JP3687859B2 - Microbial transport medium - Google Patents

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JP3687859B2 JP26652994A JP26652994A JP3687859B2 JP 3687859 B2 JP3687859 B2 JP 3687859B2 JP 26652994 A JP26652994 A JP 26652994A JP 26652994 A JP26652994 A JP 26652994A JP 3687859 B2 JP3687859 B2 JP 3687859B2
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▲いん▼▲てつ▼ 小林
弘規 河原
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▲いん▼▲てつ▼ 小林
弘規 河原
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  • Measuring Or Testing Involving Enzymes Or Micro-Organisms (AREA)
  • Micro-Organisms Or Cultivation Processes Thereof (AREA)


例えば、以下に示すHelicobacter pylori (ヘリコバクター・ピロリ;以下、単に「HP」とする)は、分析対象となる微生物の中でも輸送の困難な細菌として知られている。実際に、従来の輸送培地を使用した場合には、輸送中に死滅あるいは著しい減少などが起こる場合があった。ところが、HPについても、その生存のみを目的とする専用の輸送培地を用意すれば、確実な輸送を期待できる可能性がある。
[Helicobacter pylori (ヘリコバクター・ピロリ)]
輸送困難な細菌であるとされている上述のHP(Helicobacter pylori ;ヘリコバクター・ピロリ)は、次のような特徴を持つ細菌である。
・胃粘膜組織から分離された微好気性細菌(Lancet i:1273-1275;1983)
・Campylobacter 属に分類されていた時期もあったが、現在はHelicobacterとされている(Int.J.Syst.Bacteriol.39:397-405,1989)
・胃潰瘍や胃炎等の胃疾患との関連が強く示唆されている (Microbiol.Immunol.31:603-614,1987)
他方、ハンクス液を用いたHP含有サンプルの輸送も行われている。ハンクス液は緩衝剤を中心とする組成を有し、4〜5時間にわたる生存を可能にする。しかし、これによれば、単にブイヨン中に保存した場合(この場合には2時間程度の輸送しかできない)と比較すれば輸送時間が延長されたことにはなるものの、この4〜5時間という時間は依然として十分な輸送時間とはいい難い。この他にも、生理食塩水やグルコース水溶液(J.Clin.Pathol.38,1127-1131;1985) を用いた例もあるが、HPの輸送培地としては十分な性能を示さない。
キャリー・ブレア培地やハンクス液のような栄養素を含まない輸送用培地に対して、窒素源や炭素源を含んだ培地によるHPの輸送も試みられている。HPの分析を目的としてチオグリコレート培地(液体または半流動)に胃粘膜組織を保存し、輸送を試みた報告(Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Vol.87.No.5,483-486;1993) がそれである。チオグリコレート培地は栄養素に富む培地で、嫌気性細菌から好気性細菌を含むいずれの増殖にも適する培地とされているが、本発明者らの追試によれば、HPに用いた場合には必ずしも十分な検出率を得られず、保存時間に比例した検出率の低下が観察されている。
HPを選択的に増殖することを目的として、シクロデキストリンやメチルセルロース等と共に各種の抗菌剤を組み合わせた培地の利用(J.Clin.Microbiol.31:160-162,1993 、あるいは特開平5-260955号) も知られている。この培地の抗菌剤には、バンコマイシン、トリメトプリム、ポリミキシンBが使われている。しかしながら、この培地はあくまでHPの選択的な増殖が目的であって、輸送を目的とするものではない。
以上の説明から明らかなように、従来の輸送培地では、輸送が困難な微生物に対しては十分に機能しなかったという問題があった。例えば、分析対象となる微生物の中でも輸送の困難な細菌として知られている上述のHP(Helicobacter pylori )などに従来の輸送培地を使用した場合には、輸送中に死滅あるいは著しい減少などが生じてしまっていた。
請求項4に係る輸送用培地は、抗菌剤としてバンコマイシン(vancomycin)、トリメトプリム(trimethoprim)、ポリミキシンB(polymixin B) 、ナリジクス酸(nalidixic acid)の少なくとも1種類を添加するが、HPの検出率の向上のためには全ての抗菌剤の併用が好ましい。各抗菌剤の使用量は後に実施例として例示するが、これらの抗菌剤は、培地を滅菌後、無菌的に添加する。
なお、各環境の酸素濃度と半流動培地(ゲル化剤として0.3〜0.5%w/vの寒天を使用)における位置は、それぞれ一般に、好気的環境は酸素濃度20% (培地表面付近、大気と同じ)、微好気的環境は酸素濃度3-10% (培地表面から2cm 付近)、そして嫌気的環境は酸素不在(培地表面から2cm 以上)とされている。もちろん、培地中において各環境を与える位置は培地組成にも左右される。即ち、ゲル化剤の物理的性状や化学的な組成等により好気的な環境になり易い培地では、より深い位置でなければ微好気的環境を得ることができない。HPについて培養環境を更に詳細に例示すれば、CO2 ;7-12% 、N2 またはH2 ;0-85% 、O2 ;5-6%というような環境が知られており(Manual of Clinical Microbiology 5th edition p407,1991;American Society for Microbiology )、既に例示したような組成の半流動培地では、培地表面から1cm 付近が輸送に好適な環境(即ち、HP輸送に好適な微好気性環境部位)となる。
ここで、ヘミン(hemin) はヘモグロビンを構成する鉄キレートであり、一方、メナジオン(menadione) はビタミンK3の別名である。これらはいずれも、従来から培地の栄養補助に用いられている(しかしながら、いずれも微生物の生育支持を目的とするもので、輸送を目的とするものではない)。これらを添加するときにも、やはり滅菌後に濾過滅菌等の操作により無菌的に添加する。この場合に、抗菌剤、ヘミン、そしてメナジオンを必要な最終濃度を得られるように濃縮液としておき、同時に濾過滅菌によって添加すると、培地の調製が容易になる。
本発明の輸送用培地は、特にHPを含むサンプルの輸送に有用である。HPを含むサンプルの代表的なものは、胃の生検試料(胃粘膜を切り取ったサンプル)である。胃粘膜を本発明に係る培地に入れれば、特に温度管理などに注意しなくても、室温で48時間以上にわたって高い検出率を維持できる。このとき、生検試料を、半流動培地の微好気的環境を与える表面から1cm 付近(微好気的環境部位)に埋め込めば、容易に微好気的環境で輸送することができる。なお、輸送中の温度を低温(例えば、4℃以下)に維持すれば、更に長時間にわたって高い検出率を示す。
トリプチケースペプトン 17.00g
フェイトンペプトン 3.00g
ブドウ糖 6.00g
塩化ナトリウム 2.50g
チオグリコール酸ナトリウム 0.50g
寒天 0.70g
L−シスチン 0.25g
亜硫酸ナトリウム 0.10g
酵母エキス 5g
トリプトン 15g
ブドウ糖 5g
L−シスチン 0.5g
チオグリコール酸ナトリウム 0.5g
塩化ナトリウム 2.50g
レサズリン 0.001g
寒天 0.8g
酵母エキス 5g
トリプトン 15g
ブドウ糖 5g
L−シスチン 0.5g
チオグリコール酸ナトリウム 0.5g
塩化ナトリウム 2.50g
コウシ脳浸出液 200g
ウシ心臓浸出液 250g
ペプトン 10g
ブドウ糖 2g
塩化ナトリウム 5g
リン酸一水素ナトリウム 2.5g

Figure 0003687859
輸送培地として、HP培地の他に、ボルタジャーム ピロリ(bioMerieux社;商品名)、TCSポーター(クリニカルサプライ;商品名)、キャリーブレア培地(日水製薬)を用いてそれぞれの比較を行った。
胃潰瘍患者の胃粘膜から初代分離したH.pyloriを3mm平方の濾紙に106 CFUしみ込ませ、上記4種の各輸送培地にそれぞれ接種した。HP培地は培地上部より1cmの位置(即ち、微好気的環境部位)に接種した。各培地とも室温(約20℃)及び4℃で96時間保存し、経時的に採取し、培養した。また実際の患者より内視鏡で隣接した部位から2検体を採取し、一方は速やかに培養を行い、もう一方はHP培地に接種後、4℃で輸送し、培養を行った。輸送に要した時間は約36〜48時間である。分離培地はコロンビア羊血液寒天培地(BBL)及び変法スキロー培地(自家製)を用い、微好気条件下で35℃、4〜7日間培養を行った。
Figure 0003687859
しかしながら、今回得られたHP培地を用いた輸送後の成績は、ベッドサイドで実施した成績とほとんど一致している。特に、室温より4℃における保持能力が優れている点は既報の他菌種の報告と同様である。通常栄養要求性の厳しい微好気性菌のHaemophilus influenzaeNeisseria gonorrhoeae 等は輸送培地中で速やかに減少するといわれている(草野朱美、手塚孝一、森節子、松島康道、大窪度、小林いんてつ、池田文昭、西田実、五島瑳智子:各種の病原細菌の輸送条件に関する検討−市販の輸送培地中の生菌数の消長について−.臨床と微生物,12:459−463,1985 Appelbaum,P. C., Spangler,S. K., Crist, R., & Crist, A. E. Jr.: Surviral of Bacteria in Difco Culture Swab and Marion Culturette II Transport Systems. J. Clin. Microbiol., 26:136−138, 1988.)。しかし、HP培地は4℃で72時間まで安定に維持するため、H.pyloriの輸送には非常に適した培地であると考えられる。
次に、表6と同じ実験を行って結果を定量的に求めた。即ち、実際に東京都内の病院で潰瘍部から採取した臨床材料(表6とは別の材料)を2分し、一方は直ちにホモジネイト処理してコロンビア羊血液寒天培地に接種し定量した。他方はHP培地中で4℃で24時間、または48時間保存後に、同じ処理によりHPを定量した。定量は、組織1.0mg あたりのH.pylori生菌数を測定することにより行った。
Figure 0003687859
Figure 0003687859
標準株として、H.pylori ATCC 43504 、H.pylori ATCC 43579 、及びH.pylori ATCC 43629 の3株。臨床分離株であるH.pylori CI No.1、H.pylori CI No.2、及びH.pylori CI No.3の3株。なお、この他にも、S.aureus ATCC 25923 、E.coli. ATCC 25922 、及びP.aeruginosa ATCC 27853 を検討培地に接種した。
菌接種は、次のように行った。▲1▼コロンビア羊血液寒天培地に純培養した菌苔を、滅菌生食にかきとり、約106 CFU/mlに調製した。▲2▼0.5mlを培地1及び2に接種し、35℃でH.pyloriは微好気的に、その他の菌種は好気的に培養した。▲3▼H.pyloriの発育の程度を肉眼的観察を行い、−,+ ,++,+++ の4段階で判定した。
Figure 0003687859
本発明に係る輸送用培地は、HP輸送用に限られるものではない。例えば、上記したHP培地により、キャンピロバクター属細菌(Campylobacter )を輸送することもできる。また、微生物とその微生物が耐性を有する抗菌剤の組合せとしては、他にも、例えばヘモフィルス・インフルエンザ(Hemophilus influenzae )とバシトラシン(bacitracin)の組合せなどが考えられる。なお、この組合せの場合には、次のような基礎培地にバシトラシン(16500U/L)を加え、咽頭粘液サンプルをこの中に保存・輸送する。
トリプトン 10g
ソイペプトン 5g
アザミノ酸 5g
ブドウ糖 10g
塩化ナトリウム 5g
【図1】HP培地、ボルタジャーム ピロリ(bioMerieux社)、TCSポーター(クリニカルサプライ)、キャリーブレア培地(日水製薬)の各培地を用いて4℃における試験菌の保持能力を比較した結果を示す図である。
【図2】HP培地、ボルタジャーム ピロリ(bioMerieux社)、TCSポーター(クリニカルサプライ)、キャリーブレア培地(日水製薬)の各培地を用いて室温条件(20℃)における試験菌の保持能力を比較した結果を示す図である。[0001]
[Industrial application fields]
The present invention relates to a culture medium for transporting microorganisms for transporting a sample containing microorganisms.
[Prior art]
[Microbial transport medium]
In order to analyze microorganisms including pathogenic bacteria, unique facilities are required. However, at present, since such equipment is not provided, it is often impossible to perform analysis simultaneously with sampling. For this reason, samples that will contain microorganisms need to be transported to a laboratory equipped with unique equipment. A microorganism transport medium (hereinafter simply referred to as “transport medium”) is a medium for transporting the microorganism. Samples to be collected include biomaterials such as pharyngeal mucus, cerebrospinal fluid, sputum, bile, joint fluid, gastric fluid, substomach, urine, feces, bronchial lavage fluid, ear leakage, or patient tissue. Immediately after collection, it is transferred to the transport medium and transported to its own facility in that state.
In general, the transport medium can maintain the state of the microorganisms (flora) present in the sample, as certain microbial groups in the sample can interfere with the separation of other microbial groups if they grow during transport. Required. Currently used transport media include Hank's solution and Carrie-Blair media. The Carrie Blair medium is a medium containing sodium thioglycolate, sodium monohydrogen phosphate, sodium chloride, and the like, and has a composition close to a buffer without having a nutrient source. Carry Blair medium is widely used for transportation of various microorganism samples.
Here, from the original purpose of the transport medium, it seems to be preferable to maintain the state at the time of collection as it is. If it is not possible to predict what kind of microorganism will be analyzed, it is important to prevent the growth or reduction of a specific microorganism. This is because if the microorganisms to be analyzed are reduced during transportation, the detection rate will be lowered, and the detection rate will be lowered even if other mixed microorganism groups grow and the flora collapses. The “detection rate” here means the possibility that “microorganisms to be analyzed” present in the sample at the time of collection can be detected. However, if the microorganism to be analyzed is clear in advance, better results can be expected if only the survival of the microorganism to be analyzed is attempted.
For example, the following Helicobacter pylori (Helicobacter pylori; hereinafter simply referred to as “HP”) is known as a difficult-to-transport bacterium among the microorganisms to be analyzed. Actually, when a conventional transport medium is used, it may be killed or significantly reduced during transport. However, with regard to HP as well, if a dedicated transport medium only for the survival of the HP is prepared, reliable transport may be expected.
[Helicobacter pylori]
The aforementioned HP (Helicobacter pylori), which is considered to be a difficult-to-transport bacterium, is a bacterium having the following characteristics.
・ Microaerobic bacteria isolated from gastric mucosa tissue (Lancet i: 1273-1275; 1983)
-Taxonomically, Gram-negative spiral bacilli
-Although there was a period when it was classified as Campylobacter genus, it is now Helicobacter (Int.J.Syst.Bacteriol.39: 397-405,1989)
・ Relationship with gastric diseases such as gastric ulcer and gastritis has been strongly suggested (Microbiol.Immunol.31: 603-614,1987)
The detection of HP is considered to give important information in diagnosing these upper digestive system diseases including the stomach and observing the course of treatment. Many samples are transported to a laboratory for the purpose of accumulating more information about the relationship with these upper digestive system diseases. HP, a microaerobic bacterium, requires equipment for microaerobic culture and must be cultured for a relatively long period of time, making analysis difficult at the bedside and transporting it to a laboratory. It is common to analyze. However, since HP is a bacterium that is difficult to transport, techniques for reliably transporting a sample to a laboratory greatly affect the detection rate.
[Transportation of HP]
The carry-blair medium, which is a conventional general transport medium, maintains the bacterial flora for several days in the case of normal bacteria, but has not been able to obtain a sufficient detection rate when used in HP. In fact, a decrease in detection rate is observed inversely proportional to the transport time.
On the other hand, transportation of HP-containing samples using Hanks' liquid is also performed. Hank's solution has a buffer-centered composition and allows survival for 4-5 hours. However, according to this, although the transportation time is extended as compared with the case where it is simply stored in the bouillon (in this case, it can only be transported for about 2 hours), this time of 4 to 5 hours is achieved. Is still not good enough transport time. In addition, there is an example using a physiological saline solution or an aqueous glucose solution (J. Clin. Pathol. 38, 1127-1131; 1985), but it does not show sufficient performance as a transport medium for HP.
Transport of HP using a medium containing a nitrogen source or a carbon source has also been attempted with respect to a transport medium that does not contain nutrients such as a carry-blair medium and Hanks' liquid. A report (Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology Vol.87.No.5,483-486; 1993) that preserved gastric mucosa tissue in thioglycolate medium (liquid or semi-fluid) for the purpose of HP analysis is there. The thioglycolate medium is a nutrient-rich medium that is suitable for any growth including anaerobic to aerobic bacteria, but according to the inventors' follow-up, when used for HP A sufficient detection rate cannot always be obtained, and a decrease in the detection rate proportional to the storage time has been observed.
HP is difficult to transport because many microorganisms such as intestinal bacteria exist in the gastric mucosa, and a simple nutrient medium causes the growth of specific microorganisms. As a result, the flora is destroyed and HP is detected. It is presumed that this will lead to a decrease in rate. In addition, in the thioglycolate medium, there is a possibility that the survival maintaining component necessary for the survival of HP is insufficient.
Utilization of a medium in which various antibacterial agents are combined with cyclodextrin, methylcellulose and the like for the purpose of selectively proliferating HP (J. Clin. Microbiol. 31: 160-162, 1993 or JP-A-5-260955) ) Is also known. Vancomycin, trimethoprim, and polymyxin B are used as antibacterial agents for this medium. However, this medium is only for selective growth of HP and is not intended for transport.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
As apparent from the above description, the conventional transport medium has a problem that it does not function sufficiently against microorganisms that are difficult to transport. For example, when a conventional transport medium is used for the above-mentioned HP (Helicobacter pylori), which is known as a difficult-to-transport bacterium among the microorganisms to be analyzed, it may be killed or significantly reduced during transport. I was sorry.
The present invention has been made in view of the problems as described above, and its purpose is to provide a novel transport medium that can reliably transport microorganisms that have been difficult to transport using conventional transport media. It is to provide.
[Means and Actions for Solving the Problems]
As a result of intensive studies by the present inventors to solve the above problems, it is appropriate to prepare a transport medium using an antibacterial agent that constitutes a selective medium for a certain microorganism. As a result, the present invention has been completed.
[Transport medium]
First, the present invention provides a transport medium that can reliably transport microorganisms that have conventionally been difficult to transport.
  That is, the present invention provides an antibacterial agent to which a microorganism to be transported is resistant.And hemin and menadione as support agents(Claim 1), which is semi-fluid in the microorganism transport medium according to Claim 1 (Claim 2).
  In the transport medium according to claim 4, at least one of vancomycin, trimethoprim, polymixin B, and nalidixic acid is added as an antibacterial agent. In order to improve, the combined use of all antibacterial agents is preferable. Although the usage-amount of each antibacterial agent is illustrated later as an Example, these antibacterial agents are added aseptically after sterilizing a culture medium.
The medium to which the antibacterial agent according to the present invention is added may be in a liquid, semi-fluid or solid form, and any form suitable for the survival or separation operation of microorganisms for the purpose of transportation / analysis is adopted. be able to. For example, in the case of a liquid, since microorganisms can be washed out from a solid sample during transportation, inoculation to a separation medium is facilitated. On the other hand, since the sample moves freely in the liquid, it is difficult to keep the contact state with air constant, and it is not suitable when microaerobic (or anaerobic) transportation is required. In solid media, the sample can be fixed, but even if the sample is embedded in the media, it will crack, so it is difficult to allow air to enter and transport microaerobically (or anaerobically) It is.
In contrast, in a semi-fluid medium, since the sample is naturally wrapped after the sample is embedded in the medium, the sample can be fixed in the medium, and at the same time, the contact state with air is easily controlled. be able to. In addition, an aerobic environment, a microaerobic environment, and an anaerobic environment can be freely selected according to the distance from the surface of the medium. Therefore, for example, if HP, which is a microaerobic bacterium, is transported, the sample may be embedded at a position that gives a microaerobic environment (microaerobic environment site).
In addition, the oxygen concentration of each environment and the position in a semi-fluid medium (using 0.3 to 0.5% w / v agar as a gelling agent) are generally located in an aerobic environment with an oxygen concentration of 20% (medium Near the surface, the same as the atmosphere), the microaerobic environment is 3-10% oxygen concentration (around 2 cm from the surface of the medium), and the anaerobic environment is oxygen-free (more than 2 cm from the surface of the medium). Of course, the position where each environment is provided in the medium also depends on the medium composition. That is, in a medium that tends to be in an aerobic environment due to the physical properties and chemical composition of the gelling agent, a microaerobic environment cannot be obtained unless the position is deeper. If the culture environment for HP is illustrated in more detail, CO2; 7-12%, N2Or H2; 0-85%, O2; 5-6% of the environment is known (Manual of Clinical Microbiology 5th edition p407,1991; American Society for Microbiology) (Ie, a microaerobic environment site suitable for HP transport).
{Semi-fluid medium}
The semi-fluid medium is a name of a medium that has a low content of solid components such as agar and retains a certain degree of fluidity compared to a solid medium. In order to obtain a semi-fluid medium, a gelling agent such as agar or gelatin is generally used, and these are used under conditions that maintain the required gel strength at the transport temperature. In the case of agar, the solid medium is used at 1 to 2% w / v, but the semi-fluid medium is generally 0.3 to 0.5% w / v. If agar is added at this concentration, the shape of the medium does not collapse when the container falls over at room temperature, and the necessary fluidity can be maintained.
Since the transport medium according to the present invention is intended for reliable transport of the microorganisms to be detected, the target microorganisms are finally inoculated until the sample is inoculated into the separation medium for separating the microorganisms. Expected to prevent death and maintain survival over a long period of time. Therefore, the growth of microorganisms is not necessarily required, and the formation of colonies is not a necessary condition. Since the formation of colonies is not required, the culture medium can employ a semi-fluid medium that is advantageous for the survival of microaerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria in addition to the solid medium.
  {Supporting agent}
  For the purpose of realizing a higher detection rate, in addition to the antibacterial agent, a support agent that supports the growth of the target fungus is added. In the case of HP, in addition to the antibacterial agent, hemin as a support agentandAdd menadione.
Here, hemin is an iron chelate that constitutes hemoglobin, while menadione is another name for vitamin K3. All of these have been conventionally used for supplementing the culture medium (however, they are all intended to support the growth of microorganisms and are not intended to be transported). Also when these are added, they are added aseptically by an operation such as filtration sterilization after sterilization. In this case, if the antibacterial agent, hemin, and menadione are kept in a concentrated solution so that the required final concentration can be obtained and simultaneously added by filter sterilization, the medium can be easily prepared.
The transport medium of the present invention is particularly useful for transporting samples containing HP. A typical sample containing HP is a gastric biopsy sample (a sample obtained by cutting the gastric mucosa). If the gastric mucosa is placed in the culture medium according to the present invention, a high detection rate can be maintained for 48 hours or more at room temperature without particular attention to temperature control. At this time, the biopsy sample can be easily transported in a microaerobic environment if it is embedded in the vicinity of 1 cm 2 (microaerobic environment site) from the surface of the semi-fluid medium giving the microaerobic environment. Note that if the temperature during transportation is maintained at a low temperature (for example, 4 ° C. or lower), a higher detection rate is exhibited for a longer time.
  {Other additives}
  Antibacterial and heminandIn addition to menadione, necessary components can be added according to the target microorganism. For example, components effective for HP include blood, serum, etc. of animals such as sheep, goats, cows, or horses. When adding blood or serum, it may be added in the range of 5 to 20% v / v.
{Basic medium components}
As a medium component that serves as a basis for adding these auxiliary components, the composition of a medium intended for general enrichment may be used. Specifically, for the purpose of transporting HP, for example, thioglycolate medium, brain / heart infusion / broth medium, heart / broth medium, tryptosoy / broth medium, glucose / broth medium, thioglycolic acid as basic components Examples of the culture medium include medium II, ABCM bouillon, and Brucella bouillon medium for the purpose of enrichment. Animal blood, animal serum and the like can be added to these basal medium components. Animal blood components lead to good results, especially when transporting HP. As animals, cows, horses, sheep, goats and the like are useful. The bouillon medium can be made a semi-fluid medium by adding 0.2 to 0.5% agar. Among these media, specific compositions of particularly preferable ones are shown below.
[Table 1]
"Thioglycolate medium (BBL)"
  [Composition (in 1L)]
  Tripty case peptone 17.00 g
  Feyton Peptone 3.00g
  Glucose 6.00g
  Sodium chloride 2.50g
  Sodium thioglycolate 0.50g
  Agar 0.70g
  L-cystine 0.25g
  Sodium sulfite 0.10g
(PH 7.0)
[Table 2]
“Thioglycolate medium“ Eiken ”(trade name, manufactured by Eiken Chemical)
  [Composition (in 1L)]
  Yeast extract 5g
  Tryptone 15g
  Glucose 5g
  L-cystine 0.5g
  Sodium thioglycolate 0.5g
  Sodium chloride 2.50g
  Resazurin 0.001g
  Agar 0.8g
(PH 7.1 ±)
[Table 3]
"Thioglycolic acid medium II" Eiken "(trade name, manufactured by Eiken Chemical)
  [Composition (in 1L)]
  Yeast extract 5g
  Tryptone 15g
  Glucose 5g
  L-cystine 0.5g
  Sodium thioglycolate 0.5g
  Sodium chloride 2.50g
(PH 7.1 ±)
[Table 4]
“Brain Heart Infusion Medium“ Eiken ”(trade name, manufactured by Eiken Chemical)
  [Composition (in 1L)]
  200g calf brain exudate
  250g bovine heart exudate
  Peptone 10g
  Glucose 2g
  Sodium chloride 5g
  Sodium monohydrogen phosphate 2.5g
    (PH 7.4 ±)
  [Transportation of microorganisms]
  The present invention also provides a method for transporting microorganisms using the transport medium (claim).5~7). The microorganism transport medium according to the present invention contains an antibacterial agent to which the microorganisms to be transported are resistant, so that the growth of microorganisms other than the microorganisms to be transported is suppressed, and only the target microorganism is stable in the medium. Survive or proliferate. When any one of vancomycin, trimethoprim, polymyxin B, nalidixic acid, or any combination thereof is included as an antibacterial agent, the growth of microorganisms other than HP is suppressed, and only HP grows in the medium.
As described above, in the present invention, the predetermined antibacterial agent contained in the culture medium prevents a decrease in detection rate due to growth of microorganisms other than the microorganisms to be detected. Since the extreme growth of microorganisms other than the target microorganism leads to a decrease in the detection rate of the target microorganism, the action of such an antibacterial agent in the transport medium is important. Many transport media are intended to maintain flora, and no antibacterial agent is contained.
The support agent has an action of improving the survival rate of the microorganism to be detected. Even in a strain in which a decrease in the survival rate is observed even if microorganisms other than the target are not grown by a predetermined antibacterial agent, a high survival rate can be maintained by adding a support agent. When the microorganism to be detected is HP, hemin and menadione, which have the effect of improving the survival rate of HP, are used as the support. Even if it is a strain in which the decrease in the survival rate is observed even if the growth of microorganisms other than HP is suppressed by the antibacterial agents (vancomycin, trimethoprim, polymyxin B, nalidixic acid), it is high by adding hemin or menadione. Survival rate can be maintained. Although hemin and menadione are generally said to support the growth of anaerobic bacteria, it is a new finding that contributes to the improvement of the survival rate of HP during transportation.
The transport medium or the transport method of the present invention achieves a high detection rate that has not been achieved in the past by combining with a separation medium that does not contain an antibacterial agent. As described above, the antibacterial agent is used in the order completely opposite to that of the conventional transportation to separation work, so that a very high detection rate is realized in the present invention.
[Method for separating microorganisms]
The present invention also provides a method for separating microorganisms such as HP using the transport medium (claims 12 to 14).
{Selection and separation}
Conventionally, after transporting in an environment where no antibacterial agent is present, an operation of inoculating a medium added with a selective agent and performing separation culture to detect is common.
However, in the present invention, this operation is intentionally reversed, transport is carried out in the presence of an antibacterial agent, and a high detection rate is realized by inoculating this in a medium not containing the antibacterial agent. For this reason, when the sample is transported by the transport medium according to the present invention, it can be inoculated into the medium not containing the selective agent (that is, when the transport medium according to the present invention is used, the selective medium is used). At the same time, this makes it possible to detect HP with a high detection rate. As a medium that does not contain a selection agent in the method for separating microorganisms of the present invention, a medium having sufficient growth support ability for a microorganism to be detected is prepared. If HP is to be detected, chocolate agar medium, blood agar medium, skilow medium, and the like can be exemplified. In order to carry out separation culture, it is more advantageous to form colonies on an agar medium than to bouillon.
In addition, when analyzing microorganisms, a group of microbial cells (isolated strains) derived from one cell must be obtained. A separation medium is used for such a purpose. In addition, the separation medium is primarily required to support the sufficient growth of the microorganism to be separated, and it is not sufficient that the medium is not simply killed. In general, a solid medium is used because colonies need to be formed. Further, in order to increase the efficiency, a selection medium and a separation medium are usually used in combination. However, when the transport medium according to the present invention is used, the use of a selective medium can be eliminated. Therefore, the separation medium in the present invention is a medium that is purely used for the purpose of finally isolating microorganisms. It will be.
{Transport of sample}
If the transported sample is a solid sample such as a stomach biopsy, it is homogenized and then inoculated on an agar medium. Note that when the purpose is to separate microaerobic bacteria such as HP, it is necessary to consider that homogenization is also performed in a nitrogen atmosphere. Furthermore, the culture with the separation medium must be performed in a microaerobic state.
  When transporting a microorganism-containing sample in a transport medium to which the antibacterial agent is added,andMethod to improve the survival rate of microorganisms during transportation by adding menadioneTheprovide. This survival rate improving method is particularly effective when transporting HP. For example, if a medium containing various antibacterial agents, which is often used for conventional Campylobacter selective media, is used as it is for transporting HP, the survival rate may decrease in a short time depending on the strain. About heminandIf menadione is added, the survival rate is improved, and it can be connected to a high detection rate.
Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of the present invention will be described.
[Materials and methods]
{HP medium}
H.pyloriThe transport medium (HP medium: transport medium according to the present invention) is a semi-fluid high-layer medium in which horse serum, hemin, menadione and a selective agent are added to a thioglycolate medium.
The composition of the HP medium is shown below.
[Table 5]
Figure 0003687859
In addition to HP medium, Voltajam pylori (bioMerieux; trade name), TCS porter (clinical supply; trade name), and Carre Blair medium (Nissui Pharmaceutical) were used as the transport medium.
Primary separation from gastric mucosa of gastric ulcer patientH.pylori10 on 3 mm square filter paper6CFU was impregnated and inoculated into each of the above four types of transport media. The HP medium was inoculated at a position 1 cm from the top of the medium (that is, a microaerobic environment site). Each medium was stored at room temperature (about 20 ° C.) and 4 ° C. for 96 hours, collected over time, and cultured. In addition, two specimens were collected from adjacent sites with an endoscope from an actual patient, one was rapidly cultured, and the other was inoculated into HP medium and transported at 4 ° C. for culture. The time required for transportation is about 36 to 48 hours. The separation medium was a Colombian sheep blood agar medium (BBL) and a modified skilow medium (homemade) and cultured at 35 ° C. for 4 to 7 days under microaerobic conditions.
FIG. 1 and FIG. 2 show the results of comparing the holding ability of the test bacteria at 4 ° C. and room temperature (20 ° C.) using each medium. The retention ability is examined as a change in the viable cell count of the filter paper collected over time.
From FIG. 1, it can be seen that the retention ability of each medium is excellent under low temperature conditions as compared with the carry-braire medium. However, as is clear from FIG. 1 and FIG. 2, in both conditions, both of HP mediaH.pyloriThe holding ability was the highest. For example, the HP medium did not show any decrease in the number of viable bacteria up to 36 hours at 4 ° C. and 12 hours at 20 ° C. In both conditions, HP medium, Volta germ pylori, and TCS porter are in this order.H.pyloriIt was shown to be insufficient as a transport medium. In particular, the HP medium has a stable viable count for 72 hours at 4 ° C.H.pyloriIt can be seen that can be transported.
Table 6 shows the results when the clinical material actually collected from the ulcer portion was cultured after being transported in the HP medium and immediately after the clinical material was collected.H.pyloriThe results of comparing the culture results are shown.
[Table 6]
Figure 0003687859
Of the 18 samples, 11 samples are collected immediately after collection and after transportation.H.pyloriWas detected. Immediately after collection (-), after transport (+), and vice versa, one case was observed in each case, but in all other cases, the culture results were consistent. In transport media, the retention capacity obtained in basic experiments is often not reflected in actual patient sample transport conditions. The reason may be that a biological defense factor not present in the prepared bacterial solution is involved.
However, the results after transport using the HP medium obtained this time are almost consistent with the results performed at the bedside. In particular, the point that the holding ability at 4 ° C. is superior to that at room temperature is the same as the report of other bacterial species already reported. Of micro-aerobic bacteria, which are usually highly auxotrophicHaemophilus  influenzae,Neisseria  gonorrhoeaeAre said to decrease rapidly in the transport medium. Examination of conditions-Changes in the number of viable bacteria in commercial transport media-Clinical and microorganisms,12: 459-463, 1985 Appelbaum, P .; C. Spangle, S. K. , Crist, R .; , & Crist, A.C. E. Jr. Survival of Bacteria in Difco Culture Swab and Marion Culture II Transport Systems. J. et al. Clin. Microbiol. ,26: 136-138, 1988. ). However, because HP medium remains stable at 72C for up to 72 hours,H.pyloriIt is thought that this is a very suitable medium for transporting the cells.
Next, the same experiment as in Table 6 was performed to obtain the result quantitatively. That is, clinical materials (materials different from Table 6) actually collected from ulcers at hospitals in Tokyo were divided into two, and one was immediately homogenized and inoculated into a Columbia sheep blood agar medium for quantification. On the other hand, HP was quantified by the same treatment after storage in HP medium at 4 ° C. for 24 hours or 48 hours. Quantification is per 1.0 mg of tissue.H.pyloriThis was done by measuring the number of viable bacteria.
As with the qualitative results shown in Table 6, it is clear from Table 7 that the transport performance of the HP medium is excellent even when viewed quantitatively. That is, in Table 7, there is almost no decrease in the amount of bacteria even if the results of the rapid examination at the bedside are compared with the results after transporting in HP medium for 24 hours (or 48 hours). Understand. Therefore, it can be said that the HP medium according to the present invention exhibits excellent transport ability even when evaluated under the strict condition of following the amount of bacteria quantitatively.
[Table 7]
Figure 0003687859
[Addition of hemin menadione]
Next, we examined the composition of the HP medium and added hemin / menadione.H.pyloriWe investigated the changes in the growth and supportive ability of the animals. Specifically, a medium containing hemin / menadione and a medium containing no hemin / menadion were prepared, and the growth of the fungus was examined. The following table shows the composition of the medium used for the study.
[Table 8]
Figure 0003687859
The strains used in the above two types of examination media are as follows.
Three strains, H.pylori ATCC 43504, H.pylori ATCC 43579, and H.pylori ATCC 43629, are used as standard strains. Three clinical isolates, H.pylori CI No.1, H.pylori CI No.2, and H.pylori CI No.3. In addition, S. aureus ATCC 25923, E. coli. ATCC 25922, and P. aeruginosa ATCC 27853 were inoculated into the examination medium.
Bacterial inoculation was performed as follows. (1) Bacteria moss purely cultivated on Columbia sheep blood agar medium is scraped into a sterilized raw food, about 106Prepared to CFU / ml. (2) Inoculate 0.5 ml of medium 1 and 2 at 35 ° CH.pyloriWas cultured aerobically and other species were aerobically cultured. ▲ 3 ▼H.pyloriThe degree of development of each was visually observed, and was judged in four stages:-, +, ++, and +++.
The results of the composition study are shown in the table below.
[Table 9]
Figure 0003687859
As described above, it can be seen that the growth in the hemin / menadione-containing medium is equivalent to or slightly superior to the medium containing no hemin.
[Combination of other microorganisms and medium]
The transport medium according to the present invention is not limited to HP transport. For example, Campylobacter can be transported by the above-described HP medium. In addition, other combinations of microorganisms and antibacterial agents to which the microorganisms are resistant include, for example, combinations of Hemophilus influenzae and bacitracin. In the case of this combination, bacitracin (16500 U / L) is added to the following basal medium, and the pharyngeal mucus sample is stored and transported therein.
[Table 10]
Tryptone 10g
Soy peptone 5g
Azamino acid 5g
Glucose 10g
Sodium chloride 5g
As described above, even a HP that cannot be expected to have a high detection rate with a conventional transport medium, can achieve an extremely high detection rate with the transport medium of the present invention. Particularly when hemin and menadione are combined, a high detection rate is maintained for a long time. Moreover, this high detection rate has been sufficiently confirmed even in transportation at room temperature. Therefore, according to the present invention, it can be understood that the decrease in the survival rate during transportation, which is difficult to control the temperature, can be effectively suppressed, and the target microorganism can be reliably transported even in a hard environment. It can also be seen that if transport is possible while maintaining a low-temperature environment, extremely superior transport performance can be obtained that far exceeds conventional transport technology.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the transport medium according to the present invention, the target microorganism can survive for more than the time required for normal transport. Therefore, when the transport medium according to the present invention is used for transport, the target microorganism can be transported reliably.
Also, according to the present invention, in particularH.pyloriCan be provided at a high detection rate, and a transport medium can be provided.H.pyloriCan be provided with a high detection rate.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows the results of comparing the retention of test bacteria at 4 ° C. using HP medium, Voltajam pylori (bioMerieux), TCS porter (clinical supply), and carry Blair medium (Nissui Pharmaceutical). FIG.
[Fig. 2] Comparison of retention of test bacteria under room temperature conditions (20 ° C) using HP medium, Voltajam pylori (bioMerieux), TCS porter (clinical supply), and carry Blair medium (Nissui Pharmaceutical). It is a figure which shows the result.

Claims (9)

Helicobacter pyloriが耐性を有する抗菌剤と、支持剤としてヘミンおよびメナジオンとを含むHelicobacter pylori輸送用培地。 Helicobacter pylori and an antibacterial agent having a resistant, Helicobacter pylori transport medium containing hemin and menadione as a supporting agent. 半流動培地であることを特徴とする請求項1記載のHelicobacter pylori輸送用培地。The medium for transporting Helicobacter pylori according to claim 1, which is a semi-fluid medium. 抗菌剤がバンコマイシン、トリメトプリム、ポリミキシンB、およびナリジクス酸からなる群から選ばれる少なくとも1種である請求項1又は2記載のHelicobacter pylori輸送用培地。The medium for transporting Helicobacter pylori according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the antibacterial agent is at least one selected from the group consisting of vancomycin, trimethoprim, polymyxin B, and nalidixic acid. バンコマイシン、トリメトプリム、ポリミキシンB、およびナリジクス酸と、ヘミンおよびメナジオンとを含む、半流動性のHelicobacter pylori輸送用培地。  A semi-fluid Helicobacter pylori transport medium comprising vancomycin, trimethoprim, polymyxin B and nalidixic acid, hemin and menadione. 請求項1〜4いずれか記載の輸送用培地によってHelicobacter pylori含有サンプルを輸送するHelicobacter pyloriの輸送方法。The transport method of Helicobacter pylori which transports the Helicobacter pylori containing sample by the culture medium for transport in any one of Claims 1-4. 微好気性条件下で輸送を行う請求項記載の輸送方法。The transport method according to claim 5 , wherein transport is performed under microaerobic conditions. Helicobacter pylori分析用サンプルを半流動性の培地中の微好気性環境部位に埋めこんで輸送を行う請求項記載の輸送方法。The transport method according to claim 6 , wherein the Helicobacter pylori analysis sample is transported by being embedded in a microaerobic environment site in a semi-fluid medium. 請求項1〜4いずれか記載の輸送用培地によってHelicobacter pylori含有サンプルを輸送し、次いでこのHelicobacter pylori含有サンプルに由来するHelicobacter pyloriを微生物分離用培地に接種するHelicobacter pyloriの分離方法。Transport Helicobacter pylori-containing sample by transport medium according to any one of claims 1 to 4, then Helicobacter pylori method of separating inoculating Helicobacter pylori derived from the Helicobacter pylori-containing sample into a microorganism separation medium. 請求項4記載の輸送用培地によってHelicobacter pylori含有サンプルを輸送し、次いでこのHelicobacter pylori含有サンプルに由来するHelicobacter pyloriを微生物分離用培地に接種するHelicobacter pyloriの分離方法。  A method for separating Helicobacter pylori, wherein a Helicobacter pylori-containing sample is transported by the transport medium according to claim 4, and then Helicobacter pylori derived from the Helicobacter pylori-containing sample is inoculated into a microorganism separation medium.
JP26652994A 1994-10-31 1994-10-31 Microbial transport medium Expired - Lifetime JP3687859B2 (en)

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