JP3829174B2 - Thermostable heterodimer enzyme having DNA polymerase activity and 3'-5 'exonuclease activity and method for producing the same - Google Patents

Thermostable heterodimer enzyme having DNA polymerase activity and 3'-5 'exonuclease activity and method for producing the same Download PDF


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DNAポリメラーゼはDNAシークエンシング反応、遺伝子増幅反応(PCR反応)、DNAの放射活性標識、変異遺伝子の試験管内合成等に有用な酵素である。現在までに知られているDNAポリメラーゼは、アミノ酸配列の共通性から、大きく4つのファミリーに分類することができる。その中で一般的に遺伝子操作実験用試薬として利用されているのは、大腸菌DNAポリメラーゼIや好熱菌サーマスアクアティカスDNAポリメラーゼ(Taq DNAポリメラーゼ)に代表されるファミリーA(ポルI型酵素)と、T4ファージDNAポリメラーゼに代表されるファミリーB(α型酵素)に属するものである。
今までに至適温度の異なる種々のDNAポリメラーゼが細菌や動植物から発見されているが、多くが常温生物由来のため、耐熱性に乏しく、鋳型DNAの94℃以上での熱変性反応を含むPCR反応等には不適当であった。また、耐熱性DNAポリメラーゼとしてTaq DNAポリメラーゼ等の好熱性細菌由来の酵素が市販されているが、いずれも3'-5'校正エキソヌクレアーゼ活性を欠くため、PCR反応等のポリメラーゼ反応中にエラーを誘発しやすく、PCR反応等には不向きである。さらにまた、高耐熱性で3'-5'校正エキソヌクレアーゼ活性を持つα型酵素が、パイロコッカスやサーモコッカス等の超好熱性古細菌より単離され市販されているが、プライマー伸長活性が弱く、長鎖DNAのPCR反応には適さない。
本発明は、第1の態様において、小サブユニットと、インテイン配列を含む大サブユニットとからなる好熱性古細菌由来のヘテロダイマー酵素において、大サブユニットのインテイン配列が除去された酵素であって、分子量がそれぞれ約70±7kDa、約144±14.4kDaである小サブユニットおよび大サブユニットからなり、 85 ℃、1時間の加熱処理で少なくとも約50%の活性を保持し、90℃、1時間の加熱処理で少なくとも約20%の活性を保持すること、ならびにDNAポリメラーゼ活性および3'-5'エキソヌクレアーゼ活性を有することを特徴とする好熱性古細菌由来の耐熱性ヘテロダイマー酵素を提供する。
(1) DNAポリメラーゼ活性および3'-5'エキソヌクレアーゼ活性を有すること;
(2) 分子量がそれぞれ約70±7kDa、約144±14.4kDaである小サブユニットおよび大サブユニットからなること;
(3) 至適pHが約8.0〜約9.0であること;
(4) 至適Mg2+濃度が約12mM以上であること;
(5) 85℃、1時間の加熱処理で少なくとも約50%の活性を保持し、90℃、1時間の加熱処理で少なくとも約20%の活性を保持すること;および
(6) プライマー長依存性のプライマー伸長活性を示すこと
本発明は、さらに第4の態様において、配列番号4に示されるアミノ酸配列を有する小サブユニットをコードするDNAおよび配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列中インテイン配列 (955番目〜1120番目)を除去した配列を有する大サブユニットをコードするDNAを共発現可能に含む1つまたは2つからなる組換えベクターを提供する。
本発明の酵素は、上記の性質を有し、天然からまたは人工的に得ることができる。例えば、該酵素は超好熱性細菌、好ましくは好熱性古細菌、より好ましくは硫黄代謝好熱性古細菌から得ることができる。好熱性古細菌の例としてはパイロコッカス(Pyrococcus)属[例えばパイロコッカス・ホリコシ(P. horikoshii)、パイロコッカス・フリオサス(P. furiosus)、パイロコッカス・ウォーセイ(P. woesei)など]、サーモコッカス( Thermococcus)属[サーモコッカス・リトラリス(T. litoralis)、サーモコッカス・セラー(T. celer)、サーモコッカス・プロファンダス(T. profundus)、サーモコッカス・ペプトノフィラス(T. peptonopjilus)など]、ピロバキュラム(Pyrobaculum)属[ピロバキュラム・イスランジカム(P. islandicum)など]などを挙げることができる。あるいは、該酵素はDNA組換え技術を使用して作製してもよい。
本発明の酵素を得るための方法としては、該酵素を含むと考えられる上記のような細菌を適切な培地にて培養増殖した後、例えばホモジナイゼーションなどの細胞破壊によって培養細胞を破壊し、酵素精製のための一般的な手法を任意に組み合わせて使用して目的の酵素を得ることができる。このような手法の例として、塩析法、加熱処理、溶媒抽出法、溶媒沈殿法、限外濾過法、免疫化学的方法、カラムクロマトグラフィー法(ゲル濾過、イオン交換クロマトグラフィー、疎水性相互作用クロマトグラフィー、アフィニティクロマトグラフィーなど)、HPLC、電気泳動法、等電点電気泳動法などを挙げることができる。これらの手法の具体的記述として、例えば日本生化学会編、新生化学実験講座1、タンパク質I、分離・精製・性質、1990年、東京化学同人を参照することができる。また細菌の培養は細菌の種類に応じて異なり既知の培養条件にて行うことができる。例えば好熱性古細菌の場合、その多くは嫌気性菌であるため培養中に窒素ガスなどを連続的に通気するか、または流動パラフィンなどの物質を重層して空気を遮断しながら、約85〜100℃の温度で約1〜4日間、NaCl0〜4%の存在下でNaSO2,KCl,Na2SO4,KBr,H3BO3, MgCl2,CaCl2,SrCl2,NH4Cl,K2HPO4などの無機物,CH3COONa,トリプトン,酵母エキスなどの有機物,MnSO4,FeSO4,ZnSO4などの微量元素を含有する培地中で培養することができる(例えば公庄千寿ら、生化学72巻3号203〜206頁、2000年参照)。
本発明の酵素は、分子量約144±14.4kDaと約70±7kDaの二つのサブユニットからなるヘテロダイマータンパク質で、DNAを鋳型として相補鎖を合成する活性と、3'-5'校正エキソヌクレアーゼ活性とを保持する、所謂DNA依存性DNAポリメラーゼに分類される酵素である。この酵素は500 mM NaClと10 mM MgCl2を含む50mトリス塩酸緩衝液(pH8.0)中で85℃で1時間処理しても処理開始前の活性の少なくとも約50%を保持することから、比較的耐熱性であり、また、この酵素を用いてDNA鎖の伸長を行うときプライマー長が約15merでは伸長活性が認められず約30merを超えると伸長活性が認められ、プライマー長が増すにつれて伸長活性がより高まる傾向を示す、という独特の性質も有している。
本発明の酵素を合成するために使用されるDNA組換え技術、PCR法、部位特異的変異誘発法などの具体的記述として、例えばJ. Sambrook et al., Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual, second edition, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1989を参照することができる。
<実施例1> 菌の培養
13.5gの食塩、4gのNa2SO4, 0.7 gのKCl, 0.2g のNaHCO3 、0.1gのKBr、30 mgのH3BO3、10gのMgCl2・6H2O、1.5g のCaCl2 、25mgのSrCl2、1.0mlのレザスリン溶液(0.2g/L)、1.0gの酵母エキス、5gのバクトペプトンを1Lに溶かし、この溶液のpHを6.8に調整し加圧殺菌した。ついで、乾熱滅菌した元素硫黄を0.2%となるように加え、この培地をアルゴンで飽和して嫌気性とした後、JCM9974を植菌した。培地が嫌気性となったか否かはNa2S溶液を加えて、培養液中でNa2Sによるレザスリン溶液のピンク色が着色しないことにより確認した。この培養液を95℃で2〜4日間培養し、その後遠心分離し集菌した。
<実施例2> 染色体DNAの調製
培養終了後5000rpm、10分間の遠心分離により菌体を集菌する。菌体を10mM Tris(pH 7.5)- 1mM EDTA 溶液で2回洗浄後InCert Agarose(FMC社製)ブロック中に封入する。このブロックを1%N-ラウロイルサルコシン(lauroylsarcosine), 1mg/mlプロテアーゼK溶液中で処理することにより、染色体DNAはAgaroseブロック中に分離調製される。
<実施例3> 染色体 DNA を含むライブラリークローンの作製
実施例2で得られた染色体DNAを制限酵素HindIIIで部分分解後、アガロースゲル電気泳動により約40kb長の断片を調製した。このDNA断片と制限酵素HindIIによって完全分解したBacベクターpBAC108L及びpFOS1とをT4リガーゼを用いて結合させた。前者のベクターpBAC108Lを用いた場合には結合終了後のDNAをただちに大腸菌内へ電気孔窄法により導入した。後者のベクターpFOS1を用いた場合には結合終了後のDNAをGIGA Pack Gold (ストラタジーン社製)により試験管内でλファージ粒子内に詰め込み、この粒子を大腸菌に感染させることによりDNAを大腸菌内に導入した。これらの方法により得られた抗生物質クロラムフェニコール耐性の大腸菌集団をBAC及びFosmidライブラリーとした。ライブラリーからJCM9974の染色体をカバーするのに適したクローンを選択して、クローンの整列化を行った。
<実施例4> BAC 或いは Fosmid クローンの塩基配列決定
<実施例5> DNA ポリメラーゼ遺伝子の同定
<実施例6> 小サブユニット発現プラスミドの構築
PCR反応後、制限酵素(NdeIとBamHI)で完全分解(37℃で2時間)した後、その構造遺伝子を精製した。さらに、pET11a或いはpET15b(ともにNovagen社製)を制限酵素NdeIとBamHIで切断・精製した後、上記の構造遺伝子とT4リガーゼで16℃、2時間反応させ連結した。連結したDNAの一部を大腸菌E. coli XL1-BlueMRF1 (Stratagene社製)のコンピテントセルに導入し形質転換体のコロニーを得た。得られたコロニーから発現プラスミドをアルカリ法で精製した。得られた発現プラスミドは各々pET11a/PolS或いはpET15b/PolSと略記された。構造遺伝子上にランダム変異がないことはDNA配列決定により確認された。
<実施例7> 完全長の大サブユニットを発現するためのプラスミドの構築
<実施例8> インテインを除去した大サブユニットを発現するためのプラスミドの構築
図2のようにパイロコッカス・ホリコシ(P. horikoshii)のDNAポリメラーゼの大サブユニット遺伝子の中には(蛋白質性のイントロンをコードする)インテインが一つ含まれるので、プライマーPolL3とPolL6(下記)を用いたPCR法でインテインの上流のDNA断片を増幅し、プライマーPolL5(下記)とPolL4を用いたPCR法でインテインの下流のDNA断片を増幅した。この2断片とプライマーPolL3とPolL4を用い、インテインの除かれたDNA断片をオーバーラップPCRで増幅した。次にこの産物を制限酵素SalIとNsiIで完全消化した後、先に調製したpGEM/PolL1-2にクローニングし、インテインの除かれた大サブユニット遺伝子を含むpGEM/PolL(-Intein)を得た。
<実施例9> 小サブユニットとインテインを除去した大サブユニットを共発現するプラスミドの構築
(配列番号13;下線部は5'-末端より順番にBamHI, NsiI, SalI, SacIIサイトを示す。)
<実施例10> 組換え遺伝子の発現
大腸菌(E. coli BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RIL, Stratagene社製)のコンピテントセルを融解して、ファルコンチューブに0.1mL移した。その中に発現プラスミド溶液0.005mLを加え氷中に30分間放置した後42℃でヒートショックを30秒間行い、SOCmedium 0.9mLを加え、37℃で1時間振とう培養する。その後アンピシリンを含む2YT寒天プレートに適量まき、37℃で一晩培養し、形質転換体を得た。この形質転換体をE. coli BL21-CodonPlus(DE3)-RIL/ pET15b/PolSL(-Intein)と命名して工業技術院生命工学工業技術研究所(茨城県つくば市東1丁目1の3)に平成12年4月14日に寄託し、受託番号FERM P-17816を与えられた。得られた形質転換体をアンピシリンを含む2YT培地(2リットル)で600nmの吸収が1に達するまで培養した後、IPTG(Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside)を加え30℃でさらに8時間培養した。培養後遠心分離(6,000rpm,20分)により集菌した。
<実施例11> 耐熱性酵素の精製
集菌した菌体を-20℃で凍結融解し、2倍量の10mMトリス塩酸緩衝液(pH8.0)と1 mgのDNaseを加え懸濁液を得た。得られた懸濁液を37℃で30分保温した後、10分間超音波照射した。さらに85℃で30分加熱後、遠心分離(11,000 rpm、20分)し上澄液を得た。これを粗酵素液とした。次にこの粗酵素液をNi-カラム(Novagen, His・Bind metal chelation resin & His・Bind buffer kitを使用)に添加し、親和性クロマトグラフィーを行った。ここで得られた60mMイミダゾール溶出画分をセントリプレップ30(アミコン社)で100mMリン酸緩衝液(pH6.0)に置換した。さらに、これをHiTrap SP(ファルマシア社製)カラムに吸着させ、NaCl濃度勾配による溶出を行った。次に、各画分のSDS-電気泳動を行い、含まれるタンパク質の分子量を測定した。遺伝子配列より当該DNAポリメラーゼのサブユニットの分子量は約144,000 Daと約70,000 Daと予測されたので、この分子量のタンパク質を含む画分を集め、セントリプレップ30を用い50 mMトリス塩酸緩衝液(pH7.0)へ置換した。これをさらに次の親和性クロマトグラフィーカラムであるHiTrap ヘパリン(ファルマシア社製)カラムに吸着させ、NaCl濃度勾配による溶出を行い精製酵素を得た。
<実施例12> 酵素反応条件および酵素の性質
目的のDNAポリメラーゼの活性検出のために、前記の2種のDNAオリゴマー(Upper primerとLower primer)と当該DNAポリメラーゼの小サブユニットをコードする発現ベクターpET15b/PolSを鋳型DNAとしてPCR反応を行った。反応温度条件は1サイクルが3ステップ(94℃:1分、61℃:2分、70℃:3分)からなり、35サイクルを繰り返した。反応液組成(100 ml)は20 mMトリス塩酸緩衝液(pH8.8),10 mM KCl, 4 mM MgSO4, 0.1% Triton X-100, 0.375 mM dNTP mix, 100 pmol Upper primer, 100 pmol Lower primer, 0.1 μg DNAポリメラーゼであった。
DNA合成反応はKornbergらの方法(Aposhian, H. V.と Kornberg, A., (1962) J. Biol. Chem., 237:519-525、およびKornberg, R. S., Zimmerman, B. S.と Kornberg, A., (1961) J. Biol. Chem., 236: 1487-1493)に従った。反応液組成(200 μl)は20 mMトリス塩酸緩衝液(pH8.8),10 mM KCl, 10 mM (NH4)2SO4, 2 mM MgSO4, 0.1% Triton X-100, 0.25 mM dNTP mix, 0.37 Mbq の(α-32P) dATP, 20 μg の加熱急冷処理サケ精巣DNA, 0.1 μg の DNAポリメラーゼであった。反応は75℃で30分間行い、反応後これに0.5 mgの氷冷サケ精巣DNAを加え、500 μlの氷冷1N過塩素酸と500μlの氷冷水を添加し、酸不溶性画分を遠心分離(9000xg 5分間)で得た。この沈殿を300μlの0.2N NaOHに溶解し、再度300 μlの氷冷1 N過塩素酸と300 μlの氷冷水を加え、遠心分離で酸不溶性画分を得た。この沈殿を1 mlの1 N酢酸で洗浄し、遠心分離後沈殿を0.4 mlの2 Nアンモニア水に溶解し、この放射活性をCherenkov効果で液体シンチレーションカウンターを用いて測定した。また、75℃の30分間の合成反応において10 nmolのdNTPを取り込む酵素量を1単位( Unit)と規定した。
至適Mg2+濃度は上記DNA合成反応で反応温度を75℃に固定し、MgSO4濃度を0 mMから20 mMまで変化させ、酸不溶性画分への放射活性の取り込みにより決定した。
加熱処理用の酵素液(100 ml)は20 mMトリス塩酸緩衝液(pH8.0 、 25 ℃), 500mM NaCl, 10 mM MgSO4と0.1 mg/ml濃度の目的酵素を含む。これをGeneAmp PCR System 2400 (Perkin Elmer) で60℃から95℃まで1時間加熱処理し、残存活性を上記DNA合成反応を用い、酸不溶性画分への放射活性の取り込みで測定した。
プライマー伸長活性は以下のように測定した。M13ファージ一本鎖DNA(0.2mg)とこれに相補的な配列を有し、32P で5'-ラベル化された0.5 pmol のプライマー(15mer, 34mer, 50mer)を各々20 mM トリス塩酸緩衝液(pH8.5)中でアニールさせ、10mM MgCl2存在下、0.05 UnitのDNAポリメラーゼを加え、75℃で反応させた。反応は2分後、10分後に、反応停止(Stop)液を加えることで停止させた。反応産物は8M尿素を含む15%ポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動(PAGE)で分析された。
32P で5'-ラベル化された50merのプライマー(0.5 pmol )を用いて3'-5'エキソヌクレアーゼ活性を測定した。反応液は20ml反応液中に20mMトリス塩酸緩衝液(pH8.5)、12mM MgCl2、4ngのラベル化DNAを含み、これに0.05 UnitのDNAポリメラーゼを加え、75℃で反応させた。反応は30分後に、Stop液を加えることで停止させた。反応産物は8M尿素を含む15%ポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動(PAGE)で分析された。
目的酵素の大サブユニットはインテイン除去前と除去後では各々1434アミノ酸残基と1268アミノ酸残基より構成され、その分子量は各々163,000 Daと144,000 Daであった。小サブユニットは623アミノ酸残基より構成され、その分子量は70,000 Daであった。
(3)DNA合成活性の検出と PCR反応
さらに、小サブユニットとインテインを除去した大サブユニットからなるヘテロダイマー酵素pET15b/PolSL(-Intein)を精製し、精製酵素(0.1μg)と10 mM MgSO4を用い、DNA合成活性を調べた。酵素添加系では非添加系に比べ175倍以上の放射活性の上昇を検出した。次に該精製酵素を用い、PCR反応を行った結果、目的DNAフラグメントと同じ長さ(1.9 kb)の増幅反応産物をアガロースゲル電気泳動で確認した。また、当該酵素を含まない反応系では PCR反応産物は検出されなかった。さらに、以上の事実より、小サブユニットとインテインが除去された大サブユニットからなる該ヘテロダイマーDNAポリメラーゼは十分活性であることが明らかになった。

Figure 0003829174
本酵素の至適Mg2+濃度は12 mMであった(図5)。
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【図2】公知の超好熱菌由来ホモログ(Metha. jaおよびPy. furi由来)との併置によるインテイン配列の同定を示す。本酵素(Py. hori由来)のインテインは955番目のシステインから始まり1120番目のグルタミンで終わる。
The present invention relates to a novel thermostable heterodimer enzyme having DNA polymerase activity and 3′-5 ′ exonuclease activity and a method for producing the same.
[Prior art]
DNA polymerase is an enzyme useful for DNA sequencing reaction, gene amplification reaction (PCR reaction), radioactive labeling of DNA, in vitro synthesis of mutant genes, and the like. DNA polymerases known to date can be roughly classified into four families based on the commonality of amino acid sequences. Among them, the family A (pol I type enzyme) represented by Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I and thermophilic bacterial thermus aquaticus DNA polymerase (Taq DNA polymerase) is generally used as a reagent for genetic manipulation experiments. , Belonging to family B (α-type enzyme) represented by T4 phage DNA polymerase.
Various DNA polymerases with different optimal temperatures have been discovered so far from bacteria and animals and plants, but most are derived from cold organisms, so they have poor heat resistance and PCR that includes heat denaturation reaction of template DNA above 94 ° C It was inappropriate for the reaction. In addition, enzymes derived from thermophilic bacteria such as Taq DNA polymerase are commercially available as thermostable DNA polymerases, but all of them lack 3'-5 'proofreading exonuclease activity, so errors occur during polymerase reactions such as PCR reactions. It is easy to induce and is not suitable for PCR reactions. Furthermore, α-type enzyme with high heat resistance and 3'-5 'proofreading exonuclease activity is isolated and marketed from hyperthermophilic archaea such as Pyrococcus and Thermococcus, but has low primer extension activity. Not suitable for PCR reaction of long DNA.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
There is a strong need to find a DNA polymerase having high heat resistance, 3'-5 'exonuclease activity, which is a calibration function for DNA strand elongation, and strong primer extension activity, and stably supplying it at a low price.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In order to solve the above-mentioned problems, the present inventor has focused on a hyperthermophilic bacterium that grows at 90 to 100 ° C., and has found a gene presumed to exhibit the enzyme activity from its gene sequence. Furthermore, an enzyme was produced from the gene using bacteria, and it was confirmed that this enzyme exists relatively stably even at a high temperature of 85 ° C. and exhibits DNA polymerase activity, and the present invention has been completed.
Furthermore, the present inventors have found a method for producing a large amount of the highly active enzyme by incorporating the gene obtained here into another microorganism.
In the first aspect, the present invention provides a heterodimeric enzyme derived from a thermophilic archaea comprising a small subunit and a large subunit containing an intein sequence, wherein the large subunit intein sequence is removed. , about 70 ± 7 kDa molecular weight, respectively, Ri Do from the small subunit and large subunit is about 144 ± 14.4 kDa, 85 ° C., and held at least about 50% of the activity in heat treatment for one hour, 90 ° C., 1 Provided is a thermostable heterodimer enzyme derived from a thermophilic archaea characterized in that it retains at least about 20% of the activity by heat treatment for a period of time, and has DNA polymerase activity and 3′-5 ′ exonuclease activity .
In an embodiment of the present invention, the thermophilic archaea is a bacterium belonging to the genus Pyrococcus.
In another embodiment of the invention, the enzyme further exhibits primer length dependent primer extension activity.
In another embodiment of the invention, the enzyme further has an optimum pH of about 8.0 to about 9.0.
In another embodiment of the invention, the enzyme further has an optimal Mg 2+ concentration of about 12 mM or greater.
In the second aspect, the present invention provides a heterodimeric enzyme derived from a thermophilic archaea comprising a small subunit and a large subunit containing an intein sequence, wherein the intein sequence of the large subunit is removed. ,
The following properties
(1) having DNA polymerase activity and 3′-5 ′ exonuclease activity;
(2) consisting of a small subunit and a large subunit having molecular weights of about 70 ± 7 kDa and about 144 ± 14.4 kDa, respectively ;
(3) the optimum pH is about 8.0 to about 9.0;
(4) The optimum Mg 2+ concentration is about 12 mM or more;
(5) Retain at least about 50% activity upon heat treatment at 85 ° C. for 1 hour; retain at least about 20% activity upon heat treatment at 90 ° C. for 1 hour; and
(6) To provide a thermostable heterodimer enzyme having a primer length-dependent primer extension activity.
In an embodiment of the invention, the enzymes of the invention are derived from thermophilic archaea, preferably sulfur metabolizing thermophilic archaea, such as archaea belonging to the genus Pyrococcus.
In another embodiment of the present invention, the small subunit of the enzyme of the present invention is a protein having the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 4, or substitution of one or several amino acid residues in the amino acid sequence, It is a protein that contains the deletion or addition and expresses the property when it forms a dimer with the large subunit.
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the large subunit of the enzyme of the present invention is a protein having a sequence obtained by removing the amino acid sequence (955th to 1120th) encoded by the intein sequence from the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2. Or a protein that contains a substitution, deletion or addition of one or several amino acid residues in the sequence and expresses the property when formed into a dimer with the small subunit.
In the third aspect, the present invention provides DNA encoding any of the enzymes defined above.
In the fourth embodiment, the present invention further removes DNA encoding a small subunit having the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 4 and the intein sequence (955th to 1120th) in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2. Provided is a one or two recombinant vector comprising a DNA encoding a large subunit having a sequence so that it can be coexpressed.
Here, “consisting of one or two” means that both DNAs may be inserted into a single vector DNA as long as the DNAs encoding the large and small subunits can be co-expressed. Or each of the DNAs may be inserted in a different vector.
According to an embodiment of the present invention, in the recombinant vector, the DNA encoding the small subunit has the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 3, and the DNA encoding the large subunit is in the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1. It has a nucleotide sequence obtained by removing the sequence encoding the intein sequence (2863rd to 3360th).
The present invention further provides, in a fifth aspect, a method for producing any of the above enzymes, comprising transforming a host cell with a DNA or a recombinant vector as defined above, and transforming the host cell in a medium. There is provided a method comprising culturing, co-expressing DNA encoding a small subunit and DNA encoding a large subunit, and recovering the enzyme composed of the small subunit and the large subunit.
In an embodiment of the invention, the host cell is a bacterium.
As used herein, “intein” refers to a proteinaceous intron. The “primer length-dependent primer extension activity” refers to a tendency that the primer extension activity of a DNA polymerase enzyme increases depending on the length of the primer. Further, “one or several” as used herein means 10 or less, preferably 7 or less, more preferably 5 or less.
The vector of the present invention can take the form of a plasmid, phage, phagemid (for example, cosmid), virus, etc., preferably a plasmid. And the DNA encoding the small subunit and / or the large subunit can be present on the same or different vector DNA, preferably on the same vector. Alternatively, DNAs encoding these large and small subunits may be integrated into the genome of the host by homologous recombination methods so that they can be co-expressed, in which case the host may be a bacterium from which these DNAs are derived or its close relatives. Species are preferred. The recombinant vector of the present invention can usually contain the same or different promoters so that the two DNAs of interest can be co-expressed. In the present specification, “co-expressible” means that two DNAs can be expressed simultaneously in a host to produce a protein encoded by each DNA.
The present invention will be specifically described below.
The enzyme of the present invention has the properties described above and can be obtained from nature or artificially. For example, the enzyme can be obtained from a hyperthermophilic bacterium, preferably a thermophilic archaea, more preferably a sulfur metabolizing thermophilic archaea. Examples of thermophilic archaea include the genus Pyrococcus (eg P. horikoshii, P. furiosus, P. woesei, etc.), Thermococcus Thermococcus genus [such as Thermococcus litoralis, Thermococcus cellar (T. celer), Thermococcus profundas (T. profundus), Thermococcus peptonopjilus (P.) (Pyrobaculum) genus [Pyrobaculum islandicum, etc.] and the like. Alternatively, the enzyme may be made using DNA recombination techniques.
As a method for obtaining the enzyme of the present invention, after culturing and growing a bacterium as described above, which is considered to contain the enzyme, in an appropriate medium, the cultured cells are destroyed by cell destruction such as homogenization, for example. The target enzyme can be obtained using any combination of general techniques for enzyme purification. Examples of such methods include salting out, heat treatment, solvent extraction, solvent precipitation, ultrafiltration, immunochemical methods, column chromatography (gel filtration, ion exchange chromatography, hydrophobic interaction) Chromatography, affinity chromatography, etc.), HPLC, electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing, and the like. As specific descriptions of these methods, reference can be made to, for example, the Japan Biochemical Society, New Chemistry Experiment Course 1, Protein I, Separation / Purification / Property, 1990, Tokyo Kagaku Dojin. The culture of bacteria varies depending on the type of bacteria and can be performed under known culture conditions. For example, in the case of thermophilic archaea, many of them are anaerobic bacteria, so that nitrogen gas or the like is continuously aerated during culture, or a substance such as liquid paraffin is overlaid to block air, NaSO 2 , KCl, Na 2 SO 4 , KBr, H 3 BO 3 , MgCl 2 , CaCl 2 , SrCl 2 , NH 4 Cl, K in the presence of NaCl 0-4% at a temperature of 100 ° C. for about 1 to 4 days 2 It can be cultured in a medium containing inorganic substances such as HPO 4 , organic substances such as CH 3 COONa, tryptone and yeast extract, and trace elements such as MnSO 4 , FeSO 4 and ZnSO 4 (for example, Biotechnology 72, No. 3, pages 203-206, see 2000).
Alternatively, another method for obtaining the enzyme of the present invention includes a method using a DNA recombination technique. From the gene sequence of a hyperthermophilic bacterium, a gene that is likely to exhibit this enzyme activity is screened from, for example, a genomic library or cDNA library derived from the bacterium, and a target clone is obtained by a conventional method, or an appropriate primer is used. After amplification of the target DNA by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) used, the DNA is prepared and isolated by treatment with an organic solvent such as phenol or chloroform, or sucrose or cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation, and a protein expression plasmid (for example, pET11a Alternatively, the plasmid is inserted into an appropriate vector such as pET15b) so that the DNA can be expressed, and the plasmid is introduced into an appropriate host (for example, bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, and optionally fungi such as yeast and basidiomycete). The enzyme of the present invention can be produced through culturing the host. In general, in addition to a promoter and a selectable marker that can be selected depending on the host, vectors include, for example, an origin of replication, a ribosome binding site (or Shine-Dalgarno sequence), a transcription initiation site, a terminator, and a polylinker (from multiple restriction enzyme sites). And the like) are included as appropriate. The target enzyme produced is isolated and purified by appropriately combining the above-mentioned conventional enzyme purification techniques.
The enzyme of the present invention is a heterodimeric protein composed of two subunits having molecular weights of about 144 ± 14.4 kDa and about 70 ± 7 kDa, and has an activity of synthesizing a complementary strand using DNA as a template, and a 3′-5 ′ proofreading exonuclease activity. Is an enzyme classified as a so-called DNA-dependent DNA polymerase. This enzyme retains at least about 50% of the activity before the start of treatment even when treated at 85 ° C. for 1 hour in 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0) containing 500 mM NaCl and 10 mM MgCl 2 . It is relatively heat-resistant, and when the DNA strand is extended using this enzyme, the extension activity is not observed when the primer length is about 15 mer, and the extension activity is observed when the primer length exceeds about 30 mer, and the extension increases as the primer length increases. It also has the unique property of showing a tendency to increase activity.
The enzyme of the present invention is specifically obtained by DNA recombination technology based on DNA derived from Pyrococcus horikoshi (particularly strain JCM9974 deposited at RIKEN) as shown below. Can do. However, unexpectedly, when preparing the enzyme of the present invention having DNA synthesis activity, a sequence encoding an intein sequence from a nucleotide sequence encoding a large subunit constituting the enzyme (for example, 2863 to 3360 of SEQ ID NO: 1). It was found necessary to be deleted. Thus, the enzyme thus obtained is, for example, a small subunit having the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 4, and an amino acid sequence encoded by an intein sequence in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2, for example (955th to 1120). Consists of heterodimers with large subunits having sequences removed. If the intein sequence is present in the large subunit, even if it forms a heterodimer with the small subunit, it shows very low DNA synthesis activity (see Table 1 in Example 11 below). Such low activity is also observed in the case of only the small subunit, in the case of only the large subunit, and in the case of only the large subunit from which the intein sequence has been removed. Therefore, in order for the enzyme of the present invention to exhibit practical DNA synthesis activity, it is necessary to remove the intein sequence (if present) from the large subunit.
The present invention also includes an enzyme consisting of a subunit protein containing substitution, deletion or addition of one or several amino acid residues in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 or 4. Such a mutation operation comprising substitution, deletion or addition can be carried out using techniques well known to those skilled in the art, such as site-directed mutagenesis and PCR.
Specific examples of the DNA recombination technique, PCR method, site-directed mutagenesis method and the like used to synthesize the enzyme of the present invention include, for example, J. Sambrook et al., Molecular Cloning A Laboratory Manual, second edition, See Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1989.
EXAMPLES The present invention will be further described below with reference to examples, but the present invention is not limited to these examples.
<Example 1> Culture of fungus Pyrococcus horikoshi (RIKEN accession number JCM9974) was cultured by the following method.
13.5 g salt, 4 g Na 2 SO 4 , 0.7 g KCl, 0.2 g NaHCO 3 , 0.1 g KBr, 30 mg H 3 BO 3 , 10 g MgCl 2 .6H 2 O, 1.5 g CaCl 2 25 mg SrCl 2 , 1.0 ml resalin solution (0.2 g / L), 1.0 g yeast extract and 5 g bactopeptone were dissolved in 1 L, and the pH of this solution was adjusted to 6.8 and pasteurized under pressure. Next, elemental sulfur sterilized by dry heat was added to 0.2%, and the medium was saturated with argon to make anaerobic, and then JCM9974 was inoculated. Whether or not the medium became anaerobic was confirmed by adding a Na 2 S solution and confirming that the pink color of the resazurin solution with Na 2 S was not colored in the culture solution. This culture solution was cultured at 95 ° C. for 2 to 4 days, and then centrifuged to collect bacteria.
<Example 2> Preparation of chromosomal DNA
The chromosomal DNA of JCM9974 was prepared by the following method.
After culturing, the cells are collected by centrifugation at 5000 rpm for 10 minutes. The cells are washed twice with 10 mM Tris (pH 7.5) -1 mM EDTA solution and then enclosed in an InCert Agarose (FMC) block. By treating this block in 1% N-lauroylsarcosine, 1 mg / ml protease K solution, chromosomal DNA is isolated and prepared in an Agarose block.
<Example 3> Preparation of library clone containing chromosomal DNA The chromosomal DNA obtained in Example 2 was partially decomposed with the restriction enzyme HindIII, and then a fragment of about 40 kb was prepared by agarose gel electrophoresis. This DNA fragment and Bac vectors pBAC108L and pFOS1 completely digested with the restriction enzyme HindII were ligated using T4 ligase. When the former vector pBAC108L was used, the DNA after the completion of binding was immediately introduced into E. coli by electroporation. When the latter vector pFOS1 is used, the DNA after completion of binding is packed into λ phage particles in a test tube with GIGA Pack Gold (manufactured by Stratagene), and the DNA is transferred into E. coli by infecting the particles with E. coli. Introduced. The E. coli population resistant to the antibiotic chloramphenicol obtained by these methods was used as BAC and Fosmid libraries. A clone suitable for covering the chromosome of JCM9974 was selected from the library, and the clones were aligned.
<Example 4> Determination of the base sequence of each BAC or Fosmid clone The base sequence of the aligned BAC or Fosmid clone was sequentially determined by the following method. Each BAC or Fosmid clone DNA recovered from E. coli was fragmented by sonication, and 1 kb and 2 kb long DNA fragments were recovered by agarose gel electrophoresis. 500 shotgun clones were prepared for each BAC or Fosmid clone in which this fragment was inserted into the HincII restriction enzyme site of plasmid vector pUC118. The base sequence of each shotgun clone was determined using an automatic base sequence reader 373 or 377 manufactured by PerkinElmer, ABI. The base sequence obtained from each shotgun clone was ligated and edited using the base sequence automatic linking software Sequencher, and the entire base sequence of each BAC or Fosmid clone was determined.
<Example 5> Identification of DNA polymerase gene The base sequence of each BAC or Fosmid clone determined above was analyzed by a large computer, and a gene encoding a large subunit of DNA polymerase (Fig. 1) and A gene encoding a small subunit (FIG. 3) was identified.
<Example 6> Construction of small subunit expression plasmid The following DNA primers were synthesized for the purpose of constructing restriction enzyme (NdeI and BamHI) sites before and after the small subunit structural gene region, and the gene was obtained by PCR. Introduced restriction enzyme sites before and after:
(SEQ ID NO: 5; underlined indicates NdeI site);
(SEQ ID NO: 6; underlined indicates BamHI site).
After the PCR reaction, it was completely digested with restriction enzymes (NdeI and BamHI) (2 hours at 37 ° C.), and then its structural gene was purified. Further, pET11a or pET15b (both from Novagen) were cleaved and purified with restriction enzymes NdeI and BamHI, and then reacted with the above structural gene and T4 ligase at 16 ° C. for 2 hours for ligation. A part of the ligated DNA was introduced into competent cells of E. coli XL1-BlueMRF1 (Stratagene) to obtain transformant colonies. The expression plasmid was purified from the obtained colonies by the alkaline method. The resulting expression plasmids were abbreviated as pET11a / PolS or pET15b / PolS, respectively. The absence of random mutations on the structural gene was confirmed by DNA sequencing.
<Example 7> Construction of plasmid for expressing full-length large subunit The full-length large subunit gene was cloned into the pGEMEX-1 vector (Promega) in two steps. The DNA fragment in the first half was obtained by PCR using the following two primers:
(SEQ ID NO: 7; underlined indicates NdeI site);
(SEQ ID NO: 8; underlined indicates SalI site).
This PCR product was completely digested with NdeI and SalI, then cloned into the pGEMEX-1 vector, and abbreviated as pGEM / PolL1-2.
The latter half of the DNA fragment was obtained by PCR using the following two primers:
Upper primer: PolL3; 5'-TTTATGGC GTCGA CAAGCTGAAGG-3 '
(SEQ ID NO: 9; underlined indicates SalI site);
(SEQ ID NO: 10; underlined indicates NsiI site).
This PCR product was completely digested with SalI and NsiI and then cloned into the previously prepared pGEM / PolL1-2 to obtain pGEM / PolL containing the full-length large subunit gene.
<Example 8> Construction of a plasmid for expressing a large subunit from which intein has been removed . As shown in Fig. 2, the P. horikoshii DNA polymerase large subunit gene includes Since one intein (encoding a protein intron) is included, a DNA fragment upstream of the intein was amplified by PCR using primers PolL3 and PolL6 (below), and primers PolL5 (below) and PolL4 were used. A DNA fragment downstream of the intein was amplified by PCR. Using these two fragments and primers PolL3 and PolL4, the DNA fragment from which the intein was removed was amplified by overlap PCR. Next, this product was completely digested with restriction enzymes SalI and NsiI, and then cloned into the previously prepared pGEM / PolL1-2 to obtain pGEM / PolL (-Intein) containing the large subunit gene from which the intein was removed. .
(SEQ ID NO: 11)
(SEQ ID NO: 12)
<Example 9> Construction of a plasmid that co-expresses a small subunit and a large subunit from which intein has been removed <br/> A plasmid that co-expresses both subunits in order to achieve stable production of the target heterodimeric DNA polymerase. Constructed. First, PCR was performed using primers PolS1 and PolS3 (below) to introduce a new multicloning site immediately upstream of the BamHI site of pET15b / PolS. As described below, PolS3 encodes BamHI, NsiI, SalI, and SacII sites in order from the 5′-end. The PCR product was treated with NdeI and BamHI and inserted into pET15b to construct pET15b / PolS (M) containing a multicloning site between the stop codon of the small subunit and the BamHI site. Next, PCR was performed using pGEM / PolL (-Intein) as template DNA and primers PolL7 (described below) and PolL2. The obtained product has a new SacII site at the 5′-end, and includes the protein expression unit of pGEM / PolL (-Intein) from the ribosome binding site to the SalI site in the coding region. This was treated with SacII and SalI and inserted into the multicloning site constructed in pET15b / PolS (M). This plasmid is abbreviated as pET15b / PolSL1-2. Furthermore, pGEM / PolL (-Intein) was treated with SalI and NsiI, and the gene of the latter half of the large subunit (without intein) was isolated and remained at the end of the protein expression unit of pET15b / PolSL1-2. Inserted into SalI and NsiI sites. The resulting plasmid is abbreviated as pET15b / PolSL (-Intein). This expression plasmid pET15b / PolSL (-Intein) enables co-expression of a small subunit with a histidine tag added to the amino terminus and a large subunit not containing intein.
(SEQ ID NO: 13; underlined parts indicate BamHI, NsiI, SalI, and SacII sites in order from the 5′-end.)
(SEQ ID NO: 14; the underlined portion indicates the SacII site, and the bold type indicates the ribosome binding site of the pGEMEX-1 vector.)
<Example 10> Expression of recombinant gene A competent cell of E. coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3) -RIL, manufactured by Stratagene was melted and transferred to 0.1 mL of a falcon tube. Then, 0.005 mL of the expression plasmid solution is added and left in ice for 30 minutes, followed by heat shock at 42 ° C. for 30 seconds, 0.9 mL of SOC medium is added, and cultured with shaking at 37 ° C. for 1 hour. Thereafter, an appropriate amount was spread on a 2YT agar plate containing ampicillin and cultured overnight at 37 ° C. to obtain a transformant. This transformant was named E. coli BL21-CodonPlus (DE3) -RIL / pET15b / PolSL (-Intein) and was established by the Institute of Biotechnology, Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (1-3 East 1-chome, Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture). Deposited on April 14, 2012 and given the deposit number FERM P-17816. The obtained transformant was cultured in a 2YT medium (2 liters) containing ampicillin until the absorption at 600 nm reached 1, and then IPTG (Isopropyl-β-D-thiogalactopyranoside) was added and further cultured at 30 ° C. for 8 hours. After culture, the cells were collected by centrifugation (6,000 rpm, 20 minutes).
<Example 11> Purification of thermostable enzyme The collected cells were frozen and thawed at -20C, and 2 volumes of 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0) and 1 mg of DNase were added to the suspension. A turbid liquid was obtained. The resulting suspension was kept at 37 ° C. for 30 minutes and then irradiated with ultrasonic waves for 10 minutes. Further, after heating at 85 ° C. for 30 minutes, the mixture was centrifuged (11,000 rpm, 20 minutes) to obtain a supernatant. This was used as a crude enzyme solution. Next, this crude enzyme solution was added to a Ni-column (using Novagen, His • Bind metal chelation resin & His • Bind buffer kit), and affinity chromatography was performed. The 60 mM imidazole elution fraction obtained here was replaced with 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) with Centriprep 30 (Amicon). Further, this was adsorbed on a HiTrap SP (Pharmacia) column and eluted with a NaCl concentration gradient. Next, SDS-electrophoresis of each fraction was performed, and the molecular weight of the contained protein was measured. Since the molecular weight of the DNA polymerase subunit was predicted to be about 144,000 Da and about 70,000 Da from the gene sequence, fractions containing proteins of this molecular weight were collected and 50 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7. To 0). This was further adsorbed to a HiTrap heparin (Pharmacia) column, which is the next affinity chromatography column, and eluted with a NaCl concentration gradient to obtain a purified enzyme.
<Example 12> Enzyme reaction conditions and enzyme properties
1. Enzyme reaction conditions (1) In order to detect the activity of a DNA polymerase for PCR reaction, the expression vector pET15b / encoding the above two DNA oligomers (Upper primer and Lower primer) and the small subunit of the DNA polymerase. PCR reaction was performed using PolS as template DNA. The reaction temperature condition consisted of 3 steps (94 ° C: 1 minute, 61 ° C: 2 minutes, 70 ° C: 3 minutes), and 35 cycles were repeated. Reaction solution composition (100 ml) is 20 mM Tris HCl buffer (pH 8.8), 10 mM KCl, 4 mM MgSO 4 , 0.1% Triton X-100, 0.375 mM dNTP mix, 100 pmol Upper primer, 100 pmol Lower primer 0.1 μg DNA polymerase.
(2) DNA synthesis reaction
The DNA synthesis reaction was performed according to the method of Kornberg et al. (Aposhian, HV and Kornberg, A., (1962) J. Biol. Chem., 237: 519-525, and Kornberg, RS, Zimmerman, BS and Kornberg, A., (1961). ) J. Biol. Chem., 236: 1487-1493). The reaction solution composition (200 μl) is 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.8), 10 mM KCl, 10 mM (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 , 2 mM MgSO 4 , 0.1% Triton X-100, 0.25 mM dNTP mix , 0.37 Mbq (α- 32 P) dATP, 20 μg heat-cooled salmon testis DNA, 0.1 μg DNA polymerase. The reaction was carried out at 75 ° C for 30 minutes. After the reaction, 0.5 mg of ice-cold salmon testis DNA was added, 500 μl of ice-cold 1N perchloric acid and 500 μl of ice-cold water were added, and the acid-insoluble fraction was centrifuged ( 9000xg for 5 minutes). This precipitate was dissolved in 300 μl of 0.2N NaOH, 300 μl of ice-cold 1N perchloric acid and 300 μl of ice-cold water were added again, and an acid-insoluble fraction was obtained by centrifugation. This precipitate was washed with 1 ml of 1N acetic acid, and after centrifugation, the precipitate was dissolved in 0.4 ml of 2N aqueous ammonia, and the radioactivity was measured by a Cherenkov effect using a liquid scintillation counter. In addition, the amount of enzyme that took in 10 nmol of dNTP in a synthesis reaction at 75 ° C. for 30 minutes was defined as 1 unit.
(3) Optimum pH
The optimum pH is fixed at a reaction temperature of 75 ° C under the above measurement conditions. The pH of the enzyme reaction solution is changed from pH 5.8 to 9.5 using phosphate buffer in the acidic range and Tris-HCl buffer in the alkaline range. Determined by incorporation of radioactivity into the acid-insoluble fraction.
(4) Optimum Mg 2+ concentration Optimum Mg 2+ concentration is determined by fixing the reaction temperature at 75 ° C in the above DNA synthesis reaction, changing the MgSO 4 concentration from 0 mM to 20 mM, and irradiating the acid-insoluble fraction. Determined by activity incorporation.
(5) Enzyme solution (100 ml) for heat-stable heat treatment contains 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.0, 25 ° C), 500 mM NaCl, 10 mM MgSO 4 and the target enzyme at a concentration of 0.1 mg / ml . This was heat-treated with a GeneAmp PCR System 2400 (Perkin Elmer) for 1 hour from 60 ° C. to 95 ° C., and the residual activity was measured by incorporation of radioactivity into the acid-insoluble fraction using the above DNA synthesis reaction.
(6) Primer extension activity Primer extension activity was measured as follows. M13 phage single-stranded DNA (0.2mg) and 0.5 pmol primer (15mer, 34mer, 50mer) 5'-labeled with 32 P each and 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer In the presence of 10 mM MgCl 2 , 0.05 Unit of DNA polymerase was added and reacted at 75 ° C. The reaction was stopped after 2 minutes and 10 minutes by adding a Stop solution. The reaction products were analyzed by 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) containing 8M urea.
(7) 3'-5 'exonuclease activity
3'-5 'exonuclease activity was measured using a 50mer primer (0.5 pmol) 5'-labeled with 32 P. The reaction solution contained 20 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.5), 12 mM MgCl 2 , and 4 ng of labeled DNA in a 20 ml reaction solution, and 0.05 Unit of DNA polymerase was added thereto and reacted at 75 ° C. The reaction was stopped after 30 minutes by adding Stop solution. The reaction products were analyzed by 15% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) containing 8M urea.
2. Various properties of the enzyme (1) Protein chemistry The large subunit of the target enzyme is composed of 1434 amino acid residues and 1268 amino acid residues before and after intein removal, respectively, and its molecular weight is 163,000 Da and 144,000 Da, respectively. Met. The small subunit was composed of 623 amino acid residues, and its molecular weight was 70,000 Da.
(2) Highly efficient expression of active enzyme by co-expressing a small subunit and a large subunit from which intein has been removed When each subunit is expressed alone, it is extremely unstable and stable high expression is impossible. Therefore, we decided to construct a co-expression system. As a result, high expression of the active enzyme was enabled, and the physicochemical properties and the heat stabilization mechanism were elucidated.
(3) Detection of DNA synthesis activity and PCR reaction DNA synthesis activity was examined using a crude enzyme solution from a recombinant Escherichia coli. As shown in Table 1, no activity was detected with the subunit alone. The combination of a small subunit and a large subunit containing intein was also inactive. From these results, it became clear that a heterodimer structure consisting of a large subunit from which a small subunit and an intein were removed was essential for the expression of activity.
Furthermore, the heterodimeric enzyme pET15b / PolSL (-Intein) consisting of the large subunit from which the small subunit and intein were removed was purified, and the DNA synthesis activity was examined using purified enzyme (0.1 μg) and 10 mM MgSO 4 . An increase in radioactivity of 175 times or more was detected in the enzyme-added system compared to the non-added system. Next, as a result of PCR reaction using the purified enzyme, an amplification reaction product having the same length (1.9 kb) as the target DNA fragment was confirmed by agarose gel electrophoresis. In addition, no PCR reaction product was detected in the reaction system not containing the enzyme. Furthermore, the above facts revealed that the heterodimeric DNA polymerase composed of a large subunit from which a small subunit and an intein were removed was sufficiently active.
[Table 1]
Figure 0003829174
(4) Optimum pH
The optimum pH at 8.5C was 8.5 (Fig. 4).
(5) Optimum Mg 2+ concentration optimum Mg 2+ concentration the enzyme was 12 mM (FIG. 5).
(6) Thermostability As shown in FIG. 6, this enzyme retained 50% activity even after heat treatment at 85 ° C. for 1 hour. Furthermore, it had 20% activity even after heat treatment at 90 ° C. for 1 hour.
(7) Primer extension activity As shown in FIG. 7, this enzyme did not detect extension activity with a 15-mer primer, but as the primer length increased to 34 mer and 50 mer, strong primer extension activity was observed. Such dependency of primer extension activity on primer length has not been reported for other DNA polymerases.
(8) 3′-5 ′ exonuclease activity As shown in FIG. 8, this enzyme showed strong 3′-5 ′ exonuclease activity against 50-mer oligonucleotides. This is why this enzyme is a heterodimeric protein consisting of two subunits with molecular weights of 144 kDa and 70 kDa. DNA-dependent DNA that synthesizes complementary strands using DNA as a template and retains 3'-5 'proofreading exonuclease activity. It turned out to be a polymerase.
【The invention's effect】
According to the present invention, it is possible to provide a DNA polymerase that replicates long-chain DNA at high speed and accurately in a high-temperature environment, which is considered useful for Long-PCR. In addition, it will be possible to develop new methods for gene sequence analysis using this enzyme.
[Sequence Listing]
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
Figure 0003829174
[Sequence Listing Free Text]
SEQ ID NO: 1: Intein encoding proteinaceous intron.
SEQ ID NO: 2: intein.
SEQ ID NO: 4: Primer.
Sequence number 5: Primer.
Sequence number 6: Primer.
Sequence number 7: Primer.
Sequence number 8: Primer.
Sequence number 9: Primer.
SEQ ID NO: 10: primer.
Sequence number 11: Primer.
Sequence number 12: Primer.
SEQ ID NO: 13: primer.
SEQ ID NO: 14: primer.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows the gene sequence (A) and amino acid sequence (B) of the large subunit of this enzyme. The underlined portion indicates the intein sequence (encoding a proteinaceous intron).
FIG. 2 shows identification of intein sequences by juxtaposition with known hyperthermophile homologs (from Metha. Ja and Py. Furi). The intein of this enzyme (derived from Py. Hori) starts with the 955th cysteine and ends with the 1120th glutamine.
FIG. 3 shows the gene sequence (A) and amino acid sequence (B) of the small subunit of this enzyme.
FIG. 4 shows the pH profile (optimum pH) of the enzyme.
FIG. 5 shows the optimum Mg 2+ concentration of the enzyme.
FIG. 6 is an electrophoretogram showing the residual activity of this enzyme after heat treatment.
FIG. 7 is an electrophoresis photograph showing the primer extension activity of this enzyme. Lanes 1 to 3 used 15mer primers, Lanes 4 to 6 used 34mer primers, and Lanes 7 to 9 used 50mer primers. Lanes 1, 4, and 7 were reacted for 2 minutes in the presence of the enzyme. Lanes 2, 5, and 8 were reacted for 10 minutes in the presence of the enzyme. Lanes 3, 6, and 9 are controls and no enzyme was added to the reaction system.
FIG. 8 shows the 3′-5 ′ exonuclease activity of this enzyme. A 50mer oligonucleotide was used as a substrate. Lane 1 is the reaction for 30 minutes in the presence of the enzyme, lane 2 is the control, and no enzyme is added to the reaction system.

Claims (5)

小サブユニットと、大サブユニットとからなるConsists of small subunits and large subunits DNADNA ポリメラーゼ活性およびPolymerase activity and 3'-5'3'-5 ' エキソヌクレアーゼ活性を有するヘテロダイマー酵素であって、A heterodimeric enzyme having exonuclease activity,
小サブユニットが配列番号4に示されるアミノ酸配列を有するタンパク質であるか、あるいは該アミノ酸配列においてThe small subunit is a protein having the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 4, or in the amino acid sequence 11 個もしくは数個のアミノ酸残基の置換、欠失または付加を含む蛋白質であり、大サブユニットが配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列中インテイン配列によりコードされるアミノ酸配列A protein comprising a substitution, deletion or addition of one or several amino acid residues, wherein the large subunit is encoded by the intein sequence in the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 (955(955 番目〜Th 11201120 番目Th )) を除去した配列を有するタンパク質であるか、あるいは該配列においてOr a protein having a sequence from which 11 個もしくは数個のアミノ酸残基の置換、欠失または付加を含む蛋白質であることを特徴とする、上記ヘテロダイマー酵素。The above heterodimeric enzyme, which is a protein comprising substitution, deletion or addition of one or several amino acid residues.
さらにプライマー長依存性のプライマー伸長活性を示すことを特徴とする請求項1に記載の酵素。  Furthermore, the enzyme of Claim 1 which shows primer extension activity dependent on primer length. 請求項Claim 11 に記載のDescribed in DNADNA ポリメラーゼ活性およびPolymerase activity and 3'-5'3'-5 ' エキソヌクレアーゼ活性を有するヘテロダイマー酵素をコードするDNAであって、請求項1に記載の、小サブユニットをコードするDNAと大サブユニットをコードするDNAとからなる組み合わせ。The combination of a DNA encoding a small subunit and a DNA encoding a large subunit according to claim 1, which is a DNA encoding a heterodimeric enzyme having exonuclease activity. 配列番号4に示されるアミノ酸配列を有する小サブユニットをコードするDNAおよび配列番号2に示されるアミノ酸配列中インテイン配列 (955番目〜1120番目)を除去した配列を有する大サブユニットをコードするDNAを共発現可能に含む1つまたは2つからなる組換え体ベクター。  DNA encoding a small subunit having the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 4 and DNA encoding a large subunit having a sequence obtained by removing the intein sequence (955th to 1120th) from the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2 A recombinant vector consisting of one or two containing co-expressable. 小サブユニットをコードするDNAが配列番号3に示されるヌクレオチド配列を有し、および大サブユニットをコードするDNAが配列番号1に示されるヌクレオチド配列中インテイン配列をコードする配列(2863番目〜3360番目)を除去したヌクレオチド配列を有することを特徴とする請求項4に記載の組換え体ベクター。  The DNA encoding the small subunit has the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 3 and the DNA encoding the large subunit encodes the intein sequence in the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 (2863rd to 3360th) The recombinant vector according to claim 4, which has a nucleotide sequence from which) is removed.
JP2000116257A 2000-04-18 2000-04-18 Thermostable heterodimer enzyme having DNA polymerase activity and 3'-5 'exonuclease activity and method for producing the same Expired - Lifetime JP3829174B2 (en)

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