ES1230034U - ADHESIVE TRAP FOR INSECTS (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) - Google Patents

ADHESIVE TRAP FOR INSECTS (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding) Download PDF


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ES1230034U ES201930614U ES201930614U ES1230034U ES 1230034 U ES1230034 U ES 1230034U ES 201930614 U ES201930614 U ES 201930614U ES 201930614 U ES201930614 U ES 201930614U ES 1230034 U ES1230034 U ES 1230034U
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laminar body
adhesive trap
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Velazquez Pedro Cascales
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Green Envass S L N E
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Green Envass S L N E
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Publication of ES1230034U publication Critical patent/ES1230034U/en
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Publication of ES1230034Y publication Critical patent/ES1230034Y/en
Priority to PCT/ES2020/070207 priority patent/WO2020212634A1/en
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    • A01M1/00Stationary means for catching or killing insects
    • A01M1/14Catching by adhesive surfaces
    • A01M1/00Stationary means for catching or killing insects
    • A01M1/14Catching by adhesive surfaces
    • A01M1/18Adhesive bands or coatings for trees


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Pest Control & Pesticides (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Insects & Arthropods (AREA)
  • Wood Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Zoology (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Biodiversity & Conservation Biology (AREA)
  • Ecology (AREA)
  • Forests & Forestry (AREA)
  • Plant Pathology (AREA)
  • Catching Or Destruction (AREA)


Adhesive trap for insects that, consisting of a laminar body (2) impregnated on at least the surface of one of its faces with a sticky substance, is characterized by the fact that said laminar body (2) has a variable plantar configuration. comprising, integrated and forming part of it, fastening means (3, 4) for its incorporation, directly and without additional hanging elements or accessories, to the trunk or branch (5) of a tree or plant. (Machine-translation by Google Translate, not legally binding)





La invencion, tal como expresa el enunciado de la presente memoria descriptiva, se refiere a una trampa adhesiva para insectos que aporta, a la funcion a que se destina, ventajas y caractensticas, que se describen en detalle mas adelante, que suponen una mejora del estado actual de la tecnica.The invention, as expressed in the statement of the present specification, refers to an adhesive trap for insects that provides, to the function to which it is intended, advantages and features, which are described in detail below, which represent an improvement of the current state of the art.

El objeto de la presente invencion recae, concretamente, en una trampa adhesiva para insectos del tipo conformado a partir de una estructura laminar impregnada de una sustancia pegajosa para provocar la adhesion a ella de los insectos, la cual, estando eminentemente destinada a su utilizacion en cultivos, en particular arboles y plantas de cultivos al aire libre o plantas de maceta, presenta la particularidad de contar con una configuracion estructural especialmente disenada para permitir su incorporacion directamente a la planta, sin necesidad de contar con elementos de cuelgue de ningun tipo, ni estructuras ni ganchos ni ningun otro para procurar dicha incorporacion.The object of the present invention falls, in particular, in an adhesive trap for insects of the type formed from a laminar structure impregnated with a sticky substance to cause the adhesion to it of the insects, which, being eminently intended for its use in crops, particularly trees and plants of open-air crops or pot plants, has the particularity of having a structural configuration specially designed to allow its incorporation directly into the plant, without the need of hanging elements of any kind, nor structures neither hooks nor any other to procure said incorporation.


El campo de aplicacion de la presente invencion se enmarca dentro del sector de la industria dedicada a la fabrication de productos anti parasitarios para cultivos, centrandose particularmente en el ambito de los consistentes en trampas adhesivas para insectos. The field of application of the present invention is part of the sector of the industry dedicated to the manufacture of anti-parasitic products for crops, focusing particularly on the scope of those consisting of insect adhesive traps.


Actualmente, las trampas adhesivas que se conocen en el mercado, aunque suponen una solucion muy economica y practica para evitar plagas que no causa ningun efecto sobre los cultivos, se utilizan solamente en cultivos protegidos bajo invernadero, ya que la proteccion frente al viento y la misma estructura del invernadero, con hilos metalicos que cruzan todo el espacio en su interior, posibilita que dicho tipo de trampas puedan colgarse o engancharse a traves de hilos y ganchos.Currently, the adhesive traps that are known in the market, although they represent a very economical and practical solution to avoid pests that do not cause any effect on the crops, are only used in protected crops under greenhouse, since the protection against the wind and the The same structure of the greenhouse, with metallic threads that cross all the space in its interior, allows that this type of traps can be hung or hooked through threads and hooks.

El problema reside en los cultivos al aire libre, donde no existe ningun elemento estructural junto a los arboles o plantas en los que poder enganchar la trampa adhesiva. Como mucho se podnan atar a un hilo o cordel y a su vez este atarse a la rama del arbol, sin embargo ellos supone estar manejando otros elementos, que hacen mas compleja la fabricacion y utilizacion de este tipo de trampas o bien se tendnan que fabricar con algun tipo de gancho que permita el cuelgue de la trampa al arbol, de modo similar al que utilizan los botes trampa o “polleros” como se denominan en el argot del sector, sin embargo ello supondna un sobre coste indeseado.The problem lies in outdoor crops, where there is no structural element next to the trees or plants in which to hook the adhesive trap. As much they could be tied to a thread or string and in turn this is tied to the branch of the tree, however they supposed to be handling other elements, which make more complex the manufacture and use of this type of traps or they tend to be manufactured with some type of hook that allows the hang of the trap to the tree, in a similar way to that used by the trap boats or "polleros" as they are called in the jargon of the sector, however this supposes an unwanted cost over.

El objetivo de la presente invencion es, pues, el desarrollo de un nuevo tipo de trampa adhesiva para insectos aplicable a cultivos que permita su utilizacion, de manera practica y economica, tamiben en cultivos al aire libre.The object of the present invention is, therefore, the development of a new type of insect trap for insects applicable to crops that allows its use, in a practical and economical way, in outdoor crops.

Por otra parte y como referencia al estado actual de la tecnica cabe senalar que, si bien existen en el mercado diferentes tipos de trampas adhesivas para insectos, se desconoce la existencia de ninguna que presente unas caractensticas tecnicas, estructurales y constitutivas iguales o semejantes a las que presenta la que aqu se reivindica. On the other hand and as a reference to the current state of the art it should be noted that, although there are different types of insect traps on the market, the existence of any type that presents technical, structural and constitutive characteristics equal or similar to the that presents what is claimed here.


La trampa adhesiva para insectos que la invencion propone se configura como la solucion idonea al objetivo anteriormente senalado, estando los detalles caracterizadores que lo hacen posible y la distinguen convenientemente recogidos en las reivindicaciones finales que acompanan la presente descripcion.The adhesive trap for insects proposed by the invention is configured as the solution suited to the aforementioned objective, the characterizing details making it possible and distinguishing it conveniently included in the final claims that accompany the present description.

Mas concretamente, lo que la invencion propone, como se ha apuntado anteriormente, es una trampa adhesiva para insectos que, conformada de manera conocida a partir de una estructura laminar impregnada de una sustancia pegajosa para provocar la adhesion a ella de los insectos, y estando eminentemente destinada a su utilizacion en cultivos, en particular arboles y plantas de cultivos al aire libre o plantas de maceta, se distingue por contar con una configuracion estructural especialmente disenada para permitir su incorporacion y sujecion directamente al tronco o rama de la planta, sin necesidad de contar con elementos de cuelgue de ningun tipo, ni estructuras ni ganchos ni ningun otro elemento adicional a dicha estructura laminar para procurar la citada incorporacion a los arboles y a las plantas del cultivo.More specifically, what the invention proposes, as pointed out above, is an adhesive trap for insects, formed in a known manner from a laminar structure impregnated with a sticky substance to cause adhesion to insects, and eminently intended for use in crops, particularly trees and plants of outdoor crops or pot plants, is distinguished by having a specially designed structural configuration to allow its incorporation and attachment directly to the trunk or branch of the plant, without need of having hanging elements of any kind, neither structures nor hooks nor any other element additional to said laminar structure to procure said incorporation to the trees and to the plants of the crop.

Para ello, y mas espedficamente, la trampa adhesiva que la invencion propone consiste en un cuerpo laminar de cualquier configuracion plantar, por ejemplo circular, que presenta un orificio central, de diametro acorde con el grosor de la rama del arbol o planta a que se destinara, y una abertura lateral definida por un corte que une dicho orificio central con el borde externo del cuerpo laminar, de manera que forzando el material del cuerpo laminar, que es ligeramente flexible, en ambos lados del mencionado corte para abrirlo parcialmente, se puede insertar en la rama del arbol, quedando enganchado en ella por el citado orificio central, al colocar dichos lados del corte a su posicion inicial, a la que por la propia naturaleza flexible del material tienden a volver.For this, and more specifically, the adhesive trap proposed by the invention consists of a laminar body of any planar configuration, for example circular, having a central hole, of diameter according to the thickness of the branch of the tree or plant to which it is attached. intended, and a lateral opening defined by a cut that joins said central hole with the outer edge of the laminar body, so that forcing the material of the laminar body, which is slightly flexible, on both sides of the said cut to partially open it, can be insert in the branch of the tree, being hooked in it by the aforementioned central hole, when placing said sides of the cut to its initial position, which by its own Flexible nature of the material tend to come back.

La ventaja principal de la invencion reside en la simplicidad de la trampa, ya que es la propia estructura de la misma la que actua como medio de sujecion para que quede enganchada al tronco o a la rama del arbol o planta, posibilitando que se quede fijada en ella sin que se utilice ningun elemento anadido para su sujecion.The main advantage of the invention lies in the simplicity of the trap, since it is the structure itself that acts as a means of attachment to be hooked to the trunk or the branch of the tree or plant, enabling it to be fixed in it without any added element being used for its support.

Otra ventaja de la trampa viene dada por el hecho de que dicha fijacion en el tronco de arboles pequenos, imposibilita la propagacion de aquellas plagas que se mueven a traves del arbol, impidiendo su propagacion por el resto del mismo, tanto en un sentido como en el otro, es decir, ya sea desde las hojas hacia el tronco o desde el tronco hacia las ramas.Another advantage of the trap is given by the fact that said fixation in the trunk of small trees, prevents the propagation of those pests that move through the tree, preventing its spread by the rest of it, both in a sense as in the other, that is, either from the leaves to the trunk or from the trunk to the branches.

Asimismo, la descrita configuracion de la trampa permite adicionalmente el uso la misma situandola en la base del tronco de determinados cultivos de maceta, donde las plagas acceden por su base andando por el sustrato. Para ello la trampa se coloca en la base de la planta descansando sobre la maceta y abrazando la base del tronco. La plaga que intente acceder por el tronco no podra hacerlo ya que se quedara pegada en la sustancia pegajosa de la superficie laminar de la trampa, ya que esta se aplicara por ambas caras de la misma.Likewise, the described configuration of the trap allows additionally the use of it placing it at the base of the trunk of certain pot crops, where the pests access through their base walking through the substrate. For this the trap is placed at the base of the plant resting on the pot and hugging the base of the trunk. The plague that tries to accede by the trunk could not do it since it stayed stuck in the sticky substance of the laminar surface of the trap, since this will be applied by both faces of the same one.

Por ultimo, cabe senalar que dicha sustancia, preferentemente, consiste en un pegamento viscoso que, preferentemente, se encuentra recubierto con papel siliconado, para facilitar la manipulation de la trampa mientras se procede a su colocation, siendo posteriormente retirado para que pueda actuar sobre la plaga. Finally, it should be noted that said substance, preferably, consists of a viscous glue which, preferably, is coated with siliconized paper, to facilitate the manipulation of the trap while proceeding to its colocation, being later removed so that it can act on the plague.


Para complementar la descripcion que se esta realizando y con objeto de ayudar a una mejor comprension de las caractensticas de la invencion, se acompana a la presente memoria descriptiva, como parte integrante de la misma, unos planos en que con caracter ilustrativo y no limitativo se ha representado lo siguiente:To complement the description that is being made and in order to help a better understanding of the characteristics of the invention, this descriptive report is accompanied, as an integral part of the same, some plans in which, with an illustrative and non-limiting character, It has represented the following:

La figura numero 1.- Muestra una vista en planta de un ejemplo realizacion de la trampa adhesiva para insectos, objeto de la invencion, apreciandose su configuracion general y partes principales.Figure 1 shows a plan view of an example embodiment of the adhesive trap for insects, object of the invention, its general configuration and main parts being appreciated.

La figura numero 2.- Muestra una vista en perspectiva de una planta con el ejemplo del dispositivo, segun la invencion, mostrado en la figura 1 incorporado en una rama, apreciandose el modo en que se sujeta a la misma.Figure 2 shows a perspective view of a plant with the example of the device, according to the invention, shown in Figure 1 incorporated in a branch, appreciating the way in which it is subject to it.

Y la figura numero 3.- Muestra una vista en perspectiva de otro ejemplo de realizacion de la trampa adhesiva para insectos de la invencion, en este caso representada en su uso para plantas de maceta.And Figure 3 shows a perspective view of another embodiment of the adhesive trap for insects of the invention, in this case represented in its use for pot plants.


A la vista de las mencionadas figuras, y de acuerdo con la numeracion adoptada, se puede observar en ellas sendos ejemplos de realizacion no limitativa de la trampa adhesiva para insectos preconizada, la cual comprende lo que se describe en detalle a continuacion.In view of the aforementioned figures, and in accordance with the numeration adopted, it is possible to observe in them two examples of non-limitative realization of the recommended adhesive trap for insects, which comprises what is described in detail below.

Asf, tal como se observa en dichas figuras, la trampa (1) en cuestion consiste en un cuerpo laminar (2) que, impregnado en al menos la superficie de una de sus caras con una sustancia pegajosa, se distingue por presentar una configuracion plantar de forma variable que comprende, integrados y formando parte de la misma, medios de sujecion (3, 4) para su incorporacion, directamente y sin elementos adicionales o accesorios de cuelgue, al tronco o rama (5) de un arbol o planta.Thus, as seen in said figures, the trap (1) in question consists of a laminar body (2) that, impregnated in at least the surface of one of its faces with a sticky substance, is distinguished for presenting a planar configuration of variable form comprising, integrated and forming part of it, means for holding (3, 4) for its incorporation, directly and without additional elements or hanging accessories, to the trunk or branch (5) of a tree or plant.

Preferentemente, dichos medios de sujecion integrados en el cuerpo laminar (2) de la trampa (1) consisten en un orificio central (3), de diametro acorde con el grosor del tronco o rama (5) del arbol o planta a que se destina, y una abertura lateral (4) definida por un corte que une dicho orificio central (3) con el borde externo (2a) del cuerpo laminar (2), de manera que forzando el material del cuerpo laminar (2), que es ligeramente flexible, en ambos lados de la abertura lateral (4) para separarlos entre sf y abrirlo parcialmente, el cuerpo laminar (2) se puede insertar en el tronco o rama (5) del arbol o planta, quedando enganchado en ella por el citado orificio central (3) al colocar dichos lados la abertura (4) a su posicion inicial, que por la naturaleza flexible del material tienden a recuperar por sf mismos.Preferably, said fastening means integrated in the laminar body (2) of the trap (1) consist of a central hole (3), of diameter according to the thickness of the trunk or branch (5) of the tree or plant to which it is intended , and a lateral opening (4) defined by a cut that joins said central hole (3) with the outer edge (2a) of the laminar body (2), so that by forcing the material of the laminar body (2), which is slightly flexible, on both sides of the side opening (4) to separate them from each other and partially open it, the laminar body (2) can be inserted into the trunk or branch (5) of the tree or plant, being hooked in it by said hole central (3) when placing said sides the opening (4) to its initial position, which by the flexible nature of the material tend to recover by themselves.

En un ejemplo de realizacion preferida, como el mostrado en las figuras 1 y 2, el cuerpo laminar (2) de la trampa (1) tiene una configuracion plantar circular, la cual resulta preferentemente apta para su incorporacion en ramas de arbol.In a preferred embodiment, as shown in FIGS. 1 and 2, the laminar body (2) of the trap (1) has a circular planar configuration, which is preferably suitable for incorporation into tree branches.

Y, en otra opcion de realizacion, como la mostrada en la figura 3, el cuerpo laminar (2) tiene una configuracion plantar cuadrangular y, opcionalmente, presenta lmeas de doblado (2b) que permiten su transformacion en una piramide, la cual resulta preferentemente apta para su incorporacion en el tronco de plantas con maceta (6).And, in another embodiment, as shown in figure 3, the laminar body (2) has a quadrangular planar configuration and, optionally, has bending lines (2b) that allow its transformation into a pyramid, which results preferably suitable for incorporation into the trunk of plants with pot (6).

Opcionalmente, el cuerpo laminar (2) esta impregnado de sustancia pegajosa en la superficie de sus dos caras y en todo caso, preferentemente, la superficie impregnada de dicha sustancia se encuentra recubierta con papel siliconado, para facilitar su manipulacion, siendo posteriormente retirado.Optionally, the laminar body (2) is impregnated with sticky substance on the surface of its two faces and in any case, preferably, the impregnated surface of said substance is coated with silicone paper, to facilitate its manipulation, being later removed.

Descrita suficientemente la naturaleza de la presente invencion, as^ como la manera de ponerla en practica, no se considera necesario hacer mas extensa su explicacion para que cualquier experto en la materia comprenda su alcance y las ventajas que de ella se derivan. Having sufficiently described the nature of the present invention, as well as the way of putting it into practice, it is not considered necessary to make its explanation more extensive so that any expert in the field understands its scope and the advantages derived therefrom.

Claims (5)

R E I V I N D I C A C I O N E S 1. - Trampa adhesiva para insectos que, consistente en un cuerpo laminar (2) impregnado en al menos la superficie de una de sus caras con una sustancia pegajosa, esta caracterizada por el hecho de que dicho cuerpo laminar (2) presenta una configuracion plantar variable que comprende, integrados y formando parte de la misma, medios de sujecion (3, 4) para su incorporacion, directamente y sin elementos adicionales o accesorios de cuelgue, al tronco o rama (5) de un arbol o planta.1. - Adhesive trap for insects, consisting of a laminar body (2) impregnated in at least the surface of one of its faces with a sticky substance, is characterized by the fact that said laminar body (2) has a plantar configuration variable comprising, integrated and forming part of it, means of fastening (3, 4) for its incorporation, directly and without additional elements or hanging accessories, to the trunk or branch (5) of a tree or plant. 2. - Trampa adhesiva para insectos, segun la reivindicacion 1, caracterizada porque dichos medios de sujecion integrados en el cuerpo laminar (2) de la trampa (1) consisten en un orificio central (3), de diametro acorde con el grosor del tronco o rama (5) del arbol o planta a que se destina, y una abertura lateral (4) definida por un corte que une dicho orificio central (3) con el borde externo (2a) del cuerpo laminar (2).2. Adhesive trap for insects, according to claim 1, characterized in that said fastening means integrated in the laminar body (2) of the trap (1) consist of a central hole (3), of diameter according to the thickness of the trunk or branch (5) of the tree or plant to which it is intended, and a lateral opening (4) defined by a cut that joins said central hole (3) with the outer edge (2a) of the laminar body (2). 3. - Trampa adhesiva para insectos, segun la reivindicacion 2, caracterizada porque el cuerpo laminar (2) tiene una configuracion plantar circular.3. Adhesive trap for insects, according to claim 2, characterized in that the laminar body (2) has a circular plantar configuration. 4. - Trampa adhesiva para insectos, segun la reivindicacion 2, caracterizada porque el cuerpo laminar (2) tiene una configuracion plantar cuadrangular.4. Adhesive trap for insects, according to claim 2, characterized in that the laminar body (2) has a quadrangular plantar configuration. 5. - Trampa adhesiva para insectos, segun la reivindicacion 4, caracterizada porque el cuerpo laminar (2) presenta lmeas de doblado (2b) que permiten su transformacion en una piramide. 5. Adhesive trap for insects, according to claim 4, characterized in that the laminar body (2) has bending lines (2b) that allow its transformation into a pyramid.
ES201930614U 2019-04-16 2019-04-16 ADHESIVE INSECT TRAP Active ES1230034Y (en)

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ES201930614U ES1230034Y (en) 2019-04-16 2019-04-16 ADHESIVE INSECT TRAP
PCT/ES2020/070207 WO2020212634A1 (en) 2019-04-16 2020-03-26 Adhesive insect trap

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ES201930614U ES1230034Y (en) 2019-04-16 2019-04-16 ADHESIVE INSECT TRAP

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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