HUE035784T2 - Diaphragm wall - Google Patents

Diaphragm wall Download PDF


Publication number
HUE035784T2 HUE14790179A HUE14790179A HUE035784T2 HU E035784 T2 HUE035784 T2 HU E035784T2 HU E14790179 A HUE14790179 A HU E14790179A HU E14790179 A HUE14790179 A HU E14790179A HU E035784 T2 HUE035784 T2 HU E035784T2
Prior art keywords
reinforced concrete
connecting means
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Hungarian (hu)
Sara Cascarino
Daniel Viargues
Annette Esnault
Original Assignee
Soletanche Freyssinet
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Soletanche Freyssinet filed Critical Soletanche Freyssinet
Publication of HUE035784T2 publication Critical patent/HUE035784T2/en



    • E02D29/00Independent underground or underwater structures; Retaining walls
    • E02D29/16Arrangement or construction of joints in foundation structures
    • E02D17/00Excavations; Bordering of excavations; Making embankments
    • E02D17/13Foundation slots or slits; Implements for making these slots or slits


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  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Environmental & Geological Engineering (AREA)
  • Bulkheads Adapted To Foundation Construction (AREA)
  • Piles And Underground Anchors (AREA)
  • Gasket Seals (AREA)
  • Lining And Supports For Tunnels (AREA)


A sealing device (90) for a moulded reinforced concrete element in the ground comprises at least one seal (30) extending in a main direction of the device and linking means (40) rigidly connected to the seal (30) and suitable for being linked to a reinforcing cage of the reinforced concrete element, said linking means (40) being suitable for adjusting the width of the sealing device (90). The sealing device can be included in a structure (20) that further comprises a reinforcing cage (22), the sealing device being fastened to the reinforcing cage (22) and the linking means (40) of said device being suitable for adjusting the spacing distance between the seal and the reinforcing cage.


Biss p irns gnt wall
The present Invention relates to the Seid of special underground work. it relaies store specially to the achievement of a. sealing ttcar a concrete eletnetn, psrdc niariy : a wtifasy elesnem of a cottereta work, in particular a fbtmdaîioo nr support work, accomplished by successive .or .alternate mtrtary elements, us known from .F.R. T 54Ö 911 AÏ.
The rnveption mlstos to « snnltng device end a strectnte eonspristog said sealittg device, suitable to he moktdad in a reinforced concrete eiestseni. snoided in |he ground, it also relates to a tnarsn&ctaring method of such art element and a Work comprising the reinioreed concrete element tims obitntsed.
The a'metm n icncd < -, men? can for example lx; ass eietnennuy panel of a molded wall or as; elementary pile of a mm much »\cn w . >« Iguohs piles, A molded wail ή; cotmnooiy constructed by pouring concrete into a trench in die gtotatd after a reioforeteg cage has previously been placed there. Often, the wail coastals of a plurality of elementary panels constructed one sk itte >) i os? kt mb .o < old a u w ο o t u > ow ' \sg'’ ο <Λι'< . kwitx't' " ssvoto have been devokiped, t utu'ntly nsed tv a ssshm eetwtstmg. once the ewe^atum -s dug tn p’.acun, uwon-t one d iw tuend w.dis, formwork comprising a system for holding and protecting a seeding tab. During tbc setting of the concrete inside the excavation, tin; sealing tab is firmly ahached io the primary panel thus coste.tesed while still partially pioifutuo; tone s,od motet Ao iwasatmu desmmd m fern» the k-imoew, wot emel »? dug mm the k-tmwom, which Is then withdrawn, then the adnn'ning secondare panel ;s concreted, etnbedding in particular the portion of the sealing tab protruding front the primary panel. The installation and extraction of the foonwork, however, increase the handling operations during (he construction of the molded wail Due to the adhesion between the concrete and site formwork, the extraction of the latter is made particularly difficult
Also kriowa. particularly frost; European patent applicatiott IIP G 30« a]5, are sealing elements designed io he disposed inside Ike excavation of a secondary pattéi, said scaling dements being driven against the wall of the· already Conor·, h d p n» s pane ruder nets 1 ten< ·. N the psew to of sä., „o o-í'puuü to \ <. t<o . e> ftte secondary panel. This type of device does no; allow effective pressing of the seal against the concrete of the previously concreted aTok.nm element Often, dunng σιηtsung, the connote embed;, t'm s,-,$t. wtoth then h.e> so propose. Moreover, these systems also rsqssire considerable handling operations specific to the installai ion of the seal. lire object offne present invention w to supph ·.» ο. stem ahowiog etketwe waling to be accompkshed eudk and raptdiy at one end of a reinforced concrete element, particularly an end of said element tsdjoit'lng another concrete element previously concreted, fins objective is attained wish a device lot a teutfowed cetwsete element molded m the ground, said device comprising at least one fluid- ορν seal exfettdiog io a principal direction and conned lots means ftrsnlv aftached Io the fluid-tight seal attd sunable for being connected to &amp; reinforcement cage of ibe reinforced >\>nue’e Jem nt, <md mmnettton »«earn hwng .ad mt? k« adjusting the wdthw'she wakt»g deuce
It fe ooderstood that «. sealing device «§· dsifoed above la designed fo provide s fiuid-Oglf eôhoecpou a( one end of a retnlfetced cottercto element particularly Si its end adjulnlng a pfeviously concrefob eotwreto element
The sealing device according m the Invemfon is designed to be attached to a reinforcement cage. »tier to the ’"'«x.uni' wfitv m > V trensb \hrdi'. >\ ' ' η ·,ο i, 'to. „<' ! >'5
The couneetkm means of the sealing device are firmly attached to the tloid-'tighl seal imd saitoble for being connected so the reinfercexnent cage. They ate suitable, generally by deforming and/or moving, for modifying the total width of the sealing device, measured In a direction not parallel to the principal dirsedon in which the seal extends» generally in a lateral direction perpendicular to the principal direction, The connection means· are Interleaved completely or partially in this direction, between the seal and the reinforcing cage.
It will then be. esderslood ihat fey modifying the width of the sealing device, -attached to the r«-infurcement cage, the separation distance -between the reinforcing cage and-the-seal Is also modified» and foerelore .the total width of a -structure formed fey rite reinforcing cage and the sealing device.
It should fee noted that, In one embodiment, the scaling device «au- dicitide at least two seals eouaecföd to .common or specific connection means, sealing then being ensured redundantly fey stod seals.
The connection means -generally comprise nt least one-adjustment element, deformable aod/or-mounted movafely with respect to the .fluid-tight seal, foetorably, however, they comprise a plurelify of afelustmeot elements •distributed, in the principal direction of the device,
Accotdfog to one example, the eotmeoitoa moans can. also comprise an elongated attachment support to which arc attached the adiusttnent etonmuis, said support- being suitable for being attached to the refoforeasseat cage. Tito support can tor example he attached to the mittforcement cage by welding or by clipping. These dispositions allow the sealing device to be adapted to reinforcement cages with -variable eonfigomtions, particularly its regards I he spacing of the reinforcement. Pmfhmhiy. the attachment -support extends over a height substantfolly k'tua iheveknddn rdn'-n'tot életunt ' v ,! t h o sUivinefe a <h hemh i'he sealing device oreforahly comprises support means for the fond-tight seal, said support means allowing the seal <; be çoonncfud. more easily to the adjustment elements (by allowing, attachment by welding in particular) and, SO certcht cases, protecting the seal during assembly in.the trench.
Due to their deformability and/or mobility, the adjustment elements) can pass from an initial position wherein foe sealing -device has a first width to a final position wherein the settling device has a second width different fpm the first atm the seal is pmssed against the wad of the adjoining cotwreied elemem
The fiefornufoiihy and/or mobility of all or a portion of the adjustment elements can also allow contpensatton of the differences it; width between difierem /altitudes along the excavation or errors in vcrtleallty amitor flatness of foe wall on which the seal must fee applied. io other words, the width of fie sealing device fogy not fee idenfcal over the entire height of said device, particularly in the assembled or final position.
According to one example, foe sealing device also comprises guiding means tor the adjustment element from its inifott position to ins fintd position. These guiding means cars fee manual means such as a handle, or antesnafeally control led .means.
Aceording íö one èxmpH to connection mettes comprise st ka « ''re eompressihie sfeosfeseot element, preferably a-plurality of compressible adjustment elessem, dtstrlbefew -n tk' principal direction Of fee setStng device.
More particularly, to eosmeedon means east. ootupme at least one flexible afenstfeeut element, preferably a plurality of flexible adjustment ckmcnr distributed io to principal direction of the sealing device, in this tonnpep fee Seal Is applied fumtb agstittsf to. wall of fee previously concreted adiottsiug elment.
According ίο one example, to· eonseetioss means comprise at least: one jack having a body -suited to being attached to fee roiolbrcerooot eage, a movable piston inside said body and a.rod tlrntiy attached to the piston and extending.OutardO fee body, and fee seal, is firmly attached to. said rod.
In this ease, fee aforemeai toned guiding means consist of to: control unit of the jack.
According to an oxvetpi ns etnhodimeut, to connection means comprise at fettst one adjustment etewl hinged wish respect to to wal, preferably a plurality of efeusfernm element? binged with .respect to the seal, distributed in fee principal feredmn of the sealing davtce, öenerfdb e.!ch hinned mbusnnent element Is suitable tor puotmg with respect to fee real around a pivoting axis extending so .i daw non wfestettita \ «> 1 mgoaai to the ptuuipwt ones, don of fee device. A «.cord io g to an adsmo.igeeos ex^mpiutv embodiment, the adjustment element i.> hinged at ds two ends, h c; thus mounted pivotally with respect to the seal al one of its ends, and wife tespect io the reinforcement cage at- Its other end, .generally around pivoting axes substantially orthogonal to dte principal direction of to device.
The hinged afeosimeru elements can also be moved, generally without deforming,, irons a retracted position is which they are folded back toward the reinibreemettf cage, reducing the width of the structure, to a deployed position fe which they extend away irons fee cage.
The presens presentation relates, secondly, to a strttefese lot a reinforced concrete element molded,itrto ground, tor example a panel or a pile, comprising a reinforcement cage, and characterised in fettf it. also comprises at least one seolittg device as previously defined attached to fee retnfercetneot cage, to connection means being suitable for adjusting to separation distance between the fifed-iofet seal and the reinlhrcemeni cage, it is uoderstood feat to strncture thus ds.ffeed is designed, to be introduced into an excavation fe the ground before being embedded m concrete to fenn a reinforced concrete clement, parttetthtriy a molded' wail, panel or a pile· of a curtain of secant or contiguous odes.
Such a structure has an adjustable width, which allows, in a single handling phase, the excavation to. he equipped with, a reinforcement cage and at least one device providing a fmki-ught connection with .an. adjoining «oncrere clement.
In the present presentation, fee principal duectien of the structure is defined as fee direction in which it is designed to be lowered into the excavation prior te ooneretihg.
Moreover, the intern! direction of fee structure is defined its the direction perpendfetdsr to fee principal ducefton and oriented us fee gênerai direction of fee w»tk tue the ferecnon in winch fee unitary elements are aligned). Once the struefere is Introduced Into the excavation,
Ftetsiiy, s fiwvw direction tif the sttectnre te defined as st direction orthogonal. bosh te the principat direction nod te the lateral diteefiom
Oneo the sttuetnre· is Installed te depth te the grosnd, its prihslpsl direction gsodtehy extends vedieaiiy, and hs letetet direction horizontally.
Generally, the separation distance between the reinforcement eage töte a ilosd-tipht seal of the slniCfthe will he owasured in the inters i foreetion.
Generally, the principal direction of the seating device is .parallel to thatof the rteoibrcentuot sag«., i,e. the fluid···» tight \eti eMonte it' th. tonopa? d'setttte te the s«'\tete
The structure accordteg in the sovcntjon da«., include, depending on .hew ft is used (successive nt stltefttstte united 'elements), a single sealing device of two sealing devices placed at opposite ends of the straetere. htethtehlv, die ffosd-tighf seal extends ever the entire height of the .reinfomemem eage,
The present presentation also relates to a reinforced concrete element molded in the ground, for «sastpie a panel or a pile, comprising a reinforced concrete portion molded in sit« and a structure of the type previously defined embedded at least partially in said concrete portion, f'tnitliy, the present presentation relates to a reinforced concrete work molded the ground, comprising at least a. first concrete element and at feast a second reinforced concrete element adjoining said first element, said second' reinforced concrete ttlentetit inelndittg a structure as defined previously, a seal of the seal ing device forming the junction between the first and the second elemen! to achieve the seat·
The present presentation also relates tu a method for produesrsg a reinforce concrete work molded In the ground, oharactsrtecd. in that it comprises the following steps: an éxoávation. is formed in the ground with -substantially' vertical walls, delimited at least in past by a first concrete element; a structure as previously defined, is lowered into the excavation, and the separation distance between the fteid-tfghi seal and the reinforcement cage is oo te 1 \o tl s! tin I »5 " ogi t se t \» uMï. v h ' w tli o! tin f\ ·,<«, t <. et u't com < ,>»!<., t'te the excavation so as So form a second reinforced concrete element including said structure, She seal accomplishing a seal between the first and the second concrete «foment.
The adjustment of the separation distance esh be aecoinplished during 'foe lowering, of the structure into the excavation.
In particular, the seal can cooperate with the svai? of She first cortcrtes «foment when the structure. te lowered into the excavation, and the separation. tiSstaPee eats be adjusted by s dieformation of the adjustment system induced fey this coopetatioo. in other embodiments, tits adjustment of the dlstohce Is carried out sties' lowering, once the reinforcement eage is in its final position.
According to one exempithy ihsplenteotsttoo, she sheotero Is lowered info the excavation with foe eonnectfon means in an initial reteacied position whetetet the separation distent® Is minimal and,, one«· the reinforcement-cage is positioned inside tin; excavation, the connection means ate deployed into a tette position wherein the fluid-tight se<d is· in contact with the -wail of the first concrete sietnem, in tbs's case, the deploymcm of the vormectioo tneans into the»· final posstioss can be induced by the sols effect of gravity exerted tbereon and on the seat .it: can also be accomplished by operating guiding means.
Otbcr features and advantages of the invention will be revealed upon reading the following description of esemphcry eîohodiments given by way cf iliusimtioö äöd without Imfitaüom This description refers to tbs appended sheets of 'drawings-m which: ~ Figure I illustrates -the form&amp;tioa of a seeosdaty french between two primary panels of a molded waif - Figure 2 illustrates a structure-ihr a tcinfarced.eoaereie etemeat molded in.the ground, according to a first embodiment of the invention, •• Figures 3 A and 3B illustrate the different steps-of exeeotkfti of die remifirecd eenerete element fee hiding the strnetare·· of figure 2,
··· Figure 4 I» a detail view of an adjustment elemem of figure 3BS - Figure 5 illustrates a structure for a reinforced concrete element molded hr the ground, according io a second embodiment of the invention, •••Figures bA and 6B illustrate the different steps of execution of the .reinforced concrete elemest including the structure ef figure 5, -- Figaros "(A and 78? show« I« owe detail the sealing device of figures S, 6A. and dB in fits initial position and In the assembled position, - Figures 8A ásd 8F illustrate a structure according to a third embodiment of the in vest ion, respectively bonne as d tdet m-wmbb, - Figure 9 illustrates a variant: of the first embodhoem of the invention, - Figure: 10 illustrates souther variant of she first embodiment of the invention, - Figure 1I liihsfrate.s a cuttafe ot piles made by means of a structure secordfeg to the first embodiment of the Invention, - Figure 1 2 illustrates a variant of tbs second embodiment of the invention, A molded wall 10 is conventionally executed by elementary panels, either successi ve or aifemaifeg. I nyue , dinsn nos du- wwtrummn vt such a o„H io m akon'almg panels io it's figue, pnnn wrvfe \ lib n> <'r I and on nghi une dmads ucuîou , -.0 U\ fimre dh\»,m > me ' ooshmetion of a secondary excavation lb (hereafter, the excavation} between the two primary panels 12a, 1.2b and designed for constructing a secondary panel 14 winch will fie described in more detail hereafier.
The excavation lb is dug vertically. Depending on the terrain and the specifications, different tools can be employed, for example cable grabs. Kelly gtabs, hydrofsalscs (regislered trademark), etc. le ensm,'the stabdns >'Ύο.' r vravai on fi'd one tbr dolhng op>n tm n wd m pártául,n *o mosd efelupw ,>’th' uabs, the exeat anon w filled, nrnrngfiruhng, v fi t mud generáld fewest on benmmtc •As illustrated In kgnre i, the exeuvabou 16 thus, made comprises prlumpal-verbsal wells 18a, ÍSb of width 1¾ parallel is parallel pairs said separated by a distance a cotrespcBding to Ihe desired thickness of the me'ldsd. wtsk 16. The excavation 16 marks the hstom tecatíö» ohtportion of the .molded well in, and therefore delimits a xone to he elearcd,
Figure 2 illustrates a structure 20 according to a .first embodkhent of the invention, designed to be btmedeeed. Into tire excavation Id prior to concreting ike secondary panel IT
The structure 20 comprwes a mmtoceetuem eaee 22 of known t;,pe. designed for the reinforcement et she •molded wall 10, in the example, the reiofbrecnueUt eage 32 has a pamlleiepijped shape, its sides being suitable for running respectively along dm wells 1 ha, fdb and 19a,IOh of the excavation IP,
Rereader, the prinoipai direction x of the streetare is deiteed as the direction in which it is designed to he inserted into the exeavatid«.
Also defined is the lateral direction s as -he dheerion orthogonal to this principal direction and extending in the générai direction of tin. molded wall Ike. in the direction in which the panels of the wall are aligned),
Finally, the transverse direction y of the straewe is defined as the direepon toihogosnd io the two aforementioned hired ions.
The sifttetnre 20 incksdes, at each end of the reiofmeement e&amp;ge 22 in the lateral direction >:, a scaling device §1), 90'.
Hereafter, a single lateral side of the structure 2Ö will be described in detail, Ihe opposite side being» so the example illustrated, strictly identical. The elements of the second side are designated in the figures by unmet teal references identical to those of the first side deseribeti hereafter, with a prime added.
The siting ocster ’ks comptiscs .meal ki, lo; evmeve '>! the water 'VcUahie t\pe. otm.dnig at the pttnupai direction p, i.o, parallel to the sides of the relntereerucnt cage, and designed to be stsppotled against the wll of the closest primary pattéi i2a,.ä2h.
Sits' sealing des no Jso comprises a aooport '2 tor the seal 3o, how m the keni of an ,a\gie tton uoh a height equal to or greater third that of the seal, hr the example:, the seal 30 extends over a height aobidantialiy identical to that id the »cisstorccms-ot sage. 1st \ tir imho/dsu-r »or yttw's w < U.>8ii,u\ U » wro ng the a^mbh ot vdl'- tin dnd <, , \ e nionett, u >,,< χ ' , \l »a < 'de 1' delow u\> , w "x d,> erdnd »' o »;<. dHtd hereafter, for adjusting the width Lti of the sealing device 90 measured in the lateral direction x, and therefore, consequently, site separation distance d measured in the lateral direction x, between the end of tire reinlurcensem cage 23 and the seal 30, in the example, the connection means 40 mmprtses i phtrahrt of adjustment etement» 42 distributed rngntarts over the entire height cd'the seal 30.
Each adjustment element 42 cot-sista here cd' a triangular metal hanger *he hex' I" of which Is welded to a ; ! slo t, i' cos 'o ci t", n ii '·· too , > u Ή' Π' i w el ·, ro u, x 'ton 5 ' f κ s\'d lu os un '' c hangom »' !. 1 du ' 'i store, ss esS e sgc ? ' s ueovn.pirahtJ ! s -.och ,5 "s,tn\' "u< ,t >wt, each hunger 42 extends in &amp; pl&amp;t-e suhsfasulalîy orthogonaî io she principal direction s. of the reinforcement cage 22.. te. itt a substantially horizontal plane, when the telnforcement cage 22 is in a raised position above the
Csv,-WO 1 O tx 1 t 'if. j ).'i ! to thix position, the separation distance <1,. measured between the reinforcement cage 22 and the seat JO. is tnasimum and substantially equal to the height of the triangle defined by the hastget 42. it should it« noted thai the triangular shape anti the distensions of the hangers 42 illustrated is not limiting, these being able to have other shapes and features (diameter of the steel reinforcement tor «sample) allowing a ecrluiss. flexibility around a transverse axis to fee imparted io li.
Figure 3Λ illustrates the structure 20 ol figure 2 before Its introduction inside the excavation id. · \S Uns ome, the cra-nouson naans 40 ate m thru initial position and We aunt lute V tt s'- ,t n tdîh I greater than the width I.·., of the excavation in, bv a few centimeters for example.
Figure 38 illustrates the introduction of the structure20 Inside the excavation Id. Under the influence of tit« friction of each angle-iron 32 with the wall of the adjoining primary panel I2a: 12b which It faces, the hangers 42 bend slightly. As I dusts arad itt figure 2, the lower end 34 of the seal support 32 is beveled to suns the'O'f ol tiu hen,*,", II ut»f taet'atte the lewe?"»« «t dn straem,-. 2d uh< the rax,own- le IV sera .Uten ïtdmue» Λ'μϊΙιΙ n uses s dradmo berarast ras,'s-„j A noth, c'<> 91 v οχ„ 4 ra the reinforcement cage 22. is reduced and the width L? of the structure 2b adapts itself ro that of the excavation lb,
In rhe asxetni'Ld xtun? ns e\eaxht'»>n to, cash xra -b « p «ew« d ugamxt the eonmete of the tdjo'ttutg tx.rnan panel 12a, 12b over its entire width, as Illustrated in ntora detail in figure 4. in a subsequent step, the excavation 16 is tilled with concrete and She structure 2Ö Is embedded Io the concrete pstn 4 ,\m> tot we \hu huts, nog ^, » me , rates etc -rah u'd V U" ptr\f,\,' a fiasd \gh eno icctton between the. secondary panel 14 and the primary panel 12a, 12b which lt faces.
Figure 9 illustrates a variant embtxlùnettt of the first embodiment of täte invention, in which the connection means 34Í? no longer include rtiangulat, fent rather U-shaped hangers, each hanger 342 having a fitst branch 343 welded to a reinforcement of the reinforcement frame 322 <«» in the example described previously) and a second btanch I I Housed p vet’ utuic a ~U Ί wd<. w to , -, angle-s o' ' «nd h odra. n a ik'si' respect to said sleeve 34" by means of a lock-washer 348 Relative pivoting provided between each hanger 342 and the Arara 34" Rrmh atsached to the seal tcppotr with whkh It coupetaies makes tt poestbk- to iunil the loads ott the angle· Iron compared to ihe esse of direct welding to the hangers, during deformation of the hangers fey cooperation with the Wstll of the excavation 16. , ' ’ s r ant ilk »trued t tut o ,, fl e rammt me uk t w t 10 ura w s, xc s immradn d ettahu t pn ns 14b \ <' n , s, <v n o* a Fa nrt' » 1 ef>' f It' x tdcat arra - χ χ miss os -a fe. ut ails χ nt'' »1 u <. t * r sea; 4.30, and to are attached the hangers 442, This variant allows the prefabtleadott of She sealing device 490., which can then be easily attached to the reinforcement cage on the construction she, for example by welding In addu'-on, the distance meassaed betwvcn two hangus, In ihe principal •urcetsoss, ;χ no longer iseeesxatsW mdexed mwe mtef sendoreement diss-usee ol the eogc hlgns-c i1 illuetrafes a structors 52δ according so the first embodiroooi, of the invention, soifable tbr the «orssfruetmrs of a enïtaîo of secant piles Siö. Such a stroolnre· 520 differs ihm) ihat describes) previously in. esmneesiors with figures 2 to a only io thai the mofosrement cage 522 has a sobsissnsirily eireuiar sect loo. The commesion means 5-40 and the principle of adjusting she cage/'se&amp;I distance remain perfectly identical with the preceding. ingere 5 diosiran' ,» sosuiis«. rib η,οη,ΐηη; io a se,on>S embodiment ,4 rpe snxcmmn, sari ,'îrm'mre s2c> cecípíí nog a rendoweoseri ,nge s h’ stnohi so tfu dcxuslud pi,\t>msri and. ,sS rih eon ,<t toe <.,»<, ri*' n> she s ,s si sins <s o s c iAinedws< b>0 op ,,v pi s , a ni 'c > ' ,s '». < o np, s ,ri . a söppörf, here a the 1 ' \ ' 'ri . and connection sncans 140, 140' of said sappcrt to she reinnnroesnestt cage 122. da in the preceding essrhodsmmst, a <nngk lateral suie of she rimesare 20 odi he Oe.>enbed m detail tin »'ppoaue side being, in the example iliustrated, strictly identical. The elements of die scoood side are designated in the figures by identical numerical references io those of the first side described hereafter, with: a prime added.
Here she connects»«, snsasw 140 comprise a piuswlity of adjustment elements distributed ever the entire height of the sets!, and hinged bclxvecsr the reinforcement cage and the-intermediate rigid; bar, itself connected by spring means to the sea t support 1.32;
Here she adjustment elements: are U-shaped hangers 142,
Bach .hanger 142 Includes « first branch 143 tnonnsed pivotally inside a irrst sleeve 145 welded to a reinforcement 120 of theeags 122 and blocked irs translation with respect to it by mean«: for ex&amp;snple of a lock-washer (not shown),
Bach, hanger 142 also comprises a second branch 144 otonnted pivotally inside a second sleeve 14? and: blocked in Sranslafiost with, respect- to said sleeve 147, she sleeve being,, for its part,, welded to the intermediate rigid bar 1SÜ extending over an entire height snbstantialiy identical to that of the seal, A hanger 142 is thus, otonnted pivotally with suspect to the reioforeement age 122 arotssria traswverse axis Pl and., with respect to the intersnediate bar ISP, aronstd a transverse axis 22. 1 oni ' ,, <<’, ran > nuns' d hi u,\ ) t\ os 'v,, ri s\ , >"» ' \ s> », \» no , connected. to the flat 1.32 by means of a pintalisy of i.;--sha;>«d spri-rg blades 152 .
Figure riA ilinstrafes the stsuctnxe 12Ö ns the initiai position, prior to : insertion in the cscavaíloh iff is) this porifsos), the whlth 1., of she ssruebsre 12Ö Is fess than that, 1.,,, of the excavatiosi 14> The hangesx 142 tsre brossght. back toward the roinforeessess· stage 122, and the separation distance d» between the seal 130 and she '< ». > means , ' ril e a ,ua os , > ,»<»>' \ s ».ri ih< P ' s>\ » ' , le s 0,, s, , n < » , S' i >' ,< wifhonl touching the lateral wa lls 19a, 19b of she adjotsdssg prshtary panels; I2a, 12b.
Once the strsjcsrsre 12.0 is positioned as its friai height inside she excavation 16, She intermediate bar ISO, held for example by a handle 154 provided at is;; upper end, is ntoved soward lise edge of she exeavutsoss ip, driving with it the ssuppcsrt 132 and the seal 130. 1 nwssu oi Ins' 'ti 1 'C ci., is sr d w,sll o! J t ,\s w »' o ' ' i , ', w n ,*> >, . -n w 5«so < ' Λ t\ actions: Tä$asäi® re e. pivoting paibhahisäom sysietb, the,test DP U »tí doser io Ib® ixierai wil IPs ef the «sw^â,
If ib® pâao® of PA and PB b considered« i».'the- Initini peaition, dre parabohigrasi dAad hy di® pivoting. as®s PL, ,F3 isyi. PL. F2’ ;>f ;vjo hedged M2 b«s s Brathoisäb Hl in U><· lateraldhb«ibaa, Th® pnrai.i®iogmm äsIs äh® fpided'Mscfc position agaäbsi thé osg® I ;?l: .
By haväsg di® hangers 142 bb «aay hos® äs® s®®!äb:®®is®sä ®sg® 122, ;b® hsägäb ®f äh® parallelogram' B insreeaed aod eisernes a vaäb® H2> IT® bbaä Bldih of äh® sbosibi® 12b B eö8S®®a®sä|y hiSäyaseO, end äh® csal I3Ö B pswed agbhäSi bis weh of ih® esCOvetioá PS, TM snrfhee M®gaäaäiiä®s ei bis Bab ac®, ob hi® ptber 'hand, cosäp®ssai®P by äh® loeaä eobipiBSslott <;f the U-shaped spring häedss I32, «i«sa$®d lihtBSbb äh® iaäcrsisbisä® ha® ISO end äh® seal sspysn 132..
Depsodiog on ih® yasBibás: äh® späiag bMM; LT sab also bs rcpiäeed Or completed hy Other eoaipressdh® elements which «an pioclb® s daänpsbg ihncääob, gsr-LaMPy elements blad® of fobm 0® of iobbstä:
AacaMibg äs mmtiw ®x®8ipBry «inhodimoiäi, th® intermediate bar sad ih® spring häad®a eaa h® ®iäilit®d, hä Bäh«® s'äiiBs th® ssssbil sleev® oaa b® weidad bso:®iäy S® ih® seid soppäbi.
Flgbf® ä 2 Ihbstsatb® én adyaäbag®oäis variant of dB second ®8hs®dbb®bi of äh«: hiyetatoo, identical äs ab points to ihat described ptevionstyy ®sc§ib bi that th® ®öäbSö®dssb ssass·; Mb «Ohipbs« á iohghndinal atiaehbtenl stäpporä Mb, bi äb® ährbt ®f a Bai, «bäh a hsighä advaabsgeoasly yäsAlar io ähal nf dB sent 63P, atbä to sväiäcb <e aitaehad th® hangers 642,
Figures SA obd SB liäoaäbaä® s stroetäire 22P sacoolhäg i® ®. htäib ®biho«boi®äb of the present invention, äs which th® conoeoitöti menüs of the sealbip d®yä®® 22b, between Päc .rehdhreemetü sag« 222 and each s®aä 230, running äsiarahy aloitg said cag®, oötbprB® â pääsaäity ofjaeks 22P,
Bach jach 220 eootpräs®® a body 222 aü»«h®d to ih® wlnforeements of dis .refofereement sag® 222, a piston Mot shown) meooted ohiväbB inaid® th® äiody, and a rod 224 bothy Bhiohod «o äh® piBoo and päWohäog outside äh® äbBy. Täi® rob is abashsäh sä hs dBäaä ssd, tö a aoppoB 232 saoy w dis ssal 2bä),
Is äb® example, ääi® josbs oosäisoisd äs iäi® ssibo ssaä ar® sOoBohod, sshbiäMi®oo.By o® oót, hy ä oooBoi oolä 2?b.
For äb® ibBoiteäiob of hä« SBosäbsB 22b hbo äh® sa®hvM0b M, äh® tod® 224 aos bi äb® äbBaotod posläloo and ääi® sssi Is siäosäsd as oäöss as poaaihäs t® äh® T®bilM®®si®bä ®sg® 232< Öos® ääi® retelorcetnent oap® 222 äs posblob®d hi ;h® boääobi of the «soavatäos 1.6, ih® jacks bb a®i®sä®d so ähaä bisB äXids are P®phiy®d: iossass tbs ootsid® of ih® siäoaws, <ärivBg Miiä äi ih® ssaä 231), «sbish pisssss ®b®losä th® wäl of äh® «xsavaäho,
I ‘t( M i > ! Μ Λ \ t ® «'s sO s® I s! '{ O " 1' ! i Ί ,V ' \« ,4 \ S» ä\ ä s i \ ' Ol's H St)' IS bi'®pbä®iil i®s of ih® ssbläs of äh® ®x®aiMi®b, Ähbosgb, io täi® preceding sxahïpM, (he oosasotioa io®ao® of a sttticlnre ere häsatäöaä oa one side end lb® other of the sbascb.»'®, sod sybss is more, ever äb® eptjre hslghi of ih® statetnr«» iäi® dlBfeear embodiments described ®ö®äd also b® combined on os® strecfare. Tbps, .for gxaspbc, ii îs possääsä® io -use a hinged system ea one sld® of is® B®'®®i®s® asd sysästb. iMag jacks so ih® apposa® säp®, .Mca«ov®b ibä ihe-e.mhedim.ente dcssBbs trnnÄs yabd ihr sä?b®bo®s äs®hidkäg a .single seal.

Claims (3)

Vízzáró szerkezet Sx&amp;had&amp;tei IgényptmíökWatertight Structure Sx & had &amp;amp; 1, Vízzáró szerkezei (90) egy a talajban .kiöntött vasbeton eiern (1.4)' számára, amely vízzáró szerkezei (90) tartahn;tz legalább egy vízzáró tömítést (30, 30'), amely a szerkezei egy íólranyábaniaried ki, valamim: a vízzáró tömliéssel <"30» 30’) összeeröskett összekötő eszközöket (40p amelyek össaek&amp;pesolhatők a vasbeton elem egy vasbetót’kes'aráyal, áhol az Összekötő elesnek (40) arra szolgálnak, hegy beállítsák a vízzáró szerkezet (90) szélességét. 2 \ , s p gi. Î1 V, » ' S. Afv \<e 1< ’?t x< 0> 41»CS(>' 4 O < \xen> , s'w e e't k'gJáR < s hí. OH ς elemet (42) fertalmszmik, amely őatfemáihatő ésfeagy mozgathatóan van felszerelve a vízzáró törnttsshez képest 3». A 2. Igénypont szériáit vízzáró szerkezét <9Ö), amelynél az összekötő eszközök (40) több beállító elemet (43) tartalmaznak, amelyek a szerkezet (90) tőitóayában vannak elosztva. 4, A 3. igénypont szerinti vízzáró szerkezei (490), enmlynéi az összekötő eszközök (449) ezenkívül egy hosszúkás rögzítotámaszí (4k0) Is tartalmaznak. amelyhez a beállító elemek (442) vannak rögzítve, ahol a rögsitötásnasz (480) arra van kiképezve, hogy a vasbetét-kosárnoz legyen rögzítve. S; A 2-4, igénypnetök bármelyike szerfeti vízzáró szerkezet (190), antelypek továbbá vezelöeszközel (154) is vannak a beállító elem (142) számára egy kszdétí belyzéttóp amelyben a vízzáró szerkezet egy első széíességgei rendelkezik, egy végső helyzetig, améiybén a vízzáró szerkezet egy az elsőtől különböze szélességgel rendelkezik. ö. Az lm. Igénypontok bármelyike szerinti vízzáró szerkezet (299), amelynél az Összekötő eszközök tartalmaznak legalább egy rntnzkaheagers (2?t)i, amelynek az alapteste (272) arra van kiképezve, hogy rbgzüve légyen a v&amp;sbefetfeosárhoz (222), tartalmaznak tovább;), egy az alaptest belsejében mozgatható dogattyót, valamint egy a -dngaUyöval szervesen összekötött dngattyárorlm (274), timely kiált az alaptestből 1272), és a vízzáró tömítés (230) szervesen össze van kötve ezzel a óugaltyórödöál (374).1, waterproofing structures (90) for a cast concrete reinforced concrete (1.4), which has a waterproof structure (90) comprising at least one watertight seal (30, 30 '), the structures of which are made of polyurethane; connecting means <40 "30" with waterproof seals (40p which are punchable and capable of reinforcing the reinforced concrete with a reinforcement), where the Connection (40) is used, the mountain adjusts the width of the watertight device (90). , sp gi Î1 V, »S. Afv <e 1 <'? tx <0> 41» CS (>' 4 O <xen, s'w e e't k'gJáR <s). The OH ς element (42) is a fissure, which can be mounted on the water barrier and is movably movable relative to the watertight joint 3 ". A series 2 waterproof structure of claim 2, wherein the connecting means (40) comprise a plurality of adjusting elements (43) which are the structure. (90) are divided into a plunger. 490), the connecting means (449) further comprises an elongated support (4k0). to which the adjusting elements (442) are fastened, wherein the clamping knife (480) is designed to be secured to the iron insert basket. S; One of the two types of waterproofing device (190), the flaps, and the guide (154) for the adjusting element (142), is a stack of water in which the waterproofing device has a first width, up to a final position where the waterproofing device is a has a width different from the first one. He. The lm. Waterproofing device (299) according to any one of the claims, wherein the Connecting means comprises at least one rntnzkaheagers (2?), The base body (272) of which is designed to contain the v &amp; a movable dog piston inside the base body, and a dng-piston ring (274), which is organically connected to the -dngaUyö, cries early from the base body 1272, and the watertight seal (230) is organically bonded to this primer (374). 7, Az In), igénypontok bármelyike szerinti vízzáró szerkézét (199), amelynél az összekötő eszközök (140) fegaíább egy, a vízzáró tömítéshez képest esakíéssnt telsaetelt: beállító elemet :(Í42), előnyösen több beáiilló elemet (142) tartalmaznak, amelyek a vízzáró szerkezet (199) főirányában vmmak elosztva, &amp; Az t-7. igénypontok bármelyike szerimi vízzáró szerkezei (99), amelynél a Vízzáró tömítés (30) egy víz hamsára ónzzaöő tömítés.The watertight construction (199) according to any one of claims 7 to 9, wherein the connecting means (140) have a telescope: adjusting element (4242), preferably a plurality of deflecting elements (142), which are inclined relative to the watertight seal. distributed in the main direction of the watertight device (199), &amp; The t-7. Waterproofing structures (99) according to any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein the Waterproofing Seal (30) is a sealing water seal for a water. 9, Vázszerkezet (28) égy a talajban kiöntött vasbeton elem (14), példán! -egy panel vagy egy eövek: számára, amely vázszerkezet egy vasbetébkosravt (22) tartalmaz, ahol erre a vázszerkezetre es felfewó) bogy tartalmaz továbbá legalább egy, az 1Ά. Igénypontök: bármelyike szerinti vashetébkosams (22) vízzáró szerkezetet (90), altöl áz összekötő eszközök (49) arm vannak kiképezve, bogy beállítsák, a távolságot a vízzáró tömítés és ,a vasbetét- kosár k ö sö tt. )Ö \ * ' í p<.n " nn ki m fe u Cd m < . »t\'„ t o » ο ? οι bn nm t ' >b<s<t kosár (22) főirányával (z). Li. Műtárgy (ΊΟ) talajban kiöntött vasbetonból, amely tnbtârgy turtaintaz legalább egy első betonelemet il 2a, 12b) és legalább egy nvásodíí« vasbeton etemet (14), amely az első belonelemroeí határos, ahol ez a második vasbeton elem magába« foglal egy, a 9. vagy 10. igénypont szerinti vázszerkezetet (2t)}, a vízzáró szerkezet (1X1) egy vízzáró tömítését, amely összeköttetést képez az első és a második hetoaeletn között a tSnulestség megvalósításához. ß, Belátás egy -talajban. kiöntött vasbetonból 04} készült tnütárgy előállítására, azzß JnöbrnesvA bógy a következő lépéseket tartalmam; - a tataiban egy lényegében,-függőleges falakkal rendélteö munkagödröt (ló) alákkonk ki, amely omakagödöí· legalább-részben «ο első 'betonelem (12a,· 12b) által van· határolva, leeresztünk á munkagödörbe (16} egy a 9. vagy 10. igénypont szertníi vázszerkezetet {20} és beállítjuk a távolságöt a vízzáró tömítés (3ö) és a vasbetékkosár (22) között, oly módos, hogy a vízzáró tömítés (30) érintkezésben legye« az első betoneíem (12a, 12b) ötlávsl, és - betont: öntünk a ntankagödörbe (16), hogy egy vasbetonból levő második elemet (1:9). képezzünk, .amely n n< í > ' ί >k ? , ’W ke ,'n í ό , p \ ✓ , < orv \χ cl ho'a k lé '< a ön , -.0-., ! et > < > ? második batoxseíem között. 13, A 12. igénypont szerinti eljárás, amelynél a távolság beállításai a vázszerkezetnek (2b) a munkagödörbe (16) V tk 'isdh. . k n es <z tk U, ki) o-,\ H tgompent szerint, eháus. „íu. kpöi, s\/«ο tom.íe? egvuamukoihk .m ebo heöOv’ent í $ 2a, 12b) falával, ha a vázszerkezetet (20) leeresztettük a munkagödörbe (tő). és a távolságot tsz összekötő eszközök r.-'n egyuttmukodes altat savakon deünuatávvai áihoavK 1* Λ ’ kOi'u«.\. us > v,s mv \«e , líuOiAn a-kor állítjuk, be, ha a vázszéí'kézetét (120, 220) elmüdezídk a tSiutkágödőrbén (46), 16. A 12, vagy fik igénypont szerinti eljárás, amelynél a vázszerkezetet t?28, 220) lesüllyesztjük a munkagödörbe (lő). miközben az összekötő eszközök behúzok kiindulási helyzetben vannak, amelyben a Lavis,«' m n \tl - es w a s \>'\ í >1' poi .oí nboz.v ten ίο >xki t m bel- eben r s Osokí - \> őket 'sgheí ' xo put >ar r-,-. n-r· -, üo<unté l'O tt' . s m?, \ s ttl ;z első feétoneié-n falával. 17, A 16. .igénypont szerinti sljáíás. amelynél az összekötő eszközök (140) sóhajtását kllndttiásí helyzetökböl a véghelyzétükbe esek a nehézségi erő hatásával váltjuk ki, amely az összekötő eszközökre (140) és a. vízzáró töm késre (í 3 0) hitt.9, frame structure (28) is a reinforced concrete element (14) poured into the ground, for example! - a panel or a plurality of belts, the frame structure of which comprises a ferrule insertion (22), wherein said frame structure comprises at least one, 1? Claims: A waterproofing device (90) according to any one of the claims (22) is formed by a barrier means (49) for adjusting the distance between the watertight seal and the iron insert. ) * * <P <.n "nn ki m fe u cd m <." T to "ο? Οιο bn nm t '> b <s <t cart (22). A piece of reinforced concrete poured into the ground (ΊΟ), which contains at least one first concrete element 2a, 12b) and at least one concrete reinforced concrete element (14) adjacent to the first belonelectron, where this second reinforced concrete element includes a Frame structure (2t)} according to claim 9 or 10, a watertight seal of the watertight device (1X1), which forms a connection between the first and second weekly portions for the implementation of the Snowing. to produce the following steps in the content of the JesenbrnesvA medicine: - a cavity (horse) of a substantially vertical wall with its walls, which is at least partially defined by the first concrete element (12a, 12b), is lowered. the job a pit (16}) is a frame structure (20) of claim 9 or 10 and the distance between the watertight seal (3ö) and the iron insert basket (22) is modified so that the watertight seal (30) is in contact with "the first concrete slab (12a, 12b) is a five-ply, and - concrete: poured into the ntank bucket (16) to be a second element (1: 9) of reinforced concrete. to train, n n <í> 'ί> k? , 'W ke,' n í ό, p ✓, <orv χ cl ho'a k lé '<your, -.0-.,! en> <>? second batoxime. The method of claim 12, wherein the distance settings for the frame structure (2b) are the pocket (16) of the workpiece (16). . k n es <z tk U, ki) o -, According to Tgompent, ehaus. "IU. hot, s / ο tom.íe? egvuamukoihk .m ebo heöOv'ent í $ 2a, 12b) when the frame structure (20) is lowered into the pit (tail). and the distance connecting means r .- 'n one of the two nodes in the acid deinatav or retired 1 * Λ' kOi' «. \ t us> v, s mv, liOiAn a, when the skeleton handpiece (120, 220) is ejected from the blade beam (46), 16. The method of claim 12 or ff, wherein the skeleton structure comprises: 28, 220) is lowered into the pit (shoot). while the connecting devices are in the starting position in which the Lavis, '' mn l - es was> '1 poi .oí nboz.v ten ίο > them 'sgheí' xo put> ar r -, -. n-r · -, ou <ounce l'o tt '. s m ?, tll z with its first wall. 17, Laying according to claim 16. wherein the salting of the connecting means (140) from their position to the end position is triggered by the force of gravity on the connecting means (140) and (a). watertight stuffs knife (3 3 0) believed.
HUE14790179A 2013-08-06 2014-08-05 Diaphragm wall HUE035784T2 (en)

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CN104775439B (en) * 2015-04-20 2017-03-15 中建南方投资有限公司 A kind of pattern foundation pit supporting structure sealing integral structure and its construction method
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