GB2196379A - Releasable fastening mechanism for windows - Google Patents

Releasable fastening mechanism for windows Download PDF


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GB2196379A GB08721153A GB8721153A GB2196379A GB 2196379 A GB2196379 A GB 2196379A GB 08721153 A GB08721153 A GB 08721153A GB 8721153 A GB8721153 A GB 8721153A GB 2196379 A GB2196379 A GB 2196379A
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frame member
mechanism according
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Trevor Vella Tomlin
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    • E05C9/00Arrangements of simultaneously actuated bolts or other securing devices at well-separated positions on the same wing
    • E05C9/02Arrangements of simultaneously actuated bolts or other securing devices at well-separated positions on the same wing with one sliding bar for fastening when moved in one direction and unfastening when moved in opposite direction; with two sliding bars moved in the same direction when fastening or unfastening


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Wing Frames And Configurations (AREA)


GB2196379A 1 SPECIFICATION espagnolette bar can be housed within a com
pletely close hollow section of a window Releasable fastening mechanism for win- frame member, the slide blocks ensuring relia dows and the like ble smooth sliding movement of the bar over 70 long term use and in spite of any extended This invention relates to a releasable fastening periods of non-use during that time.
mechanism, and in particular concerns such a A better understanding of the invention will mechanism for securing a movable frame be had from the following detailed description member to a fixed frame member. The of an embodiment, reference being made to mechanism of the invention is especially appli- 75 the accompanying drawings in which:- cable to an openable window assembly having Figure 1 is a longitudinal section through frames fabricated from extrusions of metal, part of a casement window frame assembly such as aluminium or alloy, or plastics, and incorporating a releasable fastening mechanism the invention will be described herein with ref- in accordance with the invention; erence to such an assembly. Nevertheless, the 80 Figure 2 is a cross- section taken along the mechanism may also be suitable for use in line B-B in Fig. 11; other installations where two frames are re- Figure 3 is a cross-section taken along the quired to be locked releasably together, such line C-c in Fig. 2; and as a door frame assembly. Figure 4 is a perspective view of an alterna- There are known fastening mechanisms for 85 tive espagnolette bar.
casement windows, in which an espagnolette The part of the window frame assembly il- bar is mounted on a sash frame member for lustrated in Fig. 1 is at the opening side, i.e.
reciprocation by a handle device, and catch opposite the side where the sash frame is plates are firmly mounted on the fixed frame hinged to the fixed frame. Both the sash and for co-operation with respective locking pins 90 fixed frames are assembled from extrusions carried by the espagnolette bar. A disadvan- which are connected by corner pieces to form tage of the known mechanisms is that the rectangular frames. The sash frame is dimen espagnolette bar, for reasons of assembly an- sioned to fit within the fixed frame and in use d/or to facilitate maintenance, is located on receives a glazing panel.
the sash frame member so as to be accessi- 95 The sash member seen in the drawings ble. In the case of currently available windows comprises an extruded element 1 including a with plastics frames, the espagnolette bar is rectangular hollow section which is cmpletely mounted on the outside of the sash frame closed around its periphery. An extruded plate with the result that it is exposed to contami- 2 is attached to the inner side of the hollow nation by dirt and moisture, and it also de- 100 section by a composite connecting strip 3 tracts from the visual appearance of the winshaped to engage with flanges formed on the dow when opened. element 1 and plate 2. Formed on the element According to the present invention there is 1 are further flanges 4, 5 at the rear side of provided a fastening mechanism for releasably the hollow section for use in securing the securing a moveable frame member to a fixed 105 glazing panel by means of rubber strips, and a frame member, comprising an espagnolette flange 6 arranged to overlap the front face of bar accommodated within a substantially the fixed frame and to carry a rubber strip closed hollow section of an exiruded first (not shown) for sealing against the fixed frame member, a pair of slide blocks fastened frame.
to the espagnolette bar at positions spaced 110 The fixed frame member can be seen to be apart therealong, said slide blocks being a of exactly the same construction as the sash sliding fit in said hollow section and support- frame member and the corresponding parts ing the espagnolette bar therein out of direct have been identified by the same reference contact with the extruded frame member, a numerals but with the letter -a- added. The plurality of locking elements connected to the 115 flanges 4a, 5a of the fixed frame element la espagnolette bar and projecting through reserve to locate the catch plates 8 of the fas spective slots provided in the first frame tening mechanism, as described below, and member for co-operation with catch means on the plate 2a may carry a seal (not shown) for the second frame member, and an operating sealing against the inwardly facing surface of handle mounted on the first frame member 120 the plate 2.
and coupled to the espagnolette bar for reci- The fastening mechanism for releasably se- procating the espagnolette bar to move the curing the frames together in the closed posi locking element for engaging and disengaging tion in which they are depicted in the draw the catch means. ings comprises an espagnolette bar 10 which The slide blocks should have a low coeffici- 125 is guided for longitudinal movement within the ent of friction with the material of the first hollow section of element 1 by a pair of nylon frame member and are preferably made of ny- blocks 12 attached to the opposite ends of lon or other plastics material having low fric- the bar 10. The blocks 12 are shaped and tional properties, dimensioned to be a smooth sliding fit within With the mechanism of the invention the 130 the hollow section. Each block 12 has a blind 2 GB2196379A 2 hole into which the end of the bar 10 is pins 16, 18 to be driven down so that the pushed with a tight fit, and a cross hole 14 pins are located below the catch plates 8 and which registers with a tapped hole in the bar the sash can then be opened. After the sash when the block is fitted on to the bar. The has been closed again, the handle can be attachment of the block to the bar is secured 70 turned to raise the locking pins to engage the by a screw 16 which together with a sleeve catch plates, to draw the sash into firm seal 18 also constitutes a locking pin. An elongate ing engagement against the fixed frame by co slot 20 is machined in the front wall 21 of operation with the charnferred portions of the the hollow section and the screw 16 and catch platesl and finally to secure the sash in sleeve 18 extend through this slot into the 75 its closed position.
cross hole 14 of the block 12. The inner end The provision of the guide blocks enables of the screw is threaded into the tapped hole the espagnolette bar to be accommodated in the bar 10 and tightens the sleeve into within the hollow frame section out of view abutment against the bar 10. The sleeve 18 and protected against contamination by dirt.
has an enlarged head 22, and a flange 23 for 80 By the locking pins being secured to the es holding a cover plate 24, e.g. of nylon or pagnolette bar at the blocks they are firmly other suitable plastics material, against the supported against unwanted movement rela wall 21 to close the slot 20 for preventing tive to the frame. By providing locking sleeves entry of dirt into the hollow section. 28 of different lengths the mechanism is read- Fixedly attached to the bar 10 midway 85. ily adjustable to suit the gap between the along its length are a pair of abutments 25 sash and fixed frame, it being possible to re which are spaced apart to receive between place one sleeve with another of required them a driving arm 26 (Fig. 3) extending from length after removing the screw 26.
an operating device 27 mounted on the plate It will be appreciated that the espagnolette 6. The arm projects through aligned slots in 90 bar and the slide blocks are inserted into the the plate 2, connector 3 and the inner side hollow section before the sash frame is as wall of the hollow section of element 1. The sembled. In the described embodiment the ex device 27 has a handle 28 and in a manner trusions are of aluminium, but the mechanism known per se is arranged to produce linear is also suitable for windows with frames fabri displacement of the arm 26 in response to 95 cated from plastic extrusions. Other modifica pivotal movement of the handle. tions are also possible without departing from A respective keep on catch plate 8 is the ambit of the invention. For example, more mounted on the fixed frame member for co- than two slide blocks could be used and operation with each of the locking pins. The might be considered expedient if the espagno catch plate includes a base having one edge 100 lette bar is very long and/or more than two which engages under the flange 4a of the ex- locking pins are to be operated by it. If pre truded element la, and is secured to the ele- ferred the locking pins could be arranged to ment 1 a by two screws 30. At its outer side engage the catch plates in their lowermost po edge the plate has a flange 31 with an in- sition and to disengage them in their upper turned lip 32. The flange and lip are cham105 most position. Alternatively, the locking pins fered at the ends of the catch plate to provide could be movable in either direction from a lead-in portions for the locking pin for drawing centre securing position to release the catch the sash frame into firmer engagement with plates.
the fixed frame. As seen in the drawings, the It is a major advantage of the fastening 41 locking pins engage behind the flanges 31, in 110 mechanism of the invention that the espagno the securing position of the fastening mecha- lette bar can be concealed within a sealed nism, to prevent the sash frame moving out frame. Access is not necessary for mainte from its closed position. Furthermore, the nance since smooth continuous operation is sleeve heads 22 engage under the lips 32 to ensured by the slide blocks, and by virtue of prevent the pins being disengaged from the 115 the fully enclosed arrangement which pre catch plates 8 by forcing the frame members cludes ingress of dirt and moisture to the slid apart, whereby security is increased. ing parts.
It will be understood from the foregoing de- An alternative form of espagnolette bar is scription that pivoting the handle 28 causes shown in Fig. 4. The bar is formed by a rod linear displacement of the espagnolette bar 10 120 50 of circular cross section which is provided due to engagement of the arm 26 between with a notch 51 at a medial position for coop the abutments 25. The bar is held clear of the eration with the driving arm of the handle walls of the hollow section in which it is mechanism. The nylon slide blocks 52 are housed and is guided for smooth movement fitted onto the ends of the rod 50 and are by the slide blocks 12. The locking pins 26, 125 initially retained by pins 53 inserted through 28 are moved with the espagnolette bar for aligned holes in the blocks 52 and the rod.
engaging and disengaging the catch plates. As in the first embodiment the slide blocks Thus, with the parts as shown in the draw- also have holes 54 arranged to register with ings, turning the handle to release the sash tapped holes in the rod for receiving the lock will cause the bar 10, blocks 12 and locking 130 ing pins (16, 18) to make the blocks secure 3 GB2196379A 3 on the rod. The espagnolette bar of Fig. 4 has the advantage that the two slide blocks can be the same, whereby manufacture and assembly is facilitated.

Claims (10)

1. A fastening mechanism for releasably securing a movable frame member to a fixed frame member, comprising an espagnolette bar accommodated within substantially closed hollow section of an extruded first frame member, a pair of slide blocks fastened to the espagnolette bar at positions spaced apart therealong, said slide blocks being a sliding fit in said hollow section and supporting the es pagnolette bar therein out of direct contact with the extruded frame member, a plurality of locking elements connected to the espagno lette bar and projecting through respective slots provided in the first frame member for cooperation with catch means on the second frame member, and an operating handle mounted on the first frame member and coup led to the espagnolette bar for reciprocating the espagnolette bar to move the locking ele ments for engaging and disengaging the catch means.
2. A mechanism according to claim 1 wherein the slide blocks are made of a plas tics material having low frictional properties, such as nylon.
3. A mechanism according to claim 1 or 2, wherein the locking elements are connected to the slide blocks.
4. A mechanism according to claim 3, wherein the locking elements secure the slide blocks to the espagnolette bar.
5. A mechanism according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein each locking element comprises a fastening member and a sleeve surrounding the fastening member.
6. A mechanism according to any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein the slide blocks are located at the ends of the espagnolette bar.
7. A mechanism according to any one of claims 1 to 6 wherein covers closing the slots are carried by the fastening elements on the outside of the said hollow section.
8. A mechanism according to claim 7 wherein the covers are formed of plastics sheet.
9. A mechanism according to claim 7 or 8, wherein the covers are retained by flanges on the locking elements.
10. A mechanism substantially as herein described with reference to the accompanying drawings.
Published 1988 at The Patent office, State House, 66/71 High Holborn, London WC 1 R 4TP. Further copies may be obtained from The Patent Office, Sales Branch, St Mary Cray, Orpington, Kent BR5 3RD.
Printed by Burgess & Son (Abingdon) Ltd. Con. 1/87.
GB8721153A 1986-09-17 1987-09-09 Releasable fastening mechanism for window and the like Expired - Lifetime GB2196379B (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
GB868622235A GB8622235D0 (en) 1986-09-17 1986-09-17 Releasable fastening mechanism

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GB8721153D0 GB8721153D0 (en) 1987-10-14
GB2196379A true GB2196379A (en) 1988-04-27
GB2196379B GB2196379B (en) 1990-05-09



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GB868622235A Pending GB8622235D0 (en) 1986-09-17 1986-09-17 Releasable fastening mechanism
GB8721153A Expired - Lifetime GB2196379B (en) 1986-09-17 1987-09-09 Releasable fastening mechanism for window and the like

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GB868622235A Pending GB8622235D0 (en) 1986-09-17 1986-09-17 Releasable fastening mechanism

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
FR2683848A1 (en) * 1991-11-15 1993-05-21 Ferco Int Usine Ferrures CREMONE OR CREMONE LOCK FOR DOOR, WINDOW OR THE LIKE.

Citations (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB2172650A (en) * 1985-03-19 1986-09-24 Parkes & Sons Limited Josiah Fastening mechanism

Family Cites Families (4)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CH471304A (en) * 1967-09-26 1969-04-15 Haefele A Fa Cabinet door espagnolette lock
DE6928120U (en) * 1969-07-15 1969-12-18 Ver Baubeschlag Gretsch Co ACTUATING DEVICE ON WINDOWS, DOORS OR. DGL. WITH HOLLOW PROFILE FRAME
DE2458603A1 (en) * 1974-12-11 1976-06-16 Hueck Fa E Window push rod guide - has cylindrical body with slit and vertical extensions for positioning in frame opening
GB2123889B (en) * 1982-07-02 1985-07-10 Consort Aluminium Ltd Flush bolt assemblies

Patent Citations (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB2172650A (en) * 1985-03-19 1986-09-24 Parkes & Sons Limited Josiah Fastening mechanism

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
FR2683848A1 (en) * 1991-11-15 1993-05-21 Ferco Int Usine Ferrures CREMONE OR CREMONE LOCK FOR DOOR, WINDOW OR THE LIKE.

Also Published As

Publication number Publication date
GB8721153D0 (en) 1987-10-14
GB8622235D0 (en) 1986-10-22
GB2196379B (en) 1990-05-09
DE3730840A1 (en) 1988-03-31

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