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【発明の詳細な説明】 【産業上の利用分野】 本発明は被覆用或は結束用或は外装用等の包装材料分野において特に好適な特
するものである。 【従来の技術】 熱収縮性プラスチックフイルムを素材として形成されるチューブ状体は、例え
れており、収縮性及び収縮応力を利用した用途展開が期待される。 従来上記用途にはポリ塩化ビニル、ポリスチレン、ポリエチレン、塩酸ゴム等
たり、集積包装して熱収縮させていた。 しかしこれらのフイルムは耐熱性が乏しく、ボイル処理やレトルト処理をする
。 更に印刷の必要な用途ではインクの移転不良による印刷ピンホール(フイルム
う問題があり、前記用途への展開は困難であった。 【発明が解決しようとする問題点】 ポリ塩化ビニル、ポリスチレン、ポリエチレン等の汎用熱収縮性フイルムを使
う上記従来技術には、以下述べる様な問題点がある。 (a)完全に近い一軸収縮性の欠如 一方向に大きい収縮性を有する一方、これと直角方向には全く収縮しないこと
使用できない場合が多く存在する。 この様なところから、ある特定の温度領域で極めて小さい収縮性を有する反面
である。 (b)耐熱性の不足 前記従来フイルムはいずれも高温のボイル処理やレトルト処理に耐えることが
できず、殺菌処理には不適当なフイルムである。例えばレトルト処理を行なうと 、前記従来フイルムは処理中に破壊、破裂し、全ての機能が失なわれる。従って
ボイル処理やレトルト処理に耐え得る熱収縮性フイルムの提供が望まれている。 (c)印刷性の不良 ハーフトーン印刷によるピンホールの発生、広範囲な各種インクとの接着性等
ない様な熱収縮性フイルムの提供が望まれる。 (d)クレーズの発生 ポリスチレンはクレーズが生じ易く、耐薬品性が悪い。従って使用中に薬液に
が望まれている。 (e)産業廃棄物の問題 近年プラスチックボトルの使用量は急激に伸長している。このボトルの回収を
がある。 その上ポリ塩化ビニルでは塩素ガスによる腐食の問題もあり、廃棄物公害を招
かない様な熱収縮性フイルムが望まれる。 (f)収縮斑 上記従来フイルムの熱収縮性は均質性に欠けるきらいがあり、いったん熱をか
がそのまま現れる。従って均一な収縮率になる事が望まれる。 本発明はこの様な事情に着目してなされたものであって、上記(a)〜(f)
ある。 【問題点を解決するための手段】 本発明は本文中に定義した方法で測定することにより得られる変形比が0.1
徴とする熱収縮性ポリエステル系フイルムである。 上記の熱収縮性ポリエステル系フイルムはテレフタル酸とエチレングリコール
るフイルムである。 上記組成物の変形比が0.179未満の組成物の場合、延伸方向と直交する方
ましくない現象を引き起し易い。 本発明におけるポリエステル共重合体は従来から一般的に行なわれているポリ
グリコールのエステル交換法によって製造する方法であってもよい。 更に本発明におけるフイルム用の共重合ポリエステル組成物は共重合ポリエス
する方法において測定した変形比が0.179以上である組成物であればよい。 本発明の変形比0.179以上の要件を満足出来るポリエステルの組成比はテ
たはハロゲン;o、pは0〜4の整数を示す。] 一般式(1)で示される化合物としてはネオペンチルグリコール、2,2ジエ
ロパンジオール、2,2ペンチル1,3ペンチル1,3プロパンジオール等が例 示出来る。 又一般式(2)で示される化合物としては2,2ビス(4−ヒドロオキシエト
等が例示出来る。 本発明の熱収縮性ポリエステルは酸成分としてテレフタル酸を主成分とするが 、それらの性質を大きく変えない範囲で他の酸成分を共重合体してもよい。例え
オール等が例示される。 また、必要に応じて2酸化チタン、微粒子シリカ、カオリン、炭酸カルシウム
固有粘度は0.50〜1.3dl/gである。 かかる重合体を用いて押出法やカレンダー法等任意の方法で得たフイルムは一
おいてもフラット状、チューブ状等の如何は問わない。 又延伸は逐次2軸延伸、同時2軸延伸、1軸延伸或はこれらの組合せ等で行な われる。又本発明フイルムに対しては例えば縦1軸、横1軸、縦横2軸等の延伸
すことが推奨される。 本発明の好適特性を発揮させる為には、上記延伸倍率だけなく、重合体組成物
ることにより、前後収縮特性はより良好且つ安定したものとなる。 このようにして得たフイルムの面配向係数は40×10-3以上、120×10
衝撃強度を低下が生じ、フイルムにとなっても実用上は有用性が低下する。 本発明のフイルムの厚さは6〜250μmの範囲が実用する。式(3)で示さ
れる変形率を変形比と定義する。 5.ガラス転移点 差動走査熱量計[理学電機(株)製内熱DSC]を用い10℃/分の昇温速度
で測定した。 実施例1 ステンレス製オートクレーブを使用し、二塩基酸成分としてテレフタル酸を1
計算された値は0.181であった。 該フイルムを縦方向に1.1倍延伸し、次いで横方向に延伸するため130℃
り、実用テストでも良好な結果が得られた。 実施例2、3 実施例1と同様にして第1表に記載した組成の共重合ポリエステルにポリエチ
0重量%となる様に加えて混合ポリエステル組成物を作った。その結果第1表に 示した様に得られたフイルムは高品質であり、実用テストでも良好な結果が得ら
れた。 比較例1、2 比較例1はポリエチレンテレフタレート単独の場合である。比較例2は二塩基
わおよび色斑が認められ外観の悪いものしか得られなかった。 実施例4 二塩基酸成分としてテレフタル酸を100モル、グリコール成分としてエチレ
得られたフイルムは高品質であり、実用テストでも良好な結果が得られた。 実施例5〜9 第1表に示すような原料組成物を用い、実施例1と同様の条件で製膜すること
が得られた。 比較例3 テレフタル酸/イソフタル酸//エチレングリコール=10/90//100(a)80重
ルムを得た、そのフイルム特性は第2表の通り。 比較例4 ポリマー(a)50部と比較例1のポリマー50重量部を使用して実施例1の 方法で製膜してフイルムを得た。そのフイルムの特性は第2表の通り。 【第2表】 いずれも実用テストではしわおよび色斑が認められた。外観が悪かった。 【発明の効果】 本発明フイルムは上記の様に構成されているので、特定方向に対する安定した
広範な分野において優れた利用価値を発揮することができる。 【第1表】
Description: BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 1. Field of the Invention The present invention relates to a heat-shrinkable polyester film (including a sheet) exhibiting particularly suitable characteristics in the field of packaging materials such as coating or bundling or exterior use. The same applies hereinafter.) 2. Description of the Related Art Tubular bodies formed from a heat-shrinkable plastic film include, for example, containers, bottles (including plastic bottles), can-bars (pipes, rods, wood, various rods) and the like (hereinafter referred to as containers). Etc.), especially for covering or partially or entirely covering these caps, shoulders, torso, etc. and used for marking, protection, promise, improvement of commercial value, etc. Widely used in the field of packaging, such as boxes, bottles, boards, sticks, sticks, etc., in the form of integrated packaging or skin packs, such as skin packs, using shrinkage and shrinkage stress. Expansion is expected. Conventionally, a heat-shrinkable film of polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, polyethylene, hydrochloric acid rubber, or the like has been used for the above-mentioned applications, and the heat-shrinkable film has been formed into a tubular body, and then covered with the containers or packed and packaged to be thermally shrunk. However, these films have poor heat resistance, and have a drawback in that when they are subjected to a boil treatment or a retort treatment, they melt or burst and cannot maintain a film-like body. In applications that require printing, printing pinholes (fine irregularities due to fish eyes due to additives or polymer gels in the film) due to poor ink transfer are observed. In addition, there is also a problem that the film shrinks (shrink at room temperature) to cause a dimensional change in the printing pitch. On the other hand, a tube using a polyester-based heat shrinkable film has been made on a trial basis, but the heat shrinkage rate in a desired direction cannot be sufficiently increased, or the above-mentioned direction cannot be attained. There is a problem that it is not possible to reduce the heat shrinkage in a direction perpendicular to the above, and it has been difficult to develop the above application. Problems to be Solved by the Invention The above-mentioned prior art using a general-purpose heat-shrinkable film such as polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene, and polyethylene has the following problems. (A) Lack of near-perfect uniaxial shrinkability The above conventional film is completely unsuitable for applications in which it is ideal to have a large shrinkage in one direction but not shrink at all in a direction perpendicular thereto. For example, considering the case where a shrink label is attached to the bottle surface by shrinking in the horizontal direction, shrinking in the vertical direction of the label, that is, in the vertical direction of the bottle, means that the label does not come to a predetermined position and the label shrinks. Causes poor appearance. In order to prevent this, the shrinkage in the vertical direction must be reduced, but if the film is simply oriented only in the horizontal direction for this purpose, it can be easily understood from the common sense in the properties of polymer chemicals In this way, the fibers are easily torn, and the fibers are easily formed into fibrils. In particular, when the bottle falls, simple unidirectional stretching is not a good method considering that the strength in the longitudinal direction is important for preventing the bottle from breaking. Also, there are many cases where it cannot be used in other applications without impact resistance. In view of the above, it is desired to develop a film having extremely small shrinkage in a specific temperature range, but having sufficiently large shrinkage in a direction perpendicular to the certain temperature range. (B) Insufficient heat resistance Any of the conventional films cannot withstand high-temperature boil treatment or retort treatment, and is unsuitable for sterilization treatment. For example, when a retort treatment is performed, the conventional film breaks or bursts during the treatment, and all functions are lost. Therefore, it is desired to provide a heat-shrinkable film that can withstand boil processing and retort processing. (C) Poor printability Each of the above-mentioned conventional films has its own drawbacks with respect to the occurrence of pinholes due to halftone printing and the adhesion to a wide variety of inks. For example, in the case of polyvinyl chloride, an ink pinhole is easily generated by a gel-like material, and in continuous tube processing, a pinhole exists in the middle of a long film. If this is supplied to an automatic labeling machine, it will be commercialized with pinholes left. Therefore, all products must be inspected in the end, and the actual operation rate decreases due to the labor and reworking by sampling. . If the pinhole defect is to be inspected and removed at the stage after printing is completed, the film is returned to a continuous film shape after cutting, and it is necessary to join the film with an adhesive tape. For this reason, a seam is formed, and a defective product is generated at that portion and before and after the seam due to the effect of the seam, and the defective package must be removed during the process. In high-precision printing, the print pitch decreases (shrinkage with time) due to film shrinkage after printing,
In addition, it encounters the difficulty of management that constantly changes under the conditions of the flow temperature. Therefore, in the case of a polyvinyl chloride shrink film or the like, an insulated car, an insulated warehouse, and the like are required. From such a situation, it is desired to provide a heat-shrinkable film capable of printing without pinhole defects and having no change over time after printing. (D) Craze generation Polystyrene is liable to craze and has poor chemical resistance. Therefore, during use, the printed surface is easily damaged by the chemical solution, and the printed surface is also stained. Therefore, a film having excellent chemical resistance and durability is desired. (E) The problem of industrial waste In recent years, the amount of plastic bottles used has rapidly increased. Considering the recovery of this bottle, there is a problem that it cannot be recovered and reused especially when a different kind of film such as polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene is used for coating the polyester bottle. In addition, polyvinyl chloride has a problem of corrosion by chlorine gas, and a heat-shrinkable film that does not cause pollution of waste is desired. (F) Spots of shrinkage The heat shrinkability of the conventional film tends to lack homogeneity. Once heat is applied to form a sufficient and insufficient shrinkage, heat is applied again. No further re-shrinkage occurs and the surface has unevenness. Furthermore, the most important point in terms of application is that spots tend to appear in areas where the shrinkage rate increases in high-speed shrink wrapping and labeling, and when metallic ink is used, shrink spots are apparently improved, but color spots are improved. In the case of, the difference in partial shrinkage after finishing appears as it is. Therefore, it is desired that the shrinkage ratio be uniform. The present invention has been made in view of such circumstances, and the above (a) to (f)
It is an object of the present invention to provide a polyester film free from defects as described in (1). [Means for Solving the Problems] The present invention has a deformation ratio of 0.1 obtained by measuring according to the method defined in the text.
A polyester film obtained by melt-extruding 79 or more polyester compositions and then stretching in at least one direction, wherein the heat shrinkage in hot air at 100 ° C. is 30% in at least one of the longitudinal direction and the width direction. As described above, the heat-shrinkable polyester film is characterized in that the heat shrinkage perpendicular to the direction is 9% or less and the residual stress holding time is 4 minutes or more. The above-mentioned heat-shrinkable polyester film comprises a composition obtained by copolymerizing terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol with a third component, or a blend of polyethylene terephthalate and a copolyester obtained by copolymerizing the third component. This is a film comprising a polyester composition having a deformation ratio of 0.179 or more as measured by the method defined in (1). In the case of the composition having a deformation ratio of less than 0.179, the heat shrinkage in the direction perpendicular to the stretching direction becomes large, for example, when a printed label is coated on a bottle, the label does not come to a predetermined position. Bad appearance. When the deformation ratio is less than 0.179, the retention time of the internal residual stress of the film after the heat shrinkage treatment is shortened. For example, when the film is coated on a bottle, the shoulder becomes loose due to the shrinkage and the subsequent sterilization treatment. Undesired phenomena, such as the generation of The polyester copolymer in the present invention can be produced by a conventional polyester production method. For example, a method by a direct esterification method of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol and a third component glycol, and a method of producing by a transesterification method of dimethyl terephthalate and ethylene glycol and a third component glycol. Good. Further, the copolyester composition for a film in the present invention may be one produced by blending a copolyester and a homopolyester, and a composition having a deformation ratio of 0.179 or more measured by a method described later. I just need. The composition ratio of the polyester which can satisfy the requirement of a deformation ratio of 0.179 or more according to the present invention is mainly composed of terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol, and the glycol component represented by the following general formula (1) and / or general formula (2): It is a copolymerized polyester-containing composition containing about 40 mol%. 1 is an integer of 0 to 1, m and n are each an integer of 1 to 5 ; R is an alkyl group or halogen of c 1 to c 5 ; As the compound represented by the general formula (1), neopentyl glycol, 2,2 diethyl-1,3 propanediol, 2,2 isopropyl 1,3 propanediol,
, 2n-butyl 1,3 propanediol, 2n-butyl 2 isopropyl 1,3 propane diol, 2,2 pentyl 1,3 pentyl 1,3 propane diol, and the like. Examples of the compound represented by the general formula (2) include 2,2 bis (4-hydroxyethoxyphenyl) propane, bis (4-hydroxyethoxyphenyl) methane, bis (4-hydroxyethoxyphenyl) ether, and bis (4-hydroxyethoxyphenyl) methane. 4-hydroxyethoxyphenyl) thioether, bis (4-hydroxyethoxyphenyl) sulfone, 2,2bis (4-hydroxyethoxyphenyl) perfluoropropane, 2,2bis (3-hydroxyethoxyphenyl) propane, 2,2bis [3,5dimethyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,2bis [3,5diisopropyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,2bis [3,5 Ditanjaributyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl Propane, 2,2 bis [1-methyl-5-ethyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,2bis [1-methyl-5-tert-butyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,2 bis [3 methyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,2 bis [3 secondary butyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,2 bis [
3-isopropyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,2bis [3isopropyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, bis [3,5dimethyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] sulfone ,Screw[
3,5 dimethyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] ether, [3,5
Dimethyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy)] diphenyl, bis [3,5dimethyl- (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] hexafluoropropane, 2,2
Bis [3,5 dichloro (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] propane, 2,
2bis [3,5 dibromo (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] sulfone, bis [3,5 dibromo (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] sulfone, bis [
3,5 dimethyl (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] methane, bis [3,5
-Tert-butyl (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] thioether and bis [3,5-tert-butyl (4-hydroxyethoxy) phenyl] methane. Although the heat-shrinkable polyester of the present invention contains terephthalic acid as a main component as an acid component, other acid components may be copolymerized as long as their properties are not significantly changed. For example, aliphatic dibasic acids such as adipic acid, sebacic acid and azelaic acid, isophthalic acid, diphenyldicarboxylic acid, 5-tert-butylisophthalic acid, 2,2,2
Aromatic dibasic acids such as 6,6-tetramethylbiphenyl 4,4 dicarboxylic acid, 2,6 naphthalenedicarboxylic acid, 1,1,3 trimethyl-3-phenylindene 4
And dicarboxylic acids such as aromatic dibasic acids. Similarly, the glycol component is mainly composed of ethylene glycol, and the glycol represented by the general formula (1) and / or (2) is a copolymer component. May be. Examples thereof include aliphatic diols such as diethylene glycol, propylene glycol, butanediol, and hexanediol, and alicyclic or aromatic diols such as 1,4 cyclohexanedimethanol and xylylene glycol. If necessary, a lubricant such as titanium dioxide, fine particle silica, kaolin, or calcium carbonate may be added. Further, a dye or the like may be added as an antistatic agent, an antioxidant, an ultraviolet inhibitor, or a colorant. I can do it. In addition, the preferable intrinsic viscosity as a film base material is 0.50 to 1.3 dl / g. A film obtained by using such a polymer by any method such as an extrusion method or a calendering method is stretched in one direction by 4 to 10 times, preferably 4.6 to 7.0 times, and is stretched in a direction perpendicular to the direction. 1 to 2 times or less, preferably 1.1 or less so that the heat shrinkage does not exceed 9%.
It is stretched from 1 to 1.8 times. It does not matter which of the stretching orders is first. Stretching in the direction perpendicular to the main stretching direction is effective for further improving the impact resistance and tear resistance of the film of the present invention. However, when the film is stretched beyond 2.0 times, the heat shrinkage in the direction perpendicular to the main shrinkage direction becomes too large, and the finish becomes wavy. In order to suppress this waving, the heat shrinkage in the direction perpendicular to the main shrinkage direction is 9% or less,
It is recommended that the shrinkage be less than 8%, most preferably less than 5%, or less than 5% elongation. There is no particular limitation on the stretching means, roll stretching,
Methods such as long gap stretching, tenter stretching, and tubular stretching are applied, and the shape may be flat or tubular. Stretching is carried out by sequential biaxial stretching, simultaneous biaxial stretching, uniaxial stretching or a combination thereof. The film of the present invention is stretched in, for example, uniaxially longitudinal, uniaxially transverse, or biaxially longitudinal or transverse. In biaxial stretching, in particular, in longitudinal or transverse stretching, sequential biaxial stretching in which either one is performed first is performed. It is valid, and the order can be either. When the simultaneous biaxial stretching method is performed, the stretching order may be any of vertical and horizontal simultaneous, vertical and horizontal advance. The peat setting in these stretchings is carried out according to the purpose, but it is recommended to pass through a heating zone of 30 to 150 ° C. for about 1 to 30 seconds in order to prevent dimensional change under high temperature in summer. In order to exhibit the preferable characteristics of the present invention, not only the stretching ratio described above, but also preheating at a temperature not lower than the average glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer composition and not higher than Tg + 80 ° C. 9/10 or less is stretched at Tg + 75 ° C. or less, and the remaining 1
For / 10 or more, stretching at Tg + 60 ° C. or less, preferably Tg + 50 ° C. or less is desirable. This type of requirement is suitable for obtaining the unique shrinkage behavior of the present invention. In addition, the treatment temperature in the main direction stretching (main shrinkage direction) is such that the heat shrinkage in the direction perpendicular to the main direction is suppressed and the minimum value is obtained within a temperature range of 80 ± 25 ° C. Very important. Further, after stretching, the film is kept stretched or stretched to form a film, whereby the longitudinal shrinkage characteristics become better and more stable. The film orientation coefficient of the film thus obtained is 40 × 10 −3 or more and 120 × 10 −3 or more.
-3 or less is preferred. When the plane orientation coefficient is less than 40 × 10 −3 , the above-mentioned shrinkage characteristics cannot be exhibited, and various defects such as insufficient finish of shrinkage, generation of wrinkles, generation of color spots, and sagging due to secondary heating are observed. In addition to this, when subjected to heat treatment such as boil, retort treatment, hot water sterilization or the like after or after heat shrinkage, it becomes cloudy and its appearance is significantly deteriorated. On the other hand, if it exceeds 120 × 10 −3 , the effect of preventing the bottle from being broken is reduced, and the bottle is easily broken. On the other hand, the birefringence is preferably 15 × 10 −3 to 160 × 10 −3 . If the birefringence is less than 15 × 10 −3 , the heat shrinkage or shrinkage stress in the longitudinal direction is insufficient, and if it exceeds 160 × 10 −3. Scratch resistance and impact strength are reduced, and the usefulness of the film is reduced in practical use. The thickness of the film of the present invention is practically in the range of 6 to 250 μm. The deformation ratio represented by Expression (3) is defined as a deformation ratio. 5. Glass transition point Measured at a heating rate of 10 ° C./min using a differential scanning calorimeter [Internal Heat DSC manufactured by Rigaku Corporation]. Example 1 Using a stainless steel autoclave, 1 terephthalic acid was used as a dibasic acid component.
A direct esterification method using 00 mol, 187 mol of ethylene glycol, 187 mol of neopentyl glycol and 23 mol of neopentyl glycol as glycol components, and 0.05 mol of antimony trioxide (based on acid components) as a catalyst. By polycondensation. The composition of this copolymerized polyester is such that the acid component is terephthalic acid 1
00 mol%, the glycol component was ethylene glycol 85 mol%, and neopentyl glycol 15 mol%, and the intrinsic viscosity was 0.72 dl / g. This polyester was melt-extruded at 300 ° C. to obtain an unstretched film having a thickness of 200 μm. A part of this film was cut, a mark of a predetermined size was put on the film, stretched, and the value calculated by the above equation was 0.181. The film is stretched 1.1 times in the machine direction and then in the transverse direction at 130 ° C.
For 8 seconds, and a 1/2 area of the entire stretching section was set to 88 ° C., and the remaining 1/2 area was set to 82 ° C. and stretched 5.2 times. Cool to 40 ° C. with about 5% lateral extension.
The obtained film was a heat-shrinkable film having a thickness of 40 μm, and the birefringence and the plane orientation coefficient were 103 × 10 −3 and 67 × 10 −3 , respectively. Table 1 shows the physical property values of the obtained films. As is clear from Table 1, the film obtained was of high quality, and good results were obtained in practical tests. Examples 2 and 3 In the same manner as in Example 1, the copolymer polyester having the composition shown in Table 1 was mixed with polyethylene terephthalate (intrinsic viscosity: 0.8 dl / g) by 50% by weight for the former and 5% by weight for the latter.
In addition, a mixed polyester composition was prepared so as to be 0% by weight. As a result, the films obtained as shown in Table 1 were of high quality, and good results were obtained in practical tests. Comparative Examples 1 and 2 Comparative Example 1 is the case of using polyethylene terephthalate alone. Comparative Example 2 is a copolymer polyester composed of 90 mol% of terephthalic acid and 10 mol% of isophthalic acid as dibasic acid components. The enrollment conditions were carried out in the same manner as in Example 1. The film obtained from the copolymer shown as a comparative example had a high heat shrinkage in the vertical direction, and wrinkles and color spots were observed in a practical test. Example 4 0.05 mol of antimony trioxide (based on the acid component) using 100 mol of terephthalic acid as the dibasic acid component and 176 mol of ethylene glycol and 31 mol of 2,2 diethyl 1,3 propanediol as the glycol component ) And by direct esterification. The composition of this copolymerized polyester was such that the acid component was 100 mol% of terephthalic acid, the glycol component was 80 mol% of ethylene glycol, and 20 mol% of 2,2 diethyl-1,3 propanediol. This polyester was used in Example 1
An unstretched film was prepared in the same manner as described above. An unstretched film was prepared under the same stretching conditions as in Example 1. The stretching conditions were obtained by forming a film under the same conditions as in Example 1. Table 1 shows the physical property values of the obtained films. As a result, the films obtained as shown in Table 1 were of high quality, and good results were obtained in practical tests. Examples 5 to 9 Table 1 shows the physical property values of films obtained by forming a film under the same conditions as in Example 1 using the raw material compositions shown in Table 1. In each case, good results were obtained in practical tests. Comparative Example 3 A film was formed by the method of Example 1 using 80 parts by weight of terephthalic acid / isophthalic acid // ethylene glycol = 10/90 // 100 (a) and 20 parts by weight of the polymer of Comparative Example 1 to prepare a film. The film characteristics obtained are as shown in Table 2. Comparative Example 4 A film was obtained by the method of Example 1 using 50 parts of the polymer (a) and 50 parts by weight of the polymer of Comparative Example 1. Table 2 shows the characteristics of the film. [Table 2] In each case, wrinkles and color spots were observed in practical tests. The appearance was bad. EFFECTS OF THE INVENTION Since the film of the present invention is configured as described above, stable heat shrinkage in a specific direction is exhibited, and a beautiful and strong packaging state can be given in a coated package or a bundled package. In addition, it has various effects such as stability of printing pitch and improvement of heat resistance,
Excellent usage value can be demonstrated in a wide range of fields. [Table 1]

Claims (1)

【特許請求の範囲】 【請求項1】 本文中に定義した方法で測定することにより得られる変形比が
Claims: 1. A polyester composition obtained by melt-extruding a polyester composition having a deformation ratio of 0.179 or more obtained by measuring by a method defined herein, and then stretching in at least one direction. The film has a heat shrinkage in hot air at 100 ° C. of at least 30% in at least one of the longitudinal direction and the width direction, a heat shrinkage in a direction perpendicular to the direction of 9% or less, and residual stress. A heat-shrinkable polyester film, wherein the holding time is 4 minutes or more.



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