HRP20020371A2 - Boltless wedge clamp - Google Patents

Boltless wedge clamp Download PDF


Publication number
HRP20020371A2 HR20020371A HRP20020371A HRP20020371A2 HR P20020371 A2 HRP20020371 A2 HR P20020371A2 HR 20020371 A HR20020371 A HR 20020371A HR P20020371 A HRP20020371 A HR P20020371A HR P20020371 A2 HRP20020371 A2 HR P20020371A2
Prior art keywords
clamping element
clamp according
wedge clamp
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Croatian (hr)
Libor Bily
Ulf Brettschneider
Dietmar Faber
Steffen Grossmann
Rolf Linaschke
Original Assignee
Richard Bergner Elektroarmatur
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Application filed by Richard Bergner Elektroarmatur filed Critical Richard Bergner Elektroarmatur
Publication of HRP20020371A2 publication Critical patent/HRP20020371A2/en



    • H02G7/00Overhead installations of electric lines or cables
    • H02G7/05Suspension arrangements or devices for electric cables or lines
    • H02G7/053Suspension clamps and clips for electric overhead lines not suspended to a supporting wire
    • H02G7/056Dead-end clamps


  • Suspension Of Electric Lines Or Cables (AREA)
  • Clamps And Clips (AREA)
  • Electric Cable Installation (AREA)
  • Vehicle Body Suspensions (AREA)
  • Flanged Joints, Insulating Joints, And Other Joints (AREA)
  • Electronic Switches (AREA)


The device has a two-part longitudinally divided clamp body (1) with a key chamber formed by clamp body halves of identical geometry and a two-part cable holder (4) with a key shape matching the key chamber contour that is inserted into the clamp body with the conductor. One cable holder part is extended and curved in the cable outlet. The cable is held in contact with the extended part in the outlet by a holding element.


Izum se odnosi na klinastu stezaljku za zatezanje užadi od aldreja, aluminijskog čelika i aldrej čelika, koje se mogu koristiti bez vijčanih spojeva, a mogu se i umetnuti u zatezne lance za srednje- i visokonaponske nadzemne vodove. The invention relates to a wedge clamp for tensioning Aldrej, aluminum steel and Aldrej steel ropes, which can be used without screw connections, and can also be inserted into tension chains for medium- and high-voltage overhead lines.

Klinaste stezaljke navedene vrste poznate su iz DE 40 19 199 A 1, DE 43 12 535 A1 i EP 0212 643 B1. U svojoj osnovnoj konstrukciji sastoje se od jednog, uglavnom dvodjelnog, u ukovnjima kovanog steznog elementa, u čiju unutrašnjost su umetnuti klinovi stezaljke, odnosno užni prihvatni elementi. U tu svrhu je unutrašnjost, komora klina u uzdužnom pravcu klinasto oblikovana. Ovjes steznog elementa vrši se preko dva bočna pridržna rukavca i pripadajućeg para vezica. Wedge clamps of the mentioned type are known from DE 40 19 199 A 1, DE 43 12 535 A1 and EP 0212 643 B1. In their basic construction, they consist of one, mostly two-part, forging-forged clamping element, in the interior of which are inserted clamp pins, i.e. narrow holding elements. For this purpose, the interior, the chamber of the wedge in the longitudinal direction is wedge-shaped. The suspension of the clamping element is carried out via two lateral retaining sleeves and the corresponding pair of laces.

Svim poznatim rješenjima je zajedničko, da unutrašnje strane krakova steznog tijela koje u montiranom stanju steznog tijela čine zatvorenu šupljinu, imaju podrezne površine. Te podrezne površine čine V-oblik, koje odgovaraju vanjskoj strani u obliku slova V klinova stezaljke koji se uvode i potrebni su za spajanje dijelova steznog elementa. All known solutions have in common that the inner sides of the arms of the clamping body, which in the assembled state of the clamping body form a closed cavity, have undercut surfaces. These undercut surfaces form a V-shape, which corresponds to the V-shaped outer side of the clamp pins that are introduced and are required to connect the parts of the clamping element.

Izvedba kovanih dijelova s podrezima uvjetuje više proizvodne troškove (kovanje sa zasunima), odnosno dodatnu mehaničku obradu za izvedbu podreza i time povezane više troškove alata. The execution of forged parts with undercuts requires higher production costs (forging with latches), i.e. additional mechanical processing for the execution of undercuts and the associated higher tool costs.

Za izvedbu pridržnog rukavca razvijena su i rješenja s odvojenim rukavcem (DE 43 12 535 A1), kod kojih se rukavci nakon izvođenja dvodjelnog steznog elementa, ovjese u rupe napravljene u polovinama steznog elementa. Solutions with a separate sleeve (DE 43 12 535 A1) have also been developed for the design of the retaining sleeve, in which the sleeves are suspended in the holes made in the halves of the clamping element after the two-part clamping element is made.

Kod svih poznatih rješenja za izvođenje dvodjelnih klinova stezaljke odnosno prihvatnih elemenata za užad, uporišta za užad koja se nalaze izvan steznog tijela imaju vijčani spoj za aretiranje užeta u uporištu/prihvatu užeta. Takovi vijčani spojevi uvjetuju veće troškove montaže. In all known solutions for the execution of two-part clamping wedges, i.e. rope receiving elements, the rope supports located outside the clamping body have a screw connection for arresting the rope in the support/rope holder. Such screw connections result in higher assembly costs.

Zadatak izuma je, da se konstruktivno oblikovanje klinaste stezaljke dalje poboljša u cilju efektiviranja proizvodnje i smanjenja troškova montaže, odnosno pojednostavnjenja montaže. The task of the invention is to further improve the constructive design of the wedge clamp in order to make production more effective and reduce assembly costs, i.e. simplify assembly.

Rješenje tog zadatka prema izumu navedeno je u patentnom zahtjevu 1. Daljnji oblici izuma naznačeni su u podzahtjevima. The solution to that task according to the invention is stated in patent claim 1. Further forms of the invention are indicated in the subclaims.

Prema koncepciji izuma su polovine steznog elementa za oblikovanje za stvaranje komore za klinove bez podreznih površina tako oblikovane, da polovine steznog tijela imaju presjeke u obliku slova U, s krajevima svojih bočnih krakova su jedna nasuprot druge, a za spajanje obje polovice steznog tijela su prečke bočnih krakova koje strše iz U-profila tako oblikovane, da mogu zahvatiti jedna u drugu. According to the concept of the invention, the halves of the clamping element for shaping to create a chamber for wedges without undercut surfaces are shaped in such a way that the halves of the clamping body have U-shaped sections, with the ends of their side arms facing each other, and for connecting both halves of the clamping body are crossbars side arms that protrude from the U-profile shaped so that they can engage each other.

Prečke bočnih krakova koje straše iz U-profila polovica steznog tijela čine zahvatne elemente i po paru su izvedene kao stupica i palac, vidi zahtjev 4. Pri tome je stupica umetnuta u prečku, koja se prema van – od U-profila savinuta u koljeno – pruža u produžetku dotičnog U-kraka. Palac je na odstojanju kao skraćena prečka pravokutno od drugog kraja kraka u obliku slova U. Otvor stupice ima mjere presjeka palca i za vrijeme postupka spajanja polovica steznih dijelova, prihvaća palac. Prema ovoj opisanoj konstrukciji su zahvatni elementi stupica i palac tako raspoređeni, da se uz stvaranje zatvorene komore za klinove mogu gurnuti jedan u drugi, a nakon uvođenja klinastog dijela užnog prihvata, više se ne mogu razdvojiti. The crossbars of the side arms that stick out of the U-profile half of the clamping body form gripping elements and are designed in pairs as a post and a thumb, see claim 4. In this case, the post is inserted into the crossbar, which is bent outwards from the U-profile into a knee. provides in the extension of the respective U-arm. The thumb is spaced as a shortened crossbar perpendicular to the other end of the U-shaped arm. The post opening measures the cross-section of the thumb and during the joining process, the half of the clamping parts, accepts the thumb. According to this described construction, the gripping elements of the column and the thumb are arranged in such a way that, with the creation of a closed chamber for wedges, they can be pushed into each other, and after the introduction of the wedge-shaped part of the narrow grip, they can no longer be separated.

S ovom konstrukcijom izvedene polovice steznog elementa proizvedene su kao kovani dijelovi, uglavnom iz aluminijske gnječene legure. Preko profiliranog kukastog elementa i blokiranja polovica steznog elementa oni omogućuju jednostavnu montažu i pouzdano osiguranje protiv uzdužnog pomicanja polovica steznog elementa. With this design, the clamping element halves are produced as forged parts, mainly from crushed aluminum alloy. Through the profiled hook element and blocking of the halves of the clamping element, they enable simple assembly and reliable securing against longitudinal movement of the halves of the clamping element.

Postupkom kovanja se cjelokupna geometrija kućišta u području komore za klinove i kukastog elementa izvodi s velikom mjernom točnosti. Unutrašnjost steznog elementa, dakle komora za klinove, ima prema izumu samo jedan klinasti oblik u uzdužnom pravcu odnosno pravcu umetanja. Taj klinasti oblik ima konturu klinastog dijela dvodjelnog dijela prihvatnog elementa za uže. With the forging process, the overall geometry of the housing in the area of the pin chamber and hook element is performed with high measurement accuracy. According to the invention, the interior of the clamping element, i.e. the chamber for the wedges, has only one wedge shape in the longitudinal direction, i.e. in the direction of insertion. This wedge shape has the contour of the wedge part of the two-part part of the rope receiving element.

Stezni element, a isto tako i posebno proizvedeni rukavci su aluminijski kovani dijelovi. Pri tome se u steznom elementu izradi prihvatni provrt za rukavac. Taj provrt koji se izvodi u vezi s postupkom kovanja je doduše prihvatljiv glede cijene, no ima djelomično velike tolerancije promjera koje su tipične za izradu. The clamping element, as well as the specially produced sleeves, are forged aluminum parts. In doing so, a receiving hole for the sleeve is made in the clamping element. This hole, which is made in connection with the forging process, is admittedly acceptable in terms of price, but it has partially large diameter tolerances that are typical for manufacturing.

Te tolerancije promjera se tako izjednačuju, da se rukavac nakon umetanja u provrt sabije i zakuje u udubljenje koje se nalazi na unutrašnjoj strani steznog elementa. Uslijed sabijanja u promjeru povećan rukavac time garantira pouzdan i mehanički visoko opteretiv spoj. These diameter tolerances are equalized in such a way that after inserting the sleeve into the bore, it is compressed and nailed into the recess located on the inside of the clamping element. As a result of compaction, the increased diameter of the sleeve guarantees a reliable and mechanically highly loaded connection.

Dvodjelni prihvatni element za uže sastoji se s jedne strane iz jednog klinastog dijela s gornjim i donjim dijelom, koji se omotan oko užeta umeće u komoru za klinove steznog elementa. S druge strane prihvatni element za uže ima produljeni dio koji je savijeno izveden u izlazu užeta. Taj produljeni dio prihvatnog elementa za uže služi za vođenje sukanog vodiča u području izlaza užeta (strujnog mosta). U tu svrhu se sukani vodič bez vijaka pričvrsti pomoću najmanje jednog pridržnog elementa prema izume, na produljeni dio elementa za prihvat užeta. The two-part receiving element for the rope consists on one side of a wedge-shaped part with an upper and a lower part, which is wrapped around the rope and inserted into the chamber for the wedges of the clamping element. On the other hand, the receiving element for the rope has an extended part that is bent in the rope outlet. This elongated part of the receiving element for the rope is used to guide the twisted conductor in the area of the rope outlet (current bridge). For this purpose, the twisted conductor without screws is attached by means of at least one retaining element according to the invention, to the extended part of the element for receiving the rope.

Kao pridržni elementi koriste se jednodjelne ili dvodjelne obujmice u obliku slova C. Jednodjelne obujmice zahvaćaju sa svojim zaustavnim dijelovima koji se nalaze na krajevima krakova u zaustavni nasuprotni dio, koji je izrađen u bočnim područjima produženog dijela elementa za prihvat užeta. One-piece or two-piece clamps in the shape of the letter C are used as holding elements. One-piece clamps engage with their stop parts located at the ends of the arms in the opposite stop part, which is made in the side areas of the extended part of the element for receiving the rope.

Dvodjelne obujmice sastoje se iz dva elementa u obliku slova C, gornjeg dijela obujmice i donjeg dijela obujmice, koji preko zaustavnih elemenata koji se nalaze na krajevima krakova obujmica zahvaćaju jedan u drugi i time čine zatvoreni prstenasti oblik koji obuhvaća sukani vodič i dio elementa za prihvat užeta. Two-part clamps consist of two elements in the shape of the letter C, the upper part of the clamp and the lower part of the clamp, which engage one another via the stop elements located at the ends of the arms of the clamps and thus form a closed annular shape that includes the twisted conductor and part of the clamping element rope.

Kako obje polovice steznog elementa, tako se i oba dijela elementa za prihvat užeta, mogu radi osiguranja da se neće izgubiti, spojiti pomoću prikladnog spojnog elementa, vidi zahtjeve 3 i 7. Kod dvodjelnog elementa za prihvat užeta se ta funkcija spoja vrši s jedne strane pomoći najmanje jednog dosjeda kuka - utor, koji je predviđen u krajnjem području gornjeg i donjeg klina i može se provesti s umetnutim sukanim vodičem, kod pozicioniranja koje se zahtijeva za montažu i blokiranja gornjeg i donjeg klina - vidi zahtjev 6. S druge strane, može fiksiranje tog rasporeda za montažu i namještanje određenog prednapona preuzeti gore navedeni spojni element, primjerice zatezna traka, koja je također raspoređena u krajnjem području gornjeg i donjeg klina. As both halves of the clamping element, so also both parts of the rope receiving element, can be connected to ensure that they will not be lost, by means of a suitable connecting element, see requirements 3 and 7. In the case of a two-part rope receiving element, this connection function is performed on one side help at least one hook fit - a groove, which is provided in the end area of the upper and lower pin and can be carried out with an inserted twisted guide, in the positioning required for mounting and blocking of the upper and lower pin - see requirement 6. On the other hand, it can fixing that arrangement for mounting and setting a certain preload take over the above-mentioned connecting element, for example a tension strip, which is also arranged in the end area of the upper and lower wedge.

Daljnje pojedinosti, obilježja i prednosti izuma proizlaze iz donjeg opisa jednog primjera izvedbe, uz pomoć pripadajućih slika, koje prikazuju: Further details, features and advantages of the invention are derived from the description below of one example of performance, with the help of the associated images, which show:

Slika 1 cjelokupan pogled na klinastu stezaljku bez vijaka u ugradbenom stanju s prikazima presjeka prema konstrukciji steznog elementa, Figure 1 overall view of the wedge clamp without screws in the installed state with cross-sectional views according to the construction of the clamping element,

Slika 2 pogled na vanjsku stranu i presjek za konstrukciju steznog elementa, Fig. 2 external view and section for the construction of the clamping element,

Slika 3 prikaz dvodjelnog elementa za prihvat užeta u dva pogleda (bokocrt i nacrt) s pridržnim elementom, Figure 3 shows the two-part element for holding the rope in two views (side view and outline) with the retaining element,

Slika 4 dva oblika izvedbe pridržnog elementa, koji se nalazi na uzlasku užeta, Figure 4 of two versions of the retaining element, which is located on the rise of the rope,

Slika 5 oblik izvedbe dvodjelnog, prstenastog pridržnog elementa. Fig. 5 is the design of the two-part, ring-shaped retaining element.

Slika 1 predočuje klinastu stezaljku prema izumu u dva prikaza i jednom odvojenom prikazu presjeka B-B steznog elementa 1. Prema tome se dalje razvijena klinasta stezaljka sastoji od dijelova steznog elementa 1, dosjeda vezica 2, koji je preko rukavca 3 spojen sa steznim elementom 1, elementa za prihvat užeta 4 s umetnutim sukanim vodičem 6 i pridržnim elementom 6 u izvedbi obujmice u obliku slova C. Prikaz presjeka B-B pokazuje konstrukciju dvodjelnog steznog elementa 1 koji se sastoji od polovica steznog elementa 1.1 i 1.2, koje čine zatvorenu komoru za klinove 1.3. Spoj polovica steznog elementa 1.1, 1.2 vrši se zahvatnim elementima 1.4. koji zahvaćaju jedan u drugi. Figure 1 shows the wedge clamp according to the invention in two views and one separate view of the cross-section B-B of the clamping element 1. Accordingly, the further developed wedge clamp consists of parts of the clamping element 1, the adjacent tie 2, which is connected via the sleeve 3 to the clamping element 1, the element for holding a rope 4 with an inserted twisted guide 6 and a holding element 6 in the form of a C-shaped clamp. Section view B-B shows the construction of the two-part clamping element 1, which consists of the halves of the clamping element 1.1 and 1.2, which form a closed chamber for the wedges 1.3. The connection of the halves of the clamping element 1.1, 1.2 is made by the gripping elements 1.4. which engage one another.

Slika 2 prikazuje osnovnu konstrukciju dvodjelnog steznog elementa s polovicama steznog elementa 1.1 i 1.2. Figure 2 shows the basic construction of the two-part clamping element with halves of the clamping element 1.1 and 1.2.

Iz prikaza presjeka jasno se vidi U-oblik polovica steznog elementa 1.1, 1.2 s komorom za klinove 1.3 koja iz toga proizlazi, na kojoj nema podreznih površina. The cross-sectional view clearly shows the U-shaped halves of the clamping element 1.1, 1.2 with the resulting pin chamber 1.3, on which there are no undercut surfaces.

Na krakovima polovica steznog elementa 1.1, 1.2 su raspoređene prečke 7 - pri čemu su krajevi krakova kao dosjedne površine slobodne – koje su oblikovane kao zahvatni elementi 1.4. Ti zahvatni elementi su po paru izvedeni kao stupica 1.5 i palac 1.6. On the arms of the halves of the clamping element 1.1, 1.2, crossbars 7 are arranged - where the ends of the arms are free as adjacent surfaces - which are shaped as gripping elements 1.4. These gripping elements are performed in pairs as column 1.5 and thumb 1.6.

Raspoznaje se i otvor odnosno provrt 3.1 za prihvat rukavca 3. Preko tih zahvatnih odnosno elemenata za blokiranje 1.4 vrši se pouzdano spajanje polovica steznog elementa. The opening or bore 3.1 for receiving the sleeve 3 is also recognized. Through these engaging or blocking elements 1.4, the halves of the clamping element are securely connected.

Slika 3 prikazuje konstrukciju dvodjelnog elementa za prihvat užeta 4. Gornji prikaz pokazuje bokocrt elementa za prihvat užeta 4 s produljenim dijelom prihvata užeta 4.1 koji se nalazi ispod njega i skraćenim dijelom prihvata 4.2 koji se nalazi iznad, te savijenim izlazom užeta 4.3. Figure 3 shows the construction of the two-part element for receiving the rope 4. The upper view shows the side view of the element for receiving the rope 4 with the extended part of the receiving part of the rope 4.1 located below it and the shortened part of receiving part 4.2 located above, and the bent exit of the rope 4.3.

Dio elementa za prihvat užeta 4.1 bez izlaza užeta 4.3 i dio elementa za prihvat užeta 4.2 čine klinasti dio elementa za prihvat užeta, koji se sastoji od gornjeg klina 4.4 i donjeg klina 4.5 i umeće se u stezni element i to u komoru za klin 1.3 steznog elementa 1, koja komora je glede svoje konture prilagođena presjeku klina. Sukani vodič 5 vodi se između dijelova elementa za prihvat užeta 4.1 i 4.2 i priliježe na izlaz užeta 4.3. Aretiranje sukanog vodiča 5 na izlazu užeta 4.3 vrši se pomoću obujmice 2, vidi i nacrt i prikaz presjeka u donjem prikazu. The part of the element for receiving the rope 4.1 without the exit of the rope 4.3 and the part of the element for receiving the rope 4.2 form the wedge part of the element for receiving the rope, which consists of the upper wedge 4.4 and the lower wedge 4.5 and is inserted into the clamping element and into the chamber for the wedge 1.3 of the clamping of element 1, which chamber is adapted to the cross section of the wedge in terms of its contour. The twisted guide 5 is guided between the parts of the element for receiving the rope 4.1 and 4.2 and rests on the exit of the rope 4.3. The arresting of the twisted conductor 5 at the exit of the rope 4.3 is done by means of the clamp 2, see also the drawing and the cross-section in the view below.

Za ugradnju pravilno pozicioniranje i blokiranje gornjeg i donjeg klina 4.4, 4.5 s umetnutim sukanim vodičem 5 vrši se pomoću dva dosjeda kuka-utor 4.6, 4.7. For installation, the correct positioning and blocking of the upper and lower pegs 4.4, 4.5 with the inserted twisted guide 5 is done using two hook-groove fits 4.6, 4.7.

Fiksiranje tog prihvata užeta 4 koji je pripremljen za umetanje u stezni element 1, preuzima zatezna traka 13, koja djeluje kao spojni element. Preko tog spoja može se i određeni prednapon unijeti u opisani raspored za montažu. The fixing of the rope 4, which is prepared for insertion into the clamping element 1, is taken over by the tension strip 13, which acts as a connecting element. Through this connection, a specific bias voltage can be introduced into the described assembly arrangement.

Iz detalja Z proizlazi u vezi s presjekom A-A unutrašnja kontura gornjeg i donjeg klina 4.4, 4.5 i time oblik kanala za uže 4.8. Prema tome se tijek krivulje kanala užeta 4.8 sastoji od jednog srednjeg dijela s polumjerom R i tangenta T, koje se obostrano priključuju. The inner contour of the upper and lower pegs 4.4, 4.5 and thus the shape of the channel for the rope 4.8 follows from detail Z in connection with the section A-A. Accordingly, the course of the curve of the rope channel 4.8 consists of one middle part with radius R and tangents T, which are connected on both sides.

Izvedbu pridržnog elementa 6 u jednodijelnom obliku, kao obujmica 7 u obliku slova C od ekstrudiranog profila ili savijenog opružnog materijala prikazuje i slika 4. Pri tome obujmica 7 u obliku slova C ima na svojim krajevima krakova 7.1 zaustavne dijelove 8, koji zahvaćaju u zaustavni protudio 9, koji je izrađen u izlaz užeta 4.3. Pomoću suženja presjeka 10 mogu se obujmice 7 montirati bez trajnih deformacija. The design of the holding element 6 in a one-piece form, as a C-shaped clamp 7 made of an extruded profile or a bent spring material is also shown in Figure 4. In this case, the C-shaped clamp 7 has at the ends of its arms 7.1 stop parts 8, which engage in the stop counter part 9, which is made into the output of rope 4.3. By narrowing the section 10, the clamps 7 can be mounted without permanent deformation.

Takva suženja presjeka garantiraju potrebnu elastičnost kod montaže i time olakšavaju montažu. Such narrowing of the cross-section guarantees the necessary elasticity during assembly and thus facilitates assembly.

Zaustavni dijelovi 8 na krajevima krakova 7.1 mogu se izvesti i u više zaustavnih stupnjeva. The stop parts 8 at the ends of the arms 7.1 can be made in several stop stages.

Kod oblika izvedbe na desnom prikazu slike 4. vrši se prilagođenje na različite promjere užeta pomoću prikladnog umetka 11 izrađenog primjerice iz plastike. Taj umetak 11 11 doprinosi i zaštiti užeta kod umetanja i fiksiranja užeta 5 u izlazu užeta 4.3. In the form of performance on the right view of Figure 4, adjustment is made to different diameters of the rope using a suitable insert 11 made, for example, of plastic. This insert 11 11 also contributes to the protection of the rope when inserting and fixing the rope 5 in the rope outlet 4.3.

Daljnja funkcija umetka 11 može biti ukrućenje obujmice 7 u obliku slova C, spunjenjem suženja presjeka 10. A further function of the insert 11 can be to stiffen the C-shaped clamp 7, by pinching the narrowing of the section 10.

Zaustavni protudio 9 na izlazu užeta 4.3 može biti izveden i u uzdužnom pravcu izlaza užeta 4.3. koso ili stepenasto u odnosu na tijek zamišljene središnje linije izlaza užeta. Time se za slučaj nepromijenjene veličine obujmice 7 u obliku slova C, užad 5 s različitim promjerom užeta može držati zategnuto na izlazu užeta 4.3 i pritezati. The stop counter part 9 at the exit of the rope 4.3 can also be made in the longitudinal direction of the exit of the rope 4.3. oblique or stepped in relation to the course of the imaginary center line of the rope exit. Thus, for the case of unchanged size of the C-shaped clamp 7, the rope 5 with different rope diameter can be held taut at the rope outlet 4.3 and tightened.

Predmet slike 5 je oblik izvedbe dvodjelnog, prstenastog pridržnog elementa 12, koji se sastoji od gornjeg dijela obujmice 12.1 u obliku slova C i donjeg dijela obujmice 12.2. Oba dijela 12.1, 12.2 se zaustavnim elementima na svojim krajevima kraka 12.3 spajaju u zatvoreni prsten. Zatvorena prstenasta obujmica 12 sastoji se uglavnom od dva ekstrudirana profila s prikladnim eleementima za blokiranje na krajevima kraka 12.3, koji zahvaćaju jedan u drugi i time drže sukani vodič 5 u izlazu užeta 4.3. The subject of Figure 5 is the design of the two-part, annular holding element 12, which consists of the upper part of the clamp 12.1 in the shape of the letter C and the lower part of the clamp 12.2. Both parts 12.1, 12.2 are connected in a closed ring by means of stop elements at their ends of the arm 12.3. The closed annular clip 12 consists mainly of two extruded profiles with suitable blocking elements at the ends of the arm 12.3, which engage one another and thereby hold the twisted conductor 5 in the rope outlet 4.3.

Popis oznaka List of tags

1 Stezni element 1 Clamping element

1.1 polovica steznog elementa 1.1 half of the clamping element

1.2 polovica steznog elementa 1.2 half of the clamping element

1.3 komora za klin 1.3 wedge chamber

1.4 zahvatni elementi 1.4 gripping elements

1.5 stupica 1.5 columns

1.6 palac 1.6 inch

1.7 prečka 1.7 bar

2 Par vezica 2 A pair of laces

3 Rukavac (na steznom elementu) 3 Sleeve (on the clamping element)

3.1 otvor za prihvat rukavca 3 3.1 opening for receiving sleeve 3

4 Prihvat užeta 4 Rope acceptance

4.1 produljeni dio prihvata užeta 4.1 extended part of the rope acceptance

4.2 skraćeni dio prihvata užeta 4.2 shortened part of the rope acceptance

4.3 produljenje od 4.1, izlaz užeta 4.3 extension of 4.1, rope outlet

4.4 gornji klin 4.4 upper wedge

4.5 donji klin 4.5 lower wedge

4.6 kuka 4.6 hip

4.7 utor 4.7 slot

4.8 kanal užeta 4.8 rope channel

5 Sukani vodič 5 Wire guide

6 Pridržni element 6 Holding element

7 Obujmica, pričvrsni element 7 Clamp, fastening element

7.1 krajevi kraka 7.1 arm ends

8 Zaustavni dio na 7.1 8 Stop part on 7.1

9 Zaustavni protudio na 4.3 9 Stop counterpart to 4.3

10 Suženja presjeka 10 Narrowing of sections

11 Umeci 11 Inserts

12 Dvodjelni pridržni dio 12 Two-part retaining part

12.1 gornji dio obujmice 12.1 upper part of the clamp

12.2 donji dio obujmice 12.2 lower part of the clamp

12.3 krajevi kraka sa zaustavnim elementima 12.3 arm ends with stop elements

13 Spojni element, zatezna traka 13 Connecting element, tension strip

Claims (20)

1. Klinasta stezaljka bez vijaka za zatezanje užadi od aluminija, aldreja, aluminijskog čelika i aldrej čelika za srednje- i visokonaponske nadzemne vodove, naznačena time, što se sastoji a) od dvodjelnog uzdužno podijeljenog steznog elementa (1), čija komora za klin (1.3) je oblikovana od obje polovice steznog elementa (1.1, 1.2) iste geometrije, koji zrcalno simetrično s bočnim krajevima kraka svog U-profilnog presjeka stoje jedan na drugome, pri čemu komora klina (1.3) nema podrezne površine, a u uzdužnom pravcu i time i u pravcu umetanja ima klinasti oblik, dok za spajanje polovica steznog elementa (1.1, 1.2) na kraju bočnog kraka u obliku slova U postoji par zahvatnih elemenata (1.4) koji strši prema van, a stezni element (1) je pomoću dva rukavca (3) spojen s jednim parom vezica (2), od dvodjelnog prihvata užeta (4) s klinastim oblikom koji je u dijelu za klin prilagođen konturi komore za klin (1.3), koji se omotan oko sukanog vodiča (5) umeće u stezni element (1), pri čemu je jedan od dva dijela prihvata užeta (4) izveden produljeno i savinuto u izlaz užeta, a sukani vodič u području izlaza užeta (4.3) naliježe na dio prihvata užeta (4.1) i bez vijaka je pomoću jednog prihvatnog elementa (6), aretiran. 1. Wedge clamp without screws for tightening ropes made of aluminum, Aldrej, aluminum steel and Aldrej steel for medium- and high-voltage overhead lines, indicated by the fact that it consists a) from a two-part longitudinally divided clamping element (1), whose chamber for the wedge (1.3) is formed from both halves of the clamping element (1.1, 1.2) of the same geometry, which mirror symmetrically with the side ends of the arms of their U-profile cross-section, stand on top of each other , where the wedge chamber (1.3) has no undercutting surfaces, and in the longitudinal direction and thus in the direction of insertion it has a wedge shape, while for connecting the halves of the clamping element (1.1, 1.2) at the end of the U-shaped side leg there is a pair of gripping elements (1.4) which protrudes outwards, and the clamping element (1) is connected to one pair of laces (2) by means of two sleeves (3), from the two-part rope receiver (4) with a wedge shape, which in the wedge part is adapted to the contour of the wedge chamber (1.3), which is wrapped around the twisted conductor (5) and inserted into the clamping element (1), where one of the two parts is the receiver the rope (4) is extended and bent into the rope outlet, and the twisted guide in the area of the rope outlet (4.3) rests on the part of the rope receptacle (4.1) and is locked without screws by means of one receptacle element (6). 2. Klinasta stezaljka prema zahtjevu 1, naznačena time, da su stezni element (1) i/ili dijelovi prihvata užeta (4.1, 4.2) izvedeni kao kovani dio od aluminijske gnječene legure.2. Wedge clamp according to claim 1, characterized by the fact that the clamping element (1) and/or the rope receiving parts (4.1, 4.2) are made as a forged part from crushed aluminum alloy. 3. Klinasta stezaljka prema zahtjevu 1 ili 2, naznačena time, što su polovice steznog elementa (1.1, 1.2) pomoću najmanje jednog spojnog elementa koji ostvaruje zglobni jednostrani spoj polovica steznog elementa, neizgubivo spojene jedna s drugom.3. Wedge clamp according to claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the halves of the clamping element (1.1, 1.2) are permanently connected to each other by means of at least one connecting element that achieves a hinged one-sided connection of the halves of the clamping element. 4. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 3, naznačena time, što su zahvatni elementi (1.4) izvedeni kao stupica (1.5), u koju ulazi palac (1.6), pri čemu je stupica (1.5) umetnuta u prečku (1.7), koji se prema van savinuta u koljeno pruža u produljenje jednog U-kraka polovica steznog elementa (1.1, 1.2), a palac (1.6) odstoji prema van od drugog kraja kraka u obliku slova U polovica steznog elementa, dok otvor stupice (1.5) ima dimenzije presjeka palca, a stupica (1.5) i palac (1.6) su tako raspoređeni, da bočne strane U-kraka ostaju slobodne kao ležajna površina obje polovice steznog elementa za oblikovanje komore za klin (1.3).4. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the gripping elements (1.4) are designed as a column (1.5), into which the thumb (1.6) enters, the column (1.5) being inserted into the bar (1.7) , which, bent outwards at the knee, extends into the extension of one U-arm half of the clamping element (1.1, 1.2), and the thumb (1.6) stands outward from the other end of the U-shaped arm of the half of the clamping element, while the opening of the column (1.5) has the dimensions of a thumb section, and the post (1.5) and the thumb (1.6) are arranged in such a way that the sides of the U-arm remain free as a bearing surface of both halves of the clamping element for shaping the wedge chamber (1.3). 5. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 4, naznačena time, da je kod izvođenja rukavaca (3) i steznog elementa (1) kao aluminijskih kovanih dijelova, izveden prihvatni provrt (3.1) za rukavac (3) kao provrt s grubim tolerancijama, a rukavac (3) koji se vodi kroz provrt sabijen je na promjer provrta i zakovan u udubljenju na unutrašnjoj strani steznog elementa.5. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 1 to 4, characterized by the fact that when the sleeves (3) and the clamping element (1) are made as aluminum forged parts, the receiving hole (3.1) for the sleeve (3) is made as a hole with rough tolerances , and the sleeve (3) which is guided through the hole is compressed to the diameter of the hole and riveted in the recess on the inner side of the clamping element. 6. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 5, naznačena time, što za pozicioniranje i blokiranje gornjeg klina (4.4) i donjeg klina (4.5) dvodjelnog prihvata užeta (4) u poziciji montaže kod sukanog vodiča (5) umetnutog između gornjeg i donjeg klina prije umetanja klinastog spoja u komoru za klin (1.3), postoji najmanje jedan dosjed klin (4.6) – utor (4.7) u gornjem i donjem klinu (4.4, 4.5).6. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 1 to 5, characterized in that for positioning and blocking the upper wedge (4.4) and the lower wedge (4.5) of the two-part rope receiver (4) in the mounting position at the twisted conductor (5) inserted between the upper and of the lower pin before inserting the wedge joint into the pin chamber (1.3), there is at least one matching pin (4.6) - groove (4.7) in the upper and lower pin (4.4, 4.5). 7. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 6, naznačena time, što je za proizvodnju spoja oba dijela prihvata užeta (4) i time za garanciju neizgubivosti oba dijela prihvata užeta (4.1, 4.2), kao i za fiksiranje prihvata užeta, na sukanom vodiču (5) predviđen, s oba dijela prihvata užeta (4.1, 4.2) spojen, izvana zahvatni spojni element (13) u obliku zatezne trake, cijevne obujmice ili sl. sa ili bez vodilice utora, koji kod montaže može vršiti određenu silu prednapona na raspored montaže, gornji i donji klin (4.4, 4.5) plus uključeni sukani vodič (5).7. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 1 to 6, characterized by the fact that it is for the production of the connection of both parts of the rope acceptance (4) and thus for guaranteeing the indestructibility of both parts of the rope acceptance (4.1, 4.2), as well as for fixing the rope acceptance, on the twisted guide (5) is provided with, connected to both parts of the rope receiver (4.1, 4.2), an externally engaging connecting element (13) in the form of a tension band, pipe clamp or the like with or without a slot guide, which can exert a certain preload force during assembly on the assembly schedule, the upper and lower peg (4.4, 4.5) plus the included twisted guide (5). 8. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 7, naznačena time, što se kanal užeta (4.8) oblikovan od unutrašnjih strana gornjeg i donjeg klina (4.4, 4.5) sastoji u svojoj konturi presjeka iz srednjeg dijela s polumjerom R i tangencijalnih površina T, koje se obostrano priključuju (vidi pojedinost Z na slici 3.).8. A wedge clamp according to one of claims 1 to 7, characterized in that the rope channel (4.8) formed from the inner sides of the upper and lower wedges (4.4, 4.5) consists in its contour of a section from the middle part with a radius R and tangential surfaces T , which are connected on both sides (see detail Z in Figure 3). 9. Klinasta stezaljka prema zahtjevu 8, naznačena time, što polumjer R u svojoj veličini odgovara barem polumjeru sukanog vodiča (5) koji naliježe.9. Wedge clamp according to claim 8, characterized by the fact that the radius R corresponds in its size to at least the radius of the twisted conductor (5) that lies on it. 10. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 9, naznačena time, što je produljeni dio prihvata užeta (4.1) s izlazom užeta (4.3) u spoju oba dijela (4.1, 4.2) prihvata užeta (4), raspoređen u steznom elementu dolje ili gore kao protudio prema drugom dijelu prihvata užeta (4.2). 10. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 1 to 9, characterized in that the extended part of the rope receiver (4.1) with the rope outlet (4.3) in the connection of both parts (4.1, 4.2) of the rope receiver (4) is arranged in the clamping element below or above as a counter part to the second part of the rope acceptance (4.2). 11. Klinasta stezaljka prema zahtjevu 10, naznačena time, što se na izlazu užeta (4.3) nalazi prikladno profiliranje u obliku noseva i/ili udubljenja.11. Wedge clamp according to claim 10, characterized by the fact that there is a suitable profiling in the form of noses and/or recesses at the exit of the rope (4.3). 12. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 11, naznačena time, da je kao pridržni element (6) za aretiranje sukanog vodiča (5) na savijenom produženju (4.3) dijela prihvata užeta (4.1) predviđena barem jedna obujmica (7) u obliku slova C.12. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 1 to 11, characterized in that at least one clip (7) is provided as a retaining element (6) for arresting the twisted conductor (5) on the bent extension (4.3) of the rope receiving part (4.1) in C-shaped. 13. Klinasta stezaljka prema zahtjevu 12, naznačena time, što se obujmica (7) u obliku slova C, sastoji od jednog ekstrudiranog profila ili savijenog opružnog materijala. 13. Wedge clamp according to claim 12, characterized in that the clamp (7) in the shape of the letter C consists of one extruded profile or bent spring material. 14. Klinasta stezaljka prema zahtjevu 12 ili 13, naznačena time, što krajevi krakova obujmice (7) imaju zaustavne dijelove (8) koji zahvaćaju u zaustavni protudio (9) koji se nalazi u bočnim zonama produljenja (4.3) dijela prihvata užeta (4.1) ili u području bočnih zona.14. Wedge clamp according to claim 12 or 13, characterized in that the ends of the arms of the clamp (7) have stop parts (8) that engage in the stop counter part (9) located in the side extension zones (4.3) of the rope receiving part (4.1) or in the area of the side zones. 15. Klinasta stezaljka prema zahtjevu 14, naznačena time, što je zaustavni protudio (9) uzduž produljenog dijela prihvata užeta (4.1) izveden koso ili stepenasto na izlazu užeta (4.3).15. Wedge clamp according to claim 14, indicated by the fact that the stop counter part (9) along the elongated part of the rope acceptance (4.1) is made obliquely or stepped at the exit of the rope (4.3). 16. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 15, naznačena time, što je obujmica (7) u obliku slova C neizgubivo spojena s produljenjem (4.3) dijela prihvata užeta (4.1) i okretanjem i/ili pomicanjem na produljenju (4.3) može se dovesti u pridržnu poziciju za sukani vodič (5).16. Wedge clamp according to one of the claims 1 to 15, characterized in that the clamp (7) in the shape of the letter C is permanently connected to the extension (4.3) of the rope receiving part (4.1) and turning and/or moving on the extension (4.3) can be brought into the holding position for the twisted conductor (5). 17. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 12 do 16, naznačena time, što obujmica (7) ima zglobove u obliku suženja presjeka (10).17. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 12 to 16, characterized in that the clamp (7) has joints in the form of narrowing of the section (10). 18. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 12 do 17, naznačena time, što naročito za podešavanje na različite promjere užeta, obujmica (7) u obliku slova C, ima prikladne umetke (11).18. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 12 to 17, characterized in that, especially for adjustment to different rope diameters, the clamp (7) in the shape of the letter C has suitable inserts (11). 19. Klinasta stezaljka prema zahtjevu 18, naznačena time, što su umeti (11) elastični ili izvedeni od plastičnog materijala i sl.19. Wedge clamp according to claim 18, characterized in that the inserts (11) are elastic or made of plastic material, etc. 20. Klinasta stezaljka prema jednom od zahtjeva 1 do 19, naznačena time, što je kao pridržni element (6) predviđena dvodjelna obujmica (12) koja se nakon montaže pretvara u zatvoreni prsten (12), a koja se sastoji iz gornjeg dijela obujmice (12.1) u obliku slova C i donjeg dijela obujmice (12.2) u obliku slova C, pri čemu se prstenasti spoj oba dijela obujmice (12.1, 12.2) vrši zaustavnim elementima i elementima za blokiranje koji se nalaze u krajevima krakova (12.3) koji su okrenuti jedan prema drugome.20. Wedge clamp according to one of claims 1 to 19, indicated by the fact that a two-part clip (12) is provided as a holding element (6), which after assembly turns into a closed ring (12), and which consists of the upper part of the clip ( 12.1) in the shape of the letter C and the lower part of the clamp (12.2) in the shape of the letter C, whereby the annular connection of both parts of the clamp (12.1, 12.2) is made by stopping elements and blocking elements located at the ends of the arms (12.3) which are turned one towards the other.
HR20020371A 2001-05-05 2002-04-26 Boltless wedge clamp HRP20020371A2 (en)

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