JP3869590B2 - Lubricated metal plate excellent in formability and slidability and less prone to skidding and coil crushing during lamination and its manufacturing method - Google Patents

Lubricated metal plate excellent in formability and slidability and less prone to skidding and coil crushing during lamination and its manufacturing method Download PDF


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JP3869590B2 JP25573699A JP25573699A JP3869590B2 JP 3869590 B2 JP3869590 B2 JP 3869590B2 JP 25573699 A JP25573699 A JP 25573699A JP 25573699 A JP25573699 A JP 25573699A JP 3869590 B2 JP3869590 B2 JP 3869590B2
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家電・建材製品や自動車部材用の金属板、例えば鋼板、各種めっき鋼板、ステンレス板、アルミ板、チタン板等においては、多くの場合、何らかの加工、例えば曲げ加工、プレス成形、ロールフォーミング等をうけたのちに製品となるが、加工時にかじりが起こって金属表面が損傷・脱落したり、より厳しい加工においては摺動性不足から母材に割れが起こって成形できない場合すらある。この問題を解決するために、1)成形時に潤滑液(プレス油、速乾油、フォーミング液等)を金属板に塗布しつつ成形する 2)金属板の表面処理層として摺動性に優れた皮膜を設ける の2通りの対策がとられている。これらは併用されることもあるが、2)の対策を主体とし、1)の対策を省略するか簡略化することが、素材組み立てメーカーにおける作業性の改善や地球環境保護の観点からは望ましい。
6価クロムの溶出抑制については、i )塗布クロメート中に還元性樹脂を添加する方法、 ii )電解型クロメートを適用する方法、 iii)非クロム処理を適用する方法により解決した。
(1)バインダーとなる樹脂 (a)、主成分元素として炭素を含有する潤滑剤粒子(b) 、および酸化物添加剤(c) からなる混合皮膜(R)を金属板の片面もしくは両面に有する潤滑性金属板において、潤滑剤粒子 (b) の表面にあらかじめ被覆された酸性分散剤 (e) をバインダーとなる樹脂 (a) および酸化物添加剤( c) の水分散体と反応させて会合体を形成することにより、混合皮膜(R)の潤滑剤粒子直上でのC−Kα X線強度(C)およびO−Kα X線強度(O)、潤滑剤粒子から離れた周辺のバインダー樹脂上でのC−Kα X線強度(C)およびO−Kα X線強度(O)の間に、下式(A)(B)の関係を持たせたことを特徴とする成形性・摺動性に優れ、かつ積層時の横滑りやコイル潰れを起こしにくい潤滑処理金属板。
(C/O) < 6.0 (A)
(C/O) < (CR/OR) + 5.0 (B)
(2)前記(1)の潤滑処理金属板であって、かつ、酸化物添加剤として水溶性クロム化合物 (c-1)および鉱酸化合物 (c-2)を含有する混合皮膜(R)を片面あたり膜厚0.3〜8ミクロン有することを特徴とする潤滑樹脂クロメート処理金属板
(3)前記(1)の潤滑処理金属板であって、かつ、酸化物添加剤としてシリカ (c-3)を含有する膜厚0.3〜8ミクロン(片面あたり)の混合皮膜(R)を上層に、Cr付着量5〜50mg/m(片面あたり)の電解クロメート皮膜を下層に有することを特徴とする二層型潤滑処理金属板
(4)前記(1)の潤滑処理金属板であって、かつ、酸化物添加剤としてシリカ(c-3) を含有し、さらに非クロム系防錆インヒビター(d) を含有する混合皮膜(R)を片面あたり膜厚0.3〜8ミクロン有することを特徴とする非クロム系潤滑処理金属板
(5)前記(1)の潤滑処理金属板であって、かつ、酸化物添加剤としてシリカ (c-3)を含有する膜厚0.3〜8ミクロン(片面あたり)の混合皮膜(R)を上層に、膜厚0.1〜1ミクロン(片面あたり)の非クロム系下地処理皮膜を下層に有することを特徴とする二層型非クロム系潤滑処理金属板
(6)請求項1記載の潤滑処理金属板の製造方法であって、バインダーとなる樹脂 (a)および酸化物添加剤(c)の水分散体と反応して会合体を形成可能な酸性分散剤(e) を、潤滑剤粒子(b) の表面にあらかじめ被覆しておき、かつ、該潤滑剤粒子(b) と、(a) および(c)との混合物を液温40℃以上で1時間以上攪拌したのち、金属板上に塗布し、乾燥することを特徴とする成形性・摺動性に優れ、かつ積層時の横滑りやコイル潰れを起こしにくい潤滑処理金属板の製造方法。
まず、前記(1)は、潤滑皮膜が成形性・摺動性に優れ、かつ積層時の横滑りやコイル潰れを起こしにくいための皮膜構造上の要件を定量的に規定したものであり、本発明の根幹をなすものである。本発明の潤滑皮膜は、バインダーとなる樹脂(a) 、主成分元素として炭素を含有する潤滑剤粒子(b) 、および酸化物添加剤(c)からなる混合皮膜(R)であって、かつ、混合皮膜(R)の表面を電子線励起のエネルギー分散型X線分光法(EDX)により点分析すると、潤滑剤粒子直上でのC−Kα X線強度(CW )とO−Kα X線強度(OW )、潤滑剤粒子から離れた周辺のバインダー樹脂上でのC−Kα X線強度(CR )とO−Kα X線強度(OR )の間に、(A)(B)の関係を有することを特徴とする。なお、ここでいう強度とはいずれもKα X線の絶対強度(cps) を意味する。図3に実際のEDXスペクトルの例を示す。
実際の測定に用いた分析装置は、日立製走査電子顕微鏡S-2460N形、およびそれに付加された堀場製作所製エネルギー分散形X線分析装置EMAX-5770Xである。点分析を行った際の真空度は1Pa以下、電子線ビーム電流は0.18nA、加速電圧は20kVであった。この際にサンプルに当たる電子ビームの大きさ(すなわち電子線像の空間分解能)は、電子線像が倍率1万倍でも明瞭な輪郭で得られることや、水平敏知著「分析電子顕微鏡」(昭和53年、日本メディカルセンター発行)のp42、図34なども参照すると、おおよそ100 〜1000オングストロームである。このときにサンプルから照射されるX線の照射範囲(すなわちEDX分析の空間分解能)は、モンテカルロ法による計算例として引用されている上記文献のp20、図13などを参照すると、1〜3μm 程度と思われる。したがって、潤滑剤粒子としてこのオーダーもしくはそれ以上の粒子径をもつものを測定する限りにおいては、本発明の図1におけるp点、q点の識別は十分可能であり、p点における点分析データに周辺皮膜の皮膜組成に関する情報が大幅に混入する恐れは無い。
以上の方法により、実際のEDXによる点分析においても、図1の模式図通り、潤滑剤粒子直上(p)および周辺皮膜上(q)での点分析を行うことができる。なお、測定はバラツキを考慮して、最低でも p、q 各々10点は行うべきである。
次に、図2を用いて式(A)、(B)の物理的意味合いを説明する。図は横軸にCR /OR 、縦軸にCW /OW をとったグラフで、本発明の実施例および比較例のグラフ上の位置を示してある。横軸のCR /OR は、潤滑皮膜中におけるバインダー樹脂と酸化物添加剤の混合割合に対応して変化する。一方、縦軸のCW /OW は、潤滑剤粒子が酸化物添加剤やバインダー樹脂によりどの程度被覆されているかを現す指標と考えられ、CW /OW が大きいほど、潤滑剤粒子の「露出度」が高いと言える。
(CW /OW ) < 6.0 (A)
(CW /OW ) < (CR /OR ) + 5.0 (B)
上記(3)は、下地処理としての電解クロメート処理層を介して、前記(1)の潤滑皮膜を有する例である。クロメートとして電解クロメートを用いたことにより6価クロムの溶出を抑制できる。Cr付着量が5mg/m2未満では下地金属が均一に被覆されず、50mg/m2 超では、凝集力に劣って下地との密着性が低下する。潤滑皮膜中の酸化物添加剤としてシリカを必須成分とするのは耐食性確保のためである。膜厚が0.3ミクロン未満では均一膜が得られず、膜厚が8ミクロン超では効果が飽和する。
上記(5)は、下地処理としてのノンクロメート処理層を介して、前記(1)の潤滑皮膜を有する例である。ノンクロメート処理層の膜厚が0.1 ミクロン未満では連続膜が得られず、1ミクロン超では、凝集力に劣って下地との密着性が低下する。潤滑皮膜中の酸化物添加剤としてシリカを必須成分とするのは耐食性確保のためである。さらに、非クロム系防錆剤を含有しても良い。膜厚が0.3ミクロン未満では均一膜が得られず、膜厚が8ミクロン超では効果が飽和する。
上記(6)は、上記(1)の潤滑処理金属板を一工程で製造する方法の例である。潤滑剤粒子(b) の表面を酸性分散剤(e) により物理的もしくは化学的に被覆することにより、樹脂(a) および酸化物添加剤 (c)と反応して会合体を形成し、潤滑剤粒子の表面が被覆された構造のまま、混合皮膜(R)として成膜されるため、前記(1)の要件を満足する潤滑皮膜が得られる。(a) 、(b) 、(c) の混合後の液温が40℃未満、攪拌時間が1時間未満では、会合体の形成が十分に行われない。
つぎに、本発明に使用可能な原料について以下に述べる。バインダーとなる樹脂(a) は水溶性もしくは水分散性であれば種類については特に限定しないが、例えばアクリル樹脂、ウレタン樹脂、エポキシ樹脂、ポリエステル樹脂、フェノール樹脂、メラミン樹脂、フルオロカーボン系樹脂等、あるいはこれらの混合物や共重合物が使用可能である。水分散性樹脂を用いる場合、その粒子径は望む膜厚に比べて小さく、かつ浴中で容易に凝集しない程度に大きければ良いが、通常50〜300nm程度である。
潤滑剤粒子(b) としては、主成分として炭素を含有する有機潤滑剤、例えばポリエチレンワックス、ポリオレフィンワックス、パラフィンワックス、マイクロワックス、酸化ポリオレフィンワックス、ステアリン酸カルシウムなどの有機潤滑剤が使用可能である。潤滑剤の粒径は特に制限は無いが、膜厚範囲や潤滑材粒子の皮膜からの露出しやすさとも考え合わせると、0.5〜10ミクロンである。
酸化物添加剤として前記(2)で使用可能な水溶性クロム化合物(c-1) には、無水クロム酸、(重)クロム酸カリウム、(重)クロム酸ナトリウム、(重)クロム酸アンモニウム、クロム酸バリウム、クロム酸ストロンチウムなどのクロム酸、クロム酸塩、重クロム酸塩、または/および、これらを出発物質としてデンプン、アルコール、過酸化水素等で部分還元した還元クロム酸、さらにはりん酸クロム等の3価クロムが含まれる。また、鉱酸化合物(c-2) としては、りん酸、硝酸、硫酸、塩酸とこれらの塩などが使用可能であるが、耐食性、浴中安定性の観点からは、りん酸もしくは硝酸が好ましい。
酸化物添加剤として前記(3)〜(5)で使用可能なシリカ(c-3) としては、コロイダルシリカがある。このうち湿式シリカ(水性シリカ)が特に好ましいが、乾式シリカ(ヒュームドシリカ)でもよい。平均粒子径としては、5〜100nm の範囲のものが使用できるが、好ましくは10〜50nmである。
非クロム系防錆インヒビター(d) としては、タンニン酸、フィチン酸などの多価フェノール類、含窒素化合物、含硫黄化合物、モリブデン酸、タングステン酸、りん酸化合物、ケイ酸化合物などが使用できる。なお、前記(5)で使用する非クロム系下地処理としては、これらの防錆インヒビターそのもの、もしくはこれらの防錆インヒビターを含有する前記(4)の非クロム系皮膜、あるいは前記(4)から潤滑剤を除いた皮膜のいずれも使用可能である。
上記(6)において潤滑剤粒子(b) の表面を被覆する酸性分散剤(e) としては、スルフォン酸基含有高分子化合物、およびりん酸基含有高分子化合物が特に有効である。これらは、できれば潤滑剤粒子の表面に共有結合させるのが好ましいが、通常の界面活性剤のように物理吸着させても所定の効果は得られる。一方、高級アルコール系界面活性剤、ポリアルキレングリコール系界面活性剤、アルキルフェノール系界面活性剤、アルキルベンゼンスルフォン酸塩、セルロース、ポリアルキレングリコール系界面活性剤、ポリビニルアルコール、脂肪酸石鹸、シリカ、などについても同様に試したが、本発明に規定する皮膜構造は得られなかった。これは、これらの分散剤が樹脂との会合体形成能力が弱いためと考えられる。また、単にりん酸を含む水溶液に潤滑剤を浸漬するだけでも不十分であった。さらに、潤滑剤表面をカルボキシル化したものについても試したが、やはり本発明の皮膜構造は得られなかった。
GI(溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板):板厚0.8mm の軟鋼板に片面あたり60g/m2の溶融亜鉛めっきを施した鋼板
EG(電気亜鉛めっき鋼板):板厚0.8mm の軟鋼板に片面あたり20g/m2の亜鉛めっきを電析させた鋼板
アクリル樹脂−A:アクリル酸エステル/アクリル酸共重合体のエマルジョン樹脂、平均粒径120nm 、Tg=20℃
アクリル樹脂−B:エチレン/アクリル酸共重合体のエマルジョン樹脂、平均粒径170nm 、Tg=50℃
ウレタン樹脂 :ポリカーボネート系ウレタン樹脂エマルジョン平均粒径170n m 、Tg=80℃
mp130 ℃、平均粒径1.0 μm
mp130 ℃、平均粒径2.5 μm
mp130 ℃、平均粒径1.7 μm
mp130 ℃、平均粒径1.0 μm
(4−1) 皮膜タイプ2(請求項2に相当)
アクリル樹脂(A)、ポリエチレンワックス(1または4)、部分還元クロム酸(還元率50%)、およびりん酸を混合した下記組成の処理液を作成し、液温40℃で1時間以上攪拌した。これをロールコーターで供試板両面に塗布し、熱風乾燥炉で到達板温50℃となるよう乾燥した。膜厚は0.7 μmとし、処理板断面の電子顕微鏡観察により確認した。
アクリル樹脂−A :150 g/l (固形分換算)
部分還元クロム酸 :30 g/l(CrO 3 換算)
りん酸 :60 g/l(純分換算)
コロイダルシリカ :70 g/l(SiO 2 換算)
アクリル樹脂−A :150 g/l (固形分換算)
部分還元クロム酸 :10 g/l(CrO 3 換算)
りん酸 :30 g/l(純分換算)
コロイダルシリカ :30 g/l(SiO 2 換算)
(4−2) 皮膜タイプ3(請求項3に相当)
供試板の両面に電解によりクロメート皮膜を金属Cr換算で20mg/m2 付着させた。つぎに、下記のいずれかの処理液を液温40℃で1時間以上攪拌したのち、ロールコーターで供試板の両面に塗布し、乾燥板温130 ℃で乾燥した。乾燥後の皮膜厚さは1.5 μmとし、処理板断面の電子顕微鏡観察により確認した。
アクリル樹脂−B :150 g/l (固形分換算)
コロイダルシリカ :40 g/l(SiO 2 換算)
アクリル樹脂−B :150 g/l (固形分換算)
コロイダルシリカ :50 g/l(SiO 2 換算)
(4−3) 皮膜タイプ4(請求項4に相当)
下記組成の処理液を作成し、液温40℃で1時間以上攪拌した。これをロールコーターで供試板両面に塗布し、熱風乾燥炉で到達板温100 ℃となるよう乾燥した。膜厚は1.8 μmとし、処理板断面の電子顕微鏡観察により決定した。
ウレタン樹脂 :150 g/l (固形分換算)
コロイダルシリカ :40 g/l(SiO 2 換算)
タンニン酸 :40 g/l (純分換算)
アクリル樹脂−B :150 g/l (固形分換算)
コロイダルシリカ :20 g/l(SiO 2 換算)
フィチン酸 :40 g/l (純分換算)
(4−4) 皮膜タイプ5(請求項5に相当)
供試板の両面に、上記の処理液5からポリエチレンワックス−3を除いたものを、乾燥後の皮膜厚さが0.5 μmとなるようにロールコーターで塗布し、乾燥板温100 ℃で乾燥した。つづいて、この上に、上記の処理液4を、乾燥後の皮膜厚さが1.5 μmとなるようにロールコーターで塗布し、乾燥板温100 ℃で乾燥した。乾燥後の皮膜厚さは、処理板断面の電子顕微鏡観察により確認した。
分析装置としては、日立製走査電子顕微鏡S-2460N 形、およびそれに付加された堀場製作所製エネルギー分散形X線分析装置EMAX-5770Xを用いた。点分析を行った際の真空度は1Pa以下、電子線ビーム電流は0.18nA、加速電圧は20kVであった。
測定は潤滑剤粒子直上(p)および周辺皮膜上(q)で各々10点行い、それぞれのEDXスペクトルからCW /OW 、CR /OR の値を求め、10点の平均値を採用した。
供試材に防錆油(パーカー興産、Nox Rust 550)を塗油したのち、以下の条件でビード付き円筒絞り試験を行い、成形高さを調べた。
ポンチ径 50.0mm(肩9mmR)、ダイス径 68mm(肩1mmR)
ブランク径130mm 、しわ押さえ圧2ton
ビード形状 凸型 高さ3.2mm 、90mmΦ 凹型 高さ5.0mm
○:35mm ≦ 成形高さ < 40mm
△:25mm ≦ 成形高さ < 35mm
×:成形高さ < 25mm
供試材を 300mm× 300mmに切り出し、これを30枚重ねて台車に乗せ、速度30m/min で台車を押したのち急停止させたときの荷崩れの状態から以下のように評価した。
Cr溶出率=100 ×(沸水浸漬によるCr溶出量)/(初期のCr付着量)
◎: Cr 溶出率=0%
○:0% < Cr 溶出率 ≦ 5%
△:5% < Cr 溶出率 ≦ 10%
×:10% < Cr 溶出率
結果を表1に示す。前述の(A) 式、(B) 式を満たす本発明の潤滑処理金属板は、成形性に優れるうえに、積層板の横滑りが起こり難く、ハンドリング性にも優れている。またCrの溶出がきわめて少ないもしくはゼロである。一方、比較例は、成形性、Cr溶出性には優れるものの、横滑りが起こりやすくハンドリング性に劣る。
GA(合金化溶融亜鉛めっき鋼板):板厚0.8mm の軟鋼板に片面あたり45g/m2の溶融亜鉛めっきを施したのちこれを加熱、合金化した鋼板

Figure 0003869590
Figure 0003869590
Figure 0003869590
Figure 0003869590

The present invention is widely applicable to home appliances, building materials, automobiles, and the like, and is excellent in formability and slidability, but is less likely to cause problems such as side slip and coil collapse during lamination, and is an environmentally hazardous substance. The present invention relates to a lubricated metal plate that contains little hexavalent chromium or does not contain hexavalent chromium, and a method for producing the same.
[Prior art]
In many cases, metal plates for home appliances / building materials and automobile parts, such as steel plates, various types of plated steel plates, stainless steel plates, aluminum plates, titanium plates, etc. are subjected to some processing such as bending, press forming, roll forming, etc. Later, it becomes a product, but galling occurs during processing, and the metal surface may be damaged or dropped. In more severe processing, the base material may be cracked due to insufficient slidability and even molded. In order to solve this problem, 1) Molding while applying a lubricating liquid (press oil, quick-drying oil, forming liquid, etc.) to the metal plate at the time of molding 2) Excellent slidability as a surface treatment layer of the metal plate Two measures are taken: to provide a coating. Although these may be used in combination, it is desirable from the viewpoint of improving workability and protecting the global environment in the material assembly manufacturer that the main measure is 2) and the measure 1) is omitted or simplified.
As a metal surface treatment capable of omitting press oil, a method in which a resin layer to which a lubricant is added is provided as a second layer on the upper layer of the chromate film. For example, JP-A-6-57441 and JP-A-6 JP-A-145559, JP-A-7-34260, JP-A-8-267003, and the like. Specific coating configurations include electrolytic, reactive, and coating chromate as chromate film, water-dispersible or solvent-type urethane resin as resin, acrylic resin, epoxy resin, polyester resin, etc. as lubricant Typically, polyethylene wax, Teflon, paraffin wax or the like is used. Moreover, although it has the same two-layer structure, there is an example as disclosed in JP-A-1-130762 in which the upper organic film is a discontinuous film by electrostatic coating in order to improve the conductivity of the film.
On the other hand, a technique for forming a chromate film having lubricity on a metal plate in one step is also disclosed, such as JP-A-7-216555, JP-A-8-176845, JP-A-8-333688, Examples include Kaihei 9-157893 and JP-A-9-291370. These are stabilized by a method such as modifying the surface of the lubricant with a surfactant or colloidal silica, or by copolymerizing with an acrylic monomer, then dispersing in a chromic acid bath, and applying or electrolyzing the metal plate. A chromate film having lubricity is formed in one step, and there are types that include a resin component other than a lubricant and those that do not.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, these conventional techniques have problems. The method of providing a resin layer with a lubricant added as the second layer on the chromate film can surely exhibit good lubricity. However, since the lubricity is good, side slip occurs when laminated with a cut plate. There is room for improvement in handling properties after manufacture, such as being easy to occur and dangerous, and being apt to be crushed or loosened even in the coil state, and requiring care during transportation and storage.
On the other hand, the method of forming a chromate film having lubricity in one step on a metal plate is advantageous over the two-layer treatment in terms of cost, but as described in JP-A-9-291370, Again, in order to prevent side slip in the cut plate lamination, there is a restriction that the dynamic friction coefficient must be a critical value (0.12 in the publication) or more. In recent years, the use of materials with a high elution of hexavalent chromium has been restricted due to heightened awareness of environmental problems. Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Nos. 7-216555 and 8-176845, The coating composition consisting of only a chromic acid compound and a lubricant as seen in Kaihei 9-157893 cannot suppress the elution of chromium to a high degree. For example, in JP-A-7-216555, The alkali-insoluble content is only 70%, and even in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 9-157893, the chromium fixation rate when immersed in boiling water is at most 80%. Such a metal plate having a chromate film with many soluble components also has an industrial problem that hexavalent chromium is eluted in the forming liquid during roll forming, for example, and shortens the life of the liquid.
The present invention is widely applicable to home appliances, building materials, automobiles, and the like, and is excellent in formability and slidability, but is less likely to cause problems such as side slip and coil collapse during lamination, and is an environmentally hazardous substance. It is an object of the present invention to provide a lubricated metal plate that contains little hexavalent chromium or does not contain hexavalent chromium, and a method for obtaining the metal plate.
The present inventors have noticed that all of the conventional known examples have been developed only from the viewpoint of improving lubricity and formability, and there is no clear guide for improving handling properties after production. It was. For example, as described in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 9-157893 and Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 4-44840, a lubricant particle is coated to improve the slidability regardless of whether it is a one-stage treatment film or a two-stage treatment film. It has been thought that the lubricating performance is inferior when the lubricant is covered with a film. On the other hand, the inventors rather have a coating structure in which the lubricant surface is covered to some extent by an oxide additive or resin, so that the static friction coefficient is kept larger than a certain level, so that the handling properties after manufacture are It has been thought that the above-mentioned problems can be solved by designing the coating so that the coating is torn during molding and processing so that the lubricant exhibits its effect.
A lubricating film having such a structure can be obtained by applying an appropriate amount of a film containing no lubricant particles on a known lubricating film in which lubricant particles are greatly protruded from the film. It is not economical. As a result of extensive studies, the surface of the lubricant particles was previously coated with an acidic dispersant capable of reacting with a resin or an oxide additive to form an aggregate with the resin and the oxide additive. The lubricant particle surface was covered to some extent with the resin or oxide additive by heating and stirring a mixture of the agent particles, resin, and oxide additive on the metal plate, and then applying and drying on the metal plate. As a result, it was found that a desired film structure can be formed by a one-step process.
Furthermore, in order for the lubricant film thus formed to exhibit the predetermined performance, the amount of the oxide additive present in the vicinity of the lubricant particles in the lubricant film after coating and drying is in the vicinity away from the lubricant particles. It should be in a specific relationship with the amount of oxide additive present in the coating, and this relationship should be quantitatively defined by point analysis by energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) on the surface of the lubricating coating. I found.
The suppression of hexavalent chromium elution was solved by i) a method of adding a reducing resin to the coated chromate, ii) a method of applying electrolytic chromate, and iii) a method of applying non-chromium treatment.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
  The present invention comprises the following (1) to (6).
(1) Having a mixed film (R) comprising a resin (a) as a binder, lubricant particles (b) containing carbon as a main component element, and an oxide additive (c) on one or both sides of a metal plate In lubricating metal plates,Lubricant particles (b) Acid dispersant pre-coated on the surface of (e) The resin that becomes the binder (a) And oxide additives ( c) By reacting with an aqueous dispersion ofC-Kα X-ray intensity (CW) And O-Kα X-ray intensity (OW), C-Kα X-ray intensity on the surrounding binder resin away from the lubricant particles (CR) And O-Kα X-ray intensity (OR) Between the following formulas (A) and (B)GaveLubricated metal plate that has excellent formability and slidability, and is less prone to skidding and coil collapse during lamination.
    (CW/ OW<6.0 (A)
    (CW/ OW<(CR / OR) + 5.0 (B)
(2) A mixed film (R) comprising the lubricated metal plate of (1) and containing a water-soluble chromium compound (c-1) and a mineral acid compound (c-2) as oxide additives. Lubricating resin chromate-treated metal plate having a film thickness of 0.3 to 8 microns per side
(3) Mixed coating film (R) having a film thickness of 0.3 to 8 microns (per side), which is the lubricated metal plate of (1) and contains silica (c-3) as an oxide additive To the upper layer, 5-50 mg / m of Cr adhesion2Two-layer lubricated metal plate characterized by having an electrolytic chromate film (per side) on the lower layer
(4) The mixed film (R) which is the lubricated metal plate according to (1), which contains silica (c-3) as an oxide additive, and further contains a non-chromium rust inhibitor (d). ) Having a film thickness of 0.3 to 8 microns per side
(5) The mixed film (R) having a film thickness of 0.3 to 8 microns (per side), which is the lubricated metal plate of (1) and contains silica (c-3) as an oxide additive. Is a two-layer non-chromium lubricated metal plate characterized by having a non-chromium base coating film with a thickness of 0.1 to 1 micron (per side) in the lower layer
(6)A method for producing a lubricated metal plate according to claim 1,The surface of the lubricant particles (b) is coated beforehand with an acidic dispersant (e) capable of forming an aggregate by reacting with the aqueous dispersion of the resin (a) and oxide additive (c) serving as a binder. And a mixture of the lubricant particles (b) and (a) and (c) is stirred for 1 hour or more at a liquid temperature of 40 ° C. or higher, and then coated on a metal plate and dried. A method for producing a lubricated metal plate that is excellent in formability and slidability and that is less prone to skidding and coil collapse during lamination.
The present invention is described in detail below.
First, the above (1) quantitatively defines the requirements on the film structure for the lubricating film to be excellent in formability and slidability and not to cause side slip or coil collapse during lamination. Is the foundation of The lubricating film of the present invention is a mixed film (R) comprising a resin (a) as a binder, lubricant particles (b) containing carbon as a main component element, and an oxide additive (c), and When the surface of the mixed film (R) is point-analyzed by electron beam excitation energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), C-Kα X-ray intensity (CW) And O-Kα X-ray intensity (OW), C-Kα X-ray intensity on the surrounding binder resin away from the lubricant particles (CR) And O-Kα X-ray intensity (OR) Between (A) and (B). Note that the intensity here means the absolute intensity (cps) of Kα X-rays. FIG. 3 shows an example of an actual EDX spectrum.
The contents defined by the formulas (A) and (B) will be described in detail below. FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view and a plan view (both are schematic views) of a lubricating film. “Directly above the lubricant particles” corresponds to the position p here, and “on the binder resin in the vicinity away from the lubricant particles” corresponds to the position q.
The analyzer used for the actual measurement is a Hitachi scanning electron microscope S-2460N type, and an energy dispersive X-ray analyzer EMAX-5770X manufactured by Horiba, Ltd. attached thereto. When the point analysis was performed, the degree of vacuum was 1 Pa or less, the electron beam current was 0.18 nA, and the acceleration voltage was 20 kV. At this time, the size of the electron beam hitting the sample (that is, the spatial resolution of the electron beam image) is that the electron beam image can be obtained with a clear outline even at a magnification of 10,000 times. Referring to also p42 of FIG. 34, published by Nippon Medical Center in 2003, it is approximately 100 to 1000 angstroms. The irradiation range of X-rays irradiated from the sample at this time (that is, the spatial resolution of EDX analysis) is about 1 to 3 μm with reference to p20 of FIG. 13 cited above as an example of calculation by the Monte Carlo method, FIG. Seem. Therefore, as long as lubricant particles having a particle size of this order or larger are measured, it is possible to distinguish the points p and q in FIG. 1 of the present invention. There is no fear that information on the film composition of the peripheral film will be mixed.
Moreover, although it is the method of confirming the position of a lubricant particle with an electron microscope, in many cases, the form of the lubricant particle in a mixed film (R) can be confirmed directly with an electron microscope. In addition, when confirmation is difficult, surface analysis by EDX is performed with a field of view of an appropriate magnification corresponding to the particle diameter, and it can be confirmed that the lubricant is at a position where carbon is distributed in the form of particles.
According to the above method, even in actual point analysis by EDX, point analysis can be performed directly on the lubricant particles (p) and on the peripheral coating (q) as shown in the schematic diagram of FIG. The measurement should be performed at least 10 points each for p and q in consideration of variation.
Next, the physical meaning of the expressions (A) and (B) will be described with reference to FIG. The figure shows C on the horizontal axis.R/ OR, C on the vertical axisW/ OWThe position on the graph of the Example of this invention and a comparative example is shown. C on the horizontal axisR/ ORChanges in accordance with the mixing ratio of the binder resin and the oxide additive in the lubricating film. On the other hand, C on the vertical axisW/ OWIs considered to be an index showing how much the lubricant particles are coated with an oxide additive or a binder resin.W/ OWIt can be said that the greater the is, the higher the “exposure degree” of the lubricant particles.
Further, in the figure, a straight line passing through the origin and having an inclination of 1 is shown, but this is the same C / O ratio between the lubricant particles just above and the surrounding binder resin away from the lubricant particles. Represents a case. When the main component of the lubricant particles is carbon and a considerable amount of oxide additive is contained in the binder resin, it is always plotted above this straight line. In addition, the further away the plot is from the straight line, the higher the “exposure degree” of the lubricant particles.
The requirement of the present invention is to coat the lubricant particles with a binder resin or an oxide additive, and this can be achieved by setting an upper limit on the “exposure degree”. This is the physical meaning of equations (A) and (B). In the figure, the region below the two dotted lines (and the region substantially above the straight line passing through the origin and having an inclination of 1) It is the scope of the invention. If the formulas (A) and (B) are not satisfied, the “exposure degree” of the lubricant particles becomes high and the handling property is inferior.
The inventors conducted various tests as described above and found the following formulas (A) and (B).
(CW/ OW<6.0 (A)
(CW/ OW) <(CR/ OR) + 5.0 (B)
Said (2)-(5) is a specific example of the lubrication process metal plate which has the characteristic of said (1) description. First, (2) is a so-called resin chromate-treated metal plate that contains a water-soluble chromium compound and a mineral acid compound as oxide additives and is applied and dried in one step. By adding a resin, elution of hexavalent chromium can be reduced. When a reducing functional group such as a hydroxyl group or a glycidyl group is contained in the resin, the effect of reducing hexavalent chromium elution is further improved. Further, silica may be further contained in the film. If the film thickness is less than 0.3 microns, a uniform film cannot be obtained and the performance is not stable. If the film thickness exceeds 8 microns, the effect is saturated.
The above (3) is an example having the lubricating film of the above (1) through an electrolytic chromate treatment layer as a base treatment. By using electrolytic chromate as chromate, elution of hexavalent chromium can be suppressed. Cr adhesion amount is 5mg / m2If less than 50 mg / m, the base metal is not uniformly coated.2 If the thickness is too high, the cohesive strength is poor and the adhesion to the substrate is lowered. The reason why silica is an essential component as an oxide additive in the lubricating film is to ensure corrosion resistance. If the film thickness is less than 0.3 microns, a uniform film cannot be obtained, and if the film thickness exceeds 8 microns, the effect is saturated.
The above (4) is a so-called non-chromate-treated metal plate that contains silica as an oxide additive and further contains a non-chromium rust preventive agent and is applied and dried in one step. If the film thickness is less than 0.3 microns, a uniform film cannot be obtained, and if the film thickness exceeds 8 microns, the effect is saturated.
The above (5) is an example having the lubricating film of (1) above through a non-chromate treatment layer as a base treatment. If the film thickness of the non-chromate treatment layer is less than 0.1 microns, a continuous film cannot be obtained, and if it exceeds 1 micron, the cohesive force is poor and the adhesion to the substrate is lowered. The reason why silica is an essential component as an oxide additive in the lubricating film is to ensure corrosion resistance. Further, a non-chromium rust inhibitor may be contained. If the film thickness is less than 0.3 microns, a uniform film cannot be obtained, and if the film thickness exceeds 8 microns, the effect is saturated.
In the case of the two-step treatment of (2) and (4) above, an oxide may also be contained in the base treatment layer, but the formulas (A) and (B) also include these. It can be applied as it is.
Moreover, the film thickness of the process film was determined by electron microscope observation of the process board cross section. Sample preparation for cross-sectional observation includes the method of embedding a sample in a resin and polishing the cross-section, the method of bending a sample cooled with liquid nitrogen and directly observing the cross-section, and the method of slicing the sample with a microtome and directly observing the cross-section and so on. Either method can be applied, but in the embedding / polishing method, it is important in terms of film thickness accuracy to prevent the vicinity of the surface of the metal plate where the treatment film exists during polishing. In the cooling / bending method, attention must be paid to peeling and elongation of the film during bending. Even in the microtome method, the film may peel off after slicing and before observation with an electron microscope. Therefore, in any method, it is necessary to observe a sufficient number of samples, and here, at least 5 samples, each of which is an average value of observation results of 10 or more fields selected at random by removing an obvious peeling portion. . The measurement length of one visual field is preferably about 10 times the film thickness.
The above (6) is an example of a method for producing the lubricated metal plate of the above (1) in one step. The surface of the lubricant particles (b) is physically or chemically coated with the acidic dispersant (e) to react with the resin (a) and the oxide additive (c) to form aggregates and lubricate. Since the film is formed as the mixed film (R) with the structure in which the surface of the agent particles is coated, a lubricating film satisfying the requirement (1) can be obtained. When the liquid temperature after mixing (a), (b) and (c) is less than 40 ° C. and the stirring time is less than 1 hour, the formation of the aggregate is not sufficiently performed.
  Next, raw materials that can be used in the present invention are described below. The type of the resin (a) serving as the binder is not particularly limited as long as it is water-soluble or water-dispersible. For example, acrylic resin, urethane resin, epoxy resin, polyester resin, phenol resin, melamine resin, fluorocarbon resin, or the like, or Mixtures and copolymers of these can be used. When using a water-dispersible resin, the particle diameter is small compared to the desired film thickness, and may be large enough not to easily aggregate in the bath, but is usually about 50 to 300 nm.It is.
As the lubricant particles (b), organic lubricants containing carbon as a main component, for example, organic lubricants such as polyethylene wax, polyolefin wax, paraffin wax, microwax, oxidized polyolefin wax, calcium stearate can be used. The particle size of the lubricant is not particularly limited, but it is 0.5 to 10 microns considering the film thickness range and the ease of exposure of the lubricant particles from the coating.
Examples of the water-soluble chromium compound (c-1) that can be used as the oxide additive in (2) include chromic anhydride, (bi) potassium chromate, (bi) sodium chromate, (bi) ammonium chromate, Chromic acid such as barium chromate and strontium chromate, chromate, dichromate, and / or reduced chromic acid partially reduced with starch, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, etc., and phosphoric acid. Trivalent chromium such as chromium is included. As the mineral acid compound (c-2), phosphoric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and salts thereof can be used, but phosphoric acid or nitric acid is preferable from the viewpoint of corrosion resistance and stability in the bath. .
As silica (c-3) usable as the oxide additive in the above (3) to (5), there is colloidal silica. Of these, wet silica (aqueous silica) is particularly preferable, but dry silica (fumed silica) may also be used. An average particle size in the range of 5 to 100 nm can be used, but it is preferably 10 to 50 nm.
In addition to these, usable oxide additives include inorganic sols such as alumina, titania and zirconia.
As the non-chromium-based rust inhibitor (d), polyhydric phenols such as tannic acid and phytic acid, nitrogen-containing compounds, sulfur-containing compounds, molybdic acid, tungstic acid, phosphoric acid compounds, silicic acid compounds and the like can be used. As the non-chromium base treatment used in the above (5), these antirust inhibitors themselves, or the nonchromium coating of the above (4) containing these antirust inhibitors, or lubrication from the above (4) are used. Any film excluding the agent can be used.
As the acidic dispersant (e) for coating the surface of the lubricant particles (b) in the above (6), a sulfonic acid group-containing polymer compound and a phosphate group-containing polymer compound are particularly effective. These are preferably covalently bonded to the surface of the lubricant particles if possible, but a predetermined effect can be obtained even if they are physically adsorbed like a normal surfactant. On the other hand, the same applies to higher alcohol surfactants, polyalkylene glycol surfactants, alkylphenol surfactants, alkylbenzene sulfonates, cellulose, polyalkylene glycol surfactants, polyvinyl alcohol, fatty acid soaps, silica, etc. However, the film structure defined in the present invention was not obtained. This is presumably because these dispersants have a weak ability to form aggregates with the resin. Moreover, it was not sufficient to simply immerse the lubricant in an aqueous solution containing phosphoric acid. Furthermore, although the lubricant surface was carboxylated, the film structure of the present invention was not obtained.
The method of forming the lubricating film on the metal surface is not particularly limited, and usual methods such as coating with a roll coater, spray coating + ringer roll squeezing, spray coating + air knife squeezing, coating with a bar coater, and brush coating can be used. is there. Also, for the drying after coating, usual methods such as hot air drying, drying in a direct furnace, drying by induction heating, etc. can be applied. When performing water cooling / washing after drying, immersion in a water bath, water washing by shower, water cooling by mist, etc. can be applied. Drying after water cooling / washing is sufficient if water can be removed. Ringer roll squeezing + air blow Such a method is sufficient.
Examples of metals to which the present invention can be applied include hot-rolled steel sheets, cold-rolled steel sheets, silicon steel sheets, and various plated steel sheets prepared by methods such as electroplating, hot-dip plating, vapor deposition plating, electroless plating, and molten salt electrolytic plating. can give. For example, galvanized steel sheet, zinc and nickel, iron, aluminum, chromium, titanium, magnesium, manganese, cobalt alloy steel sheet with one or more metals, aluminum or aluminum alloy plated steel sheet, lead or lead alloy Plated steel sheet, tin or tin alloy plated steel sheet, and these plating layers intentionally contain other metals or / and inorganic substances such as silica, alumina, titania, zirconia, and / or organic compounds, or as impurities In addition, there are a plated steel sheet and a plated steel sheet having a multilayer of two or more types of plating described above. Further, there are zinc or zinc alloy plates, aluminum or aluminum alloy plates, magnesium or magnesium alloy plates, titanium or titanium alloy plates, stainless steel plates, and the like.
Next, the present invention will be described in a non-limiting manner using examples.
Example 1
(1) Tested metal plate
The following two types of galvanized steel sheets were used.
GI (hot dip galvanized steel sheet): 60 g / m per side on a mild steel sheet with a thickness of 0.8 mm2Hot dip galvanized steel sheet
EG (electrogalvanized steel sheet): 20g / m per side on mild steel sheet with 0.8mm thickness2Steel plate electrodeposited with zinc plating
(2) Binder resin
The following three types were used.
Acrylic resin-A: Acrylic ester / acrylic acid copolymer emulsion resin, average particle size 120 nm, Tg = 20 ° C.
Acrylic resin-B: Emulsion resin of ethylene / acrylic acid copolymer, average particle size 170 nm, Tg = 50 ° C.
Urethane resin: Polycarbonate urethane resin emulsion average particle size 170 nm, Tg = 80 ° C
(3) Lubricant
The following four types of polyethylene waxes were used.
Polyethylene-1: surface-coated with a sulfonic acid group-containing polymer compound,
mp130 ℃, average particle size 1.0 μm
Polyethylene-2: surface-coated with an alkylphenol surfactant,
mp130 ℃, average particle size 2.5 μm
Polyethylene-3: surface-coated with a phosphate group-containing polymer compound,
mp130 ℃, average particle size 1.7 μm
Polyethylene-4: a carboxyl group introduced on the surface,
mp130 ℃, average particle size 1.0 μm
(4) Surface treatment method
Four types of surface treatments corresponding to claims 2 to 5 were performed as follows.
(4-1) Film type 2 (corresponding to claim 2)
A treatment liquid having the following composition was prepared by mixing acrylic resin (A), polyethylene wax (1 or 4), partially reduced chromic acid (reduction rate 50%), and phosphoric acid, and stirred at a liquid temperature of 40 ° C. for 1 hour or longer. . This was applied to both sides of the test plate with a roll coater, and dried in a hot air drying furnace so that the ultimate plate temperature was 50 ° C. The film thickness was 0.7 μm and was confirmed by electron microscope observation of the treated plate cross section.
Treatment liquid 1 (used in Examples in Table 1, Nos. 1-4)
Acrylic resin-A: 150 g / l (in terms of solid content)
Polyethylene wax-1: The amount added is changed
Partially reduced chromic acid: 30 g / l (CrOThreeConversion)
Phosphoric acid: 60 g / l (in terms of pure content)
Colloidal silica: 70 g / l (SiO2Conversion)
Treatment liquid 2 (used for comparative example of Table 1, Nos. 14-15)
Acrylic resin-A: 150 g / l (in terms of solid content)
Polyethylene wax-4: Addition amount changed
Partially reduced chromic acid: 10 g / l (CrOThreeConversion)
Phosphoric acid: 30 g / l (pure equivalent)
Colloidal silica: 30 g / l (SiO2Conversion)
(4-2) Film type 3 (corresponding to claim 3)
A chromate film is electrolyzed on both sides of the test plate at 20 mg / m in terms of metallic Cr.2Attached. Next, one of the following treatment liquids was stirred at a liquid temperature of 40 ° C. for 1 hour or more, then applied to both surfaces of the test plate with a roll coater, and dried at a dry plate temperature of 130 ° C. The film thickness after drying was 1.5 μm, and the cross section of the treated plate was confirmed by observation with an electron microscope.
Treatment liquid 3 (used in comparative examples of Table 1, Nos. 5-7)
Acrylic resin-B: 150 g / l (in terms of solid content)
Polyethylene wax-2: Addition amount changed
Colloidal silica: 40 g / l (SiO2Conversion)
Treatment liquid 4 (used in the examples of Table 1, Nos. 8-9)
Acrylic resin-B: 150 g / l (in terms of solid content)
Polyethylene wax-3: Varying amount added
Colloidal silica: 50 g / l (SiO2Conversion)
(4-3) Film type 4 (corresponding to claim 4)
A treatment liquid having the following composition was prepared and stirred at a liquid temperature of 40 ° C. for 1 hour or longer. This was applied to both sides of the test plate with a roll coater, and dried in a hot air drying furnace to reach a final plate temperature of 100 ° C. The film thickness was 1.8 μm, and was determined by electron microscope observation of the treated plate cross section.
Treatment liquid 5 (used in the examples of Table 1, Nos. 10-11)
Urethane resin: 150 g / l (converted to solid content)
Polyethylene wax-3: Varying amount added
Colloidal silica: 40 g / l (SiO2Conversion)
Tannic acid: 40 g / l (pure equivalent)
Treatment liquid 6 (used for comparative example of Table 1, No. 16)
Acrylic resin-B: 150 g / l (in terms of solid content)
Polyethylene wax-4: Addition amount changed
Colloidal silica: 20 g / l (SiO2Conversion)
Phytic acid: 40 g / l (pure equivalent)
(4-4) Film type 5 (corresponding to claim 5)
A sample obtained by removing polyethylene wax-3 from the above treatment liquid 5 was applied on both sides of the test plate with a roll coater so that the film thickness after drying was 0.5 μm, and dried at a dry plate temperature of 100 ° C. . Subsequently, the above-mentioned treatment liquid 4 was applied onto this with a roll coater so that the film thickness after drying was 1.5 μm, and dried at a drying plate temperature of 100 ° C. The film thickness after drying was confirmed by electron microscope observation of the cross section of the treated plate.
(5) Surface analysis
As the analyzer, Hitachi scanning electron microscope S-2460N and an energy dispersive X-ray analyzer EMAX-5770X manufactured by HORIBA, Ltd. were used. When the point analysis was performed, the degree of vacuum was 1 Pa or less, the electron beam current was 0.18 nA, and the acceleration voltage was 20 kV.
Regarding the confirmation of the position of the lubricant particles, in many cases, the morphology of the lubricant particles could be observed directly with an electron microscope. However, just in case, surface analysis by EDX was performed, and lubrication was performed at the position where carbon was distributed in particle form. It was confirmed to be an agent.
Measurements were made at 10 points each directly above the lubricant particles (p) and on the peripheral coating (q).W/ OW, CR/ ORThe average value of 10 points was adopted.
(6) Performance evaluation
(6-1) Formability
After coating the test material with anti-rust oil (Parker Kosan, Nox Rust 550), a cylindrical drawing test with a bead was performed under the following conditions to check the molding height.
Punch diameter 50.0mm (shoulder 9mmR), die diameter 68mm (shoulder 1mmR)
Blank diameter 130mm, wrinkle holding pressure 2ton
Bead shape Convex type Height 3.2mm, 90mmΦ Concave type Height 5.0mm
◎: Molding height 40mm (drawing out)
○: 35mm ≤ molding height <40mm
Δ: 25 mm ≦ molding height <35 mm
×: Molding height <25mm
(6-2) Side slipperiness
The specimens were cut into 300mm x 300mm, 30 sheets were stacked and placed on the cart, and the following evaluation was made from the state of load collapse when the cart was pushed at a speed of 30m / min and then stopped suddenly.
A: No collapse of cargo occurs
○: Less than 5 plates collapsed due to skidding
△: 6 or more and 15 or less plates collapsed due to skidding
×: 15 or more plates collapsed due to skidding
(6-3) Cr elution
After measuring the Cr adhesion amount of the test material with fluorescent X-rays, immersing in boiling water for 30 minutes and measuring the residual Cr amount again with fluorescent X-rays, the Cr elution rate (decrease rate) by boiling water immersion It calculated | required by the following Formula.
Cr elution rate = 100 x (Cr elution amount by immersion in boiling water) / (Initial Cr adhesion amount)
In addition, since the film types 4 and 5 do not contain chromium, the chromium elution rate is 0%.
: Cr elution rate = 0%
○: 0% <Cr elution rate ≤ 5%
Δ: 5% <Cr elution rate ≤ 10%
×: 10% <Cr elution rate
The results are shown in Table 1. The lubricated metal plate of the present invention satisfying the above-mentioned formulas (A) and (B) is excellent in formability, is less likely to cause side slip of the laminate, and has excellent handling properties. Also, the elution of Cr is very little or zero. On the other hand, the comparative example is excellent in formability and Cr elution, but is liable to skid and inferior in handling properties.
Example 2
(1) Tested metal plate
The EG and GI of Example 1 and the following GA were used.
GA (alloyed hot-dip galvanized steel sheet): 45g / m per side on mild steel sheet with a thickness of 0.8mm2Steel sheet that has been heated and alloyed after hot-dip galvanizing
(2) Surface treatment method
About Table 2, the numbers 17-20, it processed using the processing liquid 1 of Example 1, and about the numbers 21-23 using the processing liquid 5, and processed similarly. However, as shown in Table 2, the adhesion amount of the lubricating film was changed.
Surface analysis and performance evaluation were performed in the same manner as in Example 1. The results are shown in Table 2.
Example 3
(1) Tested metal plate
EG and GI were used.
(2) Surface treatment method
In Table 3, numbers 24 to 26 were processed in the same manner as number 8 in Example 1, and numbers 27 to 29 were processed in the same manner as number 12 in Example 1. However, the adhesion amount of the lower layer film was changed.
The results are shown in Table 3.
Example 4
(1) Tested metal plate
EG and GI were used.
(2) Surface treatment method
About Table 4, numbers 30-32, it carried out similarly to the number 1 of Example 1, and it carried out similarly to Example 10 about Table 4, numbers 33-35. However, the stirring conditions (temperature, time) of the treatment bath were changed.
The results are shown in Table 4. It can be seen that the treatment bath must be stirred at a bath temperature of 40 ° C. or higher for 1 hour or longer.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, while having excellent formability and slidability, it is difficult to cause problems such as side slip and coil crushing at the time of lamination, and the elution of hexavalent chromium, which is an environmentally hazardous substance, is small or does not contain hexavalent chromium. A treated metal plate and a method for obtaining the metal plate can be provided. Therefore, it can be said that this is an industrially extremely valuable invention.
[Table 1]
Figure 0003869590
[Table 2]
Figure 0003869590
[Table 3]
Figure 0003869590
[Table 4]
Figure 0003869590

[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram for explaining a lubricating metal plate of the present invention, in which A is a cross-sectional view of a lubricating film, and B is a plan view of the lubricating film.
FIG. 2 is a graph for explaining the physical meaning of the present invention.
FIG. 3 is an X-ray analysis diagram by EDX showing examples and comparative examples of the present invention.

Claims (6)

バインダーとなる樹脂(a)、主成分元素として炭素を含有する潤滑剤粒子(b) 、および酸化物添加剤(c) からなる混合皮膜(R)を金属板の片面もしくは両面に有する潤滑性金属板において、潤滑剤粒子 (b) の表面にあらかじめ被覆された酸性分散剤 (e) をバインダーとなる樹脂 (a) および酸化物添加剤( c) の水分散体と反応させて会合体を形成することにより、混合皮膜(R)の潤滑剤粒子直上でのC−Kα X線強度(C)およびO−Kα X線強度(O)、潤滑剤粒子から離れた周辺のバインダー樹脂上でのC−Kα X線強度(C)およびO−Kα X線強度(O)の間に、下式(A)(B)の関係を持たせたことを特徴とする成形性・摺動性に優れ、かつ積層時の横滑りやコイル潰れを起こしにくい潤滑処理金属板。
(C/O) < 6.0 (A)
(C/O) < (CR/OR) + 5.0 (B)
Lubricating metal having a mixed film (R) comprising a resin (a) as a binder, lubricant particles (b) containing carbon as a main component element, and an oxide additive (c) on one or both sides of a metal plate In the plate, the acidic dispersant (e) pre-coated on the surface of the lubricant particles (b) is reacted with the aqueous dispersion of the resin (a) and oxide additive ( c) as a binder to form an aggregate. The C-Kα X-ray intensity (C W ) and the O-Kα X-ray intensity (O W ) of the mixed film (R) immediately above the lubricant particles, on the surrounding binder resin away from the lubricant particles Formability / sliding characterized by having a relationship of the following formulas (A) and (B) between C-Kα X-ray intensity (C R ) and O-Kα X-ray intensity (O R ) Lubricated metal plate that excels in side slip and coil collapse during lamination.
(C W / O W ) <6.0 (A)
(C W / O W ) <(CR / OR) + 5.0 (B)
請求項1記載の潤滑処理金属板であって、かつ、酸化物添加剤として水溶性クロム化合物 (c-1)および鉱酸化合物 (c-2)を含有する混合皮膜(R)を片面あたり膜厚0.3〜8ミクロン有することを特徴とする潤滑樹脂クロメート処理金属板。  2. The lubricated metal plate according to claim 1, wherein a mixed film (R) containing a water-soluble chromium compound (c-1) and a mineral acid compound (c-2) as an oxide additive is coated on one side. A lubricating resin chromate-treated metal plate having a thickness of 0.3 to 8 microns. 請求項1記載の潤滑処理金属板であって、かつ、酸化物添加剤としてシリカ (c-3)を含有する膜厚0.3〜8ミクロン(片面あたり)の混合皮膜(R)を上層に、Cr付着量5〜50mg/m(片面あたり)の電解クロメート皮膜を下層に有することを特徴とする二層型潤滑処理金属板。2. The lubricated metal plate according to claim 1, wherein a mixed film (R) having a film thickness of 0.3 to 8 microns (per side) containing silica (c-3) as an oxide additive is formed as an upper layer. A two-layer lubricated metal plate having an electrolytic chromate film of 5 to 50 mg / m 2 (per side) of Cr as a lower layer. 請求項1記載の潤滑処理金属板であって、かつ、酸化物添加剤としてシリカ(c-3) を含有し、さらに非クロム系防錆インヒビター(d) を含有する混合皮膜(R)を片面あたり膜厚0.3〜8ミクロン有することを特徴とする非クロム系潤滑処理金属板。  A mixed metal film (R) according to claim 1, wherein the mixed film (R) contains silica (c-3) as an oxide additive and further contains a non-chromium rust inhibitor (d). A non-chromium lubricated metal plate having a thickness of 0.3 to 8 microns per unit. 請求項1記載の潤滑処理金属板であって、かつ、酸化物添加剤としてシリカ (c-3)を含有する膜厚0.3〜8ミクロン(片面あたり)の混合皮膜(R)を上層に、膜厚0.1〜1ミクロン(片面あたり)の非クロム系下地処理皮膜を下層に有することを特徴とする二層型非クロム系潤滑処理金属板。  2. The lubricated metal plate according to claim 1, wherein a mixed film (R) having a film thickness of 0.3 to 8 microns (per side) containing silica (c-3) as an oxide additive is formed as an upper layer. A two-layered non-chromium-based lubricated metal plate having a non-chromium-based ground coating film having a film thickness of 0.1 to 1 micron (per side) as a lower layer. 請求項1記載の潤滑処理金属板の製造方法であって、バインダーとなる樹脂 (a)および酸化物添加剤(c)の水分散体と反応して会合体を形成可能な酸性分散剤(e) を、潤滑剤粒子(b) の表面にあらかじめ被覆しておき、かつ、該潤滑剤粒子(b) と、(a) および(c)との混合物を液温40℃以上で1時間以上攪拌したのち、金属板上に塗布し、乾燥することを特徴とする成形性・摺動性に優れ、かつ積層時の横滑りやコイル潰れを起こしにくい潤滑処理金属板の製造方法。 The method for producing a lubricated metal plate according to claim 1, wherein the acidic dispersant (e) reacts with an aqueous dispersion of the resin (a) as a binder and the oxide additive (c) to form an aggregate. ) Is previously coated on the surface of the lubricant particles (b), and the mixture of the lubricant particles (b) and (a) and (c) is stirred at a liquid temperature of 40 ° C. or more for 1 hour or more. Then, a method for producing a lubricated metal plate that is excellent in formability and slidability and that is less prone to skidding and coil collapse during lamination, characterized by being applied onto a metal plate and then dried.
JP25573699A 1999-09-09 1999-09-09 Lubricated metal plate excellent in formability and slidability and less prone to skidding and coil crushing during lamination and its manufacturing method Expired - Fee Related JP3869590B2 (en)

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