CA2429484C - Fluid conveyed material collection system - Google Patents

Fluid conveyed material collection system Download PDF


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CA2429484C CA002429484A CA2429484A CA2429484C CA 2429484 C CA2429484 C CA 2429484C CA 002429484 A CA002429484 A CA 002429484A CA 2429484 A CA2429484 A CA 2429484A CA 2429484 C CA2429484 C CA 2429484C
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CA2429484A1 (en
Stefan Rosenberger
James H. Wilson
Thomas S. Snyder
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EnergySolutions LLC
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Nukem Corp
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Priority claimed from US10/154,693 external-priority patent/US7067057B2/en
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Publication of CA2429484A1 publication Critical patent/CA2429484A1/en
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Publication of CA2429484C publication Critical patent/CA2429484C/en
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  • Processing Of Solid Wastes (AREA)
  • Filtering Materials (AREA)


The present invention is a system (or apparatus) and method for processing fluids, especially waste streams from nuclear power plants, and other fluid media that may be carrying valuable or useful substances, in order to collect the substances carried by such media. The system uses sequential filtering and multiple passes to concentrate the substances, which allows the system to collect virtually all of the substances of interest to the user while reducing the volume of both the unwanted materials as well as the desired materials desired without affecting the purity of the fluid after processing. Additionally, the collected substances can be processed in-place, and without requiring any thermal processing prior to disposal of unwanted substances, or for the recovery and/or reuse of valuable substances. Furthermore, the system provides other desirable features including, but not limited to, a novel multi-purpose container, and an optional means to stabilize waste through in-place solidification.


(0001] The present invention relates generally to the processing of fluid media by filtration. In particular, the present invention relates to the processing of a wide range of fluid media in order to separate and/or collect substances carried by such media.
[0002] The fluids used in nuclear power plants and at other manufacturing and processing facilities can be contaminated with substances that should not be directly released into the environment, or, on the other hand, may carry valuable or useful substances such as metals, ceramics, pharmaceuticals, or biotechnical materials or compounds. In either case, the fluid media from such facilities must be processed to remove unwanted or undesired constituents of the fluid prior to discharge or reuse, and/or processed to collect the desired valuable or useful substances. The fluid media can come from a variety of sources including, but not limited to, industrial, pov~er generation utilities and other similar sources of fluids and exhaust gases; spent fuel pools; floor drains from nuclear power and industrial facilitie s. resin tank drains; evaporator bottoms; and the SOUrC2 Of flLtldS Call C0111e from other fluid processes including, but not limited to, those used in metal finishing andlor recovery operations:
pharmaceutical synthesization or fabrication; ceramic production:
hydrometallurgical and mining applications; coal cleaning; hydrothermal processinb; mineral beneficiation: and bioteehnical material or compound collection. Because of environmental concerns, ilcreasin~:
disposal costs and other economic considerations, the separation of the.
contaminants and/or the valuable or useful substances from the l7uids that carry them has become snore and more important. The goals of this separation can include: ( 1 ) the removal and concentration of a sufficient amount of contamination from the. fluid so that the resulting effluent can be reused or released to the enviromnent after further processing. or, in some cases, directly released or reused; (2) the removal and concentration of a significant percentage of the valuable or useful substances carried by the fluid; (3) the reduction ofthe volume of waste that must be disposed of, and/or (4) the availability of a highly concentrated form of valuable materials suitable for economical recovery or recycling.
[0003) A number of techniques are used to attempt to separate substances fiom fluids, including filtration. ion exchange, evaporation, crystallization and adsorption.
Generally, filtration is a process in which a separating medium or device (i.e.; a filter) capable of removing small particles from a gas or liquid by mechanical (or diffusion based]
interception is used to separate such small particles (i.e., the "reject"
and/or "concentrate") from the fluid that passes through the separating medium or device (i.e., the "filtrate" and/or "permeate"j. Also, the separation of the substances from the fluid by filtration is generally based on the difference between the size of the particles of the substance and the openings in the filter medium, but sometimes filtration is also aided by electrostatic forces, hydrophobic/hydrophilic interactions and other interfacial phenomena that enhance or preclude selective species transport across the membrane, and/or by chemical reactions.
Moreover, with respect to filtration arid ion exchange, the collected substances can he particulate and/or dissolved ions of varying sizes, which commonly requires these two techniques to be used in a particular sequence.
(0004) Sometimes more than one type of filter is used. For example. in a standard single-pass filtration process, roughing filters an°e first used to remove larger particles. and then ever finer, polishing filters (i.e., those filters that are potentiall~~
capable of removing smaller and smaller sized particulate including. but not limited to, screen filters. microfilters, ultra filters. nanofilters, and hyper filters, i.e., reverse osmosis membranes) are used to remove smaller particles. By using the various types and sizes of filters in this manner, this filtration process may be able to remove a high percentage of the particulate while attemptin~~
to protect the finer membranes from the damage that could be caused by larger particles.
Therefore, it is standard practice to rise various sized (and/or types of) filters in a specific sequence; with the c-oarser filters (i.e.. filters having larger particle collection size ratings) being used first in an attempt to remove the lar~~er particulate, then ever fin ~r filters in au attempt to remove the smaller particulate.
[0005] The philosophy of this approach makes good sense for several reasons, especially when considered from the perspective of having a fluid medium that is carrying a moderate level of particulate. In such an environment. if a fine filter is used first, the amount of particulate it would remove would be so great that the filter would quickly become fouled with both fme and coarse pat~ticulate, which would cause the flow through the filter to stop altogether, and which could occur soon afier being placed in service.
Therefore. by using filters in sequence. from coarse (roughing] to line (polishing], attempts to assL~re that the throughput of each filter is as high as possible. Furthern~ore, because filters with smaller pore size are generally more expensive, it makes better economic sense to use the finer filters for filtering only the smallest particles and not also for filtering out particles that could be removed from the fluid with less expensive filters. Additionally, some fluid media require further substance removal after filtration in order to attempt to remove dissolved substances from the fluid. This is generally accomplished by sending the filtrate from the last filter, or set of filters, to an ion exchanger and/or a reverse osmosis unit, which, in combination w-ith the standard filtering method, may result in producin;~ a treated fluid that can be nearly free of both particulate and dissolved species.
[0006] The processes just described can work well. and, in general, produce clean filtrates an.d/or permeates, potentially remove many of the substances carried by the fluid, and may allow for the safe disposal of the unwanted substances. However, they focus solely cm obtaining a clean filtrate and not on obtaining an efficient volume of collected materials, which would be economically beneficial. if obtained, i.e.. an efficient volume of collected materials would essentially consist of only thaw substances intended to be collected.
[0007] T-~urthermore. because of environmental concerns and the risin~~ costs associated with the disposal of unwanted substances, e.g., radioactive, toxic, and/or hazardous waste, there is a growin~~ need to make a contorted effort to reduce the volume of the wastes being disposed of, and, because it is also desirable to recover valuable and/or useful substances carried by some fluid media-especially in a highly concentrated form--there is also a need for a way to process such fluid wedia so that the valuable and/or useful substances can be efficiently and relatively inexpensively collected and%or recovered.
Therefore. based on the foregoing, a need remains to remove substances from various fluid media in a way that results in an efficient collection of such substances, provides for easier hurdling of the substances collected, and does not compromise the quality of the filtrate and/or permeate produced.
[000$] According to its major aspects and briefly recited, the present invention is a method of filtering and an apparatus or system for processing fluid media in order to collect substances carried by such media. The fluid media of interest include, but are not limited to waste streams from nuclear power plants, and the fluid media associated with:
metal finishing and/or recovery operations; pharmaceutical svnthesization or fabrication;
ceramic production;
hydrometallurgical and mining applications: coal cleaning; hydrothermal processin~~; mineral beneficiation; and biotechnical material or compound collection. Because the present system is able to use multiple passes to highly concentrate the substances of interest. it can virtually collect all of the substances of interest to the user in a minimal volume, and compared to the prior art processes, the present system also reduces the collection of any unwanted materials, yet without affecting the pltrity of the filtrato and/or the permeate. This.
of course. simplifies the handling of the collected substances. and with resloect to collecting radioactive contaminants from a fluid, as an example, but not as a limitation. the present system is able to significantly reduce the handling and the. disposal volume of the collected substances. and.
therefore, is able to reduce the associated disposal costs.
[0009] In order to achieve the collection of virtually all. if not all, suspended solids. including, but not limited to, colloids, combined with a reduction in volume, a portion of the reject (or concentrate) from an initial step substance collection device is sequentially or further processed through an additional processing step having a anal step substance collection device, and the ftltrate (or permeate? from this final step substance collection device, after such additional processing, is then returned upstream of the initial step substance collection device. In other words. the fluid is "recycled'' by being repeatedly directed back to the initial step substance collection device and then through the final step substance collection device until, through the "recycle to extinetion'~ analogy, vii°tually all of the substance. of interest, i.e., the substance intended to be collected, is collected by the final step substance collection device (or, in other words, until most. if not all, of the particulate is collected by the final step substance collection device). Then, if required, virtually a11, if not all, fluids are removed from the materials collected b~~ the final step substance collection device through the use of fluid removal or displacement processes. Afterwards, the collected substances may be disposed of if they are unwanted, or recycled and reused if they are valuable and/or useful.
Notably, in the present system, the initial step substance collection device has an equal or higher rejection rate (i.e., it can collect smaller particles or, in other words, it has a smaller particle collection size rating) than the Fnal step substance collection device for the material to be collected. In other words, the fluid is sequentially processed by first being directed to a filter having a smaller collection size rating then the next f Iter in the filtering sequence.
(0010] More specifically, the additional processing step includes, but is not limited to: (1) establishing a high velocity flow across the upstream surface of each filtering element contained within the initial step substance collection device so that the reject or concentrate (i.e., the substances collected by the iivtial step substance collection device) can be carried away from the initial step substance collection device by a reject recirculation stream carried within a recycle Loop. This prevents the initial step substance collection device from becoming fouled, which would reduce its capacity, and which is troublesome for some prior art systems; and (2) diverting a portion of the fluid and reject from the initial step substance collection device through the final step substance collection device at a low flux. The purpose for maintaining the velocity. the flux. or the- energy input of the fluid passing tl_~ro,tgh the° f nal step substance collection device very lov° is to maximize the substance loading of the final step substance collection device's flto.rin~e elements, and also to increase its particle removal efficiency.
[0011) Since the final step substance collection device will collect substances including, but not limited to, those that are valuable. usehil, or desirable, or. if otherwise used, to collect substances that are hazardous or toxic. the substances collected by the final step substance collection device will normally cause the pressure drop across the Cnal step substance collection device to increase, and, when the maximum allowable differential pressure drop across the device is reached, or the final step substance collection device is filled with substance, and/or other limiting criteria are reached, the final step substance collection device and/or its filter elements will be replaced with a new or recycled final step substance collection device and/or filter elements. Related to this, when collecting radioactive contaminants, the final step substance collection device will be replaced ve~hen the maximum allowable radiation dose rate, activity level, safe mass levels.
and/or other limiting criteria are reached.
[0012] The final step substance collection device collects virtually all, if not. all. of the particulate, including those particles smaller than its ''particle collection size rating'"
(which is herein defined as the minimum particle size that can be collected by the device including, but not limited to, the sizes normally associated with suspended particles. dissolved species and/or macromolecules) because, for all practical purposes, it has a non-zero particle collection efficiency over the range of particle sizes carried by the fluid and, as long as the particle collection efficiency is greater than zero, the final step substance collection device will eventually, after repeated recycling passes, collect virtually all, if not all, p~uticles including, but not limited to, suspended solids. dissolved species aald/or macromolecules.
lvloreover, by recycling the final step substance collection device filtrate back to the initial step substance collection device, the concentration of the particles in the recycle look may build up to a level where the rate of particle removal in one pass tlwough the final step substance collection device may equal the rate of particles beuzg introduced «kith the fluid being fed to the initial step substance collection device, thereby establishing an equilibrimn or steady-state condition.
[0013] Une conhibuting factor as to why the final step substance collection device will collect particles smaller than its particle collection size rating is due to the process of particle agglomeration occurring in a cake-like matrix that is primarily formed by the substances being collected (but which may also be formed by the introduction oC "pre-coating" or "seeding" materials that may be used as a catalyst or stimulus for filter cake formation). Agglomeration is a tendency of the particles to form clusters that interlock. The interlocking clusters define narrow, twisting passages through a cake-like matrix that will allow fluid to flow through the matrix, but, because these passages are irregular; that is. they change direction and vary in cross section. this results in a substance collection action that C

will trap particulate smaller than the particle collection size rating of the final step substance collection device. Additionally, particle agglomeration can be enhanced through the use oh coagulants, polyelectrolytes, and other similar agents. The use of these agents is not preferred, however, and, if used, they must be used carefully since they can foul the filter elements of the substance collection devices. If necessary, or desired, the final step substance collection device, and/or any of the other substance collection devices, may be "pre-seeded."' or "pre-coated" with various materials well known in the field including, but not limi ed to.
diatomaceous earth, powdered resins, activated carbon, or other granular materials, to initiate the collection of the substances including, hut not limited to, colloidal substances. The use of this pre-coating can be particularly helpful if the substances contained in the fluid have a particle size that is close or smaller than the particle collection size rating of the substance collection device. Therefore, agglomeration is just one of the reasons that smaller, as well as rated, particles can be collected by the final step substance collection device. In fact, as long as any other particle collection mechanism including, but not Limited to, adsorption, produces a particle collection efficiency that is greater than zero, agglomeration is not necessary for the final step substance collection device to work at all in trapping particles that are smaller than the particle collection size rating of the collection device.
[0014) While other forces, suc-O as adsorption, also contribute to the collection or' the particles, it is the formation of the cake-like matrix, or cake, of inarticulate against the upstream side of the final step substance collection device's filter elements that provides a significant and unexpected contribution to the collection of small particles.
The cake in effect becomes part of the final step substance collection device, and tale formation effectively reduces the particle collection size ratins~ and increases the effective substance collec-tion depth of the final step substance collection device. which increases the likelihood that a small particle that enters the filter will become trapped, adsorbed, or otherwise collected by the fiiaal step substance collection device. To help assure cake formation, a to«- flux (or loin fluid velocity and/or energy input) is used through the final step substance collection device to prevent undue forces from acting on the particulate cake, which could disrupt the adsorption forces or break up the particulate cake itself.

[0015] Additionally, if needed, the system's substance collection e~ciency can be improved by a variety of means including, but not limited to: precipitation;
or the previously mentioned seeding or introduction of other filter pre-coating materials that can be used to collect the substances of interest including, but not limited to, the introduction of materials that act as a catalyst or stimulus in forming a filter cake or collection matrix; and/or by adding substance "eating" bacteria that can transform substances into forms that allow for subsequent collection. For example, but not as a limitation, dissolved metal ions, or other dissolved species, can be precipitated out of solution for collection by the present invention system.
This can be accomplished by adding sulfides or other chemicals (e. g., other precipitating agents or pH adjusting chemicals) upstream of any of the substance collection devices IIlClud117g, but not limited to, the initial step or the final step substance collection devices.
Preferably, the addition of the agents to the system will take place in a system feed tank, or a fluid holding tank, which is located upstream of the initial step substance collection device.
and which may include temperature adjusting means as well as agitation means to promote precipitation. B5~ using precipitation, the dissolved ions can become suspended in the fluid and, therefore, be made available for collection instead of having them pass through the initial step substance collection device, as part of the initial step substance collection device's f Itrate (and/or permeate), which can occur when the particle collection size rating of the initial stela substance collection device does not permit for removal of the dissolved species of interest tbu t may be precluded by selecting a particle collection size rating flat mill cause the dissolved ions to be filtered from the fluid}. In other words. the dissolved ions can be precipitated out of the fluid and the suspended solids that result can be collected from the fluid (along with or apart from the other particulate) by the final step substance. collection device. Moreover, the precipitation of metals, and other dissolved species, can be so effective that further treatment downstream of the initial step substance collection device m.av become unnecessary, thus saving the costs associated with having to maintain and operate separate processing equipment in order to remove dissolved species. In some applications, however.
this further processing can be effectively and economically provided by another embodiment of the present invention system, which will be described below. that is generally based on
8 splitting the fluid processing into a suspended solids removal stage in combination with a dissolved ion removal stage.
[0016] The present invention has a number of advantages over other systems. In particular, it is a filtration system that can collect substances from a fluid medium while it also produces a filtrate stream that is sufficiently clean for release or re-use, and it uses a f nal step collection device that is easy to handle and. when necessary, suitable for disposal or recycling, The present invention system is the first cross-flow filtration system that allows for the collection of virtually 100% of all substances of interest contained in a fluid while also allowing virtually 100% of the fluid to be removed from the present system for reuse or release to the environment. Moreover, other cross-flow systems require that concentrate fluids are permanently and/or continuously ''bled-off' from their systems.
This is done to avoid fouling the membrane scu~faces used in these other systems or to direct these fluids for further external treatment. The present invention system, however, eliminates the need to remove these concentrate fluids from the present system itself. Furthermore, these other systems also require that their collected materials are processed externally.
away fi-om the collection system, while the design of the present invention system allows for the in-place processing of its collected substances.
[0017] Another advantage of the present system is that it avoids the generation of an inefficient volume of collected substances by using various volume control means to limit the amount of unwanted substances such as excess fluid. Furthermore, the present system does this without requiring such additional post-collection processing such as drying, solidifying, settling. and possibly centrifuging of the substances collected.
which allows the present system to avoid the costs associated with these processes. along with the corresponding effort. Moreover, the present system eliminates the need for, or the use of'.
thermal treatment processes to remove fluids from the collected substances, which can Lie highly detrimental to the collection of many substances including, but not limited to. bio-corripounds. Also, with respect to these additional processes, the present system avoids or limits the possible undesirable exposure associated with the collection of harmful substances.
9 [0018] The present invention system may allow for the effective separation of the fluid into two primary collection streams, one that primarily contains suspended solids and the other that primarily contains dissolved solids. This separation opens the door for independent and specific processing of each such collection stream. which can be accomplished by the present invention system. The present invention system, however, is very flexible and, depending on the application, can be set-up in a variety of configurations including, but not limited to: a single-stage two-step embodiment (having a initial step and a final step substance collection device); a multi-stage embodiment havilig a single two-step stage and a single three-step stage (which has a initial step. an intermediate, and a final step substance collection device in the three-step stage); a single-stage three-step embodiment; or any other configuration suitable for the application for which it is being used, including more than two stages and more than three steps, for example, belt not as a limitation, a more than three-step embodiment can have two or more intermediate steps each using the same or a different substance collection agent and etch beings used with the same or a separate final step device in order to simultaneously collect a variety of substances indivielually.
[0019] A feature of the present invention syqtem, which may rely on either mechanical or on "solution-diffusion" based devices for the collection of substances. is that it successfully removes virtually all, if not all. particulate, notwithstanding the fact that the final step substance collection device has a removal efficiency of less than 10U%
per pass. This success is achieved by repeated recycling of the fluid in combination with the low 17u~; across the final step substance collection device. In the present invention, the use of a low t7u?:
substance collection flow path off o1' the recy:le loop maximizes the system's per pass removal efficiency and the loading of solids. i.e.. collected substances. in the filial step substance collection device and, consequently. minimizes additional reject (or concentrate) treatment. The use of a low flux also extends the life and minimizes the repl<zcemcnt frequency of the filter elements used to collect the substances of interest (or of the substance collection device itself), and provides numerous other benefits including, but not limited to:
the elimination of the need to use thermal fluid removal processes, such as drying; and the generation of a easier-to-handle superconcentrate (i.e.. the superconcentrate contains more solids than liquids malting it easier to use and handle, which, for example, can cause a reduction in radiation exposure to those personnel involved in. the processing of radioactive media, and can lower overall equipment and material costs).
(0020] Another feature of the present invention is that it also takes advantage of chemical treatment including, but not limited to p1-1 adjustment, and/or the addition of precipitating andior collection agents to the fluid media, preferably, upstream of the initial step substance collection device, which alsc»nay include, but is not limited to, the possible use of bacteria, and/or the use of sulfides. sulfites or at~y other suitable chemicals, to facilitate the collection of dissolved metal ions, andior other dissolved species. This feature enables the metal ions, or the other dissolved species. to be removed along with the suspended substances originally extant in the fluid medium., which may make it possible to directly discharge or reuse the filtrate (or permeate) from the initial step substance collection device without the need for further processing steps, such as standard reverse osmosis or ion exchange.
(0021] Another advantage of the present invention system is that it can be easily configured and expanded to meet an individual facility's fluid characteristics andior configurations; therefore, it can be readily installed into the i7uid systems of existing facilities.
oi° it can be operated on a stand-alone basis. Moreover, the present invention system has a very small footprint, which, besides adding to a fast set-up time, enables the system to be both highly mobile and able to be operated in very small areas. To add to the fast set-up time and ease of use, the system can be configured tco include "puicl:-connect/disconnect"' features. All of which. besides the system's economy and efficiency. males the system highly desiravble for a wide variety of application including. but not limited to. the on-site processing of fluid media for remediation purposes or durin~~ the: decommissioning of nuclear power plants. To further add to the ease of use, tlne present invention systeun includes a mufti-purpose container (andior a modified mufti-purpose container) to house andior process the final step substance collection device and/or its collected substances. The mufti-purpose container (and/or its modified version) is a combination processing enclosure. transport container, and disposal container that allows for the direct processing of the collected substances (including, but not limited to, fluid removal andior solidification processes j while the final step substance collection device is still attached to the remaining components of the present invention system. This is especially convenient and provides for both material and labor cost savings by eliminating intermediate handling and processing steps extant in other prior art systems.
[0022] Besides having reject recirculation streams and/or recycle loops, the usable surface area of some of the filter elements is maximized and the chemical cleaning requirements of these elements are minimized by the additional feature of backflushing.
Generally, backflushing is used with the filtering elements of the initial step and/or intermediate step substance collection devices to remove materials depositc.~d on their upstream surfaces. However, backflushing also may be one of the methods used to recover the valuable, desirable, and/or useful materials collected by the final step substance collection device(s), and after backflushin'~ the final step substance collection device may be available for reuse in the present system. For example. carbon dioxide, other gases, and/or volatile fluids can be used to backilush the collected materials from the filter elements) in order to recover and/or reuse such substances. Furthermore, the efficiency of backflushing, as used in the present system, can be improved by using a pump or by pressurizing the backflushing fluid to produce a higlmelocit~~ reverse flow tlwough the filter elements of the substance collection device being baclcflushed. Efliciencv also can be improved by iutl-oducin~~ aiir or ozone, or any other suitable gas, preferably under pressure. into the backfl ush fluid and!or into the reject recirculation stream carried by the rc;cycle loop. and/or by using all:rasonic technology to dislodge substances from the filter elements. And. since the reject recirculation stream flows across the upstream surfaces) of the initial step substance collection device at a high velocity, it would improve bacl:flushing effectiveness by increasing turbulent flow.
~~hieh would cause. the laminar tlow layer across the surface of the filtration element's to decrease allowing more cleaning to occur. which, should increase the usable lifetime of the substance collection device being baclvflushed. Additionally, the effectiveness of backflushing andior the cleaning oil the initial step and/or intermediate substance collection device surfaces may be improved by introducing chemical and/or bacterial cleaning agents into the baekflushing fluid, and/or chemical. and/or bacterial, and/or mechanical cleaning agents into the reject recirculation stream. This should allow a more effective cleanin~l of the particulate from the laminar flow areas of the backflushed collection devices to occur. In some applications, instead of directly processing the materials released daring baclflushing, the materials may be collected and stored in a backflush collection tank, and later released back into the system for processing or properly disposed of through other means.
[0023] The present invention is being described with frequent reference to radioactive contaminants generated at nuclear power plants. I-Iowever, it is applicable to all fluid media having suspended particulate. dissolved materials, and/or any other appropriate species suitable for collection from such media. For example, bttt not as a limitation. the present invention can be used for the rec-overy of valuable and/or useful substances assc~c-fated with metal finishing, metal recovery, and/or ceramic production.
[0024] Also included among its many uses, tile present invention system provides the advantage of being an alternative to fluid bed processing and its associated risla, and it can be used to stabilize, e.g., solidify or vitrify. nuclear reactor and other hazardous writes prior to disposal, preferably, as a. part of post-collection processing.
[002] Still another advantage of the present system is that it has ''low-shocl:'~
characteristics including, but not limited to, the absence of thermal processing, which minimizes the introduction of changes to the molecular structure of proteins and nucleic acids.
so that their original biological propeuies are not degraded. This makes the present invention especially useful for the collection and/or concentration of biotechnical materials or bio-compounds incIudin<g, but not limited to, pyrogens, proteins, peptide, eszz~e~zes, ~.%i~-!!ses.
antigens, and/or bacterial cells. The present invention"s characteristics also make it suitable for the synthesization or manufacture of phalnnaceutical compounds, and for many other suitable uses including, but not limited to. the collection of macromolecules.
[0026] Another important feature of the present invention is the use of sequential substance collection devices and flow paths, and the preferable use of a final step st2bs2ance collection device having a particle collection size rating that is equal to or laa-ger than the particle collection size rating of the initial step substance collection device. This feature is counter-intuitive because, in the prior art, fluid media are typically passed through a series of filters. for example, beginning with coarser filters having a large particle collection size ratiny~
and proceeding through finer filters having smaller and smaller particle collection size ratings.

However, it should be noted that while this is the preferred particle collection size configuration, there may be uses of the present system in which it would be desirable to have a final step and/or an intermediate step substance collection device with a particle collection size rating that is smaller than the collection size rating of any of the preceding substance collection device in the sequence of collection devices.
(0027] Still another feature of the present invention is the use of a low flux through the final step substance collection device to trap particles, including those smaller in size than the particle collection size rating of the final step substance collection device. Since this combination eliminates the need fbr, or the use of. more. expensive particle collection devices including those that have to be hi~~hly efficient at typical single-pass processin~~, the present invention system provides greater levels of substance collection at lower costs than would otherwise be achievable.
(0028] Other features and their advantages will be apparent to those skilled in the art of collecting substances from a fluid medium fiom a careful reading of the L>etailed Description of the Invention accompanied by the followings Drawings.
(0029] Fig. 1 is a schematic drawing of a single-stage two-step system for collecting substances from a fluid, m~co_rdinp tn a prei_'Pr-f-Pd er_n_hCrlil??ent Of t14 h~-~s~;~t invention.
(0030] Fig. 2 is a schematic drawing of two-stage s~~stem far collecting substances from a fluid, according to another preferred embodiment of the present invention.
[0031] Fig. 3 is a schematic drawing of single-stage three-step system for collecting substances from a fluid, according to another preferred embodiment of the present invention.
[0032] Fig. 4 is a schematic drawing of a final step substance collection device.
according to a preferred embodiment of the present invention.

[0033] Fig. 5 is a schematic drawing of a modified mufti-purpose container used for post-collection processing, and a standard mufti-purpose container, which can be used to carry and store a final step substance collection device after post-collection processing.
according to another preferred embodiment of the present invention.
[0034] The present invention is a method, apparatus and system for processing fluid media in order to collect substances carried by such media. The fluid media of interest include, but is not limited to, waste streams from nuclear power plants, exliaust or other uses from power plants or other industrial, commercial, or municipal facilities, and fluid media associated with industrial, commercial, or municipal operations including. but not limited to:
metal finishing and/or recovery operations; pharmaceutical comhoimd synthesization or manufacture; ceramic production; hydrometallurgical and miming applications;
coal cleaning:
hydrothermal processing; mineral beneficiation; and biotechnical material or compound manufacture and/or collection. The present system, compared to the prior art processes.
reduces the volume of uwvanted materials collected without affectin~,~ the purity of the filtrate and/or the permeate, and it also simplifies the handling of the collected substances due to, among other items, the generation of a superconcentrate of such substances. 1n particular. the present invention is an improvement over the prior art processes because it introduces a method of using substance collection devices that produces a lower volume of waste. i.e..
unwanted substances, from being collected while maximizing the collection of the substances of interest. Moreover, the substances of interest are collected in a highly concentrated form so that the collection volume of these substances is minimized as well. This, oh course, simplifies the handling and reduces the costs associated with the disposal or recoverv° of the collected substances. For example, with respect to collecting radioactive contaminants from a fluid, the present system is able to significantly reduce the volume of the substances to be disposed of and. therefore, the associated disposal costs. Moreover. the present system may preclude the necessity of having to perform additional costly processing steps prior to the disposal or reuse of the collected substances and/or the release or reuse of the filtrate.
Generally, the collection devices of the present invention are comprised of number of filtration media including, but not limited to screen filters. microfilters, ultra filters.

nanofilters, and hyper filters (i.e., reverse osmosis membranes) that may be of the cross-flow or of the regularly backflushed dead-end type. Generally, when used herein, "reverse osmosis" or a "reverse osmosis membrane" is capable of retaining particles (and/or substances) having a size of about 0.0001 microns or larger including, but not limited to, ions, sugars, synthetic dyes, proteins, emulsions, viruses, carbon black, paint pigments, indigo dye.
and/or bacteria. Generally, when used herein, a "nanofiltration membrane'' is capable of retaining particles (and/or substances) having a size of about 0.0005 microns or larger including, but not limited to, ions. sugars, synthetic dyes, proteins, emulsions, viruses. carbon black, paint pigments, indigo dye, and/or bacteria. Generally, when used herein. an "ultrafiltration membrane" is capable of retaining particles (and/or substances] having a size of about 0.005 microns or larger including, but not limited to, proteins, emulsions, viruses.
carbon blaclc, paint pigments, indigo dye, and/or bacteria. Generally, when used herein. a "microfilter'' is capable of retaining particles (and/or substances) having a size of about 0.0~
microns or larger including, but not limited to, proteins, emulsions, viruses, carbon black.
paint pigments, indigo dye, and/or bacteria. Furthermore, these devices generally have different operating pressure ranges. for example. the operating pressures range from about
10-40 psig for microfilters and ultrafilters to about 1000 prig for reverse osmosis membranes.
~UU35] A preferred embodiment of the present invention is illustrated in FIG.
As shown in FIG. 1, a source of fluid media carrying suspended and/or dissolved materials for processing by the present invention substance collection system 1U is shown as a fluid l7oldin'~
tank 11U. The use of a fluid holding tac~l: 11U is the preferred method of providing the source of fluid for the substance collection system 1U when used in a stand-alone conf guration. and in some facility based applications. This, however. is not the only configuration that can be used for the present invention system 1U (oi° ~ or 15 as shogun in PICis. 2 and 3 respectively) and. since the substance collection system 1U has a relatively small footprint and can be easily configured and expanded to meet an individual facility's fluid characteristics or system configuration needs, the present invention system is capable of being set-up and operated in a very small open area at a variety of facilities. In other words, while two of the preferred embodiments are shown to be attached to a fluid holding tank 11 U, the fluid holding tank 11 (1 is not always used and may be considered to be an optional component of the present system (or 5), and the present system 10 (or 5 andfor 15 as shown in PIGS 2 and 3.
respectively) should be considered as being attachable to any appropriate source of a fluid medium including, but not limited to. being directly connected to a facility's fluid system. The fluid medium, which can include suspended particulate and/or dissolved materials including, but not limited to, metal ions, salts, bio-compounds, or other dissolved species, is preferably drawn from the fluid holding tank 110 (or source of the fluid medium) by a pump 120 if the feed pressure is insufficient, or taken directly from the tank 11U or other fluid source if the feed pressure is sufficient, and is then directed via a conduit 122 to a reject recirculation and recycle Loop pump 130 which is in fluid connection with an initial step substance collection device 150. While the use of a pump is the preferred method of providing a driving force for the fluid throughout the present invention. other flow creating methods can be used including, but not limited to. those that use gravity, pressure and!or thermal differences, or those which involve rotating or spim~ing the filter elements. Preferably, the initial step substance collection device 150 (or 250 of a three-step system described in another preferred embodiment of the present invention, which is down in FLGS. 2 and 3) is an ultrafiltration or a reverse osmosis membrane type filter; however, any other suitable mechanical or diffi~sian based substance collection device, i.e" filter element, can be used including, but not limited to, a nanofilter, a sintered metal filter, a microfilter, or any other substance collection device that can collect particles larger than about O.OU01 micrometer in size. The initial step substance collection device's suitability is i~ased on, among oti~er items, the characteristics of the fluid medium and of the substances to be collected along with a requirement that the particle collection size ratily for the initial stelo substance; collection device 150 (or 250) is preferably equal to or smaller than the particle collection size rating for the final step substance collection device 200 (or 27U, and the intermediate step collection device 2G(i in the three-step system embodiment). When the term ''particle' is used herein. it refers to both suspended solids as well as to dissolved ions or othc;r dissolved species that are carried by the fluid, and can be precipitated out of the fluid or can be collected by appropriately sized filtration media, i.e., filter elements. \~~hen the term ''Substance'' is used herein, it refers to a particular kind of matter or material to be collected that is generally composed of such particles. Moreover, when the term "substance" is used in either its singular or plural forms herein it can be construed as being either singular and/or plural depending on the context of usage and/or depending upon the application in which the present invention system is being used. Furthermore, the terms "permeate" and "filtrate," as used herein, should be construed as being interchangeable. Additionally, when used herein, the word "conduit"
means a pipe or hose together with fittings, valves, flanges, and other associated piping and/or flow controlling components adapted for conveying the fluid that flows through it. Since the purposes for and the use of piping and flow controlling components are well known, with the exception of the piping, these other associated piping and/or flow control components are not generally shown in the figures. Some examples of valves that are not shown are isolation valves, which can be of a gate, ball, or any other design; check valves, which can be of a single-gate, double-gate or any other design, and valves used for throttling flow, which can include, but are not limited to needle valves. The flow controlling components can be of the type that are operated manually, and/or by controllers, which can include, but are not limited to, electromechanical, pneumatic, and/or hydraulic operators.
[0036] Prior to the fluid medium reaching the initial step substance collection device 150, a precipitating agent such as those that include a sulfur based molecule, e.g., a sulfide or sulfite, can be introduced into the fluid medium; however, any other agent that would be suitable for use with the fluid medium and/or the dissolved substances to be collected may also be used as well, including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical fabrication or synthesization agents, ceramic or metal recovery agents, other chemical agents, bacterial agents, biotechnical material or bio-compound agents, and/or any other agent that would be suitable for the recovery of valuable and/or useful substances. Therefore, any form of the terms "precipitating agent," "agent" or "reagent," or "chemical" can be considered to be interchangeable when any of these terms are used in the context of collecting the substances from the fluid media including, but not limited to, those substances such as contaminants, metals, dissolved species, substances associated with pharmaceutical fabrication or synthesization, biotechnical materials or bio-compounds, and/or any other valuable and/or useful substances that can be collected with the present invention system described herein. Preferably, a precipitating agents) holding tank 100 is attached via a feed tube 102 to the fluid holding tank I 10 in order to introduce the precipitating agents) into the fluid medium. The primary purpose of introducing the precipitating agents) is to cause the dissolved radioactive metal ions, non-radioactive metal ions, and/or any other dissolved species of interest in the fluid medium to be precipitated out of solution. For example. but not as a limitation. the metal ions can include cobalt, manganese, and iron, which will form metal sulfides ~~hen exposed to a sulfide-based precipitating agent that is introduced into the fluid. Other metals of interest rnay include: but are not limited to, gold. copper, uranium. and silver. w~hic.h may be available for recovery from a variety of comrnerciai applications including. but not limited to, leaching operations.
Preferably, the precipitating agents) used will be comprised of biologically benign anions and cations, and the concentration of the precipitating a~~ent(s) used will be selected to match the dissolved species concentration on a mole eduivalent basis-with some excess in tile feed to account for metal ion, and/or other dissolved species, level changes.
Regarding the introduction and use of the precipitating agent(s), it is important and preferable to introduce the precipitating agents) sufficiently in advance of the initial step substance collection device 150 (which includes the possibility of introducing the precipitating agents) upstream of, or prior to, the fluid holding tank 110) so that tl~e precipitating agents) has a chance to react with the dissolved species in the fluid medium prior to reaching the initial step substance collection device 150. Furthermore, the precipitation reaction may be improved through the use of agitation and/or stirring means. temperature control means, and/or pressure control means, which may be incorporated into the fluid holelin~~ tank 110 and/or the piping system leading to the initial step substance collection device 150.
(0037] The initial step substance collection device 150 is used to reject particles of about the same size and larger than its particle collection size rating. and, if the loarticle collection size rating is large enough, it will allow appropriately sized dissolved species to pass through it along with a portion of the fluid medium. Preferably, the f prate (,or permeate l from the initial step substance collection device t50 is forwarded via another conduit 1?5 back to the facility's fluid system, or to a filtrate/permeate holding tank 630 for samplings and/or storage prior to release to the environment or reuse. Optionally. an ion exchange polisher and/or a reverse osmosis unit 140 may be attached between the initial step substance collection device 150 and the filtrate/permeate holding tank 630 (or the facility's fluid system). Generally, the ion exchange polisher and/or a reverse osmosis unit 140 will allow purified fluid to pass through to the ftltrateipermeate holding tanlc 630 (or baelc to the facility's fluid system) and will remove dissolved species not previously removed. More specifically, the filtrate and/or permeate from the ion exchange polisher and/or reverse osmosis unit 140 is forwarded via conduit 125 to the filtrate/permeate holding tank 63(1 where it can be sampled for purity and then reused or released to the environment if it meets release criteria (or the f Itrate and/or permeate can be directly forwarded to the facility"s fluid system). However, depending on the fluid medium and the substances of interest. tile ion exchange polisher and/or reverse osmosis unit 140 may not be needed if. for a particular application, the present invention system, through its filter media selection, confi~~uration and/or precipitation process used. is effective in removing a sufficient percentage of the dissolved species prior to the fluid passing through the initial step substance collection device 150 and entering conduit I25. The concentrates from ion exchange polisher and/or reverse osmosis unit 140 may then be forwarded for farther processing 142 in accordance with the prior art method, or, preferably, they can be directed tlwou~lh conduit 400 to the recycle loop 164 where the concentrates of the ion exchan~~e polisher and!or reverse osmosis unit 14(1 can be processed, and its constituent substances collected, by using the components of the present system as shown in FIG. 1.
[0038) While the present invention system can provide a filta~ate (or permeate) fluid that would be releasable to the environment and/or reusable without the need for the ion exchange polisher and/or reverse osmosis unit 140, in some applications.
however, the precipitation means and/or the filtration media are not efficient or are unable to collect at sufficient amount of the substance sough' to be collected. therefore. the use of an ion exchange polisher and/or reverse osmosis unit 140, or the use of any of the other preferred embodiment to be described below, will be necessary 20 obtain the substance collec-Lion results sought to be achieved. When necessar~-~ to use an ion exchange polisher and/or reverse osmosis unit 140, or any of the other preferred embodiments to be described, the present invention system can be viewed as preferably having two separate processing portions or stages. Preferably, these stages will be a suspended substance collection stage and a dissolved substance collection stage, and while these stages are shown in FIGS. 1 and 2 as beings physically combined in one apparatus it should be noted that the different substance collection stages can be operated as stand-alone systems, i.e., the stages can be operated in combination, in stand-alone configurations, or in some combination of both. While it is preferable that the stages are a suspended substance collection stage followed by a dissolved substance collection stage, any other suitable configuration of stages can be used as well.
[0039] Referring to FIG. 1, the following is a more specific description of the initial step substance collection device 150 and the two-step collection system and method.
Through the use of pumps and/or piping and other associated components including, but not limited to, various types of valves, the .fluid containing the substance, or substances, of interest is first directed as a feed stream 160 from the fluid holding tank 110 (or the fluid source) to the upstream side of the initial step substance collection device 150; where a portion of the fluid passes through the initial step substance collection device 150 as a filtrate and/or permeate stream 162 or 262, and a portion of the fluid along with a portion oi' the particles that are rejected or prevented From passing through the initial step substance collection device 150, i.e., reject (and/or concentrate). is directed to the final step substance collection device 200 for at least one additional processing step. Preferably, the additional processing step includes, but is not limited to: (1 j using a recycle loop 1.64 to establish a high velocity flow across the upstream side surfaces) of the filtration elements of the initial step substance collection device I50 (preferably, the initial step substance collection device I50 has at least one ultrai:iltration membrane) so that the reject (and!or concentrate) and the fluid form a reject recireulation stream carried by the recycle loop 1.(j4: and (?) diverting a portion of the reject recireulation stream carried by the recycle loop 1G4 into a substance collection flow path 172, which directs this fluid stream to and through the final. step substance collection device 200 at a low flux. :~llou~~ with the use of valves and/or other flow control devices, the velocity of the fluid in the recycle loop 164 is maintained through the use of a reject recirculation and recycle loop pump 130, and tile flu,: through the final step substance collection device 200 is maintained by a pump 180 and a controller 182, which also causes the filtrate from the final step substance collection device 200 to lee transported back to the recycle loop 164 through conduit 165 so that it is returned for another pass through the initial step substance collection device 150. The velocity, or flux of the fluid passing through the final step substance collection device 200 is maintained very low to minimize the introduction of energy and to maximize the solids, i.e., substance, loading and the per pass efficiency of the final step substance collection device 200. Preferably, the flux, through the use of the pump 180, the controller 182, and possibly through the proper setting of valves and/or other flow control devices including, but not limited to, throttle valves, is set so that the flux is at the low end of the flux that would be required to maintain flow through the final step substance collection device 200. This will assure that the particles carried by the fluid in the substance collection flow path 172 can interact with each other and the filter elements in order to form a "cake" of particles on the upstream side of the final step substance collection device 200. Tlus self generated cake permits the fluid to flow through passages defined vs~ithin it.
These passages are highly irregular in cross-section and direction so that the flow of fluid through the cake matrix makes frequent changes in direction and speed, and, because of these varying flow characteristics, the matrix will tend to trap the small particles flowing with the fluid. and as the matrix grows larger it will become even more effective. In other words. the final step substance collection device 200, in combination with the low flux.
collects, concentrates, and removes the fluid from the substances carried by the fluid.
[0040] At steady state conditions, FCC = RC~iE, where F is the fluid feed rate to the initial step substance collection device 15(); R is the fluid feed rate to the final step substance collection device 200: CF is the total suspended solids concentration in the fluid feed to initial step substance collection device 150: Cu is the total suspended solids c.oneentration in the fluid feed to the final step substance collection device 200; and h, is the per pass removal efficiency of the final step substance collection device 2()0. Under the assumption that removal efficiency remain the sane for a driven particle size as the laarticle concentration changes after each pass, in equilibrium. the final step substance collection device 200 is close to 100% efFective in trappin g all particles in the fluid;
however. on anv pass, its removal efficiency can be lower than 100°io, even much lower, Por example. if the removal efficiency is 50% and the fluid contains 100 parts per million ("ppm"j of solids, the first pass through the final step substance collection device 2U0 removes '~0 ppm. The second pass through the final step substance collection device 200 removes an additional ? ~ ppm.
The third pass removes another 12.~ ppm, and in ten passes 99.9% of the particulate is removed.

[004/] The final step substance collection device 200 of the present system has a particle collection size rating larger than or equal to that of the initial step substance collection device 150. Preferably, the initial step substance collection device 150 uses an ultrafiltration membrane type filter: however, any other suitable filtering element can be used in this substance collection device including, but not limited to, filters and/or membranes having a wide range of particle collection size ratings, a nanofilter, a reverse osmosis membrane, a sand or other fine particle filter, a sintered metal filter. and/or any other suitable filter and/or membrane device that may be of the cross-flow or of the regularly backllushed dead-end type.
Generally, the suitability of the filter and/or the membrane used is determined by the properties of the fluid medium and the substances to be collected (e.g., substance size and/or chemical properties) and the requirement that it is preferable that the particle collection size rating of the initial step substance collection device 150 is equal to or smaller than the particle collection size rating of the final step substance collection device 200, and floe further requirement that a filter cake can be formed on the final step substance collection device 200.
In some applications, however, it may be preferable that the particle collection size rating of~
the final step collection device 200 is smaller that the panicle collection size rating of the intial step substance collection device 150. FLU~thermore, the initial step substance collection device 150 can use more than one filter andior ~riembrane element in either a sequential ancl/or a parallel flow confi~~uration for either or both the fluid feed flow 1G0 and recycle loop .1G4 rio~v paths.
(0042] Preferably, the final step substance coll~etio~.~ device 200 is a n ~icrofilter type filter; however, any other suitable filtering element can be used in this substance collection device including, but not limited to. filters and/or membranes having a «aide r~u~ge of particle collection size ratio<~s, an ultrafiltration membrane. a nanofilter, a reverse osmosis membrane, a sand or other fine particle filter. a sintered metal filter, and/or any other suitable.
filter and/or membrane device. Generally, the suitability of the filter and/or membrane used for the final step substance collection device 200 is determined by the properties of the fluid medium and the substances to be collected, e.g., substance size and/or chemical properties, and the requirement that it is preferable that the particle collection size rating of the final step substance collection device 200 is equal to or larger than the particle collection size rating of the initial step substance collection device 150, and the further requirement that a filter cake can be formed on the final step substance collection device 200. In some applicaltions, however, it may be preferable that the particle collection size rating of the final step substance collection device 200 is smaller than the particle collection size rating of the initial step substance collection device 150 (or the intermediate step substance collection device 260 to be described later). Also, in some applications, the final step substance collection device and/or filter elements) of the final step substance collection device 200 (or 27U in a three step embodiment) may need to be "pre-coated" andior "seeded" (i.e., a material that acts as a seminal layer of; and/or as a catalyst or stimulus for, the formation of the filter cake, and/or for carrying a precipitating agent to provide another means to start or further enhance dissolved ion collection is introduced to the upstream side surfaces) of the filter elements of the substance collection device 200 (or 270 in a three step embodiment)). In other words, in some applications it may be necessary, or desirable, to pre-seed or pre-coat the final step st2bstance collection device 200 (or 270 in a three step embodiment) with one or more materials well known in the field including, but not limited to, diatomaceous earth, powdered resins, activated carbon, or other tranular materials; however, any other similar material that would be suitable for starting filter cake formation and/or dissolved species collection can be used to initiate the collection of the small substances including. but not limited to, colloidal substances. The use of this pre-coating, can be particularly helpful if the substances contained in the fluid leave a particle size that is close to or is smaller than the particle collection size rating of the substance colle;etion device (for example. but not as a limitation. the particle collection size rating may be large and/or other factors may require that a material be loaded onto the upstream side surface of the tiller elements to act as a catalyst or stimulus for filter calve formation). Furthermore, the final step substalxce collection device 200 can also use more than one. filter aaxdior membrane element in eitlxer a sequential and/or a parallel l7ow configuration for the substance collection flow path 172 flow. Moreover. tlxe final step substance collection device 200 can use a small cartridge type slip filter, or anv other similar suitable filter that can be disposed of at a disposal site an dior be reused by backflushing.
[0043] Besides having a reject recirculation stream and a recycle loop 104.
the usable surface area of the initial step substance collection device 150 (and the surface area of some of the other filtering elements to be discussed below] is maximized and the chemical cleaning requirements are minimized by backflushing. Generally, backflushing would be used to clean the filter elements of the initial step substance collection device 150 by removing materials deposited on their surfaces. However. backflushing also may be one of the methods used to recover the valuable, desirable. and%or useful materials collected by the final step substance collection device, and after bac.kflushing, the final step substance collection device may be available for reuse in the present system. As an example, but not as a limitation, carbon dioxide, other gases, and/or volatile fluids can be used to baclflush the collected materials fr0112 the filter element in order t0 reCOVer aIldIOr rettSe SlICh SLlbStallCeS.
Furthermore, the efficiency of backflushin~a can be improved by using a pump or by pressurizing the backflushing fluid to produce a high velocity reverse flow through the substance collection device 150 during baclcflushing, and/or by using the reject reeirculation stream"s high velocity flow across the upstream surfaces) of the filter elements of the initial step substance collection device 150. Anv or all of these technidues should cause an increase in turbulent flow, which would cause the laminar flow layer across the surfaces of the filter elements to decrease, which may cause a more effective cleaning to occur, amd which, relatedly, should increase the usable lifetime of the substance collection device being backflushed. Additionally, the effectiveness of bacl<fltzslun~~ and!or the cleaning of the filter elements of any of the substance collection devices may be improved by introducing chemical and%or bacterial cleaning agents into the bacl~flushing fluid. and/or chemical, and/or bacterial, and/or mechanical cleaning agents into the reject recirculation stream, so that a more effective;
cleaning of the pat~ticulate from the la~xtinar f low areas of the backflushe,d collection devices may occur. Moreover, efficiency tray be improved by introducing air, ozone. or anv other suitable gas, preferably under pressure, into the baclcflush l7uid and/or into the reject recirculation stream carried by the recycle loop 1G4, and!or by using ultrasonic technoloy>v to dislodge substances from the filter elements. After performing backflushinya.
instead of directly processing the materials released from the filtering surfaces as a result of backflushing, in some applications, the materials may be collected and stored in a baclcf7ush collection tank, and later released back into the system for processing or disposed of externally through other means. Importantly, the method and manner in which substances are '? 5 collected in the present invention provides for the recovery of substances that previously could not be efficiently andlor economicall~° recovered by other systems, especially those using drying processes; thereby. enabling tile recovery of these substances for the first time.
For example, but not as a limitation. bia-compounds that cannot be thermally treated, e.'~., by freeze-drying or evaporation, may be recoverable with the present invention system.
[0044] Referring to FIG. 2, another preferred embodiment of the present invention system is shown. This embodiment is a two-stage substance collection system 5 that uses the two-step collection system previously described. as a primary collection stake, as well as a three-step collection system as a secondary stage. As previously mentioned, this method is preferably used for substance recoveries where the substance sought is both dissolved and suspended, and precipitation and/or filter media selection is not efficient or sufficiently capable of reducing the amount of the dissolved substance to desired levels.
Preferably. the two-stage collection system can be used to separate the collection of suspended and dissolved substance into two independent process sta~.:es. These stages can be operated in combination or as separate stand alone systems with or without tine other stage, and, while the collection mechanism for tile first substance collection stage. is preferably different than the one used with the second stage, both use sequential substance collection devices and sequential filtering flow(sj. This allows for the addition or introduction of specific treatment steps, which can be common to both stages, but, depending on the substances sou~~ht to be collected and/or the fluid meditum, these treatment steps are not limited to this commonality-. 'fhe second stage will now be described accordin~~ to a preferred three-step embodiment; how ever.
the second stage is n.ot limited to this number of filter steps and any other numbet° of steps or munber of collection devices suitable for the substances sought to be ec>llected and%or the fluid medium of interest can be used as well. Moreover. another embodinvent of the present invention uses multiple intermediate step suhstance collection devices 260, each with it o~im separate means for introducing precipitatin~~ agents. which allows for the possible introduction of different agents, and each having its reject collected by a separate final step substance collection device 270. This provides for the possible simultaneous collection and/or recovery of multiple substances from floe fluid. Therefore, while these components 260 and 270 (and the conduit 412 for introducing the precipitating agents and%or optionally conduit 410 for introducing the evaporator bottoms or concentrate of an evaporator 6~() and/or the reject from a centrifuge 655) are shown as single components, it should be kept in mind that these components could be viewed as possibly mirrored multiples of themselves.
Therefore, when using multiple filter steps, or multiple filter devices in a step, it also should be kept in mind that the user is provided with the flexibility of~ using different treatment processes with any or all of the different filters andior filter steps being used. The fle~cibilitv of the present system is further illustrated by another preferred embodiment.
which is shown in FIG. 3.
[0045] FIG. 3 shows that the three-step system may be used as a single-stage collection system as well. and, since the three-step system provides the basis for the embodiments shown in both FIGS. 2 and 3, the following description applies to the three-step system shown in both figures.
[0046) The three-step system uses an initial step substance collection device 250, an intermediate step substance collection device 260. and a final step substance collection device 270. The intermediate step substance collection device 260 has a particle collection size rating that is preferably equal to car larger than tlae particle collection size rating of the initial step substance collection device 250 and is preferably equal to or smaller than the particle collection size rating,? of the final step substance collection device 270. Preferably, the tluee-step system ~~~ill be comprised of: an initial step substance collection device 250 that is comprised of a reverse osmosis membrane type Clter and/or filtr°ation unit; an intermediate step substance collection device 26U that is comprised of an ultrafiltration membrane type filter; and a final step suhstance collection device 270 that is comprised of a microiilter.
However. any other suitable filtering elements can be used in these substance collection devices including. but not limited to. nanofilters. reverse osmosis membranes.
sand c>r other fine particle filters, sintered metal filters, and/or anv other suitable filters andior membrane devices that may be of the cross-f3ow or of the re~,mlarly bacl:llushed dead-end type.
Additionally, as previously described. the use of "pre-coating" andior "seeding" may be required or desired. Generally, the suitability of the filters and/or membranes used is determined by the properties of the fluid medium and the substances to be collected. e.g..
?7 substance size and/or chemical properties. and the requirement that the particle collection size rating of the initial step substance collection device 250 is preferably equal to or smaller than the particle collection size rating of the intern Mediate step substance collection device 260 and the particle collection size rating of the intermediate step substance collection device 260 is preferably equal to or smaller than the particle collection size rating of the final step substance collection device 270, and the further requirement that a filter cake can be formed on the filtering elements used in the final step substance collection device 270. In some applications, however, it may be preferable that the particle collection size rating of the final step substance collection device 270 is smaller than the particle collection size rating of the intermediate step substance collection device 260 and/or the initial step substance collection device 250, and/or the particle collection size rating of the intermediate step substance collection device 260 is smaller than the particle collection size rating of the initial step substance collection device 250. Furthermore, each of these substance collection devices 250, 260. and 270 can use more than one filter and/or membrane element in either a sequential and/or a parallel flow configuration for either or both fluid feed flow and recycle loop flow.
[0047] In operation. instead of having one reject recirculation stream and recycle loop 164 as previously described for the two-step system, there are two stl-eams and two recycle loops 264 and 268, which are formed through the use o:f~ pumps andior piping and other associated components includin~~. but not limited to. various types of valves and flow control components. Preferably, as shown in F1G. 2, the source of the Iluid medium containing the substances of interest is the filtrate (and/or permeate) of a primary collection Stag e, which is preferably the filtrate (and/or permeate) of the previously described initial step substance collection device 150; however, any other source of fluid media could be used lllClLld111g, but not limited to, other filtration systems. (e.g.. other uvo-step and/or three-step systems), fluid holding tanks, or direct connections to a facilitws fluid system (as shown in FIGS. 2 and/or 3). The fluid medium is first directed as a feed stream 262 from the fluid source to the upstream side of the three-step system's initial step substance collection device 250; where a portion of the fluid passes through that initial step substance collection device 250 as a filtrate and/or permeate stream 263 that is directed via conduit 625 to the flltrate/permeate holding tank 630 (where it can be sampled for purity and then reused or released to the environment if it meets release criteria), or the filtrate/penneate can be directly forwarded to the facility's fluid system, or it can be sent to another stage or system for further processing, including, but not limited to, another two-step or three-step substance collection system. a reverse osmosis unit, andior an ion exchanger. The portion of the fluid that does not pass through the three-step system's initial step substance collection device 250 along with a portion of the particles rejected or prevented from passing through the three-step system's initial step substance collection device 250. i.e., reject and/or concentrate, is directed to the intermediate substance collection device 260 for at least one additional processing step.
Preferably, this processing step includes, belt is not limited to: (1) using a step-one recycle loop 264 to establish a high velocity step-one reject recirculation stream flow across the upstream side st~rface(s) of the three-step system's initial step substance collection device 250 so that the reject and/or concentrate (''reject") and the fluid form a step-one reject recirculation stream, which is carried by the step-one recycle loop 264; and (2) divertin~~ a portion of the step-one reject recirculation stream into a step-two reject recirculation stream carried by a step-two recycle loop 268 to establish a high velocity step-two reject recirculation stream flow across the upstream surfaces) of the three-step system's intermediate step substance collection device 260 having, preferably, at least one ultraftltration membrane_ and.
preferably, by introducing precipitating agents andior by concentrating the reject that is contained in the diverted portion of the step-one reject recirculation stream.
and/or by the selection of tile proper particle collection size rating, the intermediate step suhstance collection device 260 is used to collect the substances of interest on the upstream surface; o-f~
each of its filter elements. Preferably, the ccmcentration of the reject in the diverted portion of the step-one reject recirculation stream is accomplished by directing this stt°eatn to an evaporator 650, a centrifuge 655, or to any other suitable concentrating device, before directing the concentrated fluid and/or concentrates to the intermediate step substance.
collection device 260. Preferably, therefore, at this point in the sequential filtering sequence, a portion of the fluid will pass through the intermediate substance collection device 260 as a filtrate. (and/or permeate), and another portion of the fluid will pass across the upstream side surfaces of the intermediate substance collection device 260 and will remain in the step-two reject recirculation stream for further processing. To maintain the flows, the velocity of the fluid in the step-one recycle loop 264 is maintained through the use of a step-one recycle loop pump 266 and possibly a controller and/or the setting of valves and/or other flow control devices, and the velocity of the step-two recycle loop 268 is maintained through the use of a step-two recycle loop pump 276 and possibly a controller 278 andior the setting of valves and/or other flow control devices including. but not limited to, throttle valves. The filtrate (and/or permeate) from the intermediate substance collection device 26(1 is then directed to the step-one recycle loop 264 through conduit 275 and returned for another pass through the three-step system's initial step substance collection device 250 while a portion of the step-two reject recirculation stream is diverted fiom the stream and is further processed by the three-step system's final step substance collection device 270 through the use of at least one additional processing step. Preferably, this additional processing step includes, but is not limited to, diverting a portion of the step-two reject recirculation sta~eatn flow carried by the step-two recycle loop 268 into the step-tlu-ee substance collection flow path 290. which passes through the three-step system's anal step substance collection device 270 at a low flux. The velocity and/or flux of the fluid through the three-step system's final step substance collection device 270 is maintained b~- a pump 380 and possibly a controller 382 andJor the setting ol~
valves and/or other flow control devices including, but not limited to, throttle valves, which cause the filtrate from the three-step system's final step substance collection device 27() to be directed back to the step-two recycle loop 268 through conduit 286 for another pass through the tiu~ce-sicp systciri's internuediate step subsianc.e collection device 260 (or is optionally directed back to the step one recycle loop 264 throu~~h conduits 275 and 285 for another pass through the three-step system's initial substance collection device 250 or it can be optionally directed back to a previous stage through conduit 40(1). In the. manner and for the reasons previously described in association with the two-step system's final step substance collection device 200, the velocity or flux of the fluid passing through the three-step system's final step substance collection device 270 is maintained very low to maximize the solids (-i.c..
substance) loading and the per pass efficiency of the three-step system's final step substance collection device 270. Optionally, however, as previously mentioned, a portion of the fluid and reject in the step-one reject recirculation stream may first be directed to an optional evaporator 650, a centrifuge 655, or to any other suitable concentrating device, for precipitation/concentration of the substance to be collected prior to the fluid being directed to the intermediate step substance collection device 260 and then to the final step substance collection device 270. Afterwards, the concentrated fluid and/or concentrates from each concentrating device are then preferably directed to the step-two (or second) recycle loop 268 upstream of the intermediate step substance collection device 260. while the distillate of an evaporator 650 (or the corresponding clean stream of any other concentrating device being used) is preferably directed to the upstream side of the initial step sLibstance collection device 250 and/or to a conduit 625 for release c:n~ reuse (if the distillate meets purity criteriaj.
Preferably, the evaporator bottoms/concentrate and/or the distillate are sufficiently cooled after leaving the evaporator 65(1 and before being introduced back into the present system. and this cooling, if needed, can be accomplished through the use of any of a variety of standard cooling means including. but not limited to, condensers or heat exchangers.
[0048] In other words, the present method comprises having a fluid medium source containing substances to be collected. The fluid medium is directed to a first initial step suL~stance collection device 150 of a two-step 1U collection system, or 250 of a three-step S or 15 collection system; a portion of the fluid passes through this first initial step substance collection device, possibly for further processing usin~~ another two-step and/or three-step substance collection system 5 10, or 15, and/or an ion exchanger or reverse osmosis unit 140.
The reject collected on the upstream side surface of this first initial step substance collection device 150 or 250 along with a portion of the fluid is carried by a first recycle loop 164 or 264. In a three-step substance collection system, a portion of this first recycle loop flow is diverted to a second recycle loop 268 having an intermediate substance collection device 260 (or optionally to an evaporator 650, a centrifuge 655, or to any other suitable concentrating device in order to concentrate the substance to he collected). A portion of the reject collected on the upstream side surface of this intermediate substance collection device 260 aloe ~~ with ct portion of this fluid is carried by a second recycle loop 268 and is then diverted to a lov,' flux substance collection flow path 290, which directs the fluid and reject carried in this i7ow-~ path through the filtration medium of the final step substance collection device 270, which is able to form a filter calve on its upstream side filter surface. Similarly, in a two-step substance collection system 10, a portion of the first recycle loop 164 flow is directly diverted to a low flux substance collection flow path 172 and through the filtration media of the final step substance collection device 200, which is able to form a filter cake on its upstream side filter surface. In either a two-step or a three-step (or more step) substance collection system. the filtrate and/or permeate from each collection device that is in sequence v~~ith the iW tial step substance collection device is~recycled back to the initial step substance collection device of their respective system, and/or is directed to a flow path associated with a previous step's. or a previous system's, substance collection devices) for further processing through intra-stage and/or inter-stage recycling, for example, but not as a limitation, by using the conduit 400 shown in FIGS. 2 and 3. Additionally, in either a two-step 10 or a three-step (or more step) system 5 and/or 15, it is possible to inject or add precipitating agents and/or other processing chemicals at almost any location on the collection system. For example, but not as a limitation, precipitating agents can be added to the feed to the second recycle loop 268 in a three-step system through a conduit 412 as shown in FIG. 2 and 3. Also, as previousl<<
mentioned, the reject from, and the fluid not passing through, the initial step substance collection device 1i0 or 250 may first be sent to an evaporator 6~0. a centrifuge 6~~. or to any other suitable concentrating device in order to concentrate the substances to be collected prior to being directed to a subseduent stage in the sequence of filtering stages.
[0049] Preferably, the capability of baclcflushing the initial step collection devices and/or intermediate step collection devices will be provided as shown in FIGS.
1, 2 and 3.
Backflushing, as previously described, is performed to remove materials deposited on the upstream surfaces of the substance collection devices in order to maximize the usable surface area of the filtering elements and/or the filter. Backflushin« efficiency can be improved by using a pump, or by presstu~izing the baclcl7ushing l7uid, to produce a reverse flow havin<,~ a high velocity through the filter elements of the substance collection devices durin<~
backflushing. Efficiency may be further improved by using the recycle loop to form a high velocity recircttlating reject stream flow across the upstream side surface of the substance collection device, which may be further eWanced by introducing air or ozone.
or any other suitable gas, preferably under pressure. either into the baclcfl ush fluid or into the i°ecirculating reject stream. The recirculating reject stream, along with many of these other enhancing methods described herein, which can also be used with the presently described embodiments.

improve backflushing effectiveness by increasing turbulent flow and, thereby, causiry~ the laminar flow layer across the surface of the filtering elements to be decreased. This provides a more effective cleaning, which increases the usable lifetime of the backflushecl substance collection devices. Additionally, the effectiveness of backflushing and/or cleanin'1 of the substance collection device's surfaces may be improved by introducing chemical and/or bacterial cleaning agents into the baelcflushing fluid, and/or chemical and/or bacterial ~u~d/ol°
mechanical cleaning agents into the recirculating reject stream. which may cause a more effective cleaning of the particulate from the laminar flow areas of the collection device.
Moreover, ultrasonic means can be used alone or in combination vr~ith the above-described cleaning methods, and, if the proper combination of cleaning methods for the substances to be collected, the fluid media, and/or the filter elements is a sed, the cleaning results can be effectively amplified. For example, but not as a limitation, the use of ultrasound impacts on or causes the formation of gas bubbles. which causes the colloids (even those trapped by the filter elements) to vibrate, and can increase the mechanical chemical and/or bacterial efficiency of the mechanical, chemical, and/or bacterial cleaning agents that are used.
[0050) Preferably, to perform bacl:flushing, filtrate and/or permeate from a initial step and/or intermediate step collection device is stored in a haclcflushing feed taW: 500, a chemical hopper 515 and pump 516 can be used to add cleaning agents, and a source of pressurized gas 525 and/or a back flushin~~ pump 530 can be used for the baclcflushin<~
purposes previously described. Additionally. besides usin~~ collection system filtrate and/or permeate for a source of backflushing fluid, demineralized and/or deionized water and/or other fluids outside the collection system, and/or gas/wat~r mixtLares cato also be used to remove particulate. Furthermore, the introduction of ozone can be used la provide membrane cleaning. especially when fouled by organic materials. 1-Iowever, since the bacl<flush feed tan: 500 can be filled with filtrate andior permeate from a substance collection device, the need for supplying demineralized and; or deionized water for back flushing is reduced or eliminated. The backflush feed tank 500 will feed baclcflush fluid through a conduit 536 to the downstream side of collection device being cleaned 150. 250, and/or 260 during the baclcflush cycle. and after the baclcflush fluid passes through the collection device bein'.a backflushed, it can be collected in a backllush collection tank 600. The contents of the a, backflush collection tank 600 can then be processed to remove suspended solids or dissolved materials. Generally, this is accomplished by using one of three optional methods for feedings the contents of the baclcflush collection tank 600 back to the system, as shown with reference to the system 10 of FIG. 1. Option One is to feed the contents of the backflush collection tank 600 to the initial step recycle loop 164 (or 264). Option Two is to feed the contents of the backflush collection tank 600 to the final step collection flow path 172 (or 290). Option Three is basically a batch-wise process option, in which the final step substance collection device 200 (or 270) is isolated from its system 10 (or ~ and/or 15) and is used to form a fluid loop with the baclcflush collection tank 600 so that the contents of the backflush collection tank 600 are recycled through the final step substance collection device 20U
(or 270) for as long as the user desires. However, if desired, the contents of the collection tank 600 may be externally processed or disposed of as well. While these options are the preferable methods of processing the contents of the backflush collection tank 600, any other suitable method can also be used.
[0051] Generally. in operation. the substances collected on the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 will cause the pressure drop across the f nal step suhstance collection device 200 or 270 to increase. and. when the maximum allowable differential pressure drop across the device is reached. or the final step substance collection device 20() or 270 is filled with substance, mdlor other limitin~~ criteria are reached, the final step substanc-a collection device 200 or 270 and/or its alter elements will be replaced with a new or recycled final step substance collection device 200 or 270. and/or filter elements.
Related to this, when collecting radioactive contaminants. the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 will be replaced when the maximum allowahle radiation dose rate. activity level, safe mass leveis_ and/oi° other limiting criteria are reached. Pi°eferably, prior to rc;placement, the substances collected and/or the collection device 200 or 27(1 will have excess fluid removed as described lZerein.
[0052] Preferable, after collecting the substances carried by the fluid, excess fluids are removed from the final step substance collection device 200 or 270. As background for fluid removal in the present two-step or the three-step (or more step) substance collection ,4 system, the filter calve forming filter is preferably contained within the final step substance collection device 200 or 270, which can be operated at norn~al system pressures v~~hile attached to the present invention system, which- in turn, allows for fluid removal through pressurization of the final step substance collection device 200 or 270. This is in contrast to those prior art systems that use filters and collection devices that cannot withstand pressurization, and which obtain fluid removal by suctioning off the fluids at pressures belo«~
atmospheric pressure. Therefore, since the present invention system can be pressurized. it can be operated at differential pressures that are much higher than those that can be used for systems that rely on suction-type dewatering. This provides for a higher solids loading, i.e., a higher concentration of solids, on the present invention's filter elements and/or for quicker fluid removal.
[U053] Preferably, the fluid removal process used with the present invention can be accomplished by using pressurized air, or some other suitable, and preferably inert, ~~as, which Applicant believes is more effective and/or eff cient than the standard practice of suction dewatering. The use of pressurized fluid removal also results in: (1) the elimination of the equipment required for st,tction-type dewatering, which lowers the space required for the present invention; (2) less maintenance being required; (3) faster operations, v.~=hich decreases the amount and/or magnitude of exposure that a worker would have to radioactive, toxic. and/or hazardous materials t;in comparison to standard suction-type dewaterin'T): (4) a higher substance of interest concentration. and (~) cost savings in equipment and labor. The fluid removal processes used with the present invention can also be performed ~ind/or enhanced through tine introduction of expendable materials such as expandable foams into anv of the void spaces in order to displace the fluids. or thrc~u~~h the filling of such void spaces with adsorbent materials and/or disposable materials including waste products.
During or after fluid removal, the substances collected by the. final step substance collection device 200 or 270 can be processed by backflushing. if appropriate, to remove the substances Pram the collection device so that it may be reused. or the collected substances can be processed by using prior art methods, or they may be disposed of directly along with the final step substance collection device 200 or 270, if desired.

[0054] Referring to FIG. 4, preferably, in operation of the fluid removal process.
the substance collection fluid flow path to the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 is isolated by shutting valve Vl, which may be a three-way valve, and the final step substance collection device's filtrate flow path is isolated by shutting valve V2, and the first fluid removal flow path is opened (preferably, the first fluid removal flow path"s conduit is attached to the final step substance collection device's filtrate flo«~ path between an isolation valve V2 and the final step substance collection device 200 or 270). A source of pressurized gas is then placed in-service by opening valve V4, and the pressurized gas is used to pressurize the headspace of the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 to displace a portion, or all, of the fluids contained within the substance collection device 200 or 270.
When evidence is obtained that gas is entering the first fluid removal flow path, the second fluid removal flow path is opened by opening valve V~ and the first fluid removal flow path is then isolated by shutting valve V3. The conduit for the second fluid removal flow bath is attached directly to a fluid removal conduit contained within substance collection device 200 or 270, and is preferably connected to a separate fluid removal filter on or near the bottom of the substance collection device 200 or 270, for example a horizontal sheet filter may be used.
The fluid removal process is terminated when gas is detected entering the second fluid removal flow path conduit. A5 ShOwll 117 FICT. 4, tile fluid removed from the final step substance collection device 200 or 27() is preferably directed to the baclcflush collection tank 60u; however, this fluid can be directed to any other suitable location including. but not limited to, facility drains. Performing fluid removal in this wav provides the user with a higher concentration of the substances of interest, the processin~~ of a greater volume of fluid containing the same concentratiolo of such substances, and/or a much duicl:er and/or more efficient fluid removal. Also as shown in hIG. ~ arc two pumps 60; and 610.
Pump 605 is a baclcflush recirculation pump 605 and is normally used to reprocess the contents of the baclcflush collection tanlc 600, while ptunp 610 is an optional i7uid removal vacutun pump 610, which can be used to remove fluids from the final step substance collection device 20() or 270 by suctioning them from the final step substance collection device 200 or 270.
[005] Preferably, the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 is carried within an optional Multi-Purpose Container 70 or 700 w~lule attached to the present invention s6 system. Preferably, the Multi-Purpose Container 70 or 700 is dimensioned to readily carry the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 and is fabricated of a material suitable for the application in which the present invention system is being used. For example. when used to receive radioactive wastes the Multi-Purpose Container 70 or 700, may be fabricated of a cross-linked polyethylene suitable for handling. transporting, and/or disposing of such waste. Preferably. the Multi-Purpose Container 70 or 700 is a container that is certified to meet the industry-based and/or governmental requirements imposed on containers of this type when they are used for the purposes described herein. Additionally, the Multi-Purpose Container 70 or 700 ("MPC") is a combination processing enclosure, transport container, and/or disposal container for the final step substance collection device 20U
or 270 and~'or the filter cake and the filter cake forming filter used in the final step substance collection device 200 or 270, and provides the present invention system with expanded processing and/or fluid removal features over the prior art.
[0056] The design of the present system not only a llov-s for pressurized fluid removal of a possibly disposable substance collection device while still being attached to the present invention system, which tray be carried within a .MPC', but it also allows i-or the introduction of expanding agents such as foams instead of gas. The possible use of foam, introduced into the headspace at the top of the substance collection device 200 or 27(). will.
due to its expansion, squeeze fluids out of the filter cake and/or the substance collection device 200 or 270, which can provide a very efficient method of fluid removal.
Related to this, the present invention can also use a;~ents, similar to those used in fire extinguishers.
v,~hiclv can be introduced into the substance collection device 200 or 270 and then activated at the end of the substance collection device's 200 or 27U lifecycle. This would allow a substance collection device 200 or 270 to be able to undergo fluid removal in circumstances where the use of suction dewatering andior pressurized fluid removal equipment is unavailable and/or impractical. Preferably, if the collected substances are destined for disposal, the substance collection device 200 or 270 is dimensioned to be carried within the MPC 70 or 700, and. to reduce costs (especially disposal costs) the void spaces within the substance collection device 200 or 270. and/or between the substance collection device 200 or 270 and the MPC 70 or 700, can be filled with a void filling material. which is preferably an i7 inert material that can flow into the void such as used resins. As a result, since a characteristic of the filter cake is that it is practically devoid of excess fluid and other volume increasing constituents (other than the substances of interest), the substances collected and/or the collection device 200 or 270 could possibly be prepared for disposal or recovor5~ ~.vithout the need for solidification and/or thermal processing. And. as previously described, all of the fluid removal processes, aside from transportation and disposal, can be done while the substance collection device 200 or 270 and/or the MPC 70 or 700 are in place on the present invention system and on-site, and not as a separate external process. On the other hand, the present invention's flexibility also allows for all of the processes, methods, techniques, andior portions of the present invention system as explicitly or implicitly described her ein to be performed andlor provided individually on a stand-alone basis as well as in the combinations explicitly or implicitly described herein. Importantly, the method and manner in which substances are collected in the present invention provides for the recovery of substances that previously could not be efficiently and/or economically recovered by other svstems_ especially those using drying processes: thereby, enabling the recovery of these substances for the first time. For example, but not as a limitation, bin-compounds that cannot be thermall~~
treated, e.g., by freeze-drying or evaporation, may he recoverable with the present invention system.
[0057] As examples of the system's flexibility, but not as a limitation. the present invention system can be used for a variety of applications including, but not limited to.
enhancing chen ~ical reactions, such as in the precipitation of dissolved metals. and providing an alternative to ''fluid bed l~rocessin ~~'~ and its associated risks. which can include the release of andior the exposure to fine toxic andior radioactive materials. :~s background. and generally. when a precipitating agent (or p rc;cipitation reagent)-whether sulfide, hydroxide.
or phosphate based-is introduced into a fluid. the precipitation process generally proceeds in two stages. The first stage is nucleation, wherein ultl~afine, stable crystalline structures are formed. These structures. in some cases, such as hydroxide precipitation, are virtually impossible to filter and cannot undergo effective fluid removal processing (e.g.. dewatering).
The resulting stable suspension of crystallites can be broken down by digesting the suspension thermally for an amount of time that can last ani~where between several minutes to more than s8 several hours, depending on the characteristics and the constituents of the starting suspension.
During this thermal processing, some of the formed crystallites dissolve and re-precipitate forming seed particles. which are able to grow into larger, easier to collect, particles that can filtered from the suspension and can then undergo fluid removal for dewatering). The second stage is a growth stage, in which further precipitation further grows the nucleate seed particles, and, consequently, results in much larger precipitates, v~~hich allows for a much more effective filtering, and/or fluid removal (or dewatering).
[0058] One way to '"by-pass" nucleation is to add "seed" particles of the final compound (i.e., the substance intended to be collected) such that the precipitates hit the growth phase directly. This is particularly important for hydroxide precipitation where rapid nucleation normally precludes this process from using fluid removal processing ( or dewatering) due to the stable suspension formation. Importantly. this "bv-pass" can be accomplished in the present invention system by injecting precipitants) into the present invention's recycle loop or by injecting the precipitants) into the precipitating agents) holding tank 100, preferably under agitation_ which would allow seeds to form in tile holding taut 100, and then feeding a portion of the seeded contents of the holding tank 100 to the recycle loop 164 through conduit 101, in either case causin~l a sufficient amoLmt of seed particles to be inti°oduced into the system. After a sufficient concentration of seed particles is obtained in the recycle loop 164, the fluid containing the substances ~fi interest ~.~~il_l hr~
introduced to the recycle loop 164 from another fluid source. which is preferably holding tank 110; however, any other suitable source of fluid could be used. The substance of interest will them be removed from this fluid and collected by the final step substance collection device 200 and/or 270. This is made possible because the design of the system, with its high turbulence (from form drag. if from no other source. and/or iu°om its high flow rates) will give good mixing and promote an even precipitant concentration, which would enable even the use of the hydroxide reagents in recovery operations and would achieve the type of control over the concentration field normally only found in tluidized beds - except that with the present invention system solids entrainment would not be a problem. whereas entrainment is a troublesome issue for fluidized beds.
s9 [0059 In this regard, while fluidized beds generally can be said to have Sufi-iciest control of temperature and/or composition fields, which, arguably, gives them better overall process control then other prior art systems, the present invention system is an improvement over fluidized beds. For example, in fluidized beds, process liquids/fluids are filtered for solids recovery prior to discharge, and product gases may be filtered, condensed, scrubL~ed. or otherwise processed for product recovered (oftentimes the off-gas train may be as simple as a train of high efficiency cyclones, possibly, with a baghouse as a backup). In processing radioactive or biologically active materials, however. the activity of the contaminants (particularly in the case of radioactive materials) significantly lowers the limits of detection.
This causes a significant and expensive inci°ease in the effluent treatment system required for the operation of an environmentally safe fluidized bed system. On the other hand, the use of the present invention system, with all of the discharge coming as filtrate/permeate from the initial step substance collection device 150, virtually eliminates the need for an extensive effluent treatment system while providing the benefits of improved process control. In summary, whereas the present invention system's filtration characteristics provide the opportunity to both improve the quality of all f7uid/liquid discharge streams and minimize the volume of an y secondary waste that is generated, the present system's flexibility also establishes the present invention system as a chemical reactor that, as a example. provides a very effective precipitation step in the case of the present invention system.
Furthermore, due to its comparable process control characteristics lut without the problem of solids entrainment, the present invention system offers an effective alternative to processing by fluidized beds.
[0060 Even though the present invention system does not require the use of thermal processing to prepare the substances collected by the final filter for recovery or disposal. as another example of the present invention system's flexibility, but not as a limitation. the present invention system can be used in applications in which fluid removal (or dewaterin'~) is inadequate, for example, in cases where higher-level waste forms are collected, such as some radioactive wastes, which may require the solidification of such waste forms.
In this regard, and optionally, the present invention system also can be used for reactor waste form stabilization, and for the stabilization of other wastes including, but not limited to. other radioactive, hazardous, toxic, and/or a:my other similar wastes. One reason for this, as previously described, is that the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 can be used as the final disposal receptacle for the collected substance, e.g., radioactive waste, (with or without the use of an MPC 70 or 700), and. therefore, can be used as a base for a stabilization system. Preferably, when used for such applications, the substances collected in the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 can forni a composition that is compatible with solidification ancfor vitrification. Preferably. this can be accomplished by injecting., in the manner previously described with respect to introducing precipitating agents into the system, a reagent into the recycle loop 164, such as a grout or a silicate-based material (e.g., sodium, and/or other silicate-based compounds including sand can be used as a filler and/or a glass former). which would be particularly useful with oxide or hydroxide particles in order to bind-up the contaminants (i.e., waste). By Llslll'~ the silicates and sand as glass formers, heat would be applied until solidification and/or vitrification occurs. Preferably, heating of the waste and/or the other materials present is accomplished by using electrical resistance elements and/or electrodes with the final step substance collection device 200 or 270 to supply .joule heating to the contents of the final step substance collection device 2(10 or 270, or througf~ the introduction of microwave energy. In the case of using microwave energy. the microwave energy frequency would be tuned to optimize coupling with any oxide, hydroxyl, silicate or other receiving compound in the mixture. While these are the preferred methods for stabilizing tire collected substances, any other suitable chemical and/or agent can he used to form the composition to be solidif ed and/or vitrified, and/or any other source of heat can be used. Furthermore, the heat source may be integrated into or used in combination with a modified MPC 71 and/or 701 (as shown in FIG. 5) and/or into the final step substance collection device 200 or 27(l. Referring to FIG. ~, for example. and preferably, the modified MPC 71 and/or 701 will carry the final step substance collection device 200 or 27(?. «,hich will be attached to the system, and may have annular heating elements 72 located on or in contact with the modified MPC's 71 tmd/or 70I interior surface, which then ma~~ be used to effectively conduct heat into the final step substance collection device 200 and/or 270. After solidification andior vitrification of the collected substance, the final step substance collection device 200 and/or 270 and, therefore, the collected substance can be removed from the system and the modified MPC 71 and/or 701, and then secured within a standard MPC 70 md/or 270 for transportation and disposal. With respect to using microwave energy, a modification allowing for a single or a mufti-port magnetron or other source of microwave energy can be incoporated into the design so that it is an integral part of or used in combination with a modified MPC 71 and/or 701. For example, and preferably, a microwave generating unit 73 attached to or used in combination with a modified MPC 71 and/or 701 can direct microwave energy into the tonal step substance collection device 200 and/or 270, which will be constructed of a material that will allow the microwave energy to pass through the material with no, or very little, absorption of the microwave energy, such as some glasses, ceramics, and plastics (also as shown in FIG. 5; however, a.nd preferably though, both sources of heat are not simultaneously attached to and/or in contact with the modified MPC 71 and/or 271).
After solidification and/or vitrification of the collected substance, the final step substance collection device 200 and/or 270 and, therefore, the collected substance can be removed iron ~
the system and from the modified MPC 71 and/or 701., and then secured within a standard MPC 70 and/or 270 for transportation and disposal. ( While these are the preferred methods for solidifying and/or vitrifying the collected substance and for disposing of the collected substance and the final step substance collection device 200 and/or 270, any other sl.iitable method for solidifying andior vitrifying, and disposing of the collected substazxe can be used including, but not limited to, aiiy other type of energy suitable for transmission from the modified MPC 71 and/or 701, the standard llAfC 7(1 and/or 70U, and/or for the transnnission of~
the energy directly into the final step suL~stance collection device 200 and/or 270. for example.
but not as a limitation, by inserting. preferably disposable. electrodes into the fnul step substance collection device 200 and/or 270 andior into the collected substances.) Since very high temperatures may he required to vitrii'y the substances collected. the materials used to fabricate the final step substance collection device 200 and/or 270 (and~'or the MfC 70 or 700) would have to be compatible with the temperattues used. For example, but not as a limitation.
high temperature polymers and/or steels may be used. By being able to use the present invention system in this manner makes the present invention system very appealing to those entities producing higher activity wastes, such as those found on DOE sites, for which simple fluid removal (or dewatering) is inadequate.

[0061] It will be apparent to those skilled in the art of fluid processin~~
that many modifications and substitutions may be made to the foregoing detailed description without departing from the spirit and scope of the present invention, which is defined by the appended claims.

Claims (57)

1. ~A fluid treatment system for collecting substances carried by a fluid, said system comprising:

a. ~a first filter having an upstream side and a downstream side, said first filter having a first filter particle collection size rating, said upstream side of said first filter being in fluid communication with a source of fluid, said source of fluid carrying a fluid, said fluid carrying at least one substance to be collected by said system, said first filter adapted so that said fluid from said source of fluid is divided into a first portion passing through said first filter forming a first filter filtrate and leaving a first filter reject on said upstream side of said first filter, and a second portion forming a reject recirculation stream;
b. ~means for directing and controlling said reject recirculation stream, said reject recirculation stream carrying said first filter reject; and c. ~a second filter in fluid communication with said first filter and said reject recirculation stream so that said second filter receives said first filter reject and forms a second filter reject, said second filter reject containing said at least one substance to be collected, said second filter having a second filter upstream side and a second filter downstream side, said second filter having a second filter particle collection size rating that is no smaller than said first filter particle collection size rating, said fluid treatment system further comprising a multi-purpose container, said multi-purpose container used as a combination processing enclosure, transport container, and disposal container, allowing for direct processing to remove excess fluids from said at least one substance to be collected by said second filter and from said second filter while said second filter is still attached to the system.
2. ~The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said first filter is selected from a group consisting of a sintered metal filter, a nanofilter, an ultrafiltration membrane, and a microfilter.
3. ~The system as recited in claim l, wherein said first filter is a backflushable dead-end filter.
4. ~The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said second filter is selected from a group consisting of a microfilter, a fine particle filter, and a sintered metal filter.
5. ~The system as recited in claim 1, further comprising at least one means for precipitating dissolved species carried by said fluid from said source of fluid for collection by said second filter as said second filter reject, said at least one precipitating means being attached upstream of said first filter.
6. ~The system as recited in claim 1, said system further comprising means connected to said second filter downstream side for receiving a filtrate from said second filter downstream side and directing said filtrate to said upstream side of said first filter.
7. ~The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said downstream side of said first filter is in fluid communication with a filtering device selected from a group consisting of an ion exchange polisher and a reverse osmosis unit.
8. ~The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said second filter particle collection size rating is larger than said first filter particle collection size rating.
9. ~The system as recited in claim 1, further comprising a sequential step fluid filtering system, wherein said sequential step fluid filtering system comprises:
a. ~an initial filter;
b. ~an intermediate filter; and c. ~a final filter, wherein said initial filter initially processes said first filter filtrate to collect said at least one substance to be collected as an initial filter reject and wherein the intermediate filter then processes said first filter filtrate and said initial filter reject and forms an intermediate filter reject and wherein said final filter then processes said first filter filtrate and said intermediate filter reject.
10. ~A fluid treatment system for collecting substances carried by a fluid, said system comprising:

a first filter having an upstream side and a downstream side, said first filter having a first filter particle collection size rating, said upstream side of said first filter being in fluid communication with a source of fluid, said source of fluid carrying a fluid, said fluid carrying at least one substance to be collected by said system, said first filter adapted so that said fluid from said source of fluid is divided into a first portion passing through said first filter forming a first filter filtrate and leaving a first filter reject on said upstream side of said first filter, and a second portion forming a reject recirculation stream;

means for directing and controlling said reject recirculation stream, said reject recirculation stream carrying said first filter reject; and a second filter in fluid communication with said first filter and said reject recirculation stream so that said second filter receives said first filter reject and forms a second filter reject, said second filter reject containing said at least one substance to be collected, said second filter having a second filter upstream side and a second filter downstream side, said second filter having a second filter particle collection size rating that is no smaller than said first filter particle collection size rating, further comprising a multi-purpose container, said multi-purpose container used as a combination processing enclosure, transport container, and disposal container, allowing for direct processing to remove excess fluids from said at least one substance to be collected by said second filter and from said second filter while said second filter is still attached to the system, said system~
further comprising a sequential step fluid filtering system in fluid communication with said downstream side of said first filter, wherein said sequential step fluid filtering system further comprises:

a. ~an initial filter receiving said first filter filtrate, said initial filter having a~
downstream side and an upstream side, said initial filter adapted so that said first filter filtrate is divided into a third portion passing through said initial filter forming an initial filter filtrate and leaving an initial filter reject on said upstream side of said initial filter, and a fourth portion forming an initial filter reject recirculation stream, said initial filter having an initial filter particle collection size rating, said third portion and said fourth portion being a part of said first portion;

b. ~an initial filter reject recirculation loop in fluid communication with said initial filter, said initial filter reject recirculation loop used for carrying said initial filter reject recirculation stream, said initial filter reject recirculation stream carrying said initial filter reject for further processing by the filtering system;

c. ~means for controlling said initial filter reject recirculation stream through said initial filter reject recirculation loop and for recycling said initial filter reject recirculation stream back to said upstream side of said initial filter;

d. ~an intermediate filter reject recirculation loop in fluid communication with said initial filter reject recirculation loop, said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop used for carrying an intermediate filter reject recirculation stream, said intermediate filter reject recirculation stream carrying a fifth portion of said fluid from said source of fluid for further processing by the filtering system, said fifth portion being a part of said fourth portion;

e. ~means for controlling said intermediate filter reject recirculation stream through said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop;

f. ~an intermediate filter in fluid communication with said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop, said intermediate filter having an intermediate filter downstream side and an intermediate filter upstream side, said intermediate filter adapted so that said intermediate filter reject recirculation stream is divided into a sixth portion passing through said intermediate filter forming an intermediate filter filtrate and leaving an intermediate filter reject on said intermediate filter upstream side, and a seventh portion carried by said intermediate filter reject recirculation stream for further processing by the filtering system, said sixth portion and said seventh portion being a part of said fifth portion, said intermediate filter having an intermediate filter particle collection size rating, said intermediate filter filtrate being directed to said initial filter reject recirculation loop and recycled to said upstream side of said initial filter;

g. a final filter substance collection and recycling conduit in fluid communication with said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop, said final filter substance collection and recycling conduit used for carrying a substance collection stream, said substance collection stream carrying an eighth portion of said fluid from said source of fluid for further processing by the filtering system, said eighth portion being a part of said seventh portion;
h. means for controlling said substance collection stream through said final filter substance collection and recycling conduit;
i. a final filter in fluid communication with said final filter substance collection and recycling conduit, said final filter having a final filter downstream side and a final filter upstream side, said final filter having a final filter particle collection size rating, said final filter adapted for processing said substance collection stream so that a final filter filtrate passes through said final filter leaving a final filter reject on said final filter upstream side, said final filter reject containing said at least one substance to be collected, wherein the reject is formed by said substance collection stream controlling means maintaining the flux of said substance collection stream through said final filter low enough so that said substance collection stream just passes through said final filter and forms a cake of said at least one substance to be collected on said final filter upstream side, and wherein said means for controlling said initial filter reject recirculation stream through said initial filter reject recirculation loop recycles a portion of said initial filter reject recirculation stream and directs another portion of said initial filter reject recirculation stream carrying said initial filter reject from said initial filter to said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop wherein said means for controlling said intermediate filter reject recirculation stream through said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop directs said intermediate filter reject recirculation stream carrying said initial filter reject to said intermediate filter and then a portion of said intermediate filter reject recirculation stream to said final filter substance collection and recycling conduit wherein said means for controlling said substance collection stream directs said substance collection stream to said final filter and recycles said final filter filtrate to said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop upstream of said intermediate filter for further processing by the filtering system; and j. means for precipitating dissolved species from said fluid from said source of fluid for collection by said final filter as said final filter reject, said precipitating means being in fluid communication with said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop upstream of said intermediate filter.]
11. The system as recited in claim 1, further comprising a substance collection flow path, said substance collection flow path carrying a fluid stream containing said first filter reject through said second filter at a low flux.
12. The system as recited in claim 1, further comprising means for backflushing said first filter.
13. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said second filter is capable of withstanding pressures in the range of about 760 mm Hg vacuum to about 1000 psig.
14. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one radioactive material.
15. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one hazardous material.
16. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one macromolecule.
17. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one impurity.
18. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one useful material.
19. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said at least one substance to be collected can be recovered without the need for thermal processing.
20. The system as recited in claim 1, wherein said second filter can be disposed without the need for thermal processing.
21. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said initial filter filtrate does not require additional processing prior to being released to the environment.
22. The system as recited in claims 10, wherein said initial filter filtrate does not require additional processing prior to being reused.
23. The system as recited in claim 10, further comprising a means for concentrating said at least one substance carried by said fluid, wherein said concentrating means is selected from a group consisting of an evaporator and a centrifuge.
24. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said precipitating means introduces a chemical precipitating agent to said first filter filtrate.
25. The system as recited in claim 10, further comprising a means for introducing an agglomeration agent, said means being in fluid communication with said intermediate filter reject recirculation loop.
26. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said initial filter particle collection size rating is smaller than said intermediate filter particle collection size rating.
27. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said final filter particle collection size rating is no smaller than said intermediate filter particle collection size rating.
28. The system as recited in claim 10, further comprising means for backflushing said initial filter and said intermediate filter.
29. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said final filter is capable of withstanding pressures in the range of about 760 mm Hg vacuum to about 1000 psig.
30. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said final filter is capable of undergoing post-collection processing to remove excess fluid while said final filter is still attached to the filtering system.
31. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said final filter is capable of undergoing post-collection processing to solidify said final filter reject while said final filter is still attached to the filtering system.
32. The system as recited in claim 10, further comprising means in contact with said final filter for solidifying said at least one substance to be collected within said final filter.
33. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said final filter can be pressurized above atmospheric pressure while collecting said at least one substance to be collected.
34. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein a portion of said initial filter reject recirculating stream bypasses said intermediate filter during each cycle through said initial filter reject recirculation loop and is recycled to said upstream side of said initial filter, said initial filter reject recirculating stream having a high enough velocity to carry said initial filter reject away from said upstream side of said initial filter, wherein another portion of said initial filter reject recirculation stream that does not bypass said intermediate filter is directed to said intermediate filter reject recirculation stream.
35. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said at least one substance to be collected can be recovered without the need for thermal processing.
36. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said second filter and said final filter can be disposed without the need for thermal processing.
37. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said final filter can be pressurized above atmospheric pressure during the removal of excess fluid from said final filter.
38. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one radioactive material.
39. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one hazardous material.
40. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one macromolecule.
41. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one impurity.
42. The system as recited in claim 10, wherein said at least one substance to be collected is at least one useful material.
43. The system as recited in claim 17, wherein said at least one impurity is at least one gas borne substance.
44. The system as recited in claim 18, wherein said at least one useful material is at least one precious metal.
45. The system as recited in claim 18, wherein said at least one useful material is at least one type of ceramic material.
46. The system as recited in claim 18, wherein said at least one useful material is at least one pharmaceutical product.
47. The system as recited in claim 18, wherein said at least one useful material is at least one biologically based material, said at least one biologically based material being recoverable without thermal processing.
48. The system as recited in claim 25, wherein said agglomeration agent is selected from a group consisting of polyelectrolytes and coagulants.
49. The system as recited in claim 27, wherein said final filter particle collection size rating is larger than said intermediate filter particle collection size rating.
50. The system as recited in claim 32, wherein said solidifying means further comprises a source of electrical resistance heating.
51. The system as recited in claim 42, wherein said at least one impurity is at least one gas borne substance.
52. The system as recited in claim 43, wherein said at least one useful material is at least one precious metal.
53. The system as recited in claim 43, wherein said at least one useful material is at least one type of ceramic material.
54. The system as recited in claim 43, wherein said at least one useful material is at least one pharmaceutical product.
55. The system as recited in claim 43, wherein said at least one useful material is at least one biologically based material, said at least one biologically based material being recoverable without thermal processing.
56. The system as recited in claim 32, wherein said solidifying means further comprises a source of microwave energy.
57. The system as recited in claim 32, wherein said solidifying means further comprises electrodes inserted into said final filter and said at least one substance to be collected.
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