DE1761489U - Flasche mit giesskorkenhalter. - Google Patents

Flasche mit giesskorkenhalter.


Publication number
DE1761489U DE1957W0018056 DEW0018056U DE1761489U DE 1761489 U DE1761489 U DE 1761489U DE 1957W0018056 DE1957W0018056 DE 1957W0018056 DE W0018056 U DEW0018056 U DE W0018056U DE 1761489 U DE1761489 U DE 1761489U
Prior art keywords
drinking cup
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
Other languages
English (en)
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Josef Wiesner O H G
Original Assignee
Josef Wiesner O H G
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Application filed by Josef Wiesner O H G filed Critical Josef Wiesner O H G
Priority to DE1957W0018056 priority Critical patent/DE1761489U/de
Publication of DE1761489U publication Critical patent/DE1761489U/de
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)


  • Jet ? i < * a $ r oHO Oy$ow-0 « ttt
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    . Flaschen.. die d « Versand und der Aat% « abiun v «
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    <M-fa An r ABMtwIK tEWM<M o WMrtWt vcy
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Claims (1)

  1. \
    jl s ... $J. M twmng fT eijMOt A) MigiMWM', < <iWWm M o X t Syolt 2 wh, auX T W) oderSpritakorken. , Lrx ach * ttllo 4 nwbo , >-." la... J'laeche. Beb Alaepruoa. 1, 4a4aro...-.-l8tJHt.",.,.-.... j Tti3L dt yiaechwakrprw amgfawott i « . 2 a 11 eine Stelle der Y, 6*dmw des n » o v « m am& tmm .' . ''. «Mtüljpt t aad BM far djm AaMh « &< ntMw'- dX tzrw oXr L ZIA aaeb At wh 2 Fl t awoproF rm » bildet. 4., FKwoh « nach. Sprach 2, kOtmMiet 4w Wtt oder WM-te die &efowwt <m& MTtt w <WM <f iwch<m eich MNd ggf. MdevM T<m<M 4 M. tWUtX. &X' "r ;..' fit.'-'14-. ; --aL-etL-'".-., Z Y'Iaooben « » 4ung angsprobete Rippe v » leiffl chMMfCrwi rweham Bttr fM <t $<H'\' M) « $foif< aaf ei< <mf ehitM ! riowMMf. ' 6. F<c ! M nach AMpraeh eA<r 2 Mtd Mw Mwat gektua » icb » t durob ei » aiedridei se » t $3. Upeobe « Qowraehait « ad <<M<t <m<M t<<aM CeS-au"1'W1d aebo cle8 R--18....., bJltñ..'..-- : t"' gegenüber und nahe d « PAWW In dtr Iti, me die « M A. « diM qw<ohai oaot At'twtMWttt' anordnet " ; : rt "" t.
    7. Fla&che naea Anspruch 6 mi'c Trinkbecher, gekenn- aeicLnet darc oin '. 1-Ct. ru. n fu. r den Trinkbecher auf der vorzugsweise in Gestalt eiNe dj ! ß riacehenßyer angefermten Blindhalsee.
DE1957W0018056 1957-08-28 1957-08-28 Flasche mit giesskorkenhalter. Expired DE1761489U (de)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE1957W0018056 DE1761489U (de) 1957-08-28 1957-08-28 Flasche mit giesskorkenhalter.

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DE1957W0018056 DE1761489U (de) 1957-08-28 1957-08-28 Flasche mit giesskorkenhalter.

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
DE1761489U true DE1761489U (de) 1958-02-13



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
DE1957W0018056 Expired DE1761489U (de) 1957-08-28 1957-08-28 Flasche mit giesskorkenhalter.

Country Status (1)

Country Link
DE (1) DE1761489U (de)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE29515564U1 (de) * 1995-09-29 1995-11-30 Zawalski, Thomas, 23569 Lübeck Flaschenaufsatz

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
DE29515564U1 (de) * 1995-09-29 1995-11-30 Zawalski, Thomas, 23569 Lübeck Flaschenaufsatz

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