HRP970256A2 - A tube with consumable filling - Google Patents

A tube with consumable filling


Publication number
HRP970256A2 HR970256A HRP970256A HRP970256A2 HR P970256 A2 HRP970256 A2 HR P970256A2 HR 970256 A HR970256 A HR 970256A HR P970256 A HRP970256 A HR P970256A HR P970256 A2 HRP970256 A2 HR P970256A2
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Croatian (hr)
Katačić Matija
Original Assignee
Katačić Matija
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Application filed by Katačić Matija filed Critical Katačić Matija
Priority to HR970256A priority Critical patent/HRP970256A2/en
Publication of HRP970256A2 publication Critical patent/HRP970256A2/en



  • Containers And Plastic Fillers For Packaging (AREA)


Područje na koje se izum odnosi The field to which the invention relates

Ovaj izum odnosi se na konzumiranje proizvoda iz tubice. Plastična slamka je fiksirana sa unutarnje strane tubice. Na svom kraju (izlazu) iz tubice slamka je proširena i pojačana. Na taj način proizvod se ne mora držati u rukama nego samo u ustima (zubima). Proizvod doseže veličinu 0,2 dl najviše do 0,3 dl. Plastični čep koji drži da ne iscuri masa iz tubice, prije upotrebe potrebno je skinuti. Tubica se može puniti kreme, sladoled, kakao, žestoki alkohol itd. Ako je konzumna masa kremasta tada se stisne palcem i kažiprstom tubica proizvod će poteći. This invention relates to the consumption of products from a tube. The plastic straw is fixed on the inside of the tube. At its end (exit) from the tube, the straw is expanded and reinforced. In this way, the product does not have to be held in the hands, but only in the mouth (teeth). The product reaches a size of 0.2 dl to a maximum of 0.3 dl. The plastic cap that keeps the mass from leaking out of the tube must be removed before use. The tube can be filled with cream, ice cream, cocoa, hard alcohol, etc. If the mass is creamy, squeeze the tube with your thumb and forefinger and the product will flow.

Tehnički problem Technical problem

Praktično i zadovoljstvo tubica sa konzumnim punjenjem na poslu, za volanom i bez napora za držanje i bez mogućeg prosipanja. Cijelo vrijeme se može držati ustima a da ne smeta. Practicality and satisfaction of tubes with consumable filling at work, behind the wheel and without effort to hold and without possible spillage. It can be kept in the mouth all the time without getting in the way.

Stanje tehnike State of the art

Prema mojim informacijama ovakvo rješenje do sada nije bilo predloženo. Raznih rješenja ima za konzumaciju napitaka i slatkog proizvoda. Uz takve proizvode obično treba posude, omoti i treba držati da se ne rasipa. According to my information, such a solution has not been proposed so far. There are various solutions for the consumption of beverages and sweet products. Such products usually require containers, wraps and should be kept so that they do not get wasted.

Izlaganje suštine izuma Presentation of the essence of the invention

Cilj ovog izuma je u svim uvjetima i prostorima omogućiti konzumiranje krema, kakao, napitak itd. Na poslu, u autu itd. Bez papira, omota, posuda da se ne bi rasipalo. The goal of this invention is to enable the consumption of creams, cocoa, drinks, etc. in all conditions and spaces. At work, in the car, etc. Without paper, wrappers, containers to avoid spillage.

Oblik tubice za konzumiranje je valjkasti dužine 10 cm sa izlazom ojačane plastične slamke koja je prikladna za držanje ustima. Može se tubica držati u vodoravnom položaju ili vertikalnom ovisi kako je savijena plastična slamka na izlazu iz tube. Čep od plastične mase štiti da ne izađe korisni dio iz tubice. Suština i bit izuma je da je plastična slamka fiksirana za tubu i predstavlja jedno tijelo sa tubicom. The shape of the tube for consumption is cylindrical, 10 cm long, with a reinforced plastic straw exit that is suitable for holding in the mouth. The tube can be held in a horizontal or vertical position, depending on how the plastic straw is bent at the exit from the tube. The plastic cap protects the useful part from coming out of the tube. The essence and essence of the invention is that the plastic straw is fixed to the tube and represents one body with the tube.

Kratak opis crteža Brief description of the drawing

Upućujući na crtež br. Referring to drawing no.

1) Može se vidjeti kompaktna tubica . 1) You can see the compact tube.

2) Vidi se tubica bez slamke. 2) You can see the tube without the straw.

3) Vidi se cjevčica(slamka) + čep za zatvaranje. 3) You can see the tube (straw) + cap.

4) Vidi se tubica za korištenje u vertikalnom položaju. 4) You can see the tube for use in a vertical position.

Crtež br. l, pokazuje nam potpun izgled tubice. Horizontalnog korištenja. Drawing no. l, shows us the complete appearance of the tube. Horizontal use.

Detaljan opis najmanje jednog od načina ostvarivanja izuma A detailed description of at least one way of realizing the invention

Pogodnost i jednostavnost ovog izuma je što se može sačiniti od već poznatih materijala kao aluminijska folija, polistiren (plastika) plastificirani papir, itd. Sličnost pakovanja kao pasta za zube, s tim da je manja 03,dl. (Crtež l) Može se vidjeti tubica u koju je ugrađena plastična slamka sa proširenim vanjskim dijelom te plastični čepom. Puni se sa tekućim ili kremastim proizvodima. Držanjem slamke ustima po potrebi stiskanjem palca i kažiprsta na tubicu, poteći će nam korisni proizvod. The convenience and simplicity of this invention is that it can be made from already known materials such as aluminum foil, polystyrene (plastic), plasticized paper, etc. The packaging is similar to toothpaste, with the fact that it is smaller than 03.dl. (Drawing l) You can see a tube in which a plastic straw with an extended outer part and a plastic cap is embedded. It is filled with liquid or cream products. By holding the straw in the mouth and pressing the thumb and forefinger on the tube if necessary, a useful product will flow out.

Način primjene proizvoda How to apply the product

Na taj način izum se može primjenjivati u prehrambenim industrijama. Očigledno proizvod će biti jeftin i pristupačan, pošto već tehnologija punjenja i materijala za izradu izuma postoji. In this way, the invention can be applied in food industries. Obviously, the product will be cheap and affordable, since the filling technology and materials for making the invention already exist.

Claims (4)

1. Tubica s konzumnim punjenjem se sastoji od plastificiranog tijela, slamke te čepa, a izum je naznačen time da fiksno pričvršćena slamka za tijelo ne omogućuje njeno ispadanje pri konzumaciji.1. A tube with a consumable filling consists of a plasticized body, a straw and a cap, and the invention is characterized by the fact that the straw fixed to the body does not allow it to fall out during consumption. 2. Prema zahtjevu 1, naznačena time, da prilikom prevrtanja stoji nemogućnost izlijevanja sadržaja iz tubice.2. According to claim 1, indicated by the fact that when turning over, it is impossible to pour the contents from the tube. 3. Nadalje, prema zahtjevu 1, naznačeno time, da zbog pojave vakuuma prilikom usisavanja, isti je nemoguće ispiti odjednom što produžuje vrijeme ispijanja sadržaja. (Relativno male količine napitka – do 0,03 l). te dakako produžuje ugođaj i samome potrošaču.3. Furthermore, according to claim 1, indicated by the fact that due to the appearance of a vacuum during suction, it is impossible to test it all at once, which prolongs the time of drinking the contents. (Relatively small quantities of beverage – up to 0.03 l). and of course it prolongs the mood for the consumer himself. 4. Slamka navedenog izuma je naznačena time da na svome uporabnom dijelu, sadrži određeno zadebljanje, kako bi potrošač cijelu tubicu mogao pridržavati zubima, što mu pridodaje određenu komociju pri nekim aktivnostima (npr. vožnja automobila).4. The straw of the mentioned invention is characterized by the fact that on its useful part, it contains a certain thickening, so that the consumer can hold the entire tube with his teeth, which adds a certain comfort to him during some activities (e.g. driving a car).
HR970256A 1997-06-16 1997-06-16 A tube with consumable filling HRP970256A2 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HR970256A HRP970256A2 (en) 1997-06-16 1997-06-16 A tube with consumable filling

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
HR970256A HRP970256A2 (en) 1997-06-16 1997-06-16 A tube with consumable filling

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
HRP970256A2 true HRP970256A2 (en) 1999-04-30



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
HR970256A HRP970256A2 (en) 1997-06-16 1997-06-16 A tube with consumable filling

Country Status (1)

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HR (1) HRP970256A2 (en)

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