CA1125880A - Multiple sensing device and sensing devices therefor - Google Patents

Multiple sensing device and sensing devices therefor


Publication number
CA1125880A CA340,225A CA340225A CA1125880A CA 1125880 A CA1125880 A CA 1125880A CA 340225 A CA340225 A CA 340225A CA 1125880 A CA1125880 A CA 1125880A
Prior art keywords
sensing device
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French (fr)
Roland Pittman
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Applied Devices Corp
Original Assignee
Applied Devices Corp
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Applied Devices Corp filed Critical Applied Devices Corp
Priority to CA340,225A priority Critical patent/CA1125880A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1125880A publication Critical patent/CA1125880A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Measurement Of Length, Angles, Or The Like Using Electric Or Magnetic Means (AREA)


Title of the Invention MULTIPLE SENSING DEVICE

Abstract of the Disclosure A multiple sensing device has sensors, mounted on a common rotatable shaft, for sensing magnetic fields, elec-tric fields, gas flow, angular acceleration and linear accel-eration. The latter three of the sensing devices employ piezo electric crystals as the sensors, while the magnetic field sensor employs a pair of rotating coils and the elec-tric sensing device employs a pair of rotating electrodes.




Back~round of the Inventi_n .
This invention relates to sensing devices for physical ~ characteristics, and is more particularly directed to a low - cost sensing device for sensing such parameters as magnetic field, electric field, gas flow, linear acceleration and angular acceleration. The invention is particularly directed to simplified devices or combination of devices of this type, which are particularly adaptable for use in aircraft.
It will, of course~ be apparent that the invention may be advantageously employed in other fields.
' 10 While devices are known for the detection of each of these parameters, in general the devices are relatively expensive, so that their use is restricted, and they are not adaptable to application having limited life. The present invention is therefore directed to the provision of a novel multiple sensing device of low cost, which is capable of accurately sensing all of these above parameters. The invention is also concerned with the provision of separate sensing devices for sensing each of these parameters.

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5~380 Summar~ of the Invention Briefly sta~ed, in accordance with the invention, one or more sensing devices is mounted ~or rotation on a shaft, and commuta~or means are connected to encable coupLin~ of the sensed vol~age from the sensing device. The sensing devlces are adapted to produce alternating voltage si~naLs, the instantaneous maximum amplitudes of the signals correspond-ing generally to the vector of the measured physical characteristic in a given plane, such as a plane normal to the axis of rotation. As a consequence, substantially complete data regarding the physical characteristics may be provided by employing two of the multiple sensing devices.

In accordance with the invention, a magnetic ~ield sensing device for determining a magnetic field vector normal to the shaft, comprises a pair of magnetic coils symmetrically affixed to rotate with the shaft. A sensing device for ascertalning the vector of an external electric field may comprise a pair of electrodes mounted for rotation with ~he shaft, with the external ends of the electrodes being uninsulated. Gas flow, such as air flow, in a direction normal to the axis of the shaft may be detected by a crystal plate mounted, perferably on the end of the shaft, this crystal being bendable about an axis parallel to the plate and normal to the shaft. Angular acceleration about axes normal to ti~e shaft may be detected by a pair of crystals extending radially from the shaft, and having bendin~ axes normal to the shaft. The radially outer extremities of the latter crystals may be joined by a symmetrical, i.e., annular, reaction mass. In addition, linear acceleration normal to the shaft may be obtained by a pair of similar crystals compressable in a direction normal to the axis of the shaft. Masses may also be provided at the radial outer extremities of these crystals.
- 2 -~ ~ ~ 5 Brief Description of the Drawin~s In order that the invention will be more clearly under-stood, it will now be disclosed ln greater detAll with reference to the accompanying drawings~ in which:

Figs. 1-5 are simplified illus~rations of magnetic field, electric field, gas flow, linear acceleration and angular rate sensing devices employed in accordance with the invention;

Fig. 6A-6D are views illustrating, in simplified form, four consecutive positions of the sensing rotor of Fig. 5;

Figs. 7A-7D are figures illustrating, consecutively, the side views corresponding to the views of Figs. 6A-6D, respectively;
Fig. 8 illustrates the output of the two crystals of ~o Figs. 6A-6D and 7A-7D, :
Fig. 9 illustrates the sum of the voltages generated as illustra~ed in Fig. 8;

Fig. 10 is an exploded cross-sectional view of a portion of a multi-probe assembly in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention;

Fig. 11 is a cross-sectional view of an electric motor rotor that may be employed in combination with the system of Fig. 10;

Fig. 12 is a cross-sectional view of a multi-probe assembly, incorporating the elements of fig. 10;

Fig. 13 is a cross-sectional view of a further embodi-ment of a multi-probe assembly, in accordance with the invention; and ~ - 3 -: :

~ 5 ~ ~ ~

Fig. 14 is a simplified illustration of one application of a pair of multi-probe assemblies in accordance with the invention, on an aircraft.

Description o~ the Preferred ~mbodirnents The present invention is directed to the provlsion of a mul-iple sensing device, particularly ldaptable for use on aircraft, but which ~ay oE course have other applications.
The concept of a multiple sensing device for physical parameters necessitates the combination of indiviclual sens-ing devices adaptable to combination, for sensing purposes, in an accessable manner, in order to achieve the desired end result, and hence the present invention of necessity incorp-orates a number of individual sensing elements responsive to different physical characteristics. The individual sensing devices may, of course, have separate utility, even though -~ -they are particularly adaptable to being combined for ~he desired purpose.

Referring now to the drawings, Figs. 1-5 illustrate in simplified form the principles of operation of the five sensing devices with which the present invention is primari-ly concerned. It will, of course, be apparent that a multiple sensing device in accordance with the invention may additionally incorporate other sensing means, or that, when desired, one or more of the illustrated sensing means may be omitted.
~ s those treated in Fig. 1, a magnetic field sensing device is comprised of a pair of identical coils 10 mounted in a column plane on opposite sides of a shaft 11, for rotation with the shaft. Assuming the shaft extends into the coordinate direction Z and that the coils are connected e~ternally by way of a suitable commutator, the device of Fig. 1 will produce an alternating voltage of a freq~ency corresponding to the rotary speed of ~his shaft, and having . ~ , 58~
an instantanteous peak when the plane of the coils is aligned with an external rnagnetic field, such as the earth's magnetic field. The magnitude of the o~ltput voltage is dependent upon the component of the e~ternal magnetic fieLd in the X/Y plane. In the arrangement of Fig. 1, it is apparent that the greatest po~tion of the output volta~e is developed by the radia]ly outermost portions of the coils.

The output voLtage is a sine wave when the Eield is linear. When the inciden~ magnetic field is not linear, i.e., contails gradients, harmonics of the fundamental are generated. In the simple case, the second harmonic is the most dominant. In effect, the main field and the gradient fields give uniquely different signal frequencies.

` In the electric ield sensor illustrated in Fig. 2, a pair of electrodes 12 extend radially in opposite directions from the shaft :Ll, with the radiantly outermost portions of the electrodes being uninsulated. The radiantly intermediate portions of the electrodes are preferably insulated. It is apparent that, with the inner ends of the electrodes connected externally of the device by way of a suitable commutator, the device will produce a sine wave voltage output of a frequency corresponding to the rate of rotation of the shaft ll. The voltage arises from the fact that the non-insulated radially outer ends of the electrodes 12 rotate in a static electric field 9 such as the static electric field of the earth, whereby the instantaneous maximum of the sine wave voltage output occurs when the electrodes are aligned with this electric field. The ampli-tude of the ~oltage corresponds to the gradient of the static electric field in the X/Y plane.
., In the sensing device of Fig. 3, a plate piezo electric crystal 13 is mounted on one end of the shaft ll for rotation therewith. The plane of the crystal 13 is parallel to the axis of the shaft 11, and the crystal is arranged so that it may be bent about axes normal to the axis of the 4~

shaft 11. Suitable electrodes of conventional nature (not shown) are affixed to the crystal, so that stress upon the crystal normal to the sha~t ll results in the generation o~
a pie~o elect-ric voltage, which may be directed externaLly of the device by a suitable commutator asse~bly. If a component of a gas flow is in the X/Y pLane o ~he de~ice~
it is apparent that the gas flow, lmpinging upon the crystal, will stress the crystal so that an alternating voltage will be produced. The alternating voltage ~-ill have a frequency corresponding to the rate of rotation of the sha~t 11 with the instantaneous peaks occuring when the bending axis oE the crystal is normal to the component of the gas direction in the X/Y plane. The crystal may be referred to as a "bender" crystal. The amplitude of the voltage corresponds to the component of the gas flow in the X/Y plane, assuming, as above, that the shaft extends in the Z direction. In -the arrangement of Fig. 3, the crystal thus serves as a restoring spring and a signal generator, and may be advantageously employed as an air mass data probe.
In Fi~. 4, a pair of crystals 14 are mounted on opposite sides of the shaft 11, for rotation therewithO The crystals 14 are oriented to be compressible in a direction normal to the shaft 11. If desired, suitable masses 15 may be provided at the radially outer extremities of the crystals 14. If suitable leads are connected conventinally to the crystals 14, and directed externally of the device by way of a suitable commutator assembly, it is apparent that an alternating output voltage will be produced having a frequency corresponding to the rate of rotation of the shaft. The instantaneous maximum of the voltage occurs when the crystals are aligned with a component of linear acceler-ation in the X/Y plane, and the amplitude of the output voltage thus corresponds to the linear acceleration of the shaft in the X/Y direction. The sensitive axes of the crystals are thus oriented to react to acceleration paraLlel to the spin plane of the device. The two crystals are electrically interconnected in order to provide an additive .


output for ~hese two elements.

In Fig. 5, LWO crystals 16 are also mounted on opposite sides of the shaft 1l. In the arrangement of Fig. 5, however, the crystals are mounted to be bendable, and have bending axes normal to the axis of the shaft. IE desired, a reaction mass such as annular mass 17 may be provided symmetrically at the radially outer ends of ~he crystals.
The arrangement of Fig. 5 constitutes an anguLar velocity probe, based upon the gyroscopic operation of an elastically restrained body rotating at high velocity. The initial member and the restoring springs thus constitute the sarne eLement, as in the case of the air mass data probe of Fig. 3 and the linear acceleration probe of Fig. 4. The two bender crystals are arranged in a dipole fashion for common mode rejection and inertial balance. In the arrangement of Fig.
5, angular momentum of the masses reacting as a result of an applied angular velocities at right angles to the spin axis of shaft ll, results in the generation of a voltage by the crystals which is sinusoidal in distribution and exhibits a frequency identical to the rate of rotation of the shaft.
The two crystals of the arrangement of Fig. 5, are prefer-ably interconnected to their respective commutators in the opposite sense from that of the device of Fig. 4.

The operation of the rate of gyro of Fig. 5 may be more readily understood with reference to Figs. 6-9. Thus, Figs.
6A-6D represent four consecutive positions of the crystals, with coun~erclockwise revolution, as may be seen from the end of the shaft 1l. In these figures, the two crystals are identified as crystals -16' and l6". The shaft is assumed to be continuously rotating. Referring to Fig. 7~ which depicts a side view of the device of Fig. 6, it is assumed that the axis of the shaft ll has been displaced through an angle alpha. The shaft ll and the hub 18 on the shaft in which the crystals 16' and l6" are mounted, are adequately rigid so tha~ they both may substantially instantaneously exhibit their new positions without deformation. The radially outer ~ 7 -ends of the crystals, however, due to gyroscopic action, remain for some time oriented as though the angular dis-placement of the shaft ll had not occurred. This is, of course, particularly true if a reaction mass i5 linked to the radially outer ends of the crystals. As a consequence o the gyroscopic action, the crystals bend about their mechan~
ical axes, as ilLustratecl in Figs. 7A-7~ respectively, to result in output voltages as illustrated in Fig. 8. It is thus seen that the instantaneous peaks of the resultant alternating voltage occur when the crystals extend normal to the axis of rotation about the angle alpha. Since the output of the crystals are of different polarity, the crystals are interconnected in reverse sense, to produce the resultant output voltage as illustrated in Fig. 9.

In the arrangement of Figs. 5-9, it is apparent that the crystals are employed as gyroscopic elements, with or without the provision of a reaction mass, and tha~ the strain on the crystals is proportional to input angular 2U rate. The amplitude of the output is proportional to the input angular rate, and the phase of the output is related to the direction of the input angular rate of angular displacement of the rotating shaft in a direction normal to the axis of the shaft. In other words, if the shaft 11 is angularly dlsplaced about an a~is in the X/Y plane, the output of the rate gyro or angular velocity sensor of Fig. 5 is proportional to the rate of rotation about the axis in the X/Y plane, then the phase of the output voltage is related to the orientation of the axis of rotation in the X/Y plane, assuming again that the shaft 11 extends in the Z

Fig. 10 is an exploded partially cross-sectional view of a portion of a multi-probe assembly in accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention. This view illustrates pirmarily the rotor components, to show that they can be of modular construction, whereby a multi-probe assembly may be ~abricated of any of the desired sensing probes. It will of ~ - 8 -.~.

, .- ~ , ~5~
course be apparent that the cover construction for such a multi-probe assembly will be dependent upon the components chosen for use in the assembly.

As illustrated i.n Fig. 10~ the multi-probe assetnbly is compriced of an air data probe 30, an electric field probe 31, a magnetic field probe 32, an angular velocity and linear acceLeration probe 33, and a slip ring 34 and brush block assembly 40. In addition, the assembly includes a gas drive ring 35 for the pneumatic drive of the rotor. All of the elements of Fig. 10, except the brush block assembly 40, constitutes a part of the rotor.

The gas drive assembly 35 may be comprised of a metallic rin~ 41 having gas drive slots 42 on its radially outer periphery, whereby the ring may be rotated by direct-ing a jet of air tangentially against this outer periphery.
The ring 41 has a recess 43 in one face thereof, Eor receiving the magnetic field probe 32. In addition, a - 20 circular coaxial recess 44 is provided in the outer face for receiving the angular velocity and linear acceleration probe 33.

The magnetic field probe is comprised of a circular disc 50 of insulating material, within which the two magnetic sensing coils 51 and 52 are embedded. The coils 51 and 52 have radially outer extremities 53 which extend axially of the disc for substantially its full axial dimension. The coils 51 and 52, which are identical 9 have radial returns squashed down axially, as illustrated in Fig.
10, with the axial extension of the radial innermost portions of the coil being at a minimum. As a consequence, the radial returns are so positioned with respect to the spin axis of the device tha-t the axial return is near the center of rotation. This in effect gives the section line at the major radius most of the charge generating capacity for the probe. The disc 50 is fitted, by suitable conventional means, for rotation on a shaft 54. The shaft 54 is ~ _ 9 _ .. .. . .

~ ~ ~ 5~ ~3 preferably holLow, and serves as a bearing for the assembly, to Pxtend through a housing (not shown in Fig. lO)o Suitable interconnectin~ wires for the coils 51 and 52, as well as Eor interconnecting the coils ~o the s:lip ring assembly~ are illustrated at 55.

The shaf~ 54 may be affixed only to the magnetic sensing assembly, with the ring 50 being Eitted tightly for rotation in the recess 43. Alternatively, the shaft 54 mcly extend through the ring 50 and be Eltted to the gas drive ring 41.

The electric field probe 31 and the air data probe 30 are adapted to sense data which requires their physical location outside of the housing of the device. Consequently, ` the electric field probe may be comprised of an insulating : disc 58 having a central bore adapted to fit over the shaft 54. The disc 58 may be connected to the shaft 54 for rotation by any conventional means. The disc 58 has a pair of radially extending holes 59 through which the electrodes 60 ex~end. Suitable enlarged ends, such as conductive balls 61, may be provided at the ends of the electrodes 60 for sensing the earth's static electric field. The inner ends of the electrodes 60 extend into a recess 62 in the face of the disc 58, for interconnection with conductors 63 extending through the shaft 54, the conductors 63 advantageously extending completely through the device for interconnection with the slip rings 64 of the slip ring assembly 65.

As will be apparent from the following disclosure, a portion of the housing of the device may extend be~ween the magnetic field probe and the electric field probeO

The air data probe is aLso comprised of an electrically insulating rotating body member 70 having a disc shaped base adapted to fit for rotation either into the recess 62 of the - electric field probe or, if desired, directly on the end of the shaft 54. The body 70 may be an axial extension 71 for : , ' ;


enclosing a crystal 72. A further crystaL 73 extends axially beyond the insulating body 70, to serve as the air flow sensor as above described. The crystal 72 w;thin extension 71 serves as a reference, and is thereby interconnected diEferentially with the crystal 73. The conducto~ connected to those crystals may be led to a connector 74 afflxed in the base 70, for interconnection with the slip ring conduc-tors 63.

10The angular velocity and linear acceleration probe may form a combined unit 33, as illustrated in Fig. 10. For this purpose, the assembly may be comprised of a cylindrical ; housing 76 adapted to be fitted for rotation in the recess 44 of the gas drive ring. The housing 76 may contain a pair of radially extending crystals 77 at the central portion extending to a hub 78, to serve as the linear acceleration probe as discussed in accordance with the above principles.
The linear acceleration probe is disposed axially centrally of the device 33. In addition, a plurality of pairs of bender crystals 79 may be positioned axially on each side of the linear acceleration probe, for the sensing of angular velocity as discussed above. Suitable conventional conduc-tors are provided (but this is not shown) connected to the crystals, for interconnection with the slip ring assembly 65.

The slip ring assembly 65 may be fitted directly to the above lower end of the assembly 33, for example, on studs 80 on the lower end of the assembly 33, in order to complete the rotary structure of the device. The slip ring assembly has a plurality of slip rings 64, adapted to be connected to each of the sensing probes as above discussed. While the drawing of Fig. 10 does not show these conductors, it is apparent that suitable apertures may be provided in the housings of the structure9 for enabling the necessary interconnections. For this purpose~ it is of course not necessary that a single shaft extend throughout the rotor assembly, since the individual components of the structure ':
~ 40 ~ ~ 5 ~ ~3 may be provided with internally embedded conductors for this purpose. As a consequence, it is apparent that a modular construction nlay be achieved, whereby the elements may be interconnected as desired.

While the brush block 40 for cooperatlon with the slLp ring assembly 34 is not a rotary member, ;t has been illustrated in simplified form in Fig. 10, to illustrate in general a preferred manner by which the signals generated ln - 10 the various probes may be led externally of the device. The slip rings 64 may be at the axial end of the slip ring assembly, axially beyond a bearing portion 81 of the rotor assembly, in order to simplify construction of the device.

In the use of the device in accordance with the invention, it is of course necessary to establish the phases of the different alternating voltages generated by the sensing devices, in order to be able to ascertain the directions of the varlous sensed physical quantities. For this purpose, in accordance with one embodiment of the ; invention, reference markings 82 may be provided on one face of the gas drive ring 41, for cooperation wi-th a suitable sensing device, such as a photoelectric sensing device 123 of conventional nature as illustrated in Fig. 13. It will of course be apparent that any other forms of reference generated of conventional nature may aLternatively be employed in combination with the multi-probe device of Fig.
10 .

While the device of Fig. 10 is particularly adaptable for gas drive, it will be apparent that it may also be employed with an electric motor drive. For this purpose, the gas drive ring 41 is provided with an annular recess 85 radially outwardly of the recess 44. A motor rotor 86 for example as illustrated in Fig. 11, may bc mounted in the recess 85, for rotation with the rotor. The recess 85 has a sufficient radial dimension th~t a stator assembly affixed to the housing (not shown) in Fig. lO) may also be fitted ~ ~ - 12 -:

.. . . : ~

~ ~ ~ 5~ ~3 into recess 85. For example, the stator may extend axially from the end housing of the assembly. It is therefore apparent that the device of Fig. lO may be modified for electric drive with a minimum of modification.

Fig. i2 shows the assembly o~ Fig. L0 in cross sectlon, with ~he elements of the rotor interconnected together in their preferred form. In addition, it shows the brush bLock assembly 40 mounted in a recess in insuLatLng housing, 907 for cooperation with a slip rln~ assembly. Ihe housing member 90 serves as one cover of the device, and is bolted to a metal base block 91, for example, to enable the rigid mounting of the device as desired. In addition, the central portion of the housing 92 is affixed to the base 9L. The cover 90 in the housing is provided with suitable bearings 93, to engage the portion 81 of the shaft of the rotor. The upper portion 94 of the housing, which serves as a cover, extends betwen the magnetic and electric field sensor, and is provided with bearings 95 for the shaft portion 54. The portions 92 and 94 of the housing may also be of insulating material.

The arrangement of Fig. 12 is adapted for gas drive, and for this purpose the housing 92 is provided with a gas ; drive inlet 96, positioned to direct air or other gas against the turbine blades of the gas drive ring 41. An outlet for the gas may extend by way of an aperture 97 in the lower cover 90, which communicates with an aperture 98 in the mounting base 91.
As discussed above, -the multi-probe sensor in accord-ance with the invention may be formed of a lesser number of - components. Thus, as illustrated in Fig. 13~ the multi-probe sensor is comprised of a rotary unit incorporating only a pair of bender crystals 100 mounted Eor rotation with a shaft lOl. The crystals lO0, as is apparent in Fig. 13, do not extend inwardly -to the shaft, their bases being fixed in a suitable block or hub L02 radially outwardly spaced from ~ - 13 -' . : .

~he shaft 101 proper. In the arrangement of Fig. 13, the hub or blocks 102 are affixed to one side of a web of the gas drive ring 103, and a further hub or set-up blocks 104 is provided on the other side of the web. From these blocks or hub a pair of addit:ional bender crystals 104 are provided extending radiaLly inwardly. The inner ends of these latter crystals are not rigidly affixed to any compvnent to the structure. The crystals lOS are mounted so that they are bendable about axes parallel to the shaft 101. As a consequence, the output of the crystals 100 correspond to acceleration and the output of crystals 105 corresponds to rate.

A gas inlet llO is provided in the housing 111 for driving the shaft 101. In addition, the reference generator 120~ discussed above, is mounted in the housing lll for coooperation with ~h~ suitable reference scale 121 on a ace of the gas drive ring 103. The reference generator may comprise a reference source of light 122, such as an LED, cooperating with a suitable photosensitive devlce 123 of conventional nature, for producing a reference signal output related to the position of the rotor of the device. The device of Fig. 13 is provided with a suitable slip ring and brush assembly 125.

It will of course be apparent that other combinations of units may be employed, in accordance with the invention.

Since the multi-probe sensor in accordance with the invention provides two axis data, a pair of such multi-probe assemblies may be employed to provide all the necessary three-dimensional data with respect to the measured physical quantity. This is particularly useful, for example, in aircraft. Thus, as illustrated in Fig. 14, a pair of multi-probe devices 130 of the type illustrated in Figs. 10 and L2 may be mounted with orthogonal axes on an aircraft 131. This arrangement enables the inputting of sufficient data to the aircraft to enable the calculation of the ' .

earth's magnetic and electric field, as well as external air flow and linear acceleration and angular veLocity of the aircraft. The probe assembly is inexpensive, and readily fabricated.

It i5 of course apparent that the electrlc circuits for comparison oE the phase oE the reEerence generator with the measured quan~ity may be of conventional nature, and hence need not be discussed in detaiL in this speclEication.
Typical performance characteristics of a multi-probe assembly, in accordance with the invention, are provided in Table 1 of this disclosure.

It is further apparent that this multi-probe assembly, in accordance with the invention, by employing a single rotary shaft, reduces cost and power consumption in this provision of need for sensing the necessary data, as well as a decrease in volume and mechanical complexity by an order 20 of magnitude. Further, it is apparent that the majority of components of the structure may be formed of molded plastic.

While the invention has been disclosed and described with reference to a limited number of embodiments, it will be apparent that variations and modificatlons may be made therein, and it is intended in the following claims to cover each such variation and modification as falls within the true spirit and scope of the invention.


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Claims (16)

What is claimed is:
1. A gas flow sensing device comprising a rotatable shaft, a crystal mounted to extend axially from one end of said shaft, said crystal comprising a flat plate of a piezoelectric material oriented in a longitudinal plane of said shaft, means for rotating said shaft, and commutator means coupled to said crystal, whereby said device produces an alternating output voltage having instantaneous peaks when the plane of said crystal is normal to the vector of flow of an external gas normal to said shaft.
2. The device of claim 1 further comprising means for determining the angular displacement of said shaft.
3. An air mass sensing device comprising a rotatable shaft, a sensing piezoelectric crystal cantilevered to extend coaxially with said shaft from one end thereof, said crystal extending axially in a longitudinal plane of said shaft, and means for rotating said shaft.
4. An air mass sensing device comprising a body mounted to be rotatable about a given axis, a piezoelectric crystal mounted to said body to extend coaxially longitu-dinally from said body along the axis thereof, said crystal being cantilevered from said body, commutator means coupled to said crystal for receiving voltages therefrom, and means for rotating said body about said axis.
5. The air mass sensing device of claim 4, further comprising a reference piezoelectric crystal within said body and extending along said axis; for providing a refer-ence for said first mentioned crystal.
6. The air mass sensing device of claim 5, wherein said body is an insulating body.
7. A multiple sensing device comprising a housing, a rotatable shaft within said housing and extending through a wall thereof, a first piezoelectric crystal, cantilevered on the end of said shaft outwardly of said housing, to extend coaxially with said shaft, for providing air mass data, and first and second groups of sensing piezoelectric crystals mounted within said housing for rotation with said shaft, for sensing linear and angular acceleration of said device.
8. The sensing device of claim, 7, further comprising an electric field sensing device mounted to rotate with said shaft between said housing and said end of said shaft.
9. The multiple sensing device of claim 7, further comprising a magnetic field sensing device mounted to rotate with said shaft within said housing.
10. The sensing device of claim 9, comprising a drive wheel mounted on said shaft, and pneumatic drive means positioned in said housing for directing a driving fluid against said drive wheel.
11. The sensing device of claim 10, wherein said drive wheel has a first recess coaxial with said shaft for receiving said linear and angular acceleration sensing means, said device further comprising a magnetic field sensing device mounted in a further recess of said drive wheel.
12. A multiple sensing device comprising a rotatable shaft, first piezoelectric crystal sensing means mounted for rotation with said shaft for producing an output vol-tage responsive to angular acceleration about an axis normal to said shaft, and second piezoelectric crystal sensing means mounted for rotation with said shaft, for producing an output voltage responsive to the linear accel-eration of said shaft in a direction normal to the axis of said shaft, said piezoelectric crystal means being mounted independently of one another to extend in mutually ortho-gonal planes which intersect the axis of said shaft, further including third sensing means for producing an output voltage responsive to the flow of gas externally of said device, said third sensing means comprising a piezo-electric crystal in the form of a plate mounted at an end of said shaft, the plane of said plate extending parallel to the axis of said shaft, and longitudinally from the end of said shaft.
13. The multiple sensing device of claim 12, further comprising fourth and fifth sensing means mounted for rota-tion with said shaft for sensing magnetic and electric fields in a plane perpendicular to the axis of said shaft.
14. A multiple sensing device comprising a housing, a shaft rotatably mounted in and extending through said hous-ing, a first pair of bender piezoelectric crystals rotat-able with said shaft within said housing and mounted on opposite sides of said shaft with a bending axes normal to said shaft, a second pair of bender piezoelectric crystals rotatable with said shaft within said housing and mounted on opposite sides of said shaft with their bending axes parallel with said shaft, said shaft having one end exten-ding outside said housing, a further bender piezoelectric crystal mounted on said one end of said shaft and extending therefrom axially of said shaft, magnetic field sensing means mounted for rotation with said shaft within said housing, and electric field sensing means mounted for rota-tion with said shaft between said housing and said last mentioned crystal.
15. The multiple sensing device of claim 14, further comprising means for rotating said shaft including an annular member mounted to said shaft and having gas driving vane members at its periphery, said annular member having a central recess within which said first and second pairs of crystals are mounted.
16. A multiple sensing device comprising a housing, a shaft rotatably mounted in said housing, an annular member affixed to said shaft and having gas drive slots in its periphery, said housing having apertures therein for direct-ing a supply of gas to said gas drive slots, said annular member also including means for inductively rotating said shaft, a plurality of piezoelectric crystals mounted with different orientations for rotation with said shaft, whereby voltages corresponding to different parameters are generated by crystals, computer means connected to said crystals to enable the coupling of said voltages from said device, and means for sensing the position of the shaft.
CA340,225A 1979-11-20 1979-11-20 Multiple sensing device and sensing devices therefor Expired CA1125880A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA340,225A CA1125880A (en) 1979-11-20 1979-11-20 Multiple sensing device and sensing devices therefor

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA340,225A CA1125880A (en) 1979-11-20 1979-11-20 Multiple sensing device and sensing devices therefor

Publications (1)

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CA1125880A true CA1125880A (en) 1982-06-15



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA340,225A Expired CA1125880A (en) 1979-11-20 1979-11-20 Multiple sensing device and sensing devices therefor

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CA (1) CA1125880A (en)

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