CA1091288A - High pressure metal halide lamp with electron collector - Google Patents

High pressure metal halide lamp with electron collector


Publication number
CA1091288A CA252,400A CA252400A CA1091288A CA 1091288 A CA1091288 A CA 1091288A CA 252400 A CA252400 A CA 252400A CA 1091288 A CA1091288 A CA 1091288A
Prior art keywords
arc tube
outer envelope
lead wire
Prior art date
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French (fr)
William E. Smyser
Richard O. Shaffner
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General Electric Co
Original Assignee
General Electric Co
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Application filed by General Electric Co filed Critical General Electric Co
Priority to CA252,400A priority Critical patent/CA1091288A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1091288A publication Critical patent/CA1091288A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Vessels And Coating Films For Discharge Lamps (AREA)
  • Discharge Lamp (AREA)


A high pressure metal halide lamp comprises an outer envelope and an inner fused silica arc tube whose fill includes sodium iodide. Notwithstanding the use of a divided mount side-rod-less construction, the arc tube is subject to loss of sodium by electrolysis through the walls. The sodium loss is reduced by means of a collector wire within the outer envelope having a control potential thereon which shadows the current carrying lead wire in order to collect electrons that otherwise drift to the arc tube and promote electrolysis.


l~ t~ LD-6077 The invention relates to high pre~sure metal halide arc discharge lamps and is especially applicable to such lamps containing sodium iodide.
High pressure metal halide discharge lamps generally comprise a tubular fused silica arc tube containing a ioniza-ble fill and having a pair of main thermionic electrodes in the ends. The electrodes are supported by inleads which in-clude a thin molybdenum ribbon portion extending hermetically through a pinch seal in the end of the lamp. Generally a starter electrode is disposed in the arc tube adjacent one of the main electrodes to facilitate starting. A diƦcharge can be ignited across the short gap between the starter elec-trode and it~ adjacent main electrode at a much lower voltage than is required to ignite a discharge across the longer gap between the two main electrodes. Once the discharge has ignited, the ionized gas decreases the resistance between the twv main electrodes and the discharge changes over into an arc between them.
- m e ionizable fill of metal halide lamps comprises mercury, an inert starting gas such as argon, plus one or more metal halides having useable vapor pres~ures and a de-sirable emission in the visible spectrum. One well-known metal halide charge comprises the iodides of sodium, thallium, and indium Another w~ll-known charge comprises the iodides of sodium, scandium, and thorium. ~he addition of sodium has from the beginning been troublesome because sodium ions ; migrate out of the arc tube during lamp operation. As sodium is selectively lost and freed iodine is left behind, the lamp spectrum deteriorates through loss of the sodium radiation and the operating voltage rises, ultimately resulting in lamp failure.

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It was found that sodium loss could be gxeatly reduced by changing the msunt frame or harness which ~upports the arc tube within the outer envelope from the conventional side rod construction to a divided mount construction. In the former, the so-called side rods of the frame carry current ~o the electrode at the opposite end of the arc tube from the lamp base. In the latter which i9 a reversion to an integral mount disclosed in U.S. patent No. 2,888,585 dated May 26, 1959 - Martt et al , the long side rods are eliminated and the mount is in two sections, one extending from the stem of the outer envelope to the arc tube and the other extending from the dome end of the outer envelope to the arc tube. In Electric Discharge Lamps, MIT Press 1971, John F. Waymouth explains the improvement as follows.
Since the lamp operates on alternating current, the side :i rods alternately have a positive and a negative potential with respect to the surface of the arc tube The side rods are bathed in ultraviolet light from the arc tube and as a result emit photoelectrons When the side rods are negative, some of these photoelectrons drift to the outer surface of the arc tube, charging it up negatively. On the other half cycle, when the side rods are positive, there is no return photo current because silica is a very poor photo emitter.
The resulting negative charge on the arc tube causes posi-tively charged sodium ions to move through the fused silica -to the outer surface where they evaporate off. When the side rods of the arc tube mount are eliminated, a major source of electrons is removed.
;However even with the divided mount construction, an appreciable loss of sodium continues to take place. The object :

of the invention is to further reduce the loss of sodium from metal halide lamps.

Sodium loss from the fused silica envelopes of metal halide lamps can be reduced by means of a collector wire with-in the outer envelope having a control potential thereon. Pref-erably the collector wire is located close to the current car-rying lead wire in order to effectively shadow it and collect electrons that otherwise would drift to the art tube and pro-mote sodium electrolysis.
We have found that in the divided mount construction, an important source of photoelectrons is the long lead wire that extends from the stem of the outer envelope to the elec-trode at the far end of the arc tube. In order to reduce the photoelectric effect, we add a collector wire to the lamp cir-cuit and make it extend along the long lead wire and as close to it as practicable. The collector wire is connected elec-; trically to the opposite side of the lamp circuit from the long lead wire. On the half cycle when the collector wire is - 20 positive with respect to the long lead wire, it collects a large fraction of the photoelectric current from the long lead wire. In the next half cycle the polarities are re-~ versed and the long lead wire collects the photoelectron ;~ c~rrent from the collector wire. In this way the photoelec-tron current to the arc tube is greatly reduced even though the primary photoelectron current passing back and forth ~ between long lead wire and collector wire may be approxi-- mately doubled.
In a base-down metal halide lamp the starter elec-trode is mounted at the dome end so as to be uppermost along with the bimetal switch, and two long lead wires extending . .

iO gl ~ ~ ~D 6077 from the stem to the dome end are provided, one running to the starter electrode and the other to the main electrode.
In accordance with the invention, these wires are extended closely parallel to each other and the starter resistor is mounted at the starter end of the wire. Thus during opera-tion the wires are at opposite polarity and a substantial reduction in sodium loss results.
In a base-up lamp, reduced sodium loss is achieved by running a collector wire, alongside the long lead wire, to a dummy terminal at the far end of the end and connecting it to the opposite a.c. potential. The effectiveness of the col-lector wire can be further improved by means of a rectifying diode connected in such manner as to keep the collector wire positive with respect to the arc tube throughout the a.c.

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In the drawings wherein like symbols denote corre-sponding parts in the several figures:
FIG. 1 represents the geometrical relationships between a tubular arc tube and a pair of conductors extend-ing parallel thereto.
~ FIG. 2 is a front view of a base-down metal halide ; lamp embodying the invention.
~A ., FIG. 3 shows diagrammatically the location of the , 25 starting resistor in prior art base-down lamps.
FIG. 4 shows diagrammatically the relocation of . .
the resistor according to the invention.
FIG. 5 is a simplified front view of a base-up , ~
- lamp embodying the invention.
FIG. 6 is a simplified front view of another lamp embodying a variant of the invention wherein a positive bias :


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lV9~ LD 6077 is applied to a collector wire.

Considering a lamp comprising an inner arc tube within an outer jacket, if approximating assumptions regard-ing the boundary conditions determining the electric field in the outer jacket are made, it is possible to determine, by means of a current analog, the fraction f of photoelec-tron current collected by the arc tube as a function of the arc tube surface potential normalized to the potential of the collector wire. For the geometry illustrated in FIG. 1 wherein the two wires A and B are located at 2-1/2 arc tube diameters from the arc tube axis 0 and subtend an angle at the axis, the estimated average photocurrent to the arc tube per unit length of wire per emitted electron is the in-` 15 tegral from 0 to 1 of f. The following values have been de-termined for the case where wires A and B are at differing ,, potentials.
; Angle Integral 180 .27 ` 20 90 .22 :
~ 45 .17 :, ',: 11 .10 , .
The foregoing indicates that if the estimated . .
average photoelectric current is 0.5 for the case of a single wire extending along the arc tube and having an a.c. potential thereon, it will be 0.27 with two wires having opposite po-tentials and located 180 apart on diametrically opposite , .
sides of the arc tube, 0.22 when the wires subtend 90 at . the arc tube, and 0.10 when they subtend 11. If the two , 30 wires located 180 apart have the same potential, the esti-mated average photoelectric current is l.

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FIG. 2 illustrates a metal halide divided mount lamp for base-down operation utilizing the foregoing principles to further reduce sodium loss. The lamp 1 comprises a vitreous outer envelope or bulb 2 and a fused silica inner arc tube 3, the outer envelope having a screw base 4 at its lower end.
The arc tube contains a quantity of mercury which is substan-tially completely vaporized in operation, sodium iodide in ex-cess of the quantity vaporized, and other suitable metal ha-lides, for instance smaller amounts of thallium iodide and indium iodide or scandium iodide and thorium iodide. An in-ert rare gas at a low pressure, for instance argon at 25 torr, is included in the arc tube to facilitate starting and warm up. A pair of main arcing electrodes, 5 at the lower end and 6 at the upper end plus an auxiliary starting electrode 7 at the upper end are sealed into the arc tube. The elec-trodes are supported on inleads which include intermediate thin molybdenum foil sections 8 extending through the pinch-sealed ends 9, 10 of the tube. Main electrodes 5, 6 each comprise a tungsten wire helix wrapped around a core wire and may include activating material such as thorium oxide filling the interstices between turns.
The arc tube is supported within the outer envelope - by a divided mount comprising a wire frame 11 at the base end and another wire frame 12 at the dome end which include metal straps 13, 14 respectively encompassing the pinch seals 9, 10.
- The neck of the outer envelope is closed by a re-entrant stem 15 through which extend stiff inlead wires 16, 17 connected ~ at their outer ends to the screw shell and center contact of ; base 4. Lower wire frame 11 and connector 18 provide circuit continuity from inlead 16 to main electrode 5~ A long, fine, and resilient curving lead wire 19 extends from inlead 17 to : .

, lV~ 1. Z~ LD 6 () 7 7 main electrode 6 at the upper end of the arc tube. A s~cond curving lead wire 20 extends through frame 11 from inlead 16 to a starting resistor 21 connected to auxiliary starting elec-trode 7. Long curving wires 19 and 20 serve as electrical con-ductors only and provide substantially no physical support of the arc tube. A bimetal switch 22 is mounted on the inlead of main electrode 6 and is arranged to engage the inlead of aux-; iliary electrode 7 and short-circuit electrodes 6 and 7 to- gether after the lamp has warmed up.
The starting electrode is always located at the end of the arc tube which is uppermost in order to minimize elec-trolysis in the fused silica about the inleads. This means ~ that the bimetal shorting switch 22 is likewise mounted at ; the upper end, that is at the dome end in the base-down lamp of FIG. 2. Curving lead wire 19 carrying the arc current is made of fine tungsten wire in order to have minimum inter-ception of ultraviolet and blue light rays which cause photo-electron emission. For the same reason, the wire is curved away from the arc tube and made to lie close to the wall of the outer envelope. Current flow through the wire, particu-larly at starting, causes it to heat up considerably and the choice of tungsten enables the wire to retain its resiliency and maintain its shape under these conditions. The second curving lead wire 20 matches first lead wire 19 in physical ~25 characteristics.
The common practice prior to our invention was to mount starting resistor 21, which limits the current to the - starting electrode, at the stem or base end of the lamp. It was attached to stiff inlead 16, and the second curving lead wire 20 extended from the resistor to the inlead of starting electrode 7. The arrangement is i~lustrated schematically iO~ lZ~ LD 6077 in FIG. 3 and was favored because if the two curving lead wires 19 and 20 should accidentally come into contact as a result of bumping or jarring the lamp, the starting resistor, typically of 40,000 ohms, would limit the current to a fraction of a milliampere and prevent any damage. The foregoing con-ventional arrangement produced the result that when the lamp attained operating temperature and bimetal switch 22 closed, both curving lead wires 19 and 20 were placed at the same po-tential, namely that of inlead 17. The fact that this is al-most the worst possible case for photoelectron current was either not appreciated or overlooked.
In accordance with our invention, we obtain a sub-stantial reduction in the photoelectron current by the very simple expedient of moving starting resistor 21 up to the starter electrode end of curving lead wire 20, as illustrated in FIGS. 2 and 4. In other words, starting resistor 21 is now attached to the inlead of starter electrode 7 at the up-per end of the arc tube, and second curving lead wire 20 ex-tends from inlead 16 to the starting resistor. This arrange-ment has the effect of leaving curving lead wires 19 and 20 at opposite polarities during operation. This change made a very substantial reduction in sodium loss and in the voltage rise associated therewith. We have found that over a 1,000 ; hour life test, changing the position of the starting resistor `25 as described reduced the voltage rise from 9.1 to 3.0 volts.
Since the life of a metal halide lamp containing sodium is an inverse function of voltage rise, lamp life is correspond-ingly improved.
In the case of a lamp la for base-up operation, the starting electrode 7 and the bimetal switch 22 are located at the base end of the lamp in order to be uppermost, as illus-- trated in FIG. 5. The practice prior to our invention was to run a single long, fine curving wire l9 from inlead 17 at the stem to the inlead of main electrode 5. Wire 19 was curved away from the arc tube and made to lie close to the outer envelope wall in order to minimize photoelectrode cur-rent to the arc tube. However, we have found that a substan-tial photoelectron current remains. In accordance with our invention, a further reduction is achieved by providing a ; second curving lead wire 20 which now extends from inlead 16 at the stem to a dummy pin 23 which is sealed into the pinch-` lO ed end 9 of the arc tube. The two wires l9 and 20 have oppo-site a.c. potentials during operation and subtend an angle of about ll degrees or less at the arc tube axis. This means that the photoelectron current factor is reduced from 0.5 to 0.1 or less, resulting in a substantial reduction in sodium loss and voltage rise with life.
The effectiveness of curving wire 20 can be further increased by maintaining it positive with respect to the arc tube at all times throughout the a.c. cycle. A convenient arrangement for so doing is illustrated in the variant of the illustration shown in FIG. 6. In lamp lb otherwise simi-lar to that of FIG. 5, the stem 15 is modified to include a dummy inlead 24. The second curving lead wire 20 extends from dummy inlead 24 of the stem to dummy pin 23 of the arc ; tube at the dome end of the lamp, and both wires 19 and 20 ~25 extend parallel and close together and curve away from the arc tube. A pair of solid state diodes 25, 26 are connected from inleads 16, 17, respectively, to dummy inlead 24, the polarity connections biasing inlead 24 and lead wire 20 posi-tive. The positive potential on wire 20 is even more effective in collecting photoelectrons from wirP 19 than the a.c. con-nection of FIG. 5 and further reduces sodium loss and voltage - .. .

iO~ LD 6077 rise. The use of two diodes is preferred to a single diode in order to maintain a positive potential on wire 20 through both half cycles, but a single diode can suffice if adequate capac-itance is provided.

Claims (2)

The embodiments of the invention in which an exclu-sive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. A high pressure metal halide discharge lamp com-prising:
a tubular fused silica arc tube having electrodes sealed into opposite ends thereof and containing an ionizable fill including mercury and sodium halide;
a generally bulbous vitreous outer envelope surrounding said arc tube, said outer envelope being domed at one end and having a base with terminals at the other end and having a pair of stiff inleads extending thereinto through a stem and connected to said base terminals;
a divided mount providing substantially the entire physical support of said arc tube and comprising: a base end support frame fastened to one of said inleads and attached to one end of said arc tube and electrically connected to the electrode at said one end thereof, and a dome end support frame attached to the other end of said arc tube and engaging the dome end of said outer envelope;
a fine resilient lead wire extending from the other inlead and curving along the bulbous envelope wall to the electrode at the other end of said arc tube;
a collector wire extending alongside and close to said lead wire;
and at least one diode connected between one of said inleads and said collector wire and poled to bias said collector wire positive in order to collect photoelectrons from said lead wire that would otherwise drift to the arc tube.
2. A lamp as in claim 1, wherein said stem supports a dummy inlead, said collector wire is attached to said dummy inlead, and two diodes are connected between said inleads and said dummy inlead and are poled to bias said collector wire positive.
CA252,400A 1976-05-12 1976-05-12 High pressure metal halide lamp with electron collector Expired CA1091288A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA252,400A CA1091288A (en) 1976-05-12 1976-05-12 High pressure metal halide lamp with electron collector

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA252,400A CA1091288A (en) 1976-05-12 1976-05-12 High pressure metal halide lamp with electron collector

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
CA1091288A true CA1091288A (en) 1980-12-09



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Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
CA252,400A Expired CA1091288A (en) 1976-05-12 1976-05-12 High pressure metal halide lamp with electron collector

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CA (1) CA1091288A (en)

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