JP3908290B2 - Water heater with hot water filling function - Google Patents

Water heater with hot water filling function Download PDF


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JP3908290B2 JP25473095A JP25473095A JP3908290B2 JP 3908290 B2 JP3908290 B2 JP 3908290B2 JP 25473095 A JP25473095 A JP 25473095A JP 25473095 A JP25473095 A JP 25473095A JP 3908290 B2 JP3908290 B2 JP 3908290B2
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  • Control For Baths (AREA)


この基準水量演算部による基準水位水量の算出手法は次のようにして行われる。記憶モードでの湯張り動作では、その動作制御部27により、図2に示す如く、最初にaリットルの呼び水が浴槽1に落とし込まれ、次に、単位水量のbリットルの湯水が断続的に落とし込まれていき、これら呼び水や単位水量の湯水が落とし込まれる毎に、湯水循環検知部25により、追い焚き循環路14の湯水循環の有無の検知が行われる。そして、循環金具2を越えたH0 の水位に達したときに、湯水循環検知部25により湯水の検知がされることとなる。その一方で、積算流量演算部26により、浴槽1への落とし込み開始時から追い焚き流水スイッチ16がオンする水位H0 までの水量Qa が求められる。
基準水量演算部30はこの水量(最初に湯水循環が検知されたときまでの積算水量)Qa を用いて基準水位水量Qc をQc =Qa −bKの演算により求める。ここで、Kは定数であり、浴槽の大きさ(Qa の大きさ)に応じた値が予め実験等により求めて与えられる。次に、基準水量演算部30はQc を浴槽底面から循環口センタまでの高さ(基準水位)Hc で割り算して浴槽1の開口面積Sを求める。Hc の値としては配管施工図で設定される追い焚き循環口センタの高さ(浴槽底面からの高さ)の値が用いられる。
実際の浴槽1は、浴槽側壁が上広がりになっているために、浴槽底面からの高さによって開口面積が異なるが、本実施形態例では、計算を簡単にするために、浴槽側壁は浴槽底面から垂直な壁面であると仮定して計算処理を行っている。基準水量演算部30は演算により求めた追い焚き流水スイッチ16が最初にオンする水位水量Qa と基準水位水量Qc と開口面積Sの値をメモリに記憶する。もちろん、このメモリには追い焚き循環路14の循環口のセンタの高さHc の値が予め記憶されている。
設定水位水量自動設定部31は、浴槽1の追い焚き循環口のセンタ位置、つまり、浴槽底面から循環口センタの水位Hc を基準水位とし、図3に示すように、この基準水位からの各段の水位H1 〜H5 の値と、前記浴槽1の開口面積Sを掛け算して、各段の水位水量Q1 〜Q5 を求める。本実施形態例では、H1 の値として10cmが与えられており、H2 はさらに5cm高い15cmの値として与えられており、以下、同様に、5cmずつ高さを等分に高くしてH3 =20cm,H4 =25cm,H5 =30cmという如く与えられている。この演算により、第1段の水位H1 の水位水量Q1 はS・H1 として求められ、同様に、H2 〜H5 の各水位水量Q2 〜Q5 は、S・H2 〜S・H5 として求められ、各段の水位H1 〜H5 に対応する水位水量Q1 〜Q5 がメモリに記憶される。
循環口下部水位水量設定部29は、記憶モードの湯張り動作時に、湯水循環検知部25により、最初に湯水循環が検知されたときの水量Qa から、断続落とし込みの単位水量のbリットル差し引いた水量Qb を追い焚き流水スイッチ16がオンする一歩手前の循環口下部水位水量として求めてこれをメモリに記憶する。
リモコン35には、例えば、図4に示すように、記憶モードの動作を指令する記憶モードボタン36と、実行モードの動作を指令する実行モードボタン37と、湯張りの自動運転を指令する自動ボタン38と、給湯の設定温度を操作入力する給湯温度設定ボタン39と、設定した給湯の設定温度を表示する給湯設定温度表示部40と、風呂温度を設定する風呂温度設定ボタン41と、この設定された風呂温度を表示する風呂設定温度表示部44と、湯張り水位を選択設定する水位設定ボタン45と、この設定された浴槽水位を表示する水位表示部46と、前記設定水位水量自動設定部31のメモリに書き込み記憶されている各段の設定水位に対する設定水位水量Q1 〜Q5 の値を変更指令する設定水位変更指令入力部としての水位データ変更ボタン47と、エラーその他の情報を表示する情報表示部48とが設けられている。なお、リモコン35には、その他必要に応じ、例えば、高温差し湯、排水、追い焚き、保温等の動作を行わせる動作指令ボタンや、出湯温度センサ43で検出される出湯温度等の表示部が設けられる。
設定水位変更部32は、前記リモコン35の水位データ変更ボタン47のボタン操作により水位変更指令が加えられたときに、実行モードでの湯張り動作が終了して追い焚き動作又は保温動作に移行している状態であることが確認されたときに、設定水位水量自動設定部31のメモリに記憶されている各段の設定水位と設定水位水量との関係データを変更する。この設定水位水量自動設定部31のメモリに記憶されている設定水位と設定水位水量との関係データは図5に示すように表される。このグラフの横軸のQc は基準水位水量を示しており、Q1 〜Q5 は循環口センタからの各段の設定水位H1 〜H5 に対応する設定水位水量を示している。本実施形態例では、第1段以降の各段の設定水位は5cm刻みになっている関係上、各段間の設定水位水量も5S(Sは浴槽の開口面積)刻みとなっており、各段の設定水位とそれに対応する設定水位水量との関係グラフは直線のグラフとして作製記憶されている。
このような関係データの下で、例えば、設定水位の段数が3に指定されて(設定水位H3 が指定されて)湯張りが行われると、循環口が正しい位置に接続されている場合には、図6の実線で示すように、Qc +Q3 の本来の水量が浴槽に落とし込まれて本来の設定水位3のレベルまで湯が張られるのであるが、前記の如く、循環口が下側にずれて接続されると、Qc とQ3 が共に小さな値になるので、実際に湯張りされた水位は本来の設定水位3のレベルにならずに設定水位2のレベルになってしまう。
このときに、使用者により、リモコン35の水位データ変更ボタン47が操作されて、水位変更の指令が加えられる。この指令を受けたときに、設定水位変更部32は、リモコン35の水位設定ボタン45により、変更したい水位の段数の入力を待ち、実際に張られている設定水位Q3 をその入力された段数の設定水位水量に変更する。
図6の例では、実際に張られた水位水量Q3 は、3段の水位レベルから2段の水位レベルに変更され、2段の設定水位の水位レベルがQ3 として書き換えられる。これに合わせて、同じ量の差し引き量だけ、他の段の設定水位水量も変更され、この例では、設定水位3の水位水量はQ4 に、設定水位4の水位水量はQ5 に、設定水位5の水位水量はQ5 に水位5cm分の水量である5Sの水量を上乗せしたQ5 +5Sの値が新しい設定水位5の水位水量として更新される。なお、追い焚き循環路の循環口が設計位置よりも上側にずれて接続された場合には、その逆に、各段の設定水位の水位水量が小さくなる方向に書き換え更新されることとなる。つまり、設定水位の変更が行われることにより、図6の破線に示す如く、循環口下部水位水量Qb から先のグラフデータの直線の傾きが変更される。
すなわち、水量比較湯張り制御手段は、最初に、呼び水aリットルが浴槽1に落とし込まれて、湯水循環検知部25の湯水循環有無の判断により浴槽湯水の循環が検知されないことを確認したときに、前記循環口下部水位水量設定部29で設定された循環口下部水位水量Qb と、最初に湯水循環が検知されたときまでの積算水量Qa から設定水位に至る設定水位側水量とを比較し、まず、小さい方の水量を浴槽に落とし込む。
記憶モードの動作は、通常、器具が設置施工された試運転時に行われるので、浴槽1が空の状態で湯張りが開始されるものであるため、呼び水を注湯しただけでは、追い焚き流水スイッチがオンすることはあり得ないので、追い焚き流水スイッチ16がオンしたときには、リモコン35の情報表示部48等にエラーが表示される。ステップ104 で追い焚き流水スイッチがオフであるときには、循環ポンプ18を停止して単位水量のbリットルの注湯が行われる。
この注湯後、再び循環ポンプ18を起動して追い焚き流水スイッチ16がオンするか否かの判断が湯水循環検知部25により行われる。追い焚き流水スイッチがオンしないときには再びbリットルの単位水量が注湯され、この繰り返しにより、追い焚き流水スイッチがオンするまで単位水量bリットルの注湯が断続して繰り返し行われ、その一方で、積算流量演算部26により、注湯開始時からの注湯の積算流量が求められる。ステップ108 で追い焚き流水スイッチがオンしたときに、ステップ109 で、最初に追い焚き流水スイッチがオンしたときまでに注湯された積算流量Qa から基準水位水量Qc を求めて記憶し、次に、浴槽1の開口面積Sが求められる。そして続いて、各段の設定水位水量Q1 〜Q5 が設定水位水量自動設定部31により求められる。
このようにして、湯張りの条件データが記憶された後、ステップ110 で、リモコン35で指定されている設定水位までの注湯が行われる。次に、ステップ111 で循環ポンプ18を起動し、浴槽湯水を追い焚き循環路14を介して循環させて浴槽湯水の撹拌を行い、風呂温度センサ9により浴槽湯水の温度を検出する。次のステップ112 では、検出温度が風呂の設定温度以上か否かが判断され、検出温度が風呂設定温度以上のときには沸き上げブザーを鳴らして記憶モードの動作を終了する。検出温度が風呂設定温度よりも低いときにはステップ113 で追い焚きを行い、検出温度が風呂設定温度以上となったときに、沸き上げブザーを鳴らして記憶モードの湯張り動作を終了する。
この記憶モードでの湯張り動作により、浴槽開口面積Sと、基準水位水量Qc と、循環口下部水位水量Qb と、各段の設定水位H1 〜H5 に対応する設定水位水量Q1 〜Q5 が求められ、これらのデータがメモリに格納されて、図5に示すような湯張り条件データが器具自身により作製されて記憶されることとなる。
本実施形態例によれば、記憶モードでの湯張り動作により、追い焚き流水スイッチ16が最初にオンしたときの湯張り開始時からの注湯量Qa に基づいて基準水位水量Qc および浴槽の開口面積Sが求められるので、これらの基準水位水量と浴槽開口面積は浴槽の大きさに適合した値として求められることとなり、この浴槽の大きさに適合した浴槽開口面積に予め与えられた各段の設定水位H1 〜H5 を掛け算して各段の設定水位水量Q1 〜Q5 が求められるので、浴槽の大きさに合った設定水位量が設定できると共に、基準水位から予め定めた適切な水位刻みによって設定水位水量が設定できるため、浴槽の大きさ如何にかかわらず、設定水位を指定して、湯張りを行うことにより、意図した水位でもって湯張りを行うことができ、従来例のように、水位の刻みが例えば30リットルという如く、一律の水量によって与えられることによって、大きな浴槽の場合には意図した水位よりも低めに湯が張られ、小型の浴槽の場合には高めに湯が張られるという問題を防止できる。
さらに、本実施形態例では、水量比較湯張り制御手段49を設けたことで、たとえ、浴槽内に循環口下部水位水量Qb に近い残水がある状態で湯張りが行われても、湯が浴槽から溢れ出すということがなく、これにより湯の無駄な落とし込みを防止でき、経済的にも有利である。
なお、本発明は上記実施形態例に限定されることはなく、様々な実施の形態を採り得る。例えば、上記実施形態例では、各段の設定水位水量Q1 〜Q5 を求める場合、浴槽の開口面積Sは浴槽の高さにかかわらず一定の値として求めたが、浴槽側壁が上広がりの実際の形状により適合するように、例えば、第1段の設定水位水量Q1 はS・H1 として求め、第2の段の設定水位水量Q2 はμ2 ・S・H2 、第3段の設定水位水量Q3 はμ3 ・S・H3 という如く、補正係数μを掛けるか、あるいは補正水量を加算する等して、上広がりの実際の浴槽により適合するように各段の設定水位水量を求めることが可能である。
【図1】 本発明に係る湯張り機能付給湯器の一実施形態例の要部構成を示すブロック図である。
【図2】 同実施形態例における記憶モードの湯張り動作における基準水位水量の算出手法の説明図である。
【図3】 同実施形態例の記憶モードの動作による各段の設定水位水量の設定手法の説明図である。
【図4】 本実施形態例におけるリモコンの説明図である。
【図5】 本実施形態例における湯張り条件データのグラフである。
【図6】 本実施形態例における各段の設定水位の変更例の説明図である。
【図】 本実施形態例における記憶モードの動作を示すフローチャートである。
【図】 各段の湯張り水位設定の従来例の説明図である。
【図】 湯張り機能付給湯器のシステム構成例の説明図である。
1 浴槽
16 追い焚き流水スイッチ
18 循環ポンプ
19 流量検出センサ
25 湯水循環検知部
26 積算流量演算部
29 循環口下部水位水量設定部
30 基準水量演算部
31 設定水位水量自動設定部
32 設定水位変更部
The present invention relates to a water heater with a hot water filling function having a hot water filling function for a bath.
[Prior art]
Hot water heaters with a hot water filling function are widely used, in which the hot water produced by the hot water supply heat exchanger of the hot water supply source is sent to the recirculation circulation line and dropped into the bathtub through this recirculation circulation line. Yes.
Figure 9 Shows a piping system of this type of hot water heater with a hot water filling function. In the figure, a reheating heat exchanger 7 is provided on the upper side of the bath burner 6, one end side of a pipe line 17 is connected to the inlet side of the reheating heat exchanger 7, and the other end side of the pipe line 17 is circulated. It is connected to the discharge side of the pump 18. This pipe line 17 is provided with a bath temperature sensor 9 such as a thermistor for detecting the temperature of water flow.
The return pipe 15 of the recirculation circuit 14 is connected to the suction side of the circulation pump 18, and the return port side (inlet side) of the return pipe 15, which is a circulation port, is connected to the side wall of the bathtub 1 through the circulation fitting 2. It is connected. This return pipe 15 is provided with a reheating water flow switch 16 as a water flow detection sensor that detects water flow and outputs an ON signal. An outlet side of the recirculation circuit 14 is connected to the outlet side of the reheating heat exchanger 7, and the outlet side of the recirculation circulation path 14 is connected to the bathtub side wall via the circulation fitting 2.
A hot water supply heat exchanger 5 as a hot water supply source is provided on the upper side of the hot water supply burner 4, and a water supply pipe 11 is connected to the inlet side of the hot water supply heat exchanger 5. A main flow sensor 10 is interposed in the water supply pipe 11. A hot water supply pipe 12 is connected to the outlet side of the hot water supply heat exchanger 5, and the hot water supply pipe 12 is led to a desired hot water supply place such as a kitchen.
The hot water supply pipe 12 is branched from a hot water filling pipe 21, and the hot water filling pipe 21 is provided with a flow rate detection sensor 19 for detecting the flow rate of the hot water filling. In the figure, 33 indicates a gas pipe, 42 indicates an incoming water temperature sensor, and 43 indicates a hot water temperature sensor.
The hot water supply operation, the reheating operation, and the pouring hot water filling operation of the hot water supply device with a hot water filling function are performed by the control device 34, and a remote controller 35 is connected to the control device 34. The control device 34 includes 8 As shown in the figure, the set water level of each stage obtained by dividing the height from the circulating metal fitting position into a plurality of stages on the basis of the position of the circulating metal fittings is given. By performing the hot water filling by selectively specifying the set water level, the hot water filling at the designated set water level is possible. Figure 8 The set water level of each stage as shown in FIG. 6 is given from the water level at the position of the circulation fitting in increments of a relatively large constant amount of water, for example, 30 liters.
In this type of water heater with a hot water filling function, when the set water level and set temperature of the hot water filling are designated by the remote controller 35 and the automatic operation switch of the remote control 35 is turned on, the hot water solenoid valve 24 is opened and the water pipe 11 Water enters the hot water supply heat exchanger 5. When the main flow sensor 10 detects the flow of water through the water supply pipe 11, the hot water supply burner 4 is combusted, and the water passing through the hot water supply heat exchanger 5 is heated by this combustion thermal power to become hot water. The water enters the recirculation circuit 14 through the tension pipe 21 and is poured into the bathtub 1 through the return pipe 15 and the forward pipe 20 of the recirculation circuit 14.
Normally, the dropping of hot water from the hot water supply heat exchanger 5 is intermittently performed by a predetermined amount of water given in advance, and the circulation pump 18 is activated for a short time each time the intermittent dropping of hot water is completed. Whether the water level of the bathtub 1 has reached the height position of the circulation fitting is determined based on the signal from the soaking water switch 16. When an ON signal is applied from the follow-up running water switch 16, it is determined that the bathtub water level has reached the circulation fitting 2, and then the specified set water level is dropped all at once and the specified set water level is reached. Hot water filling ends.
And after completion of this hot water filling, it shifts to the reheating mode, and reheating of the bathtub hot water is performed. In this reheating mode, the circulating pump 18 is activated while the hot water solenoid valve 24 is closed, and the bath water is circulated through the recirculation circuit 14. The circulating hot water switch 16 detects this circulating hot water, and the bath burner 6 is combusted. The hot water passing through the reheating heat exchanger 7 is heated by this combustion thermal power to drive the hot water in the bathtub 1. When the bath temperature sensor 9 detects that the temperature of the circulating hot water has reached the set temperature of the bath, the circulation pump 18 is stopped and the reheating operation is ended.
After the reheating, the heat insulation mode is set for a predetermined time (for example, 4 hours). For example, the circulation pump 18 is activated for a short time every 30 minutes to circulate the bathtub hot water. Temperature is detected. When the temperature detected by the bath temperature sensor 9 falls below an allowable range given in advance, the bath burner 6 burns up and the bath water is raised to the bath set temperature. Thus, during the period of the heat retention mode, the bath water temperature is always kept in a state where bathing into the bathtub 1 is possible.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
In conventional appliances (water heaters) 8 The set water level in each stage is uniformly divided into relatively large amounts of water, for example, in increments of 30 liters, regardless of the size of the bathtub. Set water level at the highest level (fig. 8 In this case, even if you specify the set water level 5) and fill it with water, the water will be filled only to a level much lower than the water level intended by the user. Conversely, in the case of a small bathtub, If hot water filling is performed by specifying the set water level at the uppermost stage, there is a problem that hot water overflows.
When the recirculation circuit 14 is connected to the bathtub 1 by piping, normally, in the construction drawing, the circulation port of the return pipe 15 of the recirculation circuit 14 is connected from the bottom of the bathtub to a height position of 15 cm, for example. Although it is specified, in actual construction, it may be connected up and down by about ± 5cm with respect to the height position specified in the drawing, and in this way the position of the circulation port is shifted and connected If the consistency between the set water level of each stage specified by the remote control and the water level actually applied to the bathtub 1 is lost, and the circulation port of the recirculation circuit 14 is connected in a lower direction, the intended set water level On the contrary, when the circulation port is connected to a higher level, there is a problem that the hot water is always higher than the intended set water level.
The present invention has been made in order to solve the above-described conventional problems. The purpose of the present invention is to detect the size of the bathtub itself and automatically set the set water level of each stage according to the size of the bathtub. Moreover, even if the pipe connection position of the circulation port of the recirculation circuit is shifted up and down, a water heater with a hot water filling function capable of changing the set water level to the intended water level according to the shift is provided. It is in.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to achieve the above object, the present invention is configured as follows. That is, the hot water heater with a hot water filling function according to the first aspect of the present invention includes a piping system that drops hot water from a hot water source into a bathtub through a recirculation circuit connected to the side wall of the bathtub, and hot water in the bathtub is supplied to the recirculation circuit. A circulating pump for circulation and a running water detection sensor for detecting the flow of hot water are provided, a flow rate detection sensor for detecting the flow rate of the hot water to the bathtub, and a hot water filling based on the flow rate detection signal of the flow rate detection sensor. And an integrated flow rate calculation unit for obtaining an integrated flow rate of hot water, and a control unit for filling operation stores hot water filling condition data in addition to an operation unit in an execution mode for filling up to a specified set water level. A memory mode operation unit is provided. During this memory mode operation, hot water from the hot water supply side is dropped into the bathtub intermittently by a predetermined amount, and the circulation pump is activated at the end of each intermittent drop to recirculate. Of the presence or absence of a hot water circulation By the flowing water detection sensor The hot water circulation detection unit and the hot water circulation detection unit detect hot water circulation. At first When detected, the integrated flow rate from the start of intermittent drop of hot water is acquired from the integrated flow rate calculation unit, Based on an arithmetic expression given in advance, an amount corresponding to the amount of water corresponding to the size of the bathtub until the hot water circulation is first detected from the recirculation circulation port center is calculated. This acquired integrated flow rate Deducted from Recirculate from the bottom of the bathtub center The reference water amount calculation unit that calculates the amount of water at the reference water level up to and the calculated reference water level water amount Pre-stored in memory Divide by the height from the bottom of the bathtub to the reference water level to obtain the opening area of the bathtub, and multiply the opening area by the height of multiple stages from the reference water level given in advance to obtain the water volume corresponding to the set water level of multiple stages. And a set water level automatic amount setting unit for calculating and storing.
In addition 2 The invention of the first aspect Mysterious A set water level change command input unit for changing the set water level is provided for the one with the configuration, and the hot water is refilled until the specified set water level is reached after reaching the specified set water level. When the set water level change command is added from the set water level change command input section and the set water level stage to be changed is input, the set water level water level that is actually filled with water is changed. Change the set water level to the set water level, and increase or decrease the set water level of the other stages by the changed water level according to the change in the water level of the water level. Is set as a feature that a set water level changing unit is provided.
In the first aspect of the present invention, when the hot water filling operation is performed in the storage mode, the circulation pump is activated every time when a unit amount of hot water is dropped, and the presence or absence of hot water circulation in the recirculation circuit is detected. When the hot water circulation is first detected, an integrated flow rate from the start of dropping of hot water is given from the integrated flow rate calculation unit. Based on the integrated flow rate, the reference water amount calculation unit obtains the reference water level from the bottom of the bathtub to the recirculation port.
And the opening area of a bathtub is calculated | required by dividing this reference | standard water level water amount by the height (height from the bathtub bottom face given by piping construction drawing to the circulation opening center of a recirculation circuit) given to the reference water level. Next, the set water level water amount corresponding to the set water level height of each stage from the reference water level is calculated and stored by multiplying each opening of the plurality of stages from the reference water level given in advance to this opening area, The set water level of each stage is given by the value of the amount of water from the reference water level by the device itself.
Therefore, in the present invention, by specifying the set water level of each stage and filling the set water level, the height from the reference water level becomes equal regardless of the size of the bathtub. The hot water level does not fluctuate due to this.
In addition 2 In the present invention, as a result of performing the hot water filling in the execution mode, the circulation opening of the recirculation circulation path is not connected to the height position from the bottom of the bathtub specified in the construction drawing, but is connected slightly shifted up and down. When hot water is slid up and down from the intended water level, the set water level change unit is operated to change the set water level level of the set water level to the intended set water level level. The set water level of the stage is automatically corrected and changed according to the change amount. Thereby, the collapse of the consistency between the intended set water level and the actually applied water level is corrected.
Embodiments of the present invention will be described below with reference to the drawings. The system of the water heater with a hot water filling function of this embodiment is shown in the above figure. 9 The same reference numerals are given to the same name portions as those of the conventional example, and the duplicate description thereof is omitted.
What is characteristic in the present embodiment is that a configuration peculiar to the control system of the control device 34 and the remote controller 35 is added. As shown in FIG. 1, the specific configuration of the control system of the present embodiment includes a hot water circulation detection unit 25, an integrated flow rate calculation unit 26, a storage mode operation unit (operation control unit) 27, and an execution mode. The operation unit (operation control unit) 28, the circulation port lower water level water amount setting unit 29, the reference water amount calculating unit 30, the set water level water amount automatic setting unit 31, and the set water level changing unit 32 are configured. Yes.
The storage mode operation control section 27 has a hot water filling sequence program for performing the operation of creating and storing hot water filling condition data, and controls the hot water filling operation in the storage mode according to this sequence program. The operation control unit 28 in the execution mode incorporates a sequence program for performing actual hot water filling using the hot water condition data created and stored by the operation in the storage mode, and the hot water filling is actually performed according to this sequence program. Controls the filling operation in the execution mode to be performed.
The integrated flow rate calculation unit 26 integrates the detected flow rate of hot water detected by the flow rate detection sensor 19, and calculates the amount of water dropped into the intermittent bathtub and the total integrated flow rate from the start of hot water filling. The hot water circulation detection unit 25 drives the circulation pump 18 for a short time after the hot water is intermittently dropped into the bathtub 1 in the operation in the memory mode and the operation in the execution mode, and reflows running water that functions as a running water detection sensor. The switch 16 signal is monitored to detect the presence or absence of hot water circulation. That is, when a predetermined hot water is dropped from the hot water supply heat exchanger 5 side, the circulating pump 18 is started and the hot water is circulated when an ON signal for detecting the flowing water is received from the reheating water switch 16. When the off-flow signal is output from the follow-up running water switch 16, it is detected that hot water is not circulated in the follow-up circulation path 14. The detection result of the hot water circulation is added to the reference water amount calculation unit 30.
The reference water amount calculation unit 30 calculates the amount of water from the bottom surface of the bathtub 1 to the reference water level at the center of the circulation opening of the recirculation circuit 14 during operation in the storage mode, and the amount of water at the calculated reference water level Is stored in the memory.
The calculation method of the reference water level water amount by the reference water amount calculation unit is performed as follows. In the hot water filling operation in the storage mode, as shown in FIG. 2, the operation control unit 27 first drops a liter of priming water into the bathtub 1 and then intermittently b liters of hot water of unit water volume. Each time the priming water or unit amount of hot water is dropped, the hot water circulation detection unit 25 detects the presence or absence of hot water circulation in the recirculation circuit 14. And H beyond the circulation bracket 2 0 When the water level is reached, the hot water circulation detection unit 25 detects hot water. On the other hand, the water level H at which the reheating water switch 16 is turned on by the integrated flow rate calculation unit 26 from the start of dropping into the bathtub 1. 0 Quantity of water Q a Is required.
The reference water amount calculation unit 30 calculates the amount of water (the accumulated amount of water until the first hot water circulation is detected) Q a Use standard water level Q c Q c = Q a It is obtained by calculating -bK. Here, K is a constant and the size of the bathtub (Q a A value corresponding to the size of the image is obtained in advance through experiments or the like. Next, the reference water amount calculation unit 30 sets the Q c Height from the bottom of the bathtub to the center of the circulation port (reference water level) H c The opening area S of the bathtub 1 is obtained by dividing by. H c As the value of, the value of the height of the recirculation circulation port center (height from the bottom of the bathtub) set in the piping construction drawing is used.
The actual bathtub 1 has an opening area that varies depending on the height from the bottom surface of the bathtub because the side wall of the bathtub is widened. However, in this embodiment, in order to simplify the calculation, the side wall of the bathtub is the bottom surface of the bathtub. The calculation process is performed assuming that the wall surface is vertical. The reference water amount calculation unit 30 calculates the water level water amount Q at which the reheating flow switch 16 is first turned on. a And standard water level Q c And the value of the opening area S is stored in the memory. Of course, in this memory, the height H of the center of the circulation opening of the recirculation circuit 14 c Is stored in advance.
The set water level automatic amount setting unit 31 is configured to determine the center position of the recirculation circulation port of the bathtub 1, that is, the water level H of the circulation port center from the bottom of the bathtub. c Is the reference water level, and as shown in FIG. 3, the water level H of each stage from this reference water level 1 ~ H Five Is multiplied by the opening area S of the bathtub 1, and the water level water quantity Q of each stage 1 ~ Q Five Ask for. In this embodiment, H 1 The value of 10cm is given as H 2 Is given as a value of 15 cm which is 5 cm higher. Three = 20cm, H Four = 25cm, H Five = 30cm is given. By this calculation, the water level H of the first stage 1 Water level Q 1 Is SH 1 As well as H 2 ~ H Five Water level Q 2 ~ Q Five Is SH 2 ~ SH Five As the water level H of each stage 1 ~ H Five Water level Q corresponding to 1 ~ Q Five Is stored in the memory.
The water level setting unit 29 for the lower water level of the circulation port is the water amount Q when the hot water circulation is first detected by the hot water circulation detection unit 25 during the hot water filling operation in the memory mode. a Water quantity Q, minus b liters of unit water quantity for intermittent drop b Is obtained as the water level water level at the lower part of the circulation port one step before the running water switch 16 is turned on, and this is stored in the memory.
For example, as shown in FIG. 4, the remote controller 35 includes a storage mode button 36 for instructing the operation in the storage mode, an execution mode button 37 for instructing the operation in the execution mode, and an automatic button for instructing the automatic operation of the hot water filling. 38, a hot water temperature setting button 39 for operating and inputting the set temperature of the hot water supply, a hot water supply temperature setting section 40 for displaying the set temperature of the hot water supply, and a bath temperature setting button 41 for setting the bath temperature. A bath setting temperature display unit 44 for displaying the bath temperature, a water level setting button 45 for selecting and setting the hot water level, a water level display unit 46 for displaying the set bath water level, and the set water level automatic setting unit 31. Water level Q for the set water level of each stage written and stored in the memory 1 ~ Q Five A water level data change button 47 serving as a set water level change command input unit for instructing to change the value of, and an information display unit 48 for displaying error and other information are provided. It should be noted that the remote control 35 includes other operation command buttons for performing operations such as hot water hot water, drainage, reheating, and heat retention, and a display unit for the temperature of the hot water detected by the hot water temperature sensor 43, as necessary. Provided.
When a water level change command is issued by operating the water level data change button 47 of the remote control 35, the set water level changing unit 32 ends the hot water filling operation in the execution mode and shifts to a reheating operation or a heat retaining operation. When it is confirmed that this is the state, the relationship data between the set water level and the set water level water amount stored in the memory of the set water level automatic amount setting unit 31 is changed. The relationship data between the set water level and the set water level water amount stored in the memory of the set water level automatic setting unit 31 is expressed as shown in FIG. Q on the horizontal axis of this graph c Indicates the reference water level, Q 1 ~ Q Five Is the set water level for each stage from the circulation center 1 ~ H Five The set water level corresponding to is shown. In the present embodiment example, the set water level of each stage after the first stage is in increments of 5 cm, and the set water level water amount between each stage is also in increments of 5S (S is the opening area of the bathtub). A relationship graph between the set water level of the stage and the corresponding set water level water amount is produced and stored as a straight line graph.
The set water level data is generally changed when the connection position of the recirculation circuit 14 with respect to the bathtub 1 deviates up and down from the designated value in the piping construction drawing. For example, if the circulation port of the recirculation circuit is connected to the lower side than the design value (specified value), the reference water level water amount from the bottom of the bathtub to the center of the circulation port will be reduced, and this will be reduced from the bottom of the bathtub to the circulation The opening area of the bathtub obtained by dividing by the design height value up to the center is also a small value, and the set water level water amount of each stage obtained by multiplying this opening area in increments of 5 cm is also a small value.
Under such relation data, for example, the number of stages of the set water level is specified as 3 (set water level H Three When hot water filling is performed, if the circulation port is connected to the correct position, as shown by the solid line in FIG. c + Q Three The original amount of water is dropped into the bathtub and hot water is filled up to the level of the original set water level 3, but as described above, when the circulation port is shifted downward and connected, Q c And Q Three Since both are small values, the water level actually filled is not the level of the original set water level 3, but the level of the set water level 2.
At this time, the user operates the water level data change button 47 of the remote control 35 to give a water level change command. When this command is received, the set water level changing unit 32 waits for the input of the number of water levels to be changed by the water level setting button 45 of the remote controller 35, and the set water level Q that is actually set is waited for. Three Is changed to the set water level water amount of the inputted number of stages.
In the example of FIG. 6, the actual water level Q Three Is changed from the 3rd water level to the 2nd water level, and the water level of the 2nd set water level is Q Three Can be rewritten as In accordance with this, the set water level water amount of other stages is also changed by the same amount of subtraction, and in this example, the water level water amount of the set water level 3 is Q Four In addition, the water level of the set water level 4 is Q Five In addition, the water level of the set water level 5 is Q Five Q with 5S water amount added to 5cm water level Five The value of + 5S is updated as the water level water amount at the new set water level 5. Note that when the circulation port of the recirculation circuit is connected to the upper side of the design position, it is rewritten and updated so that the water level water amount of the set water level of each stage becomes smaller. That is, by changing the set water level, as shown by the broken line in FIG. b The slope of the straight line of the graph data after is changed.
The operation control unit 28 in the execution mode is provided with a water amount comparison hot water filling control means 49. This water amount comparison hot water filling control means 49 has a residual water below the circulation port when performing hot water filling in the execution mode, and overflows the bathtub even when hot water filling is performed from that state. It controls the dropping of hot water so as to fill the water without any problems, and has a built-in water amount comparison unit and calculation unit necessary for the control.
That is, when the water amount comparison hot water filling control means firstly confirms that the priming water a liter is dropped into the bathtub 1 and the hot water circulation detection unit 25 determines whether or not the hot water circulation is detected. , The circulation port lower water level water amount Q set in the circulation port lower water level water amount setting unit 29 b And cumulative water volume Q until the first hot water circulation is detected a Compared to the set water level side water volume from the first to the set water level, first, the smaller amount of water is dropped into the bathtub.
And Control the hot water filling, aiming at the specified set water level.
The present embodiment is configured as described above. The The operation of the instrument of the present embodiment will be described based on the chart. Figure 7 Indicates an operation in the storage mode. When an automatic switch (automatic button) is turned on in step 101, a liter of priming water is poured. Then, the circulation pump 18 is activated for a short time, and it is determined whether or not the follow-up running water switch 16 is turned on.
Since the operation in the memory mode is normally performed during a trial run in which the equipment is installed and constructed, the hot water filling starts when the bathtub 1 is empty. Cannot be turned on, an error is displayed on the information display section 48 or the like of the remote control 35 when the follow-up running water switch 16 is turned on. When the reheating water switch is OFF in step 104, the circulating pump 18 is stopped and b liters of water of unit water volume are poured.
After this pouring, the hot water circulation detector 25 determines whether or not the recirculation pump 18 is started again and the reheating water switch 16 is turned on. When the reheating water switch is not turned on, the unit water amount of b liters is poured again. By repeating this, the replenishment of the unit water amount of b liters is repeated until the reheating water switch is turned on. The accumulated flow rate calculation unit 26 obtains the accumulated flow rate of pouring from the start of pouring. When the refilling water switch is turned on in step 108, the accumulated flow rate Q poured in step 109 until the first time the refilling water switch is turned on a To standard water level Q c And then the opening area S of the bathtub 1 is determined. And then, set water level water quantity Q of each stage 1 ~ Q Five Is obtained by the set water level water amount automatic setting unit 31.
After the hot water filling condition data is stored in this manner, in step 110, hot water is poured up to the set water level designated by the remote controller 35. Next, in step 111, the circulation pump 18 is activated, the hot water in the bathtub is recirculated and circulated through the circulation path 14, the hot water in the bathtub is stirred, and the temperature of the hot water in the bathtub is detected by the bath temperature sensor 9. In the next step 112, it is determined whether or not the detected temperature is equal to or higher than the set temperature of the bath. When the detected temperature is equal to or higher than the set temperature of the bath, the boiling buzzer is sounded and the operation in the storage mode is terminated. When the detected temperature is lower than the bath set temperature, reheating is performed at step 113, and when the detected temperature becomes equal to or higher than the bath set temperature, the boiling buzzer is sounded and the hot water filling operation in the storage mode is ended.
By the hot water filling operation in this memory mode, the bathtub opening area S and the reference water level water amount Q c And water level Q at the lower part of the circulation port b And the set water level H of each stage 1 ~ H Five Set water level Q corresponding to 1 ~ Q Five These data are stored in the memory, and hot water filling condition data as shown in FIG. 5 is produced and stored by the instrument itself.
And Hot water filling in the execution mode using the hot water filling condition data produced and stored by the hot water filling operation in the memory mode. Riga Done.
According to the present embodiment, the pouring amount Q from the start of filling when the reheating flush water switch 16 is first turned on by the filling operation in the storage mode. a Based on standard water level Q c Since the opening area S of the bathtub is obtained, the reference water level water amount and the bathtub opening area are obtained as values suitable for the size of the bathtub, and are given in advance to the bathtub opening area suitable for the size of the bathtub. Set water level for each stage 1 ~ H Five Multiply by and set water level Q for each stage 1 ~ Q Five Therefore, the set water level can be set according to the size of the bathtub, and the set water level can be set in appropriate increments from the reference water level, so that the set water level can be set regardless of the size of the bathtub. By filling the water with the specified water level, the water can be filled with the intended water level.As in the conventional example, the water level is given by a uniform amount of water, for example, 30 liters. In the case of a large bathtub, hot water is filled lower than the intended water level, and in the case of a small bathtub, the problem of hot water being filled higher can be prevented.
Moreover, in the present embodiment example, even when the connection circulation port of the recirculation circuit is not attached to the specified height from the bottom surface of the bathtub, After that, if the water level of the hot water that is actually stretched is shifted up and down from the intended water level due to the vertical shift of the circulation port, the user switches the water level data change button 47 on the remote control 35 side. , And input the intended set water level stage, the set water level changing unit 32 can change the currently set water level to the set water level of the input stage, and the set water level of other stages can also be set. Since it is changed and changed by the same amount, it is an epoch-making that the hot water can be filled to the correct intended water level from the next hot water filling without being affected by the displacement of the mounting position of the recirculation circulation port. Can have an effect .
Furthermore, in this embodiment, by providing the water amount comparison hot water filling control means 49, the circulation port lower water level water amount Q in the bathtub. b Even if hot water filling is performed in a state where there is residual water close to, the hot water does not overflow from the bathtub, thereby preventing wasteful dropping of hot water, which is economically advantageous.
In addition, this invention is not limited to the said embodiment example, Various embodiment can be taken. For example, in the above embodiment, the set water level water amount Q of each stage 1 ~ Q Five In this case, the opening area S of the bathtub is determined as a constant value regardless of the height of the bathtub. 1 Is SH 1 As the water level Q for the set water level in the second stage 2 Is μ 2 ・ SH 2 , Level 3 set water level Q Three Is μ Three ・ SH Three Thus, it is possible to determine the set water level water amount in each stage so as to be more suitable for the actual bathtub having an upward spread by multiplying the correction coefficient μ or adding the correction water amount.
In the above embodiment, the reheating heat exchanger 7 is provided in the reheating circulation path 14, but this reheating heat exchanger 7 may be omitted. When the reheating heat exchanger 7 is omitted, reheating is performed by dropping hot hot water from the hot water supply heat exchanger 5 side into the bathtub.
【The invention's effect】
The present invention detects the water level water amount when the bathtub hot water is first circulated in the reheating circulation path during the hot water filling operation in the memory mode, and based on this water level water amount, the reference water level at the center of the circulation opening of the reheating circulation path is detected. The amount of water in the bathtub is calculated from the reference water level and the height from the bottom of the bathtub to the center of the circulation port, and the opening area is multiplied by the height of each step from the reference water level given in advance. Since it is configured to calculate and store the set water level of multiple stages, it fits the size of the bathtub Multi-stage The set water level will be automatically set by the appliance itself, so that the hot water is filled lower or higher than the intended water level depending on the size of the bathtub. In extreme cases, the hot water overflows. It can be surely prevented, and regardless of the size of the bathtub, it is possible to fill the specified water level correctly.
In addition, even if the connection position of the circulation port of the recirculation circuit is shifted up and down from the set position, a set water level change command is added from the set water level change command input unit, and is stored by the set water level change unit. Since the relationship data between the set water level of each stage and the corresponding set water level water volume can be changed correctly, the water filling water level caused by the displacement of the connection position of the circulation port of the recirculation circuit It is possible to produce an epoch-making effect that hot water can be filled at an intended water level by correctly correcting the vertical displacement.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing a main configuration of an embodiment of a water heater with a hot water filling function according to the present invention.
FIG. 2 is an explanatory diagram of a method for calculating a reference water level water amount in a hot water filling operation in a storage mode in the embodiment.
FIG. 3 is an explanatory diagram of a setting method of a set water level water amount at each stage by the operation of the storage mode of the embodiment.
FIG. 4 is an explanatory diagram of a remote controller in the embodiment.
FIG. 5 is a graph of filling condition data in the embodiment.
FIG. 6 is an explanatory diagram of an example of changing the set water level at each stage in the embodiment.
[Figure 7 It is a flowchart showing the operation of the storage mode in this embodiment.
[Figure 8 It is explanatory drawing of the prior art example of the hot water filling level setting of each stage.
[Figure 9 It is an explanatory diagram of a system configuration example of a water heater with a hot water filling function.
[Explanation of symbols]
1 Bathtub
16 Reheating water switch
18 Circulation pump
19 Flow rate detection sensor
25 Hot water circulation detector
26 Integrated flow rate calculator
29 Circulation port lower water level water volume setting part
30 Reference water volume calculator
31 Set water level water volume automatic setting section
32 Setting water level change part

Claims (2)

給湯源の湯を浴槽側壁に接続された追い焚き循環路を通して浴槽に落とし込む配管システムを備え、追い焚き循環路には浴槽内の湯水を循環させる循環ポンプと湯水の流れを検出する流水検出センサが設けられ、また、浴槽への湯張りの湯の流量を検出する流量検出センサと、この流量検出センサの流量検出信号に基づいて湯張りの湯の積算流量を求める積算流量演算部とが設けられ、湯張り運転の制御部は指定された設定水位までの湯張りを行う実行モードの動作部の他に湯張りの条件データを記憶する記憶モードの動作部を備え、この記憶モードの動作時に給湯源側からの湯水を所定量ずつ断続的に浴槽に落とし込み、その断続の各落とし込み終了毎に循環ポンプを起動して追い焚き循環路の湯水循環の有無を前記流水検出センサにより検知する湯水循環検知部と、湯水循環検知部により湯水循環が最初に検知されたときに湯水の断続落とし込み開始時からの積算流量を積算流量演算部から取得し、予め与えられた演算式に基き追い焚き循環口センタから前記湯水循環が最初に検知されるまでの浴槽の大きさに応じた水量相当分をこの取得した積算流量から差し引いて浴槽底面から追い焚き循環口センタまでの基準水位の水量を求める基準水量演算部と、求められた基準水位水量を予めメモリに記憶されている浴槽底面から基準水位までの高さで割って浴槽の開口面積を求め、この開口面積に予め与えられた基準水位からの複数段の各高さを掛けて複数段の設定水位に対応する水量を算出記憶する設定水位水量自動設定部とを有することを特徴とする湯張り機能付給湯器。It has a piping system that drops hot water from the hot water supply source into the bathtub through a recirculation circuit connected to the side wall of the bathtub, and a recirculation pump that circulates hot water in the bathtub and a running water detection sensor that detects the flow of hot water in the recirculation circuit A flow rate detection sensor that detects the flow rate of the hot water in the bathtub, and an integrated flow rate calculation unit that obtains an integrated flow rate of the hot water based on the flow rate detection signal of the flow rate detection sensor. The hot water filling operation control unit has a storage mode operation unit for storing hot water condition data in addition to an execution mode operation unit for performing hot water filling up to a specified set water level. darken the hot water from the source side to intermittently tub by a predetermined amount, by the flowing water sensor the presence or absence of hot water circulation starts to Reheating circulation path circulating pump for each end of each darken the intermittent A hot water circulation sensing unit for knowledge, obtains the cumulative flow from when hot water intermittently darken initiated when the hot water circulation is first detected by the hot water circulation sensing unit from the integrated flow rate calculation unit, based on pre-given arithmetic expression The amount of water at the reference water level from the bottom of the bathtub to the center of the recirculation port is subtracted from the accumulated flow rate obtained by subtracting the amount corresponding to the amount of water from the recirculation port center until the hot water circulation is first detected. The reference water amount calculation unit for calculating the reference water level and the calculated reference water level water amount divided by the height from the bottom of the bathtub stored in the memory in advance to the reference water level to obtain the opening area of the bathtub, and a reference given to the opening area in advance A water heater with a hot water filling function, comprising: a set water level water amount automatic setting unit that calculates and stores a water amount corresponding to a plurality of set water levels by multiplying a plurality of heights from the water level. 設定水位を変更するための設定水位変更指令入力部が設けられ、設定水位を指定してその指定された設定水位に達するまで湯張りがされて追い焚き又は保温のモードに移行した状態で、設定水位変更指令入力部から設定水位の変更指令が加えられて、変更したい設定水位の段が入力されたときには、現に湯張りされた設定水位水量を変更したい設定水位段の設定水位水量に変更し、他の段の設定水位水量も水位段の水位変更に応じた変更水位量だけ増減して設定水位水量自動設定部に記憶されている各段の設定水位の設定水位水量を書き換える設定水位変更部が設けられている請求項1記載の湯張り機能付給湯器。A setting water level change command input section is provided to change the setting water level, and it is set in a state in which the setting water level is specified and the hot water is filled until the specified setting water level is reached and the mode is switched to the reheating or heat insulation mode. When the set water level change command is added from the water level change command input section and the set water level stage to be changed is input, the set water level water level that is actually filled is changed to the set water level water quantity for the set water level that you want to change, A set water level change unit that rewrites the set water level water amount of each stage stored in the set water level water amount automatic setting unit by increasing / decreasing the set water level water amount of the other stage by the changed water level amount according to the water level change of the water level stage. hot water filling functions with water heater provided with which claim 1 Symbol placement.
JP25473095A 1995-09-06 1995-09-06 Water heater with hot water filling function Expired - Fee Related JP3908290B2 (en)

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JP25473095A JP3908290B2 (en) 1995-09-06 1995-09-06 Water heater with hot water filling function

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JP6333149B2 (en) * 2014-10-08 2018-05-30 リンナイ株式会社 Water heater

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