CA1280182C - Utility insulated cross-arm - Google Patents

Utility insulated cross-arm


Publication number
CA1280182C CA 542903 CA542903A CA1280182C CA 1280182 C CA1280182 C CA 1280182C CA 542903 CA542903 CA 542903 CA 542903 A CA542903 A CA 542903A CA 1280182 C CA1280182 C CA 1280182C
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Application number
CA 542903
Other languages
French (fr)
Nancy King
Halm C. King
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Priority to CA 542903 priority Critical patent/CA1280182C/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1280182C publication Critical patent/CA1280182C/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Suspension Of Electric Lines Or Cables (AREA)



In order to overcome the disadvantages that wooden cross-arms for supporting electrical insulators for power transmission lines are subject to deterioration and to internal defects in the wood there is provided a utility insulated cross-arm for supporting electrical wires from a utility pole comprising a rigid bar made of insulative material, having left and right ends and a central portion. Two diagonal members integral with the bar, are located on either side of the central portion of the bar, the diagonal members being joined at a peak, forming a triangle with said bar. A
plurality of support members are mounted one at the peak, and others distributed along the bar, each having a support surface with a trough, for supporting the electrical wires, the support members also having lateral depressions. Attachment means is provided for securing the electrical wires to the support members by rigidly fastening the attachment means to the electrical wire and the lateral depressions of the support members. A concave surface is located at the peak of the diagonal members, and at the central portion of the bar, the concave surface running perpendicular to the bar, and the concave surface having apertures therein for mounting the cross-arm to the utility pole.


E~vL~hs~vention The prescnt invention relates generally to a modular cross-arm support i structurc for supporting a plurality of power transmission lines on a support structurc, such as a vertical polc. More specifically, the present invcntion provides a utility insulated cross-arm which can be installed quicl;ly and easily, and which provides a plurality of elcctrical insulators in a rixcd spDccd relation to crlsurc adcquatc scparation bctwccn the transrnission lincs carried on ~hc structurc.

DescriDtion Or Related Art Sincc the carlicst usc of power transmission lines, there has been a recognitioQ of the nccd to support thc lines abovc thc ground to provide isolation bctwccn thc lincs and thc cnvironmcnt. Onc of the most common arrangcmcnts for supporting transmission lines comprises a plurality of ;~ 1` 5 clcctrical insulators mounted on wooden cross-arms attachcd to vertical ; woodcn polcs. Such structures arc generally constructcd in a sequential manncr with a first work crew mounting the woodcn poles in thc ground, followcd by a second work crew which securcs the cross,-~arms to the poles and mounts thc electrical insulators on thc cross-arms.
0 ~ ~ ~ Woodcn support structures of thc typc described above have a number of shortcomings, both with regard to durability and with re8ard to ease or construction. Thc wooden polcs and cross-arms arc subjcct to deterioration ~:: `:
from cxposure to the environment and from internal defects in the m3tcrials.
. I
~ :

- ~280~82- 1 SU~lv~RY OF THE INVENTION
2The utility insulatcd cross-arm overcomes the ~bovc-mcntion~d dit`ficul-3ties by providing a modular powcr transmission support structurc which can 4be manufactured at a central location, transported as a complete unit to a 5remote location, and then installed in a very short period of time. Thc Bcross-arm structure comprises a generally triangular central portion and two 7horizontal arms extending laterally from the base of the ccntral triangular 8porlion. In the preferred embodiment, the triang,ular central port,on and thc 9laterally-extending arms are compriscd Or members having a gencrall~ squar~:
10cross-section. An electrical insulator adapted to carry a power transmission 11line is mounted on the top of ~he central triangular portion of the strul~turc 12and on the upper surface of each of the laterally extending horizontal arMs.
13The insulators are attached in a predctermined, fixed, spaced rclation which 14ensures adequate electrical separation between the transmission lines carried 15 on the insulators.
16The struetural members of the eross-arms eomprise an outer shell formed 17 from a polyester resin material and a plurality of alternating layers of 18polyester resin material and synthetic fabrie eontained within the shcll. Thc 19 inner eore of eaeh struetural member contains a longitudinally extending 20 metal bar or eable surrounded by a mixture of polyester resin and particulatc 21 matter.
22The utility insulated cross-arm support strueture for power transmission 23 lines ean be mounted quiekly and easily on a vertieal pole by a single 24 installer working alone. The eross-arm is extremely resistant to deterioration 25 resulting from exposure to the environment and from damage caused by 26 vandals or wild animals.

29FIG. l is an elevational front view Or the utility insulated eross-arm 50 support structure of the present invention.
31FIG. 2 is an elevational side view of the utility insulated cross-arm 32 support s~rueture 0r the present invention.

~2~30~82 -` I
2 FIG. 3 is a cross~sectional side view taken along section lincs 3-3 of 3 FIG~ 1. showing dctails relating to the internal structure of the utility cross-4 arm.
FIG. 4 is a perspective rear view of the ùtility cross-arm support 6 structure of the present invention.

9 With reference now to the Figures and in particular with rcference to Figure 1, there is depicted a front view of the utility insulated cross-arm 10.
11 Utility insulated cross-arm 10 is generally comprised of a triangular frame 12 12 having a peak 14 and a base 16, and lef~ and right horizontal cross-arms 18 13 and 20, respectively. The horizontal cross-;lrms 18 and 20 are preferably in 14 the same plane as the triangular frame 12 as is shown in Figure 2. Restin8, on thc upper surface of cross-arms 18 and 20 are lateral supports 22 and 24, 1~ located at the distal ends of the cross-arms. An upper support 26, similar to 17 lateral supports 22 and 24, rests on the peak 14 of ~riangular frame 1~ Each 18 of supports 22, 24 and 26 is rectangular in shape, tapering to form longitu-19 dinal depressions 30 and 32, and then flaring to form an upper surface 34.
The upper surface 34 has a trough 36 therein to provide more stable support 21 for utility lines.
With reference now to Figure 3, there is depicted a cross-sc. tional view 22 of horizontal cross-arm 18. Note th;l ~ Figure 3 could also represent cross-a2 sectionals of horizontal cross-arm 20, base 16, or either of the dia8Onal 25 mcmbers of triangular frame 12. The outer shell of cross-arm 18 is eomposed of a polyester resin material 50. Inside the cross-arm are altern3ting layers 27 of polyester resin 52 and a synthetic fabric 54. The inner core 56 is formed of a mixture of polyester resin and particulate matter. Inner core 56 may 28 alternately be composed of polyurethane foam. A central metal bar 58 239 provides extra reinforcement. The bar 58 may alternately be a f iberglass rod or nylon cable.
51 With further reference to Figure 4, there is depicted a rear perspective 32 view of the utility insulated cross-arm 10. The device is mounted to a utili~y pole by means of upper holcs 40 and lower hole 42. In the preferred 1 ~~~ ~2aols2 2 embodiment, bolts are inserted through these holes and then fastened to the 3 utility ~ pole. The rear side of the utility cross-arm lO has a cur~ed surrace 4 44 along thc vertical censer line to faeilitate attachment of thc device to the 5 polc.
E}ectrical wires 60 rest in thc trough 36 and arc seeured thereto by a 7 strap 62 which overlaps wirc 60 and is tautly placcd around depressions 30 8 aDd 32 of support member 22, 24, or 26. Strap 62 may be replaced by a 9 clamping mcehanism 64 whieh rcsts upon upper surfaee 34 and elamps wire 60 10 to thc support member by foreiblc eontaet with deprcssions 30 and 32.
11 Although thc invcntion has bcen deseribed with refcrcnce to specifie 12 embodimcnts, this description is not meant to bc construed in a limiting 13 seDsc. Various modifications of thc disclosed cmbodiment will become 14 apparcnt to persons skillcd ;D thc art upon refcrcnec to the deseription of 15 the invention. It is therefore eontemplated that the appended claims will eovc- sueh modifications that fall wit~in ~hc true seopc of the invcntion.

Claims (19)

1. A utility insulated cross-arm for supporting electrical wires from a utility pole comprising:
a triangular frame having a base and a peak, said triangular frame being constructed from an insulative material;
left and right horizontal cross-arms integral with said triangular frame, located at the base of said triangular frame, said horizontal cross-arms each having an upper surface;
an upper support member integral with and located at said peak of said triangular frame;
attachment means for attaching said electrical wire to said upper support member; and mounting means for mounting said triangular frame to said utility pole
2. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 1 wherein said left and right horizontal cross-arms are coplanar with said triangular frame.
3. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 2 wherein said left and right horizontal cross-arms have at the distal ends thereof a plurality of lateral support members, located on and integral with said upper surface of said left and right horizontal cross-arms.
4. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 3 wherein said mounting means is comprised of a plurality of holes located along a vertical center line of said triangular frame, for bolting said triangular frame to said utility pole.
5. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 4 wherein said triangu-lar frame and said left and right horizontal cross-arms are comprised of:
an outer shell of polyester resin material;
a plurality of alternating layers of synthetic fabric and polyester resin material;
an inner core composed of a mixture of polyester resin and particulate matter; and a central longitudinal metal reinforcing bar.
6. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 4 wherein said triangu-lar frame and said left and right horizontal cross-arms are comprised of:
an outer shell of polyester resin material;
a plurality of alternating layers of synthetic fabric and polyester resin material;
an inner core composed of polyurethane foam; and a central longitudinal fiberglass rod.
7. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim S wherein said upper support member and said lateral support members are each comprised of a rectangular insulator having a support surface, said support surface having a trough for accommodating an electrical wire.
8. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 7 wherein:
said rectangular insulator has a left side and a right side; and, each of said left and right sides of said rectangular insulator has a longitudinal depression parallel to said trough, located near the support surface of said rectangular insulator.
9. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 8 wherein said attachment means is comprised of a strap overlapping said electrical wire, being tautly held against said longitudinal depressions on each of said left and right sides of said rectangular insulator.
10. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 8 wherein said attach-ment means is comprised of a clamp resting upon said wire and said support surface of said rectangular insulator, said clamp having flanges which forcibly abut said longitudinal depressions on each of said left and right sides of said rectangular insulator.
11. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 4 wherein said triangu-lar frame has a front side and a rear side, said rear side having a curved surface along said vertical center line to facilitate attachment of said triangular frame to said utility pole.
12. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 5 wherein said triangu-lar frame has a front side and a rear side, said rear side having a curved surface along said vertical center line to facilitate attachment of said triangular frame to said utility pole.
13. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 7 wherein said triangu-lar frame has a front side and a rear side, said rear side having a curved surface along said vertical center line to facilitate attachment of said triangular frame to said utility pole.
14. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 8 wherein said triangu-lar frame has a front side and a rear side, said rear side having a curved surface along said vertical center line to facilitate attachment of said triangular frame to said utility pole.
15. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 9 wherein said trian-gular frame has a front side and a rear side, said rear side having a curved surface along said vertical center line to facilitate attachment of said triangular frame to said utility pole.
16. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 10 wherein said triangular frame has a front side and a rear side, said rear side having a curved surface along said vertical center line to facilitate attachment of said triangular frame to said utility pole.
17. A utility insulated cross-arm for supporting electrical wires from a utility pole comprising:
a rigid bar made of insulative material, having left and right ends, and a central portion;

two diagonal members integral with said bar, located on either side of said central portion of said bar, said diagonal members joined at a peak, forming a triangle with said bar;
a plurality of support members, one mounted at said peak, and others distributed along said bar, each having a support surface with a trough, for supporting said electrical wires, said support members also having lateral depressions;
attachment means for securing said electrical wires to said support members by rigidly fastening said attachment means to said electrical wire and said lateral depressions of said support members; and a concave surface located at said peak of said diagonal members, and at said central portion of said bar, said concave surface running perpendicular to said bar, said concave surface having apertures therein for mounting said cross-arm to said utility pole.
18. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 17 wherein said rigid bar is comprised of:
a central longitudinal metal rod;
an inner core surrounding said rod, said inner core being a mixture of polyester resin and particulate matter;
alternating layers of polyester resin and synthetic fabric surrounding said inner core; and an outer shell of polyester resin material.
19. A utility insulated cross-arm as recited in Claim 17 wherein said rigid bar is comprised of:
a central longitudinal fiberglass rod;
an inner core surrounding said rod, said inner core being composed of polyurethane foam;
alternating layers of polyester resin and synthetic fabric surrounding said inner core; and an outer shell of polyester resin material.
CA 542903 1987-07-24 1987-07-24 Utility insulated cross-arm Expired CA1280182C (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA 542903 CA1280182C (en) 1987-07-24 1987-07-24 Utility insulated cross-arm

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA 542903 CA1280182C (en) 1987-07-24 1987-07-24 Utility insulated cross-arm

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1280182C true CA1280182C (en) 1991-02-12



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA 542903 Expired CA1280182C (en) 1987-07-24 1987-07-24 Utility insulated cross-arm

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