JP4320868B2 - Character reader - Google Patents

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JP4320868B2 JP28083999A JP28083999A JP4320868B2 JP 4320868 B2 JP4320868 B2 JP 4320868B2 JP 28083999 A JP28083999 A JP 28083999A JP 28083999 A JP28083999 A JP 28083999A JP 4320868 B2 JP4320868 B2 JP 4320868B2
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  • Character Input (AREA)
  • Character Discrimination (AREA)


図2に示すように、j番目の文字の文字位置を、左上(xs1、ys1)、右下(xe1、ye1)で囲まれる領域201とし、k番目の文字の文字位置を、(xs2、ys2)および(xe2、ye2)で囲まれる領域202とする。このとき、各文字位置の座標が、重なり判定条件式:(((xs1−P41)≦xe2)かつ((xe1+P42)≧xs2)・・・(1) を満たす場合に、各文字は重なりがあると判定できる。ただし、式中P41およびP42は、任意の値を示す。また、媒体が縦書きの場合、j番目の文字およびk番目の文字の重なり判定においては、重なり判定条件式:((ys1−P51)≦ye2)かつ((ye1+P52)≧ys2))・・・(2) を満たす場合に、各文字は重なりがあると判定できる。ただし、式中P51およびP52は、任意の値を示す。
媒体が横書きであって条件式(1) が満たされている場合、xs=MAX(xs1、xs2)およびxe=MIN(xe1、xe2)とおく。そして、xs=xs1である場合にはxs1に(xe+P43)を代入し、xs=xs2である場合にはxs2に(xe+P43)を代入する。また、xe=xe1である場合にはxe1に(xs−P44)を代入し、xe=xe2である場合にはxe2に(xs−P44)を代入する。なお、式中、MAX(A、B)は、Aの値とBの値のうち大きい方の値をとり、MIN(A、B)は、Aの値とBの値のうち小さい方の値をとる(ただし、A=Bの場合にはその値をとる)。
また、媒体が縦書きであって条件式(2) が満たされている場合、ys=MAX(ys1、ys2)およびye=MIN(ye1、ye2)とおく。そして、ys=ys1である場合にはys1に(ye+P53)を代入し、ys=ys2である場合にはys2に(ye+P53)を代入する。また、ye=ye1である場合にはye1に(ys−P54)を代入し、ye=ye2である場合にはye2に(ys−P54)を代入する。
図3に示すように、j番目の文字の右側の辺のX座標xe1は、k番目の文字の左側の辺のX座標xs2よりも大きいため、条件式(1) を満たす。また、xs=xs2およびxe=xe1であるから、xs1に(xe+P43)を代入し、xe1に(xs−P44)を代入する。よって、j番目の文字の右側の辺のX座標は、(xs2−P44)となり、k番目の文字の左側の辺のX座標は、(xe1+P43)となる。また、定数P41〜P44の値を変更することにより、両文字の重なりを判断し或いは両文字の文字位置を編集するマージンを調節できる。
その1の条件式は、(((xs1−P1)≦xe2)かつ((xe1+P2)≧xs2)かつ((ys1−P3)≦ye2)かつ((ye1+P4)≧ys2))・・・(3) である。ただし、式中P1〜P4は、任意の値を示す。
この条件式(3) であって、P1〜P4の値をそれぞれ0とした条件式によれば、基エンジンの位置編集済み文字と、他エンジンの位置編集済み文字とが、少しでも重なっている状態を検出できる。すなわち、両文字が少しでも重なった状態で対応関係を持つことを判定できる。また、P1〜P4の値を変更することにより、両文字が重なったと判断するマージンを調整できる。
また、その2の条件式は、(((xs1≧(xs2−P5))かつ(xe1≦(xe2+P6))かつ(ys1≧(ys2−P7))かつ(ye1≦(ye2+P8)))もしくは((xs2≧(xs1−P9))かつ(xe2≦(xe1+P10))かつ(ys2≧(ys1−P11))かつ(ye2≦(ye1+P12))))・・・(4) である。ただし、式中P5〜P12は、任意の値を示す。
この条件式(4) であって、P5〜P12の値をそれぞれ0とした条件式によれば、基エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置が他エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置に含まれる状態、若しくは、その逆の状態を検出できる。すなわち、一方の文字位置が他方の文字位置に含まれる状態で対応関係をもつことを判定できる。また、P5〜P12の値を変更することにより、一方の文字位置が他方の文字位置に包含される判断のマージンを調整できる。
また、その3の条件式は、(((xs1≧(xs2−P13))かつ(xe1≦(xe2+P14))かつ((ys1−P15)≦ye2)かつ((ye1+P16)≧ys2))もしくは((xs2≧(xs1−P17))かつ(xe2≦(xe1+P18))かつ((ys1−P19)≦ye2)かつ((ye1+P20)≧ys2)))・・・(5) である。ただし、式中P13〜P20は、任意の値を示す。
この条件式(5) であって、P13〜P20の値をそれぞれ0とした条件式によれば、基エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置が他エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置にY方向(文字の縦方向)において少しでも重なっており、かつ、基エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置が他エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置にX方向(文字の横方向)について含まれている状態を、検出できる。若しくは、他エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置が基エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置にY方向(文字の縦方向)において少しでも重なっており、かつ、他エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置が基エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置にX方向(文字の横方向)について含まれている状態を検出できる。すなわち、一方の文字位置が他方の文字位置に対し、y方向で一部重なりX方向で含まれる状態で対応関係をもつことを判定できる。また、P13〜P20の値を変更することにより、一方の文字位置が他方の文字位置にy方向で重なるという判断と、X方向で含まれるという判断とのマージンをそれぞれ調整できる。
なお、上記のその3の条件は、文字が横書きの場合の条件である。すなわち、第1の方向を文字の縦方向および横方向のうちの縦方向と考え、および、第2の方向を横方向と考えた例である。また、文字が縦書きの場合は、上記(3) 式中のx、yを入れ換えた条件式を用いれば良い。
また、その4の条件式は、(((MAX(xe1、xe2)−MIN(xs1、xs2))×(MAX(ye1、ye2)−MIN(ys1、ys2))×P21)≧((xe1−xs1)×(ye1−ys1)))もしくは(((MAX(xe1、xe2)−MIN(xs1、xs2))×(MAX(ye1、ye2)−MIN(ys1、ys2))×P22)≧((xe2−xs2)×(ye2−ys2)))・・・(6) である。また、P21、P22は、任意の値を示す。
この条件式(6) によれば、基エンジンの位置編集済み文字と他エンジンの位置編集済み文字との重なっている部分の面積が、基エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置の面積と比較してある程度の割合(P21に依存する。)にあるか、或いは、他エンジンの位置編集済み文字の文字位置の面積と比較してある程度の割合(P22に依存する。)にあるかを、検出することができる。すなわち、両文字が重なった部分の面積が、これら文字の何れか一方の文字の面積に対して、ある割合の状態で対応関係を持つことを判定できる。また、P21、P22の値を変更することにより、上記の割合に関する判断のマージンをそれぞれ調整できる。
例えば、媒体が横書きの場合には、i番目の行を図2の領域201とし、j番目の行を図2の領域202と見なす。このとき、各行位置の座標が、重なり判定条件式:((ys1−P61)≦ye2)かつ((ye1−P62)≧ys2)・・・(7) を満たす場合に、各行は重なり合うと判定できる。ただし、P61およびP62は、任意の値を示す。また、媒体が縦書きの場合には、j番目の行およびk番目の行の重なり判定においては、重なり判定条件式:(((xs1−P63)≦xe2)かつ((xe1+P64)≧xs2)・・・(8) を満たす場合に、各行は重なり合うと判定できる。ただし、P63およびP64は、任意の値を示す。
続いて、i番目の行に属するk番目の文字と、j番目の行に属する文字とが互いに重なっているか否かを判定する(図13の1308)。例えば、この重なりの判定においては、媒体が横書きの場合、重なり判定条件式:((ys1−P65)≦ye2)かつ((ye1−P66)≧ys2)・・・(9) を満たす場合に、各文字は重なり合うと判定できる。ただし、P65およびP66は、任意の値を示す。また、媒体が縦書きの場合には、重なり判定条件式:(((xs1−P67)≦xe2)かつ((xe1+P68)≧xs2)・・・(10)を満たす場合に、各文字は重なり合うと判定できる。ただし、P67およびP68は、任意の値を示す。
媒体が横書きであって条件式(9) を満たして重なりがあると判定されたとき、ys=MAX(ys1、ys2)とし、ye=MIN(ye1、ye2)とする。ys=ys1である場合にはys1に(ye+P641)を代入し、ys=ys2である場合にはys2に(ye+P642)を代入することにより文字位置を編集する。また、ye=ye1である場合には、ye1に(ys−P631)を代入し、ye=ye2である場合には、ye2に(ys−P632)を代入することにより文字位置を編集する。
The present invention relates to a character reader. In particular, the final character determination is performed based on a combination of character recognition results obtained by a character reader having a plurality of character segmentation units with different character segmentation algorithms and / or a plurality of character recognition units with different character recognition algorithms. The present invention relates to a character reader that outputs a simple recognition result.
[Prior art]
As a conventional character reading device, for example, there is a device disclosed in JP-A-8-263591.
In this character reading apparatus, first, as shown in FIG. 23, a starting point P is found for each character image in the document image, and the character is cut out by tracing the outline of the character from the starting point P. Note that L in FIG. 23 indicates an area for one row (the same in FIG. 24).
According to this character reading apparatus, character recognition methods (hereinafter referred to as first and second character recognition methods) having different algorithms are used. That is, two character recognition methods are applied to the cut out characters. This character reading device can determine the two character recognition results obtained at this time in combination and output the final recognition result.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, when the above character reader is used, as shown in FIG. 24 (A), if the characters are separated because they are faint, as shown in FIG. When noise (dust) is included in addition to the characters in FIG. 24, or when it is considered that the adjacent characters are in contact with each other as shown in FIG. 24C, or in FIG. As shown, for example, in the case of a character in which parts constituting the character are separated, such as “small” of kanji or “i” of hiragana, character extraction may not be performed accurately. Therefore, there is a problem that erroneous recognition is likely to occur. Details will be described below.
First, FIG. 24A is a diagram illustrating an example of a character image in which the character “r” is separated into two characters because a part of the character “r” in the character string “for” is faint. In this case, it is ideal that three characters are cut out and recognized, but in the above-described conventional technique, four characters are cut out by mistake. Even if candidate characters are obtained by applying the first and second character recognition methods to characters cut out in error and the recognition result is determined from these candidate characters, only an incorrect recognition result can be obtained.
FIG. 24B shows an example of a document image including noise (garbage) “•” in addition to the character string “for”. In this case, it is ideal that the noise is removed (ignored) and cut out as three characters to be recognized. However, in the above-described conventional technique, four characters including noise “•” are cut out. Therefore, noise “·” is also obtained as a recognition result.
FIG. 24C shows an example of a document image in which the character “o” and the character “r” in the character string “for” are considered to be in contact with each other. In this case, it is ideal that the character “o” and the character “r” are separated and cut out as three characters, but in the above-described conventional technique, the characters are cut out as two characters. Even if candidate characters are obtained by applying different first and second character recognition methods to the character that is cut out in error, and the recognition result is determined from these candidate characters, only an incorrect recognition result can be obtained.
FIG. 24D shows an example of a document image of a character string “small” including characters separated from parts constituting the character, such as a character “small” and a character “I”. In this case, it is ideal that the three characters “small”, “sa”, and “i” are cut out and recognized. However, in the above-described prior art, the six characters “no”, “|”,. Will be cut out by mistake. Even if candidate characters are obtained by applying the first and second character recognition methods to characters cut out in error and the recognition result is determined from these candidate characters, only an incorrect recognition result can be obtained.
As described above, the conventional character reader recognizes a character by each of a plurality of character recognition methods with different algorithms, and then determines the final recognition result by making a combined determination of the recognition results by these methods. Generally speaking, various character recognition methods have advantages and disadvantages. For this reason, one character recognition method has limitations in improving the correct reading rate and reducing the misreading rate (hereinafter abbreviated as “increasing the character recognition rate”). However, by using a plurality of character recognition methods in combination, it is possible to complement each other's disadvantages and increase the character recognition rate.
The same applies to the character segmentation technique. In other words, there are various methods for character segmentation, but each has advantages and disadvantages. One character segmentation technique has a limit in increasing the character recognition rate. Therefore, a method is also considered in which characters are cut out by each of a plurality of character cutout methods with different algorithms, the cutout characters are recognized, recognition results are obtained, and the final recognition results are determined based on a combination of these recognition results. It is done. When the idea of using a plurality of character segmentation methods with different algorithms in this way is introduced, for example, it is considered that the above-described problems described using FIG. 24 can be reduced.
Therefore, in a character reader that uses a plurality of character cutting methods with different algorithms in combination to recognize characters in combination, or a character reader that uses a plurality of character recognition methods in different algorithms to recognize characters in combination, A technique for further increasing the recognition rate is desired.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
Therefore, the character reading device of the present invention includes N character cutout units, a character recognition unit, and a composite determination unit. These N character cutout portions have different character cutout algorithms. The character recognition unit recognizes each character extracted from the image data to be read by the N character extraction units and outputs a recognition result. Then, the composite determination unit determines whether or not there is a character corresponding to the character position among the characters extracted by the N character extraction units, and for the character determined to correspond, the corresponding character A final recognition result is determined by making a composite determination from each recognition result in each character recognition unit. This configuration has been filed as Japanese Patent Application No. 10-202506 (unpublished) which is the prior application of the inventors of the present application.
On the other hand, the invention according to this application is a character reading apparatus having the above-described configuration (hereinafter referred to as a first configuration), and in particular, the above-described composite determination unit is configured as follows.
That is, the composite determination unit determines whether or not the character cut out by the same character cutout unit and another character overlap each other before determining the correspondence of the character position. Edit each character position of.
According to the character reading device of the present invention having the above-described configuration, complex recognition is performed only on the character corresponding to the character position among the characters cut out by two or more character cutout units. Note that the characters whose character positions correspond to each other can be said to be characters that have been cut out in the same way by two or more character cutout portions, and thus are highly likely to be regular characters. Therefore, since complex recognition can be performed for a character that has a high probability of being a regular character, the character recognition rate can be increased.
In addition, the composite determination unit of the present invention determines whether or not there is an overlap between characters cut out by the same character cutout unit before determining the correspondence of the character positions. Edit. Therefore, the following effects can be obtained.
That is, although details will be described later, according to the first configuration, when there is an overlap between characters in the image data to be read, the extracted characters often overlap. For this reason, there is a case where the correspondence between character positions cannot be accurately determined when the correspondence between character positions is determined. As a result, the character recognition rate decreases for media with overlapping characters.
Such overlap between characters becomes prominent when the medium (form) is handwritten, when individual characters do not fit in the character frame, or when written in italic characters such as italic characters.
However, as described above, if the character positions of the cut out characters are overlapped with each other, the character position correspondence determination can be performed with high accuracy. Therefore, the character recognition rate can be increased even for a medium in which the overlap between characters is significant as described above.
Embodiments of a character reader according to the present invention will be described below with reference to the drawings. However, the drawings used in the description are merely schematically shown so that the present invention can be understood. Moreover, in each figure, it attaches and shows the same number about the same structural component, The duplicate description may be abbreviate | omitted.
1. First embodiment
FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a configuration of a character reading device 100 according to the first embodiment.
The character reading apparatus 100 includes a scanner 110, an image memory 111, a character area setting unit 120, a first character recognition engine 130, a second character recognition engine 140, and a composite determination unit 160.
Note that some or all of the scanner 110, the image memory 111, and the character area setting unit 120 may be included in an external device instead of being included in the character reading device 100 (the other embodiments described below). Same in form).
The scanner 110 optically scans a medium (form) and reads image data on the medium (hereinafter also referred to as image data).
The image memory 111 stores image data read by the scanner 110.
The character area setting unit 120 sets a character area (an area in which a plurality of characters are written and is an object to be read) for the image data stored in the image memory 111, or a character area from the image data. Extract regions.
As a method for setting a character area, for example, there is a method in which image data is displayed on a display or the like (not shown), and an operator sets a character area for this display. However, it is not limited to this. As a method for extracting a character region from image data, for example, there is a method disclosed in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 3-126181 related to the applicant of this application. However, it is not limited to this.
In this embodiment, the first character recognition engine 130 includes a first line cutout unit 131, a first character cutout unit 132, and a first character recognition unit 133.
The first line cutout unit 131 cuts out a line from the character area set or extracted by the character area setting unit 120 in the image data by the first line cutout method.
The first character cutout unit 132 cuts out characters from the line cut out by the first line cutout unit 131 by the first character cutout method.
The first character recognition unit 133 extracts a character pattern from the image data based on the character position information cut out by the first character cutout unit 132, and further recognizes the character by the first character recognition method.
On the other hand, in the case of this embodiment, the second character recognition engine 140 includes a second line cutout unit 141, a second character cutout unit 142, and a second character recognition unit 143.
The second line cutout unit 141 cuts out a line from the character region set or extracted by the character region setting unit 120 in the image data by the second line cutout method.
The second character cutout unit 142 cuts out characters from the line cut out by the second line cutout unit 141 by the second character cutout method.
The second character recognition unit 143 extracts a character pattern from the image data based on the character position information cut out by the second character cutout unit 142, and further recognizes the character by the second character recognition method.
Note that the first character cutout method and the second character cutout method are arbitrary character cutout methods having different algorithms. For example, as disclosed in Japanese Patent Application No. Hei 6-261882 (JP-A-8-101858), a method of detecting a frame circumscribing a character, estimating a character pitch from the frame, and cutting out the character based on the pitch As disclosed in JP-A-8-263591, various methods such as a method of cutting out a character by tracing the outline of the character can be used. However, it is not limited to these.
The first row cutout method and the second row cutout method may be any suitable method. Of course, the first row cutout method and the second row cutout method may be the same. As the line cutout method, for example, various methods such as the method disclosed in Japanese Patent Application No. 9-218913 and the method disclosed in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 8-26391 can be used. However, it is not limited to this.
The first character recognition method and the second character recognition method may be any suitable method. Of course, the first character recognition method and the second character recognition method may be the same. As a character recognition method, for example, various methods such as a method disclosed in Japanese Patent Publication No. 60-38756 and a method disclosed in Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 8-263591 can be used. However, it is not limited to these.
The composite determination unit 160 will be described in detail later, but the recognition result obtained by the first character recognition engine 130 (hereinafter referred to as the first recognition result) and the recognition result obtained by the second character recognition engine 140 (hereinafter referred to as the following). The final character recognition result is determined based on the second recognition result.
The composite determination unit 160 includes a composite character editing unit 190, a composite character position determination unit 170, and a composite character recognition unit 180.
In this embodiment, the composite character editing unit 190 includes a first in-line character editing unit 191 and a second in-line character editing unit 192.
The first in-line character editing unit 191 determines whether the character extracted by the first character extraction unit 132 and other characters overlap in the same line. If they overlap, the character positions of the character and other characters are edited.
The second in-line character editing unit 192 determines whether the character extracted by the second character extraction unit 142 and other characters overlap in the same line. If they overlap, the character positions of the character and other characters are edited.
The composite character position determination unit 170 edits the character extracted by the first character extraction unit 132 including the character whose character position has been edited by the first in-line character editing unit 191 and the character position by the second in-line character editing unit 192. For each character with the character cut out by the second character cutout unit 142 including the cut-out character, the character corresponding to the character position is examined, and the recognition result of each corresponding character is obtained as the first character recognition unit 133 and The second character recognition unit 143 extracts the recognition result and outputs it to the composite character recognition unit 180.
FIG. 2 is a diagram for explaining the character positions. Hereinafter, character positions will be described with reference to FIG. As shown in FIG. 2, when the upper left of the image data is the origin, the horizontal direction is the X direction, and the vertical direction is the Y direction, the coordinates of the characters cut out by the first character cutout unit 132 are the upper left (xs1, ys1). , Lower right (xe1, ye1). An area 201 surrounded by (xs1, ys1) and (xe1, ye1) is set as a character position of the character cut out by the first character cutout unit 132, for example. Similarly, a region 202 surrounded by (xs2, ys2) and (xe2, ye2) is set as a character position of a character cut out by the second character cutout unit 142, for example. In the following, FIG. 2 may be used to describe the relative positional relationship between the character, line, or region of interest, or other areas in the medium. Therefore, the areas 201 and 202 do not indicate only the characters cut out by the first character cutout unit 132 and the second character cutout unit 142.
In the case of this embodiment, the composite character position determination unit 170 includes a character position correspondence determination unit 171 and a corresponding character extraction unit 172.
The character position correspondence determination unit 171 of the composite character position determination unit 170 then determines the character position of the character whose position is edited by the first in-line character editing unit 191 for the characters cut out by the first character cutout unit 132 and overlapped with each other. For the characters cut out by the second character cutout unit 142 and overlapped with each other, the character position between the first and second character recognition engines 130 and 140 is determined from the character position of the character whose position is edited in the second inline character editing unit 192. The character corresponding to the position is determined. In this embodiment, the first and second character recognition engines 130 and 140 cut out the first recognition result and the second recognition result character position from the first recognition result character position and the second recognition result character position, respectively. The two-line character editing units 191 and 192 determine whether or not the character positions correspond between the characters whose position has been edited. A method for determining whether or not the character position corresponds will be described later in the explanation of the operation.
In addition, the corresponding character extraction unit 172 of the composite character position determination unit 170 recognizes each character whose character position corresponds one-to-one between the character recognition engines in the character determined to be supported by the character position correspondence determination unit 171. The results are extracted from the recognition results of each character recognition engine, and are output to the composite character recognition unit 180.
The composite character recognition unit 180 makes a composite determination from the recognition result recognized by the first character recognition engine 130 and the recognition result recognized by the second character recognition engine 140 based on the recognition result of the character corresponding to the character position. Specific recognition results. However, for a character for which there is no character corresponding to the character position between the character recognition engines, for example, a rejection is output.
Note that any suitable method may be used as a method of determining the final recognition result by making a combined determination. For example, when the first candidate characters are the same for the characters determined to correspond to the character positions in the recognition results obtained by the first and second character recognition engines respectively cut out and character recognized, A method of determining the first candidate character as a final recognition result can be mentioned. Alternatively, the method proposed in Japanese Patent Application No. 10-97237 relating to this applicant can be mentioned. The method proposed in Japanese Patent Application No. 10-97237 is a configuration in which a plurality of character recognition units output character codes and character shape information as recognition results, and the final recognition results are based on these character codes and character shape information. It is a method of determining.
Next, in order to deepen the understanding of the character reading apparatus 100, the operation of the apparatus 100 will be described. Here, description will be made mainly with reference to FIGS.
FIG. 3 is a diagram for explaining the operation of the first and second character cutout units 132 and 142. FIG. 4 is a flowchart showing the operation of the first and second inline character editing units 191 and 192. FIG. 5 is a diagram for explaining the result of editing the character positions of the first and second in-line character editing units 191 and 192. FIG. 6 is a flowchart showing the operation of the character position correspondence determination unit 171. FIG. 7 is a diagram for explaining an example of a determination condition as to whether or not a character position corresponds in the character position correspondence determination unit. FIG. 8 is a diagram for explaining the result of the character position correspondence determination. FIG. 9 is a flowchart showing the operation of the corresponding character extraction unit 172.
As already explained, when the medium (form) is handwritten, when individual characters are not within the character frame, or when italic characters such as italic characters are written, Since they may overlap each other, it is difficult to determine correspondence between character positions. In order to specifically explain this point, FIG. 3 shows a case where the medium is handwritten.
In this character reading apparatus 100, first, a medium (not shown) is scanned by the scanner 110, and image data of this medium is captured. The captured image data is stored in the image memory 111.
For the image data stored in the image memory 111, the character area setting unit 120 sets an area (character area) to be read.
FIG. 3A is a diagram showing an example pattern 301 for character reading. Here, a pattern in which dust (unnecessary noise) “.” Is attached to a character string “small” is used as a character reading target pattern example 301.
Subsequently, for the example pattern 301 to be read, the first line cutout unit 131 cuts out the line, and the first character cutout unit 132 cuts out the line cut out by the first line cutout unit 131. Cut out characters.
FIG. 3B is a diagram illustrating characters cut out by the first line cutout unit 131 and the first character cutout unit 132. In FIG. 3B, L indicates a cut out line, and a rectangular frame indicates a cut out character (the same applies to FIG. 3C). In the case of FIG. 3B, four characters “small”, “sa”,..., Excluding the noise “.”, Are cut out.
In addition, the second line cutout unit 141 cuts out the line for the example character pattern 301 to be read, and the second character cutout unit 142 cuts the character into the line cut out by the second line cutout unit 141. Cut out.
FIG. 3C is a diagram illustrating characters cut out by the second line cutout unit 141 and the second character cutout unit 142. In this case, six characters “No”, “|”.
Next, each character cut out by the first line cutout part 131 and the first character cutout part 132 is recognized by the first character recognition part 133. Each character cut out by the second line cutout unit 141 and the second character cutout unit 142 is recognized by the second character recognition unit 143.
Subsequently, among the characters cut out by the first line cutout unit 131 and the first character cutout unit 132, the character positions of the characters that overlap each other are edited by the first line character editing unit 191. In addition, among the characters cut out by the second line cutout unit 141 and the second character cutout unit 142, the character positions of the characters that overlap each other are edited by the second line character editing unit 192.
After that, each character cut out by the first line cutout unit 131 and the first character cutout unit 132 including the character whose character position is edited, and the second line cutout unit 141 and the second line including the character whose character position is edited. For each character cut out by the character cutout unit 142, the character position correspondence determination unit 171 determines whether there is a character corresponding to the character position.
In this embodiment, the recognition result of the first character recognition engine 130 is output to the first in-line character editing unit 191, and the recognition result of the second character recognition engine 140 is output to the second in-line character editing unit 192. The The first in-line character editing unit 191 and the second in-line character editing unit 192 determine whether or not a character input from each character recognition engine overlaps with another character in the same line, and edit each character position of the overlapping character. I do.
Here, with reference to FIG. 3, FIG. 4, and FIG. 5, the editing of the character position in the first in-line character editing unit 191 and the second in-line character editing unit 192 will be described in detail.
As described above, each character (four characters here) cut out by the first character cutting unit 132 is overlapped in the x direction shown in FIG. 2 as shown in FIG. Further, the characters cut out by the second character cutout unit 142 (here, 6 characters) overlap each other as shown in FIG.
When character position correspondence determination as will be described later is performed for each of the characters thus cut out, for example, the character “sa” recognized by the first character recognition engine corresponds to the character position. There are cases where it is determined that there are three characters “,”, “sa” and “i” recognized by the second character recognition engine. Therefore, at this time, the character “sa” is not correctly recognized, and the character recognition rate is lowered.
In the present invention, in order to suppress such a decrease in the character recognition rate, the character position is edited as follows before determining the correspondence of the character position.
However, in this embodiment, the first in-line character editing unit 191 and the second in-line character editing unit 192 perform processing for each character recognition engine, but these may perform similar processing operations.
The first in-line character editing unit 191 and the second in-line character editing unit 192 start editing the character position of the character in the same line (401 in FIG. 4). Since the second in-line character editing unit 192 operates in the same manner as the first in-line character editing unit 191 described below, the description thereof is omitted.
First, the first in-line character editing unit 191 sets a variable i indicating the row ID of the line cut out by the first line cut-out unit 131 (the number indicating the number of lines among the lines cut out by the line cut-out unit). After substituting 1 for initialization (402 in FIG. 4), the character ID of the character cut out by the first character cutout unit 132 (which indicates the number of the character cut out by the character cutout unit) (1) is initialized by substituting 1 into a variable j indicating (number). Then, initialization is performed by substituting j + 1 for a variable k indicating a character ID of a character other than the jth character of interest (404 in FIG. 4).
After initializing each variable, the first in-line character editing unit 191 determines whether or not the j-th character of interest and the other k-th character overlap each other (405 in FIG. 4). This overlap determination is performed as follows, for example.
In the overlap determination of the jth character and the kth character, when the medium is horizontally written, it can be determined that there is an overlap when the character position of each character satisfies the following conditional expression.
As shown in FIG. 2, the character position of the jth character is defined as an area 201 surrounded by the upper left (xs1, ys1) and lower right (xe1, ye1), and the character position of the kth character is defined as (xs2, ys2). ) And (xe2, ye2). At this time, when the coordinates of each character position satisfy the overlap determination conditional expression: (((xs1−P41) ≦ xe2) and ((xe1 + P42) ≧ xs2) (1), each character has an overlap. However, in the equation, P41 and P42 indicate arbitrary values, and when the medium is vertically written, in the overlap determination of the jth character and the kth character, the overlap determination conditional expression: (( If ys1−P51) ≦ ye2) and ((ye1 + P52) ≧ ys2)) (2) are satisfied, it can be determined that each character has an overlap. However, P51 and P52 in the formula indicate arbitrary values.
As described above, in character overlap determination, in both horizontal writing and vertical writing, when character positions of characters in the same line are at least viewed in the direction along the line, these characters overlap each other. May be determined to overlap each other. Therefore, in this case, it is determined that the character positions of the cut out characters do not overlap each other when viewed in a plane pattern, but overlap when viewed in the direction along the line. Further, the method for determining overlap is not limited to this.
Subsequently, the first in-line character editing unit 191 edits each character position of the j-th and k-th characters determined to overlap each other (406 in FIG. 4) (407 in FIG. 4). At this time, for example, the character position of each character is edited as follows.
When the medium is horizontally written and conditional expression (1) is satisfied, xs = MAX (xs1, xs2) and xe = MIN (xe1, xe2) are set. When xs = xs1, (xe + P43) is substituted for xs1, and when xs = xs2, (xe + P43) is substituted for xs2. When xe = xe1, (xs−P44) is substituted for xe1, and when xe = xe2, (xs−P44) is substituted for xe2. In the formula, MAX (A, B) takes the larger value of A and B, and MIN (A, B) means the smaller value of A and B. (However, when A = B, the value is taken.)
If the medium is vertically written and conditional expression (2) is satisfied, ys = MAX (ys1, ys2) and ye = MIN (ye1, ye2) are set. When ys = ys1, (ye + P53) is substituted for ys1, and when ys = ys2, (ye + P53) is substituted for ys2. When ye = ye1, (ys−P54) is substituted for ye1, and when ye = ye2, (ys−P54) is substituted for ye2.
As shown in FIG. 3, since the X coordinate xe1 of the right side of the jth character is larger than the X coordinate xs2 of the left side of the kth character, the conditional expression (1) is satisfied. Since xs = xs2 and xe = xe1, (xe + P43) is substituted for xs1, and (xs−P44) is substituted for xe1. Therefore, the X coordinate of the right side of the jth character is (xs2-P44), and the X coordinate of the left side of the kth character is (xe1 + P43). Further, by changing the values of the constants P41 to P44, it is possible to determine the overlapping of both characters or adjust the margin for editing the character positions of both characters.
The editing of the character position for the jth character is repeatedly performed from k = j + 1 to k = n (where n is the number of characters in the line). That is, it is determined whether or not the editing of the character positions of the jth character and all the kth characters has been completed (408 in FIG. 4), and if not, k + 1 is substituted for k. (411 in FIG. 4), the character position is edited.
Then, for all the j-th characters, it is determined whether or not the editing of the character position of the j-th character and each character position of the k-th character is completed (409 in FIG. 4). Substitutes (j + 1) for j (412 in FIG. 4), and edits each character position for the (j + 1) th character.
When editing of character positions for all the characters in the i-th line is completed, (i + 1) is substituted for i (413 in FIG. 4), and the character position is edited for the (i + 1) -th line. If it is determined that the editing of the character position is completed for all the lines of the medium (410 in FIG. 4), the in-line character editing is terminated (414 in FIG. 4).
FIGS. 5A and 5B show a state in which the character positions are edited as described above for the characters in FIGS. 3B and 3C, respectively. As shown in FIG. 5, the character position of each character (rectangular area indicated by a thick line in the figure) is edited so that it is spaced apart from the character position of other characters.
In the editing of the character position in this illustrated example, the character position is edited by reducing the area of each character position so that the character positions indicating the areas cut out by the character cutout unit do not overlap each other. Yes.
The character cut out by the character cutout unit including the character whose character position has been edited by the composite character editing unit as described above may be referred to as “position edited character”.
Next, the operation of the character position correspondence determination unit 171 will be described with reference to FIGS.
In this embodiment, the first character recognition engine 130 is hereinafter referred to as a “base engine” on the assumption that it is a reference engine. Each character cut out by the base engine becomes a reference character. Further, a character recognition engine other than the base engine (the second character recognition engine 140 in the first embodiment) is hereinafter referred to as “another engine”. Therefore, in this embodiment, the first character cutout portion 132 corresponds to a reference character cutout portion, and each character cut out by the first character cutout portion 132 corresponds to a reference character.
First, when the character position correspondence determining unit 171 starts processing (601 in FIG. 6), the character position correspondence determining unit 171 is cut out by the first character recognition engine 130 including the character edited by the first in-line character editing unit 191. The character position information of the selected character is defined as the character position information of the base engine, while the character position of the character cut out by the second character recognition engine 140 including the character edited by the second in-line character editing unit 192 Is defined as information on the character positions of other engines.
Note that the character position information of the character cut out by the character cutout unit and output to the composite determination unit may be used by being added to the character recognition result. Accordingly, at this time, the character position of the character referred to in the present invention can be regarded as information included in the recognition result.
The character position correspondence determination unit 171 includes a buffer that stores the correspondence character IDs and the number of correspondence characters between the base engine and the other engines.
Next, the character position correspondence determining unit 171 initializes this buffer by inputting 0 into the buffer for storing the corresponding character ID and the number of corresponding characters (602 in FIG. 6).
Subsequently, after initializing by assigning 1 to a variable i indicating the character ID of the character cut out by the base engine (number indicating the number of the character cut out by the base engine) (603 in FIG. 6), etc. Initialization is performed by substituting 1 into a variable j indicating a character ID of a character cut out by the engine (a number indicating the number among characters cut out by other engines) (604 in FIG. 6).
Next, the correspondence relationship between the character positions of the i-th position edited character of the base engine and the j-th position edited character of the other engine is determined (605 in FIG. 6). Here, the character position is the concept described with reference to FIG. Further, for example, the determination as to whether or not the character position corresponds is performed as follows.
FIG. 7 is a diagram for explaining the correspondence determination, and is a diagram showing the determination condition for the existence of the correspondence relationship. Here, four determination conditions of 1 to 4 are shown. When any one of these four conditions is satisfied, it can be determined that there is a correspondence between character positions. Of course, in carrying out the present invention, only one of the 1 to 4 may be fixed as a determination criterion, and there is a correspondence relationship when one of the two is satisfied as a determination condition. Alternatively, it may be determined that there is a correspondence if one of them is satisfied by using three as determination conditions. Further, the determination conditions are not limited to these four.
The first conditional expression is (((xs1−P1) ≦ xe2) and ((xe1 + P2) ≧ xs2) and ((ys1−P3) ≦ ye2) and ((ye1 + P4) ≧ ys2)) (3) It is. However, P1-P4 in a formula shows arbitrary values.
According to this conditional expression (3), in which the values of P1 to P4 are set to 0, the position-edited characters of the base engine and the position-edited characters of other engines are slightly overlapped. The state can be detected. That is, it can be determined that there is a correspondence in a state where both characters overlap even a little. Further, by changing the values of P1 to P4, it is possible to adjust the margin for determining that both characters overlap.
The second conditional expression is (((xs1 ≧ (xs2−P5)) and (xe1 ≦ (xe2 + P6)) and (ys1 ≧ (ys2−P7)) and (ye1 ≦ (ye2 + P8))) or (( xs2 ≧ (xs1−P9)) and (xe2 ≦ (xe1 + P10)) and (ys2 ≧ (ys1−P11)) and (ye2 ≦ (ye1 + P12))))) (4) However, P5-P12 in a formula shows arbitrary values.
According to the conditional expression (4), in which the values of P5 to P12 are 0, the character position of the position edited character of the base engine is included in the character position of the position edited character of the other engine. The state or the opposite state can be detected. That is, it can be determined that there is a correspondence in a state where one character position is included in the other character position. Also, by changing the values of P5 to P12, it is possible to adjust the margin for determination that one character position is included in the other character position.
The three conditional expressions are (((xs1 ≧ (xs2−P13)) and (xe1 ≦ (xe2 + P14)) and ((ys1−P15) ≦ ye2) and ((ye1 + P16) ≧ ys2)) or (( xs2 ≧ (xs1−P17)) and (xe2 ≦ (xe1 + P18)) and ((ys1−P19) ≦ ye2) and ((ye1 + P20) ≧ ys2))) (5) However, P13-P20 in a formula shows arbitrary values.
According to this conditional expression (5), in which the values of P13 to P20 are 0, the character position of the position-edited character of the base engine is in the Y direction to the character position of the position-edited character of the other engine. The character position of the edited character in the base engine is included in the character position of the edited character in the other engine in the X direction (the horizontal direction of the character). The state can be detected. Or, the character position of the position edited character of the other engine overlaps the character position of the base engine position edited character in the Y direction (the vertical direction of the character) even slightly, and the character of the position edited character of the other engine It is possible to detect a state where the position is included in the character position of the position-edited character of the base engine in the X direction (character horizontal direction). That is, it can be determined that one character position has a corresponding relationship with the other character position in a state where the character position partially overlaps in the y direction and is included in the X direction. In addition, by changing the values of P13 to P20, it is possible to adjust the margin between the determination that one character position overlaps the other character position in the y direction and the determination that the character position is included in the X direction.
Note that the above third condition is a condition when the character is written horizontally. That is, this is an example in which the first direction is considered as the vertical direction of the vertical and horizontal directions of the character, and the second direction is considered as the horizontal direction. When the character is written vertically, a conditional expression in which x and y in the above expression (3) are exchanged may be used.
The fourth conditional expression is (((MAX (xe1, xe2) −MIN (xs1, xs2)) × (MAX (ye1, ye2) −MIN (ys1, ys2)) × P21) ≧ ((xe1− xs1) × (ye1-ys1))) or (((MAX (xe1, xe2) −MIN (xs1, xs2)) × (MAX (ye1, ye2) −MIN (ys1, ys2)) × P22) ≧ (( xe2-xs2) × (ye2-ys2))) (6) P21 and P22 represent arbitrary values.
According to this conditional expression (6), the area of the portion where the position edited character of the base engine and the position edited character of the other engine overlap is compared with the area of the character position of the position edited character of the base engine. Or a certain ratio (depending on P21) or a certain ratio (depending on P22) compared to the area of the character position of the position edited character of another engine. be able to. That is, it can be determined that the area of the portion where both characters overlap has a corresponding relationship with the area of any one of these characters. In addition, by changing the values of P21 and P22, it is possible to adjust the margins of judgment regarding the above ratios.
8A and 8B are diagrams for explaining the result of determining the correspondence as described above. That is, it is a diagram for explaining the result of determining the correspondence between the i-th character among the position-edited characters of the base engine and the j-th character among the position-edited characters of the other engines.
In the determination of whether or not there is a correspondence relationship (606 in FIG. 6), if there is a correspondence relationship, the corresponding character ID column of the i-th position edited character of the base engine is a character corresponding thereto. To set the character ID of the position edited character of the other engine. Further, the number of characters corresponding to the position-edited character of the other engine and the position-edited character of the other engine is set in the column of the number of characters corresponding to the i-th position-edited character of the base engine. Further, the character ID of the character corresponding to the jth character of the other engine and the character edited for the position of the base engine is set in the column of the corresponding character ID of the jth character of the other engine. Further, the number of characters corresponding to this and the position-edited characters of the base engine is set in the column of the number of characters corresponding to the j-th character of the other engine (607 in FIG. 6).
Specifically, in the example of FIG. 8A, the first character 801 of the position edited character of the base engine is the first to third characters 811 to 3 of the position edited character of the other engine. 813 corresponds to the character position. Therefore, as shown in FIG. 8B, the corresponding character ID of the first position edited character of the base engine is set to 1, 2, and as the character ID of the corresponding character among the position edited characters of the other engine. Set 3 Furthermore, 3 is set as the number of characters of the corresponding character among the position-edited characters of the other engines in the field of the number of characters corresponding to the first character of the base engine. Also, 1 is set as the character ID of the corresponding character among the position-edited characters of the base engine in the corresponding character ID columns of the first, second and third characters of the other engines. Furthermore, 1 is set as the number of characters of the corresponding character among the position-edited characters of the base engine in the column of the number of characters corresponding to the first, second and third characters of the other engines.
Further, in the example of FIG. 8A, the second character 802 of the base engine position edited character corresponds to the fourth character 814 of the other engine position edited character. Further, the third character 803 of the base engine position edited character corresponds to the fifth character 815 of the position edited character of the other engine in the character position. The fourth character 804 of the base engine position-edited character corresponds to the character position of the fifth character 815 of the other engine position-edited character. However, the character whose character position corresponds to the sixth character 816 of the position edited character of the other engine does not exist in the position edited character of the base engine.
For each of the characters 802 to 804 and 814 to 815 having the correspondence relationship, information is set in the information column regarding the corresponding character ID and the number of corresponding characters in the same manner as described for the character 801 (608 to 611 in FIG. 6 and (See FIG. 8B).
When the determination of the correspondence relationship between the position edited characters of the base engine and the position edited characters of the other engine is completed (612 in FIG. 6), the processing by the corresponding character extraction unit 172 is as follows. To be done. This process will be described with reference to FIG.
When the process starts (901 in FIG. 9), the corresponding character extraction unit 172 first initializes by substituting 1 into the variable i indicating the character ID of the base engine (902 in FIG. 9). Next, the number of characters corresponding to the i-th position edited character of the base engine (that is, the number indicating the number of characters corresponding to the other engine side) is acquired (903 in FIG. 9), and the acquired number of corresponding characters is 1. Is determined (904 in FIG. 9). When the number of corresponding characters is 1, the corresponding character ID of the i-th position edited character of the base engine (that is, the character number on the other engine side) is acquired (905 in FIG. 9). Next, the number of corresponding characters in the other engine specified by the acquired corresponding character ID (that is, a number indicating whether there are some corresponding characters on the base engine side) is acquired (906 in FIG. 9). It is determined whether or not the acquired number of corresponding characters is 1 (907 in FIG. 9). When the number of corresponding characters is 1, the corresponding character ID of this character (that is, the character number on the base engine side) is acquired (908 in FIG. 9). If the acquired corresponding character ID matches i indicating the character ID of the base engine (909 in FIG. 9), the recognition result of the i-th position edited character of the base engine and the i-th position edit The recognition result of the character on the other engine side specified by the corresponding character ID of the completed character is acquired (910 in FIG. 9). It is determined whether corresponding character extraction for the number of characters cut out by the base engine has been completed (911 in FIG. 9). If not, i is incremented by 1 as the character ID of the base engine, and the processing is repeated from step 903 ( 912 of FIG.
According to the series of processing described with reference to FIG. 9, when there is one character corresponding to the character position on the other engine side with respect to the position-edited character of the base engine (that is, one-to-one). When there is a corresponding character), the recognition results of the character on the base engine side and the character on the other engine side can be extracted.
Although details will be described later, using this extracted recognition result, the composite character recognition unit 180 performs composite recognition and determines a final recognition result.
If it is determined that the number of corresponding characters is not 1 in the processing 904 or the processing 907, or if the corresponding character ID is not i in the processing 909, have the corresponding characters extracted by the number of characters extracted by the base engine been completed? It is determined whether or not (911 in FIG. 9), and if not completed, the character ID of the base engine is incremented by 1 and the processing is repeated from step 903 (912 in FIG. 9).
However, the process 908 and the process 909 may not be included in the series of processes described with reference to FIG. This is because if the number of corresponding characters is determined to be 1 in the process 907, the corresponding character ID acquired in the process 908 always matches i indicating the character number of the base engine.
When the processing by the corresponding character extraction unit 172 described above is performed on the recognition target pattern “small” having the character position correspondence as described with reference to FIG. 8, the second in the position-edited characters of the base engine. The first character 802, that is, “sa”, and the fourth character 814 in the position-edited characters of other engines, that is, “sa”, have a one-to-one correspondence. Therefore, only the recognition result of these “sa” characters is extracted and output to the composite character recognition unit 180.
Note that the number of candidate characters output by the character recognition units of the base engine and other engines can be any number according to the character recognition technique. In other words, each character recognition unit of the base engine and the other engine may list a single candidate character or a plurality of candidate characters.
The composite character recognizing unit 180 compositely determines each recognition result for each recognition result of the characters having a one-to-one correspondence, and outputs a final recognition result.
There are no particular limitations on the criteria for performing complex recognition. As described in the description of the device configuration, for example, when it is determined that the edited character position in the recognition result obtained by the first and second character recognition engines respectively cut out and recognized by the character corresponds, A method of determining the first candidate character as the final recognition result when the first candidate characters are the same can be cited. Alternatively, the method proposed in Japanese Patent Application No. 10-97237 relating to this applicant can be mentioned. In the method proposed in Japanese Patent Application No. 10-97237, a plurality of character recognition units output character codes and character shape information (may be other parameters than character shape information) as recognition results. The final recognition result is determined based on the character code and the character shape information (or other parameters).
According to the character reading device of the first embodiment, after the character string to be read is cut out by the first character cutout unit and the second character cutout unit, the characters cut out by the respective character cutout units are within the same line. After determining whether or not they overlap with each other, edit the character positions of the overlapping characters, and composite recognition processing only for the characters whose character positions correspond one-to-one between the position-edited characters of each character cutout part Can be done. Characters that are cut out by the first and second character cutout portions having different algorithms and that correspond to each other in character positions have a high probability (probability) of being normal characters. In other words, a non-character portion caused by blurring as described with reference to FIG. 24A, a noise portion as described with reference to FIG. 24B, and FIG. 24C. A portion in which a plurality of characters are combined by contact, a separation portion in a part constituting a character as described with reference to FIG. 24D has a low probability of being similarly cut out by each character cutout portion. Conceivable. For this reason, it is considered that the one-to-one correspondence of the character positions between the character cutout portions is unlikely to occur between the character cutout portions, so that the probability of being sent to the composite character recognition portion is low. Therefore, the character recognition rate in composite character recognition can be increased.
The character reading device according to the first embodiment particularly includes an in-line character editing unit. The in-line character editing unit determines whether or not the characters in the line overlap each other with respect to the characters cut out by the character cut-out units. If they overlap, the character positions of the overlapping characters are edited. Therefore, according to this character reading device, even when characters in a line overlap and are cut out, it can be accurately determined whether or not the character positions correspond one-to-one.
For example, when such an in-line character editing unit is not provided, the character position correspondence determination is performed for the characters cut out as shown in FIGS. 3 (B) and 3 (C). Therefore, depending on the character position correspondence determination condition, the character “sa” of the first character recognition engine and the characters “,”, “sa” and “i” of the second character recognition engine are It may be determined that it corresponds. However, as described above, if the character position is edited before the character position correspondence determination, such erroneous determination can be reduced.
In the above-described embodiment, a line represented by one horizontal line has been described as an example of a pattern to be processed. However, in the case of vertical writing, when characters are cut out from a plurality of lines, they exist in separate lines. The present invention can also be applied to the characters to be applied, and similar effects can be obtained (the same applies to the following embodiments).
Further, in this embodiment, it is determined whether or not the character cut out by the same character cutout portion and other characters overlap each other, and when they overlap, the character positions are edited. Needless to say, the determination of overlapping and the editing of character positions in this way are not limited to characters in the same line, and can be performed on characters in any arrangement form.
2. Second embodiment
The character reading device 100 according to the first embodiment described above is a device including two character recognition engines. That is, first, characters are cut out by the first and second character cutout units having different algorithms for the character area or line to be read, and then the characters in the line overlap for the characters cut out by the character cutout units. And then editing each character position of the overlapping characters, and then recognizing each of the corresponding characters with respect to the character corresponding to the character position having a one-to-one correspondence between the position-edited characters of the first and second character recognition engines. It was a device that determined the final recognition result by making multiple judgments from the results. However, the character reading device of the present invention can of course be applied to a case where three or more character cutout portions are provided. This second embodiment is an example.
FIG. 10 is a block diagram showing the configuration of the character reading apparatus 1000 according to the second embodiment. Hereinafter, differences from the character reading device 100 according to the first embodiment will be mainly described.
The character reading apparatus 1000 according to the second embodiment further includes an Nth character recognition engine 1010 in addition to the first and second character recognition engines 130 and 140. However, N is an integer greater than or equal to 3. Therefore, if N = 3, further includes a third character recognition engine, and if N = 4, further includes third and fourth character recognition engines.
The Nth character recognition engine 1010 includes an Nth line cutout unit 1011, an Nth character cutout unit 1012, and an Nth character recognition unit 1013.
However, when three or more character cutout portions are provided, it is not always necessary that the character cutout algorithms of the character cutout portions are all different. That is, the three or more character cutout portions are at least two types of character cutout portions having different character cutout algorithms (for example, in the case of three character cutout portions, the first character cutout portion is of the first character cutout algorithm). The second and third character cutout portions may be configured by the second character cutout algorithm). This is because when the character reader includes three or more character recognition units having different character recognition algorithms, the three or more character cutout units corresponding to these character recognition units are at least two types of character cutout units having different character cutout algorithms. This is because the effect of the present invention can be obtained if it is configured.
In addition, the Nth line cutout unit 1011 and the Nth character recognition unit 1013 are different from the line cutout units 131 and 141 and the character recognition units 133 and 143 of other engines even though the line cutout algorithm and the character recognition algorithm are the same. May be.
Further, in the character reading apparatus 1000 of the second embodiment, the configuration of the composite determination unit 1020 is different from that of the first embodiment. Specifically, the composite determination unit 1020 includes a composite character editing unit 1090 having a configuration different from that of the first embodiment, a composite character position determination unit 1030 having a configuration different from that of the first embodiment, and the first It is comprised with the composite character recognition part 180 similar to the embodiment of.
The difference between the composite character editing unit 1090 of the second embodiment and the first exemplary embodiment is that the composite character editing unit 1090 is changed to N in-line character editing units, that is, the first, second, and Nth in-line characters. This is a point constituted by the editing units 191, 192 and 1093. Note that the Nth in-line character editing unit 1093 determines whether or not the characters input from the Nth character recognition engine 1010 overlap with the characters in the same line, similarly to the first and second in-line character editing units 191 and 192. Then, each character position of the overlapping character is edited. Therefore, the description is omitted.
The difference between the composite character position determination unit 1030 and the first embodiment is that the character position correspondence determination unit is composed of the first to (N-1) th character position correspondence determination units 1031 to 1032 and the corresponding character extraction. As a part, it is the point comprised with the corresponding character extraction part 1033 which extracts a corresponding character from the 1st-N-1th character position corresponding | compatible determination part. However, N is a value referred to in the first to Nth character cutout parts 132 to 1012.
Each of the first to (N-1) th character position correspondence determination units 1031 to 1032 determines whether there is a character corresponding to the character position between the position-edited characters of the two character recognition engines. Specifically, for example, the following determination is performed.
That is, when the base engine is the first character recognition engine 130, the first character position correspondence determination unit 1031 includes the position-edited characters of the first character recognition engine 130 and the position-edited characters of the second character recognition engine 140. The character corresponding to the character position is determined. The second character position correspondence determination unit (not shown) corresponds to the character position between the position edited character of the first character recognition engine 130 and the position edited character of the third character recognition engine (not shown). Determine which character to use. The N-1th character position correspondence determination unit 1032 determines which character corresponds to the character position between the position edited character of the first recognition engine 130 and the position edited character of the Nth character recognition engine 1010. To do.
Each of the first to (N-1) th character position correspondence determination units 1031 to 1032 is the character position correspondence determination described in the first embodiment, except that the engine for viewing the correspondence relationship between the character positions is different as described above. Since the processing similar to that of the unit 171 (the processing described with reference to FIGS. 6 to 8) can be implemented, the description thereof is omitted.
Next, the operation of the character reading apparatus 1000 according to the second embodiment will be described. However, description of what has been described in the first embodiment will be omitted. Therefore, here, the corresponding character extraction unit 1033 will be mainly described.
Corresponding character extraction unit 1033 extracts characters corresponding to character positions on a one-to-one basis from the characters determined to correspond by first to (N-1) -th character position correspondence determination units, and outputs the extracted characters to composite character recognition unit 180. . The operation of the corresponding character extraction unit 1033 will be described below.
FIG. 11 is a diagram for explaining the operation of the corresponding character extraction unit 1033. When the corresponding character extraction unit 1033 starts processing (1101 in FIG. 11), first, the variable character extraction unit 1033 is initialized by substituting 1 into a variable i indicating the character ID of the base engine (the first character recognition engine in this example) (FIG. 11). 1102). In addition, 1 is substituted into a variable n indicating which determination unit is the determination result of the first to (N-1) th character position correspondence determination units (1103 in FIG. 11).
Next, the number of characters corresponding to the i-th position-edited character of the base engine in the result of the n-th character position correspondence determination unit (that is, how many characters corresponding to the position-edited characters of other engines are present) is shown. (Number) is acquired (1104 in FIG. 11). Next, it is determined whether or not the acquired number of corresponding characters is 1 (1105 in FIG. 11).
When the number of corresponding characters is 1, the corresponding character ID of the i-th character (namely, the number of the position edited character of the other engine) is acquired (1106 in FIG. 11).
Next, in the result of the n-th character position correspondence determination unit, the number of corresponding characters (that is, the base engine) of the character specified by the corresponding character ID acquired in process 1106 (that is, the specific position-edited character in another engine). The number indicating the number of corresponding characters in the position-edited character on the side) is acquired (1107 in FIG. 11).
Next, it is determined whether or not the acquired number of corresponding characters is 1 (1108 in FIG. 11).
Next, it is determined whether or not the character corresponding to one-to-one has been specified for the results of all the character position correspondence determination units (1109 in FIG. 11). That is, since the character reader of this embodiment includes the first to (N-1) th character position correspondence determination units, n, which is a variable indicating which character position correspondence determination unit is the determination result, It is determined whether or not n = N-1.
If n ≠ N−1, that is, if the corresponding character extraction has not been completed up to the N−1th character position correspondence determination unit, n + 1 is substituted for the variable n (1112 in FIG. 11), and the processing returns to processing 1104. .
On the other hand, when n = N−1, the recognition result of the i-th character (reference character) of the base engine and the recognition result of the character corresponding to the reference character in a one-to-one correspondence with the reference character Are respectively acquired (1110 in FIG. 11).
In the case where the number of corresponding characters is not 1 in the processing 1105, the number of corresponding characters is not 1 in the processing 1108, or the processing 1110 is completed, each position of the base engine has been edited. It is determined whether or not the corresponding character extraction processing has been completed for the character (1111 in FIG. 11). If completed, the corresponding character extraction is terminated (1114 in FIG. 11). If not completed, i + 1 is substituted into the variable i indicating the character ID of the position-edited character of the base engine (in FIG. 11). 1113), and returns to the processing 1103.
When the corresponding character extraction is completed, the composite character recognition unit 180 makes a composite determination from the recognition results output from the corresponding character extraction unit 1033 and outputs the final recognition result. The determination criteria for performing this complex recognition may be the same as those described in the first embodiment, for example. In the case of the second embodiment, candidate characters (typically character codes) are obtained from three or more character recognition engines, respectively. Therefore, the character having the highest appearance frequency among the three or more character codes. There may be a case where a code (a character code determined by majority vote) is used as a final recognition result.
In addition, although it is not restricted to this about the character with which the character corresponding to a character position did not correspond between character recognition engines, a rejection is output, for example.
According to the character reader 1000 of the second embodiment, the same effect as that of the first embodiment can be obtained. However, only three or more character cutouts are cut out from each character, and the character positions corresponding to one-to-one among all the character cutouts are determined in combination from the recognition results of the corresponding characters. Thus, the final recognition result can be determined. Therefore, the character recognition rate can be increased.
3. Third embodiment
In each of the character reading devices 100 and 1000 according to the first and second embodiments described above, there is an overlapping character in the same line in the characters extracted by each of the plurality of character extraction units before determining the correspondence of the character positions. It is an apparatus that pays attention to the point of editing whether or not the character position of the character is edited. On the other hand, in the character reading device of the third embodiment, before the character overlap determination in the same line, the character cut out by the character cutout unit and the character belonging to a line different from the line to which the character belongs are included. It is determined whether or not they overlap, and if they overlap, the character positions of these characters are edited.
FIG. 12 is a block diagram illustrating a configuration of a character reading device 1200 according to the third embodiment. Here, an example in which the idea of the third embodiment is applied to the character reading device of the second embodiment is shown, and therefore, differences from the character reading device of the second embodiment are mainly described. To do. Note that the idea of the third embodiment may be applied to the character reading device of the first embodiment.
The character reader 1200 according to the third embodiment includes first, second, and Nth character recognition engines 130, 140, and 1010, similarly to the character reader according to the second embodiment.
The character reading device 1200 includes a composite determination unit 1210 having a configuration different from that of the character reading device according to the second embodiment.
That is, the composite determination unit 1210 not only determines whether or not the characters cut out by the character recognition engines 130, 140, and 1010 overlap the characters in the same line, but also the characters belonging to other lines. It is also determined whether or not they overlap. If they overlap, the character positions of those characters are edited. Thereafter, the same recognition process as in the second embodiment is performed to obtain a final recognition result in a composite manner.
In order to realize this, the composite determination unit 1210 includes a composite character editing unit 1290 having a configuration different from that of the second embodiment.
The composite character editing unit 1290 includes first, second, and Nth out-of-line character editing units 1291, 1292, and 1293 at the preceding stage of the first, second, and Nth in-line character editing units 191, 192, and 1093, respectively. . Since the first, second, and Nth in-line character editing units 191, 192, and 1093 are the same as those in the second embodiment, the description thereof is omitted.
The other components of the composite determination unit 1210, that is, the composite character position determination unit 1030 and the composite character recognition unit 180 are the same as those in the second embodiment, and thus the description thereof is omitted.
The first, second, and Nth out-of-line character editing units 1291, 1292, and 1293 are configured to detect characters extracted by the character recognition engines 130, 140, and 1010 and characters belonging to a line different from the line to which the character belongs. Determine whether or not they overlap each other. If they overlap, the character position of each character is edited.
Next, the operation of the character reading device 1200 according to the third embodiment will be described. However, description of what has been described in the second embodiment will be omitted. Therefore, hereinafter, the out-of-line character editing unit will be mainly described.
FIG. 13 is a flowchart showing the operation of the out-of-line character editing unit. However, the first, second, and Nth out-of-line character editing units 1291, 1292, and 1293 perform processing for each character recognition engine, but these may perform similar processing operations.
The first, second, and Nth out-of-line character editing units 1291, 1292, and 1293 start processing (1301 in FIG. 13). Note that the second and Nth out-of-line character editing units 1292 and 1293 operate in the same manner as the first out-of-line character editing unit described below, and a description thereof will be omitted.
First, the first out-of-line character editing unit 1291 initializes by substituting 1 for a variable i indicating the line ID of the line cut out by the first line cut-out unit 131 (1302 in FIG. 13), and Is initialized by assigning i + 1 to a variable j indicating the row ID of a different row (1303 in FIG. 13).
After initializing each variable, the first out-of-line character editing unit 1291 determines whether or not the i-th line overlaps the j-th line (1304 in FIG. 13).
Note that this line overlap determination is not necessarily performed. However, if the overlap is determined for the character of interest and all the characters belonging to a line different from the line to which the character belongs, the determination takes a long time. Therefore, in particular, before the character position overlap determination in different lines, the overlap determination of the different lines is performed. Thereby, it is possible to determine the overlap of character positions in different lines in a short time. This line overlap determination is performed as follows, for example.
For example, when the medium is horizontally written, the i-th row is regarded as the area 201 in FIG. 2, and the j-th line is regarded as the area 202 in FIG. At this time, it can be determined that the rows overlap if the coordinates of each row position satisfy the overlap determination conditional expression: ((ys1-P61) ≦ ye2) and ((ye1-P62) ≧ ys2) (7) . However, P61 and P62 show arbitrary values. Further, when the medium is vertically written, in the overlap determination between the jth row and the kth row, the overlap determination conditional expressions: (((xs1−P63) ≦ xe2) and ((xe1 + P64) ≧ xs2). If it satisfies (8), it can be determined that the lines overlap, but P63 and P64 indicate arbitrary values.
As described above, it is determined whether or not they overlap (1305 in FIG. 13). If the i-th row and the j-th row do not overlap, the processing proceeds to the processing 1313 described later.
If they overlap, the variable k indicating the character ID of each character in the i-th row is initialized by substituting 1 (1306 in FIG. 13), and the character ID of each character in the j-th row is indicated. The variable m is initialized by substituting 1 (1307 in FIG. 13).
Subsequently, it is determined whether or not the k-th character belonging to the i-th row and the character belonging to the j-th row overlap each other (1308 in FIG. 13). For example, in this overlap determination, when the medium is horizontal writing, the overlap determination conditional expression: ((ys1-P65) ≦ ye2) and ((ye1-P66) ≧ ys2) (9) is satisfied. Each character can be determined to overlap. However, P65 and P66 show arbitrary values. In addition, when the medium is vertically written, if the overlapping judgment conditional expression: (((xs1−P67) ≦ xe2) and ((xe1 + P68) ≧ xs2) (10) is satisfied, the characters overlap. However, P67 and P68 indicate arbitrary values.
As described above, it is determined whether or not the characters overlap (1309 in FIG. 13), and the k-th character belonging to the i-th row and the m-th character belonging to the j-th row do not overlap. Shifts directly to processing 1311 described later.
If they overlap, the character positions of the k-th character belonging to the i-th row and the m-th character belonging to the j-th row are edited (1310 in FIG. 13).
FIG. 14 is a diagram for explaining the result of editing the character position by the first out-of-line character editing unit. The character string patterns “small” and “large” of the medium shown in FIG. 14A are cut out for each character by the first character recognition engine 130. As a result, as shown in FIG. 14B, the four characters “small”, “sa”,... Belonging to the row L1 are cut out, and the characters “large”, “ki” belonging to the row L2 are cut out. , Suppose that three characters “I” are cut out.
In FIG. 14B, among the cut out characters, the character “small” does not overlap with the character outside the line, so the character position is not edited. Since the character “sa” overlaps with the “outside” character “large”, the character position is edited. This character position editing is performed as follows, for example.
When it is determined that the medium is horizontally written and satisfies the conditional expression (9) and there is an overlap, ys = MAX (ys1, ys2) and ye = MIN (ye1, ye2). When ys = ys1, (ye + P641) is substituted into ys1, and when ys = ys2, the character position is edited by substituting (ye + P642) into ys2. If ye = ye1, (ys-P631) is substituted for ye1, and if ye = ye2, the character position is edited by substituting (ys-P632) for ye2.
When it is determined that the medium is vertically written and satisfies the conditional expression (10) and has an overlap, xs = MAX (xs1, xs2) and xe = MIN (xe1, xe2). When xs = xs1, (xe + P681) is substituted into xs2, and when xs = xs2, the character position is edited by substituting (xe + P682) into xs1. If xe = xe1, (xs-P671) is substituted for xe1, and if xe = xe2, the character position is edited by substituting (xs-P672) for xe2.
Thereafter, it is determined whether or not the overlap determination between the k-th character belonging to the i-th row of interest and the m-th character belonging to the j-th row is completed (1311 in FIG. 13). If it is determined that this has been completed, it is determined whether all the characters in the i-th line have been completed (1312 in FIG. 13). If it is determined that this has been completed, it is determined whether or not all of the jth row has been completed (1313 in FIG. 13). If it is determined that this has been completed, it is determined whether or not all the i-th row of interest has been completed (1314 in FIG. 13). If it is determined that this has ended, the out-of-line character editing process ends (1319 in FIG. 13).
If it is determined in step 1309 that there is no overlap, step 1311 is performed next. If it is determined in the process 1311 that the process is not ended, m + 1 is substituted for m (1315 in FIG. 13), and then the process 1308 is performed. If it is determined in step 1312 that the process will not end, k + 1 is substituted for k (1316 in FIG. 13), and then step 1307 is performed. If it is determined in the process 1313 that the process is not ended, j + 1 is substituted for j (1317 in FIG. 13), and then the process 1304 is performed. If it is determined in process 1314 that the process is not ended, i + 1 is substituted for i (1318 in FIG. 13), and then process 1303 is performed.
FIG. 14C is a diagram illustrating an editing result in the first out-of-line character editing unit. As shown in FIG. 14C, for example, the first out-of-line character editing unit determines that the character “sa” and the character “large” that are cut out characters and belong to different lines overlap, and their character positions Edit. The character position of each character (rectangular area indicated by a thick line in the figure) is edited so that it is spaced apart from the character positions of characters belonging to other lines so as not to overlap each other.
The composite character editing unit 1290 of this embodiment edits character positions in different lines, and then edits character positions in the same line as in the second embodiment. After that, as in the second embodiment, the composite character position determination unit 1030 and the composite character recognition unit 180 determine the final character recognition result.
According to the character reading device 1200 of the third embodiment, it is possible to determine whether or not the character cut out by each character cutout unit overlaps a character belonging to a line different from the line to which the character belongs. If they overlap, the character positions of those characters can be edited.
Therefore, in this character reading device, even when characters in a line overlap and are cut out, it is possible to accurately determine whether or not the character positions correspond one-to-one as in the first embodiment. Moreover, after editing the character position with the character outside the line, when editing the character position within the same line as described in the first or second embodiment, The determination can be made more accurately than in the first or second embodiment. Therefore, the character recognition rate can be further increased.
4). Fourth embodiment
The character reading device 1200 according to the third embodiment described above determines whether or not the extracted character and a character belonging to a line different from the line to which the character belongs overlap before the character overlap determination in the same line. This is an apparatus that focuses on the point of determining whether or not the character positions of these characters are edited when they overlap. On the other hand, in the character reading device according to the fourth embodiment, the character cut out by the character cutout unit and the line cut out by the line cutout unit before the character overlap determination in the same line, It is determined whether a line different from the line to which the character belongs overlaps, and if it overlaps, the character position of the character is edited.
The device 1500 of the fourth embodiment is a device characterized in that this line cutout information is also used when line-by-line cutout is performed as an intermediate process of character cutout processing (generally this is often the case). is there.
FIG. 15 is a block diagram illustrating a configuration of a character reading device 1500 according to the fourth embodiment. Here, an example in which the idea of the fourth embodiment is applied to the character reading device of the second embodiment is shown, and therefore, differences from the character reading device of the second embodiment are mainly described. To do. Note that the idea of the fourth embodiment may be applied to the character reading device of the first embodiment.
The character reading device 1500 according to the fourth embodiment includes first, second, and Nth character recognition engines 130, 140, and 1010, similarly to the character reading device according to the second embodiment.
The character reading device 1500 includes a composite determination unit 1510 having a configuration different from that of the character reading device according to the second embodiment.
That is, the composite determination unit 1510 not only determines whether or not the characters cut out by the character recognition engines 130, 140, and 1010 overlap with characters in the same line, but also overlaps with other lines. Also determine whether or not. If they overlap, the character position of the overlapping characters is edited. Thereafter, the same recognition process as in the second embodiment is performed to obtain a final recognition result in a composite manner.
In order to realize this, the composite determination unit 1510 includes a composite character editing unit 1590 having a configuration different from that of the second embodiment.
Each of the character recognition engines 130, 140, and 1010 includes a line cutout unit that is individually provided at each preceding stage of the character cutout unit. Therefore, each of the line cutout units 131, 141, and 1011 cuts out a line from the medium area and generates information on the line position of the cut out line. Based on this row position information, the following overlap determination can be performed.
The composite character editing unit 1590 includes first, second, and Nth line character editing units 1591, 1592, and 1593 in the preceding stage of the first, second, and Nth in-line character editing units 191, 192, and 1093, respectively. . Since the first, second, and Nth in-line character editing units 191, 192, and 1093 are the same as those in the second embodiment, the description thereof is omitted.
Further, other configurations of the composite determination unit 1510, that is, the composite character position determination unit 1030 and the composite character recognition unit 180 are the same as those in the second embodiment, and thus description thereof is omitted.
The first, second, and Nth line character editing units 1591, 1592, and 1593 are configured such that a character extracted by each character recognition engine 130, 140, and 1010 and a line that is different from the line to which the character belongs belong to each other. It is determined whether or not they overlap. If they overlap, the character position of the overlapping characters is edited.
Next, the operation of the character reading device 1500 according to the fourth embodiment will be described. However, description of what has been described in the second embodiment will be omitted. Therefore, in the following, the anti-line character editing unit will be mainly described.
FIG. 16 is a flowchart illustrating the operation of the line character editing unit. However, the first, second, and Nth line character editing units 1591, 1592, and 1593 perform processing for each character recognition engine, but these may perform similar processing operations.
The first, second, and Nth line character editing units 1591, 1592, and 1593 start processing (1601 in FIG. 16). Note that the second and Nth line character editing units 1592 and 1593 operate in the same manner as the first line character editing unit described below, and a description thereof will be omitted.
First, the first line-character editing unit 1591 initializes the variable i indicating 1 by substituting 1 into the variable i indicating the line ID of the line extracted by the first line extraction unit 131 (1602 in FIG. 16). Is initialized by assigning i + 1 to a variable j indicating a row ID of a different row (1603 in FIG. 16).
After initializing each variable, the first line character editing unit 1591 determines whether or not the i-th line overlaps the j-th line (1604 in FIG. 16).
Note that this line overlap determination is not necessarily performed. However, if the overlap is determined for the character of interest and all the lines different from the line to which the character belongs, it takes a long time for the determination. For this reason, in particular, before the overlap determination between the character position of the character included in the target line and the line position of the other line, the overlap determination of the line position of the target line and the other lines is performed. As a result, it is possible to determine the overlap of characters and lines in a short time. Note that this line overlap determination is performed, for example, as follows.
For example, when the medium is horizontally written, the i-th row is regarded as the area 201 in FIG. 2, and the j-th line is regarded as the area 202 in FIG. At this time, it can be determined that the rows overlap if the coordinates of each row position satisfy the overlap determination conditional expression: ((ys1−P51) ≦ ye2) and ((ye2 + P52) ≧ ys2) (11). However, P51 and P52 show arbitrary values. Further, when the medium is vertically written, in the overlap determination of the jth row and the kth row, the overlap determination conditional expressions: (((xs1−P53) ≦ xe2) and ((xe1 + P54) ≧ xs2). When it satisfies (12), it can be determined that the rows overlap each other, but P53 and P54 indicate arbitrary values.
As described above, it is determined whether or not the lines overlap (1605 in FIG. 16). If the i-th line and the j-th line do not overlap, the process proceeds to a process 1607 described later.
If they overlap, the character position of the character belonging to the i-th line is edited with respect to the line position of the j-th line, and the character belonging to the j-th line is edited with respect to the line position of the i-th line. The character position is edited (1606 in FIG. 16). At this time, for example, the character position is edited so that characters belonging to the i-th line do not overlap with the j-th line, and characters belonging to the j-th line do not overlap with the i-th line. The character position is edited. The character position is edited as follows, for example.
Here, when the medium is horizontally written, the character position of the kth character belonging to the i-th row is the upper left (xs (k), ys (k)) and lower right (xe (k), ye (k)). ). Since the row position of the i-th row is ys1 and ye1, and the row position of the j-th row is ys2 and ye2, ys = MAX (ys1, ys2) and ye = MIN (ye1, ye2) To do. At this time, if ys ≦ ys (k) ≦ ye is satisfied, (ye + P55) is substituted for ys (k), and if ys ≦ ye (k) ≦ ye is satisfied, (ys−P56) is satisfied for ye (k). ). Similarly, the character position is edited with respect to the character position of the jth line. Further, when the medium is vertically written, the character position may be edited with respect to the x-axis when the character position is edited with respect to the y-axis when the medium is horizontally written.
As described above, it is determined whether or not characters and lines overlap. If they overlap, the character position is edited (1606 in FIG. 16).
It is determined whether or not the overlap determination for all the characters in the i-th row and the j-th row and the overlap determination for all the characters in the j-th row and the i-th row have been completed for all j. If not completed, j + 1 is substituted for j (1609 in FIG. 16), and processing 1604 is performed. If it has been completed, it is determined whether or not all i have been completed. If not completed, i + 1 is substituted for i (1610 in FIG. 16), and processing 1603 is performed. When all i are finished, the line character editing is finished (1611 in FIG. 16).
FIG. 17 is a diagram for explaining the result of editing the character position by the first line-character editing unit. FIG. 17A shows a state before the position editing of the line and the character is performed for the same character string pattern as that shown in FIG. 14A, and FIG. This shows the state after the position edit of.
In FIG. 17B, among the cut out characters, the character “small” does not overlap with the line L2, so the character position is not edited. Since the character “sa” overlaps with the line L2, the character position is edited. The character position of each character (rectangular area indicated by a bold line in the drawing) is edited so that it is spaced apart from the line position of a line different from the line to which each character belongs.
The composite character editing unit 1590 of this embodiment edits character positions in different lines and then edits character positions in the same line as in the second embodiment. After that, as in the second embodiment, the composite character position determination unit and the composite character recognition unit determine the final character recognition result.
According to the character reading device 1500 of the fourth embodiment, it is possible to determine whether or not the character cut out by each character cutout unit overlaps a line different from the line to which the character belongs. If they overlap, the character position of the character can be edited.
Therefore, in this character reading device, even when characters in a line overlap and are cut out, it is possible to accurately determine whether or not the character positions correspond one-to-one as in the first embodiment. Moreover, after editing the character position with the character outside the line, when editing the character position within the same line as described in the first or second embodiment, The determination can be made more accurately than in the first or second embodiment. Therefore, the character recognition rate can be further increased. In addition, the character reading device according to the fourth embodiment can edit the character position faster than the character reading device according to the third embodiment that performs overlap determination for all characters in other lines. .
5. Fifth embodiment
Next, a character reading apparatus according to a fifth embodiment will be described. FIG. 18 is a block diagram illustrating a configuration of a character reading device 1800 according to the fifth embodiment.
The apparatus 1800 according to the fifth embodiment is characterized by performing line-by-line cutout and using this line cutout information as in the fourth embodiment.
That is, the characteristic processing of the present invention is to detect a character corresponding to a character position among N character recognition engines 130, 140, 1010 (of course, there may be two character recognition engines). First, N character recognition engines first obtained information on the positions of the lines cut out from the data to be read, and added a function to determine whether or not to perform subsequent processing based on this information. Device.
Therefore, the character reading device 1800 of the fifth embodiment includes a composite determination unit 1810 having a configuration different from that of the previous embodiments.
That is, the composite determination unit 1810 includes a composite line position determination unit 1820, a composite character position determination unit 1830, a composite character recognition unit 180, and a composite line / character editing unit 1890.
Note that the information on the line position of the line cut out by the line cut-out unit and output to the composite determination unit may be used by being added to the character recognition result. Therefore, at this time, the line position of the line referred to in the present invention can be regarded as information included in the recognition result. Therefore, in the following description, the position of the line may be referred to as the position of the line in the recognition result.
This composite line / character editing unit 1890 includes first, second, and Nth in-line editing units 1891, 1892, and 1893, respectively, preceding each of the first, second, and Nth in-line character editing units 191, 192, and 1093. Yeah.
Since the first, second, and Nth in-line character editing units 191, 192, and 1093 are the same as those in the second embodiment, the description thereof is omitted.
The first, second, and Nth in-region line editing units 1891, 1892, and 1893 determine whether or not the lines extracted by the respective line extraction units 131, 141, and 1011 and other lines overlap each other. Edit the line position of the line and other lines.
Note that the line cut by the line cutout unit including the character whose line position has been edited by the in-region line editing unit may be referred to as a “position edited line”.
The composite row position determination unit 1820 determines whether or not there are rows corresponding to each other in the row of the position-edited row based on the information on the row position of the row whose position has been edited. Although details will be described later in the explanation of the operation, the composite line position determination unit 1820 determines whether or not the line positions correspond to each other, and the characters in the same line are determined for the lines determined to correspond to each other. The position overlap is determined, the character position is edited as necessary, and the correspondence of the character position to the character whose position has been edited is determined.
Typically speaking, for example, such character position correspondence determination is performed only on the line determined to correspond to the line position.
The composite character position determination unit 1830 can be configured by the composite character position determination unit 1030 described in the second embodiment, for example.
Here, the operation of the character reader 1800 of the fifth embodiment will be described. Note that the difference between this character reading device 1800 and the devices of the first to fourth embodiments is, in particular, the first, second and Nth of the composite line / character editing unit 1890 as already described. Since the in-region line editing units 1891, 1892, and 1893 and the composite row position determining unit 1820 are provided, the operation will be mainly described in this part.
FIG. 19 is a flowchart showing the operation of the in-region line editing unit. The first, second, and Nth in-line editing units 1891, 1892, and 1893 perform processing for each character recognition engine, but they may perform similar processing operations.
The first, second, and Nth in-line editing units 1891, 1892, and 1893 start processing (1901 in FIG. 19). Note that the second and Nth in-line editing units 1892 and 1893 operate in the same manner as the first in-line editing unit described below, and a description thereof will be omitted.
The in-line editing unit 1891 in the first area starts processing (1901 in FIG. 19). The character recognition result read by the character recognition result obtained by the first character recognition engine 130 is input to the in-line editing unit 1891 in the first area.
First, the line editing unit 1891 in the first area initializes by substituting 1 for a variable i indicating the line ID of the line cut out by the first line cut-out unit 131 (1902 in FIG. 19). Initialization is performed by assigning i + 1 to a variable j indicating the row ID of a different row (1903 in FIG. 19).
After initializing each variable, the first area in-line editing unit 1891 determines whether or not the i-th line overlaps the j-th line (1904 in FIG. 19). This overlap determination is performed as follows.
For example, when the medium is horizontally written, the i-th row is regarded as the area 201 in FIG. 2, and the j-th line is regarded as the area 202 in FIG. At this time, it can be determined that the rows overlap if the coordinates of each row position satisfy the overlap determination conditional expression: ((ys1−P71) ≦ ye2) and ((ye2 + P72) ≧ ys2) (13). However, P71 and P72 show arbitrary values. Further, when the medium is vertically written, in the overlap determination of the jth row and the kth row, the overlap determination conditional expressions: (((xs1−P73) ≦ xe2) and ((xe1 + P74) ≧ xs2). If it satisfies (14), it can be determined that the rows overlap, but P73 and P74 indicate arbitrary values.
As described above, it is determined whether or not the lines overlap (1905 in FIG. 19). If the i-th line and the j-th line do not overlap, the process proceeds to a process 1907 described later.
If they overlap, the line position of the j-th line is edited and the line position of the i-th line is edited (1906 in FIG. 19). For example, this line position is edited as follows.
When the medium is horizontally written and satisfies the conditional expression (13), ys = MAX (ys1, ys2) and ye = MIN (ye1, ye2). At this time, if ys = ys1, (ye + P73) is substituted for ys1, and if ys = ys2, (ys-P74) is substituted for ys2. If ye = ye1, (ys-P75) is substituted for ye1, and if ye = ye2, (ys-P76) is substituted for ye2. Further, when the medium is vertically written, the character position may be edited with respect to the x-axis when the character position is edited with respect to the y-axis when the medium is horizontally written.
Subsequently, it is determined whether or not the overlap determination between the i-th row and the j-th row has been completed for all j (1907 in FIG. 19). If not completed, j + 1 is substituted for j (1909 in FIG. 19), and processing 1904 is performed. If it has been completed, it is determined whether or not all i have been completed (1908 in FIG. 19). If not completed, i + 1 is substituted for i (1910 in FIG. 19), and processing 1903 is performed. When all i are finished, the in-area line editing is finished (1911 in FIG. 19).
FIG. 20 is a diagram for explaining the result of editing the row position by the in-region editing unit. 20A shows a state before the line position is edited for a line including the same character string pattern as that shown in FIG. 14A, and FIG. 20B shows the position edit of each line. Shows the state after being done. In the figure, a thick broken line indicates a line whose line position has been edited.
As shown in FIG. 20A, the rows L1 and L2 cut out by the first row cutout unit 131 overlap each other. Therefore, the first area in-line editing unit 1891 edits the line positions of the lines L1 and L2. At this time, as shown in FIG. 20B, the row positions of the rows L1 and L2 are at least spaced apart so as not to overlap each other (see the position-edited row L1a and the position-edited row L2a). Edited.
As described above, when the processes in the in-region line editing units 1891, 1892, and 1893 are completed, the in-line character editing units 191, 192, and 1093 are performed in the same line in the character reader 1800 of the fifth embodiment. Edit the character position. Thereafter, the composite line position determination unit 1820 determines whether or not there are lines corresponding to the line positions in the position-edited lines extracted by the line extraction units. In other words, the composite line position determination unit 1820 has lines whose line positions correspond to each other among the position-edited lines of the character recognition engines based on the line position information in the recognition results of the character recognition engines. It is determined whether or not there is. This determination is performed by using line position information instead of the character position information in the composite character position determination unit 1030 described in the second embodiment, for example, as described below.
The line position may be considered as a concept in which the concept of the character position described with reference to FIG. 2 is applied to the line position, for example. At this time, for example, one or more of the conditions described with reference to FIG. 7 can be used as the determination condition as to whether or not the row position corresponds.
However, if the arrangement of characters (horizontal / vertical) or the arrangement of lines (vertical / horizontal) is clear in advance, the determination unit 1820 and the determination unit 1830 determine the first to (N-1) -th line position correspondence determination units and the first to first items. The determination condition of the N-1 character position correspondence determination unit (both not shown; these concepts are 1231, 1232 in FIG. 12) is not limited to other suitable conditions, For example, by changing to a condition described below with reference to FIG. 21, the processing speed of the determination process is increased.
In the case of a horizontally written document, the character sequence or line sequence described below means that the character sequence is horizontal and the line sequence is vertical, and in the case of a vertical document, the character sequence is Vertical and line order means horizontal.
FIG. 21A is a diagram for explaining a preferable condition used for determining the correspondence between line positions when the characters are written horizontally, that is, when the character arrangement is in the horizontal direction and the line arrangement is in the vertical direction. It is. FIG. 21B is a diagram for explaining a preferable condition used for determination of correspondence between character positions when the character is known in advance as horizontal writing.
Although FIG. 21A shows three types of correspondence determination conditions for line positions, and FIG. 21B shows three types of correspondence conditions for character positions, this is not restrictive.
The first condition in FIG. 21A is (((ys1-P23) ≦ ye2) and ((ye1 + P24) ≧ ys2)) (15). However, P23 and P24 show arbitrary values.
In this conditional expression (15), where P23 and P24 are 0, the line position of the position-edited line of the base engine and the line position of the position-edited line of the other engine are in the vertical direction (Y direction). , See FIG. 2), it is a conditional expression that can determine that the row position corresponds if it overlaps even a little. At this time, the margin for determining the overlap between the row positions can be adjusted by changing the values of P23 and P24.
The second condition in FIG. 21A is (((ys1 ≧ (ys2-P25)) and (ye1 ≦ (ye2 + P26))) or ((ys2 ≧ (ys1-P27)) and (ye2 ≦ ( ye1 + P28))) (16), where P25 to P28 represent arbitrary values.
In this conditional expression (16), where P25 to P28 are 0, the line position of the position-edited line of the base engine is all included in the line direction of the position-edited line of the other engine in the Y direction. If the position of the edited line of the other engine is included in the line position of the edited position of the base engine in the Y direction, it can be determined that the line position corresponds. Conditional expression. At this time, the margin for judging the inclusion relationship between the row positions can be adjusted by changing the values of P25 to P28.
In FIG. 21A, the third condition is (((MAX (ye1, ye2) −MIN (ys1, ys2)) × P29) ≧ (ye1-ys1)) or (((MAX (ye1, ye2)). ) -MIN (ys1, ys2)) × P30) ≧ (ye2-ys2))) (17). However, P29 and P30 show arbitrary values.
Conditional expression (17) indicates that the height of the portion where the line position of the position edited line of the base engine and the line position of the position edited line of the other engine overlap each other in the Y direction is the position edited line of the base engine. The conditional expression that can determine that the row position corresponds to a certain level (depending on P29) compared to the height of the row position in the Y direction, or the position of the base engine already edited in the Y direction The height of the portion where the line position of the line and the line position of the position-edited line of the other engine overlap each other is somewhat higher than the height of the line position of the position-edited line of the other engine in the Y direction (depends on P30). In this case, the conditional expression can determine that the line position corresponds.
The first condition in FIG. 21B is (((xs1−P31) ≦ xe2) and ((xe1 + P32) ≧ xs2)) (18). However, P31 and P32 show arbitrary values.
In this conditional expression (18), where P31 and P32 are each 0, the character position of the position-edited character of the base engine and the character position of the position-edited character of the other engine are in the horizontal direction (X This is a conditional expression that can be determined that the character positions correspond to each other when they overlap even a little in the direction (see FIG. 2). At this time, the margin for judging the correspondence between character positions can be adjusted by changing the values of P25 to P28.
The second condition in FIG. 21B is (((xs1 ≧ (xs2−P33)) and (xe1 ≦ (xe2 + P34))) or ((xs2 ≧ (xs1−P35)) and (xe2 ≦ ( xe1 + P36))) (19) where P33 and P34 are arbitrary values.
In this conditional expression (19), each of P33 to P36 is 0, and the character positions of the base engine position edited characters are all included in the X position in the character positions of other engine position edited characters. Or if the character position of the position edited character of the other engine is all included in the X direction in the character position of the base engine position edited character, it can be determined that the character position corresponds. It is a formula. At this time, the margin for judging the inclusion relationship between character positions can be adjusted by changing the values of P33 to P36.
The condition 3 in FIG. 21B is (((MAX (xe1, xe2) −MIN (xs1, xs2)) × P37) ≧ (xe1−xs1)) or ((MAX (xe1, xe2)) −MIN (xs1, xs2)) × P38) ≧ (xe2−xs2))) (20). However, P37 and P38 show arbitrary values.
This conditional expression (20) indicates that the width of the portion where the character position of the position edited character of the base engine and the character position of the position edited character of the other engine overlap in the X direction is the character of the position edited character of the base engine. Conditional expression that can determine that the character position corresponds to a certain degree (depending on P37) compared to the width of the position in the X direction, or the position-edited character of the base engine in the X direction The height of the portion where the character position and the character position of the position-edited character of the other engine overlap is somewhat compared with the width of the character position of the position-edited character of the other engine in the X direction (depends on P38). This is a conditional expression that can be determined that the character positions correspond to each other.
In the above description, an example of a suitable determination condition when the character is known as horizontal writing has been described in advance. However, the character is written vertically, that is, the character arrangement is known in the vertical direction and the line arrangement is known in the horizontal direction. As for the case, the determination of the line correspondence described above and the determination of the character correspondence are exchanged. That is, when the character is vertically written, the line correspondence may be determined in the X direction and the character correspondence may be determined in the Y direction.
If there is no corresponding line among the position-edited lines of the N character recognition engines, for example, a reject is output. Of course, it is not limited to this.
On the other hand, the composite character position determination unit 1830 performs processing on lines determined to correspond to each other among the character recognition engines in the position-edited lines of the N character recognition engines.
This composite character position determination unit 1830 performs character position correspondence determination as described in the above embodiments. For example, this character position correspondence determination may be performed only for the line determined to correspond one-to-one among the position edited lines of each character recognition engine.
As described above, according to the character reading device 1800 of the fifth embodiment, it is determined whether or not the lines cut out by the N line cutout sections and other lines overlap each other, and overlapped. Edit the line position of this line and other lines. Then, based on the information on the line position of the line whose line position has been edited, it is determined whether or not there is a line whose line position corresponds to each other in the line whose line position has been edited. At this time, the character position correspondence is determined only for the lines determined to correspond.
For this reason, particularly when character recognition is performed on a pattern to be read consisting of a plurality of lines, it is no longer necessary to determine whether or not there is a character corresponding to the character position between the lines having no corresponding relationship. It is possible to realize a character reader that is fast and has a high character recognition rate.
FIG. 22 is a diagram for explaining a usage mode of the character reading device according to the third, fourth, or fifth embodiment. In the character cutout result shown in FIG. 22A, the character string pattern is cut out correctly along the row direction. On the other hand, in the character cutout result shown in FIG. 22B, a character string pattern tilted with respect to the line direction is cut out due to the inclination of the form or the like. In other words, in the case of FIG. 22B, the extracted character overlaps with a line different from the line to which the character belongs, and thus composite character recognition may not be performed correctly. However, according to the character reading device of the third, fourth, or fifth embodiment, it is possible to correctly recognize the characters because the correspondence between the character positions can be correctly determined.
In the above description, several embodiments of the character reading device of the present invention have been described. However, the present invention is not limited to the above-described embodiment, and many variations or modifications can be added.
For example, in each of the above-described embodiments, whether there is a character corresponding to the character position of the position-edited character among the engines, or whether there is a line corresponding to the line position of the position-edited line, Correspondence was determined by focusing on characters and lines. In addition to these, attention may be paid to an arbitrary area wider than a line, and it may be determined whether or not such an area corresponds between the engines, and processing may be performed based on this. In addition, even for such an area, it may be determined whether or not the areas cut out by the same line cutout unit overlap each other, and if they overlap, the position of each area may be edited. Specifically, the configuration is as follows.
That is, it is only necessary to have a plurality of area cutout sections that cut out an arbitrary area wider than the line from the image data, and to include a composite determination section that determines overlapping of areas, edits, and determines correspondence. In the fifth embodiment, the composite determination unit can perform the same processing for the region as the processing for performing the overlapping determination of the row position, the editing of the row position, and the determination of the correspondence of the row. If it is.
That is, the composite determination unit determines whether or not the region cut out by the plurality of region cutout units and another region overlap each other, and in the case of overlapping, the region position of the region and the other region is determined. Based on the information on the area position of the area that has been edited and the area position has been edited, it is determined whether there is an area that corresponds to the area position among the areas that have been edited. Then, it is good as a compound judgment part which performs correspondence judgment of a character position about each judged field.
In this way, the position of this area can be edited so that arbitrary areas wider than the lines extracted by the engines do not overlap each other. In the edited area, it is possible to process whether or not there is a character corresponding to the character position for areas having a high probability that the character corresponding to the character position is included. It should be noted that the processing for checking the correspondence relationship for the line position is performed on the region determined to have the correspondence relationship by checking the correspondence relationship for an arbitrary area wider than the line, and then the character position corresponds. There may be a case where stepwise processing is performed, such as processing whether or not there is a character.
The processing procedure described in each embodiment is merely an example of the scope of the present invention, and can be changed to another suitable processing procedure.
【The invention's effect】
As is apparent from the above description, according to the character reading device of the present invention, when performing multiple recognition using the recognition results of the characters cut out by a plurality of character cut-out portions with different algorithms, the character cut-out portions Thus, multiple recognition can be performed using the recognition result of the character corresponding to the character position. Further, when performing complex recognition using the recognition results of a plurality of character recognition units having different algorithms, complex recognition can be performed using the recognition results of characters corresponding to character positions between the character recognition units.
For this reason, it is possible to perform complex recognition on characters cut out by the character cutout units (each character recognition unit) as similar characters.
In addition, before such character position correspondence determination, it is determined whether or not the characters cut out by the same character cutout unit overlap. If they overlap, the character position is edited. Therefore, the above-described character position correspondence determination can be performed accurately.
Therefore, character recognition in character readers that perform multiple character recognition using a combination of multiple character extraction methods with different algorithms, or character readers that combine multiple character recognition methods with different algorithms The rate can be increased further.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a character reading apparatus according to a first embodiment.
FIG. 2 is a diagram for explaining a character position (or line position);
FIG. 3 is a diagram for explaining an operation of a character cutout unit;
FIG. 4 is a flowchart showing the operation of the in-line character editing unit.
FIG. 5 is a diagram for explaining editing results of character positions;
FIG. 6 is a flowchart showing an operation of a character position correspondence determination unit.
FIG. 7 is a diagram illustrating determination conditions of a character position correspondence determination unit.
FIG. 8 is a diagram for explaining a result of character position correspondence determination;
FIG. 9 is a flowchart showing the operation of the corresponding character extraction unit.
FIG. 10 is a block diagram of a character reading device according to a second embodiment.
FIG. 11 is a flowchart illustrating an operation of a corresponding character extraction unit according to the second embodiment.
FIG. 12 is a block diagram of a character reading apparatus according to a third embodiment.
FIG. 13 is a flowchart illustrating the operation of the out-of-line character editing unit according to the third embodiment.
FIG. 14 is a diagram for explaining an editing result of a character position in an out-of-line character editing unit.
FIG. 15 is a block diagram of a character reading device according to a fourth embodiment.
FIG. 16 is a flowchart illustrating an operation of the line-to-line character editing unit according to the fourth embodiment.
FIG. 17 is a diagram for explaining the editing result of the character position in the line character editing unit.
FIG. 18 is a block diagram of a character reading device according to a fifth embodiment.
FIG. 19 is a flowchart illustrating the operation of the in-region line editing unit according to the fifth embodiment.
FIG. 20 is a diagram for explaining the editing of the line position in the in-area line editing unit.
FIG. 21 is an explanatory diagram of the fifth embodiment, and is a diagram illustrating an example of preferable conditions for determining a correspondence relationship when a character is known in advance as horizontal writing;
FIG. 22 is a diagram illustrating a usage form of the character reading device according to the third, fourth, or fifth embodiment.
FIG. 23 is a diagram illustrating a conventional technique.
FIG. 24 is a diagram for explaining a problem of a conventional technique.
[Explanation of symbols]
100: Character reader according to the first embodiment
132, 142: Character cutout part
133, 143: Character recognition unit
160: Composite determination unit
1000: Character reader according to the second embodiment
1012: Nth character cutout part
1013: Nth character recognition unit
1020: Composite determination unit
1200: Character reading apparatus according to the third embodiment
1210: Composite determination unit
1500: Character reading device according to the fourth embodiment
1510: Composite determination unit
1800: Character reader of the fifth embodiment
1810: Composite determination unit

Claims (11)

N character cutout portions having different character cutout algorithms (where N is an integer of 2 or more),
A character recognition unit that recognizes each of the characters extracted from the image data to be read by the N character extraction units and outputs a recognition result;
It is determined whether or not there is a character whose character position corresponds to each other among the characters cut out by the N character cutout portions, and the characters that are determined to correspond to each other are determined by the character recognition portion of each corresponding character. A composite determination unit for determining the final recognition result in a composite manner from each recognition result of
Before determining whether or not the character position corresponds, the composite determination unit determines whether or not the character cut out by the same character cutout unit and another character overlap each other, and Is a character characterized by editing the character position of the character and the other character so that the character position of the character does not overlap with the character position of the other character. Reader.
The character reader according to claim 1,
The character reader according to claim 1, wherein the determination as to whether or not they overlap overlaps whether or not they overlap within the same line.
The character reader according to claim 2,
The composite determination unit determines whether or not the extracted character and a character belonging to a line different from the line to which the character belongs overlap before determining the overlap of characters in the same line, In the case of overlapping, the character position of each character is set so that the character position of the character does not overlap with the character position of the character belonging to a line different from the line to which the character belongs. A character reader characterized by editing.
The character reader according to claim 2,
The character reading device includes a line cutout unit provided individually at each preceding stage of the N character cutout units, and
The composite determination unit, before determining the overlap of characters in the same line, the extracted character and a line that is respectively extracted by the line extraction unit and different from the line to which the character belongs If they overlap, the character position of the character is separated from the character position of a character belonging to a line different from the line to which the character belongs. Thus, the character reading apparatus characterized by editing the character position of the character.
The character reader according to claim 2,
The character reading device includes a line cutout unit individually provided at each preceding stage of the N character cutout units, and
The composite determination unit determines whether or not the lines extracted by the N line extraction units and other lines overlap each other before determining the overlap of characters in the same line. Edits the respective line positions of the line and the other lines, and based on the line position information of the line where the line position has been edited, the line positions of the lines where the line position has been edited are mutually different. It is determined whether there exists a corresponding line, and it is determined whether each said character position respond | corresponds about each line determined to correspond.
The character reader according to claim 2,
The character reading device includes a plurality of area cutout units that cut out arbitrary areas wider than lines from the image data,
The composite determination unit determines whether or not the regions cut out by the plurality of region cut-out units and other regions overlap before determining overlap of the characters in the same line. Edits the position of each of the area and the other areas, and the area positions of the areas that have been edited based on the information on the area positions of the areas that have been edited. A character reading device that determines whether or not there is a corresponding region and determines whether or not the character position corresponds to each of the regions determined to correspond.
The character reader according to claim 2,
The composite determination unit determines that the character position corresponds when the character positions of the characters to be determined whether or not the character positions correspond to each other, including a case where a margin is allowed. The character reader characterized by determining.
The character reader according to claim 2,
The composite determination unit includes a character position of one character of the character to be determined whether or not the character position corresponds to the character position of the other character, including a case where a margin is allowed. A character reading device that determines that the character position corresponds to the character position.
The character reader according to claim 2,
The composite determination unit includes a case where the character positions of the characters to be determined whether or not the character positions correspond to each other allow a margin in the first direction among the vertical and horizontal directions of the characters. The character position of the other character, including the case where the character position of either one of the characters overlaps even a little and the margin of the character position of one of the characters in the second direction of the character is allowed. A character reading device that determines that the character position corresponds to the character position.
The character reader according to claim 2,
In the case where the area where the character positions of the characters to be determined determine whether or not the character positions correspond to each other allows a margin with respect to the area of one of the characters. A character reading device that determines that a character position corresponds to a certain ratio range.
The character reader according to claim 5,
The composite determination unit
If the text is horizontal,
The rows of the rows to be determined whether or not the row positions correspond to each other are overlapped even slightly, including the case where the row positions are in the vertical direction of the rows and a margin is allowed. The position of the other row is included in the vertical direction of the row, including the case where a margin is allowed, or the height of the overlapping portion in the vertical direction of the rows between the row positions is the vertical length of the row. It is determined that the line position corresponds to the height in the direction, including the case where the margin is allowed, and the line position corresponds to any of the certain range.
Characters for which the character position is to be determined whether or not the character positions overlap with each other even if the character positions are in the horizontal direction of the character and allow margins. Even if the position is in the horizontal direction of the character and the margin is allowed, it is included in the character position of the other character, or the width of the overlapping portion of the character positions in the horizontal direction is A composite determination unit that determines that a character position corresponds to a width in a direction, including a case where a margin is allowed, and that is in a certain ratio range; and
If the text is vertical,
The rows of the rows to be determined whether or not the row positions correspond to each other, even if the row positions are in the horizontal direction of the rows, and even if margins are allowed, they overlap even a little. The position is included in the horizontal direction of the line, including the case where the margin is allowed in the line position of the other line, or the width of the overlapping part in the horizontal direction of the line between the line positions is the horizontal direction of the line It is determined that the line position corresponds to the width of, depending on whether it is within a certain range, including the case where margin is allowed, and
Characters for which the character position is to be determined whether or not the character position overlaps even a little, including the case where the character positions are in the vertical direction of the character and allow margin Including the case where the position is the vertical direction of the character and the margin is allowed, the width of the part that is included in the character position of the other character or overlaps in the vertical direction between the character positions is It is determined that the character position corresponds to the height in the direction, depending on whether it is within a certain range, including the case where a margin is allowed.
A character reading device which is a composite determination unit.
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