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JP2560958C JP2560958C JP 2560958 C JP2560958 C JP 2560958C JP 2560958 C JP2560958 C JP 2560958C
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Brother Industries Ltd
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Brother Industries Ltd
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【発明の詳細な説明】 【産業上の利用分野】 本発明は、長尺状のテープを印字媒体として印字手段により文字の印字を行な
設定可能としたテープ印字装置に関するものである。 【従来の技術】 従来より各種のテープ印字装置が提案されており、かかるテープ印字装置では
なうように構成されていた。 また、テープ幅検出器を有し、このテープ幅検出器により検出されたテープの
を行なうテープ印字装置も提案されている。 更に、印字に際し指定されたテープ長とそのテープ長内に印字されるべき文字
を備えたテープ印字装置も存在する。 【発明が解決しようとする課題】 しかしながら前記したテープ印字装置では、手動または自動で選択された文字 サイズについてそれぞれ固有の文字幅、文字間隔が予め決められており、テープ
操作者の意図する文字配置のテープが得られるとは限らない。 したがって従来のテープ印字装置においては、テープ上に印字することが可能
できないという問題があった。 本発明は前記従来技術の問題点を解消するためになされたものであり、使用さ
印字装置を提供することを目的とする。 【課題を解決するための手段】 前記目的を達成するため本発明は、文書データからなるテキストを作成するテ
手段を制御する印字制御手段とを備える。 上記テープ印字装置において好ましくは、さらに、前記テキストにおける文字
を前記テープに印字する際の文字相互間における文字間隔を設定する文字間隔設 定手段を備え、前記印字制御手段は、前記文字サイズ設定手段によりテープ幅に
る構成とすることができる。 また本発明の他の構成は、異なる幅を有する複数種類の長尺状のテープのうち
する構成とすることもできる。 上記テープ印字装置において、好ましくは前記複数種類のテープはそれぞれテ
る。 また上記テープ印字装置において、好ましくは前記文字サイズ設定手段は、前
字手段に装着されたテープ上にテキストの印字を行なうべく前記印字手段を制御 する構成とすることができる。 また上記テープ印字装置において好ましくは、さらに前記テキストにおける文
きる。 【作用】 前記構成を有する本発明では、先ず、テキスト作成手段により文書データから
れる。 また文字間隔設定手段により、文字相互間における文字間隔が設定されること
文字間隔で、印字手段により印字することができる。 本発明の他の構成では、上記と同様にテキストが作成され、文字サイズについ
により文字幅が設定され、その文字サイズ、文字幅でテキストが長尺状のテー プ上に印字される。この構成でも上記と同様に文字間隔も任意に設定することが
できる。 さらに文字サイズが手動でも設定できるようにすることで、印字制御手段は、
字手段によりテープ上に印字をすることができる。 また好ましくは、複数種類のテープはそれぞれテープカセットに収納されるこ
に入力することができる。 これにより、設定した文字サイズについて文字幅、または文字間隔を任意に設
ができるものである。 【実施例】 以下、本発明を具体化した実施例を図面にしたがって詳細に説明する。 図1はテープカセット収納部の収納カバーを開いて示すテープ印字装置の平面
が配設されている。 また、カセット収納部8には、図示しないパルスモータにより回転駆動され、
が固設されている。 更に、カセット収納部8の後方には、テープカセット13内に収蔵されている
ープ幅検出器Kが配設されている。 このテープ幅検出器Kは3つのフォトカップラP1、P2、P3からなり、か
プのテープ幅を検出するものである。 ここに、本実施例ではフィルムテープ15等のテープ幅の種類として6mm、
たものと同一の構成を有するので、ここではその詳細な説明は省略する。 また、かかるカセット収納部8は、テープ印字装置1の後方に回動可能に枢支
行われる。 次に、テープカセット13の構成について図2を参照して説明する。図2はカ セット収納部8にテープカセット13を収納した状態を示す平面図(テープカセ
ット13は上ケースを除いて示す)である。 図2において、下ケース14内には透明なフィルムテープ15が巻回されたテ
。 また、各スプール16、18、20の間にリボン巻取スプール21が同様に回
ボン17を巻取る。 更に、前記したサーマルヘッド11は下ケース14に設けられた凹部22に配
リボン17を介してフィルムテープ15に文字の印字を行うものである。 また、下ケース14のテープ排出部25(図1、図2中左下側)の近傍にテー
向配置されている。 カセット収納部8において、テープカセット13の前方(図1、図2中下側)
能とされている(図1、図2は共に印字位置に切り換えられた状態を示す)。 かかるローラホルダ23には、前記したプラテンローラ24及びテープ送りロ
られたときにサーマルヘッド11及び圧接ローラ26に対し圧接されるように配 設されている。尚、テープ送りローラ27は前記したテープ送りローラ軸10に
ローラ27と連動して回転駆動される。 また、圧接ローラ26及びテープ送りローラ27は、これらが協働してサーマ
説明を省略する。 次に、このように構成されるテープ印字装置1の制御系について図3を参照し
いるとともに、入出力インターフェイス36にも接続されている。 ここに、ROM32は各種のプログラムを記憶させておくものであり、後述す
行なうものである。 また、ROM32には、図4に示すようにテープ印字装置1に使用される各テ
いて、各テープ幅の大小関係に基づいて、a1<a2<a3<a4<a5の関係 が存在する。 更に、CGROM33にはキーボード6から入力される各キャラクタに対応す
るものである。 更に、RAM34はCPU31により演算された各種の演算結果を一時的に記
メモリが設けられている。 図5において、テキストメモリ41は、キーボード6から入力されたキャラク
タが展開されて記憶されるものである。 更に、印字バッファ43は印字時にイメージバッファ42に記憶されたドット
L」、「自動」のずれかの文字サイズ)が記憶されるものである。 ここで、図3に戻って制御ブロック図の説明を続けると、キーボード6が入出
接続されており、キーボード6の文字入力キー2を介して文字が入力された場合 、その文書データがテキストメモリ41に順次記憶されていくとともに、ドット
6を介してCPU31に入力され、前記テープ幅メモリ44に記憶される。 また、サーマルヘッド11は駆動回路38を介して駆動され、前記イメージバ
行なうものである。 次に、前記のように構成されたテープ印字装置に動作について図6乃至図13
キー入力かどうか判断される(S3)。 印字キー3からのキー入力である場合(S3:YES)、後述する印字処理が
トキー4Bからのキー入力であるかどうか判断される(S7)。 文字間隔セットキー4Aからのキー入力である場合(S7:YES)、後述す
5からのキー入力である場合(S9;YES)には、S10にて後述する文字サ イズセット処理が行なわれた(S10)後S2に戻る。 文字サイズセットキー5からのキー入力でない場合(S9:NO)、前記以外
なわれた(S13)後S2に戻る。 続いて、S6において行なわれる文字幅セット処理について図7、図8を参照
字キーNの内「1」のキ―、「2」のキー、「3」のキーを介して選択される。 次に、キーボード6上のいずれかのキーからキー入力があったかどうか判断さ
る(S22)。 数字キーNからのキー入力でない場合(S22:NO)には、再度S21に戻
ンする。 次に、前記S8にて行なわれる文字間隔セット処理について図9、図10を参
文字間隔セット画面が表示される(30)。文字間隔の種類としては、図10に 示すように「普通」、「広い」、「狭い」の3種類の候補が表示され、各文字間
れる。 次に、キーボード6上のいずれかのキーからキー入力があったかどうか判断さ
る(S32)。 数字キーNからのキー入力でない場合(S32:NO)には、再度S31に戻
にリターンする。 更に、前記S10にて行なわれる文字サイズセット処理について図11、図1
12に示す文字サイズセット画面が表示される(S40)。 文字サイズの種類としては、図12に示すように「ES」、「SS」、「S」
基づいて、文字サイズが自動的に設定されるモードを示すものである。 次に、キーボード6上のいずれかのキーからキー入力があったかどうか判断さ
る(S42)。 数字キーNからのキー入力でない場合(S42:NO)には、再度S41に戻
2の処理にリターンする。 次に、前記S4にて行なわれる印字処理について図13を参照して説明する。
記憶される(S51)。 次に、テープ幅メモリ44に記憶されたテープ幅データを読み出し、その読み
る。 この後、前記のように決定された文字サイズ、及び、文字幅(S20乃至S2
される(S53)。 尚、前記S50における判断がNOの場合、即ち、前記S40乃至S43にお
ける文字サイズセット処理で「自動」以外の文字サイズがセットされた場合には 、そのセットされた文字サイズ、及び、S20乃至S23にてセットされた文字
3)。 この後、イメージバッファ42に記憶されたイメージデータが印字バッファ4
リターンする。 以上詳細に説明した通り本実施例に係るテープ印字装置1では、文字サイズの
種々の改良、変形が可能であることは勿論である。 【発明の効果】 以上説明した通り本発明は、使用されるテープのテープ幅に基づいて文字サイ
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION       [Industrial applications]   According to the present invention, characters are printed by printing means using a long tape as a printing medium.
In particular, one of the tape printers having a plurality of types of tape widths is selected.
Selective use and setting the character size based on the tape width of the tape used
In both cases, freely set the character width or character spacing for the set character size.
The present invention relates to a tape printer that can be set.       [Prior art]   Conventionally, various tape printing devices have been proposed, and in such a tape printing device,
In general, a desired character size is selected from a plurality of predetermined character sizes.
And print the character on the long tape by the printing means with the selected character size.
It was configured to be.   The tape width detector has a tape width detector.
Character printing on tape according to the character size automatically set based on the tape width
Tape printing devices that perform the following have also been proposed.   In addition, the tape length specified for printing and the characters to be printed within the tape length
The length of these tapes minus the text length based on the text length of
So-called equalization function that automatically calculates the character spacing by dividing by the number of characters
There is also a tape printer equipped with a tape printer.       [Problems to be solved by the invention]   However, in the above-described tape printer, the characters selected manually or automatically are selected. Character width and character spacing are determined in advance for each size.
The array of characters that can be printed on a page is always almost uniform. Equal allocation function
In the case of having characters, characters and the like are arranged at equal intervals within the specified length,
A tape having a character arrangement intended by the operator is not always obtained.   Therefore, it is possible to print on tape with the conventional tape printer.
Character types and arrangements and their combinations are extremely limited.
This makes it possible to create a variety of tapes with text in line with the operator's intentions.
There was a problem that it was not possible.   The present invention has been made to solve the above-mentioned problems of the prior art, and
Set the character size based on the tape width of the tape to be
The character width or character spacing can be set freely for the character size.
Tape that can create a variety of tapes with characters in line with the intention of
It is an object to provide a printing device.       [Means for Solving the Problems]   In order to achieve the above object, the present invention provides a method for creating text composed of document data.
Text created by text creation means and text creation means
Any one of the long tapes having a tape width is selectively attached and the tape is attached.
And a printing means for printing on the tape.
Tape width detecting means for detecting a tape width of the attached tape;
Characters in the text based on the tape width detected by the output means.
Character size when printing onSupports multiple types of tape widths and tape widths
Then, refer to the table which is made to correspond to the predetermined character size.Set
A character size setting means and an arbitrary character width for the set character size.
Character width setting means to be set, and the character size setting means setting based on the tape width.
The specified character size follows the character width set by the character width setting means.
The text printing on the tape attached to the printing means.
Print control means for controlling the means.   Preferably, in the above-mentioned tape printing apparatus, furthermore, a character in the text
Character spacing setting which sets the character spacing between characters when printing on the tape. Setting means, and the print control means adjusts the tape width by the character size setting means.
The sentence set by the character width setting means for the character size set based on
The printing is performed according to the character width and the character spacing set by the character spacing setting means.
Controlling the printing means to print text on the tape mounted on the means.
Configuration.   Further, another configuration of the present invention is one of a plurality of types of long tapes having different widths.
A tape printer that selectively mounts any one of the above and prints on the tape
Text creation means for creating text consisting of document data, and text creation
The text created by the means to the attached tape of arbitrary width by the print head.
Print control means for performing printing, and the print control means for controlling the tape width of the tape to be used.
Means for inputting a tape width, and characters in the text are marked on the tape.
Character size when writingPredetermined corresponding to multiple types of each tape width and each tape width
Refer to the table that matches the font sizeSet the font size to be set.
Setting means and a character width for arbitrarily setting the character width for the set character size
Setting means, and the printing control means, the input by the tape width input means
The character size is set by the character size setting means based on the tape width, and the text is set.
The character size is set according to the character width set by the character width setting means.
Control the printing means to print text on the tape attached to the character means
It is also possible to adopt a configuration in which   In the above-described tape printer, preferably, the plurality of types of tapes are each a tape.
Tape cassette, and the tape cassette contains the tape width information of the stored tape.
A discriminating member representing the information is provided, and the tape width input means is provided in the discriminating section.
And detecting the material and inputting the tape width information to the printing control means.
You.   In the above-mentioned tape printer, preferably, the character size setting means is
Any character size can be manually set regardless of the tape width.
When the character size is manually set by the character size setting means,
The character size is set according to the character width set by the character width setting means.
Control the printing means to print text on the tape attached to the character means Configuration.   In the above-mentioned tape printer, preferably, the text in the text is further added.
Character spacing to set the character spacing between characters when printing characters on the tape
Setting means, wherein the print control means is configured to input the text input by the tape width input means.
The character size setting means sets the character size based on the
The character width set by the character width setting means for the character size, and the character spacing
In accordance with the character spacing set by the distance setting means, the table attached to the printing means
It is possible to adopt a configuration in which the printing means is controlled so as to print text on the tape.
Wear.       [Action]   In the present invention having the above-described configuration, first, text data is converted from document data by text creation means.
Is created. Also, the font size set as described later
Character width (for example, relative size such as full width, half width, double width, etc.)
Is set. The tape width of the tape to be used is detected by the tape width detecting means,
Character size based on the loop widthMultiple types of tape widths and corresponding to each tape width
Refer to the table that corresponds to the determined character sizeIs set. So
Then, the printing means is controlled by the printing control means. At that time, as described above
For the character size set based on the tape width, the character width
The width is set, and the text is printed on a long tape at the character size and character width.
It is.   The character spacing between characters is set by the character spacing setting means.
In addition, the print control means may add an arbitrary character width in addition to the character width set for the character size.
Printing can be performed by printing means at character intervals.   In another configuration of the present invention, text is created in the same manner as described above, and the
Character width is set. Enter the tape width of the tape to be used with the tape width input means
Then, the print control means changes the character size based on the input tape width.Duplicate
Corresponds to several tape widths and the character size determined in advance for each tape width.
Refer to the tableCharacter width setting means for the character size set
The character width is set according to the character size and character width. Is printed on the tape. In this configuration, the character spacing can also be set arbitrarily as described above.
it can.   In addition, by allowing the character size to be set manually, the print control means
The character width is set by the character width setting means for the manually set character size,
Letters can be printed on the tape.   Preferably, a plurality of types of tapes are stored in a tape cassette.
The tape width information can be easily obtained by detecting the discriminating member provided on the tape cassette.
Can be entered.   This allows you to set the character width or character spacing arbitrarily for the set character size.
To create a variety of tapes with text that meet the operator's intentions.
Can be done.       【Example】   Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described in detail with reference to the drawings.   FIG. 1 is a plan view of the tape printing apparatus showing the storage cover of the tape cassette storage unit opened.
FIG. In FIG. 1, a character such as a character (this
In textbooks, this is simply referred to as “characters” over multiple lines,
Character input key 2 for creating text, print key 3 for printing text
, As described below, the character width of each character in the text ("full-width", "double-width", "half-width")
Character width set key 4A for setting the "
Set character spacing (set from "Normal", "Wide", "Narrow")
Key 4B for setting the character size of each character ("ES", "SS", "
S, M, L, LL, XL, and Auto)
Key to set the character size, and move the cursor up on the LCD
Cursor key C for moving down, left and right, line feed command and resource for commanding execution of various processes
Turnkey R, and character width setting, character spacing setting, and character
Numeric keys N for selecting each character width, character spacing, and character size when setting size
And a liquid for displaying characters and the like input from the keyboard 6.
Storage unit 8 for storing a crystal display 7 and a tape cassette 13 described later
Are arranged.   The cassette storage unit 8 is driven to rotate by a pulse motor (not shown),
By rotating the ribbon take-up spool 21 of the tape cassette 13, the thermal ink ribbon
A ribbon take-up shaft 9 for taking up the tape 17 is provided upright, and its oblique front (keyboard)
6) is rotated by a tape feed motor 40 to be described later via an appropriate transmission mechanism.
The tape feed roller shaft 1 for rotating the tape feed roller 27 to be described later
0 is erected. Further, in front of the cassette storage section 8, a thermal ink ribbon is provided.
Thermal head 11 for printing on a film tape 15 described later via a
Is fixed.   Further, behind the cassette storage section 8, the tape is stored in a tape cassette 13.
Various tapes such as film tape 15 (the tape width of each tape is one tape cassette
Tape 13 has the same tape width).
A loop width detector K is provided.   This tape width detector K is composed of three photocouplers P1, P2 and P3.
In the photocouplers P1, P2, and P3, the cassette of the tape cassette 13 is stored.
A discriminating member (not shown) provided on the back surface of the tape cassette 13 when the tape cassette 13 is mounted on the unit 8
Is inserted and the discriminating member selectively shuts off the photocouplers P1, P2, and P3.
Various tapes such as the film tape 15 stored in the tape cassette 13 by the
The tape width of the tape is detected.   Here, in this embodiment, the type of the tape width of the film tape 15 or the like is 6 mm,
There are five types of 9mm, 12mm, 18mm and 24mm.
P1, P2, and P3 are "H" signals generated based on the selective cutoff by the discriminating member.
, The width of the tape in the tape cassette 13 is detected by a combination of the "L" signal.
is there. The configuration of the tape width detector K is described in Japanese Patent Application No. 3-217860.
Application and Japanese Patent Application No. Hei 3-217861 are described in the specification and drawings attached thereto.
Since it has the same configuration as that described above, a detailed description thereof will be omitted here.   Further, the cassette storage section 8 is pivotally supported pivotably behind the tape printer 1.
The opened and closed storage cover 12 allows the tape cassette 13 to be replaced in the open state.
Done.   Next, the configuration of the tape cassette 13 will be described with reference to FIG. Fig. 2 FIG. 4 is a plan view showing a state where the tape cassette 13 is stored in the set storage portion 8 (tape cassette).
Unit 13 is shown except for the upper case).   In FIG. 2, a transparent film tape 15 is wound in a lower case 14.
Spool 16 and a ribbon spool 18 around which a thermal ink ribbon 17 is wound.
, A double-sided adhesive tape 19 with release paper wound around with the release paper side outside
A spool 20 is provided, and these spools 16, 18, and 20 are not shown.
It is rotatably supported in cooperation with the support provided on the lower surface of the upper case.
.   In addition, the ribbon take-up spool 21 is similarly rotated between the spools 16, 18, and 20.
The ribbon take-up spool 21 is rotatably supported.
The thermal increment used for printing by driving the ribbon winding shaft 9 meshed with the shaft 9
The bon 17 is wound up.   Further, the above-described thermal head 11 is arranged in a concave portion 22 provided in the lower case 14.
The thermal head 11 is rotatably supported by a roller holder 23.
The platen roller 24 is opposed to a position where the platen roller 24 can be pressed. Such thermal
The head 11 has a large number of heating elements (the thermal head of the tape printing apparatus 1 according to the present embodiment).
11 is provided with 128 heating elements).
This prints characters on the film tape 15 via the ribbon 17.   In addition, a tape is located near the tape discharge portion 25 (the lower left side in FIGS. 1 and 2) of the lower case 14.
The tape pressing roller 26 is rotatably supported.
The tape feed roller 27 rotatably supported by the holder 23 is positioned at a position where it can be pressed.
Oriented.   In the cassette storage section 8, in front of the tape cassette 13 (the lower side in FIGS. 1 and 2).
The roller holder 23 is rotatably supported by a support shaft 28 so that
The rudder 23 can be switched between the printing position and the release position by a manual switching mechanism (not shown).
(FIGS. 1 and 2 both show a state where the printing position is switched to the printing position).   The roller holder 23 includes the platen roller 24 and the tape feed roller described above.
Roller 27 is rotatable, and roller holder 23 is switched to the printing position.
The thermal head 11 and the pressure roller 26 when pressed. Has been established. The tape feed roller 27 is attached to the tape feed roller shaft 10 described above.
The pressing roller 26 is fed by a gear mechanism (not shown).
It is driven to rotate in conjunction with the roller 27.   In addition, the pressing roller 26 and the tape feed roller 27 cooperate to
On which characters are printed by the thermal head 11 via the thermal ink ribbon 17
The pressure-sensitive adhesive surface of the double-sided adhesive tape 19 is pressed against the
And feeds out the tape T in the direction of arrow J. In addition, created
The tape T is moved by a cutter (not shown) arranged on the left side of the tape cassette 13.
Cut. Since the configuration of such a cutter is known, here
Description is omitted.   Next, a control system of the tape printer 1 configured as described above will be described with reference to FIG.
Will be explained. FIG. 3 shows a control block diagram of the tape printing apparatus 1.
It is configured as a core. The control device 30 is a CPU 31, a ROM 32, a CGROM
33 and a RAM 34, which are interconnected via a bus 35.
And is also connected to the input / output interface 36.   Here, the ROM 32 stores various programs, and will be described later.
Text editing control program, character width setting program, character spacing setting program
Gram, character size set program, print control program, and other tape printing
Various programs necessary for controlling the device 1 are stored. And the CPU 31
Performs various operations based on various programs stored in the ROM 32.
It is what you do.   Further, as shown in FIG. 4, each of the texts used in the tape printer 1 is stored in the ROM 32.
5 tape widths (detected by tape detector K)
And the character size predetermined for each tape width.
Table is stored. In this table, 6 mm tape has a1
Text size, a2 text size for 9mm tape, a3 text for 12mm tape
Character size, a4 character size for 18mm tape and a for 24mm tape
5 are associated with each other. Here, between each font size
And a relationship of a1 <a2 <a3 <a4 <a5 based on the magnitude relationship of the tape widths. Exists.   Further, the CGROM 33 stores characters corresponding to each character input from the keyboard 6.
Dot pattern data is stored, and the dot pattern data is stored in the CGROM
After being read out from the memory 33 and expanded, it is transferred to an image buffer 42 described later.
Things.   Further, the RAM 34 temporarily stores various calculation results calculated by the CPU 31.
The RAM 34 stores various types of data as shown in FIG.
A memory is provided.   In FIG. 5, the text memory 41 stores characters input from the keyboard 6.
The code data corresponding to the data is stored as document data (text).
. The image buffer 42 stores the text stored in the text memory 41.
Dot pattern data read from the CGROM 33 corresponding to the document data
Is developed and stored.   Further, the print buffer 43 stores the dots stored in the image buffer 42 during printing.
The data is transferred and stored, and the thermal head 11
Dot printing in accordance with the dot data stored in the file 43.
. The tape width memory 44 stores the tape cassette 13 in the cassette storage unit 8.
The tape width data (6 mm, 9 mm
, 12 mm, 18 mm, or 24 mm tape width).
. The character width memory 45 stores character width data (“all characters
Character width), a character width of a shift between “double-width” and “half-width”.
Is the character spacing data set in the same way (“normal”, “wide”, “narrow”
Is stored in the character size memory 47.
Size data (“ES”, “SS”, “S”, “M”, “L”, “LL”, “X
L "and" automatic ".   Here, returning to FIG. 3, the description of the control block diagram is continued.
The liquid crystal display 7 and the display
Controller 37 to the control device 30 via the input / output interface 36, respectively.
When connected and characters are input via the character input keys 2 of the keyboard 6 , While the document data is sequentially stored in the text memory 41,
The keyboard 6 is controlled based on the pattern generation control program and the display control program.
A dot pattern corresponding to the character input via the LCD is displayed on the liquid crystal display 7
Is done. Also, the detection signal from the tape width detector K is input / output interface 3
6 to the CPU 31 and stored in the tape width memory 44.   Further, the thermal head 11 is driven via a drive circuit 38, and
The dot data transferred from the buffer 42 to the print buffer 43 is printed.
The tape feed motor 40 controls the feed of the tape T via the drive circuit 39 in synchronization with
It is what you do.   Next, the operation of the tape printer configured as described above will be described with reference to FIGS.
First, text editing control will be described with reference to FIG.
FIG. 6 is a flowchart of the text editing control program.
In S1, initialization such as clearing of each memory in the RAM 34 is performed.
Next, whether there is a key input from any key on the keyboard 6
It is determined (S2). If there is no key input (S2: NO), there is no key input.
If there is a key input (S2: YES), the print key 3
It is determined whether it is a key input (S3).   If the input is the key input from the print key 3 (S3: YES), the printing process described later is performed.
After performing (S4), the process returns to S2. When the key is not input from print key 3
In (S3: NO), it is determined whether the input is a key input from the character width set key 4A.
Is performed (S5). When the key input is from the character width set key 4A (S5: YE
In S), a character width setting process described later is performed (S6), and the process returns to S2. letter
If the key input is not from the width set key 4A (S5: NO), the character interval
It is determined whether or not the key input is from the key 4B (S7).   If the key input is from the character spacing set key 4A (S7: YES), it will be described later.
After performing the character spacing setting process (S8), the process returns to S2. On the other hand, character spacing
If the key input is not from the key 4B (S7: NO), the character size
It is determined whether the input is a key input from -5 (S9). Character size set key
If the input is a key input from S5 (S9; YES), the character input described later in S10 is performed. After performing the size setting process (S10), the process returns to S2.   If not key input from character size set key 5 (S9: NO), other than the above
It is determined whether there has been a key input from the editing related key (S11). Editorial bureau
When there is a key input from a consecutive key, for example, the character input key 2 (S11: YES)
) Includes text composed of document data according to the key input from the character input key 2.
After the data is created and edited (S12), the process returns to S2. On the other hand, keys from editing related keys
If it is not an input (S11: NO), the process corresponding to the pressed key is executed.
After the completion (S13), the process returns to S2.   Subsequently, the character width setting process performed in S6 will be described with reference to FIGS.
I will explain. FIG. 7 is a flowchart of the character width setting program.
When the character width set key 4A is pressed, the liquid crystal display 7
A character width setting screen is displayed (S20). The types of character width are shown in FIG.
Three types of candidates, "full-width", "double-width", and "half-width" are displayed, and each character width is a number.
The character key N is selected via the "1" key, the "2" key, and the "3" key.   Next, it is determined whether a key input has been made from any key on the keyboard 6.
(S21). If there is no key input (S21: NO), until there is a key input
If there is a key input while waiting (S21: YES), the key input is
It is determined whether the input is a key input from the numeric keys N (keys “1” to “3”).
(S22).   If it is not a key input from the numeric key N (S22: NO), the process returns to S21 again.
Waiting for a key input, and when the key input is from the numeric key N (S22: YES).
, The character width is set according to the pressed numeric key N, and the
The set character width data is stored in the character width memory 45 of the RAM 34 (S2).
3). This completes the character width setting process and returns to the process of S2 shown in FIG.
On.   Next, the character spacing setting process performed in S8 will be described with reference to FIGS.
It will be described in the light of the above. FIG. 9 is a flowchart of the character spacing setting program.
When the character spacing set key 4B is pressed, the liquid crystal display 7 shown in FIG.
A character spacing set screen is displayed (30). The type of character spacing is shown in FIG. As shown, three types of candidates, "normal", "wide", and "narrow" are displayed,
The interval is selected via the “1” key, the “2” key, and the “3” key of the numeric keys N.
It is.   Next, it is determined whether a key input has been made from any key on the keyboard 6.
(S31). If there is no key input (S31: NO), until there is a key input
If there is a key input while waiting (S31: YES), the key input is
It is determined whether the input is a key input from the numeric keys N (keys “1” to “3”).
(S32).   If it is not a key input from the numeric key N (S32: NO), the process returns to S31 again.
Waiting for a key input, and when the key input is from the numeric key N (S32: YES).
The character spacing is set according to the pressed numeric key N, and
Is stored in the character spacing memory 46 of the RAM 34.
(S33). This completes the character interval setting process, and the 2S process shown in FIG.
Return to   Further, regarding the character size setting process performed in S10, FIG.
This will be described with reference to FIG. FIG. 11 is a flowchart of the character size setting program.
First, when the character size set key 5 is pressed, the liquid crystal display 7
A character size set screen shown in FIG. 12 is displayed (S40).   As the type of the character size, as shown in FIG. 12, "ES", "SS", "S"
, "M", "L", "LL", "XL", "automatic" are displayed,
Each character size is selected through the "1" to "8" keys of the numeric keys N.
You. Here, the character size is set to increase in order from “ES” to “XL”.
The “automatic” is based on the tape width detected by the tape width detector K.
This indicates a mode in which the character size is automatically set based on the character size.   Next, it is determined whether a key input has been made from any key on the keyboard 6.
(S41). If there is no key input (S41: NO), until there is a key input
If there is a key input while waiting (S41: YES), the key input is
It is determined whether the input is a key input from the numeric keys N (keys “1” to “8”).
(S42).   If it is not a key input from the numeric key N (S42: NO), the process returns to S41 again.
Waiting for a key input, and the key input is from the numeric key N (S42: YES).
, The character size is set according to the pressed numeric key N,
The set character size data is stored in the character size memory 47 of the RAM 34.
Is performed (S43). This completes the character size setting process and returns to S shown in FIG.
It returns to the process of 2.   Next, the printing process performed in S4 will be described with reference to FIG.
FIG. 13 is a flowchart of the print control program.
The character size set in the character size setting process was set to "Auto"
It is determined whether or not. When the set character size is not “automatic” (S50:
(NO), the process proceeds to S53, while if the character size is set to “automatic”,
In this case (S50: YES), when the tape width is detected by the tape width detector K,
In addition, the tape width data relating to the detected tape width is stored in the tape width memory 44.
It is stored (S51).   Next, the tape width data stored in the tape width memory 44 is read, and the reading is performed.
Based on the output tape width data, a table stored in the ROM 32 (FIG. 4)
Reference), and determines the character size (S52). Here, the tape width detector K
If the tape width detected by is 6 mm, the character size is determined to be a1,
When the loop width is 9 mm, the character size is determined to be a2. Similarly, tape
When the width is 12 mm, the character size is a3. When the tape width is 18 mm, the character size is a3.
If the tape width is 24 mm, the character size is a5.
You.   Thereafter, the character size and character width determined as described above (S20 to S2
3) and character spacing (set in S30 to S33).
The character data in the text stored in the text memory 41 is C
The image is developed through the GROM 33 and transferred to the image buffer 42.
Is performed (S53).   When the determination in S50 is NO, that is, in S40 to S43,
If a character size other than "Auto" is set in the character size setting process , The set character size, and the characters set in S20 to S23
The text memory 41 according to the width and the character spacing set in S30 to S33.
The character data in the text stored in the
The image is developed and transferred to the image buffer 42 (S5).
3).   Thereafter, the image data stored in the image buffer 42 is transferred to the print buffer 4.
3 and the image data is transferred via the thermal head 11 to the mark on the tape.
Is written (S54). With this, the printing process is completed, and the process of S2 shown in FIG.
To return.   As described in detail above, in the tape printer 1 according to the present embodiment, the character size
Tape width detection when "Auto" character size is set in the setting process
Is stored in advance in the ROM 32 based on the tape width detected by the device K.
When the character size is determined by referring to the table in which the
In both cases, the determined character size and the sentence set via the keyboard 6
Characters are printed on tape according to the character width and character spacing.
Is set to "Auto" font size,
Character width for characters of character size automatically set based on tape width, and
, The character spacing can be set freely. This allows the operator to
A variety of tapes with letters can be created. In addition,
The present invention is not limited to the above-described embodiments, but may be made within the scope of the present invention.
It goes without saying that various improvements and modifications are possible.   【The invention's effect】   As described above, the present invention is based on the character width based on the tape width of the tape used.
Character width and character spacing for the set character size.
Can be set freely, and with a variety of characters according to the operator's intention
A tape printer capable of producing a tape can be provided, and
The effect is great.

【図面の簡単な説明】 【図1】 テープカセット収納部の収納カバーを開けて示すテープ印字装置の平面図である
。 【図2】 カセット収納部にテープカセットを収納した状態を示す平面図である。 【図3】 テープ印字装置の制御ブロック図である。【図4】ROMに記憶されている各
明図である。 【図5】 RAMの内容を模式的に示す説明図である。 【図6】 テキスト編集制御プログラムのフローチャートである。 【図7】 文字幅セットプログラムのフローチャートである。 【図8】 液晶ディスプレイ上に表示された文字幅セット画面を示す説明図である。 【図9】 文字間隔セットプログラムのフローチャートである。 【図10】 液晶ディスプレイ上に表示された文字間隔セット画面を示す説明図である。 【図11】 文字サイズセットプログラムのフローチャートである。 【図12】 液晶ディスプレイ上に表示された文字サイズセット画面を示す説明図である。 【図13】 印字制御プログラムのフローチャートである。 【符号の説明】 1 テープ印字装置 2 文字入力キー 3 印字キー 4A 文字幅セットキー 4B 文字間隔セットキー 5 文字サイズセットキー 6 キーボード 7 液晶ディスプレイ 11 サーマルヘッド 30 制御装置 31 CPU 32 ROM 33 CGROM 34 RAM 41 テキストメモリ 42 イメージバッファ 43 印字バッファ 44 テープ幅メモリ 45 文字幅メモリ 46 文字間隔メモリ 47 文字サイズメモリ K テープ幅検出器
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a plan view of a tape printer in which a storage cover of a tape cassette storage unit is opened. FIG. 2 is a plan view showing a state where a tape cassette is stored in a cassette storage unit. FIG. 3 is a control block diagram of the tape printer. FIG. 4 is an explanatory diagram schematically showing the contents of a table in which a tape width and a character size of each tape stored in a ROM are associated with each other. FIG. 5 is an explanatory diagram schematically showing the contents of a RAM. FIG. 6 is a flowchart of a text editing control program. FIG. 7 is a flowchart of a character width setting program. FIG. 8 is an explanatory diagram showing a character width setting screen displayed on a liquid crystal display. FIG. 9 is a flowchart of a character interval setting program. FIG. 10 is an explanatory diagram showing a character spacing set screen displayed on a liquid crystal display. FIG. 11 is a flowchart of a character size setting program. FIG. 12 is an explanatory diagram showing a character size setting screen displayed on a liquid crystal display. FIG. 13 is a flowchart of a print control program. [Description of Signs] 1 Tape printer 2 Character input key 3 Print key 4A Character width set key 4B Character spacing set key 5 Character size set key 6 Keyboard 7 Liquid crystal display 11 Thermal head 30 Controller 31 CPU 32 ROM 33 CGROM 34 RAM 41 Text memory 42 Image buffer 43 Print buffer 44 Tape width memory 45 Character width memory 46 Character spacing memory 47 Character size memory K Tape width detector

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 文書データからなるテキストを作成するテキスト作成手段と、
手段とを有するテープ印字装置において、 前記印字手段に装着された前記テープのテープ幅を検出するテープ幅検出手段
と、 前記テープ幅検出手段により検出されたテープ幅に基づいて、前記テキスト中
参照して設定する文字サイズ設定手段と、 前記設定された文字サイズについての文字幅を任意に設定する文字幅設定手段
と、 前記文字サイズ設定手段によりテープ幅に基づいて設定された文字サイズにつ
手段と を備えたことを特徴とするテープ印字装置。 【請求項2】 請求1に記載のテープ印字装置において、さらに、 前記テキストにおける文字を前記テープに印字する際の文字相互間における文
字間隔を設定する文字間隔設定手段 を備え、前記印字制御手段は、前記文字サイズ設定手段によりテープ幅に基づい
を特徴とするテープ印字装置。 【請求項3】 異なる幅を有する複数種類の長尺状のテープのうちの任意 の1つを選択的に装着してそのテープに印字をするテープ印字装置において、 文書データからなるテキストを作成するテキスト作成手段と、 テキスト作成手段により作成されたテキストを、装着された任意幅のテープに
印字ヘッドにより印字する印字制御手段と、 使用する前記テープのテープ幅を前記印字制御手段に入力するテープ幅入力手
段と、 前記テキスト中における文字を前記テープに印字する際の文字サイズを複数種
てなるテーブルを参照して設定する文字サイズ設定手段と、 前記設定された文字サイズについての文字幅を任意に設定する文字幅設定手段
とを備え、 前記印字制御手段は、前記テープ幅入力手段により入力したテープ幅に基づい
するテープ印字装置。 【請求項4】 請求3に記載のテープ印字装置において、 前記複数種類のテープはそれぞれテープカセットに収納され、そのテープカセ
ットには収納したテープのテープ幅情報をあらわす判別部材が設けられており、 前記テープ幅入力手段は、前記判別部材を検出してテープ幅情報を前記印字制
御手段に入力することを特徴とするテープ印字装置。 【請求項5】 請求1または3に記載のテープ印字装置において、 前記文字サイズ設定手段は、前記テープ幅に関係なく手動でも任意の文字サイ
ズを設定でき、 前記印字制御手段は、前記文字サイズ設定手段で文字サイズを手動設定したと
前記印字手段を制御することを特徴とするテープ印字装置。 【請求項6】 請求3に記載のテープ印字装置において、さらに、 前記テキストにおける文字を前記テープに印字する際の文字相互間における文
字間隔を設定する文字間隔設定手段 を備え、前記印字制御手段は、前記テープ幅入力手段により入力したテープ幅に
Claims: 1. A text creating means for creating a text consisting of document data,
A tape printing device having a printing means for selectively attaching any one of long tapes having a plurality of types of tape widths and printing the text created by the text creating means on the tape; A tape width detecting means for detecting a tape width of the tape mounted on the printing means, and a method for printing characters in the text on the tape based on the tape width detected by the tape width detecting means. Character size can be set for each type of tape width
A table that corresponds to the character size determined in advance corresponding to each tape width
Character size setting means for setting by referring to ; character width setting means for arbitrarily setting a character width for the set character size; and a character size set based on a tape width by the character size setting means. A tape printing apparatus comprising: a printing control unit that controls the printing unit to print text on a tape mounted on the printing unit according to the character width set by the character width setting unit. In the tape printing apparatus according to claim 1, further comprising a character spacing setting means for setting the character spacing between characters mutual when printing a character in the text on the tape, the print control means The character width set by the character width setting means for the character size set based on the tape width by the character size setting means,
And a printing device for controlling the printing means to print text on a tape mounted on the printing means in accordance with the character spacing set by the character spacing setting means. 3. A tape printing apparatus for selectively mounting any one of a plurality of types of long tapes having different widths and printing on the tape creates text consisting of document data. Text creation means, print control means for printing the text created by the text creation means on a tape of an arbitrary width attached thereto by a print head, and tape width for inputting the tape width of the tape to be used to the print control means Input means, and a plurality of types of character sizes when characters in the text are printed on the tape.
For each tape width of each kind, correspond to the character size determined in advance for each tape width.
Character size setting means for setting by referring to a table comprising: a character width setting means for arbitrarily setting a character width for the set character size, wherein the print control means is provided by the tape width input means. The character size is set by the character size setting means based on the input tape width, and text is printed on the tape mounted on the printing means in accordance with the character width set by the character width setting means for the character size. Characterized in that the printing means is controlled to perform the following. In the tape printing apparatus according to claim 3, wherein the plurality of types of tapes housed in the tape cassette, respectively, in the tape cassette is provided with a discrimination member representing tape width information of the storage tapes The tape printing apparatus according to claim 1, wherein the tape width input means detects the discrimination member and inputs tape width information to the print control means. In the tape printing apparatus according to claim 5] according to claim 1 or 3, wherein the character size setting unit, the can be set to any character sizes manually regardless tape width, the printing control means, the character size When the character size is manually set by the setting unit, the printing unit is configured to print text on a tape attached to the printing unit according to the character width set by the character width setting unit for the set character size. A tape printing device characterized by controlling. In the tape printing apparatus according to claim 6] claim 3, further comprising a character spacing setting means for setting the character spacing between characters mutual when printing a character in the text on the tape, the print control means Causes the character size setting means to set a character size based on the tape width input by the tape width input means, the character width set by the character width setting means for the character size, and the character spacing setting means A tape printing device which controls the printing means so as to print text on a tape mounted on the printing means in accordance with the character spacing set by the printer.



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