CA1175375A - Immobilization of vanadia deposited on sorbent materials during treatment of carbo-metallic oils - Google Patents

Immobilization of vanadia deposited on sorbent materials during treatment of carbo-metallic oils


Publication number
CA1175375A CA000401224A CA401224A CA1175375A CA 1175375 A CA1175375 A CA 1175375A CA 000401224 A CA000401224 A CA 000401224A CA 401224 A CA401224 A CA 401224A CA 1175375 A CA1175375 A CA 1175375A
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French (fr)
James D. Carruthers
William P. Hettinger, Jr.
William D. Watkins
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Ashland LLC
Original Assignee
Ashland Oil Inc
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Application filed by Ashland Oil Inc filed Critical Ashland Oil Inc
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1175375A publication Critical patent/CA1175375A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • C10G25/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils in the absence of hydrogen, with solid sorbents
    • C10G25/06Refining of hydrocarbon oils in the absence of hydrogen, with solid sorbents with moving sorbents or sorbents dispersed in the oil
    • C10G25/09Refining of hydrocarbon oils in the absence of hydrogen, with solid sorbents with moving sorbents or sorbents dispersed in the oil according to the "fluidised bed" technique
    • C10G25/00Refining of hydrocarbon oils in the absence of hydrogen, with solid sorbents


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Oil, Petroleum & Natural Gas (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Chemical Kinetics & Catalysis (AREA)
  • General Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Dispersion Chemistry (AREA)
  • Production Of Liquid Hydrocarbon Mixture For Refining Petroleum (AREA)
  • Solid-Sorbent Or Filter-Aiding Compositions (AREA)
  • Steroid Compounds (AREA)



A process is disclosed for the treatment of a hydro-carbon oil feed having a significant content of vanadium to provide a higher grade of oil products by contacting the feed under treatment condition in a treatment zone with sorbent material. Treatment conditions are such that coke and vanadium in an oxidation state less than +5 are deposi-ted on the sorbent in the treatment zone. Coked sorbent is regenerated in the presence of an oxygen containing gas at a temperature sufficient to remove the coke and under condi-tions keeping vanadium in an oxidation state less than +5 and regenerated sorbent is recycled to the treatment zone for contact with fresh feed.



DescriPtion Technical Field . This invention relates to processes for producing a ; high grade of oil feed having lowered metals and Conradson carbon values for use a3 feedstocks for reduced crude con-version processes and/or for typical FCC processes from a poor grade of carbo-metallic oil having extremely high metals and Conradson carbon values. More particularly, this invention is related to a method of immobilizing vana-dium compounds deposited on the sorbent during pretreatment of the oil feed.

Background Art The introduction of catalytic cracking to the petro-leum industry in the 1930's constitu~ed a major advance over previous techniques with the object of increasing the yield of gasoline and its quality. Early fixed bed, moving bed, and fluid bed catalytic cracking FCC processes em-ployed vacuum gas oils (VGO) from crude sources that were considered sweet and light. The terminology of sweet re-fers to low sulfur content and light refers to the amount of material boiling below appro~imately 1000-1025F.
The catalysts employed in early homogenous fluid dense beds were of an amorphous siliceous material, prepared syn thetically or from naturally occurring materials activated by acid leaching. Tremendous strides were made in the 1950's in FCC technology in the areas of metallurgy, pro-; cessing equipment, regeneration and new more-active and more stable amorphous catalysts. However, increasing demand with respect to quantity of gasoline and increased octane number ; requirements to satisfy the new high horsepower-high com-pression engines being promoted by the auto industry, put axtreme pressure on the petroleum industry to increase FCC
"; ~


capacity and severity of operation.
A major breakthrough in FCC catalysts came in the early 1960's with the introduction of molecular sieves or zeo-lites. These materials were incorporated into the matrix of amorphous and/or amorphous/kaolin materials constituting the FCC catalysts of that time. These new zeolitic catalysts, containing a crystalline aluminosilicate zeolite in an amor-phous or amorphous/kaolin matrix of silica, alumina, silica-alumina, kaolin, clay or the like, were at least 1000-10,000 times more active for cracking hydrocarbons than the earlier amorphous or amorphous/kaolin containing silica-alumina catalysts. This introduction of zeolitic cracking catalysts revolutionized the fluid catalytic cracking process. Inova-tions were developed to handle these high activities, such as riser cracking, shortened contact times, new regeneration processes, new improved zeolitic catalyst developments, and the like.
The new catalyst developments revolved around the de-velopment of various zeolites such as synthetic types X and Y and naturally occurring faujasites; increased thermal-steam (hydrothermal) stability of zeolites through the in-clusion of rare earth ions or ammonium ions via ion-exchange techniques; and the development of more attrition resistant matrices for supporting the zeolites.
These zeolitic catalyst developments gave the petroleum industry the capability of greatly increasing through put of feedstock with increased conversion and selectivity while employing the same units witbout expansion and without re-quiring new unit construction.
After the introduction of zeolite containing catalysts, the petroleum industry began to suffer from a lack of crude availability as to quantity and quality accompanied by in-creasing demand for gasoline with increasing octane values.
The world crude supply picture changed dramatically in the late 1960's and early 1970's. ~rom a surplus of light, sweet crudes the supply situation changed to a tighter sup-ply with an ever increasing amount of heavier crudes with ,, 3L~L7~3~S

higher sulfur contents. These heavier and higher sulfur crudes presented processing problems to the petroleum re-finer in that these heavier crudes invariably also contained much higher metals and Conradson carbon values, with accom-panying significantly increased asphaltic content.
Fractionation of the total crude to yield cat crackercharge stocks also required much better control to ensure that metals and Conradson carbon values were not carried overhead to contaminate the FCC charge stock. The effects of heavy ~etal and Conradson carbon on a zeolite-containing FCC catalyst have been described in the literature as to their unfavorable effect in lowering catalyst activity and selectivity for gasoline production and their equally harm-ful effect on catalyst life.
As mentioned previously, these heavier crude oils also contained more of the heavier fractions and yielded less or lower volume of the high quality FCC charge stocks which normally boil below about 1025F and are usually processed so as to contain total metal levels below 1 ppm, preferably below 0.1 ppm, and Conradson carbon values substantially below 1Ø
With the increasing supply of heavier crudes, which meant lowered yields of gasoline, and the increasing demand for liquid transportation fuels, the petroleum industry be-gan a search for processing schemes to utilize these heaviercrudes in producing glsoline. Many of these processing schemes have been described in the literature. These in-clude Gulf's Gulfining and Union Oil's Unifining processes ~or treating residuum, UOP's Aurabon process, Hydrocarbon Research's H-Oil process, Exxon's Flsxicoking process to produce thermal gasoline and coke, H-Oil's Dynacracking and PhiIlip's ~eavy Oil Cracking (HOC) processes. These pro-cesses utili2e thermal cracking or hydro-treating followed by FCC or hydrocracking operations to handle the higher con-tent of metal contaminants (Ni-V-Fe-Cu-Na) and high Conrad-son carbon values of 5-15. Some of the drawbacks of these types of processing are as follovs: Coking yields thermally 1~7~375 cracked gasoline which has a much lower octane value than cat cracked gasoline and is uns~able due to the production of gum from diolefins and recuires further hydrotreating and reforming to produce a high octane product; gas oil quality is degraded due to thermal reactions which produce a product containing refractory polynuclear aromatics and high Conradson carbon levels which are highly unsuitable for catalytic cracking; and hydrotreating requires expensive ; high pressure hydrogen, multi-reactor systems make of spe-cial alloys, costly operations, and a separate costly fa-cility for the production of hydrogen.
To better understand the reasons why the industry has progressed along the processing schemes described, one must understand the known and established effects of contaminant metals (Ni-V-~e-Cu-Na) and Conradson carbon on the zeolite containing cracking catalysts and the operating parameters of an FCC unit. Metal content and Conradson carbon are two very effective restraints on the operation of an FCC unit and may even impose undesirable restraints on a Reduced Crude Conversion (RCC) unit from the standpoint of obtaining maximum conversion, selectivity and life. Relatively low levels of these contaminants are highly detrimental to an FCC unit. As metals and Conradson carbon levels are in-creased still further, the operating capacity and efficiency of an RCC unit may be adversely affected or made uneconomi-cal. These adverse effects occur even though there is enough hydrogen in the feed to produce an ideal gasoline consisting of only toluene and isomeric pentenes ~assuming a catalyst with such ideal selectivity could be devised).
The effect of increased Conradson carbon is to increase that portion of the feedstock converted to coke deposited on the catalyst. In typical VGO operations employing a zeo-lite containing catalyst in an FCC unit, the amount of coke deposited on the catalyst averages about 4-5 wt~ of the feed. This coke production has been attributed to four dif-ferent coking mechanisms, namely, contaminant coke from ad-; verse reactions caused by metal deposits, catalytic coke 117~37~

eaused by acid site cracking, entrained hydrocarbons resul-ting from pore structure adsorption and/or poor stripping, and Conradson carbon resulting from pyrolytic distillation of hydrocarbons in the conversion zone. There has been pos-tulated two other sourees of eoke present in reduced erudesin addition to the four present in VGO. They are: ~l) ad-sorbed and absorbed high boiling hydrocarbons which do not vaporize and eannot be removed by normally efficient strip-ping, and (2) high moleeular weight nitrogen eontaining hy-droearbon eompounds adsorbed on the eatalyst's acid sites.Both of these two new types of eoke producing phenomena add greatly to the complexity of residue processing. Therefore, in the proeessing of higher boiling fraetions, e.g., reduced crudes, residual fractions, topped erude, and the like, the eoke produetion based on feed is the su~mation of the four types present in VGO proeessing (the Conradson earbon value generally being mueh higher than for ~GO), plus coke from the higher boiling unstrippable hydroearbons and eoke asso-eiated with the high boiling nitrogen eontaining molecules whieh are adsorbed on the catalyst. Coke production on clean eatalyst, when processing reduced erudes, may be esti-mated as approximately 4 wt% of the feed plus the Conradson carbon value of the heavy feedstock.
The eoked catalyst is brought back to equilibrium ae-tivity by burning off the deaetivating coke in the regenera-tion zone in the presenee of air, and the regenerated cata-lyst is reeyeled baek to the reaetion zone. The heat genera-ted during regeneration is removed by the eatalyst and ear-ried to the reaetion zone for vaporization of the feed and to provide heat for the endothermic eracXing reaction. The temperature in the regenerator is normally limited because of metallurgieal limitations and the hydrothermal sta~ility of the eatalyst.
The hydrothermal stability of the zeolite-containing catalyst is determined by the temperature and steam partial pressure at whieh the zeolite begins to rapidly lose its crystalline strueture to yield a low activity amorphous ma-1~L'75375 terial. The presence of steam ls highly critical and is generated by the burning of adsorbed and absorbed (sorbed) carbonaceous material which has a slgnificant hydrogen content (hydrogen to carbon atomic ratios generally greater than about 0.5). This carbonaceous material is principally the high boiling sorbed hydrocarbons with boiling points as high as 1500-1700F or above that have a modest hydrogen content and the high boiling nitrogen containing hydrocarbons, as well as related porphyrins and asphaltenes. The high molecular weight nitrogen compounds usually boil above 1025F and may be either basic or acidic in nature. The basic nitrogen compounds may neutralize acid sites whiles those that are more acidic may be attracted to metal sites on the catalyst. The prophyrins and asphaltenes also generally boil above 1025F and may contain eIements other than carbon and hydrogen. As used in this specification, the term "heavy hydrocarbons" includes all carbon and hydrogen containing compounds that do not boil below about 1025 F, ; regardless of whether other elements are also prèsent in the compound.
The heavy metals in the feed are generally present as porphyrins and/or asphaltenes. However, certain of these metals, particularly iron and copper, may be present as the free metal or as inorganic compoundc resulting from either corrosion of process equipment or contaminants from other refining processes.

As the Conradson carbon value of the feedstock increases, coke produc-tion increases and this increased load ; will raise the regeneration temperature; thus the unit may 3p be limited as to the amount of feed that can be processed . . /

- 6a -because of its Conradson carbon content. Earlier VGO units operated with the regenerator at 1050-1250 F. A new development in reduced cxude processing, namely, Ashland Oil's "Reduced Crude Conversion Process", as described in the pending Canadian applications Serial Nos. 364,647, 364,655 364,665 and 364,666 all filed on November 14, 1980, can operate at regenerator temperatures in the range of 1350-1400 F.
But ~ .~


even these higher regenerator temperatures place a limit on the Conradson carbon value of the feed at approximately 8, which represents about 12-13 wt% coke on the catalyst based on the weight of feed. This level is controlling unless considerable water is introduced to further control tempera-ture, which addition is also practiced in Ashland's RCC pro-cesses.
The metal containing fractions of reduced crudes contain Ni-V-Fe-Cu in the form of porphyrins and asphaltenes.
These metal containing hydrocarbons are deposited on the catalyst during processing and are cracked in the riser to deposit the metal or are carried over by the coked catalyst as the metallo-porphyrin or asphaltene and converted to cause non-selective or degradative cracking and dehydrogena-tion to produce increased amounts of coke and light gasessuch as hydrogen, methane and ethane. These mechanisms ad-versely affect selectivity, resulting in poor yields and quality of gasoline and light cycle oil. The increased pro-duction of light gases, while impairing the yield and selec-tivity of the processes, also puts an increased demand onthe gas compressor capacity. The increase in coke produc-tion, in addition to its negative impact on yield, also ad-versely affects catalyst activity-selectivity, greatly in-creases regenerator air demand and compressor capacity, and may result in uncontrollable and/or dangerous regenerator temperatures.
These problems of the prior art have been greatly minimized by the development at Ashland Oil, Inc. of its Reduced Crude Conversion (RCC) Processes described in co-pending applications referenced above. The new process can handle reduced crudes or crude oils containing high metals and Conradson carbon values previously not susceptible to direct pro-cessing. Normally, these crudes require expensive vacuum distilla-tion to isolate suitable feedstocks and produce as a by-product high sulfur containing vacuum still bottoms. Ashland's RCC
process avoids these'prior art disadvantages. Ho~ever, cer-~L17537~ji tain crudes such as Mexican Mayan or Venezuelan contain ab-normally high metal and Conradson carbon values. If these poor grades of crude are processed in a reduced crude pro-cess, they may lead to an uneconomical operation because of the high load on the regenerator and the high catalyst ad-dition rate required to maintain catalyst activity and se-lectivity. The addition rate can be as high as 4-8 lbs/bbl which, at today's catalyst prices, can add as much as $2-8/
bbl of additional catalyst cost to the processing economics.
On the other hand, it is desirable to develop an economical means of processing poor grade crude oils, such as the Mexi-can Mayan, because of their availability and cheapness as compared to Middle East crudes.
The literature suggests many processes for the reduc-tion of metals content and Conradson carbon values of re-duced crudes and other contaminated oil fractions. One such process is that described in U.S. Patent 4,243,514 and Ger-man Patent No. 29 04 230 assigned to Engelhard Minerals and Chemicals, Inc.
Basically, these prior art processes involve contacting a reduced crude fraction or other contaminated oil with sorbent at elevated temperature in a sorbing zone, such as a fluid bed, to produce a product of reduced metal and Conradson carbon value. One of the sorbents described in Patent No. 4,243,514 is an inert solid initially composed of kaolin, which has been spray dried to yield microspheri-; cal particles having a surface area below 100 m2/g and a catalytic cracking micro-activity (MAT) value of less ~han 20 and subsequently calcined at high temperature so as to achieve better attrition resistance.
As the vanadia content on such sorbents increases, into the range of 10,000-30,000 ppm, the elevated temperatures encountered in regeneration zones cause the vanadia to flow and form a liquid coating on the sorbent particles. Any in-terruption or decrease in particle flow may result in co-alescence between the liquid-coated particles, which inter-rupts fluidization, and may cause unit shutdown.

., , ~7~375 For example, at lO00 ppm vanadium, this phenomena be-gins to be observed and by lO,000 ppm vanadium particle co-alescence becomes a major factor in unit operation. ~y ap-plying the methods of this invention, one can now operate in the upper ranges of vanadium levels (30,000 to 50,000 ppm) without vanadium deposition causing particle coalescence or excessive sintering of the sorbent structure.
In the treatment of feeds of varying vanadium content.
the rate of vanadium buildup on the sorbent and the equili-brium or steady state of vanadium on the sorbent is a func-tion of vanadium content of the feed and especially the sor-bent addition and withdrawal rates which are equal at equi-librium conditions. The following table presents a typical case for a 40,000 bbl/day unit in which the vanadium content of the feed is varied from l ppm (treatment of an FCC feed comprised of VGO and 5 to 20 percent of a heavy hydrocarbon fraction) up ~o 25 to 400 ppm (treatment of a reduced crude for RCC operations). In order to maintain various levels of vanadium on the sorbent at the equilibriu~ state after long term opera~ion (50 to 150 days), the sorbent addition rate can be varied to yield equilibrated vanadium values of from 5000 to 30,000 ppm.
2~ Sorbent Addition Rates Required to ~old Vanadium At a Given ~evel on Sorbent for Feeds With Varying Levels of Vanadium Content 40,000 BBL./DAY UNIT
~otal Vanadium # Metal Level on Equilibrium Material PPM _ DaY 5000 lO,000 Z0,000 30,000 ~: -0.5~ l.0~ 2.0% 3.0 Daily Tonna~e Replacement _ 400 5~00 500 250 l~5 8~

~7~375 TABLE (Cont'd.) Total Vanadium # Metal PPM Da~_ _ Daily Tonnage Replacement . 50 65063 32 16 10 Summary of the Inv0ntion In accordance with this invention a process has been provided ~or treating a hydrocarbon oil feed having a sig-nificant content of vanadium and Conradson carbon to pro-vide a product substantially lower in vanadium and Conrad-son carbon. In carrying out this process the hydrocarbonoil feed is contacted with a sorbent und'er conditions where-by coke and vanadium in an oxidation state lower than ~5 are deposited on said sorbent, the sorbent is separated from the remaining feed, and is regenerated in the presence of an oxygen-containing gas under conditions whereby the vanadium is retained in an oxidation state lower than +5. The re-::
generated sorbent is recycled to contact fresh feed.
Vanadium in an oxidation state of +5 melts at a tem-perature within the range at which the regeneration is car-ried out; however, vanadium in the +3 or +4 oxidation stata melts at temperatures significantly greater than those en-countered in the regenerator, and therefore does not pre-sent the problems resulting from coalescence of particles as does vanadium in the~+5 oxidation state.
The invention provides a method of producing a high grade of reduced crude conversion (RCC) feedstocks having lowered metals and Conradson carbon values relative to a poor grade of reduced crude or othcr carbo-metallic oil having extremely high metals and Conradson carbon values.
The invention may further be used for processing crude oils or crude oil fractions with significant levels of metals and/or Conradson carbon to provide an improved feed-.
':, :, r '`

3~5 stock for typical fluid catalytic (FCC) cracking processes.
The invention thus provides an improved method fortreating petroleum oil feeds containing significant levels of vanadium tat leas~ about 1.0 ppm). More particularly, this invention reduces particle coalescence and loss of fluidization caused by the vanadium contaminants in oil fe~ds of all types utilized in FCC and/or RCC operations.
The invention is particularly useful in the pretreatment of carbo-metallic oil feeds to be utilized in RCC units.
Brief Description of the Drawings Figs. l and 2 are schematic designs of sorbent regen-eration and associated cracking apparatus which may be used in carrying out this invention.
~est and Various Other Modes For Carrying Out the Invention The invention may be carried out by controlling the re-generation of the spent, vanadium-containing sorbent using several methods, alone or in combination. The objective of these methods is to retain vanadium in a low oxidation state, either by not exposing the vanadium to oxidizing con-ditions, or by exposing vanadium to oxidizing conditions for too short a time to oxidize a significant amount of vanadium to the +5 state.
The concentration of vanadium on the sorbent partlcles increases as the catalyst is recycled, and the vanadium on the sorbent introduced into the reactor becomes coated with coke formed in the reactor. In one method of carrying out the invention, the regenerator conditions are selected to ensure that at least enough coke is retained on the sorbent to keep vanadia in a reduced state. This coke may serve either to ensure a reducing environment for the vanadium, or to provide a barrier to the movement of oxidizing gas to underlying vanadium. ~he concentration of coke on ~he sor-bent particles is preferably at least about 0.05 percent and a more preferred coke concentration is at least about ~175375 0.15 percent.
In one method of carrying out this invention, which may be combined with the foregoing method of retaining at least about 0.05 percent coke on the sorbent or may be used to achieve lower concentrations of coke, the regeneration is carried out in an environment which is non-oxidizing for the vanadium in an oxidation state less than +5. This may be accomplished by adding reducing gases such as, for exam-ple, CO or ammonia to the regenerator, or by regenerating under oxygen-deficient conditions. Oxygen-deficient re-generation increases the ratio of CO to CO2 and in this method of providing a non-oxidizing atmosphere the CO/CO2 ratio is at least about 0.25, preferably is at least about 0.3, and most preferably is at least about 0.4. The CO/CO2 ratio may be controlled by controlling the extent of oxygen deficiency within the regenerator.~ The CO/CO2 ratio may also be increased by providing chlorine to the regenerator oxidizing atmosphere, preferably in concentrations of about 100 to about 400 ppm. ~hese methods of increasing the CO/
CO2 ratio are disclosed in copending application 398,960 : ~iled ~arch 22, 1982, "Addition of MgC12 Cata- O

~5 Regeneration in a reducing atmosphere is especially useful in combusting coke in zones where the coke level ap-~proaches or is reduced below about 0.05 percent, and it is preferred to have a CO/C~2 ratio of at least about 0.25 in zones where the coke loading is less than about 0.05 percent by weight.
It~is especia}ly contemplated in carrying out this method that a reducing atmosphere will be employed in zones within the regenerator wherein the sorbent particles are in a relatively dense bed, such as in a dense fluidized or set-tled bed. It is especially useful to keep the vanadium in a reduced state under such conditions wherein the particles are in contact or in relatively frequent contact with each : .

,.~';~, ~7~37~ii .

other, and are thus more likely to coalesce. In carrying out this method a reducing gas, such as for example C0, methane, or ammonia may be added to a zone having a dense catalyst phase, such as for example a bed having a density S of about 25 to about 50 pounds per cubic foot.
In another method of carrying out this invention, which is particularly useful in regenerating sorbent to a coke level below about 0.15 percent, and is especially useful to attain a coke level below about 0.05 percent, the sorbent is regenerated in one or more stages, in one stage of which, preferably the final regeneration state, the sorbent parti-cles are in contact with an oxidizing atmosphere for a short period of time, such as for example, less than 2 seconds, and more preferably less than one second. In the preferred method of contacting the sorbent in a~n ~oxidizing atmosphere the sorbent particles are in a dispersed rather than a dense phase.
In ~he preferred method of carrying out this aspect of the invention, a riser regenerator is used as the sta~e in a multi-state regenerator to contact the catalyst with an oxidizing atmosphere for a short period of time, such as for example less than about two seconds and preferably less ~ than about one second. The riser stage of the regenerator I has the advantage in reducing the carbon concentration to a level less than about 0.15 percent or less than about 0.05 percent, that vanadium, which is no longer protected by a coating of carbon, may not be in an oxidizing atmosphere for a long enough time to form molten +5 vanadium. Further, the low density of the particles in the riser-regenerator, mini-mizes coalescence of those particles which may have liquid pentavalent vanadia on their surfaces.
~n the preferred method of using a riser regenerator, the parti~les are contacted with a reducing atmosphere, such as one containing C~ or other reducing gas, after lea~ing the riser and before accumulating in a dense bed of regen-erated particles.
~h~ preferred rlser regenerator i5 similar to the ven-~L~7~37S

ted riser reactor as is disclosed in U.S. Patents ~,066,533 and 4,070,159 to Myers et al which achieves ballistic separa-tion of gaseous products from catalyst. This apparatus has the advantages of achieving virtually instantaneous separa-tion of the regenerated catalyst, now containins some vana-dia to which any oxygen present would have access, from the oxidizing atmosphere.
In the preferred method of reducing the coke concentra-tion to a level less than about 0.15 and especially to less than 0.05~ the catalyst is contacted with a reducing atmos-phere, preferably immediately after its separation fro~ the oxidizing atmosphere and most preferably also in collection zones for the regenerated catalyst.
This invention may be used in processing any hydrocar-bon feed containing a significant concentration of vanadium.
It i5, however, especially useful in processing reduced crudes having high metal and high Conradson carbon values, and the invention will be described in detail with respect to its use in processing an RCC feed.
; 20 RCC feed having a high metal and Conradson carbon values is preferably contacted in a riser with an inert solid sorbent of low surface area at temperatures above about 900F. Residence time of the oil in the riser is be-low 5 seconds, preferably 0.5-2 seconds. The preferred sor-bent is a spray-dried composition in the form of micro-spherical particles generally in the size range of 10 to 200 microns, preferably 20 to 150 microns, and more preferably between 40 and 80 microns, to ensure adequate fluidization properties.
The sorbents useful in this invention include solids of low catalytic activity, such as spent catalyst, clays, ben-tonite, kaolin, n~ntmorillonite, smectites, and other 2-layered lamellar silicates, mullite, pumice, silica, later-ite, and combinations of one or more of these or like ma-terials. The surface area of these sorbents are preferably below 25 m2/g, have a pore volume of approximately 0.2 cc~g or greater and a micro-activity value as measured by the ~;


~L7S375 A5TM Test Method No. D3907-80 of below 20.
The RCC feed is introduced at the bottom of the riser and contacts the sorbent at a temperature of 1150-1400F to yield a temperature at the exit of the riser in the sorbent disengagement vessel of approximately 900-1100F. Along with the RCC feed, water, steam, naphtha, flue gas, or other vapors or gases may be introduced to aid in vaporization and act as a lift gas to control residence time.
Coked sorbent is rapidly separated from the hydrocarbon vapors at the exit of the riser by employing the vented ri-ser concept developed by Ashland Oil, Inc., and described in U.S. Patent Nos. 4,066,533 and 4,070,159 to Myers, et al.
During the course of the treatment in the riser, the metal and Con-radson carbon compounds are deposited on the sorbent. After separation in the vented riser, the coked sorbent is deposi-ted as a dense but fluffed bed at the bottom of the disen-gagement vessel, transferred to a stripper and then to the regeneration zone. The coked sorbent is then contacted with an oxygen-containing gas to remove the carbonaceous material through combustion to carbon oxides to yield a regenerated sorbent in accordance with this invention. The regenerated sorbent is then recycled to the bottom of the riser where it again joins high metal and Conradson carbon containing feed to repeat the cycle.
This vanadia immobilization method is preferably em-; ployed to provide an RCC feedstock for the processes for carbo-metallic oil conversion described in copending applications Ser. Nos. 364,64i, 364,655/ 364,665 and 364.666 referred to z~ove.
The preferred feeds capable of being cracked by these RCC methods and apparatuses are comprised of 100~ of less of 650F+ material of which at least 5 wt~, preferably at least 10 wt~, does not boi} below about 1025F. ~he terms "high molecular weight" and/or "heavy" hydrocarbons refer to those hydrocarbon fractions having a normal boiling point of at least 1025P and include non-boiling hydrocarbons, i.e., ~r .

37~i those materials which may not boil under any conditions.
A carbo-metallic feed for purposes of this invention is one having a heavy metal content of at least about 4 ppm nickel equivalents, (ppm total metals being converted to nickel equivalents by the formula: Ni Eq. = Ni + V/4.8 +
Fe/7.1 I Cu/1.23) a Conradson carbon residue value greater than about l.0, and a vanadium content of at least l.0 ppm.
The feedstocks or which the invention is particuiarly use-ful will have a heavy metal content of at least about 5 ppm of nickel equivalents, a vanadium content of at least 2.0 ppm, and a Conradson residue of at least about 2Ø The greater the heavy metal content and the greater the propor-tion of vanadium in that heavy metal content, the more ad-vantageous the processes of this invention become.
A particularly preferred feedstock for treatment by the process of the invention includes a reduced crude comprising 70~ or more of a 650F+ material having a fraction greater than 20~ boiling about 1025F at atmospheric pressure, a metals content of greater than 5.5 ppm nickel equivalents ~ 20 of which at least 5 ppm is vanadium, a vanadium to nickel ; atomic radio of at least 1.0, and a Conradson carbon residue greater than 4Ø This feed may also have a hydrogen to carbon ratio of less than about 1.8 and coke precursors in an amount sufficient to yield about 4 to 14~ coke by weisht based on fresh feed.
Sodium vanadates have low melting points and may also flow and cause particle coalescence in the same manner as vanadium pentoxide. Thus, it is desirable to maintain low sodium levels in the feed in order to minimize coalescence as well as to avoid sodium vanadates on the sorbent.
With respect to the tolerance levels of heavy metals on the sorbent itself, such metals may accumulate on the sor-bent to levels in the range of from about 3000 to 70,000 ppm of total metals, preferably lO,000 to 30,000 ppm, of which 5 to 100%, preferably 20 to 80% is vanadium.
The treating process according to the methods of the invention will produce coke in amounts of l to 14 percent by .. .
~) 1~L7S37S

weight based on weight of fresh feed. This coke is laid down on the sorbent in amounts in the range of about 0.3 to 3 percent by weight of sorbent, depending upon the sorbent to oil ratio (weight of sorbent to weight of feedstock) in the riser. The severity of the process should be sufficient-ly low so that conversion of the feed to gasoline and light-er products is below 20 volume percent, preferably below 1 volume percent. Even at these low levels of severity, the treatment process is effective to reduce Conradson carbon values by at least 20 percent, preferably in the range of 40 to 70 percent, and heavy metals content by at least 50 per-cent, preferably in the ranqe of 75 to 90 percent.
The feed, with or without pretreatment, is introduced as shown in Fig. 1 into the bottom of the riser along with a suspension of hot sorbent. Steam, naphtha, water, flue gas and~or some other diluent is pr,eferably introduced into the riser along with feed. These diluents may be from a ; fresh source or may be recycled from a process stream in the refinery. Where recycle diluent streams are used, they may contain hydrogen sulfide and other sulfur compounds which may help passivate adverse catalytic activity by heavy metals accumulating on the catalyst. It is to be understood that water diluents may be introduced either as a liquid or ! as steam. Water is added primarily as a source of vapor for dispersing the feed and accelerating the feed and sorbent to achieve the vapor velocity and residence time desired.
Other diluents as such need not be added but where used, the total amount of diluent specified includes the amount of water used. Extra diluent would further increase the vapor velocity and further lower the feed partial pressure in the riser.
As the feed travels up the riser, it forms basically four products known in the industry as dry gas, wet gas, naphtha, and RCC or FCC feedstock. At the upper end of the riser, the sorbent particles are ballistically separated from product vapors as previously described. The sorbent which then contains the coke formed in the riser is sent to ~L~7~37S

the regenerator to burn off the eoke and the separated pro-duct vapors are sent to a fractionator for further separa-tion and treatment to provide the four basic products indi-cated. The preferred conditions for contacting feed and sorbent in the riser are summarized in Table C, in which the abbreviations used have the following meanings: "Temp." for temperature, "Dil. n for diluent,.~pp" for partial pressure, "wgt" for weight, ~V~ for vapor, "Res." for residence, "S/O"
for sorbent to oil ratios, "sorb.~ for sorbentn, "bbl" for barrel, ~MAT~ for microactivity by the MAT test using a standard Davison feedstock, ~Vel." for velocity, "cge" for charge, "d" for density and "Reg." for regenerated.
TABLF II -Sorbent Riser Conditions Operating Preferred Paramet_r Range _ Range Feed Temp. 400-800F 400-650F
Steam Temp. 20-500F 300-400F
Reg. Sorbent Temp. 900-1500F 1150-1400F
Riser Exit Temp. 800-1400F 900-1100~F
Pressure 0-100 psia 10-50 psia Water/Feed 0.01-0130 0.04-0.15 Dil. pp/Fzed pp 0.25-3.0 1.0-2.5 Dil. wgt/Feed wgt ~0.4 0.1-0.3 V. Res. Time 0.1-5 0.5-3 sec.
S/O, wtg. 3-18 5-12 Lbs. Sorb./bbl Feed 0.1-4.0 0.2-2.0 Inlet Sorb. MAT <25 vol.~ 20 Outlet Sorb. MAT <20 vol.% 10 V. Vel. 25-90 ft./sec. 30-60 V. Vel./Sorb. Vel. ~1.0 1.2-2.0 Dil. Cgs. Vel 5-90 ft./sec. 10-50 . Oil Cgs. Vel. 1-50 ft./sec. 5-50 ~` 35 Inlet Sorb. d 1-9 lbs./ft.3 2-6 Outlet Sorb. d 1-6 lbs.ift.3 1-3 .


--19-- .
In treating carbo-metallic feedstocks in accordance with the present invention, the regenerating gas may be any gas which can provide oxygen to convert car~on to carbon oxides. Air is highly suitable for this purpose in view of its ready availability The amount of air required per pound of coke for combustion depends upon the desired carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide ratio in the effluent gases and upon the amount of other combustible materials present in the coke, such as hydrogen, sulfur, nitrogen and other ele-ments capable of forming gaseous oxides at regenerator con-ditions.
The regenerator is operated at temperatures in the range of about 900 to 1500~F, preferably 1150 to 1400F, most preferably 1200 to 1300F, to achieve adequate combus-tion while keeping sorbent temperatures below those at which ~ significant sorbent degradation ~an occur. In order to ; control these temperatures, it is necessary to control the rate of burning which, in turn, can be controlled at least i in part by the relative amounts of oxidizing gas and carbon introduced into the regeneration zone per unit time.
Referring in detail to the drawings, in Fig. 1, petro-}eum feedstock is introduced into the lower end of riser re-actor 2 through inlet line 1 at which point it is mixed with hot regenerated sorbent coming from regenerator 9 through line 3.
The feedstock is partially catalytically cracked in passing up riser 2 and the product vapors are separated from ;~ coke-coated sorbent in vessel 8. The sorbent par~icles move upwardly from riser 2 into the space within vessel 8 and fall downwardly into dense bed 16. The cracking products together with some ~orbent fines pass through horizontal line 4 into cyclone 5. The gases are separated from the sorbent and pass out through line 6. The sorbent fines drop into bed 16 through dipleg 19.
The spent sorbent, coated with coke and vanadium in a reduced state, passes through line 7 into upper dense flu-idized bed 18 within regenerator 9. The spent sorbent is .,' 7~i375 -20~
fluidized with a mixture of air, CO and CO2 passing through porous plate 21 from lower zone 20, is partially regenerated in bed 18 and is pass~d into the lower portion of vented ri-ser 13 through line 11. Air is introduced into riser 13 through line 12 where it is mixed with the partially regen-erated sorbent which is forced rapidly upwards through the riser and falls into dense settled bed 17. Line 14 pro-vides a source of reducing gas such as CO for bed 17 to keep the regenerated sorbent in a reducing atmosphere ~nd thus keep vanadium present in a reduced oxidation state.
Regenerated sorbent i5 returned to the riser reactor 2 through line 3, which is provided with a source of a re-ducing gas such as CO through line 22.
In Fig. 2 spent sorbent coated with coke and vanadium in a reduced state flow into dense fluidized bed 3Z of re-generator 31 through inlet line 33. Air to combust the coke and fluidize the sorbent is introduced through line 34 and porous plate 35 which distributes the air. Coke is burned and the partially regenerated sorbent passes upwardly into riser regenerator 36. The partially regenerated sorbent which reaches the riser 36 is con~acted with air from line 37 which completes the regeneration and helps move the sor-bent rapidly up the riser. The regenerated sorbent passes ,~ ~ upwardly from the top of the riser 36 and falls down into dense settled bed 37; Dense bed 37 and the zone above 37 through which the regenerated sorbent fails are supplied with a reducing gas such as CO through lines 40 and 41. The regenerated sorbent is returned to the reactor through line ; 38, and the CO-rich flue gases leave the regenerator through line 39.
Having thus described this invention the following Ex-ample is offered to illustrate it in more detail.
: : :
Example A carbo-metallic feed at a temperature of about 400F
is fed at a rate of about 2000 pounds per hour into the bot-~J


tom of a vented riser reactor where it is mixed with sor-bent at a temperature of about 1275F and a sorbent to oil ratio by weight of about 11.
The carbo-metallic feed has a heavy metal content of about 200 ppm Nickel Equivalents of heavy metals including 100 ppm vanadium, and has a Conradson carbon content of about 12 percent. About 83 percent of the feed boils above 650F and about 20 percent of the feed boils above 1025F.
The temperature within the reactor is about 1000F and the pressure is about 27 psia. About 20 percent of the feed is converted to fractions boiling at a temperature less than 430F and about 10 percent of the feed is converted to gaso-line. During the reaction, about 11 percent of the feed is converted to coke.
The sorbent containing about one percent by weight of coke contains about 20,000 ppm Nickel ~quivalents including about 12,000 ppm vanadium. The sorbent is stripped with steam at a temperature of about 1000F to remove volatiles and the stripped sorbent is introduced into the upper zone ; 20 of the regenerator as shown in Fig. 1 at a rate of about 23,000 pounds per hour, and is partially regenerated to a coke concentration of about 0.2 percent by a mixture of air, CO and CO2. The CO/CO2 ratio in the fluidized bed in the upper zone is about 0.3.
The partially regene-ated sorbent is passed to the bot-tom of a riser reactor where it is contacted with air in an amount sufficient to force the sorbent up the riser with a residence time of about 1 second. The regenerated catalyst, having a coke loading of about 0.05 percent exits from the top of the riser and falls into a dense bed having a redu-cing atmosphere comprising CO. The regenerated catalyst is recycled to the riser reactor for contact with additional feed.
IndustriaI Applicability The invention is useful in the treatment of both FCC
and RCC feeds as described above. The present invention is ' .. ~
~.................................................................. .


particularly useful in the treatment of high boiling carbo-metallic feedstock of extremely high metals-Conradson carbon values to provide products of lowered metals-Conradson carbon values suitable for use as feedstocks for FCC and/or RCC units. Examples of these oils are reduced crudes and other crude oils or crude oil fractions containing metals and/or residua as above defined.
This invention is particularly useful in processing feedstocks containing vanadium in a concentration of over about lO0 ppm or over about 200 ppm and having Conradson carbon values greater than about 8~. Feedstocks for which the invention is particularly useful are those in whic~ the vanadium content is at least about 50 percent of the heavy metal content. However, this invention has applicability in ; 15 treating other feedstocks containing significant levels of vanadium and is applicable, for example, for treating a gas oil having a vanadium concentration greater than about 0.1 ppm and having a Conradson carbon value of less than about 1.
I 20 Although the treating process is preferably conducted ~ j in a riser reactor of the vented type, other types of risers '' and other types of reactors with either upward or downward fIow may be employed. Thus, the treating operation may be conducted with a moving bed of sorbent which moves in coun-ter-current relation to liquid (unvaporized~ feedstock under suitable contact conditions of pressure; temperature and weight hourly space velocity. The process conditions, sor-bent and~feed flows and schematic flow of a moving bed operation are described in the literature, such as those disclosed, for example, in articles entitled "T.C. Refor-ming", Pet. Engr., April (1954); and "Hyperforming", Pet.
Engr., Aprll (1954)~

... .

Claims (39)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property of privilege is claimed, are defined as follows:
1. A process for treating a hydrocarbon oil feed having a significant content of vanadium and Conradson carbon to provide a product substantially lower in vanadium and Conradson carbon, said process comprising:
contacting said feed with particulate sorbent particles, said sorbent particles being characterized as an inert material comprising a MAT activity of less than 20 wt.% and bearing an accumulation of heavy metals thereon in the range of from about 3,000 to 70,000 ppm under conditions whereby vanadium in an oxidation state lower than +5 and coke are deposited on said sorbent;
separating the treated feed from the vanadium and coke containing spent sorbent;
regenerating the spent sorbent by contacting it with an oxygen-containing gas under conditions whereby the coke on said sorbent is combusted forming gaseous products comprising CO and CO2, said regeneration being carried out under conditions whereby vanadium is maintained in an oxidation state less than +5 and recycling the regenerated sorbent to the regenerator to contact fresh fee.
2. The process of claim 1 wherein the oil feed is a reduced crude or crude oil containing 100 ppm or more of metals consisting of nickel, vanadium, iron and copper and having a Conradson carbon value of 8 wt% or more.
3. The process of claim 1 wherein the oil feed is a reduced crude or crude oil containing 200 ppm or more of metals and having a Conradson carbon value of 8 wt% or more.
4. The process of claim 1 wherein the oil feed product after treatment contains 100 ppm or less of metals and less than 8 wt% Conradson carbon.
5. The process of claim 1 wherein the oil feed product contains 50 ppm or less of heavy metals and less than 8 wt%
Conradson carbon.
6. The process of claim 1 wherein said oil feed product is a reduced crude or crude oil containing 75 ppm or less of vanadium and having a Conradson carbon value of 8 wt% or less.
7. The process of claim 1 wherein said sorbent com-prises a hydrated clay and has a surface area below 25 m2/g and a pore volume of 0.2 cc/g or greater.
8. The process of claim 1 wherein said sorbent is in spherical form and ranges in size from 10-200 microns for use in a riser fluidized transfer zone.
9. The process in claim 1 wherein said sorbent is pre-pared from clays, bentonite, kaolin, montmorillonites, smec-tites, 2-layered lamellar silicates, mullite, pumice, sili-ca, laterite, or pillared interlayered clays.
10. The process of claim 1 wherein said vanadium com-pounds deposited on the sorbent include vanadium oxides, sulfides, sulfites, sulfates or oxysulfides.
11. The process of claim 1 wherein the concentration of vanadium deposited on said sorbent ranges from about 0.05 to 5 wt% of sorbent weight.
12. The process of claim 1 wherein said oil feed has a significant content of heavy metals and the vanadium propor-tion of said total metals content is greater than twenty per-cent.
13. The process of claim 1 wherein the oil feed is a gas oil containing more than 0.1 ppm vanadium and having a Conradson carbon value of less than 1Ø
14. The process of claim 1 wherein the sorbent is re-generated at a temperature from about 900° to about 1500°F.
15. The process of claim 1 wherein the sorbent is re-generated at a temperature from about 1150° to about 1400°F.
16. The process of claim 1 wherein said sorbent is re-generated at a temperature in the range of about 1200° to about 1300°F.
17. The process of claim 1 wherein sufficient coke is retained on the regenerated sorbent to provide vanadium de-posited on the catalyst with a non-oxidizing environment.
18. The process of claim 1 wherein the concentration of coke on the regenerated sorbent is at least about 0.05%.
19. The process of claim 1 wherein the concentration of coke on the regenerated sorbent is in the range of about .05 to about 0.15 percent.
20. The process of claim 1 wherein the regeneration is carried out in at least two stages and at least one stage contains CO and CO2 in a molar ratio of at least about 0.25.
21. The process of claim i wherein said sorbent is re-generated in at least two stages, in the first stage of which said spent sorbent is contacted in a dense fluidized bed with a gas containing less than a stoichiometric amount of oxygen to convert the hydrogen in said coke to H2O and the carbon in said coke to CO and CO2, and in the final stage of which partially regenerated sorbent is contacted with a stoichiometric excess of oxygen for a period of time of less than about 2 seconds.
22. The process of claim 21 wherein the sorbent is maintained in said dense fluidized bed for a period of at least about 5 minutes.
23. The process of claim 21 wherein the partially re-generated sorbent is contacted with at least a stoichio-metric amount of oxygen in a riser regenerator, the resi-dence time of the sorbent in the riser regenerator is less than about 2 seconds, and the regenerated sorbent is sepa-rated from the gaseous products.
24. The process of claim 23 wherein the residence time of the sorbent in the riser regenerator is less than about 1 second.
25. The process of claim 23 wherein the separated, re-generated sorbent is contacted with a reducing gas.
26. The process of claim 23 wherein the separated, re-generated sorbent is immediately contacted with a reducing gas and is then collected in a dense bed maintained under a reducing atmosphere.
27. The process of claim 23 wherein the density of the sorbent within the riser regenerator is less than about 4 pounds per cubic foot.
28. The process of claim 23 wherein the density of the sorbent within the riser is less than about 2 pounds per cubic foot.
29. The process of claim 23-wherein the regenerated sorbent is separated from the gaseous products by being projected in a direction established by the riser regenerator, or an extension thereof, while the gaseous products are caused to make an abrupt change of direction resulting in an abrupt, substantially instantaneous ballistic separation of gaseous products from regenerated sorbent.
30. The process of claim 1 wherein the feed contains at least about 1 ppm vanadium.
31. The process of claim 1 wherein the feed contains more than 5 ppm vanadium.
32. The process of claim 1 wherein the feed contains more than 25 ppm vanadium.
33. The process of claim 1 wherein the feed contains more than 50 ppm vanadium.
34. The process of claim 1 wherein the feed contains more than 100 ppm vanadium.
35. The process of claim 1 wherein the feed contains more than 200 ppm vanadium.
36. The process of claim 1 wherein the concentration of vanadium on said sorbent is greater than about 13 by weight of the catalyst.
37. The process of claim 1 wherein the concentration of vanadium on said sorbent is in the range of about 1-3% by weight of the catalyst.
38. The process of claim 1 wherein the concentration of vanadium on said sorbent is in the range of about 3-5% by weight of the catalyst.
39. The process of claim 1 wherein the concentration of vanadium on said sorbent is greater than 5 wt% by weight of the catalyst.
CA000401224A 1981-04-20 1982-04-19 Immobilization of vanadia deposited on sorbent materials during treatment of carbo-metallic oils Expired CA1175375A (en)

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Family Cites Families (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US4162213A (en) * 1976-04-29 1979-07-24 Mobil Oil Corporation Catalytic cracking of metal-contaminated oils
CA1127581A (en) * 1978-02-06 1982-07-13 David B. Bartholic Preparation of fcc charge from residual fractions
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US4280895A (en) * 1979-12-31 1981-07-28 Exxon Research & Engineering Co. Passivation of cracking catalysts

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