CA1140071A - Ketchup rapping apparatus - Google Patents

Ketchup rapping apparatus


Publication number
CA1140071A CA000351296A CA351296A CA1140071A CA 1140071 A CA1140071 A CA 1140071A CA 000351296 A CA000351296 A CA 000351296A CA 351296 A CA351296 A CA 351296A CA 1140071 A CA1140071 A CA 1140071A
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French (fr)
Vitale Catalano
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Application filed by Individual filed Critical Individual
Priority to CA000351296A priority Critical patent/CA1140071A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1140071A publication Critical patent/CA1140071A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Details Of Rigid Or Semi-Rigid Containers (AREA)


Vitele Catalano, a citizen of the United States residing at Brooklyn, New York ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE

Ketchup rapping apparatus having a pair of L-form racks hinged to one another, each adapted to hold a ketchup bottle in a stationary seated position, one of the racks being pivotable through 180 degrees from a back-to-back relationship with the other rack to carry its bottle to inverted vertical alignment with the other bottle, a resilient guide cup to be disposed be-tween the mouth ends of the aligned bottles for avoiding glass-to-glass bottle contact and for guiding the bottle being invert-ed down into the aligned position with the other bottle, a latch for securing the pivoted rack in the inverted position to allow easy porting of the apparatus in the inverted condition, and shock absorbing pads on the bottom of the non-inverted rack en-abling rapping of the latter in the inverted condition of the ap-paratus against a solid surface so as to jar free a clogged ketchup flow condition without damaging the apparatus or the bottles.



~L~G i~O~ D o~ 7.,~ .r~I~.IO,..
This inve~tio-Q ls d.irected to a.n~aratus for transferrin;~, ket-chup from one-na,rrow-neckect ketchup bo-ttle to anot!-er, arld ~,~hich ap~araL~tus is c~danted -to be rca-oped agains-t a solicl surface to affect relief oE any clogged condition in the Elo~! of the I~e~tchu1? that might ~ise in t"e process. Apparc?,tus o'` this "nature is needed narticularly in restauran-ts, where it is refill ketchup bottles rel~1a.ining partially Eillecl ln or~er to a-~oid ~aste by trans-Eerring the contents fro!n one ~arti~-ll].~T fill-ed bottle into another. ',nhe sl~w moving characteristics o:E ketch~lp,~
-together wi-th the narro~ necks o:E the ,~.g,l.a,ss bo-ttles, not only nakes the refilling process time consu.~in, but also presents~
other prob]erns) such a.s clogOing oE the 1cetchup ~low, lealca,ge, and possible chippinOr o-~ tihe bottles.
Devices attempting to sup~ly this need are known :from patel~ tS `
nulrbered 3~877~9; ~ 6~5-~3; 3i~rj~ r)72; a.nd 3,~ 0~ In these pa.tents the bottle -to be dra.ined is ~.;et by hand in .Irl in-vert;cd positi.on over the bo-t,t~c to be, ~nd it is ~?lt,her coup1.~d -to ',,'~e lat-te-r bo~ttle b~ canc, of a. cvupling e]cment as In the .irst th-ree o-f these paten-ts; or it ls left ln a glass-tr,~n1ass contact, as in the .~ourth patent. 'Lnhese several devices lac'.~ an effi~ient Inea.ns for obtaini.rlO a quick inversio~
of the one 'oottle relative to the other. Spillage is likely to occur b~ ~the tlme the inversion is properly o~-tained. '~he coupling elernents ~lithout rnore are an lnadequ~te sup-rox~t :Eor thr heas~ inverte1 glass bot tle3, 50 that the coupled bottles would be in a.n accident prone condition. In the p~tent where the inverted bottle is le~t in to-grlass contact with the lower bottle, not only but also chippi.n.g o:E the bot-tle is li1cely during the in~Jersion -oroces3. .
Patents 3,8~0,048 and 3j?86,~49 also disclo3e apparatus for transferring fluid from one bottle to another. EIowever, i.n these the apparatlls is cur1bersolne; and the bottles to be c~rained obtair ~n undesir~ble angular -,oosition subjecting the draining fluid to exposu-.-e and possible contamination.

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Fur-ther~ the arrangernents in these 'cno~.m de-i~ices a.ppear to be i.-practical to pe-rmit the ap-pca~ratus to be shar~l1 rap^ecl agai.~st a solid surface ~hen it is desired t^o has-ten ketchu;o flow or to dislodge a clogged flow conditi.on. Such action could posslbl~-~result in to-unllng, crackin~G or di.slodgin~ -the bottles.

~ UI-~'A~Y 0. '1~ IY~ n.'I0~1 l~ccordin~-ly~ the ?resent inventlon is directed to improvin~
over these kno~/n ~1evices a~nd providin~ apparatlls for :~aGil-itating the trallsfer of l~etch~ ) fror.1 one narrow-necked bottle into another without the accornnanying faults of these knol~!n .~ devices.

! It is fu-rther intended b~r the presen-t inven.-tion -to provide a ma.nuall~J portable apparatus which is practical in i-ts mode of use, and is effecient in effecting transier o~ ketclm.lp frorn one conventioncal ke~tchup 'bo-ttle to another ~ which is desl.gned to ~ermit quick inversion and alirrnrnent of one bnt-tle relative to .
the other ~or -this purpose without darnage to the bottles; and which is of a constuction enabling it to be rao-p,ed sharply a-gainst a solid sur~ace without damage in order to sp^ed up ket~
ehup flow or to relieve a clogged f`lo~ condition.

In accordance ~ith ~the inven-tion there is provided portable a~;,aratus for ef'fectin.g transf-er of' ~etch~ from one narrow-necked bottle to another, cornprisi~lg a ~air of ~-form racks, each rack having a base member and an upright back rnember, eac'n base rn.ernber havin~ a recess in its u~oer face for seated dis-Qosition therei~ of one of the bo-ttles, clamp mearls fi~ed ;: to each rack for securing t'ne related bo-ttle in seated -posi-tion, a hin~e con~ecting the racks -to one anothrr ena~ling pi~rotin.l-r O:r one rack -to the other from a back to-back relation-ship of the racks th:rou~h 1$0 degrees to an opposed inverted vertical position ln ~hich the r~.outh ends of the bottles seat-ed in the raclcs are d.i.s~osed in ali.~ned opposed relatjonship.


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~ - ~` 1140071 3:~.I.3.~ '' O`;` '~''.'~`., D:?~h,iI~:G

~IG. 1 ls a vi.e~ i ele,atlo~ o~ a~?~ra-tus emboclyi.
~- the invr-~ntio-n, sho~;rir~ i.n ~ ll, -the -no:rl~al or l`'lCl'-to-'bacl.~ position of racks, and sllol.!i-nr; i'.î 'oro'kerl l:ine t'le clegree pivotea ~osJi tion o:. one ancl its rellt;ec':
,, bo~,-tle relati~re to the othcr -r2c`- anrd its rel~l;ed 'bottle:

' FIG. ? is 2. secti.on on line ~_? oF-~'IG. 1, the l)o-t-l,les bein~
.~ shown in brol~er-l line:
FIG. 3 is an enlarged olan view of FIG. 1, ~ortions ~.~eing brok.~rl ~!a~ to avoici urlnecessar,~J cletail alld l.o ~ro1not;e a.dd-ed clari-t~:

~IG. ~ is a vlew i.n Si(3.(? elevation of tlle ~uicle Cllp~ scc-ti.on-r~r~ p~:L~t:

~IG. 5 is a vlew illlls-tratin,.r, an en~aged condition of -the latch: and . .
~IG. 6 is a ~e:rspective view of an in.sert -that rnigh-t be used . beneath a bo-t~le to ajust its hei~,ht, wnen neerled, in its '~]~.



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C i~ ïP r~ O'ii P ~ ''C~ r, o DI I "~ Ll !
'~he invention wll] now be described ~;Jith reference to the accom~anyil~ dr~wing sul`iiciently an~ in such conci~c manne as -to enable persons ha~ing ~rdinary skill in the art to unders.and ard use the in~ention.

The apparatus sho~n in the dralillng as lllus-trating an em-bodimen~ O r the invention includes, see FI~. 1, a pair of bottle stands or racks la and lb o~ similar struc-ture.

( It is noted that the components of rack la are design-ated in th~s description and tha drawing by unprimed re-ference numbers; and the corresponding components ~n rack 1'~ are designated by primed reference numbers. ) ~ach rack is of ~-form, having a flat bo-ttomed base rnember 2, and a unrioh-t; vertically extending back ~ember ~. ~lere, the base members 2 and 2' are shown as square; and -the back members 3 c~nd ~' are ,hown as rectangular. '~hey are not, howe~er, limited -to these confi~urations~ ~ach base member has a recess 4 in its upper face desig~ed to have seated therein a conventional ketchup bot-tle 5. 'I'he recess is of shallow depth; and its cross dime~sions are such as to allow the bo-ttom end of the bottle to be easily entered and seated therein, the cross dimensions OI the recess being only slight-ly greater that that of the bottle.

A s~in~ pinch clamp 6 is fixed to each rack. It is ~esign-ated to grip about the neck of the related ~ottle seated :in the rac'- so as to hold it in its seated posi-tiorl. rrhe clamp has a bridgepiece 7 fixedto the inner face o~ -the bac~lnember o:f the rac~ pair o F sprin~r~ a~rrns 8 extends for~ardly fro~
~he bridgepiece in overhanging relatlon to -the reces3 of the rack. T`ne arl-1s are tensioned to~ rd each other so as to pro~ide . . - , . ~ .

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anarro~.T entrarlce to an inner ^lnn~ r li1ider area, 9. The latt.r.~r has a ].e~sC~er diar.leter tha~J the neck of the '-o-ttle ''~ei.~g force-e~ bet~een the c~r-lns 8 and entered i~to the area 9, the arrr.s become cla,mpe~ about -the neck o- the bottle sufficiently to hold the bottle seated in the rack.

The racks la a~d lb h'^,ve -a norr.~a.l bac1c--to-~?Lck collapsed position, as i-L~dicated ln full li~e in '?IG. 1~A leaf hin~e 11 mount;ed 1~et~/een the u.c~?er rear areas o:f the back is pro~Jidecl, whereb~T l"ack la rnay 'be ret;urnrec'l or plv-oted on the hinge rela-tive to r?ck lb tl1rou.~;h 1~0 c1~i~ree-s ~o ?ïl in-verted verticl position, as indicatecl b,~J -th,e brol.-en in :' .IG~ 4s the rack is Pivotecl7 -the bottle 5 seated therein i.s carried ~iith i.-t.

The pivotecl raclc obtains an i~ ,Tt.~r-terl ~o~ition in l!~ i C'rl a ton ~lat end surface'12 o:~ it;s baclc r.nember 3 abllts ~pO`~1 a corrcs-ponc1inr end sur.~face o:F t~le otller raclc l~)j ir~ .rl1ich the in-verted bac'!tclnember 3 is c.~i.s~,-osed. lillearl~y ;n e~-tens,ion o:E' the~
ot1ler ba.c'~. member 3'; in which -the 'base member 2 oi` the in-verted ra,ck is dis~ose-l ~nposite to an~ aliOrned in over'nea(l parallel relation ~ith the other base mernber 2'; and in '.~!hi~h -the inverted bo-ttle 5 is a~,~ia]lvT ali~rned ~l~ith the o-ther bottle 5'.

Suitable iastenincr means, suc'n as a h?S~ or latch 13 is pro-vided. It ser~Jes as a .~leans for ri~ridly retaT~llin~ the plvot.e(,`
rac'~ in its inverted position aga,inst col]a.~se1 as ~:~hen i-t is esired to rnove the a.p~ara-tus :rrom one locatiorl to ' an~ther or wherl it is deslred to ra~, the heel area of the lo~1er rack rnember lb o~ -tile ap~a.ra-tus aOainst a scli.~ surfcace to re1ieve a clogged l~.etchun ~loi~ condi-tion.

"he latcl~ 13 .i.s ?. convelltiorlal spring type~ It com1?:r~ses a hook element 1~ -['i;~e-l 1roxirnated the u-~?~-er ed~e of -the i-nner ' . , 6.
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face o:,~ br-.c!r !lem1~er 3 o:' r ac'~ la.; and a, lc~-~rer r,?ivo-tr-~ble catch 15 ,nc!un~led to correspo~ ling f ace o ,'` the other baclr r!1ember 3 . ~.fter the r~lvo ted rack la has obtained i-ts invertecl .~ ~osition ( bro~ en line, -.~IG,. 1 ) t'ne f~atch 15 is enabled to ~l~e :' manual'.y F)ivoted to en~a,ge ~itl'! the hook element 1 a, so as to lock the pivoted .rack in i ts inverted posi-tion to rc~,ck lb~
~IC-. 5 sho~,s the hook and c~-tch elernents in an enga2ea locked.
.~ guicle cup member 16 is adapted -to be :fit-l'.ed to -the non-in-verted bot ~,l', here bot~tle 5 t . It se~ves -to guiae ~e bot~ Le ::~ to be in~rer-ted, here bottle 5, do~mw~,rcl to an in~1erted ver-tic.--~l posi-tio~AI ;n which i.t is alisned with the lo~er bot~tle , ~ 5 ', as inidica.ted by thee broken line in FIG, 1. rl'he ~uide cu~?
- is formed o F resilient nl~teria,l, ~uch as plastic. It ~ncludes a~n up~j?er -t-runcatecl C()`;l~:!C~ C'llp pt!rt~ on 17 ha~ri!~g cl :Elat bo t-l,om all 18 fro~ a c~nlind:rical tube -lO (~epends a.xi2lly.

;~ub~ 10 i s ?dapt(?d to be;~r i.nser-ted i~1 to -the nlO~I l.ll en~.
of the ].ower or :~loll-in~ e~rted bottle~ 5', as .l~?~?e~rs in ~'I(~. 1.
"1he 'L~ottom wa.ll 18 of ~-,he cu? (lefines a~ annu'l~"r unde-r,,'nouldeL
?O whic'n is a~apte('~ to res t U~)o.ll the mou-th end of -the non-:. inver-te~'. bot tle 5 ' . .'he !-~ajor,in~er diarrleter o:'` th(? c~u~i) is adeque-te to ?lloi! i.'ne mou-t'-n en~ o F t`~le bot-tl e b ein~ lnvorted -:' to be carried ang,ularlJr d0Wil into 1,he cu-- u~til th.e bo-t-tle a--tc.ins an in~Jerted vertical .-~osi.tion seated upon -the sur-fa,ce of the botto~n ~ a.ll of -t,.lQe cu.~ md i-n vertical a.lignnlen-t with the lower bottle 5 ', as in ~I~-.1 .
. ., In l~.sin~ the apparatus to effect -traMsfer o i" the contents of : j on~ ~a,rtia.] l~- Eilled '~etc'nu;r~ bott' e in~to a~lother, the bottle"s ''. are :Eirst seated aMd clamp d into tlheix res~ective r-~c,~:s. ~h-bot'-tle 5' seated i~. rac1~ lb is tl~e-rl fitted ~ ith the tube 10 of`
the fl'l'`r`l'?l CU~ . The r~lcl~ là corltai~:Lin, bott1. e 5 is then r,7anuall,y plvotecl on t~ne hini~re 11 th:roug.`i. -1$0 de~:r.ees carr~i,l.;~

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bo~ttle 5 :~;t;h i-t. ~ the l~t-ter is ~ rled .lrlgulaxl.r ~lo1-n~;!ar.`.
~o it~ in~e:rted posi-tio~, i-t ~-nters -th.e coned Cll-O 16 a.ld :is grui~ed b~ the la.tter so ~5 -to con~ to rest upon -the inne~
surface o:E ~''2 botto~ ial1 of -the cu-? in a -ve:rtical inverted positi~n wit~ its moutl,~ encl aligned r/ith -~.hat of the lo~rer bottle ~ he resillent shock absorbing na-ture of '~ne bo~tol:
all of -t~e cup protec-tivel~ cushionc-~ the bo-ttles as ~the in-. verted bottle 5 obtains the latter posltion.

~he thickness of the bottom l~all 18 of -the cu-p member is equal to the total ~.ifference in lenp:lh o~ -the bacl~ rnembers 3 and 3' of the racks relatl~re to ~the slightly shorter bot-tles sea.tec1 in the racks. The bo-ttom ~all of -the cup in this respect ser~es a.s a washer or ~eal between the mouth ends or rims of the aligned bottles 5 and 5'.

If a shorte:r bottle the,n is customary is -to be se~.-ted in one of -the racks, then a compen~ating flat, thin insert ( ~IG. 6), to the exten~t needed, is pla.ced beneath the bottle to ob-l;ain the desired height condi-tion.
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The a~aratus is equiped with means which enables i-t, a:~ter it has obtained t'ne extended ~osition with rac'~ la inverted rel~
tive -to rack lb, to be manipulated so as to speed flo~/ of -the slow moving ketchup or to relieve any clogged condition that ` may be impeding the flo~. To th~s end, the base member 2' of : rack lb is provided a-t its underside rea.r or heel area wi-th ` foot pads 19 formed of shock absorbing material, such as rubber, - To obtain the relief mentioned, the user manually ~r,rips one of the back members 3 or 3' and then ~thrusts the apparcltus angularly do~mward so as to raP or im~act the heel area of the lower base member 2' against a solid surface. The resultant jarring of the : apparat~s jarring of the apparatus operates to relieve the clogged : condition and to speed up the flow of 1cetchup.

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In usin th.e ap~ara-tlls to ob-tain the :relief mentioned, the-re is '10 likelihooa of dama~,e resul-tin~ to either the apnara-~;us or -to -the bo-t-tles, since the :Eorce of the irn?~acts is absorbed not onlv b~r the foot ~a.ds 1g benea.t7n -the b~se meml)er 2' of the rac'.~ at the heel -~rea bu by -the aligned back rnenbers 3 and 3 ' o:E both ra.cks .

T~ere, there is a :Eoo~t pad 19 a-t each o.f the two rear corne:rs o:E the heel. area of -th.e base rnember 2 ' . F~owever, any o-t.'ner suitable pacldin,~ arran~rement for this purpose m~y be used, mhe foot elements ~3 ' located at the opposite or :or~lard tl~!o corners of the base member 2', as ~Arell as the foot elements ~2~ located at the four co~ners of the base member 2 of raclic la are not i.o t?~ formed of shock ~ab30rbin~rr ma-terial.
It is to be ~pr)reciate~ -th l-t the :~oot ~d 19 mcrl.y -~,alce -the form o~ a single strip at -the heel area J

A rubber button 21 fl.xe~ to the rear f~ce oX t;'-~e hac!{ mer.?ber 3 of ,;he ci.?~n.-l.ratus, ~s in(?,ica-te~ in T~IG. 1, server-~ t~) cushi.on the in~rerted rac`'r la as it i.s -returned to -the baclc-to-b.lcl- nor-mal position of -the appar2tus.
.~ , Sui-table me. ns, such as a ~ender or eyelet 22 may be fi~ ed to rack membQr la as a me~3ns of sus??en din~ the e.???~arritus ~: from a support after rack me.rnber 1 a has obtainecl its inverted ~osition .

.n.'he racks 1 a and lb may be formed of any suitable ma-terial -Eor the purpo~ e intended, such as 1rood, met21, or -~lastic :lhile an embocliment of the in~ention has been illustra-ted ~nd described in detail, it is to be expressl;y unders-tooa that the invention is not 1 imited there-to. Various chan-r;es of forrn, desi~ or arran~ement ma~J b~ mla~3e~:n i ts ~arts lilit~1ollt depa.r-ting . .

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frorn the s~irit ana scone o~ he invent,ion. It is m,~ intentionJ
, -therefore, ~o clairQ -i,he invention no-t only as sho~n ~,nd ed but also in al~ such forrns~ modlfica-ted or e~luivalentGs -there-,~ of .aS r~i~,h~t be reaso~^-bly cons,trued to be ~it~ n the spirit of the invention l,~/hen concide^ring -the s~ecifica,,tion, dral,~ing7 c~.nd the ~ ended claims ,:

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Claims (9)

What is claimed is :
1. Portable apparatus fox effecting transfer of ketchup from one narrow-necked bottle into another, comprising a pair of L-shaped racks, each rack having a base member and an upright;
back member, each base member having a recess in its upper face for seated disposition therein of one of the bottles, clamp means fixed to each rack for securing the related bottle in sea-ted positions a least hinge connecting the upper ends of the up-right back members of the racks to one another enabling pivot-ing of one rack relative to the other from a back-to-back normal relationship of the racks through I80 degrees to an opposed in-verted position in which the mouth ends of the bottles seated in the racks are disposed in axially aligned opposed relationship one above the other, the base members are disposed in opposed spaced overhead relationship, and the upright back members are disposed in linear extention of each other.
2. Portable apparatus as in claim 1, wherein securing means is carried by the racks for latching them to one another so as to retain them in said opposed inverted position.
3. Portable apparatus as in claim I, including a guide member for-med of resilient material and having a truncated coned upper cup position provided with a flat bottom wall having an axial opening into a tube depending from the underside of the bottom wall, the tube being adapted to be inserted into the mouth end of the bot-tle seated in the rack that is not intented to be inverted, the cup portion being adapted to receive and guide down to a seated position upon the flat bottom wall the mouth end of the bottle carried by the other rack upon pivoting of the latter rack to its inverted position.
4. Portable apparatus as in claim 3, wherein the back members are slightly greater in height than the bottles when seated therein, and the flat bottom wall of the cup portion has a thickness cor-responding to the total difference in the overall height of the back members relative to that of the slightly shorter bottles.
5. Portable apparatus as in claim 4, wherein the flat bottom wall defines an annular shoulder at its underside that is seatable upon the mouth end of the bottle in which the tube is fitted and provides an annular upper surface for seating engagement with the mouth end of the bottle carried by the pivoted rack..
6. Portable apparatus as in claim 5, wherein the flat: bottom wall is of resilient plastic material and defined a cushion and seal between the mouth ends of the bottles in the inverted position of the one bottle relative to the, other.
Portable apparatus as in claim 2, wherein the means for latch-ing the racks to one another is mounted in part on each rack and the separate parts are engageable with one another in latching rel-ationship subsequent to the pivoted rack obtaining the inverted position.
8. Portable apparatus as in claim 7, wherein the base member of the rack not intented to be inverted has a heel area at its under-side below the related back member provided with shock absorbing means for cushioning the apparatus against damage in the event the user of the apparatus subjects the said heel area to rapping act-ion against a solid surface to effect relief of a clogged ketchup flow condition.
9. Apparatus for effecting a vertical inversion of a narrow-necked ketchup first bottle relative to a narrow-necked ketchup second bottle so to allow gravity flow of the contents of the inverted first bottle down into the second bottle, the apparatus comprising a first and a second L-shaped rack, each rack having a base member and an upright back member and adapted to have seated on its base member one of the bottles in a restrained upright position, a trun-cated coned cup opening at its nottom into a depending tube, the tube being receivable in the mouth end of the second bottle, the coned cup being adapted for reception of the mouth end of the first bottle upon relative inversion of the latter bottle, a hinge con-necting upper ends of the back members of both racks together en-abling pivoting of the first rack and the first bottle seated therein from a back-to-back normal position of both racks to an inverted position relative to the second rack, in which position the base member of the inverted first rack is disposed in an overhead aligned spaced relation to the base member of the second rack and in which position the back member of the inverted first rack is disposed in linear vertical extension of the back member of the second rack, and in the pivoting of said first rack relative to the second rack the mouth end of the first bottle being caused to be entered into and guided down the coned cup to a seated posit on therein in axial alignment with the mouth end of the second bottle.
IO. Apparatus as in claim 9, wherein a separate clamp mounted to each upright back member is adapted to receive the neck of a keto-hup bottle in an upright position on the related base member so as to restrain the ketchup bottle in a clamped condition against displacement from its seated position.
II. Apparatus as in claim 9, wherein the underside of the base member of the rack that is not inverted defines a heel area prov-ided with shock absorbing material for cushioning the apparatus in the secured position of the inverted rack to enable rapping of said heel area against a solid surface for effecting relief of any clogged condition that might develop in the transfer of ketchup from the inverted bottle into the other.
CA000351296A 1980-05-06 1980-05-06 Ketchup rapping apparatus Expired CA1140071A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000351296A CA1140071A (en) 1980-05-06 1980-05-06 Ketchup rapping apparatus

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA000351296A CA1140071A (en) 1980-05-06 1980-05-06 Ketchup rapping apparatus

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1140071A true CA1140071A (en) 1983-01-25



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA000351296A Expired CA1140071A (en) 1980-05-06 1980-05-06 Ketchup rapping apparatus

Country Status (1)

Country Link
CA (1) CA1140071A (en)

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
USD1013521S1 (en) 2021-04-08 2024-02-06 H.J. Heinz Company Brands Llc Bottle

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
USD1013521S1 (en) 2021-04-08 2024-02-06 H.J. Heinz Company Brands Llc Bottle

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