
Publication number
DK158340B DK226783A DK226783A DK158340B DK 158340 B DK158340 B DK 158340B DK 226783 A DK226783 A DK 226783A DK 226783 A DK226783 A DK 226783A DK 158340 B DK158340 B DK 158340B
Prior art keywords
mixing chamber
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DK226783D0 (en
DK226783A (en
DK158340C (en
Adolf Buchfink
Original Assignee
Peters Ag Claudius
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Application filed by Peters Ag Claudius filed Critical Peters Ag Claudius
Publication of DK226783D0 publication Critical patent/DK226783D0/en
Publication of DK226783A publication Critical patent/DK226783A/en
Publication of DK158340B publication Critical patent/DK158340B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK158340C publication Critical patent/DK158340C/en



    • B01F33/00Other mixers; Mixing plants; Combinations of mixers
    • B01F33/40Mixers using gas or liquid agitation, e.g. with air supply tubes
    • B01F33/4092Storing receptacles provided with separate mixing chambers


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • Filling Or Emptying Of Bunkers, Hoppers, And Tanks (AREA)
  • Storage Of Harvested Produce (AREA)


DK 158340 BDK 158340 B


Der kendes siloer for styrtgods med et på midten af siloens bund beliggende blandekammer, som styrtgods fra siloen tilføres e d bunden ved hjælp af pneumatiske luftfremføringsrender, og hvori styrtgodset 5 blandes og derefter udtages gennem en radialt på si loens ydervæg forløbende kanal.Knock-down silos are known with a mixing chamber located at the center of the bottom of the silo, which is fed from the silo to the bottom by means of pneumatic air-feeding gutters, in which the shaft 5 is mixed and then taken out through a radially extending outer wall of the screen.

Sådanne siloer anvendes både til lagring af styrtgodset og til at undgå anvendelse af yderligere homonoge-niseringssiloer, hvori produktionsvariationer udlignes.Such silos are used both for the storage of the crash goods and to avoid the use of additional homonogenization silos in which production variations are offset.

10 Fransk patentskrift nr. 2 110 817 angår en sådan silo, hvis udtømningsorganer er tilsluttet midten af blande-kammeret. Gennem et centralt rør i blandekammeret udsuges støv foroven, medens udtømningen sker forneden.French Patent Specification No. 2 110 817 relates to such a silo whose discharge means is connected to the center of the mixing chamber. Through a central pipe in the mixing chamber, dust is extracted from the top, while the discharge is carried out below.

En yderligere udtømning sker gennem dette rør i den 15 øvre del af kammeret. Styrtgods føres derefter gennem en kanal under siloens bund til en sideudtømning. Til denne silokonstruktion kræves der en bekostelig midtersøjle.A further discharge is effected through this tube in the upper 15 of the chamber. Guide goods are then passed through a channel under the bottom of the silo to a side discharge. An expensive center column is required for this silo construction.

Fra de tyske offentliggørelsesskrifter nr. 26 57 596 20 og nr. 26 57 597 kendes siloer med en mere fordelagtig sideudtømning gennem en til silovæggen forløbende kanal, der foroven er afsluttet i kammerets højde og gennem hvilken støv føres til et udsugningsrør, der fortrinsvis er anbragt på siloens ydervæg. I begge disse 25 kendte siloer er sidekanalen adskilt fra blandekamme ret ved hjælp af en mellemvæg. Gennem en under loftet anbragt åbning i denne væg bliver støv fjernet fra blandekammeret, og gennem en anden, forneden beliggende åbning i mellemvæggen strømmer styrtgodset fra blandekam-30 meret til sidekanalen. Styrtgodsets strømningshastig hed og sidekanalens fyldningsgrad afhænger af denne åbnings tværsnit og af sideudtagningsorganets effekt.From German Publication Nos. 26 57 596 20 and 26 26 59 597 silos with a more advantageous side discharge are known through a channel extending to the silo wall, which is closed at the top of the chamber and through which dust is fed to a suction pipe, which is preferably arranged on the outer wall of the silo. In both of these 25 known silos, the side channel is separated from mixing combs by means of a partition wall. Through an opening located below the ceiling in this wall, dust is removed from the mixing chamber, and through another opening located below the intermediate wall, the bulk material flows from the mixing chamber to the side channel. The flow rate of the guide material and the degree of filling of the side channel depend on the cross section of this opening and on the effect of the side withdrawal means.

Det er herved ikke udelukket, at en del af styrtgodset,It is thus not excluded that part of the property,

DK 158340BDK 158340B

2 der fra siloen strømmer gennem tilførselsåbningen til blandekammeret, vil følge den korteste vej til sidekanalen, og følgelig ikke vil deltage i homogeniseringen i blandekammeret.2 flowing from the silo through the feed opening to the mixing chamber will follow the shortest path to the side channel and consequently will not participate in the homogenization in the mixing chamber.

5 Det er opfindelsens formål at hindre denne kortslut ningsstrømning ved en blandekammersilo med en radialt på silovæggen forløbende kanal.It is an object of the invention to prevent this short-circuit flow at a mixing chamber silo with a channel extending radially on the silo wall.

Dette er ifølge opfindelsen opnået ved, at siloen er således indrettet, at styrtgodset vil strømme til ka-10 nalen gennem en øvre, under kammerets loft liggende åbning. Styrtgods, der fra silorummet er strømmet ind i blandekammeret, må i det mindste strømme lodret eller diagonalt gennem kammeret, før det når sidekanalen.This is achieved according to the invention in that the silo is arranged so that the overload will flow to the channel through an upper opening below the ceiling of the chamber. Guide goods that have flowed from the silo chamber into the mixing chamber must at least flow vertically or diagonally through the chamber before reaching the side channel.

Derved bliver det med sikkerhed grebet af den omløben-15 de homogeniseringsstrømning og blandes med det øvrige styrtgods i blandekammeret. Blandingen af det færdige gods bliver derved mere homogen, d.v.s. at omfanget af variationer bliver mindre, idet der ikke vil forekomme godsdele, der er unddraget homogenisering ved at 20 følge den foran omtalte kortslutningsstrømning.Thereby, the circulating homogenisation flow is safely seized and mixed with the other bulk material in the mixing chamber. The mixture of the finished goods thereby becomes more homogeneous, i.e. that the range of variations will be reduced, since there will be no freight parts that have avoided homogenization by following the aforementioned short-circuit flow.

Der opnås ved opfindelsen sikkerhed for, at der mellem blandekammerets indløbsåbninger og styrtgodsets udløb fra kammeret til sidekanalen findes en tvunget bane med størst mulig udstrækning. Herved kan også luftmæng-25 den for blandekammer-homogeniseringsanlæggets aktiv- blæser formindskes, idet omløbshastigheden alene tjener til den nødvendige homogenisering og ikke mere til hurtig inddragelse af efterstrømmende styrtgods.The invention provides assurance that between the inlet openings of the mixing chamber and the outlet of the bulk material from the chamber to the side channel there is a forced web with the greatest possible extent. This can also reduce the amount of air for the mixing fan homogenizer system, since the flow rate serves only for the necessary homogenisation and no longer for the rapid inclusion of post-flowing shock loads.

En yderligere forbedring kan ifølge opfindelsen opnås 30 ved, at udløbsåbningen fra blandekammeret til kanalen er indstillelig i højden. Derved behøver blandekammeret ikke altid at være fyldt til den maksimalt mulige fyld-A further improvement according to the invention can be achieved by the height of the outlet opening from the mixing chamber to the duct being adjustable. Thus, the mixing chamber need not always be filled to the maximum possible filling.

DK 158340BDK 158340B

3 ningshøjde, før styrtgodset strømmer til kanalen. Det bliver således muligt under driften at tilpasse overløbshøjden til den mest hensigtsmæssige fyldningshøjde i blandekammeret, hvorved der opnås et godt blandere-5 sultat.3 heights before the load flows to the duct. Thus, during operation, it becomes possible to adjust the overflow height to the most appropriate filling height in the mixing chamber, thus obtaining a good mixing result.

En ringere fyldningshøjde i blandekammeret medfører umiddelbart en energibesparelse, idet anlæggets blæsere da skal frembringe et mindre tryk, og drivmotorerne vil forbruge mindre strøm ved elektrisk drift.An inferior filling height in the mixing chamber immediately results in energy savings, since the system's fans must produce a lower pressure, and the drive motors will consume less power during electrical operation.

10 Blandekammerets fyldningshøjde afhænger af mængden af tilført og bortført styrtgods. Udstrømningen af styrtgods gennem sidekanalen afhænger af behovet og er dermed forskellig. En ensartet udtømning sikres ved konstant fyldningshøjde i kanalen og en ensartet bundbe-15 luftning. Ifølge en udførelsesform for opfindelsen over våges denne fyldningshøjde af .et måleorgan, der styrer beluftningen af silobunden uden for blandekammeret og dermed sikrer fyldningshøjden i blandekammeret og den ensartede tilstrømning til kanalen.10 The filling height of the mixing chamber depends on the amount of infused and removed bulk material. The outflow of bulk goods through the side channel depends on the need and is thus different. A uniform discharge is ensured at a constant filling height in the duct and a uniform bottom ventilation. According to an embodiment of the invention above, this filling height is monitored by a measuring means which controls the aeration of the silo bottom outside the mixing chamber and thus ensures the filling height in the mixing chamber and the uniform flow to the duct.

20 Ved denne styring bliver også omkostningerne til beluft- ning af silobunden uden for kammeret nedbragt til den mindst mulige.20 In this control, the cost of aerating the silo floor outside the chamber is also reduced to the least possible.

For det tilfælde at siloens sideudtømning ikke skal ske ved bunden men højere end denne, anbringes kanalens 25 bund højere end blandekammerets bund. Ved denne udform ning kræves der også et mindre blæsertryk til beluftning af kammerets bund således, at der opnås en energibesparelse.In the event that the side discharge of the silo should not occur at the bottom but higher than this, the bottom of the duct 25 is placed higher than the bottom of the mixing chamber. This design also requires a smaller fan pressure to aerate the bottom of the chamber so that an energy saving is achieved.

Ifølge en udførelsesform for opfindelsen findes der 30 i blandekammerets bund en yderligere udtømningsåbning.According to one embodiment of the invention, there is an additional discharge opening at the bottom of the mixing chamber.

Denne åbning danner en nødudgang til anvendelse vedThis opening forms an emergency exit for use at

DK 158340BDK 158340B

4 driftsforstyrrelser. Der gives mulighed for fuldstændig tømning, og grove bestanddele i styrtgodset, der udskilles i blandekammeret, kan udtages nedad.4 malfunctions. Full emptying is provided, and coarse constituents in the bulk material that are excreted in the mixing chamber can be removed downwards.

En særlig enkelt konstruktion opnås ifølge opfindelsen 5 ved, at den forreste forbindelse af det andet udtøm ningssted på blandekammerets bund findes under kanalen.A particularly simple construction is achieved according to the invention 5 in that the front connection of the second discharge point on the bottom of the mixing chamber is located below the duct.

Opfindelsen forklares nærmere i det følgende under henvisning til tegningen, der i snit viser en udførelses-form for en silo ifølge opfindelsen.The invention is explained in more detail below with reference to the drawing, which shows in section an embodiment of a silo according to the invention.

10 Den nedre del af den viste forrådssilo for styrtgods afgrænses af en ydervæg 1 og en bund 2. På midten af bunden findes et blandekammer 3, og mellem dette og ydervæggen 1 findes en kanal 4, der er adskilt fra blandekammeret ved hjælp af en skillevæg 5. Styrtgodset 15 i siloen når gennem det med 6 viste rum og den med 7 viste åbning ind i blandekammeret 3, hvor det blandes med kvadrant-homogeniseringsbehandling. En aktiv-kvadrant beluftes kraftigt, og tre inaktiv-kvadranter beluftes mindre kraftigt. Styrtgodset bliver omvæltet. Kvadrant-20 beluftningen skiftes rytmisk efter et tidsskema således, at hver kvadrant beluftes aktivt en gang.10 The lower part of the illustrated storage strainer silo shown is bounded by an outer wall 1 and a bottom 2. At the center of the bottom is a mixing chamber 3, and between this and the outer wall 1 there is a channel 4 which is separated from the mixing chamber by means of a partition wall. 5. The guide material 15 in the silo reaches through the space shown by 6 and the opening shown by 7 into the mixing chamber 3, where it is mixed with quadrant homogenization treatment. One active quadrant is strongly aerated and three inactive quadrants less aerated. The goods are overturned. The quadrant aeration is rhythmically shifted according to a time schedule so that each quadrant is actively aerated once.

Gennem den med 8 viste åbning når styrtgodset til kanalen 4, som en ledning 9 for udsugning af støv er tilsluttet. Måleorganer 10 afføler fyldningshøjden i kana-25 len 4 og styrer blæseren 11.Through the aperture shown in Fig. 8, the plunger reaches the duct 4, as a conduit 9 for extraction of dust is connected. Measuring means 10 senses the filling height in channel 4 and controls the fan 11.

Udtømning af styrtgodset sker gennem åbningen 12. Et andet udtømningssted i blandekammeret findes ved åbningen 13.Discharge of the load takes place through the opening 12. Another discharge point in the mixing chamber is found at the opening 13.

Claims (6)

1. Silo for styrtgods med et centralt på silobunden anbragt blandekammer, som styrtgods fra silorummet tilføres ved dets bund gennem pneumatiske luftfremførings-render, og hvor styrtgodset blandes under gennemstrøm-5 ning, samt hvorfra styrtgodset udtages gennem en radialt på siloens ydervæg forløbende kanal, kendetegnet ved, at styrtgodset strømmer til kanalen (4) gennem en foroven under kammerets loft liggende åbning (8).1. A silo for impact with a centrally mounted mixing chamber, which is supplied to the sediment from the silo space at its bottom through pneumatic air feeding channels, and wherein the impact is mixed during flow, and from which the impact is withdrawn through a radially extending channel of the silo. characterized in that the overload flows to the duct (4) through an opening (8) above the chamber ceiling. 2. Silo ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at underkanten af udløbsåbningen (8) er indstillelig i højden.Silo according to claim 1, characterized in that the lower edge of the outlet opening (8) is adjustable in height. 3· Silo ifølge krav 1 og 2, kendetegnet ved, at fyldningshøjden overvåges af et måleorgan (10), der 15 styrer beluftningen af silobunden uden for blandekamme- ret (3).Silo according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that the filling height is monitored by a measuring means (10) which controls the aeration of the silo bottom outside the mixing chamber (3). 4. Silo ifølge ethvert af kravene 1-3, kendete g-n e t ved, at kanalens (4) bund ligger højere end blan-dekammerets (3) bund.Silo according to any one of claims 1-3, characterized in that the bottom of the duct (4) is higher than the bottom of the mixing chamber (3). 5. Silo ifølge ethvert af kravene 1-4, kendeteg net ved, at der i blandekammerets (3) bund findes en yderligere åbning (13) for udtagning af styrtgods.Silo according to any one of claims 1-4, characterized in that there is an additional opening (13) for the removal of crash goods in the bottom of the mixing chamber (3). 6. Silo ifølge krav 4 og 5, kendetegnet ved, at fremføringsforbindelsen fra den yderligere udtøm-25 ningsåbning (13) i kammerets (3) bund strækker sig un der kanalen (4).Silo according to claims 4 and 5, characterized in that the feed connection from the further discharge port (13) in the bottom of the chamber (3) extends below the channel (4).
DK226783A 1982-05-21 1983-05-20 SILO WITH MIXING ROOMS FOR STRONG GOODS DK158340C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE3219147A DE3219147A1 (en) 1982-05-21 1982-05-21 MIXING CHAMBER SILO FOR SCHUETTGUT
DE3219147 1982-05-21

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DK226783D0 DK226783D0 (en) 1983-05-20
DK226783A DK226783A (en) 1983-11-22
DK158340B true DK158340B (en) 1990-05-07
DK158340C DK158340C (en) 1990-11-19



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DK226783A DK158340C (en) 1982-05-21 1983-05-20 SILO WITH MIXING ROOMS FOR STRONG GOODS

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CN115821685B (en) * 2023-02-06 2023-05-26 莱州亚通重型装备有限公司 Continuous feeding device of paver

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