JP3925151B2 - Synchronous generator operation control device and control method - Google Patents

Synchronous generator operation control device and control method Download PDF


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JP3925151B2 JP2001324328A JP2001324328A JP3925151B2 JP 3925151 B2 JP3925151 B2 JP 3925151B2 JP 2001324328 A JP2001324328 A JP 2001324328A JP 2001324328 A JP2001324328 A JP 2001324328A JP 3925151 B2 JP3925151 B2 JP 3925151B2
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直志 菅原
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  • Control Of Eletrric Generators (AREA)


定常運転時、回転速度指令部10−2は原動機が回転しているエネルギーより低い速度指令Sped−ref信号を与え、スイッチ17は0側を選択する。速度検出器25の回転速度検出器25−1はエンコーダ8からA,B相のパルス数を、位相計数タイマの値で一定時間計測し、回転数Sped−fを検出する。速度制御部19の減算器19−2は、回転速度指令Sped−refと回転数Sped−fとの偏差を求め、速度制御器19−1で比例積分制御を行い、有効電力指令Pref を出力する。一方、無効電力指令16−5は無効電力指令Qref を出力する。
電力変換部15は、電流3/2相変換器13と電圧3/2相変換器14との出力から同期発電機2の有効電力Pfと無効電力Qfとを検出する。電力制御部16は、減算器16−3で速度制御の有効電力指令Pref と有効電力Pfとの偏差を計算し、有効電力制御16−1を行い、有効電流指令IPref を得る。減算器16−4は無効電力指令の無効電力指令Qref と無有効電力Qfとの偏差を計算し、無効電力制御16−2を行い、無効電流指令IQref を得る。
電流制御部20において、減算器20−3は有効電流指令IPref と有効電流値IPfとの偏差を計算して、有効電流制御20−1を行い、有効電圧指令VPを得る。減算器20−4は無有効電流指令IQref と無効電流値IQfとの偏差を計算し、無有効電流制御20−2を行い、無効電圧指令VQを得る。それぞれの制御は比例積分制御である。

Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
減算器16−3,16−4では(数6)式で有効電力指令Pref と有効電力フィードバックPfとから偏差ΔPを求め、無効電力指令Qref と有効電力フィードバックQfとから偏差ΔQを求める。電力制御部は(数7)式で比例積分制御を行う。ここで、電力比例項がKpp、電力積分項がKipであり、有効電流指令がIPref ,無効電流指令がIQref である。
ΔP=Pref −Pf
ΔQ=Qref −Qf
IPref =ΔP×Kpp+ΣΔP×Kip
IQref =ΔQ×Kpp+ΣΔQ×Kip
減算器20−3,20−4は(数8)式で有効電流指令IPref と有効電流フィードバックIPfとから偏差ΔIPを求め、無効電流指令IQref と有効電流フィードバックIQfとから偏差ΔIQを求める。電流制御部20は(数9)式で比例積分制御を行う。ここで、電流比例項がKpi,電流積分項がKiiである。
ΔIP=IPref −IPf
ΔIQ=IQref −IQf
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
次に正弦波発生原理を説明する。図1で、スイッチ28−5が接点0を選択し、一定の角速度ωdef が角速度積分器に入力される場合について説明する。角速度積分器28−6はサンプリング毎に一定角速度ωdef を(数13)式で積算して出力位相θqを得る。ここで説明のために回転速度位相変換器25−2の出力θencがゼロと仮定する。加算器29−5は位相θqをθnowとして位相テーブルのアドレスとして与える。位相テーブルから正弦波,余弦波の出力を得る。図5にその原理波形を示す。図5(a)は図1の位相発生部27から得られた正弦波,余弦波の結果の説明図、図5(b)は一定角速度ωdef を加算してテーブルのアドレスに割り当てる原理図であって、図中にサンプリング毎に加算する様子を丸で囲い拡大して示す。角速度積分器28−6は積算を続けテーブルの総数NTmax でゼロにクリアされる。図5(c)はテーブルのアドレスとテーブルの総数NTmax と正弦波,余弦波のデータ格納の状態を示す。例えば、正弦波のテーブルであれば、アドレス0番地に電気角0°に相当する値すなわち、16ビットデータの0値を配置し、テーブル総数の1/4に相当する数の番地に電気角の90°に相当する正弦波の最大値1を16ビットデータの7FFFの値として配置する。ここで、角速度ωdef が大きくなれば、角速度積分器28−6は早く積算されるのでクリア点に達する時間が短くなり正弦波の周波数が高くなる、逆に、角速度ωdef を小さくなれば、周波数は低くなる。
発電機の周波数Fg(Hz)の1周期の時間幅Tg(sec)は、1/Fgで求まる。加算するサンプリング時間をTs(sec)とすると、1周期のサンプル回数Nsnp は、(数14)式で演算できる。この時は正弦波を発生させるための電気角360°を表現するテーブル総数NTmax と角速度ωdef の関係を(数15)式で演算する。
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
説明の都合で、角速度積分器の出力位相θqはゼロとする。加算器29−5は回転速度位相変換器25−2の位相θencをθnowとして位相テーブルのアドレスとして与える。その結果、位相テーブルは正弦波と余弦波を出力する。図6の(a)で、位相計数タイマは同期発電機に直結されているエンコーダのA相パルスおよびB相パルスの両エッジよりカウントアップ(ファインカウント)される。同期発電機が1回転するとエンコーダも1回転する。この場合エンコーダは1回転につきzパルスを1パルス発生する。図6(a)に示すようにzパルスが発生すると位相計数タイマをクリアする。そのため、位相計数タイマの最大値Pnmax はエンコーダのファインカウント値と一致する。なお、最大値Pnmaxはエンコーダの仕様で種々変更しても良い。さらに、発電機の極対数ppにも依存する。すなわち、回転速度位相変換器25−2は設計時にエンコーダ1回転のファインカウント,発電機の極数,位相テーブルの総数に対応できる。回転速度位相変換器25−2は運転中のエンコーダの現在値Pnと位相変換定数Kphを(数16)式で求めると位相テーブルのアドレスが選択される。(数17)式は位相変換定数Kphを求める式である。
Figure 0003925151
次に始動時に位相テーブルの正弦波出力と同期発電機の誘起電圧の位相を合わせる方法の詳細を説明する。図5で説明する機能は図1のブロック図の番号や図7のブロック図の番号と同じである。始動時に、ゲート処理部でPWM信号発生部のゲート信号が発生しないようにゲートサプレスする。そのため、同期発電機2の誘起電圧を電圧検出器9−2で検出し、電圧3/2相変換器14で(数3)(数4)式で有効電圧と無効電圧とを求める。位相同期判定部28では、無効電圧がゼロに成るように比例積分器28−4の偏差角速度ωdef を出力する。位相同期判定部28のスイッチ28−5は接点0を選択し、偏差角速度ωdef を角速度積分器で積算し、偏差位相θqを得る。加算器29−5はエンコーダから作られた位相θencと偏差位相θqとを加算して位相θnowを得る。θnowは位相テーブルのアドレスとなり正弦波,余弦波を得る。
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
Figure 0003925151
始動時にゲートサプレスして誘起電圧を電圧変換部に入れて無効電圧をゼロになるように比例積分すると、誘起電圧の位相と正弦波テーブルの位相が一致する。この場合、偏差角速度ωdef は限りなくゼロに近づき、角速度積分器の出力位相θqは一定値となる。すなわち、位相θqはエンコーダから位相変換器を介して出力された位相θencと誘起電圧位相の偏差値Δθとなる。すなわち、θqは(数19)式のΔθを意味する。この場合、同期判定器28−1では無効電圧フィードバック値VQfがゼロに近い規定値以下に一定時間保持されたこと確認して位相テーブルの出力と発電機の誘起電圧が一致したと判断する。次に、スイッチ28−5は接点1を選択して、Δω=0を角速度積分器の入力として固定する。ゲート処理部ではゲートサプレスを解除して制御装置を発電領域で運転する。すなわち図7のブロックは(数25)の伝達関数の応答に従い、無効電圧が限りなくゼロに近づき、有効電圧は誘起電圧の瞬時値の最大値に近づく。
The present invention relates to a control device that converts the output of a synchronous generator driven by a prime mover into direct current by a generator-side converter, and supplies electric power in accordance with the frequency on the system side via the system-side converter, and in particular, is variable. The present invention relates to a control device and a control method for a synchronous generator of voltage and variable frequency.
[Prior art]
In an apparatus that supplies the power of a synchronous generator to a system using a converter, it is necessary to match the voltage generated by the converter with the phase and magnitude of the induced voltage of the synchronous generator. For this purpose, a magnetic pole position detector and an increment encoder are directly connected to the synchronous generator, and a timer or counter provided separately is used to raise and lower the signal, and the sine wave data table is referenced from the timer value. Create a sine wave and create the output voltage and phase of the transducer. In this case, it is necessary to match the created phase and voltage value with the phase and magnitude of the induced voltage of the synchronous generator. For this purpose, a magnetic pole position detector that detects the absolute value of the phase of the induced voltage is equipped, the absolute value of the induced voltage is detected from the information of the magnetic pole position detector at the time of starting, and the output value of the sine wave table of the converter is matched. .
Japanese Patent Publication No. 7-16313 discloses a conventional technique of a magnetic pole position detection method for a synchronous motor. In this prior art, in order to detect the phase of the induced voltage of the synchronous generator, the rotational speed and the angular velocity are detected by the rotational speed detecting means such as an increment encoder without using the magnetic pole detector. The voltage generated by the converter is matched.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
In the prior art described in Japanese Patent Publication No. 7-16313, the phases of the induced voltages of the magnetic pole position detector and the synchronous generator must be mechanically and electrically matched at the time of assembly. In addition, when the prime mover is stopped or rotating but the induced voltage of the synchronous generator is small, it may not be able to operate, and when the energy of the prime mover is insufficient, it cannot be started.
The object of the present invention is to solve the above-mentioned problems of the prior art, start up a synchronous generator as a motor when the energy of the prime mover is insufficient, and the phase of a three-phase sine wave command generated by the converter, It is an object of the present invention to provide a control method and control device for a synchronous generator that can be started with the phase and magnitude of the induced voltage matched with high precision and can operate the generator stably from the motor region to the power generation region.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
An operation control device for a synchronous motor according to the present invention includes a synchronous generator that is rotated by a prime mover, a generator-side power converter that is connected to the generator and converts an AC induced voltage of the synchronous generator into a DC voltage, A smoothing capacitor connected to the generator-side power converter and a system-side power converter that converts the DC voltage into AC, and based on absolute phase detection means for detecting the induced voltage, and the amount of rotation of the generator Relative phase detection means for detecting the phase change amount of the power generation induced voltage in the previous period, means for detecting the magnitude of the rotation amount of the generator, and starting as a synchronous generator or as a synchronous motor from the magnitude of the rotation amount Control means for determining whether to do.
More specifically, the control device performs control by dividing it into an effective part and an invalid part. That is, speed control is performed based on the speed command and the number of rotations of the generator to obtain an active power command. Power control is performed from a reactive power command different from the active power command, a current command is generated, and current control is performed from the current command to obtain a voltage command. 2-phase / 3-phase conversion is performed from the voltage command to obtain a 3-phase AC voltage command. The three-phase AC voltage command and the carrier wave are compared to generate a PWM signal to drive the power generation side converter. Further, although detailed description of the control of the system side converter is omitted, the operation is performed with the phase and the magnitude of the voltage on the system side being matched.
The phase generator that generates the voltage phase on the generator side drives the up / down timer from the A, B, Z phase signals of the increment encoder directly connected to the generator, and uses the timer value as the address of the sine wave cosine wave table, Data stored in the table is extracted to obtain a sine wave and a cosine wave. The rotation speed detection unit detects the number of pulses of the encoder during a certain sample time and converts it to the number of rotations. The voltage 3-phase / 2-phase converter obtains an effective voltage and an ineffective voltage from the voltage of the synchronous generator and the sine wave and cosine wave values generated by the phase generator. The current 3-phase / 2-phase converter obtains effective current pressure and reactive current from the current of the synchronous generator and the sine wave and cosine wave values generated by the phase generator. The power conversion unit obtains active power and reactive power from the effective voltage, reactive voltage, effective current pressure, and reactive current.
The input of the voltage 3-phase / 2-phase converter is an induced voltage of the synchronous generator, a sine wave and a cosine wave of the phase generator. If the phase of the induced voltage of the synchronous generator does not match the phase of the phase generator, the voltage 3-phase / 2-phase converter output vibrates and does not become DC. When the phases match, the effective voltage becomes the maximum instantaneous value of the induced voltage, and the reactive voltage becomes zero.
At the time of start-up, the phase of the induced voltage of the synchronous generator and the phase of the phase generator do not match, so the phase synchronization controller controls the reactive voltage to be zero.
At the time of starting, when the energy of the prime mover is insufficient, electric power is supplied from the system side converter to the power generation side converter to the synchronous generator, and the motor is operated as a synchronous motor.
That is, the method for driving the apparatus is divided into three modes and executed.
(1) If the prime mover rotates above the self-start upper limit speed and the induction voltage of the generator is easy to detect, the engine is normally started.
(2) If the prime mover is below the self-starting lower limit speed at which the prime mover cannot rotate, stop self-starting.
(3) If the prime mover is rotating but the synchronization cannot be accurately matched and is below the self-starting upper limit speed and above the self-starting lower limit speed, the motor is self-starting.
A normal start when the prime mover has enough energy is
(A) A start command is generated while the generator is in a free-run state.
(B) A suppress signal is sent from the gate processing unit to the PWM signal generation unit to keep the converter in a stopped state.
When the control device is started in this state, the voltage 3-phase / 2-phase converter inputs the induced voltage of the synchronous generator and the sine wave and cosine wave of the phase generator to convert them into valid and invalid voltages. In this case, the output of the sine wave and cosine wave of the phase generation unit is realized by extracting the value of the phase counting timer from the encoder pulse and the table address and stored data. For this reason, at the time of starting, the value of the phase counting timer is arbitrary, and since the stop position of the rotor of the synchronous generator is random, the phases of the two do not match.
When the phases of the two inputs of the voltage 3-phase / 2-phase converter do not match, the reactive voltage output has a finite value. Furthermore, when the phase error is large, the effective / reactive voltage output vibrates.
Here, the phase synchronization control unit performs proportional-integral control so that the reactive voltage is zero. In this case, the output of the proportional integral control is the deviation angular velocity of the induced voltage and the output of the phase generator, and the deviation phase velocity is obtained by integrating this deviation angular velocity with the angular velocity integrator. If this deviation phase is corrected to the phase counting timer value and a sine wave and a cosine wave are output from the phase table, the reactive voltage of the voltage 3-phase / 2-phase converter becomes almost zero, and the effective voltage is the maximum of the induced voltage. Instantaneous value.
The synchronization determination unit of the phase synchronization control unit determines that the reactive voltage value has decreased below the specified value for the specified time and determines that the induced voltage of the synchronous generator matches the sine wave phase from the phase table. To do. In this case, the phase of the angular velocity integrator is stored as a fixed value. In this case, the phase from the control device coincides with the phase of the induced voltage by adding the phase generated from the encoder and the phase of the angular velocity integrator.
When the coincidence of the phases is confirmed by the synchronization determiner, the gate suppressor is opened at the gate processing unit, and the power generation side converter is operated to be in an operating state. Further, since the output of the voltage converter is added as a voltage command, the control device can stably shift to the operating state by matching the magnitude and phase of the induced voltage. In the case of a stop self-start that the motor is stopped and does not rotate, the generator is rotated as an electric motor.
That is, when starting the system side converter and operating the power generation side converter, for example, the table generator is fixed to a zero value for an arbitrary fixed time without depending on the encoder signal and the effective voltage Set the command to a value that does not cause overcurrent in the stop state. In this case, a DC voltage is applied to the stator of the synchronous motor for a certain time, and the rotor of the synchronous motor is attracted to the magnetic poles of the stator, so that the magnetic poles of the stator and the rotor can be matched. From this point of time, the motor angular velocity command independent of the encoder is integrated by the motor angular velocity integrator to be a phase signal, and this phase signal is input to the phase generator. Now, the motor angular velocity command is increased from zero at an arbitrary acceleration rate, and the applied voltage increases the voltage / angular velocity to be constant. The synchronous motor is set to free run at an arbitrary number of revolutions sufficiently increased. Then, the generator can be easily synchronously started by the starting method when the energy of the prime mover is sufficient.
A case will be described in which the motor is rotating, but the motor self-starting, in which the phase and magnitude generated by the generator-side converter cannot be accurately synchronized with the phase and magnitude of the synchronous generator. For example, even if the phase generated by the generator-side converter and the phase of the induced voltage of the synchronous motor are shifted by 30 degrees, the torque can be obtained as cos (30 degrees) = 0.866. Perform the same starting method.
In this case, if the accuracy of the synchronization determination reference of the phase synchronization control unit is deteriorated, the synchronization can be drawn even if the induced voltage of the motor is small. That is, there is a possibility that the accuracy of the phase matching between the induced voltage and the phase generator is poor due to the synchronization at low speed. For this reason, the speed command is increased at a constant acceleration rate from a motor speed command different from the rotation speed command for normal operation. In this case, the apparatus performs speed control, power control, and current control so that the synchronous motor is free-runned at an arbitrary number of revolutions sufficiently increased. Then, if the starting method is performed when the energy of the prime mover is sufficient, it is possible to start synchronously by creating a state where the detection of the induced voltage of the generator is easy.
Embodiments of the present invention will be described below with reference to the drawings. FIG. 1 illustrates one embodiment of the present invention. In FIG. 1, the rotor of the synchronous generator 2 is connected to the shaft of the prime mover 1, and when the prime mover 1 rotates with natural energy, the synchronous generator 2 generates AC power having a frequency corresponding to the rotational speed of the prime mover 1. To do. The output of the synchronous generator 2 converts AC power into DC power by a generator-side converter 3 using a semiconductor conversion element such as IGBT. A smoothing capacitor 4 is connected in parallel to the DC output side of the converter 3. Similarly, the voltage of the system side converter 5 is connected to the system side power supply 7 through the system linkage transformer 6 with the frequency, phase and magnitude of the system side voltage matched. The encoder 8 is directly connected to the synchronous generator, and detects the rotational speed of the synchronous generator and the induced voltage phase of the generator. The current transformer (CT) 9-1 detects the current of the generator, and the voltage detector 9-2 detects the voltage of the generator.
When a start command is issued, the start / stop command unit 10-1 of the control command unit 10 outputs a gate suppress signal from the gate processing unit 11 and stops the generator-side converter. When starting is possible, release the gate suppression and put it in operation. In order for the generator 2 to obtain an output commensurate with the energy of the prime mover, the prime mover rotational speed detector 10-6 detects the rotational speed of the prime mover, and the rotational speed command unit 10-2 receives a speed command Speed- lower than the prime mover rotational speed. The ref signal is given.
When the prime mover starts from the stop state, the motor angular speed command 10-4 is set to the stop self-start mode and accelerates the motor by increasing the motor angular speed command ωm-ref at a constant acceleration rate to the self-start speed reaching point. .
Further, when the motor speed command 10-3 is rotating the prime mover, but the phase and magnitude generated by the generator-side converter cannot be accurately synchronized with the phase and magnitude of the synchronous generator, the motor self-start mode is set. At the same time, the motor speed command Speed-ref is increased at a constant acceleration rate up to the self-starting speed reaching point to accelerate the motor.
The switch controller 10-5 detects the state of the speed of the generator, determines whether it is a normal start or a self start, and issues a switching command between the switch 17 and the switch 18. The switch controller 10-5 classifies the self-starting into the stop self-starting mode and the motor self-starting mode, and selects the normal starting mode when the rotational speed is equal to or higher than the self-starting upper limit value. The stop self-start mode is selected when it is below the self-start lower limit value. In this stop self-start mode, the generator is suddenly stopped by applying direct current excitation, so the self-start lower limit value is set to a value that does not damage even if the prime mover stops suddenly during rotation. The motor self-start mode is selected when the rotation speed is equal to or lower than the self-start upper limit value and equal to or higher than the self-start lower limit value.
The gate processing unit 11 suppresses or cancels the signal generated by the PWM signal generation unit 24, and decides to stop the operation of the apparatus. The instantaneous power failure detector 12 detects an instantaneous power failure on the system side, suppresses the gate processing unit at the time of instantaneous power failure, and releases the gate suppression when the instantaneous power failure returns.
During steady operation, the rotation speed command unit 10-2 gives a speed command Speed-ref signal lower than the energy at which the prime mover rotates, and the switch 17 selects the 0 side. The rotation speed detector 25-1 of the speed detector 25 measures the number of A and B phase pulses from the encoder 8 with a value of the phase counting timer for a certain period of time, and detects the rotation speed Speed-f. The subtractor 19-2 of the speed control unit 19 obtains a deviation between the rotational speed command Speed-ref and the rotational speed Sped-f, performs proportional-integral control with the speed controller 19-1, and outputs an active power command Pref. . On the other hand, the reactive power command 16-5 outputs the reactive power command Qref.
The output θenc of the rotational speed phase converter selects the phase counting timer value obtained by counting the A and B phase pulses, selects the 0 side of the switches 18-1 and 18-3, and outputs the sine wave of the phase generator 27, It is an address to draw the cosine wave table. The phase generator outputs a sine wave and a cosine wave. The current 3/2 phase converter 13 obtains the generator current from the current transformer (CT) 9-1 and the active current value IPf and the reactive current value IQf from the output of the phase generator. The voltage 3/2 phase converter 14 obtains the generator voltage from the voltage detector 9-2 and the effective voltage value VPf and the invalid voltage value VQf from the output of the phase generator.
The power converter 15 detects the active power Pf and the reactive power Qf of the synchronous generator 2 from the outputs of the current 3/2 phase converter 13 and the voltage 3/2 phase converter 14. The power control unit 16 calculates the deviation between the active power command Pref for speed control and the active power Pf by the subtractor 16-3, performs the active power control 16-1, and obtains the active current command IPref. The subtractor 16-4 calculates the deviation between the reactive power command Qref and the reactive power command Qf, performs the reactive power control 16-2, and obtains the reactive current command IQref.
In the current control unit 20, the subtractor 20-3 calculates the deviation between the effective current command IPref and the effective current value IPf, performs the effective current control 20-1, and obtains the effective voltage command VP. The subtractor 20-4 calculates a deviation between the ineffective current command IQref and the reactive current value IQf, performs ineffective current control 20-2, and obtains an ineffective voltage command VQ. Each control is proportional-integral control.
The adder 21 adds VP and VPf to obtain an effective voltage command VPR, and the adder 22 adds VQ and VQf to obtain an effective voltage command VQR. The switches 18-4 and 18-5 select the 0 side, and the 2-phase / 3-phase converter 23 receives VPR, VQR, the sine wave and cosine wave of the phase generator, and obtains a 3-phase AC command. The PWM signal generator 24 compares the carrier wave and the three-phase AC command, generates a PWM pulse, and drives the power generation side converter.
A phase matching method at the time of normal starting will be described. The phase obtained by the phase generator 27 does not match the phase of the synchronous generator. At start-up, the switch 28-5 is connected to the 0 side. In the phase synchronization determination unit 28, the subtractor 28-3 calculates the deviation between the zero command 28-2 and the reactive voltage Vqf of the voltage 3-phase / 2-phase converter, and executes the proportional integrator 28-4 to execute the deviation angular velocity. ω-def is obtained.
When the deviation angular velocity ω-def is integrated by the angular velocity integrator 28-6, a deviation phase θq is obtained. Here, the phase output θenc of the rotational speed phase converter 25-2 and the deviation phase θq of the angular speed integrator 28-6 are added by an adder 29-5. The switch 18-3 selects the 0 side and sets the phase table address θnow to establish a phase loop. When the induced voltage and the phase of the phase generator coincide, Vqf approaches zero as much as possible. The synchronization determination unit 28-1 determines that the synchronization is established when Vqf is equal to or less than the specified value, and connects the switch 28-5 to the 1 side. In this case, the value stored by the angular velocity integrator 28-6 is equivalent to storing the error between the induced voltage and the phase of the phase generator at the start.
At the time of starting, the outputs of the power control unit 16 and the current control unit 20 are kept at zero. Since the start command 10-1 issues a suppress command to the gate processing unit 11 and does not apply the PWM signal to the generator side converter, the voltage converter 14 detects the induced voltage of the synchronous generator. When the induced voltage and the phase of the phase generation unit coincide with each other in the phase synchronization determination unit 28, the synchronization determination unit 28-1 issues a command to cancel the gate suppression to the gate processing unit 11, and the gate processing unit 11 Cancel gate suppression. In this case, since the 2-phase / 3-phase converter receives an effective voltage output corresponding to the induced voltage from the voltage converter, the voltage magnitude and phase of the generator-side converter coincide with the magnitude and phase of the induced voltage. Start. For this reason, synchronous operation is stably performed without generating an overcurrent.
FIG. 2 shows a PAD diagram for determining the normal synchronous start mode, stop self-start mode, and motor self-start mode when the prime mover starts. In FIG. 2, the switch controller 10-5 of the command unit 10 detects and determines the speed state of the synchronous generator. If there is a self-start command in S-10, it is determined in S-20 whether or not the self-start lower limit speed is not reached. If it is less than the self-start lower limit speed, the process proceeds to S-30 and the stop self-start mode is selected and operated. . When the stop self-start is completed, the process shifts to S-60, restarts in the normal synchronous start mode, and shifts to the normal operation. If it is equal to or higher than the self-starting lower limit speed in S-20, the process proceeds to S-40, and if it is equal to or lower than the self-starting upper limit speed, the process proceeds to S-50 to operate from the motor self-start mode. When the motor self-start is completed, the process proceeds to S-60 and restarts to shift to normal operation. If there is no self-start command, the process shifts to S-60 from the beginning, restarts, and shifts to normal operation.
The stop self mode will be described in detail. If there is a self-start command and the rotational speed of the generator is below the self-start lower limit, stop self-start is selected. This operation will be described with reference to the time chart of FIG. The contacts of the switches 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18-5 are selected to the 1 side. The motor angular velocity command ωm-ref output from the switch 18-1 is first given a zero command. Since the motor angular velocity integration 29-4 of the self-start control unit 29 is zero, the table of the phase generation unit is fixed at the zero address. On the other hand, the idling voltage Vpi29-1 is selected from the switch 18-2 from the 1 side. In the adder 26, Vpi and the angular velocity voltage conversion output are added to become an effective voltage input of the 2-phase / 3-phase conversion unit 23 via the switch 18-4. In this case, since the motor angular velocity command is zero, the output of the angular velocity voltage conversion 29-3 is zero. That is, the idling voltage Vpi enters the 2-phase / 3-phase converter 23. In addition, the input of the reactive voltage command of the 2-phase / 3-phase converter 23 is applied from the zero command 28-2 via the switch 18-5. This state is a direct current excitation state. If this state is continued for several seconds as the motor positioning period, the magnetic poles of the rotor of the electric motor coincide with the stator magnetic poles.
Next, the motor angular velocity command 10-4 is accelerated at a constant acceleration rate. In the angular velocity integration, the phase θnow is created by adding the angular velocities. Further, since the angular velocity voltage converter multiplies ωm-ref by the voltage conversion coefficient Kv, the effective partial voltage of the two-phase / three-phase voltage is a voltage having a constant voltage / frequency ratio proportional to the motor angular velocity. The synchronous generator 2 does not become an overcurrent as a synchronous motor, and the rotation increases stably to the speed attainment value. When this speed reached value is reached, the gate processing unit 11 performs gate suppression, and the S-60 normal synchronization start step shown in FIG. 2 is executed.
In the self-starting mode, when the rotational speed is in the range of the self-starting upper limit value or less and the self-starting lower limit value or more, the motor self-starting is selected and step S-50 in FIG. 2 is executed. This will be described with reference to the time chart of FIG. The contacts of the switches 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, and 18-5 are selected to the 0 side. The contact of the switch 17 selects the 1 side, and the switch 28-5 of the phase synchronization determination unit 28 selects the 0 side. In this case, the gate processing unit performs gate suppression, and the phase synchronization determination unit 28 operates so that the phase of the induced voltage of the generator matches the phase of the phase generation unit. At this time, since the rotational speed is low, the synchronization determination condition is relaxed. When the synchronization is completed, the gate suppression is canceled and the output Speed-m of the motor speed command 10-3 can be accelerated from the rotation speed at a constant acceleration rate, and can be increased to the speed attainment value. At this point, the gate processing unit 11 performs gate suppression and starts operation from the S-60 normal synchronous start step of FIG. If the rotation speed is higher than the self-start upper limit value even if there is a self-start command, the operation starts from the S-60 normal synchronous start step in FIG.
Next, details of the control method of this execution example will be described. In FIG. 1, the current three-phase / 2-phase converter 13 obtains the effective current IPf and the reactive current IQf from the three-phase currents Igu, Igv, Igw of the synchronous generator using the formulas (1) and (2). In the voltage 3-phase / 2-phase converter 14, the effective voltage VPf and the reactive voltage VQf are obtained from the three-phase voltages Vgu, Vgv, and Vgw of the synchronous generator using the equations (3) and (4). The power conversion unit 15 obtains active power feedbacks Pf and Qf according to Equation (5) from IPf, IQf, VPf, and VQf obtained from Equations (2) and (4).
[Expression 1]
Figure 0003925151
[Expression 2]
Figure 0003925151
[Equation 3]
Figure 0003925151
[Expression 4]
Figure 0003925151
[Equation 5]
Figure 0003925151
In the subtractors 16-3 and 16-4, the deviation ΔP is obtained from the active power command Pref and the active power feedback Pf by the equation (6), and the deviation ΔQ is obtained from the reactive power command Qref and the active power feedback Qf. The power control unit performs proportional-integral control using Equation (7). Here, the power proportional term is Kpp, the power integral term is Kip, the active current command is IPref, and the reactive current command is IQref.
[Formula 6]
ΔP = Pref−Pf
ΔQ = Qref−Qf
[Expression 7]
IPref = ΔP × Kpp + ΣΔP × Kip
IQref = ΔQ × Kpp + ΣΔQ × Kip
The subtractors 20-3 and 20-4 obtain the deviation ΔIP from the active current command IPref and the active current feedback IPf by the equation (8), and obtain the deviation ΔIQ from the reactive current command IQref and the effective current feedback IQf. The current control unit 20 performs proportional-integral control using Equation (9). Here, the current proportional term is Kpi and the current integral term is Kii.
[Equation 8]
ΔIP = IPref−IPf
ΔIQ = IQref−IQf
[Equation 9]
VP = ΔIP × Kpi + ΣΔP × Kii
IQ = ΔIQ × Kpi + ΣΔQ × Kii
The effective voltage command VP and the reactive voltage command VQ are obtained by the equation (9). Next, in equation (10), the adder 21 adds the effective voltage command VP and the effective voltage VPf generated by the synchronous generator to obtain the converter effective voltage command VPR. The adder 22 adds the reactive voltage command VQ and the reactive voltage VQf generated by the synchronous generator to obtain a converter reactive voltage command VQR.
[Expression 10]
VPR = VP + VPf
VQR = VQ + VQf
The two-phase / three-phase conversion unit converts the three-phase AC voltage commands VuR, VvR, and VwR from the converter effective voltage command VPR and the converter invalid voltage command VQR that are DC components in the equations (11) and (12). Convert. The PWM signal generator 24 compares a carrier wave such as a triangular wave with the VuR, VvR, and VwR signals of the three-phase AC voltage command to generate a PWM pulse, which is used as a gate signal for the generator-side converter 3.
[Expression 11]
Figure 0003925151
[Expression 12]
Figure 0003925151
Next, the principle of sine wave generation will be described. A case where the switch 28-5 selects the contact 0 and a constant angular velocity ωdef is input to the angular velocity integrator will be described with reference to FIG. The angular velocity integrator 28-6 integrates the constant angular velocity ωdef for each sampling by the equation (13) to obtain the output phase θq. For the sake of explanation, it is assumed that the output θenc of the rotational speed phase converter 25-2 is zero. The adder 29-5 gives the phase θq as θnow as the address of the phase table. Get sine wave and cosine wave output from phase table. FIG. 5 shows the principle waveform. FIG. 5A is an explanatory diagram of the results of the sine wave and cosine wave obtained from the phase generation unit 27 of FIG. 1, and FIG. 5B is a principle diagram of adding a constant angular velocity ωdef and assigning it to a table address. In the figure, the state of addition for each sampling is shown by encircled and enlarged. The angular velocity integrator 28-6 continues to accumulate and is cleared to zero by the total number NTmax of the table. FIG. 5C shows the table address, the total number of tables NTmax, and the data storage state of the sine wave and cosine wave. For example, in the case of a sine wave table, a value corresponding to 0 electrical angle, that is, a 0 value of 16-bit data is arranged at address 0, and the electrical angle is set to a number corresponding to ¼ of the total number of tables. A maximum value 1 of a sine wave corresponding to 90 ° is arranged as a 7FFF value of 16-bit data. Here, if the angular velocity ωdef increases, the angular velocity integrator 28-6 is integrated quickly, so the time to reach the clear point is shortened and the frequency of the sine wave is increased. Conversely, if the angular velocity ωdef is decreased, the frequency is Lower.
The time width Tg (sec) of one cycle of the generator frequency Fg (Hz) is obtained by 1 / Fg. If the sampling time to be added is Ts (sec), the number of samplings Nsnp in one cycle can be calculated by the equation (14). At this time, the relationship between the total number of tables NTmax expressing the electrical angle 360 ° for generating the sine wave and the angular velocity ωdef is calculated by the equation (15).
[Formula 13]
θ = Σωdef
[Expression 14]
Figure 0003925151
[Expression 15]
Figure 0003925151
Next, a method for obtaining a sine wave and a cosine wave from the encoder output during forward rotation will be described using the block of FIG. 1 and the time chart waveform of FIG.
For convenience of explanation, the output phase θq of the angular velocity integrator is assumed to be zero. The adder 29-5 gives the phase θenc of the rotational speed phase converter 25-2 as θnow as an address of the phase table. As a result, the phase table outputs a sine wave and a cosine wave. In FIG. 6A, the phase counting timer is counted up (fine counting) from both edges of the A-phase pulse and B-phase pulse of the encoder directly connected to the synchronous generator. When the synchronous generator makes one revolution, the encoder also makes one revolution. In this case, the encoder generates one z pulse per revolution. As shown in FIG. 6A, when the z pulse is generated, the phase counting timer is cleared. Therefore, the maximum value Pnmax of the phase counting timer coincides with the fine count value of the encoder. The maximum value Pnmax may be variously changed according to the encoder specifications. Furthermore, it depends on the number of pole pairs pp of the generator. That is, the rotational speed phase converter 25-2 can cope with the fine count of one rotation of the encoder, the number of poles of the generator, and the total number of phase tables at the time of design. When the rotational speed phase converter 25-2 obtains the current value Pn of the encoder in operation and the phase conversion constant Kph by the equation (16), the address of the phase table is selected. Expression (17) is an expression for obtaining the phase conversion constant Kph.
FIG. 6B is an explanatory diagram of conversion into a sine wave table address by a phase counting timer and a phase converter. In this case, if the value of the phase counting timer at an arbitrary time is Pn, the table address NTn is obtained by the equation (16).
[Expression 16]
NTn = Kph × Pn
[Expression 17]
Figure 0003925151
Here, since the output of the angular velocity integrator 28-6 is assumed to be zero, when the generator rotates, the phase counting timer operates with the signal from the encoder. The current address NTn of the phase table is obtained from the value of the phase counting timer via the rotational speed phase converter 25-2. The phase table outputs sine and cosine waves. When there is no phase correction of the angular velocity integrator 28-6, the phase of the sine wave depends on the signal from the encoder. FIG. 6B is a time chart showing the state. If the value of the sine wave table shown in FIG. 6 (d) is obtained for each sampling with the value NTn obtained by the equation (16), the output of the phase converter is a sine wave value as shown in FIG. 6 (c). Can be obtained.
Next, details of a method of matching the phase of the sine wave output of the phase table and the induced voltage of the synchronous generator at the start will be described. The functions described in FIG. 5 are the same as the block diagram numbers in FIG. 1 and the block diagram numbers in FIG. At startup, the gate processing unit suppresses the gate so that the gate signal of the PWM signal generation unit is not generated. Therefore, the induced voltage of the synchronous generator 2 is detected by the voltage detector 9-2, and the voltage 3/2 phase converter 14 obtains the effective voltage and the invalid voltage using the equations (3) and (4). The phase synchronization determination unit 28 outputs the deviation angular velocity ωdef of the proportional integrator 28-4 so that the reactive voltage becomes zero. The switch 28-5 of the phase synchronization determination unit 28 selects the contact 0, integrates the deviation angular velocity ωdef with an angular velocity integrator, and obtains a deviation phase θq. The adder 29-5 adds the phase θenc produced from the encoder and the deviation phase θq to obtain the phase θnow. θnow is the address of the phase table, and a sine wave and a cosine wave are obtained.
Using the values of the sine wave and cosine wave, the voltage conversion unit converts the value of the three-phase induced voltage into an effective voltage and an ineffective voltage. FIG. 7 shows a one-round control block that feeds back the phase from the encoder and the sine wave and cosine wave of the voltage converter via the generator. That is, it corresponds to the output θenc of the rotational speed phase converter 25-2, 28-4 corresponds to a proportional integrator, and 28-6 corresponds to an angular speed integrator. The phase and deviation phase from the encoder are included in θ when the expression (4) is developed. In the equation (18), the phase θg of the generator and the deviation phase Δθ between the encoder and the generator are added. That is, the phase mismatch at the start is included in the phase θ of the voltage 3/2 phase converter 14 as shown in (Equation 19). That is, the phase θnow of the phase generator 27 includes the generator phase θg and the phase deviation Δθ. Here, substituting equation (18) for equation (19) yields equation (20). In FIG. 7, the subtractor 28-3 subtracts the reactive voltage feedback VQf from the zero command 28-2 so that VQf becomes zero, and executes proportional-integral control at 28-4. That is, since the control is performed so that the first item of Equation (20) approaches zero as much as possible, the second item remains. Since the value in () in the second term is equal to the second row of (Equation 18), when the target value is reached, the effective value VPf is multiplied by sin (Δθ) as shown in (Equation 21). . At this time, VQf in the equation (21) becomes the maximum value VPf of the phase voltage of the motor.
[Formula 18]
VQf = Vgα × sinθ−Vgβcosθ
VPf = Vgα × cosθ + Vgβsinθ
[Equation 19]
θ = θg + Δθ
[Expression 20]
VQf = (Vgα × sinθg−Vgβcosθg) × cosΔθ + (Vgαcosθg + Vgβsinθg) × sinΔθ
[Expression 21]
Figure 0003925151
Also, sin (Δθ) = 0 when Δθ = 0, and when Δθ = π / 2.
Since sin (Δθ) = 1, linearization yields Equation (22). (Expression 22)
Substituting into the equation (21), a relational expression between the reactive voltage VQf and the phase difference Δθ is obtained.
The transfer function of VQf and Δθ is expressed by equation (23). Further, the transfer function of proportional integration is expressed by the equation (24), where Kp is a proportionality constant and Ki is an integration constant. As a result, the round transfer function F (s) of the angular velocity phase control can be expressed by the equation (25).
[Expression 22]
Figure 0003925151
[Expression 23]
Figure 0003925151
[Expression 24]
Figure 0003925151
[Expression 25]
Figure 0003925151
When the gate suppression is performed at the start and the induced voltage is put into the voltage converter and proportional integration is performed so that the reactive voltage becomes zero, the phase of the induced voltage coincides with the phase of the sine wave table. In this case, the deviation angular velocity ωdef approaches zero as much as possible, and the output phase θq of the angular velocity integrator becomes a constant value. That is, the phase θq is the deviation value Δθ between the phase θenc output from the encoder via the phase converter and the induced voltage phase. That is, θq means Δθ in the equation (19). In this case, the synchronization determiner 28-1 confirms that the reactive voltage feedback value VQf has been held for a certain period of time below a specified value close to zero, and determines that the output of the phase table matches the induced voltage of the generator. Next, the switch 28-5 selects the contact 1 and fixes Δω = 0 as an input of the angular velocity integrator. The gate processing unit releases the gate suppression and operates the control device in the power generation region. That is, the block of FIG. 7 follows the response of the transfer function of (Equation 25), the reactive voltage approaches zero as much as possible, and the effective voltage approaches the maximum instantaneous value of the induced voltage.
In addition, in order to confirm that the output of the synchronous generator and the phase table are more completely synchronized, in the synchronization determination unit 28-1, the value of the reactive voltage feedback value VQf was kept for a certain period of time below a specified value close to zero. After confirming that it is determined that the output of the phase table and the induced voltage of the generator coincide with each other, it is further determined that the z pulse has been generated one or more times and it is determined that the output is synchronized. In other words, the phase counting timer is cleared once per rotation with the Z pulse of the encoder.
(1) The reactive voltage is below the specified value,
(2) There was at least one Z pulse.
After confirming the above, the switch 28-5 is selected as one contact so that no input is made to the angular velocity integrator 28-6, and the gate processor 11 cancels the PWM signal generator 24 suppression and the generator Drive the side converter. In this case, when the converter on the system side is already in an operating state and the instantaneous power failure detector 12 detects an instantaneous power failure on the system side, the gate processing unit 11 sends a suppression command to the PWM signal generating unit 24. When the instantaneous power failure detector 12 detects the instantaneous power failure recovery,
(1) A start command is generated in a free-run state of the generator.
(2) Operate the phase synchronization control unit.
(3) When the synchronization detector determines synchronization, the switch 28-5 contacts 1 is selected and zero is input to the angular velocity integrator 28-6.
(4) The gate processing unit 11 instructs the PWM signal generation unit 25 to cancel the gate suppression and drives the control device.
As described above, according to the present invention, when a start command is issued, the system-side converter is started, and the generator-side converter is kept in the gate-suppressed state from the gate processing unit. The switch controller of the control command unit is normally started when the energy of the prime mover is sufficient as judged from the rotational speed, the self-starting upper limit speed is exceeded, and the induced voltage of the generator is easily detected. During normal synchronization, the phase synchronization control unit can match the phase created from the encoder with the phase of the induced voltage of the generator. Further, the determination of the coincidence of the phases is performed by the synchronization determination unit, and it is determined that the synchronization has been achieved by confirming that the invalid voltage value has become equal to or less than the specified value. The difference between the induced voltage phase detected from the phase synchronization control unit in the synchronization determination and the phase created from the encoder is stored, and held thereafter until the power supply stops.
When the energy of the prime mover runs short, the synchronous generator self-starts the generator as a synchronous motor and can start without depending on the energy state of the prime mover. That is, the state of the prime mover is started in three modes.
(1) A normal start is when the prime mover is rotating at a speed higher than the self-start upper limit speed and the induction voltage of the generator is easily detected.
(2) When the prime mover stops or is below the self-starting lower limit speed, the self-starting is stopped. (3) The motor self-starts when it is rotating but is not more than the self-starting upper limit speed that cannot synchronize accurately and is higher than the self-starting lower limit speed.
In stop self-start, DC excitation is applied to the synchronous motor for a certain period of time (several seconds) below the self-starting lower limit speed, and the stator and rotor magnetic poles are made to coincide with each other, and then accelerated at a constant acceleration and angular acceleration. In this case, by controlling the effective voltage command at a constant voltage / angular velocity, the motor obtains an appropriate torque and accelerates stably. The electric motor rises to the speed attainment value, suppresses the power generation side converter, and makes the electric motor free run. From here, the engine can be started by performing a normal start.
Moreover, even if the self-starting lower limit speed is suddenly stopped by direct current excitation, it can be started safely by selecting a value that does not damage the prime mover. If the motor self-starting suddenly stops, the blades may be damaged.Therefore, in the region that is higher than the self-starting lower limit speed and lower than the self-starting upper limit speed, the phase of the induced voltage of the motor Even if the matching accuracy is lowered, normal speed control, power control, and current control are executed in synchronization. When the synchronization is determined, the motor speed command is increased at a constant acceleration rate based on the number of rotations, the motor is increased to the speed attainment value, the power generation side converter is suppressed, and the motor is set to free run. From here, the engine can be started by performing a normal start.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, when the energy of the prime mover is insufficient, the synchronous generator is started up as a motor, and the phase of the three-phase sine wave command generated by the converter and the phase and magnitude of the induced voltage of the motor are accurately determined. Since the engine is started with a good match, the generator can be stably operated from the motor region to the power generation region.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 2 is a PAD diagram of start determination according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 3 is a time chart during stop self-start of the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 4 is a time chart when the motor self-starts according to the embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 5 is an explanatory diagram of a method for generating a sine wave by adding angular velocities according to an embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 6 is an explanatory diagram of a method for generating a sine wave by an encoder according to an embodiment of the present invention.
FIG. 7 is a block diagram showing the principle of phase synchronization control according to an embodiment of the present invention.
[Explanation of symbols]
DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 1 ... Motor | power_engine, 2 ... Synchronous generator, 3 ... Generator side converter, 4 ... Smoothing capacitor, 5 ... System side converter, 6 ... System connection transformer, 7 ... System side power supply, 8 ... Encoder, 9- DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 1 ... Current transformer, 9-2 ... Voltage detector, 10 ... Control command part, 10-1 ... Start / stop command part, 10-2 ... Rotational speed command part, 10-3 ... Electric motor speed command, 10- DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 4 ... Electric motor angular velocity command, 10-5 ... Switch controller, 10-6 ... Motor | power_engine rotational speed detector, 11 ... Gate processing part, 12 ... Instantaneous power failure detector, 13 ... Current 3/2 phase converter, 14 ... Voltage 3/2 phase converter, 15 ... power conversion unit, 16 ... power control unit, 16-1 ... active power control unit, 16-2 ... reactive power control unit, 16-3, 16-4, 19-2, 20 −3, 20-4, 28-3... Subtracter, 17, 18, 18-1, 18-2, 18-3, 18-4, 18- , 28-5 ... switch, 19, 19-1 ... speed controller, 20 ... current control unit, 20-1 ... active current control, 20-2 ... reactive current control, 21, 22, 26, 29-5 ... addition 23 ... 2 phase / 3 phase converter, 24 ... PWM signal generator, 25 ... speed detector, 25-1 ... rotation speed detector, 25-2 ... rotation speed phase converter, 27 ... phase generator, 28 ... Phase synchronization determination unit, 28-1 ... Synchronization determiner, 28-2, 29-2 ... Zero command, 28-4 ... Proportional integrator, 28-6 ... Angular velocity integrator, 29 ... Self-start control, 29- DESCRIPTION OF SYMBOLS 1 ... Idling voltage Vpi, 29-3 ... Angular velocity voltage conversion, 29-4 ... Electric motor angular velocity integration.

Claims (2)

A synchronous generator rotating by a prime mover, a generator-side power converter that is connected to the generator and converts an AC induced voltage of the synchronous generator into a DC voltage, and a smoothing capacitor that is connected to the generator-side power converter When, an operation control system for a synchronous power generator and a grid-side power converter for converting the DC voltage into an AC,
Absolute phase detection means for detecting the induced voltage;
A phase generator for generating a phase component of a control signal for operating the generator-side power converter ;
A relative phase detection means for detecting a relative change amount between the phase of the power generation induced voltage and the phase of the phase generation unit of the converter;
Means for detecting the amount of rotation of the generator;
Control means for determining whether to start as a synchronous generator or a synchronous motor from the magnitude of the amount of rotation;
A gate that allows the control signal to reach or suppress the generator-side converter;
The control signal is calculated based on a speed command and is given to the generator-side power converter,
The first speed is greater than the second speed, the first region is when the speed is greater than the first speed, and the second time is when the rotational speed of the synchronous generator is smaller than the second speed. And when the third region is between the first speed and the second speed,
When the rotational speed of the synchronous generator is in the first region, the gate is stopped so as to prevent the control signal from reaching the generator-side converter, and then the relative phase detection means Determine the degree of phase matching, and if the degree of matching is within reference accuracy, enable the gate to function as a synchronous generator so that the control signal reaches the generator-side converter,
When the rotational speed of the synchronous generator is in the second region, the control signal is output to the generator-side converter so that the phase generated from the phase generator is zero, and the control is performed in that state. The synchronous generator is stopped by enabling the gate so that a signal reaches the generator-side converter, and then the voltage and the angular velocity ratio are set to be substantially constant and the voltage is gradually increased. By applying the control signal so as to increase the angular velocity, the synchronous generator is caused to function as a motor and accelerated to the first region, and then the processing in the first region is performed to function as the synchronous generator. ,
When the rotational speed of the synchronous generator is in the third region, the relative phase detection means determines the degree of phase matching with a reference accuracy worse than the reference accuracy of phase matching performed in the first region, After confirming that the degree of coincidence is within the reference accuracy, the gate is enabled to function as a synchronous motor so that the control signal reaches the generator-side converter, and the control signal is used for speed control. The speed response is accelerated by increasing the speed command with an operation smaller than the response frequency of the first region operation, and is accelerated to the first region. Thereafter, the processing in the processing of the first region is performed to perform synchronous power generation. An operation control device for a synchronous generator, characterized by functioning as a machine.
A synchronous generator rotating by a prime mover, a generator-side power converter that is connected to the generator and converts an AC induced voltage of the synchronous generator into a DC voltage, and a smoothing capacitor that is connected to the generator-side power converter And a system-side power converter that converts the DC voltage into AC, and a method for controlling the operation of the synchronous generator,
The induced voltage is detected by an absolute phase detection means,
The phase component of the control signal for operating the generator-side power converter is generated in the phase generator ,
A relative phase detecting means detects a relative change amount between the phase of the power generation induced voltage and the phase of the phase generation unit of the converter,
Detecting the amount of rotation of the generator,
The control means determines whether to start as a synchronous generator or a synchronous motor from the magnitude of the rotation amount,
Control whether the control signal reaches or suppresses the generator-side converter with a gate,
The control signal is calculated based on a speed command and is given to the generator-side power converter,
The first speed is greater than the second speed, the first region is when the speed is greater than the first speed, and the second time is when the rotational speed of the synchronous generator is smaller than the second speed. And when the third region is between the first speed and the second speed,
When the rotational speed of the synchronous generator is in the first region, the gate is stopped so as to prevent the control signal from reaching the generator-side converter, and then the relative phase detection means Determine the degree of phase matching, and if the degree of matching is within reference accuracy, enable the gate to function as a synchronous generator so that the control signal reaches the generator-side converter,
When the rotational speed of the synchronous generator is in the second region, the control signal is output to the generator-side converter so that the phase generated from the phase generator is zero, and the control is performed in that state. The synchronous generator is stopped by enabling the gate so that a signal reaches the generator-side converter, and then the voltage and the angular velocity ratio are set to be substantially constant and the voltage is gradually increased. By applying the control signal so as to increase the angular velocity, the synchronous generator is caused to function as a motor and accelerated to the first region, and then the processing in the first region is performed to function as the synchronous generator. ,
When the rotational speed of the synchronous generator is in the third region, the relative phase detection means determines the degree of phase matching with a reference accuracy worse than the reference accuracy of phase matching performed in the first region, After confirming that the degree of coincidence is within the reference accuracy, the gate is enabled to function as a synchronous motor so that the control signal reaches the generator-side converter, and the control signal is used for speed control. The speed response is accelerated by increasing the speed command with an operation smaller than the response frequency of the first region operation, and is accelerated to the first region. Thereafter, the processing in the processing of the first region is performed to perform synchronous power generation. A method of controlling the operation of a synchronous generator, characterized in that it functions as a machine .
JP2001324328A 2001-10-23 2001-10-23 Synchronous generator operation control device and control method Expired - Fee Related JP3925151B2 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

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JP2001324328A JP3925151B2 (en) 2001-10-23 2001-10-23 Synchronous generator operation control device and control method

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JP2001324328A JP3925151B2 (en) 2001-10-23 2001-10-23 Synchronous generator operation control device and control method

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JP4959375B2 (en) * 2007-02-28 2012-06-20 三菱重工業株式会社 Electric supercharger for automobile and control method thereof
US11817811B2 (en) 2019-03-12 2023-11-14 Allegro Microsystems, Llc Motor controller with power feedback loop

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