-2. By doing so, anglers cannot maintain stability (= maintain the initiative in uptake). Do not remove the buttocks 110-2 from the carabiner D, 10d, so that even if it is alone, the gaff 1 is attached, dropped, and taken in while maintaining this stability completely. Even so, the fourth device of the present invention described in the item 0029, which makes it possible, will be described next.

Referring to FIG. 15, FIG. 16, FIG. 17, FIG. 18, FIG. 19, and FIG. 20 (partial reference), here, a pusher and puller 8, which is the fourth device described in 0029, was developed. A description will be made of the use of the double gaff 1 of the present invention (best match is a giant fish capturing system, FIG. 15) to enable the full-place kite fishing method. The object of the present invention, as described in the section 0020, is to take in large fish and giant fish from a high field alone. The present invention has made it possible to capture a giant fish by itself, whether standing uptake or uptake. “Giant fish capture system” The attachment, dropping and gaffing of the gaff from the standing state in FIG. 15 is basically the same as that of the “large capture system” (FIG. 5) (detailed in paragraphs 0033 and 0034). There is a single rope 5a (changed to a double rope 5c with a pulley 6 and a shringe has only changed from a single 3a to a double 3c), so the explanation is omitted here. Explained). The following is a detailed description of the uptake by the “placement fishing method” in giant fish fishing. In the conventional fishing method (= fighting fight), as described in detail in section 0016, the final fight style (regardless of whether it is a shoulder or a standing cage, and the full load is received by the anchor) In taking in, it was not possible to move on to the next gaff without making a trap. This has become a fatal bottleneck and has made it impossible to fish alone big fish.
The present invention has solved this problem. Moreover, while being alone, this has been achieved with stability, certainty, and less power required than two people can do. “The line cutting process at the end of the road thread, which is necessary for fighting and taking in with big fish and big fish and large outer roads (rays, sharks, etc.), that is, the entire process after the introduction of the gimmicks The ultimate big fishing method, which can be completed by one person without having to wake it up, will be referred to as the “complete fishing kite fishing method”. The present invention has made an important invention so that this “completely placed fishing method” can be accomplished. The pusher and puller 8 (Fig. 17) was developed. By applying this pusher and puller 8 to the “big fish uptake system” (FIG. 15), the “completely placed fishing method” is completed. In order to complete this, it is indispensable to use the dropped double gaff 1 and the pusher / puller 8 together. Realization of this complete fishing kite fishing method makes it possible to achieve the purpose of the present invention as set forth in the paragraph 0020 (incorporation of a large fish or a giant fish alone from a high field). It will be fulfilled (already in the middle hard fight → hand-held = butt fight → standing capture, the objective has already been fulfilled without this pusher / puller 8).
This pusher / puller 8 is an accessory that can be attached to the tip of the handle 190 by folding one end of the Y-shaped fitting back into a hook shape so that it can be both pushed and pulled. It is. It consists of an upper side in which a pusher (Y-shaped portion) 81 and a puller (hook portion) 82 are integrated, and a lower portion (base portion) 83 in which a screw is cut. The screw of the base 83 is cut with a wit screw and a 1/2 male screw (1 / 2W-12) so that it can be attached to a female screw (standard inch screw ... wit screw, 1/2) at the tip of the Tamo handle 190 It is. Tamo handle 190 uses a light, small tamo handle of 4m (it is enough) and attaches it to its tip. While the Y-shaped portion 81 is applied to the wrapping wire 4 and the scissors are set on the scissor support (= the front rest 180a or the front strut 180b), the gaff set can be pushed forward (see FIG. 18). The tip is bent down, so it will fall off. As a result, it is not necessary to make a hook or remove it from the hook receiver 180a / 180b. (The reason why the bag was removed from the bag holder or raised as it was in the conventional method is to have the partner take the thread, otherwise it would not be possible to hang up.) According to the present invention, the gaff 1 can be set and dropped while the bag is placed on the bag receiver 180a / 180b. This eliminates the need for the angler to actually touch the kite from the fight to the capture, and the “perfect stand fishing method” is completed here. In the full-place kite fishing method, during the fight, the rod receivers 180a / 180b receive the full load of the fish, and during capture, half of the load is received by Harken D, 9d / G, 9g. However, if you take a closer look here, there is a gaffing phase from “Fighting” to “Ingestion”. In this aspect, in the conventional method, it was necessary to concentrate all the energy, total power, and all arm strengths that were used to wake up, grab the line, and apply the gaff. However, in the full-place rod fishing method of the present invention, the full load of the fish is received by the rod receivers 180a / 180b that are stable and can receive a large load, and the rod butt 110-2 is Harken D, 9d (FIG. 20) or a bolt. Since (grip anchor) 200-1 (FIG. 18) is pressing, no load is applied to the angler. The angler is not under any load on himself, and using both hands, set the giant fish intake system (Fig. 15) on the heel and use the pusher / puller 8 attached to the handle 190 Just drop it. This allows anglers to maintain stability, eliminate uncertainties, and fully retain the uptake initiative, even when the opponent is a giant fish, and move forward with things. Moreover, since all the work can be done alone, no partner is required. This completes the single fishing method in the standing cage (rigid fight = placing cage fight-> placing cage loading).
What the hook portion 82 is used for will be described below. If you are fishing in the immediate vicinity, you can only expect almost all the big things in the open sea. There is a low possibility that big roads will eat on the outer road. If you aim to include large migratory fish, you have to go to the Nankai. However, in Nankai, it is good to have large outer roads (sharks, rays, etc.) in addition to the fish you are aiming for, and these will be eaten immediately before your favorite eats. The fisherman does not know what the fish is until he finally arrives and confirms the figure, so after the angler is exhausted at the end of the fight, check the figure of the outer road and cut the line become. At this time, the big line is expensive, and the angler wants to wrap the line in the reel capacity in preparation for when the target big hit hits, so at hand (ie more than 10m from the mouth of the fish) It ’s impossible to cut the line. Using a tool called Deep Shark (set it on the thread and drop it, you can cut the line near the mouth of the fish), you will cut the line. If you have a partner, you can grab the road thread, set the deep shark and drop it, you can tip the line, but if you are alone, as you have said many times, the road thread yourself It is difficult to grab and if you are not good at it, you may break the tip of the tip of the outer road with the thread trimming process of the outer road partner before you can eat it. At this time, the hook portion 82 of the pusher / puller 8 is useful. You can weaken the drag a little and hook the line to grab it (see Figure 19), set the deep shark yourself and drop it. The tamo pattern 190 does not apply much force to the pusher and puller 8, and the length is also ara (kue) 4 (standard length is 4.8m, and the heel receiving set requires less than 1m, and the actual overhang is not 4m. Since the gaff should be pushed out at the top, it is sufficient if there is a maximum of 4 m, so about 4 m for small items is sufficient and light, so one-handed operation is sufficiently possible. In conclusion, this “Pusher / Puller 8” enables “Fully-placed rod fishing” and also facilitates the line cutting on a large outer road alone. In addition, the hook portion 82 can be used for gripping the road line for line cut processing on the outer road regardless of the fishing method. In this way, the pusher and puller 8 plays the role of one product and two roles, so it greatly contributes to the completion of a single fishing method that cannot be prepared for other actions during the fight (all preparations and simulations are completed in advance in the single fishing method). Must be). As a result of the fight, it can be determined whether it is a favorite or an outer road only after appearing. If true, pusher (Y-shaped part) 81 is used to push out one set of gaff (FIG. 15), and if it is an outer road, puller (hook part) 82 is used to grab the road thread and the next action ( Deep shark set, thread trimming).

図15、図16,図17、図18、図19、図20(一部参考)を参照しながら、竿がセパレート方式の竿受けで支えられている場合における、「完全置き竿釣法」実行のための基本構成を、以下に説明する。図16及び図20は堤防での「完全置き竿釣法」の一実施例を示しており、図18及び図19は磯での同法の一実施例を示している。図16は巨魚取り込みシステムの基本モデルを示し、図20は巨魚取り込みシステムの途中休み可能モデル(後で詳述)を示しているが、この途中休み可能モデルは、基本モデル(図16)にユマール170とシュリンゲ150dが加わっただけであるので、この図20から、170と150dを取り除いたものが、図16の上側(足元側)での詳細を示すものと考えることが出来る。下側(魚側、すなわちギャフセット、図15)は全モデル同じである。図20に於いて、竿は前受け180aにセットされ、この前受け180aはハーケンE、9e及びハーケンF、9fによってシュリンゲを通して固定されている。又、竿尻110−2にはシュリンゲが巻きつけられ、これはカラビナD、10dに掛けられ、同カラビナはハーケンD、9dに掛けられている。すなわち、竿は前受け180aが支え、竿尻の浮き上がりはハーケン9dが押さえている。図18に於いて竿は前立て180bが受け、この前立てはセンターピトン180b−1により固定される。竿尻110−2は竿尻受け(ロータリーピトン)200にセットされ、それはボルト(グリップアンカー)200−1で固定されているので、竿尻の浮き上がりはグリップアンカー200−1が押さえている。既に述べた様に、完全置き竿釣法は、竿のセッティングの仕方(=竿受け等のやり方・・・其れは堤防と磯では違ってくるし、釣り人の道具立てによっても違ってくる)などではなくて、本発明の落とし込みダブルギャフ1とプッシャー兼プーラー8の駆使により、竿を起こす必要がなくて、しかも独りでギャフ掛けが可能となる、取り込み方法を主軸とした釣法である。 Execution of the “completely placed kite fishing method” in the case where the kite is supported by a separate type kite holder with reference to FIGS. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 (partial reference) The basic configuration for this will be described below. FIGS. 16 and 20 show an embodiment of the “completely placed kite fishing method” on the bank, and FIGS. 18 and 19 show an embodiment of the same method on the kite. FIG. 16 shows a basic model of the giant fish capturing system, and FIG. 20 shows a model capable of resting on the way (detailed later) of the giant fish capturing system. The model capable of resting on the way is a basic model (FIG. 16). Since only Yumar 170 and Schringe 150d are added to FIG. 20, it can be considered that what is obtained by removing 170 and 150d from FIG. 20 shows details on the upper side (foot side) of FIG. The lower side (fish side, i.e., gaff set, FIG. 15) is the same for all models. In FIG. 20, the scissors are set on a front receptacle 180a, and this front receptacle 180a is fixed through the slinge by Harken E, 9e and Harken F, 9f. Further, a shrimp is wound around the butt 110-2, which is hung on the carabiner D, 10d, and the carabiner is hung on the Harken D, 9d. In other words, the heel is supported by the front receptacle 180a, and the harken 9d holds down the butt lift. In FIG. 18, the kite is received by a placket 180b, and the placket is fixed by a center piton 180b-1. The buttock 110-2 is set on a buttock receptacle (rotary piton) 200, which is fixed by a bolt (grip anchor) 200-1, so that the lift of the buttock is suppressed by the grip anchor 200-1. As already mentioned, the method for setting a kite is the way to set a kite (= how to catch a kite ... it differs depending on the embankment and kite, and it depends on the angler's tool stand) etc. Rather, it is a fishing method based on the taking-in method, in which it is not necessary to cause dredging by using the dropping double gaff 1 and the pusher / puller 8 according to the present invention, and the gaff can be hung alone.

図15、図16,図17、図18、図19、図20(一部参考)を参照しながら、取り付け、落とし込み、ギャフ掛けの全ムーブを以下に述べる。0038項に詳述した事前準備を完了させておく(ラッピングワイヤー4の他端42はフリー)。又、前記プッシャー兼プーラー8はタモ柄190(四メートル前後)先端にセットしておき(ネジ止め)、竿後ろ側に於いておく。竿は竿受け180a/180bに完全に支えられているので、両手が使える。全ムーブは以下の通りである。1)両手を使って、ラッピングワイヤー4を道糸ごと竿のリール上側(竿受け180a/180bより先)に巻き、他端のループ42を安全環付きカラビナ2に入れ、環を回して、ロックさせる。2)先端にプッシャー兼プーラー8の取り付いたタモ柄190を取り、Y字部81をラッピングワイヤー4に当て、ギャフセット(巨魚取り込みシステム、図15)を竿先側に押し出す(図18参照)。3)すると、竿下部は少し上向きになっているとしても、竿先側は魚の重みで、下向きになっているので、ギャフ1は自重で落ちる(竿長さはアラ竿、基本長さ4.8m)。4)すると、ギャフ1は自動的に魚の口元に到達するので、ダブルになったロープ5cを片手(通常右手)で一緒に掴んで、肘を支点に、鯛のテンヤ釣りをする要領(ダンベルを上下するようなやり方・・・本ダブルギャフは最適モデルで滑車6を含んで400−450グラム程度)で、手先を上下させる。5)すると、程無くズシリと重みが掛かる。これは針先がフッキングした証拠だから、そしたら力一杯ダブルになったロープ5cを一緒に引っ張り上げてやると、ガシリとギャフ1が食い込み、引き上げOKとなる。6)後は引き上げるだけであるが、引き上げる時は、ダブルになったロープ5cの片方(5c2側)を離し、もう一方(5c1側)だけを引き上げる。これに先立って、ロープ5cの両端は支点(正確に言えば、ハーケンD、9d/G,9gにセットされたシュリンゲにセットされたカラビナE、10e/K、10k )に掛けられているので、ロープ5cは滑車6を介してギャフセットを中間に位置させた状態で巨大なループを形づくり、ギャフセットはラッピングワイヤー4により、ラインに掛かった状態になっている(図16参照)。上記ロープ5cの一方だけを引けば、安全環付きカラビナ2にセットされた滑車6は動滑車として作動して、荷重は半分(摩擦抵抗は含めず)となるので、35キロから40キロの魚でも、一人で8メートルから10メートルの高さであっても、8ф−10фのロープ5cで、引き上げる事が出来る(当然の事として、事前に厚手の皮手袋をしておく)。此れが本発明の完全置き竿釣法に於ける、巨魚取り込みシステムの「基本モデル」である。此れで、魚は基本的に上がる。 With reference to FIG. 15, FIG. 16, FIG. 17, FIG. 18, FIG. 19, and FIG. The preliminary preparation detailed in the paragraph 0038 is completed (the other end 42 of the wrapping wire 4 is free). Also, the pusher / puller 8 is set at the tip of the tamo pattern 190 (around 4 meters) (screwed), and placed behind the heel. Since the heel is completely supported by the heel receiver 180a / 180b, both hands can be used. All moves are as follows. 1) Using both hands, wrap the wrapping wire 4 together with the yarn on the reel upper side of the kite (before the kite receiver 180a / 180b), put the loop 42 at the other end into the carabiner 2 with a safety ring, turn the ring and lock Let 2) Take the tamo handle 190 with the pusher and puller 8 attached to the tip, put the Y-shaped part 81 against the wrapping wire 4, and push the gaff set (giant fish intake system, FIG. 15) to the tip side (see FIG. 18) . 3) Then, even if the lower part of the heel is slightly upward, the tip of the heel is facing downward with the weight of the fish, so the gaff 1 falls under its own weight (the length of the heel is 竿, the basic length is 4). 8m). 4) Since the gaff 1 automatically reaches the mouth of the fish, grab the double rope 5c together with one hand (usually the right hand) and use the elbow as a fulcrum to perform tenya fishing of the carp (with a dumbbell) How to move up and down ... This double gaff is an optimal model, including the pulley 6 and about 400-450 grams), raise and lower the hand. 5) Then, the weight will soon be applied. Since this is evidence that the needle tip has been hooked, if the rope 5c, which has become a double, is pulled up together, the scissors and the gaff 1 will bite in and will be lifted up. 6) After that, it is only lifted, but when pulling up, one side (5c2 side) of the double rope 5c is released and only the other (5c1 side) is pulled up. Prior to this, both ends of the rope 5c are hung on the fulcrum (more precisely, Harken D, 9d / G, Carabiner E set to Shringe set to 9g, 10e / K, 10k) The rope 5c forms a huge loop with the gaff set positioned in the middle via the pulley 6, and the gaff set is hung on the line by the wrapping wire 4 (see FIG. 16). If only one of the ropes 5c is pulled, the pulley 6 set in the carabiner 2 with the safety ring operates as a moving pulley and the load is halved (not including frictional resistance). However, even if the height is 8 to 10 meters alone, it can be pulled up with the 8ф-10ф rope 5c (as a matter of course, thick leather gloves are put in advance). This is the “basic model” of the giant fish taking-in system in the fully-placed kite fishing method of the present invention. Here, the fish basically goes up.

With reference to FIGS. 15, 16 (partly reference) and FIG. 20, the “model capable of resting on the way” of the giant fish take-in system in the full-place kite fishing method will be described. In this section, we will explain another functional instrument (first one is a pulley, and its application has already been described in detail), the stopper 170 described in the section 0029, and the application "can take a break on the way." Describe the realization of the model. In the above-described “basic model” (FIG. 16) of the giant fish capturing system, basically big fish and giant fish are raised. However, if the height is 10m, the fish is 30-40k, and the angler has no experience, it is also true that there will be anxiety about what to do if the arm runs out on the way. A stopper 170 is useful for relieving this anxiety. If the stopper 170 is used in combination, stability is improved and anxiety is reduced. The stopper 170 specifically refers to Yumar 170 and chest sender. Both instruments (mountains) are usually called this way, but if you dare to translate it into Japanese, it will be translated as a climber (used to climb a fixed rope ... mainly for unloading purposes). The basic mechanism is the same for both instruments, and a cam 170-1 is contained inside, and the cam 170-1 is pressed in one direction by a spring so as to press the rope 5c against the opposing surface. . The rope contact surface of the cam 170-1 is in the shape of an inner surface of a half pipe (that is, the cross-sectional shape perpendicular to the axial direction is concave), and a large number of small protrusions are provided here. If this small protrusion tries to pass the rope 5c in the opposite direction, it will bite into the surface of the rope 5c and block the rope 5c. As a result, the rope 5c is passed in one direction with a slight load, but not in the reverse direction. If this is utilized, a load can be shifted to it. That is, it can serve as the stopper 170. Both instruments developed as mountain gear are applied here for fishing. Both instruments are usually used upwards (in the mountains) (set on a fixed rope ... through ... and used to raise their bodies ... the basics of Yumar 170 and chest senders The difference is that the former can be grasped by hand, while the latter is set to use on the body), but here (fish intake) it is used downward ( Because the load is below). Variations are completed by combining either of the stoppers with the “basic model” (FIG. 16) of the giant fish uptake system. In addition to the basic model, there are the following three variations in how to use the giant fish capturing system (FIG. 15). They are a “half-way breakable model”, a “break break model”, and a “break break deformation model”. Here, the “model capable of resting on the way” of the giant fish capturing system using Yumar 170 will be described in detail below.
FIG. 20 is an explanatory diagram showing the key points for raising a fish in a model that can rest on the way of a giant fish uptake system in the full-place kite fishing method of the present invention (the product obtained by adding a shringer 150d and a yumar 170 to FIG. 16). The detail of the foot side can be seen as FIG. 20). In FIG. 20, a shringer 150d extends from the carabiners E and 10e, and a Yumar 170 is attached thereto, and the Yumar 170 is biting the rope 5c with its cam 170-1. This figure shows a state where the angler takes a break from the rope 5c and takes a break. At this time, the same load is applied between the other loop 5c2 of the rope 5c and the pulley 6 and between the pulley 6 and the shringer 150d via the Yumar 170. At this time, no load is applied between the loop 5c1 on one side of the rope 5c and the Yumar 170. Adjust the length of the shringe 150d in advance and prepare the Yumar 170 at your feet. If your arm gets tired on the way, maintain the load with one hand and the Yumar 170 with the other hand. If it is set to, the load will move to Yumar 170 and you can rest on the way by releasing both hands. Yumar 170 can be completely operated with one hand. A safety bar stands on the lower side of the cam 170-1 (upper side in the posture of FIG. 20) with a spring (to prevent unintentional rope disengagement from the cam). Pull the safety bar toward you and pull the cam 170-1 toward you with your thumb to open the space. In that state, set it on the rope 5c held with one hand and release the thumb and middle finger. Since the rope 5c is bitten, the Yumar 170 is moved forward to remove the slack. The angler can then move his hands away from the rope 5c (the altitude position of the fish is maintained on the spot). Although FIG. 20 shows the situation at the embankment, it is shown as an example for explanation, and this type does not matter whether it is a dredge / embankment.

次に、図15、図20(一部参考)、と図21を参照しながら、完全置き竿釣法における、巨魚取り込みシステムの「休み休みモデル」に付いて詳しく述べる。此処では、ストッパーとして、ユマール170ではなくて、チェストアッセンダー175を使用する。此れにも同様に内部にカム175−1が仕組まれていて、ロープ5cの反対方向への通過をブロックする。図21は「休み休みモデル」の上側(足元側)の魚引き上げのキーポイントを示した図である(下側=魚側は図15で同じ)。セッティングとしては、カラビナE,10e(図20参照)に掛けられた他方側ループ5c2から伸びたロープ5cの途中にループ5c3を作り、此のループ5c3をチェストアッセンダー175の一端側穴に掛けたカラビナH、10hに掛け(事前に長さ調節をしておく)、更にその先にループ5c4を作り、此のループ5c4をチェストアッセンダー175の他端の穴に掛けたカラビナI、10iに掛ける。此のループ5c4から先は魚側ギャフセット(巨魚取り込みシステム、図15)に繋がり、其の滑車6から出てきたロープ5cをチェストアッセンダー175のカム175−1と対向部との間に通す。此のロープの元側は一方側ループ5c1となって、此れも又、カラビナE,10eに掛けられている(図20参照)。カム175−1はロープ5cを一方側(図21の姿勢で上方向)には通すが、他方側(同下方向)には通さない。チェストアッセンダー175には魚の荷重が懸かっているので、下方向に強く引っ張られ、安定している。ロープ5cの一方側(5c1側)を掴んで引っ張れば、荷重半分(摩擦抵抗、通過抵抗含まず)の力で、ロープ5cは引き上げられ、力を緩めれば、カム175−1がロープ5cを噛んで、ロープ5cの下方向への動きはブロックされ、全荷重がチェストアッセンダー175にシフトし、魚はその高度で保持される。此れにより、引っ張れば引っ張った分だけ上がり、手を離せばその場でとまる、「休み休みモデル」が完成する。カラビナE,10e側に付いては、図20を参考に見ることができる。すなわち、図20からシュリンゲ150dとユマール170とを外して、代わりにチェストアッセンダー175を図21の通り、取り付けたものが此の「休み休みモデル」である。尚、此の「休み休みモデル」は堤防では略完璧に機能するが、あまり磯で使うのには向いていない。堤防だと、角から下が完全垂直であるので、何も問題ないが、磯だと、そういう訳にはいかない。磯で、足元より下先に出っ張りが有る様な地形で、チェストアッセンダー175がその手前に位置するという、悪いケースを考えてみると、チェストアッセンダー175は荷重が懸かっていて、岩表面に張り付くから、引き側のロープ5cが、前記出っ張りとチェストアッセンダー175の間で摩擦抵抗を受けることになるので、磯にはあまり向かない。 Next, with reference to FIG. 15, FIG. 20 (partly reference), and FIG. 21, the “rest rest model” of the giant fish capturing system in the full-place kite fishing method will be described in detail. Here, a chest sender 175 is used as a stopper instead of Yumar 170. In this case as well, a cam 175-1 is built in to block the passage of the rope 5c in the opposite direction. FIG. 21 is a diagram showing the key points for raising the fish on the upper side (foot side) of the “rest model” (lower side = fish side is the same as FIG. 15). As a setting, a loop 5c3 is formed in the middle of the rope 5c extending from the other loop 5c2 hung on the carabiner E, 10e (see FIG. 20), and this loop 5c3 is hung on the one end side hole of the chest sender 175. H is hung for 10h (the length is adjusted in advance), and further, a loop 5c4 is formed, and this loop 5c4 is hung on the carabiner I, 10i hung on the hole at the other end of the chest sender 175. The tip of this loop 5c4 is connected to the fish side gaff set (giant fish intake system, FIG. 15), and the rope 5c coming out of the pulley 6 is passed between the cam 175-1 of the chest sender 175 and the opposed portion. . The original side of this rope is a one-side loop 5c1, which is also hung on the carabiners E and 10e (see FIG. 20). The cam 175-1 passes the rope 5c on one side (upward in the posture of FIG. 21) but does not pass on the other side (same downward direction). Since the chest sender 175 is loaded with fish, it is strongly pulled downward and is stable. If one side (5c1 side) of the rope 5c is gripped and pulled, the rope 5c is pulled up by half the load (not including frictional resistance and passage resistance), and if the force is loosened, the cam 175-1 pulls the rope 5c. Chewing, the downward movement of the rope 5c is blocked, the full load is shifted to the chest sender 175, and the fish is held at that altitude. As a result, if you pull it, it will go up as much as you pull it, and if you release your hand, it will stop on the spot. The carabiner E, 10e side can be seen with reference to FIG. That is, the “resting model” is obtained by removing the Schlinge 150d and the Yumar 170 from FIG. 20 and replacing the chest sender 175 as shown in FIG. This "break break model" works almost perfectly on the embankment, but is not very suitable for use on the beach. There is nothing wrong with the dike because the bottom from the corner is completely vertical. Considering the bad case where the chest sender 175 is located in front of the terrain that has a bulge below the feet, the chest sender 175 is loaded and sticks to the rock surface. The rope 5c on the pulling side receives frictional resistance between the ledge and the chest sender 175, so it is not suitable for the heel.

次に図15、図20(一部参考)、と図22を参照しながら、完全置き竿釣法における、巨魚取り込みシステムの「休み休み変形モデル」について述べる。此処でも同じくチェストアッセンダー175を使用するが、前項の「休み休みモデル」と違って、ロープ5cをチェストアッセンダー175に固定する事はせず、此処では、重り176を取り付けたチェストアッセンダー175を、カラビナE,10eから伸ばしたシュリンゲ150dにぶら下げ、此れにロープ5cの滑車6からの出側(一方側)5cを通す。ロープ5cは両端5c1,5c2とも、カラビナE、10eに掛けられている。即ち、カラビナE,10eに掛けられた、他方側ループ5c2から伸びたロープ5cは、ギャフセット(巨魚取り込みシステム、図15)の滑車6に入り、滑車6から出たロープ5cはチェストアッセンダー175のカム部に入り、此処から出たロープ5cの末端(=一方側ループ5c1)は又カラビナE、10eに戻る。釣り人が、チェストアッセンダー175から出たロープ5c(一方側ループ5c1側)を引けば、荷重半分(摩擦抵抗、通過抵抗含まず)の力でロープ5cは上がり、チェストアッセンダー175は重り176の重さでスライドし、その場に留まり、手を離せばカムがロープ5cを噛んでブロックし、荷重(魚の重みの半分)がチェストアッセンダー175(=シュリンゲ150d)にシフトし、魚はその高度で保持される。重り176は150号から200号もあれば十分である。カラビナE,10e側に付いては、図20を参考に見ることができる。すなわち、図20からユマール170を外して、代わりにチェストアッセンダー175を図22の通り、取り付けたものが此の「休み休み変形モデル」である。此れにより、前項「休み休みモデル」と同様に、引っ張れば引っ張った分だけ魚は上がり、手を離せばその場でとまる。此の「休み休み変形モデル」の利点は、「休み休みモデル」がチェストアッセンダー175の下迄(正確に言えば5c4下迄)しか滑車6が機能しないのに対して、堤防角までフルに滑車6を機能させられる点にある(それは僅かな距離だが単独巨魚引き上げで最も苦労するのが角の乗り越である)。又、此の「休み休み変形モデル」はチェストアッセンダー175が、「休み休みモデル」の場合と違って、引いている状態では、表面に張り付かないので、途中休み可能モデル(図20)と同様、磯で使うのにも、何も問題が無い。又、本「休み休み変形モデル」に於けるチェストアッセンダー175の代わりに前記ユマール170を代用することも可能である。 Next, with reference to FIG. 15, FIG. 20 (partial reference) and FIG. 22, the “rest rest deformation model” of the giant fish uptake system in the full-place kite fishing method will be described. Here, the chest sender 175 is also used, but unlike the “rest model” in the previous section, the rope 5c is not fixed to the chest sender 175. , 10e is hung on a shringer 150d, and the exit side (one side) 5c of the rope 5c from the pulley 6 is passed therethrough. The rope 5c is hung on the carabiners E and 10e at both ends 5c1 and 5c2. That is, the rope 5c extended from the other loop 5c2 hung on the carabiner E, 10e enters the pulley 6 of the gaff set (giant fish capturing system, FIG. 15), and the rope 5c exiting from the pulley 6 is the chest sender 175. The end of the rope 5c (= one-side loop 5c1) exiting from here is returned to the carabiners E and 10e. If the angler pulls the rope 5c (one side loop 5c1 side) from the chest sender 175, the rope 5c is lifted by half the load (not including frictional resistance and passage resistance), and the chest sender 175 has a weight of the weight 176. Then slide, stay in place, release the cam, the cam bites the rope 5c and blocks, the load (half the weight of the fish) shifts to the chest sender 175 (= Shringe 150d), and the fish is held at that altitude Is done. It is sufficient that the weight 176 is from No. 150 to No. 200. The carabiner E, 10e side can be seen with reference to FIG. That is, this “rest rest deformation model” is obtained by removing the Yumar 170 from FIG. 20 and replacing the chest sender 175 as shown in FIG. As a result, as with the “rest model” in the previous section, if you pull, the fish will rise by the amount you pulled, and if you release your hand, it will stop on the spot. The advantage of this “break break model” is that the pulley 6 functions only to the bottom of the chest sender 175 (up to 5c4 to be precise), while the “break break model” is not fully functional. It's in a point where it works (it's a short distance, but the hardest part of raising a single giant fish is over the corner). In addition, unlike the “rest rest model”, the “rest rest deformation model” does not stick to the surface when the chest sender 175 is pulling, so as with the model capable of resting on the way (FIG. 20). There is nothing wrong with using it. In addition, the Yumar 170 can be substituted for the chest sender 175 in the “break break deformation model”.

図15(一部参考)、図20(一部参考)、と図23を参照しながら、80キロから100キロの超巨魚に単独でチャレンジすることを想定した、本発明の完全置き竿釣法における、巨魚取り込みシステムを応用した「超巨魚チャレンジモデル」に付いて述べる。図23は「超巨魚チャレンジモデル」の上側(足元側)の魚引き上げのキーポイントを示した説明図である。下側(=魚側)に関して、先ず、ギャフセット(図15)の滑車6(シングル)を二列滑車(二車)220に変え(図示略)、ロープ5cを四重にする(他は同じ)。チェストアッセンダー175の他端側の穴に掛けたカラビナJ、10jにも滑車210(シングル)を掛け、カラビナE、10eに掛けられた他方側ループ5c2から伸びたロープ5cをギャフセットの二列滑車220の一列目に入れ、そこから出たロープ5cをチェストアッセンダー175に掛けられたカラビナJ、10jに掛けられた滑車210に入れ、其処から出たロープ5cを更に二列滑車220の二列目に入れ、其処から出たロープ5cをチェストアッセンダー175のカム部を通し、其の先端(元側)の一方側ループ5c1もカラビナE、10eに掛ける。チェストアッセンダー175はシュリンゲ150dでカラビナE、10eに掛けられている。カラビナE,10e側に付いては、図20を参考に見ることができる。すなわち、図20からユマール170を外して、代わりに、滑車210をカラビナJ、10jを介して取り付けたチェストアッセンダー175を、図23の通り取り付けたものが此の「超巨魚チャレンジモデル」である。ロープ5cは四重となるので、堤防の高さが10mとして、57−8m以上の長さが必要である。此処において、上記したシステム以外に、滑車を組み付け、ロープをダブルとしたフライングギャフを2セットから3セット事前に準備し、ユマールも同数準備し、ハーケンもできれば別のリスにそれぞれ打ち込み、其処から伸びた各シュリンゲ(その先端にユマール)の長さ調節を適度にしておき(ユマールが適度の位置にくるように)、手鈎を用意する等の事前準備を全て完了しておく(フライングギャフのロープの他端側はカラビナ、シュリンゲを介して支点・・・ハーケンに固定、図示略)。これらの準備を整えた上で、以下に述べることは推論であり、シミュレーションである(これはチャレンジである)。魚の重量が80Kとして80÷4=20K、100Kとして100÷4=25K(摩擦抵抗、通過抵抗を含めず)であるから、魚は少なくとも堤防角下迄上るだろう(疲れたらいくらでも手を離して休める訳であるから)。此の時、魚の鰓蓋下から胴体上部にギャフ1が掛かっていたとしても、此れだけ魚が大きいと、口はすでに堤防の高さを越えている筈である。問題は堤防の角を魚が越えられるかどうかである。それで一発目のフライングギャフ(図示略)を尾側に打ち込み、荷重の主部をメインギャフ(=ダブルギャフ1)で保持した状態で、尾側のフライングギャフをできるだけ引上げ、魚を横向きに寝かし、其処で、ユマールで一発目のフライングギャフのロープを固定、維持する。二発目のフライングギャフ(図示略)を口側近くに打ち込み、其れを出来るだけ引いて、同じくユマールでロープを固定、維持する。更に、必要、状況に応じて、三発目のフライングギャフ(図示略)を胴体中央に打ち込み、同じく引いてユマールでロープを固定、維持する。此れで、三個のフライングギャフと一個のメインギャフ(ダブルギャフ1)の計四個のギャフが打たれたことになる。魚は比較的に柔らかく(=適度に硬く)、100Kを三個のフライングギャフで荷重均等分散すれば、100÷3=約33.3Kとなる(このうちの半分はハーケンで受け、釣り人が引く力は約16.7K)が、荷重は均等ではなく、魚は適度に柔らかいから、三個のフライングギャフのうち、最も荷重の少ないギャフのロープを、引くことができ、摩擦抵抗、通過抵抗を含めないと、16.7K以上でどれかのロープを引く事ができる理屈になる(引けたらそこでユマール固定・・・ユマール位置は全てのことを考慮して、事前調整しておく、又タイブロックやプルージックの技術を駆使すれば、支点の変更も可能)。成人男子の腰を入れて引く力は、短時間は40−50K十分可能であるので、堤防角を越えられる可能性は十分ある。80Kでフライングギャフ二個、100Kだと三個で可能と推論する。尚、堤防では問題なく使える此の「超巨魚チャレンジモデル」ではあるが、磯には向かない。チェストアッセンダー175が表面に張り付くし、四本のロープ全てが岩表面との間で摩擦抵抗を受けないとは、磯では考えられないからである。   A complete standing carp fishing according to the present invention, assuming that a giant fish of 80 to 100 kg is challenged alone with reference to FIG. 15 (partly reference), FIG. 20 (partly reference) and FIG. The "Super Giant Fish Challenge Model" applying the giant fish uptake system in the law will be described. FIG. 23 is an explanatory view showing key points for raising the fish on the upper side (foot side) of the “super giant fish challenge model”. Regarding the lower side (= fish side), first, the pulley 6 (single) of the gaff set (FIG. 15) is changed to a two-row pulley (two wheels) 220 (not shown), and the rope 5c is made quadruple (the others are the same) ). Carabiner J, 10j hung on the hole on the other end of chest sender 175 is also hung on pulley 210 (single), and rope 5c extended from other loop 5c2 hung on carabiner E, 10e is a two-row pulley of gaff set. 220, put the rope 5c coming out from it into the pulley 210 hung on the carabiner J, 10j hung on the chest sender 175, and put the rope 5c coming out there on the second row of the second row pulley 220. Then, the rope 5c coming out of the rope is passed through the cam portion of the chest sender 175, and the one-side loop 5c1 at the tip (original side) is also hung on the carabiners E and 10e. The chest sender 175 is hung on the carabiners E and 10e by a Scheringe 150d. The carabiner E, 10e side can be seen with reference to FIG. That is, the “super giant fish challenge model” is obtained by removing the Yumar 170 from FIG. 20 and replacing the chest sender 175 with the pulley 210 attached thereto via the carabiner J, 10j as shown in FIG. . Since the rope 5c is quadruple, the height of the dike is 10 m, and a length of 57-8 m or more is necessary. Here, in addition to the system described above, a pulley is assembled, a flying gaff with a double rope is prepared in advance from two to three sets, Yumar also prepares the same number, and Harken can also be driven into another squirrel, if possible. In addition, adjust the length of each Schlinge (Yumar at its tip) appropriately (so that Yumar is in a proper position), and complete all preparations such as preparing a handrail (Flying Guff Rope) The other end of the fulcrum is fixed to Harken through a carabiner and a shringe (not shown). With these preparations in mind, what follows is inference and simulation (this is a challenge). The weight of the fish is 80 ÷ 4 = 20K for 80K and 100 ÷ 4 = 25K for 100K (excluding frictional resistance and passage resistance), so the fish will go up to at least the bottom of the levee (if you get tired, release your hands as much as you want) Because it is a reason to rest.) At this time, even if the gaff 1 is hung from the bottom of the fish lid to the top of the trunk, if the fish is so large, the mouth should already exceed the height of the embankment. The question is whether fish can cross the corner of the embankment. Then, the first flying gaff (not shown) is driven into the caudal side, the main part of the load is held by the main gaff (= double gaff 1), and the caudal flying gaff is pulled up as much as possible to lay the fish sideways. So, fix and maintain the first flying guff rope in Yumar. Drive the second flying gaff (not shown) near the mouth, pull it as much as possible, and fix and maintain the rope with Yumar as well. Further, according to necessity and situation, a third flying gaff (not shown) is driven into the center of the fuselage and pulled to fix and maintain the rope with Yumar. Here, a total of four gaffs, three flying gaffs and one main gaff (double gaff 1), were hit. The fish is relatively soft (= moderately hard), and if 100K is evenly distributed with three flying gaffs, 100 ÷ 3 = about 33.3K (half of which is received by Harken, The pulling force is about 16.7K), but the load is not even and the fish is reasonably soft, so it is possible to pull the rope of the gaff with the lightest load among the three flying guffs, friction resistance, passage resistance If it is not included, it will be the reason that any rope can be pulled at 16.7K or more (if it can be pulled, there is a Yumar fixation ... the Yumar position is pre-adjusted in consideration of all things, The fulcrum can be changed by using block and pluzic technology). The pulling force of an adult boy's waist can be 40-50K enough for a short time, so there is a possibility that it can exceed the levee angle. We infer that two flying gaffs at 80K and three at 100K are possible. Although it is this “super giant fish challenge model” that can be used without any problem on the embankment, it is not suitable for coral. This is because the chest sender 175 sticks to the surface, and all four ropes are not subject to frictional resistance with the rock surface, because it is impossible to think about it.

図5(一部参考)、図12(一部参考)、図13(一部参考)、図14(一部参考)、及び図15(一部参考)を参照しながら、「ギャフ用大物補助システム」、「ギャフ用簡易型補助システム」、「ギャフ用巨魚補助システム」に付いて述べる。ギャフ用大物補助システムとは、図5(大物取り込みシステム)のうち、大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1を除く他の全ての部材によって構成されるシステムを指し、ギャフ用簡易型補助システムとは、図12、図13、及び図14(何れも簡易型大物取り込みシステム)のうち、其々において大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1を除く他の全ての部材によって構成されるシステムを指し、ギャフ用巨魚補助システムとは、図15(巨魚取り込みシステム)のうち、大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ1を除く他の全ての部材によって構成されるシステムを指すものである。これらの細かい内容、使用方法に関しては、既に説明されている。   Referring to FIG. 5 (partial reference), FIG. 12 (partial reference), FIG. 13 (partial reference), FIG. 14 (partial reference), and FIG. The system, the simple assist system for gaff, and the giant fish assist system for gaff will be described. The large-size auxiliary system for gaff refers to a system constituted by all members other than the large-size dropping double gaff 1 in FIG. 5 (large-size capturing system). The simplified auxiliary system for gaff is illustrated in FIG. , FIG. 13 and FIG. 14 (both are simplified large-capture systems), each of which is a system composed of all members except the large-sized drop double gaff 1, FIG. 15 indicates a system constituted by all members other than the large-sized drop double gaff 1 in FIG. 15 (giant fish capturing system). These details and usage have already been described.

寄せた大魚を、十分離れた場所から取り込む事が出来るので、釣り人は釣り場の形状、水面からの高さ等の現場の状況の制約を受けずに釣りを行う事ができ、又、自己の安全性を維持して取り込みを行うことができ、更に、単独でできるので、適用範囲の拡大、利便性の向上、安全性の確保、単独大物釣行の可能化、大物釣行の低経費化及び一般化を促進するポテンシャルを秘めており、釣り産業で利用可能である。   Large fish that can be brought in can be taken from a sufficiently distant place, so anglers can fish without being constrained by on-site conditions such as the shape of the fishing ground and the height from the water surface. It can be taken in while maintaining safety, and further, it can be done alone, so it can be expanded in scope, improved convenience, secured safety, enabling single big fishing, low cost of big fishing It has the potential to promote generalization and generalization and can be used in the fishing industry.

1 大物用落とし込みダブルギャフ
11 軸
12 フック
13 リング
14 カエシ
2 円環状連結具(安全環付きカラビナ)
21 開閉部(ゲート)
22 一端側
23 固定ピン
24 他端側(開口側)
25 安全環
3a 接続体(ナイロンシュリンゲ)
3a1 一端(ループ)
3a2 他端(ループ)
3a3 プーリン結び
3c 接続体(ナイロンシュリンゲ)
3c1 一端側
3c2 他端側
3c3 フィシャーマン結び
4 巻き体(ラッピングワイヤー)
41 一端側のループ
42 他端側のループ
43 一端側のスリーブ
44 他端側のスリーブ
5a ロープ
5a1 一端(ループ)
5b ロープ
5b1 一端(ループ)
5b2 プーリン結び
5bVa ロープ
5bVb ロープ
5c ロープ
5c1 一方側ループ
5c2 他方側ループ
5c3 アッセンダー上側ループ
5c4 アッセンダー下側ループ
6 負荷軽減体(滑車)
61 リング
7 ループ体(ナイロンシュルンゲ)
71 一端部
72 他端部
73 フィシャーマン結び
7Va ループ体(ステンレスワイヤー)
7Va1 一端のループ
7Va2 他端のループ
7Vb ループ体(ステンレスワイヤー)
7Vb1 一端のループ
7Vb2 他端のループ
8 プッシャー兼プーラー
81 プッシャー(Y字部)
82 プーラー(フック部)
83 基部
9a〜9g ハーケンA〜ハーケンG
10a〜10k カラビナA〜カラビナK
110 竿
110−1 竿尻
110−2 竿尻
120 リール
120−1 ハンドル
130 道糸
130−1 ハリス
140 マンタベルト
150a〜150e シュリンゲa〜シュリンゲe
160a〜160c セルフビレイ用シュリンゲa〜セルフビレイ用シュリンゲc
170 ストッパー(ユマール)
170−1 カム
175 ストッパー(チェストアッセンダー)
175−1 カム
176 重り
180a 竿受け(前受け、枕)
180b 竿受け(前立て)
180b−1 センターピトン
190 タモ柄
200 竿尻受け(ロータリーピトン)
200−1 グリップアンカー
210 滑車
220 二列滑車(二車)
A−A´,B−B´,C−C´ フックの針先の外接線とその延長線
1 Large gauze double gaff 11 Axis 12 Hook 13 Ring 14 Kaesi 2 Toroidal coupling (carabiner with safety ring)
21 Opening and closing part (gate)
22 One end side 23 Fixing pin 24 The other end side (opening side)
25 Safety ring 3a Connected body (Nylon Shringe)
3a1 One end (loop)
3a2 The other end (loop)
3a3 Pullin knot 3c Connected body (Nylon Shringe)
3c1 One end side 3c2 The other end side 3c3 Fisherman knot 4 Roll (wrapping wire)
41 Loop on one end 42 Loop on the other end 43 Sleeve on one end 44 Sleeve on the other end 5a Rope 5a1 One end (loop)
5b Rope 5b1 One end (loop)
5b2 Pullin knot 5bVa rope 5bVb rope 5c rope 5c1 One side loop 5c2 Other side loop
5c3 Ascender upper loop 5c4 Ascender lower loop 6 Load reducing body (pulley)
61 Ring 7 Loop body (Nylon Schrunge)
71 One end 72 Other end 73 Fisherman knot 7Va loop body (stainless steel wire)
7Va1 Loop at one end 7Va2 Loop at the other end 7Vb Loop body (stainless steel wire)
7Vb1 Loop at one end 7Vb2 Loop at the other end 8 Pusher and puller 81 Pusher (Y-shaped part)
82 Puller (hook part)
83 Base 9a ~ 9g Harken A ~ Haken G
10a ~ 10k Carabiner A ~ Carabiner K
110 竿 110-1 butt butt 110-2 butt butt 120 reel 120-1 handle 130 road thread 130-1 Harris 140 manta belt 150a-150e Schlinge a-Slinge e
160a to 160c self-belaying slinge a to self-belaying slinge c
170 Stopper (Yumar)
170-1 Cam 175 Stopper (Chest Sender)
175-1 Cam 176 Weight 180a Spear receiver (front receiver, pillow)
180b Saddle (front)
180b-1 Center piton 190 Tamo pattern 200 竿 bottom receiver (rotary piton)
200-1 Grip anchor 210 Pulley 220 Double row pulley (two cars)
A-A ', B-B', C-C 'The outer tangent of the hook tip and its extension

Claims (5)

魚体にフックを食い込ませ、魚を取り込むギャフにおいて、単軸の一端に二本のフックを備え、他端にリングを備え、前記二本のフックの間の角度幅が180°未満であり、前記二本のフックは先端近くに其々カエシを有し、且つ前記二本のフックの針先は、その平面視に於いても正面視に於いても、前記軸に対して内側を向いていることを特徴とする、大物用落し込みダブルギャフ。 In the gaff that rips the hook into the fish body and takes in the fish, the single shaft is provided with two hooks, the other end is provided with a ring, and the angular width between the two hooks is less than 180 °, The two hooks each have a bite near the tip, and the needle tips of the two hooks face inward with respect to the axis in a plan view and a front view. This is a double gaff for big shots. 上記請求項1に記載の大物用落し込みダブルギャフを使用し、大物を取り込む為のシステムであり、前記大物用落し込みダブルギャフと、脱落防止機能付き円環状連結具と、前記大物用落し込みダブルギャフと前記円環状連結具とを接続する、柔軟性を有する接続体と、その一端は前記円環状連結具に掛けられ、その他端はフリーとなっていて前記円環状連結具に掛けることが可能な柔軟性の巻き体と、その一端を前記円環状連結具に掛けられたロープとを含んで構成される大物取り込みシステム。 It is a system for taking in a big thing using the drop-in double gaff for large objects according to claim 1, the drop-in double gaff for large parts, an annular coupler with a fall-off preventing function, and the drop for large parts A flexible connecting body that connects the double guff and the annular connector, and one end of the connector is hung on the annular connector, and the other end is free and can be hooked on the annular connector. A large-capturing system comprising a possible flexible winding and a rope having one end hung on the annular connector. 上記請求項1に記載の大物用落し込みダブルギャフを使用し、簡易化して機動性を高めたシステムであり、前記大物用落し込みダブルギャフと、同ギャフの一端側に連設され、リールを越えられる寸法を有する柔軟性のループ体と、同ループ体に脱落防止機能付き円環状連結具を介して連結されるか又は介さないで連結されたロープとを含んで構成される簡易型大物取り込みシステム。 A system that uses the large drop double gaff according to claim 1 to simplify and improve mobility, and is connected to the large drop double gaff and one end side of the same large gaff, A simple large-size take-up comprising a flexible loop body having a dimension that can be exceeded, and a rope that is connected to the loop body via an annular coupler with a drop-off prevention function or not. system. 上記請求項1に記載の大物用落し込みダブルギャフを使用し、巨魚を取り込む為のシステムであり、前記大物用落し込みダブルギャフと、脱落防止機能付き円環状連結具と、前記大物用落し込みダブルギャフと前記円環状連結具とを接続する、柔軟性を有する接続体と、その一端は前記円環状連結具に掛けられ、その他端はフリーとなっていて前記円環状連結具に掛けることが可能な柔軟性の巻き体と、前記円環状連結具に掛けられた負荷軽減体と、前記負荷軽減体に通されたロープとを含んで構成される巨魚取り込みシステム。 It is a system for taking in a giant fish by using the large-sized drop double gaff according to claim 1, wherein the large-size drop double gaff, an annular coupler with a drop-off preventing function, and the large drop A flexible connecting body for connecting the double double gaff and the annular coupler, and one end of which is hung on the annular coupler, and the other end is free and hung on the annular coupler. A giant fish take-in system comprising: a flexible winding body that is capable of carrying out an operation; a load-reducing body that is hung on the annular connector; and a rope that is passed through the load-reducing body. 軸部の反対側にU字型プーシャー部とフック型のプーラー部とを一体成形した構造をなし、前記軸部をタモの柄に取り付けたプッシャー兼プーラー上記請求項4に記載の巨魚取り込みシステムとを使用する事により大物、巨魚の取り込みが単独でも可能となる置き竿釣法であり、大物、巨魚の取り込み及び大型外道の際道糸先端でのラインカット処理を、竿を竿受けに置いたまま一切起こす事無く、実行するプロセスを含む、完全置き竿釣法
5. A pusher and puller having a structure in which a U-shaped pusher portion and a hook-type puller portion are integrally molded on the opposite side of the shaft portion, and the shaft portion is attached to the handle of the tamo and the giant fish intake according to claim 4 big by using a system, a Saozuri method placed uptake巨魚also possible with singly, big, the line-cutting operation at Michiito tip during uptake and large Gedo of巨魚receives rod the rod A complete fishing kite fishing method that includes a process to be executed without any waking up
JP2011170926A 2011-08-04 2011-08-04 Drop-off double gaff for big game, large-scale fish catching system using the same gaff, and complete fishing kite fishing method using the same system Active JP4988949B1 (en)

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JP2011170926A JP4988949B1 (en) 2011-08-04 2011-08-04 Drop-off double gaff for big game, large-scale fish catching system using the same gaff, and complete fishing kite fishing method using the same system

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JP2011170926A JP4988949B1 (en) 2011-08-04 2011-08-04 Drop-off double gaff for big game, large-scale fish catching system using the same gaff, and complete fishing kite fishing method using the same system

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JP2012046650A Division JP4988970B1 (en) 2012-03-02 2012-03-02 Gaffing method for taking in large objects from high field alone, and auxiliary system and pusher / puller for rope gaff to be used for it

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JP2011170926A Active JP4988949B1 (en) 2011-08-04 2011-08-04 Drop-off double gaff for big game, large-scale fish catching system using the same gaff, and complete fishing kite fishing method using the same system

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN112544580A (en) * 2020-12-01 2021-03-26 文成县意东科技有限公司 Automatic fishing device with track-changing swing arm

Citations (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2210271A (en) * 1939-05-04 1940-08-06 William H Thwaits Fish gaff
US3694952A (en) * 1970-07-22 1972-10-03 Edward E Matthews Fish grappling device
JP3136046U (en) * 2007-07-03 2007-10-11 有限会社千里製作所 Portable fishing tackle for fishing
JP2009005617A (en) * 2007-06-27 2009-01-15 Daiwa Seiko Inc Fishing gaff
JP2011004724A (en) * 2009-06-25 2011-01-13 Yoshiyuki Rikiishi Fish landing tool

Patent Citations (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2210271A (en) * 1939-05-04 1940-08-06 William H Thwaits Fish gaff
US3694952A (en) * 1970-07-22 1972-10-03 Edward E Matthews Fish grappling device
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JP2011004724A (en) * 2009-06-25 2011-01-13 Yoshiyuki Rikiishi Fish landing tool

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CN112544580A (en) * 2020-12-01 2021-03-26 文成县意东科技有限公司 Automatic fishing device with track-changing swing arm
CN112544580B (en) * 2020-12-01 2021-11-26 文成县意东科技有限公司 Automatic fishing device with track-changing swing arm

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JP2013034400A (en) 2013-02-21

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