GB2190447A - A liquid collecting device - Google Patents

A liquid collecting device Download PDF


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GB2190447A GB08710779A GB8710779A GB2190447A GB 2190447 A GB2190447 A GB 2190447A GB 08710779 A GB08710779 A GB 08710779A GB 8710779 A GB8710779 A GB 8710779A GB 2190447 A GB2190447 A GB 2190447A
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collecting device
liquid collecting
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GB8710779D0 (en
Roger Arneson
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Scanpump AB
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Scanpump AB
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Publication of GB2190447A publication Critical patent/GB2190447A/en
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    • F16J15/00Sealings
    • F16J15/002Sealings comprising at least two sealings in succession
    • F16J15/004Sealings comprising at least two sealings in succession forming of recuperation chamber for the leaking fluid
    • F04B53/00Component parts, details or accessories not provided for in, or of interest apart from, groups F04B1/00 - F04B23/00 or F04B39/00 - F04B47/00


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)


GB 2 190 447 A 1 SPECIFICATION a liquid collecting device in
accordancewith afirst embodiment of the invention.
A liquid collecting device Fig. 2 is a corresponding plan view of the blank according to Fig. 1 and comprising a tube bend which This invention relatesto a liquid collecting device, in 70 is clamped tothe blank by means of a hose clamp or accordance with the preamble of claim 1. the like.
At lead-throughs for spindles and shafts, in particu- Fig. 3 is a perspectiveview of the blankaccording to iarsuch shafts as connect a driving motorwith a pump Figs. 1 and 2, said blank enclosing a casing surround wheel driven by said motor and operating in a pump ing a packing for a pump shaft and thusforming a casing, lead-throughs having packings of different 75 liquid collecting device.
kinds are necessary. Such packingswhich usually leak Fig. 4 is a perspective view of a liquid collecting more or less, could be of many different kinds and may device in accordancewith a sec'ond embodiment of comprise eithera packing box ora packing boxwith a the invention.
cooled gland having the object of compressing a Fig. 5 is a side view of a third embodiment of a liquid couple of packing braids more or less tightto restrict 80 collecting device designed in accordance with the the leakage of the packing to a greater extent orto a invention and being clamped around a casing whicK smallerextent, respectively. In addition to said surrounds a shaft lea. d-through. 11 packingsthere also existso called mechanical seals Fig. 6 is an end view corresponding to Fig. 5.
which normally have a very minute leakage, except if The blank according to Fig. 1 is subs.tantially plane theyshould happen to break down. In the last- 85 and longitudinal and is made of a flexible sheet mentioned case a dangerous liquid, e.g. in the form of material, such as sheet rubber having a thickness of 1 - an aggressive pump fluid, may leak out. 2 mm. The blank comprises two substantially rec Itis necessryto take care of liquid, which thus leaks tangular portions 2 and 3, which form an obtuse angle out, either normally or in the case of a breakdown of with each other. A clip or clasp 4, preferably of the the packing. With this object in view it has uptill now 90 toggle fastener type, is by means of rivets orthe like been customaryto apply underthe casing surround- securedto the free end of the rectangular portion 2. A ingthe packing a liquid collecting bowl which is open hold orfitting bent in the sh-ape of a hook 5 i n-tended to atitstop and is provided with an outlet in its bottom to cooperate with the clip 4 is secu red to the free end of which a liquid drain tube is connected. The drawback the other rectangular portion 3, e.g. by means of rivets afthis known liquid collecting device residestherein, 95 orthe like. Atthe outer circumference of the apex or thatit collects only liquid which fallsvertically down transition between thetwo portions 2 and 3 a tongue intothe bowl but not liquid which splashes out more projects which igintended to embrace and by means or less radially sidewardsfrom the shaft packing. of a hose clamp 7orthe liketo be clamped to a In another connection, i.e. in respect of pipings in preferably right- angled tube 8, as is shown in Fig 2.
which two adjacent sections are interconinected by 100 In Fig. 3there is illustrated the sheet rubber piece 1 means of a flange coupling, it isfurthermore known according to Fig. 2 which is comprised in the liquid (WO 85100417)'to surround theflanges of the flange collecting device according to the invention whein coupling with a pairof casing parts each substantially fastened around a casing 12 which surrounds a having the shape of a half of cylindrical ring and which possibly cooled shaft packing for a pump shaft 10. In are interconnected in a plane substantially diametrical 105 Fig. 3there is also illustrated part of a pump casing tothe pipe line, said ring halves being provided with a cover 11 and the packing casing 12 projecting into the common outletfor liquid which possibly leaks out pump casing cover and comprising a couple of from theflange coupling. packingbraids orthe like, and a gland 13 which i. s The principal object of the invention is to provide a provided for compressing the braids and thereby liquid collecting device for shaft lead-throug hs which 110 bringing about adjustment of the leakage (of cooling is capable of collecting all liquid which leaks outfrom water). The gland 13 which may be replaced by a the lead-through, i.e. not only liquid which drips or supporting or retaining ring can be pressed in axially flows down vertically, but also liquid which splashes agailnstthe housing wherebythe packings are corn outin other, more or less radial directions and from pressed, by means of nuts 14which arethreaded in which the collected liquid can then be led off by a tube, 115 tighter on screws 15. Of course, the packing maybe a hose orthe like. made less compressed by rotating the nuts 14 out in This object is attained thanksto the factthatthe the opposite direction. The tighterthe nuts 14 are liquid collecting device according to the invention is compressed,the less becomes of coursethe leakage so constructed as is defined in the characterizing (of cooling water) from the lead-through. In Fig. 3 it is portion of claim 1. Thankstothis design it becomes 120 clearly shown howthe liquid collecting device 1 -8 possibleto dismountthe liquid collection devicefor projects axially outside of the shaft packing and adjusting the gland without having to stop the pump. thereby effectively collects all liquid which leaks out or Furtherfeatures and advantages of the device splashes out radiallyfrom the shaft packing.
according tothe invention will become apparentfrom In Fig. 4there is illustrated a second embodimentof thefollowing detailed description and the annexed 125 a liquid collecting device in accordance with the drawingswhich diagrammatically and as non-limiting invention which in Fig. 4 is comprised of a sleeve 17 or examples illustrate some embodiments of the inven- the likewhich may be injection moulded or manufac tion. tured in anotherway of an elastic material, e.g.
Fig. 1 is a plan view of a blankof sheet rubber or a plastics.The liquid collecting device according to Fig.
similarf lexible, preferably elastical sheet material, for 130 4 substantially has the shape of a circular cylinder 2 GB 2 190 447 A 2 having its circumferential surfaceslotted along a its operative position encloses at least the major generatixand bentin such awaythatthetwo end portion ofthe circumference of the casing and portions 18 and 19 located on opposite sides of said substantially in its entire extension has a least generatrix overlap each other in the operative condi- substantially the same distance from the shaft as said tion of the liquid collecting device. In contradistinction 70 circumference and has a channel-shaped ortubular tothe exemplificatory embodiment according to Figs. outlet.
1 -3the liquid outlet 16 is made integral with the rest of 2. A device as claimed in claim 1, in combination the liquid collecting device. with said casing projecting beyond one end of the In the lastmentioned respectthe liquid collecting casing.
device according to Figs. 5 and 6, in which the same 75 3. A device according to claim 1 orclaim2, a band reference numerals as in Fig. 3 have been utilized for of a thin, flexible material, and is attachable on the designating same or similar details, distinguishes outside of the casing of the shaft packing in such- a way from the exemplificatory embodiment shown in Figs. that it encloses at leastthe major portion thereof.
3. Thus according to Figs. 5 and 6 the liquid outlet is 4. A device according to claim 3, made of a supple made as a separate insert. This comprises partly a 80 material, and comprises a tongue which projects trough-like containerwhich is formed of a bottom 21 cross-wise with respectto the longitudinal direction of substantially having the shape of a circular arc, and the band and in the operative position of the liquid two walls 24 provided with openings 25, orwall collecting device substantially encloses and is portions (e.g. in the shape of posts orthe like) which clamped to an outlet tube.
are unitedwith the bottom 21 along an individual one 85 5. A device according to claim 4, comprising a clip of the edges of the bottom and which engage the which is secured to one end of the band and is adapted circumferential surface of the casing 12 surrounding to cooperate with a hook secured to the other end of the packing by a radially innermost, a respective one the band, forfastening the liquid collecting device of said bottom edges opposing edge, and preferably around the circumferential surface of the casing.
an end wall 22 which substantially hasthe shape of a 90 6. A device as claimed in claim 5, wherein the clip segment of a circular ring and is substantially comprising a toggle fastener.
liquid-tight united with the bottom 21, and also a drain 7. A device according to anyone of claims 4to 6, pipe 23 which passes through aperture in the sheet the sleeve which is made of a flexible sheet material rubber piece orthe like which forms the principal part has an opening for an outlet pipe which leads from a of the liquid collecting device. 95 trough-like container provided between the circum The embodiment described above and illustrated in ferential surface of the casing and the lower portion of the drawings are, of course,to be regarded merely as the liquid collecting device, when in its operative non-limiting examples and may with respectto their position, said container being defined by a preferably details be modified in several ways within the scope of circularly arc- shaped bottom and two apertured walls thefollowing claims. Particularly in the embodiment 100 orwall portions, e.g. in the shape of posts or the like, according to Figs. 5 and 6, the piece 1 of sheet rubber which are each united with the bottom along an orthe like may be comprised of a pieceof hosewhich individual one of the edges of the bottom and each of is completely closed in the circumferential direction which with an radially innermost, a respective one of and has an opening for a drain pipe. In this case the said bottom edge engages the circumferential surface hose is thread upon the shaft 10 before the introduc- 105 of the casing, surrounding said packing, and prefer tion thereof in the packing casing comprised in the ably at least one end wall which substantially has the shaft packing unit. In certain cases it is also possible to shape of a segment of a circular ring and is substan substitute a preferably elastical sheet metal piece for tiallytight united with the bottom and with its radially the piece of sheet rubber 1. Furthermore, the invention innermost, peripheral edge engages the casing sur- may also be applied to turbines and valves. liO rounding the packing.
In the embodiments of Figures 5 and 6,the 8. A liquid collecting device according to anyone trough-like container has a part-cylindrical bottom of claims 1 - 3, which apartfrom the outlet, is wall 21 leading into an outlet 23. Two side walls are substantially cylindrical and has two end portions provided spaced in the axial direction of the pump which are located adjacentto each other and prefer- shaft 10, each wall having an arcuate lower edge 115 ably overlap each other in the operative position of the joinedto the bottom wail 21 and an arcuate top edge in liquid collecting device, and is made of an elastically contactwith the circumference of the casing 12. The resilient material and can be snapped onto the casing end walls 24 are provided with openings 25 shown as through an application movementwhich is directed semi-circularin Figure 5to allow liquid to enterthe substantially radiallywith respectto the shaft packing.
container from its ends and pass into the outlet 23. The 120 9. A liquid collecting device according to claims 3 - top of the container is open to receive liquid directly 8, comprising a substantially cylindrical hose piece fromthe casing.The container is held in contactwith which is substantially closed in the circumferential the casing bythe band of the liquid collecting device direction and isthreadable onto the casing beforethe which encompassesthern both, being formed with an introduction therein of the shaftto become tightened, aperturefor passage ofthe outlet 23. 125 and which has an opening for a drain pipe of another

Claims (1)

  1. CLAIMS outlet.
    1. A liquid collecting device, which at least sub- 10. A liquid collecting device substantially as stantially consists of a flexible sheet material and is described above with reference to Figs. 1 - 3 or Fig. 4 or adapted to be applied on the outside of a substantially Figs. 5 and 6 of the accompanying drawings.
    cyclindrical casing surrounding a shaft packing and in 3 GB 2 190 447 A 3 Printed in the United Kingdom for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by the Twoeddale Press Group, 8991685,11187 18996. Published at the Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A lAY, from which copies may be obtained.
GB08710779A 1986-05-12 1987-05-07 A liquid collecting device Withdrawn GB2190447A (en)

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SE8602127A SE463988B (en) 1986-05-12 1986-05-12 VAETSKEUPPSAMLARE

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GB8710779D0 GB8710779D0 (en) 1987-06-10
GB2190447A true GB2190447A (en) 1987-11-18



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GB08710779A Withdrawn GB2190447A (en) 1986-05-12 1987-05-07 A liquid collecting device

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE102007051722A1 (en) * 2007-10-27 2009-04-30 Ilja Dzampajev Leaking fluid discharging device for e.g. water filter system, has shut-off device for fluid flow, where shut-off device is activated by leaking fluid collected in collection container, and draining pipe into which collected fluid is fed

Citations (9)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1166335A (en) * 1967-10-13 1969-10-08 West Chester Chem Co Improvements in Method and Means for External Sealing of Pipe Joints.
US3891247A (en) * 1974-04-08 1975-06-24 Lynn Elwyn Smith Plastic one-piece saddle for plastic pipe
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Patent Citations (9)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
GB1166335A (en) * 1967-10-13 1969-10-08 West Chester Chem Co Improvements in Method and Means for External Sealing of Pipe Joints.
GB1417145A (en) * 1972-07-20 1975-12-10 Ogden Co Pipeline Construction Flange protector
US3891247A (en) * 1974-04-08 1975-06-24 Lynn Elwyn Smith Plastic one-piece saddle for plastic pipe
GB1500241A (en) * 1975-10-15 1978-02-08 Sealants Int Sealing collar for pipe joints
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GB2088984A (en) * 1980-11-22 1982-06-16 Yorkshire Imperial Plastics Plastics Pipe Fitting
EP0132997A2 (en) * 1983-07-22 1985-02-13 Rodun Development Corporation Flange protector
GB2162917A (en) * 1984-08-08 1986-02-12 Fischer Ag Georg Weldable plastic pipe coupling

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FI872069A0 (en) 1987-05-11
DE3715408A1 (en) 1987-11-19
SE463988B (en) 1991-02-18
FI872069A (en) 1987-11-13
GB8710779D0 (en) 1987-06-10
SE8602127L (en) 1987-11-13
SE8602127D0 (en) 1986-05-12

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