CA2091901A1 - Machine for cleaning gratings by means of an oscillating arm for hydraulic weirs - Google Patents

Machine for cleaning gratings by means of an oscillating arm for hydraulic weirs


Publication number
CA2091901A1 CA002091901A CA2091901A CA2091901A1 CA 2091901 A1 CA2091901 A1 CA 2091901A1 CA 002091901 A CA002091901 A CA 002091901A CA 2091901 A CA2091901 A CA 2091901A CA 2091901 A1 CA2091901 A1 CA 2091901A1
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French (fr)
Jose Luis Gimenez Garces
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    • E02B8/00Details of barrages or weirs ; Energy dissipating devices carried by lock or dry-dock gates
    • E02B8/02Sediment base gates; Sand sluices; Structures for retaining arresting waterborne material
    • E02B8/023Arresting devices for waterborne materials
    • E02B8/026Cleaning devices


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • General Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Cleaning In General (AREA)
  • Feedback Control In General (AREA)
  • Vehicle Cleaning, Maintenance, Repair, Refitting, And Outriggers (AREA)
  • Harvester Elements (AREA)
  • Cleaning By Liquid Or Steam (AREA)
  • Detergent Compositions (AREA)


Machine for cleaning gratings for hydraulic weirs, comprising an oscillating arm (3) which oscillates at a pivoting point (2), and a double-acting cylinder (9) intended to position the oscillating arm (3). The above mentionned arm bears, in its interior, a carriage (5) carring the blade (11), which slides by means of wheels (6) rolling on two rails (4), this arrangement making possible the access to any point of the grating for cleaning purposes, owing to the above-mentioned sliding of the carriage (5) inside the arm (3) and also to the displacement of the machine along the weir by means of the rails or guides on which may slide the rollers integral with the base of the machine.


~UYl901 ~,.C~INE ~OR ~L,E~NIr~lG ~ INGS ~Y ME~NS OF ~N 05~ ING
&RM FOR H-~DR~US,~C WEIRs ~he present description relatecs, as indicated i~
the titl~, to a machine ~or cleaning gratings by mean~ of dl; o~cill~ting ~rm ~or ~yd~aulic weirs of the tYpe use~
for cleanin~ dirt which ~5 deposited on the gratinss o~
hydraulic weirs, essentially when the ~lo~. o~ the water ts 1Q utili~ed for electric power stations.

The m2chani~s known in ~eneral consist or a machinP mounted on a ch2si~ which ha~ a roller ~Ystem ln order to move the ~achine mounted thereon alons the welr by means o~ rails or ~uides fixed on the gro~nd. ~hi~ tyP~.
o~ machines lncorPorate a spoon with an openinS sYstem by m~ans of cable which moves Along the ~rating being open wh~n golng down and closed when g~in~ up.

Also the ~oresaid machin~s usuall~ have a crdne iib or crane arm Provided with hinges fixed on a ~ eable ~ase havlng ~t their traPpin~ en~ a p3ir o~ clamps cap~blP
o~ trapping voluminous ~odies and large si2e trunk~ which the spoon o~ the shovel cannnot take out o~ the water s~face; said machinss are h~ndled b~ an oPer3tor which ha~ to ~e r~ad~ at all times t~ maintain the apPropriate clcanno~ hv ~at~r which, as mentlon~d be~ore, is used to mo~e tha ~urbines o~ electric power statlons.

~ Another ~n~n mQchanism consist~ of a sYstem based on a ~ixe~ comb whlclul co~ers th~ entire wid~h o~ the weir going up and down ~Y mans o~ two toothed bars d~ivated bY an external electric motor, ~5 ~noth~r k~own sYstem cQmpri3e5 a mach~ne which ' ; ' ~

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2~919~1 1 h~3 a hac~lQ, ,hovel or the like fix~d at the lower end o~
~n ~rm ~nd that oPerates bY ele~ating the entire sai~ arm.

some or th2 mechanis~s or m~chines described abo~e c~prise a tran~pGrter which r2msv2s the dirt which has been t~ken out, s~id trans~orter bQing ~ltu~ted in the lower par~ o~ the machine, generallY on the ground or ~ery close thereto, an~ the mov~ment of tho dirt toward~ the tr2nsp~rt~r is limited by an oYening s~ch as a ~indow, when the sYstem does not include a transporter, the spoon dePosits the dirt on the ~roun~ which wil} then have to b~
r moved manually. . ~

~he ~ech~nisms which incorPorate a sPoon slidin~ - :
over th~ gr~ting Pr~sent the inconvenience that since the sPoon moves down verY close to the mentioned ~ratln~, it cannot clear o~t trunk5 or large dimen~ion ~olatin~
bodle3, and e~Qn if theY manage to traP anY o~ 5aid bodie~
: in ~h~ asc2ndins~ mc~ m~nt, they wl 11 no~ ~Q a~l~ to e~acuate them slnce tho pas~-w~y throu~h which the dirt i~
taken out is 1 imitsd ~ ~. .~f~ ~n~ -,_c~ a -window. :.
-The sYstem for cleanins gratings bY a rixed ccm~
~5 has the incon~enience that bY ,ll~ing verY close to the gr~tin~s, it cannot traP obiects of l~rge ~olume or trunks ~.
of considera~le dimensions, ha~ing In a~dition the in~onvenience that their ~se is limited to wlers of small dimension~ as ~or width ~n~ hight.
. .
~h~ machine~ which have a hackle or ~ho~el fixed at the end o~ an ar~ whiCh ~rm being rai~ed e~tire1y in ~ :
order to t~ke out the dirt ~ccumulated in the gratin~s, ~: .
Precent the inconvenience th~t, in th~ c~5e of ~eirs of a con5ider~ble depth, the arm turns out to ~e exc ~sivelY
: !

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~' l~na. and al~o if it ~ake~ out a bodY of l~r~e dimen~ion~
or voluminous trunks and br.=~nche~, the~e ma~er~ nn~t be evacuated since ~he pass-way through which theY are t3k~n r ut i~ 1 imited by an opening ,~lch as a window in the 5 same , manner ~3 tha~ of other machines .

In order ~o oV6rc,~mP 5aid inconueniencP~ a clean~r ~or sartings i5 Proposed 13y rneans of an :
o~cilla~ins d~)ll IGr hydr3uli~ s.lDirs as t}le ob~ect of the 10 pre~ent invention, whic~ comPrise~ an arm os.cillatin~ over a pivoting Point, ~ nd r~ils disposed thereo~ which Permit th~ displ~cement o~ carraige Provided with ro~ler~ and navins s~ppor~ b~se on ~nlch ~ ~hovel ~r a hac~ is fixed which can ta~ ou~ the dirt trapped on the grating, either 15 at the bottom or on the ~r~ace of the water even though there are bodie~., tr~nks and branch~3 o~ considera~le ~ :
dimensiong glnc~ re ~re no ~b~ tory P ss-waY or window ~atwQen th2 ghove1 when unloadin~ and the tr~nsPort~r which r~ove~ th~ coll~cted dirt. ..
The shovel or llackle which is ~ixed with the wheeled carriase~ is displaced with r2sPect to the osc1lla~1ns ~"- ~Y ~z ^~ a A r~aa i nq ch~in ~h~ch is ~ct ivated bY a hYdr~ulic motor.
Tne ma~hine for clc~nin~ sr~tin~s by me~ns o~ an ~scillating arm ~or hY~aulic w~irs h2rQbY proPo5~d has ~d~ t~ Pr all o~ the kn~wn syst~ms in that ln the d~scQndinq mov~m~nt o~ the ~Poon, tho gui~ing arm belng oscillatory, mo~es s~fficiently a~a~ Lrom the ~rating bY
the d~llon vr d hydru~lic c~lin~r, s~ th~t in thc phase of ~ps~roa~~hinçl the bottom of the grat ing it Cdn col lect t:ho clirt r~Do~5it~d at said ~ottom.
~nother ad~antage o~f2r~ed ~y tha Present -.

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1 invention is that the stru~ture o~ the m~chine avoids the need ro~ forming an oblig~tor-~ pas3-waY towards the ~r3nsporter at the mo~ent that the 3poon i, taking the dirt o~t, whi ch dirt mRY be composed ~r small Parts ~s well a~ larqP h~iQs and tru~ 1' consl~er~ble dimen3ions. -~.
~ nother economi~ advantage of this invention i5 that a ccmplement~r-~ crane arm which other cleaning 3 systems for srating~ have to in,tal 1 in order ~o be able to take out the already mentioned lar~P bcdies an~ trunks, is ~liminat~d.
Another advantage in relation ~o thi~ in~ention is that the control ~r mechanisms bY means o~ a hydraulic cQn~er may ha carried out either manuallY or aut~maticallY
~o that the operator o~ the sYstem ma~ comblne the tasks o~ cleaning with other ~uties, ~, ~ ~ Another advantage o~ the Proposed machine for ~léaning gratings consi~ts o~ its c~p~bility o~ cl~aning dny tyPe o~ w2ir and of an~ dPPth ,ince it~ o~cillatorY
~rm pPrmits acce~s to any Point of th~ ~ratin~s even if said ~drt i ncs~ h~o ir~ Jl~ f~rl"~
~he obiect o~ the pres nt invention will ~e -:
better understood by rePresentins thro~h the accoPmanying drawi~gs a Pre~ered embodiment o~ the same in which:

3~ Figure 1 shows d ~ide elevation ~iew o~ the machlne ~or cleaning gr~tin~5 with the oscillatory 3rm situated in extreme Position Figure ~ ,how5 a sid2 elev~tion view with the 35 o~cillatorY ~rm in ~tan~ still or ma~n~endnce Posi~ion- . -. : ' . ., ~ . , . , :

.. -...
~-. . ~ . ~. . :, -3 ~ :
-5- : :
, ~

~igurc 3 shows an enlarsed detail with the spoon in thz pos~tlon or ~ lny ~ irt o~tv th~ tr~3por~r.

~ig~re ~ shGw5 an alternative ror the ,itu~tion o~ the transPor~er.

Figure 5 showg a ~ront view ~ the 05cillatorY
arm and the mech3ni~m of displacement thereof.
13 . Figure ~ ~hows a detail of the cross~seetion o~
the oscillatorY ~rm.

The machin~ for clQanins ~ratinas bY m2ans of an o~illsting arm ~or h-~draulic weirs, obj~c~ of the Present invention includPs, as it can be observed in the mentioned ~igures,- a machine tl) which through a rotation a~is ~2) comprises an oscillatorY ar~ ~3) havins the shaPe of "U"
inslde oP which. a Plurality o~ guidQs ~4) are locate~
. WnlCtl J~ lL'llliL: th~ m~,~,~ment o~ tha c~rria~c~ r~ hs~ ans 0 , wh~ls ~6), said mo~ment being transmitted to th~
carr~age ~) by ~eans of chain ~7) which ~s acti~ated by mP~ns of a hY~raulic motor ~) gltuat~d at the axterior en~ of th2 oscillatorY ar~ t3~ which adopts the Po~itions o~ oscillation ~y mPans of a do~blz-acting cYlind~r ~5 secured to the ~tru~t~rz of the machin~

Th~ carrla~e ~ sscurelY ~pports ~n arm ~0 th~tat one end of ~hich oPPo~site to t~e c~rriage ~5) co~prise5 sec~r8lY a spoon or 3ho~81 ~ which uPon it~
lSl~g movem~llL ~ æ to the gr~ting ~ t~.o~ ~ut ~l~o accumula~d dirt; and by ~ans o~ a tilting movemsnt o~
the mentioned sPoon ~11), upon reacl~lng to the point t1~)~
the dirt i~ Pmpti~d on to the tran~porter ( 1~ ) wl~ich then e~acuat8s th2 dil t tow~rd~ one side o~ th~ weir.

29~19~1 The disPl~cament Olc the machine ~1 j alons the ~eir i~ carried ot~t by means o~ gt~id~s or railes ~15) over which wh2els ~16) are moveable. ,.l l the movements of th~
sY3tem maY bP controlled either manual ly bY an oPer~tor or 5 automaticallY by means o~ a preestablished Program~

Havin~ sufficiPntlY described the n~ture of the invention, together with one form o~ puttin~ it into pr~ctice, it i5 to ~e understood th~t it is possible to introduce chan~es in Iorm, materials, and disposition over ~11 the in~ention or over the Parts that i-t is composecl of, a- 7 ong a~ such a~t2~ation5 do not varY suhstanci~l lY
; the charact~ristics o~ the invention claimed as follows:

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Claims (5)

1.- Machine for cleaning gratings by means of an oscillating arm for hydraulic weirs, of the type used to take out dirt which is accumulated on the gratings of weirs, characterized in that it is composed of an oscillatory arm which by means of a pivoting point and using a double-acting cylinder, said arm may adopt positions which enable the arm to reach to any point of the grating even though said grating has irregular form, the displacement of said machine along the weir being possible by means of wheels which are displaced over guides or railes fixed on the ground.
2. Machine for cleaning gratings, according to claim 1, characterized in that the oscillatory arm is defined by a profile in form of "?" or the like, and guides that are installed along in the interior of said profile, which guide permit the displacement of the carriage which supports a spoon or shovel.
3. Machine for cleaning gratings, according to previous claims, characterized in that the dragging of the carriage which supports the spoon is carried out by means of a chain which runs inside the oscillatory arm, and the movements of said chain being controlled by means of a hydraulic motor situated at the exterior end of the oscillatory arm.
4.- Machine for cleaning gratings, according to previous claims, characterized in that in order to place the collected dirt on the transport this is done by tilting said spoon without a pass-way or a window.
5.- Machine for cleaning gratings, according to previous claims, characterized in that it may be activated either by electric or hydraulic mechanisms, said mechanisms can be controlled in manual or automatic forms indistinctly.
CA002091901A 1991-07-19 1992-07-17 Machine for cleaning gratings by means of an oscillating arm for hydraulic weirs Abandoned CA2091901A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
ES9101696 1991-07-19
ES09101696A ES2046082B1 (en) 1991-07-19 1991-07-19 CLEANING MACHINE GRIDS FOR SWING ARM FOR HYDRAULIC DAMS.

Publications (1)

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CA2091901A1 true CA2091901A1 (en) 1993-01-20



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CA002091901A Abandoned CA2091901A1 (en) 1991-07-19 1992-07-17 Machine for cleaning gratings by means of an oscillating arm for hydraulic weirs

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Cited By (1)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN110965530A (en) * 2019-12-03 2020-04-07 华北水利水电大学 Guide rail type dirt cleaning device

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CN112474454B (en) * 2020-11-05 2022-07-08 李国钊 Automatic cleaning machine for hydraulic engineering and cleaning method thereof

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
CN110965530A (en) * 2019-12-03 2020-04-07 华北水利水电大学 Guide rail type dirt cleaning device
CN110965530B (en) * 2019-12-03 2021-06-15 华北水利水电大学 Guide rail type dirt cleaning device

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FI931210A0 (en) 1993-03-18
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FI931210A (en) 1993-05-17
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