DK9300292U3 - Advertising Lighting Display - Google Patents

Advertising Lighting Display Download PDF


Publication number
DK9300292U3 DK9300292U DK9300292U DK9300292U3 DK 9300292 U3 DK9300292 U3 DK 9300292U3 DK 9300292 U DK9300292 U DK 9300292U DK 9300292 U DK9300292 U DK 9300292U DK 9300292 U3 DK9300292 U3 DK 9300292U3
Prior art keywords
lighting display
advertising lighting
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Danish (da)
Aage Soerensen
Original Assignee
Dansk System Inventar A S
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Dansk System Inventar A S filed Critical Dansk System Inventar A S
Priority to DK9300292U priority Critical patent/DK9300292U3/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK9300292U3 publication Critical patent/DK9300292U3/en



  • Illuminated Signs And Luminous Advertising (AREA)


DK 93 00292 U3DK 93 00292 U3



Reklamebelysningsdisplay.Advertising Lighting Display.

Frembringelsens anvendelsesområdeScope of production

Denne frembringelse angår et modulopbygget belysningsdisplay, fortrinsvis fremstillet i lakeret stålplade, med hægter til påmontering i et søjlevangesystem. Frembringelsen bruges f.eks. i butikker til at fremvise reklamer og belyse varer.This provision relates to a modular lighting display, preferably made of lacquered steel plate, with hooks for mounting in a pillar-catch system. The production is used e.g. in stores to showcase advertisements and illuminate merchandise.

Frembringelsen giver frihed med hensyn til placering af reklamer, idet disse frit kan skydes ind imellem de enkelte elementer/moduler.The creation gives freedom with regard to placement of advertisements, as these can be freely slid in between the individual elements / modules.

Kendt teknikPrior art

Den kendte teknik, der anvendes til fremvisning af reklamer, er en armaturkasse, kaldet en lyskasse, hvori der i fronten sidder en opalfarvet acrylplade, et pictogram og en mat polystyrenplade. Pictogrammet er selve reklamen, der skal fremvises. Inde i kassen er der typisk monteret 3 styk 18 W' s lysstofrør, der belyser reklamen bagfra.The prior art used to display advertisements is a luminaire box, called a light box, which contains in the front an opal colored acrylic plate, a pictogram and a matte polystyrene plate. The pictogram is the actual advertisement to be displayed. Inside the box are typically 3 piece 18 W fluorescent lamps, which illuminate the advertisement from behind.

Det tekniske problem, der skal løsesThe technical problem to be solved

De kendte lyskasser giver, grundet belysningen bagfra, en beskeden virkningsgrad med hensyn til lysudbyttet. Pictogrammerne, der i sagens natur er gennernlyselige, er meget dyre at fremstille. Størrelsen på lyskassen bestemmer ligeledes, hvor store reklamerne skal være.The known light boxes, due to the backlight, provide a modest efficiency with regard to the light output. The pictograms, which are inherently clear, are very expensive to produce. The size of the light box also determines how large the advertisements should be.

Med frembringelsen ønsker vi at forbedre det kendte system til fremvisning af reklamer i butikker. Det nye lyssystem skal give en bedre udnyttelse af lyset, samt en direkte belysning af hele reklamen, og dermed spare på energien. Det skid samtidigt være nemt for de ansatte og være billigt at udskifte reklamerne ved eventuelle salgsfremstød for specielle produkter.With the creation, we want to improve the known system for displaying advertisements in stores. The new lighting system should make better use of the light, as well as a direct illumination of the entire advertising, thus saving energy. At the same time, it is easy for employees to be cheap and to be cheap to replace the advertisements in the event of promotions for special products.

Den nye teknikThe new technique

Det nye ved frembringelsen udgøres af, at reklamen belyses direkte. Dette gøres refleksfrit uafhængigt af den højde, hvori frembringelsen anbringes. Armaturet er monteret således, at det belyser reklamen ovenfra og ned. Den fordelagtige facon på frembringelsen bevirker, at lyset først vil belyse reklamen, og efterfølgende reflekteres lodret ned og dermed belyse varerne på de øverste hylder.The new thing about the production is that the advertisement is illuminated directly. This is done reflex-free regardless of the height at which the production is placed. The luminaire is mounted so that it illuminates the advertisement from top to bottom. The advantageous shape of the production means that the light will first illuminate the advertisement, and subsequently be reflected down vertically, thus illuminating the goods on the top shelves.

Den direkte belysning af reklamerne bevirker, at der, istedet for de dyre pictogrammer, kan anvendes almindelige billeder som reklamer. Disse reklamer kan nemt udskiftes, idet de monteres i et i] edersy stem, der sikrer en let udskiftning.The direct illumination of the advertisements means that, instead of the expensive pictograms, ordinary images can be used as advertisements. These advertisements can be easily replaced by mounting them in an in-line system that ensures easy replacement.

DK 93 00292 U3DK 93 00292 U3

Den tekniske virkningThe technical impact

Lyspanelet er udformet som en halv parabel, der foroven løber over i en halvcirkel. Lyskilden placeres i parablens brændpunkt. For at sikre en optimal, dvs. en ens belysning af reklamen, kan der monteres en reflektor, der sikrer at lyset fordeles jævnt på reklamen. Alternativt giver faconen mulighed for montering af almindelige standard armaturer i parablens brændpunkt.The light panel is designed as a half parabola, which overflows into a semicircle. The light source is placed at the focal point of the parabola. To ensure an optimal, ie. a uniform illumination of the advertisement, a reflector can be mounted which ensures that the light is evenly distributed on the advertising. Alternatively, the shape allows the installation of ordinary standard luminaires at the focal point of the parabola.

Billedet indsættes i dets holdere i parablen, og lyset vil, som tidligere nævnt, reflekteres lodret ned på de øverste hylder, efter først at have belyst billedet.The image is inserted into its holders in the parabola, and as previously mentioned, the light will be reflected vertically down on the top shelves, after first illuminating the image.

Dette bevirker at belysningsdisplayet, i modsætning til de alm. lyskasser oplyser varerne på de øverste hylder, og det kan derfor indgå i den samlede belysning af hele vægfaget.This causes the illumination display, unlike the ordinary. light boxes illuminate the goods on the top shelves and it can therefore be included in the overall lighting of the entire wall compartment.

Herved kan den ordinære reolbelysning reduceres, dvs. at det samlede effektbehov til belysning af reolfaget mindskes, og der kan derfor opnås en energibesparelse ved at anvende det nye system.Hereby the ordinary shelf lighting can be reduced, ie. that the overall power requirement for illumination of the shelving unit is reduced, and therefore energy savings can be achieved by using the new system.

Frembringelsen og specielt fordelagtige udførelsesformer forklares i enkeltheder i det følgende under henvisning til figurerne på tegningerne.The invention and particularly advantageous embodiments are explained in detail below with reference to the figures in the drawings.

FigurfortegnelseList of Figures

Tegning 1 viser en kendt lyskasse.Drawing 1 shows a known light box.

Tegning 2A viser, i snit, den fordelagtige facon, uden lyskilde.Figure 2A shows, in section, the advantageous shape, without light source.

B. med standard armatur monteret.B. with standard fixture fitted.

C. med reflektor monteret.C. with reflector mounted.

Tegning 3 viser monteringsprincippet for montering af reklamebilleder.Figure 3 shows the mounting principle for mounting advertising images.

Tegning 4 viser belysningsdisplay opsat fortløbende.Figure 4 shows the illumination display set up continuously.

Udførelseséksempler: På tegning 1 kan man se en lyskasse, som denne er udformet ifølge den kendte teknik, med opalfarvet acrylplade, pictogram og en mat polystyrenplade.Examples of embodiment: Drawing 1 shows a light box designed according to the prior art, with opal colored acrylic plate, pictogram and a matte polystyrene plate.

På tegning 2A kan man, i snit, se displayets udformning 1, udført uden lyskilde monteret. Denne skitse viser desuden, hvordan lyset ideelt set reflekteres i displayet, og det kan ses at dette reflekteres lodret ned. Tegning 2B viser, i snit, frembringelsen monteret med et almindeligt standard armatur 2, og tegning 2C viser, ligeledes i snit, frembringelsen monteret med reflektor 3.In drawing 2A, you can see, in section, the design of the display 1, made without a light source mounted. This sketch also shows how the light is ideally reflected in the display, and it can be seen that this is reflected down vertically. Figure 2B shows, in section, the production mounted with a standard standard luminaire 2, and drawing 2C shows, also in section, the production mounted with reflector 3.

Som det kan ses, er lyskilden i begge tilfælde (tegn. 2B og 2C) anbragt tilnærmelsesvis i brændpunktet i den fordelagtige facon, og vil derfor oplyse hele reklamebilledet. Som det ligeledes kan ses, opbygges frembringelsen med bærehægter 4 på bagsiden. Frembringelsen udføres i passende modullængder, og kan derfor nemt indpasses i det eksisterende søj levange-/reolsy stem.As can be seen, in both cases (Figures 2B and 2C), the light source is located approximately at the focal point of the favorable shape, and will therefore illuminate the entire advertising image. As can also be seen, the production is built up with carrying hooks 4 on the back. The generation is carried out at suitable module lengths and can therefore easily be fitted into the existing column level / shelf system.

Claims (3)

1. Reklamebelysningsdisplay som er nyt ved, at displayet er udformet (1) som en .halv parabel løbende over i en halvcirkel, i hvis brændpunkt der monteres en lyskilde (2) fortrinsvis med reflektor (3).1. Advertising lighting display which is new in that the display is designed (1) as a half parabola running into a semicircle, in the focal point of which a light source (2) is mounted preferably with reflector (3). 2. Reklamebelysningsdisplay ifølge krav 1 som er nyt ved, at der i parablen kan indsættes et reklamebillede, der fastholdes ved hjælp af fjedre (6) og bundnot (7).The advertising lighting display according to claim 1, which is new in that an advertisement image can be inserted in the parabola, which is retained by means of springs (6) and bottom note (7). 3. Reklamebelysningsdisplay i henhold til krav 1 og 2 som er nyt ved, at displayet er udformet med åbne ender (8), der muliggør samling af flere moduler ved hjælp af en samlering (9) eller lukning med endebund (10).3. Advertising lighting display according to claims 1 and 2, which is new in that the display is designed with open ends (8), which allow for multiple modules to be assembled by means of a joint (9) or closure with end bottom (10).
DK9300292U 1993-06-10 1993-06-10 Advertising Lighting Display DK9300292U3 (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK9300292U DK9300292U3 (en) 1993-06-10 1993-06-10 Advertising Lighting Display

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK9300292U DK9300292U3 (en) 1993-06-10 1993-06-10 Advertising Lighting Display

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK9300292U3 true DK9300292U3 (en) 1994-05-27



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DK9300292U DK9300292U3 (en) 1993-06-10 1993-06-10 Advertising Lighting Display

Country Status (1)

Country Link
DK (1) DK9300292U3 (en)

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