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JP2556956C JP2556956C JP 2556956 C JP2556956 C JP 2556956C JP 2556956 C JP2556956 C JP 2556956C
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【発明の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【産業上の利用分野】 この発明は遊技機、特にゲーム状態を形成する可変表示装置を備えた遊技機に
適用して有効なものに関する。 【0002】 【従来の技術】 例えば、パチンコ遊技機の分野においては、遊技客へのサービス向上や遊技を
うになる。 【0003】 この種の役物付きのパチンコ遊技機には、可変表示装置と、この可変表示装置 の表示内容が特定の態様で停止することを条件にして動作する入賞装置とが設け
られる。 【0004】 上記可変表示装置は、パチンコ遊技機の遊技領域内にて一種のゲーム装置を形
になって、遊技客の健全な楽しみを増加させることができるようになる。 【0005】 【発明が解決しようとする課題】 しかしながら、前述したごとき役物付きのパチンコ遊技機の利点が十分に活か
意図的に高めることが可能になってしまう、などの弊害を生じる恐れがある。 【0006】 ところが、上記可変表示装置の表示更新動作を通常の統計学的手段でもって単
明者によって明らかにされた。 【0007】 すなわち、上記表示更新動作を通常の統計学的手段でもって単純にランダム化 すると、例えば「大当たり」などの特定態様の発生確率は、非常に長いほとんど
平をはかることが非常に困難であった。 【0008】 この発明は、以上のような背反する問題を一挙に解決するものであって、その
機を提供することにある。 【0009】 この発明の前記ならびにそのほかの目的と新規な特徴については、本明細書の
記述および添附図面から明かになるであろう。 【0010】 【課題を解決するための手段】 本願において開示される発明のうち代表的なものの概要を説明すれば、下記の
とおりである。 【0011】 すなわち、この発明では上記目的を達成する手段として、図1にその主要な構
成を対応させて示すように、 複数の表示部を有しゲーム状態を形成する可変表示装置4と、この可変表示装
生させて特別利益を付与するように構成した遊技機において、上記表示データ更 新手段02に、停止表示内容にランダム性を与えるための所要の値を加算もしく
し上記表示データ保持手段に保持させるようにしたものである。 【0012】 【作用】 本発明によれば、停止表示内容にランダム性を与えるための所要の値を加算も
組合せを、一定の時間ごとに平均して出現させることができるようになる。 【0013】 また、可変表示装置4の停止時の表示内容を上記可変表示装置の複数の表示部
を時間差をおいて順次停止させて行くようなことができる。 【0014】 【実施例】 以下、この発明の好適な一実施例を図面に基づいて説明する。なお、図におい
ているパチンコ遊技機の本体側部分を示す。 【0015】 先ず、この発明に係るパチンコ遊技機の概要および動作を図2および図3を参
照しながら一通り説明する。 【0016】 図2は、本発明に係るパチンコ遊技機全体の構成例を、また、図3はその遊技 盤1に形成される遊技領域1aの構成例を示す。 【0017】 図2および図3において、遊技盤1の前面には打球案内レール3が配設されて
ルノブ2aによって操作・駆動される。 【0018】 遊技領域1aは、上記打球案内レール3と開閉パネル101のガラス板とによ
ている。 【0019】 また、その遊技領域1aの中央には、一種のゲーム装置をなす可変表示装置4
。 【0020】 上記入賞口6a,6b,6c,7,8,53aは、入賞領域を常時開設してい
の機能によって、一般入賞口6a,6b,6c,53aと、特定入賞口7,8と に分類される。打球が一般入賞口6a,6b,6c,53aに入賞した場合には
動させられて特別の利益を得るための機会が与えられるようになる。 【0021】 上記入賞装置5,9としては、チューリップ式の入賞装置9と特別変動入賞装
置5が設けられている。 【0022】 そのうち、特別変動入賞装置5は、通常は入賞領域を開設していないが、可変
入賞口81とに分かれている。 【0023】 他方、遊技盤1の上部には照光式の集中表示部材20が配設されている。この
を報知する完了ランプ24が配設されている。 【0024】 また、上記可変表示装置4には大当たり表示用照明手段27が設けられている
て いる。これにより、可変表示装置4の動作および「大当たり」の発生が効果的に
演出・表示されるようになっている。 【0025】 さらに、上記特別変動入賞装置5内には継続条件成立表示部29が設けられて
が付与されたことが表示されるようになっている。 【0026】 上記構成の遊技盤1を保持するパチンコ遊技機の保持枠100の上部には、発
02から溢れた賞品球を貯留するための受皿103が設けられている。 【0027】 上記保持枠100の側部(図では左側)には、押圧操作式のストップスイッチ
せたいときに使用される。 【0028】 さて、上述ごとく構成されたパチンコ遊技機では、打球発射装置2によって遊
数 字の組合せが予め約定した出目になると、これによって特定態様が発生される。 【0029】 特定態様が発生すると、特別変動入賞装置5が閉状態から開状態に変換されて
生させて多くの賞品球を獲得できる特別の機会が与えられるようになる。 この
「大当たり」と「中当たり」の2種類がある。 【0030】 「大当たり」の状態は、4つの表示数字のすべてが予め約定した特定数字の一
合は「中当たり」がそれぞれ出るようになっている。 【0031】 「大当たり」の特定態様が発生した場合には、特別変動入賞装置5が比較的長
なっている。 【0032】 また、「中当たり」の特定態様が発生した場合には、特別変動入賞装置5が比
客に与えられるようになっている。 【0033】 ここで、上記可変表示装置4に表示される数字の組合せは、ランダム的に変化
うになっている。 【0034】 ただし、上述した特別の機会によって遊技客に与えられる利益が大きすぎると
制御動作を併せて行なわれるようになっている。 【0035】 すなわち、上記「大当たり」の状態が発生した場合には、特別変動入賞装置5
設定回数も、一定回数(10回)以下に制限されるようになっている。 【0036】 これにより、遊技客の健全な興味を損なうことなく、無用な射幸心を煽らない
ようにしている。 【0037】 他方、図示は省略するが、「大当たり」および「中当たり」の特定態様が発生
省略)から発せられるようになっている。 このような演出表示によって、遊技
客は賞品球の獲得以外の面白さも体験できるようになっている。 【0038】 次に、上述したパチンコ遊技機の構成を図2から図9までを参照しながらさら
に詳細に説明する。 【0039】 図2はこの発明が適用されているパチンコ遊技機の前面を示す。 【0040】 同図にその概要を示すパチンコ遊技機は、前述したように、遊技盤1,打球発
閉パネル101,供給皿102,溢れ球受皿103などを有する。 【0041】 遊技盤1は保持枠100の内側に保持され、その前面側は開閉パネル101に
まれている。そして、この取り囲まれた中に遊技領域1aが形成されている。 【0042】 また、その遊技盤1の上部には照光式の集中表示部材20が配設されている。
れらのランプおよび表示器の機能については前述したとおりである。 【0043】 すなわち、賞球ランプ21は、入賞領域に打球が入賞したときに一時的に点灯
)に達したときの特別変動入賞装置5によるゲームの完了を報知する。 【0044】 打球発射装置2は電動駆動式であって、供給皿102内の遊技球を一個ずつ発
位置にバネ復帰するように構成されている。 【0045】 打球案内レール3は、発射装置2によって発射された遊技球すなわち打球を後
述する遊技領域1a内に案内する。 【0046】 遊技領域1aは、前述したように、遊技盤1の前面の打球案内レール3で囲ま
されている。 【0047】 特別変動入賞装置5は、前述したごとく、可変表示装置4による特定態様が発
めの特定の入賞領域を提供するようになっている。 【0048】 さらに、上記遊技領域1a内には、可変表示装置4,アウト口10,および照
明手段25などが配設されている。 【0049】 可変表示装置4は、詳細は後述するが複数箇所(4箇所)の表示窓部にて、各
表示する。表示される数字の出目はそれぞれにランダムに可変されるようになっ ている。 【0050】 アウト口10は、遊技領域1a内のいずれの入賞領域にも入ることができなか
った打球、つまり入賞できなかった外れ球を回収する。 【0051】 照明手段25は、可変表示装置4の可変表示動作停止により特定態様が発生し
たときに点滅あるいは点灯される。 【0052】 他方、保持枠100はパチンコ遊技機の外枠をなす。この保持枠100には、
スイッチを用いて構成されている。 【0053】 溢れ球受皿103は、供給皿102から溢れた球を貯留するところである。打
102に放出されるようになっている。 【0054】 図3は遊技盤1の部分の詳細を示す。図3において、上記可変表示装置4の上
それぞれ、可変表示装置4とは別に独立して設けてもよい。 【0055】 遊技領域1aの上半部には、上記転動誘導部材12a,12b,12cなどの
部材12aは、その回転軸が、第1の特定入賞口7の斜め上方からやや中央に寄 ったところで、かつその上方に位置する第1の方向設定誘導部材13aの中心線
が制御されるようになっている。 【0056】 ここで、第1,第2の特定入賞口7,8への入賞球は、遊技盤1の背後にて、
導経路に合流させられるようになっている。 【0057】 スタートスイッチSW1は、特定入賞口7あるいは8に入賞した打球の通過経
上記可変表示装置4が起動されるようになっている。 【0058】 可変表示装置4は、その肩部4aの終端が第2の方向設定誘導部材13bの下
変動入賞装置5に飛び込みやすくされるようになっている。 【0059】 以上のようにして、方向設定誘導部材13a,13bと転動誘導部材12a,
ている。 【0060】 上記特別変動入賞装置5には2種類の入賞口80と53aが設けられている。 一つはその中央に臨時に開設される特別変動入賞口80であり、今一つはその両
入賞球のスピードを軽減させるように作用する。 【0061】 遊技領域1aの右端には、弓形の球案内部材15が打球案内レール3と連続す
た打球の勢いを殺して遊技領域内での暴動を押さえるように作用する。 【0062】 図4および図5は上述した可変表示装置4の具体的な構成例を詳細に示す。 【0063】 可変表示装置4は、図4に示す取付孔44および図5に示すネジ43aや釘4
5などによって遊技盤1に固定されるようになっている。 【0064】 この可変表示装置4の上部には、図5に示すように、その前方を覆う装飾板4
1の表面より前方へ突出するように形成されている。 【0065】 誘導平面40bの上端には、図4に示すように、アーチ状をなす肩部4aが設
し、打球を左右どちらかの遊技領域へスムースに振り分けるように作用する。 【0066】 上記誘導平面40bの下端両側部には内側に向かって下り傾斜となる下向きの
流面41の内側に誘導されやすくなるようになっている。 【0067】 また、誘導平面40bの下方には交流面41が形成されている。この交流面4
くなるようにされている。 【0068】 上記交流面41には、図5に示すように、凹部形成壁42が固定されている。
部材47を取り付けるための取付面46が設けられている。 【0069】 上記取付面46には、図4に示すように、3個の表示窓部46bが横一列に形
定するための支柱が突設されている。 【0070】 可変表示部材47は、図5に示すように、基板47aに取り付けられた状態で
されている。 【0071】 また、図4に示すように、上記誘導面40bの中央にも1個の表示窓40dが
って位置決め・固定されている。 【0072】 ここで、上記セグメント型表示器LEDA,LEDB,LEDC,LEDDは
てもよい。 【0073】 さらに、図4に示すように、可変表示装置4の下部には、前述した特定入賞口
貫通窓部42dより現出されるようになっている。 【0074】 上述のようにして、可変表示部材47および記憶表示ランプLED1〜LED
ら保護しその破損を阻止するためである。 【0075】 また、可変表示部材47を前方から見ることのできる視覚範囲を広げるため、
度 )をもたせてある。 【0076】 他方、上記誘導平面40bの両側部には、図4に示すように、半透明の着色部
られるようになっている。 【0077】 上記のごとく構成された可変表示装置4は、前記特定入賞口7および8への入
中当 たり」と称する第2の特定態様とするようになっている。それ以外の出目では特
定態様は発生しない。 【0078】 他方、可変表示装置4の両側部の大当たり表示用照明手段27は、上記可変表
態が発生すると、その点滅速度が速くなるように制御される。 【0079】 また、可変表示装置4の下部の記憶表示ランプLED1〜LED4は、上記可
変表示部の保留数だけ点灯するように制御される。 【0080】 図6から図9までは、図2および図3に示した特別変動入賞装置5の詳細な構
成例を示す。 【0081】 同図に示す特別変動入賞装置5は、先ず、遊技盤1に取り付けるための取付基
を利用することにより遊技盤1に取り付けられるようになっている。 【0082】 この取付基板50の中央には、図7に示すように、横方向に細長い開口部50
動入賞受口51が収納されるようになっている。 【0083】 また、上記取付基板50の背後には、図6から図8に示すように、裏板52が
対応する開口窓52bが打ち抜かれている。 【0084】 さらに、上記取付基板50の裏側には、図6〜図8に示すように、包囲枠54 が一体に形成されている。この包囲枠54は、図8に示すように、上記開口部5
3aに入賞した打球を遊技盤の背後へ誘導するように作用する。 【0085】 さらに、上記取付基板50の左右両側部にはそれぞれ、入賞装置53が分離可
入賞口53aは、前述したように、一般入賞口をなす。 【0086】 さらに、上記取付基板50には、図8に示すように、上記一対の入賞装置53
板28aの取付用孔28bおよびネジ28cを利用して行なわれる。 【0087】 ここで、上記特別変動入賞受口51は、前記可変表示装置4の特定態様に応動
成されるようになっている。 【0088】 また、上記特別変動入賞受口51の一側(図7では右側)には作動片51aが
になっている。 【0089】 図6は、上記特別変動入賞受口51が後方に起き上がることによって特別変動
倒れることによって特別変動入賞口を開いた状態を示す。 【0090】 他方、上記取付基板50の裏側には、窓部50bの下縁に沿って略L字状をな
を1個ずつ検出することができるようになっている。 【0091】 また、図7に示すように、上記特別変動入賞口80内には整理室58が形成さ
8)によって、その下側が入賞球誘導部材56a,56b(図8)によってそれ ぞれ囲まれる。この整理室58に入った入賞球は、図8に示すように、入賞球誘
いる。 【0092】 ここで、上記裏板52の前面には、図7に示すように、その中央に形成された
区画・分離されている。 【0093】 さらに、上記裏板52の背面には、図8に示すように、その背面の開口窓52
れて計数されるようになっている。 【0094】 上記感知片60は、図8に示すように、マイクロスイッチからなる継続条件検
、L字型の取付部材61を介して裏板52に取り付けられる。 【0095】 上記継続条件検出スイッチSW3は、そのアクチェータ32aが感知片60の
保護されるようになっている。 【0096】 継続入賞口に入賞した打球は、上記開口窓52dから上記感知片60を押し退
出されるようになってる。 また、図8に示すように、上記裏板52には継続条
別条件の成立を知ることができる。 【0097】 さらに、図8および図9に示すように、上記裏板52の背面の長孔52aの両
片51cの後端上面に当接されるようになっている。この作動片51cは上記特 別変動入賞受口51(図7)に形成されたものである。また、伝達部材65の上
この電磁ソレノイドSOLは特別変動入賞装置5の駆動源をなす。 【0098】 図9において、電磁ソレノイドSOLが非駆動状態にある定常時には、その復
開口部50aは閉塞され、従って特別変動入賞口80も閉じている。 【0099】 他方、電磁ソレノイドSOLが前記可変表示装置4における特定態様の発生あ
て、特別変動入賞口80が臨時に開設されるようになる。 【0100】 以上のようにして、特別変動入賞装置5は、可変表示装置4における特定態様
る。 【0101】 次に、この発明が適用されているパチンコ遊技機の制御部分の一実施例を示す
ェア構成を示す。 【0102】 図11はそのリセットパルスφtの波形およびCPU210の動作状態をタイ
。図14はそのI/Oユニット240内の音階発生手段260の構成を示す。 【0103】 先ず、図10において、前述したパチンコ遊技機300の制御装置200は、
ロ・コンピュータ)210を用いて構成されている。 【0104】 すなわち、図10に示す制御装置200は、CPU210,ROM(読出し専
理ゲートG1などによって構成されている。 【0105】 CPU210には、8ビットタイプのもの(型番:Z80)が使用されている
。 【0106】 ROM220は、上記CPU210が実行するプログラムおよび固定データを
トに比べると、非常に小さな容量である。 【0107】 RAM230は、上記CPU210の作業領域(ワークエリア)および可変デ
い。この場合、128バイトのRAMは入手が困難であるため、現実には1kバ イトのRAMを使用している。この1kバイトのRAMの上位アドレス端子を電
に押さえている。 【0108】 上述のように、ROM220およびRAM230の各記憶容量はそれぞれ、非
苛酷な使用環境下でも、非常に高い信頼性が得られるようになる。 【0109】 さらに、ROM220およびRAM230の各記憶容量を極力小さくすること
、という効果も併せて得られるようになる。 【0110】 アドレスデコーダ240は、CPU210から発せられるアドレスデータ(A
号となる。 【0111】 アドレスデコーダ240から出力される選択信号S1〜S9の一部(S8,S
入出力回路を制御するのに使用される。つまり、ここでは入出力チャンネルをア ドレス空間に配置する、いわゆるメモリマップドI/O方式が採られている。こ
うになっている。 【0112】 なお、メモリマップドI/O方式は、アドレス空間の一部がI/O領域によっ
量が非常に少ないので、上記問題は全く考慮しなくてすむようになっている。 【0113】 I/Oユニット250は、制御装置200とパチンコ遊技機本体300との間
ンプ(増幅器)などが使用される。 【0114】 クロック発生手段280は、周波数基準に水晶振動子Xtal(4MHz)を
のクロックパルスφkは上記CPU210のクロック端子CKに与えられる。 【0115】 リセット信号発生手段290は、上記クロックパルスφkから一定周期のリセ
って簡単かつ小規模に構成される。 【0116】 この場合、そのリセットパルスφtは、そのデューティ幅すなわちパルス幅が
、 上記CPU210を確実にリセットさせることができる長さを持たされている。
されている。 【0117】 図11はそのリセットパルスφtの波形および上記CPU210の動作状態を
互いに時間対応させて示す。 【0118】 図11に示すリセットパルスφtは、15μsのパルス幅と3msの周期をも
20に格納された命令を一通り実行するのに十分な時間である。 【0119】 また、図11に上記リセットパルスφtと時間対応させて示すように、上記C
ている。 【0120】 さらに、上記CPU210のリセット間隔が一定の周期になっているので、そ
ットの間隔が例えば3msといったように比較的長い時間なので、例えば数秒か ら数十秒といった比較的長いタイマー時間も1バイトあるいは2バイト程度のわ
ができる。 例えば、上記リセット間隔が3msの場合、RAM領域の1バイト
08秒)。 【0121】 これにより、例えばRAM領域がわずか128バイトしかなくても、パチンコ
きる。 【0122】 なお、図11において、プログラム命令が一通り実行されてから次のリセット
る。つまり、上記プログラムの最後は、ホールト命令で終っている。 【0123】 図12は上記リセットパルスφtを発生するリセットパルス発生手段290(
Coutはカウントアップ出力をそれぞれ示す。 【0124】 以上のような構成により、パチンコ遊技機としての信頼性を確保するとともに
で きるようになっている。 【0125】 次に、上記I/Oユニット250付近の構成を説明する。 【0126】 上記I/Oユニット250は、図13に示すように、入出力回路として、バッ
号S7によって制御される。 【0127】 上記入出力回路(251〜256)のうち、バッファゲート251は入力回路
10カウント検出器SW4がある(図3,図7)。 【0128】 また、上記入出力回路(251〜256)のうち、ラッチ回路252〜256
れる。 【0129】 各出力回路(252〜256)の機能は次のとおりである。 【0130】 すなわち、ラッチ回路252と253は、前述した可変表示装置4(図2〜図
62,263がそれぞれ付属させられている。 【0131】 ラッチ回路254はセグメント型表示器LEDEを表示駆動する。この表示器
PUから与えられる。 【0132】 ラッチ回路255は、発光ダイオードによる記憶表示ランプLED1〜LED
に利用される。 【0133】 ラッチ回路256は、ドライバ266を介して、パチンコ遊技機本体300側
部29(図3,図9)などである。 【0134】 また、音階発生手段257は所定の音階をもつ音源を発生する。発生された音
して与えられるデータによって設定されるようになっている。 【0135】 図14はその音階発生手段257の構成を示す。 【0136】 同図に示すように、上記音階発生手段257は、音階設定データを保持するラ
ッチ回路256aとプリセッタブルカウンタ256bによって構成される。 【0137】 ラッチ回路256aは、データバスLDを介してCPUから与えられる音階設
セッタブルカウンタ257bの計数内容にプリセットされる。 【0138】 プリセッタブルカウンタ256bは一種のダウンカウンタであって、上記クロ
新たにプリセットされるようになっている。 【0139】 ここで、上記プリセッタブルカウンタ256bのキャリイ端子(カウント出力
音程が高くなる。 【0140】 そして、そのプリセット値は、上記CPU210(図10)によって任意に可 変設定することができる。これにより、制御装置200は、パチンコ遊技機本体
お、上記プリセッタブルカウンタ257bはアップカウンタであってもよい。 【0141】 次に、上述した制御装置200のソフトウェア構成をその動作とともに説明す
る。 【0142】 図15は上述した制御装置200(図10,図11)の処理フローチャートの
全体を,図16はその処理フローチャートの中の一部を拡大して示す。 【0143】 先ず、次の表1は、制御装置200のCPU210(図10)によってアクセ
ドレスの番地表示はO〜Fの16進数で行なう。 【0144】 次表1において、CPU210がアクセスするアドレスの範囲は、そのCPU
)のうち0000〜4000番地の間である。 【0145】 そのうち、0000〜07FF番地までの2kバイトがROM領域に割り当て
ない。 【0146】 【表1】 【0147】 また、次の表2は、前記RAM230(図10)の可変記憶内容をメモリマッ
プによって示す。 【0148】 【表2】 【0149】 次に、上述してきた制御装置200の動作を図15および上記表1,2を参照
しながら説明する。 【0150】 図15において、制御装置200のCPU210は、前述したリセットパルス φt(図10,図11,図12)によってハードウェア的に強制リセットされる
り、図15に示す一連の処理が開始されるようになる。 【0151】 プログラム命令の実行が開始されると、最初にスタックポインタの設定を行な
ックする(R2−R3−R14−R15)。 【0152】 ここで、制御装置200がコールドスタート(電源投入による起動)された後
トを持つ。 【0153】 以上のようにして制御装置200の動作状態が初期化される。 【0154】 この制御装置200の初期化が行われた後、CPUは、リセットパルスφtが
ルーチンでは、図15に示すように、次のような処理が実行される。 【0155】 R1:スタックポインタを設定する。 【0156】 R2,R3:バックアップ領域のエンドデータをチェックする。 【0157】 R4:スタートスイッチSW1、ストップスイッチSW2、継続条件検出スイ
に新しく更新されるようになっている。 【0158】 R5:スタートスイッチSW1の作動回数を記憶処理する。前述した可変表示
ム開始の権利を保全する処理を行なう。 【0159】 R6:10カウント検出器SW4の不正チェック処理を行なう。10カウント
れているか否かを、その検出器SW4からの入力状態に基づいて論理判断する。 【0160】 R7:RAM領域に記憶されている各種タイマーのタイマー値を更新する。 【0161】 R8:音階発生手段257の動作パラメータ(音階データ)を設定する。この
タを出力する処理が行なわれる。 【0162】 R9:各種表示手段および電磁ソレノイドなどの制御処理を行なう。この処理
レノイドSOL(図9)の駆動制御が行なわれる。 【0163】 R10:入賞に関する各種の判定および制御の処理を行なう。ここでは、前記
16に示す。 【0164】 R11:上述したバックアップ領域の先頭と後尾を示すスタートデータとエン
ドデータの設定(書込)処理を行なう。 【0165】 R12:出力データなどの可変データをバックアップ領域に転写する処理を行
う。 【0166】 上述した主ルーチンR1〜R12が一通り実行されると、最後の処理ルーチン
る待機状態に自ら入る。 【0167】 また、上述した主ルーチンR1〜R12の実行に際して、なんらかの異常によ
装置200の制御状態を安全な方向へ誘導するフェイルセーフが行われるように なっている。他方、エラーがエンドデータだけに生じていて、スタートデータに
作への自動復帰を行わせることができるようになっている。 【0168】 図16は上記入賞処理ルーチンR10の詳細なフローチャートを示す。 同図
きるようになっている。 【0169】 ここでは、その処理番号が、No.0からNo.8までのいずれかに設定され
番号に対応して、次のサブルーチンR111〜R118が用意されている。 【0170】 すなわち、処理番号がNo.1に設定された場合にはルーチンR111が実行
処理番号No.2が設定される。 【0171】 処理番号がNo.2に設定された場合にはルーチンR112が実行される。こ
にしている。この処理の実行後は次の処理番号No.3が設定される。 【0172】 処理番号がNo.3に設定された場合にはルーチンR113が実行される。こ
6が設定される。それ以外のハズレの場合には処理番号No.0が設定される。 【0173】 処理番号がNo.4に設定された場合にはルーチンR114が実行される。こ
が設定される。 【0174】 処理番号がNo.5に設定された場合にはルーチンR115が設定される。こ
行う。このルーチンR115の実行後には処理番号No.4が設定される。 【0175】 処理番号がNo.6に設定された場合にはルーチンR116が実行される。こ
のルーチンR116では、「中当たり」の特定態様が発生した場合の制御処理、 例えば前記特別変動入賞装置5を開駆動する制御を行う。また、タイマー処理も
定時間経過後に処理番号No.0が設定される。 【0176】 処理番号がNo.7に設定された場合にはルーチンR117が実行される。こ
No.8が設定される。 処理番号がNo.8に設定された場合にはルーチンR
の継続条件の成立がなければ処理番号No.0を設定する。 【0177】 ここで、上述した一連の入賞関連処理は処理番号No.1の設定によって開始
る(ルーチンR109,R120)。 【0178】 以上のようにして、処理番号を更新しながら、前記可変表示装置4の動作制御
および特定態様の発生に伴う入賞関係の処理が行われる。 【0179】 図17は、上述した制御装置200において構成される可変表示制御部分の構
クロ・コンピュータによってソフトウェア的に構成される。 【0180】 図17に示す制御部分は、先ず、前記可変表示装置4の表示内容を更新する表
して取り出すと、次のような数値が12msごとに順次得られる。 【0181】 先ず、137という特定値を繰り返し加算し、各加算回ごとの加算結果をその
数値列が得られる。 【0182】 ここで、その数値列を編成する各数値の下位3桁だけを取り出すと、137,
137以外の別の値を採れば、上記とは別の数値列が得られる。 【0183】 さらに、上記特定値に例えば137という3桁の素数を使用すると、同じ組合
せの数字列は丁度1000に1回の割合で得られる。例えば、137の数値に着 目すると、この数値「137」は丁度1000に1回ずつ現れる。他の数値に着
ない、つまり、999回続けて異なる数字の組合せが順次得られる。 【0184】 従って、上述のように、特定値を繰り返し加算する特定値加算手段01を設け
に平均して出すことができるようになる。 【0185】 これにより、比較的簡単かつ簡潔な構成でもって、上記可変表示装置4の表示
とも可能になる。 【0186】 例えば、上述した1000種類の数字の組合せのうち、仮に「111」,「3
記数値列内にほぼ均等に分散される。 【0187】 すなわち、上述した数値列においては、「111」と「333」の間、「33
極端に離れることもない。どの特定数字列もほぼ均一な間隔をおいて配置されて いる。 【0188】 これにより、上記加算手段01による加算操作を1000回あるいはその整数
頻度をさらに均一させることができるようになる。 【0189】 なお、上記特定値は必ずしも「137」にする必要はなく、必要に応じて他の
様に得られる。 【0190】 ここで、実施例では、図17に示すように、上記構成に加えて、上記表示デー
れている。 【0191】 また、上記表示データ更新手段02の更新動作が開始されてから停止されるま
マーTM1が設けられている。 【0192】 これにより、上記可変表示装置4は、その更新動作が停止するごとに、前回の
、 上述したように、上記数値列内の各数字の組合せは、部分的に偏ることなく、ほ
ぼ万偏なく現れて停止表示されるようになる。 【0193】 さらに、上記不特定タイマーTM2に関して、不特定時間データ記憶領域08
れている。 【0194】 不特定時間データ記憶領域08は、複数種類の時間データ(1×12ms〜1
容にさらに良好なランダム性をもたせることができるようになる。 【0195】 他方、表示データ更新手段02には、上記特定値加算手段01とともに、複数
表示器LEDBが表示する下位2桁目の数値データを保持する。 【0196】 同様に、3番目のデータ保持手段02Cは、これに対応する3番目の表示器L
1D2)のうち、第3桁目の数値データD2が、2番目の保持手段02Bには第 2桁目の数値データD1が、3番目の保持手段02Cには第1桁目の数値データ
うになっている。 【0197】 さらに、上記表示更新手段02には、タイマーTM3,TM4が設けられてい
するかのごとく、端から順に停止する。 【0198】 図18は、上記可変表示装置4の表示更新動作が起動されてから停止されるま
での各部における動作を互いに時間対応させて示す。 【0199】 図17および図18において、特定時間タイマーTM1は、特定入賞球による
定されると、不特定時間タイマーTM2が起動される。 【0200】 不特定時間タイマーTM2は、不特定時間データ選択手段07によって選択さ
始される。 【0201】 上記セグメント型表示器LEDA〜LEDDにおける各表示内容の更新停止の 動作は、次の順序で行われる。先ず、不特定時間タイマーTM2の計時が終了し
停止される。 【0202】 以上のようにして、可変表示装置4の各セグメント型表示器LEDA〜LED
可変表示装置4の動作に確実にランダム性をもたせることができる。 【0203】 次の表3は、上記不特定時間データ記憶領域08の構成例を示す。表3に示す ように、上記不特定時間データ記憶領域08には、0から9までの整数で表され
ている。 【0204】 【表3】 【0205】 表3において、各時間データの構成比率すなわち不特定時間の発生頻度は次の
との対応関係を、表5に示す。 【0206】 【表4】 【0207】 【表5】 【0208】 図19は上記不特定データ発生手段06の構成例を示す。 【0209】 同図に示すように、上記不特定データ発生手段06は、リセット回数計数手段
061と、前記マイクロ・コンピュータ(Z80)内のリフレッシュカウンタ06 2と、論理演算手段063とによって構成される。リセット回数計数手段061
る。つまり、ランダム化されている。 【0210】 また、リフレッシュカウンタ062は、ダイナミックRAMをリフレッシュす
結果が、上記不特定データとして利用されるようになっている。 【0211】 この場合、上記演算結果は、その下位桁の数値(10進数に換算して0から9
性の高い不特定時間データが得られるようになる。 【0212】 また、本実施例においては、遊技機の例としてパチンコ遊技機に適用したもの
有する遊技機であってもよい。 【0213】 【発明の効果】 以上、実施例の説明の中で明らかにしたように、この発明による遊技機は、複
遊技客へのサービスの公平化をはかることができる、という効果が得られる。 【0215】 また、可変表示装置の停止時の表示内容を保持する表示データ保持手段を設け
Description: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a gaming machine, and more particularly to a gaming machine provided with a variable display device for forming a game state.
Regarding what is effective when applied. 2. Description of the Related Art In the field of pachinko gaming machines, for example, service improvement and gaming for patrons have been promoted.
To expand the customer base that can be enjoyed, etc.
Prize winning devices have been developed. With this accessory attached,
Versatility, which can increase the healthy enjoyment of the player
Swell. A pachinko gaming machine with such an accessory is provided with a variable display device and a winning device that operates on condition that the display content of the variable display device stops in a specific manner.
Can be The above-mentioned variable display device forms a kind of game device in a game area of a pachinko game machine.
To achieve. This variable display device strikes a specific prize area arranged in a game area, for example.
Triggered by the winning of the ball, it moves to change its display constantly.
Make. The variable display operation for changing this display can be manually stopped or touched.
It is stopped by the passage of a specific time by the immer. Stop the variable display operation
Then, the display contents thereafter are stopped until the next start. Here, the table
When the indication stops in a specific mode pre-contracted, that is, a specific mode occurs
Then, a so-called "big hit" or "medium hit" state occurs. This "big hit
Prize '' or `` middle hit '' condition, the prize device operates and the prize
The special benefit that the rate is dramatically increased will be temporarily given to the player. This
This gives everyone an equal opportunity to earn prize money.
, The services to the players will be fair and fair. Along with this, the content of the game is diverse
, It is possible to increase the healthy enjoyment of the player. [0005] However, the advantage of the pachinko gaming machine with the accessory as described above is fully utilized.
In order to be able to do so, the contents of the stop display of the variable display device are surely randomized.
There must be. Otherwise, the fun of the game will decrease and
For example, the frequency of occurrence of the above-described specific mode may be changed depending on the timing of a manual stop operation.
There is a possibility that adverse effects, such as an intentional increase in the level, may occur. However, the display update operation of the variable display device is simply performed by ordinary statistical means.
The following problems may occur when purely randomized:
It was revealed by a clear person. That is, if the display update operation is simply randomized by ordinary statistical means, the probability of occurrence of a specific mode such as “big hit” is very long,
According to macro statistics over an infinite sample period, statistically
It may come to a certain rate. However, a comparison where players are playing games
The probability that the above specific mode will actually occur within a finite sample period
In some cases, this does not always follow the theory, but rather varies greatly.
The specific mode of "hit" occurs continuously, or the specific mode does not occur at all.
It turned out that the situation that there was not occurred. For this reason, the public
It was very difficult to flatten. The present invention solves the above contradictory problems at once, and
The purpose is to have a very simple and simple configuration,
While giving randomness to the display content when the display is stopped, it can be used during a relatively short finite game period.
The probability that the above-mentioned specific mode actually appears can be averaged.
, Which enables the fairness of services to be provided to players
To provide machines. Regarding the above and other objects and novel features of the present invention,
It will be clear from the description and the accompanying drawings. Means for Solving the Problems An outline of a typical invention among the inventions disclosed in the present application will be described below.
It is as follows. That is, in the present invention, as means for achieving the above object, FIG.
A variable display device 4 having a plurality of display portions and forming a game state, and a variable display device
Display data updating means 02 for updating data corresponding to the display content of the device 4;
A special game state is issued when the display content of the variable display device 4 stops in a specific mode.
In a gaming machine configured to give a special profit by producing a special benefit, a required value for giving randomness to the stopped display content may be added to the display data updating means 02.
Is a data corresponding to the display content when the operation means 01 for subtraction and the variable indication device 4 are stopped.
Display data for storing data corresponding to each of the plurality of display units of the variable display device.
Data holding means 02A, 02B, and 02C are provided.
The data corresponding to the display content when the variable display device 4 is stopped based on the value
The display data holding means stores the display data. According to the present invention, it is also possible to add a required value for giving randomness to the contents of a stop display.
Or arithmetic means 01 for subtraction, and arithmetic operations sequentially obtained from the arithmetic means 01 are provided.
The variable display device 4 is configured to determine the display content when the variable display device 4 is stopped based on the result.
This makes it possible to update the display content of the variable display device 4 as if it were random.
And a specific number that causes a specific mode such as "big hit"
Combinations can appear on average at regular intervals. The display contents when the variable display device 4 is stopped are displayed on a plurality of display units of the variable display device.
Display data holding means 02A, 02B, and 02C are provided for each of
The display contents of the variable display device toward the determined stop display contents
Can be sequentially stopped with a time lag. Hereinafter, a preferred embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to the drawings. Please note that
The same reference numerals indicate the same or corresponding parts. 2 to 9 show that the present invention is applied.
1 shows a main body side portion of a pachinko gaming machine. First, the outline and operation of a pachinko gaming machine according to the present invention will be described with reference to FIGS.
I will explain it in general. FIG. 2 shows an example of the configuration of the entire pachinko gaming machine according to the present invention, and FIG. 3 shows an example of the configuration of a game area 1 a formed on the gaming board 1. In FIG. 2 and FIG. 3, a hitting guide rail 3 is provided on the front of the game board 1.
I have. The hitting ball guide rail 3 is provided with a game ball
The ball is guided to the upper part of the game area 1a. The hit ball launching device 2 is a lower operation diagram
Operated and driven by the knob 2a. The game area 1 a is formed by the hitting ball guide rail 3 and the glass plate of the opening / closing panel 101.
It is formed in the space enclosed by. A winning area is formed in this gaming area 1a.
Various winning ports 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 53a and winning devices 5, 9 are provided.
Has been established. At the same time, a large number of obstacle nails 11 and various guide members 12a, 1
2b and 12c, and direction setting members 13a and 13b are provided.
The ball hit into the game area 1a by the player falls while changing its direction in various ways.
It is supposed to go down. And, at the bottom of the game area 1a,
An out port 10 is provided to collect the hit ball that could not win in the area behind the game board.
ing. In the center of the game area 1a, a variable display device 4 forming a kind of game device is provided.
Is equipped. In the variable display device 4, the segment by the light emitting diode is used.
Alignment from 0 to 9 by the type indicators LEDA, LEDB, LEDC, LEDD
Via numbers are displayed. When the variable display device 4 operates, each display
The displayed numbers in the units LEDA to LEDD change respectively. This change is
The technician operates the stop switch SW2 or a certain time passes.
Be stopped by At this time, the combination of the displayed numbers after this stop is executed in advance.
When this happens, a specific mode described later is generated by this
. The winning ports 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, and 53a always open a winning area.
It is a fixed winning opening. These winning openings 6a, 6b, 6c, 7, 8, 53a are
Are classified into general winning ports 6a, 6b, 6c and 53a and specific winning ports 7 and 8. When the hit ball wins the general winning opening 6a, 6b, 6c, 53a
, So that a predetermined number (usually 10 to 15) of prize balls are paid out.
Become. When the hit ball wins the special winning opening 7 or 8, in the case of winning in the general winning opening
A predetermined number of prize balls are paid out in the same manner as described above.
Motivated to give you the opportunity to gain special benefits. The winning devices 5 and 9 include a tulip-type winning device 9 and a special variable winning device.
5 is provided. In the meantime, the special variable prize winning device 5 does not normally open a prize area,
A specific aspect is caused by a result of stopping the variable display operation in the display device 4.
Therefore, the special variable winning opening 80 having a very wide winning probability is temporarily opened. Sa
In addition, in the special variable winning opening 80, a normal winning of only a predetermined number of prize balls is provided.
The opening 82 and the special variable winning opening 80 in addition to the prize ball continue to give the right to be opened again
The winning opening 81 is divided. On the other hand, an illuminated central display member 20 is provided on the upper part of the game board 1. this
The illuminated central display member 20 displays a one-shot when a hit ball wins one of the winning areas.
The special prize lamp 21 which is turned on occasionally and the variable display device 4
A turbo lamp 22 that is turned on or blinks when a fixed mode occurs, for example, will be described later.
Open state of the special variable winning device 5 when a specific mode of “big hit” occurs
Segment display LEDE that numerically displays the number of continuations of
Completion of the game by the special variable winning device 5 when a predetermined number of times (10 times) is reached
Is provided. The variable display device 4 is provided with a jackpot display illumination means 27.
. The illuminating means 27 includes the segment type indicators LEDA, LEDB, LEDC.
, LEDD flashes while the display is changing. In addition, "
”, The blinking speed is controlled to increase.
ing. Thereby, the operation of the variable display device 4 and the occurrence of the “big hit” are effectively reduced.
It is directed and displayed. Further, a continuation condition establishment display section 29 is provided in the special fluctuation winning device 5.
I have. In the continuation condition satisfaction display section 29, a specific mode of "big hit" has occurred.
When the ball is hit in the continuous winning opening 81, the lighting is driven.
Has become. As a result, special continuation right 80 will be opened again.
Is displayed. The upper part of the holding frame 100 of the pachinko gaming machine that holds the gaming board 1 having the above configuration
A firing device driving lamp 26 is provided. This firing device driving lamp 26
Lights when the operation dial knob 2a of the launching device is operated. In addition, holding frame 1
The hitting ball supplied to the hitting ball firing device is provided on the opening / closing panel 101 attached to 00.
A supply tray 102 to be held is attached. Further, below the supply tray 1
A receiving tray 103 for storing the prize balls overflowing from 02 is provided. On the side (left side in the figure) of the holding frame 100, a push-operation type stop switch is provided.
SW2 is provided. The stop switch SW2 is connected to the specific winning opening 7 or
8, the variable display operation of the variable display device 4 started by the winning opening is manually stopped.
Used when you want to. Now, in the pachinko gaming machine configured as described above, the ball launching device 2
When a hit ball hit into the skill area 1a wins any of the winning areas,
A predetermined number (usually 10 to 15) of prize balls are paid out. Furthermore, the winning
When the ball wins the specific winning opening 7 or 8, the variable display device 4 is activated.
Then, by the segment type indicators LEDA to LEDD of the variable display device 4,
The displayed four numbers can be changed respectively. Where
When the technician presses the stop switch SW2 or when a certain amount of time elapses
This stops the operation of the variable display. At this time, the display after the stop
When a combination of numbers results in a pre-contracted outcome, this produces a particular aspect. When the specific mode occurs, the special variable winning device 5 is changed from the closed state to the open state.
A prize area by the above-mentioned special variable prize opening 80 is temporarily established in the game area 1a.
・ It will be provided. Due to this, the probability of winning there is very high from zero
State. As a result, the player can launch a large number of winning balls in a relatively short time.
You will be given a special opportunity to earn a lot of prize balls by alive. this
In the case, the state caused by the specific mode includes a combination of the display numerals,
There are two types, "big hits" and "medium hits". The state of “big hit” is when all four displayed numbers are one of the specific numbers that have been contracted in advance.
Occurs when a specific aspect occurs. "Medium hit" status is indicated by 3 indications
A specific mode has occurred in which any three of the numbers are aligned with one of the specific numbers contracted in advance
Occurs sometimes. In other words, if there are four matching eyes, the "big hit" is.
In the case, the "middle hit" comes out respectively. When the specific mode of “big hit” occurs, the special variable prize winning device 5 is relatively long.
The open state is set for a predetermined time (about 30 seconds). This will increase the probability of winning
Dramatically higher. Further, while the open state of the special variable winning device 5 is maintained,
When a hit ball wins in the continuous winning opening 81 set in the special variable winning opening 80, a special
After the separate variable winning device 5 has once returned to the closed state, it is set to the open state again.
You. That is, the time during which the open state of the special variable winning device 5 is continued is substantially extended.
Become so. This gives players a huge number of winning opportunities
Has become. When a specific mode of “middle hit” occurs, the special variable prize winning device 5
The open state is set only for a relatively short predetermined time (about 6 seconds). As a result,
Although it is less than "hit", there is a chance to get much more prize balls than usual
It is given to customers. Here, the combination of numbers displayed on the variable display device 4 changes randomly.
It is made to be made. Therefore, the special opportunity according to the above specific mode is a game.
It will be given almost equally regardless of individual differences such as proficiency level.
As a result, even a beginner can enjoy a chance chance according to the above specific mode.
Swelling. However, if the profit given to the player by the special occasion described above is too large,
This time, there is the danger that useless gambling will incite. So, don't incite that gambling
In the control operation related to the occurrence of the specific mode described above,
The control operation is performed together. That is, when the “big hit” state occurs, the special variable winning device 5
When the number of prize balls reaching the game reaches a certain limit (10), the special variable prize winning device 5
Can be forcibly returned to the closed state immediately without waiting for the specified time (about 30 seconds).
It has become so. Furthermore, the open state is continued by winning the continuous winning opening 81.
The set number of times is also limited to a certain number of times (10 times) or less. [0036] This does not impair the unnecessary interest of the player without losing the sound interest of the player.
Like that. On the other hand, although not shown, specific modes of “big hit” and “medium hit” occur.
In addition to the above-described control operation, when the operation is performed,
Controlling sound effects such as sound effects like fanfare
Is to be performed. Note that sound effects such as fanfare are detailed
Although details will be described later, a speaker (shown in the drawing) generated electronically and incorporated in the gaming machine
(Omitted). By such effect display, game
Customers can experience other fun besides winning prize balls. Next, the configuration of the pachinko gaming machine described above will be further described with reference to FIGS.
This will be described in detail. FIG. 2 shows a front view of a pachinko game machine to which the present invention is applied. The pachinko gaming machine whose outline is shown in FIG.
Launcher 2, hitting operation dial knob 2a, hitting guide rail 3, holding frame 100, open
It has a closed panel 101, a supply tray 102, an overflow ball tray 103, and the like. The game board 1 is held inside a holding frame 100, and the front side thereof is
Therefore, it is covered. The opening / closing panel 101 is made of a transparent glass plate.
Has been established. The center of the game board 1 is largely surrounded by a hitting ball guide rail 3.
It is rare. The game area 1a is formed in the surroundings. An illuminated central display member 20 is provided on the upper part of the game board 1.
The central display member 20 includes a prize ball lamp 21, a specific mode occurrence display lamp 22, and the like.
And the completion lamp 24 are integrated. Also, the central display member 20
Is equipped with a segment type display LEDE using light emitting diodes. This
The functions of these lamps and indicators are as described above. That is, the prize ball lamp 21 is temporarily turned on when a hit ball has won a prize area.
Is done. The winning area is provided by, for example, a tulip-type winning device 9 or the like.
The specific mode occurrence display lamp 22 has a specific mode of "medium hit" or "big hit".
Lights or flashes when it occurs. The segment type display LEDE is
When the predetermined mode of “big hit” occurs, a hit ball is won in the continuous winning opening 81.
The number of times the open state of the special variable winning device 5 is continued or extended by
Display value. The completion lamp 24 has its continuation / extension number set to a predetermined limit number (10 times).
), The completion of the game by the special variable winning device 5 is notified. The hit ball launching device 2 is electrically driven, and launches game balls in the supply tray 102 one by one.
Shoot. The operation is performed by rotating the dial knob 2a. This die
Arnob 2a is manually rotated and automatically deactivated when the player releases
It is configured to return to the spring position. The hitting ball guide rail 3 moves the game ball fired by the firing device 2, that is, the hitting ball.
A guide is provided in the game area 1a to be described. The game area 1 a is surrounded by the hitting guide rail 3 on the front of the game board 1 as described above.
It is formed inside. The direction of the hit ball is randomly changed in this game area 1a.
Rolling guide member 1 for controlling the flow speed and direction of a large number of obstacle nails 11 and hit balls
2a, 12b, 12c and the like are provided. At the same time, the game area 1a
Various prize devices for providing a prize area, ie, special variable prize devices 5,
The first predetermined winning opening 7, the second predetermined winning opening 8, the tulip-type winning device 9 and the like are provided.
Have been. As described above, the special variable prize winning device 5 has a specific mode by the variable display device 4.
It is configured to operate when it is born and to temporarily open a winning area. this
The configuration example of the special variable winning device 5 will be described later in detail. Also, the first
, The second specific winning opening 7, 8 activates the variable display device 4 as described above.
Specific prize areas are provided. Further, the variable display device 4, the out port 10, and the illumination
Lighting means 25 and the like are provided. The variable display device 4 has a plurality of (four) display windows, each of which will be described in detail later.
It is configured to variably display multiple types of characters for each display window.
ing. In this embodiment, Arabic numerals from 0 to 9 are variable as characters.
indicate. The numbers displayed are randomly changed. The out port 10 cannot enter any of the prize areas in the game area 1a.
Retrieve hit balls, that is, missed balls that could not be won. The illuminating unit 25 has a specific mode when the variable display device 4 stops the variable display operation.
Flashes or lights when touched. On the other hand, the holding frame 100 forms an outer frame of the pachinko gaming machine. In this holding frame 100,
In each case, the stop switch SW2 and the firing drive lamp 26 described above are provided.
Have been. The stop switch SW2 manually controls the variable operation of the variable display device 4.
Momentary type (flashing type) of pressing operation type (button type) to stop
It is configured using switches. The overflow ball receiving tray 103 is where the balls overflowing from the supply tray 102 are stored. Hit
When the ball wins, a predetermined number of prize balls are paid out.
102. FIG. 3 shows details of the game board 1. In FIG. 3, the variable display device 4
There are three general winning openings 6a, 6b, so-called "heaven", "heaven left" and "heaven right".
6c is provided integrally. In addition, these general winning openings 6a, 6b, 6c
Each of them may be provided independently of the variable display device 4. In the upper half of the game area 1a, the rolling guide members 12a, 12b, 12c and the like are provided.
In addition, first and second direction setting members 13a and 13b are provided. these
The direction setting members 13a and 13b are formed by obstacle nails. These orientations
The rolling guide members 12a, 12b, 12c are provided below the fixed members 13a, 13b.
Each is arranged. And, among those rolling guide members, the first rolling guide
The center axis of the first direction setting guide member 13a, which is located at a position where the rotation axis thereof is slightly closer to the center from obliquely above the first specific winning opening 7 and above the first specific winning opening 7, is provided.
It is pivotally supported at a position away from the outside by a distance A. Second rolling guide member 1
2b is a second direction setting guiding section slightly below the inside of the first specific winning opening 7.
Outside the center line of the distance between the material 13b and the shoulder 4a of the variable display device 4 by a distance C
It is supported at a distance. As a result, the rolling guide members 12a and 12b
The direction of the hit ball that has flowed down toward the center of the game board
Is controlled. Here, the winning balls to the first and second specific winning openings 7 and 8 are located behind the gaming board 1,
A route different from the winning ball to another winning area is guided. FIG. 3 shows the mounting position.
After passing through the start switch SW1 indicated by a dotted line,
It can be joined to the guide path. The start switch SW 1 is used for passing a hit ball that has won the specific winning opening 7 or 8.
By being installed on the road, the specific winning ball is detected. With this detection signal
The variable display device 4 is activated. In the variable display device 4, the end of the shoulder 4a is located below the second direction setting guide member 13b.
The end is also set to be at a position higher by the distance B. This allows the second person
The hit ball flowing down along the direction setting member 13b and the shoulder 4a of the variable display device 4
, A second specific winning opening 8 passing through an exchange surface (described later) of the variable display device 4 and a special
It is made easy to jump into the variable winning device 5. As described above, the direction setting guide members 13a, 13b and the rolling guide members 12a,
By setting the mounting position of the 12b, the flow path of the game ball is largely opened at the center.
To eliminate waste of game balls, and to allow game balls to efficiently move to the center.
ing. The special variable winning device 5 is provided with two types of winning ports 80 and 53a. One is a special floating prize opening 80 that is temporarily opened in the center, and the other is both
This is the general winning opening 53a always opened on the side. These two kinds of winning openings 80 and 5
A distribution guide member 14 including a plurality of obstacle nails is provided corresponding to 3a. This
Is provided between the second specific winning opening 8 and the special variable winning device 5.
The ball is distributed to the above two types of winning holes, and the special variable winning device 5
Acts to reduce the speed of the winning ball. At the right end of the game area 1 a, an arcuate ball guide member 15 is continuous with the hitting ball guide rail 3.
Fixed so as to form a circular arc. The upper end of the ball guide member 15 is
A stop member 16 is attached. The riot prevention member 16 is driven at a high speed.
It acts to suppress the riot in the game area by killing the momentum of the hit ball. FIGS. 4 and 5 show a specific configuration example of the variable display device 4 described above in detail. The variable display device 4 includes a mounting hole 44 shown in FIG. 4 and a screw 43 a or a nail 4 shown in FIG.
5 and the like. As shown in FIG. 5, a decorative plate 4 covering the front of the variable display device 4
The guide plane 40b is integrally formed with the guide plane 0a. This guiding plane 40b is a game board.
1 is formed so as to protrude forward from the surface. As shown in FIG. 4, an arched shoulder 4a is provided at the upper end of the guiding plane 40b.
Have been killed. This shoulder 4a reduces the speed of the hit ball flowing down from above the game board.
Then, the ball is smoothly distributed to the left or right game area. [0066] On both sides of the lower end of the above-mentioned guide plane 40b, there is a downwardly inclined downwardly inward.
A guide inclined surface 40c is formed. The ball is hit by the guiding inclined surface 40c.
It is easy to be guided inside the flow surface 41. An AC plane 41 is formed below the guide plane 40b. This interchange surface 4
As shown in FIG. 5, 1 is substantially the same as the surface of the game board 1. This allows
The exchange of hit balls flowing down the left and right game areas through the flow surface 41 is allowed. this
As a result, the hit ball easily jumps into the second specific winning opening 8 and the special variable winning device 5 described above.
It is going to be. As shown in FIG. 5, a recess forming wall 42 is fixed to the AC surface 41.
The recess forming wall 42 is fixed by the fastening portion 41 a and the screw 43, and
A recess 42a is formed to enter. A variable display, which will be described later,
A mounting surface 46 for mounting the member 47 is provided. As shown in FIG. 4, three display windows 46 b are formed in a row in the mounting surface 46.
Has been established. Also, a variable display member 47 is fixed to the back as shown in FIG.
There are protruding columns for fixing. As shown in FIG. 5, the variable display member 47 is attached to the board 47a.
Thus, it is mounted and fixed behind the mounting surface 46. This variable display member 47
Has three displays arranged in a horizontal line as shown in FIG. This indicator
In the embodiment, as shown in FIG.
The devices LEDA, LEDB and LEDC are used. Each indicator LEDA, LEDB
, LEDC are positioned so as to face the display window 46b of the mounting surface 46, respectively.
Have been. As shown in FIG. 4, one display window 40 d is also provided at the center of the guide surface 40 b.
Is formed. Another variable display member 48 is attached behind the display window 40d.
Have been killed. This variable display member 48 has one display LEDD. This table
The indicator LEDD is also a segment type display using light emitting diodes. This variable display
As shown in FIG. 5, the member 48 is fixed by screws 43d together with the mounting board 48a.
It is positioned and fixed. Here, the segment type indicators LEDA, LEDB, LEDC, LEDD are:
Each is a kind of character display element and is a combination of segments that are driven to emit light.
It is configured so that multiple types of characters can be arbitrarily displayed by changing
Have been. In this embodiment, the Arabic characters from 0 to 9 are used as the character.
A number is adopted. Therefore, the segment type indicators LEDA, LEDB
, LEDC, and LEDD are set to 0 depending on the combination of the segments for each display.
Is configured to be able to arbitrarily display one of the numbers 1 to 9. The above
Characters include non-numeric characters, symbol marks and pictures.
You may. Further, as shown in FIG. 4, below the variable display device 4, the above-described specific winning opening is provided.
Four memory displays for displaying the number of hit balls that have won prizes in 7 and 8 (FIGS. 2 and 3)
Lamps LED1 to LED4 are arranged in a horizontal row. These memory display lamps
As shown in FIG. 5, the LEDs 1 to 4 are formed below the recessed wall 42.
It is made to appear through the through window 42d. As described above, the variable display member 47 and the memory display lamps LED 1 to LED
Each of the reference numerals 4 is disposed at a position recessed from the first game board. this is
Display in which the variable display member 47 and the memory display lamps LED1 to LED4 appear.
Since the member is an exchange surface and the exchange of the ball is performed frequently,
This is to protect them from damage and prevent their damage. In order to widen the visual range in which the variable display member 47 can be viewed from the front,
The recess forming wall 42 is inclined so as to expand from the back toward the front side, and
The display contents of the variable display member 47 are made clear by plating the wall surface.
. Further, the inner surface of the concave portion 42a formed by the concave portion forming wall 42 is
When the external incident light is reflected and enters the field of view of the player, the display of the variable display member 47 is changed.
In order to avoid being difficult to see, a slight upward inclination (about 8 to 10
Degree). On the other hand, as shown in FIG. 4, translucent colored portions are provided on both sides of the guiding plane 40b.
A pair of jackpot display lighting means 27 made of a material is provided. This jackpot display
As shown in FIG. 5, a lamp (not shown) as a light source of the
It is mounted inside the illumination means 27 using the plate 27a and the screws 43c. Mounting board
Although not shown, a cushion 27a is provided on a column protruding from the back side of the substrate of the variable display device 4.
It is installed through the insulation material so that ventilation can be improved. This allows the light source
Absorbs vibration from the lamp and efficiently dissipates the heat generated by the lamp.
It is supposed to be. The variable display device 4 configured as described above is used to enter the specific winning openings 7 and 8.
Start (trigger) by the start switch SW1 (FIG. 3) for detecting a winning ball.
Is done. When the variable display device 4 is activated, the variable table provided therein is
Table of four indicators LEDA, LEDB, LEDC, LEDD of indicating members 47, 48
The display content is changed from the stationary state to the fluctuating state. And each indicator LEDA,
The display number is 0, 1, 2, 3, $ 9 for each of LEDB, LEDC, and LEDD.
, 0, 1, 2,... Regularly (change). This fluctuation table
When a stop signal is received from the stop switch SW2 (FIG. 2) in the state shown in FIG.
, Or after a certain amount of time has passed since the change,
A, LEDB, LEDC, LEDD display number changes in order at regular intervals
Going stopped. Then, it returns from the fluctuation state to the stationary state. Changes in this display
Has appeared on each display LEDA, LEDB, LEDC, LEDD when stopped
If the four numbers are in a specific combination (roll), this will give you a special benefit
A particular embodiment is provided. In this embodiment, for example,
If all numbers are "1,""3,""5,""7," or "9,"
When the numbers (Zorome) of those numbers come out, the first specific state called "big hit"
Like Also, any three of the four numbers of the variable display members 47 and 48 are set to “1”.
"," 3 "," 5 "," 7 "or" 9 ",
This is a second specific mode called "middle hit". Special on other rolls
No fixed mode occurs. On the other hand, the big hit display lighting means 27 on both sides of the variable display device 4
While the indications on the indicating members 47 and 48 are changing, they are driven to blink. Furthermore, display members
When the display change of 47, 48 stops, the state of "big hit" or "medium hit"
When a condition occurs, the blinking speed is controlled to increase. The storage display lamps LED 1 to LED 4 below the variable display device 4 are
It is controlled so as to light up as many as the number of changes in the variable display section. FIGS. 6 to 9 show the detailed structure of the special variable winning device 5 shown in FIGS. 2 and 3.
An example is shown. The special variable prize winning device 5 shown in FIG.
It has a plate 50. The mounting substrate 50 is provided with mounting holes 54 and the like arranged on the peripheral edge thereof.
To be attached to the game board 1. At the center of the mounting board 50, as shown in FIG.
a is formed. A window 50b is formed immediately below the opening 50a.
You. As shown in FIG. 6, the opening 50a has a special door-shaped opening and closing mechanism.
The moving prize receiving port 51 is accommodated. Further, as shown in FIGS. 6 to 8, a back plate 52 is provided behind the mounting board 50.
It is attached. The back plate 52 is attached so as to cover the opening 50a from behind.
Be killed. As shown in FIG. 8, the back plate 52 is provided at the center of the opening 50a.
The corresponding opening window 52b is punched. Further, on the back side of the mounting substrate 50, as shown in FIGS. 6 to 8, an surrounding frame 54 is integrally formed. As shown in FIG. 8, the surrounding frame 54 is
0a is formed along the left and right side edges of the window 50b from the upper edge. And
The back plate 52 is fixed to the rear end of the surrounding frame 54 by screws 55.
ing. In addition, as shown in FIG.
A ball guiding gutter 54a is formed. The winning ball guiding gutter 54a is
It is formed at a position corresponding to the pair of winning devices 53 on the front surface. And the winning opening 5
It acts to guide the hit ball winning 3a behind the game board. Further, a prize winning device 53 can be separated on each of the left and right sides of the mounting board 50.
Noh is attached. As shown in FIG. 6 and FIG.
A turning member 70 and a lighting unit 53b are provided. In addition, the winning device 53
Is provided with a winning opening 53a which opens upward at the upper end thereof. this
The winning opening 53a is a general winning opening as described above. Further, as shown in FIG. 8, the pair of winning devices 53 are mounted on the mounting substrate 50.
Are formed at positions corresponding to. In this through hole 50e
The illumination lamp 28 serving as a light source of the illumination means 53b is inserted into the illumination lamp 53b. This proof
The amplifier 28 is mounted and fixed to the substrate 28a via the socket.
Is mounted and fixed to the boss 50f on the back surface of the mounting substrate 50. The mounting and fixing
This is performed using the mounting holes 28b and the screws 28c of the plate 28a. Here, the special variable winning reception 51 is responsive to a specific mode of the variable display device 4.
As shown in FIG. 8, the shafts 51 at both ends thereof are opened and closed.
b so that it can be opened and closed in the front-rear direction. This special variable winning opening 5
When 1 is opened, as shown in Fig. 7, the special variable prize is much wider than the general prize.
The mouth 80 is opened temporarily. In this special fluctuation winning opening 80, a predetermined number
A normal prize port 82 that provides only normal prize money for which only a prize ball is paid out;
In addition, the continuation winning opening 81 which gives the right to continue / extend the specific mode described above is formed.
Is to be done. Further, an operating piece 51 a is provided on one side (the right side in FIG. 7) of the special fluctuation winning reception port 51.
Is formed. The end of the operating piece 51a is connected to an elongated hole 5 formed in the back plate 52.
It protrudes from 2a to the back side of the back plate 52. Then, the transmission member 65
Through an electromagnetic solenoid to be described later. This
The special variable winning opening 51 is driven to open and close via the operating piece 51a.
It has become. FIG. 6 shows that the special fluctuation prize receiving port 51 rises to the rear, and the special fluctuation
This shows a state in which the winning opening is closed. FIG. 7 shows that the door-shaped special variable prize receiving port 51 is located forward.
The state where the special fluctuation winning opening is opened by falling down is shown. On the other hand, on the back side of the mounting board 50, a substantially L-shape is formed along the lower edge of the window 50b.
A pair of winning ball guiding members 56a and 56b are formed. This pair of winning balls invitation
The tips of the guide members 56a and 56b are opposed to each other at an interval of about one ball.
Have been. Further, one end of the winning ball guiding member 56a has an engaging recess 57a.
Are formed. At the same time, beneath the base end side of the other winning ball guiding member 56b
Has an engaging portion 57b. The engagement portion 57b and the engagement recess 57a
Therefore, the detector SW4 for detecting and counting the number of winning balls to the special fluctuation winning opening 80 is provided.
, And is mounted and held. This detector SW4 is a so-called 10 cow.
A non-contact proximity switch is used here.
ing. In the 10-count detector SW4, the detection unit 31a at the tip of the 10-count detector SW4 performs
The members 56a and 56b are mounted so as to reach within the distance between both ends. This
The detector SW4 is provided with a prize ball guided by the guide members 56a and 56b.
Can be detected one by one. As shown in FIG. 7, an arrangement room 58 is formed in the special fluctuation winning opening 80.
It is supposed to be. The arrangement room 58 has its upper, lower, left and right sides surrounded by the surrounding frame 54 (FIG.
8), the lower side is surrounded by winning ball guiding members 56a and 56b (FIG. 8). As shown in FIG. 8, the winning balls entering the rearranging room 58 are inviting winning balls.
Aligned and guided by the action of the guide members 56a and 56b, 10 counts are detected one by one
It is made to flow down through the detection part 31a of the switch SW4. Its detection
The prize sphere passing through the vessel 31a is swept by the arc-shaped direction regulating section 50d shown in FIG.
It is guided to the side (the right side in FIG. 8). This arc-shaped direction regulating part
As shown in FIG. 8, 50 d is integrally formed on the lower portion of the back surface of the mounting board 50.
I have. Here, on the front surface of the back plate 52, as shown in FIG.
A pair of guide plates 52c is formed on both side edges of the window 52b. In this guide plate 52c
Therefore, the upper part of the sorting room 58 corresponds to the above-mentioned continuous winning opening 81 and the normal winning opening 82.
It is divided and separated. Further, as shown in FIG. 8, on the back surface of the back plate 52, an opening window 52 on the back surface is provided.
A support protrusion 52d is formed along the upper end of b. The support projection 52d has
The sensing piece 60 is suspended in a swingable state via the pin 59. This sensing piece
60 is continuously suspended from the opening window 52b as shown in FIG.
It is urged to enter and exit the prize port 81. Thereby, the continuous winning opening 8
As shown in FIG. 7 and FIG. 8, the hit ball that wins 1 (FIG. 7) has a pair of guide plates.
The sensing piece 60 which is guided by 52c and protrudes forward from the rear opening window 52b.
Is turned to the rear, and then moves to the detecting section 31a of the lower 10-count detector SW4.
The ball is detected one by one together with the hit ball that has won the above normal winning opening 82 there.
Counting. As shown in FIG. 8, the sensing piece 60 has a continuous condition detection comprising a microswitch.
Due to the elasticity of the actuator 32a of the output switch SW3, the front of the opening window 52b is reached.
It is weakly elastically biased so as to protrude. This continuation condition detection switch
The switch SW3 is for detecting a hit ball which has won the above continuous winning opening 81.
, Is attached to the back plate 52 via an L-shaped attachment member 61. The continuation condition detection switch SW 3 is configured such that its actuator 32 a
It is positioned so as to come into contact with the pressing portion 60a bulged to the back. Of the sensing piece 60
At the upper end, a pin hole 60b through which the pin 59 is inserted and a rotation range of the sensing piece 60 are defined.
A stopper 60c is formed to protrude rearward for regulation. In addition,
The support pin 59 of the sensing piece 60 engaged with the holding projection 52d is integrated with the holding member 62.
Is secured by fixing the rotation restricting portion 62a formed on the support protrusion 52d.
Is The slit 62 d on one side of the holding member 62 has the continuation
A case completion display section 29 is inserted. This continuation condition satisfaction display section 29
Is held and protected by a protection member 63 fixed to the boss portion 62c of the holding member 62.
It is being protected. The hit ball winning the continuous winning opening pushes the sensing piece 60 away from the opening window 52d.
Passing through. At the time of this passage, the continuation condition detection switch SW3 is operated.
Then, a detection signal is issued for each ball. After this, the batting winning in the normal winning opening 82
Along with the ball, it is guided to the detection section 31a of the count detector SW4 and detected one by one.
It is coming out. Further, as shown in FIG.
A case establishment display section 29 is attached. The continuation condition satisfaction display section 29 is provided with the opening window.
52b. The continuation condition satisfaction display section 29 displays the continuation condition.
Lighting drive is performed according to a detection signal from the case detection switch SW3.
. This gives the player the right to continue or extend the specific mode described above.
It is possible to know that another condition is satisfied. Further, as shown in FIGS. 8 and 9, both long holes 52a on the back surface of the back plate 52 are formed.
On the side, a pair of boss portions 52f are formed. This boss 52f has the structure shown in FIG.
As described above, the support shaft 65a of the transmission member 65 is
Supported. The transmission member 65 is in the shape of a letter "H". Its tip is the slot 5
It protrudes forward from 2a. Further, the tip of the transmission member 65 is actuated.
The piece 51c comes into contact with the upper surface of the rear end. The operating piece 51c is formed in the special fluctuation winning port 51 (FIG. 7). Also, on the transmission member 65
The working end of the plunger 66a of the electromagnetic solenoid SOL is in contact with the end.
This electromagnetic solenoid SOL serves as a drive source of the special fluctuation winning device 5. In FIG. 9, when the electromagnetic solenoid SOL is in a non-driving state in a steady state,
The plunger 66a is pushed down by the return spring 66b, whereby the transmission member
65 is pressed downward. Then, as imagined by a dotted line in FIG.
The rear end side of c is pushed down, and the special variable prize receiving port 51 is closed. This allows
The opening 50a is closed, so that the special fluctuation winning opening 80 is also closed. On the other hand, when the electromagnetic solenoid SOL has a specific mode in the variable display device 4,
Or, when energized by the right to continue, the plunger 66a is driven up.
Is done. For this reason, the pressing force of the transmission member 65 is released, and the special fluctuation winning port 51 is
It will fall forward by its own weight. Thereby, the opening 50a is widely opened.
As a result, the special variable winning opening 80 is opened temporarily. As described above, the special variable prize winning device 5 is a specific mode in the variable display device 4.
Are opened and closed electrically in accordance with the occurrence of
You. Next, an embodiment of a control section of a pachinko game machine to which the present invention is applied will be described.
. FIG. 10 shows the overall hardware of the control device 100 for a pachinko gaming machine according to the present invention.
The hardware configuration is shown. FIG. 11 is a timing chart showing the waveform of the reset pulse φt and the operation state of the CPU 210.
This is shown by the Mining chart. FIG. 12 shows a means for generating the reset pulse φt.
Is shown. FIG. 13 shows details of the vicinity of the I / O unit 240 of the control device 200.
. FIG. 14 shows the configuration of the scale generating means 260 in the I / O unit 240. First, in FIG. 10, the control device 200 of the pachinko gaming machine 300 described above
Program-storing CPU (central processing unit: microphone)
(Computer) 210. That is, control device 200 shown in FIG.
Storage device) 220, RAM (random access memory) 230, address
Decoder 240, I / O (input / output) unit 250, clock signal generating means 280
, Reset signal generating means 290, address bus LA, data bus LD,
It is constituted by a logical gate G1 and the like. As the CPU 210, an 8-bit type (model number: Z80) is used.
. The CPU 210 has an address terminal (A0 to A15), a data terminal (D0 to D7)
Read control terminal RD, write control terminal WR, clock terminal CK, and reset terminal
It has a functional terminal such as a child R. Interrupt input as these other important function pins
There are terminals (not shown). However, here, the interrupt terminal is not used.
Instead, a reset terminal R is used. Reset terminal R
How to use will be described later. The CPU 210 (Z80 used here)
) Is a 64-kbyte address space with 16 address terminals (A0 to A15).
Have a pause. However, only about 2K bytes are used here
. The ROM 220 stores a program executed by the CPU 210 and fixed data.
Remember. The ROM 220 has a storage capacity of 2 kbytes.
This capacity of 2 kbytes is equivalent to 64 kbytes of address space of the CPU 210 (Z80).
This is a very small capacity compared to The RAM 230 stores a work area (work area) of the CPU 210 and a variable data area.
Data storage area. The RAM 230 is of a static type.
Have been. Its storage capacity is kept very small, only 128 bytes.
No. In this case, since a 128-byte RAM is difficult to obtain, a 1-kbyte RAM is actually used. Connect the upper address terminal of this 1 kbyte RAM to
By fixing to the source potential side and killing, the actual usable storage capacity is 128 bytes
I am holding it. As described above, each storage capacity of the ROM 220 and the RAM 230 is not
It is always kept small. As a result, a so-called bug (insect)
Can be eliminated without fail, and the CP
There is room for malfunction such as runaway of U or jumping into an infinite loop.
It can be greatly reduced. This allows for electrical and physical
Extremely high reliability can be obtained even under severe use environment. Further, the storage capacities of the ROM 220 and the RAM 230 should be reduced as much as possible.
This makes it difficult to modify the program by adding additional programs. Temporarily remodeling is done
Even so, it is easy to find and check because of the small storage capacity.
As a result, it is possible to prevent the misuse of pachinko gaming machines due to unauthorized modification.
Is also obtained. The address decoder 240 outputs address data (A
0 to A11) to generate a number of alternative selection signals S1 to S9. That
The decoding operation is performed by either the read control signal (RD) or the write control signal (WD).
This is performed by activating one of them. These two control signals (RD / W
D) is issued from the CPU 210. Both signals (RD / WD) are applied to logic gate G1.
Therefore, the logical sum of them is obtained. The logical sum is the control signal of the address decoder 240.
Issue. Some of the selection signals S 1 to S 9 output from the address decoder 240 (S 8, S 8
9) is used as a chip select signal for the ROM 220 and RAM 230
Is done. Further, other selection signals S1 to S7 are provided in an I / O unit 250 described later.
Used to control input / output circuits. That is, here, a so-called memory mapped I / O system in which input / output channels are arranged in an address space is employed. This
Opening input / output channels by adopting the memory mapped I / O method of
Access a specific address without performing complicated procedures such as closing
I / O operations can be performed from any I / O circuit using only simple processing.
Swelling. In the memory mapped I / O system, a part of the address space is determined by the I / O area.
Occupied and narrowed, the general micro computer
It was difficult to adopt it in a pewter system. However, the control device 20 of this embodiment
0, the storage capacity of each of the ROM 220 and the RAM 230 as described above.
Due to the very small volume, the above problem does not have to be considered at all. The I / O unit 250 is provided between the control device 200 and the pachinko gaming machine main body 300.
The interface (I / F) section of FIG. The I / O unit 250 includes
Many input / output circuits are provided. The operation of each input / output circuit is described above.
It is individually controlled by the selection signals S1 to S7. About the individual configuration of the input / output circuit
As will be described later, for example, a decoder, a latch circuit, a driver, a buffer gate, an
A pump (amplifier) is used. The clock generation means 280 uses the crystal oscillator Xtal (4 MHz) on a frequency basis.
By using this, a high-precision clock pulse φk of, for example, 2 MHz is generated. This
Is applied to the clock terminal CK of the CPU 210. The reset signal generating means 290 outputs a reset signal having a predetermined period from the clock pulse φk.
A reset pulse φt is generated. This reset pulse φt is
To the terminal R. This reset signal generating means 290 is implemented by a counter or the like.
Is simple and small. In this case, the reset pulse φt has a duty width, that is, a pulse width.
The CPU 210 has such a length that the CPU 210 can be reliably reset.
The pulse generation interval, that is, the cycle, is stored in the ROM by the CPU 210.
To ensure that it is longer than the processing time for executing the programmed program
Have been. FIG. 11 shows the waveform of the reset pulse φt and the operation state of the CPU 210.
They are shown in time correspondence with each other. The reset pulse φt shown in FIG. 11 has a pulse width of 15 μs and a cycle of 3 ms.
ing. This pulse width of 15 μs ensures that the CPU 210 is reset.
That's enough time. Also, the cycle of 3 ms is determined by the CPU 210
20 is sufficient time to execute the instructions stored in 20. Further, as shown in FIG. 11 as a function of time with respect to the reset pulse φt,
The PU 210 executes a series of program instructions written in the ROM 220
Forced reset to full initial state after each run
. As a result, if the CPU 210 runs out of control or jumps into an infinite loop,
Even if a malfunction occurs, resetting every 3 ms immediately
It can automatically return to a normal operating state. As a result, in the control system by the CPU,
The worst conditions, such as the most feared runaway or jumping into an infinite loop,
Will be avoided. In other words, a type of fail-safe works here,
At least, only the normal operation state of the CPU 210 is surely maintained.
. In this way, the required reliability of pachinko machines has been secured.
ing. Further, since the reset interval of the CPU 210 has a constant cycle,
By storing the number of resets of the
It is now possible to easily configure the functions of the marker. In addition,
Since the interval between the timers is relatively long, for example, 3 ms, a relatively long timer time, for example, several seconds to several tens of seconds, is about 1 byte or 2 bytes.
Very simple and concise configuration with only a small storage allocation
Can be. For example, if the reset interval is 3 ms, one byte in the RAM area
By assigning to the timer area, the timer from 3ms to 0.768 seconds
Time can be obtained (3 ms × 256 = 768 ms = 0.768 seconds). Sa
Allocate 2 bytes to the timer time from 3ms to 196.608 seconds
(3 ms × 256 × 256 = 196608 ms = 196.6)
08 seconds). As a result, even if the RAM area has only 128 bytes, for example,
Many timer functions required to control various functions in the gaming machine body 300 individually
Can be easily configured. By the way, the special fluctuation mentioned above
A few seconds to a few tens of seconds required to control the operation of the winning device 5 (FIGS. 2, 6 to 9).
Such a relatively long timer time can be obtained with only 2 bytes of RAM area.
Wear. Note that, in FIG. 11, after the program instruction is executed all the way, the next reset is performed.
Until, the halt state (standby state) is maintained. This halt state is
Is executed by executing a halt instruction at the end of the program.
You. That is, the end of the above program ends with a halt instruction. FIG. 12 shows reset pulse generating means 290 (for generating the reset pulse φt).
Fig. 10) shows an example of the configuration. As shown in FIG.
Preliminary frequency dividing circuit 291, counter 292, and logic gate (AND gate) G2
Can be easily configured. In the figure, Cin is a count input,
Cout indicates a count-up output, respectively. With the above configuration, the reliability as a pachinko gaming machine is ensured, and
, Can configure the various functions required to control the operation of the pachinko gaming machine
I can do it. Next, the configuration near the I / O unit 250 will be described. The I / O unit 250 includes, as shown in FIG.
A fagate 251 and latch circuits 252 to 256 are provided. These in and out
The operation of the power circuits (251 to 256) is controlled by the above-described selection signals S1 to S6.
You. Each of the input / output circuits (251 to 256) is connected to the CP via the data bus LD.
It is connected to U210 (FIG. 10). Pachinko machine main body 300 side and control device 2
The data exchanged with the 00 side is carried on the data bus LD.
It has become. Further, in addition to the input / output circuits (251 to 256), a scale generation
Means 257 are provided. The operation of the scale generating means 257 is also performed by the above-described selection signal.
Controlled by signal S7. The buffer gate 251 of the input / output circuits (251 to 256) is an input circuit.
Make This buffer gate 251 is provided on the pachinko gaming machine main body 300 side.
Detection signals from various detection means (SW1 to SW4, etc.)
The data is loaded on the data bus LD in 00. In this case, as the detecting means, the above-described star is used.
Switch SW1, stop switch SW2, continuation condition detection switch SW3,
There is a 10-count detector SW4 (FIGS. 3 and 7). Further, among the input / output circuits (251 to 256), the latch circuits 252 to 256
Represents an output circuit. Furthermore, the latch circuits 252 and 254 in them are
Equipped with These decoders are light emitting devices on the pachinko gaming machine main body 300 side.
Each display data of the LED segment type display LEDA to LEDE
Code. The display data is provided from the CPU 210 via the data bus LD.
It is. The function of each output circuit (252 to 256) is as follows. That is, the latch circuits 252 and 253 are connected to the variable display device 4 (FIGS.
5) The segment type displays LEDA to LEDD are driven by a dynamic method.
Move. The display data is provided from the CPU via the data bus LD. Note that
Each of the latch circuits 252 and 253 has a driver 2 for increasing the driving force of its output.
62 and 263 are respectively attached. The latch circuit 254 drives the display of the segment type display LEDE. This indicator
As mentioned above, LEDE has a special right when a specific mode of "big hit" occurs.
Is displayed. The display data is transferred to C via the data bus LD.
Provided by PU. The latch circuit 255 includes storage display lamps LED1 to LED using light emitting diodes.
4 are individually driven to light. The lighting control data is transmitted to the CP via the data bus LD.
Given by U. The memory display lamps LED1 to LED4 are
Displaying the number of pending balls that have been won in specific winning openings 7, 8 (FIGS. 2 and 3), etc.
Used for The latch circuit 256 is connected to the pachinko gaming machine main body 300 via the driver 266.
Are individually driven. The driving source in this case is the special
An electromagnetic solenoid 66 (FIG. 9) for driving the variable winning device 5 to open. in this case
Is a continuation condition satisfaction display attached to the above-mentioned special variable winning device 5.
Section 29 (FIGS. 3 and 9). The scale generating means 257 generates a sound source having a predetermined scale. Generated sound
The source is amplified by the amplifier 267 and is used to generate a sound effect on the pachinko gaming machine main body 300 side.
It is provided to the speaker SP. The scale of this sound source is transmitted from the CPU via the data bus LD.
It is set according to the data given. FIG. 14 shows the configuration of the scale generating means 257. [0136] As shown in the figure, the scale generating means 257 includes a key for storing scale setting data.
It comprises a switch circuit 256a and a presettable counter 256b. The latch circuit 256a is provided with a sound scale provided from the CPU via the data bus LD.
Holds constant data. The latch circuit 256a activates the selection signal S7.
The data on the data bus DL at the time of the read is read and held. The stored data is free
It is preset to the count content of the settable counter 257b. [0138] The presettable counter 256b is a kind of down counter, and
The clock pulse φk decrements the value by one. Within its initial counts
The contents are preset by the latch circuit 256a. Preset counting
When the content is reduced to "0", the data held in the latch circuit 256a is updated each time.
It is newly preset. Here, the carry terminal (count output) of the presettable counter 256b is used.
Terminal) The output state of Cry changes every time the count is reduced to "0".
The logic level changes from H (high level) to L (low level) or L (low level) to H (
(High level). Thereby, from the carry terminal Crry,
A signal that alternates between H (high level) and L (low level) is obtained. And
This signal is used as the sound source described above. This sound source
Amplified by the amplifier 267 and a speaker for generating a sound effect on the pachinko gaming machine main body 300 side
Given to SP. At this time, the scale of the sound source is determined by the above preset value.
You. Also, if the preset value is small, the transition cycle described above becomes long, and
Lower. Also, if the preset value is small, the above-mentioned transition cycle becomes short,
The pitch becomes higher. The preset value can be arbitrarily variably set by the CPU 210 (FIG. 10). As a result, the control device 200 controls the pachinko gaming machine main body.
At 300, a sound effect such as a fanfare sound can be arbitrarily generated. What
Note that the presettable counter 257b may be an up counter. Next, the software configuration of the above-described control device 200 will be described along with its operation.
You. FIG. 15 is a processing flowchart of the control device 200 (FIGS. 10 and 11) described above.
FIG. 16 shows an enlarged part of the processing flowchart. First, the following Table 1 is accessed by the CPU 210 of the control device 200 (FIG. 10).
The allocation contents of the address space to be used are indicated by a memory map. In addition,
The address of the dress is displayed in hexadecimal numbers from O to F. In the following Table 1, the range of addresses accessed by the CPU 210 is
(Z80) A 64-kbyte address space of 210 (addresses 0000 to FFFF)
) Is between 0000 and 4000. Among them, 2 kbytes from 0000 to 07FF are allocated to the ROM area.
Have been. In addition, 128 bytes from addresses 0800 to 087F are stored in the RAM area.
Have been assigned. And 1000, 1800, 2000, 2800, 30
I / O area is allocated to 00,3800,4000 by 1 byte each.
I have. In this case, no gap is used between the I / O areas. Therefore, the CPU 21
The size (large size) of the address space that 0 actually accesses is only about 2 kbytes
Absent. [Table 1] Table 2 below shows the memory storage contents of the RAM 230 (FIG. 10).
Indicated by a loop. [Table 2] Next, the operation of the control device 200 described above is described with reference to FIG.
I will explain while. In FIG. 15, CPU 210 of control device 200 is forcibly reset in hardware by the above-described reset pulse φt (FIGS. 10, 11 and 12).
. By this reset, the CPU is started from a completely initial state. Reset
The CPU started from the initial state by the port starts access from the ROM 220 first.
First, the program instructions stored therein are sequentially read and executed. This
Thus, a series of processes shown in FIG. 15 is started. When the execution of the program instruction is started, the stack pointer is first set.
(R1). Next, the top of the backup area (0838-0843) is shown.
Check whether start data and end data indicating the tail are set.
(R2-R3-R14-R15). Here, after the control device 200 is cold-started (started by turning on the power).
In the first operation, the program is initialized (R17). This initial setup
By default, all data such as output data and count data stored in the I / O area
Variable data is initialized. After that, set the above start data and end data
(Writing) (R11). The start data and the end data are stored in the RAM 2
A value that can reliably reflect a storage error of 30, for example, A5 (in binary number)
Is used such as 10100101). In addition, the initialized data is backed up.
After transferring to the backup area, the CPU executes the halt instruction and executes the processing by itself.
Stop (R12-R13). Then, reset by the next reset pulse φt is performed.
Have The operation state of control device 200 is initialized as described above. After the initialization of control device 200 is performed, the CPU issues a reset pulse φt.
Each time it is issued, the main routines R1 to R13 are sequentially executed. This lord
In the routine, as shown in FIG. 15, the following processing is executed. R1: Set a stack pointer. R2, R3: Check end data in the backup area. R4: Start switch SW1, stop switch SW2, continuation condition detection switch
Input processing for detecting the rising edges of the switch SW3 and the count detector SW4, respectively.
Do the work. This is done by referring to the previous detection signal and the current state.
Will be The state of the previous detection signal is stored in the buffer area. This memory state is always
Has been newly updated. R5: The number of times the start switch SW1 has been operated is stored. Variable display as described above
The device 4 (FIGS. 2 to 7) performs a specific winning ball detection operation of the start switch SW1.
Is started. In this processing routine, the variable table of the activated variable display device 4 is displayed.
The number of winning balls until the stop operation is stopped, that is, the start switch SW1
The number of operations is stored. If there is a memory of this number of operations, that is, the stored value is 1 or more
, The variable display device 4 restarts after the variable display operation has been completed.
It is activated every time. Then, when the variable display device 4 is restarted, the above described
The memory is decremented by one. In other words, this process
In the routine, the game generated by winning the specific winning ports 7 and 8 (FIGS. 2 and 3) is performed.
A process for preserving the right to start the system is performed. R6: Performs a fraud check process on the 10-count detector SW4. 10 count
The function of the detector SW4 is impaired due to disconnection or short circuit of its connection or wiring.
Logical determination is made based on the input state from the detector SW4. R7: Update the timer values of various timers stored in the RAM area. R8: Sets an operation parameter (scale data) of the scale generation means 257. this
In the processing routine, the scale setting data for generating sound effects such as fanfare
The process of outputting the data is performed. R9: Control processing of various display means and electromagnetic solenoids is performed. This process
In the routine, the big hit display illumination means 27 and the continuation condition satisfaction display section 29 are described.
(FIGS. 3 and 8) and the electromagnetic software in the special variable prize device 5 described above.
Drive control of the solenoid SOL (FIG. 9) is performed. R10: Various determination and control processes related to winning are performed. Here,
Operation control of the variable display device 4, and specific modes such as "big hit" and "medium hit"
A series of processes related to the occurrence of are performed. The detailed contents of this routine R10 are shown in FIG.
This is shown in FIG. R11: Start data and end data indicating the beginning and end of the above-mentioned backup area
Performs setting (writing) of data. R12: Processing for transferring variable data such as output data to the backup area is performed.
U. When the above-described main routines R1 to R12 are executed one by one, the final processing routine
At R13, a halt instruction is executed. This stops the continuation of the process
Enter the standby state. In executing the above-described main routines R1 to R12, some abnormality may occur.
If an error occurs in the above end data, the end data is checked.
R14-R for checking the start routine from routines R2-R3
A branch to 15 is made. Then, the branched routine R1
If an error occurs in the start data in 4-R15, the program is initialized.
The routine R17 is executed again, and the state of the control device 200 becomes cold star.
Will be returned to the state immediately after the event. In this way, control when an abnormality occurs
A failsafe for guiding the control state of the device 200 in a safe direction is performed. On the other hand, errors occur only in the end data,
If no error occurred, the routine R16 was executed and the backup was performed.
The data is retransferred to the main work areas 0800 to 080A of the CPU. This
As a result, when the degree of error is small, normal operation
Automatic return to work can be performed. FIG. 16 is a detailed flowchart of the winning processing routine R10. Same figure
As shown in the figure, the winning processing routine R10 is a subroutine of R101 to R122.
And processing related to a specific winning, that is, operation control of the variable display device 4.
And a series of controls related to the occurrence of the specific mode are processed by numbers 1 to 8
It is designed to be executed by number. That is, the start switch S described above
W1, stop switch SW2, continuation condition detection switch SW3, 10 count detection
A processing number is set based on each detection state of the output switch SW4. And that set
By selectively executing the subroutine prepared for the process number
It is possible to perform a specific prize-related processing operation in the pachinko gaming machine described above.
I am able to do it. Here, when the processing number is No. 0 to No. Set to one of up to 8
It has become so. In this case, the processing No. 0, N0.1-No. Operation of 8
Only check whether the start condition is satisfied or not, processing related to a specific winning
Is not done. Processing related to a specific winning is No. No. 1 to No. Any of up to 8
This process is performed when such a process number is set. No. No. 1 to No. Each processing up to 8
The following subroutines R111 to R118 are prepared corresponding to the numbers. That is, when the processing number is No. When set to 1, the routine R111 is executed
Is done. In this routine R111, based on the detection of the start switch SW1,
Then, a process of activating the variable display device 4 is performed. After executing this process,
Processing number No. 2 is set. When the processing number is No. If it is set to 2, the routine R112 is executed. This
In the routine R112 of the above, based on the detection of the stop switch SW2,
A process of stopping the operation of the variable display device 4 stepwise is performed. At this time, the display
Partially inserts a randomly set time into the time until the operation stops
Processing is performed. This makes it possible to randomize the display contents after the operation is stopped.
I have to. After execution of this process, the next process number No. 3 is set. When the processing number is No. When it is set to 3, the routine R113 is executed. This
In the routine R113, a specific mode is generated based on the stop result of the variable display device 4.
A process for determining the presence or absence of a live is performed. The judgment is made based on the stopped display contents.
Will be If the specific mode of “big hit” is determined, the processing number No. 5 is set
Is done. If the specific mode of “middle hit” is determined, the processing number No.
6 is set. In the case of other losses, the processing number No. 0 is set. When the processing number is No. When it is set to 4, the routine R114 is executed. This
In the routine R114, the control processing when a specific mode of "big hit" occurs,
For example, control for driving the special variable winning device 5 to open is performed. Also, timer processing
A predetermined time (approximately 30 seconds) for which the opening drive time is relatively long
Within Further, a blink driving process of the related display means is also performed. this
After the execution of the routine R114, the processing number No. 7
Is set. When the processing number is No. If it is set to 5, the routine R115 is set. This
In the routine R115, the operation parameters of the scale generating means 257 are set.
By doing so, the process of generating fanfare sound associated with the occurrence of a specific mode of "big hit"
Do. After the execution of this routine R115, the process number No. 4 is set. When the processing number is No. When it is set to 6, the routine R116 is executed. This
In the routine R116, control processing when a specific mode of “middle hit” occurs, for example, control for opening and driving the special variable winning device 5 is performed. Also, timer processing
At the same time, the opening drive is performed for a relatively long period of time (about 6 seconds).
Within. Further, a blink driving process of the related display means is also performed. Above place
After the elapse of the fixed time, the processing number No. 0 is set. When the processing number is No. If it is set to 7, the routine R117 is executed. This
In the routine R117, based on the detection of the continuation condition detection switch SW3,
The special variable winning device 5 is re-driven. This process is a specific mode of "big hit"
Executed when After execution of this routine R117, the next process number
No. 8 is set. When the processing number is No. If set to 8, the routine R
Step 118 is executed. In this routine R118, the "big hit"
The processing after the state of "Rari" ends. When the "middle hit" operation ends
Is assigned a processing number with a delay time of about 1 second. Set to 0. Also, "
When the operation of “Tari” is completed, a delay time of about 3 seconds is provided, during which
If it is confirmed that the continuation condition of the “slip” state is satisfied, the processing number is set to No. Set to 4. So
If the continuation condition is not satisfied, the processing number No. Set 0. Here, the series of winning-related processing described above is performed with the processing number No. Start by setting 1
It is supposed to be. This No. The processing number of 1 corresponds to the start switch S
It is set when there is a memory of the number of times W1 is turned on (ON).
(Routines R109 and R120). As described above, the operation control of the variable display device 4 is performed while the process number is being updated.
Then, a prize-related process associated with the occurrence of the specific mode is performed. FIG. 17 shows the structure of the variable display control portion configured in the control device 200 described above.
This is shown. The control part shown in the figure is a variable display operation of the variable display device described above and
This is a part that controls the start and stop operations. This control section includes the
It is composed of software by a black computer. The control part shown in FIG. 17 is a table for updating the display contents of the variable display device 4 first.
It has indication data updating means 02. The display data updating means 02 sets the specific value to 1
A specific value adding means 01 for repeatedly adding every 2 ms is provided. And
Addition of a fixed number of digits (lower 3 digits) sequentially obtained every 12 ms from this adding means 01
According to the result, the display content of the variable display device 4 is determined every 12 ms.
doing. That is, when the display content of the variable display device 4 is updated every 12 ms,
In both cases, the update data is provided from the adding means 01. Sa
Further, in the embodiment, the specific adding means 01 repeats the eigenvalue selected from the prime number.
And add. Further, specifically, a three-digit prime number 13
7 is repeatedly added. This 3-digit prime number 137 is added as described above.
Means are repeatedly added by means 01, and only the lower three digits are regarded as significant figures.
Then, the following numerical values are sequentially obtained every 12 ms. First, a specific value of 137 is repeatedly added, and the addition result of each addition is
In order of occurrence, 137, 274, 411, 548, 685, 822, 95
9,1026,1233, ‥‥, 13700, ‥‥, 27400, ‥‥, 137
Take discrete values such as 000,137137,137274, ‥‥
You get a sequence of numbers. Here, when only the lower three digits of each numerical value forming the numerical sequence are extracted, 137,
274,411,548,685,822,959,026,233,6 ,, 7
00, $, 400, $, 000, 137, 274, etc.
Looks like a sequence of numbers consisting of a combination of two numbers arranged randomly
At the same time, a numerical sequence in which the same combination of numerical sequences appears in the cycle is obtained. Above specific value
If another value other than 137 is adopted, a numerical sequence different from the above is obtained. Further, when a three-digit prime number of, for example, 137 is used for the specific value, the same combination
The set of numbers is obtained exactly once in 1000. For example, paying attention to the numerical value of 137, this numerical value “137” appears exactly once in 1000. Wear other numbers
The same is true for eyes. During the 1000 times, the same number appears only once
No, that is, different combinations of numbers are sequentially obtained 999 times. Therefore, as described above, the specific value adding means 01 for repeatedly adding the specific value is provided.
The upper result is obtained by adding a fixed number (lower three digits) of the addition result sequentially obtained from the addition means 01.
By configuring the variable display device 4 to determine the display content, the variable table
The display content of the display device 4 can be updated at random as if
For example, a combination of specific numbers that cause a specific mode such as "big hit"
On average. Thus, the display of the variable display device 4 can be performed with a relatively simple and simple configuration.
While giving randomness to the display contents at the time of stoppage, it can be used within a relatively short finite game period
Thus, the probability that the specific aspect described above actually appears can be averaged, thereby
It will be possible to equalize the service to players. Also, the above specific
By setting a value, the probability that the specific mode appears will be set in a predetermined range.
Both will be possible. For example, among the above-mentioned combinations of 1000 kinds of numbers, suppose that “111”, “3”
33, 555, 777, and 999 are called "big hits"
It is assumed that a specific mode is defined. Then, these specific digit strings are
Almost evenly distributed within the sequence of numerical values. That is, in the above-described numerical sequence, “33” is set between “111” and “333”.
3 ”and“ 555 ”, between“ 555 ”and“ 777 ”, and between“ 777 ”and“ 9 ”.
There are 206 non-specific digit strings between “99”. Also, "999
”And“ 111 ”are interposed by 176 non-specific numeral strings. Thus, specific
Numeric strings are not next to each other or close to each other,
There is no extreme separation. All the specific digit strings are arranged at substantially uniform intervals. As a result, the adding operation by the adding means 01 is performed 1000 times or an integer thereof.
If you do it slightly more than twice, the addition of the number of times that slightly exceeds 1000 ends
Each time, a different number sequence appears each time, and the specified number
The character string comes to appear. Thereby, the specific mode of the above “big hit” occurs.
The frequency can be made more uniform. Note that the specific value does not necessarily need to be “137”;
It may be a prime number or a numerical value other than a prime number. Also, the adding means 01 and the
Includes those that perform subtraction. Even if subtraction is performed instead of addition, the effect described above is the same.
Obtained in a similar manner. Here, in the embodiment, as shown in FIG. 17, in addition to the above configuration, the display data
It takes 12 ms between the start of the update operation of the
And an unspecified timer TM2 for inserting an unspecified time between 120 ms and
Have been. Further, from the start of the updating operation of the display data updating means 02 to the stop thereof,
(12000 ms) during which the addition result of the specific addition means 01 makes a round.
That is, the time corresponding to one cycle of the above-described numerical sequence (1000 × 12 ms = 12
000 ms), the above-mentioned unspecified timer T
A specific time tie having a timekeeping time of 12000 ms or 12 seconds with M2
Marker TM1 is provided. As a result, each time the update operation is stopped, the variable display device 4
Stop slightly beyond the stop position, and
The combination will be displayed. In this case, it is a little over the previous stop position
The injury is randomly determined by the unspecified timer TM2. by this
As described above, the combination of each number in the numerical value sequence is almost unbiased without partial bias.
Appears evenly and stops and is displayed. Further, regarding the above-mentioned unspecified timer TM2, the unspecified time data storage area 08
And an unspecified data generating means 06 and an unspecified time data selecting means 07 are provided.
Have been. The unspecified time data storage area 08 stores a plurality of types of time data (1 × 12 ms to 1
0 × 12 ms) is randomly distributed in the form of a single-digit integer value from 0 to 9.
I have. This storage area 08 is allocated in the ROM 220. Unspecified day
The data generator 06 generates unspecified data having a random value. Unspecified time
The data selecting means 07 receives the unspecified data given from the unspecified data generating means 06.
Time data in the storage area 08 is selected by the
Is set as the timer value in the unspecified time timer TM2. This allows
The number of times of addition by the addition means 01 is highly randomized and displayed within the display of the variable display device 4.
This makes it possible to provide even better randomness. On the other hand, the display data updating means 02, together with the specific value adding means 01,
Data holding means 02A, 02B, and 02C are provided. This multiple days
The data holding means 02A, 02B, 02C are a plurality of segment type of the variable display device 4.
It is provided corresponding to the indicators LEDA to LEDC. First data holding means
02A is the numerical value of the lower third digit displayed by the corresponding first indicator LEDA
Retain data. The second data holding means 02B stores the second data
It holds the numerical data of the second lower digit displayed by the display LEDB. Similarly, the third data holding means 02C is connected to the third display L
Holds the numerical data of the first lower digit displayed by the EDC. Along with this, the first
The holding means 02A stores the 3-digit effective addition output data (D0, D
1D2), the numerical data D2 of the third digit, the numerical data D1 of the second digit in the second holding means 02B, the numerical data D1 of the first digit in the third holding means 02C.
D0 is input to each of them. Thereby, the variable display LE
Each display content of DA to LEDC is given by the addition result of the addition means 01.
In addition, it is updated every fixed time (12 ms) in synchronization with the addition cycle.
Swelling. Further, the display updating means 02 is provided with timers TM3 and TM4.
You. The timers TM3 and TM4 are provided with the respective data holding units 02A, 02B and 02C.
Are sequentially delayed by a fixed time (120 ms). This
Thereby, the display update operation of each of the indicators LEDA to LEDC is as if the rotation is stopped.
Stop as you go. FIG. 18 shows a state in which the display update operation of the variable display device 4 is started and then stopped.
The operation of each unit in FIG. In FIG. 17 and FIG. 18, the specific time timer TM1 is controlled by a specific winning ball.
ON (ON) setting of the start switch SW1 or the number of ON (ON) settings
Is activated based on the memory of the predetermined time (12000 ms = 12 seconds)
Time. This specific time timer TM1 measures a specific time (12000 ms).
Is completed, or the stop switch SW2 is manually turned on.
When it is determined, the unspecified time timer TM2 is started. The unspecified time timer TM2 is selected by the unspecified time data selection means 07.
The specified unspecified time (12 ms to 120 ms) is measured. When the timing ends
That is, when the unspecified time set in the timer TM2 elapses, the segment
The operation of sequentially stopping the updating of the display contents of the LED-type indicators LEDA to LEDC is started.
Begun. The operation of stopping the updating of each display content in the segment type indicators LEDA to LEDD is performed in the following order. First, the timing of the unspecified time timer TM2 ends.
At this point, the updating of the display content of the first display LEDA is stopped. With this,
The first stop interval setting timer TM3 is started. This timer TM3 is one
A fixed time (120 ms) is measured. This fixed time (120 ms) is determined by
This corresponds to exactly 10 times the addition period (120 ms) of the stage 01. The timing ends
, That is, a predetermined time (120 m) after the update of the display contents of the display LEDA is stopped.
After s), the updating of the display content of the second display LEDB is stopped. this
At the same time, the second stop interval setting timer TM4 is started. This timer
TM4 also measures a certain time (120 ms). This fixed time (120 ms)
This corresponds to exactly 10 times the addition cycle (120) of the addition means 01. And the first
The 20th addition cycle (12 m) since the update operation of the second display LEDA is stopped.
(s × 20 times = 240 ms), the display content of the third LEDC is updated.
Stopped. As described above, each of the segment-type indicators LEDA to LED of the variable display device 4
Update of each display content in D is sequentially stopped at regular intervals (120 ms).
It has been stopped. At this time, before the stop operation is performed,
An unspecified time (12 ms to 120 ms) is inserted by the specified time timer TM2.
Will be Thus, the variable display device activated by the start switch SW1
4 is stopped when the stop switch SW2
It can be changed randomly regardless of the crop timing. to this
Accordingly, each of the segment type indicators LEDA to LEDD of the variable display device 4
The contents of each stop display are randomized. This randomized state is
Even when the display update cycle of the variable display device 4 or the update stop interval is fixed,
Or, if all other actions are regularized, they will definitely appear. In this way,
With a simple and concise configuration with only one unspecified component in one place,
The operation of the variable display device 4 can be reliably provided with randomness. [0203] Table 3 below shows a configuration example of the unspecified time data storage area 08. As shown in Table 3, the unspecified time data storage area 08 is represented by an integer from 0 to 9.
10 types of time data are stored. These 10 types of time data are
A much larger number (128) than the time types are stored randomly distributed
ing. [Table 3] In Table 3, the composition ratio of each time data, that is, the frequency of occurrence of an unspecified time is as follows.
It is as shown in Table 4. In addition, each unspecified time data from 0 to 9 and real time
Is shown in Table 5. [Table 4] [Table 5] FIG. 19 shows a configuration example of the unspecified data generating means 06. [0209] As shown in the figure, the unspecified data generating means 06 is provided with a reset number counting means.
061, a refresh counter 062 in the microcomputer (Z80), and a logical operation means 063. Reset number counting means 061
Counts the number of resets of the CPU. The count value, especially the lower digit (10
The content C61 obtained by extracting only the lower one digit of the radix number (corresponding to the digits 0 to 9) is
When and when the microcomputer was first turned on by power-up
Unspecified numerical values due to the accumulation of extremely slight frequency variation of the pulse, etc.
You. That is, it is randomized. [0210] The refresh counter 062 refreshes the dynamic RAM.
It operates independently in the microcomputer and is
Cannot be operated. Therefore, the content C62 is also determined by the reset number counting means 06.
Like 1, it is randomized. Further, the logical operation means 063 is provided with the above two types.
The contents C61 and C62 of the class are logically operated on each other. Logical operation in this case is exclusive
Logical disjunction is performed. The operation of the logical operation means 063
The result is used as the unspecified data. In this case, the result of the above calculation is the numerical value of the lower digit (0 to 9 in decimal).
) Are extracted and used as the unspecified data. Also,
The two types of contents C61 and C62 each have sufficient randomness even when used alone.
You. Therefore, the content C61 or C62 is used as the unspecified data as it is.
It may be used. However, the two types are
By performing logical operations on the contents C61 and C62 of each other,
It is possible to obtain highly specific unspecified time data. In this embodiment, a pachinko game machine is applied as an example of a game machine.
However, as long as it uses a variable display device, it is limited to pachinko machines.
Variable display devices such as slot game machines and arrange ball machines
May be a gaming machine having the same. As described above, as has been clarified in the description of the embodiments, the gaming machine according to the present invention has multiple functions.
A variable display device having a number of display sections and forming a game state, and a table of the variable display device
Display data updating means for updating data corresponding to the display contents,
When the display content of the device stops in a specific manner, a special game state is generated to
In a gaming machine configured to give a profit, the display data updating means
Arithmetic means for adding or subtracting a required value for giving randomness to the displayed content
And the data corresponding to the display contents when the variable display device is stopped.
Display data holding means for holding the data in correspondence with each of the plurality of display units;
The display contents when the variable display device is stopped based on the values sequentially obtained from the calculation means.
Since the corresponding data is determined and stored in the display data holding means,
Display contents at the time of display stop of the variable display device with a relatively simple and simple configuration
Randomness, and within a relatively short finite game period, for example,
The probability that a particular mode such as
The effect is that the fairness of service to the player can be achieved. [0215] Further, display data holding means for holding the display contents when the variable display device is stopped is provided.
As a result, the display contents of the variable display device are adjusted toward the determined stop contents.
It is possible to stop the game sequentially with a time lag, and this
As a result, it is possible to increase the expectation that a specific mode will occur.

【図面の簡単な説明】 【図1】 図1はこの発明の主要な構成を特許請求の範囲の記載に対応させて示すブロッ
ク図、 【図2】 図2はこの発明の一実施例によるパチンコ遊技機本体の全体を前面から見た状
態を示す図、 【図3】 図3はその遊技盤の部分を取り出して示す図、 【図4】 図4は上記遊技盤に配設される可変表示装置の前面を示す図、 【図5】 図5は図4の可変表示装置の側断面状態を示す図、 【図6】 図6は上記遊技盤に配設される特別変動入賞装置の閉状態を前面から見た状態
を示す斜視図、 【図7】 図7は上記特別変動入賞装置の開状態を前面から見た状態を示す斜視図、 【図8】 図8は上記特別変動入賞装置の裏側の状態を示す分解斜視図、 【図9】 図9は上記特別変動入賞装置の側断面状態を示す図、 【図10】 図10は図2〜図9に示したパチンコ遊技機の制御装置部分の一実施例を示す
ブロック図、 【図11】 図11は上記制御装置の動作状態を示すタイミングチャート、 【図12】 図12は上記制御装置内に設けられるリセットパルス発生手段の構成例を示す
ブロック図、 【図13】 図13は上記制御装置のI/Oユニット付近の詳細を示す回路図、 【図14】 図14は上記I/Oユニット内に設けられる音階発生手段の構成例を示す回路
図、 【図15】 図15は上記制御装置の構成を説明するための処理フローチャート、 【図16】 図16は図15のフローチャート内の一部を詳細に示すフローチャート、 【図17】 図17は上記制御装置において構成される可変表示制御部分の構成を示すブロ
ック図、 【図18】 図18は上記可変表示装置における一連の停止動作を互いに時間対応させて示
すタイミングチャート、 【図19】 図19は不特定時間データ発生手段の構成例を示すブロック図である。 【符号の説明】 1 遊技盤、 4 可変表示装置、 5 特別変動入賞装置、 200 制御装置、 300 パチンコ遊技機本体、 210 マイクロ・コンピュータ、 220 ROM、 230 RAM、 240 アドレスデコーダ、 250 I/Oユニット、 257 音階発生手段、 290 リセット信号発生手段、 φk 基本クロックパルス、 φt リセットパルス、 TM1 特定時間タイマー、 TM2 不特定時間タイマー、 TM3,TM4 停止タイミング遅延用のタイマー、 TMA〜TMD 表示内容更新周期設定タイマー、 01 演算算手段、 02 表示データ更新手段、 06 不特定データ発生手段、 07 不特定時間データ選択手段。
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing a main configuration of the present invention corresponding to the description of the claims. FIG. 2 is a pachinko machine according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 3 is a view showing a state in which the entire game machine body is viewed from the front, FIG. 3 is a view showing a portion of the game board taken out, and FIG. 4 is a variable display provided on the game board. FIG. 5 is a view showing a sectional side view of the variable display device of FIG. 4; FIG. 6 is a view showing a closed state of a special variable prize winning device arranged on the game board; 7 is a perspective view showing a state of the special variable winning device viewed from the front, FIG. 7 is a perspective view showing a state of the special variable winning device opened, and FIG. FIG. 9 is an exploded perspective view showing a state on the back side, FIG. 9 is a view showing a side cross-sectional state of the special fluctuation winning device, FIG. 10 is a block diagram showing one embodiment of a control device portion of the pachinko gaming machine shown in FIGS. 2 to 9, FIG. 11 is a timing chart showing an operation state of the control device, and FIG. FIG. 12 is a block diagram showing a configuration example of reset pulse generating means provided in the control device. FIG. 13 is a circuit diagram showing details of the vicinity of an I / O unit of the control device. FIG. 14 is a circuit diagram showing a configuration example of a scale generating means provided in the I / O unit. FIG. 15 is a processing flowchart for explaining a configuration of the control device. FIG. FIG. 17 is a flowchart showing a part of the flowchart in FIG. 15 in detail; FIG. 17 is a block diagram showing a configuration of a variable display control unit configured in the control device; FIG. Series of timing charts showing a stop operation in correspondence with each other time in the variable display device, and FIG. 19 is a block diagram showing a configuration example of an unspecified time data generating means. [Description of Signs] 1 gaming board, 4 variable display device, 5 special variable prize winning device, 200 control device, 300 pachinko machine main unit, 210 microcomputer, 220 ROM, 230 RAM, 240 address decoder, 250 I / O unit , 257 Scale generation means, 290 Reset signal generation means, φk basic clock pulse, φt reset pulse, TM1 specific time timer, TM2 unspecified time timer, TM3, TM4 Timer for stop timing delay, TMA-TMD Display content update cycle setting Timer, 01 arithmetic operation means, 02 display data update means, 06 unspecified data generation means, 07 unspecified time data selection means.

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 複数の表示部を有しゲーム状態を形成する可変表示装置と、この可変表示装置
別利益を付与するように構成した遊技機において、 上記表示データ更新手段に、停止表示内容にランダム性を与えるための所要の
表示データ保持手段とを設け、 上記演算手段から順次得られる値に基づいて上記可変表示装置の停止時の表示
Claims: 1. A variable display device having a plurality of display units and forming a game state, and a display data updating unit for updating data corresponding to display contents of the variable display device, In a gaming machine configured to generate a special game state and give a special profit when the display content of the variable display device is stopped in a specific mode, the display data updating means may have a random display content. A calculating means for adding or subtracting a required value to be provided, and a display data holding means for holding data corresponding to display contents when the variable display device is stopped in correspondence with each of the plurality of display units of the variable display device The data corresponding to the display content when the variable display device is stopped is determined based on the values sequentially obtained from the arithmetic means, and is stored in the display data holding means. A gaming machine characterized in that:



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