CA2001922A1 - Phased array antenna - Google Patents

Phased array antenna


Publication number
CA2001922A1 CA 2001922 CA2001922A CA2001922A1 CA 2001922 A1 CA2001922 A1 CA 2001922A1 CA 2001922 CA2001922 CA 2001922 CA 2001922 A CA2001922 A CA 2001922A CA 2001922 A1 CA2001922 A1 CA 2001922A1
Prior art keywords
power supply
supply systems
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
Application number
CA 2001922
Other languages
French (fr)
Toshikiyo Hirata
Yujiro Taguchi
Tomoyuki Watanabe
Toshikiyo Hirate
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Toyo Communication Equipment Co Ltd
Original Assignee
Toyo Communication Equipment Co Ltd
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
Filing date
Publication date
Priority claimed from JP27583188A external-priority patent/JPH02122701A/en
Priority claimed from JP28015888A external-priority patent/JPH02126703A/en
Application filed by Toyo Communication Equipment Co Ltd filed Critical Toyo Communication Equipment Co Ltd
Publication of CA2001922A1 publication Critical patent/CA2001922A1/en
Abandoned legal-status Critical Current



    • H01Q3/00Arrangements for changing or varying the orientation or the shape of the directional pattern of the waves radiated from an antenna or antenna system
    • H01Q3/26Arrangements for changing or varying the orientation or the shape of the directional pattern of the waves radiated from an antenna or antenna system varying the relative phase or relative amplitude of energisation between two or more active radiating elements; varying the distribution of energy across a radiating aperture
    • H01Q3/267Phased-array testing or checking devices


  • Variable-Direction Aerials And Aerial Arrays (AREA)


Abstract of the Disclosure A phased array antenna used for radio communications which, when any of a multiplicity of power supply systems to antenna elements becomes faulty, can prevent the influences of the faulty power supply system from being exerted on the other systems and can obtain desired performances with use of the remaining normal systems. The phased array antenna comprises means for detecting the presence or absence of a trouble or troubles in a necessary part of each block, in which power supplied to trouble one or ones of power supply systems having the trouble occurred therein is cut off or power supplied to the trouble system or systems is consumed at their predeter-mined terminating resisters on the basis of results obtained by the trouble detection means, thereby preventing the exten-sion of the trouble influences to the other normal power supply systems.


~ritle of the Invention:
P~ased arr~y ant~nn~
~echni~ ield~
The pre~ent ln~v~n~lon relates to ph~sed arr~y ~ntennas, and more par~iaularl~r, t~ ~rran~emen~ and control in a ph~s~d array ~t~tenna which, when any of a multiplicity o~ power 8upply ~y~ mq ~0 ~ntenna element6 becomes ~ulty, carl pr~vent th~ in~lu~naes o~ the faul~
power supply sy~tem from being ~x~rtad on khe other s)rst~m~ and can obtain des:Lred performance3 ~ith use th~ remaininq n~rmal ~ystems.
Background Art:
~h~re hav~ been so far put in praatical u~e v~r~ous typ~s o~ ~rra3r antennas in whi~h a plu~lity o~
anltenn~ elem~nts ar~ ~r~nged and all o~ some o~ the pluraL ~ntemla ~lements ar~ excited or driven to thereby h~Ye ~arlou~ ~unctions whlah would be i~p~sslbl~ ~o o~cain with a ~lngle ~nt~nna element.
2 0 Among thes~ ~rray ar~t~nna~, th~re haq been wid~ly us~d on~ which i~ g~n0rally known a~ a phased ~rray antenna, wh~rein tho ph~ or electric p~wer o~ signal~
supplie~ to r~sp~ctivæ ant~nna elemq~ lectrlcally varied t~ desirably con~rol the ~ir~ctlon ~nd p~t~ern o$ a r~diat~d b~3am. And in parti~ul~r, a micro~rip typ~
pha~ed array antenna iOE o~ten used as a radio co~ununic~lon antemla ~a~@d ~n an arti~icial 6atelllt~3.
The basi~ arr~ng~ment of a phass~ array antenn~

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i~, for example, as ~h~wn in Fi~. g.
` In the dr~wing, r~erence nume~ enerally - d~note~ ~ pha~ed array antsnn~ which ~ nclud~3 a plurallty o~ antenna ~lements A1~ A~ , ~ . ., and An arrar,ge~ ~t ln~erval~ of a predet~rmin~d spacln~, phase shlfter~
2, .. ~, and C~ n conn~t~ ~he associated antenna ~lement~, and a divider DIV,.
Mo~e ~pecifically, the ph~sa ~hffler~ 6b 1, ~ 2, ,.~, and ~ n control thei~ pha~ shift amounts on th~
lob~s~ ~ of sl~nal~ rec~ rom ~ controll~r CONT (no~
shown), provide ~ prQdetermlned phas~ shift tg 3~ gnals recelved from the divid~r ~IV and ~ppl~ th~ phas~-shi~tsd signals to the a~sociat~d antenna element~ A1, Aa,..~, and ~N; while l:hese phase shift~rs also rec~iY~ signal~
induced in these ~ntenna element~, s1~llarly apply a phas~
shift to ~hs induced ~i~nals and send the pha~e-shi~ted ~ignals to th~ dlvider ~IV which in turn collect~ th~
r~celved pha~e-shift~d signals ~n~ creat~s ~ composite signal into which the r~csived si~nal~ ar~ combined. Th~
20composite ~ignal is conna~ted, a~ shown in Fig. ~ for exampl~, through a ~uple~e~ to a tran~ml tter TX and a receiver RX.
Th~ electric power ~i~tribution rate of the divide~ DIV and th~ pha~e o~ the ph~s~ shiters ph 1, nd ~b n ln such ~ phasad array antenna ar~
gen~211y c:ontrolled by p~ovi~ing ~uch ~wi-tchlnc3 ~lements as PIN diodes or variable react~n~ elements and by changin~ ~ontrol voltages supplied to ~uch ~lements or by .~ .,. ~ ., ~
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ch~nglng th~ comblnation be~ween the ~lement~ t~ be swltched.
Meanwhile, su~h a ~emiconduct~r elemen~ as a PIN
dlode i5 r~la~iv~ly mall ln maximum Alilowabl~ hea~
dl~ip~tion and thus th~rs is a dan~er that applicatlon o~
el~ct~ic E)ower exce~ding it~ rated lev~l to the semlconduct~ element may de~;troy the ~l~ment. For this ~eason, much ca~e must be pald to th~ iconductor element ln de~iqnlng th~ an~enna.
10~owever, even lf th~ el~ctxi~ power irl th~
respe~tive control ~lem0nts or the h~at dlsslpation therein aan be ~uppre~ed to b~low th~i~ rated levels, a troubl~ ~en~r~tlon ln any o~ the many phase ~hirGte~s, ~lvldeF, ant~nna elern~ntx and ~able5 wired therebetween ill causq mo-~t ~ p~rt ~f electri~ power ~upplied from th~ divider to ~he ~aulty sy~tem to be refl~ct~ ~rorn ~he ~aulty part and to ~ re-dis~ ut~d to th~ oth~r normal ~ys~em~. ~s ~ r~ult, elect~i~ po~er 6upplied ~o th~
other normal ~ystem~ i~ remark~bly ~nc~e~sed to suah a 2010vel ~s to exceed ~ho aforemontloned allow~ble rated le~l, whi~h ma~ ~us~ ~h~ do~truction o~ element~ in the normal ~yst~m~, depen~n~ on the number of ~aulty ~ystem~.
Further, ~ince lnput/ou~put lmpedanco matching ~we~n th~ r~ cklv~ cir~uits ~an b~ maln~ained only ~nder ~uch ~ condl~n that all th~ ~y~tom~ are normal, lf ~v~n on~ o th~ ~ystem~ becom~ ~aulty, th~n thls a~ct2 kh~ other norm~l ~y~tems, thu~ di~a~ling, in som~ cases, the maint2nance o~ ~h~ im~edanc~ matched conditlon.

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In thi~ way, th~ prlor art ~ntenna ha~ been -~ disadvantage~u~ ln that l~ow~r reflectlun or h~a~
dlssipation ~ the lnpu~ Emd output parts of respective block~ or at th~ int~rn~l ~ircuit~ in th~ normal systems 1~ lncre~sed, thus lncrea~ing the possibili~y of destructi~n in th~ clrculk ~lement~.
In an att~mpt to r~noYe the above di~ad~ar~g~, the~e ha~ been ~o ~ provided a m~ans ~or detectin~ th~
presencs or ab~ence ~ a troubl~ in a transmission hlgh-power ampllr'ler~ Though this attempt aannot dixcriminat~
the trouble loc~tion !out when detecting a tro~le, can stop th~ ~unction o~ the ~r~nsmitte~
This prior art me~hod, however, 1~ hiqhly inc~m~enient, bec~use, when a tro~bl~ ~alc~s place even i n ~in~1~ one o~ many antgnna ~ystemsJ thi~ causes the stoppage o~ ~unctionfi ~f th~ whole systems, thus losirlg the functiot~s ~. the en~ire cornm~u~icatlon faclliti~s as~octated with th~ systesn~
For es~arnple, ~lch an ant~a is used in ~ publl~
20 communlcation ~yst~m fo~ ~irplane mounting or ~n another navigation control comm~rtication ~ystem, which has be~n r~ntl~ stu~ied, 'ch~ stoppag~ oi~ unctlons in ~he whol~
c~nununicatlon s~ts~m becom~s F~ highly severe problern from the vieewpoint; ~ a~qty.
Ac~ordingly, ~he pres~n~ lnv~nti~n ha~ n made ~o remove th~ problem$ in th~ ~b~ve pri~ art phasad array antenna, ~nd it i~ an ~b!ac~ of the inv~n~ion to provid~ a pha~ rray ~n~nna which, ~ven when one or ones o~

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.. ~ ~ . , ~nt~n~ ~y~t~ o~ ulty, ~n ~v~ ~hl~ g~ul~
~r~o~tin~ tho ~un~tlons of kh0 on~ n~
ct~ng th~ oth~ norm~ tonna ~ t~
~ ' ' In ~¢~a~ W~h ~ho ~200n~ ln~on~on, I:ho ~vy~ ~k 1~ b~ p~o~ iASI 11~ ph~ ay ~ntor~r~ in whi~h th~r~ is pr~vid~ r ~ctlng ~h~
p~ c~ n~ Q~ ~ ~r~l~ ubl~ ~n n~ ry p~t.oX ~n ~ k, ~n~ ~n whiah pOW~F 11~UpF~
r or~ w~r ~uPp~ yE~em~ h~Y~ id t~o~ oP ~roubl~ urr~d ~ho~n ~ t o~ ~r powor ~u~pl~ o ~ o~ ~y6t~ ~ t~m4 18 con~ a~
n~ ng r~ h~ b~
d ~y ~ ou~ t~c'c~ m~ by tl~ ~ h~ ~Gub~ ær~co~
o~ho~ no~mal p~ upp~y ~
di~and/~r ~h~se ~h~f~ ln ~ho 1p4~;i~ pOW0~ ~up~l~ qy~m~ o ~ont~ d o~ ~h~
th~ . o~ ~h~ t~inq m~an~ t~ in~ ~onk~ol ~m~ h~o~
More ~n d~l, on~ or on~ o~ th0 pow~S ~ply ~4n~ ~or a plur~ y o~ ~nt~ m~n~ whieh h~ro a tro~ble ~r t~ o~ ed tho~:in, ~r~ d~t~t~t ~e~lnsl m~ nd ~aor~n~ to ~h~ tr~ n~litlon~, th~ ph~ hi~t~r~ ~ th~ ~r ar~ çor~oll~ ~e~ntr~l moo~) to ~u~o ~h~ optimu~ p~ri~orm~ bta~n~ by t:h*
~h~ no~ wor: ~upply ~ t~
h~ ~n~l m~n~ E~ c~l~d o~


providing mernory means or prevlously st~ring th~rein, fo~
ex~mple, combir~ations of tha plurality o~ trou~le power supply system~ and control algor~ ~hlns optimunl for the comblnation~ and by sel~ctlnc~ necessary ones of control ~ignal~ on th~ b~si~ o~ the re~ults of th~ d~l:ec'cing mean~
and th~ cor~t~nts of the memory means, Alternativel~, the control means may be ~rrled out by providing ~ computer sy~t~m in whi~h th~e cont~ol-signal set~ln~ algorlthms are stored in tho form of a prog~am ~nd by ex~cl~ting th~ progr~m to ~n~r~t~ optimum on~s o~ th~ control slgnals.
As a r~ult ~ with th~ a~ray antenna of ~he present lnvention, when troubles occur in one3 of the power supply ~ystems, the trouble pow~r ~-lpply ~ystenn~ ~re separat~d f ~om th~ r~maining normal sy~;tems, wherel~y th~
in~luence of the ~oubles can be preYen~ea from ~p~ding ov~r the normal syst~ms and th~ optimum control can be real~zed wlt:h use o~ th~ remalning normal ~ystems.

Fig~ 1 is a ~lock diaqr~m for explaining a flrst basic conc~ption o th~ pr~sent lnven~ion;
Figs ~ ~ and 4 ~ho~ exampl~s o~ means f or det~cl:Lng a trouble in phas~ ~hl~ter~ re~pectively;
FigP 3 i~ a clrcuit di~gram ~howing an example o~ a ~wi tch;
Fl~. 5 13 a block dl~ram ~or explainlng ~ecot~d b~ conceptl~n o~ th~ prasent inv~ntion Fig. 6 i~ ~ block diagram ~howln~ an exampl~ o~

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a controller in ~ phase~ ~rray an~nna in accord~nc~ wl'ch the present invention:
Fi~. 7 (a) and (b) ~how block ~iagrams ~howing - ~xample~ of a pha~e fihi~ter ~ys~,em resp~c~ively7 ~lg~ 8 l~ a bloclc diagram for explaining an exampl~ of phase ~ontrol ln accordance with th~ pr0sent lnvent;ion; and Fig. 9 is a ~lock di~gram ~ho~Ying a prior ~rk phased a~a~ ~ntenna.
The Arrang~m~rlt o~ ~ phase~ arr~y antenn~ and iks con~rol method in ac~ordance wltl~ th~ pres~nt ln~enti~n will be detalle~ in th~ foll~wing by r~f~rrln~
to aeconlparlyins drawing3 showlnq th~ir ~mbodlment~. . -Ref~rln~ fir~t t~ Fi~,. 1, thar~ is ~hown block dia~r~m ~or expl~lnln~ a ~lrst b,~sic conception o~
the pr~s~nt lnventlon.
In the d~awlng, re~er~nc0 ~yTnbols A1, A2, and An donot~ ~ plurality ~f antenna~ elements; ~ 1~
5~ 2, ~ . ., ar~d s~ n denote ph~se shi~ters ~ttach~d to ~he a 3eciat~d ankenn~ el~ment~; and ~V dxnot~a a di~i~er. .
In the pro~ent ~m~odin~nt, furthe~, th~ phase shi~ters .or ana ~p n are pro-rided at their input and output ~nd~ wi~h tr~ubl~ det~c~ g circuits DET 1, ~ET
2,..., and ~E'rn re~p3~tiv~ly, an~ switche~ SW 1, SW2,....
and ~Wn a~ w~tll a~ t~rminatin~ r~ tors R are provided betwe~n th~ pha e ~hit~r~ and the divid~r so that the respectiv~ swlt~hes SW ar~ open~d and cl~s~d on thQ basis ". ~

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o as~o~iated outputs o~ the trouble detectors ~ET.
In thl~ arxan~ement, th~ trouble detQcting circuits DE1` and th~ tcho~ SW wil l ~e d~tailed l~ter.
If ~ trouble or t~Guble~ occur ln ~ny o~ the phas~
shlft~r~ h~n the as~oci,ated trouble d~tec~or or detectors DET in the associate~l phase shlt~r system or slrs~ems g~n~rata a signal or ~ignal~, whlch in ~urn actuate the ~ssociatod swit~h or swi~ch~s SW, whereby pow~r to be suppli~d i~rom the di~ider to ~he assoG~ated phase shi~ter or ~hifter~ i9 ~ent to the a~Qociat~d termlnat~ ng resistor or resistors P~ to ~nsrgizy the t~rmin~ting r~lstor or r~istors ~-As a ~6~5ult:, power to be ~uppli~d to one or ones o~ the phase -~hifter syst~m~ wh~re ~ trou~le or troubles ocurred, is cut o~f and the ~s~ociated sy~tem or systems ar~ termlna~ed at th~l~ sutput ~nds with the prescrlbed impedanc~ re3i~tanc0 ~o that th~ ph~se shi~'cer system or sy~tems a tr~uble or troubles occur~ed th~rein will not a~ t the other normal phase ~hi~t systems without cau~lng ~n~ imp~danc~ disturbance~
Ex~l~nation will n~xt be mad~ ~s to a sp0ei~ic æxampl~ o~ t:he troublo ~tectin~ clrcu~t DET~
Shown in P`ig. 2 i~ an ~ ngement showin~ an ~mbodim~nt o th~ tro~ det~ctor DET, whereln ~trip line~ S~in ~nd SLout oi~ predet~rmined len~th~ ~re muku~lly parallelly pro~tid~d a~ spac~d b~r a ~light gap ~em input and ~utput ~trip li~es IN ana OUT o~ the pha~e hi~ter 9~
so that ~ignal c~rrents lnduc~d in th~ ~tr1 p lln~ in ; .. . .
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and ~Lout ar~ ~eGti~ied by aiod~s D1 and D2, capacltor~ C1 and C2 ana resl~tors R1 andl R2 and then c~p~ed by a compar~tor COM to detect whlch current ~ ~ larg2r in magnltud~ ~
Wi~h the abo~e arr~n~ement, occurrenc~ of a troubl~ in the phas@ ~hlfter ~ c~u~e~ a dl~:Eerence b~tw~en input ~nd ou~put ~le~tria power to exceed a predetermin~d ~alu~, wh~r~by the output ~roltage o~ th~
compar~tor ~OM corr~pond~ to the power di~forenc~.
A~cordingly, ~ trouble at l~t in th~ pha~
shifter ~ ~an be d~tect~a by monikoring th~ output volt~ge o th0 ~omp~r~tor ~
$xplan~tlon wlll n~xt b~ mad~ as to a ~peci~ia exampl~ o~ th~ ~witch BW~
In ~h~ illu~trat~d embodimer~t, ~uch a circuit a3 ~hown in F:lg. ~ li used aq the ~wit~h S~, though the swltch SW m~ b~ mors ~$mply embodied., Th~ cir~ult ~ ., 3 lnclud~s an inpu~ end 11 o~ ~h~ ~3witch SW, a circuit A through which a high fr~uenc~ current flow~ ln a normal mode, ar~d ~ circuit ~
through whlch a high ~r~qu~ncy current ~lold9 in an abnormal mod~ ~hen ~ troubl~ ~ak~ pl~ce in th~ a~sociated ant~nna ~yst~ln.
M~r~ in ~et~ll, the ci~ault A h~ ~ A /4 tran~mlssion line 1~ which l~ conn~c~d ~il;h an ~u~put end 15 o~ th~ switch SW ~hrough ~apacitor~ 13 and 14.
Conn~ctæd betweer th~ capaclt~r~ 13 and 14 ar~ a ~i~de 16, ~ aoil 17 and ~ diod~ 1~ which are conn~ct~d in parallel . . .. . .. .

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wlth each ot:her ~o th~t ~ bia!; current ba~ed ~n the output o~ the trouble detector DE'r (not shown ~n Fig. 3) ~lows ~hrouqh th~ coil 17 .
The clrcu:lt la~ on tlle other han~ arranged in ~he same ma~mer as in th~ clr~ult A, ~xcept tha~ the cir~ult B 1~ connect~d at it~ oukput end with khe t~rminating r~si~to~ R~
W~th the ~lt~h arr~nged a~ explalned above, wh~n a bias ~ul~ent ~lows khrough ~he coil 17, a cu~rent 0 1ow~ th~ugh the ~iod~ 16 ~nd 18 and ths diodes are made ~onductive so that the ~ mp~danc~ of the clrcuik A vle~ed rom ~h~ lnput ~nd 11 become~ 02, which re~ults ln that n~
high ~requeney current will fl~w thr~ugh th~ circuit A a3 v~ew~d from th~ input end 11 and thus the ~ h SW is put in lts OFF s~a~e.
ilndar ~uch ~ condltion, wh~n no blas c~lrent is mad~ to flDW t;hrough ths coll 17 in th~ circuit B, on the oth~r hand, th~ impedan~ of tll~ ~lrcuit ~ viewed fron~ th~
input end 11 becom~ ze~o as cppos@d to the ~lrcui~ A, whereby a high frequ~ncy cu~ent :~low~ throu~h the ~lrcuit B and the swltch BW i~ put in its ON ~tata. Therefore, wh2n th~ both bia~ currents of the ~ir~uits A ~nd B ar~
~ari~d based on th~ ou~put o~ the troubl~ detector ~E~, th~ switch P,W can ac~ t~a ~n~ the paths o~ the hi~h frequency ~urrent-~ to th~ circuit~ A ~nd B can b~
~witch~d J
rrh~ tro~l0 det~c~in~ circult DET i3 not ~eskri~t~d to ~he afor~m~nt~oned manner (Fig. 2) and may n .
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modl~led ln va~lous way~
FOI- ~xampl~, such ~ troubl~ det~ctin~ manner a~
shown in Fig. 4 is considared wherein mean~ ~or d~tecting a ratio of lnput signal power ~nd ~e~lected pOWer is provided a~ t:he inpu~ ~nd of the phasa shlf~er ~ ~o th~t when the power ratlo exceed~ a pred~t~min~d value, ~he presence o~ a troubl~ iq d~termined.
Further, ~hen such mear2s fo~ measuring the ref lected power i~ provide~ at th~ lnput end of each lo sntenn~ ~lemen~, it iB p~s~ibl~ to deteet ~ troubl0 ln the ant~nna .~le~en~. ~imtlarly, su~h r~Lscted-pow~r m~a~urlng mearls rn~y be pro~ided at th~ .lnput ~nd o~ the other block, ~$ a matt:er o~ coursæ.
In accordan~e with a modif lca~ion o~ $h~
embodim2rlt ol~ th~ present invention, th~ corltroller CON~
i~ operated by the ou~put of the troubl* detecting circuit DEr to con'crol th~ tran~mittar TX, the sw:Ltches ~W, and ~o on or to display th~ loc tion of the troubl~.
B~ controllinq the array antenna in this mannPr, 20 . th~ influence~ o~ the tro~ on the other normal an~nna ~ystem~ can be r~llably prev~nted.
Th~ a~rangement and control o~ the a~o~menti~ned array ant~nna are intended, even when a ~rou~le occurs in the ~ntenna ~ystems, 'co avoid the in~luen~es o~ th~ ~roubl~ on th~ oth~r normal ant~nna sy~t~ms. Next, d~tail~d expl~natlon will be made a~ to tha arrangement ~nd ~ont~ol of a pha~ed a~ray antenna bai~ed on a more dev~loped ex~er~tlon o~ the concept~on o~

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the foregolng ~rray ant~nna, wherein, even wh~n a trou~le occurs in antenn~ ~yst~m~, the other norm~l anenna system~
can be controlled to exhibit desired performance~, tha~
is, to satisf~ p~edatermined speci:Eications incll~dlng ~irectivity pattern and beam sweepln~ angl~.
Flg. 5 shows a block di~g~m for ~pl~ining the second b~ conception o~ thls p~es~n~ lnven~lon.
In th~ drawing, a plu~ality o~ antenn~ ele~ents Al, A~,.,., and An a3 w~ll a~ ph~se shi~ters C~ 2, 0 and ~b n connec~ed t:o the ~sso~iated antem~ ments are pro~ided a~ in ~igs. 1 and ~. The pr~sent embodirnent ~f Flg. 5, however; i~ ferenlt ~rom thos~ o Fl~ 1 and ~, thRt is, i~ featur~d in that ths divid~r ls repl~ced by variabl~ dlvider VDIV and troubl~ detectin~ circuits DETl, DE~2,..., and DETn ~ woll as ~ ~ntrGller cONT are provlded . t th~ input ~nd output ends of th~ phase shi~ter-~ ~
The variable divider VDIV, whlch inc~rporates a welghting clrcuit, ~unctions ~o suitably contr~l electric power supplled to th~ respectiv~ antenna ~y~tems on ~h~
basis of an output of th~ contrcller CONT.
rrhe controll~r CONT i~ monitoring output ~ignals from the tr~ubl~ detectors DETl, DET~,..., and DETn~ The controller CON~, wh~n r~ceivin~ ~ troble detection signal ~rom ~ny Qne o~ khe dete~tors, change~, on the basis ~
~he troubl~ de~ectlon ~ignal/ and ~ends conkrol signals to the ph~se sh~er~ ., an~ ~b n and/or to the variable di~,ride~ V~IV to stop pow~r ~uppl~ to the trou~le ; ,. ~ , ` . .............................. . .

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antenna sys1:em~ and a1so agaln 6et~ th~ lev~1 of power to be distribu~.ed ~o the ~roubl~ s~stem A~3 well ~s th~ phas~
relationshlps between the phas~ ~hift~rs.
Thls res~t~ing is t:arried ou~, for ~xample, ln ~uch a m~nn~r th~t circulnqtarlces ~uch as th~ nu~ber o~
narm~l arltenna ~ tems ~nd th~ ~o~ltion o~ the sntenn~
array are ~udged, ~nd control i~ e~ected 90 khat the an~enn~ is put ln il~s best conditi~rls under su~h circumst~n~e~, that i~, ~o as to 8ati9i~y predet~rmined performanc~s or ~pecif~ tions ~uch as directivi~y pattern, beam ~weeping angle and gains in dif~erent directi~ns .
A~co~ding to this msthod, ~ven when a trouble t~kes place in any of the plural ant4nna 6~tems, the other normal ~stems o~h~r than th~ ~roubl~ stem c~n be operated to se~ura th~ ~unctions of th~ antenna to some ~xt~nt, ~hus enablin~ ~void~ce ~ any ~omm~n~cation failure of the ant~ u Then a 8p~Cii~'~ C exampl~ of the controll~r CONT
will be explalned in the ~ollowlng.
Referring to ~iyO 6, ~here i9 ~hown, in ~ block dl~gr~m form, a part o~ the interior arran~ment o~ th~
controller CONT, which lnclu~e~ a m~lx circuit ~AT ~
discrimln~ln~ ~he pr~ence or ~b~ ce o~ ~ tr~uble occurrenc~ and th~ troubl~ location on ~h~ basis o~
signals re~eived from th~ tro-lble detecting cir~uit~ ~ET
and for ~on~rerting ~-he di3criminatlQn data int~
pr~deter~ined di5~ital ~l~nal~ to ~a output, ~ memory ~,, . , , ~
~ .. : ~, .. . .

circult ROM havirlg ~on~rol ~lgnals p~Yiou~ly sto~ed th~3re ln ~or rec~iving the di gital si~nal~ and selecting c)nes of th~ previously stored control signals which are as~oc.1ated with ~he digital ~ignals, and ~ control ~l~nal genera~or CONT~SI(~ for generatlng, ln r~spor~se to the the signals received ~rom th~ m~mory circuit ROM, second control signal~ to be ~ent ko th~ pha~ ~hit~rs ~ ~nd/or the divlder ~IV r~spec~iv~ly.
More ~pecl~i~ally, the memory circuit ROM
lo previc~u~ly storQs the output aontrol ~i~al~ ~ssociated wlth the troubl~ circwn~t~nces o~ all th~ an~enna ~rstems, for exampl~ n~ (bl~ train) lndic~ti~ o~ the trou~le ~ir~usnstan~es, in th~ ~orm ~ addr~se~.
The memory ROM pre~riously simulates the nwnber of trou~l~ sy~tems and the~ combination~, examine~ and d~termin2s ones o tho control ~l~nals ~tored in th~ RO31 whi~h cau~ the best control of the then no~mal systems for obtaining th0 be~t functior~, The control ~ignals of the cont~olle~ CONT
functlon t~ inc~ease or decr~ass the mount o pha e shlft ln th~ phase shi~r~ in th~ normal 3ys~em~ ~nd/or modi~y th~ el~e~ric power distribution ratB ~f th~ di~ider.
~he ~tting of phase shi~ and power distriblltiorl rate in the phase shi~t~rs ~nd ~he divlder i~
differ~n~ dlep~ndln~ ~n tha ph~s~ ifter ~ircuit ~ystem ~nd the divider circuit ~ystem, For eYam~1~2, when th~
phase ~hifter ~stern 1~ o~ a 3dB ~oupler t~ wherein th~
re:Elect~on aoe~fi.cient oi~ a diod~ lq ~Jaried a~ ~hown ln .. . . ~ , . . ~ ,. .
;-. .; .
~ . . .
. -`~ Fig. 7(a), such ~ettlng 1~ carried out ~y changing a vol~g~ supplied ~o ~h~ di.ode; whlle, when the pha~a shifter system is of a lln~ swi~ching trp~ wherein ths leng~h o~ a transmissi~n line 1~ switched ov~r, ~uch settlng is carried au~ slmilarly by selecting conduct~ve one ~f diodRs.
~ n ~ddition, for the pu~pose o~ simpllfylng the storage contents of the memory cira~lt ~OM, the presenco or absen~e of various ~orts ~P trouble~ ~nd thelr location~ as well as ~ pro~ram for determining the r~-~ontrol decidlon pra~edur~ ~ay b~ ~tore~ in th~ memory ROM.
Mor~ concretely, ~ se~uence aontrol program for determin~n~ how to ~ontrol the no~mal system~ on the basis of dat~ read ~ut f~om a trouble syst~m or sy~tems, is ~reviou~ly ~tored in th~ m~mory circult ROM so that the progr~m is ex~cuted under ~ontrol of a CPU (not shown) to ~enerate c~ntrol ~ignals to b~ output e~ery tlme.
Wl~h ~he memo~y cir~uit ROM arr~nged a3 expla~ned abov~, oven in th~ ~asa wh~re the number o~
antenna sy~t~m~ i~ lar~, the memor~ is adv~n~ageou61y re~uir~d to have only ~ relatlv~ly ~mall capa~i~y~
In thl~ ~as~, ~h0 troublQ detectlng circuit DET
may h~vs such a c~n~i~uration as show~ in Fig. 3 o~ 4.
Sh~wn ln ~lg. 8 i~ an ~ampl~ o~ tha phas~d arrAy ~nt~nna wherein 8 ~nt~nna elements aro provided ~o that, ln th~ eYent whære lt is de~lraa to set the directivity of ths ~t~nna in a dir~tion corresponding 1~

. -.; , .

~ ~ -,~ . , to, e.g., 35 degrees with respect to a reEerence direction, when all the antenna elements and all the phase shifters are normal, their signals are controlled to have sequential phase shlfts of about 103.2 degrees for the phase shl~ter ~ 2, 206.5 degrees for the phase shifter ~ 3,...with respect to a reEerence ~0 degrees of phase shift) for th~ phase shifter ~ 1, as given in the uppermost column in the following table.
Under such a normal condition, iE there occurs a trouble in a sys-tem including the phase shiEter ~ 1 or the antenna element ~1, then a prior art antenna stops the function of the entire antenna to avoid the trouble influence from being extended to the other normal systems or stops power supply to the -trouble system with the other . .
normal systems being operated as they are, which results in that it is impossible to obtain desired-directivity characteristics, as already mentloned above.

PHASE I 0 ~l , __ __ __ F.~UL'.'~ , IJ 2 "iJ 3 - P 6 $~ 6 7---- &~ 9 ~ .
NO FAULT ' O 1 0 3.2 2 0 11.5 3 0 9,7 o 5 3 C~ 1 5 6.2 2 5 9.5 2.7 _ , _ _ ~ ..
X O 103.2 206.5 ~ 309.7 63 156.2 259,5 _____ ~ ,_ . . _ ~ .,, 2' X X 0 I 0 3.Z - zn o.s o 1 0 Z,7 1~ 5 Z o 1 5 5,Z C
8 O 103.2 201j.5 3o9~7 o 53 o l 56.2 o 259.5 o X
,. ., " .. _._ _ ,.,, _ .. _ _ ._ .. _ . j 0 7 5~ o ¦ 0 32 2 0 11.5 3 0 9,7 5 3 1 5 6.2 X X
_ . . . . .. _._ ., , ,, 0 3 ' 9'~ o O 1 0 3.:!! X 3 0 9,7 5 3 X 2 5 9.5 2.7 _ __, __ . . _ ~ ~ . . . : `, , ~ .7 ~ 22 To avo1d this, in the present invQntion, the afore~mentloned m~n~ ls u~ed to detect a trou~le locatl~n and if th~ ph~Re sh~r ~ aulty, th~n khe ph~se shifer ~ are controlled to have ~uch se~uential phase ~hl~ts with re~pect to O deg~o~ o~ the r~erenc~
pha~e ~hi~ter ~ 2 as ~ho~n in the ~ecolld co1umn ~rom the top in Table 1.
Thls ma~hod can improve dir~ctlvi~y ch~ract~rl~ti~s wh~n ~omp~red ~i~h the case where no 0 modlf~c~tion læ mad~ to phase shi:et control, an~ ~an provlde ~ theoretical di~tivi~
When ths phas~ ~hi~t~rs ~1 and ~ 2 ~com~ both faul~y, the similar pha~e ~on~rol 15 ca~ri~d out over the other normal system~ than th~ ~aulty sy~tems, ~s ~hown by thQ ~hi~d column f~m th~ ts~p in Table 1.
When troble~ taks place in any ones b~twe~n ths b~tl3 end pha~ ~hlft~r~ ~1 and ~ 8 sxclu~ive, gor ~xampl~, in the pha~ shl~er~ ~ 3 ~n~ ~ 6, it is unn~e~sa~y ~o ~odif~ the phas~ of th~ o~h~r phas~
R~ference h~ b~en nl~de only to th~ phase shift qontro1 o~ the ph~s~ ~hlters in ~h~ oregoing exp1~nat1on, Howev~r, in th~ case o~ a phased arra~
ant~nn~ wh~rein pow~r supplied to th~ resp~ctiv~ ~ntenna el~ment ~y~t~ms ls weighted, ressttin~ o~ power weight~ to the normal ~3y~em~ may ~l~o b~ v~lid ~m th~ vi~wp~ink ~
improving p~r~ormancæ~,.
A~ on0 o$ such w~i~ht~ny methoa~, f or examp1o, , , ~ J ~ , . . .
`'~ ' ' Chebyshe~ weighting ~3 w~93.1 known and may b~ employ~d, but the pre~ent invent-~ on is not limited to th~ sp~clfic method .
Further, in order to p~even~ th~ trouble in1uences ~om ~eing extarld~d to th~ othe~ no~nal ~ystem~, the p~e~nt inventlon may b~ arranged 90 that, E~8 shown in ~lg~ n~ of the pha~e shi$t~rs which occu2red a troubl~ r~lngl~ t~mlnated at it~ inpu~ or output ~nd with a prescribed re~ifst~r or ~n impedance element to avoid ilnped~nc~ mism~tching oaused by the troubl0 ~ys~em.
Indu~trial Applicabillt~r:
A9 has ~Qrl expla~ned in the for~going, in accordarlc~ with a ph~ed array antenn~ o:E th~ ~r~sent inventiorl, when a t~ or trouble~ tak~ place in any one or ones oiE a pluralltr o~ power 8u,y?ply s~rs'cems, th~
pha~o control or distl~ibu~ion po~er o~ phas~ shi~ters in th~ other nvrmal power suppl~ ~ystems is reset r~sponsive to th~ tro~ situations~ As ~ resul~, the optlmum control bas~d on the ~rou~ ystem~ can be r~liz~d and ~h~ p~f~mance~ o~ the phas~d array ant~nns c~n b~
improv~d t~ ~ la~go e~stent.

.~.... .. . . .

'' ~ ~ . ' ' '' ' ' :
- . ~
,", .. . .

Claims (6)

1. A phased array antenna in which signals are input or output through a plurality of antenna elements, through a plurality of phase shifters connected to said plurality of antenna elements and corresponding in number thereto and through a divider; characterized in that, when a trouble or troubles take place in any one or ones of said plurality of antenna elements or power supply systems leading thereto, said troublle power supply system or systems where the trouble or troubles take place are terminated at their input or output ends respectively with a predetermined resistor or an impedance element to consume power to a supplied to the associated antenna element at said resistor or said impedance element.
2. A phased array antenna as set forth in claim 1, characterized by comprising means for detecting one or ones of said plurality of power supply systems having said trouble or troubles occured therein and switching means actuated on the basis of said detection result, and that, when a trouble or troubles take place in any one or ones of said plurality of power supply systems, power supplied to said trouble power supply system or systems are consumed at said terminated resistors or said impedance elements connected to the trouble systems.
3. A phased array antenna in which signals are input or output through a plurality of antenna elements, through a plurality of phase shifters connected to said plurality of antenna elements and corresponding in number thereto and through a divider; characterized in that, when a trouble or troubles take place in any one or ones of said plurality of antenna elements or power supply systems leading thereto, phase and/or distribution rate of power supplied to the other normal power supply systems than said trouble power supply systems is controlled according to the trouble conditions.
4. A phase array antenna as set forth in claim 3, characterized by comprising means for detecting any one or ones of said plurality of power supply systems having said trouble or troubles occured therein and memory means for previously storing said trouble conditions and control signals to be output according to the trouble conditions, and in that one or ones of said control signals associated with said detection result are output from said memory means at the time of said trouble occurrence.
5. A phase array antenna as set forth in any of claims 4 and 5, characterized in that said control signals include signals for controlling said power distribution rate of said divider to said power supply systems and phase shift angle of said phase shifters.
6. A phase array antenna as set forth in any of claims 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, characterized in that said means for detecting any one or ones of said plurality of power supply systems having said trouble or troubles occured therein, is carried out by detecting a difference between signals induced at input and output ends of each of said phase shifters or by detecting a ratio between input signal power and reflected signal power at said input end of the each phase shifter.
CA 2001922 1988-10-31 1989-10-31 Phased array antenna Abandoned CA2001922A1 (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
JP275831/1988 1988-10-31
JP27583188A JPH02122701A (en) 1988-10-31 1988-10-31 Phased array antenna
JP28015888A JPH02126703A (en) 1988-11-04 1988-11-04 Phased array antenna
JP280158/1988 1988-11-04

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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA 2001922 Abandoned CA2001922A1 (en) 1988-10-31 1989-10-31 Phased array antenna

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4359740A (en) * 1978-02-06 1982-11-16 Hazeltine Corporation Phased array antenna with extinguishable phase shifters
JPS56137708A (en) * 1980-03-31 1981-10-27 Mitsubishi Electric Corp Electronic control antenna
JPS5779702A (en) * 1980-11-04 1982-05-19 Nec Corp Phase synthesis antenna system
JPS5796277A (en) * 1980-12-08 1982-06-15 Mitsubishi Electric Corp Phased array radar

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