
Publication number
DK149506B DK201283A DK201283A DK149506B DK 149506 B DK149506 B DK 149506B DK 201283 A DK201283 A DK 201283A DK 201283 A DK201283 A DK 201283A DK 149506 B DK149506 B DK 149506B
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Danish (da)
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DK149506C (en
DK201283A (en
DK201283D0 (en
Joergen Christensen
Original Assignee
Irma As
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Application filed by Irma As filed Critical Irma As
Priority to DK201283A priority Critical patent/DK149506C/en
Publication of DK201283D0 publication Critical patent/DK201283D0/en
Priority to NL8401424A priority patent/NL8401424A/en
Priority to DE19843416516 priority patent/DE3416516A1/en
Publication of DK201283A publication Critical patent/DK201283A/en
Publication of DK149506B publication Critical patent/DK149506B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK149506C publication Critical patent/DK149506C/en



    • G01G19/00Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in the preceding groups
    • G01G19/387Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in the preceding groups for combinatorial weighing, i.e. selecting a combination of articles whose total weight or number is closest to a desired value
    • G01G19/393Weighing apparatus or methods adapted for special purposes not provided for in the preceding groups for combinatorial weighing, i.e. selecting a combination of articles whose total weight or number is closest to a desired value using two or more weighing units


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • General Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Packaging Of Special Articles (AREA)
  • Sorting Of Articles (AREA)


i 149506in 149506

Opfindelsen angår et apparat af den i krav l's indledning angivne art.The invention relates to an apparatus of the kind specified in the preamble of claim 1.

Nogle af de produkter, et sådant apparat skal kunne behandle, er sarte over for tryk og stød, og opfindelsen 5 har til formål at angive et apparat af den omhandlede art, som muliggør tilførsel af produkterne enkeltvis eller i små grupper til vægtskålene på en måde, som forener skånsomhed med imødekommelse af de krav til høj arbejdshastighed, som anvendelse af hurtigtvirkende 10 vejeceller og datamatstyring inspirerer til.Some of the products which such an apparatus is capable of treating are susceptible to pressure and shock, and the invention 5 has for its object to provide an apparatus of the kind in question which allows the products to be supplied individually or in small groups to the scales in a manner , which combines gentleness with meeting the high work speed requirements that the use of fast-acting 10 weighing cells and computer control inspires.

Dette formål opnås ved, at apparatet er udformet som angivet i krav l's kendetegnende del, idet overføringen af produkterne fra transportbanen til vægtskålene ved denne konstruktion foregår ved en kort løftebevægelse 15 efterfulgt af en ligeledes kort rulle- eller glide- bevægelse, under hvilke bevægelser produkterne praktisk taget kun er påvirket af den kraft, hvormed deres egenvægt trykker dem mod de understøttende flader.This object is achieved in that the apparatus is designed as claimed in the characterizing part of claim 1, in which the transfer of the products from the conveying path to the weight bowls of this construction takes place by a short lifting movement 15 followed by a short rolling or sliding movement during which the products move practically only affected by the force by which their own weight presses them against the supporting surfaces.

Ved at apparatet er udformet som angivet i krav 2 opnås, 20 at den barrierebevægelse, der styrer tilførslen af produkter til vægtskålen også udnyttes til synkroniseret fjernelse af de vejede produkter fra vægtskålen ved, at produkterne triller eller falder ned på afgangsbanen fra gaffelfingrene, når disse befinder sig i 25 deres øverste stilling.In that the apparatus is designed as claimed in claim 2, the barrier movement controlling the supply of products to the weight bowl is also utilized for synchronized removal of the weighted products from the weight bowl by the products vibrating or falling on the departure path from the fork fingers when are in their top 25 position.

Den i krav 3 angivne foranstaltning medfører, at barrieren med gaffelfingre og elevatoren kan bevæges af ét og samme drivorgan, som f.eks. kan være en pneumatisk cylinder. Derved sikres også korrekt synkronise-30 ring af de to bevægelser.The measure according to claim 3 means that the barrier with the fork fingers and the elevator can be moved by one and the same driving means, such as for example. may be a pneumatic cylinder. This also ensures proper synchronization of the two movements.

2 1495062 149506

Opfindelsen skal forklares nærmere i det følgende under henvisning til tegningen, hvor fig. 1 er et lodret skematisk billede, delvis i snit, af en udførelsesform for apparatet ifølge opfindelsen, 5 fig. 2 viser et repræsentativt udsnit af apparatet set fra oven, fig. 3 samme set fra den bageste ende, og fig. 4 er et lodret billede, delvis i snit af en del af apparatet i en anden arbejdsstilling.The invention will be explained in greater detail below with reference to the drawing, in which 1 is a partial schematic view, partly in section, of an embodiment of the apparatus according to the invention; FIG. 2 is a top plan view of the apparatus; FIG. 3 shows the same from the rear end; 4 is a vertical view, partly in section, of part of the apparatus in a different working position.

10 Apparatet har et antal, f.eks. tyve, side om side beliggende transportbaner 10, 11 for de produkter, der skal opdeles i grupper med så vidt muligt ens vægt, og som i det følgende eksempelvis tænkes at være tomater. Hver bane har en fra den forreste ende, hvor tomaterne T 15 ilægges, svagt opadskrånende indgangsdel 10 bestående af to parallelle, endeløse gummibånd 12, der løber over snorskiver 13 og 14, hvoraf det ene sæt er drevet af en ikke vist motor. I hver baneindgangsdel er der mellem og et stykke under gummibåndene 12 anbragt et par der-20 med i hovedsagen parallelle spærrestænger 15, som er således forbundet med stempelstangen i en pneumatisk cylinder 16, at de ved aktivering af denne bevæges fra • den viste hvilestilling under den øvre strækning af • gummibåndene til en spærrestilling, hvori de befinder 25 sig i niveau med eller et lille stykke over gummibåndene. Hældningen af indgangsdelen 10 er således afpasset, at tomaterne vil blive ført med af gummibåndene uden at trille tilbage. Hældningen kan f.eks. være ca.The apparatus has a number, e.g. twenty, side by side transport lanes 10, 11 for the products to be divided into groups of equal weight as far as possible, which in the following are, for example, thought to be tomatoes. Each web has one from the front end where the tomatoes T15 is loaded, slightly upwardly sloping entrance portion 10 consisting of two parallel, endless rubber bands 12 running over lathes 13 and 14, one of which is driven by a motor not shown. In each web entrance portion, a pair there and between a rubber band 12 is arranged a pair thereof 20 with substantially parallel locking rods 15, which are so connected to the piston rod of a pneumatic cylinder 16 that, upon actuation thereof, they are moved from the rest position shown below. the upper stretch of the rubber bands to a locking position in which they are 25 level or slightly above the rubber bands. The inclination of the input portion 10 is adjusted so that the tomatoes will be carried by the rubber bands without rolling back. The slope can e.g. be approx.

10°.10 °.

3 1495063 149506

Fra den øverste ende af indgangsdelen 10 passerer tomaterne over på udgangsdelen 11, der har form af en rende 17, som skråner nedad med en sådan hældning på f.eks.From the upper end of the entrance portion 10, the tomatoes pass over to the exit portion 11 which is in the form of a gutter 17 which slopes downwards with such a slope of e.g.

27°, at tomaterne triller ned gennem renden, efterhånden 5 som de fjernes fra den nedre ende af renden. Ued den øverste ende og i bunden af renden 17 er anbragt en fjederbelaste? føler 18, som, når den påvirkes af en tomat, aktiverer en luftventil 19 og får denne til at føre trykluft til cylinderen 16, hvorved spærrestængerne i den 10 pågældende bane løftes og forhindrer yderligere tilførsel af tomater, indtil den ventilaktiverende tomat har forladt føleren 18 og derved givet plads til en efterfølgende tomat.27 °, that the tomatoes roll down through the gutter as they are removed from the lower end of the gutter. At the upper end and at the bottom of the gutter 17 is a spring loaded? sensor 18 which, when actuated by a tomato, activates an air valve 19 and causes it to supply compressed air to the cylinder 16, thereby lifting the locking rods in the respective path and preventing further supply of tomatoes until the valve activating tomato has left the sensor 18 thereby giving way to a subsequent tomato.

Ued foden af hver rende 17 er anbragt en elevator 20, 15 som ved hjælp af en pneumatisk cylinder 21 kan bevæges mellem den i fig. 1 viste bundstilling, hvori en af elevatoren båren rendeformet skål 22 ligger i forlængelse af transportrenden 11, og den i fig. 4 viste topstilling, hvori elevatorskålen 22 flugter med en anden ren-20 deformet skål 23 på en stationær mellemstation 24. Både elevatorskålen 22 og den fastliggende skål 23 har en sådan længde, at der er plads til én og kun én tomat i hver skål. Mellemstationen 24 har en forvæg 25, som i elevatorens bundstilling danner anlæg for den i eleva-25 torskålen 22 liggende tomat.Below the foot of each trough 17 is mounted an elevator 20, 15 which can be moved between the pneumatic cylinder 21 in the manner shown in FIG. 1, in which a gutter-shaped bowl 22 supported by the elevator lies in extension of the transport gutter 11, and the gasket 11 shown in FIG. 4, in which the elevator bowl 22 aligns with another clean-shaped bowl 23 on a stationary intermediate station 24. Both the elevator bowl 22 and the fixed bowl 23 are of such length that there is space for one and only one tomato in each bowl. The intermediate station 24 has a front wall 25 which, in the bottom position of the elevator, forms a plant for the tomato lying in the elevator 25.

Elevatoren 20 har en bagvæg 26, hvis overkant i elevatorens bundstilling er beliggende ud for eller lidt lavere end bunden af mellemstationen 24's faste skål 23, og som i elevatorens topstilling strækker sig op bag 30 denne skål og danner anlæg for en deri liggende tomat.Elevator 20 has a rear wall 26, the upper edge of which is in the bottom position of the elevator, located at or slightly lower than the bottom of the fixed bowl 23 of intermediate station 24, and which, in the top position of the elevator, extends upwards behind 30 this bowl and forms a plant for a tomato therein.

4 1495064 149506

Ved den nedre ende af den stationære skål 23 er anbragt en vægtskål 27, som via en vinkelkonsol 28 bæres af en vejecelle 29. Alle anlæggets vejeceller er forbundet med en ikke vist datamat, som på basis af de modtagne signa-5 ler på kendt måde udpeger den kombination af vægtskåle 27, der indeholder tomater, hvis samlede vægt kommer nærmest til en forud fafetsat værdi. ·At the lower end of the stationary bowl 23 is placed a weight bowl 27, which is carried by a weighing cell 28 via an angle bracket 29. All of the plant's weighing cells are connected to a computer not shown, which on the basis of the received signals in a known manner designates the combination of weight bowls 27 containing tomatoes whose total weight comes closest to a predetermined value. ·

To krumme gaffelfingre 30 strækker sig skråt nedad og bagud fra overkanten af elevatoren 20's bagvæg 26, og i 10 elevatorens .bundstilling er disse fingre beliggende under en i vægtskålen 27 liggende tomat. Når elevatoren af cylinderen 21 løftes op i sin i fig. 4 viste topstilling, bevæger fingrene 30 sig gennem slidser 31 i vægtskålen 27 og løfter tomaten op over vægtskålens bagkant, 15 hvorfra den falder ned på en af ialt fire parvis symmetriske afgangsslidsker 32 og 33, der er beliggende bag ved og strækker sig langs rækken af vægtskåle 27. Slids-kerne 32 skråner nedad fra hver sin af de yderste vægtskåle i rækken mod hver sin tragtvæg 34, som selv skrå-20 ner stejlt ned mod hver sin lodrette væg 35, hvis underkanter er forbundet med hinanden ved en vandret platform 36. Slidskerne 33 strækker sig fra midten af vægtskålerækken skråt nedad til hver sin side mod den nedre ende af hver sin slidske 32 og ender i en sådan afstand fra 25 disse, at der mellem underkanten af hver slidsk 33 og den tilsvarende slidsk 32 dannes en port 37, som tomaterne kan passere igennem. Disse porte kan lukkes af svingklapper 38, som er fastgjort på hver sin aksel 39.Two curved fork fingers 30 extend obliquely downwards and backwards from the upper edge of the rear wall 26 of the elevator 20, and in the bottom position of the elevator, these fingers are located under a tomato in the weight bowl 27. When the elevator of the cylinder 21 is lifted into its in FIG. 4, the fingers 30 move through slots 31 in the weight bowl 27 and lift the tomato up over the trailing edge of the weight bowl, 15 from which it descends on one of a total of four pair of symmetrical exit slots 32 and 33 located behind and extending along the row of weight bowls 27. Slot core 32 slopes downwardly from one of the outermost weight bowls in a row to each of its funnel wall 34, which itself slopes downwardly against each of its vertical wall 35, the lower edges of which are connected to each other by a horizontal platform 36 The slots 33 extend from the center of the scales row obliquely downwardly to the lower end of each slider 32 and terminate at such a distance from them that a port is formed between the bottom edge of each slider 33 and the corresponding slider 32. 37 that the tomatoes can pass through. These gates can be closed by pivot flaps 38, which are fixed to each shaft 39.

Hver af disse aksler kan drejes en vis vinkel af en pneu-30 matisk cylinder 40, der påvirker en på akslen fastgjort arm 41.Each of these shafts may be rotated a certain angle by a pneumatic cylinder 40 which affects an arm 41 attached to the shaft.

5 149506 I det mellem de lodrette vægge 35 begrænsede rum over platformen er anbragt en rektangulær ramme 42, som har en sådan størrelse, at den kan rumme så mange tomater, som indgår i en bakke med den forudfastsatte vægt. Ram-5 men 42 er fastgjort på og bæres af stempelstangen i en pneumatisk cylinder 43. Ved aktivering af denne skydes rammen 42 hen over en med vægtskålrækken parallel bak-ketransportør 44, der hviler på et understel 45, og hvorpå bakker 46 til optagelse af tomatportionerne frem-10 føres intermitterende styret mellem to sid^skinner 47.A rectangular frame 42 which is sized to accommodate as many tomatoes as is contained in a tray of the predetermined weight is arranged in the space confined between the vertical walls 35 above the platform. The frame 5 is secured to and supported by the piston rod in a pneumatic cylinder 43. Upon actuation thereof, the frame 42 is slid across a tray conveyor 44 parallel to the weight bowl row resting on a chassis 45, upon which trays 46 for receiving the tomato portions are fed intermittently controlled between two side rails 47.

Når datamaten har udpeget de vægtskåle, som indeholder tomater, der repræsenterer den bedste tilnærmelse til den ønskede vægt, bevirker den aktivering af de tilsvarende cylindre 21, så at de dermed forbundne elevatorer 15 20 føres op i deres topstilling. Derved vil de på disse elevatorer liggende tomater blive løftet op over og trille over på de tilsvarende mellemstationer 24's faste skål 23, hvor de holdes tilbage af de samtidigt hævede elevatorbagvægge 26. De i de udpegede vægtskåle 27 20 liggende tomater vil af gaffelfingrene 30 blive løftet op over vægtskålenes kant og falde ned på en eller flere af afgangsslidskerne 32 og 33. På dette tidspunkt er portene 37 lukket af svingklapperne 38, så at de udvalgte tomater samler sig foran disse klapper.When the computer has designated the weight bowls containing tomatoes representing the best approximation to the desired weight, it causes the activation of the corresponding cylinders 21 so that the associated elevators 15 20 are raised to their top position. Thereby the tomatoes lying on these elevators will be lifted up and roll over to the corresponding bowl 23 of the corresponding intermediate stations 24, where they are held back by the simultaneously raised elevator rear walls 26. The tomatoes lying in the designated weight bowls 27 20 will be lifted by the fork fingers 30 up over the rim of the scales and descending on one or more of the exit slides 32 and 33. At this point, the gates 37 are closed by the swinging valves 38 so that the selected tomatoes gather in front of these flaps.

25 Med en lille tidsforsinkelse At, frembragt f.eks. ved drøv-ling eller ad elektronisk vej, efter aktiveringen af elevatorcylindrene 21 aktiveres også rammecylinderen 43, så at rammen 42 skydes ind over bakketransportøren 44, og de i rammen på platformen 36 liggende tomater skub-30 bes ned i en bakke 46 på den på dette tidspunkt stillestående transportør.25 With a small time delay At, produced e.g. by throttling or by electronic means, after the activation of the elevator cylinders 21, the frame cylinder 43 is also activated so that the frame 42 is pushed over the tray conveyor 44 and the tomatoes lying in the frame of the platform 36 are pushed into a tray 46 on the tray. this time stationary carrier.

< , 6 149506<, 6 149506

Efter en forud fastsat tidsforsinkelse deaktiveres både de aktiverede cylindre 21 og cylinderen 43, og efter yderligere tidsforsinkelsen At aktiveres svingklapcylindre-ne 40. De hævede elevatorer 20 føres derved tilbage 5 til deres bundstilling, hvori de modtager nye tomater fra hver sin række. Samtidig bevirker sænkningen af elevatorbagvæggene 26, at de i de tilsvarende mellemstations-skale 23 liggende tomater triller over på de vægtskåle 27, der er efterladt tomme af de sidst udvalgte tomater.After a predetermined time delay, both the activated cylinders 21 and the cylinder 43 are deactivated, and after the additional time delay To activate the swing valve cylinders 40. The raised elevators 20 are thereby returned 5 to their bottom position, in which they receive new tomatoes from each row. At the same time, the lowering of the elevator rear walls 26 causes the tomatoes lying in the corresponding intermediate station scale 23 to spill over onto the weight bowls 27 left empty by the last selected tomatoes.

10 Cylinderen 43 trækker rammen 42 tilbage til dens modtagestilling over platformen 36, og den korte tidsforsinkelse dt derefter svinger cylindrene 40 klapperne 38 i deres åbne stilling under slidskerne 33, så at de foran klapperne ophobede tomater nu kan passere gennem portene 37 15 og falde ned i rammen 42 på platformen 36.Cylinder 43 retreats frame 42 to its receiving position over platform 36, and the short time delay thereafter, cylinders 40 pivot flaps 38 in their open position under slots 33 so that tomatoes accumulated in front of flaps can now pass through gates 37 15 and fall down. in the frame 42 of the platform 36.

Samtidig med at rammen 42 trækkes tilbage, bevæger transportøren 44 sig et skridt frem, hvorved en ny bakke 46 placeres i modtagestilling ud for platformen 36.At the same time as the frame 42 is retracted, the conveyor 44 moves a step forward, thereby placing a new tray 46 in the receiving position off the platform 36.

Efter forløbet af et forud fastsat tidsrum, hvorunder 20 cylindrene 40 deaktiveres og fører svingklapperne 38 tilbage i lukkestilling, og datamaten foretager udvælgelse af en ny kombination af de i vægtskålene liggende tomater, påbegyndes en ny arbejdscyklus ved aktivering af de tilsvarende cylindre 21.After a predetermined period of time during which the 20 cylinders 40 are deactivated and returns the swivel flaps 38 to the closed position and the computer selects a new combination of the tomatoes located in the scales, a new duty cycle is started by activating the corresponding cylinders 21.

25 Styringen af de forskellige cylindres aktivering og deaktivering kan foregå på almindelig kendt måde, f.eks.The actuation and deactivation of the various cylinders can be controlled in a generally known manner, e.g.

ved hjælp af elektroniske kredsløb og magnetventiler, som ikke skal beskrives means of electronic circuits and solenoid valves, which are not to be described here.

Claims (2)

149506 Patentkrav :149506 Patent Claims: 1. Apparat til opdeling af tilførte produkter (T), f.eks. tomater eller citrusfrugter, i grupper med tilnærmelsesvis samme ønskede vægt, hvilket apparat har et antal 5 vægtskåle (27) med vejeceller (29), der er forbundet med en datamat, som er indrettet til at udpege de vægtskåle, der indeholder den kombination af produkter, hvis vægt er nærmest den ønskede, og til at aktivere organer til overføring af produkterne fra de udpegede vægtskåle til 10 en afgangsbane (32, 33), kendetegnet ved, at apparatet for hver vægtskål (27) har en transportbane (10, 11), ad hvilken produkterne (T) kan fremføres, og at der ved afgangsenden og i forlængelse af hver transportbane er anbragt en elevator (20), som ved aktivering 15 er indrettet til, i apparatets brugsstilling at kunne løf te det modtagne produkt op på en fast, i transportretningen nedadskrånende understøtning (23), ved hvis bageste ende en barriere (26) er bevægelig mellem en spærrestilling, hvori den kan danne anlæg for et på understøt-20 ningen liggende produkt, og en frigivelsesstilling, hvori den kan tillade produktet at passere over på den bag ved understøtningen beliggende vægtskål.1. Appliance for the division of supplied products (T), e.g. tomatoes or citrus fruits, in groups of approximately equal weight, which apparatus has a plurality of 5 weight bowls (27) with weighing cells (29) connected to a computer adapted to identify the weight bowls containing the combination of products , the weight of which is closest to the desired, and for activating means for transferring the products from the designated weight bowls to a discharge path (32, 33), characterized in that the apparatus for each weight bowl (27) has a transport path (10, 11) , to which the products (T) can be conveyed and that at the departure end and by extension of each transport path, an elevator (20) is arranged, which, upon activation 15, is capable of lifting the received product to a position in the position of use of the apparatus. fixed, downwardly sloping support (23), at whose rear end a barrier (26) is movable between a locking position in which it can form a support for a product lying on the support and a release position, wherein in it it may allow the product to pass over to the weight bowl located behind the support. 2. Apparat ifølge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at barrieren (26) har bagudrettede, nedadskrånende gaf- 25 felfingre (30), som er bevægelige i lodrette slidser i vægtskålen (27), hvilke gaffelfingre i barrierens frigivelsesstilling befinder sig under og ude af kontakt med det i vægtskålen liggende produkt (T) og i barrierens spærrestilling er indrettet til at kunne løfte pro-30 duktet fri af vægtskålen.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the barrier (26) has rearward-facing, downward-sloping fork fingers (30) movable in vertical slots in the weight bowl (27) which forks in the release position of the barrier are below and out of contact with the product (T) in the weight bowl and in the barrier position of the barrier is arranged to be able to lift the product free of the weight bowl.

Priority Applications (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE19843416516 DE3416516A1 (en) 1983-05-05 1984-05-04 Apparatus for classifying supplied products in groups having approximately the same desired weight

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DK201283 1983-05-05

Publications (4)

Publication Number Publication Date
DK201283D0 DK201283D0 (en) 1983-05-05
DK201283A DK201283A (en) 1984-11-06
DK149506B true DK149506B (en) 1986-07-07
DK149506C DK149506C (en) 1986-12-29



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NL (1) NL8401424A (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE3418300A1 (en) * 1984-05-17 1985-11-21 Haver & Boecker, 4740 Oelde Filling machine for filling valve bags, with a plurality of filling nozzles
DE3867829D1 (en) * 1988-02-04 1992-02-27 Multipond Waegetechnik Gmbh FEEDING DEVICE FOR WEIGHING GOODS ON FILLING SCALES.
EP0787653A1 (en) * 1996-02-02 1997-08-06 Food Machinery Espanola S.A. Automatic bulk fruit package weighing filling machine

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DE3416516A1 (en) 1984-11-08
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NL8401424A (en) 1984-12-03
DK201283A (en) 1984-11-06
DK201283D0 (en) 1983-05-05

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