CA1084155A - Digital color television system - Google Patents

Digital color television system


Publication number
CA1084155A CA342,179A CA342179A CA1084155A CA 1084155 A CA1084155 A CA 1084155A CA 342179 A CA342179 A CA 342179A CA 1084155 A CA1084155 A CA 1084155A
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French (fr)
James T. Russell
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Priority claimed from US05/543,361 external-priority patent/US4015286A/en
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Priority to CA342,179A priority Critical patent/CA1084155A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1084155A publication Critical patent/CA1084155A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Television Signal Processing For Recording (AREA)


Abstract A digital color television system is described in which only one chrominance component of the video color television signal is transmitted for each television line, and digital delay means is employed for delaying at least one of the two chrominance components I and Q of the color television signal so that the delayed chrominance component can be added to the trans-mitted television signal to produce output signals having both chrominance components. The system includes a recording apparatus for recording the di-gital color television signal on a record which may be an optical or magnetic record, and a playback apparatus for playing back the recorded signal to a television receiver or other utilization device. A gate means is provided in the recording apparatus for selectively transmitting a conventional digital color television signal having two chrominance components as an altered di-gital television signal having only one chrominance component per line which is different on alternate lines. As a result, the amount of information stored on the record is greatly reduced. In one embodiment of the system, the two chrominance components I and Q are recorded between luminance words Y
with different chrominance components recorded in alternate television lines.
A single digital storage means such as a shift register is used in the play-back apparatus. In the other embodiment, the chrominance components are re-corded at the end of each television line in the horizontal blanking region, with different chrominance components being recorded in alternate lines.
This necessitates two digital storage means of the recirculating type in the playback unit, one storage means for each of the two chrominance components because both are recorded out of their proper sequence with the luminance words.


1~84155 Th~s appli~cation i~s a di~visi~n o~ Canadian Patent Application Serial No. 239,772 of J.T. Russell filed November 17, 1975.
The sub~ect matter of the present invention relates to a digital c~lor television sy~tem in general and more specifically to such a system in which only one of the two chrominance components I and Q is transmitted and/or recorded for each television line and digital delay means is used to delay the chrominance component of an adjacent line to enable it to be combined with that of the transmitted line to produce an output television signal having both chrominance components per line.
The television system of the present invention is especially use-ful in recording digital color television signals on optical records because ~t reduces the amount of information which must be stored on such record for each television line.
Previously it has been proposed in analog color television systems to use a delay line in the television receiver to delay one of the chromin-ance components so that such receiver displays a picture having television lines with both chrominance components even though only one chrominance component is transmitted per line. This European television system, called SECAM, was designed this way to reduce problems and color phase control. How-ever, color phase control is not a problem when transmitting digital colortelevision signals. A similar analog color television system employing an analog signal delay line is shown ln ~nited States Patent No. 3,571,494 of Law, issued March 16, 1971, which reduces band width requirements by sampling the analog video signal and shifting the sampling points.
It has also been proposed by K. Compaan et al in Philips , ,~
Technical Review, ~olume 33, pages 178-185, 1973, No. 7, to record and play back video television signals on optical records. However, records on the order of 30 centimeters in diameter were required for storing 30 minutes of .: . .:; ,. . .

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i~343~5 television programming. By using the television system of the present inven-tion to record and playback a digital television signal, the amount of infor-mation to be stored is greatly reduced which of course enables a reduction in si7e of the records and/or increased playing time per record.
An object of the invention is to provide a playback apparatus for a digital color television which reduces the amount of transmitted video sig~
nal information by transmitting only one of the two chrominance signal com-ponents per television line with different chrominance components used in al-ternate lines and in which the transmitted digital video television signal is recorded after it is altered to contain only a single chrominance component in order to reduce the amount of video signal information per television line which is stored on the record. The playback apparatus plays back the record and transmits the recorded digital television signal through a digital delay means to produce a delayed chrominance component which, when added to the transmitted signal, produces an output video signal having two chrominance components per line.
According to the broadest aspect of the invention there is pro-vided a digital color television playback apparatus comprising:
a record having altered digital color television line signals re-corded thereon each including a luminance signal component and only one chrominance signal component, with two different chrominance signal components being provided in an alternating manner in successive television line signals;
playback means for playing back said record to reproduce said al-tered line signals;
digital delay means for delaying the chrominance components of the altered digital television line signals to produce delayed digital chrominance components, said digital delay means including first and second 1~84155 delay,m,eans, fQr d~laying the t,wo different chrominance components of success-lve altered l~ne signals and for transmitting the two delayed chrominance com-ponents to the output means which combines them with the luminance component to form the line signal output, each of said first and second delay means de-laying only one of said two different chrominance components; and output means for combining the delayed chrominance components with components of said altered line signals to produce a composite digital television line signal output including a luminance component and two different chrominance components at least one of whic~ was obtained from an altered line signal other than that from which its luminance component was ob-ta~ned.
Other ob~'ects and advantages of the present invention will be apparent from the ollowing detailed descriptions of preferred embodiments thereof and from the attached drawings of which:
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of the electrical circuit of one embodiment of the digital color television system of the present invention;
pigure 2 is a diagram of electrical signal waveforms and recorded digital information produced in the system of Figure l;
Pigure 3 is a schematic diagram o the electrical circuit of a second embodiment of the digital color television s~stem of the present in-vention; and Figure 4 is a diagram of electrical signal wave-forms and re-corded digital information produced in the system o Figure 3.
As shown in Figure 1, one embodiment o~ the digital color tele-vision system of the present invention includes a recording circuit 10 and a playback circuit 12 with a record and/or playback unit 14 connected between the output of the recording circuit 10 and the input of the playback circuit 12. The output of the playback circuit 12 is connected to a conventional - ;. ~ : ,. .; , - , ,: , ~ :

1~84155 televi~ n recei~ver 16. The recording circuit 10 includes an analog color televis~on si~gnal s~urce 18 which supplies an analog video signal including a lu~inance component Y and two chrominance components I and Q to the inputs of analog to di-gital converters 20, 22, and 24 respectively~ This analog video signal is converted to a digital video signal which is changed to the altered digital video signal A of Figure 2 in a manner hereafter described.
The converters convert the analog signals into digital signals and transmit such digital signals to a Y word buffer 26, an I word buffer 28, and a Q word au~er 30 respectively connected to the outputs of converters 20, 22 and 24, A clock pulse generator 32 which is synchronized to the analog v~deo signal s~urce 18 transmits bit pulses B to the buffers 26, 28 and 30 along line 34 to clock the digital information from the converters 20, 22, and 24 into such buers. In addition, the output 34 of the clock 32 is connected to a divide by N counter 36, which divides the bit pulses by N, the number of bits per luminance word, to produce luminance word pulses C at output 38 which are transmitted to the converter 20 to cause it to produce luminance words Y of digital bits. As a result,,the A to D converter 20 transmits luminance words into the Y word buffer 26 at the bit frequency B.
The output 38 of counter 36 is also transmitted through a divide by M counter 40 which divides the Y word pulses C by M, the number of Y words per I or Q
chrominance words, to produce chrominance word pulses D at output 42. The chrom~nance word pulses D are transmitted to the analog to digital converters 22 and 24 to cause them to transmit digital output words to the buffers 28 and 30. Por example, i counter 36 is a divide by 5 counter, while counter 40 is a divide by 3 counter to provide the pulses B, C, and D of Figure 2, one I or Q word is transmitted to the buffers for every three Y words trans-mitted to buffer 26.
Readout o~ the buf~ers is provided by gating pulses G and H which 1~84155 are generated at the Qutputs 44 and 46, respect~ivelY, of a sequence control logic circui~t 48. The s~e~uence control logic circuit 48 is o~ conventional design with a plurality of flip-flops and gates whose conduction is controlled By~the input pulses B, C, D, F, and K as shown in Figure 1. The Y gating pulses G are applied to the buffer 26 and to an AND gate 50, also connected t~ the output of such buffer, in order to transmit the luminance words Y from the buffer to the output of gate 50. The I and Q gating pulses H are applied to both buffers 28 and 30 and to AND gates 52 and 54 respectively connected to the outputs of such buffers. Gates 52 and 54 also have inputs connected la to the alternate outputs 56 and 58 of a bistable flip-flop 60 which produces alternate line gating pulses E and F on outputs 56 and 58 respectively. Thus, fl~p-Plop 60 is triggered once per line by the line pulse K output 62 of a divide by P counter 64, connected to the output 34 of clock 32, where P is the number of bits per television line. As a result of the line gating pulses E and F generated on alternate lines, the AND gates 52 and 54 are rendered conducting on different lines to transmit the I word signals and Q
word signals through su¢h gates to two of the inputs of an OR gate 66. The output of OR gate 66 is connected as the output of the recording circuit 10 ;~`
to the input of the record and playback unit 14. Another input of the OR
gate 66 is connected to the output of the AND gate 50, for transmitting the Y words through such ~R gate. The fourth input of the OR gate 66 is con-~nected to a control code output 68 of the sequential control circuit 48. As shown in Figure 2~ the control code pulses M are produced on output 68 at the beginning of the line to provide the line start and color phase informa-tion, and at the end of the line to provide line end and sync information.
The record and playback unit 14 records the altered digital video television signal A transmitted from the output of the record circuit 10 as sho~n at the top of Figure 2. This altered video signal A consists of :
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i~4155 Y words which, in the example given, are 4 bits wide, such Y words being separated by single bits of I or Q chrominance information. As noted above, the I and Q bits alternate between adjacent television lines so only one chrominance component is recorded on each line. Of course the width of the recorded Y words and I or Q words is set by the gate signals G and H respect-ively, since the AND gates 50, 52, and 54 are only conducting when these gate signals are positive.
The record and playback unit 14 may be a conventional magnetic tape recorder or it may be an optical digital recording and playback unit as shown in United States Patent 3,501,586 of J.T. Russell, issued March 17, 1970, or in copending United States Patent application Serial No. 516,453 of J.T. Russell, filed December 21, 1974, abandoned in favour of continuation application Serial No. 727,369, filed September 27, 1976, now United States Patent 4,090,031 issued May 16, 1978.
The playback apparatus 12 may be separate from the recording apparatus 10, in which case a separate playback unit is provided, such as when using an optical record. The electrical output signal of the playback unit 14 is transmitted from an output 70 to the input of a data shift register 72. The digital data is fed into the shift register 72 at a frequency determined by clock pulses T produced by a clock generator 74.
The data shift register 72 transmits luminance words Y through parallel out-puts to a Y word buffer 76, whose parallel outputs are connected to a digital to analog converter 78. The data shift register 72 also produces a series output 86 for I and Q words corresponding to the I or Q bits of the altered video signal A. These I or Q words are fed to the input of a digital storage means 80 such as a shift register, which stores the I or Q words for a time duration equal to one television line and produces a delayed chrominance word I' or Q' at output 82 which is delayed one line from the input words I or Q. The I or Q bits are clocked out of the shift register - .

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1-~841S5 72 by timing pulses T/N supplied by a di~ide by N-counter 83. The divide by N counter connected to the output of clock 74J produces Y word clock pulses T/N, where N is the number of bits per word. A divide by 3 counter 84 is connected to the output of counter 83 and produces I or Q word clock pulses T/N/3 which are applied to the I and Q buffers 104 and 108 to clock the out-puts of such buffers to the D to A converters as hereafter described. As shown in Figure 2J the recorded signal A has a single I or Q bit recorded between each Y word. Assuming it requires 3 I or Q bits to form one I or Q
word, each of the buffers 104 and 108 has its output clocked by the T/N/3 pulses of counter 84 to produce I or Q words at its output. It should be noted that the I and Q bits on output 86 of register 72 are derived from the same line of the altered video signal A as the Y words transmitted to buffer 76, while the delayed I' or Q' bits at output 82 of storage register 80 are derived from the previous line of the recorded signal.
A pair of AND gates 88 and 90 are provided with one input of gate 88 connected to the output 86 of the data shift register 72 and one of the inputs of gate 90 connected to the delayed output 82 of the storage register 80. Similarly a second pair of AND gates 92 and 94 is provided with one of the inputs of gate 92 connected to the output 86 of the shift register 72 while one of the inputs of gate 94 is connected to the delayed output 82 of the storage register 80. The other inputs of gate 88 and 94 are connected together to the R gate signal output 96 of a code detect circuit 98 while the other inputs of AND gates 90 and 92 are connected together to the S
gate signal output 100 of such code detect circuit. The gate signals R and S are line gate signals which are produced alternately for the duration of alternate television lines as shown in Figure 2.
The outputs of AND gates 88 and 90 are connected through an OR
gate 102 to the input of I word buffer 104. Similarly AND gates 92 and 94 ~ ' ' ` . ';' ; ' ' .
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1~34155 have their outputs connected through another OR gate 106 whose output is connected to Q word buffer 108. As a result either the undelayed I bits or the delayed I bits, I', are transmitted to the I buffer 104 during each television line signal, while either undelayed Q bits or delayed Q bits, Q', are transmitted to the Q buffer 108 during each television line. The buffers 104 and 108 have clocking inputs connected to the T/N output of counter 83 and clocking outputs connected to the T/N/3 output of counter 84, so that such buffers produce parallel chrominance word outputs X and Z once for each 3 luminance word output W of buffer 76. The parallel outputs of the buffers 104 and 108 are connected to the digital to analog converters 110 and 112 respectively which convert the parallel digital signal into series analog signals.
The analog outputs of converters 78, 110, and 112 respectively transmit analog luminance words Y and chrominance words I and Q to a con-ventional NTSC modulator 114 which modulates such signals into a composite analog NTSC color video signal at output 116 while receiving clock pulses T from clock 74 and a composite sync signal at input 118. A composite sync signal is produced by a composite sync generator 120 whose two inputs are connected respectively to a horizontal sync 124 and vertical sync 122 of the code detect circuit 98. The code detect circuit 98 has its inputs connected to parallel outputs 126 of the data shift register 72, which supplies coded information to the code detect circuit during the time of control code pulse M at the beginning and end of the recorded line signal A.
Of course, a composite analog video signal produced at output 116 of the playback circuit 12 may be applied to a conventional television receiver 16 for display.
Another embodiment of the digital color television system of the present invention, shown in Figures 3 and 4, is similar to that of Figures 1 1~84~55 and 2 so that the same reference numerals have been used to designate like components in both. Thus, the digital Y signal is transmitted from the analog to digital converter 20 into a Y line storage circuit 128, such as a shift register which stores the luminescent signal Y for one television line to delay the Y words a first time delay Dl. The analog to digital con-verter 20 is gated by the Y word clocking pulses C produced by counter 36 only during the time of an enabling signal L shown in Figure 4, which is applied to an AND gate 130 connected between the output of clock 32 and the input of counter 36. This enabling signal L is produced at an output 132 of the sequence control logic circuit 48'. It should be noted that since . . .
the counter 40 is connected between the output of counter 36 and the analog to digital converters 22 and 24, such converters are also clocked by pulses D only during the enabling signal L. Thus, the analog to digital converters 20, 22, and 24 only transmit digital output signals corresponding to the Y words and the I and Q words during the time of the enabling signal L.
The output of converter 22 is connected to an I storage circuit 134 while the output of converter 24 is connected to a Q storage circuit 136.
The two storage circuits 134 and 136 which may be shift registers, only store the I and Q words for a short second time delay, D2 in Figure 4, which is less than one television line. As a result of the Y line storage 128, the altered digital video signal A transmitted during the period of the Y gate signal G through the AND gate 50 and the OR gate 66 to the recorded play-back unit 14, includes Y words from the previous television line. The I
and Q gate signals H are produced by the sequence control logic circuit 48' at a time immediately after the "end of line" word at the end of the Y words in the altered video signal A, as shown in Figure 4. Thus, the gating signal H and the corresponding I and Q words in the altered video signal A are _ 9 _ ,: . . : . . - ~ , ~ .
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1~8~155 delayed a delay time D2 equal to the time between the end of the first Y word of the line to the end of the "end of line" word. It should be noted that timing pulses J corresponding in frequency to the bit pulses B are produced at output 138 of the sequence control logic 48' and applied to both of the storage circuits 134 and 136. As a result, the I or Q words are recorded after the Y words at the end of the television line. As stated previously, the recorded Y words are actually taken from the previous line due to the full line delay of storage circuit 128. Like the embodiment of Fig. 1, the I and Q chrominance words only appear in different alternate lines of the altered video signal A transmitted from the record circuit 10' to the recorder unit.
The playback circuit 12' of Fig. 3 differs from that of Fig. 1 in that the data shift register 72' does not provide a series output for the I
and Q words but instead transmits them along with the Y words through parallel outputs to the word buffer 76' which also may be a shift register. Buffer 76' provides a series output 86' for the I or Q words, which are fed to one of the inputs of each of a pair of AND gates 138 and 140. The other inputs of AND
gates 138 and 140 are respectively connected to the R gating signal output 96 - and the S gating signal output 100 of the code detector circuit 98 to render the AND gates conducting on alternate lines of the altered video signal A.
The output of AND gate 138 is connected to an I storage circuit 142 while the output of AND gate 140 is connected to a Q storage circuit 144, both of which may be recirculating type shift registers. The recirculating storage circuits 142 and 144 each have two series outputs which are transmitted into one of a pair of series to parallel converters and buffers 146 and 148. Thus, the I
and Q storage circuits 142 and 144 each have a first output 150 and 152 on which an I or Q word is produced, having a short time delay D3 less than one television line and corresponding to the recirculation time from the end to the beginning of the shift registers. In addition, the I and Q storage cir-~;; - 1 0 ", :

1~984155 cuits each have a second output 154 and 156 on which a delayed I' or Q' word is produced with a long time delay D4 slightly greater than one tele-vision line, as shown in Fig. 4.
As a result of the above discussed time delays, Dl, D2, D3, and D4, the output signal of the buffers to the D to A converters 78, 110, and 112 for a given television line includes Y words and I or Q words from the first previous line and Q' or I' words from the second previous line. Thus the analog video output signal of the NTSC modulator 114 includes a Y com-ponent and an I or Q component from the same television line, and a delayed Q' or I' component from the next line so that it is similar to the analog video output signal in Fig. l. ~owever, the embodiment of Figs. 3 and 4 has the additional advantage that the color signal components I and Q of the altered digital video signal A are transmitted and recorded during the horiz-ontal blanking period following the end of the line of luminance components Y.
This further reduces the amount of digital information which must be stored on the optical or magnetic record by the record and playback unit 14.
It will be obvious to one having ordinary skill in the art that many changes may be made in the above described details of the preferred embodiments of the present invention without departing from the spirit of the invention. Therefore, the scope of the present invention should only be de-termined by the following claims.


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Claims (7)

1. A digital color television signal playback apparatus comprising:
a record having altered digital color television line signals re-corded thereon each including a luminance signal component and only one chrominance signal component, with two different chrominance signal components being provided in an alternating manner in successive television line signals;
playback means for playing back said record to reproduce said altered line signals;
digital delay means for delaying the chrominance components of the altered digital television line signals to produce delayed digital chrominance components, said digital delay means including first and second delay means for delaying the two different chrominance components of successive altered line signals and for transmitting the two delayed chrominance components to the output means which combines them with the luminance component to form the line signal output, each of said first and second delay means delaying only one of said two different chrominance components; and output means for combining the delayed chrominance components with components of said altered line signals to produce a composite digital television line signal output including a luminance component and two different chrominance components at least one of which was obtained from an altered line signal other than that from which its luminance component was obtained.
2. A television playback apparatus in accordance with claim 1 in which the record is an optical digital record.
3. A television playback apparatus in accordance with claim 1 which also includes means for transmitting a portion of the chrominance components of the altered line signals to the output means without passing through said delay means to provide an undelayed chrominance component which is combined with the luminance component and with a delayed chrominance component of different type, the said undelayed chrominance component to form the composite line signal output.
4. A television playback apparatus in accordance with claim 3 in which the chrominance component words and corresponding luminance component of the altered digital line signal are recorded at positions adjacent each other so that the successive luminance words are separated by the chrominance words in an alternating manner.
5. A television playback apparatus in accordance with claim 1 in which the digital delay means includes first and second delay means for delay-ing the two different chrominance components of successive altered line signals and for transmitting the two delayed chrominance components to the output means which combines them with the luminance component to form the composite line signal output.
6. A television playback apparatus in accordance with claim 5 in which successive luminance words of the altered digital line signal are re-corded on the record without intervening chrominance words and successive chrominance words are recorded without intervening luminance words in said altered line signal.
7. A television playback apparatus in accordance with claim 6 in which the chrominance words are recorded at the end of the line signal at a time corresponding to the horizontal blanking time of the television signal.
CA342,179A 1975-01-23 1979-12-18 Digital color television system Expired CA1084155A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
CA342,179A CA1084155A (en) 1975-01-23 1979-12-18 Digital color television system

Applications Claiming Priority (4)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US543,361 1975-01-23
US05/543,361 US4015286A (en) 1975-01-23 1975-01-23 Digital color television system
CA239,772A CA1080344A (en) 1975-01-23 1975-11-17 Digital color television system
CA342,179A CA1084155A (en) 1975-01-23 1979-12-18 Digital color television system

Publications (1)

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CA1084155A true CA1084155A (en) 1980-08-19



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CA342,179A Expired CA1084155A (en) 1975-01-23 1979-12-18 Digital color television system

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