GB2391213A - Strip of packaging elements joined at lines of weakness - Google Patents

Strip of packaging elements joined at lines of weakness Download PDF


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GB2391213A GB0217229A GB0217229A GB2391213A GB 2391213 A GB2391213 A GB 2391213A GB 0217229 A GB0217229 A GB 0217229A GB 0217229 A GB0217229 A GB 0217229A GB 2391213 A GB2391213 A GB 2391213A
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packaging elements
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GB0217229D0 (en
John Colin Ogden
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Buralls of Wisbech Ltd
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Buralls of Wisbech Ltd
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Publication of GB2391213A publication Critical patent/GB2391213A/en
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    • B65B61/00Auxiliary devices, not otherwise provided for, for operating on sheets, blanks, webs, binding material, containers or packages
    • B65B61/04Auxiliary devices, not otherwise provided for, for operating on sheets, blanks, webs, binding material, containers or packages for severing webs, or for separating joined packages
    • B65B61/12Auxiliary devices, not otherwise provided for, for operating on sheets, blanks, webs, binding material, containers or packages for severing webs, or for separating joined packages by tearing along perforations or lines of weakness


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Basic Packing Technique (AREA)


A method for supplying packaging elements 12, and a supply of said packaging elements, comprises providing an elongate strip 16 consisting of a series of elements 12 in either a fan-folded stack 30 or on a roll 46, with lines of weakness 20 separating each element and providing separation control and attitude and position control means. The line of weakness may be a fold line or perforation line. Each element may have adapted portions to be conformed to the general dimensions or profile of the product to be packaged.


This invention relates to a method and apparatus for product packaging. More particularly, but not exclusively, the invention relates to such method and apparatus applicable to product packaging sleeves of the general kind 5 currently used in relation to food items for identifying same and providing good quality printed information relating thereto. An example of such product packaging sleeves are sleeves applied to containers, whether open-topped or not, 10 which might contain such items as meat or fish or vegetable products, whether prepared or partially prepared or unprepared for immediate eating. Such sleeves often include a good quality printed colour image of the product itself together with identifying description and trade marks and
15 the like. The information may also include quantitative data relating to the weight and/or price of the product. Such quantitative data may be printed before or during the packaging process. In this latter regard we refer to our related patent rights GB 2357273.
20 The embodiments of the present invention may be used with or without facilities for in line printing of data.
The present invention is concerned with improvements in the method and apparatus for applying sleeves to their relevant product items, and notably to various logistical 25 aspects of this including the arrangements to be made for supplying such sleeves to a user for application to the product items, the format in which they are supplied, and the ease with which such user may be able to apply them, notably including the complexity and expense or otherwise of 30 the apparatus required for such application.
Shortcomings of existing arrangements for the provision of sleeve-type product packaging include the inherent physical consequence of current provision of the packaging
in roll format whereby the individual packaging items tend to have an inherent degree of curl.
Another technical shortcoming of present arrangements for assembly of sleeve and the like format packaging 5 elements in relation to their products in accordance with currently-available techniques is that there is often a requirement for some means to present the individual packaging elements to the product in a defined attitude, not only with respect to the product, but also with respect to 10 the next-following packaging element, and this is often met by the mounting of the packaging elements on a web of some kind, for example a web of release-material-covered paper or film. At the very least this leads to the consumption and wastage of large volumes of such material after packaging of 15 the product has taken place. Alternatively, it is not infrequent that sleeve and the like type product packaging elements are applied to the product by hand, or else there is a manual element in the packaging procedure and this leads to unacceptable cost implications, limitations on 20 packaging speed, and other logistical disadvantages.
An object of the present invention is to provide a method and corresponding apparatus whereby some at least of these shortcomings are mitigated or overcome.
It is to be understood that while the principal 25 application of the invention is in relation to product packaging sleeves, at least some aspects of the invention can find application to product packaging elements which are not strictly speaking sleeve-like in format but may, for example, enclose the product more completely than a sleeve 30 does.
According to the invention there is provided a method and apparatus as defined in the accompanying claims.
We have discovered that significant advantages in relation to the packaging, particularly but not exclusively 35 the in-line packaging, of products of many different kinds
are available by the use of product packaging elements in which successive ones of such packaging elements are, prior to application to the relevant product, linked to each other by at least a portion of such packaging element which is 5 perforated. Usually, such perforations will be between adjacent edges of successive packaging elements. Usually also there will not be a removable strip or other portion between such edges, but such removable strip or portion may be convenient in some cases.
10 The adoption of perforations linking successive product packaging elements leads, in this particular technical field, to significant advantages in the logistics of the
supply of the packaging elements to their respective products to be packaged, notably in terms of a 15 simplification of the procedures for the removal of successive ones of such product packaging elements from a continuous supply thereof, such as a roll. Such removal or detachment can thus be effected without resorting to the complications and expense inherent in a guillotine 20 arrangement. Indeed, the facility to snap-off successive product packaging elements from a supply means that successive ones in a supply, for example a roll, of product packaging elements can be presented to successive products to be packaged relatively easily in a defined attitude and 25 format so that the application of each product packaging element to its product with these two potentially relatively moveable items in the exactly-required relative positions is easily achieved. Then, the snap-off (or other) separation step can be performed either before or after such relative 30 positioning and on the basis merely of the application of the required tension force (or otherwise) whether supplemented or not by a corresponding progressive shearing force applied to one end or the other of the row of perforations so that severance is achieved either 35 progressively or in a one-step manner.
( of course, perforations will usually be used along a straight edge, but some departure from exact linearity can be tolerated whilst still achieving an acceptable measure of the advantages discussed above.
5 Turning now to the aspect of the invention relating to fan-folding of the packaging elements, we have discovered that such a format of the packaging elements leads to significant logistical advantages in terms of the facility with which they can be managed and manipulated and generally lo positioned for use in relation to the product packaging steps with which the present invention is concerned.
Whereas it has hitherto been the practice to produce and deliver sheet material product packaging elements in roll form (where the packaging elements are to be supplied 15 in a continuous end-to-end format) or in individual sheet format, usually stacked (where a discontinuous non endto-
end relationship is required), these arrangements have not been particularly successful in terms of facilitating efficient presentation and manipulation of the product 20 packaging elements in the technically sensitive stage of application to and ensuring secure mounting on the individual product elements.
Although of course fan folding is not new per se, nor even in relation to the high speed printing of continuous 25 sheet material such as sprocketfed stationery, nevertheless it is believed that the use of fan folding in relation to the manipulation and presentation of product packaging elements to their individual products in the technical field
with which the present invention is concerned has a 30 significant contribution to make, at least so far as concerns the techniques currently used in the production and packaging of marketplace commodities known to the applicants. In this regard we note that fan folding whether with or 35 without perforation at the folds, enables production and
s delivery and storage by the intended user of product packaging elements in a reliably-flat format, thereby eliminating the technical problems (in terms of handling and application to the product) which are inherent in the curved 5 format resulting from roll-form manufacture and delivery (to users)of product packaging elements. Such flatness matters in relation to achieving high quality visual presentation of the product where colour graphics (illustrating to the intending purchaser) the contents of the entire package to 10 be bought, are employed. For such purposes a flat presentation as opposed to a curved presentation is a significant benefit, and the same applies generally in relation to the visual format of the product sleeve (or other format) packaging element, since unless curvature is 15 clearly part of the intended product presentation it tends to convey a lack of production control and thus a lack of quality A further advantage arising in the embodiments described below from the adoption of a fan-folded format 20 concerns end-to-end presentation of the product packaging elements for successive application to individual items of the product to be packaged. Thus, it will be appreciated, where a fan-folded assembly of product packaging elements is provided at a product packaging line, these can be 25 progressively unfolded from a generally flat stack, for successive individual presentation to packaging apparatus which engages and grips or otherwise takes hold of the long strip of successive packaging elements and passes it through the apparatus so that it is subjected to a series of 30 application steps whereby it is applied and secured to the product. Because the fan-folded product packaging elements are inherently secured to each other at the fan folds, such securing of the elements to each other ensures that each is 35 in a defined attitude with respect to the next one and
therefore by controlling the attitude of the strip or line of product packaging elements, particularly with respect to its general direction of forward movement, the attitude of all, and notably of the first one (which is the next to be 5 processed) are likewise controlled.
It will be understood that the fan folds themselves may be perforated along the fold or merely creased. In the case where creasing (alone) is adopted, then a cutting or shearing mechanism will be required, for example a 10 guillotine, though such may in some cases be of benefit also where perforations are to be used, according to the user requirements and apparatus availability.
It will be understood from the foregoing that an important aspect of the embodiments of the invention 15 described below concerns the provision of features whereby separation control and attitude and position control for the packaging elements is provided. Thus, in the embodiments there is provided combined separation control and attitude and position control devices, one for each packaging 20 element, and adapted, firstly, to enable each of the packaging elements (when it is the end one of the strip of packaging elements), to be controlled in terms of its attitude and position prior to presentation to its respective product to be packaged, and adapted, secondly, to 25 define and facilitate the separation of said end one of the packaging elements from the next adjacent packaging element.
To put it another way, it is an important feature of the embodiments of the invention that separation of the packaging elements and the presentation of same in a 30 controlled position and attitude is improved with respect to previous systems. With this objective in mind the embodiments of the invention provide devices and means for combined separation control and attitude and position control accordingly, and in a way offering a substantial 35 technical advance with respect to previous systems which
have been largely confined to the presentation of packaging elements for application to their respective products to be packaged in an individual manner or simply as a continuous strip of undifferentiated portions of a roll of sheet 5 material. Where packaging elements have been presented individually to their products to be packaged, this necessitated the provision of separate means such as a web to control their separation (in terms of spacing) and to support them in a suitable attitude and position in each 10 case. The embodiments of the present invention, by providing combined device and means for controlling separation and attitude and position enable, at a stroke, these combined functions to be provided in a simple and economical manner.
Moreover, this is achieved with an absolute minimum cost and 15 complexity, both in terms of the packaging elements themselves, and in terms of the apparatus needed for controlling same.
In the embodiments, this step forward is achieved by the adoption of the separation control and attitude and 20 position control devices comprising a separation control line extending generally at right angles to the longitudinal and lengthwise extent axis of the strip of packaging elements, and said separation control line comprising a line of weakness applied to the packaging elements and adapted to 25 enable said separation control while permitting said attitude and position control. The lines of weakness serve to define the lines along which the packaging elements will be separated while being adapted and so constructed that the attitude and position control may be effected therethrough.
30 In the embodiments, the line of weakness in some cases is provided by a full line and in other cases is provided by a line of perforations. In still other cases, the line of perforation serves to define a full line. In all such cases, the lines of weakness serve to provide the combined function 35 of separation and control while permitting attitude and
position control through the line of weakness. In other words, the line of weakness defines the location of the line of separation of successive packaging elements while nevertheless allowing (by virtue of the end-toend linking 5 of successive packaging elements through the lines of weakness), the control of position and attitude as the packaging elements are presented to their respective products, as they approach the region of application of same to their respective products to be packaged, whereby 10 accurate relative positioning of product and its packaging is readily achieved.
The discovery that such a degree of control of the packaging elements can be provided by the simple expedient of a line of weakness in the strip thereof represents a key 15 feature of one aspect of the present invention.
Embodiments of the invention will now be described by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings in which: Fig 1 shows a somewhat diagrammatic general perspective 20 view illustrating an embodiment of a method according to the invention in which a strip of packaging elements is fed from a fan-folded stack of such packaging elements over feed rollers to packaging element separation apparatus and the thus-separated packaging elements are then applied to 25 individual products to be packaged; Fig 2 shows a perspective view, generally in the direction by arrow II in Fig 1, of a product to be packaged with its packaging element applied thereto, the view being generally from below and to one side, showing the peripheral 30 portions of the packaging element secured in their overlapped positions; Fig 3 shows, on a larger scale, a view generally on the line indicated by arrow III in Fig 1 of two successive product packaging elements forming part of a strip thereof, 35 this view showing the modified profiles of the individual
packaging elements as might well be adopted for a particular commercial application, such modified profile not being shown in the general view of Fig 1.
As shown in the drawings, a method of applying a series 5 10 of product packaging elements 12 to a series of products 14 to be packaged comprises supplying said series lO of packaging elements in the form of an elongated strip 16 with a plurality of said packaging elements 12 forming said strip. The plurality of packaging elements 12 are joined to 10 each other in the form of said elongated and continuous strip 16.
Each of the plurality of packaging elements 12 is adapted to be applied to its respective product 14 to be packaged by having specific defined and at least peripheral 15 portions 18 thereof adapted to be caused to be folded or otherwise deflected of formed to conform to the general dimensions and profile of the relevant portion of the product 14 to be packaged.
As shown in Fig 1, the method of the invention 20 comprises the step of applying the packaging elements 12 to their respective products 14 to be packaged in sequence, such application being in a defined attitude and position with respect to said product to be packaged, and the packaging elements being separated from the strip 16 thereof 25 in sequence prior to such application, and such application to the product to be packaged comprising the step of folding or deflecting or forming the at least peripheral portions 18 of the packaging elements as aforesaid and securing same accordingly in the packaged condition shown in Fig 2 of the 30 product 14 to be packaged.
The continuous strip 16 of packaging elements 12 comprises a series of combined separation control and attitude and position control devices 20 which are provided, one for each packaging element 12 and adapted firstly to 35 enable each of the packaging elements 12 when it is the end
one of the strip 16 of said packaging elements to be controlled in terms of its attitude and position prior to presentation to its respective product 14 to be packaged, and adapted secondly to define and facilitate the separation 5 of said end one of said packaging elements 12 from the next adjacent packaging element.
The separation control and attitude and position control devices or means 20 each comprise a separation control line 22 extending generally at right angles to the 10 longitudinal and lengthwise extent axis 24 of the strip 16 of packaging elements. The separation and control lines each comprise a line of weakness 26 applied to the packaging elements and adapted to enable such separation control while permitting said attitude and position control.
15 The lines 26 of weakness serve to define the lines along which the packaging elements 12 will be separated while being adapted and soconstructed that such attitude and position control may be effected therethrough prior to such separation of the packaging elements.
20 The lines of weakness 26 between the packaging elements 12 comprise in one embodiment fold lines 28 and the method comprises the step of folding the strip 16 of packaging elements along the fold lines 28 so as to adopt the format of a fan-folded stack 30 of the packaging elements, and the 25 method comprising the step of taking such a stack of fan folded packaging elements and using same as a supply of packaging elements, as can be seen at the right hand side of Fig 1.
Turning now to the nature of the sheet material 32 of 30 the packaging elements 12, this sheet material has a degree of stiffness such that the formation of the fan-folded stack 30 causes the sheet material of the successive packaging elements 12 of the stack to adopt a co-planar laminar format as can be seen in the stack 30 from which the packaging 35 elements 12 emerge, upon successive unfolding of the
packaging elements as shown at 34 from one end 36 of the stack, with a tendency to retain the generally flat planar format which they had in the stack during the subsequent handling and processing steps indicated generally at 38 in 5 Fig l involving separation from said strip 16 and application of the individual packaging elements 12 to the product 14 to be packaged and thus to retain said generally flat planar format, at least on the main face 40 of the packaging 42 after application to the product 14 In the 10 stage of application of the product packaging element to the product, the application is effected while retaining the generally flat planar format, as aforesaid, whereby printed matter on the generally flat planar portions of the packaging is clearly presented to consumers in subsequent 15 use of the packaged product.
In another embodiment, the line 26 of weakness between successive packaging elements comprises a perforation line 44 (consisting of successive spaced perforations separated by short portions or lands between the successive 20 perforations and serving to connect the successive packaging elements). Ten perforation lines 44 serve to define the location at which successive packaging elements 12 are separated from each other in the method of the invention as is to be described below.
25 Usually, where perforation lines 44 are provided, the packaging elements 12 are fan-folded as shown in Fig 1, and the perforation lines 44 serve to define the lines at which such fan-folding occurs.
In the illustrated embodiments the stack 30 of 30 packaging elements 12 represents the usual format of the supply of packaging elements, but there is shown in Fig l a roll 46 of packaging elements which may be convenient for certain applications of the invention where the separation control and attitude and position control devices 20 are 35 provided in the form of a perforation line or a line of
12. weakness such as a fold line defined by a groove or the like formed in the sheet material, or even where a fold has been previously formed and then the sheet material is returned or caused to adopt for the first time a roll format. In such a 5 case, the strip lb of packaging elements will be led off from roll 46 in a similar manner to that otherwise shown in Fig 1.
In Fig 1, the strip 16 of packaging elements is caused to pass over feed rollers 48 leading it to a packaging 10 element separation device 50 which causes the packaging elements to be separated, successively, along the lines of weakness 26 for presentation to the products 14 to be packaged, as shown at the lefthand side in Fig 1.
Turning now to the format of the packaging elements 12 15 shown in Fig 3, it will be noted that each packaging element 12 has slightly tapering peripheral portions 18 defined by convergent edges 52 which likewise define end portions 54 having hot seal coating or hot melt glue applied thereto.
Fold lines 56 allow the packaging elements to be folded 20 around the thickness of the product 14 to accommodate same.
The end portions 54 overlap and are secured together by means of the hot seal coating or hot melt glue in the format shown in Fig 2.
In use, as shown in Fig 1, the packaging elements 12 25 are presented to separation device 50 via feed rollers 48 in the defined attitude and position shown by the packaging element 12 seen entering separation device 50, whereby proper control of attitude and position for application to product 14 can be achieved.
30 In use of the method, a stack of fan-folded product packaging elements is provided and fed in the manner shown in Fig 1 to separation apparatus 50 and applied to products 14 as indicated in Fig 1 and secured around the products in sleeve format as indicated in Fig 2. In this manner, a 35 supply of successive products are provided with packaging
sleeves in a convenient and efficient process.

Claims (14)

1. A method of applying a series of product packaging elements to a series of products to be packaged, 5 said method comprising: a) supplying said series of packaging elements in the form of an elongated strip with a plurality of said packaging elements forming said strip; 10 b) said plurality of packaging elements being joined to each other in the form of a continuous strip; c) each of said plurality of packaging elements being adapted to be applied to its respective 15 product to be packaged by having specific defined and at least peripheral portions thereof adapted to be caused to be folded or otherwise deflected or formed to conform to the general dimensions and/or profile of the 20 relevant portion of said product to be packaged; d) said method comprising the step of applying said packaging elements to their respective products to be packaged in sequence, such 25 application being in defined attitude and position with respect to said product to be packaged, said packaging elements being separated from said strip in sequence prior to such application, and such application to 30 said products to be packaged comprising the steps of folding or deflecting or forming said at least peripheral portions of said packaging elements as aforesaid and securing same accordingly in the packaged condition of 35 said product to be packaged;
characterized by; e) said continuous strip of packaging elements comprising a series of combined separation control and attitude and position control 5 devices provided, one for each packaging element, and adapted firstly to enable each of said packaging elements when it is the end one of said strip of said packaging elements, to be controlled in terms of its attitude and 10 position prior to presentation to its respective product to be packaged, and adapted secondly to define and facilitate the separation of said end one of said packaging elements from the next adjacent packaging 15 elements; f) said separation control and attitude and position control devices each comprising a separation control line extending generally at right angles to the longitudinal and 20 lengthwise extent axis of said strip of packaging elements, and said separation control line comprising a line of weakness applied to said packaging elements and adapted to enable said separation control 25 while permitting said attitude and position control; g) said line of weakness serving to define the lines along which said packaging elements will be separated while being adapted and so 30 constructed that said attitude and position control may be effected therethrough prior to such separation.
2. A method of applying a series of product packaging 35 elements to a series of products to be packaged, said
method comprising supplying said series of packaging elements in the form an elongated strip with a plurality of said packaging elements forming said strip, characterized by said continuous strip of 5 packaging elements comprising a series of combined separation control and attitude and position control devices each comprising a line of weakness serving Lo define a line along which said packaging elements will be separated while being adapted and so constructed 10 that attitude and position control of said packaging elements is effected therethrough prior to such separation, said method comprising the step of effecting such separation and attitude and position control through said line of weakness prior to such 15 separation.
3. A method according to claim 1 or claim 2 characterized by said line of weakness comprising a fold line or a groove or the like adapted to assist the 20 formation of a fold line, and said method comprising the step of folding said strip of packaging elements along said fold lines so as to adopt the form of a fan folded stack of said packaging elements, and said method comprising the step of taking such a stack of 25 fan-folded packaging elements and using same as a supply of packaging elements.
4. A method according to claim 3 characterized by said packaging elements comprising a sheet material 30 having at least a degree of stiffness such that the formation of said fan-folded stack causes said sheet material of said successive packaging elements of said stack to adopt a co-planar laminar format from which said production elements emerge, upon successive 35 unfolding of said production elements from one end of
said stack, with a tendency to retain the generally flat planar format which they had in said stack during the subsequent handling and processing steps involving separation from said strip and application to said
5 product to be packaged and thus to retain said generally flat planar format at least on the main face of the packaging after application to said product, said method comprising the steps of carrying out said steps of application of said packaging elements to said 10 products while retaining said generally flat planar format whereby printed matter on said generally flat planar portions of said packaging is clearly presented to subsequent consumers of the products so-packaged.
15 5. A method according to claim 1 or claim 2 characterized by said line of weakness comprising a perforation line and said method comprising the steps of separating said packaging elements successively along said perforation lines.
6. A method according to claim 5 characterized by the step of folding said strip of packaging elements along said perforation lines so as to adopt the format of a fan-folded stack of said packaging elements and said 25 method comprising the step of taking such a stack of fan-folded packaging elements and using same as a supply of packaging elements.
7. A method of applying a series of product packaging 30 elements to a series of products to be packaged substantially as described herein with reference to the accompanying drawings.
8. A supply of packaging elements, adapted for use in 35 a method according to any one of the preceding claims,
said supply of packaging elements comprising a series of product packaging elements adapted to be applied to a series of products to be packaged, said supply of packaging elements further comprising: 5 a) said series of packaging elements being in the form of an elongated strip with a plurality of said packaging elements forming said strip; b) said plurality of packaging elements being 10 joined to each other in the form of a continuous strip; c) each of said plurality of packaging elements being adapted to be applied to its respective product to be packaged by having specific 15 defined and at least peripheral portions thereof adapted to be caused to be folded or otherwise deflected or formed to conform to the general dimensions and/or profile of the relevant portion of said product to be 20 packaged; d) said packaging elements being adapted to be applied to their respective products to be packaged in sequence, such application being in defined attitude and position with respect 25 to said product to be packaged, said packaging elements being likewise adapted to be separated from said strip in sequence prior to such application, and to be applied to said products to be packaged by the steps 30 of folding or deflecting or forming said at least peripheral portions of said packaging elements as aforesaid and securing same accordingly in the packaged condition of said product to be packaged; 35 characterized by;
e) said continuous strip of packaging elements comprising a series of combined separation control and attitude and position control devices provided, one for each packaging 5 element, and adapted firstly to enable each of said packaging elements when it is the end one of said strip of said packaging elements, to be controlled in terms of its attitude and position prior to presentation to its 10 respective product to be packaged, and adapted secondly to define and facilitate the separation of said end one of said packaging elements from the next adjacent packaging elements; 15 f) said separation control and attitude and position control devices each comprising a separation control line extending generally at right angles to the longitudinal and lengthwise extent axis of said strip of 20 packaging elements, and said separation control line comprising a line of weakness applied to said packaging elements and adapted to enable said separation control while permitting said attitude and position 25 control; g) said line of weakness serving to define the lines along which said packaging elements are to be separated while being adapted and so constructed that said attitude and position 30 control may be effected therethrough prior to such separation.
9. A supply of packaging elements adapted for use in a method according to any one of claims 1 to 7, said 35 Supply of said packaging elements comprising a series
of product packaging elements adapted to be applied to a series of products to be packaged, said series of packaging elements being in the form an elongated strip with plurality of said packaging elements forming said 5 strip, characterized by said continuous strip of packaging elements comprising a series of combined separation control and attitude and position control devices each comprising a line of weakness serving to define a line along which said packaging elements can
10 be separated while being adapted and so constructed that attitude and position control of said packaging elements may be effected therethrough prior to such separation. 15 10. A supply according to claim 8 or claim 9 characterized by said line of weakness comprising a fold line or a groove or the like adapted to assist the formation of a fold line, and said strip of packaging elements being adapted to be folded along said fold 20 lines so as to adopt the form of a fan-folded stack of said packaging elements, whereby such a stack of fan folded packaging elements can be used as a supply of packaging elements.
11. A supply according to claim 10 characterized by said packaging elements comprising a sheet material having at least a degree of stiffness such that the formation of said fan-folded stack causes said sheet material of said successive packaging elements of said 30 stack to adopt a co-planar laminar format from which said production elements can emerge, upon successive unfolding of said production elements from one end of said stack, with a tendency to retain the generally flat planar format which they had in said stack during 35 the subsequent handling and processing steps involving
separation from said strip and application to said product to be packaged and thus to retain said generally flat planar format at least on the main face of the packaging after application to said product, 5 said method comprising the steps of carrying out said steps of application of said packaging elements to said products while retaining said generally flat planar format whereby printed matter on said generally flat planar portions of said packaging is clearly presented 10 to subsequent consumers.
12. A supply according to claim 8 or claim 9 characterized by said line of weakness comprising a perforation line and said method comprising the steps 15 of separating said packaging elements successively along said perforation lines.
13. A supply according to claim 12 characterized by said strip of packaging elements being adapted to be 20 folded along said perforation lines so as to adopt the format of a fan-folded stack of said packaging elements whereby such a stack of fan-folded packaging elements can be used as a supply of packaging elements.
14. A supply of packaging elements adapted for use in a method according to any of claims 8 to 13, substantially as described herein with reference to the accompanying drawings.
GB0217229A 2002-07-25 2002-07-25 Strip of packaging elements joined at lines of weakness Withdrawn GB2391213A (en)

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GB0217229A GB2391213A (en) 2002-07-25 2002-07-25 Strip of packaging elements joined at lines of weakness

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GB0217229A GB2391213A (en) 2002-07-25 2002-07-25 Strip of packaging elements joined at lines of weakness

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GB0217229A Withdrawn GB2391213A (en) 2002-07-25 2002-07-25 Strip of packaging elements joined at lines of weakness

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Citations (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1361162A (en) * 1972-05-02 1974-07-24 Ato Inc Packaging apparatus
US5052995A (en) * 1989-04-05 1991-10-01 Focke & Co. (Gmbh & Co.) Process and apparatus for the stocking (storage) of (pack) blanks and for feeding these to a folding unit of packaging machine
US5151073A (en) * 1989-04-05 1992-09-29 Focke & Co. (Gmbh & Co.) Apparatus for the production of cigarette packs

Patent Citations (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1361162A (en) * 1972-05-02 1974-07-24 Ato Inc Packaging apparatus
US5052995A (en) * 1989-04-05 1991-10-01 Focke & Co. (Gmbh & Co.) Process and apparatus for the stocking (storage) of (pack) blanks and for feeding these to a folding unit of packaging machine
US5151073A (en) * 1989-04-05 1992-09-29 Focke & Co. (Gmbh & Co.) Apparatus for the production of cigarette packs

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GB0217229D0 (en) 2002-09-04

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