CA2094771A1 - Transmitter network with a single transmitter frequency - Google Patents

Transmitter network with a single transmitter frequency


Publication number
CA2094771A1 CA 2094771 CA2094771A CA2094771A1 CA 2094771 A1 CA2094771 A1 CA 2094771A1 CA 2094771 CA2094771 CA 2094771 CA 2094771 A CA2094771 A CA 2094771A CA 2094771 A1 CA2094771 A1 CA 2094771A1
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CA 2094771
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French (fr)
Paulus George Maria De Bot
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Koninklijke Philips NV
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Philips Electronics NV
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Application filed by Philips Electronics NV filed Critical Philips Electronics NV
Publication of CA2094771A1 publication Critical patent/CA2094771A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



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PHN 14.054 22.03.1993 Abstract:
Improved transmitter network with a single transmitter frequency.
In a transmitter network comprising a plurality of transmitters having the same transmitter frequency there are so-termed echo regions in which both transmitters may be received about equally strongly. In these regions the receivers are to comprise means for suppressing the received signal from one of the transmitters that has the features of an undesired echo signal. For reducing the complexity of the receivers, which complexity strongly depends on the echo time of the echo signal, the signal transmitted by one of the transmitters is delayed in such a way according to theinvention that the average echo time in the echo region is minimized.


2~771 PHN 14.054 1 22.03.1993 Improved transmitter network with a single transmitter frequency.

rhe invention relates to a transmitter network comprising at least two transrnitters having a like transmitter frequency which transmit a like signal.
The invention likewise relates to a transmitter to be used in such a network.
Such a transmitter network is known from the journal article entitled "DAB - A new sound broadcasting system, Status of the development - Routes to its introduction" by G. Plenge in EBU Review no. 246, April 1991, Chapter 5.2.2, pp. 87-112.
When a conventional transmitter network is designed, for example, for lO broadcasting purposes, one is generally confronted with the problem that not enough channels are available for the signals to be transmitted. In that case one resorts to reusing frequencies whilst under normal propagation conditions it is possible to receive in a certain area only one of the transmitters transmitting at a specific frequency, so that no mutual disturbance need be expected under normal propagation conditions. In such a 15 conventional transmitter network, however, disturbances may nevertheless occur under special propagation conditions, such as, for example, tropospheric ducting.
In the transmitter network known from above journal article, a signal is transmitted with a like transmitter frequency via a plurality of transmitters, whereas a receiver can receive signals from different transmitters. As a result, a disturbance signal 20 is developed having a characteristic corresponding to an echo signal. This (undesired) echo signal is suppressed in the receiver by means of an echo canceller or by using a what is commonly referred to as guard band in the time domain when the signal to be transmitted is actually transmitted. Consequently, it is possible that this received signal is discarded in the receiver for a specific period of time during which the received 25 signal is disturbed by the echo signals.
A great advantage of transmitter networks, in which no more than a single transmitter frequency is used, is that much fewer channels need to be available than wllen conventional transmitter networks are used. In addition, in transmitter networks 7 ~ 1 PHN 14.054 2 22.03.1993 employing no more than a single transmitter frequency, there will be no additional disturbance even lmder special propagation conditions, because such disturbing signals are a]ready taken into account in the receivers.
A problem for the prior-art transmitter network is that the difference in S time between the arrival at the receiver of signals coming from different transmitters may be relatively large. For example, in a situation where a first and a second transmitter are 50 km apart and a receiver is positioned between the first and the second transmitter at a distance of lO km from the second transmitter, the difference between the distance from the first transmitter to the receiver and the distance from the second lO transmitter to the receiver is 30 km. If it is assumed that the transmitters transmit their information simultaneously, a 100 ~s delay difference is found based on a light velocity of 300,000 km/s.
As a result of these relatively large delay differences, the measures to be taken in the receivers for cancelling the effect of the echo signals are rather complex.
It is an object of the invention to provide a transmitter network as defined in the opening paragraph, in which the complexity of the associated receivers may be reduced.
For this purpose, the transmitter network is characterized, in that one of the transmitters comprises delay means for delaying the signal transmitted by this 20 transmitter, so that the signals transmitted by the transmitters arrive substantially simultaneously in an area of overlap of the coverage of the two transmitters.
By delaying the signal to be transmitted by one of the two transmitters, it becomes possible to reduce considerably the difference in time of arrival of the signals transmitted by a first transmitter and a second transmitter within the coverage area of 25 the second transmitter. By delaying in said example the signal ~ransmitted by the second transmitter by 100 ~s, the difference of delay is eliminated. For other positions of the receiver the delay difference will naturally not be completely eliminated but certainly strongly reduced.
The required complexity of the receiver may be further reduced by means 30 of a further embodiment of the invention, characterized in that at least one of the transmitters is an auxiliary transmitter installed amongst a plurality of main transmitters.
If the transmitter network solely consists of main transmitters having substantially equal coverage areas, there will be relatively large regions among these 7 7 ~

PHN 1 4 . 054 3 22 . 03 .1 993 transmitters in which the echo signals received from other transmitters are significant and thus are to be suppressed. Significant echo signals occur if the received signal s~rength of a plurality of transmitters are of a like order. As it is possible only in a small area to provide a substantially complete compensation of the delay difference, 5 there are still non-negligible delay differences in part of the relatively large region in wl1icll signiflcant echo signals occur.
By installing an auxiliary transmitter having a smaller range than ~he main transmitters in the regions in which significant echo signals occur, there is achieved that tlle size of the regions with still significant echo signals is strongly reduced as a result 10 of which the delay differences may also be further reduced.
A filrther embodiment of the invention is characterized, in that one of the transmitters is a main transmitter and one of the transmitters an auxiliary transmitter, the auxiliary transmitter having a lower aerial height than the main transmitter, and in that the auxiliary transmitter is installed on the boundary of the coverage area of the 15 main transmitter. By adding an auxiliary transmitter with a lower aerial height to the main transmitter, it is possible to create a sharply defined coverage area of the transmitter network, which is meant to imply that with a certain size of the coverage area the disturbance caused outside this coverage area is reduced in comparison with the use of only a single main transmitter. If the auxiliary transmitters are installed on the 20 boundary of the coverage are,. of the main transmitter, the size of the coverage area of the overall transmitter network is determined by the coverage area of the auxiliary transmitters. The field strength received from an auxiliary transmitter with a smaller aerial height than that of the main transmitter diminishes more rapidly as a function of the distance from the receiver to this auxiliary transmitter than does the field strength 25 received from a main transmitter as a function of the distance from the receiver to the main transmitter. This is caused by the fact that with the auxiliary transmitter having a smaller aerial height the area in which direct-sight transmission occurs, while the field strength diminishes by the squared distance from the transmitter to the receiver, is smaller than with the main transmitter, so that the area beyond the direct-sight distance, 30 in which the field strength is reduced by the fourth power of the distance, commences earlier. Due to this faster reduction of the received field strength, the coverage area of the overall transmitter network will thus be more. sharply defined than the coverage area of a main transmitter alone.

2 ~ 7 ~ 1 PHN 14.054 4 22.03.1993 The invention will be further explained with reference to the drawing Figures, in which like elements are denoted by like reference characters, in which:
Fig. 1 shows the field strength of a first and o.f a second transmitter as a function of the position of a receiver between these transmitters;
Fig. 2 shows the field strength of two main transmitters and an auxiliary transmitter as a function of the position of a receiver between the two transmitters;
Fig. 3 gives a two-din-ensional representation of the size of the echo regions in a prior-art transmitter network;
Fig. 4 gives a two-dimensional representation of the size of the echo 10 regions with a transmitter network according to the invention;
Fig. 5 shows the variation of the received signal as a function of the position of the receiver when only one main transmitter is used and when a main transmitter and a plurality of auxiliary transmitters are used according to the invention;
Fig. 6 shows the coverage area of a transmitter network in which IS auxiliary transmitters are used having an ever smaller aerial height as the boundary of the coverage area is approached more;
Fig. 7 shows a system comprising a transmitter to be used in a transmitter network according to the invention; and Fig. 8 shows a delay element to be used in the system as shown in Fig. 6.
Fig. 1 shows the field streng~h of a first transmitter A and a second transmitter B as a function of the position of a receiver on an imaginary line between these transmitters. The variation of the field strength as a function of the distance is determined on the basis of formulas for the received field strength as a function of the distance of a transmitter as stated in the title "Microwave Mobile Communications" by 25 W.C. Jakes, Wiley, 1974. The distance between the first transmitter and the second transmitter is 80 km in the exarmple of Fig. 1.
-Fig. 1 also shows the echo region E in which significant echoes occur.
The echo region is defined here as the area in which the field strength of the received signal of both transmitters differs less than 10 dB (y).
For the points P and Q the delay difference may be determined if it is assumed that the two transmitters simultaneously transmit the signal to be transmitted.
For point P the wavelength difference between the respective transmitters A and B and the receiver is equal to 38-42=-4km. Reckoning with a velocity of light of 300,000 P~N 14.0~4 5 22.03.1993 km/s the delay difference is found to have a value of -4/300,000=-13.3~s. This means that the signal coming from the first transmitter A reaches the receiver 13.3 ~LS earlier than the signal coming from the second transmitter B. For point Q the wavelength~lff~rence is equal to 60-20=40km, as a res~llt of which the signal from transmitter A
5 arrives at the receiver 133 ~LS later than the signal from transmitter B. The large 133 ~lS
delay requires a relatively large complexity of the receiver.
However, if the signal transmitted by transmitter B is delayed by the average of the delay difference between the points P and Q (59.15 ~s), the signa! from transmitter A arrives at point P 72.45 ~s earlier than the signal from transmitter B. The 10 signal from transmitter A arrives at point Q 72.45 ,us later than the signal from transmitter B. It appears that when this invention is implemented, in the echo region one only needs to take an echo signal into account having a delay of 72.45 ~s.
Fig. 2 shows the field strength of a main transmitter A, a main transmitter C and an auxiliary transmitter B as a function of the position of the receiver on an 15 imaginary line between the two transmitters. The distance between the main transmitters A and C is equal to 100 km and the auxiliary transmitter B is 50 km remote from the two main transmitters. In Fig. 2 the echo region El is shown if no more than two main transmitters are included in the transmitter network. The echo region El then has a size of about 44 km. This results in a delay difference which may lie between -147 ~s and 20 + 147 ~s in the echo region.
If an auxiliary transmitter B is inserted between the two main transmitters, there are two echo regions E2 and E3 having a size which is considerably smaller than that of the echo region El. The size of the echo regions in the situation as shown in Fig. 2 is equal to 16 km. From Fig. 2 it appears that the centre of the echo regions E2 25 and E3 is installed 28 km remote from the nearest main transmitter and that this centre is installed 32 krn remote from the auxiliary transmitter. If, according to the inventive idea, the signal transmitted by the auxiliary transmitter is delayed by a period of time of (32-28)/300,000= 13.3~s, the signals from auxiliary transmitter B and the main transmitter belonging to the echo region will arrive at the same instant at the centre of 30 the echo region. Tlle delay difference in the echo region may now lie between -53 ~LS
and ~53 ~s. This delay difference is considerably smaller than the 147 ~s delay difference that may occur in the echo region El.
Fig. 3 gives a two-dimensional representation of a transmitter network 2 ~ ~ ~ 1 7 ~

PHN 1 4 . 054 6 22 . 03 .1 993 comprising equal (main) transmitters I to 7, installed equidistantly. The echo regions are shaded and cover a considerable area.
Fig. 4 gives a two-dimensional representation of a transmitter network comprising mlltually e4~1al main transmitters I ~o 7 and a larger n~lmber of auxiliary 5 transmitters s among the main transmitters I to 7. The main transmitters I to 7 exactly simultaneously transmit the signal to be transmitted, whereas all the auxiliary transmitters s transmit the signal to be transmitted, delayed by a .same period of time. In ~ig. 4 the echo regions are also shaded. A comparison of Fig. 4 to Fig. 3 shows that the size of the echo regions and hence the size of the possible delay difference in the 10 transmitter network as shown in Fig. 4 is considerably smaller than the size of the echo regions in Fig. 3.
The dashed line a in Fig. 5 shows the field strength of the received signal as a function of the position of a receiver whilst assuming that no more than a single main transmitter is used. There is further assumed that the coverage area is to have the 15 size as denoted by the letter D and that the relative field strength within the coverage area is to be at least -90 dB. This -90 dB value may be determined, for example, by disturbance caused by transmitters from a neighbouring area. The solid lines show the received signal coming from the main transmitter A and the auxiliary transmitters Bl, B2 if a plurality of auxiliary transmitters Bl, B2 are positioned 30 km apart around the 20 main transmitter A. Fig. 5 distinctly shows that the size of the coverage area may be maintained with a considerably lower transmitter power of the main transmitter A. This lower power of the main transmitter leads to a smaller field strength of the received signal outside the coverage area, as a result of which the disturbance caused outside the coverage area is reduced proportionally.
In the transmitter network as shown in Fig. 6 there is a main transmitter A supplying a signal to a large part of the coverage area. On the boundary of the coverage area of the main transmitter A four auxiliary transmitters Bl to B4 having a smaller aerial height are present increasing the overall coverage area. In addition, furtller auxiliary transmitters D3, Ds and D6 and Dl, D2 and D4 respectively, are 30 present on part of the boundary of the coverage area of the main transmitter A and on the boundary of the coverage area of the auxiliary transmitters Bl to B3, the further auxiliary transmitters having an aerial height again smaller than that of the auxiliary transmitters Bl to B4. Finally, auxiliary transmitters E having an even smaller aerial 2 ~ r~
PHN 14.054 7 22.03.1993 height are present for completely covering the desired coverage area.
In the system as shown in Fig. 7 the output of a receiver aerial 10 is connected to a receiver 12. The OUtpllt of the receiver 12 is connected to an input of a dernodlllator 14. An OUtpllt of the demodulatol 14 carrying output signai ar is connected 5 to an input of the transmitter 15. The OUtpllt of the transmitter 15 is connected to the delay means 16 in accordance with the inventive idea. The output of the delay means 16 carrying output signal ad is connected to an input of a modulator 17. The output of the modulator 17 is connected to an input of a power amplifier 18, the output of the power amplifier 18 being connected to a transmitter aerial 19.
Generally, transmitter networks having a transmitter frequency for all transmitters are preferably used for transmitting digital signals, because the measures necessary for suppressing echo signals are harder to realise when analog signals are transmitted, although the application to analog signal transmission is highly conceivable.
The system as shown in Fig. 7 is arranged for processing such digital 15 signals. The signal to be transmitted is received through an aerial 10. This may be an aerial for a radio link but this may also be an aeriat for satellite reception. The output signal of aerial 10 is processed in receiver 12 to an intermediate frequency signal and then demodulated in the digital demodulator 14 and detected, so that a sequence of digital symbols ar is available at the output of the demodulator. This may be a single 20 sequence of digital symbols but this may also be a large number of symbol sequences as occur in OFDM signals for digital broadcasting as this has been proposed in afore-mentioned journal article by G. Plenge.
The digital symbols ar are delayed by the desired period of time by the delay means 16. For determining the delay of the delay means 16, one not only has to 25 take the delay into consideration necessary for simultaneously receiving in the middle of an echo region signals transmitted by two transmitters, but also the delay difference occurring in the transmission links between the studio and the various transmitters.
The delayed symbols ad are modulated on a carrier having the desired frequency by the modulator 17, and this modulated signal is amplified by the power 30 amplifier 18 to a signal having the desired power.
It is likewise conceivable that the system as shown in Fig. 7 is arranged without a demodulator 14 and a modulator 17. As a result, however, the delay means are then to be arranged in an analog form, or the signals are to be sarnpled at a high 7 ~ ~

PHN 14.054 8 22.03.1993 rate if the delay means are arranged in a digital form.
If the transmission links to the auxiliary transmitters are realised via a beam transmitter installecl near to a main transm;tter, the signal is to be delayed in the main transmitter because the transmission link from main transmitter to auxiliary 5 transmitter already realises a delay larger than the required delay.
In the delay means as shown in Fig. 8 the symbols ar to be delayed are applied to an input port of a dual port RAM 20, whereas the delayed symbols ad are available at an output port of the dual port RAM 20. A clock signal CLK is applied to a clock input of a counter 26, to a control input of the multiplexer 22 and to a read/write 10 control input of the dual port RAM 20. An output of the counter is connected to a first input of the multiplexer 22 and to a first input of an adder 24. The digital representation of the desired delay time D is fed to a second input of the adder 24. The output of the adder 24 is connected to a second input of the multiplexer 22, whereas the output of the multiplexer is connected to the address input of the dual port RAM 20.
The symbols ar to be delayed are written in the dual port RAM 20 when the clock signal is a logic "0". For this purpose, the clock signal activates the write mode of the dual port RAM 20 and likewise provides that the multiplexer 22 applies the sum of the count of the counter 26 and the value D to the address input of the dual port RAM 20. The delayed symbols ad are read from the dual port RAM 20 when the clock20 signal is a logic " 1". For this purpose, the read mode of the dual port RAM 20 is selected when the clock signal gets the logic " 1" value and the count is applied to the address input of the dual port RAM via the multiplexer 22.
Since the write address is always a value D larger than the read address, at a specific address first the symbols ar will be written and these symbols will be read 25 out at an instant which is D.Tclk later. If the adder 24 generates a carry, this carry may be ignored as a result of which the writing in the dual port RAM 20 again starts at address 0.
The use of delay means as shown in Fig. 7 are advantageous relative to the use of a shift register for delay means, in that the delay can be set very simply and 30 very rapidly by the selection of the value D.

Claims (6)

PHN 14.054 9 22.03.1993 Claims:
1. Transmitter network comprising at least two transmitters having a like transmitter frequency which transmit a like signal, characterized in that one of the transmitters comprises delay means for delaying the signal transmitted by this transmitter, so that the signals transmitted by the transmitters arrive substantially simultaneously in an area of overlap of the coverage of the two transmitters.
2. Transmitter network as claimed in Claim 1, characterized in that at least one of the transmitters is an auxiliary transmitter installed among a plurality of main transmitters.
3. Transmitter network as claimed in Claim 1, characterized in that one ofthe transmitters is a main transmitter and one of the transmitters an auxiliary transmitter, the auxiliary transmitter having a lower aerial height than the main transmitter, and in that the auxiliary transmitter is installed on the boundary of the coverage area of the main transmitter.
4. Transmitter network as claimed in Claim 3, characterized in that the auxiliary transmitters are installed around the main transmitter.
5. Transmitter network as claimed in Claim 3 or 4, characterized in that the transmitter network comprises further auxiliary transmitters installed on the boundary of the coverage area of another auxiliary transmitter, the aerial height of the further auxiliary transmitters becoming ever smaller as the boundary of the coverage area of the transmitter network is approached more.
6. Transmitter to be used in a transmitter network comprising at least twotransmitters having a like transmitter frequency, characterized in that the transmitter comprises delay means for delaying the signal transmitted by the transmitter.
CA 2094771 1992-04-28 1993-04-23 Transmitter network with a single transmitter frequency Abandoned CA2094771A1 (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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JP2809179B2 (en) * 1996-03-14 1998-10-08 日本電気株式会社 Radio broadcast communication system
JP2008206202A (en) * 2008-05-12 2008-09-04 Toshiba Corp Ofdm signal delay apparatus and ofdm signal transmitter including the same
JP5679125B2 (en) * 2011-12-12 2015-03-04 岩崎通信機株式会社 Position detection system

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