CA1094862A - Method and apparatus for loosening soils used for agricultural purposes - Google Patents

Method and apparatus for loosening soils used for agricultural purposes


Publication number
CA1094862A CA311,941A CA311941A CA1094862A CA 1094862 A CA1094862 A CA 1094862A CA 311941 A CA311941 A CA 311941A CA 1094862 A CA1094862 A CA 1094862A
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French (fr)
Eugen Zinck
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
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Publication of CA1094862A publication Critical patent/CA1094862A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



    • A01C23/00Distributing devices specially adapted for liquid manure or other fertilising liquid, including ammonia, e.g. transport tanks or sprinkling wagons
    • A01C23/02Special arrangements for delivering the liquid directly into the soil
    • A01C23/023Special arrangements for delivering the liquid directly into the soil for liquid or gas fertilisers
    • A01C23/026Localised non-continuous injection tools, e.g. pal injectors, spike wheels
    • A01B79/00Methods for working soil


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Soil Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Water Supply & Treatment (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Soil Working Implements (AREA)
  • Catching Or Destruction (AREA)
  • Fertilizing (AREA)
  • Cultivation Of Plants (AREA)
  • Fertilizers (AREA)


Abstract Deep, compacted agricultural soils are loosened by introducing a source of compressed air to the soil and releasing the air when a certain depth is reached in order that the soil may be broken.


$;2 The invention relates to a method and apparatus for loosening soils and, particularly for the loosening of deep, compacted, agricultural soils.
Many implements have been developed to loosen soil under culti-vation, particularly those soils used for agricultural purposes. All from the primitive flint tool and digging stick, to the modern plow rotary hoe, or mechanical shovel, utilize a hard, sharp or pointed tool to mechanically break up loosen or move the soil. In such an operation, force is required and at least portions of the growth structure of ~he soil are needlessly destroyed since all that is required, as is commonly known, is to loosen the existing soil structure. Despite this, there have been no substantial changes in these known methods which continue to be used for deep soil loosening and, using extremely heavy equipment, for seed-bed preparation.
To overcome the disadvantage of destroying the soil as a natural organism, increasingly large quantities of mineral fertilizers are used. It has been discovered, however, tha* the natural life and structure of the soil cannot be permanently replaced by large additions of fertilizer and, in fact, that excessive amounts of otherwise suitable mineral fertilizers eventually cause a decline in soil yield. More particularly, there is a decline in the biological valency of the yield which can be shown by cultivating difficulties encountered in soil sampling operations.
It is the purpose of the present invention to provide a method for loosening soil used for agricultural purposes which produces naturally, healthy soil and assists exhausted soil in regaining a sound structure. The method according to the invention is also economically comparable with exist-ing methods.
The invention provides a method of pneumatically loosening and breaking open the large upper surface of agriculturally used soil down to a , j , , : , .. .:

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predetermined depth by means of compressed air introduced into the soil,which includes in combination the steps of: storing air under high pressure in a storage container, breaking up ground above a point at said predetermined depth below the surface by introducing said high pressure air from said stor-age container at said point below the surface, said air pressure being sufficient to break up the soil subjected to pneumatic lifting thereof over an area above said point to the upper surface of said soil, the high pressure compressed air being injected into the soil in sudden bursts instantaneously at said predetermined soil depth.
Breaking up the soil by the method of the present invention causes no damage to the soil and merely loosens the existing structure. The soil sturcture is not cut or destroyed as with sharp or pointed tools, but, rather is broken up by the pressure of the compressed air. The air pressure breaks the soil along its existing fracture locations which are the joints between the clumps of earth. The soil structure, therefore, is practically undisturbed. Further, utilizing the invention prevents the further problem, created by mechanical processing, of suddenly exposing the soil directly to sunlight or caustic fertilizer solutions. The introduction of compressed air in ample amounts, and to a considerable depth, also provides for aeration of the soil because of the release of oxygen.
The method according to the invention also makes it possible to maintain the soil in the loosened condition for a protracted period by simul-taneously introducing suitable substances to the soil such as humus, peat, or the like as filler and/or fertilizer. These substances accumulate in the cavities in the loosened soil, and fill ~hem, thus ensuring that the cavities are preserved as channels and ducts for the passage of water and air.
The method according to the invention also makes it possible to break the soil into a coarse or fine consistency and is particularly suitable

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for breaking up deep compacted areas in soils of all kinds. In the case o wet soil, a certain amount of drainage is also provided.
If the soil is to be broken up coarsely, it is preferred that the compressed air be released only at the predetermined final depth, full air pressure then being applied and released as suddenly as possible.
Releasing the air in this way, and over the largest possible area, produces an eruptive effect and the soil is broken into large lumps. When utilizing this technique it is possible, depending upon the type and condition of the soil, to produce cracks and lift several square metres of earth. The denser the soil, the more pronounced this effect. Thus, the method may eliminate or alleviate soil problems over large areas.
In breaking the soil into large lumps, the compressed air may be introduced at locations spaced relatively far apart in an order of magnitude of one metre and at a pressure of between 5 and 12 atmospheres. Higher pres-sures may be used, however, if the soil is severely damaged and highly compacted.
If the soil is to be broken into smaller lumps, the compressed air is preferably released at a "minimum loosening depth", governed by the nature of the soil. Thereafter, the supply of air is maintained as the depth is increased to the predetermined, final level. When the soil is broken into finer lumps, the locations at which the air is~introduced must be closer to-gether, preferably between 40 and 60 cm apart.
The effects of the method are immediately observed. If the method is used in compacted areas, such as where heavy agricultural equip-ment, as harvesters, have been driven over the groundj or in the tracks of row cultivators, the introduction of compressed air into the soil firstly causes some water to emerge in the form of small fountains. As the loosen-ing proceeds at a greater depth and the compacted soild is broken, the water
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' , '~ ' ' ~ ' , ;2 audibly drains away. Apart from such drainage effects~ loosening of the soil by the inven~ive method may result in the release of sewer gas, as is noted from the smell. The dead soil is thus aerated and revitalized.
The method according to the invention may be carried out with relatively uncomplicated apparatus. The invention also provides a pneumatic loosening apparatus for loosening and breaking up agriculturally used soil from a predetermined depth to the large upper surface of the ground,' especi-ally for deep loosening compacted agriculturally used soil as a replacement for plowing, which includes in combination at least one probe adapted to be introduced into the soil to be loosened to said predetermined depth, a source of compressed air, a storage container supplied by said source with air under pressure, and conduit mPans connectable to said storage container for convey-ing air under pressure to said probe, the portion of said probe to be intro-duced into the soil being provided with at least one air outlet, and control means associated with said conduit means for admitting air under pressure from said container to said probe, so that the full pressure of the air in said container is applied to the soil to break up said soil subjected to pneumatic lifting thereof to the upper surface of the ground.
I~ the probe is inserted manual-ly, it should be equipped with a grip containing a quick-action shut-off valve, such as that used for com-pressed-air hammers.
Mechanical operation of the method may utilize a plurality of probes arranged on a supportlng frame fitted, for example, to a three-point suspension of a tractor, the tractor also being able to carry and drive a suitable compressor used as thc source of compressed air. The supporting frame, in its simplest formg may comprise a beam carrying a plurality of probes, with means being provided for varying the distances between them.
The beam may carry a large number of probe holders thereby allowing the ,, , ~ , -, , . ~

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z probes to be variably positioned. The beam may also be provided with retain-ers for the probe holders, so that the probes together with their holders may again be variably positioned. Finally, the beam may be provided with slidable guides for the probe holders, or with slidable probe holders them-selves so that the distances between the probes may be continuously varied.
The beam may be designed to carry compressed air, in which case connectors supplying compressed air to the probes will be utilized. These connectors may, be in the form of quick-action shut-off valves which are connected to the probes through suitable fl~xible connecting lines.
The probes may also be adjustable in height, theTeby allowing the probes to penetrate to different depths.
The supporting frame may have more than one beam so as to cover a larger working area. Such a frame may also be provided with means of attaching the probes as described above.
Where a supporting frame is used, the work cannot be carried out con~inuous1y. It will be necessary, after one operati~n has been co plet~d, ~' '.
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,2 ", to advance the frame and the tractor to the next location. However, it is possible to provide continuous operationO In this case, the advance of the probes must be synchronized with the time of feeding compressed air into the soil. Such devices utilized for this purpose may be in the form of reels with controlled prongs which either rotate or circulate. As the reels rotate, the probes corresponding to the prongs are introduced substantially vertically into the ground and, subsequently are withdrawn. Compressed air may be fed to the probes through the reel beam with the supply of air being controlled by the rotational position of the reelsO Continuous operation, however, in-volves increased mechanical complexity and it is therefore only preferred for fine loosening of the soilO It is less suitable for breaking soil and parti-cularly compacted soil, into coarse lumps. Alternately, continuous operation may also be achieved by using parallelogram linkages to suspend sliding sleeves which equalize the feed movement.
Where large areas are being covered, such as in open fields, it is desirable, to use a mobile compressor station, such as a tractor carrying a compressor. The tractor should be equipped with large containers for collect-ing air and storing it under pressure. For smaller areas, such as used for horticultural purposes, a stationary air supply may be used, and connected 2n to the probes by suitable connecting lines.
When large areas are involved, mobile power stations may be re-quired which preferably also are used as probe carriers and the necessary move-ments may be imparted to the probes pneumaticallyj hydraulically or mechanical-lyO Where the mobile power station is a tractor, the tractor hoisting equipment associated with it may be used which will substantially reduce additional capital investmentO
Organic substances or fertilizers may be introduced into the soil immediately following the loosening operation in which case the probes used : .

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for the compressed air may be used by fitting an injector into the connection between the probe and the supply of compressed air and feeding the substances through it into the probeO However, a separate connection may be provided for the filler and/or fertilizer substances, with the substances being fed by a separate pumpO Alternatively, special probes may also be used to introduce the fertilizing, filling and loosening substances. When operating with these substances and where manual operation is not used, the supporting frame may be provided with appropriate connections to feed the substances to the probes, in which case the mobile s~ation, such as the tractor, may be fitted with suitable storage tanksO
It may be desired to accommodate the necessary equipment in a separate truck and either to use a tractor, for example, as the source of power or to make the truck self-propelled. This latter arrangement retains the advantage that no towing forces are required.
When fillers or fertilizers are introduced it should be done as soon as the~soil has been loosened so that the substances can lmmediately accumulate in the cavities and keep them open.
Utilizing the method according to the invention will loosen the soil to a considerable depth. Subsequently, in preparation for sowing, the surface need only be loosened with a towed or rotary implement and, simul-taneously, green manure, compost) or stall manure together with mineral fertilizer, may be worked inO Such a procedure provides the surface soil, already enriched with air and oxygen, with all of the necessary substances to support it and sustain plant growth. Surface water will move downwardly and the added substances will reach the lower levels to be used by the new soil structureO It has been found that even deeper layers of trcated soil require less additional organic substances such as peat and humusO Ins~ead, it is found that the soil is naturally sustaLned and subsequent applications of the :

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invention become unnecessary everytime the surface soil is prepared such as when sowing. The superficial, soil treatment for sowing leaves the root material undisturbed and this material together with other vegetable matter is carried to the deeper layers where the application of the invention main-tains the effectivé, permanent supply network necessary for abundant soil life.
Although the invention is particularly effective in dense soil (with single-grain structure) the supply of oxygen in depth to loosen soil also is beneficial especially if additional organic matter or fertilizers are injectedO In soils of this kind, which are generally already healthy, the application of the invention is a preventive measure which eliminates the pro-blems already described and helps to keep the soil healthyO
In drawings, which illustrate embodiments of the invention, Figure 1 is a diagrammatic representation of an apparatus accord-ing to the inven~ion used for improving the permeability of deeper layers of soil and eliminating accumulated water;
Figure 2 shows the apparatus as in Figure 1 with the introduction of organic fillers and organic or mineral fertilizers into the loosened soil;
Figures 3a-3c show the apparatus of Figure 1 in three positions .
during use;
Figure 4 shows the apparatus of Figure 1 used to introduce organic fillers, or organic or mineral fertilizers, into the loosened soil of Figure 3;
Figure 5 shows the apparatus of Figure 1 used to break up deep layers of compacted soil and eliminate accumulated moisture; and Figure 6 shows the introduction of fillers and, fertilizers into the loosened soil of Figure 5O
For illustration purposes, the various applications of the soil-.'' , ' '' loosening method according to the invention utilize the same apparatus which has been reduced to its essential components, consisting of an air-compressor 1, an equalizing and storage container 3~ and a conduit such as a pipe or hose 2 running from the container 3 to the apparatus 4O A grip 5 comprising a quick-action shut-off valve and a tubular probe 6 is connected to the hose 2.
The lower end of the probe is preferably pointed and has at least one, although preferably several, air-outlet apertures 7. A supply line 9, connected to storage tank 8 feeds organic fillers, organic or mineral fertilizers or the like, through an injector 10 into the upper end of the probe, where the sub-stances are subjected to the flow of compressed air. The said supply line may be connected, alternately to a separate pump, not shown, the fillers and/or fertilizers being introduced thereby after the soil has been loosened, and the supply of the substances being controlled by means of a suitable shut-off valve. The shut-off valve for the substances may also be in the form of a servo-valve governed by the quick-action shut-off valve controlling the supply of compressed air.
Referring to Figure 1, probe 6 is tubular and is inserted into the soil to the required depth where the soil is to be lcosenedO The compressed air is then applied as suddenly as possible with high pressure and the largest possible free cross sections being used to promote an eruptive action in the soil. The compressed air initially penetrates into the soil surrounding out-let apertures 7 of the probe which is shown in dotted lines in operative position and accumulates in the gaps, cracks and cavities present even in highly compacted soils which then become compressed~air chambersO They are expanded by the compressed air and break open at the edges, thereby spreading the cracks throughout the soil. This expansion of air along predetermined paths, and the effect of the air pressure on the increasingly large areas thus produced result in the load on these areas exceeding the load per unit area .

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which is governed by the depth of penetration and the resistance of the soil structure. Thus, large areas of soil are broken up, forming large numbers of rupture locations, gaps, cracks and cavities, as sho~m by the fracture lines 11 in Figure 1.
Although this procedure will effectively break up several square metres of soil around the probe, the lumps obtained are relatively large and the procedure is therefore intended to provide rapid assistance only in special situations such as where the soil is relatively highly compacted. Under these circumstances, the probes may be inserted at locations relatively far apart and in the order of about one meter or about 100 locations per hundred square metres. With a single manually-operated probe as depicted in the Figures, each insertion takes only about 5 to 10 seconds and, therefore, an area of 100 square metres can be covered in about two hours. With more sophisticated apparatus, this time can be greatly improved by using several probes and for mechanical assistance for inserting them into the soil.
Referring now to Figure 2J where fertilizers and/or fillers are -introduced into the soil after it has been loosened, it is seen that when the quick-action shut-off valve in grip 5 is opened these substances from storage tank 8 pass through line 9 into injector 10 with its shut-off valve. They are carried along by the compressed air and are blown into the soil through probe 6, thereby accumulating in the cavities 12 and in gaps and fracture locations 11. Thus, a so-called "blocking" of cavities 12 and of gaps and cracks 11 is achieved~ such that the spaces and gaps are filled up and r~-inforced by the dry substances introduced in the form of flour or granules since organic substances of this kind swell and increase in volume as soon as they pick up moisture. The absorption of moisture also provides a certain storage effect although the substances remain permeable to air.
The following organic nutrients and fertili~ers are some of the _ g _ , .~ .
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substances which may be used as blockin~ agents, after the soil has been loosened: finely crumbled or granulated humus, sand, organic plastic compounds such as polystyrene scrap, granulated or ground fertilizers and mineral fertilizers.
The procedure described may be used not only for aerating and fertilizing the soil, but also for disinfecting it against nematodesO This may be accomplished, in one way, by direct inoculation of the soil with cul-tures of bacteria which are added to, or colonized in, a suitable substance such as humus~ In addition to the aeration produced by the blocking action, the mechanical strength of the soil is reducedJ its permeability to water, is increased and the soil is opened to soil organisms and plant rootsO
Figures 3a to 3c depict the invention used or generally loosening and aerating the soilO
In this embodiment, the probe is initially inserted into the soil -only to the minimal depth required for the type of soil and the desired dis-tribution of air, being usually in the order of between 10 and 15 cm and the compressed air is releasedO As the probe is inserted farther, a larger area of the soil is broken.
; Figure 3a shows the start of the loosening operation with the probe being shown iTI dotted lines and inserted to a depth of about 15 cm before the compressed air is released. The probe is then lowered to a depth of about 30 cm, which increases the area over which the soil is loosened.
; Figure 3c shows the probe inserted to a depth of about 60 cm, where the cone of loosened soil is at a maximum.
Altho~gh the probe is inserted with a continuous motion, the soil is broken in separate steps. This is because substantial breaking occurs only after ~e necessary pressure has been built up in the pressure chambers in the soilO The break-ups are audible as muf1ed noises and, therefore, the ,. ~ . : , -::

~4~ 2 operator will know whsn he has reached his ~arge~ depth wi~hout inspecting the broken up soil.
As compared with the procedure depictçd by Figure 2, the pro-cedure according to Figures 3a to 3c also produces passages in the form of gaps and cracks 11 and cavi~ies 12. It does, however, break the soil more finely. The area covered is also smaller, being in the order of a radius of between 40 and 80 cm around the probe. Again, the type and condition of the soil has a considerable effect upon the soil st~ucture at breakup. For example, soil that is biologically intact and has been well cared for shows li~tle Yisible break-up. Even so, the described t~eatme~ is s~ill desirable sînce it provides for a beneficial exchange of gases in the soil and produces a large supply of oxygen to stimula~e the plants, roots and soil organisms.
The worse the soil condition, the more visible the break-up effects of the trea~ment.
The procedure depicted in Figures 3a to 3c affects a somewhat smaller area around each probe than ~he procedure depic~ed ~nd described by Figure 1. However, combining soil break-up according to the invention with mechanical loosening of the soil ~o a depth of abou~ 4 to 6 cm is an excellent way of caring for and regenera~ing, soil and proYides an improvement in seeding ~0 and growth.
Although soils ~reated by the procedure according *o Figures 3a ~o 3c inherently ha~e conditions for con~rolled p~owth which are improved over soils treated ~y the procedure aecording to Figure 1, "blocking" the ca~ities and cracks in the soil is still desirable. This is so because it optimizes the effects of the treatment and ensures that ~hey are lomg-lasting.
The "blocking" procedure, performed after the soil has been loosen-ed as in Figures 3a ~o 3c, differs fundamentally ~rom the procedure according to Figure 2. In this procedure, accordlng to Figures 3a to 3c fillsrs and ~::

, lO~B62 fertilizers are injected not only at the maximum depth at which the soil is loosened but over the entire height over which the soil is loosened from top to bottom. In the Fi~ure 2 embodiment, the injection of the substances is preferably carried out f~om bottom to top so that it continuously follows t'ne soil-loosening or break-up operation which comes to an end when the maximum depth is reached. While injection of the blocking substances begins at this maximum depth, it is also preferably halted at the "minimum" loosening depth of about 10 to 15 c~. This minimum loos¢ning depth should be understood as being the depth at which the compressed air actually star~s to loosen the soil.
~o This occurs when th~ air penetrs~es laterally into the soil instaad of merely escaping upwardly along the probe.
According to the invention, the blocking of caYi~ies 12 and of the gaps and cracks 11 depicted in Figure 4 is carried ou~ from bottom to top.
This ensures that the ca~ities pToduced as the soil is broken which are to be filled with blocking substances, remain open and are again subjected to pres~ure from botto~ to ~op. The additional blocking substances further refine the soil structure.
This procedure allows for deep treatment of the soil and there-fore provides optimal condi~ions for fertilizing, refertilizing and aera~ion.
Rspeated treatmen~ o the soil by this procsdure will produce a soil st~ucture with good qualiti~s for the growth of fastidious, delicately-bred and oul-~ivated plants.
Figures 5 and 6 depict the method being used to break-up areas of ~smpacted soil located at a consiterable depth which in~rere wi~h plant growth and the conditions of which mBy lead to accumula~ed moisture and acidification of the soil. This technique makes it possible to dispense wi~h the mecbanical equipment no~mally used to break up these compacted areas which require a considerable amount of po~er. Thus, a subs~antial decrease - 12 _ ,"

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, 8~;2 in c2pi~al investment is required with the present equipment.
The procedure illustrated in Figure 5 requires that th~ probe be inserted to a depth such that outlet apertures 7 ars below the compacted zone 13 to be broken up. Insertion of the probe in this manner may be facili~ated by feeding a reduced amount of compressed air to the probe while it is being inserted, particularly at ~he deeper depths. When the probe reaches the required depthJ the air is supplied at full pressure and a large area of the compacted soil is lif~ed and broken up. This procedure is par-ticularly effec~ive in draining accumulated water from large areas, with se~eral square metres being affacted each time the probe is inserted. Several probes may be used simultaneously which can reduce the performance time.
In the procedure illustrated in Figure 6, the probe is inserted until the outlet apertures 7 enter the compacted area. Because the co~p~essed air i5 injected in~n the compacted area itselfJ the operation requires grea~er care. Increased air pressure, up to about 18 atmospheres, may be used to ensure that the compac~ed soil is broken up as finely as possible.
The procedures according to Figures 5 and 6, are particularly suitable or subterranean loosening of soils h~Ying high moisture contents.
This is so because smaller force is required ~o insert the probe and the ~avities in such soils hold pressu~e be~ter, ~his latter factor assists in promoting cTacks and gaps in the soil.
After the compacted area has bcen broken up as shown in ~igures 5 and 6, ~he caYities in the soil may be "blocked" in order to achieve a per~anent i~prove~ent in the soil structure even at considerable depths. This will also ~nsure tha~ the soil area does not again become co~pacted. As with the previous e~bodiments, after breaking the compacted soil.
The soil thereabsve ~ay be loosened as earlier described.
The method may be carried out with manually-operated and - 13 ~

mechanically-operated equipment, in the la~ter casa, whole groups of probes may be used with the probes being inserted individually or jointly into the soil. In this case, however, care must be taken to ensure that the probes are not attached rigidly to their holders or supporting frames but are able to yield both laterally to ensure that the probes are not bent if they strike rocks or the like and can slide obliquely over these obstacles, and vertically to prevent the probes from breaking if they are lowered onto rocks. Resilient support may be achieved by mechanical means such as rubber guides or springs.
In such a case the ver~ical resiliency should be matched with the depth of penetration of the probe in order ~o ensure resiliency corresonnding to the depth of penetration, in rela~ion to the supporting frame. One technique used successfully, particularly if the probes a~e to work at conside~able depths, is to utilize a tra~elling overload device which releases the probe when a certain limit load is reached and prevents it ~rom damage. Overload releases of thîs kind may also be used if the probes are adjusted hydraulical-ly or pneumatically and are particularly useful i~ the probes are controlled individually.


Claims (15)

1. A method of pneumatically loosening and breaking open the large upper surface of agriculturally used soil down to a predetermined depth by means of compressed air introduced into the soil, which includes in combina-tion the steps of: storing air under high pressure in a storage container, breaking up ground above a point at said predetermined depth below the sur-face by introducing said high pressure air from said storage container at said point below the surface, said air pressure being sufficient to break up the soil subjected to pneumatic lifting thereof over an area above said point to the upper surface of said soil, the high pressure compressed air being injected into the soil in sudden bursts instantaneously at said predetermined soil depth.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein said predetermined depth is a final loosening depth.
3. The method of claim 1, wherein said compressed air is continu-ously released from said predetermined depth downwardly to a final loosening depth.
4. The method of claim 1, 2 or 3 wherein fillers and/or fertilizers are introduced into cavities formed in the broken soil.
5. The method of claim 1, 2 or 3 wherein fillers and/or fertilizers are introduced into cavities formed in the broken soil and wherein said fillers and/or fertilizers are introduced immediately after the soil has been broken.
6. A pneumatic loosening apparatus for loosening and breaking up agriculturally used soil from a predetermined depth to the large upper surface of the ground, especially for deep loosening compacted agriculturally used soil as a replacement for plowing, which includes in combination at least one probe adapted to be introduced into the soil to be loosened to said pre-determined depth, a source of compressed air, a storage container supplied by said source with air under pressure, and conduit means connectable to said storage container for conveying air under pressure to said probe, the portion of said probe to be introduced into the soil being provided with at least one air outlet, and control means associated with said conduit means for admitting air under pressure from said container to said-probe, so that the full pressure of the air in said container is applied to the soil to break up said soil subjected to pneumatic lifting thereof to the upper surface of the ground.
7. The apparatus of claim 6, wherein said probe is provided with a pistol-like grip.
8. The apparatus of claim 6 or 7, wherein several probes are present and are associated with a common holder in the form of a supporting frame.
9. The apparatus of claim 6, wherein said probe and/or said com-pressed-air line includes connecting means for connection with at least one storage tank containing filler and/or fertilizer substances.
10. The apparatus of claim 9 wherein the connecting means is an injector.
11. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein said injector is located below said compressed-air shut-off means.
12. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein said connecting means is adapted for the injection of said fillers and/or fertilizers by a separate pump.
13. The apparatus of one of claims 9, 10 or 11, wherein the connec-tion means can selectively be opened or closed.
14. The apparatus of claim 10 or 11, wherein said injector includes a shut-off valve.
15. The apparatus of claim 9, wherein said compressed-air line connected to said storage tank is controlled by a servo valve.
CA311,941A 1977-09-22 1978-09-22 Method and apparatus for loosening soils used for agricultural purposes Expired CA1094862A (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
DEP2742606.8 1977-09-22
DE2742606A DE2742606C3 (en) 1977-09-22 1977-09-22 Method and device for loosening agricultural soil

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1094862A true CA1094862A (en) 1981-02-03



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA311,941A Expired CA1094862A (en) 1977-09-22 1978-09-22 Method and apparatus for loosening soils used for agricultural purposes

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JP (1) JPS5460101A (en)
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FR2403729B1 (en) 1985-07-12
IT7827964A0 (en) 1978-09-22
AT362173B (en) 1981-04-27
DE2742606B2 (en) 1979-11-29
FR2403729A1 (en) 1979-04-20
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