CA1116054A - Log splitter - Google Patents

Log splitter


Publication number
CA1116054A CA362,000A CA362000A CA1116054A CA 1116054 A CA1116054 A CA 1116054A CA 362000 A CA362000 A CA 362000A CA 1116054 A CA1116054 A CA 1116054A
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French (fr)
Michel A. Pierrat
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Priority to CA362,000A priority Critical patent/CA1116054A/en
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Publication of CA1116054A publication Critical patent/CA1116054A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Chemical And Physical Treatments For Wood And The Like (AREA)


A log splitter having a manually adjustable wedge and a manually or power driven base for supporting the log and forcing it upwardly against a specially shaped wedge.



1 rrhis application is a divisional of Applica-tion Serial Num~er 319,891 filed January 18, 1979~
The present invention provides an economical apparatus for splitting logs that is particularly suitable for home use.
Mechanical log splitters have ~een in use for commercial applications, but no completely satisfactory device has been available for the individual who desires to split logs for his own use. The available commercial devices are both expensive and hazardous to use making them unacceptable for home use.
Such splitters as have been made available at a price to qualiy them for home use have either been ineffeckive, awkward to use or excessively hazardous to operate.
It is an object of this inven-tion to provide a log splitter that is easily operated, either manually or power-driven, and which creates minimum hazard in its use.
It is another object to provide such a log splitter .
having a wedge with a single point that engages the end of the log to be split.

It is still another object to provide such a device which supports the log only in the central area of the bottom surface.
Another object is to provide a log splitter having a pointed splitting wedge having converging edges forming a point and converging surfaces terminating at the same point.
Another object is to pro~ide a vertical log splitter having a movable lower support for receiving the bottom end of a log to be split and an upper splitting wedge secured to a vertical frame by a quick-release hand-operated lock.
Still another object is to provide a log splitter in which vertical forces are applied to split the log without the generation of substantial lateral forces.

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1 To this end, in one o it~ ~spec-ts~ this inven-tion provides in an apparatus for splitting a log, a combinatlon comprising, a frame, a carriage mounted on said frame, a wedge secured to said carriage and having a terminus adapted to engage one end of a log to be split, support rneans for the opposite end of said log, and drive means ar;ranged to produce relative closing move-ment between said support means and said carriage, said support means having a ~irst surface generally facing said wedge, a projection extending from said first sur~ace in alignment ~ith said terminus in the direction of the path of said closing move~ent, said projection having a second su~face of at least one square inch generally ~acing said wedge and being spaced from said first surface and adapted to engage said oppo-site end o~ said log and prevent cont~ct between said log and said first surface adjacent said pro~ection thereby to minimize the generation of twisting moments These and other objects will he ln p~rt pointed out in and in part apparent from the follow~ng description of a pre-ferred embodiment of the in~ention considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
- Figure 1 is an elevational view o~ a log splitter embodying the invention;
Figure 2 is a sectional view taken along line 2-2 of Figure l;
Figure 3 is a plan view of a locking member used in the log splitter;
Figure 4 is an elevational view of a power drive attached -to the log splitter jack;

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1 5 is a plan view of the drive o~ Figure a;
E`igure 6 is a partial sectional view of the drive taken along line 6-6 of Figure 7; and Figure 7 i.s a partial sectional view taken along line 7-7 of Figure 6.
The log to be split is supported in a vertical position by an I-beam 2 having an upper projection 4 that engages the central area of the bottom of the log. The log is split by a wedge, generally ind.icated at 6 in Figures 1 and 2, having a point 8 that makes initial contact with the upper end o~ the log, The vertical design of the log splltter is advantageous in that it permits logs of di~erent diameters to be centered readily on the projection g and the wedge point 8. Such centering is dif~
ficult or imposs.ible with splitters in which the log is mounted in a horizontal position. ~.
In order to split the log with minimum force and mini-mum stroke, the wedge 6 is tapered in two directions. From a front view as shown in Figure l, the point is formed by two linear tapered edges lO and 12. The wedge 6 is also tapered in the plane at 90 degrees from the front view of Figure 1 as shown in Figure 2. The wedge 6 is formed of two steel plates 14 and l~ which are curved on a radius as indicated at 18, positioned to form an acute angle, and welded together near the bottom edge to form a solid blade portion 20 that has a short linear taper ~:
that terminates in an edge along the bottom of the wedge and 30ins the radii 18 along its top. This double-tapered wedge construction requires less force to cause initial penetration than woul~ a conventional wedge that makes a line contact with the end of the log and it also causes the log to split with less :~

penetration than would be required by a conventional single-taper ~ :

. :. ' ,' '': : ~ :


1 wedge. As used herein, the term double-tapered wedge means a wedge having two side surfaces that form an acute angle and which meet along two edges that~ in another plane, form an acute anyle with an apex at an e~tre~ne point of the wedge~ The wedge may be formed in any deslred manner, as by two separate parts welded together, or it may be cast as a single piece and machined to the desired dimensions.
As shown at 24, khe plates 14 and 16 are welded along their upper edges to a carriage 22 which is slidably posltioned on two vertical standards, formed of steel pipe, by means of two cylindrical guides 30 and 32, of square cross section~ arranged to slide vertically on the standards 26 and 28~ The wedge is manually adjusted yertically by means of a handle 34 secured to the carriage 22 and locked in position b~ two qu~ck-release clamps, generally indicated at 36 and 38~ These clamps axe nor-mally maintained in locked position by two generally U-shaped leaf springs 40 and 42 which are secured at one end area to t~e carriage 22 with the free upper end of each spring exertin~ an upward force on a stack of five locking members 44. Each of the locking members is a flat steel plate having an enlarged rectan--gular end portion 46 (Figure 3) with a central hole having a diameter slightly greater than the outside diameter of the ~;~
standards 26 and 2~ so that when the locking member is canted with respect to the standard, it binds against the standard and is locked in position. Each of the locking members passes through a rectangular opening 45 in a fulcrum member 47 and pivots about the upper surface of the open~ng 45~ To prevent the scoring of the standards 26 and 28 by the cla~ping action from interfering with the free sliding movement of the guides 30 and :.
32, each of the openings in the locklng members is relie~ed~ in , 1 the area adjacent the outer surace of the standard which passesthrough it, by a notch 50. The clamping force is thereEore applied to areas indicated at 52 in Figure 3~ If this clamping action scores the standards 26 and 23, it is of little conse-quence because the score marks will occur in poxtions of the standards passing through the corner sections of the rectangular guides that do not engage the surfaces of the round standards.
When the handle 34 is grasped, the end portions of the locking members 44 are enclosed in the grasp and moved against the force of the leaf springs 40 and 42 into a generally horizon-tal position releasing the lock on the standards and permitting the entire carriage and wedge assembly to be moved vertically.
Upon release of the handle 34, the locks 36 and 38 re-en~age the standards and secure the wedge assembly in position, locking it securely against any upward force In use the wedge assembly is lifted to its highest position, the movement being limited by two top caps 53 threaded onto the standards 26 and 28, and the log is placed verticall~
on the projection 4 and held in that position while the carriage ~0 and wedge assembly is lowered so that the wedge point 8 engages the upper sur~ace of the log and holds it in position~ The projection, 4 making essentially point contact with the log~
prevents the application of a transverse force to logs having an angular lower end surface when the splitting force is applied, ~he projection 4, which may be of any cross-sectional shape, has a surface area small in comparison with the end area of the smallest log to be split and may, typically, have between one and eight square inches, but must of course be functionally large enough to maintain essentially point contact no matter what type of wood is being split. The point contact of the wedge on the . -. .

1 upper end also serves a similar func-tion and prevents the deve-lopment o~ lateral forces on logs having an angular end surface.
This alignment o~ forces allows applica-tion of large splitting forces wi-thout generating bending moments, permitting the use of a lighter and simpler frame than would otherwise be required, The design of the log splitter makes it possible to split logs with a diameter larger than the distance between the two standards 26 and 28, by placing the log off-center between the projection 4 and the wedge point 8 and reducing the diameter of the log by multiple splits.
The I-beam 2 is slidably supported on the standards 26 and 28 by two cylindrical guides 54 and 56, also of rectangular cross section, which fit around the standards, The guides 54 ;~
and 56 are long enough to permit relatively free movement on the standards in spite of any expected twisting or off-center forces on the I-beam 2.
~ ith the log positioned between the I-beam 2 and the edge 6, the splitting action is produced by forcing the beam upwardly and driving the log into the wedge 6. The necessar~
~O force is conveniently produced by a hydraulic jack, generally indicated at 60, which may be an ordinary automobile jack of the kind intended to be operated by foot action~ ~.
The hydraulic jack 60 rests on a supporting I-beam 62 which in turn is supported by two parallel steel channels 64 that serve as a stable base ~or the splitting unit. The moy~ble ra~ 66 of the jack 60 abuts the underside of the ~-beam 62 ~nd advantageously may be positioned in a recess so the ram ~ill not accidentally be dislodged during use, The jack 60 has a handle 68 that is intended Eor ver-tical reciprocal movement by foot action. When the handle is . : ' '. '~ , , t forced down, the conventional cam mechan:Lsm opera-tes the jack in the usual manner, the handle then being returned, by a spring 70, to its upw~rd position upon release o~ the downward ~orce.
.~ovement of the handle forces the I-beam upwardly to produce the compressive force between the log and the wedye 6.
When the log has been split, the hydraulic pressure in the jack 60 is released by a foot-operated lever 72 and the I-beam 2 is returned to its lowermo~;t position by two tension springs 74 and 76 extending between the two beams 2 and 62.
For reasons o~ economy and to minimize the overall hei~ht Oe the structure~ the jack 60 has a relatively short stroke, for example, about six inches, which is sufficient with the wedge structure already described to split most logs~ ~lowever, if a longer stroke is needed to complete the splitting action, the jack 60 is allowed to return to its retracted position, by opera-tion of the lever 72, while the clamps 36 and 38 are held in release position. The entire log-holding assembly is then moved downwardly so that the full stroke of the jack 60 is again avail-able to drive the wedge 6 farther into the log~ The log splltting apparatus described is particularly sa~e to operate because of the slow movement of the parts and the absence of lateral forces7 In order that the log splitter ma~ be easily moved from one location to another, a pair of wheels 75 are attached near the ends of the base channels 64, By tilt~ng the entire splitter so that it is balanced on the wheels 75, lt can be moved readily in the manner o~ a conventional hand truck~
The required manual labour is reduced and the speed of the splitting operation is increased by the use of a power drive~
The electric drive system sho~n in Figures 4-7 is particularly well adapted for this purpose. It is attached to the jack 60 '6~S~

1 with a minimum of modifications so t~at it is poss:ible to add the electr;c drive to the same jack that is used Eor manual operation.
A universal electric mo-tor 77 is coupled to a speed-reducing transmis~ion, generall~ indicated a-t 7~, which may be of any desired type, such as the one described in my U.S. Patent 3,574,489. The motor and speed reducing transmission are mounted on the jack 60 by a pin 79 extending between the mounting brac-kets 80 and 82 and through a mounting collar 84 on the housing of the motor and speed reducing unit~ The pin 79 is used as a pivotal mounting for the jack handle 68 in the manually-operated embodiment. The housing îs also secured to the jack by an arm 86 extending between the housing of the speed reducer and a collar ~8 around the body of the jack~
To produce the n~cessary reciprocating motion~ the driven sha~t 90 ~rom the speed reducer 78 is secured to a drive disk 92 mounted eccentrically on the shaft 90 and which ls surrounded by a sliding collar assembly 94. This collar assembly ::
includes a pair of spaced arms 96 connected by a cross pin 98 which is maintained in abutment with the end of the jack piston 100 by a U-shaped clip 102, Rotation of the shaft 90 produces a reciproca-ting motion of the piston 100 and causes the ram 66 of the jack to move upwardly. The pressure release of the jack is controlled in the same manner as with the manually-operated unit.
The electric drive unit is mounted directly on the jack 60 and may be removed as an integral part with the jack from the remainder of the log splitter assembly. Thus, the -~
electrically driven jack may be used for a wide variety of appli-cations where economy is important and it is desired to $ake advantage of the :Low cost of commercial hydraulic jacks~ It is t.~

1 to be no-ted that ~he motor drive unit can be used to convert any standard commercial hand-oper~ted hydraulic pump o~ sel~-contained lifting jack in~o a power-operated unit at a fraction of the cost of conventional systems. ~Jo modification of the pump is required and there are no hoses or separate valving systems to be provided. The drive configuration with its linkage method o~
attachment to the pump is simple, effective, and requires no precision machining, From the foregoing description o~ particular embodi-ments of my invention it will the apparent that my invenkion i5 well adapted to meet the ends and objects herein set ~orth~ to be economically manuactured, and that it is subject to a wide variety of modi~ications to best adapt ~t ~oreach lntended application.


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Claims (4)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. In apparatus for splitting a log, the combination comprising, a frame, a carriage mounted on said frame, a wedge secured to said carriage and having a terminus adapted to engage one end of a log to be split, support means for the opposite end of said log, and drive means arranged to produce relative closing move-ment between said support means and said carriage, said support means having a first surface generally facing said wedge, a projection extending from said first surface in alignment with said terminus in the direction of the path of said closing movement, said projection having a second surface of at least one square inch generally facing said wedge and being spaced from said first surface and adapted to engage said oppo-site end of said log and prevent contact between said log and said first surface adjacent said projection thereby to minimize the generation of twisting moments.
2. Apparatus as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said wedge has converging edges and opposing converging surfaces, and said edges and said surfaces terminate in said terminus.
3. Apparatus as claimed in Claim 1 wherein said frame includes two spaced parallel standards, said support means is positioned below said carriage and said projection extends upwardly from said first surface.
4. Apparatus as claimed in Claims 1, 2 or 3 wherein said second surface has an area not greater than eight square inches.
CA362,000A 1978-01-27 1980-10-08 Log splitter Expired CA1116054A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA362,000A CA1116054A (en) 1978-01-27 1980-10-08 Log splitter

Applications Claiming Priority (3)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US87306078A 1978-01-27 1978-01-27
US873,060 1978-01-27
CA362,000A CA1116054A (en) 1978-01-27 1980-10-08 Log splitter

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1116054A true CA1116054A (en) 1982-01-12



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA362,000A Expired CA1116054A (en) 1978-01-27 1980-10-08 Log splitter

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CA (1) CA1116054A (en)

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