JP4127901B2 - Method for determining symmetry lines in radiographic images. - Google Patents

Method for determining symmetry lines in radiographic images. Download PDF


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    • G06T7/00Image analysis
    • G06T7/60Analysis of geometric attributes
    • G06T7/68Analysis of geometric attributes of symmetry


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Geometry (AREA)
  • Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Theoretical Computer Science (AREA)
  • Apparatus For Radiation Diagnosis (AREA)
  • Image Processing (AREA)
  • Image Analysis (AREA)


本発明は、医用放射画像のような放射線像(radiation image)の対称線及び方向(orientation)角度を見いだすための画像処理方法に関する。
コンピューター投影放射写真のような画像獲得様相より始まる医用画像は、本質的に対称性な身体部分の検査タイプ(examination type)に対して多くの対称を示す。かかる検査タイプの例は、例えば、頭骨前面、脊椎前面、胸郭前面、腹部前面、骨盤前面である。
US 5533143号において、画像が対称性であるか否かを判定する方法が開示される。画像処理条件は、画像が前面からの(対称的な)目標物画像であるか側面からの(非対称の)画像であるかの判定に基づく。
US 4903310号及びUS 4951201号において、前面及び側面の身体の姿勢の間の識別をするために、種々のヒストグラムに基づいた方法が提案された。
この発明の方法は、画像の水平方向及び鉛直方向について対称インデックス(symmetry index)を計算すること、並びに関係の水平方向及び鉛直方向の対称インデックスに基づいて、画像を、これが水平方向又は鉛直方向のいずれに向けられたかに分類することを許す。
M×N の画素値 g(i,j)のラスターにより表される画像が与えられる。ここに、M 行は(0,・・・・,M−1)の範囲、N 列は(0,・・・・,N−1)の範囲、そしてg はより少なく暴露された画像画素を表す。
そこで、対称性の測度は、仮定された対称中心cを中心として対称的に得られたグレー値の差の二乗又は絶対値の和 S として表すことができる。即ち

Figure 0004127901
ここに、g(i,j)は行i及び列jにおけるグレー値を示し、c は現在の仮定対称中心の行の指標であり、そして、T は列の端部における省略のために、それぞれの列の出発点において飛び越す画素数を示しているオフセットパラメーターである。
区間 T の始点及び終点においては、S を信頼度高く計算するために利用し得る点が少なすぎると考えられる。
測度 S は、列jにおける最も対称的な点に対して最小となるであろう。パラメーター m は、行の位置 c における差の項の最大数を示し、次式により与えられる。
m(i) = min(i,M−i−1)
行の指標iについての和の各は、修正比較(correct comparision)を可能とするために適正に正規化することが必要である。簡単な正規化は、その計算に含まれる項数 m で S を割ることである。
Figure 0004127901
このため、改善された正規化は、第1に項数 m を考え、そして第2に仮定中心 c 自体のグレー値を考える。
Figure 0004127901
本発明の文脈においては、u=2 及び v=3 である。1より大きい指数の使用が、後続の行についての対称点の位置に対して安定効果を持つことが見いだされ
Figure 0004127901
れた有力な対称中心を示し、かつこれは、その計算に含まれるより所定数の項 mを持つ。直感的に述べれば、画像の中心線に近く(中心線と一致する必要はない)かつ骨のような減衰がより多い身体部分に近い対称線は、その他の線よりも実際の対称線としての有力な候補である。胸郭、脊椎、及び頭骨のような検査タイプは、総てがその底流にある仮説に従う。結果として、改善された正規化が使用されたと考えられる。即ち、
Figure 0004127901
最後に、列jの対称中心 Ch(j)は、 S(c,j)が最小である行 c に割り当てられる。
Figure 0004127901
Ch(j) j=0,・・・・,N−1
類似の説明が、鉛直方向対称線 Cv(i)を誘導を保持する。同様に、画像の主対角線又は副対角線に沿った主軸線を有する目標物のために対角線方向の対称線が誘導される。
一般に2次元目標物の線形対称、即ち、対称線に沿った適宜の点において1次(one dimensional curve)元曲線に沿って走っている対
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
グレー値のプロフィルが一定のときは対称点の計算は信頼できなくなる。事実上、正規化された和の定義 S1により、一定プロフィルに沿った各点は、対称測度がどこでも一定の0になるので、等しく有力な対称中心である。定義 S2により、線の中央の点は先験的に対称点であろう。従って、対称点の信頼性を表すには適切な測度が必要である。明らかに、線が信号エネルギーの大きい偏差を示すときは、最も対称的な点は、より信頼できるとも考えられる。これは、グレー値データの可変性にも拘わらず真の対称中心まわりのすべての差の項が小さい値になるためである。従って、仮定対称中心のグレー値の付近のデータの標準偏差の逆数は、仮定対称中心の信頼性を計るよい候補である。従って、この信頼性測定値は次式で表される。
Figure 0004127901
分母の追加の項「1」は完全にフラットなグレー値プロフィルに対する0偏差を避ける。明らかに、0<R(c,j)≦1 である。列jにおける最も対称的な点の各についての信頼性測度の組み合わせられた連鎖は次式で定義される。
Rh(j)=R(i=Ch(j),j) j=0,・・・・,N−1
Figure 0004127901
・可能性のある対称点は診断区域内にある筈なので、照準区域又は直接暴露区域のいずれかに属する点(c,j)は考慮から外される。ビットマップ画像としての照準区域及び直接暴露区域の利用可能性は、欧州特許出願97201683 .6号の明らかにされたように当初のX線において分離される。これらの点は
Figure 0004127901
・ R(c,j)及び S(c,j)の和の項は、これらが差の値の上限を越すか否かには関係しない。この閾値はフルスケール範囲Lの分数として経験的に定められる。
対称線計算は、経験的に見いだされる連鎖 Ch(j)又は Cv(i)を多項式に理想化することにより完了する。最多の検査タイプ(例えば、胸郭、骨盤、頭骨、腹部)に対して、対称線は直線である。回帰モデルは1と x との1次の組合せ(即ち、a+bx)である。より一般的には、求められるモデルは、任意の K により特定された x の関数の線形の組合せとすることができる。ここに、x は、鉛直方向の対称軸線に適合している行i、或いは水平方向の対称軸線に適合している列jに沿って走っている横座標に位置する。「W.H.Press, Numerical Recipes in C, The art of scientific computing, Cambridge University Press, 1st ed. 1988, Chapter 14, Modeling of Data」に説明されたような従来技術は、一般線形最小二乗適合又は回帰を解くために使用される。例えば、関数を、1,x,x2,・・・・,xK-1 とでき、この場合、一般の線形組合せ
y(x) = a1+a2x+a3x2+・・・・akxK-1
は K−1 次の多項式である。この種のモデルの一般形式は
Figure 0004127901
ここに、X1(x),・・・・,XK(x)は、基礎関数と呼ばれる x の任意の固定関数である。 XK(x)は、x の非線形関数とすることができる。用語線形は、パラメーターaKに従属するモデルの線形を呼ぶだけである。最良のパラメーター aK として、チ・スケア(chi-square)示性数を最小にするものが計算される。
Figure 0004127901
ここに、表示は水平方向対称線について与えられ、Ch(j)は最も対称的な点の各列jにおける位置であり、そして 1−Rh(j)はその組み合わせられた測定誤差である。測定誤差の組入れの適合結果に及ぼす影響は、信用できない対称中心を少なく考慮に入れるということ]ある。そこで、適合結果は、信頼できるデータ点にのみ「従い」、その他は「無視する」効果を持つであろう。この特性は、真の対称中心を割り当てることが困難な比較的フラットなグレー値の領域を有する検査タイプに対して特に有利である。この領域の対称中心点は計算において無関係にされ、正しい対称線に影響を与えない。
Sh(j) j = 0,・・・・,N−1
Sv(j) j = 0,・・・・,M−1
Figure 0004127901
SI = min(SIh,SIv)
方向角度αは対称線から誘導され、そして画像は、適切な事例に依存して完全に水平方向又は完全に鉛直方向と一致した方向を作るように角度−αだけ回される。「G. Wolberg, Digital Image Warping,IEEE Computer Society Press Monograph, 1990, Chapter 7.3. Rotetion」において説明されたように、与えられた角度にわたり人為なしにデジタル画像を回転するために従来技術が使用された。回転された画像は次に表示、レビュー又は診断のためにソフトコピー装置又はハードコピー装置に送られる。
段階1 恐らくは仕切られた画像の各サブ画像のために、
段階2 各列jのために、
段階3 列jの位置iにおける各画素 c のために、
段階4 次の計算を行う
m = min(i,M−i−1)
・仮定対称中心 c の回りの対称差の和
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
段階4 対称測度及び組み合わせられた信頼性測度の連鎖より
Figure 0004127901
段階3’次の列 j+1 に対して繰り返し
段階5 総ての列についての対称中心及び組み合わせられた信頼性測度の連鎖
・Ch(j) j=0,・・・・,N−1
・Rh(j) j=0,・・・・,N−1
段階6 検査身体部位の水平方向対称線 SLh を見いだすためにデータ集合(j,Cj(j))及び組み合わせられた測定誤差 1−Rh(j)とに適合する線形最小二乗適合を計算し、
段階7 水平方向対称線に相当する対称インデックス SIh を計算し、
段階8 鉛直方向対称線 SLv 及び組み合わせられた対称インデックス SIv を得るために段階3から7を繰り返し、
段階9 最終画像の主対称線 SL 及び組み合わせられた対称線インデックス SI として水平方向及び鉛直方向の対称線(SLh,SLv)に対する対称インデックス(SIh,SIv)の小さい方を保持し、
段階10 保持された対称線の方向αを誘導し、
段階11 画像をその標準観測位置に角度−αにわたり回転させ、
2.(1)列j又は行jについて、及び列j又は行jの位置1における各画素c について、次式により対称の差の和の値 S を計算し、
Figure 0004127901
ここに、 c=T,・・・・,M−T−1
ただし、g(i,j)は位置(i,j)におけるグレー値を示し、T はオフセットパラメーターであり、M は前記マトリックスの行又は列の数を表し、m(i)は min(i,M−i−1)に等しく、
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
3.次式により列j又は行jに対して計算された対称点 c と組み合わせられた信頼性測度 R(c,j)を計算する段階を更に備えた上記1による方法。
Figure 0004127901
4.対称点が、データの集まり (j,Cj(j))及び組み合わせられた測定誤差値 (1−R(j)) における最小二乗適合を計算することにより対称線を得るように,互いに連結される上記1による方法。
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
として計算され、更に画像の主方向インデックス SI が
SI = min(SIh,SIv)
と定められ、そして SI に等しい組み合わせられた対称インデックスを有する対称線が前記画像の方向を決定する1による方法。
[Industrial application fields]
The present invention relates to an image processing method for finding a symmetry line and an orientation angle of a radiation image such as a medical radiation image.
[Prior art and its problems]
One of the basic properties of shapes and objects is symmetry. The human body exhibits symmetry along the axis in the direction from top to bottom.
Medical images that begin with an image acquisition aspect, such as computer projection radiographs, show a lot of symmetry with respect to the essentially symmetrical body part examination type. Examples of such examination types are, for example, the front of the skull, the front of the spine, the front of the rib cage, the front of the abdomen, and the front of the pelvis.
In US 5533143, a method is disclosed for determining whether an image is symmetric. The image processing conditions are based on determining whether the image is a (symmetric) target image from the front or an (asymmetric) image from the side.
This disclosed method is based on the hypothesis that the hypothetical axis of symmetry is always fixed and coincides with the vertical centerline passing through the image center. This method makes no distinction between vertical or horizontal symmetry.
Due to the large amount of investigation of all symmetric inspection types, (1) in the majority of cases, the symmetry line does not coincide with the image centerline, and is completely vertical (or completely horizontal) It was observed that the angle with respect to the line is not equal to 0, and (2) horizontal symmetry occurs equally with vertical symmetry.
The above observations limit the accuracy and applicability of the prior art methods disclosed in the above patents.
In US 4903310 and US 4951201, various histogram-based methods have been proposed to distinguish between front and side body postures.
However, by applying these methods, it is not possible to determine whether the target is symmetrical and whether the target is positioned horizontally or vertically.
Therefore, the above methods are not appropriate.
Radiologists prefer, by experience, to examine radiographic images with standard viewing conditions, ie images displayed so that the symmetry axis of the image is oriented substantially horizontally or vertically.
It is an object of the present invention to provide a method for determining a line of symmetry of a radiation image.
It is a further object of the present invention to provide a method for determining a directional angle combined with such a symmetry line.
It is yet another object of the present invention to provide a method by means that can provide an image having an axis of symmetry oriented in a predetermined direction.
Further objects of the present invention will become clear from the following description.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
The purpose of the present invention is to
(I) calculate a symmetry point for each column (row) of the image;
(Ii) achieved by a method for determining a symmetry line in a radiation image represented by a raster of pixel values, comprising the steps of interconnecting the calculated symmetry points for each column (row).
The method for calculating the symmetry point is further described.
The method of the present invention can be applied to digital signal display of radiation images such as medical X-ray images. However, it can also be applied to other types of radiation images, such as images obtained from non-destructive inspection (NDT) of a target by irradiation of the target.
Since the aiming area and the direct exposure area of the image need not be symmetrical images, these should be excluded from consideration. European patent application 97201683.6 reveals the full picture of how to perform a primary division of a segment of a row of radiation images into an aiming area (foreground), a direct exposure area (background), and a diagnostic area (body part) .
The method of the invention can be applied to each of the sub-images of the compositely exposed image.
The method of the present invention calculates a symmetry index for the horizontal and vertical directions of an image, and based on the related horizontal and vertical symmetry indexes, the image is either horizontally or vertically. Allow it to be classified into which it was directed to.
By means of various image acquisition techniques, a matrix of pixel values representing the radiation image can be obtained.
In one example of an image acquisition technique, a radiation image temporarily stored on a photostimulable fluorescent screen scans the screen with stimulating radiation, detects light emitted by the screen during this radiation, and It is read out by converting the detected light into a digital signal representation.
However, other acquisition techniques can be planned.
Further details of the present invention and its preferred embodiments will now be described with reference to the drawings.
Symmetry Line Calculation The method of the present invention is described below for application to image column j. A similar explanation applies to row i.
An image represented by a raster of M × N pixel values g (i, j) is given. Where M rows are in the range (0, ..., M-1), N columns are in the range (0, ..., N-1), and g is the less exposed image pixel. To express.
A measure of symmetry is calculated for each pixel in row i, assuming that pixel is the most symmetric point in that row.
The basic idea is as follows. That is, if the central pixel is the symmetric point for the section where it is in the middle, the idea is that the gray values at the symmetric positions on each side of the symmetric point are approximately equal, and therefore their difference will be approximately zero.
Therefore, the measure of symmetry can be expressed as the square of the gray value difference or the sum S of absolute values obtained symmetrically about the assumed symmetry center c. That is, [0031]
[Expression 1]
Figure 0004127901
Where g (i, j) denotes the gray value in row i and column j, c is the index of the current hypothetical symmetric center row, and T is for omission at the end of the column, respectively. This is an offset parameter indicating the number of pixels skipped at the starting point of the column.
At the start and end points of section T, there are probably too few points available for calculating S with high reliability.
The measure S will be minimal for the most symmetric point in column j. The parameter m indicates the maximum number of difference terms at row position c and is given by
m (i) = min (i, M−i−1)
Each of the sums for the row index i needs to be properly normalized in order to allow for correct comparision. A simple normalization is to divide S by the number of terms m included in the calculation.
[Expression 2]
Figure 0004127901
Further improvements will take into account shape characteristics and inspection exposure levels. The following were observed: That is, it is observed that (1) the symmetry line is more likely to be near the center of the (sub) image than near the periphery of the image, and (2) the symmetry line passes through more exposed body parts. It was done.
For this reason, the improved normalization first considers the number of terms m and secondly considers the gray value of the hypothetical center c itself.
[Equation 3]
Figure 0004127901
In the context of the present invention, u = 2 and v = 3. It has been found that the use of exponents greater than 1 has a stabilizing effect on the position of the symmetry point for subsequent rows.
[Outside 1]
Figure 0004127901
And has a predetermined number of terms m than are included in the calculation. Intuitively speaking, a symmetric line that is close to the center line of the image (not necessarily coincident with the center line) and close to a body part that is more attenuated, such as bone, is more like an actual symmetric line than other lines. A strong candidate. Test types such as rib cage, spine, and skull follow all hypotheses that are in the underflow. As a result, it is believed that improved normalization was used. That is,
[Expression 4]
Figure 0004127901
It is.
Finally, the center of symmetry C h (j) in column j is assigned to row c where S (c, j) is minimal.
[Equation 5]
Figure 0004127901
C h (j) j = 0, ..., N-1
Is. Determined as the horizontal symmetry line of the image.
Similar explanations hold guidance for the vertical symmetry line C v (i). Similarly, a diagonal symmetry line is derived for a target having a main axis along the main or sub-diagonal of the image.
In general, a linear symmetry of a two-dimensional target, ie a pair running along a one-dimensional curve at an appropriate point along the line of symmetry.
[Outside 2]
Figure 0004127901
The minimum is reached along the marked line.
Thus, for a symmetric line that is slightly tilted with respect to the complete horizontal and vertical directions, the method given here yields an approximation to the ideal algorithm.
[Outside 3]
Figure 0004127901
[Outside 4]
Figure 0004127901
Have the value of
When the gray value profile is constant, the calculation of the symmetry point becomes unreliable. In effect, due to the normalized sum definition S 1 , each point along a constant profile is an equally powerful center of symmetry, since the symmetry measure is a constant zero everywhere. By definition S 2, the point of the middle line would priori symmetrical point. Therefore, an appropriate measure is required to express the reliability of the symmetry point. Obviously, the most symmetric point is also considered more reliable when the line shows a large deviation in signal energy. This is because all difference terms around the true center of symmetry are small values despite the variability of gray value data. Therefore, the reciprocal of the standard deviation of data near the gray value at the hypothetical symmetry center is a good candidate for measuring the reliability of the hypothetical symmetry center. Therefore, this reliability measurement value is expressed by the following equation.
[Formula 6]
Figure 0004127901
The additional term “1” in the denominator avoids zero deviation for a perfectly flat gray value profile. Obviously, 0 <R (c, j) ≦ 1. The combined chain of reliability measures for each of the most symmetric points in column j is defined by
R h (j) = R (i = C h (j), j) j = 0, ..., N-1
[Outside 5]
Figure 0004127901
• The point (c, j) belonging to either the aiming area or the direct exposure area is excluded from consideration, since the possible symmetry point should be in the diagnostic area. The availability of the aiming area and the direct exposure area as a bitmap image is separated in the original X-ray as revealed in European patent application 97201683.6. These points are [0062]
[Expression 7]
Figure 0004127901
Ignored by placing
• The sum term of R (c, j) and S (c, j) has nothing to do with whether they exceed the upper limit of the difference value. This threshold is determined empirically as a fraction of the full scale range L.
That is,
T diff = L / 4
This has the effect of making large value terms unquestioned because of the gray values belonging directly to the exposed area.
In this regard, the concept of finding the hypothetical symmetry center and minimizing the sum of the difference values along a trajectory perpendicular to the symmetry line running through it can be successfully applied to other types of symmetry.
A rotational symmetry in which a two-dimensional target exhibits symmetry about its center point (often coincident with the center of the target) is the sum of the difference values between points that are symmetrical on both sides of the hypothetical center of symmetry. Can be detected by finding the point where is the smallest. Another form of rotational symmetry is represented by N degrees of rotational symmetry, in which the target is similar for N degrees of rotation about its center of symmetry. In this case, the differences between the rotated points are accumulated and minimized.
Rotational symmetry often occurs in radial images of artificial targets such as rings, wheels, gears and the like.
The symmetric line calculation of a polynomial to a symmetric line is completed by idealizing the chain C h (j) or C v (i) found empirically into a polynomial. For most exam types (eg, rib cage, pelvis, skull, abdomen), the symmetry line is a straight line. The regression model is a linear combination of 1 and x (ie a + bx). More generally, the model sought can be a linear combination of functions of x specified by any K. Where x is located in the abscissa running along a row i that conforms to the vertical symmetry axis or a column j that conforms to the horizontal symmetry axis. Conventional techniques such as those described in "WHPress, Numerical Recipes in C, The art of scientific computing, Cambridge University Press, 1st ed. 1988, Chapter 14, Modeling of Data" are used to solve general linear least squares fits or regressions. Used for. For example, the function can be 1, x, x 2 , ..., x K-1 , in this case, a general linear combination
y (x) = a 1 + a 2 x + a 3 x 2 + ... a k x K-1
Is a K−1 degree polynomial. The general form of this type of model is [0069]
[Equation 8]
Figure 0004127901
Here, X 1 (x),..., X K (x) is an arbitrary fixed function of x called a basic function. X K (x) can be a nonlinear function of x. The term linear only refers to the linearity of the model depending on the parameter a K. The best parameter a K is calculated that minimizes the chi-square indication number.
[Equation 9]
Figure 0004127901
Here the representation is given for a horizontal symmetry line, C h (j) is the position of each symmetric point in each row j, and 1−R h (j) is its combined measurement error . The effect of the inclusion of measurement errors on the fit results is that less trust centers of symmetry are taken into account]. Thus, the fit results will have the effect of “following” only reliable data points and “ignore” others. This property is particularly advantageous for inspection types having areas of relatively flat gray values where it is difficult to assign a true center of symmetry. The symmetry center point of this region is irrelevant in the calculation and does not affect the correct symmetry line.
Standardization of image viewing conditions The most symmetric direction, horizontal direction or vertical direction is a chain of symmetry measures.
S h (j) j = 0, ..., N-1
S v (j) j = 0, ..., M-1
These combined symmetric indices, respectively, based on
[Expression 10]
Figure 0004127901
And taking the smaller of the two as the symmetry index and the combined main direction of the image, ie
SI = min (SI h , SI v )
Can be induced by taking
The direction angle α is derived from the symmetry line and the image is rotated by an angle −α to produce a direction that is completely horizontal or completely coincident with the vertical direction, depending on the appropriate case. Prior art was used to rotate digital images without human intervention over a given angle, as described in "G. Wolberg, Digital Image Warping, IEEE Computer Society Press Monograph, 1990, Chapter 7.3. Rotetion" . The rotated image is then sent to a soft or hard copy device for display, review or diagnosis.
Step-by-Step Overview of Operations A step-by-step accumulation of operations is given below to perform an image standardization algorithm.
Stage 1 Perhaps for each sub-image of the partitioned image,
Stage 2 For each column j
For each pixel c at position i in stage 3 column j,
T ≦ c ≦ M−T−1, exclude pixels in aiming area or direct exposure area
Perform stage 4 calculations-Maximum range for consecutive sums
m = min (i, M−i−1)
The sum of the symmetric differences around the hypothetical center of symmetry c
## EQU11 ##
Figure 0004127901
Normalized symmetric measurements
[Expression 12]
Figure 0004127901
• Combined reliability measurements [0083]
[Formula 13]
Figure 0004127901
Stage 2 'Repeat for next pixel in row
From the chain of stage 4 symmetry measures and the combined reliability measure, find the most symmetric point in the sequence.
[Expression 14]
Figure 0004127901
・ Find combined reliability
R h (j) = R (i = C h (j), j)
Stage 3 'Repeat for next row j + 1
Stage 5 Chain of symmetry and combined reliability measures for all rows, C h (j) j = 0,..., N−1
・ R h (j) j = 0, ..., N-1
Stage 6 Computes a linear least squares fit that fits the data set (j, C j (j)) and the combined measurement error 1−R h (j) to find the horizontal symmetry line SL h of the body part to be examined And
Calculate the symmetry index SI h corresponding to the stage 7 horizontal symmetry line,
Step 8 Repeat steps 3 to 7 to obtain the vertical symmetry line SL v and the combined symmetry index SI v
Step 9 holds the smaller of the symmetry index (SI h , SI v ) for the horizontal and vertical symmetry lines (SL h , SL v ) as the main symmetry line SL and the combined symmetry line index SI of the final image of stage 9 ;
Deriving the direction α of the symmetry line held in step 10 ;
Rotate the stage 11 image to its standard observation position over an angle -α,
Step 1 'Repeat steps 2 to 11 for each sub-image, possibly a number of exposed images.
Embodiments of the present invention are as follows.
1. A method of determining a symmetry line in at least one of a horizontal direction and a vertical direction of a radiation image represented by a matrix of digital pixel values,
(I) calculate a symmetry point for each column of the image in the horizontal direction, and calculate a symmetry point for each row of the image in the vertical direction;
(Ii) A method comprising the steps of interconnecting calculated symmetry points.
2. (1) For column j or row j and for each pixel c at position 1 in column j or row j, calculate the value S of the sum of the symmetric differences according to the following equation:
[Expression 15]
Figure 0004127901
Where c = T, ..., M−T−1
Where g (i, j) represents the gray value at position (i, j), T is an offset parameter, M represents the number of rows or columns of the matrix, and m (i) is min (i, j M−i−1),
[Outside 6]
Figure 0004127901
[Outside 7]
Figure 0004127901
[Outside 8]
Figure 0004127901
The method according to 1 above, wherein a symmetry point for column j or row j is obtained.
3. The method according to claim 1, further comprising the step of calculating a reliability measure R (c, j) combined with the symmetry point c calculated for column j or row j according to:
[Expression 16]
Figure 0004127901
4). Symmetry points are concatenated together to obtain a line of symmetry by calculating a least squares fit in the collection of data (j, C j (j)) and the combined measurement error value (1-R (j)). The method according to 1 above.
5. Horizontally symmetric index pixel is [0100]
[Expression 17]
Figure 0004127901
And the vertical symmetry index is
[Formula 18]
Figure 0004127901
And the main direction index SI of the image is
SI = min (SI h , SI v )
And a line of symmetry having a combined symmetry index equal to SI determines the orientation of the image.
6). The method according to 1 above, wherein the directional angle of the image is determined as an angle between a horizontal symmetric line or a vertical symmetric line and a horizontal coordinate axis or a vertical coordinate axis, respectively.
7). A method of providing the radiation image at a position where a horizontal symmetry line or a vertical symmetry line of the radiation image is parallel to a horizontal coordinate axis or a vertical coordinate axis, respectively.
(I) determining a horizontal symmetry line or a vertical symmetry line in the image;
(Ii) determining a direction angle α by which the image is tilted with respect to a horizontal coordinate axis or a vertical coordinate axis, respectively;
(Iii) A method comprising the steps of rotating the image by an angle -α.
8). The method according to 7 above, wherein the symmetry line is calculated by any one of 1-3 above.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows a thorax image with an aiming area and a direct exposure area present. The automatically calculated vertical symmetry axis is superimposed.
FIG. 2 shows the fitted symmetry axis of the thorax image.
FIG. 3 shows a pelvic image with aiming and direct exposure areas present. The automatically calculated vertical symmetry axis is superimposed.
FIG. 4 shows the fitted symmetry axis of the pelvic image.

Claims (2)

(1)列j又は行jについて、及び列j又は行jの位置 i における各画素 c について、次式により対称の差の和の値 S を計算し、
Figure 0004127901
こに、 c T, ・・・・ ,M T 1
ただし、 g(i,j )は位置(i ,j )におけるグレー値を示し、 T はオフセットパラメーターであり、 M は前記マトリックスの行又は列の数を表し、 m(i) min(i,M i 1) に等しく、
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
In determining the symmetry line in at least one of the horizontal and vertical directions of the radiation image represented by the matrix of digital pixel values (i) in the case of the horizontal direction, the symmetry point for each column of the image is calculated and In the case of calculating the symmetry point for each row of the image,
(Ii) a method of connecting pixels corresponding to the calculated symmetry point to each other to form at least one of the horizontal and vertical symmetry lines of the image,
(1) For column j or row j, and for each pixel c at position i in column j or row j , calculate the value S of the sum of symmetrical differences by the following equation:
Figure 0004127901
In here, c = T, ····, M - T - 1
Where g (i, j ) represents the gray value at position (i , j ), T is an offset parameter, M represents the number of rows or columns of the matrix, and m (i) is min (i, j M i 1) ,
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
Figure 0004127901
A method comprising the steps of: obtaining a symmetry point for column j or row j .
A method of providing the radiation image at a position where a horizontal symmetry line or a vertical symmetry line of the radiation image is parallel to a horizontal coordinate axis or a vertical coordinate axis, respectively.
(I) determining a horizontal or vertical symmetry line in the image by the method of claim 1 ;
(Ii) determining a direction angle α by which the image is tilted with respect to a horizontal coordinate axis or a vertical coordinate axis, respectively;
(Iii) A method comprising the steps of rotating the image by an angle -α.
JP20285298A 1997-07-04 1998-07-03 Method for determining symmetry lines in radiographic images. Expired - Fee Related JP4127901B2 (en)

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