CA2006054A1 - Pet litter box - Google Patents

Pet litter box


Publication number
CA2006054A1 CA 2006054 CA2006054A CA2006054A1 CA 2006054 A1 CA2006054 A1 CA 2006054A1 CA 2006054 CA2006054 CA 2006054 CA 2006054 A CA2006054 A CA 2006054A CA 2006054 A1 CA2006054 A1 CA 2006054A1
Prior art keywords
litter box
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Application number
CA 2006054
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French (fr)
Ronald G. Wolak
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Priority claimed from US07/290,702 external-priority patent/US5027748A/en
Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Publication of CA2006054A1 publication Critical patent/CA2006054A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • A01K1/00Housing animals; Equipment therefor
    • A01K1/01Removal of dung or urine, e.g. from stables
    • A01K1/0107Cat trays; Dog urinals; Toilets for pets
    • A01K1/0125Foldable or collapsible litter boxes


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Zoology (AREA)
  • Animal Husbandry (AREA)
  • Biodiversity & Conservation Biology (AREA)
  • Housing For Livestock And Birds (AREA)


Abstract There is disclosed herein a waste disposal system which includes a generally rigid support skeleton defining an interior space configured to receive refuse and a flexible, bag-like member supported by, and enclosing therewithin the support skeleton. The waste disposal system may be advantageously configured to provide a litter box for felines and the like.


This invention relates generally to containers for the collection and disposal of refuse. More particularly, the lnvention relates to a litter box for small animals; and most specifically, the present invention relates to a litter collection and disposal system for felines and the like, which eliminates problems associated with the handling and disposal of animal wastes.

Backqround of the Invention Since time immemorial domestic cats and humans have en~oyed a mutually beneficial relationship. In exchange for food and ~helter, the cat provides its host with companionship and controls mice, rats and other vermin. For many years, cats primarily resided in barns, granariee, and other out buildings on their host1s property. However, as society becomes increasingly urban, domeskic cats are spendlng more of their time in houses and apartments. It is not unusual in some settings, for a cat to live its entire life wikhin the confines of a given house or apartment. Such intramural existence presents ever-increasing problems associated with the disposal of cat excreta.


Heretofore, it has been ~ommon fox cat owners to provide their pets with a l~tter box, typically a shallow tray fillad with sand or on~ o~ the various commercially avallable absorbent materials. The cat litter box is generally unsightly, dusty and odiferous and must be cleaned regularly if the cat ls to use it and the various tasks associated with the cleaning, and disposal of the contents of a l~tter box are one of the more unpleasant aspects of cat ownership. In addition to being a nuisance, disposal of cat wastes can be a health hazard.
It has been fDund ~hat cat feces can in some instances contain infectious agents harmful to humans. For example, it has been found that toxoplasmosis, an infection caused by the protozoan toxoplasmosis qondil can be transmitted to humans from cat feces. This highly contagious agent can cause significant harm to various organs and is particularly harmful to pregnant women insofar as the infection can be transmitted, often with severe results, to a fetus.
Accordingly, it will he appreciated that there is a need for a cat litter system whlch will minimize human contact with cat excreta and which will present a sanitary and ae~thetically pleasing aspect. Many approaches to the problem of cat litter have been implemented. There are various litter boxes which provide a shielded and/or deodorized environment. U.S. Ratent No. 4,771,731 discloses a cat litter system having a dual-tray and bag arrangement. The first tray is perforated and holds a body 20~5~
_~3 of cat litter material. The perforations allow urlne to pass therethrough into an absorbent lined holding bag therebeneath. The ~irst tray and bag are supported in a second tray. Disposal o cat waste from this system still entails direct contact w~th litter material and further necessitates washlng of the various components.
Various approaches to disposable litter systems have also been implemented. In some instances, disposable plastic liners are placed in litter trays to contain litter for disposal. Problems with these liners arise because cats are prone to claw holes in them. U.S. Patent No.
4,779,567 and U.S. Patent No. 4,763,603 both disclose litter trays ~abricated from a disposable material and include therewith a plastic bag for disposal of the used litter. While both of these ~nventions minimize contact with litter and washing of litter trays, both leave the litter exposed to the ambient environment during use.
Furthermore, it has been found that cats are prone to scatter litter about and spray urine while using such unsh$elded open trays.
Another approach to the problem of cat litter is represented in U.S. Patent No. 4,683,839 which shows a cat litter disposal system configured to be hidden beneath a table and shielded from view by a table cloth. The cat litter system of the '839 patent further includes a litter tray disposed within a bag which is supported from its extexior by the framework of the table, This approach shields the litter box from view and prevents the __4 dissemination of odor and infectious material. However, disposal of litter still entails dumping and washing of the tray. Furthermore, it has been fourld that plastic bag protectors of the type shown in the '839 patent are frequently torn by cats' claws with the resultant spillage of waste materials and release of odors.
Yet another litter box assembly is disclosed in U.S. Patent No. 4,788,935. The litter box thereof is comprised of a rigid frame which is inserted into, and supported by, a plastic bag. The frame of the '935 patent includes a ~ray-like base portion with side portions extending therefrom. The frame must ~e fully erected before insertion lnto the bag, which makes use of the assembly difficult. Additionally, this particular litter box assembly relies upon the tensile strength of the bag to provide structural integrity.
It should be appreciated fxom the foregoing that there iB still a need for an easy to install, use and dispose cat lltter sy~tem which provid2s a relatively enclosed environment so as to minimize the spread of infectious organisms, odors and dust and to cover the unsightly aspects of the litter box. It is further desired that any such cat litter system should minimize the handling of soiled material. It would be oE great commercial advantage to have a cat litter system which is cheaply produced and compact to store, which properties would lend the system to being marketed as a disposable item.

5g The present invention provides for an improved reuse collect~on and disposal container which iB ideally suited for use as a litter box for cats and other such animals. The present invention comprehends a litter system comprised of a generally moisture imperviousl bag-like member supported by an internal skeleton. The bag and skeleton cooperate to provide a totally enclosed env1ronment for containing cat litter and waste. The system eliminates both the slght and smell of cat litter and the handling thereof. Furthermore, the litter system of the present invention is simple to produce and use and may be fabricated from relatively low cost materials so as to provide a readily disposable item. These and other advantages of the invention will be readily apparent from the drawings, discussion, description and claims which follow.

Brief Description of the Invention ~ here ls dlsclosed herein a re~use container compri.sing a support skeleton de~ining an interior space which is configured to receive refuse. The container further comprises flexible, bag-like member supported by, and enclosing therewithin, the Eupport skeleton. In particular embodiments, the support skeleton is configured as a box-like member having a closed bottom and a plurality of sides joined to, and cooperating with, the bottom so as to partially enclose a refuse containing space.


In a part1cular embodiment, the refuse container is structured as a litter hox for felines and the like and comprises a generally box-like support skeleton which lncludes a generally planar base and a wall member encircling the periphery of the base in a non-coplanar relationship therewith so as to define an interior space.
The wall also includes an opening therethrough communicating with the interior space~ The litter box further comprises a ~lexible, bag-like member enclosing, and supported by, the skeleton. The bay-like member may also have an opening therethrough generally aligned and communicating with the opening in the wall member. The skeleton may be configured as a collapsible element to allow for storage, assembly and/or disposal of the litter box. The litter box may include a deodorant material and may be provided prefilled with cat litter.
In yet other Qmbodiments, the litter box may be configured to provide litter retaining means proximate the opening for minimizing scatter of litter from the interior space. The litter retaining means may be configured as a ves~bule having a closed bottom, a pair of s~de walls, and a front wall. The vestlbule projects Prom the wall member proximate the openingl In another embodiment, the base of the skeleton ls generally rectangular and the wall member lncludes four walls which allgn with four edges of the base.
Three of the walls are disposed at approximate right angles to the base and a fourth ~s disposed at an obtuse angle to : the base. ~he fourth wall constitutes at least a portlon of the litter retaining means.
In further refinements oE the present invention, the l~tter box incorporates an odor-absorbent filter associated therewith. The skeleton and bag-like member each have a second opening therein. These openings are ln alignment and the filter is disposed so as to occlude at least a portion of those openings.

Br~ef DescriPtion of the Drawin~s FIGVRE 1 is a persp~ctive view illustrating a cat litter box of the present invention;
FIGURE 2A is a perspective view of one configuration of the support skeleton structured in accord with the principles oE the present invention:
FIGURE 2B is a plan view of a blank for the fabrication oE the skeleton of Flgure 2A;
FIGURE 2C is a perspective view of the skeleton of E'~gure 2A in a partially assembled state;
FIGURE 3A is a perspective view of another support skeleton structured in accord wlth the principles of the present invention;
FIGURE 3B is a top plan view of a blank for the fabrication oE the support skeleton o Figure 3A;
FIGURE 3C is a perspective view of the skeleton of Figure 3A in its closed state;

~-8 FIGURE 4A is a perspective view of yet another support skeleton structured :Ln accord wlth the principles of the present invention;
FIGURE 4B is a top plan view of a blank for the fabrication of the support skeleton of Figure 4A:
FIGURE 5A is a perspective v1ew of yet another support skeleton structured in accord with the principles of the present invention:
FIGURE 5B is a top plan view of the blank for the ~abrication of the support skeleton of Figure 5A;
FIGURE 6 is a perspect~ve view of yet another support skeleton structured in accord with the principles o~ the present invention;
FIGURE 7 is a perspective view of the support skeleton of FIGURE 6 shown as utilized in conjunction with a bag-like member;
FIGURE 8 is a top plan view of a blank for the fabrlcation of the support skeleton of FIGUXE 6;
FIGURE 9 is a perspective view of a support skeleton of the present invention including a litter containing vestibule;
FIGURE 10 ls a perspective view of the support skeleton of FIGURE 9 as utilized in conjunction with the -bag-like member;
25FIGURE 11 is a top plan view of a blank ~or the fabrication of the support skeleton of P~IGURE 9: and FIGURE 12 ~s a schematic, cross-sectional view of a litter box o khe presant invention illustrating the use of a filter therewith.

Detailed Description of the Invention S In its mvsk bas~c form, the present invention includes a litter box assembly compr~sed of a support skeleton and a flexibls bay. The skeleton is prvvided in a first, collapsed, generally planar form and is expandable to a self-supporting polyhedral shape which defines an interior volume~ When in the collapsed form, the skeleton encloses substantially no interior space and ls referred to as being in a generally planar configuration, it being understood that such configuration, as will be described in greater detail hereinbelow, may include one or more overlapping layers while still being regarded as "planar."
The skeleton may be readily expanded to a polyhedral configuration which at least partially encloses an interior volume. As will be explained in greater detail hereinbelow, this polyhedral shape may include an open-face as well as an opening configured ko permit passage of the pet.
It is important to note that the skeleton is self-supportlng in its expanded configuration. ~s such, it does nct require the assistance of khe bag or any other member to cause it to retain lts shape. This feature contrasts the present invention with various prior art devices and confers significant advantages of stability and ease of use.

It is also important to note tha~ the skeleton is readily and reversibly lnterchanged between its two configurations. In this manner, it may be easily placed in the bag when in its flrst conEiguration and expanded to its second configuration. Disposal i5 facilitatsd by returning the bagged box back to the fir~t, planar configuration~ In particular variations of the above, the skeleton may be configured to be expanded to an intermediate configuration for insertion into the bag prior to full assembly. Also, the skeleton may be configured to enclose a volume of litter material when in its first configuration.
Referring now to Figure 1, there is shown a cat litter box lo structured in accord with the principles of the present invention. The litter box 10 includes a generally bag-like member 12 enclosing a support skeleton (not visible in this view) therewithin. The bag 12 is preferably a moisture impervious, relatively sturdy member, and in this embodiment is a 1.6 mil polyethylene bag generally similar to those sold for the disposal of trash.
~he bag 12 is tied shut at the top and totally encloses the skeleton therewithin. The bag 12 has an opening 14 provided in one side thereof to allow passage of a cat 16.
In the illustrated embodiment the opening 14 in the bag 12 is made so as to leave a depending flap of bag material 18 attached thereto to provlde screen~ng of the interior of the litter box 10. It has been found that cats generally prefer the privacy afforded by such screening. It should be noted that the bag, as supplied, will of necessity )5~
`--11 include one relatively large top opening through which the skeleton is inserted. By appropriately positioning khe bag, this top opening may be positioned to allow passa~e of a cat. In another preferred embodiment, the bag may be provided with a second opening, (such as that illustrated at 14) for this purpose.
Referring now to Figure 2A there is shown a perspective view of a support skeleton 20 structured in accord with the principles of the present inventlon. The skeleton 20 of Figure 2A is generally similar ~o that which is used in conjunction with the litter box 10 illustrated in Figure 1. The skeleton 20 of Figure 2A is configured as a generally box-like member having sufficient rigidity to support a lightweight, flexible bag 12. The skeleton 20 of Figure 2A includes a generally closed base portion or floor 22 and a wall member surrounding the floor 22 in a non-planar relationshipD In thi~ embodiment, the floor is rectangular in shape and is surrounded by a wall member comprised of four generally planar walls 24, 26, 28, 30.
Walls 26 and 30 are relatively narrow walls whereas walls 24 and 28 are relati~ely long walls and the overall shape of the skeleton is that of a rectanyular box.
Disposed on one of the long wallæ 24 of the skeleton 20, proximate the long edge of the floor 22 and proximate the edge of the short slde 26, i5 an opening 32 preferably configured to be sufficiently large to permit entry and exit of a cat. ~he opening 32 may sim~larly be placed in one of the shorter walls 26,30 of the skeleton:


however, it has been found expedlent ~n some instances to place the open~ng 32 as illustrated herein. The reason for this placement i5 that some small number of cats are prone to remain close to the entry port of a litter box, paxticularly when it is covered, and conse~uently when voiding urine, a cat thus placed may tend to spray out of the box and into the surrounding environment. If the opening 32 is placed in a long wall, for example 2~, and if the narrow walls 26, 30 are of a length not significantly exceeding the nose to rump length of a cat, i.e., no more than one-third greater than the nose to rump length of the cat; a cat entering the box will be generally induced to turn and align with the long axis of the box and thus problems of urine spray are mitigated. It has been found that turning of the cat is even more stronyly compelled if the threshold of the opening 32 is relatively high, since the high threshold will induce the cat to move forward. In one particular embodiment, the skeleton 20 of Figure 2A was configured to be approximately ~2 inches wide, 17 inches long and 18 1/2 inches high. The door was 6 lnches wide and 7 inches high and was placed 2 1/2 inches from the corner of the skeleton and 7 inches from the floor.
Thls skeleton flt a standard 30 gallon garbage bag, and more importantly, accommodated large 20 pound cats without problems of urine spray.
Problems associated with cats spraying urine out o~ a lltter box opening are not particular to the present invention n In general, an enclosed litter box will lnduce Z 01~6~S~

-~13 apprehension in some cats causing them to shy from fully entering the box and thereby spray~ng thelr surroundings.
The present invention recognizes this problem and solves it by placing the litter box entrance so as to compel the cat to enter and turn ~o that during use of the box, the entrance is to the cats side. This aspect of the invention will have advantages in the design of non-disposable litter boxes of various configurations.
It will be also be noted that the opening 32 includes a perforated portion 34 generally contiguous with the bottom thereof. The use of such a perforated portion allows for removal of a portion of the wall material to lower the threshold of the opening 32 and thereby permit the passage of kittens, which generally have problems negotiating a tall threshold. It is further to be noted that in the illustrated embodiment, the corners o~ the skeleton 20 are generally truncated or r~unded. Such a configuration ellminates sharp projections which could tear a flexible bag when it is placed over the skeleton. It will further be noted that the long walls 24,2~ include a partially perforated fold therein, illustra~ed by line 36.
This fold permits the skeleton 20 to be compactly folded - for storage and/or disposal.
Referrlng now to Figure 2B, there is shown a top plan view of a blank which may be folded to provide the skeleton 20 of Figure 2A. Notable in the figure is the first long slde 24 of the skeleton, including the opening 32 and perforated portion 34 therein; the first narrow side ~o~

26, the second long side 28 and the third narrow side 30 are similarly visible. ~lso visible are two large bottom flaps 38 attached to the narrow walls 26 and 30. When the bank is assembled ~nto a box-like form, these large flaps 38 form the floor of the skeleton and provide a support base for the litter. Also visible are two small support flaps 40 attached to the long walls 24,280 These flaps ~unction generally to support the large bottom flaps 38 and, when bent inward, stiffen the long walls 24,2B from bending at the folds 36.
It will be noted that the support flaps 40 are generally asymmetric, with a smaller portion thereof disposed to the left, in the Figure 2B illustration, and with a larger portion disposed to the right. While many tab arrangements are possible within the scope of this invention, i~ has been found advantageous to reverse one of the tabs (i.e. to have a large portion to the left and a small portion to the right). This configuration eliminates interference during assembly.
It will be noted from the drawing of the blank that the corners are generally rounded or truncated to eliminate sharp points which could tear or snag the bag.
It is further to be noted that the height of the narrow walls 26,30 is shown as being very slightly less than the height o~ the long walls 24,28 and consequently the folds between the bottom flaps 38 and the corresponding narrow walls 26,~0 are not exactly allgned with the bottom edge of the long walls 24,28. This offset has been found to 6~

accommodate the thickness of the turned under large bottom walls 38 and to stabilize the assembled skeleton against inward collapse. As illustrated~ the blank also includes an assembly tab 42 which is used to joln the narrow wall 30 to the long wall 24.
Illustrated in phantom outline are two auxiliary flaps 41. The~e flaps 41 do not form part of the finished skeleton; however, they have been found useful in aligning the blank ~or the appl~cation of glue during assembly.
These flaps are opltional, and if included, are removed during assembly. It should also be noted that the opening 32 may, with equal advantage, be disposed in wall 28. By so disposing the opening ~2/ the blank is in some instances ea~ier to handle, ~abricate and assemble, depending on the particular methodology employed.
The skeleton depicted in Figure 2A includes an ;~ open top sur~ace. It has generally been found that closure o~ the bag-like member provides sufficient coverage to allow use of an open box. However, ln some instances, it may be desirable to enclose the top of the box with a solid lid and toward this end, the blank may further be provided with a top flap, as for example the flap 44 illustrated in phantom outline in Figure 2B. Obviously, top closure could be also accomplished by cooperation of a pair of flaps in a manner analogous to the bottom closure.
The litter box of the present invention is most advantageously provided in a compact form wherein the skeleton 20 is collapsed into a flat shape. The bag 12 -~16 may be disposed within the collapsed skeleton and the entire package shrink wrapped or similarly fastened: or alternatively, the bag may be used to contain the skeleton.
When it is desired to utilize the litker box, the bay is opened and the folded skeleton inserted therewithin. The skeleton is then expanded ~y stre~ching apart the sides.
The ~ottom flaps 38 fall into place and are retained by the small support flap 40. In this manner, the skeleton effectively assembles itself. This auto-assembly procedure eliminates problems of prior art devices which require lnsertion of assembled ~usually litter-containing) boxes into a bag. Such prior art problems include spillage of litter, tearing of the bag and/or damage to the box. While auto-assembly is described with particular reference to the skeleton 20 of Figures 2A-2C, it is to be appreciated that this feature is found in the various other skeletons of the present ~nvention, including those illustrated herein.
Figure 2C illustrates the support skeleton 20 in a partially folded form. It will bs noted that the folds 36 in the long walls 24,28 permi-t those walls to be folded inward. In this manner, the folded skeleton presents a reasonably flat package of a length and width corresponding to that of the narrow walls 26,30.
The expanded skeleton provides a space hounded on 5 sides. Cat litter ls placed in the space coaperatively defined by the skeleton and the supported bag. The bag is adjusted to tightly cover the top of the expanded skeleton and because of the shape o~ the skeleton, the bag snugly 6~15~
-~17 conforms to the contours of the skeleton. Any excess bag material proximate the bas2 of the skeleton i5 -tucked therebeneath. In this manner, a tidy, snug package is presented. The enclosecl nature of the littPr box allows use of low ~ost, relatively dusty litter material thereby obviating the need to buy high quality cat litter. After the litter is placed, the bag is tied a~out the top of the skeleton to enclose the package. A cut is then made in the bag, to provide an opening in communication with the opening 32 in the skeleton. As mentioned in connection with Figure 1, this opening may be formed so as to leave a depending door flap. If the particular cat is not amenable to such a configuration, the flap may be completely removed to expose the door.
In addition to enclosing the cat litter area, the lltter box o~ the present invention may further provide ~iltration and ventilatlon of the interior of khe litter box. Figure 12 iB a cross-sectional, schematic view of a litter box generally similar to that depicted in Figure 1, but representative of the various embodiments of this present invention. The litter box is provided with a filter 200 disposed in the top thereof. If a filter is to be employed, the bag is drawn shut and tied so as to leave a relatively small opening (approximately 2 8 inches in diameter) at the closure. This opening is closed with an appropriate filter material. It has been found most expedient to utilize a body of cellulosic material such as paper toweling and the like as filter 200. This material 5~

~~18 is inexpensive, readily ava~lable and traps odors quite well whil~ permitting a xelatively unimpeded flow of air therethrough. In further refinements, the filter may be fabricated as a bactericidal or fungicidal impregnated material and may further include carbon in the form of activated charcoal, bone black or the like for odor removal.
As illustrated in the Fiyure 12 embodiment, the filter 200, in combination with the door opening 32, creates a draft.
Air passes into the door opening 32 and exits through the filter 200 drawlng odors therewith. Obviously, the filter 200 may be placed other than at the top of the box and need not be utilized in conjunction with the bag closure but may be added by simply cuttin~ a new opening into the bag.
As noted previously, in some embodiments of -the invention, the top opening of the bag may be positioned to provide acc~ss for the cat. In other embodiments of the invention employing a side entrance to the litter box, the bag need not be tied shut at the top, but may simply be folded into the interior of the skeleton or tied about the exterior of the skeleton so as to leavs the top of the litter box open. This embodiment is particularly suited for those cats who do not wish to be enclosed totally when using the lltter box.
When it is time to replace the cat litter, the entire assembly may be simply disposed. If the assembly is liEted from the floor and shaken, the weight oE the cat lltter will push the support flaps 40 apart allowing the large bottom flaps 38 to fall downward, discharging the cat 5~

litter into the bottom o~ the bag and collapsing the skeleton. This provides for a relatively flat packaye which may be readily dlsposed, as for example by placiny into a second plastic bag. Alternatively, an adhesive closure may be applied to shut the opening in the bag and the litter box can be neatly disposed of in a refuse container. Obviously, the used litter box ~ay also just be tossed into a refuse container. The automatic disassembly of the skeleton presents a gxeat advantage over prior art devices since the user need not reach into the bag to disassemble and collapse the litter box therein; thus, problems of spillaye, release or odor and possible spread of infection are eliminated.
There are a wide variety of materials which may be employed to fabricate the skeleton. It has been found most expedient to fabricate this member from cardboard or other such rigid, low-cost material so as to allow for ready disposal. For example, cardboard of the type referred to as "E-~lute" provides sufficient strength and rigidity combined with light weight and low bulk to allow for compact packaging of the ~olded litter box. Obviously, other grades of cardboard may be sim~larly employed. It may be expedlent in some instances to provide the cardboard with a moisture-resistant coating and/or an odor control agent and/or a bactericidal agent.
Other types of materials may be similarly employed for the fabrication of the skeleton. For example, the skeleton may be fabricated from other types o~ paper, ;~ 35~

synthetic polymeric materlals, rubber, wood, metal and like materials. In some instances it may be advantageous to r~use the skeleton r In those instance~, it should be fabricated from a moisture impervious, relatively durable material such a~ a metallic or polymeric material. While the Figure 2 skeleton has been described as having a closed bottom, the invention is clearly not so limited. This skeleton, as well as the others shown herein, may be fabricated with open bottoms, that is to say, they may comprise walls only. It is ~nticipated that open bottom Bupport skeletons will be lined with several layers of newspaper or similar material prior to the introduction of litter.
Referring now to Figure 3A, there is shown another embodiment of support skeleton 46 structured in accord with the principles of the present invention. This skeleton 46 .is configured to include a litter storage compartment and is intended to be supplied prefilled with cat litter material. Toward this ~nd, the support s]celeton 46 of this embodiment ~ncludes a generally riyid base portion 4~ which forms a litter storage container.
D~sposed atop the storage base 48 are four flaps 50, 52, 54, 56 which interlock with tabs 58 to form the walls oE
the support skeleton 46. It will be noted that one of the lony walls 52 includes an openiny 32 therethrough of sufficient size for passage of a cat and generally similar to that previously described. There may also be included ~-21 a removable perforated portlon 34 to provide for access to the box by klttens.
The support skeleton 46 of Figure 3A may further include a pair of handles 60 formPd by cut-off portions of ~he long walls 52,56. These handles 60 are useful in positioning the support skeleton 46 within the bag. As illustrated, the narrow walls 50,5~ of the skeleton 46 include a pair ~f cut-out openings 62 therein. These openings are structured to include an inwardly projecting tab portion which may be utilized to retain the bag thereupon. Furthermore, ~hese openings 62 facilitate unfolding oE the skeleton.
The litter box assembly of Figure 3A is provided prefilled with cat litter. The litter is in the storage 1~ base portion 48 and the flaps 50, 52, 54, 56 are folded there atop to provide a flat, compact package.
Referring now to Figure 3C, there is shown the support skeleton 46 o~ Figure 3A in it~ folded, first configurat~on. The flaps 50, 52, 54, 56 are collapsed atop, and generally coplanar with, the base 4~. When it is necessary to use the litter box, the flaps 52 and 56 are unfolded so as to place the skeleton in a second con~iguration, whlch unfol~ing may be facilitated by the handles 60. The partially assembled skeleton 46 i5 placed in the bag, preferably by grasping the two handles 60 in a slngle hand and opening the bag with the other hand.
Once in the bag, the remaining flaps 50,54 are raised in place and the skeleton i5 locked into a rigid, self--" 2~

supporting third conflguration by use of the tab~ 58. In one preferred embodiment, the ~torage base of the skeleton is approximately llx18x2 inches and holds approximately seven to ten pounds of litter. This particular support skeleton is configured to fit into a standard 30-gallon plastic trash bag. once the skeleton has been placed within the bag, the top portion of the bag is drawn over the top of the skeleton and t~ed shut. In those instances where trash bags having an integral handle tie are utilized, the handles may be looped about the tabs of the cut-out open~ngs 62. When the bag is tied shut, the walls of the skeleton are inwardly biased by the taut bag providing rigidity to the structure. In order to dispose of spent litter, the tabs may be disassembled and the walls collapsed; alternatively, the entire assembly may simply be crushed flat for disposal.
Referring now to Figure 3B, there is shown a blank for the construction of the skeleton of Figure 3A.
Noted in the figure are the four side walls 50, 52, 54 and 56 as well as four generally smaller walls 48a-~8d which will form the storage base. Contiguous with the four smaller walls 4~a-48d of the storage base 48 are four bottom flaps 64, 66, 68, 70 which will form the floor of the storage base. The blank also includes an assembly tab 72. To assemble the blan)c of Figure 3B the assembly -tab 72 is glued or otherwise affixed to the first storage base wall 48a and the bottom flap 64, 66, 68 and 7~ are folded inwardly and glued or otherwise affixed. The assembled ; ~C)6CI15~

blank is now ready for filling with litter. It is generally preferred that the appropriate bag be included with the litter fllled support skeleton although the skeleton may be provided without a bag and the user may employ a standard trash bag.
In some instances, part~cular cats will not care for a totally enclosed litter box~ particularly if they have previously been accustomed to an open-tray style box.
Figure 4A represents yet another configuration of a support skeleton structured in accord with the prlnciples of the present invention and designed to provide an open-tray type cat litter box. The support skeleton 74 of Figure 4A is designed to be used in conjunction with a bag like member as for the foregoing examples, however it is contemplated that the bag will be left open at the top portion.
This may be accomplished by folding the bag into the interior of the skeleton and optionally covering the inwardly ~olded portion with litter, or by fastening the bag proximate the top of the sk~leton. The skeleton 74 of Figure 4A includes four walls 76, 78, 80 and 82. In the depicted embodimen~, walls 76 and 80 are relatively narrow walls in terms of length and are also short in terms of height. As illustrated, these walls may include a central, downward curving portion which provides ready access to the interior of the box, by a cat. The longer walls 78,82 of the skeleton 74 are conf~gured to include two cut-out handle portions 8~ which facilitate placement of the skeleton 74 in a bag and lifting thereof for disposal. The s~

long s~alls 7~,82 also include a fold 86 proximate the center thereof. Th15 fold 86 facilltates collapse of the skaleton 7~ during storage and disposal in a manner generally similar to that described with reference to the skeleton of Figure 2A. It will al50 be noted that adjoining walls, as for exampl~ walls 76,78, are not joined along the totality of their common edye but are separated by a slit. As a result o~ this design, it is made more difficult for a cat to tip the litter box over.
Pressure applied to a given wall simply bends that wall without imparting significant force to the remainder of the box. Presence of the slit also facilitates inward folding of opposing walls which permits the two handles 84 to be held in a slngle hand thereby facilitating assembly and disposal of the unit.
Referring now to Figure 4B there is shown a blank for the construction of the support skeleton 74 of Figure 4A. The blank includes the ~our sides 76, 78, 80 and 82.
Also visible in Figure 4B are the two bottom flaps which form the ~loor of the assembled skeleton 7~. Also included are two bottom support flaps 90 which are generally similar to the flaps 40 of the Figure 2B embodiment and which serve to support the bottom and prevent the sides 78 and 82 from ~olding inward during use. Also visible in Figure 4B is an assembly flap 92. To assemble the blank of Figure 4~, the assembly flap 92 is glued or otherwise afflxed to side 82 proximate the bottom edge thereof. As in the foregoing examples, the corners of this particular skeleton may also S~L

be truncated ~o as to avoid damage to the bag. The manner in which ad~oining sides are affixed along only a portion of their correspondlng edges is clearly illustrated in Figure 4B.
Referring now to Figure 5A there is shown yet another embodiment of support skeleton 94 structured in accord with the principles of the present invention. The skeleton 94 of Figure 5A ~s designed to provide an open top or tray-type litter box which is supplied prefilled with litter material. Towards this end, the skeleton 94 of Figure 5A includes a storage base portion 48 generally similar to that described with reference to Figures 3A and 3B. The storage base portion 48 is, in this embodiment, approximately 12x17x2 inches and holds approximately seven to ten pounds of cat litter. The skeleton 94 of Figure 5A
~urther includes four wall flaps 96, 98, 100 and 102 provided with tabs 104 which function to lock the walls 96, 98, 100 and 102 togekher. The long walls 98, 102 are each provided with a cut-out handle 106 which, as mentioned previously, can be used to position and dispose of the litter box and it should be noted that the handles of this and other embodiments of the invention may be used even if they are covered by the bag since the matsrial of the bag ~ generally quite thin and flexible. It will bP noted that khe narrow walls 96 and 100 are generally shorter than walls 98, 102 so as to facilitate entry of a cat in-to the box. It also should be noted that these walls can be further cut if passage of the cak is impeded.


Referring now to Figure 5B there is shown the blank for the constructlon of the support skeleton 94 of Figure 5A. The blank includes four support base walls 48a-48d as previously described, each having associated therewith a bottom flap 108, 110, 112, 114. Also visible in Flgure 5~ are the side walls 96, 98, 100, 102 and the tabs 104 and slots 105 associated therewithO The blank of Figure 5B further includes an assembly flap 116 ~ttached to storage ba~e wall portion 48b.
In order to assemble the blank, the assembly flap 116 is glued or otherwise affixed to storage base wall portion 48a and the bottom flaps 108, 110, 112 and 114 are turned inwardly and fastened by adhesive or other well-known means. The rigid storage base portion 48 is then fllled with cat litter material and the side flaps 96, 98, 100 and 102 are folded downward to enclose and protect the litter material. In use, the side flaps 98, 102 are opened, the handles 102 are held and the skeleton inserted in the bag. once the skeleton is properly placed, the walls 96, 100 are un~olded and the tabs 104 locked.
In this embodiment, as in the embodiment of Figure 4~, the litter box i3 of the tray type and consequen-tly the bag does not close above the skeleton.
Referring now to Figure 6, there i~ shown yet another support skeleton 220 structured in accord with the prlnciples of the present invention. The s}celeton 220 of Figure 6 is configured to provide litter retaining means proximate the opening for minim~zing scatter of litter from the interior space of the litter box.
In this part~cular embodiment, the litter retaining means is provided by one of the walls 22~ of the skeleton operative in conjunction with triangular portions of the adjoining walls 224,2~6. This skeleton 220 includes a ba~e 228 of generally rectangular configuration. The base has four walls aligned therewith. Three of the walls 224,226 and the rear wall, not visible in this drawing, all are disposed at approximate right angles to the base. The fourth wall 222 is disposed at an obtuse angle to the base and is generally shorter than the other four walls. The two side walls 224,226 adjacent the front wall 222 include triangular portions coplanar therewith and projecting toward the front of the skeleton. These triangular portions join along one surface with the front wall 222 and when retained by the bag-like member (as will be shown in Figure 7), provide a front entrance to the litter box assembly which minimizes trackiny of litter from the interior thereof.
The skeleton of Figure 6 preferably includes truncated corners 230, as previously described, which minimizes tearing of the bag. It will also be noted tha-t the skeleton 220 of Figure 6 includes a pair of slots 232 formed in the top thereof. These slots, as wil] be explained in greater detail with reference to Figure 7, allow for greater retention of the bag upon the skeleton.
Referring now to Figure 7, there is shown the skeleton 220 of Figure 6 as deployed in conjunction with a 5~L

bag 234. The skeleton 220 is placed into the bag 234 such that the front openln~ of the skeleton allgns wlth the opening in the bag 234. The opening in the front o~ the skeleton is preferably configured ~o have a perimeter which 5 is slightly greater than the perimeter of the bag opening.
The bag opening is thus stretched slightly when the skeleton is assembled. The two open slots (232 in Figure 6) receive the a portion of the peri~eter of the opening~ thereby tightening the opening of the perimeter about the skeletnn and thus retaining the ~ront wall 222 in alignment with the triangular portion of the side walls 224,226.
Referring now to Figure 8, there is shown a blank 236 for the assembly of the skeleton 220 of Figure 6. The blank 236 includes a base port~on 228, sidewall portions 224 15and 226~ a top member 238, a front wall 222 and two flaps 240,242 which will constitute the rear wall of the skeleton.
The two side walls 224,226 each include a generally triangular portion 224a,226a as previously noted as well as an assembly slot 244. Each slot engages 20corresponding tabs 245 on the flaps 240,242 which form the rear wall of the litter box. As previously noted, the skeleton includes a pair of slots 232 in the blank. These slo-ts are primarily disposed on the top member 238 although a portion of one slot extends onto one of the sidewalls 226.
The other sidewall 224 includes a cut-out notched portion.
An assembly ~lap 246 is attached to the top member 238 and is utilized to join that top member 238 to the corresponding side wall 224.

~-29 ; It should be apparent from the drawings that the blank 236 may be conf~gured into a skeleton which can be readily knocked down into a flattened shape for disposal by simply removing the tabs 245 on the back wall flaps 240,242 from their corresponding 310ts 244.
Referring now to Figure 9 there is shown yet another skeleton 250 structured in accord with the principles of the present invention. The skeleton 250 of Figure 9 includes a vestibule portion proximate the opening 252. This vestibule serves to trap and retain litter scattered from the interior of the litter boxO The vestibule is configured to include a base 254, a pair of upstanding sidewalls 256,258 and a short front wall 260.
The side walls 256,258 include a set of bag retaining 15 notches 263,282 therein. Although not visible in this drawing and as will be discussed below with reference to Figure 11, the skeleton further includes an inwardly folded flap 280 associated with the front opening wall 262 of the skeleton 250. This flap 280 is located at the base of the front skeleton wall 262 proximate that wall's junction with the vestibule base 254. The flap is folded inward and prevents litter and/or excreta from passing through that ~uncture. Skeleton 250 of Figure ~ generally lncludes truncated corner~ 23~ and a pair of notches 263 in the 25 triangular vestlbular sidewalls 256,258.
Referring now to Figure 10, there is shown the skeleton 250 of Figure 9 as enclosed in a bag 264. The bag 264 is wrapped about at least a portion of the trlangular =~_30 side walls 256,258 and a portion of thP edge of the opening of the bag ls retained by the notches 263 and 282 described with reference to Figure 9. Pxeferably, the skeleton 250 is configured such that the perimeter o~ the front is slightly larger than the p~rimeter of the bag opening so that the bag is tautly retained by the skeleton. The opposite edge of the bag is wrapped about the front vestibular wall 260 and the tension of the bag retains that wall 260 in position. In use, the assembly of ~igure 10 provides a cat litter box having a front vestibule or porch with a short upstanding wall. This arrangement minimizes the scatter of litter which is tossed or tracked from the interior of the litter box.
Referring now to Figure 11 there is shown a blank 266 for the fabrication of the skeleton 250 of Figure 9.
The blank 266 includes a top member 268 which will form the upper surface of the skeleton, side walls 270,272, a bottom memb~r 274 and a rear wall member 278. The skeleton further includes a front wall member 262 having an opening 252 therein; as in the ~oregoing examples, the front opening 252 may be enlarged to acaommodate differing sizes of cats as is indicated by the phantom outline.
Also notable in the blank of Figure ll are the two vestibular or side walls 256,258, of generally triangular configuration, aB well as the floor 254 and front wall 260 oE the vestibule. ~ttached to the front wall of the skeleton ~62 is a flap 280; and this flap as previously discussed, is folded inward to retain litter. The 59c triangular ~ide walls 256/258 o~ the vestlbule include a first set of notchas 282 as well as a ~econd ~et of notches 263 for retaining the bag as previously described.
The blank 266 further includes a second flap 284 associated with the base 274. This flap 284 is folded outward of the rear wall 278. It ~s retained by the bag and functions to lim1t outward travel of the rear wall 278. The blank 266 of Figure 11 i6 assembled by means of an assembly flap 286 as previously described with reference to other embodiments. In use, the blank is assembled into the skeleton 250 of Figure 9, by folding flaps 280,284 inward and inserting the tabs 288 associated with the front 262 and rear walls 278 into corresponding slots 2~0 in the base 274.
The present invention is a simple to manufacture and easy to use cat litter box system which eliminates the hazard and unsightly appearance of cat litter material.
The litter box presents a generally rugged, moisture impervious, tear-proof enclosure to the cat which eliminates hazard~ of sp~lled litter occasioned by claw damage to heretofore employed plastlc bags. The particular support skaleton configuration may be selected to enable compact storage and disposal thereof and toward that end, several such embodiments have been presented herein.
In addition to the particular skeleton con~iguration shown in the figures, it is to be understood that the present invention generally and broadly encompasses interiorly di~posed support skeletons.
Specifically, the skeleton o~ the present invention may be s~

configured as a wire frame member. Alternatively, the skeleton may be assembled from a plurality of tubular members interconnected to form the corners thereof. In another embodiment, the skeleton ls fabricated from a foamed polymeric material. In the foam embodiment, the skeleton may be made from a res~lient ~oam which compresses to a compact shape for storage or disposal.
It is to be appreciated that the present invention is not solely limited to cat litter boxes but rather, it provides a simple and efficient system and method for the disposal of many types of waste. The concept of employing an interior support gkeleton in conjunction with an exterior bag-like member represents an improvement over heretofore employed waste disposal methods, which methods generally involve support of a relatively flexible litter disposal bag by an exte.riorly disposed framework. As discussed with reference to cats, a waste disposal system in which a relatively thin, flexible bag is in clirect contact with re~use can cause 2~ problems inso~ar as sharp objects can cut or tear the bag.
The present invent.ion provides an internal support skeleton which in addition to maintaining a waste disposal hag in a supported configuration, can in some embodiments protect the bag from damage occasioned by metal, broken glass or other sharp objects.
It is also to be appreciated that while the foregoing has been described primarily with reference to a litter box for felines, obviously, the invention is not so limited. There are a nur~er of domes-ticated and semi-domesticated animals kept as pets, whlch can be trained to use a litter box. Included therein are skunks, ~errets, pigs and raccoons. By appropriately sizing the support skeleton, the present invention may be readily adapted to accommodate such animals. It should also be noted that the skeleton, although described in terms of a generally rectangular shaped member, may be configured in a variety of shapes. For example, the base may be triangular, pentagonal, circular or of any other polygonal shape.
In light of the foregoing, it will be apparent that there are many modifications and variations of the present invention which will be obvinus to one of skill in the art. Accordingly, the foregoing drawings, discuss~on, description and examples are merely meant to illustrate particular embodiments of the invention and are not meant to be limitatlons upon the practice thereof. It is the followlng claims, includlng all equivalents, define the scope of the invention.

Claims (19)

1. A litter box for felines and the like comprising:
a generally box-like skeleton including a generally planar base, a wall member encircling the periphery of the base in a non-planar relationship therewith so as to define an interior space, said wall member including an opening therethrough communicating with the interior space; and a flexible, bag-like member enclosing, and supported by, the skeleton and including an opening therein generally aligned and communicating with the opening in the wall member.
2. A litter box as in claim 1, wherein said skeleton is collapsible within the bag-like member.
3. A litter box as in claim 1, wherein said support skeleton includes a generally closed bottom provided by a plurality of flaps disposed in overlapping relationship.
4. A litter box as in claim 1, wherein said support skeleton is configured as a generally rectangular, box-like member having a base with two longer sides and two narrow sides and wherein the opening in the wall member is disposed along one of the long sides of the base.
5. A litter box as in claim 1, wherein said bag-like member includes an opening therein generally aligned, and communicating with the opening in the wall member.
6. A litter box as in claim 1, wherein at least one of said skeleton and bag-like member includes a material therein selected from the group consisting essentially of:
deodorizers, bacteriocides, and moisture resistant materials.
7. A litter box as in claim 1, wherein said box-like support skeleton includes a plurality of corners and at least one of said corners is truncated so as to present a rounded profile, said rounded profile minimizing puncture of of the bag-like member by the corner.
8. A litter box as in claim 1, wherein said support skeleton is configured to fold into a generally flat configuration for storage or disposal.
9. A litter box as in claim 1, wherein said skeleton is configured to provide litter retaining means proximate said opening for minimizing scattering of litter from said interior space.
10. A litter box as in claim 9, wherein said litter retaining means is configured as a vestibule having a closed bottom, a pair of side walls and a front wall, said vestibule projecting from the wall member proximate said opening.
11. A litter box as in claim 10, wherein said vestibule is configured to retain at least a portion of the peripheral edge of the opening of the bag-like member.
12. A litter box as in claim 9, wherein said base is generally rectangular and said wall member includes four walls which align with four edges of said base, three of said walls disposed at approximate right angles to said base and a fourth one of said walls disposed at an obtuse angle to said base, said fourth wall constituting at least a portion of said litter retaining means.
13. A litter box as in claim 12, wherein the two of said walls adjacent said fourth wall each include a generally triangular portion coplanar therewith, said triangular portions cooperating with said fourth wall to further constitute said litter retaining means.
14. A pet litter box assembly comprising:
a support skeleton reversibly expandable from a first, collapsed, substantially planar configuration defining substantially no interior volume to a second, self-supporting generally polyhedral configuration defining an interior volume, said polyhedral configuration further defining at least one opening therethrough communicating with the interior volume and;
a flexible, generally bag-like member configured to receive said skeleton therein and being of a sufficient size to accommodate said skeleton when it is in its polyhedral shape; whereby said skeleton may be easily inserted in said bag when in its first configuration and expanded to its second configuration while in the bag, so as to provide litter box function and subsequently returned to its first position for disposal, while still within the bag.
15, A litter box as in claim 14, wherein said skeleton and bag are of preselected dimensions chosen so that said bay is snugly stretched about the skeleton when said skeleton is disposed therein and expanded to its second configuration.
16. A litter box as in claim 14, wherein said bag-like member includes an odor absorbent filter associated therewith.
17. A litter box as in claim 16, wherein said skeleton includes a second opening communicating with the interior space; the bag-like member includes a second opening aligned and communicating with the second opening in the skeleton; and wherein the filter is disposed so as to occlude at least a portion of said second opening.
18. A pet litter box assembly comprising:
a support skeleton reverslbly expandable from a first, substantially collapsed position to a second, partially assembled configuration and from thence to a third, self-supporting, generally polyhedral configuration defining a first interior volume, said third configuration further defining at least one opening therethrough communicating with the interior volume and, a flexible, generally bag-like member configured to receive said skeleton therein and being of a sufficient size to accommodate said skeleton when it is in its third configuration; whereby said skeleton may be stored in its first configuration and expanded to its second configuration for insertion into the bag-like member, expanded to its third configuration when in the bag so as to provide litter box function and subsequently returned to its first configuration for disposal.
19. A litter box assembly as in claim 18, wherein said skeleton, when in is second configuration, provides a pair of handles which may be readily gripped with a single hand for inserting said skeleton into the bag like member.
CA 2006054 1988-12-27 1989-12-19 Pet litter box Abandoned CA2006054A1 (en)

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US6659045B2 (en) 2001-10-18 2003-12-09 Vincent S. Thompson Multi purpose house for pets

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