CA1284379C - Apparatus and method for damping head positioners for high performance disk drives - Google Patents

Apparatus and method for damping head positioners for high performance disk drives


Publication number
CA1284379C CA000532760A CA532760A CA1284379C CA 1284379 C CA1284379 C CA 1284379C CA 000532760 A CA000532760 A CA 000532760A CA 532760 A CA532760 A CA 532760A CA 1284379 C CA1284379 C CA 1284379C
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French (fr)
Roger R. Sleger
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HP Inc
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Hewlett Packard Co
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  • Moving Of Heads (AREA)
  • Supporting Of Heads In Record-Carrier Devices (AREA)


In order to improve servo system stability and decrease settling times in rotary head positioners for high performance magnetic disc drives, a floating mass damper is mounted on the end of an accessing head arm structure of the positioner opposite to the end or ends carrying the magnetic head or heads. The damper includes a spring centered floating mass which rests on a viscous film, such as sili-cone oil, and the shear forces developed by motion of the floating mass across the film dissipates vibrational mode energy in the accessing head arm structure during both a fast seek operation followed by track following fine servo operation. Such energy dissipation thus reduces the set-tling time and amplitude of natural resonance of the head positioner.




Technical Field This invention relates generally to the control of magnetic head movemen~ in high per~ormance magnetic disk drives. More particularly, the inven~ion is directed to the stabilization and control of mechanical resonances which occur in head positioners for such drives.

Background Art A disk drive is a rotating magnetic storage device capable of storing data which may by accessed at high speeds. This device includes a rotatirg, flat magnetic surface onto which data can ba recorded and later retrieved, usually in milliseconds because of the high rotational rate of the disk and the fast radial accessing capability of the head positioner. The head positioner of the disk drive assembly functions to locate and maintain the magnetic read/write heads at a commanded track position above the disk, and this head positioner also provides precision sup-port and stability which is necessary for the heads to function properly. Most disk driv designs are based upon the moving head principle as opposed to the faster, but more costly, "head per track" concept. Usually more than one disk or disk surface is used per drive, and in this case one or two seperate head~ are used for accessing each disc surface. The heads for each surface are mounted on aligned arms of the positioner such that they all move in unison.
The resulting head positioner structure looks like a comb and is often re~erred to the " head comb". The head comb is typically aligned and moved by a support and motor structure which is operative with either linear or rotary motion.

When a head positioner in a disk drive performs a very fast seek, many resonant or ringing modes of vibration can be excited and unles~ properly damped, will tend to ring for .:


7'~3 long periods of time, typically on the order of 100 mili-seconds or more. Often the amplitude of these modes of vibration at the magnetic head position is a large percen-tage of the width o~ a data track on the magnetic disk. If this is the case, data rea~ing or writing will be disabled until the ringing amplitude drops to a value suf~iciently low to permit accurate reading or writing.

Disk drives having a high track density typically employ positioning servo schemes in order to ensure accurate and ast track locating by the magnetic heads.
~owever, the accuracy and speed of such servo systems are highly dependant upon the mechanical system resonances. A
servo system is a negative feedback control system in which part of the system is mechanical. An ideal control loop for such a servo system feeds the output signal of the system back to the input o~ the system and out o~ phase with the input thereto to force the system to exhibit a unity gain transfer function. When the servo system mechanics are introduced, mechanical resonances produce output signals greater than the input signals as well as cause shifted output signal phase relationships relative to the input signal. Some compensation is customarily introduced into the servo control loop to provide improved stability with the mechanical system. But in spite of this compensation, mechanical resonances of the above type produced by head positioner vibrational resonances often are large enough and provide a phase shift o~ suf~icient magnitude to create a positive feedback for the system at greater than unity gain.
When this happens, the servo loop becomes unstable at that resonance frequency.

In the low performance disc drive industry, one prac-tice has been to employ rotational dampers on stepper motors which are used to drive head positioners for the disc drives. These dampers are used to increase the stability of the stepper motor per se. However, as presently known, these damping techniques o~ the prior art are not directed to the damping of vibrational resonances o~ an entire head positioner used in high performance track following se~o disc drive actuators, as in the case with the present inven-tion.

Disclosure of Invention The general purpose of this invention is to provide a new and improved solution to th~ above problems resulting from vibrational resonances in head positioners for disk drives~ This solution involves reducing the amplitude of resonance modes of vibration in the head positioner .by providing a chosen movable ~loating mass at a selected location on the head positioner, and this location exhibits large motions of the vibrating resonant modes in the head positioner. This mass is positioned in a liquid film of known viscosity, and the mass and film are located within a housing securely fixed to the head positioner at the selec-ted location thereon. As the head positioner traverses its seeking path and abruptly comes toward a rest position, vibrational mo~e energy is couple~ from the head positioner to the mass to thus causĀ¢ the mass to move across the liquid film, thereby creating shear forces at the mass-film inter-face. These shear ~orces and the distance over which they act represent damper or energy loss that is removed from the vibration mode energy of the head positioner.

In a preferred embodiment of invention, the mass is centered via a soft-spring between opposite end walls of the housing, and vibrational energy received by the housing is viscously coupled to the mass at frequencies close or equal to the vibrational resonant frequencies of the head posi-tioner. The spring only serve to keep the mass away from the end walls of the ma s-housin~, so that the damper mass remains functional regardless o~ its orientation relative to gravity.


Accordingly, an object of an aspect of the present invention is to provide a novel damper apparatus which is easy to construct and which is particularly and uniquely adapted and well-suited for mounting on a head positioner for a disc drive.

An object of an aspect of the invention is to provide a new and improved damping method and apparatus which allows faster disk drive track locating times and wider bandwidth and higher performance of servo position-ing systems associated therewith.

An object of an aspect of the invention is to provide a damping method and apparatus of the type des-scribed which dissipates energy from modes of head positioner vibration to thereby reduce settling time after a seek movement. Thus subsequent earlier reading and writing operations are achieved.

An object of an aspect of the invention is to provide a new and improved method and apparatus of the type described which improves associated servo control loop stability.

An object of an aspect of the invention is to provide a new and improved method and apparatus of the type described operative to improve servo and seek performance without the need to increase resonant frequencies which, in some cases, may not be possible.

. ~;

. . , , . ' ' , . ' ~ ' Various aspects of the invention are as follows:
In a head positioner apparatus for a magnetic disc drive wherein one or more track accessing arms are rotatably mounted on a chosen axis and having a point of maximum vibrational resonance amplitude a first predetermined distance from said chosen axis, the improvement comprising:
a floating mass damper mounted on said track accessing arms a second predetermined distance from said central axis and at a location for receiving significant vibrational resonance amplitude from said track accessing arms; said floating mass slidably mounted on a viscous damping film.

A method for damping resonant modes in a positioning member for magnetic heads or the like, comprising:

(a) providing a liquid film of known viscosity at a selected location on said member and between said member and a chosen movable mass, and (b) coupling vibrational mode energy from said member to said mass to thereby produce shear forces at the mass-film interface, whereby said ~orces and the distance over which they act provide damped energy loss which is removed from said vibrational mode energy.

- . . . :


5b A method for damping resonant modes of vibration in a head positionar for a rotating magnetic storage device including:
(a) providing a chosen mass at a selected location on a head positioner, which location exhibits large motions of the vibrating resonant modes of said positioner, (b) providing a liquid film of chosen viscosity in contact with said mass and in a ~ixed locakion with respect to the loca~ion of maximum resonant modes of said head positioner, (c) coupling vibrational mode motion from said head positioner to said mass, and thereby (d) moving said positioner relatiYe to said liquid film, whereby shear forces at the mass-film interface and the distance over which they act represent damped energy loss which is removed from the vibrational mode energy of said head positioner.
In a head positioner apparatus for a magnetic disc drive wherein one or more track accessing arms are rotatably mounted on a chosen axis and have a poink of maximum vibrational resonance amplitude at a certain distance ~rom said chosen axis, the i~provement 5 comprising:
a damper housing having interior walls r ceivin~ a viscous film and including a mass located on said viscous film, with said viscous film located between said interior walIs and said mas~ for enabling movement of said mass on said viscous film regardless o~
the orientation of said head positioner apparatus with respect to gravity, said damper hou~ing mounted on said track accessing arm~ a predetermined distance from said chosen axis and at a location ~or receiving a significant vibrational resonance amplitude from said track accessing arms.


,~,L~f~ r~
5c A method for damping resonant modes in a head positioning mechanism for transducer heads comprising the steps of:
viscously coupling vibrational mode energy from said head positioning member to a movable mass, moving said mass relative to said head positioning member and effecting an energy dissipation in said viscous coupling, causing a concurrent reduction in vibrational mode energy in said head positioning member, and producing a reduction in magnitude of vibrational modes of said head positioning member.
These and other objects and features of this invention will become more readily apparent in the following description of the accompanying drawing.

Brief D~escri~tion of Drawin~

Figure 1 is a isometric view of a head positioner and damping apparatus according to the invention.
Figure 2 i~ a cros~-section view of the damping apparatus of Figure 1.
Figure 3 is a graph plotting re~onant mode amplitude versus resonant frequency for the damped (D) and undamped (U) head positioner to illustrate the reduction in resonant L~ J~

mode amplitude produced by the present invention.

Best Mode For Carryinq Out The Invention Referring now to Figure 1, there is shown a rotary head positioner including a motor and arm suppor~ structure 12 with front and back openings 14 and 16 respectively. The support structure 12 serves as a housing for a magnetic head accessing arm structure 18 which includes a plurality of accessing head arms 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 extending as shown out of the front opening 14 and having a plurality of magnetic hsads 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33 located on the ends of the accessing arms. The accessing head arm structure 18 is pivotally mounted within the support structure 12 on a vertical axis 34 about which it is driven with rotary motion at high speeds during a fast seek operation. Magnetic discs (not shown) are positioned in the openings between the magnetic heads 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 and 33, and these heads are driven to preselected positions on certain tracks of these discs during a fast seek operation.

The accessing head arm structure 18 is driven by a motor coil 36 which is mounted inside the housing 12 and on the head arm structure 18. This motor coil 36 is positioned as shown at the rear center of the accessing head arm struc-ture 18. The motor coil 36 is also centered between upper and lower motor magnets 38 and 40, and includes a pair of end flanges 42 and 44 between which the motor coil is wound.
A floating mass damper 46 is mounted as shown between these flanges 42 and 44.

Referring now to Figure 2, the floating mass damper 46 is shown in more detail in a cross section view thereof and includes a cylindrical housing 48, typically of magnesium, having an end wall 50 and another removable wall or cap 52 which permits the loading therein of a floating damper mass 54. The floating damper mass 54 is typically non-magnetic stainless steel and has a central passage 56 along the longitudinal center line thereof and is centered in the housing ~8 with a pair of soft centering springs 58 and 60. These springs extend between the opposite end walls 50 and 52 of the housing 48 and recessed or cavity regions 62 and 64 in the respective ends o~ the ~loating damper mass 54.

A viscous damping film 66 is provided as shown between the outer surface of the floating damper mass 54 and the interior surface of the housing 48, and this viscous damping film 66 will typically consist o~ silicone oil.

During a fast seek operation, the ends of the accessing head arms 22, 24 and 26 will typically undergo a resonant mode vibrational amplitude (greatly exaggerated) as indicated by the distance A in Figure 1. When undergoing such a resonant mode vibration, the rotary head positioner cannot become electrically useable until the value o~ A
is reduced to near zero as the head arm vibration ceases.
In accordance with the present invention, the floating mass damper 46 provides an elegantly simple solution to reducing the time re~uired ~or the value of A to be reduced. In accordance with this in~ention, the floating mass damper 46 is mounted at the raar of the accessing head arm structure 18 and in a vertical plane with the dimension B. This dimension B corresponds to the maximum resonant mode vibra-tion which the rear of the accessing head arm structure 18 will undergo during a fast seek operation and corresponding to the displac~ment A o~ the accessing head arms 22, 24 and 26. During the resonant mode vibration which produces the displacement B as indicated, the hou~ing 48 is rapidly driven laterally back and forth acros~ the viscous damping film 66. : Thi~ movement o~ the housing 48 in cooperation with less movement of ~he ~loating damper ma~s 54 produces lateral shear ~orces which serve to substantially dissipate vibrational mode enerqy in the rotating accessing head arm structure 18. This energy dissipation thus quickly reduces the value of dimension B and maintains the value of B at a level much lower than it would otherwise have been in the - .

~l~J~ 3 absence of the floating mass damper 46.

Referring now to Figure 3, there is shown a graph of the vibrational magni~ude of the accessing head arm struc-ture 18 as a function of vibration frequency. Line U of the curve in Figure 3 represents the vibrational magnitude M
without damping, whereas line D indicates the variation of M
with frequency after damping. As shown in Figure 3, the maximum point on line D curve will be slightly shifted (lowered) in frequency by a certain amount as a result of the damping action. Thus, this reduction in the magni-fication factor M as a result of employing the floating mass damper 46 substantially reduces the magnitude of the resonance values at A and B in Figure 1 to more stably locate the magnetic heads 28, 30 and 32 on preselected tracks of the magnetic discs previously described.

Thus, there has been described a new and improved method and appartus which is easy to construct and which is reliable and durable in operation and adds a relatively small increase in cost to the rotary head positioner 10.
In contrast to the vastly more complex viscous damping systems of the prior art, the floating mass damper 46 of the present invention employs only a ~inyle floating damper mass 54 which is spring centered using only a pair of springs 58 and 60 and generates substantial shear forces as the housing 48 moves over the viscous damping film 66. It has been determined that the reduction in settling time of the damped head positioner has been 5 to 10 times that of the undamped head positioner.

Various modifications may be made in the above des cribed embodiment of the invention without departing from the scope of the app~nded claims. For example, for reasons of ease of assembly, it is often preferable to use a 3-piece construction for the accesRing head arm structure 18. Thus, one piece may consist of the arms 22, 23, 2~, 25, 26 and 27 integrally joined at one end; a second or center inter-~,L~L~

locking piece may be rotatably mounted at the axis 34 andmechanically interlocked with the accessing arms 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27; and an end or motor coil support piece 41 may be mounted at the rear of center interlocking piece to facilitate bringing the motor coil 36 within the housing 12 and between the upper and lower motor magnets 38 and 40, respectively.

Claims (8)

1. In a head positioner apparatus for a magnetic disc drive wherein one or more track accessing arms are rotatably mounted on a chosen axis and having a point of maximum vibrational resonance amplitude a first predetermined distance from said chosen axis, the improvement comprising:
a floating mass damper mounted on said track accessing arms a second predetermined distance from said central axis and at a location for receiving significant vibrational resonance amplitude from said track accessing arms; said floating mass slidably mounted on a viscous damping film.
2. The improvement defined in claim 1 wherein said floating mass damper comprises a mass of material mounted within an enclosed housing, a viscous film within said housing and between the interior walls thereof and the outer walls of said mass material and end walls of said housing for enabling movement of said mass material on said viscous film regardless of the orientation of said head positioner apparatus with respect to gravity.
3. A method for damping resonant modes in a positioning member for magnetic heads or the like, comprising:

(a) providing a liquid film of known viscosity at a selected location on said member and between said member and a chosen movable mass, and (b) coupling vibrational mode energy from said member to said mass to thereby produce shear forces at the mass-film interface, whereby said forces and the distance over which they act provide damped energy loss which is removed from said vibrational mode energy.
4. A method for damping resonant modes of vibration in a head positioner for a rotating magnetic storage device including:

(a) providing a chosen mass at a selected loca-tion on a head positioner, which location exhibits large motions of the vibrating resonant modes of said positioner, (b) providing a liquid film of chosen viscosity in contact with said mass and in a fixed location with respect to the location of maximum resonant modes of said head positioner, (c) coupling vibrational mode motion from said head postioner to said mass, and thereby (d) moving said positioner relative to said liquid film, whereby shear forces at the mass-film interface and the distance over which they act represent damped energy loss which is removed from the vibrational mode energy of said head positioner.
5. The method defined in claim 4 which further includes:

(a) providing a housing for said mass and liquid, (b) rigidly coupling said housing to said head positioner at a preselected location thereon, and (c) spring centering said mass within said housing, whereby vibrational motion received by said housing is viscously coupled to said mass at frequen-cies close or equal to the major vibrational resonant frequencies of said head positioner, whereby damping of said vibrational mode motion at the major resonant frequencies of said head positioner is achieved.
6. The method of Claim 5 wherein said mass is mounted on the end of a head positioner opposite to that of a plurality of magnetic heads and movable in a plane of motion of one or more of said magnetic heads.
7. In a head positioner apparatus for a magnetic disc drive wherein one or more track accessing arms are rotatably mounted on a chosen axis and have a point of maximum vibrational resonance amplitude at a certain distance from said chosen axis, the improvement comprising:
a damper housing having interior walls receiving a viscous film and including a mass located on said viscous film, with said viscous film located between said interior walls and said mass for enabling movement of said mass on said viscous film regardless of the orientation of said head positioner apparatus with respect to gravity, said damper housing mounted on said track accessing arms a predetermined distance from said chosen axis and at a location for receiving a significant vibrational resonance amplitude from said track accessing arms.
8. A method for damping resonant modes in a head positioning mechanism for transducer heads comprising the steps of:
viscously coupling vibrational mode energy from said head positioning member to a movable mass, moving said mass relative to said head positioning member and effecting an energy dissipation in said viscous coupling, causing a concurrent reduction in vibrational mode energy in said head positioning member, and producing a reduction in magnitude of vibrational modes of said head positioning member.
CA000532760A 1987-03-23 1987-03-23 Apparatus and method for damping head positioners for high performance disk drives Expired - Lifetime CA1284379C (en)

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CA000532760A CA1284379C (en) 1987-03-23 1987-03-23 Apparatus and method for damping head positioners for high performance disk drives

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CA000532760A CA1284379C (en) 1987-03-23 1987-03-23 Apparatus and method for damping head positioners for high performance disk drives

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CA000532760A Expired - Lifetime CA1284379C (en) 1987-03-23 1987-03-23 Apparatus and method for damping head positioners for high performance disk drives

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