JP3096417U - Saddle type toilet seat - Google Patents

Saddle type toilet seat


Publication number
JP3096417U JP2002003838U JP2002003838U JP3096417U JP 3096417 U JP3096417 U JP 3096417U JP 2002003838 U JP2002003838 U JP 2002003838U JP 2002003838 U JP2002003838 U JP 2002003838U JP 3096417 U JP3096417 U JP 3096417U
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toilet seat
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敏夫 増野
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敏夫 増野
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Priority to JP2002003838U priority Critical patent/JP3096417U/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of JP3096417U publication Critical patent/JP3096417U/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Fee Related legal-status Critical Current



  • Toilet Supplies (AREA)


(57)【要約】 【課題】 老人病人介護に於いて排便尿行動時の骨折打
この欠点をカバーをする便座便器を作製するかが課題。 【解決手段】 一般の便器を3.矢印の如く凹面状にす
(57) [Summary] [Problem] In the elderly care for the elderly, there are many accidents such as fractures and bruises during urinary defecation, and the current toilet bowl has a high risk of accidents. Weakness, sensitivity, etc.) and the general urinal tightens the femoral artery, especially in elderly people, the muscles of the thighs and skin are weak, and the skin is very weak against compression from below (economic syndrome, etc.). ,
The challenge is to make a toilet seat that covers this drawback. SOLUTION: A general toilet is used. Make it concave as shown by the arrow. Stand upright about the center of the toilet bowl. When seated, take the form of sitting on a horse saddle. Finger 6. Hook in the groove, both legs 2.7. 6. Slightly pinch the seat to stabilize the fall, 14. Because the butt and anus are seated in the center of the toilet bowl, the width of the toilet bowl may be narrow, and the femoral artery is not compressed. And 18. The toilet itself can be moved up or down manually or electrically. In the same way, the structure to reduce the burden on the legs and hips is reduced.


【考案の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【考案が解決しようとする課題】 入院、家庭介護に於いて排便尿行動時の足(股関節)骨折、頭(硬膜下血腫) 等の事故が多発して居る、現行の便器便座ではどうしても事故発症の危険性があ る、老人の人間工学を考え直さ無ければ成らない(歩幅の短さ。足幅の少なさ。 膝、股関節、腰の弱さ。感敏さ等。)又普通の便器に於いては大腿動脈を締め付 ける形になり足の痺れ目舞い等の原因となる、多くの経験を踏まえ解消する。 図1,は一般の病室の簡易便器の設置図の上面図である。 患者病人のベットから起きて簡易便器迄の動線であるがどの便器に於いても必 ずベットから起きて直ぐに便器の前で体を回転させる殆どの事故はこの時に起こ るこの行為が非常に危険なのである。 図2,は鞍型便座の設置上面図である。 病人患者の動線を横動きのみにするか、せめて90度、直角動きに止める事であ る、これに依って殆どの事故は防げる。 【0002】 【発明が解決する為の手段】 図3,は胡座型便座の便器形状である。 上面図に於いて一般の便座の形状を3.矢印の如く凹面状にする2.の様に狭 くして足幅を狭くして便器の約中央に直立出来る様にし又着座した時に両股で便 器を軽く挟み7.体を安定させ横倒れを防ぐ構造、1.は以下鞍頭と称す片手で 指を6.に掛け握る、座位、立位の時力を入れ膝、股関節、腰の補助力とする。 側面図、6.は1鞍頭の指を掛ける溝、7.は鞍の如く股の所を便座水平より 盛り上げる横倒れ防止となる。 前面図、1.鞍頭まで便座水平面より7.徐々に盛り上げて来る。鞍型にする 事により着座が安定して真ん中に強制的に座ることに成り便座の幅もより狭い形 でも良い事になる。 図4,は大腿動脈走行解剖図である。 図の如く大腿動脈は膝真下から股関節の内側へと走行する老人は筋肉及び皮膚 が衰え柔くなり下からの圧迫が酷くなる大腿骨の下3分の2を圧迫しない構造に 便座便器はしなければ成らないこの構造にしなければ老人は長く座れない、足の 痺れ目舞い(エコノミー症候群もこの事である)を起こす。 図5,はお尻を下から見た解剖図である。 10.大腿動脈の下から見た走行であり図IIは鞍型便座に座った下から観た 大腿動脈の走行である15.楕円の如く普通の便座に比べ圧迫されて居ない、又 足幅を狭く出来ると言う事はパンツも非常に楽に降ろせ座っても余裕がある、両 内股で軽く挟む事により横倒れも防げる、又挟む事により肛門が真ん中に来る、 依って便器の幅も狭く出来る事も理解できるで有りましょう。 図6,は使用動作図である。 I.先ず16.手摺りに捕まり立つII.両足をゆっくりと後へ下がる鞍頭を 股に入れながら下がるいっぱい下がったらパンツを脱ぐ左手で鞍頭を掴みIII .ゆっくりと座る。 図7,は便器の高さを個人に合わせ自由に変化でき固定できる型である。 便器の高さ18.を個人に合わせ固定、動作は図6,と同じ、高さは膝、股関 節、腰の悪さ加減で決める高い程動作に余裕が出来る、使用後立つとき左手で鞍 頭を引きながら立つことが出来非常に楽である。これを電動で出来る様にすれば 座る立つの動作が尚楽になる。 図8,はベットサイド電動型(使用前)の図である。 19.はベット、この型はしっかりとした方用、I.ゆっくり弱く便器がベッ トの下から出てくるII.便器が上方へ挙がる。 図9,はベットサイド電動型(使用後)の図である。 III.使用後立つ、IV.便器が下がりベットの下へ帰る。電動が危ない方は 便器がベットの下から出た位置に置いたままにする。 図10,は健康人男性、鞍型便器尿使用図である。 一般トイレ病棟トイレに鞍型便器便座を常設した場合充分普通トイレとして使 用可能である、男性老人の場合は特に良い、図の如く立ち尿をする場合中央近く に立つ事が出きるので使用後の尿タレ防止になる又高さを変化出来れば尚良い。 図11,はポータブル型便器の上面図である。 下の台のカット23.が出来段差無しの土台が出来る又左右どちらかの手摺り が取ることが出来体を回転する事無く横入り体勢が出来安全度が増す。 図12,は普通の便器に簡易鞍便器の取り着け図である。 普通の便器にも簡易鞍便座を取り着けて鞍型便座便器とする、お尻は少し前に 座る事に成るが充分その役目を果たす。 【符号の説明】 1 鞍頭 2 便器の斜め下に狭く成っている場所 3 便器の凹型 4 鞍型便座 5 鞍型便器 6 鞍頭の指掛け 7 鞍型に凸型 8 お尻掛け(少し盛り上がり) 9 後ろのお尻受け(盛り上がり)10 大腿動脈 11 陰茎 12 睾丸 13 前立腺 14 肛門 15 大腿動脈の圧迫され無い場所 16 手摺 17 壁 18 便器の上下機構(又は電動機構) 19 ベット 20 鞍型便座の開放 21 男性の鞍型便器の立ち方 22 鞍型便座便器の立ち方 23 便器台のカット方法 24 鞍型便器台 25 止めネッジ 26 便器掛け金具(鍵型) 27 簡易鞍便座上下留め金パイプ 28 床止めピン 【提出日】平成14年11月13日(2002.11.13) 【手続補正1】 【補正対象書類名】明細書 【補正対象項目名】全文 【補正方法】変更 【補正内容】 【考案の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【考案が解決しようとする課題】 入院、家庭介護に於いて排便尿行動時の足(股関節)骨折、頭(硬膜下血腫) 等の事故が多発して居る、現行の便器便座では特に高齢者は大腿筋肉、皮膚の衰 えにより大腿動脈を締め付ける形になり足の痺れ目舞い等の原因となる、どうし ても事故発症の危険性がある、老人の人間工学を考慮し無ければ成らない(歩幅 の短さ。足幅の少なさ。膝、股関節、腰の弱さ。感敏さ等。)多くの経験を踏ま え解消する。 【0002】 【課題を解決するための手段】 上記の事故を防ぐ為に普通の便器前側の形状を細く又少し盛り上げ馬の鞍型状 にするこの事に依り大腿動脈の圧迫を少なく出来、足の痺れ目舞いを防ぐ、また 股幅を狭く便器の約中央に立つ事が出来パンツを脱いで直ぐに座れ、立ち揺れが ない。また座っても両内股で便器を軽く挟む形になり、また手で鞍の先端を握る 事に依り横倒れを防ぐ事が出きる。また便器自体を手動、電動で上下する事に依 り足腰の弱さの補助が出来楽に立ち座りが出来る。 【0003】 【考案が解決しようとする課題】及び【課題を解決するための手段】 老人には便器の約中央に立つ事によりパンツを降ろして後スザリする(これが 非常に危険である)よりパンツを降ろして直ぐ座る事が出きるので安定性が非常 に良くなった、また大腿動脈を圧迫しない構造にした事に依り足が痺れなく長時 間座る事が出来るように成った。便器の前側を盛り上げ鞍型する事により内股で 軽く挟む事により着座の安定が良く弱った方でも横倒れの心配が軽減された。 男性老人の立ち尿時の尿漏れも便器の中央近くに立つ事が出来るので少ない。 簡易便器の作製の際に段差を無くす事が出来、躓きを無くす事が出きる。 【0004】 【実施例】 図1,は患者病人のベットから起きて簡易便器迄の動線であるがどの便器に於 いても必ずベットから起きて直ぐに便器の前で体を回転させる殆どの事故はこの 時に起こるこの行為が非常に危険なのである。 図2,は病人患者の動線を横動きのみにするか、せめて90度、直角動きに止 める事である、これに依って殆どの事故は防げる。 図3,は上面図に於いて一般の便座の形状を3.矢印の如く凹面状にする2. の様に狭くして足幅を狭くして便器の約中央に直立出来る様にし又着座した時に 両股で便器を軽く挟み7.体を安定させ横倒れを防ぐ構造、1.は以下鞍頭と称 す片手で指を6.に掛け握る、座位、立位の時力を入れ膝、股関節、腰の補助力 とする。又2.15.は大腿動脈を締めない構造となる。 側面図、6.は1鞍頭の指を掛ける溝、7.は鞍の如く股の所を便座水平より 盛り上げる横倒れ防止となる。 前面図、1.鞍頭まで便座水平面より7.徐々に盛り上げて来る。鞍型にする 事により着座が安定して真ん中に強制的に座ることに成り便座の幅もより狭い形 でも良い事になる。 図4,は図の如く大腿動脈は膝真下から股関節の内側へと走行する老人は筋肉 及び皮膚が衰え柔くなり下からの圧迫が酷くなる大腿骨の下3分の2を圧迫しな い構造に便座便器はしなければ成らないこの構造にしなければ老人は長く座れな い、足の痺れ目舞い又(エコノミー症候群もこの事である)を起こす。 図5,は10.大腿動脈の下から見た走行であり図IIは鞍型便座に座った下 から観た大腿動脈の走行である15.楕円の如く普通の便座に比べ圧迫されて居 ない、又足幅を狭く出来ると言う事はパンツも非常に楽に降ろせ座っても余裕が ある、両内股で軽く挟む事により横倒れも防げる、又挟む事により肛門が真ん中 に座れる、依って便器の幅も狭く出来る事も理解できるで有りましょう。 図6,のI.先ず16.手摺りに捕まり立つII.両足をゆっくりと後へ下が る鞍頭を股に入れながら下がる一杯下がったらパンツを脱ぐ左手で鞍頭を掴みI II.ゆっくりと座る。 図7,は便器の高さ18.を個人に合わせ固定、動作は図6,と同じ、高さは 膝、股関節、腰の悪さ加減で決める高い程動作に余裕が出来る、使用後立つと時 に左手で鞍頭を引きながら立つ事が出来非常に楽である。これを電動で出来る様 にすれば座る立つの動作が尚楽になる。 図8,の19.はベット、この型はシッカリとした方用、I.ゆっくり弱く便 器がベットの下から出てくるII.便器が上方へ挙がる。 図9,はIII.使用後立つ、IV.便器が下がりベットの下へ帰る。電動が 危ない方は便器がベットの下から出た位置に置いたままにする。 図10,は一般トイレ病棟トイレに鞍型便器便座を常設した場合充分普通トイ レとして使用可能である、男性老人の場合は特に良い、図の如く立ち尿をする場 合中央近くに立つ事が出きるので使用後の尿タレ防止になる又高さを変化出来れ ば尚良い。 図11,は下の台のカット23.が出来、段差無しの土台が出来る又左右どち らかの手摺りが取ることが出来、体を回転する事無く横入りが出来安全度が増す 。 図12,は普通の便器にも簡易鞍便座を取り着けて鞍型便座便器とする、お尻 は少し前に座る事に成るが充分その役目を果たす。 【提出日】平成15年2月13日(2003.2.13) 【手続補正1】 【補正対象書類名】明細書 【補正対象項目名】全文 【補正方法】変更 【補正内容】 【考案の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【考案が解決しようとする課題】 入院、家庭介護に於いて排便尿行動時の足(股関節)骨折、頭(硬膜下血腫) 等の事故が多発して居る、現行の便器便座では特に高齢者は大腿筋肉、皮膚の衰 えにより大腿動脈を締め付ける形になり足の痺れ目舞い等の原因となる、どうし ても事故発症の危険性がある、老人の人間工学を考慮し無ければ成らない(歩幅 の短さ。足幅の少なさ。膝、股関節、腰の弱さ。感敏さ等。)多くの経験を踏ま え解消する。 【0002】 【課題を解決するための手段】 上記の事故を防ぐ為に普通の便器前側の形状を細く又少し盛り上げ馬の鞍型状 にするこの事に依り大腿動脈の圧迫を少なく出来、足の痺れ目舞いを防ぐ、また 股幅を狭く便器の約中央に立つ事が出来パンツを脱いで直ぐに座れ、立ち揺れが ない。また座っても両内股で便器を軽く挟む形になり、また手で鞍の先端を握る 事に依り横倒れを防ぐ事が出きる。また便器自体を手動、電動で上下する事に依 り足腰の弱さの補助が出来楽に立ち座りが出来る。 【0003】 【考案が解決しようとする課題】及び【課題を解決するための手段】 老人には便器の前側に立ちパンツを降ろして後スザリする(これが非常に危険 である)。鞍型便座便器は便器の中央に足を軽く開き自然に立ちパンツを降ろし て直ぐ座る事が出きるので安定性が非常に良く、また大腿動脈を圧迫しない構造 にした事に依り足が痺れがなく長時間座る事が出来るように成った。便器の前側 を盛り上げ鞍型する事により内股で軽く挟む事が出来、着座の安定が良く弱った 方でも横倒れの心配が軽減された。 鞍型便座便器は一般家庭用便座に於いても男性老人の立ち尿時の尿漏れも便器 の中央近くに立つ事が出来るので少ない。 鞍型便座便器は簡易便器の作製の際に段差を無くす事が出来、躓きを無くす事 が出きる。 【0004】 【実施例】 図1,は図の如く大腿動脈は膝真下から股関節の内側へと走行する老人は筋肉 及び皮膚が衰え柔くなり下からの圧迫が酷くなる大腿骨の下3分の2を圧迫しな い構造に便座便器はしなければ成らないこの構造にしなければ老人は長く座れな い、足の痺れ目舞い(エコノミー症候群もこの事である)を起こす。 図2,は普通便座13.の前側、側面を矢印3.の如く狭く2.とするこの事 により足幅を狭く自然体で便器の約中央に立つ事が出きる、2.を内股で挟み座 るので便器の真ん中に座る事が出来るので普通の便器幅12.より鞍型便座11 .と狭くすることが出来る、鞍頭1.分長さは長くなる。 図3,は上面図に於いて一般の便座の形状を3.矢印の如く凹面状にする2. の様に狭くして足幅を狭くして便器の約中央に直立出来る様にし又着座した時に 両股で便器を軽く挟み2.7.体を安定させ横倒れを防ぐ構造、1.は以下鞍頭 と称す片手で指を6.に掛け握る、座位、立位の時力を入れ膝、股関節、腰の補 助力とする。又2.は大腿動脈を締めない構造となる。 側面図、6.は1.鞍頭の指を掛ける溝、7.は鞍の如く内股の所を便座水平 より盛り上げる横倒れ防止となる。 前面図、1.鞍頭まで便座水平面より7.徐々に盛り上げて来る。鞍型にする 事により着座が安定して真ん中に強制的に座ることに成り便座の幅もより狭い形 でも良い事になる。 図4,は普通の便座と鞍型便座の水平位置A.による比較である4.は鞍型便 座の最低位である、9.は少し高くお尻後部止めで少し高く位置している、8. から7.へと徐々に鞍型の様に高く位置している。 図5,は普通便座便器、鞍型便座便器の座位の側面像の比較図である、7.と 鞍頭1.が大腿より上に挙がって見える。B.C.は断面線。 図6,は図5のB.C.断面図である、B.は普通便座便器、C.は鞍型便座 便器の断面図、B.の方が普通便座枠15.と大腿骨の間の大腿動脈の圧力矢印 D.が鞍型便座枠16.と大腿骨の間の大腿動脈の圧力矢印E.の方より高いの は図でも明らかである。 図7,は普通便座と鞍型便座の下から見た図の便座枠の大腿動脈の圧迫範囲の 比較図である、18(楕円範囲).普通便座枠13.が大腿動脈を圧迫している 、17(楕円範囲).鞍型便座枠4.は大腿動脈を圧迫していない。 図8,は普通便座便器のパンツの脱ぎ方と鞍型便座便器のパンツH.の脱ぎ方 の比較図である、普通便座便器はパンツH.を脱ぎ後スザリするこの時が老人は 危険なのである、鞍型便座便器は約中央に立ちパンツH.を脱ぐが足幅が狭く安 定しており又脱いだら直ぐ着座出来るので安全である。 図9,は鞍型便座便器の使用方法、I.先ず22.手摺りに捕まり立つII. 両足をゆっくりと後へ下がる鞍頭を股に入れながら下がる一杯下がったらパンツ を脱ぐ左手で鞍頭を掴みIII.ゆっくりと座る。 図10,は便器の高さ24.を個人に合わせ固定、動作は図9,と同じ、高さ は膝、股関節、腰の悪さ加減で決める高い程動作に余裕が出来る、使用後立つ時 に左手で鞍頭を引きながら立つ事が出来非常に楽である。これを電動で出来る様 にすれば座る立つの動作が尚楽になる。 図11,は電動型ベットサイドの使用方法である、先ずI.ゆっくり便器がベ ットの下から出てくるII.便器を跨ぎ便器が上方へ挙がりパンツを降ろす。 図12,はIII.使用後立つ、IV.パンツを履き便器が下がりベットの下 へ帰る。 電動が危ない方は便器がベットの下から出た位置に置いたままにする。 図13,は左図、一般設置型の鞍型便座便器の男性用使用方法上面図である、 蓋を開け26.便座方向27.便器の約中央に立つことが出来、男性の使用後の 尿漏れを防ぐ事が出来る。 右図は簡易便器に着用した図である、28.は足の位置、30.は台、31. は手摺、29.台の段差が無く躓きを無くす事が出来る。 図14,は普通の便器の前面側に補助鞍型便座K.を取り着けて鞍型便座便器 とする、上面図と側面図とJ断面図である、効力は鞍型便座便器と約同じとなる 、J断面部分は尿漏れ受けとなっている。 図15,は補助鞍型便座K.を普通便器に取り着けて上から見た図と側面図で ある、お尻は普通より前側F.に着座する、(楕円範囲)17.の様に大腿動脈 の圧迫は鞍型便座と約同じで圧迫は無い、老人でも長く座れる。[Detailed description of the invention]       [0001]     [Problems to be solved by the invention]   Foot (hip) fracture, head (subdural hematoma) during defecation urine in hospitalization and home care There is a high risk of accidents occurring with current toilet seats where accidents such as Ergonomics of the elderly must be reconsidered (short stride length, small foot width). Weakness in knees, hips and hips. Sensitivity etc. ) In the case of ordinary toilets, tighten the femoral artery It will be solved based on a lot of experience, which will cause cramped shape and cause numbness of feet.   FIG. 1 is a top view of an installation view of a simple toilet in a general hospital room.   It is the flow line from the patient's bed to the simple toilet after getting up from the bed, but it is necessary for any toilet. Most accidents that occur immediately after getting out of bed and rotating body in front of the toilet bowl happen at this time. This act is very dangerous.   FIG. 2 is an installation top view of the saddle type toilet seat. The trajectory of the sick patient should be lateral movement only, or at least 90 degrees right angle movement. This will prevent most accidents.       [0002]     Means for Solving the Invention   FIG. 3 shows the shape of a toilet seat of a Goza-type toilet seat.   2. The shape of the general toilet seat in the top view 1. Make it concave like an arrow As narrow as The width of the foot is narrowed so that it can be erected in the center of the toilet, 6. Hold the container lightly. A structure that stabilizes the body and prevents it from falling down. Is one hand Finger 6. Put your strength in the sitting and standing positions, and use it as an assisting force for your knees, hips and hips.   5. side view, 6. Groove for hanging one saddle finger. Is from the toilet seat level at the crotch like a saddle Prevents the side from falling up.   Front view, 1. 6. From the horizontal plane of the toilet seat up to Kurato 7. It's getting excited gradually. Make it saddle-shaped As a result, the seat is stable and you are forced to sit in the middle, and the width of the toilet seat is narrower But that's good.   FIG. 4 is a femoral artery running anatomical chart.   As shown in the figure, the femoral artery runs from just below the knee to the inside of the hip joint. The lower two-thirds of the femur, which becomes softer and less compressive from below Toilet bowl must have this structure without the elderly can not sit long, Causes numbness (this is also the case with economy syndrome).   FIG. 5 is an anatomical view of the buttocks viewed from below.   10. Fig. II is a view from the bottom of the saddle-type toilet seat. 14. running of the femoral artery It is not compressed like an ordinary toilet seat like an oval, To be able to narrow the foot width means that the pants can be dropped down very easily and there is room to sit down. By pinching lightly in the inner thighs, you can also prevent falling down, and by pinching it, the anus comes in the middle, Therefore, you can understand that the width of the toilet can be reduced.   FIG. 6 is a use operation diagram.   I. First, 16. I get caught in the handrail II. A saddle that slowly moves both feet down Take down your crotch with your left hand and take off your pants. . Sit slowly.   FIG. 7 shows a type in which the height of the toilet can be freely changed and fixed according to the individual.   Toilet height 18. Fixed according to the individual, operation is the same as in Fig. 6, height is knee, hip The higher the degree of knots and lower back, the more room you can afford to move. It is very easy to stand while pulling your head. If you make this electric, Sitting and standing will be easier.   FIG. 8 is an illustration of a bedside electric type (before use).   19. Is a bed, this type is for firm people. Slowly weak toilet bowl II. The toilet rises upward.   FIG. 9 is a view of the electric bedside type (after use). III. Stand after use, IV. The toilet falls and returns to the bottom of the bed. Those who are dangerous to drive Leave the toilet bowl out of the bed.   FIG. 10 is a diagram of a healthy male using a saddle-type urinal.   If a saddle-type toilet seat is permanently installed in a general ward, it will be used as a normal toilet. Available, especially good for old men, near the center when urinating as shown It is better to prevent urine dripping after use and change the height.   FIG. 11 is a top view of the portable toilet.   Lower base cut 23. Can be used as a base without steps Can take a horizontal position without rotating the body, increasing the degree of safety.   FIG. 12 is a view showing how a simple saddle urinal is attached to a normal urinal.   A simple saddle seat is also attached to an ordinary toilet to make a saddle type toilet seat, buttocks a little before It will sit down, but it will do its job well.     [Explanation of symbols]   1 Saddle head 2 A place narrowly formed diagonally below the toilet   3 Recessed toilet 4 Saddle-type toilet seat   5 saddle-type toilet 6 saddle head   7 Saddle-shaped convex 8 Ass rest (slightly swelling)   9 Back support (swelling) 10 Femoral artery 11 penis 12 testicle 13 prostate 14 anal 15 Place where the femoral artery is not compressed 16 Handrail 17 wall 18 toilet bowl vertical mechanism (or electric mechanism) 19 bed 20 opening saddle type toilet seat 21 How to stand a saddle-type toilet for men 22 How to stand a saddle-type toilet 23 How to cut toilet bowl 24 Saddle toilet bowl 25 Stopping Nudge 26 Toilet Hook (Key Type) 27 Simple saddle seat upper and lower clasp pipe 28 Floor stopper pin    [Submission Date] November 13, 2002 (2.11.13) [Procedure amendment 1] [Document name to be amended] Statement [Correction target item name] Full text [Correction method] Change [Correction contents]         [Detailed description of the invention]               [0001]           [Problems to be solved by the invention]   Foot (hip) fracture, head (subdural hematoma) during defecation urine in hospitalization and home care In the current toilet seat where accidents occur frequently, especially for elderly people, thigh muscles and skin This may cause the femoral artery to tighten, causing leg numbness and other problems. However, there is a risk of accidents, and the ergonomics of the elderly must be taken into account (step length). Shortness. Small foot width. Weakness in knees, hips and hips. Sensitivity etc. A lot of experience Eliminate.               [0002]           [Means for Solving the Problems]   In order to prevent the above accident, the shape of the front side of the toilet bowl is thinner and slightly raised, and the saddle shape of the horse This reduces the pressure on the femoral artery and prevents the numbness of the legs, The crotch width is narrow and I can stand at the center of the toilet, take off my pants, sit down immediately, and the shaking Absent. In addition, even if you sit down, the toilet bowl will be sandwiched lightly between both inner thighs, and you will hold the tip of the saddle with your hand Depending on the thing, you can prevent falling down. It is also necessary to manually and electrically raise and lower the toilet itself. You can stand and sit comfortably with the help of weak legs.               [0003]           [Problems to be solved by the invention] and [Means for solving the problems]   For the old man, stand down at the center of the toilet bowl, lower the pants, and then squirt (this is It is very dangerous) It is very stable because I can sit down with my pants down And the legs are not numb because of the structure that does not compress the femoral artery. Now you can sit. By raising the front side of the toilet bowl and making it saddle-shaped, Even if the seating stability is good and weak by pinching lightly, the worry of falling down has been reduced.   Urinary leakage when standing urine of a male elderly person is small because it can stand near the center of the toilet.   It is possible to eliminate steps when manufacturing a simple toilet, and to eliminate stumbling.               [0004]           【Example】   Figure 1 shows the flow from the patient's bed to the toilet bowl from the bed. Most accidents that happen to happen when you get out of bed and rotate your body immediately in front of the toilet This occasional action is very dangerous.   Figure 2 shows the sick patient's line of movement only in lateral movement or at least 90 degrees right angle movement. Most accidents can be prevented.   Fig. 3 shows the shape of a general toilet seat in the top view. 1. Make it concave like an arrow So that you can stand upright about the center of the toilet and when you sit down 6. Lightly pinch the toilet between both legs. A structure that stabilizes the body and prevents it from falling down. Is hereinafter referred to as "Kurato" 5. Swipe your finger with one hand. Squeeze on, sit and stand, put strength on knees, hips and hips And 2.15. Has a structure that does not tighten the femoral artery.   5. side view, 6. Groove for hanging one saddle finger. Is from the toilet seat level at the crotch like a saddle Prevents the side from falling up.   Front view, 1. 6. From the horizontal plane of the toilet seat up to Kurato 7. It's getting excited gradually. Make it saddle-shaped As a result, the seat is stable and you are forced to sit in the middle, and the width of the toilet seat is narrower But that's good.   As shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 4, the femoral artery runs from just below the knee to the inside of the hip joint, while the elderly Do not press on the lower two thirds of the femur, where the skin is weakened and the compression from below becomes severe. The toilet must have a toilet structure that does not have this structure. It causes numbness in the legs and also (economy syndrome).   FIG. Fig. II is a view from below the femoral artery. 14. Running of the femoral artery viewed from It is squeezed compared to a normal toilet seat like an oval No, it means that you can make your legs narrower, so you can put down your pants very easily and you can afford to sit down There is a lightly pinched between both inner thighs to prevent falling down. You can also understand that the toilet can be made narrower.   I. of FIG. First, 16. I get caught in the handrail II. Lower both feet slowly back Go down while putting your saddle on your crotch. II. Sit slowly.   FIG. 7 shows the height of the toilet bowl. Fixed according to the individual, operation is the same as in Fig. 6, height is The higher the knee, hip, and hip, the more you decide, the more you can afford to move. It is very easy to stand while pulling the saddle with your left hand. This can be done by electric If you do, the sitting and standing motion will be easier.   FIG. Is a bet, this type is for those who are firm, Stool slowly and weakly The bowl comes out from under the bed II. The toilet rises upward.   FIG. Stand after use, IV. The toilet falls and returns to the bottom of the bed. Electric If you are in danger, leave the bowl out of the bed.   Fig. 10 is a normal toy when a saddle-type toilet seat is permanently installed in a general ward. It can be used as an old man, especially good for elderly men. You can stand near the center so you can prevent urine dripping after use and you can change the height It's better.   FIG. Can be made and a step-free base can be made. Removes handrails, allows sideways entry without rotating, and increases safety .   Fig. 12 shows a simple toilet seat with a saddle-type toilet seat attached to an ordinary toilet. Will be sitting a little before, but will do its job well.    [Submission date] February 13, 2003 (2003.2.13) [Procedure amendment 1] [Document name to be amended] Statement [Correction target item name] Full text [Correction method] Change [Correction contents]         [Detailed description of the invention]               [0001]           [Problems to be solved by the invention]   Foot (hip) fracture, head (subdural hematoma) during defecation urine in hospitalization and home care In the current toilet seat where accidents occur frequently, especially for elderly people, thigh muscles and skin This may cause the femoral artery to tighten, causing leg numbness and other problems. However, there is a risk of accidents, and the ergonomics of the elderly must be taken into account (step length). Shortness. Small foot width. Weakness in knees, hips and hips. Sensitivity etc. A lot of experience Eliminate.               [0002]           [Means for Solving the Problems]   In order to prevent the above accident, the shape of the front side of the toilet bowl is thinner and slightly raised, and the saddle shape of the horse This reduces the pressure on the femoral artery and prevents the numbness of the legs, The crotch width is narrow and I can stand at the center of the toilet, take off my pants, sit down immediately, and the shaking Absent. In addition, even if you sit down, the toilet bowl will be sandwiched lightly between both inner thighs, and you will hold the tip of the saddle with your hand Depending on the thing, you can prevent falling down. It is also necessary to manually and electrically raise and lower the toilet itself. You can stand and sit comfortably with the help of weak legs.               [0003]           [Problems to be solved by the invention] and [Means for solving the problems]   Elderly people stand in front of the toilet bowl, drop off their pants and squirt afterwards (this is very dangerous Is). Saddle-type toilet seats open the feet lightly in the center of the toilet and stand naturally and unload the pants It is very stable because it can sit down immediately and does not compress the femoral artery By doing so, I was able to sit for a long time without my legs getting numb. The front side of the toilet And the saddle shape makes it possible to pinch lightly between the inner thighs, and the seating stability is weaker. The worry of falling down was also reduced.   Saddle-type toilet seats can prevent urine leakage when standing urine by elderly men even in general household toilet seats. Less because you can stand near the center of   Saddle-type toilet seats can eliminate steps when making simple toilets, eliminating stumbling Comes out.                   [0004]               【Example】   As shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, the femoral artery runs from just below the knee to the inside of the hip joint. Do not press on the lower two thirds of the femur, where the skin is weakened and the compression from below becomes severe. The toilet must have a toilet structure that does not have this structure. It causes numbness in the feet (this is also the case with economy syndrome).   FIG. 2. Arrow on the front and side of As narrow as 2. This thing 1. The foot width is narrower, and it is possible to stand in the center of the toilet with a natural body. The seat between the inner thighs So you can sit in the middle of the toilet, so the normal toilet width12. More saddle type toilet seat 11 . Can be narrowed. The minute length becomes longer.   Fig. 3 shows the shape of a general toilet seat in the top view. 1. Make it concave like an arrow So that you can stand upright about the center of the toilet and when you sit down 2.7. A structure that stabilizes the body and prevents it from falling down. Is the following 5. Finger with one hand Put your strength when sitting, standing, standing on your knees, hips and hips. Help. Also 2. Has a structure that does not tighten the femoral artery.   5. side view, Is 1. 6. Grooves for the fingers of the saddle head; Is a toilet seat horizontal at the inner leg like a saddle It will be more preventive to fall sideways.   Front view, 1. 6. From the horizontal plane of the toilet seat up to Kurato 7. It's getting excited gradually. Make it saddle-shaped As a result, the seat is stable and you are forced to sit in the middle, and the width of the toilet seat is narrower But that's good.   FIG. 4 shows the horizontal position of a normal toilet seat and saddle type toilet seat. 3. Is saddle type 8. the lowest position in the constellation; 7. is slightly higher and slightly higher at the back of the buttocks. To 7. It is gradually located high like a saddle.   FIG. 5 is a comparison diagram of a side view of the sitting position of the ordinary toilet seat and the saddle type toilet seat. When Saddle head1. Appears to rise above the thigh. B. C. Is a section line.   FIG. C. FIG. Is a normal toilet bowl, C. Is saddle type toilet seat B. Cross-sectional view of a toilet bowl. 14. Ordinary toilet seat frame Pressure arrow in the femoral artery between the femur and the femur D. Is saddle type toilet seat frame 16. E. Pressure arrow in the femoral artery between Higher than Is also evident in the figure.   Fig. 7 shows the compression range of the femoral artery of the toilet seat frame as viewed from below the normal toilet seat and saddle type toilet seat. 18 (elliptical area). Normal toilet seat frame 13. Is compressing the femoral artery , 17 (elliptical area). Saddle type toilet seat frame4. Does not compress the femoral artery.   8 shows how to take off the pants of the ordinary toilet bowl and the pants H. of the saddle type toilet bowl. How to take off , Which is a comparison drawing of the ordinary toilet seat toilet. This time the old man The danger, saddle-type toilet bowl stands at the center of the pants H. Take off but the foot width is narrow and cheap It is safe because you can sit down as soon as you take it off.   FIG. 9 shows a method of using a saddle-type toilet seat. First, 22. I get caught in the handrail II. Go down slowly with your feet down. Put your saddle on your crotch and go down. Grab the saddle with the left hand to take off III. Sit slowly.   FIG. 10 shows the toilet height 24. Is fixed according to the individual, the operation is the same as in Fig. 9, height The higher the knees, hips and lower back, the more you can afford to move, the more you stand after use It is very easy to stand while pulling the saddle with your left hand. This can be done by electric If you do, the sitting and standing motion will be easier.   FIG. 11 shows a method of using the electric bedside. Slowly toilet II. The toilet bowl straddles the toilet and lifts the pants.   FIG. Stand after use, IV. Put on the panties and the toilet bowl goes down and under the bed Go back to For those who are in danger of powering, leave the toilet bowl out of the bed.   Fig. 13 is a left view, a top view of a general installation type saddle type toilet seat for male use. Open the lid 26. Toilet seat direction 27. Can stand in the middle of the toilet bowl, after male use Urine leakage can be prevented.   The figure on the right is a figure worn on a simple toilet. Is the position of the foot; Is a stand, 31. Is a handrail; There is no step on the platform and stumbling can be eliminated.   FIG. 14 shows an auxiliary saddle type toilet seat K. on the front side of an ordinary toilet. Attaching saddle type toilet seat It is a top view, a side view, and a J sectional view. The efficacy is about the same as that of the saddle type toilet bowl. , J section receives urine leakage.   FIG. 15 shows an auxiliary saddle type toilet seat K. Is attached to a normal toilet and viewed from above and side view Yes, buttocks are more front than normal. 16. (elliptical area) Like femoral artery The compression is about the same as a saddle-type toilet seat and there is no compression. Even elderly people can sit longer.

【手続補正書】 【提出日】平成14年5月22日(2002.5.2
2) 【手続補正1】 【補正対象書類名】明細書 【補正内容】 (補正対象書類名) 明細書1. 【請求項1】又普通の便器の簡易鞍便座も取り付け可
能。を削除。2. 【請求項2】普通の便器に取り着け可能な簡易鞍型便
座。の追加。3. 【0003】 【実施例】の符号の追加。4. 【簡単な図面の説明】図面書式の説明文の追加。5. 【符号の説明】 の順列変更。6.明細書の削除、追加、順列変更による
ページ数の増加3から4p 【補正対象書類名】 図面1.全図面の枠抜き変更2.
図面の題目削除3.図面の順列変更 【図11】、変更によるページ数の増加4から5p 【補正対象書類名】 要約書1.図面の枠抜き変更 【手数料補正】 【補正対象書類名】実用新案登録願 【納付金額】2700 【その他】出願時手数料 4100円 過料料金 【1請求項分】2100円 【書類名】 明細書 【考案のの名称】 鞍型便座便器。 【実用新案登録請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 足幅を狭く便器の約中央に立てる様に便
8.できる、又これを電動で出来る鞍型便座便器。 【請求項2】 普通の便器に取り付け可能な簡易鞍型便
座。 【発明の精細な説明】 【0001】 【考案が解決しようとする課題】入院、家庭介護に於い
る、これに依って殆どの事故は防げる。 【0002】 【発明が解決する為の手段】図3,は上面図に於いて一
ょう。 【0003】 【実施例】図6,のI.先ず16.手摺りに捕まり立つ
分その役目を果たす。 【簡単な図面の説明】 【図1】 一般の病室の簡易便器の設置図の上面図であ
る。 【図2】 鞍型便座の設置上面図である。 【図3】 胡座型便座の便器形状である。 【図4】 大腿動脈走行解剖図である。 【図5】 お尻を下から見た解剖図である。 【図6】 使用動作図である。 【図7】 便器の高さを個人に合わせ自由に変化でき固
定できる型である。 【図8】 ベットサイド電動型(使用前)の図である。 【図9】 ベットサイド電動型(使用後)の図である。 【図10】健康人男性、鞍型便器尿使用図である。 【図11】ポータブル型便器の上面図である。 【図12】普通の便器に簡易鞍便器の取り着け図であ
る。 【符号の説明】 1 鞍頭 2 便器の斜め下に狭く成っている場所 3 便器の凹型 4 鞍型便座 5 鞍型便器 6 鞍頭の指掛け 7 鞍型に凸型 8 お尻掛け(少し盛り上がり) 9 後ろのお尻受け(盛り上がり) 10 大腿動脈 11 陰茎 12 睾丸 13 前立腺 14 肛門 15 大腿動脈の圧迫され無い場所 16 手摺 17 壁 18 便器の上下機構(又は電動機構) 19 ベット 20 鞍型便座の開放 21 男性の鞍型便器の立ち方 22 鞍型便座便器の立ち方 23 便器台のカット方法 24 鞍型便器台 25 止めネッジ 26 便器掛け金具(鍵型) 27 簡易鞍便座上下留め金パイプ 28 床止めピン 【手続補正2】 【補正対象書類名】図面 【補正対象項目名】全図 【補正方法】変更 【補正内容】 【図1】 【図2】 【図3】 【図4】 【図5】 【図6】 【図10】 【図7】 【図8】 【図9】 【図11】 【図12】 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
【手続補正書】 【提出日】平成14年11月13日(2002.11.
13) 【手続補正1】 【補正対象書類名】明細書 【補正対象項目名】全文 【補正方法】変更 【補正内容】 【書類名】 明細書 【考案の名称】 鞍型便座便器 【実用新案登録請求の範囲】 【請求項1】足幅を狭く便器の約中央に立てる様に便器
足、腰の弱さを補助出来る鞍型便座便器。 【請求項2】普通の便器の前側に簡易便座を取り付ける
だけで上記と同程度の効果を上げられる簡易鞍型便座。 【図面の簡単な説明】 【図1】 一般の病室の簡易便器の設置図の上面図であ
る。 【図2】 鞍型便座の設置上面図である。 【図3】 胡座型便座の便器形状の上面図、側面図、前
面図である。 【図4】 大腿動脈走行解剖図である。 【図5】 お尻を下から見た解剖図I、と便器と解剖図
II図である。 【図6】 使用動作図I、II、III、移動順位図で
ある。 【図7】 便器の高さを個人に合わせ自由に変化固定で
きるI、II、III順位図。 【図8】 ベットサイド電動型(使用前)I、II移動
順位図である。 【図9】 ベットサイド電動型(使用後)III、IV
移動順位図である。 【図10】男性立位排尿、鞍型便器尿使用図である。 【図11】ポータブル型便器の上面図である。 【図12】普通の便器に簡易鞍便器の取り着け図であ
る。 【符号の説明】 1 鞍頭 2 便器の斜め下
に狭く成っている場所 3 便器の凹型 4 鞍型便座 5 鞍型便器 6 鞍頭の指掛け 7 鞍型に凸型 8 お尻掛け(少
し盛り上がり) 9 後ろのお尻受け(盛り上がり) 10 大腿動脈 11 陰茎 12 睾丸 13 前立腺 14 肛門 15 大腿動脈の圧迫され無い場所 16 手摺 17 壁 18 便器の上下
機構(電動機構) 19 ベット 20 鞍型便座の
開放 21 男性の鞍型便器の立ち方 22 鞍型便座便
器の立ち方 23 便器台のカット方法 24 鞍型便器台 25 止めネッジ 26 便器掛け金
具(鍵型) 27 簡易鞍便座上下留め金パイプ 28 床止めピン ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
【手続補正書】 【提出日】平成15年2月13日(2003.2.1
3) 【手続補正1】 【補正対象書類名】明細書 【補正対象項目名】全文 【補正方法】変更 【補正内容】 【書類名】 明細書 【考案の名称】 鞍型便座便器 【実用新案登録請求の範囲】 【請求項1】足幅を狭く便器の約中央に立てる様に便器
足、腰の弱さを補助出来る鞍型便座便器。 【請求項2】普通の便座便器に鞍型の補助便座を前側に
先端を持ち座り体の横倒れを安定出来る補助鞍型便座。 【図面の簡単な説明】 【図1】 大腿動脈走行解剖図である。 【図2】 普通便座と鞍型便座の上面図比較図である。 【図3】 胡座型便座便器の便器形状の上面図、側面
図、前面図である。 【図4】 普通便座便器と鞍型便座便器の水平面凹凸比
較図である 【図5】 普通便座便器と鞍型便座便器の使用比較側面
図である。 【図6】 図5のB.C.断面図である。 【図7】 普通便座と鞍型便座の下から見た図の大動脈
圧迫の比較図である。 【図8】 普通便座と鞍型便座のパンツの脱ぎ方、比較
図である。 【図9】 鞍型便座便器の使用方法順位図である。 【図10】電動又は高さ固定型の鞍型便座便器の使用方
法順位図である。 【図11】電動型鞍型便座便器のベットサイド使用前の
図である。 【図12】電動型鞍型便座便器のベットサイド使用後の
図である。 【図13】左図は一般トイレ設置型の鞍型便座便器の男
置、段差無し図である。 【図14】普通便座に補助鞍型便座を取り付けた上面図
と側面図と尿漏れ受け部J面の、断面図である。 【図15】普通便器に補助鞍型便座を取り付けた図の上
面図と側面図である。 【符号の説明】 1 鞍頭 2 便器の斜め下
に狭く成っている場所 3 便器の凹型 4 鞍型便座 5 鞍型便器 6 鞍頭の指掛け 7 鞍型に凸型 8 お尻掛け(少
し盛り上がり) 9 後ろのお尻受け(盛り上がり) 10 大腿動脈 11 鞍型便座横幅 12 鞍頭の長さ 13 普通便座 14 人体 15 普通便座枠 16 鞍型便座枠 17 鞍型便座の大動脈圧迫範囲 18 普通便座の
大動脈圧迫範囲 19 陰茎 20 睾丸 21 肛門 22 手摺 23 壁 24 鞍型便座便
器の高さ調整 25 ベット 26 鞍型便座開
放 27 男性立ち尿時足位置 28 鞍型簡易便
器の足位置 29 簡易便器の段差無しカット法 30 簡易便器の
床板 31 簡易便器手摺 32 止めネジ 33 便器掛け金具(鍵型) 34 補助鞍型便
座上下止めパイプ 35 床止めピン A 水平線 B 普通便器の
断面線 C 鞍型便座便器の断面線 D 普通便器の
大腿動脈圧迫力 E 鞍型便座便器の大動脈圧迫力 F 座位位置移
動範囲 G 普通便座便器の人体移動 J 補助鞍型便
座断面線 K 補助鞍型便座 【手続補正2】 【補正対象書類名】図面 【補正対象項目名】全図 【補正方法】変更 【補正内容】 【図1】 【図2】 【図3】 【図4】 【図5】 【図6】 【図7】 【図8】 【図9】 【図10】 【図11】 【図12】 【図13】 【図14】 【図15】
────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───
[Procedure amendment] [Date of submission] May 22, 2002 (2002.5.2)
2) [Procedure amendment 1] [Document name to be amended] Description [Content of amendment] (Document name to be amended) 1. A simple saddle seat for ordinary toilets can be attached. Removed. 2. 2. A simple saddle-type toilet seat that can be attached to an ordinary toilet. Addition. 3. [0003] The addition of reference numerals in the embodiment. 4. [Explanation of simple drawings] Added explanation of drawing format. 5. [Explanation of Signs] Permutation change. 6. Increase in the number of pages due to deletion, addition, or permutation of the description 3 to 4p [Document name to be corrected] Drawing 1. 1. Change the outline of all drawings.
2. Delete title of drawing Permutation of drawing [Fig. 11], increase in number of pages due to the change 4 to 5p [Document name to be corrected] Abstract 1. Change of outline of drawing [Fees amendment] [Document name to be amended] Application for utility model registration [Payment amount] 2700 [Others] Filing fee 4100 yen Fine fee [for one claim] 2100 yen [Document name] Specification [Devised] Name of saddle type toilet seat. [Claims for registering utility models] 1. The front side of the toilet is narrow so that the foot is narrow and stands at the center of the toilet. 1. The toilet bowl is sandwiched between both inner crotches as if sitting on a horse saddle. 6. Stabilize the body sideways Also, hold the tip of the saddle with one hand. 5. Grasp the tip of the saddle and press your finger. When standing up in a ditch and standing, force is applied to the hand when sitting, assisting the knees, hips, and waist, making it easier to do the same.
8. A saddle-type toilet seat that can and can be electrically operated. 2. A simple saddle-type toilet seat that can be attached to an ordinary toilet. BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION [Problems to be Solved by the Invention] Fracture of foot (hip) and head (subdural hematoma) during defecation in hospitalization and home care
There is a high risk of accidents in the current toilet seat where accidents such as occur frequently, the ergonomics of the elderly must be taken into consideration (short stride length, small foot width, knee, hip joint, Weakness of the waist, sensitivity, etc.) Also, in the case of ordinary toilets, the femoral artery is tightened, which causes numbness in the legs and so on. Fig. 1 shows the flow line from the patient's sick bed to the simple toilet. However, in any toilet, almost all the accidents that occur from the bed and immediately rotate the body in front of the toilet, It is very dangerous. FIG. 2 shows that the trajectory of the sick patient should only be moved sideways or at least 90 degrees at right angles, which can prevent most accidents. FIG. 3 is a top view showing the general shape of a toilet seat. 1. Make it concave like an arrow 6. Make the foot narrow so that it can stand upright in the center of the toilet and lightly pinch the toilet between both legs when sitting. A structure that stabilizes the body and prevents it from falling down. 5. Put your finger in one hand, referred to as the saddle below. Put your strength in the sitting and standing positions, and use it as an assisting force for your knees, hips and hips. 2.15. Has a structure that does not tighten the femoral artery. 5. side view, 6. Groove for hanging one saddle finger. Prevents the crotch like a saddle from rising horizontally from the toilet seat. Front view, 1. 6. From the horizontal plane of the toilet seat up to Kurato 7. It's getting excited gradually. By adopting the saddle shape, the seating is stabilized and the seat is forcibly seated in the center, so that the width of the toilet seat may be narrower. Fig. 4 shows the structure in which the elderly man who runs from just below the knee to the inside of the hip joint as shown in the figure does not compress the lower two-thirds of the femur where the muscles and skin weaken and the compression from below becomes severe. Toilet bowls must do this structure otherwise the old man will not be able to sit for long, numb legs, or cause economy syndrome. FIG. 14. Running from below the femoral artery and FIG. II shows running from below the femoral artery sitting in a saddle-shaped toilet seat. It is not compressed as compared to a normal toilet seat like an ellipse, and the fact that the foot width can be narrowed is that the pants can be dropped down very easily and there is enough room to sit down. By pinching the anus comes in the middle,
Therefore, you can understand that the width of the toilet can be reduced. FIG. First, 16. I get caught in the handrail II. Go down slowly with your feet down. Put your saddle down on your crotch. Go down fully. Take off your pants. Grab the saddle with your left hand. III. Sit slowly. Fig. 7 shows the toilet height 1
8. Fixed according to the individual, the movement is the same as in Fig. 6, the height is determined by the degree of knee, hip joint, lower back, the more you can afford more movement, when standing after using, you can stand while pulling the saddle with your left hand Very easy. If this can be done electrically, the sitting and standing motion will be easier. FIG. Is a bet, this type is for those who are firm, Toilet slowly and weakly coming out from under bed II. The toilet rises upward. III of FIG. Stand after use, IV. The toilet falls and returns to the bottom of the bed. For those who are in danger of powering, leave the toilet bowl out of the bed. Fig. 10 shows that a saddle-type toilet seat can be used as a normal toilet when a permanent toilet is installed in a general ward ward, especially good for an elderly man, and when standing urine as shown in the figure, they can stand near the center. Therefore, it is even better if the height can be changed to prevent urine dripping after use. FIG. Can be made, a step-free base can be made, and a handrail on either side can be taken, so that it can enter sideways without rotating the body and the degree of safety increases. In FIG. 12, a simple saddle seat is attached to an ordinary toilet to form a saddle-type toilet seat. The butt sits slightly in front, but plays a sufficient role. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a top view of an installation drawing of a simple toilet in a general hospital room. FIG. 2 is an installation top view of a saddle type toilet seat. FIG. 3 shows the shape of a toilet seat of a seat type toilet seat. FIG. 4 is a femoral artery running anatomical chart. FIG. 5 is an anatomical view of the buttocks viewed from below. FIG. 6 is a use operation diagram. FIG. 7 shows a type in which the height of a toilet bowl can be freely changed and fixed according to an individual. FIG. 8 is a view of a bedside electric type (before use). FIG. 9 is a view of a bedside electric type (after use). FIG. 10 is a view of a healthy man using a saddle type urinal. FIG. 11 is a top view of the portable toilet. FIG. 12 is a diagram showing how a simple saddle urinal is attached to a normal urinal. [Description of Signs] 1 Saddle head 2 A place narrowly formed diagonally below the toilet 3 Concave type of toilet 4 Saddle-type toilet seat 5 Saddle-type toilet 6 Saddle-type finger hook 7 Saddle-shaped convex 8 Buttocks (slightly raised) 9 Back support (bump) 10 Femoral artery 11 Penis 12 Testicle 13 Prostate 14 Anus 15 Place where femoral artery is not compressed 16 Handrail 17 Wall 18 Urinal up / down mechanism (or electric mechanism) 19 Bed 20 Saddle-type toilet seat opening 21 How to Stand a Saddle-type Toilet for Men 22 How to Stand a Saddle-Type Toilet Toilet 23 How to Cut a Toilet Stand 24 Saddle-Type Toilet Stand 25 Stop Nudge 26 Toilet Hook (Key Type) 27 Simple Saddle Toilet Upper and Lower Clasp Pipe 28 Floor Lock pin [Procedure amendment 2] [Document name to be amended] Drawing [Item name to be amended] All drawings [Correction method] Change [Content of amendment] [Fig. 1] FIG. 2 FIG. 3 FIG. 4 FIG. 5 FIG. 6 FIG. 10 FIG. 7 FIG. 8 FIG. 9 FIG. 11 FIG. ────────────────────────────────────────────────── ───
[Procedure amendment] [Date of submission] November 13, 2002 (2002.11.
13) [Procedure amendment 1] [Document name to be amended] Description [Item name to be amended] Full text [Amendment method] Change [Content of amendment] [Document name] Specification [Name of device] Saddle-type toilet seat [Utility model] Claims: 1. The front side of the toilet is narrowly raised so that the foot is narrow and stands at the center of the toilet, and the toilet is sandwiched between both inner thighs as if sitting on a horse saddle. With a structure that can reduce the pressure on the femoral artery by stabilizing the fall of the sitting body and narrowing the front side, the toilet itself can be vertically moved and fixed according to the individual, or it can be moved up and down electrically Done
Saddle-type toilet seat that can assist weakness of legs and waist. 2. A simple saddle-type toilet seat which can achieve the same effect as the above simply by attaching the simple toilet seat to the front side of an ordinary toilet. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a top view of an installation drawing of a simple toilet in a general hospital room. FIG. 2 is an installation top view of a saddle type toilet seat. FIG. 3 is a top view, a side view, and a front view of a toilet seat shape of a seat type toilet seat. FIG. 4 is a femoral artery running anatomical chart. FIG. 5 is an anatomical chart I showing the buttocks from below, and a toilet bowl and an anatomical chart II. FIG. 6 is a use operation diagram I, II, III, and a movement order diagram. FIG. 7 is a diagram showing I, II, and III ranks in which the height of a toilet bowl can be freely changed and fixed according to an individual. FIG. 8 is a moving order chart of electric bed-side (before use) I and II. FIG. 9: Bet side electric type (after use) III, IV
FIG. FIG. 10 is a view of male standing urination and saddle urinal use. FIG. 11 is a top view of the portable toilet. FIG. 12 is a diagram showing how a simple saddle urinal is attached to a normal urinal. [Description of Signs] 1 Saddle head 2 A place narrowly formed diagonally below the toilet 3 Concave type of the toilet 4 Saddle-type toilet seat 5 Saddle-type toilet 6 Saddle-type finger rest 7 Saddle-shaped convex 8 Ass rest (slightly raised) 9 Back support (bump) 10 Femoral artery 11 Penis 12 Testicle 13 Prostate 14 Anus 15 Place where femoral artery is not compressed 16 Handrail 17 Wall 18 Urinal up / down mechanism (electric mechanism) 19 Bed 20 Saddle-type toilet seat opening 21 How to Stand a Saddle-type Toilet for Men 22 How to Stand a Saddle-Type Toilet Toilet 23 How to Cut a Toilet Stand 24 Saddle-type Toilet Stand 25 Stop Nudge 26 Toilet Hook (Key Type) 27 Simple Saddle Toilet Upper and Lower Clasp Pipe 28 Floor Stop Pin ───────────────────────────────────────────────── ────
[Procedure amendment] [Date of submission] February 13, 2003 (2003.2.1
3) [Procedure amendment 1] [Document name to be amended] Description [Item name to be amended] Full text [Amendment method] Change [Content of amendment] [Document name] Specification [Name of device] Saddle-type toilet seat [Utility model] Claims: 1. The front side of the toilet is narrowly raised so that the foot is narrow and stands at the center of the toilet, and the toilet is sandwiched between both inner thighs as if sitting on a horse saddle. With a structure that can reduce the pressure on the femoral artery by stabilizing the fall of the sitting body and narrowing the front side, the toilet itself can be vertically moved and fixed according to the individual, or it can be moved up and down electrically Done
Saddle-type toilet seat that can assist weakness of legs and waist. 2. An auxiliary toilet seat of a saddle type is attached to the front side of a normal toilet seat, and the buttocks are slightly seated on the front side, do not compress the femoral artery, and sandwich the auxiliary toilet seat between both legs as if sitting on a horse saddle. An auxiliary saddle-type toilet seat that holds the tip of the saddle and stabilizes the body. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a femoral artery running anatomical diagram. FIG. 2 is a top view comparison diagram of a normal toilet seat and a saddle type toilet seat. FIG. 3 is a top view, a side view, and a front view of the toilet shape of the Koshi-type toilet seat. FIG. 4 is a horizontal plane unevenness comparison diagram of a normal toilet seat and a saddle-type toilet seat. FIG. 5 is a side view comparing use of a normal toilet seat and a saddle-type toilet seat. FIG. 6B. C. It is sectional drawing. FIG. 7 is a comparison diagram of aortic compression between the normal toilet seat and the saddle-type toilet seat as viewed from below. FIG. 8 is a comparison diagram showing how to remove the pants of the ordinary toilet seat and the saddle type toilet seat. [Fig. 9] Fig. 9 is a use order chart of the saddle type toilet seat. FIG. 10 is a use order chart of a saddle-type toilet seat of an electric or fixed height type. FIG. 11 is a view of the electric saddle type toilet seat before using a bed side. FIG. 12 is a view of the electric saddle-type toilet seat after using a bed side. FIG. 13 is a diagram for preventing male standing urine from leaking in a saddle-type toilet seat of a general toilet installation type, and the right diagram is a diagram of a saddle-type toilet seat installation of a simple toilet with no steps. FIG. 14 is a sectional view of a top view, a side view, and a urine leak receiving portion J surface where an auxiliary saddle type toilet seat is attached to a normal toilet seat. FIG. 15 is a top view and a side view of a view in which an auxiliary saddle type toilet seat is attached to a normal toilet. [Description of Signs] 1 Saddle head 2 A place narrowly formed diagonally below the toilet 3 Concave type of the toilet 4 Saddle-type toilet seat 5 Saddle-type toilet 6 Saddle-type finger rest 7 Saddle-shaped convex 8 Ass rest (slightly raised) 9 Back support (swelling) 10 Femoral artery 11 Saddle-type toilet seat width 12 Saddle length 13 Ordinary toilet seat 14 Human body 15 Ordinary toilet seat frame 16 Saddle-type toilet seat frame 17 Aorta compression range of saddle-type toilet seat 18 Aorta of ordinary toilet seat Compression range 19 Penis 20 Testicle 21 Anus 22 Handrail 23 Wall 24 Saddle-type toilet seat height adjustment 25 Bed 26 Saddle-type toilet seat open 27 Male standing urine foot position 28 Saddle-type simple toilet foot position 29 No step in simple toilet Cutting method 30 Simple toilet floor panel 31 Simple toilet handrail 32 Set screw 33 Toilet latch (key type) 34 Auxiliary saddle type toilet seat vertical stop pipe 35 Floor stopper pin A Horizontal line B Cross-section line of ordinary toilet C Saddle type Sectional line of toilet seat D Femoral artery compression force of normal toilet E Aortic compression force of saddle type toilet seat F Sitting position movement range G Human body movement of normal toilet seat J Auxiliary saddle type toilet seat cross section K Auxiliary saddle type toilet seat [ Procedure amendment 2] [Document name to be amended] Drawing [Item name to be amended] All drawings [Amendment method] Change [Contents of amendment] [Fig. FIG. 2 FIG. 3 FIG. 4 FIG. 5 FIG. 6 FIG. 7 FIG. 8 FIG. 9 FIG. 10 FIG. 11 FIG. FIG. 13 FIG. 14 FIG.

Claims (1)

【実用新案登録請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 足幅を狭く便器の約中央に立てる様に便
[Claims for registering utility models] 1. The front side of the toilet is narrow so that the foot is narrow and stands at the center of the toilet. 1. The toilet bowl is sandwiched between the inner crotches as if sitting on a horse saddle. 6. Stabilize the body sideways Also, hold the tip of the saddle with one hand. 5. Grasp the tip of the saddle and press your finger. When standing up in a ditch and standing, force is applied to the hand when sitting, assisting the knees, hips, and waist, making it easier to do the same.
8. Saddle-type toilet seats that can be electrically driven, and simple saddle seats can be attached to ordinary toilets.
JP2002003838U 2002-05-17 2002-05-17 Saddle type toilet seat Expired - Fee Related JP3096417U (en)

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JP2002003838U JP3096417U (en) 2002-05-17 2002-05-17 Saddle type toilet seat

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JP2002003838U JP3096417U (en) 2002-05-17 2002-05-17 Saddle type toilet seat

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JP2002003838U Expired - Fee Related JP3096417U (en) 2002-05-17 2002-05-17 Saddle type toilet seat

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
JP2020501047A (en) * 2016-12-06 2020-01-16 プロジェクト・ナンバー・2・リミテッドProject No 2 Limited Toilet for use while squatting down, its components, and its manufacturing process

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
JP2020501047A (en) * 2016-12-06 2020-01-16 プロジェクト・ナンバー・2・リミテッドProject No 2 Limited Toilet for use while squatting down, its components, and its manufacturing process
JP7329443B2 (en) 2016-12-06 2023-08-18 プロジェクト・ナンバー・2・リミテッド Toilets for use while squatting, their parts, and the process of making them
US11781304B2 (en) 2016-12-06 2023-10-10 Project No. 2 Limited Toilet for use while squatting or sitting

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