JP4575613B2 - DNA marker linked to aluminum resistance factor and use thereof - Google Patents

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酸性土壌は世界で338,517 ×104 ヘクタールも分布し、耕作地の30.7% を占めるとされている。このような土地で作物を栽培するには石灰等による土壌酸性の矯正を必要とするが、大面積の酸性土壌に石灰を散布することは経済的にも困難であるため、耐性品種を栽培することが対策として考えられている。
Ma et al. (1997)は、水耕栽培したオオムギにおけるアルミニウム耐性の種内変異にコムギを超えるものは見出されなかったものの、ある程度の変異を有していると述べている(Plant and Soil.191:133-137)。また、Stolen et al.(1978) は、複数組合せの耐性品種と感受性品種間のF2 集団を圃場で検定し、全ての交配組合せにおいて耐性は単因子支配であり、さらに、形質マーカー系統との交配によりアルミニウム耐性因子が染色体4Hの三叉芒(K) と連鎖すると述べている(Hereditas 88:101-105)。この他にも、耐性の分離をヘマトキシリン染色法により評価して単因子支配であるとする報告(Minella et al.(1992) Crop Sci.32:593-598)や、トリソミックス分析により‘Dayton’の耐性因子が染色体4Hに座乗するとした報告(Minella et al.(1997) Plant Breeding.116:465-469) がある。
本発明の形質転換植物の種類(対象)は、特に限定されるものではなく、すべての植物について本発明の形質転換植物として作出が可能であり、例えば、食用作物、果樹や野菜、花きその他の有効樹目を含む園芸作物、工芸作物、さらには飼肥料作物等の作物が作出可能な植物の代表例として挙げられる。なお、上記した食用作物、園芸作物、工芸作物、飼肥料作物に各々含まれる具体的な作物については、例えば、農学大辞典改訂第4版(養賢堂・1997年4 月30日発行) の目次8〜16頁等にも詳しく記載されている。また、酸性土壌耐性は、ホウレンソウや甜菜などのアカザ科の作物、麦類などのイネ科作物など広範囲の植物で問題となっており、このような植物についても本発明を適用することにより、酸性土壌で充分生育可能な植物品種の獲得が期待できる。
増幅に際して鋳型として用いられるゲノムDNAは、オオムギの植物体より従来公知の方法で抽出可能である。具体的には、植物体からゲノムDNAを抽出するための一般法(Murray,M.G. and W.F.Thompson(1980) Nucleic Acids Res.8:4321-4325. など参照)が好適な例として挙げられる。また、上記のゲノムDNAは、根、茎、葉、生殖器官など、オオムギの植物体を構成するいずれの組織を用いても抽出可能である。また、場合によってはオオムギのカルスから抽出してもよい。なお、上記生殖器官には、花器官(雄性・雌性生殖器官を含む)や種子も含まれる。ゲノムDNAの抽出は、例えば、オオムギの芽生え期の葉を用いて行われる。この理由としては、組織の摩砕が比較的容易であり、多糖類などの不純物の混合割合が比較的少なく、また、種子から短期間で育成可能である点が挙げられる。
後述の実施例では、アルミニウム耐性種‘むらさきもち’と、アルミニウム感受性種‘Morex ’とを交配し、F2 100個体および両親各10個体を上記試験に供して、アルミニウム耐性を評価した。その結果、耐性スコアの頻度分布はある値を境に耐性と感受性とに分けられ(図5参照)、つまり、この値を閾値とすると、アルミニウム耐性個体とアルミニウム感受性個体とが67:33の割合で分離された。このことから、‘むらさきもち’と‘Morex ’との交配において、アルミニウム耐性は優性の1因子に支配されているとみられた。
耐性スコアを耐性(T)と感受性(S)とに区分すると両者は3:1に分離した。また、上記DNAマーカーの遺伝子型をむらさきもち型(A)とMorex 型(B)とすると、これらも3:1に分離する。もし両者に連鎖がない場合、メンデルの法則によってF2 におけるTA:TB:SA:SB型の比率は9:3:3:1となるはずであるが、この分離比に適合しない場合は、耐性スコアとマーカーとに連鎖(すなわち染色体上の近傍に遺伝子が位置すること)が存在する。耐性遺伝子とマーカーとが近いほど、TA型およびSB型の割合が多くなり、TB型およびSA型の割合が少なくなるので、これを数学的に計算して(最尤法)染色分体あたりの乗り換え率を求めることができる。1.6cMは、耐性スコアとマーカーとの間で染色分体あたり平均して1000分の16回乗り換えが起こることを示している。
例えば、上記‘むらさきもち’と‘Morex ’とを交雑した集団の個体のDNAを抽出して本発明のDNAマーカーの多型を解析し、むらさきもち型を示す個体を選抜すれば、98.4%の確率でアルミニウム耐性を獲得できることになる。
本発明にかかる形質転換植物、形質転換オオムギの作出には、上記の単離方法により得られたアルミニウム耐性因子を含むDNA断片を、公知の方法により、アグロバクテリウムまたはパーティクルガンを用いて植物やオオムギのゲノムDNAに導入することによって作出すればよく、これにより、酸性土壌でも生育可能な品種が得られることとなる。例えば、雑誌The Plant Journal(1997) 11(6),1369-1376 には、Sonia Tingay等により、Agrobacterium tumefaciens を用いてオオムギを形質転換する方法が開示されており、この方法を利用して形質転換オオムギを作出可能である。
アルミニウム耐性種‘むらさきもち’とアルミニウム感受性種‘Morex ’およびそのF2 集団を20℃で5日間催芽し、pH4.3 に調整した水耕液にF2 100個体および両親を各10個体植付けた。各個体を3日間生育させた後、水耕液を交換し、無処理区は水耕液のみで育成し、アルミニウム処理区には、100 μM AlK(SO4)2 ・6H2O水溶液を30μM となるように加え処理を行った。実験は20℃、16時間日長の人工気象室内で行い、2反復を設けた。12日間処理条件下で育成した個体を地上部と根に分けて秤量し、地上部を鉢に移植してDNA 抽出用の葉を採取した。耐性スコアは根重を地上部重で割った値の無処理区に対するアルミニウム処理区の相対値により求めた。
〔DNA 抽出〕
2 集団および両親の個体から、下記文献▲1▼に示された方法によってDNA を抽出し、分光光度計および1%アガロースゲル電気泳動によって濃度を測定し、100ng/μl に調整した。
▲1▼Peter Langrige, Angelo Karakousis and Jan Nield. (1997) Practical Workshop in Basic Recombinant DNA Techniques Course Manual. Waite Agricultural Research Institute University of Adelaide.
2 集団で耐性の大きい側と小さい側の両極端から10個体のDNA を等量ずつ混合し、耐性と感受性のバルクDNA をそれぞれ作成した。バルクDNA および両親のDNA を用いてAFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms)分析およびSSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) 分析を行った。
AFLP分析では、図1に示されるプライマーを用いて、128 のプライマー組合せによってバンドを確認した。Selective primerの組合せは他の文献を参考にして多型の得られやすいものを選択した。なお、図1において、E-000 は、EcoRI のuniversal primerを指し、E02,E03,E05,E08,E09,E12,E14,E15 は、EcoRI のselective primerを指し、各塩基排列が各記号の右側に示される。また、M-000 は、Mse I のuniversal primerを指し、M17-M32 の16のプライマーは、Mse I のselective primerを指し、各塩基排列が各記号の右側に示される。
SSR 分析では、4H染色体上に座乗する8 個のSSR マーカーを選んで、それぞれバルク間での多型を調査した。以下、AFLP分析およびSSR 分析について更に詳細に説明する。
下記文献▲2▼の方法に従って、150ng のDNA を各1.5UのEcoRI (TAKARA)およびMse I (NEW ENGLAND BioLabs) により、37℃で12時間ダブルダイジェストした。
▲2▼Pieter Vos, Rene Hogers, Marjo Bleeker, Martin Reijans, Theo van de Lee, Miranda Hornes, Adrie Frijters, Jerina Pot, Johan Peleman, Martin Kuiper and Marc Zabeau. (1995) AFLP:a new technique for DNA fingerprinting. Nucleic Asids Research. 23:21:4407-4414.
制限酵素処理後のDNA 10μl に2pmol EcoRI adaptor と20pmol Mse I adaptorを50U のT4 ligase(TAKARA) によって20℃、3時間ライゲーションし、10mMTris-HCl 0.1mMEDTA(pH8.0) によって20倍希釈した。PreamprificationのPCR 反応は全量を25μl としてライゲーションしたDNA 2.5 μl (20 倍希釈) とプライマーおよび各試薬の終濃度が1.5ng/μl EcoRI universal primer, Mse I universal primer, 1×PCR Buffer, 0.2mMdNTP, 0.02U/μl ExTaq polymerase (TAKARA) となる条件で行った。Preamprificationしたサンプルは10mMTris-HCl 0.1mMEDTA(pH8.0) で50倍に希釈した。PCR 反応はPreamprification, Selective Amprification とも図2に示されるプログラムによって Gene Amp PCR system 9700 (A.B.I.)を用いて行った。以降は、下記文献▲3▼の方法に従って、Selective Amprification する際のプライマーの濃度を銀染色によって検出しやすいように反応液10μ当たり15ngとした。
▲3▼Y.Mano, S.Kawasaki, F.Takaiwa, T.Komatsuda. Development of a simple and efficient AFLP technique and construction of an STS-AFLP map in barley(in press).
Selective amplification はPreamplificationしたDNA(50倍希釈) 2.0 μl とプライマーおよび各試薬の終濃度が1.5ng/μl EcoRI selective primer, Mse I selective primer, 1×PCR Buffer, 0.2mMdNTP, 0.025U/μl ExTaq polymerase (TAKARA) の条件全量を10μl としPCR 反応を行った。増幅したサンプルは等量のホルムアミドダイを加え、95℃ 5分間加熱し、氷中で急冷した。急冷したサンプルを16cm角スラブゲルを用いて7%変性ポリアクリルアミドゲル(アクリルアミド(Wako):ビス(Wako)=19:1, 0.5×TBE, 8.5M 尿素) で1 枚当たり32サンプルを同時に4 枚電気泳動(280V, 3時間) し、Sil-Best Stain for Protein/PAGE(nakalai tesque,INC.)を用いて銀染色によりバンドを検出した。なお、銀染色は下記文献▲4▼に記載されている。
▲4▼菅野 康吉 (1997) 増幅断片の検出と標識5 銀染色,PCR 法最前線 基礎技術から応用まで,関谷 剛男 藤永 編,共立出版,東京.85-87.
〔SSR 分析〕
SSR 分析には、アルミニウム耐性因子が4H染色体に座乗するとする既報を参考に、4H染色体上に座乗する8 個のSSR マーカー(すなわち、HVM13, HVM40, HVM67, HVM68, HVM77, HVM3, Bmag0353 および Bmag0384 )を選んだ。PCR 反応液の組成は0.05U/μl AmpliTaq DNA polymerase, 1×PCR Buffer, 0.25mMMgCl2, 0.6mMdNTPs, 1pmol/μl primer (forward, reverse共) を全量10.0μl とした。PCR 反応は、マーカーHVM3については図3のSSR3、マーカーBmag0353およびBmag0384については同図のSSR2、その他のマーカーについてはSSR4のプログラムで行った。
5'側を hex(黄)で蛍光標識しているHVM3は、サンプル1.0 μl にサイズスタンダード(TAMRA GS500 )0.5 μl 、脱イオンホルムアミド 12.0 μl を加え、95℃で3 分間加熱後氷中で5 分以上急冷し、急冷したサンプルを ABI PRISMTM 310 Genetic Analyzer (A.B.I.)によって検出した。PCR 産物のサイズ決定はフラグメント解析用ソフトウェアGeneScan (A.B.I.) により行い、alleleの決定にはDNA フラグメント解析用ソフトウェアGenotyper TM(Version1.1, A.B.I.)を用いた。また、蛍光標識されていないHVM3以外のマーカーについてはサンプルに等量のホルムアミドを加え、95℃ 5分間加熱後氷中で急冷し、急冷したサンプルをAFLPの方法に準じて16cm角スラブゲルを用いて7%変性ポリアクリルアミドゲルで電気泳動し、銀染色によりバンドを検出した。
上記SSR マーカーのうち、HVM3については文献「Z.W.Liu, R.M.Biyashev, M.A.Shaghai Maroof.(1996) Development of simple sequence repeat DNA markers and integration into a barley linkage map. Theor. Appl. Genet. 93:869-876」に記載されており、そのプライマー配列は、

Figure 0004575613
また、Bmag0353は、Waugh からの私信で入手したマーカーであり、そのプライマー配列は、
Figure 0004575613
連鎖地図の作成はMAPMAKER/EXP3.0 を用いて連鎖検出の閾値をLOD 3.0 で行い、地図距離は下記文献▲5▼の方法によった。
▲5▼Kosambi, D.D. (1944) The estimation of map distance from recombination values. Ann. Eugen. 12:172-175.
30μMのアルミニウム処理条件下で12日間生育させた両親系統およびF2 個体の根の生育状態を図4に示した。同図において、Aは‘むらさきもち’、Bは‘Morex ’、CはF2 耐性個体、DはF2 感受性個体を示す。
耐性スコアの頻度分布は、図5に示されるように0.24を境に耐性と感受性に分けられ(耐性:感受性 = 67 :33 χ2=3.41 0.1<P<0.05) 、‘むらさきもち’と‘Morex ’の交配においてアルミニウム耐性は優性の1因子に支配されているとみられた。なお、図5のグラフにおいて、横軸は耐性スコアを、縦軸は植物体の数を示す。
AFLPをバルクセグレガント法に適用し、128 のプライマー組合せについてバルク間および両親の間で多型を示すバンドをスクリーニングした結果、16のプライマー組合せについて多型が認められた。その16組合せに関して、耐性、感受性各4個体による2次スクリーニングを行ったところ、E05-M26 ,E12-M29 の組合せのプライマーについて再現性のある多型が得られた。この2つのマーカーをF2 集団60個体のマーカー型の調査に用いた。
また,SSR を適用したバルクセグレガントでは染色体4Hに座乗する8マーカーについてスクリーニングした結果、HVM3, Bmag0353の2マーカーについて多型が得られたため、AFLPマーカーと同様に個体のマーカー型の調査に用いた。
図6の(a)には、AFLPの上記E05-M26 のプライマー組合せにおける電気泳動後のゲル像が示され、図6の(b)には、SSR のマーカーBmag0353における電気泳動後のゲル像が示される。図中、BTとBSはそれぞれ耐性と感受性のバルクDNA であり、1〜7は耐性のF2 個体、8〜14は感受性のF2 個体である。耐性と感受性との間で多型が認められたバンドが、図中矢印で示されている。
2 集団より無作為に60個体を抽出した。頻度分布から耐性はほぼ1 因子により支配されているとみられたので、スコア0.24を境にして個体を耐性と感受性に分け、耐性スコアとSSR マーカー2 種類,AFLPマーカー2 種類の連鎖を計算した。しかし,AFLPマーカーのうち1種類(E12-M29) については誤分類の可能性が認められたため解析からはずし計算したところ,耐性は図7に示すように4H染色体上にマップされた。
同図に示すように、マーカーBmag0353は、アルミニウム耐性因子(図中、Al Toleranceと記載) から約1.6センチモルガン(cM)の距離に位置しており、このようにアルミニウム耐性因子と強連鎖している程、アルミニウム耐性因子の有無を判別する指標として有効である。
Figure 0004575613
Figure 0004575613

【図1】AFLP分析に使用されたuniversal primerおよびselective primerを示す表である。
【図2】AFLP分析において、PreamprificationおよびSelective Amprification の各増幅に使用されたPCR 反応のプログラムを示す表である。
【図3】SSR 分析において、各マイクロサテライトの増幅に使用されたPCR 反応のプログラムを示す表である。
【図4】アルミニウム処理条件下で12日間生育させた両親系統およびF2 個体の根の生育状態を示す図であり、Aは‘むらさきもち’、Bは‘Morex ’、CはF2 耐性個体、DはF2 感受性個体を示す。
【図5】‘むらさきもち’と‘Morex ’との交配によるF2 個体のアルミニウム耐性スコアの頻度分布を示すグラフである。
【図6】‘むらさきもち’と‘Morex ’とを交配させてアルミニウム耐性をバルクセグレガント分析した結果を示すゲル電気泳動像であり、(a)は、E05-M26 のプライマー組合せを用いた場合のゲル像であり、(b)は、マーカーBmag0353を用いた場合のゲル像である。
【図7】オオムギ4H染色体上における、アルミニウム耐性のマイクロサテライトマーカー(Bmag0353,HVM3)およびAFLPマーカー(E05-M26 )を含む連鎖地図を示す図である。[0001]
The present invention relates to a DNA marker present in barley genomic DNA and linked to a gene conferring aluminum resistance (hereinafter referred to as “aluminum resistance factor”), and its use, and is not particularly limited thereto. The present invention relates to a DNA marker that is located at a distance of about 1.6 centmorgan from the aluminum resistance factor and is strongly linked to the aluminum resistance factor, and uses thereof.
[Prior art]
Acidic soil is 338,517 × 10 in the world Four Hectares are also distributed, accounting for 30.7% of the cultivated land. Cultivation of crops on such land requires correction of soil acidity with lime, etc., but it is economically difficult to spray lime on large areas of acid soil, so cultivate resistant varieties Is considered as a countermeasure.
The main factor that inhibits the growth of crops in acidic soil is inhibition of root elongation by aluminum ions, and it is known that barley, among cereals, is particularly susceptible to inhibition of root growth by aluminum ions. Therefore, it has been attempted to evaluate the acid soil tolerance of barley by hydroponic method.
Ma et al. (1997) stated that none of the aluminum-resistant intra-species mutations in hydroponically grown barley exceeded the wheat, but had some variation (Plant and Soil). .191: 133-137). Also, Stolen et al. (1978) found that multiple combinations of resistant and susceptible varieties 2 The population was tested in the field and stated that resistance in all mating combinations was single factor dominated, and that mating with trait marker lines linked the aluminum resistance factor to the trigeminal wing (K) of chromosome 4H (Hereditas 88 : 101-105). In addition, a report that resistance separation is evaluated by hematoxylin staining method and is dominated by a single factor (Minella et al. (1992) Crop Sci. 32: 593-598), and 'Dayton' by trisomic analysis There is a report (Minella et al. (1997) Plant Breeding. 116: 465-469) that the resistance factor of S is located on chromosome 4H.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
By the way, mapping of useful characters by molecular markers has been performed in recent years, and many DNA markers linked to useful genes have been found. By using such a DNA marker, the presence or absence of a specific useful gene can be predicted with a high probability. For example, 1) selection of a plant having a useful gene, 2) introduction of a useful gene into a plant, 3) It can be used to determine the success or failure of introducing a useful gene into a plant body, and is expected to be applied particularly in the field of crop breeding.
However, until now, no DNA marker linked to a resistance factor (aluminum resistance factor) that imparts aluminum resistance to a plant body to a practically sufficient level has been found in barley. Therefore, if such a DNA marker is obtained, it becomes easy to determine the presence or absence of aluminum resistance in barley, and to isolate a DNA fragment containing an aluminum resistance factor, and thus to produce a variety having improved aluminum resistance. Application to various breeding programs becomes possible.
The present invention has been made in view of the above-described conventional problems, and an object thereof is to provide a DNA marker that is present in barley genomic DNA and linked to an aluminum resistance factor, and a method for using the same.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to solve the above problems, the DNA marker according to the present invention is present in barley genomic DNA, and is amplified using a set of primers described in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2. It is characterized by being a DNA marker linked to.
Since the DNA marker of the present invention is linked to an aluminum resistance factor, for example, whether or not a variety of barley has an aluminum resistance factor can be predicted with high probability using the presence or absence of this DNA marker as an index. It is also possible to screen and isolate a DNA fragment having an aluminum resistance factor from a barley genomic DNA library or the like using the presence or absence of this DNA marker as an index.
It is preferable that the DNA marker of the present invention is located at a distance of about 1.6 centmorgan (cM) from the aluminum resistance factor, and the presence of the aluminum resistance factor is discriminated as the chain is strongly linked to the aluminum resistance factor. It is effective as an indicator.
In order to solve the above-mentioned problem, the method for determining the presence or absence of an aluminum resistance factor according to the present invention is an amplification reaction using barley genomic DNA as a template using a set of primers described in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2. And determining whether or not the barley genomic DNA has an aluminum resistance factor from the difference in amplification pattern.
According to the above method, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of an aluminum resistance factor for various varieties of barley by a simple method. Therefore, for example, when breeding barley varieties, it is possible to relatively easily select those having aluminum resistance factors from among the candidates for the mating parents. In addition, for hybrids obtained by crossing, it is possible to determine relatively easily whether or not the hybrid has an aluminum resistance factor.
In order to solve the above problems, the determination method of aluminum resistance according to the present invention performs an amplification reaction using barley genomic DNA as a template using a set of primers described in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2, It is characterized in that the degree of aluminum resistance of the barley is determined from the difference in amplification pattern.
According to the above method, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of aluminum resistance and the degree of resistance for various varieties of barley by a simple method. Thus, for example, when breeding barley varieties, it is possible to relatively easily select those having excellent aluminum resistance from among the candidates for the mating parent. In addition, for hybrids obtained by crossing, it is possible to determine relatively easily whether or not this hybrid has aluminum resistance and the degree of resistance it has.
The method for isolating a DNA fragment containing an aluminum resistance factor according to the present invention is characterized by isolating a DNA fragment containing an aluminum resistance factor using the DNA marker of the present invention.
As described above, the DNA marker of the present invention is linked to an aluminum resistance factor and is preferably located at a distance of about 1.6 centmorgan (cM) from the aluminum resistance factor. Therefore, a DNA fragment containing the aluminum resistance factor can be isolated using this DNA marker as an index.
For example, if a genomic DNA library obtained by fragmenting all barley genomic DNA is screened to obtain a DNA fragment having the above DNA marker, the DNA fragment may have a partial or full length of an aluminum resistance factor. is there. In the case where the DNA fragment has only a part of the aluminum resistance factor or only a region in the vicinity thereof, a contig map is prepared for the DNA fragment adjacent to the DNA fragment, and the full-length base sequence of the aluminum resistance factor is determined. Once determined, a DNA fragment containing the full length of the aluminum resistance factor may be prepared.
In addition, the transformed plant according to the present invention is a trait that has been further enhanced in aluminum resistance, which is produced by introducing a DNA fragment containing an aluminum resistance factor obtained by the above isolation method into the genomic DNA of the plant. It is a converted plant.
Since the transformed plant of the present invention has enhanced aluminum tolerance, plant varieties capable of growing even in acidic soil can be obtained. For the production of a transformed plant, the above-mentioned transformed plant is produced by introducing the DNA fragment containing the aluminum resistance factor into the genomic DNA of the plant using Agrobacterium or particle gun by a known method. do it.
Here, the term “transformed plant” means a transformed plant and its tissue, and the transformed plant and its tissue are a protoplast, callus, regenerated individual (primary plant) and its progeny plant into which a gene has been introduced, Furthermore, plant tissues (roots, stems, leaves, etc.) and seeds isolated from plant individuals are included.
The kind (subject) of the transformed plant of the present invention is not particularly limited, and all plants can be produced as the transformed plant of the present invention. For example, food crops, fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and other Typical examples of plants that can produce horticultural crops, craft crops, and fertilizer crops including effective trees. For specific crops included in the above-mentioned food crops, horticultural crops, craft crops, and fertilizer crops, see, for example, the Agricultural University Dictionary 4th edition (Yokendo, issued April 30, 1997). Details are also described in Tables of Contents 8-16. In addition, acid soil resistance is a problem in a wide range of plants such as red crustacean crops such as spinach and sugar beet, and gramineous crops such as wheat. The acquisition of plant varieties that can grow well in soil can be expected.
In addition, the transformed barley according to the present invention is a trait with enhanced aluminum resistance produced by introducing a DNA fragment containing an aluminum resistance factor obtained by the above isolation method into the genomic DNA of barley. Converted barley.
Since the transformed barley of the present invention has enhanced aluminum tolerance, a barley variety that can grow even in acidic soil can be obtained. For the production of transformed barley, the DNA fragment containing the aluminum resistance factor is introduced into the genomic DNA of barley using Agrobacterium or particle gun by a known method to produce the transformed barley. do it.
Here, the term “transformed barley” is meant to include transformed barley and its tissues, and the transformed barley and its tissues are protoplasts, callus, regenerated individuals (primary plants) and their progeny plants into which genes have been introduced, Furthermore, plant tissues (roots, stems, leaves, etc.) and seeds isolated from plant individuals are included.
An embodiment of the present invention will be described as follows. Needless to say, the present invention is not particularly limited to the description of the present embodiment.
In the present invention, the “aluminum resistance factor” is a dominant gene that sits on the 4H chromosome in the genomic DNA of barley, and is a dominant homo-type and hetero-type genotype. Refers to a gene having the property of imparting.
In addition, the “DNA marker” according to the present invention refers to a DNA marker linked to the aluminum resistance factor, which is amplified using a set of primers described in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2. Such a DNA marker is obtained by extracting barley genomic DNA having the above-mentioned aluminum resistance factor, amplifying it using the genomic DNA as a template and the primers of SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2, and isolating it as an amplified DNA fragment can do.
Genomic DNA used as a template for amplification can be extracted from a barley plant by a conventionally known method. Specifically, a general method for extracting genomic DNA from a plant body (see, for example, Murray, MG and WFThompson (1980) Nucleic Acids Res. 8: 4321-4325.) Is a suitable example. The genomic DNA can be extracted using any tissue that constitutes a barley plant such as roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive organs. In some cases, it may be extracted from barley callus. The reproductive organs include flower organs (including male and female reproductive organs) and seeds. Extraction of genomic DNA is performed using, for example, leaves of the barley seedling stage. This is because the tissue is relatively easy to grind, the mixing ratio of impurities such as polysaccharides is relatively small, and can be grown from seeds in a short period of time.
A conventionally known DNA amplification method can be employed as a method for amplification using barley genomic DNA as a template and the primers described in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2. In general, a PCR method (polymerase chain reaction method) or a modified method thereof is used. Reaction conditions when using the PCR method or its modification method are not particularly limited, and amplification can be performed under the same conditions as usual.
Although depending on the amplification conditions, the primers having the sequences shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2 are relatively short oligonucleotides, and therefore, multiple types of DNA fragments having different lengths may be amplified. There is. In this case, a DNA fragment of about 110 bp in this corresponds to the DNA marker of the present invention.
As will be described in detail later, the above-mentioned DNA fragment of about 110 bp is amplified with a very high probability when a barley individual genomic DNA determined to have aluminum resistance is used as a template, and the barley determined to be aluminum sensitive. This fragment is not amplified when an individual's genomic DNA is used as a template. Therefore, the DNA fragment of about 110 bp is considered to be linked to the aluminum resistance factor, and by mapping on the chromosome, it is separated from the aluminum resistance factor by about 1.6 cm Morgan on the 4H chromosome. It was confirmed that he / she sits at the position (the mapping will be described later).
By the way, whether a barley individual is resistant to aluminum (that is, whether it is resistant to aluminum or sensitive to aluminum) can be actually evaluated through a cultivation test in the presence of aluminum ions. And by confirming that the difference in the amplification pattern amplified using the primers described in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2 with the genomic DNA as a template corresponds to the result of the cultivation test in the presence of aluminum ions, The effectiveness of the DNA marker according to the present invention can be confirmed.
The cultivation test can be performed by the following method, for example.
The seeds of barley individuals to be determined are germinated under predetermined conditions, and the seedlings after germination are planted in a hydroponic solution adjusted to be acidic (generally pH 4 to 5) to perform hydroponics.
After the seedlings are grown for a predetermined period, the hydroponic solution is changed, and the aluminum-untreated section is grown only with this hydroponic solution, while the aluminum-treated section contains a predetermined amount of aluminum ions in the hydroponic solution. Growth is performed by adding an aqueous solution of an aluminum compound. After growing the barley individuals in the aluminum-treated group and the non-aluminum-treated group for the same period, the obtained individuals are weighed by dividing them into above-ground parts and roots.
In the cultivation test, the pH of the hydroponic solution is always maintained at a constant acidic condition throughout the test period, but the value may be appropriately selected depending on the type of barley individuals, other test conditions, and the like. Moreover, what is necessary is just to select suitably for every test about various test conditions, such as a test period (growth period of a barley individual) and aluminum ion concentration. In order to keep the test environment constant throughout the test period, it is desirable to perform the test in an artificial weather environment.
The resistance score, which is an evaluation value of aluminum resistance, can be obtained as a relative value of the aluminum-treated area with respect to the aluminum-untreated area, which is a value obtained by dividing the root weight by the ground weight. If the tolerance score is greater than a certain value, the barley individual is determined to be aluminum resistant, and if the resistance score is less than that value, the barley individual is determined to be aluminum sensitive.
In the examples described below, an aluminum resistant species 'Murasaki Mochi' and an aluminum sensitive species 'Morex' are crossed and F 2 100 individuals and 10 parents each were subjected to the above test to evaluate aluminum resistance. As a result, the frequency distribution of the resistance score is divided into resistance and sensitivity at a certain value (see FIG. 5). That is, when this value is used as a threshold, the ratio of aluminum resistant individuals and aluminum sensitive individuals is 67:33. Isolated on. This suggests that aluminum tolerance is dominated by a dominant factor in the cross between 'Murasaki Mochi' and 'Morex'.
As described above, it is recognized that the DNA marker of the present invention sits on the 4H chromosome at a position about 1.6 centmorgan (cM) away from the aluminum resistance factor. Calculated.
When the resistance score was divided into resistance (T) and sensitivity (S), both were separated into 3: 1. Further, if the genotypes of the above DNA markers are the variegated mochi type (A) and the Morex type (B), these are also separated into 3: 1. If there is no linkage between the two, F 2 The ratio of TA: TB: SA: SB should be 9: 3: 3: 1, but if this separation ratio is not met, the resistance score and marker are linked (ie, the gene Is located). As the resistance gene and the marker are closer, the proportion of TA and SB types increases and the proportion of TB and SA types decreases. This is calculated mathematically (maximum likelihood method) per chromatid. Transfer rate can be calculated. An average of 1.6 cM shows that 16/1000 transfers on average per chromatid between the resistance score and the marker occur.
A barley individual 1) has the above-mentioned aluminum resistance factor in a homo form (hereinafter simply referred to as a homo form), 2) has a hetero form (hereinafter simply referred to as a hetero form), or 3) becomes a recessive homo form. (That is, having the homozygous aryl of the aluminum resistance factor). The method for determining the presence or absence of an aluminum resistance factor according to the present invention is such that the DNA marker of the present invention obtained using a set of primers represented by SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2 is linked to the aluminum resistance factor. Take advantage of that. That is, when a set of primers represented by SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2 was used and amplified using the genomic DNA of the above-mentioned homo- or hetero-barley individuals as a template, amplification of the DNA marker of the present invention was confirmed, and the recessive When the genomic DNA of a homozygous barley individual is used as a template, the presence or absence of an aluminum resistance factor can be determined based on the difference in amplification pattern that the DNA marker of the present invention is not amplified.
By using such a method for determining the presence or absence of an aluminum resistance factor, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of an aluminum resistance factor for various varieties of barley by a simple method. Therefore, for example, when breeding barley varieties, it is possible to relatively easily select those having aluminum resistance factors from among the candidates for the mating parents. Further, it is possible to determine relatively easily whether or not hybrids and new varieties obtained by crossing have an aluminum resistance factor.
For example, if DNA of a population of the above-mentioned “Murasaki-mochi” and “Morex” is extracted, the polymorphism of the DNA marker of the present invention is analyzed, and an individual exhibiting the murasakichi-mochi type is selected. % Chance of gaining aluminum resistance.
In addition, as described later, when amplification is performed using a pair of primers represented by SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2 and genomic DNA of a barley individual as a template, the hetero type barley individual is not confirmed. The presence of an approximately 140 bp DNA fragment was also confirmed in the individual and the recessive homozygous individual. Therefore, when amplification is performed using a pair of primers shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2 and genomic DNA of a barley individual as a template, amplification patterns peculiar to homotype, heterotype, and recessive homotype are obtained. It is done. That is, the method for determining the presence / absence of an aluminum resistance factor according to the present invention can determine whether the aluminum resistance factor is a homo-type or a hetero-type. Therefore, when there is a difference in the level of aluminum resistance between the homo-type and the hetero-type, the method for determining the presence or absence of the aluminum resistance factor can also be used as a method for determining the level of aluminum resistance in barley individuals. .
Examples of the method for isolating a DNA fragment containing an aluminum resistance factor using the DNA marker of the present invention include the following methods.
One kind of BAC library of genomic DNA has been created in barley, and a plurality of BAC libraries are currently under development. Therefore, using such a BAC library, according to a conventionally known map-based cloning method, a BAC clone containing the marker is identified with the DNA marker of the present invention linked to a resistance gene, and a BAC contig is determined therefrom. The final aluminum resistance gene can be reached by preparing and determining the nucleotide sequence. If the genome size of barley is 5000 Mb and the map size is 1500 cM, 1 cM is about 3.3 Mb, and 1.6 cM is a distance of about 5 Mb.
For the production of the transformed plant and the transformed barley according to the present invention, the DNA fragment containing the aluminum resistance factor obtained by the above-described isolation method is transformed into a plant or plant using Agrobacterium or particle gun by a known method. What is necessary is just to produce by introduce | transducing into the genomic DNA of a barley, and this will obtain the varieties which can be grown also in acidic soil. For example, the journal The Plant Journal (1997) 11 (6), 1369-1376 discloses a method for transforming barley using Agrobacterium tumefaciens by Sonia Tingay et al. Barley can be created.
First, materials and methods used in the examples of the present invention will be described.
[Evaluation of aluminum resistance]
Aluminum resistant species 'Murasaki Mochi' and aluminum sensitive species 'Morex' and its F 2 The population was germinated at 20 ° C. for 5 days, and F was added to the hydroponic solution adjusted to pH 4.3. 2 100 individuals and 10 parents were planted each. After each plant was grown for 3 days, the hydroponic solution was changed. The untreated plot was grown only with the hydroponic solution, and the aluminum-treated plot had 100 μM AlK (SO Four ) 2 ・ 6H 2 The treatment was performed by adding O aqueous solution to 30 μM. The experiment was conducted in an artificial weather room at 20 ° C. and 16 hours long, and two repetitions were provided. Individuals grown under treatment conditions for 12 days were weighed by dividing them into above-ground parts and roots, and the above-ground parts were transplanted into pots to collect DNA extraction leaves. The resistance score was determined by the relative value of the aluminum-treated group with respect to the untreated group obtained by dividing the root weight by the above-ground weight.
(DNA extraction)
F 2 DNA was extracted from the population and parents by the method shown in the following literature (1), the concentration was measured by a spectrophotometer and 1% agarose gel electrophoresis, and adjusted to 100 ng / μl.
(1) Peter Langrige, Angelo Karakousis and Jan Nield. (1997) Practical Workshop in Basic Recombinant DNA Techniques Course Manual. Waite Agricultural Research Institute University of Adelaide.
[Bulk segregant analysis]
F 2 Ten equal amounts of DNA were mixed from both extremes on the large and small sides of the population to create resistant and sensitive bulk DNA, respectively. AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms) analysis and SSR (Simple Sequence Repeats) analysis were performed using bulk DNA and parents' DNA.
In AFLP analysis, bands were confirmed with 128 primer combinations using the primers shown in FIG. The combination of Selective primers was selected with reference to other literatures and polymorphisms were easily obtained. In Fig. 1, E-000 indicates the EcoRI universal primer, E02, E03, E05, E08, E09, E12, E14, and E15 indicate the EcoRI selective primer, and each base sequence is on the right side of each symbol. Shown in M-000 indicates the Mse I universal primer, M17-M32 16 primers indicate the Mse I selective primer, and each base sequence is shown on the right side of each symbol.
In the SSR analysis, eight SSR markers located on the 4H chromosome were selected, and polymorphisms between bulks were examined. In the following, AFLP analysis and SSR analysis will be described in more detail.
[AFLP analysis]
According to the method of the following document (2), 150 ng of DNA was double digested at 37 ° C. for 12 hours with 1.5 U of EcoRI (TAKARA) and Mse I (NEW ENGLAND BioLabs).
(2) Pieter Vos, Rene Hogers, Marjo Bleeker, Martin Reijans, Theo van de Lee, Miranda Hornes, Adrie Frijters, Jerina Pot, Johan Peleman, Martin Kuiper and Marc Zabeau. (1995) AFLP: a new technique for DNA fingerprinting. Nucleic Asids Research. 23: 21: 4407-4414.
2 pmol EcoRI adaptor and 20 pmol Mse I adaptor were ligated with 50 U of T4 ligase (TAKARA) at 20 ° C. for 3 hours in 10 μl of the DNA after restriction enzyme treatment, and diluted 20-fold with 10 mM Tris-HCl 0.1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0). Preamprification PCR reaction is 2.5 μl of DNA ligated to a total volume of 25 μl (diluted 20-fold), final concentration of primer and each reagent is 1.5 ng / μl EcoRI universal primer, Mse I universal primer, 1 × PCR Buffer, 0.2mMdNTP, 0.02 U / μl ExTaq polymerase (TAKARA) was used. The preamprified sample was diluted 50 times with 10 mM Tris-HCl 0.1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0). The PCR reaction was performed using Gene Amp PCR system 9700 (ABI) according to the program shown in FIG. 2 for both Preamprification and Selective Amprification. Thereafter, according to the method of the following document (3), the concentration of the primer at the time of selective amplification was 15 ng per 10 μm of the reaction solution so that it could be easily detected by silver staining.
(3) Y. Mano, S. Kawasaki, F. Takaiwa, T. Komatsuda.Development of a simple and efficient AFLP technique and construction of an STS-AFLP map in barley (in press).
Selective amplification is 2.0 μl of preamplified DNA (50-fold dilution) and final concentration of primer and each reagent is 1.5 ng / μl EcoRI selective primer, Mse I selective primer, 1 × PCR Buffer, 0.2 mM dNTP, 0.025 U / μl ExTaq polymerase ( The total amount of TAKARA) was 10 μl, and PCR was performed. The amplified sample was added with an equal amount of formamide dye, heated at 95 ° C. for 5 minutes, and rapidly cooled in ice. Quickly cool samples using a 16cm square slab gel, 7% denaturing polyacrylamide gel (acrylamide (Wako): bis (Wako) = 19: 1, 0.5 × TBE, 8.5M urea) 4 samples at a time, 4 sheets of electricity Electrophoresis (280 V, 3 hours), and bands were detected by silver staining using Sil-Best Stain for Protein / PAGE (nakalai tesque, INC.). Silver staining is described in the following document (4).
▲ 4 ▼ Yasuyoshi Kanno (1997) Detection and labeling of amplified fragments 5 Silver staining, forefront of PCR method From basic technology to application, Takeo Sekiya, edited by Fujinaga, Kyoritsu Shuppan, Tokyo. 85-87.
(SSR analysis)
For SSR analysis, referring to the previous report that aluminum resistance factor sits on 4H chromosome, 8 SSR markers (ie, HVM13, HVM40, HVM67, HVM68, HVM77, HVM3, Bmag0353 and Bmag0384). The composition of the PCR reaction solution is 0.05 U / μl AmpliTaq DNA polymerase, 1 × PCR Buffer, 0.25 mM MgCl 2, The total amount of 0.6 mM dNTPs and 1 pmol / μl primer (both forward and reverse) was 10.0 μl. The PCR reaction was performed using the SSR3 program in FIG. 3 for the marker HVM3, the SSR2 program for the markers Bmag0353 and Bmag0384, and the SSR4 program for the other markers.
HVM3 fluorescently labeled with hex (yellow) on the 5 'side is 0.5 μl of size standard (TAMRA GS500) and 12.0 μl of deionized formamide added to 1.0 μl of sample, heated at 95 ° C. for 3 minutes, and then on ice for 5 minutes. ABI PRISM TM Detected with 310 Genetic Analyzer (ABI). The PCR product size is determined using the GeneScan (ABI) fragment analysis software, and the DNA fragment analysis software Genotyper is used for allele determination. TM (Version 1.1, ABI) was used. For markers other than HVM3 that are not fluorescently labeled, add an equal amount of formamide to the sample, heat at 95 ° C for 5 minutes, quench rapidly in ice, and use a 16cm square slab gel according to the AFLP method. Electrophoresis was performed on a 7% denaturing polyacrylamide gel, and the band was detected by silver staining.
Among the above SSR markers, HVM3 is described in the literature "ZWLiu, RMBiyashev, MAShaghai Maroof. (1996) Development of simple sequence repeat DNA markers and integration into a barley linkage map. Theor. Appl. Genet. 93: 869-876". The primer sequence is
Figure 0004575613
It is.
Bmag0353 is a marker obtained through personal communication from Waugh. Its primer sequence is
Figure 0004575613
It is.
[Chain analysis]
The linkage map was created using MAPMAKER / EXP3.0 and the threshold for linkage detection was LOD 3.0, and the map distance was based on the method of the following document (5).
▲ 5 ▼ Kosambi, DD (1944) The estimation of map distance from recombination values. Ann. Eugen. 12: 172-175.
Next, the results of this example will be described.
[Evaluation of aluminum resistance]
Parental lines grown for 12 days under aluminum treatment conditions of 30 μM and F 2 The growth state of the root of the individual is shown in FIG. In the figure, A is 'Murasaki Mochi', B is 'Morex', C is F 2 Resistant individuals, D is F 2 Indicates susceptible individuals.
As shown in Fig. 5, the frequency distribution of resistance scores is divided into resistance and sensitivity at 0.24 (resistance: sensitivity = 67: 33 χ 2 = 3.41 0.1 <P <0.05) In the cross between 'Murasaki Mochi' and 'Morex', aluminum resistance was considered to be controlled by a dominant factor. In the graph of FIG. 5, the horizontal axis indicates the tolerance score, and the vertical axis indicates the number of plants.
[Search for DNA markers involved in aluminum resistance]
AFLP was applied to the bulk segregant method, and 128 primer combinations were screened for polymorphic bands between the bulk and between the parents. As a result, polymorphism was observed for 16 primer combinations. When the 16 combinations were subjected to secondary screening by 4 resistant and sensitive individuals, reproducible polymorphisms were obtained for the primers of the combination of E05-M26 and E12-M29. These two markers are F 2 It was used to investigate the marker type of 60 individuals.
In addition, as a result of screening for 8 markers located on chromosome 4H in the bulk segregant to which SSR was applied, polymorphism was obtained for 2 markers HVM3 and Bmag0353. It was.
Fig. 6 (a) shows the gel image after electrophoresis in the above-mentioned ELP-E26 primer combination of AFLP, and Fig. 6 (b) shows the gel image after electrophoresis in the SSR marker Bmag0353. Indicated. In the figure, BT and BS are resistant and sensitive bulk DNAs, respectively, and 1 to 7 are resistant Fs. 2 Individuals 8-14 are sensitive F 2 It is an individual. A band in which a polymorphism is observed between resistance and sensitivity is indicated by an arrow in the figure.
As shown in FIG. 5B, in the case of the marker Bmag0353, two characteristic bands are recognized, and among these, a shorter band (about 110 bp) is recognized in resistant BT and 1-7, It was not observed with sensitive BS and 8-14. Therefore, by using this marker Bmag0353 as the DNA marker of the present invention, it can be predicted with high probability whether or not it is an aluminum resistant species, and the selection of resistant species is facilitated.
Of the two characteristic bands, a longer band (about 140 bp) was observed not only in the sensitive BS and 8-14, but also in the resistant 3-5, 7. From this, it is surmised that among resistances 1 to 7, 1, 2 and 6 are homo-types for aluminum resistance factors, and 3 to 5 and 7 are hetero-types. That is, by using the marker Bmag0353 as the DNA marker of the present invention, it is possible to determine whether the aluminum resistance factor has a homotype or a heterotype. Therefore, when there is a difference in the level of aluminum resistance between the homotype and the heterotype, the marker Bmag0353 is also effective as a method for determining the level of aluminum resistance.
[Aluminum resistance mapping]
F 2 60 individuals were randomly selected from the population. From the frequency distribution, the resistance seemed to be governed by almost one factor. Therefore, the individual was divided into resistance and sensitivity with a score of 0.24 as a boundary, and the linkage between the resistance score and two types of SSR markers and two types of AFLP markers was calculated. However, one type of AFLP marker (E12-M29) was found to be misclassified, and when it was removed from the analysis, resistance was mapped onto the 4H chromosome as shown in FIG.
As shown in the figure, the marker Bmag0353 is located at a distance of about 1.6 centmorgan (cM) from the aluminum resistance factor (denoted as Al Tolerance in the figure). The more it is used, the more effective it is as an index for determining the presence or absence of an aluminum resistance factor.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, since the DNA marker of the present invention is linked to an aluminum resistance factor, for example, it is possible to predict with high probability whether or not a variety of barley has an aluminum resistance factor.
[Sequence Listing]
Figure 0004575613
Figure 0004575613

[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a table showing universal primers and selective primers used for AFLP analysis.
FIG. 2 is a table showing a PCR reaction program used for each amplification of Preamprification and Selective Amprification in AFLP analysis.
FIG. 3 is a table showing a PCR reaction program used for amplification of each microsatellite in SSR analysis.
FIG. 4: Parent lines and F grown for 12 days under aluminum treatment conditions 2 It is a figure which shows the growth state of an individual root, A is 'Murasaki-mochi', B is 'Morex', C is F 2 Resistant individuals, D is F 2 Indicates susceptible individuals.
[Figure 5] F by crossing 'Murasaki Mochi' and 'Morex' 2 It is a graph which shows frequency distribution of an individual's aluminum tolerance score.
FIG. 6 is a gel electrophoresis image showing the result of a bulk segregant analysis of aluminum resistance by crossing 'Murasaki Mochi' and 'Morex', (a) is the case using the primer combination of E05-M26 (B) is a gel image when the marker Bmag0353 is used.
FIG. 7 shows a linkage map containing aluminum-resistant microsatellite markers (Bmag0353, HVM3) and AFLP markers (E05-M26) on the barley 4H chromosome.

Claims (3)

オオムギのゲノムDNA中に存在し、配列番号1および配列番号2に記載の一組のプライマーを用いて増幅される、アルミニウム耐性因子に連鎖したDNAマーカー。  A DNA marker linked to an aluminum resistance factor present in barley genomic DNA and amplified using a set of primers set forth in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2. 請求項1に記載のDNAマーカーであって、上記アルミニウム耐性因子から約1.6センチモルガン(cM)の距離に位置することを特徴とするDNAマーカー。  2. The DNA marker according to claim 1, wherein the DNA marker is located at a distance of about 1.6 centmorgan (cM) from the aluminum resistance factor. 配列番号1および配列番号2に記載の一組のプライマーを用いてオオムギのゲノムDNAを鋳型とする増幅反応を行い、アルミニウム耐性オオムギの増幅パターンとアルミニウム感受性オオムギの増幅パターンの相違から上記オオムギのゲノムDNAがアルミニウム耐性因子を有するか否かを判定することを特徴とする、アルミニウム耐性因子の有無の判別方法。An amplification reaction using barley genomic DNA as a template using a pair of primers set forth in SEQ ID NO: 1 and SEQ ID NO: 2, and the difference between the amplification pattern of aluminum-resistant barley and the amplification pattern of aluminum-sensitive barley A method for determining the presence or absence of an aluminum resistance factor, comprising determining whether or not genomic DNA has an aluminum resistance factor.
JP2001097221A 2001-03-29 2001-03-29 DNA marker linked to aluminum resistance factor and use thereof Expired - Fee Related JP4575613B2 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
JP2001097221A JP4575613B2 (en) 2001-03-29 2001-03-29 DNA marker linked to aluminum resistance factor and use thereof

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
JP2001097221A JP4575613B2 (en) 2001-03-29 2001-03-29 DNA marker linked to aluminum resistance factor and use thereof

Publications (2)

Publication Number Publication Date
JP2002291474A JP2002291474A (en) 2002-10-08
JP4575613B2 true JP4575613B2 (en) 2010-11-04



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JP2001097221A Expired - Fee Related JP4575613B2 (en) 2001-03-29 2001-03-29 DNA marker linked to aluminum resistance factor and use thereof

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US20070105103A1 (en) * 2003-05-01 2007-05-10 Kazuyoshi Takeda Array having substances fixed on support arranged with chromosomal order or sequence position information added thereto, process for producing the same, analytical system using the array and use of these
JP2005278487A (en) * 2004-03-29 2005-10-13 Japan Science & Technology Agency Genetic marker utilizable for breeding of beer barley and utilization thereof
EP1764412A4 (en) 2004-03-31 2015-10-28 Japan Science & Tech Agency Detection instrument with the use of polynucleotides mapped on barley chromosome

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