CA1074446A - Information storage devices - Google Patents

Information storage devices


Publication number
CA1074446A CA097,711A CA97711A CA1074446A CA 1074446 A CA1074446 A CA 1074446A CA 97711 A CA97711 A CA 97711A CA 1074446 A CA1074446 A CA 1074446A
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Other languages
French (fr)
George E. Smith
Willard S. Boyle
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
AT&T Corp
Original Assignee
Western Electric Co Inc
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Western Electric Co Inc filed Critical Western Electric Co Inc
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1074446A publication Critical patent/CA1074446A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Solid State Image Pick-Up Elements (AREA)


Abstract of the Disclosure The specification describes devices based on the recog-nition that minority charge carriers within a semiconductor can be used to represent information. Storage sites are provided by depletion regions formed along the semiconductor surface. The preferred structure is an array of metal electrodes on an insulat-ing layer, each electrode comprising an MIS device. A quantum of charge carriers, representing an information bit, is generated within the semiconductor. This quantum can be translated along the semiconductor by successively biasing a row of electrodes.
The depletion region effectively "moves" through the semiconductor sweeping the minority carriers with it. The quantum can be de-tected by a simple capacitive couple, e.g., a floating gate FET.


~L~'7~6 This invention relates to information storage devices.
Background of the invention There is a wide variety of electrical devices in which information storage is an essential feature. Memory and logic devices often rely on magnetic mechanisms in which the information is represented by the polarity of magnetic domains stored in a sheet, hollow core or wire.
In the usual form of the video camera an optical image is stored in the form of electrostatic charge on a monolithic storage layer. The localized charge density of the electro-static pattern is then "read" with a scanning electron beam.
Information storage is also implicit in delay lines.
These devices are typically acoustic or electromechanical with the information stored dynamically in a traveling elastic wave.
Electrical storage devices commonly comprise arrays of devices connected in logic patterns in which binary information is stored and processed by sequential switching of the devices.
2~ Statement of the Invention In accordance with an aspect of the invention there is provided a semiconductive device comprising a semiconductive charge storage layer having a major surface, an insulating layer overlying said major surface, an electrode assembly ;
on the insulating layer including a plurality o~ electrodes for forming a succession of storage sites for the storage of charge carriers in the charge storage layer and for transfer-ring stored charge carriers between successive sites în a predetermined direction, the device characterized in that ~
30 each electrode over-lies a region of the charge storage layer ~-which is essentially of a single conductivity type. ~
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~7~ 6 The present invention involves an information storage mechanism that is unique and versatile. It offers many of the advantages of the several forms of storage devices mentioned above.
Applicant has recognized that electric charge can be stored in a spatially defined potential minimum within a semiconductor; that the storage site within the semiconductor can be selected; and, most importantly, that the storage site can be changed within the semiconductor in at least .... .. ..
two dimensions. Thus electric charge, representing ;
information, can be generated, translated and retrieved.
In a static sense, the sites are used for storage according to the invention are well known. They are depletion layers or '' ,~.

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~ ~ 6 locali~ed electric fie]ds that are capable of trapping and storing MinoriLy charge carriers. For tl-e purpose of the des-cription of this invention, these storage sites will be termed "potential wells." It is important to recogni~e that this device relies on minority carriers exclusively to represent the informa- -tion throughout the generation-transfer-detection operations.
A potential well can be generated at a desired location in the semiconductor by locally biasing the semiconductor. '~his can be facilitated in a representative embodiment by forming an electric field pattern over the semicondllctor surface. The pat-tern may be monolithic for certain forms of devices (to be de-scribed below) or may assume a specific geometry to perform a desired function, e.g., a logic function. In a preferred embodi-ment of the invention the devices comprise an MIS array and the depletion region is formed via the wel:L-known field effect.
The potential wells can be cllarged initially by several methods. These will be treated in detail below along with de- -tection or readout schemes. The translating function is achieved ;
by moving the potential wells along the desired translation path.
This has the effect of moving the charge accumulated in each well.
Since mobile charge influenced by more than one potential well ~ ;
wlll accumolate in the deep~es~ po~ential well, operation of some ; ;
charge coupled device embodiments will focus on the deepest of ;~
more than one overlapping potential well. -~

Detailed Description of the Invention ;
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The following detailed description sets forth various embodiments of the invention, all of which share the basic in-formation storage feature described above. In the drawing:

FIGS. lA to lD are schematic diagrams ~llustratlng the charge translating mechanism according to one embodiment;
FIG. 2 is a front sectional view, partly schematic, of 7~

a shift reglster em~odying the information storage feature;
FIG. 3 ls a pulse program for the shift register of FIG. 2; .
FIG. 4 is a front sectional view partly schematic il-lustrating a preferred method of charge translation;
FIGS 5A, 5B and 5C are largely schematic representations of means for detecting the presence or absence of charge in the terminal translating stage;
FIGS. 6A and 6B are schematic representations of pre-ferred techniques for enhancing charge translation, FIG. 7 is a plan view of a multichannel shift register,an extension of the device of FIG. 2;
FIG. 8 is a plan view of a preferred conductor arrange-ment designed to avoid crossovers in the three-conductor storage .
control circuit;
~ IG. 9 is a perspective view of a portion of a charge translating device illustrating a preferred electrical contact :
FIG. 10 is a front sectional view of a charge trans- -lating device showlng an alternative electrical contact arrange-ment; :~
FIG. 11 is a front section, largely schematic, of an -image détection device employing features of the invention; :.:
FIG. 12 is a front sectional view of an alternative means for transferring charge that does not require wire con- ~ .
nection: to ~ach transfer stAge and ~

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7~6 FIG. 13 is a front sectional view illustrating a structure alternative to that of FIG. 12.
Detailed Description FIGS. lA to lD illustrate the charge transfer process according to one embodiment. The transfer mechanism of all embodiments herein is similar in concept. In FIG. lA
the semiconductor substrate 10 is covered with a thin insulating film 11 and two metal electrodes 12 and 13 which form part of an array. In FIG. lA, electrode 12 is biased while electrode 13 is not. A depletion region or potential well 14 forms under electrode 12. In FIG. lB, minority charges 15, created through, e.g., hole-electron pair generation from photon absorption, are shown migrating to the depletion region 14 and stored there. When electrode 13 is biased simultaneously with electrode 12, the depletion region extends continuously below both electrodes as shown in FIG. lC. The charge redistributes across the enlarged layer. As the bias on electrode 12 is removed, as shown in FIG. lD, the portion of the depletion region under ; 20 electrode 12 collapses shifting all the charge to the potential well 14' that is now associated with electrode 13.
In a like manner the charge entity represented in FIG. lD
can be shifted stepwise to any location in the semiconductor.
It will be recognized that the substrate 10 of FIGS. lA to ~ -lD can be p-typed and the charges reversed in sign. -;
The utilization of this translating mechanism is illustrated, according to one embodiment of the invention, in connection with the shift register of FIG. 2. Th~$
device is chosen for illustxation because it is a funda-30 mental structure from which many forms of logic andImemory ~-devices can be derived. The structure is similar to that of FIGS. lA to lD. A semiconductor substrate 20 is covered , . , ., - . , ,, . ~ , .


with dielectric layer 21 on which is foxmed a sequence of electrodes 22 to 24, in triplets designated a and b through n (as beina parl of a series terminating with 24n). Conductors designated 22', 23', and 24' join each third electrode. In this embodiment the input or generating stage shown at 25 is an MIS device driven to avalanche condition. The charge generated at 25 migrates as shown to the potential well 27a.
This figure illustrates the transmission of a sequential -pulse train.
The shift register can be operated in a recirculat-ing mode either for increasing the storage duration, or for regeneratingthe signal to overcome noise or charge losses, by simply connecting the output signal back to the input stage through an appropriate regeneration circuit 33.
It should be appreciated that an important device application is implicit in the operation of the device of FIG. 2. That application is information or signal delay.
Many~forms of delay lines can make use of structures similar to that of FIG. 2. By sequentially biasing conductors 23', 24', and 22', the charge will shift into pocket 27b. In a like manner the charge is translated into pocket 27n and then into the depletion region 28 accompanying the p-n junction 29 of the output stage. A pulse output is then detected across load 30 as shown. A bias source 31 is connected to electrode 32 to bias the junction.
The output stage shown here utilizes a p-n junction to extract charge collected from the terminal stage 24n. A
directly analogous detector which is equally effective is a Schottky barrier device. An appropriate Schottky device is described in The Bell System Technical _ 5 _ ~ . , ' -Journal, ~ol. XLIV, No. 7, Sept. 1965 at pp. 1525-1528. For purposes of definition, the aforementioned charge detecting de-vices can be characterized by the term "barrier laycr."
An e~emplary pulse program for the shlft register of FI~. 2 is shown in FIG. 3. (The ordinate is not to scale.) This diagram illustrates transmission of the binary code 1101. While it is no~ evident from this abbreviated representation, it is clear from FIG. 2 that each element 22a through 22n is simultan-eously pulsed via conductor 22', likewise for conductors 23' and 24~. The pulses on each element are timed such that the time perio~ between the initiation of sequential pulses, Vt, is less than three times the pulse width, t . This ensures that the ;~
pulse on each sequential stage overlaps both the former and the subsequent stage. Otherwise one potential well may collapse be-fore the next one is accessible to the charge.
Referring back to FIG. lC, it will be appreciated that the charge transfer time for that portion of charge situated under electrode 12 will be equal to the fall time of the pulse in FIG. 3. Experimental evidence indlcates that the transfer -~
time under the conditions outlined is quite fast. However, if the pulse program of FIG. 3 is comparably fast, it may be advan-tageous to use a pulse shape that gives a longer fall time. A
convenlent pulse form serving this function ls a sine wave.
A preferred modification of the charge translating mechanism makes use of a continuous uniform bias on all conductors so as to maintain at lea5t a shallow depletion layer over the ~ -~
entire surface of the dev~ice. This bias should be at least equal to the threshold voltage for producing inverslon under steady ~
state conditions. ;


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In this way the troublesome surface states, which are inevitably present at semiconduc-tor-insulator interfaces (and which cause adverse surface recombination), can be maintained relatively free of majority carriers. That is, by isolating the bulk of the majority carriers from the interface via a space-charge layer, the carriers in the surface states, having once.recombined with minority carriers, cannot then be replenished. This technique, which simply requires a prebias on every metal contact, insures a ].ong lifetime for the minority carriers constituting the signal. In a device having many stages this expedient may be essential The modification just described is illustrated in FIG. 4. The device corresponds to a mlddle portion of the shift register of FIG. 3. The semiconductor base .layer 40, which again is n-type, the insulating layer 41, and metal contacts 42a, 43a, 44a, 42b, 43b, and 44b and the associated conductors 42', 43', and 44' correspond to similar elements in FIG. 3. The essential distinction is the presence of a continuous hias voltage V' on all conductors to form a uniform depletion region 45 over the entire device. Potential wells 46 are formed under contacts 42a,and 42b as the result of the pulse voltage Vp superimposed on the bias voltage V'.
Input Stage The shift register of FIG. 2 is.described as having an avalanche device for creating charge at the input location 25. There are several alternative methods for creating minority charge carriers. For example, if the input stage comprises a p-n junction, minority charge carriers can be injected into the bulk region of the . :

semiconductor by forward bias pulses corresponding to the .

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desired input signal. ~lternatively carriers can be in~ected by MIS surface avalanching as described in Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 9, No. 12, p. 444. ~ hybrid structure employing a metal-oxide surface contact on a p-n junction is effective for the same purpose. Another alternative is to generate hole~electron pairs by photon absorption or absorption of other ionizing radiation.
This is treated fully in application of M.G. Bodmer-M.H. Crowell-E.I. Gordon-F.J. Morris, Serial No. 040,135 filed January 14, 1969, and which issued as Canadian patent 882,314 on September 28, 1971.
The minority charge carriers will diffuse to a nearby depletion region which in the case of the shift register of FIG. 2 is the first stage 27a. A means for achieving this is shown in phantom at 33 in FIG. 2. The element 33 is a light source - in this case, a schematic representation of an electroluminescent diode. This mechanism for minority carrier generation is quite useful in imaging devices. These will be described in more detail below.

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The outpùt stage can also assume a variety of forms.
FIGS. 5A to 5C illustrate a few alternative embodiments. These figures show the termlnal section of the device of FIG. 2 in-cludlng the last transfer stage 24n. ~ach of these devices are charge detection devices constructed according to known prin-ciples. In FIG. 5A the detector is an MIS device and is there~
fore especially convenient, from a processing standpoint, where ~;
an MIS array comprises the transfer stages. With the semiconduc- ~;~
tor depleted, the capacitance associated with detector electrode 50 will indicate the presence or absence of externally introduced charge in the depleted region 51. The capacity acrose the MIS -detector is measured by a ~ ;

~ ..:,: :' ' ' ~.

, standard capacitive bridge as shown and the value indicated~
at detector 52. The bias source 53 is arranged via switch 54 to intermittently bias that portion of the semiconductor below electrode 50 first to establish the depletion region for attracting the charge to be detected and then to collapse the depleted region to recombine the charge which may have accumulated.
In the detection stage of FIG. 5B an alterna-ting current source 55 is connected to two adjacent field plates 56 and 57, the latter again comprising MIS devices with semiconductor 20 and insulating layer 21. A bias source 58 maintains a depletion region 59 beneath both electrodes 56 and 57. If charge is present in the terminal transfer stage 24n it is transferred to the potential well accompanying plate 56 on its negative half cycle and then toward the well of electrode 57 on the latter's negative half cycle. This transfer of charge back and forth beneath electrodes 56 and 57 changes the a.c. impedance of the circuit from its value with-out charge in the depletion layer. The presence or absence of charge is thus detectable across impedance 60 by potent-iometer 61. The switch 62 functions to erase the charge in the manner of switch 54 of FIG. 5A. The speed of the erase function can be enhanced by providing a switching network to reverse the d.c. bias rather than merely removing the bias.
The detection stage of FIG. 5C relies on a direct voltage measurement to detect interface charge QI accumulated -,.
between semiconductor 20 and insulator 21~ The electrode 63 is biased negatively via source 64 connected in series with a blocking capacitance which is shown in the figure as a capacitor, 65, but may alternatively be a diode.

A change in the charge level ~I is reflected by a change g _ .


in the equivalent capacitance of the MIS device. This affects the capacitive division between that element and the capacitor 65 resulting in a change in VD. The voltage VD can be measured in various ways, e.g., at the gate of a field-effect transistor. Shown in FIG. 5C is a field-effect device integrated with the semiconductor base 20 of the storage device. A p-region 20A is shown representing isolation according to known integrated circuit techniques.
The voltage VD being measured is connected to the gate electrode 66. The insulating layer for the gate is shown as an extension of insulating layer 21. Source and drain regions 67 and 68 are diffused through windows formed in this layer. Source and drain electrodes 69 and 70 are connected through load 71 to bias source 72. Detector 73 indicates the conduction state of the FET which reveals the presence or absence of charge ~I in the following manner.
A positive pulse delivered by power source 64 recombines any residual charge QI and primes the device for detection. A negative pulse places negative charge on plate 63 and depletes the region under that electrode for collect-ing holes delivered(or not delivered) from terminal stage 24n.
The gate 66 is biased at the same potentlal leaving the FET -~
in an "ON" condition indicated at 73. If charge ~I enters the region below plate 63, the negative potential on the plate will be reduced. The corresponding reduction in potential at the gate electrode 66 will place the FET in an "OFF" conditlon. If there is no charge QI the FET remains "ON".
The device of FIG. 5C is shown partly integrated ~
30 the FET device can be used separately or the device can be ~;
further integrated, e.g., the elements 65, 71 and the electrical - 10- ", .. . : , ... .

~37~46 connections can be integrated.
Charge Translation Enhancement The charge translating mechanism described in connection with FIG. 1 relies in part on thermal diffusion to transport carriers from potential well 14 to potential well 14'. While this transport mechanism is adequate, the response time of devices using this mechanism can be significantly reduced by using an electric field to drive the charge to the new location. In many cases the use of the drive field will improve the collection efficiency also. One means of achieving this is to shape the potential well so that a field gradient exists between adjacent wells. This scheme, -which for the purpose of this description will be termed "field enhancement," is shown in two illustrative embodiments in FIGS. 6A and 6B.
- FIG. 6A shows two conductors 72 and 73 situated on insulating layer 74 which in turn covers semiconductor substrate 75. With the conductors 72 and 73 biased, their respective depletion layers appear to have shapes indicated by dashed lines 76 and 77. These lines, which represent the boundaries of the depleted reyion of the semiconductor also are a ~unction of the potential at the semiconductor-insulabor interface~ Thus it is convenient in this discussion to consider these boundary lines as potential profiles along the surface of the semiconductor where the charge is stored.
As a conse~uence of making the size of the electrode comparable to, or less than, the thickness of the insulator, the field approaches the situation where it appears to emanate as if from a point rather than a plate (as in FIG. 1) and produces a continuous potentlal gradient along the surface. This field ~radient is aptly described as a -- 11 -- .

4a~6 - potential well and tends to confine the charge at its center.
When these wells are made to overlap (a condition implicit from the previous discussion, e.g., the pulse program of FIG. 3) the composite field profile is described by the dotted line 78 of FIG. 6A. Now it is intuitively obvious that the charges will transport from the region directly under electrode 72 toward electrode 73. After the depletion field represented by line 76 collapses, the charges will be swept to the surface region of highest potential in the well represented by line 77, or directly under electrode 73.
Field enhancement can be made more effective by using a shaped pulse as described by FIG. 6B. For example, ~ -if a saw-tooth pulse is applied to electrodes 72 and 73, then at a time tl during the period of pulsé overlap (the charge translating period), electrode 72 will be biased at a lower ~oltage than electrode 73. This is indicated schematic-ally by the arrows adjacent the respective pulse forms. The separate field profiles at t1 are described by dashed lines 79 and 80 with the composite profile appearing as dotted line 89. The field gradient in the direction of desired charge translation extends instantaneously all the way to .
the region immediately below electrode 73.
The schemes just described are but two of many possibilities for produc1ng a field gradient or drive field for the charge (or absence of charge) accumulated at the initial storage location. All those arrangements which produce field enhancement of charge translation are intended to be within the scope of this embodiment of the invention.
Other Device Structures .. . . _ _ , The one dimension shift register shown 1n FIG. 2 can advantageously be incorporated in a multichannel register .
-~(~7~6 as shown in FIG. 7. It is evident that the linear array of FIG. 2 requires at least _ crossovers (the figure shows 3n-3 crossovers but a straightforward modification reduces this number to _). Crossovers are used more economically in the arrangement of FIG. 7 wherein the same number of crossovers may provide a large number of channels. FIG. 7 shows four channels but this number can be extended without àdding additional crossover connections. The conductor arrangement of conductors 81',`82', and 83' is the same as that in FIG. 2 with conductor 81' connected to contacts 81a through 81n in sheet 86 and likewise with conductors 82', 83' and electrodes 82a to 82n and 83a to 83n. Input stages 84 and output stages 85 have been discussed previously.
Another embodiment which is advantageous from the ; ;~
point of view of minimizing crossovers is illustrated by the electrode configuration of FIG. 8. Shown there is a portion of a device which may, for example, be a plan view of a device similar to that of FIG. 4 and in which the conductors are so arranged as to avoid the nece~sity of cross~
over connections. Using numbers preceded by "1" to indicate elements corresponding with those of FIG. 4, the three conductors 142', 143l and 144' are deposited directly upon a raised portion of the insulating layer 140 and interconnect electrodes 142a, 142b, 143a, 143b, and 144a, 144b, respect-ively. The path followed by the charge as it is stepped through this section is indicated by the dashed line 145~ In this connection it should be appreciated that the charge is being translated under conductor wires and thus forms a convenient "crossunder" arrangement.
Other arrangements similar in concept to that of FIG. 8 will occur to those skillPd in the art. These can be described broadly as electrode configurations having a ~7~446 plurality of electrodes in which every third electrode is connected to one o~ three conductors and is adjacent to two electrodes, each of which is connected to a separate conductor of the remaining two, with all of the conductors and electrodes deposited on a single substrate surface. The disposition of the conductors along the surface of the device can be an important consideration. In a large array it is impractical to bond each lead to its associated electrode.
Consequently the charge transfer circuit would 10 ordinarily be'printed directly on the'insulator co~ering the ~' substrate. However, the effectiveness of the device often relies on careful control o the field profile at the semi-conductor insulator interface. If the conductors are in , , -direct contact with the insuLator, the field from each lead will perturb the desired field profile. To overcome ~his a dual thickness oxide can be formed over the semiconductor.
Such an arrangement is shown in perspective in FIG. 9. The semiconductor substrate 110 is first coated with a thin ~ ', insulating layer 111. Next a thick layer of another insu1atin~ material is 'formed on layer 111 and etched to form a grid 112 with open1ngs for the metal field plates 113. The ' field plates can be deposited along with interconnections 114 using a single photolithographic step. Some~overlap is shown . . .
in the figure to insure complete covering of the site. The conductor paths 114 to the electrodes 113 are isolated from the substrate by the thick insulator 112. The dual thickness -'~'' insulating layer is conveniently made by selecting two different insulating materials, such as SiO2 and Si3N4 that have .... . ..... .. .
different etching characteristics. Thus when the second layer is etched to form windows for the electrodes an etch can be selected which does not attack the first insulating layer. An' alternate procedure known in the art ,:

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for formin~ a dual tllickness layer is to deposit a continuous first layer, etch the windows, and deposit another uniform layer.
~ n especially convenient fabricating techniq-le is il-lustrated in FIG. 10. This is a front sectional view of a portion of a planar processed device. The semiconductor substrate 120 is again covered with a suitable thin insulating layer 121. ~ con-tinuous metal layer is deposited on layer 121 and etched to form discrete metal electrodes 122-124. A continuo~s insulating layer 125 is then deposited over the electrodes 122-124. Windows 127 are etched in layer 125 to the underlying metal. A ribbon or beam lead conductor 128 is then deposited so as to contact elect-rodes 122~124. The procedure has a distinct advantage in that it is devoid of any critical photoresist alignment steps.
The capability of producing minority charge carriers in the semiconductor by photon absorption, as mentioned previously, and as treated fully in application of T.M. Buck-M.H. Crowell-.I. Gordon, Serial No. 006,834, filed December 5, 1967, whichissued as Canadian Patent 874,014 on June 22, 1971, introduces another category of devices which make use of tbe information storage and charge translation mechanism. One form of this de-vice is a video camera9 an embodiment of which is illustrated schematically in FIG. 11. The essential characteristic of this class of device is parallel read-in of information. Light in the form of the optical image being recorded is incident on the side of the semiconductor 130 opposite to the storage control elements. The latter again comprise metal-insulator-semiconductor devices as in FIG. 2. It bears repeating tha~ these elemen~s can be constructed according to any suitable embodiment described hereln and may comprise other types of _, .


~g~74~6 depletion layer devices such as transistor-type structures.
The array shown contains three bit locations comprising three electrodes designated 132a to 134a, 132b to 134b, and 132c to 134c connected to conductors 132', 133', and 134' in a manner similar to the arrangement of FIG. 2. Except for the parallel read-in feature, -the charge translation and readout operation can follow the teachings described above.
The linear array shown in FIG. 11 may represent one raster i line in a video system. The charge is stored at locations 132a-132c during the optical integration period. It is read out serially by translating the charge to the readout section (refer to FIG. 2). By sequentially reading each raster line, the video frame is constructed. ~
It is evident at this point that the essential ~ - -objective of the charge translation scheme is to create a traveling potential well along the surface of the semicon-ductor. The use of electrical connections for this purpose has been described above. However other means of producing a traveling potential we;ll offer distinct advantages. For example, the field accompanying an acoustic wave traveling in a piezoelectric medium is an attractive alternative. An embodiment based upon this principle is shown in FIG. 12.
This figure shows a portion of the shift register of FIG. 2 with semiconductor 159, insulator 160, and a series of metal contacts 161 corresponding essentially to similar elements in FIG. 2. A piezoelectric layer 162 is deposited over the metal contacts. This layer may be composed oE a suitable piezoelectric material such as zinc oxide or cadmium sulfide, and may be evaporated or sputtered onto the device. A
piezoelectric transducer (not shown) or other suitable means creates an ultrasonic wave which propagates through the layer 162 parallel to the surface of the device. The electric ~' ... - . : : . . . .
.. . . .. . . . .. . . ..


field accompanying the elastic deformation in the piezo-electric layer sequentially biases the electrodes 161 and creates potential wells 163 that travel along the surface of semiconductor 159. This is the same result that is achièved stepwise in FIG. 2.
By extending the traveling field approach of FI~.
12 the discrete electrodes can be eliminated. For example, FIG. 13 shows a device very simple in structure. The semi-conductor 170 is coated directly with a piezoelectric layer 171. In this device the field that propagated in association with the elastic wave in medium 171 ~initiated by an approp-riate ultrasonic generator not shown) is used to form traveling potential wells 172. A metal electrode 173 may be used to create a uniform depletion layer over the entire charge translating surface for the purpose described in connection with ~IG. 4.
While the several embodiments described above are set forth in terms of structure, a brief discussion of material considerations is warranted. A very distinct advantage of the novel device concept herein disclosed is that materials suitable for each of the devices described are available and well understood. For example, these devices can be fabricated of silicon and silicon dioxide according to well-established technology. Combinations of insulators such as SiO2 - Si3N4, SiO2-A1203, etc. are especially use~ul in certain circumstances as the insulating layer. Known electrode materials are gold, aluminum and doped- -silicon. A useful structure for the device of FIG. 2 could employ lOohm/cm. n-type silicon as the base layer 20 and 1,000 A to 2,000 A of thermally grown SiO2 as the layer 21. -The oxide which has given the best results so far is a dry O , .
oxide 1,200 A thick grown in oxygen at 1,100C

. ' ~L~7'~9L9L~
, for one hour and annealed in a nitrogen atmosphere ~or one hour at 400 C. The flatband potential for this oxide is typica]ly -5 V. and the surface state density is of the order of 10 states/cm . Electrodes 22-24 may be gold in any typical thlckness, e.g., 0.1 to a few microns. An appropriate charge generator is a p-region, having a boron concentration of 1019 atoms/cm , driven at a few volts. The detector may be a similar p-n junction. The creation and detection of minority carriers in semi-conductors can be accomplished by well-known techniques.
The dimensions of the transfer array can vary widely.
The spacing between electrodes depends upon the extent of the ~ -space charge region permitted. For example if the semiconductor is 10 ohm/cm. silicon and a voltage of 10 volts is used, the de-pletion region will extend approximately 5~. This would suggest an electrode spacing of the order of a few microns for the neces-6ary overlap. The creation and detection of minority charge carriers in silicon are easily accomplished using known techniques.
It should be understood, however9 that the devices described here-` in are in no way limited to silicon and its associated technology although that is relied on by way of example.
In assessing the contribution made to the art by the foregoing device descriptions it may be useful to point out that devices made in accordance with the novel principles set forth will normally include a multiplicity of discrete storage sites.
Recognizing that each storage site has three electrodes in a de-vice with three phase drive, or two electrodes in a device with ;~ two phase drive, and that a useful device would presumably have at least two bits, then the minimum number of electrodes that would be disposed between the input stage and the detectlon s~age would be four. As a practical matter this number would be sig-nificantly greater, for example 288 in a 96 bit device actually :' '; ' ~

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developed. Ilowever, these considerations are useful in pointing out the qualitative difference between this device configuration and gated MIS devices previously known. Even in efficiently in-tegrated MIS arrays the signal is conventionally injected and removed from the semiconductor at each control element. The storage and transfer of electrical information carriers wholly within the storage medium is a basically new approach to informa-tion handling.
Another approach to this form of information handling is described in U.S. Patent No. 3,621,283, issued November 16, 1971. The devices described in connection with that approach are constructed so as to gate the free charge between adjacent diffused regions in a semiconductor. The 8ate overlies one of the diffused regions more than the other in order to impart di-rectionali~y to the charge transfer. As a consequence, the semiconductor area below each gate electrode includes regions of both conductivity types.
~ y contrast, the charge coupled devices described here are characterized in that the semiconductor areas below the transfer electrodes are of a single conductivity type.
Various additional modifications and deviations will occur to those skilled in the art. ~11 such varlations which basically rely on the teachings through which the disclosure has advanced the art are properly considered within the scope of this invention. ; ;

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Claims (36)

1. A semiconductive device comprising a semiconductive charge storage layer having a major surface, an insulating layer overlying said major surface, an electrode assembly on the in-sulating layer including a plurality of electrodes for forming a succession of storage sites for the storage of charge carriers in the charge storage layer and for transferring stored charge carriers between successive sites in a predetermined direction, the device characterized in that each electrode over-lies a region of the charge storage layer which is essentially of a single conductivity type.
2. The device of claim 1 in which the storage layer is silicon.
3. The device of claim 2 in which the insulating layer comprises SiO2.
4. The device of claim 1 including means for exposing the device to light in order to form the charge carriers.
5. The device of claim 4 in which charge carriers are formed simultaneously beneath each of the plurality of electrodes.
6. A semiconductive device comprising a semiconductive charge storage medium having a surface, the bulk of which is of one conductivity type, an insulating layer overlying said surface of said medium, and an electrode assembly overlying the insulating layer comprising a plurality of electrode members for forming storage sites in said medium where signal charge carriers may be temporarily stored and for transferring the stored charge car-riers between storage sites characterized in that each electrode member overlies a region of the medium which is essentially only of the conductivity type of the bulk thereof.
7. The device of claim 6 in which the recited regions are surface regions of the medium.
8. Semiconductive apparatus comprising a semiconductive storage medium having a major surface, an insulating layer over said major surface, and means including an array of electrodes overlying the insulating layer for establishing a succession of storage sites in said medium for storing charge carriers there and for transferring the stored charge carriers between success-ive sites, the apparatus characterized in that those regions of the storage medium directly underlying the electrodes are essen-tially of single conductivity type.
9. The apparatus of claim 8 further including a piezoelec-tric layer formed on said major surface of the device with means for creating an acoustic wave in the layer so that an electrical field is created by the acoustic wave propagating in the piezo-electric layer.
10. In a charge transfer apparatus of the type adapted for storage and serial transfer of charge carriers localized in induced potential energy minima along a portion of a charge stor-age medium by sequentially applying different potentials to suc-cessive portions of the surface of the medium through a plurality of electrodes, the invention characterized in that the charge storage medium is a semiconductor of a single conductivity type.
11. The apparatus of claim 10 in which the portion of the charge storage medium is a surface portion.
12. The apparatus of claim 10 in which the storage medium is covered with an insulating layer and the plurality of elec-trodes are disposed on the insulating layer.
13. A charge coupled device comprising a semiconductive charge storage medium, a charge input region in the charge stor-age medium adapted for introducing a controlled amount of free charge carriers into the charge storage medium, a charge detection region in the charge storage medium at which the charge carriers can be detected, an insulating layer overlying the charge storage medium and a series of charge transfer electrodes situated on the insulating layer, the device characterized in that the por-tion of the semiconductive charge storage medium which underlies each charge transfer electrode is of a single conductivity type.
14. The device of claim 13 in which the charge input region comprises a p-n junction.
15. The device of claim 13 further including a metal-insulator-semiconductor device at the charge input region.
16. The device of claim 13 further including a source of light for creating free charge carriers in the charge input region.
17. The device of claim 13 further including a metal-insulator-semiconductor device at the charge detection region.
18. The device of claim 17 in which the metal-insulator-semiconductor device is connected to the gate of a field-effect transistor for measuring the capacitance of the metal-insulator-semiconductor device.
19. The device of claim 13 further including three separate conductors each connected to a different one of every third electrode in the series of charge transfer electrodes.
20. The device of claim 19 in which the electrodes in the series are shaped and placed so that the three separate conductors extend parallel to one another.
21. The device of claim 13 in which the charge detection region is coupled to a charge input means to recirculate the charge.
22. The device of claim 13 further including means for regenerating the charge detected at the charge detection region.
23. The device of claim 13 further including means for applying a pulse sequentially to each of the series of charge transfer electrodes.
24. The device of claim 23 in which the pulses are square wave pulses.
25. The device of claim 23 in which the pulses are sine wave pulses.
26. The device of claim 23 in which the pulses are sawtooth pulses.
27. The device of claim 13 further including electrical cir-cuit means connected so as to bias all of the electrodes at a uniform potential so that the semiconductor-insulator interface can be maintained depleted during operation of the device.
28. The device of claim 13 further including a capacitive bridge circuit electrically coupled to the charge detection re-gion for measuring changes in the capacitance of the charge detection region.
29. The device of claim 13 further including two adjacent electrodes overlying the charge detection region with means for connecting an alternating current to the electrodes and means for measuring the power dissipation of the alternating current.
30. The device of claim 13 in which the space between the charge transfer electrodes is approximately 3 microns.
31. The device of claim 13 in which the length of the charge transfer electrodes is comparable to or less than the thickness of the insulating layer.
32. A multichannel shift register comprising a body of semiconductor material, a thin insulating layer covering at least a portion of one surface of said body, a plurality of series of metal electrodes formed on said surface, each series constituting one channel of the shift register and defining a path along the subjacent surface of the semiconductor body, the path having a single conductivity type, means for es-tablishing charge carriers in the body of the semiconductor be-neath a first electrode of each series, electrical circuit means interconnecting the electrodes to sequentially vary the bias on each series of electrodes to propagate a potential well stepwise along said path below the electrodes and translate the charge carriers through the semiconductor along said path, and detector means in each series associated with an electrode removed in the series from said first electrode for detecting the presence or absence of the charge carriers in the semiconductor below its associated electrode.
33. A multichannel shift register comprising a semiconductor body, a thin insulating layer covering at least a portion of one surface of said body, an array of metal electrodes formed on the insulating layer, a plurality of input electrodes arranged along one side of the array, a plurality of output electrodes arranged along the opposite side of the array and a series of groups of transfer electrodes extending between each input electrode and an output electrode, each series comprising with its associated input and output electrodes one channel of the shift register, the spacing between electrodes in each series being less than the spacing between electrodes in adjacent series, each group of electrodes comprising a first electrode, a second electrode, and a third electrode in sequence, first, second and third conductors, respectively connected to every first, second and third electrodes, and electrical circuit means adapted to vary sequentially the bias on the first, second and third conductors with electrical pulses which overlap, the shift register characterized in that the reg-ions of the semiconductor body directly beneath each transfer electrode are of a single conductivity type.
34. A charge coupled device comprising a charge storage medium, a charge input region at a first location in the charge storage medium at which charge carriers representing signal information can be introduced into the medium, a charge detection region at a second location in the charge storage medium at which charge carriers can be detected, and a charge storage and transfer channel interconnecting the input region and the detection region, the charge storage and transfer channel consisting of a single conductivity type semiconductor, an insulating layer overlying the charge storage medium and at least four discrete electrodes disposed on the insulating layer overlying the charge storage and transfer channel.
35. A semiconductor device which utilizes the generation and the mobility of minority charge carriers in depletion regions created in a semiconductor body to transmit infor-mation and which comprises an insulated electrode array deposited on the surface of a semiconductor body of a single type conductivity and means for alternately apply-ing time varying electrical signals to the electrodes comprising the array to create depletion regions of vary-ing magnitude in the body to generate minority carriers and transport the carriers through the body.
36. A semiconductor device which utilizes the generation and the mobility of minority charge carriers in depletion regions created in a semiconductor body to transmit infor-mation and which comprises an insulated electrode array deposited on the surface of a semiconductor body of a single type conductivity, means for alternately applying time varying electrical signals to the electrodes compris-ing the array to create depletion regions of varying magnitude in the body to generate minority carriers and transport the carriers through the body and means for detecting the transferred charges whereby the device can be used as a delay line.
CA097,711A 1970-02-16 1970-11-09 Information storage devices Expired CA1074446A (en)

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