JP2004024054A - Fucoidan-based health food - Google Patents

Fucoidan-based health food Download PDF


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JP2004024054A JP2002182057A JP2002182057A JP2004024054A JP 2004024054 A JP2004024054 A JP 2004024054A JP 2002182057 A JP2002182057 A JP 2002182057A JP 2002182057 A JP2002182057 A JP 2002182057A JP 2004024054 A JP2004024054 A JP 2004024054A
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Makoto Fujii
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Norioki Ko
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Koji Nakamizo
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  • Coloring Foods And Improving Nutritive Qualities (AREA)


<P>PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a fucoidan-based health food aiming at broadly utilizing excellent functions of a fucoidan-type conjugated polysaccharide extracted from wakame sprouts as a biophylaxis accelerating agent and an immunopotentiator for human health maintenance by finding out conditions for utilization as a mixture. <P>SOLUTION: The fucoidan-based health food is produced by formulating a mixture comprising 1-90 wt.% of a fucoidan fraction obtained by extraction/ fractionation of Wakame spouts, and a fucoidan fraction obtained by extraction/fractionation of Okinawa Futomozuku as a remaining part of the mixture. The food inhibits hyperglycemia and has an effect to keep blood glucose at lower level. The preferable formulation of the food is such that a mixture comprising 15-35 mass% of the fucoidan fraction produced by extraction/fractionation of Wakame spouts and 85-65 mass% of the fcoidann fraction produced by extraction/fractionation of Okinawa Futomozuku, with 10-20 mass% of Agaricus powder based on the whole of the mixture. <P>COPYRIGHT: (C)2004,JPO


ワカメ芽株より抽出分画したフコイダンが有する機能を強化するための添加配合物としては、ワカメ芽株より抽出分画したフコイダンの機能に抗癌機能を有すると云われているβ−グルカンを含むアガリクス(ブラジル原産 キノコ)粉末、ヒメマツタケ等のキノコの粉末が好適に使用でき、風味の点からも優れたものである。
また、混合したアガリクスは、アガリクスと同様の機能があると云われているヒメマツタケと少量(10%程度まで)代替しても、本発明の健康食品の機能と風味が失われることはない。 したがって、本発明にいうアガリクスは、このような代替物と一部置換したものを総称する。
1. 配合原料の調製
アガリクス(学名 Agaricus Blajei Murrill)
2. 混合物の調製
上記ワカメ芽株より抽出分画したフコイダン画分が1〜90%の範囲内で沖縄フトモズクフコイダン画分とアガリクスとの混合粉末を種々ブレンドし、感応試験により違和感がなく飲むことができる配合混合物を得た。 その配合混合物は、ワカメ芽株より抽出分画したフコイダン画分が15〜35%と、沖縄フトモズクより抽出分画したフコイダン画分が85〜65%からなる混合物に、混合物全量に対してアガリクス粉末を10〜20%混合した。
3. 混合物の効能試験
この感応試験によって最も飲み易い易い混合物は、効能において優れているワカメ芽株フコイダンが比較的少なく、沖縄フトモズクが多く配合されているために、果たして、その配合混合物がその生体防御亢進剤および免疫賦活性剤としての機能が発揮できるか、また、アガリクスによる付加機能による影響を実験用ラットに、本発明の配合物を2%配合した飼料として与えて、それによる抗肥満効果、血液性状への効果、血清コレステロール含量等への効果を実施例の分画区によって調べた。 比較のために、本発明の配合物を添加しない飼料の分画区を比較例とした。

Figure 2004024054
(1) 抗肥満効果
ラット(ウイスター、 雄、5週令)に30日間、実験飼料を投与し、体重変化、血液性状、脂肪組織重量への効果を調べた。 検討結果を図1に示す。 グラフ中のバ−は標準誤差を示す。同図に示すように、本発明のフコイダン系健康食品に係る配合粉末を投与したラットは、比較例に対して、体重は少なめに推移し、増体量も有意に少なくなった。
(2) 血液性状への効果
ラットより血液を採取して血清を得、血清中の中性脂質について調べた。その結果を図2に示す。 同図の実施例と比較例との対比から、本発明のフコイダン系健康食品を含む飼料の投与は中性脂質(トリグリセリド)含量の減少に有効であることが分かる。
(3) 血清コレステロール含量への効果
ラット血清中のコレステロール含量への影響について調べた。その結果を図3に示す。 同図に示すように、実施例と比較例との対比から、本発明のフコイダン系健康食品の投与によって総コレステロール含量は有意に減少した。
(3) HDL−,LDL−コレステロール含量への効果
ラット血清中のHDL−,LDL−コレステロール含量について調べた。その結果を図4に示す。 同図に示すように、実施例と比較例との対比から、本発明のフコイダン系健康食品の投与によってHDL−コレステロール含量には影響を与えずに、生理的に悪役と言われ、肥満に関与するLDL−コレステロール量が有意に減少しており、血液性状の改善が見られ、健康保持上有益であることが認められた。
(4) 脂肪組織重量への効果
同様にしてラットの脂肪組織重量を調べた。その結果を図5に示す。 使用した脂肪組織は腎臓周辺脂肪組織と副睾丸周辺脂肪組織である。同図に示すように、両脂肪組織重量とも実施例の場合が減少しており、本発明のフコイダン系健康食品の投与によって脂肪組織の減少に効果的であることが分かった。
(5) ナチュラルキラ−活性への効果
▲1▼ NK細胞の調製
脾細胞の調製 : BALB/Cマウス(5週令、雄)に表1に示す本発明のフコイダン系健康食品を2%添加した飼料で20日間飼育し脾臓を得た。脾臓より細胞の浮遊液を得る。低張バッファーを加えて赤血球を溶血除去し、脾細胞を得た。これをRPMI培地でデッシュに入れ、37℃、5% 炭酸ガスで3時間培養して接着細胞を除き、NK細胞を含む脾リンパ球とした。
▲2▼ YAC−1 細胞(リンパ腫細胞、ターゲット細胞)の調整
▲3▼ NK活性の測定
NK活性 の測定は、障害を受けた細胞の放出するLactate dehydrogenase(LDH) をマ−カ−とするる細胞障害性ELISA アッセイシステム(Cytotox96、Promega社) によった。以上の操作はて無菌的に行った。本発明のフコイダン系健康食品を20日間摂食したマウス脾臓のNK活性を図6に示す。 同図に示すように、本発明の実施例は、比較例に対して、高い傾向が見られ、本発明のフコイダン系健康食品がNK活性の亢進に有効であり、生体防御能を高めていることが認められた。
▲4▼ 抗腫瘍活性
マウス (BALB/C、 雄、5週令)にサルコ−マ180腫瘍細胞を腰部皮下に投与し( 5×106細胞/マウス)、その後20日間、本発明のフコイダン系健康食品を添加した飼料を与えた。解体し、腰部皮下の腫瘍の重量を測定し、コントロール区と比較した。その結果を図7に示す。同図に示すように、投与区で明らかに腫瘍重量の減少が見られ、本発明のフコイダン系健康食品が腫瘍増殖抑制に有効であることが認められた。
▲5▼ 担腫瘍マウスのナチュラルキラ−(NK)活性
(6) 高血糖の抑制効果
The present invention relates to a health food product mainly composed of fucoidan which is orally administered as a powder, a capsule, a tablet, or a drink dissolved in a solvent such as water dissolved in a solution seasoned for easy drinking.
[Prior art]
BACKGROUND ART Various types of health foods have been conventionally known as health foods that lower blood sugar levels and bring about a diet effect. In particular, fucoidan-like polysaccharide complex is a natural killer cell (NK) that prevents canceration of tissues by removing mutant cells. It is known that it has a function of enhancing the biological defense ability activating activity by enhancing the activity and enhancing the macrophage (Mφ) poor phagocytic activity, which is an important member of immunization by removing invasion foreign substances and the like. Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2001-181303 discloses a method of providing a low-priced wakame bud by cold-drying and then pulverizing it at a low temperature.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
However, even if the fucodine-like polysaccharide complex extracted from the bud strain part of wakame itself has excellent functions as a biological defense enhancer and an immunostimulant, when it is mixed with other health food materials, Has a possibility that its function may be deteriorated, and there is a possibility that competitive deterioration with an additive component may occur.
In addition, such a fucodine-like polysaccharide complex also has a drawback that the flavor peculiar to the young buds of wakame, which is a raw material, becomes too strong and lacks the taste and flavor as a health food.
A first object of the present invention is to make use of the excellent functions of a fucodyne-like polysaccharide complex extracted from a bud strain of wakame as a biological defense enhancer and an immunostimulatory agent for maintaining health of human life widely. Therefore, an object of the present invention is to find conditions for use as a mixture.
Another object of the present invention is to find an additive which does not decrease the functions of the fucodine-like polysaccharide complex extracted from the bud strain of seaweed as a biological defense enhancer and an immunostimulant.
Another object is to enhance the function of the fucodyne-like polysaccharide complex extracted from the bud strain of wakame, or to add a new function without reducing the function of the fucodyne-like polysaccharide complex itself. Finding things.
Another object of the present invention is to confirm the minimum content of the mixture obtained by blending the fucodyne-like polysaccharide complex extracted from the bud portion of wakame with the additive compound and remaining its function.
Another object of the present invention is to confirm the upper limit of the content in which the function can be exhibited when the fucodine-like polysaccharide complex extracted from the bud strain of wakame is mixed with other additives.
It is still another object of the present invention to confirm conditions for preparing a fucodyne-like polysaccharide complex extracted from a bud strain of wakame as a food or drink.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
According to the present invention, the function of fucoidan extracted and fractionated from the seaweed bud strain is not reduced, but is increased, by mixing a specific amount of fucoidan extracted and fractionated from Okinawa Fumozuku, and furthermore, it is produced in Brazil. It has been completed under the finding that the addition of agaricus powder containing β-glucan increases the functions expected as health foods and also improves the ease of drinking.
That is, by mixing a specific amount of fucoidan extracted and fractionated from Okinawa Futomozuku, without reducing the function of fucoidan extracted and fractionated from Wakame bud strain, the function of fucoidan extracted and fractionated from Okinawa Futomozuku is added, and A fucoidan-based health food with improved ease can be obtained.
Additives for enhancing the function of fucoidan extracted and fractionated from wakame sprouts include β-glucan, which is said to have an anticancer function in the function of fucoidan extracted and fractionated from wakame sprouts. Agaricus (mushrooms native to Brazil) powder and mushroom powders such as Himematsutake can be suitably used, and are excellent in flavor.
Fucoidan, a wakame bud strain that reduces body weight, adipose tissue weight, serum neutral lipids (triglycerides), low-density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol, is expected to have similar functions. By adding a specific proportion of Agaricus, which is expected to increase its function, each function can exert synergistic effects with each other without any slight inhibition, and the removal of mutant cells (abnormal, cancerous cells) It enhances natural killer cell (NK) activity that prevents canceration, that is, has a biological defense ability activating activity.
That is, the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention is a hyperglycemia obtained by mixing agaricus powder with a mixture of 1 to 90% of a fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from a seaweed bud strain and the remainder being a fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from Okinawa Fumozuku. And has the effect of keeping blood sugar low.
A preferred composition of the fucoidan-based health food is a mixture comprising 15 to 35% by mass of the fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from the wakame bud strain and 85 to 65% by mass of the fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from Okinawa Futomozuku. Agarix powder is mixed in an amount of 10 to 20% by mass with respect to the total amount of the mixture.
The fucoidan (sulfated polysaccharide) fraction extracted and fractionated from the wakame bud strain can exert its function at 1% or more, and at 90% or more, the flavor of the wakame bud strain itself as a raw material is reduced. too strong.
The fucoidan extracted and extracted from the wakame bud strain can be used as a combination agent, and fucoidan extracted from general mozuku can be used. Among them, fucoidan extracted and fractionated from Okinawa Fumozuku is extracted from this wakame bud strain. Compared to the fucoidan fractionated, it has a lower function, but exhibits a similar function, and its flavor is superior to fucoidan prepared from the wakame bud strain, and the fucoidan extracted and fractionated from the wakame bud strain Most suitable as a formulation.
In addition, the mixture with the wakame bud strain and the moss can be replaced with an extract from another overseas brown algae as long as the characteristics are not lost.
Even if the mixed agaricus is replaced with a small amount (up to about 10%) of Himematsutake, which is said to have the same function as the agaricus, the function and flavor of the health food of the present invention are not lost. Therefore, the term "agaricus" in the present invention is a generic term for those partially substituted with such substitutes.
The fucoidan-based health food of the present invention comprises a wakame bud strain fucoidan (sulfated polysaccharide) having an effect of reducing body weight, adipose tissue weight, serum neutral lipid (triglyceride), low-density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol content. As a base material, without impairing its function at all, we can add the functions of Okinawa Fumozuku fucoidan and Agaricus powder, and furthermore, can exert their effects synergistically. Drinkability is improved.
Further, the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention is originally in the form of a powder, and is provided as a powder or a tablet.However, since it is essentially water-soluble, it can be dissolved in water or a seasoned solution or the like to obtain a normal food. It can be served as a drink or mixed with other ingredients.
Hereinafter, embodiments of the present invention will be described with reference to examples.
1. Preparation of compounding raw material The fucoidan fraction extracted from the wakame sprouts strain, the wakame sprouts strain was collected and washed with seawater, then dried all day and night and dried at low temperature. The water content was 6.2 ± 0.5%. Next, the dried bud strain was subjected to low-temperature pulverization with a stone mill. The particle size was 35-170 mesh. After washing 10 kg of the sprouts powder sample twice with 80% ethanol, filtration was performed, 170 l of water was added, and the mixture was heated to 85 to 90 ° C. to perform water extraction. Then, after cooling to 40 to 50 ° C, a small amount of protease was added and the mixture was stirred for 4 hours. Then, the protease was heated to 80 to 90 ° C. to inactivate the protease simultaneously with the water extraction. Next, the mixture was filtered with a filter and then dried by blowing to obtain a crude powdery fucoidan-like polysaccharide complex.
Crude powder fucoidan-like polysaccharide complex treated as a raw material in the same manner as the fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from the wakame bud strain of Okinawa mushroom fucoidan fraction was used.
Agaricus (scientific name: Agaricus Blajei Murrill)
The inoculum is produced in Brazil. The inoculum was taken into bagasse medium, and after culturing, the mycelium was extracted and powdered.
2. Preparation of Mixture The fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from the wakame bud strain is mixed with various powders of Okinawa Fumozuku fucoidan fraction and Agaricus within a range of 1 to 90%, and can be drunk without any discomfort by a sensitivity test. A possible blended mixture was obtained. The blended mixture was a mixture comprising 15-35% of a fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from the wakame bud strain and 85-65% of a fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from Okinawa Fumozuku, and Agaricus powder based on the total amount of the mixture. Was mixed at 10-20%.
3. Efficacy test of the mixture The mixture that is the easiest to drink according to this sensitivity test is relatively low in wakame bud strain fucoidan, which is excellent in efficacy, and contains a large amount of Okinawa Futomozuku. Of the present invention as a feed containing 2% of the composition of the present invention to an experimental rat as to whether it can exhibit its function as an agent and an immunostimulant, and the effect of the additional function of agaricus, thereby giving an anti-obesity effect, blood The effects on properties, serum cholesterol content, and the like were examined using the fractions of Examples. For comparison, a fraction fraction of feed without the formulation of the present invention was used as a comparative example.
Table 1 shows the mixing ratio of the feed used in this experiment.
[Table 1]
Figure 2004024054
(1) Anti-obesity effect Rats (Wistar, male, 5 weeks old) were administered with an experimental diet for 30 days, and the effects on body weight change, blood properties and adipose tissue weight were examined. FIG. 1 shows the examination results. The bar in the graph indicates the standard error. As shown in the figure, in the rats to which the compound powder according to the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention was administered, the weight of the rats was lower than that of the comparative example, and the amount of gain was significantly reduced.
(2) Effects on blood properties Blood was collected from rats to obtain serum, and neutral lipids in the serum were examined. The result is shown in FIG. From the comparison between the example of the figure and the comparative example, it can be seen that administration of a feed containing the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention is effective in reducing the content of neutral lipids (triglycerides).
(3) Effect on serum cholesterol content The effect on serum cholesterol content in rat serum was examined. The result is shown in FIG. As shown in the figure, from the comparison between the examples and the comparative examples, the administration of the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention significantly reduced the total cholesterol content.
(3) Effect on HDL-, LDL-cholesterol content The HDL-, LDL-cholesterol content in rat serum was examined. The result is shown in FIG. As shown in the figure, from the comparison between Examples and Comparative Examples, administration of the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention did not affect the HDL-cholesterol content, but was said to be physiologically villain and involved in obesity. LDL-cholesterol level significantly decreased, blood properties were improved, and it was recognized that it was beneficial for health maintenance.
(4) Effect on Adipose Tissue Weight Rat adipose tissue weight was examined in the same manner. The result is shown in FIG. The adipose tissue used was adipose tissue around the kidney and adipose tissue around the epididymis. As shown in the figure, the weight of both adipose tissues was reduced in the case of Example, and it was found that administration of the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention was effective in reducing adipose tissue.
(5) Effect on Natural Killer Activity There is a possibility that cancer may be prevented or prevented by enhancing natural killer activity having a function of finding and killing cancer cells, that is, enhancing biological defense ability. Then, the enhancement of NK activity by the fucoidan health food of the present invention was examined.
{Circle around (1)} Preparation of NK cells Preparation of spleen cells: BALB / C mice (5 weeks old, male) were bred for 20 days with a diet containing 2% of the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention shown in Table 1 to obtain spleens. . Obtain cell suspension from spleen. Red blood cells were hemolyzed and removed by adding a hypotonic buffer to obtain splenocytes. This was placed in a dish with an RPMI medium, and cultured at 37 ° C. for 3 hours in 5% carbon dioxide to remove adherent cells to obtain splenic lymphocytes containing NK cells.
{Circle around (2)} Preparation of YAC-1 cells (lymphoma cells, target cells) YAC-1 cells (target cells) serving as targets of NK cells (effector cells) were separately cultured.
(3) Measurement of NK activity The NK activity was measured by a cytotoxicity ELISA assay system (Cytox96, Promega) using Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) released by the damaged cells as a marker. The above operation was performed aseptically. FIG. 6 shows the NK activity of the spleen of a mouse fed with the fucoidan health food of the present invention for 20 days. As shown in the figure, the examples of the present invention show a higher tendency than the comparative examples, and the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention is effective for enhancing NK activity and enhancing the biological defense ability. It was recognized that.
(4) Antitumor activity mice (BALB / C, male, 5 weeks old) were injected with sarcoma 180 tumor cells subcutaneously in the lumbar region (5 × 10 6 cells / mouse), and then for 20 days, the fucoidan health of the present invention was administered. Food was added to the food. After disassembly, the weight of the tumor under the lumbar region was measured and compared with the control group. FIG. 7 shows the result. As shown in the figure, the weight of the tumor was clearly reduced in the administration group, and it was confirmed that the fucoidan-based health food of the present invention was effective in suppressing tumor growth.
(5) Natural killer (NK) activity of tumor-bearing mice NK activity in the spleen floating cells of the tumor-bearing mice was measured. FIG. 8 shows the measurement results. Even in tumor-bearing mice into which tumor cells were subcutaneously transplanted, it was confirmed that the administration of the composition of the present invention showed high NK activity, and it was concluded that this functioned to suppress tumor growth.
(6) Suppressive Effect of Hyperglycemia Non-insulin-dependent diabetes model mice and KK-Ay mice (5-week-old, male, CLEA Japan) were bred for 70 days with the feed shown in Table 1. During that time, blood was collected from the tail every 10 days, and the blood glucose level was measured. FIG. 9 shows the measurement results. The measurement of the blood glucose level was performed by an enzyme electrode method using a glucocard (Arkray, GT-1640, Kyoto). As a result, the blood glucose level of the mouse of the comparative example increased with the breeding period, and reached as high as 400 mg glucose / dl serum on the 70th day. Maintained, it was shown that the fucoidan health food of the present invention strongly inhibits hyperglycemia.
【The invention's effect】
The fucoidan-based health food of the present invention has an effect of reducing body weight suppressing effect and adipose tissue weight, serum neutral lipid (triglyceride), low-density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol content of seaweed bud strain fucoidan itself, from Okinawa Fumozuku. It can be increased by mixing fucoidan and further increase the anti-cancer effect said to also have agaricus.
Further, the fucoidan health food of the present invention can be provided to a human body regardless of its form.
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows the change in body weight during one month when a feed was administered.
FIG. 2 shows changes in the neutral lipid content in rat serum when the feed is fed for one month.
FIG. 3 shows changes in the total cholesterol content in rat serum when the feed is fed for one month.
FIG. 4 shows changes in low-density (LDL) cholesterol and high-density (HDL) cholesterol content in rat serum when the diet is fed for one month.
FIG. 5 shows a change in adipose tissue weight of a rat when the feed was fed for one month.
FIG. 6 shows changes in natural killer activity in spleens of mice when the feed was fed for 20 days.
FIG. 7 shows the change in tumor weight caused by sarcoma 180 when sarcoma 180 is transplanted and then fed with a fucoidan-based health food of the present invention for 20 days.
FIG. 8 shows changes in natural killer activity in mouse spleen when sarcoma 180 was transplanted and then fed with a fucoidan-based health food of the present invention for 20 days.
FIG. 9 shows a change in blood glucose level when a diet is administered to a diabetes model mouse, KK-Ay, for 70 days.

Claims (2)

ワカメ芽株より抽出分画したフコイダン画分を1〜90%と残部が沖縄フトモズクより抽出分画したフコイダン画分からなる混合物にアガリクス粉末を配合した高血糖を抑制し、血糖を低く保つ効果を持つフコイダン系健康食品。The fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from the wakame bud strain is 1-90%, and the balance is composed of a mixture of the fucoidan fraction extracted and extracted from Okinawa Fumozuku with agaricus powder, which suppresses hyperglycemia and has an effect of keeping blood glucose low. Fucoidan health food. ワカメ芽株より抽出分画したフコイダン画分が15〜35%と沖縄フトモズクより抽出分画したフコイダン画分が85〜65%からなる混合物に、混合物全量に対してアガリクス粉末を10〜20%混合した請求項1に記載のフコイダン系健康食品。A mixture of 15-35% of the fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from the seaweed bud strain and 85-65% of the fucoidan fraction extracted and fractionated from Okinawa Fumozuku is mixed with 10-20% of Agaricus powder based on the total amount of the mixture. The fucoidan-based health food according to claim 1.
JP2002182057A 2002-06-21 2002-06-21 Fucoidan-based health food Pending JP2004024054A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
JP2002182057A JP2004024054A (en) 2002-06-21 2002-06-21 Fucoidan-based health food

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

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JP2002182057A JP2004024054A (en) 2002-06-21 2002-06-21 Fucoidan-based health food

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JP2004024054A true JP2004024054A (en) 2004-01-29



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JP2002182057A Pending JP2004024054A (en) 2002-06-21 2002-06-21 Fucoidan-based health food

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Cited By (12)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
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