JP2627231C - - Google Patents


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JP2627231C JP2627231C JP 2627231 C JP2627231 C JP 2627231C JP 2627231 C JP2627231 C JP 2627231C
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erw pipe
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Ricoh Co Ltd
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Ricoh Co Ltd
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【発明の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【産業上の利用分野】 本発明は電縫管を基材とした電子写真感光体用基体及びその製造方法に関し、
法に関する。 【0002】 【従来の技術】 電子写真感光体には、一般に、円筒状のものとベルト状のものとが用いられて
いる。 【0003】 ところで、円筒状の電子写真感光体(以降「感光体」と略記することがある)
成形されたアルミニウム金属(Al合金を含む)ドラムの表面を鏡面切削加工等 の二次加工をしたものを使用していたが、製造コストが非常に大きいこと等の欠
点があった。 【0004】 これに加えて、基体上に塗工される膜厚は求められる感光体の特性により塗工
供されなければならない。 例えば、基体1表面に感光層等30を塗工した場合、基体表面粗さが同一でも
求される表面粗さが異なるわけである。 【0005】 そうしたことの配慮から現在では、感光体用基体(以降単に「基体」と称する
れている。 【0006】 こうした基板は例えば (1) 押出管又は引抜管の両端部及び外周面を切削しそのまま基体とするか、
引抜管を焼鈍後、更に引抜いて基体とする(特開昭64−4753号公報)、 (2) 押出管の管端をカール曲げ後、外周を切削し、更にしごき加工を施して
9−90877号公報)、 (3) 深絞り加工により得られたDI管を切削して基体とする(特開昭59−
107357号公報)、 (4) 電縫管又は加工電縫管に矯正ローラをかけることにより、或いは研削、
とにより基体とする(特開昭63−61376号公報)、 などの手段により製造されている。 【0007】 先に触れたように、基体はその外周面が駆動支持体となるフランジ軸心を中心
、感光層が形成される外周表面は細密な表面粗さが要求される。 【0008】 だが、こうした要求に対して、前記従来法によった基体のうち押出管、引抜管
合が認められている。 【0009】 もっとも、感光体用基体として要求される形状精度及び表面粗さを形成するた
面粗度を持続して得ることが難しい。 【0010】 一方、前記従来の深絞り管は非切削で加工するため、上記の押出管などにみら
、更には、小径の長尺ドラムを製造することが難しい。また、電縫管又は加工電 縫管に矯正ローラその他前記の加工を施したものは、高精度の基体として用いる
には、形状精度及び表面粗さともに低いのが難点になっている。 【0011】 いずれにしても、表面性状で鏡面以外の例えば艶消し面、梨地面などの表層が
、切削速度、送り速度の諸条件が異なり、工数のバラツキが発生する。 【0012】 【発明が解決しようとする課題】 本発明の目的は、従来の有する欠点・難点を解消し、(1)連続・大量生産が
用基体を提供することである。 本発明の目的は、前記特定方法により得られる前記表層の形成に際して、素管
mの範囲で均質な表面粗さを有する感光体用基体を提供することである。 【0013】 【課題を解決するための手段】 本発明の第1は感光体用基体の製造方法であって、金属条又は金属板を丸め接
工を施した後、或いは、このものに絞り加工を施し更にしごき加工を施した後、 両端部を切断することを特徴としている. 【0014】 本発明の第2は、電子写真感光体用基体の製造方法であって、(1)金属条又
酸化の加工或いは処理”を行うことを特徴としている。 【0015】 本発明の第3は、前記第1及び第2による製法によって製造される、感光体用
ことを特徴としている。 【0016】 本発明の第5は前記本発明の電子写真感光体用基体において、金属条又は金属
たものであることを特徴としている。 【0017】 本発明者は、前記課題を達成するために多くの検討・研究を行なったところ、
続いてしごき加工を施すことにより所期する感光体用基体が得られることを確め た。本発明はこれによりなされたものである。 【0018】 以下に、本発明を添付の図面に従がいながらさらに詳細に説明する。 【0019】 既述のように、図1は本発明に係る基体(中空円筒状の基体)1の両側面にフ
体1を円滑に回転させるための駆動支持体4が固定されている例を示している。 【0020】 本発明に係る基体1は下記のような形状精度、表面粗さ等を有していることが
必要である。 真直度 0.04mm以下好ましくは0.03mm以下(より好ましくは0. 2mm以下) 真円度 0.04mm以下好ましくは0.03mm以下(より好ましくは0. 2mm以下) 肉厚バラツキ(偏肉) ±0.015mm以内好ましくは±0.01mm以内 (より好ましくは±0.005mm以内) 表面粗さ(Rmax)1.0〜0.3μm好ましくは0.5〜0.3μm 【0021】 このように基体を調整することにより、真直度、真円度、表面粗さ等が劣るこ
る異常画像が生じないようになる。 【0022】 基体1は電縫管又は加工電縫管(表面加工された電縫管又は加工電縫管を含む
ら形成される。これらの加工は通常一体的に行なわれる。 電縫管の材質としては、アルミニウム、銅、ステンレス、ニッケル、鉄又はこ
れらの合金、鋼、鉄鋼等があり、電子写真感光体用としては特にアルミニウム及 びアルミニウム合金が好ましい。 【0023】 図3は金属条1aから電縫管1b(図3の例では便宜上「造管材」と称するこ
断されて造管材1bが造られる。 ここでは造管材1bの製造を金属条1aからのものにしてあるが、金属板から
でも同様な工程を経て形成することができる。 【0024】 図4は、図3の工程で造管されたもの(造管材)1b−図4の例では前記“切
、13'はダイスを表わしている。 【0025】 これら図3又は図4に示した工程で得られた適当の長さの電縫管(造管材1b
))。 なお、前記のカーリングの前後に、感光体基体に求められる表面性状と表面粗
化或いはホーニング等の加工・処理がなされるのが望ましい(図5(b2))。 【0026】 研削又は研磨工程の詳細は次の様に実施される。機械はセンタレス研磨機(図
皮革、耐油性合性ゴム、合性樹脂等が用いられる。 【0027】 研削油は砥石14の種類により異なり、水溶性研磨油又は白灯油が用いられる
車15の外周に溝をつけることが望ましい(図6(b))。 【0028】 研削及び研磨砥石は弾性のある柔軟な材質の砥石が好ましく砥石粒度が荒いも
加工のため被削後の管材は偏肉が発生することになる。 【0029】 この管材を母材として、しごき加工を行うときは、円筒断面に於る肉厚のしご
を用い、真円度のやや劣る表層外径から出来るだけ均一な量で研削又は研磨を行 い、偏肉を発生させないで傷の除去及び所要の表面粗度を得ることが、この場合
えば、日本特殊研砥(株)製のPVA砥石又は糸バフ・フラップが用いられる。 【0030】 更に、表面性状の異なる感光体用基体を得るためには、前記の研削又は研磨に
に加工することが出来る。 【0031】 面性状の違いは、研磨材の種類と粒度及び噴射条件により所要の表面性状と表
に応じて#60〜#1,000のものが選定出来る。 【0032】 この様にして研削、研磨された電縫管材又は液体ホーニングされた電縫管材を
基体を提供することが可能となる。 【0033】 図9はしごき加工に用いられる金型等としごき工程の推移とをより詳しく表わ
ス真円度約3μm以下で表面粗さ(Rmax)約0.1μm以下であるのが望ま しい。 【0034】 図9(a)は一端部がカーリングされた被加工物1b'又は1c'がポンチ18
を表わしている。図中、20は油圧プレスラム、21はストリッパーである。 【0035】 しごき加工が終了した(図9(c))後、ストリッパー21が可動し、ポンチ
度に及ぼす影響は少い。 【0036】 このようなしごき加工を経て得られた中空円筒状基体1は、薄肉で高精度のも
めには、特に、しごき加工が適正な条件のものに行なわなければならない。 【0037】 例えば電縫管に用いられるアルミニウム又はアルミニウム合金の材質には、非
00系)及びAl−Mg系合金(5000系)が用いられる。 【0038】 また、しごき工程では管材の種類即ち造管材1b或いは抽伸材1cを用いるか
なお、アイロニング法とドロー・アイロンニング法とは併用することができる。 【0039】 図10(a)はしごき段数が1段の例(1段しごき)、図10(b)はしごき
なる様なしごき段数を採用する。 【0040】 このようにして製造された感光体用基体1は水又は有機溶剤で洗浄された後、
、基体と感光層との間に下引き層が設けられ、感光層上に保護層が設けられる。 【0041】 【実施例】 本発明を実施例によって更に具体的に説明する。ただし、本発明はこれらに限
定されるものではない。 【0042】 実施例1 図3又は図4の工程で得られた電縫管(抽伸材)1cを基材とし、その一方端
件は下記のとおりである。 (1) 基材 材 質 Al−Mg系合金(5052H−24) 仕上り寸法 (外径)40.0mm×(厚さ)1.0mm×(長さ)300mm (2) しごき方法 方 式 アイロニング法 しごき段数 1段 しごき率 37.5% 潤 滑 油 ポリプテン(日本石油社製、HV−15) (3) 金 型 ポンチ SKD−11、焼入硬度 HRc 53〜55 ダイス 超硬合金、焼入硬度 HRA 85〜90 表面粗度 Rmax 0.1μm以下 (4) 油圧プレス機 横型20トン油圧プレス(網野製作所社製) 【0043】 しごき加工前後の基材ないし基体の形状精度は表1のように測定され、また、
12の点を測定した最大値と最小値のものである。 【0044】 【表1】 【0045】 実施例2 図3の工程で得られた電縫管(造管材)1bを基材とし、その一方端をカーリ
くった。その際の条件は下記のとおりである。 (1) 基材 材 質 Al−Mn系合金(3004H−32) 仕上り寸法 (外径)40.0mm×(厚さ)1.0mm×(長さ)300mm (2) しごき方法 方 式 ドローイング法−アイロニング法 しごき段数 2段 しごき率 44.4% 潤 滑 油 ポリプテン(日本石油社製、HV−15) (3) 金型及び(4)油圧プレス機はともに実施例1のものと同じ。 【0046】 絞り及びしごき加工前後の基材ないし基体の形状精度は表2のように測定され
施例1と同様のものを用いた。 【0047】 【表2】 【0048】 実施例3 図2の工程で得られた電縫管(造管材)を基材とし、その一方端をカーリングし
りである。 (1) 基材 材 質 Al−Mn系合金(3004 H−34) 仕上り寸法 (外径)40.0mm×(厚さ)1.0mm×(長さ)300mm (2) しごき方法 方 式 アイロニング法 しごき段数 2段 しごき率 50% 潤 滑 油 ポリプテン(日本石油社製、HV−15) (3) 金型及び(4)油圧プレス機はともに実施例1のものと同じ。 【0049】 しごき加工前後の基材ないし基体の形状精度は表3のように測定され、また、
同様のものを用いた。 【0050】 【表3】 【0051】 実施例4 図3(a)の工程で得られた電縫管(造管材)を基材とし、その一方端をカーリン
の際の条件は下記のとおりである。 (1) 基 材 材 質 Al−Mn系合金(3004H−32) 仕上り寸法 (外径)39.6mm×(厚さ)0.85mm×(長さ)300mm (2) しごき方法 方 式 ドローイング法−アイロニング法 しごき段数 2段 しごき率 52.8% 潤 滑 油 ポリプテン(日本石油社製、HV−15) (3) 金型及び(4)油圧プレス機はともに実施例1のものと同じ。 【0052】 絞り及びしごき加工前後の基材ないし基体の形状精度は表4のように測定され
施例1と同様のものを用いた。 【0053】 【表4】 【0054】 実施例5 図3又は図4の工程で得られたAl−Mn系合金、Al−Mg系合金からなる
及び)をつくった。その際の条件は表5のとおりである。 【0055】 【表5】 【0056】 基材及びしごき加工後の基体の表面粗度等は表6のように測定された。なお、
個々を長手方向に3等分し、計4×3=12を測定した最大値のものである。 【0057】 【表6】 【0058】 実施例6 図4の工程で得られたAl−Mg系合金(5052、H−24)からなる電縫
した後、しごき加工(アイロニング法による1段しごき、しごき率37.5%) を施して3種の感光体用基体(サンプル,及び)をつくった。その際の条
件は表7のとおりである。 【0059】 【表7】 【0060】 基材及びしごき加工後の基体の表面粗度は表8のように測定された。なお、測
定機器は実施例5と同様のものを用いた。 【0061】 【表8】 【0062】 【発明の効果】 本発明のよれば次のような効果がもたらされる。 【0063】 (1)電縫管を基材とし、この基材又はその材質に適合したしごき加工を施すこと
体用基体を製造することが出来る。 【0064】 (2)電縫管を基材とし、その表面にホーニング、電解研磨又は陽極酸化の加工又
することが出来る。 【0065】 (3)電縫管の素材の1つである金属条は、圧延ロールで冷間加工して製造するため
好である。 【0066】 (4)肉厚バラツキの小さい管材は、しごき管の母材として適材であり、しごき加
ができる。 【0067】 (5)肉厚バラツキの少い電縫管の表層を研削、研磨、又は各種の表面加工を施し
、更にしごき加工すると下地となる表層の違いにより、種々の表面性状と表面粗 度を得ることが出来るが、これらの表層加工が肉厚バラツキを減少させ、又は、
感光体基体として良好な表層面と高い形状精度を同時に満足することが出来る。 【0068】 (6)電縫管の製造は、管径の大小にかかわらず容易にフォーミングされ、長尺管
Description: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a substrate for an electrophotographic photosensitive member using an electric resistance welded tube as a substrate, and a method for producing the same.
More specifically, a thin-walled high-precision cylindrical electrophotographic photoreceptor substrate and a method of manufacturing the same
About the law. 2. Description of the Related Art Generally, cylindrical and belt-shaped electrophotographic photosensitive members are used.
And both have their strengths and weaknesses.
Is more suitable for mass copying and has a higher copying speed.
I have. [0003] By the way, a cylindrical electrophotographic photosensitive member (hereinafter sometimes abbreviated as "photosensitive member")
Is located at one end of a hollow cylindrical drum body (substrate) 1 as shown in FIG.
The rotation support 3 is fixed to the flange 2a, and is driven to the flange 2b at the other end.
The support 4 is fixed, and a photosensitive layer (not shown) is formed on the outer peripheral surface of the cylindrical portion.
I have. The drum body (substrate for a photoreceptor) 1 has dimensional accuracy and surface smoothness.
Conventionally, it must be extruded because it must be a cylinder with excellent shape accuracy.
Although the surface of the formed aluminum metal (including Al alloy) drum was subjected to secondary processing such as mirror cutting, the manufacturing cost was extremely high.
There was a point. [0004] In addition, the thickness of the coating on the substrate depends on the characteristics of the photoreceptor required.
The material to be formed and the film thickness are different.
Surface properties and surface roughness to be, for example, mirror surface, matte surface, surface properties such as pear ground,
The required roughness is set from the surface roughness (Rmax) range of 0.3 to 3.0 μm.
Must be provided. For example, when the photosensitive layer 30 is coated on the surface of the substrate 1, even if the substrate surface roughness is the same,
The surface roughness differs depending on the thickness of the coating (FIG. 2). That is, when the film thickness is large (
a) has a finer surface roughness than the roughness of the substrate, but if the film thickness is small,
Roughness appears as it is. Therefore, depending on the type of coating layer,
The required surface roughness is different. [0005] From such considerations, at present, a substrate for a photoreceptor (hereinafter simply referred to as a "substrate")
May be made from an ingot to a billet of Al or Al alloy, and after hot extrusion
The resulting extruded tube, drawn tube obtained by drawing the extruded tube at room temperature, and cold impact
Impact ironing pipes that have been ironed out after delivery (hereinafter referred to as "II pipes")
, Deep drawn pipes obtained by punching and deep drawing from metal strips or metal plates are used.
Have been. For such a substrate, for example, (1) the both ends and the outer peripheral surface of an extruded tube or drawn tube are cut and used as a base,
After the drawn tube is annealed, the drawn tube is further drawn as a base (Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. Sho 64-4753).
A substrate, or a substrate without or after cutting an I / I tube (Japanese Patent Laid-Open No.
(JP-A-9-90877), (3) A DI tube obtained by deep drawing is cut into a base (Japanese Unexamined Patent Application Publication No. 59-90877).
No. 107357), (4) By applying a straightening roller to the ERW pipe or the processed ERW pipe, or by grinding,
By performing cutting or polishing, and further performing electrolytic polishing or anodic oxidation
(JP-A-63-61376). As mentioned above, the outer periphery of the base is centered on the flange axis serving as the driving support.
It needs to rotate and function smoothly. Therefore, the shape of the substrate itself must be
The degree is based on the inner diameter, and the coaxiality, roundness, and straightness of the outer diameter are highly accurate.
The outer peripheral surface on which the photosensitive layer is formed requires fine surface roughness. However, in response to such demands, extruded pipes and drawn pipes among the substrates according to the above-mentioned conventional methods.
And the I / I pipe has a thickness variation peculiar to the pipe material due to the respective construction methods.
Extruded pipes and drawn pipes have an average thickness of ± 10% to ± 15% on the same circumference of the base.
There is unevenness, the coaxiality of the inner and outer diameters is not enough, and the I / I
Inconvenient, such as uneven wall thickness and bending in the longitudinal direction of the tube as well as
Are allowed. [0009] However, the shape accuracy and surface roughness required for a photoreceptor substrate are not required.
For this purpose, it is common to cut the inner diameter and outer diameter of the pipe material, respectively.
In the case of a substrate that requires a large-diameter pipe and a thin-walled shape,
Material distortion due to jacking, deformation during opening after cutting,
It is easy for undulation and chatter to occur on the tube cutting material surface, and there are also problems with the wear resistance and durability of the cutting tool.
Yes, especially for large-diameter, long, thin-walled photoconductor substrates,
It is difficult to maintain the surface roughness continuously. On the other hand, since the conventional deep drawn pipe is processed by non-cutting, the above-described extruded pipe or the like is not used.
Although there is no defect such as that described above, a production method with high mass productivity is adopted, but molding from a metal plate
It takes a lot of man-hours to draw until a uniform cylindrical shape with a thick wall is obtained.
Further, it is difficult to manufacture a long drum having a small diameter. In addition, an electric resistance welded pipe or a processed electric resistance welded pipe obtained by subjecting a straightening roller or the like to the above processing is used as a high-precision base.
Is disadvantageous in that both the shape accuracy and the surface roughness are low. In any case, a surface layer having a surface property other than a mirror surface, such as a matte surface and a pear surface, is used.
When required, honing, electropolishing or anodizing is applied to the surface, but
It is difficult to obtain a fine and uniform surface with the above processing as it is. Also, in the cutting process,
A required uniform surface roughness is obtained in a surface roughness (Rmax) range of 0.3 to 3.0 μm.
To achieve this, the surface roughness required for changing the cutting conditions in turning
, The cutting speed and the feed rate are different, resulting in variations in man-hours. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION An object of the present invention is to eliminate the disadvantages and disadvantages of the prior art, and (1) to achieve continuous and mass production.
Possible, high durability, and small thickness variation on the same circumference and in the longitudinal direction
The pipe material can be manufactured (with less uneven thickness).
Quality, less variation in quality, reduced man-hours and cost
Method of manufacturing photoreceptor substrate capable of downing and (2) netting from thin to small diameter to large diameter
And even long ones, in addition to the same circumferential and longitudinal wall thickness
Can produce tube material with little variation (less uneven wall thickness).
Photoreceptor obtained by a method capable of manufacturing a photoreceptor substrate with high shape accuracy
The purpose is to provide a substrate for use. An object of the present invention is to provide a method for forming the surface layer obtained by the above-described method.
Surface defects such as surface scratches, dents and indentations are removed, and (Rmax) 0.3 to 1.0 μm
An object of the present invention is to provide a photosensitive member substrate having a uniform surface roughness in the range of m. [0013] The first aspect of the present invention is a method for manufacturing a substrate for a photoreceptor, in which a metal strip or a metal plate is rounded and joined.
The welded portion is welded by high frequency to produce an ERW pipe, and if necessary, the ERW pipe is further drawn and drawn.
Straightening, then cutting it, curling one end, ironing it
It is characterized in that both ends are cut after the work is performed, or after this is subjected to drawing and further ironing. A second aspect of the present invention is a method for producing a substrate for an electrophotographic photoreceptor, wherein (1) a metal strip or
Rounds the metal plate and welds the joints at high frequency to form an ERW pipe.
Draw and straighten the tubing, then cut it, and after curling one end,
Grind or polish the surface of the object, or prior to curling
After the surface is ground or polished, the curling is performed.
, After ironing with the processed surface as the base, or drawing, and further ironing
Or characterized in that both ends are cut after processing, or (2)
"Honing, electropolishing or anode" instead of "grinding or polishing" in (1)
A third aspect of the present invention is a photoreceptor manufactured by the first and second manufacturing methods.
Substrate whose surface precision is less than 0.04 mm for both straightness and roundness
Preferably 0.03 mm or less, thickness variation within ± 0.015, preferably ± 0.05 mm.
Within 01 mm, the surface roughness (Rmax) of the surface layer is in the range of 1.0 to 0.3 μm.
It is characterized by: A fifth aspect of the present invention is the electrophotographic photoreceptor substrate of the present invention, wherein the metal strip or metal
The plate is made by ERW and the surface is ground, polished, honed,
Polished or anodized, and ironed using the polished surface as a base.
It is characterized in that it is. The present inventor has conducted many studies and studies in order to achieve the above object,
ERW or processed ERW is used as a base material, and ironing is performed on it, or
, Drawing and ironing, or grinding or polishing
Processing or honing, electrolytic polishing or anodic oxidation.
By ironing with the work or treated surface as the base, or drawing
Subsequently, it was confirmed that a desired substrate for a photoreceptor was obtained by performing ironing. The present invention has been made by this. Hereinafter, the present invention will be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. As described above, FIG. 1 shows that the base (hollow cylindrical base) 1 according to the present invention has both sides.
The flanges 2a and 2b are fixed, and one surface is turned around the axis of the flange 2a.
A rolling support 3 is provided, and the other surface is provided around the axis of the flange 2b.
An example is shown in which a drive support 4 for rotating the body 1 smoothly is fixed. The substrate 1 according to the present invention has the following shape accuracy, surface roughness, and the like.
is necessary. Straightness 0.04 mm or less, preferably 0.03 mm or less (more preferably 0.2 mm or less) Roundness 0.04 mm or less, preferably 0.03 mm or less (more preferably 0.2 mm or less) Thickness variation (uneven thickness) Within ± 0.015 mm, preferably within ± 0.01 mm (more preferably, within ± 0.005 mm) Surface roughness (Rmax) 1.0 to 0.3 μm, preferably 0.5 to 0.3 μm By adjusting the base, straightness, roundness, surface roughness, etc. may be inferior.
Does not cause image unevenness due to
Run-out is reduced, and image unevenness does not occur.Furthermore, scratches or joints on the surface
This prevents abnormal images from occurring. The base 1 includes an ERW pipe or a processed ERW pipe (including a surface-processed ERW pipe or a processed ERW pipe).
) At least ironed-including drawing and ironing-
Formed from These processes are usually performed integrally. Aluminum, copper, stainless steel, nickel, iron or steel
There are these alloys, steel, steel and the like, and aluminum and aluminum alloy are particularly preferable for the electrophotographic photosensitive member. FIG. 3 shows a metal strip 1a to an electric resistance welded pipe 1b (in the example of FIG.
) Is shown. Metal strip at a speed of 1 to 100 m / min
1a is rolled into a cylindrical shape by a plurality of rollers (forming rollers) 5 and attached.
Then, the end portion (where the contact was made) is continuously welded by the high-frequency welding machine 6,
Depending on the specifications such as dimensional accuracy and surface properties, the outer circumference of the weld and / or
Is cut into a bead portion with an inner diameter, and then cut to a desired size with a cutter 8.
Then, the pipe forming material 1b is cut. Here, the production of the tube-forming material 1b is made from the metal strip 1a, but from the metal plate.
However, it can be formed through a similar process. FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of a tube formed in the step of FIG.
It doesn't matter if it is not "cut-off tube material 1b"-sizing and improvement of shape accuracy
For drawing (FIG. 4 (a)) and straightening (FIG. 4 (b) 1 ) (B Two Try to do)
Things. The cut (FIG. 4 (c)) is hereinafter referred to as “drawn material 1c” for convenience.
Sometimes. In the figure, 9 is a plug, 9a is a rod, 10 is a lubricant, and 11 is a tongue.
, 13 'represent dice. An electric-resistance-welded tube (tubing material 1b) having an appropriate length obtained in the process shown in FIG. 3 or FIG.
One end of the drawn material 1c) is curled into a tube end shape that can withstand subsequent ironing.
(FIG. 5B 1 )). Subsequently, ironing is applied to this thing, or
Then, ironing is performed following drawing (FIG. 5 (c)). 1 ) (C Two )). Ironing
ERW pipe 1b '' or 1c '' (Fig. 5 (c 1 ) (C Two )) Is itself
Both ends are cut to such a length as to be a hollow cylindrical photoconductor substrate (FIG. 5 (d)
)). Before and after the curling, the surface properties and surface roughness required of the photoreceptor substrate are determined.
Grinding, polishing, electrolytic polishing, anodic acid
It is desirable that processing and processing such as formation or honing be performed (FIG. 5 (b) Two )). The details of the grinding or polishing step are performed as follows. The machine is a centerless polishing machine (Figure
Use 6). The work tube 1 'is fed onto the blade 12 and adjusted to an appropriate interval.
Between the grinding wheel 14 and the adjusting wheel 15 which has been ground or ground to the required dimensions and surface roughness.
Is polished (FIG. 6A). The blade 12 does not damage the work tube 1 '
An elastic material is fixed to the upper end to make the upper surface smooth. For example, elastic materials
Leather, oil-resistant synthetic rubber, synthetic resin and the like are used. The grinding oil differs depending on the type of the grindstone 14, and a water-soluble polishing oil or white kerosene is used.
. When white kerosene is used as the grinding oil, the adjusting wheel 15 for feeding and the work tube 1 'must be
May cause the feeding function to be interrupted. Therefore, the material of the adjusting wheel 15 is friction
Adjusted to reduce the contact area with the work tube material 1 'using a high number of oil-resistant synthetic rubbers
It is desirable to form a groove on the outer periphery of the vehicle 15 (FIG. 6B). The grinding and polishing whetstone is preferably a whetstone made of an elastic and soft material, and the whetstone has a coarse grain size.
It is desirable to be able to select the required particle size from fine to fine. The tube material
The shape accuracy of the sewing tube material is, for example, in the case of a drawn tube of φ40 mm, the outer diameter roundness (max)
The thickness is 0.2 mm and the thickness deviation (max) is 0.03 mm. Outer diameter roundness is slightly inferior,
The uneven wall thickness is better than other pipe materials. When grinding and polishing the outer circumference of this tube
When grinding with a hard grindstone such as a GC or WA grindstone, it can be cut from the outer convex part
Then, the outer diameter portion is formed (FIG. 7A). Outer diameter increases roundness but inner diameter is not
Because of the processing, uneven wall thickness occurs in the tube material after cutting. When ironing is performed using this pipe material as a base material, a thick ladder in a cylindrical cross section is used.
Because of the variation in the amount of elongation, the amount of elongation differs between the thin part and the thick part and high shape accuracy (true
It is impossible to obtain a photoconductor substrate having good straightness and roundness. Therefore, grinding,
During polishing, the surface layer of the tube material is not affected and the outer diameter of the tube is not reduced as much as possible.
Must be ground and polished (FIG. 7B). Therefore, elastic whetstone with high flexibility
In this case, it is possible to perform grinding or polishing with a uniform amount as much as possible from the outer diameter of the surface layer, which is slightly inferior in roundness, to remove scratches and obtain the required surface roughness without causing uneven thickness.
This is the purpose of grinding or polishing. Therefore, in this example, a flexible elastic stone is used as an example.
For example, a PVA grindstone or a thread buff / flap manufactured by Nippon Tokushu Kento Co., Ltd. is used. Further, in order to obtain a substrate for a photoreceptor having a different surface property, the above-mentioned grinding or polishing is required.
After applying honing, electropolishing or anodizing to the surface of the ironed tube,
Processing can also be performed. An example of liquid honing is as follows. Mechanical
The outline is shown in FIG. The workpiece 1 ′ is set on the rotating chuck 16 in the machine body and processing chamber.
To give smooth rotation. The spray gun nozzle 17 is a mixture of abrasive and water
Is injected to the workpiece 1 ′ by compressed air. Rotation of rotary chuck 16 and injection gun
・ Synchronize the vertical feed of the nozzle 17 and raise and lower it to make the surface layer uniform surface roughness
Can be processed. The difference in the surface properties can be obtained by comparing the required surface properties with the type and particle size of the abrasive and the spraying conditions.
Surface roughness can be obtained. Abrasive materials include hard aluminum oxide materials with sharp angles in the particles,
Slightly inexpensive silica powder, glass beads with spherical particles, etc.
# 60 to # 1,000 can be selected according to The ground or polished ERW pipe material or the liquid-honed ERW pipe material is thus prepared.
As a base material, for photoconductors that have been ironed to solve the above problems
It is possible to provide a substrate. FIG. 9 shows the die and the like used in the ironing process and the transition of the ironing process in more detail.
It was done. The punch 18 and the die 19 are set coaxially on the punch movement line.
And the tip of the punch 18 is a curled tube end (FIG. 5 (b) 1 )) Ladder
It is designed to withstand compression pressure and not break. Die ironing surface is the workpiece
With high precision to form the surface roughness and roundness of (tube forming material 1b 'or drawn material 1c')
It is designed to maintain fine surface accuracy. Therefore, the required accuracy is
It is desirable that the roundness is about 3 μm or less and the surface roughness (Rmax) is about 0.1 μm or less. FIG. 9A shows that a workpiece 1 b ′ or 1 c ′ whose one end is curled is a punch 18.
FIG. 4 shows a state in which this is inserted into the tip of
9 (b) is a state where ironing is performed while the work 1b 'or 1c' is being squeezed.
Is represented. In the figure, 20 is a hydraulic press ram, and 21 is a stripper. After the ironing process is completed (FIG. 9C), the stripper 21 is moved and the punch is
The workpiece 1 ″ is removed from the workpiece 18 (FIG. 9 (d)).
The edge of the ERW pipe with the work is strongly pressed, resulting in deformation of the pressed end
However, this deformed part is used in a later step to cut a few ten mm from the end.
The effect on the degree is small. The hollow cylindrical substrate 1 obtained through such an ironing process is thin and has high precision.
To put it the other way around, to obtain such a thin and high-precision hollow cylindrical substrate,
In particular, ironing must be performed under appropriate conditions. For example, aluminum or aluminum alloy materials used for electric resistance welded tubes include
Among the heat-treated alloys, pure aluminum (1000-based), Al-Mn-based alloy (30
00 type) and an Al-Mg type alloy (5000 type). In the ironing process, whether the type of the pipe material, that is, the pipe material 1b or the drawn material 1c is used.
In the ironing method, the ironing method (ironing method (FIG. 5 (c) 1 )),draw
・ Ironing method (Fig. 5 (c Two )) And the number of ironing steps
Good. The draw ironing method is mainly used for the pipe forming material 1b.
The ironing method is adopted for the stretched material 1c. This is due to the improvement in the shape accuracy of the substrate and
It is meaningful to reduce the number of steps by reducing the number of ironing steps as much as possible.
Incidentally, the ironing method and the draw ironing method can be used in combination. FIG. 10A shows an example in which the number of ironing steps is one (one-step ironing), and FIG.
An example in which the number of steps is two (two-step ironing) is shown. The number of stages is three or more.
Although there is no problem, it is desirable that the number of ironing steps be small. Also, ironing step
The selection of the number should be as high as possible taking into account the ironing limits of the tubing and / or its material.
It is desirable to reduce the thickness variation due to the change in thickness due to ironing.
Adopt the number of steps that can be used. After the photoreceptor substrate 1 thus manufactured is washed with water or an organic solvent,
A conventionally known inorganic or organic photosensitive layer is formed on the surface. In addition, if necessary
An undercoat layer is provided between the substrate and the photosensitive layer, and a protective layer is provided on the photosensitive layer. EXAMPLES The present invention will be described more specifically with reference to examples. However, the present invention is not limited to these.
It is not specified. Example 1 The electric resistance welded tube (drawn material) 1c obtained in the process of FIG. 3 or FIG.
After curling, ironing was performed to prepare a substrate for a photoreceptor. Article at that time
The matter is as follows. (1) Base material Al-Mg based alloy (5052H-24) Finished dimensions (outer diameter) 40.0 mm x (thickness) 1.0 mm x (length) 300 mm (2) Ironing method Ironing method Ironing method Number of steps 1 step Ironing rate 37.5% Lubricating oil Polypten (HV-15, manufactured by Nippon Oil Co., Ltd.) (3) Die punch SKD-11, quenching hardness HRc 53-55 Die cemented carbide, quenching hardness HRA 85 9090 Surface roughness Rmax 0.1 μm or less (4) Hydraulic press machine Horizontal 20-ton hydraulic press (manufactured by Amino Seisakusho) [0043] The shape accuracy of the base material or the base material before and after ironing is measured as shown in Table 1. Also,
The surface roughness of the processed substrate was (Rmax) about 0.6 μm. In addition, accuracy measurement
In terms of the straightness, the straightness is divided into four equal parts on the cylindrical outer peripheral surface of the base body whose both ends are cut, and
Each of these was equally divided into 10 in the longitudinal direction, and a total of 4 × 10 = 40 points was measured.
The roundness is obtained by dividing the base having the front end portion divided into 10 equal parts in the longitudinal direction.
It was the maximum value of a total of 10 points measured at the place, and the wall thickness was cut at both ends.
The cylindrical outer peripheral surface of the substrate is divided into four equal parts, and each of them is divided into three equal parts in the longitudinal direction, so that a total of 4 × 3 =
These are the maximum and minimum values measured at 12 points. [Table 1] Example 2 The electric resistance welded tube (tubing material) 1b obtained in the process of FIG. 3 was used as a base material, and one end thereof was curled.
After drawing, a drawing process is performed, and further, an ironing process is performed simultaneously.
I got it. The conditions at that time are as follows. (1) Base material Al-Mn alloy (3004H-32) Finished dimensions (outer diameter) 40.0 mm x (thickness) 1.0 mm x (length) 300 mm (2) Ironing method Drawing method- Ironing method Number of ironing steps Two steps Ironing rate 44.4% Lubricating oil Polypten (HV-15, manufactured by Nippon Oil Co., Ltd.) (3) The mold and (4) the hydraulic press are the same as those in Example 1. The shape accuracy of the substrate or the substrate before and after drawing and ironing was measured as shown in Table 2.
The surface roughness (Rmax) of the processed substrate was about 0.9 μm. In addition,
The accuracy measurement value is the maximum value of each measurement site as in Example 1, and the measurement equipment is
The same one as in Example 1 was used. [Table 2] Example 3 The electric resistance welded tube (tube material) obtained in the step of FIG. 2 was used as a base material, and one end thereof was curled.
After that, ironing was performed to prepare a substrate for a photoreceptor. The conditions at that time are as follows
It is. (1) Base material Al-Mn alloy (3004 H-34) Finished dimensions (outer diameter) 40.0 mm x (thickness) 1.0 mm x (length) 300 mm (2) Ironing method Ironing method Number of ironing steps 2 steps Ironing rate 50% Lubricating oil Polypten (HV-15, manufactured by Nippon Oil Co., Ltd.) (3) The mold and (4) the hydraulic press are the same as those in Example 1. The shape accuracy of the base material or the base material before and after ironing is measured as shown in Table 3.
The surface roughness (Rmax) of the processed substrate was about 0.9 μm. In addition, accuracy measurement
The values are those of the maximum value of each measurement site as in Example 1.
The same thing was used. [Table 3] Example 4 An electric resistance welded tube (tube material) obtained in the step of FIG. 3A was used as a base material, and one end thereof was curled.
After drawing, a drawing process was performed, followed by an ironing process to prepare a substrate for a photoreceptor. So
The conditions in this case are as follows. (1) Base material Al-Mn alloy (3004H-32) Finished dimensions (outer diameter) 39.6 mm x (thickness) 0.85 mm x (length) 300 mm (2) Ironing method Drawing method- Ironing method Number of ironing steps Two steps Ironing rate 52.8% Lubricating oil Polypten (HV-15, manufactured by Nippon Oil Co., Ltd.) (3) The mold and (4) the hydraulic press are the same as those in Example 1. The shape accuracy of the substrate or the substrate before and after drawing and ironing was measured as shown in Table 4.
The surface roughness (Rmax) of the processed substrate was about 0.5 μm. In addition,
The accuracy measurement value is the maximum value of each measurement site as in Example 1, and the measurement equipment is
The same one as in Example 1 was used. [Table 4] Example 5 An Al—Mn based alloy and an Al—Mg based alloy obtained in the process of FIG. 3 or FIG.
Using three kinds of ERW pipes 1c as a base material, the outer peripheral surface layer is ground and polished, and further, one end thereof
Is curled, and then ironed to obtain three types of photoconductor substrates (sample,
And). Table 5 shows the conditions at that time. [Table 5] The surface roughness and the like of the substrate and the ironed substrate were measured as shown in Table 6. In addition,
The measured value is obtained by dividing the cylindrical outer peripheral surface of the base material or the base material having the both ends cut into four equal parts,
Each is divided into three equal parts in the longitudinal direction, and a maximum value of 4 × 3 = 12 is measured. [Table 6] Example 6 ERW made of the Al—Mg alloy (5052, H-24) obtained in the process of FIG.
Tube 1c is made of base material (outer diameter) 41.2 mm x (thickness) 1.6 mm x (length) 203 mm
And apply different liquid honing to the outer surface, and then curl one end
After that, ironing (one-step ironing by ironing method, ironing rate 37.5%) was performed to produce three types of photoreceptor substrates (samples and). Article at that time
The results are as shown in Table 7. [Table 7] The surface roughness of the substrate and the substrate after ironing were measured as shown in Table 8. Note that
The same equipment as in Example 5 was used. [Table 8] According to the present invention, the following effects can be obtained. (1) Using an electric resistance welded tube as a base material and performing ironing processing suitable for the base material or its material
Or by drawing and then ironing to reduce non-cutting
To manufacture long and thin photoreceptor bases from diameter to large diameter with high precision and low cost
Can be done. Using an ERW pipe as a base material, grinding or polishing the surface,
By applying ironing processing with the ground surface as the base, better photosensitivity with uniform surface roughness
A body substrate can be manufactured. (2) Using an electric resistance welded tube as a base material, honing, electrolytic polishing or anodizing
Is processed, the processed surface is used as a base, and ironing
Manufactures photoreceptor substrates with various surface properties and surface roughness, such as matte and matte surfaces
You can do it. (3) The metal strip, which is one of the materials of the ERW pipe, is manufactured by cold working with a rolling roll.
The thickness variation, that is, the uneven thickness is small. For example, φ40mm ~ φ60mm diameter, wall thickness 2.0mm or less
The thickness variation of the ERW pipe should be ± 0.02 mm or less on the same circumference and longitudinal direction of the pipe material.
It is good. (4) A pipe material having a small thickness variation is suitable as a base material for an ironed pipe.
Since the elongation of the material in the circumferential direction and the longitudinal direction becomes uniform during construction, a good iron pipe
There is a characteristic that is easy to obtain. If this base material is processed under appropriate conditions,
Thickness variation is even smaller, and a photosensitive body with good shape accuracy is obtained.
Can be. (5) The surface layer of the ERW pipe having a small thickness variation is ground, polished, or subjected to various surface treatments.
By further ironing, different surface properties and surface roughness can be obtained due to the difference in the surface layer serving as the base, but these surface processing reduces thickness variations, or
It is processed by a method that does not enlarge the uneven thickness of the pipe material, and has an appropriate surface texture and surface roughness.
If the base material with less uneven thickness is subjected to appropriate ironing or ironing after drawing,
A good surface layer and high shape accuracy can be simultaneously satisfied as a photoreceptor substrate. (6) ERW pipes can be easily formed regardless of the diameter of the pipes.
It is promising as a base material for an inexpensive substrate for a photoreceptor because it is supplied in large quantities. Immediately
In other words, squeeze and iron on other pipes manufactured by, for example, impact processing.
When processing, many steps are required to make the pipe uniform in wall thickness and less uneven in wall thickness.
It is important to note that the ERW pipe can be made thin and long, and the thickness variation is small.
It has the property of being a base material. Therefore, the number of processes
Thus, a photoreceptor substrate can be obtained.

【図面の簡単な説明】 【図1】 感光層を省いた感光体の主要部の斜視図である。 【図2】 基体表面に厚さの異なる塗膜が形成されたときの表面状態を説明するための図
である。 【図3】 電縫管の製造工程を説明するための図である。 【図4】 電縫管の製造工程を説明するための図である。 【図5】 しごき工程の概略を説明するための図である。 【図6】 センターレス研磨機の概略図である。 【図7】 基体に偏肉を発生させないことの説明図である。 【図8】 液体ホーニングの概略を示した図である。 【図9】 しごき工程の金型構成としごき工程推移の関係を表わした図である。 【図10】 しごき加工の段数の二例を示した図である。 【符号の説明】 1 基体(1a…金属条、1b…造管材、1c…抽伸材) 13 ダイス 18 ポンチ
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a main part of a photoconductor without a photoconductive layer. FIG. 2 is a view for explaining a surface state when coating films having different thicknesses are formed on a substrate surface. FIG. 3 is a view for explaining a manufacturing process of the electric resistance welded tube. FIG. 4 is a diagram for explaining a manufacturing process of the electric resistance welded tube. FIG. 5 is a view for explaining an outline of an ironing step. FIG. 6 is a schematic view of a centerless polishing machine. FIG. 7 is an explanatory view showing that uneven thickness is not generated on a base. FIG. 8 is a view schematically showing a liquid honing. FIG. 9 is a diagram illustrating a relationship between a die configuration of the ironing process and a transition of the ironing process. FIG. 10 is a view showing two examples of the number of ironing steps; [Explanation of Signs] 1 Base (1a: metal strip, 1b: pipe forming material, 1c: drawn material) 13 Die 18 Punch

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 金属条又は金属板を丸め接合部を高周波溶接して電縫管を造管
とを特徴とする電子写真感光体用基体の製造方法。 【請求項2】 金属条又は金属板を丸め接合部を高周波溶接して電縫管を造管
、両端部を切断することを特徴とする電子写真感光体用基体の製造方法。 【請求項3】 金属条又は金属板を丸め接合部を高周波溶接して電縫管を造管
子写真感光体用基体の製造方法。 【請求項4】 金属条又は金属板を丸め接合部を高周波溶接して電縫管を造管
製造方法。 【請求項5】 請求項1乃至4のいずれかの方法により製造された、表面の形
状精度が真直度及び真円度ともに0.04mm以下、肉厚バラツキ±0.01 5mm以内、表層部の表面粗さ(Rmax)1.0〜0.3μm以内の範囲にあ
ることを特徴とする電子写真感光体用基体。 【請求項6】 請求項1乃至4のいずれかの方法により製造された、表面の形
特徴とする電子写真感光体用基体。 【請求項7】 金属条又は金属板を電縫法により造管し、この表面に研削加工
Claims: 1. A metal strip or metal plate is rounded, and a welded portion is high-frequency welded to form an ERW pipe. If necessary, the ERW pipe is further drawn and straightened. A method for producing a substrate for an electrophotographic photoreceptor, which comprises cutting this, curling one end thereof, ironing it, and cutting both ends. 2. A metal strip or metal plate is rolled to weld a high frequency welded joint to form an ERW pipe, and if necessary, the ERW pipe is further drawn and straightened, and then cut. A method for producing a substrate for an electrophotographic photoreceptor, comprising curling one end, subjecting the same to drawing, further ironing, and cutting both ends. 3. A metal strip or metal plate is rounded, and a welded portion is high-frequency welded to form an ERW pipe. If necessary, the ERW pipe is drawn and straightened, and then cut. After the end is curled, the surface of the material is subjected to grinding or polishing, or, prior to curling, the surface is subjected to grinding or polishing after the surface is subjected to grinding or polishing. A method for producing a substrate for an electrophotographic photoreceptor, comprising cutting both ends after ironing or drawing and further ironing. 4. A metal strip or metal plate is rounded, and a welded portion is high-frequency welded to form an ERW pipe. If necessary, the ERW pipe is drawn and straightened, and then cut. After the edge is curled, the surface is subjected to honing, electrolytic polishing or anodizing processing or treatment, or the surface is subjected to honing, electrolytic polishing or anodizing processing or treatment prior to curling, and then the curling is performed. And then, after ironing with the processed surface as a base, or after drawing and further ironing, cutting both ends thereof, a method for producing a substrate for an electrophotographic photoreceptor. 5. A surface produced by the method according to claim 1, which has a surface accuracy of 0.04 mm or less for both straightness and roundness, and a thickness variation of ± 0.015 mm or less. A substrate for an electrophotographic photosensitive member, wherein the surface roughness (Rmax) is in the range of 1.0 to 0.3 μm. 6. The surface precision manufactured by the method according to claim 1, wherein both the straightness and the roundness are 0.03 mm or less, and the thickness variation is ± 0.01 m.
m, and the surface roughness of the surface layer (Rmax) is in the range of 1.0 to 0.3 μm. 7. A metal strip or metal plate is formed by an electric resistance sewing method, and the surface is subjected to grinding, polishing, honing, electrolytic polishing or anodizing, and ironing is performed using the polished surface as a base. A substrate for an electrophotographic photoreceptor obtained.



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