JP2528215C - - Google Patents


Publication number
JP2528215C JP2528215C JP 2528215 C JP2528215 C JP 2528215C JP 2528215 C JP2528215 C JP 2528215C
Prior art keywords
biaxially oriented
magnetic recording
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Teijin Ltd
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Teijin Ltd
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【発明の詳細な説明】 【0001】 【産業上の利用分野】 本発明は磁気記録媒体用二軸配向ポリエステルフイルムに関し、更に詳しくは
イルムに関する。 【0002】 【従来の技術】 ポリエチレンテレフタレートフイルムに代表される二軸配向ポリエステルフイ
られている。 【0003】 二軸配向ポリエステルフイルムにおいては、その滑り性や耐削れ性がフイルム の製造工程および加工工程の作業の良否、さらにはその製品品質を左右する大き
な要因となっている。 これらが不足すると、例えば二軸配向ポリエステルフイルム表面に磁性層を塗
む工程で削れ粉や、スクラッチが発生し、D/Oの原因となる。 【0004】 特にVTR用途では、最近、コストダウンを目的としてカセット内に固定され
む工程において削れ粉やスクラッチが発生し、D/Oレベルがアップする。 【0005】 このような問題に対して、モース硬度の高い微細な粒子を添加し、傷付きを減
いる。 【0006】 【発明が解決しようとする課題】 本発明者は、従来から使用されている表面仕上げの良好な金属ガイドはもちろ ん、新たに出てきた粗い金属ガイド,プラスチックガイドの全てにわたって良好
向ポリエステルフイルムを開発すべく鋭意研究した結果、本発明に到達した。 【0007】 【課題を解決するための手段】 すなわち、本発明は比表面積が60m2/g以上100m2/g以下であり、全
ルフイルムである。 【0008】 本発明におけるポリエステルとは、芳香族ジカルボン酸を主たる酸成分とし、
イルム形成性を有する。 【0009】 芳香族ジカルボン酸としては、例えばテレフタル酸,ナフタレンジカルボン酸
ルケトンジカルボン酸,アンスラセンジカルボン酸等を挙げることができる。 【0010】 脂肪族グリコールとしては例えばエチレングリコール,トリメチレングリコー
とができる。 【0011】 本発明において、ポリエステルとしては例えばアルキレンテレフタレート及び /又はアルキレンナフタレートを主たる構成成分とするものが好ましく用いられ
る。 【0012】 かかるポリエステルのうちでも、例えばポリエチレンテレフタレート,ポリエ
好ましい。 【0013】 その際全酸成分の20モル%以下はテレフタル酸及び/又は2,6−ナフタレ
ジカルボン酸の如き脂環族ジカルボン酸等であることができる。 【0014】 また、全グリコール成分の20モル%以下は、エチレングリコール以外の上記
あることもできる。 【0015】 また、本発明におけるポリエステルには例えばヒドロキシ安息香酸の如き芳香
対し20モル%以下で共重合或は結合するものも包含される。 【0016】 さらに本発明におけるポリエステルには実質的に線状である範囲の量、例えば
全酸成分に対し2モル%以下の量で、3官能以上のポリカルボン酸又はポリヒド ロキシ化合物、例えばトリメリット酸,ペンタエリスリトール等を共重合したも
のも包含される。 【0017】 上記ポリエステルは、それ自体公知であり、且つそれ自体公知の方法で製造す
ることができる。 【0018】 上記ポリエステルとしては、o−クロロフェノール中の溶液として35℃で測
定して求めた固有粘度が約0.4〜約0.9のものが好ましい。 【0019】 本発明における不活性粒子Aは、比表面積が602/g以上100m2/g以
り得ないため、削れ粉の発生は少なくなるが、スクラッチ性は悪化する。 【0020】 また、全細孔容積が0.5ml/g未満であると、粒子がポーラスでなくなり、
大きな突起になり得ない。 【0021】 さらにまた、平均二次粒径が0.02μm未満であると、微細粒子が細かくな
やすくなる。 【0022】 不活性粒子Aの添加量は、ポリエステルに対し、0.05重量%以上1.0重
しやすくなる。 【0023】 本発明における微細な不活性粒子Aとしては、具体的には酸化アルミニウム,
ルミニウムが好ましい。 【0024】 酸化アルミニウムは8種の結晶形態のうちα,θ,α型から選ばれる1種以上
形態にα型結晶形態が含まれているものが好ましい。 【0025】 本発明においては、このような微細粒子Aの他に、平均粒径が0.3μmを超
して使用した場合の走行性が悪化する。 【0026】 この比較的大きな不活性粒子Bの種類については、特に限定されるものではな
性粒子および重合触媒による内部析出の粒子のいずれであってもよい。 【0027】 不活性粒子Bの含有量は、ポリエステルに対し、0.05重量%以上1重量%
以下であることが好ましい。 【0028】 本発明における不活性粒子A及び不活性粒子Bをポリエステル中に含有分散さ
せる方法は、当業界において従来から知られている方法を用いることができる。 【0029】 本発明の二軸配向ポリエステルフイルムは、例えば、融点(Tm:℃)ないし
しい。延伸手段は同時二軸延伸、逐次二軸延伸のいずれでも良い。 【0030】 更に、二軸配向フイルムは、(Tg+70)℃〜Tm(℃)の温度で熱固定す
ある。 【0031】 なお本発明における種々の物性値および特性は以下の如く測定したものであり
、かつ定義される。 (1)粒子の平均粒径(DP) 島津製作所製CP−50型セントリフュグルパーティクルサイズアナライザー
(Centrifugal Particle Size Analyser)を用いて測定する。得られる遠心沈降 曲線を基に算出した各粒径の粒子とその存在量との積算曲線から、50マスパー
定技術」日刊工業新聞社発行,1975年,頁242〜247参照)。 (2)粉体の比表面積,全細孔容積 カンタクローム社製オートソーブ−1を使用し、BET法により比表面積およ
び全細孔容積を測定する。 (3)フイルムの走行摩擦係数(μk) 図1に示した装置を用いて下記のようにして測定する。 【0032】 図1中、1は巻出しリール,2はテンションコントローラー,3,5,6,8
をそれぞれ示す。 【0033】 温度20℃,湿度60%の環境で、巾1/2インチに裁断したフイルムを7の
数μkを算出する。 【0034】 【数1】 【0035】 (4)フイルム表面の平坦性 Ra(中心線平均粗さ)をJIS B 0601に準じて測定する。 東京精密社(株)製の触針式表面粗さ計(SURFCOM3B)を用いて、針の半径2μ m,荷重0.07gの条件下にチャート(フイルム表面粗さ曲線)をかかせ、得
フイルム表面の平坦性として定義する。 【0036】 【数2】 【0037】 は、基準長を0.25mmとして8個測定し、値の大きい方から3個除いた5個の
平均値としてRaを表わす。 【0038】 (5)スクラッチ性,削れ性 走行摩擦係数μkの測定に使用した図1と同様の装置において、巻き付け角度
スクラッチを評価する。 【0039】 このとき固定棒として、 SUS304製で表面を十分に仕上げた6φのテープガイド(表面粗さRa=
0.015μm)を使った楊合をA法、 SUS焼結板を円柱形に曲げた表面仕上げが不十分な6φのテープガイド(表
面粗さRa=0.15μm)を使った楊合をB法、 カーボンブラック含有ポリアセタールの6φのテープガイドを使った楊合をC
法 とする。 〈削れ粉判定〉 ◎ 削れ粉が全く見られない ○ うっすらと削れ粉が見られる △ 削れ粉の存在が一見して判る × 削れ粉がひどく付着している 〈スクラッチ判定〉 ◎ スクラッチが全く見られない ○ 1〜5本のスクラッチが見られる △ 6〜15本のスクラッチが見られる × 16本以上のスクラッチが見られる。 【0040】 (6)低速くり返しスクラッチ性 走行摩擦係数μkの測定に使用した図1と同様の装置において、10mの走行
長で、50回固定棒を往復させる。走行後のテープのスクラッチを評価する。 このとき固定棒として、 SUS304製で表面を十分に仕上げた6φのテープガイド(表面粗さRa=
0.015μm)を使った場合をA法、 SUS焼結板を円柱形に曲げた表面仕上げが不十分な6φのテープガイド(表
面粗さRa=0.15μm)を使った場合をB法、 カーボンブラック含有ポリアセタールの6φのテープガイドを使った楊合をC
法 とする。 〈スクラッチ判定〉 ◎ スクラッチが全く見られない ○ 1〜5本のスクラッチが見られる △ 6〜15本のスクラッチが見られる × 16本以上のスクラッチが見られる 【0041】 【実施例】 以下、実施例をあげて本発明をさらに説明する。 実施例1〜10及び比較例1〜10 ジメチルテレフタレートとエチレングリコールとを、エステル交換触媒として
トを得た。 【0042】 このポリエチレンテレフタレートのペレットを170℃で3時間乾燥後押出機
却ドラム上に押出し、200μmの未延伸フイルムを得た。 【0043】 このようにして得られた未延伸フイルムを75℃に予熱し、更に低速、高速の
定し、厚み14μmの熱固定二軸配向フイルムを得た。 【0044】 一方、γ−Fe23100重量部(以下単に「部」と記す)と下記の組成物を
ボールミルで12時間混練分散した。 【0045】 ポリエステルポリウレタン 12部 塩化ビニル−酢酸ビニル−無水マレイン酸共重合体 10部 α−アルミナ 5部 カーボンブラック 1部 酢酸ブチル 70部 メチルエチルケトン 35部 シクロヘキサノン 100部 分散後更に 脂肪酸:オレイン酸 1部 脂肪酸:パルミチン酸 1部 指肪酸エステル(アミルステアレート) 1部 を添加してなお15〜30分混練した。更に、トリイソシアネート化合物の25
%酢酸エチル溶液7部を加え、1時間高速剪断分散して磁性塗布液を調整した。 得られた塗布液を前述の厚さ14μmのポリエステルフイルム上に乾燥膜厚が
3.5μmとなるように塗布した。 【0046】 次いで直流磁場中で配向処理した後、100℃で乾燥した。乾燥後、カレンダ
ープを得た。 【0047】 このようにして得られた磁気テープについての特性を表1,表2に示す。 【0048】 【表1】 【0049】 【表2】 【0050】 これら表から明らかなように、本発明によるものは磁気記録媒体用として優れ た易滑性を有するとともに、表面が充分に仕上げられた金属テープガイド,表面
用二軸配向ポリエステルフイルムとして極めて優れた特性を有している。 【0051】 【発明の効果】 本発明の二軸配向ポリエステルフイルムは、磁気記録媒体用として優れた易滑
Description: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a biaxially oriented polyester film for a magnetic recording medium, and more particularly to a biaxially oriented polyester film for a magnetic recording medium which is excellent in abrasion resistance and scratch resistance. The present invention relates to an axially oriented polyester film. 2. Description of the Related Art Biaxially oriented polyester films represented by polyethylene terephthalate films are widely used for magnetic recording media because of their excellent physical and chemical properties. In a biaxially oriented polyester film, its slipperiness and abrasion resistance are major factors that affect the quality of work in the film manufacturing and processing steps, and further, the product quality. If these are insufficient, for example, when a magnetic layer is applied to the surface of a biaxially oriented polyester film and used as a magnetic tape, the friction between the coating roll and the film surface is severe, and shaving powder is generated or scratches are formed on the film surface. Occur. Also, when used for VTRs and data cartridges, shavings and scratches are generated in the process of high-speed winding into a cassette, causing D / O. Particularly in VTR applications, recently, metal guides or plastic guides whose surfaces are not sufficiently finished may be used for guide posts fixed in a cassette for the purpose of cost reduction. Extremely coarse. For this reason, techniques for improving the slipperiness and abrasion properties of conventional films, such as silicon oxide, titanium dioxide,
A method of adding inorganic particles such as calcium carbonate, talc, clay and calcined kaolin (for example, JP-A-54-57562) or a method of depositing fine particles containing calcium, lithium or phosphorus in a polymerization system (for example, Japanese Patent Publication No. 32914)
In a magnetic tape without a back coat provided with the above, shavings and scratches are generated in the step of winding into a cassette at a high speed, and the D / O level is increased. In order to solve such a problem, a method has been proposed in which fine particles having a high Mohs hardness are added to reduce scratches (for example, Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open Nos. 1-306220 and 2-185533). . However, although this method is effective for a cost-reducing guide post, it is not sufficiently effective for a conventionally used metal guide having a good surface finish. There is also a method of improving the occurrence of scratches on a metal guide having a good surface finish by using inert particles that are slightly larger than the above-mentioned fine particles in combination. Have been. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION The present inventor has found that a metal guide with a good surface finish, which has been conventionally used, as well as a newly developed rough metal guide and a plastic guide, all have good resistance. As a result of intensive studies to develop a biaxially oriented polyester film for a magnetic recording medium having abrasion resistance, scratch resistance and excellent slipperiness, the present invention has been reached. That is, the present invention has a specific surface area of 60 m 2 / g or more and 100 m 2 / g or less and a total pore volume of 0.5 ml / g or more and 1.0 ml / g or less. And the average particle size is 0.1.
Inert particles A having a size of not less than 02 μm and not more than 0.30 μm are added in an amount of 0.05% by weight to 1.0%.
A biaxially oriented polyester film for a magnetic recording medium, characterized in that it contains at least one inert particle B having a content of not more than 0.3% by weight and an average particle size of more than 0.3 μm and not more than 1.2 μm. [0008] The polyester in the present invention refers to an aromatic dicarboxylic acid as a main acid component,
Polyester containing aliphatic glycol as a main glycol component. Such polyesters are substantially linear and have film forming properties, especially film forming by melt molding. As the aromatic dicarboxylic acid, for example, terephthalic acid, naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, isophthalic acid, diphenoxyethanedicarboxylic acid, diphenyldicarboxylic acid,
Examples thereof include diphenyl ether dicarboxylic acid, diphenyl sulfone dicarboxylic acid, diphenyl ketone dicarboxylic acid, and anthracene dicarboxylic acid. As the aliphatic glycol, for example, a polymethylene glycol having 2 to 10 carbon atoms such as ethylene glycol, trimethylene glycol, tetramethylene glycol, pentamethylene glycol, hexamethylene glycol, decamethylene glycol or the like, or a fat such as cyclohexanedimethanol. And cyclic diols. In the present invention, as the polyester, for example, those containing alkylene terephthalate and / or alkylene naphthalate as a main component are preferably used. Among such polyesters, for example, polyethylene terephthalate and polyethylene-2,6-naphthalate are, of course, 80 mol% or more of all dicarboxylic acid components are terephthalic acid and / or 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid. And a copolymer in which 80% by mole or more of the total glycol component is ethylene glycol. At this time, not more than 20 mol% of the total acid component can be the above-mentioned aromatic dicarboxylic acids other than terephthalic acid and / or 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, and also fatty acids such as adipic acid and sebacic acid. Aromatic dicarboxylic acid; cyclohexane-1,4-
It may be an alicyclic dicarboxylic acid such as a dicarboxylic acid. Also, up to 20 mol% of the total glycol component can be the above glycol other than ethylene glycol, or for example, hydroquinone, resorcinol, 2
Aromatic diols such as 1,2-bis (4-hydroxyphenyl) propane;
Aliphatic diols having an aromatic ring such as 4-dihydroxydimethylbenzene; and polyalkylene glycols (polyoxyalkylene glycols) such as polyethylene glycol, polypropylene glycol, and polytetramethylene glycol can also be used. In the polyester of the present invention, a component derived from an oxycarboxylic acid such as an aromatic oxyacid such as hydroxybenzoic acid and an aliphatic oxyacid such as ω-hydroxycaproic acid may be used as a dicarboxylic acid component and an oxycarboxylic acid. Also included are those which copolymerize or bind at 20 mol% or less based on the total amount of the acid components. Further, in the polyester of the present invention, a tri- or higher functional polycarboxylic acid or polyhydroxy compound such as trimellit in an amount in a substantially linear range, for example, 2 mol% or less based on the total acid component. Those obtained by copolymerizing an acid, pentaerythritol and the like are also included. The polyester is known per se and can be produced by a method known per se. As the above-mentioned polyester, those having an intrinsic viscosity of about 0.4 to about 0.9 measured at 35 ° C. as a solution in o-chlorophenol are preferable. The inert particles A in the present invention have a specific surface area of 60 m 2 / g or more and 100 m 2 / g or less and a total pore volume of 0.5 ml / g or more and 1.0 ml / g or less, preferably 0 ml / g or less. .6
not less than 0.9 ml / g and not more than 0.02 μm and not more than 0.3 ml / g.
Inactive particles having a size of not more than μm. When the specific surface area is less than 60 m 2 / g,
Although the primary particle diameter is increased and the scratching property is improved, shavings are more likely to be generated, and the metal guide having a good surface finish is more likely to be damaged. On the other hand 10
If it exceeds 0 m 2 / g, the primary particle diameter becomes too small, and no more sufficient protrusions can be obtained. Therefore, the generation of shavings is reduced, but the scratching property is deteriorated. When the total pore volume is less than 0.5 ml / g, the particles are not porous,
The affinity with the polyester is lowered, and shaving powder is easily generated. 1.0ml
If it exceeds / g, the particles become brittle and break during stretching for biaxial orientation, and cannot be formed into relatively large projections that are effective in damaging a metal guide having a good surface finish. Further, if the average secondary particle size is less than 0.02 μm, the fine particles become too fine, and it becomes impossible to form fine projections required for scratch resistance and chipping powder resistance. On the other hand, when it is larger than 0.3 μm, the agglomeration of the lubricant is too large and shaving powder is easily generated. The addition amount of the inert particles A is 0.05% by weight or more and 1.0% by weight or less based on the polyester. If the addition amount is less than 0.05% by weight, the effect of adding the fine particles is reduced, while if it exceeds 1.0% by weight, the particles are overlapped and shaving powder is easily generated. As the fine inert particles A in the present invention, specifically, aluminum oxide,
Preferred examples include silicon oxide, titanium oxide, and zirconium oxide. Of these, aluminum oxide, silicon oxide and titanium oxide are more preferred. Aluminum oxide is particularly preferred. The aluminum oxide preferably has one or more crystal forms selected from α, θ, and α forms among the eight crystal forms. Those containing a type crystal form are preferred. In the present invention, in addition to such fine particles A, it is necessary to contain inert particles B having an average particle diameter of more than 0.3 μm and 1.2 μm or less. This is because if there are no particles larger than the fine particles A, the coefficient of friction against various guides increases,
Not only does scratch resistance and abrasion powder resistance deteriorate, but also it becomes difficult to handle the biaxially oriented polyester film in the manufacturing process, and the runnability when used as a base film for magnetic recording deteriorates. The type of the relatively large inert particles B is not particularly limited. For example, inorganic inert particles such as calcium carbonate, silicon dioxide, titanium oxide, aluminum oxide, and kaolin, silicon particles, cross-linked polystyrene Any of organic inert particles such as particles and particles of internal precipitation by a polymerization catalyst may be used. The content of the inert particles B is 0.05% by weight or more and 1% by weight with respect to the polyester.
The following is preferred. In the present invention, as the method of containing and dispersing the inert particles A and the inert particles B in the polyester, a method conventionally known in the art can be used. The biaxially oriented polyester film of the present invention is obtained by, for example, extruding a polyester at a temperature of melting point (Tm: ° C.) to (Tm + 70) ° C. to obtain an intrinsic viscosity of 0.35 to 0.9 dl.
/ G of unstretched film, and the unstretched film is uniaxially oriented (longitudinal or transverse).
At a temperature of (Tg-10) to (Tg + 70) ° C. (Tg: glass transition temperature of polyester) at a magnification of 2.5 to 5.0 times, and then in a direction perpendicular to the above stretching direction (first-stage stretching). In the vertical direction, the second stretching is in the horizontal direction) and Tg (° C)
It can be manufactured by stretching at a temperature of ~ (Tg + 70) ° C at a magnification of 2.5 to 5.0 times. The draw ratio and the area stretching ratio are preferably 9 to 22 times, more preferably 12 to 22 times. The stretching means may be either simultaneous biaxial stretching or sequential biaxial stretching. Further, the biaxially oriented film can be heat-set at a temperature of (Tg + 70) ° C. to Tm (° C.). For example, for a polyethylene terephthalate film, 190
It is preferred to heat set at ~ 230 ° C. The heat fixing time is, for example, 1 to 60 seconds. The biaxially oriented polyester film of the present invention contains a specific amount of inert particles having a specific range of a specific surface area, a total pore volume, and an average particle diameter, and further contains one or more inert particles larger than the specific particles. Therefore, it has excellent clutch resistance and chipping resistance all over a metal guide having a good surface finish, a metal guide having an insufficient surface finish, and a plastic guide, and is extremely useful for magnetic recording media. . The various physical properties and properties in the present invention are measured and defined as follows. (1) Average Particle Diameter (DP) The particle diameter is measured using a Shimadzu CP-50 Centrifugal Particle Size Analyzer. The particle size corresponding to 50% by mass is read from the integrated curve of the particles of each particle size and its abundance calculated on the basis of the obtained centrifugal sedimentation curve, and this value is defined as the above average particle size (see Book “Particle Size Measurement Technology, published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun, 1975, pp. 242 to 247). (2) Specific surface area and total pore volume of powder The specific surface area and total pore volume are measured by BET method using Autosorb-1 manufactured by Cantachrome. (3) Film running coefficient of friction (μk) Measured as follows using the apparatus shown in FIG. In FIG. 1, 1 is an unwinding reel, 2 is a tension controller, 3, 5, 6, 8
, 9 and 11 are free rollers, 4 is a tension detector (entrance), 7 is a fixing rod made of stainless steel SUS304 (outer diameter 5 mmφ, surface roughness Ra = 0.02 μm),
Reference numeral 10 denotes a tension detector (exit), 12 denotes a guide roller, and 13 denotes a take-up reel. In an environment of a temperature of 20 ° C. and a humidity of 60%, a film cut to a width of 1/2 inch is brought into contact with a fixing rod of 7 at an angle θ = (152/180) π radian (152 °), and 200 cm / min. Move (friction) at the speed of. Outlet tension when the inlet tension T 1 is to adjust the tension controller 2 so as to be 35 g: a (T 2 g), the film is 9
After traveling 0 m, the traveling wear coefficient μk is calculated by the following equation (Equation 1). ## EQU1 ## (4) Flatness of Film Surface Ra (center line average roughness) is measured according to JIS B0601. Using a stylus type surface roughness meter (SURFCOM3B) manufactured by Tokyo Seimitsu Co., Ltd., obtain a chart (film surface roughness curve) under the conditions of a needle radius of 2 μm and a load of 0.07 g. A portion having a measured length L is extracted from the film surface roughness curve in the direction of the center line, and the center line of the extracted portion is set as the X axis, and the direction of the vertical magnification is set as the Y axis, and the roughness curve Y = f (x) Is defined as the value (Ra; μm) given by the following equation (Equation 2) as the flatness of the film surface. ## EQU2 ## Represents eight measurements of the reference length of 0.25 mm, and represents Ra as an average value of five pieces excluding three pieces from the larger value. (5) Scratchability and Sharpness In a device similar to that of FIG. 1 used for measuring the running friction coefficient μk, the winding angle is set to 30 degrees, the speed at 300 m / min, and the inlet tension is set to 50 g. Then 2
Run for 00m. The shavings attached to the fixed bar 7 after running and the scratches of the tape after running are evaluated. At this time, a 6φ tape guide made of SUS304 and having a sufficiently finished surface (surface roughness Ra =
A method using a 0.015 μm) wrench and a B method using a 6φ tape guide (surface roughness Ra = 0.15 μm) with an insufficient surface finish obtained by bending a SUS sintered plate into a cylindrical shape. Method, using a 6φ tape guide of polyacetal containing carbon black
Act. <Sharpening powder judgment> ◎ No shavings are seen at all ○ Fine shavings are seen at a glance △ Existence of shavings is apparent at a glance × Shavings are badly attached <Scratch judgment> ◎ Scratch is seen at all No ○ 1 to 5 scratches are found Δ 6 to 15 scratches are found × 16 or more scratches are found. (6) Low-speed repetitive scratching property In a device similar to that used in FIG. 1 used for measuring the running friction coefficient μk, the fixed rod is reciprocated 50 times with a running length of 10 m. Evaluate the scratch on the tape after running. At this time, as a fixing rod, a 6φ tape guide made of SUS304 and having a sufficiently finished surface (surface roughness Ra =
Method A when using 0.015 μm), Method B when using a 6φ tape guide (surface roughness Ra = 0.15 μm) with insufficient surface finish obtained by bending a SUS sintered plate into a cylindrical shape, Use a 6φ tape guide made of carbon black-containing polyacetal.
Act. <Scratch judgment> ◎ No scratches are observed ○ 1 to 5 scratches are observed △ 6 to 15 scratches are found × 16 or more scratches are observed [Example] The invention is further described by way of examples. Examples 1 to 10 and Comparative Examples 1 to 10 Dimethyl terephthalate and ethylene glycol, manganese acetate as a transesterification catalyst, antimony trioxide as a polymerization catalyst, phosphorous acid as a stabilizer,
Further, added particles shown in Tables 1 and 2 were added as a lubricant, and polymerization was carried out by a conventional method to obtain polyethylene terephthalate having an intrinsic viscosity (orthochlorophenol, 35 ° C) of 0.62. The polyethylene terephthalate pellets were dried at 170 ° C. for 3 hours, then supplied to an extruder hopper, and melted at a melting temperature of 280 to 300 ° C.
It was extruded through a slit die having a surface finish of about 0.3 s and a rotating cooling drum having a surface temperature of 20 ° C. to obtain a 200 μm unstretched film. The unstretched film thus obtained is preheated to 75 ° C., further heated by a single IR heater having a surface temperature of 900 ° C. from 15 mm above between low-speed and high-speed rolls, and 3.6 times. , Quenched, then fed to a stenter and stretched 3.9 times in the transverse direction at 105 ° C. The obtained biaxially oriented film was heat-set at a temperature of 205 ° C. for 5 seconds to obtain a heat-set biaxially oriented film having a thickness of 14 μm. On the other hand, 100 parts by weight of γ-Fe 2 O 3 (hereinafter simply referred to as “parts”) and the following composition were kneaded and dispersed in a ball mill for 12 hours. Polyester polyurethane 12 parts Vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate-maleic anhydride copolymer 10 parts α-alumina 5 parts Carbon black 1 part Butyl acetate 70 parts Methyl ethyl ketone 35 parts Cyclohexanone 100 parts After dispersion further fatty acid: oleic acid 1 part Fatty acid : 1 part of palmitic acid 1 part of fatty acid ester (amyl stearate) was added and kneaded for 15 to 30 minutes. Furthermore, 25 of the triisocyanate compound
Then, 7 parts of a 7% ethyl acetate solution was added, and the mixture was sheared at high speed for 1 hour to prepare a magnetic coating solution. The obtained coating solution was applied onto the above-mentioned polyester film having a thickness of 14 μm so that the dry film thickness became 3.5 μm. Next, after performing an orientation treatment in a direct current magnetic field, it was dried at 100 ° C. After drying, it was calendered and slit to a 1/2 inch width to obtain a magnetic tape having a thickness of 17.5 µm. Tables 1 and 2 show the characteristics of the magnetic tape thus obtained. [Table 1] [Table 2] As is clear from these tables, the metal tape guide according to the present invention has excellent lubricity for a magnetic recording medium, and has a sufficiently finished metal tape guide, and a metal having an insufficiently finished surface. Both the tape guide and the plastic tape guide have excellent abrasion resistance and scratch resistance, and have extremely excellent properties as a biaxially oriented polyester film for magnetic recording media. The biaxially oriented polyester film of the present invention has excellent lubricity for use as a magnetic recording medium, has a sufficiently finished metal tape guide, and has a sufficiently finished surface. It has excellent abrasion resistance and scratch resistance for all metal tape guides and plastic tape guides, and has extremely excellent characteristics as a base film of a magnetic recording medium.

【図面の簡単な説明】 【図1】 走行摩擦係数測定装置の概略図である。 【符号の説明】 1 巻出しリール 2 テンションコントローラー 3,5,6,8,9,11 フリーローラー 4 テンション検出機(入口) 7 固定棒 12 ガイドローラー 13 巻取りルール[Brief description of the drawings]   FIG.   It is a schematic diagram of a running friction coefficient measuring device.   [Explanation of symbols]   1 unwinding reel   2 tension controller   3,5,6,8,9,11 Free Roller   4 tension detector (entrance)   7 fixed rod   12 Guide roller   13 Winding rules

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】比表面積が60m2/g以上100m2/g以下であり、全細孔容
ルム。 【請求項2】不活性粒子Aが酸化アルミニウム,酸化ケイ素及び酸化チタンか
フイルム。 【請求項3】酸化アルミニウムが結晶形態としてα,θ,γ型から選ばれる少
Claims: 1. The specific surface area is 60 m 2 / g or more and 100 m 2 / g or less , the total pore volume is 0.5 ml / g or more and 1.0 ml / g or less, and the average particle size is 0.02μ in diameter
m to 0.30 μm inactive particles A in an amount of 0.05% by weight to 1.0% by weight.
A biaxially oriented polyester film for a magnetic recording medium, comprising: at least one inert particle B having an average particle diameter of more than 0.3 μm and not more than 1.2 μm. 2. The biaxially oriented polyester film for a magnetic recording medium according to claim 1, wherein the inert particles A are at least one selected from aluminum oxide, silicon oxide and titanium oxide. 3. The biaxially oriented polyester film for a magnetic recording medium according to claim 2, wherein the aluminum oxide has at least one crystal form selected from α, θ, and γ crystal forms.



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