CA1286705C - Quick connect fluid fitting assembly - Google Patents

Quick connect fluid fitting assembly


Publication number
CA1286705C CA000482459A CA482459A CA1286705C CA 1286705 C CA1286705 C CA 1286705C CA 000482459 A CA000482459 A CA 000482459A CA 482459 A CA482459 A CA 482459A CA 1286705 C CA1286705 C CA 1286705C
Prior art keywords
fluid conduit
socket means
fitting assembly
Prior art date
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Expired - Fee Related
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Other languages
French (fr)
Leon F. Lavene
Daniel L. Deland
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Schmelzer Corp
Original Assignee
Schmelzer Corp
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Schmelzer Corp filed Critical Schmelzer Corp
Priority to CA000482459A priority Critical patent/CA1286705C/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1286705C publication Critical patent/CA1286705C/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Fee Related legal-status Critical Current



  • Quick-Acting Or Multi-Walled Pipe Joints (AREA)


A quick-connect fitting or coupling assembly is adapted for releasably connecting and disconnecting a pair of fluid conduits in fluid communication with one another. The assembly includes a socket on one of the fluid conduits for receiving the other fluid conduit inserted longitudinally therein into an interlocking engagement with a resilient barb member. A removal member is selectively slidably movable in the socket for deflecting the barb member out of such interlocking engagement in order to remove the previously inserted fluid conduit. The assembly also preferably includes lateral support members for laterally supporting the fluid conduits relative to one another thus strengthening the connection therebetween. One of the preferred embodiments includes one or more valve mechanisms for preventing fluid flow into or out of the disconnected fluid conduits, while allowing fluid flow therebetween when the fluid conduits are connected to one another. Other embodiments include a feature by which the fitting assembly is relatively tamper-resistant.



~1 = ~
The invention relates generally to fluid conduit fitting or coupling devices. More particularly, the invention relates to fluid conduit fittings or couplings adapted for quickly and oonveniently connecting or disconnecting a pair of fluid conduits.
A wide variety of fluid conduit fittings and couplings have been provided in the prior art for connecting fluid conduits in fluid communication with one another. One ~ype of such previously-known couplings includes an external generally U-~haped staple or spring clip that is ineerted into generally lateral openings In an assembled fitting or coupling in order to interlockingly connect the component of the assembly to one another. Frequently, h~wever, ~uch staples or clips tecome mispla oed or permanently deforned as a result of repeated assembly and disassembly of the ooupling and are therefore rendered unusable and must be replaced. Additionally, such staples or clips frequently protrude outwardly away from the fitting or coupling ass~mbly where they can snag on, or interfere with, other adja oe nt components in an apparatus or system.
Finally, in high pressure applications, such Etaples or clip~ are often re~uired to ~e very stiff and are thus difficult to install and remove from the fluid oDupling or fitting.
Other prior art fittings or couplings require the use of an external clamp or s1ng that oomp~esses one of the fluid conduits onto a nipple-like ~tructure and are very tLme consuming to install or remove during oonnection or disconnection of fluid conduits. Like the staples or clips described above, these external clamps or rings often become misplaoed or permanently damaged d~ring as~embly and disassembly of the fluid conduit joint and therefore must be frequently replaced.

-- ~LZ~
Still other prior art fitting or coupling a~semblies include collars or sleeve-like me~ber~ that are interlockingly interc~nnectable and disconnectable with cne another in order to sealingly connect or di connect a pair of fluid conduits. Although such fitting or ooupling a~emblies overoome many o~ the disadv~ltages of the prior art devi oe s described above by having the collars or sleeves retained on he fluid conduit~ even when disconnected, but frequently do not Frovide adbquate lateral support for the fluid conduits being oonnected to one another and there~y providing a relatively weak connection that is ~usceptible to leakage or that can result in physical damage to the conduits.
Still okher well-known fitting or coupling assemblies include male and fenale elements on the oondui~s that are threadably connectable to one another, but are cumbersome and time-consuming to oonnect o~ disconnect.
These types of couplings are also susceptible to leakage, thereby requiring the application of sealing oDmpounds or tape~tyFe sealants to the threads each time the c~upling elenents are connected to one another. In addition, these types of oouplings or fittings, as well as those described above, freguently do not provide a means for preventing leakage from the fluid conduits during oonnection or disoonnection.
Accordingly, it is one of the objec*s of the present invention to provide an imF~oYed fitting or coupling assembly e~pecially adapted for quickly, conveniently, and releasably connecting a pair of fluid conduits in fluid communication with one another.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a quick-connect fitting or coupling assembly that dbes not include separate or loose components that can be misplaced or damaged during repeated connection and di~connection of a pair of fluid oonduits.
Still another objective of the ere æ nt invention is to Erovide a guick-connect fluid conduit assembly that psovide~ su~stantial lateral support for the fluid conduits being c~nnect~d together in order to prevent damage to ~he oondui~ or the fitting and to prevent leakage therebetween MCe the fitting i~ assembled.
A fur~her object of one of the ereferred embvdiment6 of the present invention i6 to provide a fluid conduit fitt~ng or coupling assembly that includes one or more valve mechanisms for ~ubstantially preYenting leakage rom the fluid conduits being connected together, both during connection and disconnection of the assembly.
In accordance with the Fresent invention, a quick-connect fitting assembly for releasably connecting a eair of fluid conduit6 and fluid communication with one another includes a 60cket on one of the fluid conduits for reoeiving the other fluid oonduit inserted longitudinally inwardly into the socket. m e inserted fluid conduit has a generally laterally extending p~otuberanoe thereon, and a retainer within the fluid socket includes a resilient barb member that i~ resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with the protuberance on the inserted fluid conduit. Preferably, a rem~val member is longitudinally insertable into the EDcket and selectively m~vable therein in order to engage and resiliently deflect the barb member laterally out of interlocking engagement with the protuberance on the lnserted oo~duit, thereky allow Mg the in&erted oonduit to be withdrawn from the socket.
Lateral support is preferably provided b~th at the outward end of the fitting assembly and at the inner end of the in6erted fluid conduit in order to laterally ~upport the inserted fluid conduit relative to the socket and the remainder of the fitting assembly. In a preferred embodLment, the akove-x ntioned removal member ~ontr$butes to aNch lateral support and also functions as a dust cap for 6ubstantially preventing foreign material ~rom enterLng the fiocket and inhibiting proper operation of the fitting assembly.

7t:)5 In one preferred embodLment of the invention, the rem~val member is a generally sleeve-like m~mter ex*ending at least partially into the socket, with a collar member dispo~ed between the socket and the sleeve-like removal m~mber~ Such collar ~ nber i8 located at a lc~gitudinal position generally surrounding both the removal member ~nd a Eecond laterally-extending protuberance on the in erted conduit BO that the sl~eve-like removal m~mber and the oollar member laterally support the inserted fluid conduit. In addition, the retainer in such preferred embcdLment includes the above-mentioned barb memker for interlockingly engaging the first ~rotuberanoe on the Lnserted fluid conduit, as well as a Eecond barb member for retaining the rem~val ~ember within the socket, while allowing the r~oval member to m~ve laterally Lnwardly to di~engage the first ~arb mem~er from the Lnserted fluid oonduit. Such pre~erred retaLner also includes a third barb member for retaining the collar mEmber in its proper longitudinal FDsition in the socket.
In still another embodiment of the invention, one or more normally-closed valve means are provided for substantially preventing leakage from one or both of the fluid oonduits duling disconnection and prior to oonnection. Such valve means, which can be Ftovided on either or both of the inserted fluid conduit and the socket, are urged into open positions when the in~erted fluid oonduit is inserted into the ~ocket and are urged to their normally-closed po itions when the fitting a~sembly is disconnected.
In still cther embodim~nts of ~he invention, the quick-connect fitting assembly includes mean~ for resisting or inhibiting the inadvertent or unauthorized disconnection of the fluid oonduits from one another.
Additional objec~s, advantages and features o~ the present invention will become apparent from the following description and the appended claim~, taken in conjunction with the ac~ompanying drawings.


Figure 1 is a longi~udinal cross-~ectional view of one preferred e~bodiment of a ~uick-connect fitting assembly according to the Ere6ent invention.
Figure 2 is a longitudinal cross~sectional view 6imilar to Figure 1, but showing one of the fluid conduits being inserted into ~he fitting assembly.
Figure 3 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view similar to Figures 1 and 2r but shcwing the previously inserted fluid conduit being withdrawn from the fitting assEmbly.
Figure 4 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view of another Freferred embodiment of the present Lnvention, wherein a quick-connect fitting assembly includes valving mechanisms for sub6tantially preventing leakage from the ~luid conduits during connection or disconnection.
Figure 5 is a cross-sectional view taken generally along line 5-5 of Figure 4.
Figure 6 is an enlarg~d cross-~ectional view of one of the valve elements of Figure 4.
Figure 7 is a longitudinal cross-sectional view ~inilar to that of Figure 4, but illu~trating the Freviously inserted fluid conduit being withdrawn from the fitting ass3mbly.
Figure 8 is a longitudinal cross-~ectional view ~imilar to Figure 1, but illustrating an alternate embodiment of the present invention.
Figure 9 is a longitudinal cross-~ectional view ~imilar to Figure 1, but illustrating another alternate embodL~ent of the present inven~ion wherein the quick-cvnnect fitting assembly is relatively t~mper-resi~tant, thereby inhibiting the improper disconnection thereo~.
Figure 9A is a lateral cross-sectional view taken generally along o~
line 9A-9A ~f Figure 9.
Figure 10 is a longitudinal cros~6ectional view 6imilar o ~igure 9, but illustrating ~till another relatively ta~per-resistant embodiment of the pYesent invention.
Figure 11 is a longitudinal cross-6ectional view of ~till another alternate ~mkodiment of ~he present invention.
Figure 12 is a lateral cross-~ectional view taken generally along line 12-1~ of Figure 11, but shown with a portion of the sscket member broken away to reve21 internal ~hape and components.

Figures 1 through 12 illu6trate various exemplary emkodiments of the F¢esent invention in quick-o~nnect fitting assemblies for releafiably connecting pairs of cylindrical fluid conduits ts one another in fluid communication therebetween. As will beccme apearent to one skilled in the art from the following discussion, the illustrated embodLments of the quick-connect fitting assembly according ~o the present invention are also applicable ~o fluid ystems and fluid conduits of shapes, con~igurations or types other than those ~hcwn for purpo æs of illustration in the drawing~.
Referring to Figures 1 through 3, a preferred quick-connect ~itting assembly 10 i~ Frovided in accordance with the present invention for releasably connecting a firs~ fluid conduit 12 and a ~econd fluid conduit 14 to one another in fluid oammunication therebetween. It ~hould be noted that the first fluid conduit 12, shown for purposes of illustration, include~ a nipple portion 16 thereon and is adapted for connection to a flexible fluid tube or other conduit. It should be emFhasized, however, that ~uch a construction is Ehuwn merely for purpo æs of illustration, and the pre~ent invention is equally applicable to a fir~t fluid conduit of virtually any other known CDnstruCtion~ either rigid or '7~
fle~ible, and with or without 6UCh fluid conduit ~eing adapted for oonnection to an3th~r c~nduit.
m e fiecond fluid cDnduit 14, which Fleferably includes first and ~econd generally laterally-extendin~ protuberances 20 and 22 r is longitudinally insertable into a ~ocket me ~ er or assembly 26 ~hat is either integrally formed on the first fluid conduit 12 or &ealingl~ secured thereto. m e s~cke~ member or assembly 26 includes a Freferred resilient or spring-like retainer m~mber 30 disposed therein and having a first barb m~mber 32 extending inwardly thererom in a generally longitud mal and lateral direction.
When the ~econd fluid oonduit 14 is longitudinally inaerted into tbe socket member 26 as shown in Figure 2, the fir 8t protuberance 20 enga~es the first barb ~ember 32, and caues it to resiliently deflect in a generally outward direction as the first protuberance 20 passes longitudinally thereby. Once the first protuberance 20 has longitudinally cleared the first barb member 32, the first barb member 32 re~iliently retracts inwardly into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with the ~irst Frotuberan oe 20. m us, in its fully inserted position, the first Ftotuberance 20 on the second fluid conduit 14 is lGngitudinally re~trained between the first barb member 32 and a top member 36 dispo~ed in a retaining and abutting engagement with a ~tepped portion 38 of the ~ocket member 26. One or more sealing members, such as Eealing members 42 and 44, are sealingly cGmFressed between the inner ~urface of the Eocket member 26 and the outer surfa oe of the ~eo~nd fluid conduit 14 in order to provide fluid sealing between ~he first and second fluid conduits 12 and 14, resFectively. Preferably, the ~ealing members 42 M d 44, are ~eparated and maintained in their proper positions by an inner collar member 48 and are longitudinally retained within the socket member 26 between the ~top m~mber 36 and a stepped portion 50 of ~he ~ocket member 26. A reduced diameter 67~)S
Fortion 54 of the ~ocket nem~er 26 E~ovide6 lateral suppbrt for the Eec3nd fluid conduit 14 at a longitudinal position generally ~dja oe nt it~ inner end, thereby ~trengthening the interoonnection therebetween. Although such inner and lateral 8upport i~ erwided Frimarily by the reduoed diameter portion 54, the inner oDl1ar nember 48 also oDntributes ~omæ~hat to the lateral support of the second fluid oonduit 14.
The fittin~ assembly 10 also includes ~ removal memker 56, which is generally of a sleeve-like configuration and extends at least p~rtially into the socket ~æmber 26. m e removal member 56 is lo~gitudinally movable in an inward direction to engage and urge the first barb member 32 into a resiliently and cutwardly deflected position where it i8 cl~ar of the first protuberanoe 20 on the ~econd fluid conduit 14. ~hen the first barb n~mber 32 is resiliently deflected into guch a position as ~hown in Figure 3, the second fluid conduit 14 can be longitudinally withdrawn from the sDcket member 26, thereby difisDn~ecting the first fluid conduit 12 and ~he ~econd 1uid conduit 14 from one another.
me removal memker 56 preferably includes a flange portion 58 at its longitudinally outer end that lLmits the longitudinally inward movement o the removal member 56 and provides an external bearLng surfa~e that is abuttable by the user's hand or by a tool for ~electively urging the removal member 56 Ln a longitudinally inward direction in order to remove the second fluid conduit 14 frcm the ~ocket nember 26. m e removal member 56 also preferably ircludes a generally laterally-exte~ding discontinuity 60 that is engaged l~y a second barb m~ber 62 on the retainer m0ber 30 for restraining or limiting the longitudinally outward movement of ~:he rem~val n~mber 56, while ~till allawing it to be Ir~ved longitudinally inwardly in order to engage ~e first barb member 32. ln this regard, it Ehould be noted that the discontinuity 60 on the removal m~nber 56 preferably has a sloped inner end that is generally adjaoent the ~irst barb member 32 when 6~7~D~
the fittin~ æembly 10 is in lt~ a66embled or oonnected oondition and there~ore E~ovide longi~udinal ~upport ~or the first barb nember 32 in order to aid in resi~ting any longitudinally outward movement cf the second ~luid conduit 14 relative to the ~ocket m~mber 26. Phrthermore, when the removal member 56 i5 moved longitudinally inwardly to ngage and resiliently deflect the first barb member 32 and then released, ~he firfit barb member 32 resiliently biases the rem~val nember 56 back to its normal longitudinal position within the socket member 26.
The socket member or assembly 26 also preferably includes an outer collar member 66 disposed generally adjacent its longitudinally outward end and retained therein between a socket flange prtion 68 and a third barb member 70 that extends generally in a longitudin211y outward and laterally inward directi4n ~o retainingly engage the outer aollar member 66. The outer collar mæmber 66 is positioned laterally between the removal ~ember 56 and the socket member 26 at a longitudinal position wherein it generally surrounds ~he seoond protuberan oe 22 on the ~econd fluid conduit 14 so that the outer oollar member 66 and the removal mEmber 56 provide lateral support for the second fluid oonduit 14 generally at or near the longitudinally outer end of the ~cket me~ber 26. Thi6 later21 ~upQort, ooupled with the lateral support p~ovided by the reduoed diameter p~rtion 54 at the opposite longitudinal end of the socket member 26, provide improved st2ength and stability of the oonnection between the first and second fluid oDnduits 12 and 14, respectively, o~er that provided by prior art quick-connect fitting ass~mblies. Such ~trength and stability also contribute g¢eatly ~o substantially preventing leakage between the first and seoond fluid conduits 12 and 14, respectively.
In addition to the above-di~cussed lateral Buppsrt provid~d at the longitudinally outer end of the socket member 26 by the outer collar member S6, the removal member 56, and the æ oond protuberance 22, the engagement between the interior surface of ~he removal member 56 and the second protuberance 22, a~ well a3 the engagemen~ between the outer surface of ~he removal nember 56 and the Dcket flange 68, allow the removal ~ er 56 to serve as a ~dust cap" that ~ubstantially Erevent6 ~he entry of dub* or okher foreign material mto the ~o~ket nember 26. Thu6, the Freferred removal mem~er 56 serves at least three functions, namely the conduit removal and lateral support functions described above, as well as substantially preventing the entry of such foreign material.
During initial assembly of the quick-connect fitting ass~mbly 10, the sealin~ m~mbers 42 and 44 and the Lnner collar member 48 are first ~ rted into the socket member 26 and retained therein ~y the s.op memker 36. ~ext, the retaLner member 30, which can be ~tamped out o~ Eheet sF~ing material, for exampl2, is inserted into the socket member 26 in a longitudinal and lateral engagenent with the ~top member 36. The outer collar m3mker 66 is then inserted into the socket member 26 adjacent the third barb member 70, and the socket flange 68 is swaged, ~pun, or okherwise formed into a laterally mwardly-extending c~nfiguration in order to retain the outer collar member 66 and the retainer member 30 within the socket member 26.
After ~he above-described assembly of the &ocket member 26 and related components is completed, the removal member 56 is inserted longitudinally into the ~ocket member 26, wherein the di~continuity 60 engages and resiliently deflects the second barb member 62 laterally outwardly until the di~continuity 60 paR~es longitudinally thereby. me ~econd barb member 62 then resiliently retracts into the above-described longitudinal engasement with the discontinuity 60 on the rem~val member 56.
At this eoint in the assembly operation, the quick-connec~ ~ittLng asEembly is ready for insertion of the second fluid conduit 14 and for subsequent connection or disconnection of the first and second fluid conduits 12 and 14, respectively. ~
Figures 4 through 7 illus~rate another of the preferred em~odiments of the p~esent inventionr in which a quick-connect fittiny assembly 110 is similar in mQny respects to quick-connect fitting a~~mbly 10 of Figures 1 through 3, exceF~ that the preferred fitting a~ambly 110 includes valve assemblies 176 and 276 and an inner sleeve 152 for laterally supporting the second fluid oonduit 114 generally adja oent its inner end.
Eecause of the many similarities in both oonfiguration and function between the fitting assembly 110 of Figures 4 ~hrough 7 and the fitting assembly 10 cf Figures 1 through 3r various elements of the fitting as~embly 110 that are similar in configuration or function to tho~e of the fitting assembly 10 are indicated ty reference numerals that are 100 numerals higher than the corresponding elements of the fitting assembly 10. Also because of the many similarities in both configuration and functisn between the fitting assembly 10 and the fitting assembly 110, the description of 8wh similar o~ corresponding elements or features i~ nDt repeated herein in csnnection with the fitting assembly 110.
In the Freferred quick-connect fitting as~embly 110 illustrated in ~igures 4 through 7, the socket m~mber la6 lncludbs the valve as~embly 176 therein, which is a nornally-closed valve næchanism for p~eventing fluid flcw into or out of the first fluid oonduit 112. The valve assEmbly 176 includes a valve m~mber 178 that i8 longitudinally movable between an open position ~shown in Figure 4) spa oe d longitudinally away from a valve seat 180, and a closed position (~hown in Figure 7) wherein the valve member 178 is in sealing engagement with the valve Eeat 180.
When the valve member 178 i~ in its open position as Ehown in Figure 4, fluid communication is provided between the interior of the socket n~mber 126 and he f ir~t fluid conduit 112, by way o an aperture 181 extending throuqh ~he valve seat 180 and a plurality of opening 188 in 3~7~1~r~
the valve ~Ember 178 (~ee Figure 5). The valve member 17B is re~iliently biased toward it~ clo~ed po~ition by a ~pring 184 that is cGmpre~sed between ~he valve member 178 and a 6tepped portion 190 of the fir~t fluid conduit 112. The valve member 178 al~o includes an actuating rod 186 extendLng in a generally longitudinal direction through the aperture 181 in the valve fieat 180 and havinq a cross-sectional shape that allows fluid flow through ~he aperture 181 when ~he v lve member 178 i~ in its open position. m e valve member 178 al~o preferably includes an annular ridge p~rtion 182 for ealingly enyaging the valve seat 180.
Preferably, the valve ~eat 180 is an annular disc-shaped nember oompo æ d of an elastomer or okher ~uitable valve ~eat material. In ~uch preferred embodiment, the v~lve ~eat 180 iB supported and retain2d in its proper pDsition within the ~cket member 126 ~y the inner sleeve 152, ~hich i~ in turn held in its proper longitudinal position within the socket m~mber 126 by the stop memker 136 and the retainer member 130. An 0-ring or other suitable sealing member is preferably provided in a groove 173 in the inner sleeve 152 in order to Frevent le~kage from the first fluid oonduit 112 into the re~ainder of the socket mæmber 126.
The seoond fluid conduit 114 al~o includes a valve a6~embly 276, whi~h i5 similar in many respects to the valve asaenbly 176 in the ~ocket member 126. The valve assembly 276 incl~des a valve member 278, which is longitudinally nsvable between a closed position in eealing engagement with a valve seat 280 (as ~hown in Figure 7) and an open position ~p~ced longitudinally away from the valve æ at 280 (as ~hown in Figure 4). Like the valve æ at 180, the valve seat 280 is F~eferably an annular di~c-&haped member composed of an elastomeric material or other suitable sealing material, and has an aperture 281 extending therethrough to allcw fluid flow into or out of the seoond fluid oonduit 114 when the valve member 278 is in its open p~sition. It ehould be nDted that ~he valve memker 278 is Ereferably E~antially identical in oonfiguration to ~ valve ~aber 178, h~ i~ smaller ~;o that it can fit within the ~econd fluid conduit 114.
q~e valve seat 280 i6 retained within the secord fluid o~nduit 114, generally adjaoent an end portion thereof, by ~ backing ring 283 which is sealed with respect to the interior o the eecond fluid oonduit 114 by a sealing n~er 285. The valve seat 280 and the backing ring 283 are retained within the second fluid conduit 114 by a laterally inwardly-extend~ng flange portion 290. Similar to the valve m~ber 178, the valve m~r 27 8 includes a plurality of flaw openings 288 extending therethrough, as well as an actuating rod 286 extending longitudinally through the aFerture 281 of the valve ~eat 280. As was discussed above in connection with the actuating rod 186, the actuating rod 286 has a cro~s-section21 shape and configuration that allow fluid flow thereby when the valve member 278 is in its open position. A biasing spring 284 is Fsovided withLn the second fluid conduit 114 for resiliently biasing the valve member 278 toward its closed p~sition, and is Freferably retained within the Eecond fluid c~nduit 114 by way of one or more retainer or ~nap rings, such as thoEe Lndicated ~y referenoe numerals 292 and 294.
When the seoond fluid conduit 114 i~ longitudinally inserted into the socket member 126, the actuating rods 186 and 286, which extend longitudinally in opposite direction~, akuttingly ~nga~e one another in order to urge their respective valve n~mbers 178 and 278 into their open positions. Thus, when the first and second fluid oonduits l12 and 114 are connected together Ln the quick-connect fitting assembly 110 as shown in Figure 4, the resFective valve assemblies 176 and 276 are opened in order to Erovide fluid ccmmunication between the firfit and ~econd fluid o~nduits 112 and 114, respectively. It should be noted, however, that eeior to such insertion of the second fluid conduit 114, the valve a ~emblies 176 and 276 ase in their n~rnally-clo~ed condition, thereby substantially Freventing ;7~;
leakage fram the ~ir~t flui~ conduit 112 and the ~econd fluid condui~ 114, re~pectively.
~ n order t~ ~ubstan~ially Erevent apFreciable leakage from the fir~t and ~econd fluid conduit~ 112 and 114, respectively, when they are rele~sably disconnected, ~he biasing spring6 la4 and 2~ langitudinally urge their respective valve members 178 and 278 into ~heir closed positions as the second fluid conduit 114 is longitudinally withdrawn from the ~ocket member 126. Preferably, the longitudinal travel of the valve m~mbers 178 and 278 in kheir closing directions is less than the distance between at least one of the fiealin9 m~mbers 142 and 144 and the end of the second fluid cDnduit 114 when the second fluid conduit 114 i8 fully in erted into the 60cket m2n~er 126. Yy ~uGh an arrang~ment, the fluid eeal betw~en the &econd fluid conduit 114 and the socket member 126 (by way of ~ealing members 142 and 144) is pFeserved during withdrawal of the second fluid conduit 114 until ~ter the valve memkers 178 and Z78 have moved into their closed positions. Thus, when the ~econd fluid c~nduit 114 is rem~ved fram the socket member 126, at most only a small and relatively negligible amount of fluid between the sealing member 144 and the valve seat disc 180 is allowed to escape. This arrangement, therefore, allows the quick-oonnect fitting assembly 110 to be u~ed in fluid ~ystems where it is ne oessary or desirable to substantially prevent or minimize the ~mount of leakage or pre~sure loss fr~m the fluid conduits during connection or di~connection, or in fluid systems wherein such oDnnection or disconnection must be performed while the fluid conduits are Fressurized and~or contain fluid.
Figures 8 through 12 illustrate other embodiment~ o~ the ereænt invention in which alternate removal mæmbers are fihown in a quick-connect fitting assembly generally ~imilar tD that o~ Figures 1 through 3. It should be noted, however, that the ~tructural ~ariation~ and ~he inventive ~67(~S
FrinCiple6 Ebown in Figure~ 8 through 12 are ~qually applicable t~ ~he ~mbodi~ents of the invention ~hown in Figures 4 through 7.
Because of the m~ny similarities in both ~onfiguration and function tetween the embodiment6 shchm in Figure~ 8 through 12 and that of Figures 1 through 3, various elements in Figures 8 thrnugh 12 that are similar in configuration or function to those o~ Figures 1 through 3 are indicated t~ reference numerals that are 300 numeral~- higher in Figure 8, 400 numerals higher in Figure 9, 500 numerals higher in Figure 10, and 600 numerals higher in Figures 11 and 12, than the corresponding elements of the quick-connect fitting assembly 110 of Figures 1 through 3. Also because of ~he many Rimilarities in both configuration and function ~etween the fitting assemblies of Figures 8 through 12 and the fitting a~sembly 110 of Figures 1 through 3, the descripkion of such simllar or corresponding elements or features is not repeated in oonnection with Figures 8 through 12.
In Figure 8, a quick-connect fitting a6sembly 310 includes a retainer member 330 that is generally similar to the retainer member 30 in Figures 1 through 3, except that the second barb member 62 i5 deleted therefrGm. In place of the ~eoond barb member 62 on the ~ccket member 326, the removal member 356 is F~ovided with a resilient removal karb nember 364 which is stamped or ~ut out of the removal member 356 (or otherwi~e formed thereon). The barb member 364 protrudes in a generally laterally and longitudin lly outward direction ~uch that when ~he removal member 356 is inserted into the socket member 326, the barb member 364 resiliently deflect generally laterally outwardly to longitudinally engage the outer collar member 366 associated with the EGcket m~mber 326 and interlockingly retain the removal member in the socket nemker 326. ~he barb member 364 also restrains or limits the longitudinally outward mcvement o~ the removal member 356, while still allowing it to be moved longitudinally Lnwardly Ln 6~
ord~r ~o engage and d~flect ~he ~ir~t barb m~ber 332 a$ described abcve in connectionn with Figures 1 through 3. It ~hould be ncted that the outer collar member 366 can optionally be deleted from the ~ocket me~ker 326, and the barb ~ember 332 can be po~itioned on the removal member ~ ~s to engage the Eccket flange 368.
In the embsdLm2nt illustrated in Figure 9, a quick-connect fitting assembly 410 includes a retainer member 430 that is generally similar to the retainer member 30 m Figuxes 1 ~hrough 3, excepk that the third barb n~mker 70 is deleted therefrom. In addition, the removal m~mber 456 is contained wholly within the socket member 426 thus making ~he fitting assembly 410 relatively tamper-resi~tant in order to inhibit the inadvertent o~ unauthorized di~connection of the fir~t and ~econd fluid conduits 412 and ~14, respectively, from one another~
Instead of the outer oollar member 66 ~hown in Figures 1 through 3, the removal mçmber 456 of Figure 9 includRs an enlarged flange nember 465 that extends laterally between the retainer member 430 and thus Frovides lateral ~upport between the ~eoond protuberanoe 422 on the second fluid oonduit 414 and the ~ocket member 426. Du~ing initial asEembly of the fitting assembly 410, the removal mRmber 456 is inserted into the fiocket member 426 and the outer end thereof is ~pun, &waged, or o~herwise formed laterally inwardly to fcrm the ~ocket flange 468 for retaining the r~mGval member 455 and restraining or limiting its longitudinal outward movement wi~hin the socket m~mber 426.
When it is desired to disconnect the ~irst and second fluid conduits 412 and 414, respectively, in Figure 9, a generally U-shaped di~connect tool 472 (shown in Figures 9 and 9Aj is eteferably slipped wer the second fluid conduit 414 and i8 slidably mcv~d inwardly to abuttingly engage and urge the removal tool 456 longitudinally lnwardly in order to engage and deflect the first barb member 432 as deEcribed above in 367(~S
oDnnection with Fi~ures 1 through 3. ~5 ~hown in Figure 9A, the disconnect t~ol 472 inclu~es an outer flange 47~ that is abuttable ~y the u er'~ hand or another tool, a cylindrical portion 476, a generally U-Ehaped opening 478, and a longitudinal recess 4B0. The longitudinal reces6 provides clearance for the second protuberance 422 when the di~connect tcol 472 is urged longitudinally mwardly. Alternatively, a ~cr~w driver or other suitable common tool or device nsy be in6erted into the socket member 426 to urge ~he removal member 456 laterally inwardly.
Figure 10 illustrates a quick-connect assembly 510 that is s~milar to the quick-connect assembly 410 of Fi~ure 9, excepk that the second barb member 462 is deleted in the retainer member 530. In addition, the discontinuity 460 is deleted frcm the removal mæmber 556 and is replaoed by a radiused inner end portion for engaging and deflecting the first ~arb nember 532 as described absve. In other respect~, the fitting assembly 510 is similar in function and configuration to fitting assembly 410, and the disconnect tool 572 is similar to the disconnec~ tool 472 of Figu¢es 9 and 9A. m e elements of disconnect tools 472 and 5J2 are therefore numbered oorrespondingly.
Figures 11 and 12 illustrate 6till another ~lternate quick-oonnect fitting ass ~ ly 610, ~hich is generally ~cm~what similar in function to the fitting as~emblies 410 and S10 of Figures 9 and 10, but varies ~omewhat therefrom in con~iguration. m e socket nemker or asscmbly 626 in Figures 11 and 12 includes an in~er portion 692 generally oonoentrically disposed therein. The inner portion 692 is received within the ~eoond fluid oonduit 614, with sealing member~ 694 and 696 therebetween, when it is inserted into the ~ocket member 626 to provide fluid ccmmunication with the fir6t fluid ~nduit 612, which is brazed, &oldered, or otherwiEe aecured ~o the 60cket member 626. Alternatively the fir~t fluid conduit 612 can be integrally formed with the socket mmber 626.


The seco~d fluid oDnduit 614 in ~igu¢e6 11 and 12 includes a first p~otuberance 620 ~hat is preferably flared la~erally outwardly a~d laterally inwardly and ~hat is further 6ealed with respec~ to the ~3cke~
m~mber 626 by sealLng mem~er 698. A ~umber of circumferentially spaoed, ~ep~rate and independent leaf EFrings or resilient barb ~mkers Ç32 extend laterally and longitudinally inwardly from the interior of the socket member 626. meæ barb members 632 longitudinally interlockingly engage the first protuberanoe 620 and retain the second fluid conduit 614 within the socket member 626 in a manner 6imilar to that of the first barb members on the retainer members discus6ed above in connection with the o~her embodiments of ~he invention.
The barb members 632 of the fitting afi~embly 610 shown in Figures 11 and 12 are reoe ived withLn internal slots 628 in the so~ket member or a6sembly 626, and the socket member or assembly 626 includes a collar member 666 for retaining the barb m#mbers 632 in ~he internal ~lot~ 628.
~he 810ts ~28 are formed in the socket m~mber 626 between in~ermediate portions 629, which are 0waged, F~essed, or otherwise formed laterally inwardly in the socket member 626. Preferably, the collar member 666 includes an inner portion that is 60m2what resilient in the lateral direction so that it re iliently engages an annular ridge or barb m~mber 664 formed on the removal me$ber 656 ~hen it is inEerted into the socket member 626. Thus, the collar member 66S re~trains or limits the longit~dinal outward movement of the re val mmber 656 within the socket er 626 in a manner ~imllar to that described above in CDnneCtiOn with the other embcdLments of ~he invention.
In Figures 11 and 12, the second fluid conduits 614 i~ laterally supported relative to the ~ocket member 626 along virtually the full longitudinal length ~ the inner E~rtion 692, and ~ way of ~he ~econd protuberance 622, the removal menber 656, and the collar n~mber 666. In ~ 2~3~705 other resFects, the fitting as&embly 610 functions simllar ~o the ~ther embodiments of the invention described above, and preferably ~ncludes the tamper-resi~tant feature and disconnect tool 672 described a~ove in connection with Figures 9 through 10.
m e foregoing discussion disclose~ and describes exemplary embodix nts of the Fresent invention. One ~killed in the art will readily recogm ze from ~uch discussion that various changes, mcdifications and variations may be made therein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as defined in the following claims.

Claims (62)

1. A quick-connect fitting assembly for releasably connecting a pair of fluid conduits to one another for fluid communication therebetween, said quick-connect fitting assembly comprising:

socket means on a first of the fluid conduits for receiving a second of said fluid conduits inserted longitudinally inwardly into said socket means, said second fluid conduit having a laterally-extending protuberance thereon;

retainer means for releasably retaining said second fluid conduit within said socket means, said retainer means including a barb member disposed within said socket means and being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said protuberance as said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means;

removal means longitudinally insertable into said socket means and being selectively movable therein relative to said socket means to urge said barb member out of said interlocking engagement with said protuberance; and lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means at a longitudinal position outward of said barb member, said lateral support means including a second protuberance on said second fluid conduit spaced outwardly away from said first protuberance and extending laterally outwardly in a laterally supporting engagement with said removal means, and a collar member in said socket means, said collar member being disposed between said removal means and the remainder of said socket means in a laterally supporting engagement therebetween at a longitudinal location generally aligned with said second protuberance, said removal means being disposed between said second protuberance and said collar member in a laterally supporting engagement therebetween.
2. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 1, further comprising means associated with said removal means for substantially preventing foreign material from entering said socket means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
3. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 1, further comprising a second barb member within said socket means in a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said collar member.
4. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 1, wherein said removal means includes a sleeve member disposed between said second protuberance and said socket means, said sleeve member being slidably movable longitudinally on said second fluid conduit into engagement with said barb member.
5. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 1, further comprising a second barb member within said socket means resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said removal means in order to retain said removal means in said socket means when said removal means is inserted therein.
6. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 1, further comprising normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
7 . A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 1, further comprising normally-closed valve means disposed within said socket means for sealingly closing off said first fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
8 . A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 7, further comprising second normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said second valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
9. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 1, further comprising second lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means generally adjacent the longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
10 . A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 9, wherein said second lateral support means comprises a reduced diameter portion of said socket means surrounding and laterally engaging said longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
11. A quick-connect fitting assembly for releasably connecting a pair of fluid conduits to one another for fluid communication therebetween, said quick-connect fitting assembly comprising:

socket means on a first of the fluid conduits for receiving a second of said fluid conduits inserted longitudinally inwardly into said socket means, said second fluid conduit having a laterally-extending protuberance thereon;

a first barb member disposed within said socket means and being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said protuberance as said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means;

a sleeve member insertable into said socket means between said socket means and said second fluid conduit at a longitudinal position outward of said first barb member and having a discontinuity thereon, said sleeve member being selectively movable in a longitudinally forward direction relative to, and within said socket means in order to urge said first barb member out of said interlocking engagement with said protuberance and allow said second fluid conduit to be withdrawn from said socket means;

a second barb member disposed within said socket means, said second barb member being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said discontinuity on said sleeve member as said sleeve member into said socket means;

a collar member disposed between said sleeve member and said socket means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit at a longitudinal position outward of said second barb member; and a third barb member disposed within said socket means in a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said collar member.
12. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 11, wherein said sleeve member is insertable into said socket member to a longitudinal position generally adjacent said first barb member in order to provide longitudinal support therefor resisting longitudinally outward movement of said second fluid conduit, said second barb member resisting longitudinally outward movement of said sleeve member.
13. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 11, ?rther comprising lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means at a longitudinally outward end of said socket means.
14 A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 13, wherein said lateral support means includes a second protuberance on said second fluid conduit extending laterally outwardly in a supporting engagement with said sleeve member.
15. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 11, further comprising normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
16. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 11, ?rther comprising normally-closed valve means disposed within said socket means for sealingly closing off said first fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
17. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 1?, further comprising second normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said second valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
18. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 11, further comprising a resilient retainer member disposed within said socket means and generally surrounding at least a portion of said sleeve member and said second fluid conduit; said resilient retainer member having said first, second and third barb members extending generally in a laterally inward direction therefrom.
19 . A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 13, further comprising second lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means generally adjacent the longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
20. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 19, wherein said second lateral support means comprises a reduced diameter portion of said socket means surrounding and laterally engaging said longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
21. A quick-connect fitting assembly for releasably connecting a pair of fluid conduits to one another for fluid communication therebetween, said quick-connect fitting assembly comprising:

socket means on a first of the fluid conduits for receiving a second of said fluid conduits inserted longitudinally inwardly into said socket means, said second fluid conduit having a laterally-extending protuberance thereon;

a first barb member disposed within said socket means and being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said protuberance as said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means;

removal means longitudinally insertable into said socket means between said socket means and said second fluid conduit, said removal means having a discontinuity thereon and being longitudinally movable therein relative to said socket means to urge said first barb member out of said interlocking engagement with said protuberance;

a second barb member disposed within said socket means, said second barb member being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinal engagement with said discontinuity on said removal means as said removal means is inserted into said socket means, said longitudinal engagement retaining said removal means within said socket means but allowing said longitudinal movement therein;

said socket means further including a collar member disposed between said removal means and the remainder of said socket means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit at a longitudinal position outward of said second barb member;

a third barb member disposed within said socket means in a longitudinally interlocking engagement within said collar member; and a second protuberance on said second fluid conduit extending laterally outwardly in a supporting engagement with said removal means, said collar member being disposed between said removal means and the remainder of said socket means at a longitudinal location generally surrounding said second protuberance with said removal means therebetween.
22. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 21, further comprising means associated with said removal means for substantially preventing foreign material from entering said socket means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
23. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 21, wherein said removal means includes a sleeve member between said second protuberance and said socket means, said sleeve member being slidably movable longitudinally on said second fluid conduit into engagement with said first barb member.
24. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 21, wherein said sleeve member is insertable into said socket member to a longitudinal position generally adjacent said first barb member in order to provide longitudinal support therefor resisting longitudinally outward movement of said second fluid conduit, said second barb member resisting longitudinally outward movement of said sleeve member.
25. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 21, ?urther comprising normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
26. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 2?, further comprising normally-closed valve means disposed within said socket means for sealingly closing off said first fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
27. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 26, further comprising second normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said second valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
28 . A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 21, further comprising a resilient retainer member disposed within said socket means and generally surrounding at least a portion of said removal means and said second fluid conduit; said resilient retainer member having said first, second and third barb members extending generally in a laterally inward direction therefrom.
29 . A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 2?, further comprising lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means generally adjacent the longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
30. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 29, wherein said lateral support means comprises a reduced diameter portion of said socket means surrounding and laterally engaging said longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
31. A quick-connect fitting assembly for releasably connecting a pair of fluid conduits to one another for fluid communication therebetween, said quick-connect assembly comprisng:

socket means on a first of said fluid conduits for receiving a second of said fluid conduits inserted longitudinally inwardly into said socket means, said second fluid conduit having first and second laterally-extending protuberances longitudinally spaced apart thereon;

a resilient retainer member disposed within said socket means and generally surrounding said second fluid conduit when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means, said resilient retainer member having at least three barb members longitudinally spaced thereon and extending generally laterally therefrom, a first of said barb members being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said first protuberance on said second fluid conduit as said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means in order to retain said second fluid conduit therein;

a removal sleeve member disposed within said socket means between said second protuberance on said second fluid conduit and said socket means, said removal sleeve being slidably movable longitudinally on said second fluid conduit into engagement with said barb member in order to urge said first barb member out of said interlocking engagement with said first protuberance on said second fluid conduit and to allow said second fluid conduit to be withdrawn from said socket means, said removal sleeve member having a discontinuity thereon, a second of said barb members being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinal engagement with said discontinuity for retaining said removal sleeve within said socket means but allowing said longitudinal movement therein;

a collar member disposed within said socket means between said removal sleeve member and the remainder of said socket means at a longitudinal position generally surrounding said second protuberance on said second fluid conduit in order to laterally support said second fluid conduit at said longitudinal position, said collar member being longitudinally and interlockingly engaged by a third of said barb members in order to retain said collar member within said socket means;

a first valve seat disposed within said socket means, a first valve member longitudinally movable within said socket means between an open position away from said first valve seat and a closed position sealingly engaging said first valve seat in order to sealingly close off fluid communication into or out of said first fluid conduit, and first biasing means for biasing said first valve member into said sealing engagement with said first valve seat;

a second valve seat disposed within said second fluid conduit generally at an end portion thereof, a second valve member longitudinally movable between an open position away from said second valve seat and a closed position sealingly engaging said second valve seat in order to sealingly close off fluid communication into or out of said second fluid conduit, and second biasing means for biasing said second valve member into said sealing engagement with said second valve seat; and said first and second valve members having respective first and second actuating members extending longitudinally therefrom, said first and second actuating members abutting one another as said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means in order to longitudinally urge said first and second valve members away from their respective first and second valve seats and open fluid communication between said first and second fluid conduits when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means, said first and second biasing means urging said respective first and second valve members into their respective closed positions when said second fluid conduit is withdrawn from said socket means.
32. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 31, further comprising at least one second collar member disposed within said socket means between said second fluid conduit and said socket means at a second longitudinal position generally adjacent said first protuberance on said second fluid conduit in order to laterally support said second fluid conduit at said second longitudinal position, said second collar member being longitudinally abutted by said resilient retainer in order to retain said second collar member within said socket means.
33. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 32, further including sealing means disposed within said socket means and in sealing engagement between said second fluid conduit and said socket means.
34. A quick-connect fitting assembly for releasably connecting a pair of fluid conduits to one another for fluid communication therebetween, said quick-connect fitting assembly comprising:

socket means on a first of the fluid conduits for receiving a second of said fluid conduits inserted longitudinally inwardly into said socket means, said second fluid conduit having a laterally-extending protuberance thereon;

retainer means for releasably retaining said second fluid conduit within said socket means, said retainer means including a barb member disposed within said socket means and being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said protuberance as said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means;

removal means longitudinally insertable into said socket means and being selectively movable longitudinally inwardly therein relative to said socket means to urge said barb member out of said interlocking engagement with said protuberance;

a removal means barb member fixed on said removal means and being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinal engagement with a portion of said socket means as said removal means is inserted into said socket means, said removal means barb member limiting the longitudinally outward movement of said removal means in said socket means while allowing said longitudinally inward movement therein; and lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means at a longitudinal position outward of said barb member, said lateral support means including a second protuberance on said second fluid conduit extending laterally outwardly in a laterally supporting engagement with said removal means and a collar member in said socket means, said collar member being disposed between said removal means and the remainder of said socket means at a longitudinal location generally surrounding said second protuberance with said removal means therebetween.
35. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 34, wherein said removal means barb member protrudes in a generally laterally and longitudinally outward direction from the remainder of said removal means.
36. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 34, further comprising means associated with said removal means for substantially preventing foreign material from entering said socket means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
37. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 34, wherein said removal means includes a sleeve member disposed between said second protuberance and said socket means, said sleeve member being slidably movable in a generally inward longitudinal direction on said second fluid conduit into engagement with said barb member.
38. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 34, further comprising normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
39. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 34, further comprising normally-closed valve means disposed within said socket means for sealingly closing off said first fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
40. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 39, further comprising second normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said second valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means,
41 . A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 34, further comprising second lateral means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means generally adjacent the longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
42. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 41, wherein said second lateral support means comprises a reduced diameter portion of said socket means surrounding and laterally engaging said longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit,
43. A quick-connect fitting assembly for releasably connecting a pair of fluid conduits to one another for fluid communication therebetween, said quick-connect fitting assembly comprising:

socket means on a first of the fluid conduits for receiving a second of said fluid conduits inserted longitudinally inwardly into said socket means, said second fluid conduit having a laterally-extending protuberance thereon;

retainer means for releasably retaining said second fluid conduit within said socket means, said retainer means including a barb member disposed within said socket means and being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said protuberance as said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means;

removal means for engaging and deflectably urging said barb member out of said interlocking engagement with said protuberance in order to allow said second fluid conduit to be removed from said socket means, said removal means including a sleeve member disposed between said second fluid conduit and said socket means at a longitudinal position substantially wholly within said socket means, said sleeve member being longitudinally movable within and relative to said socket means in a generally inward direction into said engagement with said barb member, and including a generally laterally-extending flange portion thereon, said socket means including a laterally inwardly-extending portion engageable by said flange portion for retaining said sleeve member within said socket means and for limiting the longitudinal outward movement of said sleeve member within said socket means; and lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means at a longitudinal position outward of said barb member, said lateral support means including a second protuberance on said second fluid conduit spaced outwardly away from said first protuberance and extending laterally outwardly in a laterally supporting engagement with said sleeve member generally at a longitudinal position wherein said flange portion is laterally between said second protuberance and said socket means in laterally supporting engagement therebetween.
44. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 43, further comprising means associated with said removal means for substantially preventing foreign material from entering said socket means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
45. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 43, further comprising a second barb member within said socket means resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said flange portion in order to further retain said sleeve member in said socket means.
46. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 43, further comprising normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
47 . A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 43, further comprising normally-closed valve means disposed within said socket means for sealingly closing off said first fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
48, A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 47, further comprising second normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said second valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
49. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 43, further comprising tool means removably insertable into said socket means for abuttably engaging said sleeve member in order to longitudinally move said sleeve member inwardly within said socket means into said engagement with said barb member.
50. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 49, wherein said tool means comprises a generally U-shaped tool member adapted to be slidably received on said second fluid conduit at a position longitudinally outward of said socket means for longitudinal slidable movement thereon, a portion of said U-shaped tool member being insertable into said socket means in said abutting engagement with said sleeve member when said tool member is slidably moved m a longitudinally inward direction on said second fluid conduit.
51. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 43, further comprising second lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means generally adjacent the longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
52. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 51, wherein said second lateral support means comprises a reduced diameter portion of said socket means surrounding and laterally engaging said longitudinally inner end of said second fluid conduit.
53. A quick-connect fitting assembly for releasably connecting a pair of fluid conduits to one another for fluid communication therebetween, said quick-connect fitting assembly comprising:

socket means on a first of the fluid conduits for receiving a second of said fluid conduits inserted longitudinally inwardly into said socket means, said second fluid conduit having a laterally-extending protuberance thereon;

a number of barb members disposed within said socket means and being resiliently deflectable into a longitudinally interlocking engagement with said protuberance as said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means;

removal means for engaging and deflectably urging said barb members out of said interlocking engagement with said protuberance in order to allow said second fluid conduit to be removed from said socket means, said removal means including a sleeve member disposed between said second fluid conduit and said socket means at a longitidinal position substantially wholly within said socket means, said sleeve member being longitudinally movable relative to, and within said socket means in a generally inward direction into said engagement with said barb members, said sleeve member including an annular barb member extending generally laterally outwardly therefrom for engaging a portion of said socket means for retaining said sleeve member within said socket means and for limiting the longitudinal outward movement of said sleeve member within said socket member; and lateral support means for laterally supporting said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means, said lateral support means includes a second protuberance on said second fluid conduit extending laterally outwardly in a laterally supporting engagement with said removal means and a collar member disposed between said sleeve member and the remainder of said socket means at a longitudinal location generally surrounding said second protuberance with said sleeve member therebetween in order to laterally support said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means.
54. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 53, wherein said socket means includes a generally cylindrical outer portion and a generally cylindrical inner portion disposed substantially concentrically within said outer portion, said second fluid conduit being received within said outer portion and said inner portion being received within said second fluid conduit when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
55. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 53, further comprising means associated with said removal means for substantially preventing foreign material from entering said socket means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said pocket means.
56, A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 53, wherein said socket means includes a number of internal slots therein, each of said barb members being received within one of said internal slots.
57. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 56, wherein said socket means includes a collar member therein between said sleeve member and said internal slots, said collar member retaining said barb members in their associated internal slots.
58 . A quick connect fitting assembly according to claim 53, wherein said socket means includes a generally cylindrical outer portion and a generally cylindrical inner portion disposed substantially concentrically within a portion of said outer portion, said second fluid conduit being received within said outer portion and said inner portion being received within said second fluid conduit when second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means in order to further laterally support said second fluid conduit relative to said socket means.
59. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 53, further comprising normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
60. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 53, further comprising normally-closed valve means disposed within said socket means for sealingly closing off said first fluid conduit, and means for opening said valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
61. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 60, further comprising second normally-closed valve means on said second fluid conduit for sealingly closing off said second fluid conduit, and means for opening said second valve means when said second fluid conduit is inserted into said socket means.
62. A quick-connect fitting assembly according to claim 53, wherein said tool means comprises a generally U-shaped tool member adapted to be slidably received on said second fluid conduit at a position longitudinally outward of said socket means for longitudinal slidable movement thereon, a portion of said U-shaped tool member being insertable into said socket means in said abutting engagement with said sleeve member when said tool member is slidably moved in a longitudinally inward direction on said second fluid conduit.
CA000482459A 1985-05-27 1985-05-27 Quick connect fluid fitting assembly Expired - Fee Related CA1286705C (en)

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CA000482459A CA1286705C (en) 1985-05-27 1985-05-27 Quick connect fluid fitting assembly

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CA000482459A CA1286705C (en) 1985-05-27 1985-05-27 Quick connect fluid fitting assembly

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